#her tutu was... difficult
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Magical Girl Golden Ballet!
Dunno why, but I had the uncontrollable urge to make a Cinderella-themed ballet magical girl. I'm a little worried I didn't go far enough/went too far with her dress, but I'm overall very happy with her.
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ghouljams · 3 months
Ballet König tiiiiime... I have many thoughts because I saw a ballerina with big tits and I am... no better than a man...
Tw for minor reader descriptions (big boobs...)
Being fitted for costumes is always annoying, the costumers always complain about having to fit your chest, and have to let out the corseted tutu to compensate. You always end up with your tits either smashed against your chest or lifted to an almost pornographic degree. This costume seems to be the latter. König stares down at you, you raise a brow at him and he gives you a one word growl.
You have to anyway, so you follow the costumers directions and change back into your usual leotard and tights. König is holding your sweatshirt when you make your way out of the changing room, he holds it out to you and you give him a confused look. You take it but don't bother putting it on, you still have practice, it's not like you're about to dance in your sweats.
He follows you through rehearsals, he's supposed to anyway but he's really, really, close. It isn't until the last dancer has filed out of the room for lunch that you finally get an explanation for his behavior. He grabs your tits, or tries to, two big handfuls that make you press your chest into his grip with a quiet noise of surprise. He squeezes you through your leotard and grumbles something. His hands smooth over your chest, down and back up, before he's digging his hands under the neckline and into the garment.
"There they are," he coos bending close, "You've been hiding such pretty things from me Schatzi."
Hiding is a strong word, wearing the dance equivalent of a binder is more accurate. As such, the material wants to stay close to itself, forcing you into Königs hands as he fondles you. He pinches your nipples hard and you whine, your blood rushing to heat your skin as he rolls his thumbs over them soothingly.
"Quite the ballerina," König drags his lips against the shell of your ear, "having such-" he struggles for the right word, toying with you all the while, when it does finally come to him it's with his cock pressing against your ass, "indecent sounds right-" he kisses your neck, "-indecent-" you know the feeling of his teeth anywhere, "-obscene-" they tease your skin, "-naughty-" his tongue replaces their points, dragging over your pulse as König groans, "tits."
"They make costuming, nng, difficult," you bite your lip against making another sound. It's better if you don't talk, you don't want to alert anyone outside the studio that the two leads are misusing the space.
"They fill my hands, Engel," König hums, giving your breasts a firm squeeze as if driving home his point, "how did I not notice them?"
You don't have to think hard to answer that, but you do have to press your hand over your mouth to avoid whining at the way he toys with you. He's never fucked you without a leotard on, that's how, despite all his protests against it, the man has a firm kink. He pinches your nipples hard and you moan, König shushes you, grinds his hard cock against you. Heat pools between your legs, making your leotard and tights sticky with slick. He's teasing you, and you both know it. He was never going to fuck you, there isn't time for it.
"Such a dirty girl," he tells you, "I should have taken you home, and fucked you properly."
You press back against him, prepared for the consequences of asking him to do it now, fuck you on the floor, fuck you against the Barre with your face pressed to the mirror, like he's so fond of, but the door opens. His hands slide off your breasts to rest on your shoulders in a flash. Another dancer wanders in to grab her water bottle, squirting some into her mouth as she turns to walk back out. She waves, you give a small wave back. König doesn't move until the door closes again.
Then his hand is pressing between your legs, bending you forward to truly grind against you. You know he can feel the way you're starting to drool, you can almost hear him smiling. "Needy thing," as if it isn't his fault, "why don't we find somewhere I can enjoy you properly."
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stars4gojo · 9 months
Used to it
Dad!Gojo x Fem!reader // young Megumi and Tsumiki // 947 words
Leaving home comes easy for Gojo except now he has three reasons to come back
More of my work 🤍
When you and Gojo first took tsumiki and Megumi in your house, many people told you how difficult raising two children was going to be. You remember Gojo dismissing them with the wave of his hand, even when your own mother freaked out at the thought of you two adopting children without getting married (she seemed to ignore the fact that you two were only 17) Gojo reassured her, saying how it couldn’t be so difficult and since he’s the strongest he would have no problems at all.
However, being the strongest doesn’t seem to matter at all in this house. Gojo, without question, was at the bottom of the food chain and the two children were alarmingly at the top of the household. 
Your mothers fears were only confirmed when Megumi refused to eat any vegetables for the first six months of his stay and had thrown them directly at Gojo’s face MULTIPLE times so he just had to get used it, turning on his limitless everytime Megumi reached for the greens that were taunting him on his plate. Or that one time Tsumiki got stage fright during her ballet rehearsals so Gojo, a grown 190 cm tall man, wore a tutu, definitely too small on him and performed next to the little 9 year old girl, who would then take first place at the rehearsal only at the cost of getting dirty looks and hushed whispers from other parents. He had then begged you to take Tsumiki to her classes which you obviously refused as everytime Gojo would take her to her classes she had the expression of a 9 year old who just took over the whole world so he just got used to it. 
But one thing, even after 2 whole years, he could not get used to was leaving for longer business trips. When it was just the two of you, he would begrudgingly leave with a reassuring kiss to your forehead, letting you know that he would return.
The first time he left for his business trip he didn’t expect the children to even bat an eye, but soon the day came and when he went to say goodbye to Tsumiki and Megumi they didn’t seem to have a reaction, too invested in the cartoon they were watching on their iPads that Gojo got them despite your efforts to stop him talking about the bad effects of screen-time that he chose to ignore so they wouldn’t bother you two during your alone time. 
“Hey cmon now, at-least look at me when I’m saying goodbye you won’t be seeing me for a while now” Gojo said with a little smile tugging on his lips.
The two children went wide eyed as they turned towards Gojo, the realisation was almost comical and you stifled back a laugh. However, the laughter soon became shock as they both immediately became teary eyed and rushed to get off the couch and run towards Gojo.
Gojo was more taken aback at the sudden outburst of emotions from his normally moody children.
Gojo bent down to their eye level as they rushed to give him a hug.
“What’s wrong???” Gojo asked in slight surprise.
“Please don’t go” A muffled voice voice was heard that belonged to Tsumiki as her arms became tighter around his neck.  
“We’ll be very nice please? Megumi will eat all his vegetables! Wont you Megumi?!” Tsumiki spoke fast as she nudged Megumi who was standing behind Tsumiki, observing the situation with tears forming.
Megumi nodded in response and Gojo only smiled in response. 
“You guys..” he started off with a chuckle and you slightly hit him on his back so he could take them more seriously.
“You guys do know that I’ll be back in 2 days right? It’s just a short trip I need to make for work?” He spoke softly as Tsumiki let go of him.
Now you went to Megumi who was still at the verge of tears and picked him up so he could rest on your hip. You wiped his tears as he cuddled into your neck obviously embarrassed of his little outburst of emotions.
“Satoru is going on a business trip, he goes on them all the time and always comes back” you spoke with a little giggle as you watched Tsumikis sad expression turn into embarrassment.
“I’m glad to know I’m still wanted in this house” Gojo spoke as he got back on his feet. 
“Now all of you come here so I can give you a little goodbye kiss” He added while making comical kissing sounds.
Megumi was quick to want to be put down and run away with Tsumiki as their little feet pattered across the apartment floor with little giggles. You watched as Gojo chased after them and grabbed them both in his arms in the same time to give them both a disgustingly kiss mixed with saliva.
“GROSSSS” the two kids shouted but you could tell there was no real bite to it.
“Now..” Gojo started with a sinister grin
“Oh no.” You thought.
“WE ATTACK NOW!!” Gojo shouted as all three of them ran towards you almost knocking you down as they attacked you with soft kisses in between laughter.
Now, Gojo could say in confidence, maybe there were sacrifices he had to make, some things he had to get used to. But, he wouldn’t change it for anything because Gojo Satoru was the strongest and being with the three of you only made him stronger, his motivation to fight and  protect. 
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mellowsadistic · 11 months
Changing Her Hobbies
Your girlfriend may well have some hobbies and interests that you don't approve of. Perhaps you're worried being into football is making her hang out with the wrong crowd, or maybe you think chess is just too grown-up for a silly little thing like her. Whatever the case, the solution is simple. Just tell her she doesn't like those things anymore, and give her a new list of things she likes to do in their place.
Be firm, as she's likely to get very fussy over this. She might complain that she's the only real authority on herself, or insist that it's impossible for her to start liking something just because you've ordered her to. If that happens, just spank her bare bottom over your knee and remind her that you're her Daddy and you know best. Enforce her new hobbies with a strict discipline program and she'll soon learn to engage in them with a smile.
I promise you the results are worth it. I know a man who used this strategy to radically alter his girlfriend’s personality. He loved her very much, but he was sick and tired of her bad attitude and refusal to accept her place as his inferior. He put it down to the kind of activities she liked to take part in, so with a firm hand and a bit of patience, he changed them to better reflect her immature nature. Here’s a before and after of her hobbies:
Things she used to like:
Playing guitar
Reading classic literature
Trying on stylish clothes
Going clubbing with her friends
Having debates about politics
Playing hockey
Going out for romantic dinners
Things she likes now:
Playing with dolls
Watching Disney channel
Running around naked
Doing the housework
Wetting herself for attention
Practicing ballet
Sucking cock under the table
It was a difficult transition for her. She’d always been a bit of a tomboy, so it wasn’t easy for her to adjust to playing with Barbies and prancing about in a tutu. It wasn’t easy to get used to stripping off all her fashionable clothes and going streaking around the house in the nude periodically either, like a toddler with no concept of modesty. Nor was she keen to spend her time watching TV aimed at tweens when she wasn’t scrubbing the floors, making dinner, or doing the laundry. It was especially hard for her to learn that she liked to give frequent blowjobs (she insisted she hated them for the longest time), and she was in complete denial about her desire to regularly pee her pants for attention. However, with enough corrective punishment, she eventually learned to accept her true self.
These days she pouts at the suggestion of going out partying, but bounces up and down with excitement at the thought of mopping the floor. She has no desire to play guitar, and reading anything more advanced than a picture book would bore her to tears, but she can happily spend the whole afternoon glued to her favourite cartoons or prattling away at her baby doll, rocking it in her arms and changing its nappy (and hoping Daddy doesn’t follow through on his threat to put her in nappies because of all the ‘accidents’ she’s been having). She never talks about politics anymore, partly because she has no idea what’s going on in the world since her Daddy banned her from reading the news, and getting involved in rough and tumble sports like hockey would just be silly for a sweet little pirouetting princess like her. It’s much more fun to put on ballet performances for Daddy and her dollies. Modelling the latest trends is a thing of the past for her too; in fact, it’s a struggle to keep any kind of clothes on her since she’s always wanting to be Daddy’s little nudist - why wear a cute pair of jeans when she could just go bare-bottomed instead? And why would she want to go out to a fancy restaurant for a romantic meal when she could just serve Daddy his dinner herself before crawling under the table to suck his dick while he eats?
Sometimes she slips up. She looks bored while playing with her dolls, or casts a longing look at a guitar in the window display of a music store. She might go too long without wetting herself or forget to smile while she's doing the polishing. When that happens, her boyfriend is always quick to reacquaint her bottom with his hand, or even the paddle. A 'fake it till you make it' policy is important to enforce here. Make your girlfriend pretend to enjoy her new hobbies, and eventually, over time, she'll learn to like them for real. And if not, don't worry, because you won't know the difference!
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number1jeonginstan · 7 months
who knew you had multiple dancers following you?!
I read that fic about Lee Know and then that OT8 one, and knew I had to send in SOMETHING!
Can we have some fluff for Bangchan x ballerina reader, she is dancing in "The Nutcracker" (You can choose a role, or you can do Snow Queen, Sugarplum Fairy or Kissy Doll since are popular) and it's the night of her show but she didn't think he'd be there because of Bangchan's idol work, but he shows up anyway and meets her at the end of the show to see her in her costume? Total fluffy fic please!!
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting this!!! It's quite short, but I hope I did your request justice!!
Warnings: None! Just fluff!!
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The lights were beaming on your face as you finished your performance. You could feel the heat from the bulbs on your face. Your cheeks were red from exerting yourself. You could feel beads of sweat trickle down your face. Your stage makeup slowly sinks as you capture your last breath. 
It was the last night of your show, The Nutcracker. You had been preparing for it for months. Hours of practice, days where your muscles were so sore, you kept pushing through it. You wanted to prove to everyone, especially yourself, that you could play the Sugar Plum Fairy. 
The applause at the end of your solo was worth it, the difficulty you withstood with being on beat with the orchestra, as they messed up at one point. You didn’t let it get to you, you were proud of yourself. 
The ending was bittersweet for you, on one hand, you were proud of yourself for persevering, and not backing down when things got tough. On the other hand, you wished your boyfriend was there. You knew how difficult it was for him to come since he was an idol. You knew he was busy with promotions and working on the final songs for his next comeback, but deep down you wished he had the time. 
Everyone cheered as the ballet came to a complete.  As you lept off the stage, the other dancers congratulated you, giving you a hug, and you did the same. 
After a couple minutes had passed, talking to the rest of the dancers, your friend had dragged you away. “I was walking by your dressing room and I saw something pretty important inside.” She grinned at you, and you were puzzled, you didn’t think anyone sent you anything.
As you entered your dressing room, you saw a black beanie that you grew accustomed to. “Channie!?” you yelled, running up to him. And he just laughed, “Hi baby, or should I say my Sugar Plum?” he said, picking you up. Your tutu getting crushed by the embrace. 
“I thought you couldn’t make it? You said you were busy with work!” you said, punching his arm as he put you down. “How could I miss my perfect girl’s solo? Especially after you worked so hard to perfect it.”
You began to blush, you were grinning from ear to ear. “How was I, please be honest.” 
“You were amazing, my sugar plum.” He bent down slightly to kiss your lips, your lipstick staining his lips. “I’m so happy you came,” you said giggling, your lips still on his.
“I am too, you looked so beautiful on stage baby, I was mesmerized by the way you danced, can’t believe you are all mine.” 
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pinkhairswagtourney · 8 months
Not-Pink-Enough Tourney, Round Three
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Duck Propaganda:  1.): “girl that’s orange byeee” 2.): “Duck's hair is like a salmon pink, definitely pinker than some of the other contestants” 3.): “Duck's hair is orange. It's always pink in fan art or promo art and then you go back to the anime and it orange. I know it would be cuter if it were pink, but that's kinda the point. She's not a pink haired chosen one protagonist. She's a goddamn duck and her hair is ginger.”
Crona Propaganda: 1.): “It’s pink in the manga. The anime made it pink-purple” 2.): “"wahh is TOO PURPLE!!!!" - some dweebs back in the first edition of the tourney” 3.): “many argue that it's purple. many are wrong” 4.): “I say their hair is pink, my friend says it's purple. we fistfight daily to decide who is correct. theither of us has won yet” 5.): “cronas hair is purple im dyin on this hill though objectively speaking its a specific shade of pinkish-purple/purple-ish pink thats very difficult to distinguish”
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emmaelix · 2 years
I was wondering if you could do either some more Domestic! Mha boys headcanons, or maybe a dad! Kirishima.
Of course! I love getting requests. I'll do some headcanons here, and tag you on any future Domestic! MHA posts! :)
Ships: Kirishima x fem! reader, Denki x fem! reader, Bakugo x fem! reader, Shinsou x fem! reader, Todoroki x fem! reader, and Deku x fem! reader. Let me know if I missed any of your favorites, and I'll gladly do a part two.
TW: Mentions of trouble conceiving, labor
Rock Hard: AKA Eijiro Kirishima
Kiri, my beautiful, lovely baby is the most amazing dad.
Fight me, bitch.
His kids are super well-behaved and get a ton of attention from dad. He's the kind of dad who's going to come to his kid's school to drop off lunch in his Pro Hero outfit because he knows his kids love to see it.
Girl dad. Three kids, two with black hair, one with your color hair. (If your hair is black ignore that) Absolutely whipped for his princesses.
Tea parties once a month with your youngest, tree climbing with your middle daughter, and your eldest gets to do his makeup.
Of course, this has led to issues. Such as Kiri going to interviews and fighting villains wearing - to name a few - pink tutus, blue eyeshadow, the world's brightest blue lipstick, a blonde wig, and a red dress.
One particular day that still mortifies Kirishima to think about happened when your oldest was about nine. She's a daddy's girl and looks just like him without the red hair. She also loves the color coral, which clashes terribly with Eiji's red hair.
She had put pink and coral makeup all over his face while he was taking a nap, and he didn't realize he had on makeup until he had frantically driven halfway to his interview so he wouldn't be late.
To top off this horrific day, the interviewer hadn't been able to stop laughing long enough to ask him anything other than, "Who the hell did that?"
But he loves his girls and would do anything for them.
Electric Love: AKA Denki Kaminari
Pikachu over here is an absolute softy for his kids.
He has thirteen-year-old twins. A boy and a girl. He loves them equally and showers praise on them at all times.
Both have bright yellow hair and fairly similar quirks to their dad. But what really makes everyone around them know, 'yep, those are Kaminari's', is when they goof off.
Now, Kami's funny story is fairly recent.
His daughter got her period a few months ago, and he, being the idiotic but loveable trainwreck he is, called you because he thought your daughter was dying.
"Doctor Kaminari Y/n speaking, how may I help you?"
"Y/n! I think Yukina's dying! She and Seiko got home from school and she was bleeding. From... there."
You could hear your husband hyperventilating on the other end of the phone. "Kami, she got her period, she's not dying. Bring her over to the hospital in your car, I took the train to work today so we can stop at the store to get Yuki some pads or tampons, depending on what she wants, and we'll go by her favorite Ramen place to grab supper when my shift ends."
You could hear Seiko telling his younger sister it'd be okay. You and Denki had raised them right.
Although how you'd never know.
Blast 'em With Kindness: AKA Katsuki Bakugo
In case you couldn't tell, that title is sarcastic.
Just like Bakugo and his eight-year-old. You could look at that little girl and think she was Mitsuki in disguise. Your daughter, Kiko, was not an only child, but she was your only child who looked like you and Katsuki.
You and Katsuki had wanted a big family since you had both been only children. But only one of your four kids was actually yours. You had a condition called PCOS, which had made it incredibly difficult to get pregnant with Kiko.
So you had adopted your two oldest, and your youngest, having Kiko in between.
Bakugo gets asked about his family every time someone sees him.
Your eldest, at least in adoptive order, Mana, is very enthusiastic since you adopted her when she was only a year old, not old enough to remember much other than her adoptive parents.
However, Imani, your second, and actually the oldest, had been adopted at age six from an African orphanage while you were pregnant with Kiko. So Imani was a bit shy, with her favorite uncle being Tamaki Amajiki or Suneater, since he was also socially awkward.
Since three of your kids are adopted, Bakugo loves to cook with his kids. Especially so that Imani can be connected to her heritage.
Kiko is sarcastic, and practically a tiny version of her grandmother, just without as many violent tendencies.
And your youngest, Tetsu, was hardened against many things with three older sisters. You hadn't chosen his name, but you found it hilarious that one of your husband's high school 'friends' was named Tetsutetsu, making him a favorite hero of your sons.
Bakugo's soft around his 'brats' (he calls them angels when they aren't looking), but don't tell anyone or you'll be against a wall with explosions very close to your throat very quickly.
Enthraller of Minds: AKA Hitoshi Shinsou
While Hitoshi loves his kids, none of them were planned.
Your first child, your now sixteen-year-old son Yamato was the result of a very drunk night full of poor decisions.
Your twelve-year-old daughter, Nara, happened because you forgot a week of birth control.
And your nine-year-old son, Shouta, was the result of a business trip where you packed your very tight skirt. He was named after Hitoshi's adoptive father due to some circumstances. (meaning Aizawa helped deliver Shinsou baby #3)
All three of your kids are very mild-mannered, and very sleep-deprived, just like their mom and dad.
Since both you and Hitoshi are Pro Heroes, your kids see 'Grampa Shou' a lot. Aizawa doesn't mind.
Shinsou was worried his kids would get his quirk and be made fun of like he was. But even though both Yamato and Nara got their father's quirk, neither was bullied or teased like he was in school.
Your youngest has a fairly weak quirk, so his older brother and sister stand up for him a lot.
But overall you're a very happy family. And Shinsou couldn't be prouder.
Half 'n' Half Espresso: AKA Shoto Todoroki
His nicknames for his children: Pumpkin Bug. Sakura. Sweetheart. Deli (don't ask)
His children's nicknames for him in the same order: Espresso man, Cool Dad, Daddio, and Karaoke Wonder (also don't ask).
Pumpkin Bug/Espresso man comes from your oldest daughter, Niko.
Sakura/Cool Dad comes from your middle daughter, Sara.
Sweetheart/Daddio comes from your youngest daughter, Kasumi.
Deli/Karaoke Wonder comes from your son, Hotaru.
Since you and your husband are Pro Heroes your kids spend a lot of time with Aunt Fuyumi and Uncle Natsuo. Not that they mind.
Endeavor once asked why he's never asked to babysit, but he's never asked since.
"Because you gave my husband severe emotional trauma, you turned your son into a villain, and you don't care about your other two children unless they did something wrong! You're never getting close to my kids until I'm dead and buried, but by then they'll have their own reasons to hate you."
But Sho does try to be accepting of his father, even though Endeavor is never allowed around his children without either you or your husband supervising.
Kasumi loves her aunt and uncle the most, though. She's the weakest of your four kids, although she was still able to beat her younger brother in a fight at the age of eleven.
Sara and Niko are definitely the most powerful, but Shoto made sure that all his kids knew they were loved and that how powerful they were didn't matter to him.
And his kids love to walk around using their quirks in front of their grandfather just to piss Endeavor off.
Sho loves his kids.
Like Mother Like Son: AKA Izuku Midoriya
Broccoli boy absolutely loves his daughters. His younger daughter, Mayumi, likes to have tea parties, while Seiko, his older daughter, loves to spar with him and test out her quirk.
He fanboys with his daughters about All Might, showing them all his merch + that limited edition poster Nighteye had.
He also enjoys arranging playdates with his friend's kids and making sure his daughters know that they are loved no matter what.
Seiko, who is fifteen, recently got into her first relationship. With Tetsu Bakugo.
Izuku was excited his daughter had a boyfriend, and while Bakugo didn't care that his daughter was dating someone (too much), he certainly hated the fact it was Midoriya's daughter.
"DEKU! Your daughter is dating my son!" Bakugo screamed into the phone as Izuku flinched away from it.
"Well, Kacchan, I can't pick who my daughter likes!"
You especially were pissed. Not because Seiko was dating Tetsu Bakugo, but because of how two grown men who were both Pro Heroes were acting because their kids were in a relationship.
No doubt about it, these girls love to play pranks on their dad.
The last time this happened Nara Shinsou also got involved, along with Niko, Sara, and Kasumi Todoroki.
We won't get into details, but let's just say all of them were grounded for a while.
I hope you enjoyed these, and I think I might do some more family things, especially with Sho and his kids pissing off Endeavor.
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bookshelf-dust · 2 years
what are you supposed to be?
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billy hargrove x fem!reader
word count: 1,633
warnings: mentions of marijuana use, smoking, drinking, halloween party shit, reader worries about billy drinking and driving (please please don’t do that!!), talk of billy’s abuse, neil (yes, i count this)
a/n: wanted to give you a halloween prize! friends to lovers, nauseatingly cute blah blah blah. i hope you watched “trick or treat, freak” today because i did! it must be done. <33 happy halloween!!
October 1984
The slam of the car door would’ve echoed through the night if it weren’t for the music blaring from Tina’s house, or the buzz of teenage voices, the sound of bodies moving with and around each other.
“C’mere buddy.” You reached across the backseat of the car for the Gremlin that had rolled out of your backpack.
Gently settling the stuffed Gizmo back in his place, you zipped him in on either side, allowing for his head and neck to stick out, making sure he'd be able to look over your shoulder.
You slung your bag over your shoulder, and moved to blend in with the crowd. Some kid in a pink tutu was already puking in the bushes, and you were quite sure the party hadn’t been going on for that long.
You passed the Camaro on the way in, running your pinky along the glimmering blue paint, shining in the light streaming out from the ajar front door.
He’d asked if you were coming, acted upset at the mention you weren’t, made you promise to show up for a bit.
Parties weren’t really your thing, but you had wanted to see Nancy and Steve’s finished costumes, considering she’d worked so hard on them—and it really hadn’t taken much convincing for Steve to dress up as Tom Cruise, given the past trials of their relationship.
You never understood the Tom Cruise thing though. He was icky.
Hopping up the concrete stairs, you pushed against the heavy wood, letting yourself in. You looked over your shoulder to hold the door, catching eyes with Jonathan Byers, who smiled and thanked you.
Standing just inside, he turned to you. "Nice costume. I actually really liked that movie."
"Thanks! I like yours too," you laughed, sweetly looking over his normal attire.
"I'm going as a guy who hates parties."
"Yeah, I'm not sure how this is enjoyable either." You shifted your bag to get both straps on your shoulders, telling him to have fun when someone walked his direction.
Walking towards the kitchen, you went straight for the candy bowl, skirting around couples making out and someone with a bong. You needed something to drink, so you searched for something non-alcoholic—considering you'd driven—and it proved much more difficult than it should've.
Popping the tab on your soda can, that's when you heard it. A seemingly never ending chorus of "Billy! Billy! Billy!" from the backyard. You wiped a wet hand on your red jacket, walking towards that part of the house.
You didn't even bother going outside, being able to see him easy enough from the window: Tommy H. holding up his legs, his gloved hands braced on either side of the keg, head bent in concentration. You rolled your eyes but smiled all the same, turning around in search of Nancy.
She spotted you first, waving you over to where she and Steve were resting up against a wall. "Don't you look cute?" Nancy reached over your shoulder, grinning and patting Gizmo on the head.
"Wow, I almost thought you meant me."
"You look very nice," Steve started, "But I don't have any idea what you're supposed to be."
"She's Billy! From Gremlins? See, she's got a Gizmo!" Nancy waved around your outfit, explaining it to him.
"That looks like a teddy bear."
You shook your head at him. "Do you ever go to the movies, Steve?"
"No, he doesn't. I have to make him go with me," Nancy told you, sounding slightly exasperated.
"Wait, when did you see Gremlins?"
"With Mike, Steve," Nancy sighed, taking the candy bar you offered to her.
On the other side of the room, Billy sauntered in from outside, pulling down sheets of toilet paper that he could wipe some of his sweat off with. That's when he saw you, standing with Wheeler and Harrington, when you'd told him you hadn't wanted to come. He was starting to think he'd need to get extra drunk if you rejected him.
Billy hopped up, walking over the couch, moving around writhing bodies, trying to get to you. To his dismay, Tommy H. caught up with him just as he was in a five foot radius of you and your friends, grabbing Billy's shoulder and proclaiming, "Got ourselves a new keg king, Harrington."
His goons followed suit. "Yeah, eat it, Harrington!" You rolled your eyes, and Nancy walked away, just as you had planned to do.
But Billy didn't really give a shit about the title, he just wanted to piss Steve off for the night. He saw you moving away and took his chance, separating from the kids who would just not fuck off.
The kitchen was mainly empty by now as you swiped more candy and another drink, before trying to go outside. It was getting way too crowded everywhere else, despite the size of Tina's home.
You walked around outside, observing other people’s costumes: lots of angels, a Madonna, a maybe-Bowie, loads of repeat Karate Kids, couple stereotypical witches and vampires. You watched Billy walk over to you, popping a sucker in your mouth, and settling on the edge of a raised plant box.
“Hey, sweet thing.” You looked the boy over, chest damp and shiny, curls stuck to his forehead. You beckoned him forward so that you could fix them. He braced his hands against the concrete blocks on either side of you, allowing you to push his hair around to your liking.
“Who’s your friend?” Billy was unzipping your bag, pulling Gizmo free.
“His name is Gizmo.” You pushed his hair behind his shoulders, keeping it from falling in the way.
“And you? Who are you supposed to be?” He held the stuffed animal against his chest, absentmindedly stroking the patch of white fur on its head.
“Nope. No. What is it with you people not watching movies? I’m Billy. The main guy in Gremlins. Gizmo is given to me as a pet. Chaos ensues.” You waved your hands around for emphasis, making him smirk at you.
“It’s a billy-ception!” You exclaimed, smiling and holding your arms out for your stuffie. He rolled his eyes at you, but put him safely back in your bag.
He extended his hand, pulling you up. “I didn’t think you’d show.”
“Didn’t want to disappoint you, Hargrove. And I got to see you win your ‘Keg King’ title. I’m so proud.” You patted him on the chest, over the damp leather.
“What are you supposed to be? The Terminator?”
“Yeah, actually.” He wiggled his leather-clad fingers.
“See, I don’t have any desire to watch that movie, but at least I can watch a trailer.”
“Yeah, yeah. Did you go trick-or-treating?” Billy walked you over to the side of the house where there were less people, pulling out a pack of cigarettes, being sure to blow the smoke out away from you once he’d gotten one lit.
“I think I’m too old. You take Max? I heard Will was supposed to meet up with her.”
“Yeah.” A long drag. “That the creep’s brother?”
“Hey. Jonathan is sweet, and so is Will. You don’t need to worry about that.” You found yourself playing with the bottom of the zipper on his jacket, but he didn’t seem to mind one bit.
He nodded at you in reply, looking down at his watch. “I gotta go pick her up in a little while.”
“Are you sure? You just drank an assload of beer, Billy.”
“What? You worried about me or somethin’?” The way he said it, he almost sounded hopeful.
“Yeah. I always worry about you, Billy. I don’t want you to drive if you’ve been drinking. Do you want me to go get her?”
“Hey. I’m fine. I spit most of it out or spilled it everywhere.” He wiped a hand down his chest and you did not miss the opportunity to track the motion, drawing a laugh from him. “And I hadn’t had anything to drink before that, okay? You really think I’d let myself get wasted before I have to get her? My dad’ll beat my ass if I’m late, and I’m not gonna risk being drunk too.”
He’d told you about his dad recently, but sometimes hearing him talk about it in passing like that bothered you.
“I believe you, but I want you to be careful, Billy. I don’t—”
You didn’t finish your sentence, Billy’s lips cutting you off. He planted one hand across the back of your head, the other still holding the almost finished cigarette. He kissed you firmly, successfully shutting you up.
He pulled away, dropping his cigarette and stomping it out. “You taste like beer,” you said, swiping your thumb across your lips.
“No shit, really? You taste like Skittles.” You stuck your tongue out at him childishly, thinking he wasn’t paying attention.
“Watch it, sweet thing.”
You stuck your tongue out again, and he was on you in a second, pinning you up against the side of the house and slipping your tongue into his mouth, all whilst groaning against you. He squeezed your waist once, pulling away.
“Okay. I gotta go pick up that little shit.” He adjusted your backpack straps for you, spinning you around to dig out your keys in the spot he knew you kept them.
He handed them to you, moving to walk you to your car, skirting around other vehicles and puking kids.
“Maybe Max’ll let you have some candy. Rich people give out full-sized candy bars.” His eyebrows raised in delight, a look rarely seen on his face.
“I’ll just steal it if she doesn’t. Happy Halloween, sweet thing.” Billy pecked your cheek, walking around your car to buckle Gizmo into the passenger seat.
“Happy Halloween, Hargrove. Be careful.”
“Anything for you, little Gremlin.”
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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moononmyfloor · 6 months
My Year End C-drama Review (2023)
Last year, I did two Cdrama Wrapped posts for each half of the year. This year, I watched so much stuff right away I got arrogant and was about to do a January-February summary. And then life happened and handed me my entire ass, so here we are right back on the ground zero.
Well, not exactly. I watched lots of dramas I liked this year and would like to give nods to as many as possible, and before I start forgetting details I thought I better go ahead with the entrees that I'm sure of the answers.
My initial Cdrama reviews were inspired by anniedelavoye's this post 2 years ago, I've extrapolated a lot from there but some entrees remain same.
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Part 2
1. First drama I finished in 2023
Hi Venus. Modern workplace romcom isn't my go-to-genre, least of all if the ML is a CEO. If not for the unusual-for-the-genre setup of initial few eps and the strong recommendations of my friends, I might not have pressed play at all. And I'm so glad I did because it turned out to be one of the most refreshing takes of the genre, it was funny, the pacing nor the dialogues were ever draggy, the characters were intelligent and pleasant, and down to earth. It never leaned to the tropes of helpless/badass FL or tsundere/beta ML extremes, there was no dramatic villain arcs, down to the supporting characters everyone were so reasonable and mature and simply had the nicest time ever together. Now I put it like that, it sounds boring but trust me, it wasn't. Do give it a try. Your time won't be wasted.
2. An actor who took my breath away
Jing Boran as Lan Jue/Peizhi from The League of Nobleman
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I mean
Look at him. Instant KO.
I remember watching this scene (and every scene that followed after, especially when he had his hair down) and being in disbelief about how he's real. He's literally glowing out the screen! His performance as a model scholarly minister, the way he conducted his glance, his steps, his speech and temperament were nothing but enchanting and... look, I can write poetry about him for ages lol.
And then I watched every single work I could find of him and ended up even more in love, because his resume was nothing but diverse. A measured scholar, a bubbling-out-of-his-skin social butterfly, a ballerina in a tutu, a man pregnant with the cutest radish monster ever, there's nothing he cannot play. I'm definitely going to check out every single work of him that'll be coming out in the future as well. Even if the plot fails, his character will surely be interesting.
(Also, I was FINALLY lured into DMBJ fandom thanks to going down his profile as well, and now I'm here to stay🤭)
3. Most relatable character
Bai Moxi from Gone With the Rain
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She was street-smart and sassy, but never foolhardy. She wasn't a damsel nor was overly clever. She had her moments of daydreaming, but she knew what was and wasn't reasonable. She had a high sense of self-worth, she also knew when to make herself scarce. Despite being the most outgoing and energetic personality in the room, she didn't make everything to be about herself. In fact, she couldn't have been happier to be a background supporting character of the story, quietly minding her own business in her corner. In summary, she just felt very real, and exactly like how I love my FLs. Every decision she took felt like what I'd also have done in her situation. (Btw I hope noone messages me about loving Moxi but hating her sister because I don't. I think her character also made a lot of sense based on her circumstances even though she was bit more difficult to love than Moxi.)
Most of all, she was played to a tee by Zhang Nan, the young actress was allowed to shine to her true potential in this role, as she used to be quite stereotyped in either bubbly or petty mean girl roles. The drama horribly fell apart in the latter quarter (I'd like to pretend it all ended before that Great Seperation Scene), but I'm going to remember her charaacter for a long time to come.
4. Most inspiring character
Li Lianhua from Mysterious Lotus Casebook
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The tumblr tag for MLC is already filled with Grade A+ poetry, prose and analysis dedicated to him and I'm not capable of wording it any better than them. All I can say is he really touched a vulnerable corner of my heart, and gave it strength. He's just so very admirable and represents all I ever want to be, and his entire character design and all its metaphors and philosophy especially resonate with me as a Buddhist. Like Cheng Yi said at the end of MLC concert, "At the end of the day, if you have a lotus flower in your heart that you can call your own, that's what matters."
5. Best Couple of the Year
Lu Zhaoxi and Ye Shilan (Zeng Shunxi and Liang Jie) in Hi Venus, Zhao Jian and Yuan Zhongxin (Zhou Yutong and Zhang Xincheng) in Young Blood 2
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Here are two couples who were each others' equal match in every big, small and miscellaneous ways possible. Where their roles in their partnership did not have anything to do with society-determined gender or power dynamics, not about conforming to them nor about beating them. Everything about their relationships simply had to do with what they meant to each other their admiration, respect and love towards the other person, from beginning to end. In Hi Venus, it was never uncomfortable to watch Shilan being Zhaoxi's subordinate, for he always treated her like any good superior should in any healthy professional relationship. In Young Blood 2, Zhongxin would fully trust Zhao Jian with everyone else's and his own life, not because his head was in wishful romantic clouds but because he was 100% confident in her capabilities and would never disrespect her with "girls should be protected, you stay back and let me take the sword for you" nonsense.
I may check out like 50 dramas per year and may never come by such Het pairing dynamics in some years, yknow? I do not hate on any other kind of dynamic (plus I'd have next to nothing to watch in that case lol) but, THIS... this is so rare -for me to not be icked out by not even a single second of a fictional het couple's screentime lol- hence the gushing! (Though I know I'm not doing the greatest job of phrasing what I feel😆).
Following that note, though not a couple, honorable mentions to Chufeng (Bi Wenjun) and Robin (Zhu Zhengting) from Silence of the Monster who took Sui Yi (Sun Yihan) into their home not because they thought it'd be chivalrous to help a girl, but because it's the nice thing to do as a fellow human. For continuing onto integrating her into their world with ease and enthusiasm not because any of them had feelings for her but because they simply found her a good friend to hang out with.
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Suffice to say I DIG ANY relationship where gender does not come into play, like, at all (or barely, if you must).
6. Best harem of the year
Orchid and Lotus harems (from League of Nobleman and Mysterious Lotus Casebook)
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(Only sharing the pics of Orchid Harem because it was from the earlier quarter of this year, whereas pics of Lotus Harem will be everywhere in the Cdrama scene for quite a while to come lol)
The support group of devout puppies, zhijis, friends-with-benefits and all sorts of other polycule postions, all centered around one precious babygirl enigma of a man is just my jam, and I love it when it happens because it brings forth the fandom's most unhinged high-art. 😌😌😌
7. Best ensemble of the year
Young Blood 2, I Am Nobody
For me a perfect ensemble is where the supporting characters are just or almost nearly as engaging and thoroughly written as the main leads, you'd love every second spent on any character just as much as you love that of any other. The ultimate relaxing experience where your brain doesn't have to pick favorites and you don't have to speed watch or fast forward or be antsy about who's going to appear next because you know it's gonna be enjoyable no matter whom.
And this year, it's Young Blood 2- with its Class 7 members who were all so different but all so compelling and equally contributing to the plot, complimented by the Class 8 and the unnervingly captivating villains.
And I Am Nobody- with its extensive spread of young and old heroes/antiheroes alike, all with dramatic backstories and individual charisma that were not second to another.
8. Favorite posters/promos of the year
Mysterious Lotus Casebook, Young Blood 2, Sunshine By My Side
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Really liked what MLC did with positioning the characters on various spots of the titular Lianhua Lou, the wind-sway choices for the wisps of hair and the skirts... idk the exact angles of it all were just right for each character and their vibes and appealed to me a lot.
The blending-into-painting style poster of Young Blood was so pretty too, plus these Suoyi raincoat posters.
The comic strip posters for Sunshine were also super cute, unique and perfect for the drama's themes.
9. Best opening credit sequence
Love You Seven Times
The drama itself was a hot mess but the opening sequence was entirely worthy of being a parallelish-universe story to Love Between Fairy and Devil without a debate. IF ONLY they put the same effort to the story itself.
10. Favorite Prop/Set designs
A League of Nobleman- Lan Jue's Tea Pavilion, Mysterious Lotus Casebook- Lotus House
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I wish I could install a fixture in my home where me and my imaginary homies can chat over tea while being seductively separated by an active stream of freshwater, while my not so elegant period-style caravan is waiting outside in the yard for more cozily cramped get-together times. 🤧
11. Favorite lighting/color grading of the year
The Forbidden Flower, My Journey to You
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The former, a kaleidoscopic explosion of colors, a celebration of fleeting life, youth, summer and nostalgia. It was a daring drama on so many fronts and nailed each of them as well, and the use of colors represented its bold soul perfectly.
The latter, a marvelous combination of mountains shrouded by mist, dark-toned wood pavilions and fur-lined robes, pale, dusty makeup with rosy lips and plump cheeks; all combined together on screen to bring a palpable ambience of a secluded glamorous hideout in a dystopian world and its ethereal residents. Seriously, how I especially loved to stare at the bride candidates in their white getups, it was like the light bounced off of the fabric to shine on their faces even more, and the skin and hair looked non-oily and baby soft. And it didn't feel over the top but convincing because the camerawork and editing conjured a believable image of an upcountry with dense and dewy forests, waterfalls and rivers, there's no sun, no heat no sweat, only cold air and pregnant humidity. OF COURSE you are going to look like THAT.
12. A drama that taught me new things
Hi Producer
The infuriating thing about Yu Zheng's show-off genre of costume dramas is that the story may be a hit-or-miss, the "historical facts" provided in them may need to be taken with a grain of salt, but they almost always provide me with great entry points to do my own research 🥲. Most niche facts that take me by surprise and things I'd never have thought to look up on my own are randomly sprinkled all over the place and I run around like a headless chicken trying to collect them all.
13. Most exhilarating drama/scene
That scene in ep 5. The entire buildup to it and the resolution. The phenomenal acting bringing forth the exact emotion and exact tension required. The moment you start to understand at least a sliver of why exactly all the characters are making this much of a fuss about what's happening to them.
I cannot spoil, not even a bit. You'd have to see for yourself.
I Am Nobody
(lol Three Body and I Am Nobody. I swear that was an unintentional coincidence!)
The great V-match between certain two characters, I can't elaborate. (See the thing about exhilarating scenes is that you have to see it for yourself what's the big deal is about lol.) I really liked how both their biggest vulnerabilities and yearnings were pulled out mercilessly in public, how they both fought themselves through each other before actualizing the philosophy of what it was all about. It was beautiful to watch visually as well.
14. A drama location I'd love to visit
Yunnan province
I've seen glimpses of the prosperous and both naturally and culturally diverse Yunnan province through Bite of China Documentaries and Dianxi Xiaoge's vlogs, the beautiful bucolic backdrop of Meet Yourself only heightened the wish to experience it all in person.
15. A drama that was a pleasant surprise
I Am Nobody
Perfect casting job, earnest effort from everyone involved to bring out the 2D to live action in the bestest way possible, it was like a dream come true to see a genre that was previously limited into written media like comics and fanfics (modern cultivation) as a drama even if it meant labelling all the cultivators as aliens lol
It had a lil bit of a flavor of western coming-of-age/"teen gets powers and goes on an adventure in search of their origins" stories, a bit of Japanese anime presenting style and the chaotic-gaggle-of-youth-and-veterans-with-different-extreme-powers genre vibe. And then they incorporated Chinese wuxia philosophy into it and made it their own thing. I hope to see more of this in future, and definitely a season 2!
16. An old drama I watched in 2023
Shaolin Wendao (2017)
This is one of the best period dramas I have ever seen, but I don't recommend it unless you have a strong tolerance for angst. Like, worse than Royal Nirvana and Heroes (2022) level of angst.
HOWEVER, unlike those two, Shaolin Wendao will leave you feeling rewarded for your suffering. This drama achieved a number of things that very few other have managed to do, especially for a story with such a heavy and dark premise.
The characters remained true to their selves from beginning to the end. They grew up in various ways, at the same time remained consistent. The story made sure to make all the characters aware of their individual faults and address them.
The characters were put through immense wringer but also provided viewer with the resolution they deserved. It was SO exhilarating at times, I cried. It felt like a detox, sometimes.
They prioritized telling a realistic story about the changing nature of humans. The ending was blissful but not in the idolized, wrapped-in-a-bow-tie way one would imagine. They wanted to tell a story about tribulations and letting go, and did exactly that.
It will ignite the pain but will also make sure to thoroughly quench it. So there's that.
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Oh and also, respect to all the actors. All those characters were so layered and had some quite difficult scenes. I do not understand how Guo Xiaoting didn't get any good roles matching of her caliber for years after this. She was magnificent.
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atamascolily · 3 months
There's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it section of the Rebellion opening where bells flash across the screen and once I paused it, my brain screamed "Utena reference!"
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Left: The Rebellion Story (2013). Right: The Adolescence of Utena (1999).
Rebellion is to the original Madoka Magica TV series as Adolescence is to Revolutionary Girl Utena, to the point where I jokingly refer to it as "The Adolescence of Homura". The primary difference is that while Rebellion eventually makes it clear that it is a continuation, not a retelling of the original, the relationship between the Utena movie and its predecessor remains open to interpretation. (To make up for it, Adolescence has a gorgeously animated and romantic dance sequence and ends with the two female leads cuddling naked and kissing, while Rebellion... doesn't.) Most of the parallels are subtextual rather than overt, but every now and then the animators give us a shot that makes it clear that Utena was indeed a direct influence.
This whole section is difficult to see because it flashes by so fast, but it also includes another shot that takes my breath away:
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The windows of the castle in the fantasy theme park open up to reveal the clockwork powering it; the cogs and gears float in the celestial void, the "engine" of reality as we know it. The entire theme park is a Potemkin facade meant to disguise and distract us from the truth... essentially giving away one of the movie's main twists before it's even gotten started. This is also hinted at in earlier shots of the desert "blooming" as it is covered by an illusion, which is eventually rescinded in the final moments of the credits, but goes further by indirectly pointing to Homura as its source.
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This is also Homura's hand, but it's not as immediately obvious, just like the hands puppeting the Nightmares are also hers, but with a bandage to hide the soul gem mark on her fingernail. I don't know if we ever see that bracelet again, though.
Note that although opening windows are a major recurring visual motif in this movie--the symbol of the Law of Cycles' salvation--this is different, as evidenced by the stained glass design on the panes. Here we are "looking under the hood," so to speak, in a manner evocative of Princess Tutu, one of the other influences on Madoka Magica and Rebellion in particular, in which "reality" is ultimately revealed to be controlled by a narrative represented as mechanical clockwork. I can't help noticing the stained glass in the window is round with a purple cross--reminiscent of Homura's shield and her diamond-shaped soul gem.
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We also get a glimpse of the clock face, which is not the weirdest clock in this series by a wide margin, but does combine the shield/gears/time motifs nicely.
In case it's not clear, I love it when opening credits contained major spoilers hidden in plain sight and I cannot wait to see what they do with Walpurgis no Kaiten.
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my-castles-crumbling · 7 months
Sixth Chapter- Clandestine
In celebration of Sirius's birthday, here's the next chapter!
CW: internalized transphobia, transphobia, poor coping mechanisms, vague mentions of blood, improper binding, descriptions of illness, vague mentions of abusive parents.
Pandora became his ally- the only person besides Sirius who knew.
Though he hated the idea of someone knowing such a vulnerable secret, he soon realized it was necessary. Sirius knew how to be a boy, but Pandora knew how to have a uterus, and he realized that though he hated it, he needed both areas of knowledge.
Pandora was also some sort of angel- even at such a young age, she had a way of phrasing things that didn’t cause the goosebumps to form on Regulus’s neck. She never accidentally said ‘she’ or ‘her’ and only looked at Regulus with a vague, non-judgmental gaze when he lamented about his stupid, traitorous body.
With the patience of a saint and none of the squeamishness that Regulus himself possessed, she taught him the reality of what his body was doing, beyond the facts he had read in his anatomy textbooks.
In secret, she helped apply balm to his back when the bandage cut into him. She made sure he had everything he needed when his body inevitably bled once a month. She joked about something called “syncing up.” She never complained. She always remembered.
He had only ever felt so appreciative of Sirius.
He’d dreaded the holidays. The subject had been taboo between himself and Sirius- as if bringing it up would somehow make it approach faster.
Somehow, the idea of having to act like a girl felt even more nauseating after spending the past three and a half months as a boy. It felt like he had finally let himself breathe (Metaphorically. The bandage made actual breathing difficult sometimes.), and now he had to go back to holding his breath, gasping for air, breathing through the tiniest straw imaginable.
He had nightmares about it.
About having to respond to his old name. About being forced into petticoats and elaborate tutus. About looking down to see the swell in his chest.
Barty and Evan became concerned that the pressures of homework were getting to him.
But then, a miracle happened.
Dragon Pox.
The rumor went that a seventh year student in Gryffindor had interacted with a Peruvian Vipertooth while on holiday with his parents and had fallen ill. He was currently under quarantine in the Hospital Wing.
Where Regulus headed almost immediately.
He knew Dragon Pox could be lethal, but usually only to older people, so the gamble was worth it, in his mind.
Sneaking out was not his thing. Sirius was the rule breaker, the one who lost points and got detention. But he knew he had to do it.
So the night after he heard the rumor, he waited for Barty and Evan to fall asleep, then crept quietly from his bed out of the Common Room.
He made it about five minutes before bumping into someone.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. How had he not seen him? He was sure the corridor had been empty.
But there he was, suddenly and completely. James Potter.
“R-Regulus?” the taller boy asked incredulously.
Regulus sighed, knowing this would not end well. “Yes.”
“You know it’s one in the morning, right?” Potter asked, still looking shocked.
Regulus drew himself up to his full height (which was still much shorter than Potter) and retorted, “I could say the same to you!” He tried to ignore his sweaty palms and nervous heartbeat. Merlin, Potter was tall.
Potter hesitated for a minute. “I…fancied a stroll.”
Regulus smirked a bit. “Same.”
They looked at each other with raised eyebrows, clearly not believing each other for a moment.
Finally, Potter shrugged and offered, “Filch is down that hall. There’s a secret passage here,” he gestured to the portrait in front of them. “Brings you to the fifth floor. But, erm….stay away from the girls bathroom near there, yeah? There might be…a surprise. You don’t want to get seen nearby.”
Regulus snorted. Potter had no idea how right he was.
But he had other concerns. “Are you going to tell Sirius you saw me?”
Potter thought for a moment before asking, “Are you going to tell any Professors you saw me?”
He had no reason to. “No.”
Potter grinned. “Then no.”
Within 8 hours, Regulus had Dragon Pox and the fifth floor girls' room was covered in mirrors that screamed insults when you looked in them.
Dragon Pox was awful. It was terrible and miserable and uncomfortable and the worst sickness Regulus had ever had.
It was also ten times better than going home for Christmas.
He spent the first three days half-delirious with a fever, resisting the urge to itch at the pustules on his body, avoiding looking at the way his skin had turned green. Admittedly, he was already avoiding looking down, as he had to remove the bandage to allow his skin, and himself, to breathe properly.
Madame Pomfrey visited him three times a day, bubble-head charm around her mouth and nose, to give him potions and food.
By the fourth day, he finally could keep the food she gave him down and sleep without dreaming of Puffskeins sitting on him or Sirius growing wings and a beak. Pomfrey informed him with the air of telling him that someone had died, that he would, unfortunately, not be able to go home for Christmas. He couldn’t fight back a smile. She also told him, a bit more angrily, that his parents had chosen not to visit. He grinned at that.
She left his bedside muttering about Regulus and Sirius being ridiculously similar.
He was finally allowed out of quarantine on the 27th of December. He awoke to a tired-looking Remus Lupin in the bed next to him, and a very excited-looking Sirius bouncing in his seat energetically, literally sitting on his hands to keep himself from moving, it seemed.
“The fuck…” he mumbled, quickly pulling the covers up to cover his clothed but unbandaged chest.
“Merry Christmas, Reggie!” Sirius all-but screamed, waking Lupin in the bed next to him.
Regulus felt that his annoyance was mirrored in Lupin’s disgruntled expression.
“Sirius, it’s early,” Lupin complained. Regulus nodded his head emphatically.
“But Regulus is out of Dragon Jail and you’re okay and we can celebrate!” Sirius screeched, grinning from ear to ear.
Lupin groaned and pulled the sheet of his bed over his head.
“Why are you here?” Regulus asked, trying to keep the annoyance from his voice. It was nice of Sirius to visit as soon as he was able, but he could have waited a few more hours.
“Because Remus was here too– he had a migraine last night– and we’ve been waiting for you to get better to open presents, and now you’re better so now we can!” Sirius blabbered, bouncing in his seat again.
‘Better’ was a strong word. His skin was still a bit green and he felt weak. But Sirius’s enthusiasm was also contagious. “Alright. If Lupin is up for it, I’ll go,” Regulus muttered.
Lupin threw him a scathing look behind Sirius’s back that Regulus returned with a grin.
Christmas had never been so different.
Sure, they were celebrating two days late. But they were also celebrating. Sirius snuck Regulus into Gryffindor Tower, which was warm and bright and gave a distinctly Christmassy feel, and the three boys opened their presents while Sirius sang carols loudly and off-key, replacing the traditional lyrics with inappropriate verses.
Regulus was overwhelmed by the presents he received- books from Barty and Evan, new flying gloves from Dorcas and Pandora. An engraved knife from Sirius. Even Potter, Lupin, and Pettigrew had chipped in to get him some sweets. He tried not to think too hard about James Potter buying him Chocolate Frogs. Had he ordered out for them? Gone to Diagon? How–?
He received no gifts from his family, though he got cards from both Andromeda and Alphard, addressed to R. Black and wishing him a Happy Christmas. He stared at them for some time, wondering what they meant- did some of his family still support him?
Missing were the presents from his parents. When Lupin left to use the bathroom, Sirius explained with a shrug that he couldn’t resist, and he’d opened the gifts, only to find ‘nothing of value.’
“I burned it all,” Sirius shrugged with a small smile.
Regulus knew that meant the presents were probably either ridiculously feminine items or letters telling him to ‘see sense.’ Either way, he was thankful.
Regulus found over the next week that he genuinely liked Lupin. He was unassuming and didn’t push, and possessed the same sarcasm that Regulus prided in himself. He seemed to calm Sirius a bit, but was still good-natured enough to put up with many more of Sirius’s antics than Regulus ever would have. He understood why the two were close.
He also gave off an energy of safety that few other people did. It reminded him of Pandora- between his overly large sweaters and stacks of books, Remus seemed inherently non-judgmental, as if Regulus could spill his soul to him and Remus would just nod and turn back to whatever tome he was immersed in.
He was also delighted to find that Lupin also shared his joy of teasing Sirius. It took about a day for Regulus and Lupin to warm up to each other, but soon Sirius was whining about them ganging up on him.
“You have far too big a head as it is,” Regulus remarked with a smirk, earning a snort from Lupin.
Friendship was something that Regulus contemplated deeply over the next few months. Perhaps it was because he was so isolated as a child- his parents had never allowed him to play with the neighborhood children and no Wizarding children had ever been deemed worthy. Only interacting with his family had given him a skewed version of reality- of what it meant to be a friend.
He was very selective about those he allowed near him. He knew that he was risking more than the average person by spending time with people, by letting them in. And he’d learned from the best to keep people at an arm’s length.
For some reason, though, Barty, Evan, Pandora, and Dorcas were the exceptions.
It took him a while to realize that true friends could, perhaps, be trustworthy. That it was possible for friends to enjoy spending time with him with no ulterior motives.
He learned this through learning about his friends. Through them being vulnerable with him.
He learned that Dorcas lived with her grandparents. That her mother and father had been killed in a Potion-making accident, and she was the oldest, with four younger brothers. He learned that she had to take care of her siblings sometimes and absolutely hated being told she wasn’t capable of something. He learned that she’d pierced her own ears last year as soon as she’d gotten to Hogwarts and wasn’t friends with her roommates because they were bigoted; because her parents had raised her to stand up to shite like that. He learned she was protective and unapologetically fierce and terrified of something happening to the people she loved. He wondered for a while why she wasn’t in Gryffindor, until he saw her curse an older Ravenclaw for making fun of Pandora. The Ravenclaw was in the hospital wing for a week.
He learned that Evan and Pandora had been ‘unplanned,’ that their parents had never really wanted kids and had ignored them for most of their childhood. Like Regulus, they had been raised in wealth and with a Pureblood ideology, but they’d been so ignored that their parents hadn’t even realized that they’d made friends with the Muggles of their neighborhood. He learned that Pandora was desperately kind and cried when inanimate objects broke because she felt bad for them, but also could throw a mean right hook. He learned that Evan had once snuck a pet snake home and it had taken an entire week before his parents noticed. He still talked about it sometimes.
And he learned that Barty had a father in the Ministry who had such high expectations of him that he sometimes felt he would break under the pressure. That his father was horribly disappointed in him for being sorted into Slytherin, and he requested weekly grade reports from all of the Professors to make sure Barty stayed in line. “He only loves me when I get good marks,” Barty murmured one night, shrugging like it wasn’t a big deal. It was.
And in turn, Regulus allowed his friends to learn that his parents were Purebloods who expected him to act a certain way. Who were bigoted and conservative and were disappointed in him for not being the same. He allowed them to learn that his parents and family disliked him, that there was a barrier there. That he was somewhat in pain because of it.
But he didn’t tell them why. Only Pandora knew that.
In the Spring, James Potter made the Gryffindor Quidditch Team as a reserve Chaser. Regulus had taken to flying in the early evenings, practicing hairpin turns and quick dodges for tryouts in the Fall.
It just so happened that Gryffindor practiced in the evenings.
And James Potter on a broom was a sight. He was a natural- his movements were quick and fluid and effortless. But most of all, he looked joyful.
Regulus felt envious.
Lupin caught him watching one evening.
He looked dead on his feet and Regulus briefly wondered if he was having another migraine, but he seemed cheerful enough.
“D’you like Quidditch?” the older boy asked conversationally, sitting near Regulus, but not close enough to make him feel that they had to continue talking if he didn’t want to. Merlin, he wished everyone was like that.
“I want to be on the Slytherin team,” Regulus was surprised by his own confession. Only his closest friends knew that.
“Too violent for me,” Lupin said with a laugh. “I’m prone to too many injuries already.”
It was true. For a boy who seemed to enjoy a night in the library more than on the Pitch, he was covered in scars. Regulus gave a snort in acknowledgement.
“Does Sirius know? That you want to play?” Lupin continued, watching Potter fly loop-the-loops lazily.
“He knows everything about me,” Regulus murmured vaguely, entranced by the way Potter flew. He wanted to be that good.
Lupin looked at him a bit strangely, but said, “He’s good at that. Keeping secrets.”
And Regulus finally looked towards him, a bit startled. “Who said I had a secret?”
Lupin smiled gently. “Nobody. But if you did, I think Sirius would be good at keeping it.”
Regulus nodded his head slowly, relaxing again, refocusing on the streaks of red in the sky.
The Spring also brought back old anxieties. Old nightmares. Old nausea.
Because Dragon Pox could only be caught once. He would have to go home now.
As the professors started warning of end-of-the-year exams, Regulus started panicking. He tried to distract himself, to zone in on conversations with friends and Quidditch games and studying. But he couldn’t.
His friends were worried again.
He knew it, because he saw the way they exchanged glances when they thought he wasn’t looking. He became even snappier and meaner than usual.
Sirius told him that it would be okay, that they would get through the summer together.
He cried.
He didn’t cry often, but he cried on Sirius’s shoulder and worried for what the summer would bring. He truly questioned if he could make it through. What would his parents do when they found out how he’d spent his year?
It was only a matter of time before someone else found out. He’d just thought- feared, really- that it would have been Evan or Barty.
But Dorcas was the one who found him one evening, circling the Pitch long after dark, sniffling and wiping tears and snot from his face with his sleeve like a child.
“Oi!” she yelled, waving him down.
If it had been Barty or Evan he might have stayed in the air. But he never said no to Dorcas or Pandora- he hated making Pandora sad and he was terrified of Dorcas, though he would never admit either fact.
He touched down to the ground a bit sheepishly, avoiding the older girl’s eyes.
“Something is wrong,” she stated firmly, not for the first time.
“No,” he muttered, sounding like a petulant toddler.
“Regulus Black, I swear to Merlin if you don’t tell me right now I will-” Dorcas started in, eyes flashing.
“It’s May, Cas! I have to go home, soon!” he erupted, feeling the weight in his chest ease slightly. “I– you have no idea– I just–”
Dorcas’s brown eyes looked like they were aflame as she asked hesitantly, “How bad is it, Reg? You don’t really talk about it…”
He was on a roll, now, “Bad enough that I purposely got Dragon Pox to avoid the holidays, I–”
“The fuck, Reg?” she cut him off, looking both distraught and incredulous. “You can die from that!”
He took a breath and shrugged. “I mean– we’re young. It only kills adults, usually.” He already regretted admitting to what he’d done.
She looked like she wanted to slam her head against the stands. “Reg, you can’t–”
“Don’t tell me what I can’t do, Cas,” He cut her off. “You have no idea…” He was choking up again now, thinking about that house, those voices, the spells, the hunger, the outfits, his name. The feeling that his body didn’t belong to him.
But Dorcas saw him about to crumble and pulled him into an embrace, even as he squirmed a bit- he usually avoided touch from anyone other than Sirius, for fear someone would somehow feel something suspicious.
But he only fought for a moment before breaking completely. “I don’t want to go back,” he whispered desperately between tears.
“Why, Reg?”
She sounded anguished, and he felt his heart in his throat. He needed to talk more about it, needed more people who knew, who understood, who loved him for him.
So he opened his mouth and the truth spilled out.
Dorcas was the first person that he told by choice. That he told, understanding (as best he could at his age) all the consequences, knowing more about how to word his feelings. Sirius had been through desperation, his parents and family had been accidental, his teachers had known already, and Pandora had figured it out.
Dorcas was an informed choice.
And when Dorcas tilted her head to the side and was silent, he took it as a rejection.
“I…I should go…” he murmured, heart pounding, wanting to melt into the ground.
She then snapped out of it and grabbed his hand. “No! No, Reg, I just….can I ask questions?” she asked in a panicked voice.
He thought about it for a moment. Of all the responses, that was not the one he’d anticipated. “Erm…sure.”
She exhaled, still looking nervous. “So…you’re…a girl?”
He shook his head vehemently, feeling his stomach lurch. Why had he done this? Why had he told? “No. No, I’m a boy.”
She scrunched her eyebrows, trying to comprehend. “But you…used to be a girl?”
He had to consider that one for a moment. Had he? He used to wear girly clothes, but he’d never liked it. Never wanted to. “No, I’ve always been a boy, I think.”
“You think?”
He shrugged. “Yeah.”
“But you…?” She gestured to him.
“I…my body is like a girl’s,” he confirmed, feeling the goosebumps start to form as Dorcas’s eyes raked curiously over him.
They were silent for a minute. Then two. Their eyes met.
Then Dorcas nodded. “Alright. If you say so.”
Regulus wasn’t sure how to react to this. “If I say so?”
She shrugged. “Who am I to tell you if you’re a boy or girl? If you say you’re a boy, you’re a boy, right?”
Relief washed over him. She made it seem so simple. “Right,” he whispered.
“But your parents don’t agree?” she asked, looking angry, now.
“No…they…they force me to…to be a girl. They talk to me like I’m a girl. They….punish me if I…if I say anything,” Regulus murmured.
“Fuck that,” Dorcas swore vehemently. “Come home with me.”
Was it Christmas again?
“I…you have so many sibling, and your grandparents…” Regulus protested halfheartedly.
“Yeah, they won’t even notice an extra kid around!” Dorcas grinned. “Plus you can help me babysit. It’ll be fun!"
“I…I’ll ask,” Regulus relented with a small grin.
Click here to read the WIP and leave comments and kudos!
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leiawritesstories · 10 months
i need more aelin and rowan in the ballet pleasee 😭💖
always happy to write more of my ballet babies 💕🥰
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: ballet talk, swearing, NSFW, oops it turned into smut
performance reference (Fumi Kaneko, The Royal Ballet)
I'll never get this stupid variation down, Aelin groaned to herself as she dropped out of a triple pirouette for the third time in a row. Muttering a curse under her breath, she bent into plié in fourth position and attempted the pirouette again. And again.
And again.
She was debuting as Aurora in The Sleeping Beauty in less than a month. Which meant she had only a few weeks to get this bloody variation down. Aurora Act I is a difficult variation, as her coach was always reminding her. You shouldn't be expecting yourself to get it down overnight.
Forcing herself to breathe, Aelin shook out her legs and walked in a tight circle. Maybe giving herself a quick break would help. She'd never been a natural turner, but she could execute triple pirouettes--and the occasional quadruple pirouette--cleanly, hence her frustration with these ones not working. She took a short sip of water, rewound the music, and restarted the section of the variation she'd been working on.
This time, when the pirouette came up, she rose into passé rélevé on her right leg, set down into plié, and turned on her left leg instead of her right. And she floated cleanly through three pirouettes, landed, and pumped her fist in the air, grinning.
Huh. Apparently she was a left turner.
Note to self: discuss turning to the left with coach. Aelin filed away the thought for after her rehearsal. Newly energized by her pirouette success, she ran through that middle section of the variation a few more times, turning to the left, then took a few minutes, rewound the music all the way to the beginning, and started the variation from the top, ending with a sequence of châiné turns into B-plus position, arms in an effortless, open fifth position above her head.
Applause rippled from behind her as she practiced her bow. Surprised, she hastily rose from her curtsy and turned towards the studio door, mentally praying it wasn't her coach standing there.
It wasn't.
It was Rowan Whitethorn, her Prince in this casting.
Aelin dropped into a more sardonic curtsy, dipping her head at Rowan. "Come to laugh at my failure to turn?" She rolled her eyes. "It's fine, I'd laugh at myself too if it wasn't so damn frustrating."
"Hey." Rowan walked into the studio, closed the door behind himself, and caught her hand. "All I saw was you absolutely killing that variation, Ace. I swear." He crooked his little finger. "Pinky swear."
"You better," she grumbled. "My pirouettes were absolute shit until I switched legs." She sighed heavily and glanced at the clock. "Oh, hell. Half an hour until Coach blows my legs out."
Rowan rested his hands casually against her waist, sending an electric thrum up her spine. "Sounds like you need a little bit of relaxation, hmm?" His rasping whisper brushed against her ear.
Aelin shivered in anticipation, in delight. "We're in a studio," she retorted. "And the door isn't locked."
"We can fix that." He pressed a featherlight kiss to the side of her throat. "And before you pretend to protest, there aren't any windows in this studio." Another teasingly light kiss. "I almost wonder if you picked this space on purpose."
"Hardly," she snarked. "I'm never planning for my boyfriend to interrupt my--ohhh!" Her sass broke off into a gasp when that boyfriend of hers dipped his head down to nip at her pulse point and dipped his hand down under her rehearsal tutu. "Rowan."
"Aelin," he groaned, body jerking as she reached back and palmed his cock through his tights, the thin athletic shorts he wore over the tights doing absolutely nothing to control his rapidly hardening erection.
Before she could lose herself in the sensation of his lips on her skin and his hand between her thighs, Aelin slipped out of Rowan's arms, hurried over to lock the door, and waltzed back across the floor. His dark green gaze tracked each of her deliberate steps. Deciding to tease him just a little more, she rose onto pointe and moved in a series of bourrée across the floor, stopping two paces away from Rowan and launching into a turn à la seconde, one leg extended out to the side.
Flawlessly, he lunged forward and caught her, wrapping one arm around her waist and looping the other around her extended leg, and pulled her flush against him with his leg slotted between hers. She let out a quiet moan and arched into him, craving the friction his muscled thigh created against her throbbing core.
"Please," she gasped, sliding one arm up and back to tangle in his bleached hair. One quick tug had his bandanna on the floor and her fingers woven into his floppy hair, the strands soft between her fingers. "Unless you can't live up to your big talk about relaxing me."
"I'll show you big talk," he rumbled, working her tights partway down her legs, tucking the bottom of her leotard off to the side, and pressing the pad of his thumb directly against her needy clit. She moaned a string of garbled curses and dropped her head backwards onto his shoulder, exposing the elegant column of her neck.
"Fuck, Ro!"
"That's right, princess, tell the world who makes you feel so good," he purred, plunging two fingers into her cunt. She moaned his name, her eyes fluttering closed. "Good girl." He pumped his fingers faster, drawing those breathy, needy sounds he loved so much out of her throat.
"Rowan." Her hand wrapped around his wrist. "I need you. Now." Her hips bucked backwards, rocking against his hard cock through the thin layers separating them. "Please."
"Since you asked so nicely," he murmured. He withdrew his fingers, spun her around so she was facing him, and raised his fingers to her lips. "How do you taste, princess?"
"So good," she groaned around his fingers, her words muffled. She danced her fingertips down his chest, down to his shorts, and pushed the garments down far enough to let his erection spring free, pressing it to her dripping core. "So good."
"Good girl," he groaned. He lifted one of her legs, hooked it around his waist, lined his cock up with her entrance, and slammed home in one fluid thrust. "Fuuuuuuuuckkkk, Ae," he groaned, dropping his forehead to press against hers. "You feel incredible." She moaned in agreement, rocking her hips against his. He smirked. "Needy, aren't you, princess?"
"Only for you," she panted.
He kissed her fiercely, swallowing her moan as he thrust harder, faster. "That's my good girl." She groaned deeply, her fingers scraping lightly down the skin of his back. The edge of pain spurred him faster, his thrusts almost wild. He flicked a glance at the mirror, captivated by the carnal sight of them in the middle of the studio. "Open your eyes, princess. Look how beautiful you are all wrapped around my cock."
She looked into the mirror, her gaze heavy with desire as her brilliant eyes fixed on the almost lewd display. "Harder, Ro."
He obliged, hips pounding into hers so hard her legs buckled. Easily, he swept her up into his ridiculously huge arms, letting her lock her legs around his waist as his thrusts stuttered, a clear sign of how close he was. "Aelin," he moaned, "I'm gonna--"
"Come for me," she whispered, barely able to form the words through the tremors shaking her body as her own orgasm crested and exploded. He groaned her name as he came with her, staying buried inside of her as their bodies stilled.
"Love you," she mumbled into his neck as he pulled out and cleaned her up with a couple of tissues, carefully fixing her clothes and her tutu.
"Love you more," he murmured, kissing the top of her head. "Feel relaxed, princess?"
She took a step back from him and stretched herself out, arching her back and raising her arms over her head. "Mmmm, yes I do." She rose onto pointe and kissed him softly. He settled one hand on the back of her head and deepened the kiss, dragging out the sweet moment until she had to pull away. "Rehearsal, Ro, I have rehearsal."
"I do too," he sighed. "Ugh. Merde, love."
"See you tonight!" she chirped, slinging her dance bag over her shoulder as she hurried out of the studio.
He damn well would.
~~~ TAGS:
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
Autistic Anime Girls Group 2 Match 20
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Ahiru -
"She's just like me for real! A lot of Duck's story is about accepting herself for who she really is instead of pretending to be a normal human girl like everyone else, which makes me feel so comfy inside. Also that one person in the notes who said that the magical girl genre has a lot of autistic girlies? So true. She's one of them! I love her so much, she's awkward and genuine and so very lovely and I've been looking up to her since I was a little baby because again… She's just like me for real.
Also I feel like this gif makes good propaganda because mood."
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Kanao -
"uhhh she is pretty nonverbal at the start of the series and she has a very difficult time making her own decisions (trauma). she is really strong and skilled. and she likes blowing bubbles . she has like. stronk eyes/eyesight and so i think visual stimming is so <3 for her. also butterflies. ye. she should be taller than 5'1" though. let her be tall."
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maitanii · 1 year
inui seishu and his daughter!
He had raised her well.
Between motorcycles and tiaras. Always placing a piece of broccoli on her plate even though he gagged when he saw that vegetable. Buying the same heels that he owned but in miniature and with glitter. He had raised her well, but it hadn't been easy.
Akane did ballet when she was little. Inui remembered when his uncles gave her the first dancing shoes. The passion for dance lasted for a year before moving on to other hobbies. But Seishu remembered those afternoons where his mother tied her hair into a bow and made sure that no hair was left out of the hairstyle. It seemed easy back then. Now, with the small body nestled between his legs, he realized how difficult it was for a little girl to maintain a proper hairstyle.
Her daughter's mother had asked her to be ready when she came to pick her up. But it was not easy. It wasn't easy because Akari insisted on having a crown in her hair until she got to the auditorium. It's not like it was his fault either. Draken bought her a different crown from the shop across the street every time the girl came to hang out at the shop. At just 5 years old, she had a collection she could wear until he was 30 (although Seishu would have to get over the fact that her little head wouldn't stay the size of a football forever).
"That's it." Turning her head, she came face to face with her father. Seishu smiled before brushing away the cupcake crumbs that decorated the corners of her lips.
"Am I pretty?" she asked smiling.
"Precious," he replied, returning the smile.
The girl jumped from his legs and ran to the other end of the workshop.
“Uncle Ken, Uncle Ken, look!" Draken set the wrench aside and turned. "I look like a princess!"
Ken Ryuuji was once one of the most feared men in Tokyo, but to Akari, he was nothing more than the coolest guy in the world.
"Oh!" Nailing his knees to the ground and putting a hand to his chest, Draken closed his eyes "My eyes… my eyes cannot see with such beauty". Akari's laughter echoed off the dirty walls of the workshop.
Her mother had always hated that place, despite it being there where she met Seishu. She just wanted to exchange a bill for coins to buy tobacco and she ended up meeting the father of her daughter. They didn't have a bad relationship. They just didn't get along. His only relationship was Akari. And their only conversations were about what Akari had in her backpack. It was enough. And Seishu was happy about it. They had both had had a few partners after Akari was born, but never anything serious.
His dream was not to be a single father. The thought of being a father hadn't even crossed his mind. But being 24 and taking some foolish decisions made a permanent responsibility appear in his life and that woman's. He did not hesitate for a second to accept his role as a father and sign joint custody. When he first held Akari, he didn't even want to touch her face. Perhaps his calloused fingers would scare her. Now he let her get on his motorcycle from time to time (always while still being supported by his arms).
The sound of the entrance bell brought him out of his thoughts. She watched her daughter's eyes light up before rushing to grab her backpack. She ran into her mother's arms and hugged her tight. Draken smiled at the scene before greeting the newcomer and getting back to work.
Seishu slowly approached the entrance watching how the two interacted.
"Did you get the tutu?" he crouched down so that he was level with Akari. The girl turned to leave her backpack ajar so that her father could see inside it. Among the thousands of stuffed animals she was carrying, a small piece of pink cloth was peeking out. Seishu made a satisfied noise before giving the girl's small shoulder a squeeze.
"Sei, you'd better put yourself in a conspicuous place next time." Slinging her backpack over her shoulder, the woman took her daughter by the hand. "Last time she didn't stop crying until she saw you at the end of the room" Giving her a thumbs up, he left the door open so the two of them could get out. As they said their goodbyes, Seishu watched as the two figures walked away when the shorter one turned and ran towards him again.
"I love you so much dad"
He had raised her well.
And he was late. He was very late.
The shirt he thought he had ironed had grease stains on the sleeves, so he had to borrow one from Draken that was too big on his shoulders. He thought he had enough gas in the car but it didn't make it to the auditorium on the other side of town. Parking the bike in an off-limits parking lot, he removed his helmet and combed his hair as best he could in the rearview mirror.
The clock said 4pm, and it would take two minutes to get to the place.
Running as far as her legs would carry him, he pushed open the glass door to the auditorium and rushed inside. The parents were still looking for a seat. He saw his daughter's mother accompanied by a friend in the first row. He decided to sit in the corner of the third row, having to fight a bit with some grandparents to let him pass.
When he finally sat down, he noticed a huge figure next to him. Looking up, he saw his coworker and friend looking at him with a lopsided smile. Holding a cell phone in his hands, Seishu felt like he had a guardian angel. Moving a seat to the side, Draken sat down.
"The last time I missed a recital she kept reminding me of it for a month," Ken commented. "Besides, I don't like to see her angry".
Seishu nodded, watching as tiny people began to fill the stage as the lights went out.
Between those white leotards and pieces of pink fabric, he saw the blonde bow with some strands of hair sticking out. The pout on her lips was visible as her little neck stretched and moved from side to side. Seishu thought about raising his hand, but the last time he did it almost caused a fight with other parents (and would have punched them if they weren't with little kids). Draken saw how Akari was on the verge of tears and decided to act.
Was there a sound more audible than a father sneeze? Yes, a cough from Ken Ryuuji.
Seishu noticed how all the bodies on the chairs turned their heads and tried to hide the smile that appeared on his face. Akari went from surprise to happiness in a matter of seconds, her small green eyes disappearing behind cheeks that rose as she smiled.
He took out his phone and looked at his wallpaper for a few seconds. Akari dressed in his work overalls was an image that would always be his weak point. The photo was blurry because the camera on his mobile was not of much quality back then. But his memories were sharp, so he didn't care too much about the graphic picture. Unlocking the phone, he hit the camera app, rested his elbow on the armrest, and started recording.
From time to time he would meet his daughter's eyes and nod to tell her to pay attention to the dance. And Akari always smiled.
One day she would get tired of tutus. And pizza Fridays. And Barbie movies. And the eternal afternoons in the workshop. And who was he going to lie to, one day she would get tired of him.
But she still enjoyed motorcycles. And to dance. And listening stories about aunt Akane. And school. And the color pink. And of him.
He had raised her well. And he would continue to do so forever.
tag: my dear @6-022-10-23 🤍
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what are your thoughts about rue/mytho from princess tutu?
The beautiful thing about Princess Tutu is that every single ship is in some way viable.
Duck/Mytho? First half of the show and she cares for him deeply even by the end (and vice versa, well, as much as Mytho can anyway).
Duck/Fakir? Endgame, obviously, and it was great.
Rue/Duck? They have some great episodes and again, both care deeply for each other, and Rue comes to view her as her only true friend. I can see the ship.
Rue/Fakir? They had their weird toxic codependence on Mytho at the same time that could make something horrible but compelling.
Fakir/Mytho? Again, a toxic codependence and uh... Mytho's complete absence of pants at all times in Fakir's bedroom.
But you asked about Rue/Mytho.
It works in that it's compelling. Mytho himself is a foil for the other characters (and he is an excellent one), so there's not much use focusing on him (especially as his ultimate reason for picking Rue was that she needed him and him alone, where Duck... didn't...) but god is Rue's story compelling.
She places her every hope, not in Mytho himself, but in the idea of the prince who loves everyone so must love her as well. This is why she's terrified when he begins to become a real person because she has a certainty that he will leave her. And in doing so, of course, she guarantees that he'll leave her (during the arc where she has poisoned his heart and thus destroyed him).
As for if it will work in the long term... The thing is that Mytho is a story, the others are not. We don't know what 'going into the story' means for Rue. I think by the nature of how the Princess Tutu universe, it will work out, in that to be in the story is to be in a kind of fantasy world that is resistant to change or complexity but it will be... difficult.
Especially since Rue is not the archetype of the fair princess that it seems Mytho's story would expect.
Basically, I'm dubious, but I want to believe she's at last found happiness and that it truly will work out for her. Her riding off into the sun in a swan boat was nice.
It's just, you know, realities like Duck being a duck again, Rue going into a book, are a bit...
Just as stories beginnings are a happy accident, let us say that a story's end is a scenic horizon at the edge of the cliff. If you keep walking, you'll fall off and be impaled on the rocks below. We could look at the bottom, but let's not.
(I like the ship because I like Rue. We should always like Rue.)
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ultramarine-spirit · 1 year
Spoon's Q&A, fun facts and more! (NHK Culture Center Class)
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As promised, I have translated the contents of Spoon's NHK class. This post includes answers to the Q&A, fun facts and interesting info I noticed from the session.
Disclaimer: Unless stated otherwise, these aren't direct quotes, nor a literal or complete translation of the whole class (it was over an hour long, it would have taken me much longer...), it's a summary. Also, Spoon talked very fast, so while I fact-checked my notes with native speakers and translators, I could have made mistakes.
Many thanks to my friends @carlachen and @ mananokobako on Twitter for sharing their notes with me!
Q: The outfits featured on “Who Made Me A Princess” are very beautiful, what’s the process behind their designs? [Note: This was my question!]
A: When designing the outfits, Spoon researches the appropriate aristocratic costumes and dress codes, mainly from the 1870’s and 1880’s. She also uses material collections, books about clothing and web seaches, and used them as reference for details and hairstyles. In fact, this process could get very research-intensive and take many hours, something Spoon hadn’t anticipated, so she thanks the readers for liking them and taking notice of the clothes’ details.
Q: How did you come up with the name "Spoon"?
A: A friend recommended it to me, saying that the pronunciation of the word "spoon" was cute and that it suited my illustrations.
Q: While there are happy times when you draw manga, you must have also experienced many difficult and sad times. Is there anything that gave you the strength to overcome those difficult times?
A: The words of support and feedback from the readers gave Spoon strenght. When she heard that one of them was able to overcome depression after reading "Who Made Me A Princess", she was really moved to tears. Another happy event she remembers was when a foreign reader sent her a letter and a gift through the publisher company. She was so grateful that they would come all the way here [Korea], and also thanks the publisher company.
Q:  What’s the most important thing to focus on while doing art, and is it needed to receive formal education or one could be self-taught? This may be a contradictory question, but what do you do when you lose interesting in drawing or you don't want to draw? Also, what’s your favorite type of ramen? [Yes this is the correct translation lol]
A: Spoon believes that the most important thing while doing art is to complete your work. If you don't complete it first, you can’t find flaws or bad points in your art to improve. Whether you learn by self-study or by attending art school, if you can become a professional or not depends on your effort. Try to be as specific as possible in your goals, and think about what you need to do to become better at painting than you are now. When Spoon is feeling unmotivated, she thinks to myself, "If I take a break now, I will regret it later, won't I?".
Among Korean ramen, a type called of sesame ramen called "Chamke ramen" is Spoon's favorite.
Q: I was always impressed by the beauty of Spoon-sensei's paintings. I wanted to know if there is an artist that influenced your art.
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A: Spoon’s style has been influenced by the art of Naoko Takeuchi [Called it] author of Sailor Moon, Ikuko Ito, creator of Princess Tutu and animation director of the original Sailor Moon anime, and Katekyo Hitman Reborn’s author, Akira Amano [In fact, Spoon is a big fan of the series. You can check some of her old fanart here]. Spoon says that she respects them very much.
Q: Do you have any stories, manga, TV dramas or anime that have been greatly influential for you?
A: Studio Ghibli’s Nausicaä and Laputa: Castle in the Sky, and Disney’s Moana, stories where the female protagonist has adventures and overcomes adversity. Spoon thinks those stories of growth are really wonderful.
Q: What’s your favorite anime?
A: Spoon likes all the films directed by Hayao Miyazaki.
Q: The person asking this questions comments that, after reading "Who Made Me A Princess" they gradually became interested in family stories in which two characters who were indifferent before become close and come to cherish each other very much. Their question is, since there are many combinations and genre settings, if there's a particular pattern or setting that Spoon personally likes.
A: Spoon likes to see a character change depending on emotions such as love and friendship. Emotions are intangible, but they have the power to change a person's personality and behavior. She thinks that's what is so wonderful about it.
Q: At what stage do you draw the shadows? Do you add them in from the beginning or in the middle [of the process of painting]? Also, when do you start thinking about putting shadows in there? I would like to know if there are any points you are conscious of when drawing.
A: Spoon adds shadows when she is considering the surrounding lighting of the drawing. Even if the object in particular is a flat surface, it's important to paint it as if it were three-dimensional. In order to get better at this, it's absolutely necessary to carefully observe photographs to see the way in which shadows are cast when an object is exposed to light.
Q: When you are drawing, which part do you like the most?
A: Spoon enjoys when she is putting the finishing touches the most. She is filled with a sense of accomplishment after completing it.
Q: In some scenes, Athy does a swirly gesture with her arms when she is embarrassed. The person who asked this question doesn’t quite understand it, as it’s not something you see in Japanese manga, and would like Spoon to explain it a little.
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A: [Spoon shows gifs of Korean TV shows where the participants make a sort of “grabby hands” motion] Spoon laughs and explains that this is a common physical way to convey embarrassment, surprise or cringe in Korean culture [If you search “오글거리다” you can find some examples]. The word used literally means that your limbs "shrink", so that's where the gesture comes from, but it can also be used in other situations, such as being horrified, in pain or cold. In Japan, this is usually represented with goosebumps.
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Spoon elaborates about how certain cultural differences are fascinating. For example, when someone is talking about a character behind their back or in another place, in Japanese media the character will usually sneeze. On the other hand, in Korea that kind of situation has the character’s ears suddenly itching.
Q: The person asking the question says that the way in which Spoon draws jeweled eyes is very beautiful. They want to know how did Spoon think of that idea, or if she developed a process of creating them.
A: How she would draw the jeweled eyes was one of the things that Spoon worried about the most. What she wanted to convey was the feeling of a “cut gemstone”, and how precious, shining and beautiful the eyes look [Here she explains it while doing “cutting” motions with her hands. Think something similar to a karate chop]. She did her very best and is glad that she got a good response from readers.
Q: Athy and her friends looks so beautiful and cute in the dresses they wear. I would like to know what was the most difficult or honestly troublesome dress to draw in your work.
A: The coronation dress was very difficult and time-consuming to draw. At that time, Spoon had to do a lot of things at the same time, such as revising the physical version of the webtoon, so there wasn't enough time to do everything at the same time, but Spoon was happy that the effort she put into it made it look gorgeous.
Q: Who is your favorite character to draw, or the easiest to draw? And who is the most difficult to draw?
A: It’s Athy, because she’s gorgeous and cute. But Spoon also greatly enjoys drawing Lucas. Drawing him is fun because he is handsome and has many expressions. On the other hand, it's difficult to draw cautious characters because their facial expressions don't change much. However, she says that all of the characters are beautiful and elegant, so there’s no character that Spoon dislikes drawing.
Q: What is the most important thing for Spoon to draw in “Who Made Me A Princess”?
A: Spoon expands on the themes of “Who Made Me A Princess”, about the various relationships within the family that wasn't connected to one another. She thought that even if the characters shared blood, they hadn't been able to communicate, so they could only become a family if they thought about each other. And even if they are not connected by blood, if they care about each other they still can become a family.
Q: The person asking the question goes over how the color of both Jennette and Anastasius’ eyes changed once Lucas removed their mana. Jennette’s eyes became green like Penelope’s, while Anastasius’ turned black. It seems like the jeweled eyes are related to the characters' mana. So, if they didn’t have any magic, would Athy's eyes become a beautiful and mysterious color like Diana's, and Claude's eyes would become almost brown like his mother's?
A: Spoon elaborates about how the way in which a person’s eye color is determined is very complex and tricky, as it has to do with genetics, but in this setting it indeed relates to the royal mana. If Athy didn’t have any magic, her eyes would look like Diana’s.
[Note: This is also shown with Aeternitas’ cloudy jeweled eyes, since his mana was very weak].
Q: The person asking this question asks Spoon why was Diana a dancer, and if she could get a little more into Diana’s character, her past and what type of person she was.
A: Spoon imagined Diana as a minstrel or a wandering artist. Like a ballerina in a famous theater troupe who tours, she travels with her dancing and singing, putting on shows in different countries to earn money for her travels, so Spoon characterized her as a free soul.
Q: Obelia is called “the land of eternal springs and summers” in the last chapter. Does that mean winter doesn’t exist there?
A: Spoon says that indeed, there’s no cold weather in Obelia. That's why the characters don't have winter clothes. However, as there are a lot of cute designs for winter clothes, she would like to draw an illustration of the characters in winter clothes in the future.
Q: What your schedule is like when you are working on the series?
A: Spoon exercises as soon as she wakes up, for about 2 hours, eats dinner when she gets home, and starts working right away all the way until she goes to bed.
Q: It’s very rare to see Claude in uniform or tight clothes. The person asking the question wonders why Claude's clothes are so bare and asks Spoon if she could elaborate a little on his fashion sense.
A: Claude used to be a prince who wore his uniform properly, but after meeting Diana, he came to like the more casual or loose style of clothing. So Claude's fashion sense comes from Diana’s influence on him. Even when he didn’t remember her, he kept wearing such clothes because of that influence, and also because he genuinely likes them.
Q: Who’s Spoon’s favorite guy?
A: [With no hesitation] Claude.
Q: How did you improve your drawing skills before becoming an illustrator?
A: Spoon used to emulate her favorite artists and draw fanart.
Q: Do you have a favorite japanese word?
A: When she was traveling in Japan, Spoon was impressed by the name “Nippori” [Referring to Nippori train station]. She looked up the meaning and thought “Oh, so that’s what it means!” [Note: Nippori means “place where the sun sets”]. In Nippori, she didn’t do anything in particular, Spoon just passed by it on the train.
Q: "Who Made Me A Princess" has great clothes, but I also like the flowers that appear in each scene. I know some of them problably don't exist, but is there a flower that you use as a model?
A: It was a long time ago, so Spoon doesn't remember much, but she tried to draw beautiful flowers with overlapping petals.
Q: Is there anything that Spoon-sensei takes special care of in terms of physical condition?
A: Her wrists. Spoon demonstrates how she does her stretching routine. She also takes supplements when needed.
Q: I love Athy's hair color, it's so soft. Did you have any difficulties or problems deciding on that color?
A: At first her hair was a little darker, but Claude's hair is a dark blond and Athy's is a light blonde. So, in order to make a difference between them, Spoon lightened Athy's hair. She had a hard time fixing it so it wouldn't be too bright.
Q: What do you keep in mind about color schemes when you paint? They are always beautiful and I'm always fascinated by them.
A: Spoon tries not to make the color scheme too dark or complex [This answer was hard to hear, it could mean too dark or complicated/oversaturated].
Q: A question asking for commentary on the characters' expression and they way in which Spoon draws them. The answer focuses on Claude’s expression when Athy collapses in Chapter 18. The comments mention how Claude’s perspective of it in Chapter 102 was very moving and made everyone cry. [Here Spoon showed the panel of Claude’s surprised face].
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A: That scene was especially difficult for Spoon. It's a precious scene that shows how Claude had allowed his heart to worry about Athy. It was quite difficult because she had to give the expression a “Claude-like” quality and be careful to not deviate from his personality, but she also had to express how shocked he was. But it was a lot of fun despite the difficulties.
After reading the comments saying that this scene made everyone cry, Spoon adds that this is her favorite scene in the webtoon.
Q: The last question of the class. What will Spoon do in the future?
A: Spoon was thinking of going back to being an illustrator after the serialization of “Who Made Me A Princess” was over, but after the encouragement and happiness she received from readers, she decided to continue as a cartoonist. Look forward to seeing her next work!
Spoon realized that it makes her very happy to see and meet readers who are happy to read the manga she drew. She will continue to create good works as much as she can. She ends the live part of the class thanking us readers.
Q: At what age did you start drawing? [Note: The following questions are direct quotes. Because they were provided in written form, I was able to faithfully translate them].
A: My parents told me that I was very young, ever since I was able to hold a pencil, I was already drawing.
Q: What made you decide to be a cartoonist?
A: I have always dreamed of becoming a cartoonist since I was a child, but I thought it might be difficult, so at first I aimed to become an illustrator. After a while of working as an illustrator, I was asked to make my favorite work into a webtoon and decided to become a cartoonist.
Q: What’s your favorite manga?
A: I really enjoy reading Dungeon Meshi [Delicious in Dungeon] these days.
Q: What’s your favorite Japanese food?
A: I like sushi and ramen / I like cheese and creamy foods. It’s not good for my health… But it’s delicious, isn’t it? ( ;ω;   )
Q: When did your current art style take form?
A: After I started working as an illustrator and studied styles suitable for the genre (mainly romance fantasy), I guess… It’s not completely set in stone, it’s still developing.
Q: I’d like to know what’s your average working time per day.
A: Basically 8 hours, sometimes more than 12 hours when the deadline approaches.
Q: What software do you use for illustration?
A: I use Clip Studio Paint by CELSYS.
Q: Please tell me how to draw jeweled eyes!
A: I posted a tutorial on YouTube. Please watch the SoSpoon channel! [Link to the tutorial]
Q: Please tell us about Athanasia’s daily life!
A: Athy enjoys having tea and cake while performing her duties as princess. She will also play with Lucas, who shows up from time to time.
Q: Did you expect “Who Made Me A Princess” to become so popular in Japan? Did you work with the intention of expanding to overseas from the beginning?
A: At first, I didn’t think about publishing overseas. At that time [when the serialization began, in 2017], it wasn’t a time when overseas expansion was very active [referring to how back then, it wasn’t common for manhwas to get translated into other languages]. I was very happy that Japanese readers enjoyed my work, and I’m looking around for feedback with a lot of gratitude. Thank you so much for all the love.
Q: What does “Who Made Me A Princess” mean for Spoon-sensei?
A: The webtoon “Who Made Me A Princess” is like a benefactor to me. Thanks to this work, I was able to receive a lot of love. Thank you so much.
Q: Have you been asked to make an anime adaptation of “Who Made Me A Princess”?
A: Yes. I heard that it was ranked the 2nd manga that people want to see animated in Japan. Thank you very much.
[This year, “Who Made Me A Princess” has also been nominated to receive an anime adaptation. Read more about it and vote here!]
Fun Facts and Other Info
I'll answer what everyone is probably wondering about first: No, there was no mention of the side stories. But also, no one really asked about it. It seems to be a sort of taboo topic among japanese readers, and since there is some kind of issue with their publication, nobody touched the subject to not ruin the happy mood.
Apparently, Spoon received over 1000 questions for the Q&A.
The NHK translator mentioned that there were students from many countries!
Spoon gave a quick overview of her working tools. They include: a Cintiq 27QHD (tablet), two Dell monitors, and a Streamdeck. She also mentions using a 24-inch pen now, because it's easier to use.
Spoon has volume 9's cover as her PC's wallpaper.
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Spoon's voice is very cute! But wow, she talks so fast. Taking notes was very challenging.
She seemed to be shy but was very happy and looked healthy! The first thing she did was thank the readers for all their support and for giving her strength.
There were many comments about how cute the gestures Spoon made were. I agree!
Spoon has a ton of WMMAP merch. A whole bookshelf filled with it, and I believe she had at least one item of... everything. Even the chinese exclusive merch.
She also had a bunch of WMMAP volumes, both normal and limited versions!
Spoon has a special brush for drawing blushed cheeks, and it's in fact not pink but orange and light red, with the contours being lighter.
She had a very cute crab pencil holder. She said it was a gift from her assistant. Spoon likes it because it has a cute shape and she loves cute things. Like this (green one):
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Most people already saw, but the results of the popularity poll for the character people wanted Spoon to draw were: Athy in 1st place, Lucas 2nd, Claude 3rd, Ijekiel 4th, and lastly Jennette 5th. The numbers of votes weren't revealed. Spoon drew the following illustration to celebrate:
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That's it for now! I've been told that the class will be re-streamed soon (though I don't know if it will be made public or just for those who paid), so I'll try to watch it again and chat with friends that attended the class to see if I can add more interesting information to this post.
(February 4th, 2023 Edit) With the invaluable help of my friend @ mananokobako on Twitter and listening to the class again, I was able to translate new questions and improve on the past translation. I hope everyone can give it another read!
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