#here have some crap quality gifs
luffyvace · 3 months
ok ok recently I have been infected with eustass kid and was hoping you could write for him with a male reader nothing specific I feel like he would be so angry if his testosterone filled crew made fun of him for it. Love your work ❤️
thank you so much!! I’d love to write for you but I simply don’t know much about kid!! I’m on the marineford arc- 😭😭 I usually turn down characters I don’t know much about him but you seem like such a sweetie! After having done some research..Here ya go!~
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As stated I’ve chosen to research as much as possible in fandom and other’s headcanons! This may not be the most accurate but I sincerely hope your satisfied with my attempt dearest!~
I feel Kid would think of food as a sort of affection
so technically gift giving??
but it’s like his love language is food
his favorite is cabbage rolls right?? Welllll he loves to eat them together!
not…together together
he buys it for y’all separately
I doubt he’d want to share his favorite food 😭
if you beg for his in a case where he didn’t get you some...
“what?! No! This is my food get your own!….ugggghh FINE! You get a half! This was supposed to be for me”
(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
I also feel he’d be better off witth someone who’s either all for his rambunctiousness or (somehow) able to calm him down (like killer)
if your just as reckless as him great! Your adventures are now considered dates :)
not necessarily, but he’s fond of them as if they are
he’s always recalling on past times you’ve fought together
you know how people say someone you’ve fought a war with knows you better than a friend?
yeah, I feel like that’s why he has such high respects for his crew
And of course because they’re his crew
so yeah he feels closer to you every time you fight together
if you want you can listen to the song ‘one thing’ by amerie- the lyrics remind me of him idk why (keep in mind I don’t know this guy well :3)
kid would allow you to ride on his shoulders
you could just kinda hop up there casually and he won’t say anything
but I feel like if he’s in a foul mood or busy he’d grab you buy the waist and sit you down somewhere LOL
another way to spend time with him would be to do your make up at the same time (if you wear it)
(love that it’s casual for men to wear make up in one piece)
he seems like he would be anal about his so you’d be doing your own and he does his, but it’s still fun to do it together
he’s kinda like that with most things
which now that I realize it that could count as quality time
so the conclusion I’ve come to?
his love languages are gift giving or quality time
but thinking about it now I feel he may also do acts of service
now this isn’t as intentional
he just takes pride in likes to help you with things he knows he could do better
aw man you broke your ___? Well I’m sure he could fix it! 😼💪
If you initiate physical touch his reaction will range based on where you are/who’s around and how much it is
if there’s barely anyone/no one around and you give him a peck on the cheek? Fine. He’ll just half smile at you
if it’s a public area and your trying to kiss him on the lips? “Cut it out! Don’t get distracted we’re here to (xyz)!”
he can’t display the weakness of not being masculine
besides he hates cute n’ cuddly crap 😒
he’d be so proud if his boyfriend physically strong
It even boosts HIS ego
especially since your his ♥︎
he takes care of you in subtle ways
such as making sure your eating, not over working and getting enough sleep
”hey! I haven’t seen you eat all day! Get in the kitchen and tell killer to make ya’ somethin’!”
”how long have you been at that!? Get up and come over here!”
”what on earth are ya’ still doing awake?! Go to sleep! Captains orders..”
killer occasionally asks how your relationship is going
kid’ll tell em a few things but he tries not to get sentimental
trust that’s a lot more than what he tells other people..”
”screw off! mind your own business..”
this is really random but he seems like the type of guy who’s always grumbling
idk I just had to say it..
would enjoy headrubs (IN PRIVATE)
and it has to be casual, don’t baby him about it :P
”your hairs’ really fluffy/soft” *casual headrubs*
like that
you have to compliment stroke his ego so he won’t get angry then pat him
to be more specific about reader being a male :
Even if you don’t hc kid to be straight (idk what i hc him to be idk em enough)
his ego is HURT when he realizes he’s in love with you
love?! What is such weakness?! such DISEASE?!
the fact that he’s in the lgbtq bc of one guy kinda makes him angry
cuz like now (some) people are gonna categorize or even ridicule him for even liking you
even though he’s angry about it, it’s not for the same reason
he’s upset because he fell weak to love in general
homophobes may be upset because he likes a man
what does it matter?! He sure never cared..
you can tell the first thing this guy sees is NOT gender
it’s—threat? Or no threat?
so ya- essentially what I’m saying is he doesn’t care for gender- except when it comes to homophobes
then he’s angry 🙂☝️
and as for his crew making fun of him?!
oh he’s absolutely livid. 😄💥
Actually- they didn’t call him weak. That’s just what he hears 😂
btw that is not what he said I censored it bc I headcanon him to have a potty mouth (and I don’t)
his skin and hair is the same color from how angry this dude is
He always storms off whenever they bring up his ‘sOft SpOt” for you 😋
he’s not even soft really he just goes out of his way to do stuff for/with you
its not they’re business anyway?!
right killer?!
while I was researching I saw that the flower he resembles is a tulip! That’s my favorite flower!! 🌷♥︎♡
Enjoy! I did my best 😅
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Something Special
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Emily Prentiss x reader Warnings: language, it's mainly comfort, some not really hurt, but Emily feeling insecure for a number of reasons. I won't lie, I had a much better plan for this originally (i think) and it sat in the wip pile for too long so it might be crap LOL.
A long day of work was nothing new to you, you’d been used to it before you were even out of nursing school. If the work day wasn’t busy, you weren’t about to spend it gossiping and catching up with friends, the time was spent reading, researching, educating yourselves about as much as you possibly could. Which is why you had no issues with friends or even more than friends having hectic schedules.
You were coming off a sixteen hour shift that happened to be an overnight shift, incredibly thankful for the on call hours that let you nap so you weren’t utterly exhausted once you were on your way home. You hadn’t heard from Emily, assuming she was still out of town on a case you’d shot her a text at the beginning of your shift, just a little cute, ‘stay safe, love you. Can’t wait to see you again.’ Which is why you tensed every so slightly when you slid the key into the lock of your apartment door and could hear noise inside. You waited a moment, your brow furrowing before you could clearly hear music wafting through the air and you knew it had to be someone you knew. You unlocked the door, stepping over the threshold,
“Hello?” You called, peering into the apartment.
“Oh jeeze!” Emily swore, jumping back from the stove, “you’re early!”
“And you’re here!” You giggled with excitement, the smile remaining on your cheeks as you stepped toward her, cupping her cheeks, pulling her into a soft kiss, “I didn’t think you were back yet?”
“I… guess I kinda hoped I could surprise you.” She replied with a sheepish shrug.
“Well you did!”
Emily felt her heart leap in her chest at the giant smile on your face, the sparkle in your eye as you drank her in. You truly were incredibly happy to have her in your space, to get to come home to her and that made her entire being swell, a sense of relaxation soothing through her even as you squeezed at her arm, a curious expression on your face.
“I feel covered in hospital, is there enough time to shower?”
“Yeah.” She laughed, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “I didn’t think you’d be home for another half hour.”
“Perfect.” You grinned, popping up on your toes to kiss her cheek, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Her body relaxed at the fact that you were home, you were safe, and you were happy. That was all she needed. Right as you turned toward the bedroom she stalled, “oh! Wait!”
“What?” You turned back to her with a curious expression on your face.
“There’s more to the surprise, but I kinda just dumped it on the bed, it’s not ready yet.” She scurried past you, “one sec.”
“Okay.” You laughed, letting her shut the door briefly, listening to her rustle around for a minute before it opened again.
“Don’t peek!” She warned, a finger pointed out at you and you laughed again.
“Scout’s honour.”
You were curious at the lavish looking gift bag sitting in the middle of the bed, but you stayed true to your word, beelining for the ensuite to get in the shower. Wanting nothing more than to get to spend some quality time with your girlfriend you sped through the shower, forgoing washing your hair and quickly drying off afterwards. You wiped the makeup off your face, letting out a happy sigh before tugging on some cozy clothes to make your way back out to the kitchen.
You found Emily plating up dinner on the kitchen island, a soft playlist made up of your favourite songs flowing through the room, the lights were lowered and candles were placed in the middle of the island. You couldn’t help but smile as you approached her, warmth coursing through your veins,
“Kinda feel like I’m underdressed now.” You laughed and she glanced up in your direction, chuckling over the stolen FBI hoodie of hers and pyjama shorts you were wearing.
“Doesn’t matter what you wear, you’re always gorgeous.” Smiling, she placed the pan into the sink, pulling down a couple of wine glasses to fill, sliding one over to you and you glanced down to the island.
“Baby! You made my favourite!”
“I just… wanted to make you something special.”
“Well it looks amazing.” You praised, giggling at the way she blushed, hiding behind her wine glass for a moment. You grabbed her hand in yours, giving it a soft squeeze before bringing it up to your lips for a quick kiss.
You caught up over dinner, Emily telling you what she could about the most recent case while you filled her in on the gossip around the nurses station for the week. She insisted that dishes could wait for later when you were done, placing them in the sink with the promise that she would do them, even if she was the one that cooked. She surprised you with your top three ice cream choices that you took all three to the couch while snuggling up with a movie.
“Can I open my present now,” you asked, shifting your head to look up at her, “or is it a bedroom only kinda present?” Emily snorted at that, shaking her head at you,
“It’s not that kind of present.” She laughed, “well… there is some lingerie in there, but you were the one complaining about wanting cuter pairs.”
“Well then can I open it now?”
“Yes.” She chuckled, leaning down to press a kiss to the tip of your nose before you scrambled off the couch to scurry into the bedroom, returning with the bag and a wide smile on your cheeks.
You dropped down onto the couch beside her, warmth spreading though you at the way her hand instinctively wrapped around your thigh, thumb stroking at your skin. You pulled the tissue paper from the bag, reaching in to grab the first gift, revealing a small box in perfect Tiffany blue.
“Em…” Your eyes shot up to her and she chuckled again, her hand coming up to stroke your cheek.
“No protests. You’re worth every penny, and you deserve it.”
Inside the box was a stunning pair of sapphire earrings, a matching gemstone necklace in another box deeper inside the bag. You then pulled out tickets to a touring Broadway show you’d been dying to go see, the aforementioned lingerie that ranged from adorable to scandalous, your favourite expensive chocolates and a candle that smelt almost identical to Emily’s perfume.
“Okay… did I forget about something important? Cause I’m starting to feel like I did…”
“No,” Emily laughed, “I just wanted to do something nice for you.”
“But why?” Your eyes narrowed as you eyed her suspiciously, knowing there was something deeper behind all of this.
“I wanted to make sure you know just how special you are to me.”
“Baby I already know that.” You laughed, squeezing at her leg, “and dinner alone would’ve proved that what is with all this?”
“It’s nothing, it’s just—” she paused, glancing away while her tongue swept over her lower lip before she tugged her lower one into her mouth.
“Ah!” You pinched at her calf, “that’s your tell. Em, c’mon…” your voice softened, “what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” She glanced up to you and you could see the worry building in her eyes before she let out a weary sigh, running a hand over her face before she spoke.
“Tara and Rebecca broke up this week.”
“So shouldn’t you be buying Tara ice cream and drinking wine with her right now instead?” You offered and she let out a huff of a laugh.
“We already did that at the hotel this week, don’t worry. It just… it got me thinking…”
“Which got you tangled in a web of negative thoughts?” You raised a knowing brow and she scowled at you for a moment before continuing.
“This job… it isn’t easy, and it’s not just on those who do it. I’ve seen so many good, solid relationships, hell, even marriages fall apart at the seams. It felt like it didn’t matter how much anyone was in love, the stress of the job, the workload, it was always too much. Doesn’t help that I kinda suck at this too, I’ve barely managed to hold onto anything longer than a few weeks, fuck, my longest relationship was with a terrorist undercover, I mean, what does that say about me?” She glanced up at you and was relieved when you understood it was a rhetorical question, “I just worry, a lot, that one day you’re gonna look back and think it’s not worth it, that I’m gone all the time, or for too long, or that I value the job over you. So I wanted to make up for… lost time? I guess? For all the date nights missed, times I had to leave early or cut phone calls short. I just wanted to make sure you know just how incredibly special you are to me.”
“Oh Em…” Your hand reached out, curving around her face as your thumb rubbed at her cheek, frowning at the tears threatening to form in her eyes. “You don’t have worry about that at all, even if I do greatly appreciate the presents. Work is work, it’s always gonna take priority and it’s not like I don’t pull twenty plus hour shifts or overnights too.”
“You know I hate having to leave you behind all the time, right?”
“I do.” You nodded, “and you have no idea how grateful I am that you always check in with me while you’re away. Knowing you’re safe really does help me sleep at night.”
“I’ll never not call.” She smiled and you threw a leg over her, effectively climbing into her lap, cupping her face in your hands.
“Good.” You smiled, leaning down to kiss her tenderly, “and I’ll never not answer.” Your lips brushed against hers as you spoke, kissing her again before settling in her lap. “But seriously Em, you don’t have a single thing to worry about. I knew how insane your job was before I even said yes to that first date and if I had any issues with it, I wouldn’t have gone on that date. I love you,” you kissed her forehead, “I adore you” you kissed the tip of her nose, “more than anything in the entire world. I don’t care how long I have to wait for you to come home, I will always welcome you with open arms and an open heart.” You placed the last kiss on her lips, “you’re something incredible special, you mean the world to me, and I already know that I mean just as much to you.”
“More than that.” She smiled up at you and your lips split into a grin.
“You don’t have to worry about the fancy gifts Emily, all I ever needed was you.”
“Okay.” She admitted with a small laugh, leaning up to kiss you gently, “but I’m still gonna give at least some of them.”
“Yeah?” You raised a brow, a playful grin taking over your cheeks, “you could always stick with just the naughty ones.”
“Oh yeah?” The familiar gleam took over her eyes as she wrapped her arms around you, suddenly standing from the couch and your legs instinctively wrapped around her waist as you let out a playful shriek, “you want me to bring home a new toy after each trip?”
“I think I’d like that a lot Agent Prentiss.” You smirked against her lips as she carried you into the bedroom.
If you didn’t already know just how much Emily loved you, and how much you meant to her, you certainly did by the time she was done with you. And like any night she was there, you were quick to fall asleep curled in her arms with a happy smile on your face and Emily let out a breath, knowing that this was exactly where she belonged and where she was going to stay, there was no reason to worry. You were going to be her forever.
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry  @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @aliensaurusrex @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx  @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess  @kdaghay @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @awolfcsworld @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @s1ut4nat @midnight-sapphic @scorpsik @thisisraes @prentiss-theorem @unsubologyy @strongsassysexysloane @svushots  @overtrred28 @happenstnces  @sapphicprentiss @heidss @geekyandgay98 @pagetboobstarcomments
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bananasfosterparent · 2 months
I'm gonna be real, I'm very worried that Larian is going to try & make AA even more overtly the "bad choice" in their next patch (they promised some epilogue animations). I just really don't understand why the antis have to be so obnoxiously loud telling a company to change THEIR game because of a way they choose to interpret something. Isn't the whole point of an RPG that you're allowed to craft a narrative around the narrative-- but to pressure the writers into editing their hard work because they "don't like it" is just so,,,,..ugh
I just wish people would stop infantilizing the crap out of Astarion as a character. They give him all these sweet HC when half of them are just Wyll.. Like the "I can fix him" complex has rotted our society
Honestly? I'm not worried about it at all.
Mostly because I don't think Larian cares lmao At least, not in that way.
Get ready, it's 1am, I had my meds, and had some caffeine, so here comes ramble :D
They want to please their fans, and while spawn fans make up a majority of the Astarion side of the fandom, and there may be (speculated) peices in place to make AA seem worse in-game with these updates....I honestly don't think Larian as a whole cares enough to join in on the one-sided righteousness battle.
They made this game for the purpose that most AA fans (at least, ones I know) use it for: roleplaying, as you pointed out. And I'm very sure they aren't blind to just how one-sided the discourse is.
For example, on the official Larian Discord server, AA fans voiced their opinion on the Tav/Durge expressions in the new AA kisses. And from what I saw, the opinions were presently respectfully and with the roleplay experience in mind. How the expressions aren't ideal for evil roleplay. But after that, the same suggestions thread got clogged with anti-AA players begging Larain to "not destroy the narrative" they've apparently been telling and to not listen to us "delulu" AA fans. And the threads were locked by a mod and cleaned up, to "prevent bullying". I think Larian sees clearly who is focused on quality of roleplay and who is focused on arbitrary arguments.
Because the evil endings aren't supposed to be satisfying to those who don't play them. They aren't supposed to be a moral lesson to the player. It's not that meta (no matter how some people want it to be). It's not that type of game. The evil endings are supposed to be satisfying for those who enjoy playing those endings.
It's supposed to be a different experience. Empty and lonely, sure! But it's still meant to be rewarding for the player. Otherwise, it would be pointless to offer as a roleplay style.
I don't think Larian anticipated so many of us would prefer playing evil like this. I think the idea was for it to be a thing you do after you get bored of playing a few good solo runs. It also doesn't make any sense to spend time and money on an ending, just to slap the player on the wrist for choosing it. They see from the stats how often people make certain choices. People play evil in this game for a lot of reasons, but one big one is because it's just good, devious fun! And without any actual, real world consequences. And I think they see that more than anything. I assume you're also talking about the new evil ending updates?
This phrasing from the first article I saw about it is promising to me that these updates will be satisfying for those who actually enjoy playing/romancing evil--as a positive dark romance and not as some abusive romantic tragedy.
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I hope "satisfying narrative conclusions" means that the player can enjoy it for their roleplay. And doesn't just mean the endings are rounded out, but the player gets "punished" in the end. I mean, what are you being punished for exactly? Having fun? SERIOUSLY. Any anti-AA fans lurking the tag care to explain exactly WHY you want people to be punished for playing evil in a video game? I really don't get that. And I don't think Larian cares to do that to their consumers.
Truthfully... I'm hoping the new evil ending fixes will fix Minthara's bugs for one thing. But I also am hoping that it will give us some good AA content. I don't even want to speculate... I'm just gonna wait and see!
AND YES. The infantilization of Astarion and the whole concept of "oh what a cute helpless silly lil bby gorl who needs saving from himself, must be protected and shown who he should be because my Tav/Durge knows best for someone they barely know who's a different creature from them entirely" is...just...
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They want a mix of Wyll and Gale but with Astarion's face, voice, and body.
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silvermaplealder · 1 year
The lost boys are all at least some level of queer and not just because David's actively thirsting after Michael for the entire movie, but those boys are really physical with each other. I mean- they constantly be touching or standing really close to one another. And as a gay man who's lived in several conservative areas, let me tell ya, straight men don't like to stand that close to each other or be touched. It wasn't until I was around other queers that it was normal for a man to casually touch a man's shoulder, or put their hand on their back, etc. And hell yeah you share drinks from the same bottle, or share cigs and joints. I'd say this pack of vampires are at least all queer to some varying degrees. I'm not saying Marko's a sub for David but damn that boy definitely takes orders from David without hesitation.
So I've compiled some evidence for you to enjoy of the vampires being touch-y with one another in chronological order lol. Enjoy!
This one is very well known so of course I have to put it here. Right in the opening scene too:
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And then there's this one. I actually almost missed this one, but if you look, either Dwayne or Paul has their hand on David's shoulder. Like there's no reason to? But he does it anyway:
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And about two seconds later, Marko touches Dwayne's bicep. Terrible quality, sorry:
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And another iconic photo, Paulie's hand on Dwayne's shoulder. Damn Dwayne's left shoulder gets more action than I do:
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This one is really just a bonus of Paul standing really freaking close to David. I mean personal space, right? David's shoulder is practically in Paul's chest.
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Now this one I find really fascinating. This is right after David gives Michael the joint, and the reason I find it interesting is because probably... ten-ish seconds before this David puts his hand on Michael's shoulder and Michael shoves it off. But this time he let's David do it. David stares at Michael a lot:
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I'm going to say Paul doesn't give a crap about personal space because here he is in Michael's face after he pats him on the back:
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Michael and Marko vibing:
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I think this is such a cute one. Marko put his arm around Dwayne and Dwayne then returned it. So adorable! I had to edit it a little bit because it was very dark:
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This next one is a small bonus, but just know that currently David has his arm around Michael (and I'll show that in the image after):
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And then when the camera moves, you can see that David's arm is around Michael's back (you can see his wrist sticking out from his jacket just a bit. As he moves to face Michael you can see his hand move to Michael's shoulder):
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And y'all know that after Michael falls from the bridge he's caught by David.
I left out some smaller things such as Paul playfully shoving Marko when getting on his bike and the kicking during the bridge scene. But I rest my case. These boys don't mind physical touch between each other, and even actively seek it out. Which, with 4 men living and sleeping together and being very co dependent, it just screams queer all over the place. Even in the book it mentions that the cave is larger and has other tunnels, but yet they'd all rather sleep together 🥺 ALSO just gonna point out that when David turns people, he makes them drink his blood, but at the end of the movie Max just goes to bite Lucy? Unless that's a perk that only the head vampire has, seems a little sus that David wants everyone to swallow his fluids
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the-little-knight · 3 months
Yo, hey, welcome to this "guide to shipping my aus" masterpost!! (/nsrs /j)
I currently am realizing the way I write some of my Pizza Tower au characters isn't going to be healthy in shipping, and I realize I need to lay down some ground rules with everyone here.
As much as I love good angst material, I don't think I can, in good consciousness, ship some of these characters with ocs freely anymore, since ive projected very personal issues onto these characters, and don't want to make people romanticize that in my own versions of these characters.
So sadly, self insert/oc x canon/ship and otp posting with characters is postponed for certain characters depending on the au.
So who and what pairings are okay?? Glad ya asked, consider this your masterpost lmfaoao
(And if a ship isn't mentioned, please ask!! I can add to the list or confirm in the comments!!)
So, is it shippable??
Peppino x oc - Yes
Gustavo x oc - Yes
Mr. Stick x oc - Yes
Pepperman x oc - Yes
Vigilante x oc - Yes
Noise x oc - No
Noisette x oc - Yes
Fake Peppino x oc - No
Pizzahead x oc - No
Peppino x Gustavo - Yes
Pizzahead x Peppino - No
Noise x Noisette - Iffy (if portraying their past relationship/possible relationship without Noise leaving, go right ahead)
Noisette x Vigilante- Yes
Noise x Peppino - No
The Batshit Circus
Peppino x oc - Yes
Gustavo x oc - Yes
Mr. Stick x oc - Yes
Pepperman x oc - Yes
Vigilante x oc - Yes
Noise x oc - No
Noisette x oc - No
Fake Peppino/Bruno x oc - Yes
Pizzaface x oc - Yes
Pizzahead x oc - No
Peppino x Gustavo - Yes (They're moreso in a queerplatonic relationship in this au's canon)
Peppino x Pizzahead - No
Noise x Noisette - Yes
Pepperman x Vigilante - Yes
Vigilante x Noisette - No
Noise x Noisette x Vigilante - Yes
Fake Peppino/Bruno x Peppino - No
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Derek Hale with a tall SO 
Derek is about 5'11"-6" from what I've seen research wise (yes y'all I do try to do research for my fics because I want to give you guys the best I can)
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For the sake of this fic I will be going off the idea that you are the same height as Derek, but then again if anything is close enough to apply to you you can always ignore the stuff that doesn't.
Derek honestly doesn't really seem to have a type in women other than someone who is determined and strong
Derek loves how tall you are; he sees you two as a power couple in Beacon Hills and a force to reckoned with
He is such a fan of not having to constantly adjust the seats when you borrow each other's car and he doesn't have to bend down to kiss you (bye bye back pain)
Having someone the same height as him makes so many things easier and Derek loves it; he doesn't have to worry about where he puts things on the shelves and he never has to worry about not being to see you in a crowd
Derek loves seeing you in heels because let's be real here he's an ass man for sure and anything with a heel to it not only makes your legs look great, but your ass as well
Derek is someone who seems like his love language would be acts of service or quality time spent with others; thus I feel like Derek would love constantly putting together at home date nights for the two of you because this man is also not big on going out, especially in Beacon Hills because he is not willing to put you in danger anymore than he has to
You're the light of his life and he loves that no matter how hard life gets or regardless of what you've been through you never let life callus over your heart
Now let's not forget that Derek loves basketball; he played it all throughout high school and it still brings him comfort to shoot some hoops every now and then. He loves getting to play one on one with you; it not only gives him a break from all of the supernatural crap going on in life, but he loves getting to spend time with you
He can't for the day that you two have your own basketball team with your mini Hales
Derek loves being able to put his arm over your shoulders and just hold you sometimes; he enjoys getting to hold you close because 1) he loves you 2) you bring him a sense of comfort and really showed him that a person can be a home too and 3) having you close just calms him down and we all know he is a high stress person
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So, a post with a series of great reblogs came across my feed today -- here — regarding two concepts that are often discussed in fandom: Daddy Dean and Spoiled Sam (in a non-kinky way).
It's funny that this post came across my feed today because l've been thinking about Sam and Dean's childhoods a lot lately and how their different experiences, or perspectives, have shape who they are and how they express their emotions as adults. To start, I wanted to comment on these specific ideas that seem to pop up in fandom so often: Selfless Parent Dean and Selfish Spoiled Sam.
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This one got long (shocking, I know), so if you’re interested, please do read on under the cut.
Dean: The Selfness Parent?
Do I think Dean was given too much responsibility, at a way too young age? Yes. Do I think Dean, even as a child, would have died to protect Sam? Yes. Do I think Dean's protectiveness over and love for Sam are two of his best qualities? Yes. Do I think Dean's influence contributed to the man Sam became? Yes. Do I think Dean did both some pretty general level (Lucky Charms, anyone?) and extraordinary sacrifices (giving up a chance to start over at the boy's home because he saw Sam in the car) for Sam? I do. Do I think this makes Dean the one who raised Sam, entirely on his own, acting as both a mother and a father to Sam? Kind of … there was also this other guy around who they called Dad (however absent he might have been, he still was a fixture in their lives). Do I think Dean could also have a quick temper (“Don’t you ever talk about mom, ever!”, be insensitive, and even neglectful (Sam developing Clown fears at Plucky's) at times. Yes. Do I think Dean could also be irresponsible (losing food money on gambling)? Yep. Do I think this makes Dean a bad person, or even a bad brother? No. He was just a kid himself.
So, this is where I balk at the reading of Dean as Sam's "real", selfless, supportive father, or mother stand in. Even at the time of Season 1 and 2, which were peak seasons for supportive and empathetic Dean, for me, he can still be a dick. Children and teenagers who grew up to be amazing people can even start out as jerks. So, I don’t understand where this idea of a perfect father-figure Dean comes in, especially when he wasn’t even a perfect father figure to Ben as an adult (snapping at him, pushing him and smacking him in times of peak danger). He was Sam’s protector, absolutely, but not this super-human provider of protection, and giver of affection and cuddles, that some fans insist on seeing him as. Dean, despite his heroism, bravery and love for Sam, is still a flawed character. And that’s okay. He was a brave and protective kid in a difficult situation, but he wasn’t perfect. When we woobify Dean, we miss out on the complete character and who he actually is, good and bad.
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Sam: The Spoiled Selfish Brat?
Do I think that Sam almost come off as a little bit callous regarding his family when we first meet him? Yes. When the show begins, do I think Sam is maybe a bit arogant and ignorant to some of the things Dean did for him growing up? Yes. But, do I totally blame him for the latter? No, because he wasn’t told much by Dean or John, and he was a child when a lot of things happened. Does the fact that Dean started hunting at a younger age, and didn’t tell Sam about it at first, make Sam sheltered? Yes and no. I would argue that he’s been more sheltered than Dean regarding hunting, but he also begins hunting when he’s pretty little. In "just my Imagination" we see that Sam gets permission to joint John and Dean on his first hunt (by taking a bus alone, no less) when he’s 9. Even if Sam was more often the research guy than the actively hunting guy, he was still exposed to a lot of crazy crap and lived in near constant fear for himself, his brother and his dad. The fact that Dean started hunting before Sam also suggests that Sam spent more time fully alone than Dean did, not to mention, a lot of the time, Dean liked hunting and thought it was cool, and he did it with his dad who he idolized. So, while Sam was physically safer, more removed from the action, he also didn’t get the perceived "perks" (it feels weird to call them that) that Dean had, or to be with his family as often. So, do I think Sam is selfish for leaving a dangerous situation, where he was often lonely, to go away to school? Um, no. Do I blame Sam for feeling differently about family than Dean when he was also often the odd man out? Nope. We know that when there was family turmoil, Dean usually sided with John or at least appeared to (Dean himself says this a couple times). Finally, do I think Sam is spoiled or selfish for leaving his family at 18 (like many young adults do around the world) to get an education, on a full-ride scholarship that he somehow earned despite their crazy lifestyle, and escape a literally life-threatening mission and turbulent home life. Yeah, no. Do I feel bad for Dean who desperately wants his family to stay together? Absolutely, I sympathize more with him than Sam at first in the show. However, I think a lot of the things people hate on Sam for are actually pretty understandable or justified in the early seasons. So, it’s just as damaging to vilify Sam as it is to woobify Dean because we miss so much important detail about the characters. The same is true of the reverse, woobifying Sam and vilifying Dean, but I just don’t see that as often in this fandom.
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The Winchester Family Experience: Dean vs Sam's Perspectives
So, another thing that I think gets ignored a lot is just how different Sam and Dean's early, early years are. Dean had almost five years of "normal" family life (Dean being born in January and Mary being killed in November of his forth year around the sun). That’s a tragically short amount of time with his family being whole, but Dean did know safety, comfort, love and affection in his earliest years, and those things leave impressions. In the opening scene of the pilot, we see an adorable little Dean kissing his baby brother goodnight, and getting affection from both parents, and even a hug from a comparatively soft John. In Contrast, what were Sam's earliest years like? From the time that Sam would be old enough to remember, all he knew was that he had no mom, but wasn’t allowed to talk about her. He had an older brother that he looked up to and who watched over him, but who was keeping secrets from him. And he had a grief and revenge fueled father who barked orders, was gone a lot of the time and who seemingly only ever hugged him in fearful relief as a child (from what we see as an audience), not in casual affection. Sam had no foundation of safety, or comfort. So, is it any wonder that he can’t see family, or their family, in the same way Dean does? The fact that Dean had that time to bond with John, and got to experience some softness does matter because, even though he had more responsibility thrust on his shoulders than Sam, he also had an earned connection with his dad, and at least some warm memories to fall back on.
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Saying "I Love You"
I think it’s interesting how their different early childhood experiences, potentially as well as their temperaments, not only shaped who they are as people, but their ability to express emotions. In this case, I’m going to focus in on verbally expressing love in particular because this post Is getting very long.
Dean says "I love you" to a heaven Memory!Mary in "Dark Side of the Moon." He also tells a Mary inside her own head that he loves and hates her. He says, "I love you for trying," when Sam is begging him not to lock himself up in a metal box at the bottom of the ocean with Micheal locked up in his head. He says, "I love you, too" to John when he’s about to disappear in "Lebanon." And finally, he says "I love you … so much" to Sam in "Carry On." Dean's 'I love yous" are few and far between, but he can say it, and he only says it to his I’m immediate family. (Unless I’m missing someone.). It’s not like I think people have to say it all the time, and those words can be hard to say for a lot of people (myself included), but he CAN say them directly to the people he loves.
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Sam says "I love you" to a Hellucination!Jess and to his mom's grave stone. Also, I believe he says it to Mary on the phone once? He says, "You’re my brother, and I still love ya" to Dean in "Sam, Interrupted." Can we count it if he’s tripping balls on medication and he says "ya" instead of "you"? Well, I’m going to. He also tells Dean, "We all love you," which I half-count because he lumped other people into his declaration. Sam does tell a young John that he loves his dad ("The Song Remains the Same”), but John doesn’t know he’s talking about him at the time, so it’s not entirely a direct declaration. And, I think, that’s it. So, does the fact that Sam says it less directly to his immediate family mean he doesn't love them? No, obviously. But, I think it’s interesting that the brother who had no memory of "happy family" (I know things weren't actually perfect with John and Mary) is the one who seems to have a harder time saying "I love you" directly, and with his full chest, to family. This sort of tells me that a) Sam, by nature has a harder time expressing deep emotion or b) Sam didn’t hear it much, or ever even, as a little kid, so it’s hard for him to say the words, especially directly.
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So, why did I go down the "I love you" rabbit hole? Well, I think it has some merit in the whole Dean is Selfness and was a martyr vs Sam was selfish and spoiled debate. It also shows how close both brothers keep the verbal expression of that feeling to themselves. Obviously, both brothers are bigger on show than tell in terms of expressing love. Selling your soul or potentially dooming the world for each other tends to get the message across.
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In short, both brothers are selfless and selfish at times, and both are flawed but heroic. If we stan one brother so hard that we refuse to see their faults while constantly vilifying the other, we miss all the nuance in the story. It’s really a disservice to ourselves to woobify characters, not in the harmless, "Sam/Dean Winchester has never done anything wrong in his life. End post" kind of way, but in the "This charter is perfect and only did good things, and never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it, and … and … and" kind of way.
Anyway, if anyone made it this far, thank you for coming along with me on my bumpy rambling road of thought on this. If I missed any "I love yous" from Sam or Dean, or if you’d like to chime in on the topic, I’d love to hear it.
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cloveroctobers · 7 months
OCTOBER PROMPTS 🎃 — 12. Richie Jerimovich
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PROMPT is from here and I’m using: “What do you mean you’ve never gone trick-or-treating?!”
A/N: it’s canon in my head that when richie is ready to find a new love interest that they will be plus sized idk that’s just what my brain tells me. This reader is also plus sized and could be a potential love interest but this falls in line of somewhat platonic?
WARNINGS: language, triggering matters such as ED, plus-sized reader, + some childhood verbal bullying.
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Halloween or fall season wasn’t really Raquel’s joy. She was more of a Christmas girlie by all means but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t attempt some fall things. Take right now for example: she had her hands deep into the guts of a pumpkin, the stench of the vegetable almost made her gag and it happens every year where she’s reminded that she prefers dealing with squash much more. Yet here she was, scooping out the insides and allowing the stringiness to get caught underneath her tortoise nails; zoning out after browsing dreadful Facebook.
Raquel’s tunnel daze is dragged away after harsh kicks are sent right to her door. She’s blinking rapidly as she comes to terms that the sound is coming from outside and not from her head. The 5’10 woman pulls her hands from the pumpkin, ready to move over to the sink to rinse her hands quickly but settles for wiping them on her half apron, then jogs over to the door.
“Who is it?” Raquel questions, disliking that she doesn’t have a peephole but is aware that she could lean over her couch to peer out the window.
The reply is instant but muffled, “your best dream come true! C’mon it’s me, open up!”
Raquel smiles at this, “sorry. I don’t know anyone by, ‘c’mon it’s me!’ Maybe you have the wrong house?”
“The same house that I’ve been over a jillion times before?! I don’t think so sweetheart.”
“If you been here before, how come you don’t have a key?” Raquel continues to play along.
Richie huffs, “I can barely keep up with my own keys so we both know giving me another would probably be a lost cause.”
Raquel unlocks the door soon after and welcomes the fresh 62 degree weather of the early afternoon in before her friend. “Richard, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
In richie fashion, he barges into the condo, kicks squeaking against wood laminate floors as he enters, holding a plastic bag up in the air for the dark haired woman to see. Closing the door behind him, Raquel spins on her fuzzy socks to follow richie right to the eighty-eight square feet modern kitchen.
“Those stools still haven’t come in?” Richie states the obvious as he eyes the outside of the bare counter.
Raquel sighs, “they’re now apparently on back order but it took me to contact them in order to get that information.”
“Shit,” Richie comments, “told you just to cancel the order, get your money back, and we can go down to TJMAXX to get a way better steal than what you probably paid for two of those chairs.”
It’s funny how richie used to give Raquel crap for her weekend errands and now he didn’t mind attending when he could.
Raquel leans her elbows against the counter with a smirk, “that maybe true but I wanted quality over bargaining.”
Don’t take this the wrong way, she had plenty of decor pieces that she just purchased from that exact store but she wanted something a little more upscale since she didn’t exactly have the space in this condo to make a formal dining area. A friend suggested getting a round table to place towards the path of the walkway from the entrance but Raquel decided against that since she didn’t want the second bedroom to be blocked whenever company exited.
Although it was only Raquel and her gray hairless Sphynx, Archibald. Majority of the time Raquel was traveling to other events and her friends’ home and rarely had gatherings at her place. Perhaps it had to do with her own trust issues after facing a break-in last year at her old apartment prior but Raquel was fine with forming a shell around herself.
It was necessary yet that shell came down a bit whenever Richie was around.
“Ah, Suit yourself!” Richie pulls out the items he’s brought with him, “anyway! I brought over some goods for your Sunday dinner.”
Raquel quirks up a brow, “you did?”
“Oh please, don’t look so shocked.” Richie peers over at the woman who grins at him, “it’s nothing big just some shit I got on my evening with Chef Terry, Garrett, and Jessica.”
Raquel sat up some, reaching to move the empty bag to the side now to eye the objects near by. She picks up a jar first and nods, “mint-jelly? Let me guess, some if not all of these things are things you tried but ended up hating.”
Richie rolls his eyes, knowing he’s been caught. “Whatever! I asked Syd what the purpose of that shit was after Chef Terry recommended it and Syd said it pairs well with certain meats and I know lamb is actually one of your favorites so I thought of you.”
Raquel bares her teeth into her bottom lip as she cracks the jar open, sniffing at the sweet but tart aroma and shrugs, “well thanks for thinking of me, rich. I’ll definitely try this out next time I make lamb.”
She steps towards him to peck him on the cheek and Richie fans her away as she goes back to look at the other objects.
“What’re we having tonight then if it’s not your best dish?!” Richie starts swinging his hands back and forth, then scrunched his nose up after noticing the pumpkin, “please don’t tell me it’s that bullshit over there?”
Raquel glances at the pumpkin and laughs to herself, “no. That’s solely for decor purposes only.”
“Oh thank fuck, I thought you were gonna tell me you’re obsessed with all things pumpkin now and then I was gonna have to cancel your ass.” Richie wiped the faux sweat from his brow as he turns, arms hunched behind him as if he’s ready to launch himself up onto the counter.
Raquel sends him a warning glance and Richie scoffs, choosing to pick the charcoal gray sectional in the adjacent living room instead.
“You could never cancel me, Richard.” Raquel informs as she places the new items into their designated spots before turning back to wash her hands, “you love me too much.”
Richard tilts his head before reaching for the remote, “yeah I do, so don’t you forget it.”
Raquel sends him a soft smile which Richard holds dear to his heart with his wide blues, before flicking the tv on, making himself right at home.
And it’s just like any other typical Sunday, with Richie coming over to watch some game Raquel didn’t care about but would still be near, either doing her “grandma activity,” which was cross-stitching or commenting here and there (while cooking) after finding out which team they should be rooting for. When commercial breaks start, Raquel is just finishing up the last pumpkin she’s been working on to place on the outside of her front door.
She waves at a neighbor, Antanios who lives on the top floor and lived here the longest with his teenage grandson (after his mother passed), who’s sitting on the shared patio set reading the newspaper.
“Looks nice, Azizi. Can’t wait to see what you do for Christmas.” The elderly man comments with a wink, playfully glancing upwards towards the second floor, where your other neighbor, Clarise—who was in her mid-fifties; who Raquel playfully called her auntie—liked to battle her with the outdoor decor whenever Christmas came around.
Thankfully Raquel found peace in this neighborhood and with solid neighbors. Although she was youngest here—not counting Antanios’ grandson Elias, she found a sense of belonging here like she never did before.
Raquel smiles at the man, “and I can’t wait for your review.”
Antanios dips his head, turning his attention back to the newspaper. He was always the one to settle the score and was always fair, which was humorous in a way considering he was a retired district attorney. It was only right in Raquel and Clarise’s eyes to have Antanios tell it to them straight.
“Tell Richard I said hello.” Antanios said, keeping his eyes on his paper.
He was a quiet but observant man who noticed it all. However it was no secret that Richie was one of the main ones that always kept coming around to visit the tenant on the last floor.
“Hey Antanios!” Richie yelled from the couch before Raquel closed the door, but not without seeing the man smirking to himself.
“Uh hello! I was just about to have a conversation with my favorite person at this place.” Richie frowned as Raquel laughed at him.
“I’ll save him the trouble,” Raquel stated as she went back into the kitchen, “and Archibald and I definitely take offense to that.”
Richie doesn’t flinch as the mentioned cat jumps onto the arm of the chair by his head, arms making room for the gray cat to make themself comfortable right on his chest.
Richie scratches the animal, “Why? Antanios is my guy! I have real conversations with that man when I crash here and you fall asleep on me! It’s like you always think he’s not listening but he’s got wisdom like he’s fucking buddha or something.”
Raquel nods at that but can’t help but to snort, “is this your way of telling me I should get you a Buddha necklace for Christmas this year since you found your calling and all that?”
Richie thinks about this, “I mean shit, I’d wear it but don’t think I’m gonna be out here bald like this uncooked cat here.”
“Don’t talk about my baby like that.” Raquel warns.
Archibald meows and Richie laughs, “he knows it’s all love but he’s definitely given me a few heart attacks sneaking up on me during the night.”
Richie’s never had a pet before in his life so he really didn’t know what he was missing. Now he has Raquel in his life and Eva’s been over a few times before which sparked her interest in getting a hamster or bunny. Tiffany was against it because she felt that would be more work for her but richie just wanted to make his little girl happy and believed if you taught Eva how to tend to it, she would do a good job. She just had to find her footing is all and Richie felt there wasn’t anything wrong with that. Which is exactly why he was setting some money aside to get whichever one Eva chose.
“Bacon and spinach stuffed chicken or honey glazed salmon,” Raquel clapped to get Richie’s attention after he dived back into the game.
Richie took his time answering, “huh? Uh, the chicken.”
It’s Raquel’s turn to hum at him but soon another commercial comes on, making Richie annoyed as he jumps to his feet. When he faces Raquel he notices that she’s got her attention on her phone while still holding the packages of meat.
“Fucking commercials are killing me!” Richie hisses as he makes his way into the kitchen to raid the fridge for a beverage.
He cracks open the soda and sips from it, then plucks the salmon from Raquel’s hand to place back into the fridge. Which was always fully stocked despite the fact that she was constantly traveling every other weekend being a web designer. It wasn’t unusual for Raquel to get quiet on Richie but the zoning out was what become concerning, especially when he snapped his fingers in front of her face to not receive any answers.
It wasn’t until he yanked up her phone to bring it to his attention. Richie looks at the photo of some lady named: Brooke Weisel-Heeni who has her hand resting on a very large baby bump in a wedding dress followed by a large sized wedding ring and another set of hands covering her’s. Richie didn’t have time to read the caption before Raquel snatched the phone back to place face down.
“You never told me how dinner went with the michelin crew? Any progress with Jess?” Raquel says, suddenly back down to earth as she moves to search the kitchen to cut open the package of chicken.
Richie blinks, “we can get into that later. Who’s this Brooke lady that you were cyber stalking?”
“If I wanted to stalk somebody, she would be my last choice.” Raquel retorts making Richie quirk up his brows.
Richie silently thinks to himself on how to approach this. Clearly there was something touchy about this Brooke person and he didn’t like how Raquel was moving about it either.
“Okay…then…how do you know her?”
Raquel shrugs her shoulders, “we went to middle and high school together and remained friends—Facebook friends.”
Richie sips from the can, “just Facebook official, I get it. So…was there beef I need to know about? Do I gotta hate the lady too?”
That earns a crooked smile from Raquel.
“I’m thirty-three years old! What am I doing being still hung up about how she treated me back then?! Especially since I considered her a friend in middle school. Yes, kids can be some motherfuckers but I mean people can change and you grow right? But I don’t like that I’m feeling a way seeing this hard launch of a wedding and pregnancy.” Raquel starts to vent but Richie feels he’s still missing out on the context.
One thing about Raquel is that she only lets, “motherfucker,” slip out is when she’s highly frustrated about something. So richie knew this was serious business.
“Hey, I’m not judgin’,” Richie raises his hands, “I’ve got, I think two assholes that neither Mikey and I were cool with back in the day on my page but that other assclown? Griffin Georgiou?! Yeah! He tried to add me, ripped him a new one and blocked him immediately after he kept trying to go back and forth wit me.”
Raquel sighed with her head thrown back, making Richie nudge her with the back of his hand, “if you wanna talk about it, lay it on me. If you don’t, then we move on but I’ll lock in that this Brooke lady is on my shit list.”
It’s the fact that she’s getting choked up talking about this, that doesn’t sit right with Richie. However he knows boundaries and realizes not to push them when they came to Raquel. So he eyes her as she’s on autopilot, getting ready to prepare the Sunday dish. It’s silent besides the football game on the tv and he moves beside her, watching her and picking up on what he can do to help prepare dinner.
“…what’s on the agenda for Halloween?” Richie changes the subject, “I hope you got the good shit for the little rascals and also for me because I’m definitely coming over later to eat your stash!” Richie tells the friend beside him as he works on cleaning the spinach.
Raquel lifts her shoulders, “I uh—haven’t thought much about it? Probably get off work just to head over to the bar or go to the bar after work and come home to have a chill night in or give to the kids.”
“Sounds good to me,” Richie replies, “let me know if you decide to give candy because Eva and I will definitely roll through.”
Raquel let’s a small smile greet her lips. She was glad that richie was making the effort to be a better parent to his child and attempting not to create the same disruptive pattern his parents had him in. Eva’s a bright girl, a little on the shy side but as soon as Raquel brought out a mini water color kit that she had stored away for traveling purposes, Eva seemed to lighten up.
“Aw! Let me guess? She’s going as Taylor Swift?”
“BOOM! You got it!”
“Which era?”
“The fact that you know that’s a thing when you’re not a swiftie is impressive.” Richie comments, making Raquel roll her eyes.
Richie laughs a little, “Eva’s doing the lover era. Lots of colors, which I’m not surprised considering I have a little artist on my hands. Tiff’s going for—I think she said evermore.”
Raquel nods, a smile twitching on her lips as if she knows much about either, “and what’re you going for?”
“Do I go with fearless or 1989? But make it manly since I got to keep my street cred high,” Richie puffs out his chest which makes Raquel pull a mocking face, “and risk the chance of scaring my child with adding horror elements to that theme while potentially pissing her mother off? Or do I not dress up for trick or treating?” Richie rambles, which means he’s given this some thought.
Raquel speaks, “I don’t know…isn’t one of the points of trick or treating supposed to be getting dressed up? I’ve never been.”
Richie almost drops the bowl of cream cheese, spinach, mozzarella, and spices mixture that the chicken is supposed to be stuffed with, “What do you mean you’ve never gone trick-or-treating?!”
Raquel glances over her shoulder hearing the oven beep, signaling that the oven was set at the right temperature. “It wasn’t something that was encouraged for me. I didn’t really get to celebrate Halloween like the other kids or even my older brother, who was the popular kid.”
“A combination of things: Brooke, my Bulimic mother, my weight.”
Richie deeply exhaled.
“Sixth grade. I was always heavier than everyone else, always at the doctor to make sure I didn’t have any medical conditions that contributed to it but my pediatrician always reassured that it’s just baby fat and that it would fluctuate once I grew, story of my life!” Raquel humorlessly laughed, “as if my father didn’t come from that same body type. I was never overweight but the minute you’re not petite or shaped like a pencil in anyone else’s eyes, you’re fat and disgusting. Anyways the short story? Brooke and I were friends in middle school, she was having a Halloween party after going trick or treating. She said she forgot to give me an invitation and was about to give it to me in class but the other girls that she already invited said they wouldn’t want a piggy to eat all of their candy if I came. Know what Brooke did? Laughed right with them and kept my invitation in her backpack. I cried about it for the rest of the day and when I got home to tell my mom about it she said to me, ‘well if you wore clothes that actually fit then maybe they wouldn’t say those things to you.’”
Richie clenched his eyes shut, “that’s so fucked up and I’m sorry those turds made you feel that way! You know none of that negative bullshit is true then or now? They’re the ones who missed out on having a good person in their lives. Screw ‘em!”
Raquel rolls the tension from her shoulders, “Thanks for saying that. It’s something I’m always working on and loving this body that’s been given to me. And this isn’t some pity thing I’m trying to throw out there because I love who I am. It’s just seeing her face after all this time—I’m hardly on Facebook—pop back up on my feed caught me completely off guard.”
“Trust me, I get it.” Richie reassures, “…did she ever apologize?”
“Yup when we were both in our second year of college. Two Ohioan girls in New York, me in NYU and her at Brown University. She felt the need to update me about her college experience in the DM by the way, I never asked. I feel like she only apologized because of my friend Tommy though. He’s…unhinged. But I left her on read too which didn’t make me feel any better…but enough of my childhood trauma! Tell me about Michelin.” Raquel used the back of her hand to wipe at her damp eyes.
Richie ignores this and questions, “you wanna go trick or treating with me and Eva?”
“You’re going!” Richie decides for Raquel who frowns.
“I can’t do that,” Raquel quickly shakes her head, “don’t know if you noticed but I’m grown now.”
Richie scoffs after eyeing Raquel’s profile, “oh I’ve noticed sweetheart…but Isn’t that what they say about adulthood, that you’re supposed to heal your inner child or whatever?”
“Where’s Richie and what have you done with him?” Raquel scanned the room with a hand above her brow.
Richie elbows her as they both share a laugh.
After awhile Raquel claims, “I don’t even have a costume or idea.”
“I mean…you could always join the era’s tour.” Richie kept a straight face as he peered over at Raquel who scrunched up her nose, “C’mon Rocky! Be one of us! There’s even friendship bracelets.”
“No, thank you.”
Richie began to move in a body roll as he screams, “'Cause we nеver go out of style, we nеver go out of style!”
Raquel widens her eyes in horror, “Oh god, what are you doing? Stop that and please sing anything else!”
“Okay.” Richie thinks to himself before belting, “Cause when you're, fifteen and somebody tells you they love you, you're gonna believe them!”
Raquel flinches as Richie’s voice booms off the walls of her condo, “I think we found which era you should really be. You felt that in your soul didn’t you?”
Richie clears his throat, “yeah, I think so but I don’t want anymore of your haterade when we come scoop you up. I’ve been growing out my hair too so maybe fearless is the best era to go with after all.”
“Did Jessica convince you to dye it blond too?” Raquel teased, peeking at Richie’s hair that did look a bit fuller compared it’s usual buzzed cut—now that he pointed it out.
Richie frowns over at Raquel, “damn you’re being nosy about Jessica!”
“Hey no need to get defensive,” Raquel smirked, “I’m just trying to see if you picked up on any vibes.”
Richie sucked his teeth, “I’m picking up on you scrambling around from choosing a damn costume!”
“I really don’t want to impose on you and Eva’s quality time.”
“What?! That kid loves you. Not as much as her old man but she likes you because she knows you and I are great together—the best of friends!”
“Don’t tell Fak that, he might get jealous.”
Richie scoffs, ready to toss a spinach stem her way, “as long as you don’t tell this Tommy person that.”
Raquel snorts, “believe me, Tommy does not give a damn who I keep around as long as they don’t mess with me or his business.”
It was apparent to Richie that Raquel only casually mentioned this Tommy person from time to time and he’s met her other friend, co-workers, and even her arrogant older brother but Tommy seemed to be this sort of invisible force that Richie never had the chance to meet.
Richie could live with that as long as he didn’t bring any trouble to Raquel’s door.
She already had Richie right by her side for some good trouble whenever she needed him and it had to be vice versa on Raquel’s end too right?
Well…a decade of friendship regardless of their age gap solidified that as Richie tossed a wrist over Raquel’s shoulder to place a kiss to her temple which she leaned into.
Her own personal safety net, which was never too far from her reach.
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚
Read my final 2023 fall prompt here.
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wonwooslibrary · 1 year
svt as boyfriends ♡ junhui edition
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member: junhui <3 genre: fluff, bullet points word count: 940 summary: junhui's boyfriend things <33 warnings: none !! it's all fluff <3 author's note: hello and welcome to sam's new birthday-based svt bullet point series..and who better to start with than gasp junhui !!!
I think that Junhui is the type of boyfriend where you can’t predict his next move, but like. In a good way? 
Is he going to plan a movie night for the both of you? Or is he going to plan a week-long vacation to some kind of tropical island for you? 
Jun is truly the best of both worlds ! 
Quality Time 
Jun would love spending time with his s/o! For example, if you just wanted to sit on the couch and read a novel, there is no way he wouldn’t join! He would sit with you next to you in the living room, calm music playing, and playing Genshin 
bc even tho I know nothing abt it, I know that Jun is so addicted to mobile games there is no way he wouldn’t play Genshin
Jun also would love practicing a dance and looking over his shoulder and :O there you are! Studying for an exam while he pulls a twice and dances the night away! 
Even though you are doing different things, Jun loves just being around you <3 Being in the same room is enough for him !!!!
Words of Affirmation
This man is a man of compliments !!!
I feel like Jun’s way of showing love in words would be like. Dad jokes. 
He speaks in memes and I love that for him, so if he just wakes up and the first thing he says is a really awful pun, just know that is his way of saying “I love you” 
And this man is fluent in multiple languages pls he would totally say something under his breath in Mandarin about how amazing and beautiful you are, but when you ask what he said and be like ??? 
He’d just go “oh i never said anything hehehe” and it would annoy you 
But after a while you’d learn that he’s not making fun of you, but instead complimenting you in the language close to his heart !!! 
God I love this man
Physical Touch
I have one word for this man and physical touch. 
C U D D L E S 
He doesn’t care where you are, or what you are doing, he loves just hanging off of you like a koala 
You ran into a friend of yours from school? He’s got a hand on the small of your back encouraging you to not be nervous in front of someone you haven’t seen in a long time
You are doing chores around the house and are stopping for a water break? Junnie’s wrapping his arms around you in a back hug so fast you can’t swallow your water in time 
Also bonus points on this one if he scares the crap out of you bc he’d just be vibing and then walk so silently that you’d think he was a demon or something ! 
If you’re watching a movie or vibing on the couch together, he’d rest his head on your thigh (or visa versa ! ) and you’d just rake your fingers through his hair until he rubs at his face because his bangs are tickling him 
Or stabbing him in the eyes, whichever comes first ! 
Jun would never be nervous or scared to cuddle you or touch you in any way - if he sees that you’re nervous he wants to let you know that he is here for you, and if it’s not the time for words, he won’t stop himself from a back rub or a shoulder pat! 
Acts of Service 
Picture this: the both of you go grocery shopping, and you are pushing the cart. When Jun finally decides to stop filling the cart with snacks and notices you’re struggling to push the cart because it’s a bit heavier than expected…
He doesn’t even take a breath before shooing you from behind the cart and pushing it himself ! 
After you’re he’s done paying for the groceries and they’re all bagged up - he’ll do the heavy lifting of putting the bags in the cart and pushing it to the car! And he’ll even pick up the heaviest ones and put them in the backseat for you
When you come home from classes one day and he notices that you’re stressed out? Don’t worry - he’ll do the bulk of making dinner AND cleaning up! 
When you question him about it, he just shrugs his shoulders 
Jun is the type where he would do something without thinking - especially if it means helping you be more happy and comfortable ! 
Gift Giving 
I honestly feel that at the beginning of a relationship, Junhui is going to be SUPER awkward and since he’s not gonna know how to show you his love, he sticks with quality time! 
But the further you get into a relationship he learns that there are always better ways to show you just how he feels about you and that ….. Does not include buying gifts :((
But he has his reasons! He’d be too scared of buying you something you don’t like or won’t use! He doesn’t want to embarrass you in front of your classmates and coworkers by delivering flowers…so he just sticks to the basics ! 
Using his card to buy groceries, keeping your favorite snacks stocked up in the cupboards, and even leaving you some cash every day to get yourself a drink and a snack in the morning before work or classes 
Even though he’s not getting you anything too special, you appreciate the thought, and make sure to let him know that you love everything he does for you, and that you’re very thankful to be with him and have him in your life <3
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 8 months
NCT Spooky Season [Day 18]
Faux Fur
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TW: Monsters Genre: Romance, Comedy Pairing: Lee Mark x Reader YN Pronouns: Not specified Word Count: 0.6K Prompt: “That's not real! ... right?”
[NCT Masterlist] | [NCT Spooky Season Masterlist] | [Yesterday] | [Tomorrow] [Ao3 Link] | [Wattpad Link]
Notes: WE'RE ALMOST DONEEEEEE Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading!
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"So, why did we think this was a good idea again?" You asked Mark while moving about the supposed haunted house.
"We didn't, but Johnny did, and now I have no idea where he is."
You, Mark, and Johnny are somewhat of "paranormal investigators." Johnny's channel was semi-popular and occasionally he'd ask the both of you to join him. Today was on such instance. He'd heard of some "haunting" things happening in this house the next town over and he jumped at the opportunity to get some quality content.
And, he noticed, the most views he gets are on the videos with you and Mark in them. So, two birds, one stone.
"Ew!" Your hand retracted as soon as you'd touched the cobweb. "This place is... decrepit."
"Don't need to say that twice," Mark adjusts the go pro on his chest and you both continue throughout the house. "So what's the story of this place anyway?"
"I did a quick google search before coming here, but basically it's that run-of-the-mill thing where someone died an unjust and terrible death and now they haunt the place."
"Oh so, ghosts."
"According to the reviews, a werewolf too, maybe," you shrugged. "But I don't buy it."
"Well, you know me, I'm a skeptic," you shrugged.
"And I'm a believer," Mark stays close to you as you shone the flashlight throughout the house.
"Whoa, Mark, look at this," you shine the light on what looks like a hunter's trophy at the end of the hall. It was a large wolf on it's hind legs, it's maw has been frozen in a predatory state and it's eyes crazed. "Looks like this is the so-called 'werewolf' everyone was talking about," you turned away from it to look at Mark.
"That's not real, right?" Mark asks.
"I mean, I've never heard of wolves standing on two legs so I doubt it," you shrugged. Then, you felt a hand clap down on your shoulder. "What?" Mark raises his hands and you felt the hairs at the back of your neck stand. You look at the hand on your shoulder or, more accurately, the paw. And slowly you looked up, seeing the monster snarling above you. "Fuck."
"Run!" Mark grabs your wrist and yanks you away from the werewolf, it's claws grazing and cutting the skin on your arm, right before it could take a bite out of you and you both started running out of the house.
"Oh, crap, Johnny!"
"He'll be fine!"
"Mark!" You grab his walkie. "Johnny! You gotta bolt, dude!"
There's no response.
Again, nothing.
"It got Johnny!" You shout and hand the walkie back to Mark just in time for you both to stumble out. The werewolf stops right before the door, snarling all the way and watching you and Mark with a predator's gaze. It slams the door shut and you and Mark catch your breaths.
You came back the next day, hoping you'd find something of Johnny's if not him himself. And you were ready for the worst when, suddenly, you and Mark found him slumped behind the front door with dried blood crusted under his fingernails.
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General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic 
NCT Tag List: @cherrylovr @minjiville 
If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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reignofsiderians · 1 year
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The trotting animation of my ‘average Siderian (aka µ, Mu) v1’ 3D model. See here the still renders:
I have animated all gaits (lateral walk, diagonal walk, trot, transverse gallop and rotary gallop), but I liked trot the best so I decided to render this one with fur. I think I have a reasonably good feeling for animation and I really enjoyed it, but it was more difficult than I thought. It took me a while to get the hang of this rig and pose it the way I want it and some of the animations are still not perfect...but it's a learning process and I will try to do it better next time. Also, I’ve rendered him with a black background since he’s still just trotting on the spot – it would have looked weird if I had turned the icy background on. But in version 2, I will make him move in space and do more than just walking/trotting/running on a treadmill.
It took 3 hours to render 40 frames O.O. My computer is not that shit (I have a gaming laptop), but still – it took ages even at this crap quality. So any ideas to animate parts of the Siderian story need some serious consideration; either I go for a more 2D like style with Blender’s grease pencil or I need to upgrade mu computer/pay for a render farm. I will see about that. Also - I haven't played around with the hair dynamics settings and even though I had turned some collision setting on, the fur still goes through the ground :/. Hair dynamics and other physics settings is on the planning for model v2.
----------- DON’T COPY/USE ANYTHING OF THIS without my written permission! It’s not allowed to use my artwork for training of AIs either. Don’t use these or any other siderians as avatar/RP character in RP games. They are who they are and they CANNOT represent someone else.
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lady-starbind · 5 months
First Tumblr post of the year, and It's about me simping for a funny Cowboy Yeehaw mans
So as someone who's a casual fan of UT and DR, I've gotten wind of a new UT fangame that's an absolute MASTERPIECE! (have only played a bit into the beginning) ...but I've watched playthroughs, and I must say, there's a darn purdy, dare I say DASHING monster that has taken up my brain here lately! TwT Putting the rest of this under the cut, in case it counts as spoilers
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HAS INVADED OVER 60% OF MY BRAIN... HE'S NOT PAYING RENT... I don't always simp for a yeehaw mans... BUT WHEN I DO HE'S HIGH QUALITY!!!
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Continuing on my not-spoiler free ramble, the things about this man consists of: Being a super cool Sheriff (even if it's just for LARPing type fun stuff lol) Being an adorable dweebus nerd Being a sweetheart type of farmer (I swear, I think that's one of my weaknesses.... Yeah, not me remembering my crushes on Milo from Pokemon and Bill Green from Big City Greens) What does make me lowkey sad/jelly is I think he still is sweet on his childhood crush Ceroba... (pretty fox lady with lit backstory and strong powers got way more up on me than I could ever have x'D) But hey! ...If the funny star sheriff cowboy falls in love with the lovely fox lady, then that's ok. Because I love the star mans, and I want him to thrive and be happy~ (in all seriousness though, I'm not going to demonize people who ship him with any of the canon characters or with their oc. Everyone has a right to ship or not ship as they please~ I am ALL FOR being mature and not starting petty crap such as "UwU Starlo is MYNE, HE'S MY HUSBAND, BOYFRIEND AND FIANCE, YOU CANNOT HAS HIM, OR I'LL SHOOT YOU DOWN WITH MY SIX SHOOTER FILLED WITH FLOWEY BULLETS!!!!11!?" He rightfully belongs to his creator, who I assume worked on the UT Yellow game...)
Gosh this ramble is cringe filled... but hey, I had fun and I needed to get my love for this man out of my system... I really wanna smooch the funny star mans (and hey.... if Ceroba doesn't want to date him then well... Hey Starlo, you can hold hands and smooch with me if you'd like~ ;3)
also if you haven't played Undertale Yellow, but you're a fan of Undertale or Deltarune, then by all means take some time and show this game some love! I believe it would be worth your time, seeing as they worked 7 whole years on the game if I'm not mistaken....
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hb-writes · 7 months
Holiday Spirit
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Summary: When the Winchesters decide to take a few days off hunting around Halloween, Nora gets in the spirit of the holiday and decides to do a little decorating.
Prompt: "If I go outside and find my car covered in stringed lights I'm smacking you."
Characters: Dean Winchester & Nora Winchester
Warnings: just the smacking referenced in the prompt.
Nora stilled her fingers, the piece of candy she held in her hands half-way unwrapped as she studied her brother as he finally stirred. He looked grumpy as hell, as if Dean was already dressed in his Halloween costume—a miserable old curmudgeon. 
A curmudgeon who was already complaining even though he had yet to open his eyes. 
“What’s all that noise?”
Nora bit her tongue to keep from asking him ‘what noise?’ considering that the last fifteen minutes was the quietest she had been all morning. She’d even managed to stop the microwave before it started beeping after rewarming her coffee.
Decorating had been much louder, but all of her flitting about the motel room and the microwaving hadn’t woken her brother. She had checked each time, wincing and tip-toeing to his bedside after every slightly too loud noise she made. 
He had slept like the dead through all of it, something she supposed he deserved seeing as they’d been driving for so long and he had refused to share the burden with his siblings, insisting they both rest. But go figure, Dean would wake up at the sound of junk food—Nora’s brothers both seemed to have a hypersonic radar for that…for vastly different reasons, of course, but they both seemed to always know when Nora had something delicious and terrible for you in her grasp. 
Dean sat up suddenly when Nora didn’t answer, but before his glare could land on her face, he caught sight of all of the decorations—the fake cobwebs and glow-in-the-dark skeletons, the miniature ghosts and bats dangling from the ceiling…as if they didn’t get enough of that crap outside of the motel rooms they so frequently called home.
“Where did all this crap come from?” Dean was still taking it all in.
“Dollar store,” Nora answered quietly, suddenly a bit sheepish as she confirmed that it was indeed a bunch of crap she had strung up around their barely 2-star motel room. 
“Here, have some breakfast,” she said as she tossed the half-opened candy to him. 
Dean finished unwrapping and popped it into his mouth without complaint, just as Nora hoped he would.
“And before you start lecturing, Sammy took me—” Nora reached for a second paper coffee cup, holding it out— “and we got you coffee. You might want to reheat it.” 
Dean pulled himself out of the bed, the movements slow, as if he was still sore. As if he still needed another sixteen hours of sleep. Good thing they were planning on hanging out for a few days, assuming another job didn’t present itself, at least.
Nora hoped one wouldn’t. Her brothers were exhausted. She was exhausted. She just wanted to exist for a few days. It would’ve been nice to just exist for a few days somewhere a little nicer, a little more comfortable—at Uncle Bobby’s, maybe—but she wasn’t going to be picky. Relaxing was relaxing even if the motel room was shitty. At least the town had a nice little coffee house.
Dean pulled the coffee from Nora’s hand as he passed her, standing at the counter a few steps behind her, his back to her for a few moments as he fussed with the ancient microwave. 
He’d let the microwave beep, zoning out long enough that he didn’t catch it before the time ran out, the incessant alarm so loud in the little motel room that Nora cringed. Dean took a sip of the hot liquid, sighing a bit as the flavor hit his tongue. It was re-warmed via microwave, a method of preparation that probably impacted the quality and taste of the coffee, but Dean could tell it was a decent brew. It wasn’t any of that gas station crap they were used to. 
He took another sip before setting the cup on the counter and turning to his sister. Without a word, Dean snatched the candy bag from her lap, his hand digging through to find his favorite. 
Nora bit down her complaint as his fingers retrieved the last four chocolates—they were her favorite, too. He set them down on the counter beside his coffee cup before tossing the bag back on the table. A bag full of second-best options that she didn’t particularly like. Still, she didn’t complain. The last hunt had been rough and Nora was trying to keep things light. Fun. Fighting over chocolate bars before he’d even finished a cup of coffee wasn’t fun.
“So…do you like the decorations?” she asked.
Dean’s eyes slid down to her as he opened his third piece of chocolate, an eyebrow raised. 
Nora slid her foot from the chair where she had propped it up and pressed it into Dean’s thigh. He shifted his balance to accommodate the shove.
“Aw, c’mon, Dean. You said we were staying a few days, so I figured we might as well get into the holiday spirit.”
“Holiday spirit?” Dean asked, fingering the line of multicolored string lights she’d put up along the kitchen. “I think you’ve got the wrong holiday, bucko.” 
Nora rolled her eyes and in rebuttal, she reached for the two pieces of candy Dean had yet to devour. She figured if he was awake enough to make fun, he was awake enough for her to take back some of the candy. Dean’s hand slammed down over hers before she could pull them into her grasp. He raised an eyebrow and she sighed, a show of defeat that had him releasing his grip on her. 
Nora set her feet back up on the chair beside her, folding her arms across her chest. It had been hard enough convincing Sam to even buy the candy and she’d barely get any of the good ones now that Dean was hogging them. She should’ve known better and hid a few away for herself.
“Quit your pouting,” Dean said as he tossed one of the remaining candies on the table in front of her. 
Dean couldn’t help but smile as Nora’s face lit up a bit and she quickly opened the candy, setting it in her mouth. He teased and he played the grump, but Dean was glad that his sister still got excited about stuff like this—stuff like Halloween decorations and candy and the fact that this rat hole of a motel somehow had extra channels so she could watch all those silly Halloween movies she’d watched as a kid. He was glad that Sam and Nora had been so enthusiastic about sitting down to watch It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown the night before. He was glad that the two of them had the capacity to be nostalgic for childhood even when he didn’t.
Dean strung his finger along the slowly flashing lights affixed to the counter once again. “Since when are Christmas lights Halloween decorations?” 
“They’re string lights, Dean. Not Christmas lights. Indoor-outdoor. Multi-holiday use. They’re very versatile. And I like them,” she said as she took a sip of coffee to wash down the chocolate.
Dean snorted. “Yeah, well, if I go outside and find my car covered in stringed lights I'm smacking you."
Nora gasped, choking on the coffee as it went down wrong. She forced herself to laugh at the end of her coughing, as if Dean’s words were funny to her, as if it was nothing more than a joke. 
Nora knew the words weren’t an idle threat though. Dean wouldn’t hesitate to hurt anyone who hurt his Baby. Not that she had really hurt his baby… The hand prints smeared across the windows were nothing more than fake blood. And the pumpkin-shaped antenna ball was easy enough to remove… 
But Dean was staring at her, waiting for something. Waiting for confirmation.
Nora snorted. “I didn’t put any stupid stringed lights on your car, Dean. I’m not an idiot. How would I even plug them in?” 
It wasn’t technically a lie, and Dean seemed content with her answer as he brought the coffee cup to his lips again, but Nora wondered how long it would be before he went to check. Nora had been adamantly against going for a run with Sam, but just now she wished she had agreed to go, if only to avoid being the only one here when Dean saw the car.
“We’ll, now that you’re up, I’m going to take a shower,” Nora said as she stood from the table, trying not to move too quickly, trying to take her time with gathering her things before heading for the bathroom.
As Nora closed the bathroom door, she heard her brother take up her spot at the table, his hand once again fishing in the bag of candy. 
Her spot at the table where one could see out the window perfectly, the Impala perfectly visible between the threadbare curtains…
She had just started the water when Dean roared her name. 
Actually roared. Nora cringed at the sound, but stepped into the warming water anyway. The flimsy door and fact that she was showering would at least offer her some protection. Dean wouldn’t come in, no matter how angry he was. No matter how much he wanted to throttle her.
Nora could stay there until the water ran cold, until Sam returned.
That, she decided, was the best course of action. To stay here until Sam got back. Until he could remind Dean that even though she could be a pain in the ass, he loved his sister.
That was the hope, at least.
Supernatural (Bye, Bye, Apple Pie) Masterlist
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ciphercalamitiez · 1 year
< [ ENTER : SEL !! ^_^ ]
" oh coconuts on a fishstick stuck on a loaf of bread "
ACK… UHH, HIE THERE. I don't know how you got here but well, idk hope you enjoy this blog even though it’s hell on whatever it’s located at!!
people usually call me SEL, but i've got a few other names i'm fine with as well! feel free to ask what they are :)
i go by any pronouns … he/she/they…
my MAIN interests in order go somethin' like :
Gravity Falls
Nuclear Throne/Gun Godz
Just Shapes and Beats (JSAB)
Hazbin Hotel (unexpectedly)
OSC (specifically bfdi/bfb or HFJONE)
Portal/Portal 2
Dayshift At Freddy's (DSAF)
[ some side things i like are space, science, writing, some webcomics, musicals, etc etc ]
you may see me reposting here or posting my art made in a trash can with my tiny silly gummy grubby hands
[ … oh yes ! you will see me draw bill cipher a lot sooo , be warned teehee !! ^_^ ]
alsooo!! erm headz up, i would prefer if u ask for permission to use my art ^_^ otherwise please don’t use my art for anything thankz
[ semi - kindly ] DNI IF YOU :
ROMANTICALLY ship bill with anyone in the pines family.
basic DNI criteria [ homophobes, racists, sexists, p3dos, animal abusers, proshippers, etc etc ]
blogs that solely have nsfw please dni
that'll be updated if i have to update it, but otherwise i think that's all for now!
feel free to interact with me ^_^ !! [ i don't bite, i think ! OH YEAH DON'T BE OVERLY WEIRD WITH ME PLEASE AS I AM A MINOR !! THANKS :) ]
[ pssst btw my alt acc is @calamitycipherz so sometiems you’ll see stuff on there .. barely tho ]
#sel rants ^ ^ : me on my crap stuff simple ranting idk
#sel draws ^ ^ : the low quality art I make from the dumpster (originally it was supposed to be saved for drawing but it’s kinda just my art in general tag)
#sel writes ^ ^ : my writing!
#sel's stars ^ ^ : personal favs!!
[ EXIT : SEL !! ^_^ ] >
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murfpersonalblog · 3 months
Cannibalism in The Vampire Chronicles
The goat that is @downstairsbar dropped this post about the culture shock Louis & Claudia face in Eastern Europee during their futile search for community, and mentioned something SO important about cannibalism.
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I almost responded to this bit in a reblog, but didn't wanna derail her post by going off on a long AF tangent, so I'm posting it here.
Cannibalism is a powerful theme that runs throughout TVC. It's the reason vampires even exist in AR's universe, technically. (And it's no coincidence that the tv show Hannibal was inspired by TVC (X X).)
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In QotD, AR (aka OG Louis) included a poem by her husband Stan Rice (aka OG Lestat), "Cannibal" Some Lamb in Part 3 of the book, where the vampire Maharet told her life's story, The Story of the Twins. This part's integral to vampiric cosmogony, cuz it also explains:
how the beef b/t Akasha & the Twins (Maharet & Mekare) started
how it led to Akasha being killed by the Twins in QotD
how Mekare became the new QotD
and ultimately how Lestat got the Sacred Core from Mekare
While cannibalism has a very spiritual/sacred quality to it at the start of TVC, by the end of the series, the vampires have turned cannibalism into a degenerate, bastardized act that horrifies & saddens Prince Lestat; and this largely affects how he chooses to rule the Vampire Court & change his Savage Garden for the better(?).
Here's what Maharet said about cannibalism (it's gonna get HELLA gory, so I'm putting all this info under the cut--you've been warned):
The Twins, Cannibalism, & Akasha (QotD)
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Basically, Maharet explained that in her village 6000 years ago (when she was still human), her people cooked & ate the corpses of their dead loved ones to absorb the residual essence/spirit/power/vitality, which was primarily rooted in the brain. The heart & eyes were also very sacred, but the brain was THE organ that needed to be eaten raw, above all the other organs & flesh.
I talked about this similarity before here, but if you've ever seen/read Attack on Titan, it's the exact same premise that created the 9 Titan Shifters from the spinal fluid/brain stem of the Founding Titan, Ymir.
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When Maharet's people were conquered by the Egyptians, Maharet & her twin sister Mekare were spotted about to eat their dead mother. Cuz Mekare was the oldest, she had their mom's brain, and Maharet got the heart & eyes. Queen Akasha was disgusted, knocked the mom's organs into the dirt (this is referenced like a dozen times in QotD), and imprisoned the Twins back in Egypt.
There's this whole pseudo-"history" hella racist Old Testament crap AR uses, claiming that Egyptian mummification started cuz while Pharaoh Enkil's people ate the brains of their enemies & they LIKED the taste of flesh; the Twins' people (Canaanites) were so much better cuz they were peaceful loving folk & only ate the dead for ritual not for pleasure; and Akasha didn't believe in cannibalism of any kind; and didn't believe power came from corpses, that should be buried, not eaten. (Basically saying that the Mesopotamians created Egyptian mummification/burials so that Africans could finally become civilized--I hate this planet istfg).
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The Twins & their mom had been powerful witches who summoned/controlled spirits (like the Mayfair Witches), and Akasha coveted their powers, but didn't wanna be a cannibal to get them.
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But through sheer karmic irony, the spirit Amel who loved the Twins followed them to Egypt, jumped Enkil & Akasha, drank their blood & entered/possessed(?) Akasha's body/brain, accidentally creating the first vampire & becoming the Sacred Core that empowered them all.
Akasha's Demise, Mekare, and Brains 🧠 (QotD)
I'm not gonna get into all the effed up stuff Akasha did to the Twins, and how they became vamps, but suffice to say they hated Akasha's guts. Mekare went on a manhunt for Akasha for 6000 years but couldn't find her (Marius was hiding Those Who Must Be Kept all the way up until Lestat accidentally woke Akasha up with his rock music in the 1980s). Once awakened, Akasha called a summit of all the most important vampires, and Mekare arrived & ripped her head clean off, it was epic--but also SUPER dangerous, cuz if Akasha died the Sacred Core (the spirit Amel) died--and ALL vampires with her.
So once again, Mekare & Maharet needed to decide how to divide the remains of the(ir) Mother--Akasha, mother of all vampires; the cycle coming back around.
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Mekare ate both Akasha's brains & heart (at the time the vamps weren't 100% sure which organ was really the one Amel was living in); and became the new QotD, holding the Sacred Core.
So while the movie QotD's version of Maharet was...alright, it didn't even scratch the surface of who Maharet REALLY was in the books (I'm not even gonna get into the eyeball motif with Maharet & Lestat). And it's a crime against nature that Mekare wasn't included, cuz she's the Twin who actually took Akasha TF out.
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It also made no sense for film!QotD to remove the cannibalism, when they had a whole effing scene of Akasha eating some dude's heart.
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Like--so long as it's the Evil Black Woman being a cannibal it's alright to show it cuz she's a vampire/monster; but god forbid we show the Good White Woman eating the brains of someone who's already dead. 🙄 It's HORROR ffs. Eating brains are integral to the CANONICAL lore of AR's vamps--it's all over the place.
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The vampiric taste for brains & the importance of drinking blood from the brain reoccurs when Akasha's Fledgling Khayman (Mekare's Maker) was later murdered by Rhoshamandes; and interestingly enough, also in a different scene with Akasha's biological son Seth, (Dr. Fareed's Maker).
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Dr. Fareed & the aliens/Replimoids are also the ones who perform brain surgery to safely extract the Sacred Core without killing all vampires, so hopefully Dr Fareed comes back on the show, cuz he's very important.
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Lestat, Mekare & The Sacred Core (Prince Lestat)
With Mekare as the new QotD, Amel started waking up, unsatisfied with his new host (Mekare had been suffering from unhealed brain damage for 6000+ years & was VERY mentally ill, so her atrophied brain wasn't a good home for Amel).
As the Sacred Core, Amel has the power to telepathically control all vamps; so he possessed one of the oldest vamps Rhoshamandes to kill the Twins. Maharet was murdered, but Mekare got away.
Heartbroken over losing her sister, Mekare ran to Lestat, begging him to kill her & take the Sacred Core, so she could be with Maharet again. Amel had been telepathically begging/annoying Les to do this anyway, cuz Les had fed on Akasha's superblood A LOT while they were lovers, so Les maybe(?) could've handled the Twins (NGL I doubt it, LOL, Mekare's about that action💀).
Lestat finally agreed to help, and sucked Mekare's brain right out of her eye socket, no joke.
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And that's how Lestat became the Prince of all Vampires, holding the Sacred Core (Amel). (I hope we get this whole scene on AMC, it's so sad--RIP Mekare.) 🧠👑🩸
Chateau-Era Cannibalism (Blood Communion)
I already talked a bit about this already in my post about the dark side of the Chateau Era, and the problems Lestat faced cuz of Rhoshamandes staying a menace for the whole Prince Lestat trilogy.
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Les had been PISSED during his final battle vs Rhosh, thinking Rhosh had murdered "those who mattered most" (Gabrielle, Louis & Marius). So just like the ancients practiced, Lestat ate the brain of his enemy (Pharaoh Enkil style) after brutalizing Rhosh's corpse. And Lestat brought the body back to the Court and encouraged them to chop up Rhosh's corpse with his axe & suck it dry of every bit of vitality left--drinking "dead blood," but powerful blood.
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After this, the Court started using cannibalism as corporeal punishment against vampires who broke their #1 Rule: Don't Kill Your Own Kind. But although they considered it the Lawful Good thing to do, the Court lacked proper leadership as Lestat struggled to really assert his authority (mostly relying on the Court's Prime Minister Marius & the Elders to make the tough decisions). So when Marius was kidnapped by Rhosh, rather than treating executions as a solemn lesson in a civil court/jury; the Vampiric Court had degenerated into mob mentality, ravenous & angry & vindictive as they pressured/forced Lestat to sentence Rhosh's Coven to death. Ballroom music played & they danced even as they chopped up vampires and ate them like a FEAST/BANQUET.
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Lestat hated it, but because Gabrielle & Louis & Marius were still missing, Les was too depressed & angry to tell the Court to stop.
But once Marius & the others were rescued, Lestat finally put an end to the public spectacle of feasting on vampires (and humans).
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Last bit(e), I promise
So yeah.
This is how the vampires quite literally cannibalized each other. Like, there IS deeper meaning behind the transfer of spiritual vitality residing in the brain--but it's all wrapped up in blood drinking directly from the brain for nourishment/sustenance/power; versus the gluttonous horror of feasting on people for feasting's sake & the sensory pleasure vampires get from killing & eating people.
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Louis & Claudia seeing the brutal way the superstitious poor in Eastern Europe hunted their own people for fear that they were vampires (for good reason, since the brainless revenants weren't "properly" made/taught vampires & were effing nuts)--on top of the sadistic way more cultured/civilized Theatre of Vampires mocked/bastardized high society in Paris--were radical extremes that were deliberately unsettling.
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It was FAR from how Lestat ran his "coven"/family as their Maker back in NOLA--the Old World was just as vicious as Les warned them it would be, if not worse, cuz Louis (& Claudia) had no freaking clue just how far it went back with Akasha & the Twins until Lestat published TVL, and then they all met face to face in QotD.
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he11fireclubtm · 26 days
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[[So I am gonna go on a bit of rant below the cut, mmkay? This is regarding Jonathan [No I am not saying anything bad about him but if you don't like him as a character then don't click below the cut <3] This is your warning:
[[OKAY. Here we go then. I get really really REALLY tired of people basing what they think of Jonathan based on the ONE bad thing that he did as a teenager aka: taking those photos of the pool party and Nancy. While yes, he should not have done that. And tbh should have shredded the pics and apologized to Nancy...He was a teenager with a crush on a girl. Sometimes people do things. They make mistakes. She forgave him anyway. So why can't we? There are so many good qualities that Jonathan has and I feel like he gets crapped on a lot of the time. But he was a BRILLIANT big brother to Will. Even when their father was abusive. He OVERCAME that shit and became a better person. One who loves selflessly, unconditionally, and would do anything for those that he cares about. Does he make mistakes? Hell yeah. He's human. What character doesn't make a mistake at some point? Jonathan is far from the perfect boyfriend but it's easy to see he does care about and love Nancy. I just feel like he gets far more hate than is deserved. Anywho, I was just feeling passionate about this and needed to get it all out.]]
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