#helping kids love wildlife
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Northern Cardinal Male feeding the misses!
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i watched My Neighbor Totoro for the first time, here's my chronological viewing experience:
woo-hoo! dusty old japanese house with japanese architectural details aplenty
these kids got some ENERGY my goodness
family dynamic's adorable. peak quality dad humor
kids: our house is haunted. parents: that's so cool!
hell yeah, wrinkled old lady rep. we need more friendly old women with potato faces and warts like storybook witches. the backbone of society, these ladies
Plot Summary: Small Child Bothers Local Wildlife
sacred tree sacred tree sacred tree
Introducing Totoro! nobody said this fucker's got TEETH???
Uh-Oh! Inadequate Parental Supervision Detected
(you misplaced your four year old! you're not supposed to do that)
4-year-old: i met a magic forest spirit. dad: oh shit fr?
4-year-old: *angrily hugs sister* missed u bitch
this small child has a smile like a toad. like a really really cute toad. like the cutest toad in all existence. i love her she's perfection please just let this child be happy
rice paddies are so pretty....so back breaking....rice is such a prissy crop
*my crush is stranded in a rainstorm* takethisumbrellait'syoursnowBYE *runs away in panic im so good at flirting*
Giant Chinchilla Learns To Hold Umbrella, Is Fucking Delighted By Experience
take this, it will help you on your quest! *hands u trail mix wrapped in a leaf*
crouching down to peer at dirt--A++ top notch foundational childhood experience
mom has a big ass forehead
honey! the chinchillas are performing Rituals in the backyard again
help yeah let's jack and the bean stalk this shit
huh so we're all just climbing aboard the giant chinchilla's tiddies now ok
class trip!
the pure adrenaline of Vegetable Gardening
no! the small child is crying! she is bawling her eyes out. no no no. i can't cope with this. emotionally i cannot cope 🥺🥺🥺
i've only had Mei one hour but if anything happens to her i will raze this earth and everyone on it
please someone make this small child smile again
oh no the tall child is crying too
i can't take this. my heart can't take this.
i need a drink
small child running determined to deliver magic veggies to the hospital. this kid is my hero
she is also unsupervised. so, so unsupervised
babe you are FOUR
godDAMMIT ghibli, you cannot give me watercolor sunsets while a small child is missing. u are killing me. my heart is giving out. this is me, experiencing heart failure.
Totoro to the rescue!
no wait CATBUS to the rescue!
i admit i initially thought the cat was a creep. alice in wonderland prejudiced me. i have revised my notions of smiling cats
i've decided the cat is a metaphor for the magic of a robust public transport system
MEI'S OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and so is mom. she's a lovely lady im sorry for what i said about her forehead. it's a noble forehead.
happy ending YES bitch!!!!!!
ok. ok ok ok. that was magical.
(as a first-time adult viewer i was worried i wouldn't be able to Access the Magic. but i could and i did and it was incredible. that was culture. that was ART. joy distilled into animated form. holy rites of childhood. i understand now. how glorious, this world we grow out of. how full of marvels. i'm going outside to smell grass and sun and get dirt under my fingernails. miraculous.)
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deadsetobsessions · 2 months
Gothic mushroom shaped candles. Danny picked one up, grinning. Sam would have love these on her alters. Very Sam, very Gotham.
It a bit bittersweet, now that he could think of her without being paralyzed by crushing grief. Her and Tucker both. Danny turned, keeping an eye on Tim as he glared into the case of used cameras.
Danny walked over and tried not to feel guilty about practically mooching off of a child. Even if the money he was using was actually the Drakes’.
“Like anything you see?”
Tim shook his head. Danny pondered over what little he knew of photography- all of which he learned from documentaries that were more focused on nature.
“I think there might be a camera store a couple of blocks down. We could get the ones that takes photos of animals, like the really big ones that takes photos of wildlife?”
“I guess. I mean, I don’t need it since we can…” Tim glanced around suspiciously. Danny willed his mouth to not smile at Tim’s antics. “Fly close,” the kid finished in a whisper.
“Okay, but what about when I’m not there?”
Tim hunched up on himself and Danny despaired inwardly. Uh oh, what did he say now?”
“Are you going somewhere?” Tim quietly asked, sounding hurt and upset.
“No,” Danny soothed, patting Tim on the head. I mean, what if I’m busy with stuff but you want to go take pictures without me?”
“You said to go get you whenever I wanna go out to take pictures.”
“Okay, yeah, I- well, we might as well get you a quality camera, right? To take really really good pictures of the… local wildlife. Like… the birds and the bats, and all that.” Danny winked exaggeratedly.
Tim blinked and giggled when he got the joke. “Okay, as long as you’re staying!”
Danny grinned, fangs and all. “Of course.”
At the end of their shopping spree, generously provided and sponsored by the Drake family and their heavy black card, Danny got a phone and Tim got a wild life camera that was a whopping $4,000 but was compact enough to not look absolutely ridiculous.
“It’s heavy!” Tim whined, as he grinned like a loon.
“It’s quality,” Danny plopped the shopping bags on the island in one of the giant kitchens Drake manor had. “I’ll make dinner. You figure out those settings and you can tell me about it when we eat.”
“Okay!” Tim hummed excited, quick fingers and laser focus already aimed at his new device.
Danny picked up his new phone and dialed a number he knew by heart. As it rung, Danny held it up to his ear and began prepping the ingredients. At least
“Hello?” His sister’s cautious voice came through the phone. Danny’s shoulders relaxed.
“Heya, Jazz.” He could see Tim’s ears all but perk up in order to eavesdrop. His mouth quirked up in amusement and Danny turned away. He probably shouldn’t be encouraging that kind of behavior… but it was funny.
“Danny! Are you okay? I- I heard that they chased after you and I was worried sick! Are you safe? Any injuries? Do I need to pick you up?”
“I’m good. Promise. Not bleeding out or dying. It’s actually pretty nice right now,” Danny paused before turning back a little more so he could watch Tim’s reaction peripherally. “Hey, listen, can I adopt a little brother?”
He watched Tim sit up straighter eyed flickering up to him and back down again, a secretly pleased look on his face as he figured out that Danny was in fact talking about him.
“Danny, what the hell?” Jazz huffed, audibly relieved to know that Danny wasn’t on his merry way to becoming a full on ghost. “Who, why, and what kind of trouble did you get into now?”
“Hey, this was me getting out of trouble. Those people don’t even know where I escaped to. Tim helped me out a lot,” Danny said in the tone that meant ‘and there’s more to it but I can’t tell you right now.’
“His name’s Tim?”
“Yeah, you wanna say hi?”
Tim looked terrified as he heard Danny’s side of the conversation. Danny could relate.
“Alright. But you’re explaining everything later, got it?”
“Sure thing, boss.”
Danny turned to Tim, abandoning the peas he was shelling and rinsing off his hand to hold the phone.
“Tim, my sister, Jazz, wants to say hi. Are you cool with that?”
“Uhm! Yeah! Yeah, sure.” Tim, honest to ancients, squeaked. Danny’s enhanced hearing could pick up Jazz’s already melting heart. He taped a button.
“Jazz, you’re on speaker.”
“Hey, Tim. I’m Jazz. Thanks for taking care of my little brother!”
“Uh, hi, Jazz! I’m Timothy Drake! And, uh, you’re welcome! Anytime!”
Tim glanced at Danny for reassurance, relaxing a bit when the halfa threw him a double thumbs up.
Jazz went quiet.
“Jazz, you good?” Danny asked.
“We’re adopting him. Danny, you better make sure knows about everyone. Hi, Tim, I’m Jazz, your new big sister.”
“Uh- I have parents.”
“That can be fixed,” Jazz casually brushed off. Tim looked like a deer in headlights, so Danny took his sister off speaker and went back to cooking. He made sure to smile at Tim.
“Don’t worry, we won’t adopt you if you don’t want to. But it wasn’t a joke, we’re very serious.”
“I’ll think about it?”
Danny shrugged. “Good enough for me.”
“So, where are you?” Jazz asked him, rustling coming through on the phone.
“You are so fucking lucky I love you, dumbass. I’ll be there tomorrow at noon.”
“Playing hooky, are you?”
“Fuck off, little brother, before I show Tim your toddler pictures.”
“Thanks, Jazz.”
“Bye, Danny. Don’t get killed again when I’m not there, got it?”
“Sure, sure.”
Danny smiled and returned to his agenda of stuffing as many vegetables into one meal as he can. At least the food isn’t trying to tear out his face.
Robin hasn’t heard the eerie giggles around lately, but he’s been practicing his own. It’s weird though, because there’s always a glint of something in the corner of his eyes.
“Robin, muggers.”
“On it, B. Shall we, Batgirl?”
“Let’s go, Boy Wonder.”
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carionto · 7 months
Humans really like space wildlife
As Humanity integrates itself within the Galactic Coalition ever further, trade and travel between Sol and neighboring member systems is growing at exponential rates. In particular, their interest in the native wildlife of other planets is the most widely expanding sector for tourism and commerce.
Even though it is also the most heavily regulated and restricted one, Humans, who typically display a desire to subvert the normal procedures to expedite any process they can, for this they are surprisingly willing and eager to fill in all the necessary paperwork and spend hours upon days making sure they follow and adhere to all the requirements to import some of these creatures.
While such level of determination is not uncommon for new member species who discover a certain non-native creature or something that to the respective natives is commonplace but for them is the pinnacle of exotic, the variety of requests made by Humans is nearly as great as the entire list of known fauna species. And the reasons listed on the forms are even more diverse:
"That's a unicorn! I've always dreamed of having a unicorn and you're telling me there's a dozen subspecies?! Yes, please!!!"
"After reviewing their behavior, this bear-sized fluff-ball is the perfect cat I've always wanted, but couldn't because of allergies. I'll treat them with love and care, my life is incomplete without this fella."
"Tiny. Elephant-duck. Want."
"Our company was looking for a mascot, and these six-legged spindly beaver-crabs are perfect. Here's our mission statement and prepared accommodations for a flock."
"They all said I hallucinated the lizard sasquatch when I was on that acid trip, but now I'll show 'em. It's real. I knew it all along!"
"Aww, these baby puppies are so adorable (referring to the four meter, 800kg Fanged Widowmaker of Abyss Valley predator). My kids were looking through your alien picture books and instantly fell in love with these ones."
And so on. At first we had to reject quite a few, mainly because half of them were deadly beasts from Deathworlds that are almost impossible to capture in the first place. Then the Human officials informed us that, while they will try to stop it from happening, if we don't make importing and adopting even the most dangerous animals in the known Galaxy reasonably possible for them with Human help and expertise in the field, some Humans will set up illegal smuggling rings to "fill the market gap" as they said. Historically, they explained, that causes more problems and expenses than just handling it through official channels.
Reluctantly we were persuaded and have set up a new organization to quell this, apparently, unquenchable Human pack bonding condition. Even if said pet can kill them. We think, as horrible as it may be, that for some that is part of the appeal. Even the ones that breathe out literal poison.
"We'll wear a mask around them. This wendigo-like one is too cute to not get belly rubs."
Said the OFFICIAL Human Representative of a monstrosity that can only be described as the living incarnation of countless teeth, fangs, claws, vivid seizure inducing iridescent feathers, and a body that extends from a inconspicuous ambush pose to a fully 8 meter tall six limbed nightmare machine of Death!
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rainybubbles · 13 days
How do you meet COD Men ? - AU civilian
Soap, Ghost, Gaz, Price, König, Rudy, Alex, Nikolai
(Sorry in advance for my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. So sorry if it's badly written, mid or if they're OOC)
SOAP as a firefighter : 
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-"911, how can I assist you today?"
-"I think there's been a break-in at my place!"
-"Could you describe the intruder, ma'am?"
-"It's... a turkey."
-"A turkey?"
-"Yeah, one of those gobbling birds! My neighbors use a live one for their Thanksgiving, and it somehow busted loose. It barged into my place through the door, gave me a real fright. I dashed into my bathroom, but it went all 'Rambo' on my door, and now it's busted. My handle is broken, I'm stuck in here!"
-"Don't worry, help is on the way."
-And that's when you met Soap. There he was, showing up at your doorstep in full firefighter gear.
-"Hey there ?" he greeted, axe in hand, ready to face off against the rogue turkey.
-You weren’t kidding, he thought.
-He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the havoc that bird had wreaked in your place.
-Your poor sofa was toast, and your table was in pieces. Slowly, he made his way to the damaged door.
-"Hey there, Ah’m a firefighter. I’m here tae break down the door. Please step back."
-"Oh thanks ! I was starting to think I'd be spending the night bawling in my bathtub."
-He chuckled.
-"Wouldnae want a lovely person like yerself spendin’ Thanksgiving solo."
-"Thanks," you replied.
-"I'll get started," Soap said as he began dismantling the door.
-"Here, it looks like the turkey's gone," he reported.
-But when he turned to you, he noticed something amiss.
- Normally, people were relieved to see him, not scared out of their wits.
-His gaze shifted back, and that's when he saw it—the monstrous turkey, ready to pounce.
-Without a second thought, he scooped you up, effortlessly carrying you despite whatever size or weight you were, and bolted past the bird.
-"Why's that thing so fast?" he exclaimed.
-"They're practically dinosaurs, I swear!" you cried from the safety of his arms.
-You both made it to the street. Soap dialed up a wildlife specialist to handle the feathery menace.
-"Ah’l swearin’ off turkey forever," he vowed.
-"I think finding a new place to live might be a good idea," you whispered, still trying to calm your nerves.
-"Aye, yer neighbors are some real characters for pullin’ a stunt like this."
-"Thanks again for this. I mean, I'm sure you've got more pressing cases."
-"No’ really. Usually, it's just family squabbles. Last time, Ah had a grandma tryin’ tae kill her son wi’ mashed potatoes," he joked.
-"Grandma can get wild," you chuckled.
-"Ye have no idea. Name's John, by the way. Sorry for forgettin’ ma manners."
-"Hey, a wild turkey trying to take me out can do that to a person," you quipped. "I'm Y/n," you added.
-He grinned.
-“I owe you big time, Soap," you said, finally stepping out of the bathroom. "Guess this Thanksgiving, I'll be giving thanks for firefighters and sturdy bathtubs."
-Soap gave you a reassuring smile. "Hey, it's all in a day's work. Plus, -it's not every day I get to play hero to a person in distress... from a turkey."
-After the turkey trouble was sorted, Soap bid his farewell. Little did he know, two days later, your new neighbor would be attempting to cook aluminum in his microwave. Maybe this time he'd find a moment to ask for your number.
GHOST as a chef : 
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-The poor waitress had asked you twice if you wanted to order by the time your date arrived. But it was painfully obvious. 
-You had been stood up.
 -You tried to ignore the looks, the sensation of your clothes feeling too tight, too constricting. You felt like a clown.
-Staring at your phone, you sent messages, hoping for excuses like traffic or an important matter.
-Maybe he had a flat tire, or perhaps his boss demanded he stay late. Yet, two hours later, you were still there, feeling like a fool.
-That's when the message came: "Oh, I was just joking, you're not my type, you know."
-Tears welled in your eyes as you felt the humiliation wash over you.
-How could someone flirt for two months just as a joke? He messaged you every night; how were you supposed to know it was all a farce?
-Biting your lip, you stood up.
-At this hour, you hoped there were still buses running.
-You couldn't afford an Uber. Yet, as you gathered your things, the waitress approached.
-"Excuse me, but your food will arrive."
-"I... I'm sorry, but I can't... I can't afford anything here, and my date stood me up. He was supposed to pay, and..." you rambled, feeling ashamed, but she led you back to your seat.
-You felt even more ashamed. This place was so luxurious.
-"I really can't afford it, madam," you whispered.
-"It's on the house. The chef offered it," she said gently.
-You didn't know if you felt grateful or not. It felt like pity, but food from a Michelin-starred restaurant was still a luxury, so you ate. It was unbelievably good. You felt so thankful to the chef.
-"I... could I thank him?" you asked after finishing your dinner.
-"He doesn't speak to clients. That's why he opened his own restaurant — so he could remain unseen by his patrons and not be obligated to accept their thanks, As he says “I Ghost clients”" the waitress explained.
-"I see. His dishes are so precise, it's impressive."
-"Yeah, he's good with a knife."
-"Well, thanks again for offering me this. It was a crappy night, but at least I ended up in heaven," you said.
-She smiled, and you left.
-But you felt indebted to him. Dishes like that cost a lot.
- Even if you didn't doubt he could afford it, you felt like you had to do something in return.
-So the next night, you baked cookies.
-You felt ridiculous with your small Tupperware and homemade cookies.
-They'd probably taste awful to him, you thought, but you wanted to repay him.
-"Hi, I... wanted to give this to Ghost? He offered me dishes last time, and I wanted to thank him. I understand if you say no. I mean, it could have poison in it, but..." you rambled to the waiter.
-"No need, we'll take it," the waiter with a mohawk said with a smile.
-You felt like he knew something you didn't. As you were about to leave, a tall, blond man walked over, holding a cookie.
-"Thanks," he said with a gruff voice behind his mask.
-Shit. Ghost was... this man?
-This mountain of muscles made those beautiful dishes? Those meticulous details came from his hands? You were impressed.
-"Do you like it?" you asked, unsure.
-"Best cookies I've tasted."
-"I know you're lying."
-"Second," he admitted. "My ma's were better."
-You chuckled.
-"I can give you the recipe. I mean, you really saved me last night. It was so... humiliating."
-"It's not. The only one who should feel ashamed is the bloke who stood you up, love."
-"You're right, but still."
-"Come back again, Friday. With the recipe."
-"I can send it by email."
-"I want you to taste a new dish."
-"Having someone honest is nice. It's a change from all the compliments."
-"Okay," you agreed.
-Little did you know, Simon would always find new dishes to make you come back.
-Of course, he could ask his sous-chefs or waiters to taste, but seeing your smile or frown after a taste was so much better.
-(I need a long fic about Simon being a chef, like this AU has so much potential, plus in kitchen you have “brigade” which could be like 141)
GAZ as a primary school teacher : 
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-You were on your usual delivery route, this time dropping off packages at the primary school.
-As you made your way through the corridors, you spotted Gaz, the primary teacher, who greeted you with a smile.
-"I was waiting for you," Gaz said cheerfully.
-"Oh, am I right on time?" you responded, glancing at your phone in confusion.
-"Yes, but the kids are eager," Gaz explained.
-You furrowed your eyebrows. Eager for what? Seeing a delivery person? Or perhaps the contents of your package were something special, like paintings or other intriguing items?
-"I see," you said, still puzzled.
-"Follow me," Gaz instructed, leading you into his classroom before you could protest.
-As you entered, you were met with the curious gaze of twenty pairs of eyes.
-It dawned on you as you glanced at a piece of paper – Gaz had mistaken you for the guest speaker, an athlete scheduled to address the students.
-"Sir, I think there's been a mistake," you whispered to Gaz, but before you could say more, a child wrapped their arms around you.
-"I'm so glad you're here!" the child exclaimed, melting your resolve. How could you shatter their excitement?
-You couldn’t bear to crush their excitement. Besides, it was clear that the athlete wasn’t going to show up; it was already 10 AM, and they were supposed to be there by 8AM according to the schedule on the board.
-And so, you found yourself spinning tales to answer their questions, pretending to be the athlete they expected. 
-“Um, hey there ! Being an athlete is pretty cool, you know” you improvised, trying to sound convincing.
-“How does it feel to do sports all day ?” one curious kid asked
-“Well it’s tough but you know riding horse is fun”
-“I thought you were running”
-“RUNNING ! Of course, horse is just a hobby” you blurted out
-Despite your fibs, the kids beamed with admiration, hanging onto your every word.
-After a couple of hours, Gaz approached you with a knowing smile.
-"You're not the athlete, are you?" he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.
-"How did you figure it out?" you replied sheepishly.
-"When you mentioned unicorns helping your coach – that was a dead giveaway," Gaz chuckled. "But I appreciate you playing along."
-"I couldn’t bear to disappoint the kids. Kids' dreams are important," you admitted, feeling a twinge of guilt.
-"Yeah, they are," Gaz agreed. "Thanks for going along with it."
-"It was more fun than my usual deliveries, anyway," you admitted with a grin.
-“Wait, your boss won’t be mad ?! I mean two hours, sorry you must be so late, no ?”he said worried
-“Don’t worry you were my last”
-As you prepared to leave, Gaz introduced himself properly.
-"Thanks against or helping out. And by the way 'm Kyle, but the kids call me Gaz – it's easier for them," he explained.
-"It was nice meeting you, Gaz," you said sincerely, touched by his kindness towards the children.
-As you left the school, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment. And to your surprise, when you made your next delivery, there was Gaz, offering to lend a hand. 
-"Thought you might need some help this time," he said with a wink.
-Maybe it was repayment for your earlier assistance, or perhaps the kids had teased him about having a crush on you – either way, you were grateful for his company.
PRICE as an uni history teacher :
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-It was about 10 PM, and there you were, sprinting in high heels, your wig dangling precariously.
-"Oh, for the love of all that’s good," you muttered under your breath.
-The situation was straightforward, yet utterly absurd.
- You, a university teacher, found yourself at a costume party with a Bridgerton theme.
- After hastily getting ready at your friend’s place, it dawned on you that you had forgotten your house key.
-Sure, crashing at your friend's was an option, but you had a furry friend waiting at home who needed your attention.
-So, off you went, driving back to the only place your keys could be: the teacher's offices at the university.
- Picture this: you, clad in an 18th-century outfit, a fake wig teetering on your head, and a petticoat swishing around, all the while cursing your luck and hoping no students would spot you.
-Finally, you reached the office, finding it deserted. You located your keys and—
-"Quite the accurate ensemble, I must say."
-You froze, turning to find a man with a rather impressive beard. "Um, I can explain?"
-"Are you a student?" he asked.
-"No need to butter me up; I know I don't exactly look like one," you confessed.
-He chuckled. "Sorry, I was just trying to give you an out. You know, student parties and whatnot."
-"Thanks, but yeah, I'm the… new teacher. Guess we haven't crossed paths yet. Been here about a month," you said, extending your hand.
-"Well, isn't this a fortunate coincidence?" he remarked.
-"How so?"
-"I’m John Price," he revealed.
-Your eyes widened. Oh, crap. You just met THE history teacher of the campus dressed as a Bridgerton character. What were the odds?
-He laughed. "Nice to meet my new colleague. Heard quite a bit about your work."
-"Likewise, and… sorry about the attire," you apologized.
-"No need. It suits you. Makes me feel like a proper gentleman seeing someone dressed like that," he said with a grin.
-You chuckled nervously. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Mr. Price."
-Little did you know, your next class for the first year was a shared one with him. Dodging him might not be as simple as you thought.
NIKOLAI as a F1 pilot :
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-Your friend's desperate plea over the phone stirred something in you.
-"Alright, I'll come help with the shoot," you conceded, feeling a flutter of excitement mixed with apprehension.
-As you arrived at the location, taking in the serene surroundings, you couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place among the bustling crew.
-Your specialty lay in capturing the untamed beauty of animals—dogs, cats, and the like.
-This commercial setup felt like a far cry from your usual stomping grounds.
-Engaging in conversation with the staff about the artistic direction, you couldn't help but notice the artificiality of the setting, with fake plants and trees surrounding you.
-Nevertheless, you settled in, adjusting lights and preparing for the task at hand.
-"The model is here," an assistant announced, drawing your attention to the center of the room where a man stood, completely naked.
-"Why is he naked?" you whispered in disbelief, feeling a flush rise to your cheeks.
-"It's for the charity event, featuring naked pilots for calendars," the staff explained casually, oblivious to your discomfort.
-Stunned, you turned to your friend, silently questioning her decision to involve you in this unconventional endeavor.
-"I photograph nature and animals, not... naked humans!" you protested, feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration.
-"Well, technically, you photograph a big snake," she quipped, a mischievous glint in her eye.
-You rolled your eyes, suppressing a sigh. "Ugh, don't even mention his...thing, please."
-"I don't mind being called an anaconda," the man interjected with a smirk, his gaze lingering on you in a way that made your heart race.
-Caught off guard by his boldness, you shifted uncomfortably, suddenly hyper-aware of his proximity.
- "Sir, I'm sorry, but I wasn't warned about these... circumstances," you stammered, struggling to maintain composure.
-"I understand. If we need to reschedule, no problem, Солнышко ," he reassured, his voice low and soothing, sending shivers down your spine.
-"What did you just say?" you asked, unable to hide the hint of fluster in your tone.
-"Sorry, I meant no problem to reschedule, sunshine," he clarified, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
-"But you're... a star?" you questioned, feeling a mixture of confusion and intrigue.
-"I'm a well-known F1 pilot, yes. But I'm closer to retirement than those young ones. I doubt people would buy the calendar for me," he admitted with a self-deprecating chuckle, his vulnerability tugging at your heartstrings.
-"I'd certainly buy it for you," your friend chimed in, breaking the tension with a playful grin.
-He laughed, his gaze lingering on you with a warmth that made your cheeks flush. "And you?"
-"I... maybe? Okay, we'll do it, but I can't guarantee anything. I'm more accustomed to animals, so..." you trailed off, feeling a rush of adrenaline at the prospect of working closely with him.
-"Let's get started," he suggested, his smile softening the edges of the room and easing your nerves.
-And so, the shoot commenced, with Nikolai proving to be a surprisingly adept model, effortlessly charming everyone with his wit and charisma.
- As you directed him through the poses, you couldn't help but notice the subtle tension between you, a magnetic pull that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment.
-"Thanks for today. Need a ride?" he offered, his gaze lingering on you with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine.
-"No, I came in my car," you replied, torn between the desire to stay and the need to escape the overwhelming atmosphere.
-"The red one?" a staff member inquired, oblivious to the undercurrents swirling between you.
-"Yeah, why?" you asked, feeling a knot form in your stomach at the thought of your car.
-"Sorry, mate, your car got impounded," they informed you, their words puncturing the bubble of tension that had enveloped you.
-You sighed, feeling a sense of defeat wash over you. "So, a ride?" Nikolai offered, his gaze softening with concern.
-"Yeah, I guess. What a crappy day," you muttered, cursing your luck.
-"Don't say that, it was great," he insisted, his voice gentle and reassuring.
-You nodded, feeling a rush of gratitude towards him for his unexpected kindness. In his car, as he drove you away from the chaos of the shoot, you couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over you, a feeling that was only amplified by his soothing presence.
-"Not what you were expecting, huh?" he remarked, his tone playful yet sincere.
-"Well, I wasn't expecting a race car drive, but yeah," you chuckled, feeling the tension between you slowly dissipating.
-"I drive safely. Sometimes you need low adrenaline," he explained, his words resonating with you in a way that made your heart skip a beat.
-"Thanks again for the ride," you said, turning to him with a smile that felt more genuine than any you had worn all day.
-"No problem. I mean, you've seen me naked, so..." he trailed off, a mischievous glint in his eye.
-"Yeah, sure," you laughed, feeling a warmth spread through you at the playful banter.
-"If you want, you can still come to one of my races," he offered, his gaze lingering on you with a hopefulness that sent a flutter of excitement through your chest.
-"I'll think about it," you replied, unable to suppress the smile that tugged at your lips as you contemplated the possibilities that lay ahead.
ALEX as a lawyer :
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-You couldn't believe your eyes.
-A client was after you for a cup of tea—yes, you heard that right, a freaking tea!
-The same tea you accidentally spilled during a chaotic rush, and she tripped you with her feet, claiming you scalded her with hot tea. The kicker?
-You knew it was iced tea.
- But it was your word against hers, and she had a squadron of lawyers ready to pounce, while you were broke. It was pretty clear how this would end.
-You sighed, resorting to searching for lawyers online, but all you found were scams.
-One promised to chase after dead people, another claimed you'd make thousands just by being pretty, and the rest boasted about defending infamous criminals with laughably bad Photoshopped images.
-Feeling desperate, you reluctantly agreed when your mom mentioned your cousin knew someone who knew someone. You certainly didn't expect a model-lawyer showing up at your doorstep with a bright smile and legal expertise.
-"Hi, I'm Alex," he offered his hand.
-"Hi, I guess you know about my... case?" you replied.
-"Yes, there's a high chance of her winning since similar cases have ruled in favor of people like her. Remember the McDonald's hot coffee incident?" he explained.
-"So I'm screwed?" you muttered.
-"Not necessarily. I can prove she's acting out of self-interest."
-"...before you say anything, you know, I can't... afford it?" you interjected.
-"Yes. I... I used to be a prominent lawyer. Perhaps you've heard of the Shepherd case?" he mentioned.
-"The CEO who got off the hook despite everyone knowing he committed tax fraud?" you recalled.
-"Yes, I was his lawyer," he admitted.
-"Oh," you murmured, taken aback.
-"I... I'm not proud of the people I've defended. I didn't realize the harm I was causing to victims. For me, everyone deserved representation, but when I saw what Shepherd did with his ill-gotten gains... I couldn't continue down that path. I signed up to advocate for people. Not evil," he confessed.
-"So you took on lost causes like me?" you mused.
-"You could say that," he smiled.
-"Well, it sounds like Daredevil. Maybe I'll catch you wearing a latex suit at night while fighting crime," you joked.
-"You might be onto something there," he replied, his expression serious.
-"Wait, you're joking?" you asked, but he didn't crack a smile.
-"Mr. Keller, you're joking, right?" you pressed, but he just smirked.
-"Let's focus on your case," he redirected.
-"You can't just dodge my question. I need to know—" 
-"Boxing. I box at night, nothing illegal. I train kids, and I've competed in the past," he confessed.
-"I see. Why do I find that hard to believe?" you teased.
-"I'm a damn good liar. I'm a lawyer," he retorted.
-"Fair point," you chuckled.”well at least I believe in the latex suit at night”
-“Kinky”he joked, you smiled.
-Alex got down to business, helping you devise a strategy.
-Maybe with this super lawyer on your side, you stood a chance. Yet, you couldn't shake the curiosity about his secrets. Who knows what uncovering them might bring?
KÖNIG as a baker :
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-König had just opened his bakery.
- Eager to be neighborly, he sent some cookies to the local shops nearby.
- However, when his customers arrived one day, one of them expressed hesitation: "You know, I was hesitant to buy here because I heard you made the florist down the street sick."
-König couldn't believe his ears.
- Ashamed, he double-checked his ingredients, but everything seemed fine.
-So, he decided to switch things up and bake some croissants instead.
-Yet, the next day brought news that the florist had fallen ill due to food poisoning.
-Determined to make amends, König sent something different the following day.
-And the pattern repeated itself. After a week of this, he finally decided to confront the florist.
-Entering their cute shop, he whispered nervously, "Hallo."
-"Hi," you replied.
-"I'm König, the—"
-"The baker," you interrupted.
-He froze.
-Well, he certainly hadn't made a good impression.
-After seven incidents, he couldn't expect a warm reception, but he hoped you’d understand he hadn't done it intentionally. He wasn't a villain.
-"I'm sorry about the pastries," he began, "I swear I don't know what went wrong. Other shops ate them and had no issues. I—"
-"I know you're not trying to poison me," you interjected.
-"Oh, but... then why?" he asked.
-"I thought someone would have told you, maybe Horangi, the chef at the restaurant. But I'm lactose intolerant. I assumed you knew, so I ate your pastries thinking someone had informed you. Then, I realized that wasn't the case. But if I didn't eat your gift, you might have thought I was upset with you, so I still ate them, and—"
-"It was a misunderstanding," König finished their sentence.
-"Two anxious people overthinking things, but yeah," you admitted, laughing.
-"I promise to bake you something lactose-free," he vowed.
-"Thanks, it'll be appreciated. Your pastries were good, just not for my digestive system," you replied.
-He nodded and returned to his bakery, pondering the idea of introducing gluten and lactose-free versions of his pastries. Surely not because of the cute florist who seemed to visit more often now. Nah.
RUDY as a librarian :
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-You were a young journalist, eager to dive into investigative reporting, but your editor relegated you to the local sports section since you were the new kid on the block.
- It wasn't exactly your passion, but you made the best of it. Your current assignment: write about Rodolfo Parra, a former boxer.
-Avoiding the internet due to its unreliable nature, especially for local stories, you opted for the library.
- As you searched for information on Parra, a man approached.
-"Need a hand?" he offered.
-You glanced at his badge, confirming his name as Rudy.
-"Yeah, I'm digging up info on the boxer Rodolfo Parra. I heard his early days were at the local club, so I figured the archives might have something," you explained.
-Rudy smiled. "Rodolfo Parra, huh?"
-"Yeah, you know him?"
-"You could say that, but I've heard he's not too keen on journalists."
-"Exactly why I couldn't land an interview," you sighed.
-"But why write about him? He retired two years ago," Rudy questioned.
-"My boss wants it, so here I am," you replied with a hint of resignation.
-"I've got some info, but can I trust you?" Rudy hesitated.
-"Absolutely, I'll respect his privacy. I just want to know his story, his struggles. I've heard rumors about a fixed fight where a coach, El Sinombre, forced him to lose," you shared.
-Rudy's expression darkened. "It was more than that. I'm surprised you know about it."
-"I've delved into El Sinombre's dealings before. I wanted to write for investigative reporting," you confessed. "I found it odd that a sports club had ties to a pharmacy."
-"They developed stimulants to win fights, and more... potent substances," Rudy revealed.
-"So Rodolfo lost to a doped-up opponent?" you concluded.
-"Yeah. Rumor has it, El Sinombre threatened his family if he didn't comply. Rodolfo vowed never to lose, so El Sinombre took matters into his own hands..." Rudy trailed off.
-"And Rodolfo ended up paralyzed," you finished solemnly.
-"Yeah, but with rehab, he's probably walking now. But he can't fight anymore," Rudy confirmed.
-"Having your dreams crushed like that must be devastating. A fighter silenced," you mused.
-"Maybe it was for the best," Rudy countered.
-"You think so?" you questioned.
-"Boxing isn't a lifelong career. Maybe retiring was a blessing," he reasoned.
-"I don't know, having your dreams shattered like that... it must take a toll. Imagine if someone burned down your library," you countered.
-"Well, this library was my backup dream, so I'd just have to find another," he quipped.
-You nodded, then realization dawned. "Your backup dream?"
-"Yeah," Rudy admitted. "Rudy for Rodolfo. Not the smartest move for a future investigative journalist, huh?"
-"Hey! You—yeah, I was naïve, but you could've given me a heads-up," you teased back.
-"Now, tell me about your boss. Things might be more complicated than we thought," Rudy suggested.
-"Do you think El Sinombre is after you?" you pondered.
-"We'll find out," he replied cryptically.
-Maybe your beat would evolve over time...
If you want more : my masterlist
I still need to write Alejandro, Lasswell and Farah, maybe in a next part with other characters :) !
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rootbeerworshiper · 2 months
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Summer (part 1/3)
Reader x Matt Sturniolo
summery: summer camp has always been your favourite thing, but as you enter you last year at the camp, as a councillor, you meet someone that changes everything.
warnings: none other than swearing and mention of a parent passing
credits to @inlovewithmattstur for helping me figure out an ending !
part 2 here
love, sienna <3
you have always been referred to as a “goody two shoes” by practically every person in your life. it wasn’t a nickname you were fond of, but based on the way you always had a book in your hands and the way you never broke a single rule, they weren’t entirely wrong.
it wasn’t like you hadn’t thought about living your teenage life to the fullest with parties and boys, you’ve thought about it every waking second because deep down you felt like you were wasting your adolescence on abiding by the rules adults set in place.
something as silly as a single nickname weighed on your head more than you’d like to admit, was it negative? was it just another way to call you a nerd?
you weren’t sure, and honestly it’s probably better you don’t know. blissful ignorance is just that, blissful.
so here you are, sat on a bus in mid july, sporting your two dutch braids and overall shorts, as you make your way to summer camp.
this year was different than the last few, because you were finally old enough to be a councillor, although it’s silly, you actually love kids, and you love camp.
which all adds to your iconic nickname, because what teenager is excited for summer camp? not most.
something about summer was special to you. most kids like summer because it’s a break from school, but you liked it for almost every other reason.
you liked it for the late night swims with your best friend who’s asleep beside you, you liked it because the abundance of wildlife brings you peace, and you like it because it’s the one time of year your hardworking dad can take a week off.
that and summer camp of course.
you’ve been going since you were 7 and you almost never got homesick because you loved it so much. except for when you peed the bed that one time, then you really wanted to go home.
regardless, the pure essence of being surrounded by log cabins and bright stars was enough to bring you peace, and when you add on swimming with your best friends and getting pushed on the camp swings, you were in heaven.
practically everyone that goes to your camp, you’ve grown up with, and they’re all like your temporary best friends for the summer.
well besides Amara, you and her have been friends since preschool and the two of you were practically inseparable. she was the sister you never had and you were hers.
speaking of family, your family life was a little bit rough. when you were 12 your mom passed away from brain cancer. the doctors gave her two weeks after the diagnosis, but a mere 6 days later she was gone.
you never understood how death happens so fast, how people can be gone from the earth in a blink of an eye with nothing but fond memories left behind.
at the time it felt like it was the end of the world. you and your mom were always close, you told her anything and everything as you procrastinated going to sleep on a school night.
it was impossible to not feel alone. sure, you had your dad and Amara, but no one could ever compare to the mother-daughter relationship you held so close to your heart.
like a constant void within you that would never be filled again.
it took weeks for you to “move on” although obviously, you never would. but soon enough you began leaving your room and eating full meals, and at the time, that was everything.
routine wasn’t easy for you, but it kept you stable. reading books all night and getting good grades became a form of therapy for you because it was all in your control, and you craved control more than anything after she passed.
other than the general sadness of losing your built in best friend, financially your dad struggled. he did whatever he could to provide for you, but with the rapid inflation and one singular income, it wasn’t easy for him.
your mothers passing made you and him closer, but you both mourned the main person who connected you, and it was hard for it to feel the same without her.
at camp, you could forget about this all and live in the moment, actively becoming the person you want to be.
so although you may be referred as a goody two shoes because of it, none of that really got you because you were happiest at camp, and that’s all that mattered.
you were never able to fall asleep in a moving vehicle, brain moving faster than the bus you were in, so you just read yet another romance novel as Amara slept soundly in your lap.
thirty more minutes until everything would be okay again—till you could breathe again.
the time flew by as you read, it’s what you loved most about it. it passed time and you were able to indulge in the words on the page, forgetting about your own sad life.
soon enough you saw the familiar forests and you knew you were getting close. “Amara wake up” you whispered as you rubbed the blondes back.
Amara was everything you wished you were. she’s charismatic, more beautiful than any other person you’d ever met, and most of all she had a sense of balance that made you jealous.
she was able to go to parties and have boys wrapped around her finger all while getting good grades and maintaining a good relationship with her parents.
you loved her, but it was hard not to feel your heart hurt as she rejected yet another guy who fell to her feet. it was exhausting to witness.
she furrows her eyes shut, rubbing her face as she wakes up. “good morning” she smiles. somehow she looks beautiful right as she wakes up—that could never be you.
“it’s three pm but okay” you put your bookmark in between the pages of your book, shoving it into your tote bag that resides on the bus floor as your friend situates herself next to you.
“are you excited?” she asks, grabbing a brush from her own bag, hoping to brush through her ruler straight hair and look more desirable.
she knows the answer to her question, because the answer is the same every year. “i am” you smile like a kid on Christmas morning.
once she’s done brushing her hair next to you, she leans back into the seat, placing her head on your shoulder. “i heard camp councillors do way more crazy shit” she pokes your arm, teasing you without needing to say anything, because you knew what she meant. “my friend told me that when she was a councillor, they all snuck out and got drunk by the lake”
you just roll your eyes and place your own head onto hers. “when have i ever come off as someone that’s itching to get cold and plastered with a bunch of random teenagers?”
“cmon you’re older now, you could try and have some fun” she groans. “soon you’ll be in college and then you’ll be too busy to do stuff like this”
she’s right of course, she usually is. you had planned to go to Boston University and get a degree in english, hoping to maybe become a writer someday, but you didn’t tell many people that.
it’s embarrassing the high hopes you have for yourself—sometimes you can’t help but feel completely delusional.
you’re mom was the one person who fully believed in you. sure, Amara and your dad were supportive, but you could tell they were worried about your career choice, and that was probably the rational thought process to have.
“we’ll see” you say, knowing full well you won’t be doing anything crazy. it’s just easier to give Amara a small beacon of hope every once and a while.
you look out the window the see your camp sign with a bunch of kids lined up for registration at the main cabin. you missed this more than ever and you’re sad that is is your last year.
everything goes according to plan which you are grateful for. some councillors came early to assist in the registration process but you and Amara decided against that.
it feels like home here. the dragonflies flying past you as you walk towards your cabin on the dirt road while the red duffel bag on your shoulder weighs you down. it’s also the hottest day of the year which causes you to squint your eyes slightly as you walk towards where you’re going.
theres around 8 different cabins for campers and a designated councillor for each. they’re close enough in proximity that it’s not a hassle to go between the two which is a relief because you’d be walking to Amaras cabin constantly.
soon enough you make it to your designated cabin and begin to unload your stuff, which doesn’t take long seeing as you packed light. you had grown pretty accustomed to packing for camp and you’ve really narrowed down your long list of stuff over the years.
the campers aren’t in the cabin yet but they will be soon, and that’s when the chaos will begin. until then though, you plan to go help Amara unpack in her cabin, walking out the door of you’re own.
you suddenly bump into someone you hadn’t seen here before, a sharp pain now lingering on your right shoulder as you fall onto the small pebbles scattered on the ground. you groan out in pain but ultimately go to apologize to the figure as you begin to stand up.
that’s when you fully take in the boy your looking at. he’s straight out of a book in the best way possible, wavy brown hair that’s split down the middle, a few strands placed on his face. his eyes are a light shade of blue that make you want to melt onto the floor with the way the sun reflects off of them, as beautiful as he is, he doesn’t look pleased.
another thing you make note of is his few piercings, a few on his ear and one on his nose—for whatever reason it weirdly made him more attractive to you.
“watch where you’re walking” he mumbles under his breath, ultimately continuing in the same direction he started in.
you wipe your dirty hands on you shorts. “oh yeah uh sorry” you almost call out as his back now faces you, eyes trained on the ground ahead of him. “asshole” you whisper under your breath.
most people at this camp were kind, it was rare someone here wasn’t as excited as you were to be attending, but as your eyes follow the boy, you know he’s one of few who’d rather be anywhere else.
you try to get the thought of him out of your head. not only was he rude but there was also something intriguing about him that weighed on you.
he had a look in his eyes that you were drawn to more than the colour of them, a look of hopelessness that drove you insane.
you weren’t even sure why he was here, some random guy who looks like he hates his life wearing a hoodie on the hottest day.
it was all weird, but you try your best to shake the thought of him out of your head as you walk to Amaras cabin.
the next few hours go as normal. you help Amara unpack her cabin which is help she desperately needed.
you’ve never understood how you could be best friends with someone so different from yourself.
by now it’s evening, the sun is still shining fully as you make your way to the dining hall with you cabin. the kids are chaotic, but for the most part they listen to you, and you appreciate it.
naturally you are a leader, which stems from your need to be in control— it works for this job, so for the time being, you get teased slightly less by your peers.
once your kids are sat at the long table, with food on their plates, you take a moment to look around the hall—subconsciously looking for the boy you had your interaction with earlier in the day.
as your eyes trail across the tables placed accordingly in the hall, you see every face but his.
“councillor when can we leave?” a small hand pokes your arm, snapping you back into reality.
you smile down at the girl and place your arm on her shoulder. “just a few more minutes” she groans but ultimately agrees.
looking around once more you finally see him, and to your immediate surprise, you find out that he’s a camp councillor.
councillors are usually people that have gone to the camp growing up and yet here is a boy you’ve never seen before, helping some kid open the ketchup container.
the boy was immediately blunt with you, rude even, but here he is with a new sense of purpose in his eyes and if you look close enough you could see a small smile.
this alone could send you into a spiral.
you never liked the idea of someone disliking you, even if you also didn’t like them—you had wrapped your head around the idea that the brunette boy was just mean to everyone, but the way he talks to kids has you thinking differently.
weirdly enough you’re hurt.
hurt over someone you’ve barley even spoken to all because there was a small glimmer of hope that sparked within you that he’d offer you a helping hand off the ground.
you should have known your life isn’t one that’s capable of being in one of the romance novels that you spend hours obsessing over.
the plan for the night was to have a campfire with all the cabins together while some facility told stories and sang songs. as a child this was your favourite part—the huge bonfire that heats up your face if you get to close, and the acoustic guitar playing in the background brought you comfort.
once again you have your kids riled together as you make your way down to the forest where the fire happens.
there is benches scattered throughout and at this time the campers are able to sit with whoever they want, meaning the councillors can too.
so once your cabin is situated you look for Amaras face on one of the benches.
it doesn’t take you long to see that she’s now flirting with one of the older councillors on a bench in the back.
the way his hand drops on her knee and the eye contact the two are holding makes you wanna puke. you would be happy for her if you thought that he’d be more to her than a hookup, but you knew he wasn’t.
if it wasn’t clear enough already, you were a virgin. technically you had your first kiss in freshman year at the dance but it wasn’t memorable in the slightest because the boy didn’t mean anything to you.
it’s not because you didn’t want to fall in love and go along with the intimacy that follows, but you were hopeless around boys—always saying the wrong thing or wearing the wrong outfit. no matter what it was, according to boys you were a walking turn off, and your best friend happened to be the opposite.
so now you look for a spot to sit, deciding to choose the seat furthest to the back, away from everyone while you think.
you were grateful you brought a blanket because although it’s nice out, the breeze leaves goosebumps all over your arms.
you knees make their way to you face as you curl up on the cold wood bench—you loved camp but something about this year was different and you weren’t sure why.
regardless, you kept your eyes trained on the fire in the distance, completely oblivious to your surroundings.
completely oblivious to the fact that the boy from earlier just sat down next to you. “why are you sitting by yourself? don’t you have friends here or something” he asks, rubbing his hands together to create friction and warm himself up.
you practically jump at his first words, eyebrows furrowing as he keeps his gaze towards the flames ahead. “why do you even care?” you stopped for a second, realization hitting in. “if you’re just here to make fun of me then you may as well go because you aren’t the first”
it didn’t make sense that the same boy who completely avoided you was now making conversation—kind conversation or not, it was weird.
he just chuckles. “that wasn’t my goal but if the shoe fits” you roll your eyes and look back away from him. “you just seem like a social butterfly who’s currently sitting by herself, away from like everyone here” he looks to you now, which you can see in the corner of your eye but you choose to ignore it.
“you see my friend over there?” you point towards the blonde that now has her legs sprawled over the older councillors lap, the boy next to you just nods. “she’s my best friend, but as you can tell she’s a little busy right now, and no chance i was gonna sit next to that sheer amount of pda”
you aren’t sure why your sharing with the guy who once gave you dirty looks, but his demeanour is different now—slightly more welcoming.
“ahh i see” he just sort of nods his head and keeps his eyes focused on the pair. “what’s your name?”
immediate confusion sets in. “what?” you look to him now, expecting a laugh or something but he’s dead serious, so you speak again.“y/n”
he nods again slowly. “i like that, it suits you”
you’re not entirely sure how to feel about the sudden compliment. “thanks” you wait a second before speaking again. “are you going to tell me yours now or are you remaining mysterious?” you tease, weirdly enough now enjoying your time with him.
he smiles slightly. “hmmm it would be more fun to not tell you” the way he looks at you could make you fold. something about his eyes hold power over you that you can’t comprehend. “i’m Matt”
you just nuzzle your face into the blanket slightly more, turning your head to look at him as you wrap your arms around your shins. “so Matt, what brings you to camp?”
he’s silent for a moment, and you can tell he’s grown slightly uncomfortable, which is hard to understand for you.
a question so simple wouldn’t cause most people to feel awkward, but here he is, shifting in his seat, mentally debating how to answer.
“can you try to not be judgemental?” this question intrigues you more than anything.
what could possibly be more embarrassing than being a camp councillor for 9 year olds?
you just nod, trying to smile supportively but ultimately furrowing your eyebrows slightly at the question.
“it was here or military school”
oh. shit.
you try to kind any looks of judgement that may make their way to your face as you muster up the courage to ask a question of your own. “what did you do that warranted that? like were your parents sending you?”
you could ask a million more questions, but you don’t want to interrogate the poor boy who’s being vulnerable with you.
“i kinda got in to the “wrong crowd” or whatever” he uses air quotes to emphasize his point. “and i had a couple of juvie scares for vandalism and trespassing and shit so my parents basically gave me the ultimatum”
suddenly it makes more sense why he looked so miserable when you first ran into each other.
you find yourself internally conflicted on whether or not him breaking the law actually matters to you. he’s a nice enough person—not striking you as the type to be an actual criminal.
so you shrug. “i feel like there’s worse crimes to be committing” this makes him laugh, his hands covering his eyes as if he’s about to wipe away tears of joy.
“i didn’t strike miss “goody two shoes” as the type to be okay with that” he must be able to tell the way that nickname immediately ticked you off because the look in his eyes is one of actual empathy. “struck a nerve?”
you just groan into the blanket in front of you.
something in the way he said it made you slightly less mad at it—maybe you just like his voice enough for it to be okay.
you lift your head and fix your fizzy strands of hair that made contact with your forehead. “it’s kind of what everyone calls me”
you sigh. for some reason you feel like it’s okay to tell him how you feel, although you’ve never told another soul this before. “i just wish i was more than that, like i wish my whole personality didn’t rely on my rule abiding tendencies”
he looks at you as if he’s not sure what to say. “you use really big words sometimes” you just roll your eyes, now being referred to as a nerd as well. “no wait i like it, i don’t think it’s a bad thing to be smart, i wish i was better at saying what i mean or whatever”
once again your thrown off by his abundance of kindness.
“i won’t call you that again i promise” he sticks out his pinky, and as dumb as you feel, your inclined to interlock your own.
“thank you” you look back to the fire and see a bunch of kids now standing, signalling your need to go and line them up—it was pretty late after all. “see you tomorrow Matt”
he nods his head, gesturing you to the clueless kids, as well as saying goodbye to you. “see you, y/n”
a/n: praying you guys like this as much as i do bc it’s my favourite thing to write rn i’m obsessed with it
taglist: @tastesousweet (ily)
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lilislegacy · 2 months
Percy doing a little bit (or a lot) of everything
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i know everyone won’t agree with this future for him, but humor me
percy in college figuring out that he doesn’t want to be stuck in a lab, but he wants to make a difference. he can talk to animals. he wants to use that ability for good. he wants to help animals in some way
percy wanting to become a veterinarian for aquatic animals. he doubts himself, becasue it takes someone smart and hard-working, but annabeth has full faith in him. and he finds he actually really likes learning about how sea animals function, and how to help them. once he’s a vet, he knows he made the right choice. he loves going to work every day, wherever that is. an aquarium, a marine clinic, the ocean, it doesn’t matter. he listens to the animals and helps them in a way that no other vet on earth can. his co-workers call him the animal whisperer. (which he finds funny, because he’s not whispering, just having a normal semi-telepathic conversation)
while he’s preparing for vet school, percy has an experience that makes him begin to take notice of people and animals dying in fires. he figures “i’m fire resistant. i can control water. im strong. i think quick on my feet… i can help.” so throughout vet school, he’s a firefighter. he loves it. he gets to save people every day. he gets action. he thrives. he saves so many lives. he even takes ownership of the fire house’s new dog - a dalmatian-shepherd mix. he says it’s just for a bit, but the dog ends up as his and annabeth’s family pet (which annabeth totally knew would happen). but he loves being a firefighter. it makes him feel like he’s using his abilities to help people, not just kill endless amounts of monsters. he actually feels like a real hero this way.
percy becoming certified as a professional diver so he can do deep sea rescues, for animals mainly, but he ends up doing human rescues too. in tragedies like the thai cave rescue, he’s there. he’s the pro diver on call for an emergency - human or animal related. he’ll dive any depth to save a life. he’ll even just do it to help researchers, or historians, or anyone, really. and he never charges much, if anything at all.
percy volunteering as a marine wildlife rescuer. he’ll answer a call, day or night. he’ll help get a shark off the beach, cut rope off of a whale, save sea turtles caught in a net. it doesn’t matter, he’s there. and it’s nothing new for him.
percy maybe even writhing a book or two over the course of his life.
percy going on some boat expeditions, which he always leads.
percy maybe even one day teaching, when he’s older and his kids are grown. whether it’s 12 year olds with dyslexia or whether he’s teaching a college class on aquatic animals or greek history. he’d be good at it. he’s patient.
percy doing multiple great things throughout his life. percy using his experiences and abilities for good. percy not letting his past - being kicked out of every school, making bad grades, being thought of as stupid - define him. not letting his past stop him.
percy doing a little bit (or a lot) of everything. becasue he can. becasue he’s alive. becasue he’s talented. becasue he’s intelligent. and because he has a huge heart.
and he has the most supportive partner in the whole world.
percy thriving in life.
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donelywell · 3 months
You mentioned in the Robotnik Land post that Robotnik and Sonic seem friendly with each other in the road trip AU, any doodles of what these interactions look like ?
Absolutely loving the road trip AU so far btw !!!
Thank you!!
Have a little snip bit of the interaction Sonic and Robotnik had when they meet in person again for the first time in a few years and the man spotted Sonic absolutely being a dad towards Tails.
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Plus an idea for their backstory kinda that I'm kinda still rolling around in my head. (it's under the cut)
Years ago, back when Sonic was 12 and Mighty was 13 (and little Ray wasn't even a year old yet), their home island got destroyed by something (I'm not too sure yet) with those 3 being the only survivors left. Robotnik came to the island often to study the unique wildlife there, but instead found 3 kids scared and alone on a destroyed island. He took them in, helped them recover from the trauma, gave them (Mighty and Sonic, Ray is wayyy too young to do anything) jobs to help run the theme park, and went above and beyond for them.
Sonic however was very distant, he didn't want anything from Robotnik. The incident hit him hard, and he tried to bury it. After the incident, he found it hard to speak sometimes… like his voice was trapped back on the island for no one to hear it. The hedgefox form became affected by his hidden issues, becoming more feral, leaving scars of claw marks on Robotniks hand and arm when he tried to help. Eventually though, Sonic did accept Robotniks help, and slowly recovered.
Robotnik and Sonic bickered a lot, but it was playful. It's their way of showing that they care for the other. Once Sonic left (he didn't stay for very long), the two would send messages to each other, to keep tabs on one another (and to help Sonic recover more). Robotnik became somewhat of a familial figure to Sonic, he's not sure what to call him, so he'll just call him Eggman instead.
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The Assistant 13
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Warnings: this fic includes noncon/rape, cheating, creep behaviour, violence, anger. These warnings are not exhaustive and some triggers may not be specified for plot reasons.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: As an assistant at the Daily Planet, you’re rarely noticed. Until you are.
Characters: Clark Kent
Note: We came back.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. Thanks to everyone who reads this one and thank you for all your energy.<3
Love you all like Lord Farquaad loves unnecessary vowels. Take care. 💖
Your new life is more of a death. The old you is dead and can never be again. Not quite a true death, it’s a purgatory you’re slogging through, waiting for the ultimate end. 
Your first days are bleak. The house is filled with a stagnant pall as you wile away the hours playing your role. It’s easier when you pretend you're a character in a book, just like you did as a girl. When you became Elizabeth Bennet or one of the Pevensie kids. You escape in your mind because there is no other way out.
A routine quickly falls into place. You wake up, though sleep is sparse and hewn in wretched nightmares that mirror reality, and wait until Clark stirs. He never rouses very long after you. You open yourself to him, laying on your back, legs splayed as he grunts and ruts.
Tender, you dress in one of the thin dresses he collected for you and you go to work. You cook him breakfast. Sometimes, he takes you back to bed after he eats. Others, he pins you to the counter or the table. Then you clean up; the table, the dishes, and yourself.
When he stays, he sits and reads. You hover around him, busying yourself with a broom or just watching him, weighing the minutes. Not yet, not yet.
Lunch comes and you take care of that too. Then him. His appetite never wavers. The heavy pain sticks in your pelvis but he can’t think the limp is from anything more than the chain tugging at your ankle.
You pace, restless and wait. That’s all you do. Wait. For the first chance or his next whim. Whichever comes before the other.
You stand at the window and watch the wildlife. You feel him watching you in kind. When he leaves, he closes the shutters, latching them tight on the outside. Locking you in like a toy in a chest. A doll he can pick up to play with whenever he likes.
Dinnertime. Another meal. You’re not very hungry but you make yourself eat. If he lets you have a bath, you can puke it back up when he goes to get a towel. That is the last marker of time before bedtime…
Sleep is not won without a final surrender.
That day, as you wrap potatoes to cook in the oven, all noise seems louder, every movement more strenuous. The staleness in the air is suffocating. Your ears buzz from the constant silence. You crinkle the foil around a potato and drop it, rubbing your lobes.
You keep your hands on your ears and stare at the counter. You could scoop out your brains with a spoon. Are you going crazy? Your head feels itchy on the inside and you would be all to happy to scratch right through the bone. 
“Honey?” Clark’s voice ripples through the air. “Is something wrong?”
You close your eyes and cringe. You drag your hands away and wrap the other potato, wincing at the aluminum's raucous wrinkle. He stands and you shudder. He’s coming close.
“It’s too quiet,” you say at last.
He nears and looms beside you. You put the potatoes aside and drag over the pan of marinating steak. His large hand rests on the counter.
“Can I help?” He offers. You shake your head.
“No, thanks, I got it, honey,” you reach to touch his hand. You just want him to back off. Sweat stains your skin as his proximity sets you on fire. 
He leans in to kiss your crown, his hand dancing down your back. He gropes your ass and growls. His hand lingers and you brace yourself. It isn’t unlike him to interrupt.
“Love you,” he grits before he draws away.
You let your breath out in short spurts. You don’t want him to hear the relief in you. Your thighs quiver, bruised and raw. You carry on without pause. Keep yourself busy and he’ll let you be. For now.
The next day, Clark leaves you. You don’t know what he does when he isn’t there. Sometimes he brings back groceries or little things he’s forgotten. Others, he’s gone for hours and returns only with stress in his shoulders. You try not to think too much about what happens outside these walls, that only makes them close in tighter.
When he comes back, just around lunch time, he presents you a radio. An orange and black radio you’ve seen used by those in remote regions. He sets it on the counter as he flicks it on and adjusts the knob, searching for a station through the crackle. You cross your arms as you watch around his elbow.
The stringy tune comes through and warbles against the static. The music soothes you. You only realise then, you’d never thought you’d hear it again. Clark turns to you as you stare at the speakers.
“Do you like it?” He asks.
You nod and unstick your tongue from the roof of your mouth, “yes, thank you.”
Is this all you have? A radio?
“Do you… wanna dance?” He murmurs shyly.
You look at him. You reach for his hand in acceptance. Nothing he gives comes without a price. He takes you into his arms wordlessly, his face brightening as he leads you into a slow shuffle.
‘I bless the day I found you I want to stay around you And so I beg you Let it be me’
The song is older. You’re not sure who it is. By your guess, it’s even older than your parents… you know you won’t see them again. Even if you do get your chance, you can never go back to the life before this.
“I remember the first day I saw you,” Clark says as he pulls your head to rest against his chest, “you were wearing that little pink plaid dress…”
His words hang in the air. You remember the day too. The day you thought you’d figure it all out. You’d pay your dues as an assistant, work your way up to a writer one day, and maybe, in your wildest dreams, an editor…
“I love you, honey,” he pets your head.
“Love you too,” you eke out.
He pulls back to look down at you. You gaze up as he brings his fingertips under your chin. He leans in to kiss you and draws away reluctantly. He hums as his other hand closes around yours.
“Let’s take a bath,” he lets go of you and follows the chain to its end, unhooking it from the loop in the floor. He tugs you after him as he lets the radio play.
You let him take you into the bathroom. He’s intent on his mission. He drops the chain, the links hitting the floor heavily. You stare at it, just for a second, not too long for your heart to spike.
He bends over the tub and cranks the faucet. You watch him, fingers tingling, as he puts in the stop and holds his hand under the water’s flow. Stay calm.
You move closer to him as he undresses. You help him lift his shirt and you pet the soft hair along his torso. He turns to you, that foggy look in his eyes. You bring your hands to his pants and undo them, biting your lip as you hold his gaze.
You pull down his pants and let them fall down his thick legs. You tilt your head at the sudden thought, tweaking your ear towards the music. He reaches to stroke your chin.
“What is it, honey?” He snarls.
“This song,” you stop and listen to The Ronettes' iconic beat, “can I turn it up?”
He rolls his thumb across your chin and exhales, “sure, honey. I like this one too.”
You smile and shift your head, taking his thumb into your mouth. His eyes round as you swirl your tongue around his salty fingertip. You pop your lips off as he sighs.
“I’ll be right back.”
“Mmm, baby,” he breathes.
You turn slowly, measuring your steps and your heartbeat. You go out into the kitchen, the chain rattling with each step. You peer around, taking in the place. You hear the water swish as he lowers himself into the tub. You peek over as the end of the chain trails just outside the bathroom.
You stop by the radio and glance over your shoulder. Now. You turn up the radio, just loud enough. You bend and tug the chain inch by inch towards you, the noise disguised by the drumbeat. You coil it around your hand, allowing enough for you to walk.
You peer over at the bathroom doorway.
“I’ll bring towels,” you call over the music.
“Hurry,” he booms back as he lets out another gritty sigh, “baby, I need you.”
You turn without hesitation. This is it. You march into the front room and to the front door. Of course he wouldn’t lock it, not with the cuff on your ankle hooked to the loop. You glance over at the hook in the floor and steel yourself.
You open the door, lifting it on the hinges to keep it quiet. The radio drones behind you as you let yourself out into the cool air. You take one step, then the other, each one quicker than the last. You approach the trees and take a breath.
It’s now or never.
You plunge into the woods, your gait uneven as you run with the chain yank with each step. You don’t know where you’re going or where to go, you just need to get far away from here. You can’t live like this. You can’t die like this.
Your feet hit the forest floor, unfeeling to the jab of sharp rocks and the scratch of twigs. Don’t look back, just go, just go. You sprint until your lungs burn, until your mouth is parched and scratchy, until your limbs ache.
You stumble onto the ground and gulp. You can’t go any further. You’re too weak.
You shake on your hands and knees, fighting to catch your breath, trying to urge yourself on. 
Then you hear it. A giggle. A chirpish yelp and the splash of water. People? You crawl forward towards the noise. You lift yourself to look over the overturned trunk at the edge of the incline. There’s a lake below, there’s bodies splashing through the waters, screaming and laughing.
Oh, god! You stand and throw your hand up, mustering your strength to cry out. Help!
As you open your mouth, your voice shrivels up as your throat is clamped in a vice. You're dragged back away from the drop off and turned to face your villain. Clark stands naked amid the trees, seeming as towering and thick as any of them, as he grips your neck. He lifts you off your feet, your toes dangling above the ground.
You claw at his forearm as you wheezes. Your eyes well as he glares at you, shaking with rage. The chain falls from your hand and hits the floor, weighing on your ankle. He bears his teeth and hisses.
“Why would you do this?”
You can’t speak. Your head throbs as you reach to bat at his chest, begging silently for him to release you. ‘Sorry…’ you mouth, ‘sorry…’
“I love you, sweetie, I love you so much,” his voice quakes as he squeezes tighter, “why did you do this?”
Your lips open and close as your head swells violently. Your arms feel heavy as you grasp at him desperately. I can do better, I can do better. Just one more chance, honey. Please.
“You’re the one, you’re the one,” he chants tearfully, “I never loved anyone like I love you.”
“Cl-Clark,” you force out, “ple-ease—”
“No,” he crushes your throat so not a single wisp can get through, “I will never… love anyone that way I love you. Never…”
Your cheek twitches as your lashes glazes with tears. Your heart pounds in your chest as your mind swirls. His eyes fill with red light, glowing hotter and hotter. You see yourself in the scarlet glare; you in your tub, reading your favourite novel, that first day at the office when you nervously introduced yourself, your days in school, running between classes, your high school graduation, the little girl dancing in the fields, a princess out of time.
You see it all behind you and you see the emptiness ahead of you. You shake your head above his grip and use the last of your effort to mouth the words to him. The truth.
‘I….’ you make certain the movement is clear, even as your eyes threaten to roll into your skull, ‘hate.’ Your lips twist in a cruel smirk, ‘you.’
Your head lolls and you stare into his glowing irises. You’re ready. This is ever after. 
The world is consumed in a red flash and a striking heat. It sears to the bone and ends just as quickly. All is black and gone. A life burnt to cinder.
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Stayed tuned for the epilogue
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: sully kids x hard of hearing metkayina male reader (platonic)
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: In a search for a way to communicate with you, the family has to master Na'vi sign language. Along the way of teaching them, however, you learn more about yourself.
ᴀɴᴏɴ: can you do a male Metkayina clan reader BUT the reader is hard of hearing because of the water from swimming.
ʀᴇ𝐐: yes ~ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 6148 ~ extra ~ gn reader vers.
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: feelings of shame and embarrassment, struggling to hear and understand people (and yourself), hints of angst
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ᴍᴀʏʙ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: we don't have resources for their exact sign language so i made some things up (since na'vi sign language isn't the same as asl) as well as iknimaya trials and traditions.
Ever since you were a kid, you had always loved the ocean. The Metkayina clan was a tribe of the water, the ocean, so it made sense; but unlike others your age who preferred to play with each other, you enjoyed being completely surrounded by Eywa's children within the ocean.
You had no qualms with solitude, as all you needed was the sea; but eventually, it proved to be a problem.
The sea gives and the sea takes; it gave you a world to love and took your hearing.
Tsireya introduced you to Sully's in their first lesson as one of the Metkayina who truly loved the ocean. "This is our best free diver," She put a hand on your shoulder, "(y/n). You're lucky I managed to find him."
Instead of responding in some negative way at her comment, you grin and offer a small wave.
"How so?" Lo'ak questions.
Tsireya doesn't answer outright. She giggles, "You'll see."
The chief's children and you jump into the water, demonstrating the proper way to dive in that best transitions into swimming. The Sully's, on the other hand, jump into the water as though in play.
You could see it in their eyes, their amazement. The sea was an entirely different world from the one above, it was something you loved about it.
Only the Na'vi and their animal companions mingled on the coast above. The ilu could be compared to their banshees, nothing special; and the people, though physically different, were still Na'vi.
You didn't doubt that these water creatures were unlike anything they'd seen before, and you were happy that they were astonished with the wildlife you, too, loved.
You turn back forward to swim, knowing that they'll follow. You show them the form, using your tail to help and keeping your body like a spear to be able to cut through the water.
You lead them deeper into the sea, but Ao'nung taps your shoulder. You turn to follow his finger, which points up.
The Sully's were taking a breath of air. Right, that's probably something you should teach them, but you were probably not the best teacher.
Within the water, your safe haven, you tended to forget many things, so you signed to them, keep going, forgetting they didn't know how to sign.
You keep swimming, this time checking up on them as you reach an underwater slope. They were bad swimmers, it seemed, which is an idea sort of incomprehensible to you, as every Metkayina was basically born in the ocean. They pushed off of coral and rock formations to push forward and keep up.
They don't even make it to you when they go back up for air.
What's wrong with them? Ao'nung signs.
They're bad divers. Rotxo replies. Though fingers and hands hardly conveyed emotion, you knew from Rotxo and Ao'nung's generally jokester demeanor that he was making fun of them.
Stop, they're learning. Tsireya scolds.
Whilst they talk to one another, you get distracted with something out of the corner of your eye. It was bioluminescence, hardly noticeable during the daytime, which is why it's so curious. You forget the lesson at hand and follow it.
The chief's children and Rotxo swim up to talk to the Sully's where they will actually understand each other. It is only after Tsireya promises to teach them sign language, which Neteyam ignorantly describes as "finger talk", that they notice you and their dear sister's disappearance.
The bioluminescence you had caught came from a lone hammerhead squid, which is even more peculiar because it was alone. Perhaps it was paranoid, because when it saw you, it began swimming away with determination.
You struggle to catch up with it.
It dives behind large coral, hoping to lose you, but you always catch up. Hammerhead squids found safety in numbers, so they usually didn't go so fast, which means it would tire out soon.
Knowing this, you kept up the chase. Regardless, however, it puts up a good fight.
It shoots out its ink prematurely. The black liquid disperses in the water, clouding much of the view ahead of you. Instead of swimming through it, you dive under, although you almost bump into a sharp rock. Narrowly, you avoid it, swimming up quickly once you're past the ink.
Though you move past it, its original outcome–clouding your view–succeeds. When you clear the ink, you suddenly bump into someone.
Sorry. You sign, rubbing at your forehead where you'd bumped into her, so so sorry.
The girl before you is one of the Sully's. Her eyebrows furrow, confusion in her face, but you misinterpret it as anger. Great, it's the Sully's first day in the clan and you were already giving bad impressions.
I didn't mean to bump into you.
Her eyebrows furrow further. Ultimately, although she doesn't like it, she decides to surface so that the two of you may speak. She points up and you understand.
Once you're up at the surface, she says, "I don't know what you're saying."
You had long since memorized the way one's mouth moves when they say those words, and their variations, so you explain, "I was apologizing for bumping into you."
Though the next couple words come muddled to you, you just barely catch her saying "alright" and a wave of relief washes over you. "What's your name?"
"Kiri." She gives you a polite smile.
"Nice to meet you, Kiri." You nod. "I didn't realize we'd lost you while diving. Why'd you wander off?"
"Oh, I um," She worries that you may think her a freak, so she waters it down. "I got distracted."
You chuckle, "Yeah, I get it. Happens a lot to me too. It's like a different world, isn't it?"
Her face lights up when you agree with her, "Yeah, it is." She ached to observe it again, to be surrounded by Eywa'eveng. "Do you mind if I..?" She gestures down.
You tilt your head, confused. "You what?"
"Go down again." Kiri mutters, little ashamed to say out loud that she'd rather be underwater than talk with you, but you manage to read her lips.
"Oh, of course I don't." You shake your head, "Actually, I was in the middle of finding something. Do you wanna come with?"
Though she much preferred to take the sights all in on her own and on her own time, she had to admit your offer was interesting. "Okay, sure." She nods.
Kiri follows you back underwater, and keeps swimming after you. Reminded of the other Sully's, you make sure to keep your head straight and swim at a slower pace.
As you keep swimming past large coral and columns of algae, trying to catch a glimpse of the squid you were searching for before, Kiri gets distracted by something particularly special out of the corner of her eye.
She stays in place, entranced, and almost swims for it before remembering the task at hand. However, when she turns to you, you're swimming back to her.
Txampaysye. You sign, but of course she wouldn't understand. So, you wave your hand in the water to create ripples in the current and signify the water. Then, you pass a hand from your stomach to your throat and out your mouth to signify breathing. Breathing underwater.
Somehow, she understands. Though the butterfly-like Txampaysye catches her attention, uncharacteristically of her, she gestures for you to keep going. She'll have time another day.
Just a bit of swimming later, you find the squid again. It doesn't notice you. You point at it and Kiri's head tilts with curiosity.
How could a squid be bioluminescent in the day? The sunlight's rays still reached it.
Do you want to catch it? You closed your hand, from splayed fingers into a fist very quickly, the sign for catch. It was pretty straight forward, so Kiri understood; what she didn't understand, and what she was against, was the idea.
The question was only formal. You swim forward without waiting for her answer, thinking she wanted to catch it.
You approach it as silently as possible, keeping your arms to your body and swaying up and down, using your feet like a fin. You keep your tail rigid and in place, for paddling it side to side as opposed to up and down like your legs would create unnecessary noise.
Once you are close enough, you lunge with a quick, sharp movement. It doesn't have time to react before you catch it between your fingers and palm.
Triumphantly, you turn to Kiri with your hand raised, failing to notice her growing anger. You swim towards her with enthusiasm.
Fyìp ioang. You sign.
For a moment you think you may be misinterpreting confusion as anger again, but you quickly realize you're interpreting correctly. Kiri pries your fingers apart, freeing the creature who spurts the last of its ink (only a little) and leaves.
Her eyebrows are furrowed, a look you hate, and she points up towards the surface again. You follow, embarrasment beginning to spread through your body.
"You shouldn't be taking animals against their will." She scolds, pointing an accusatory finger at you. Her anger was loud and clear in her voice, loud enough for you to hear.
"Sorry." You purse your lips and mumble so low you can't even hear it yourself, "I was only curious."
She huffs, "Your curiosity doesn't mean you can imprison them just to poke and prod."
"Yeah," You point your gaze down, "you're right."
"Just don't do it again." With that, she begins to swim away, not caring if you follow her.
With shame, you dive back into the water, in search of one of your favorite places to soothe yourself.
She was right, of course, but your curiosity was often one of your driving points. It was why you spent most of your time in the ocean, what kept you entertained underwater. On the other hand, it was also why you'd lost so much of your hearing.
The next morning, on their way to their second lesson, the Sully's find you.
Lo'ak, after yesterday, now understands why Tsireya was lucky to find you before. He thinks they're pretty lucky today, too, as it seems you're going to head into the ocean. "(y/n)!" He calls for your attention, but you don't hear him.
You're just about to dive in, so Lo'ak hurries up to meet you. He catches you by the shoulder. "Hey."
"Hey." You greet him with a smile. "What's up?"
"You left us yesterday. Where'd you go?" He asks curiously.
"I'm sorry, what?" You ask, having not heard him entirely.
"Where'd you go?" He repeats.
Again, you don't hear him. You purse your lips, the shame of not being able to understand people creeping in. "Oh, sorry, I didn't hear you."
"Where did you go?" Lo'ak repeats for the third time, slowing down his speech.
"Look, I'm really sorry–"
Neteyam catches up, slinging an arm over Lo'ak's shoulder. "What my brother means to ask is where you went yesterday, when you were supposed to be teaching us."
"Teach you?" You tilt your head as you think. Did the Olo'eyktan assign you something? Tsireya only took the opportunity because she saw you yesterday. You can't think of anything, though. "What am I supposed to teach you?"
Lo'ak sighs, "When you were teaching us how to free dive?"
The sigh makes you purse your lips. Your stupid ears were making people frustrated again. Still, you couldn't say anything when you didn't understand them. "...what about it?"
Tsireya comes to save you, noticing the struggle between you and the Sully's. "(y/n), here," She begins, pushing Lo'ak's hand off your shoulder, "struggles to hear, if you guys haven't noticed."
She signs to you, taking advantage of the fact they don't know how to sign. Do you want them to know your story?
You shake your head, to which she nods.
"It'd be much appreciated if you guys spoke louder, spoke clearer, and moved your mouths wider." She demonstrates the way they should speak as she instructs them. "It helps him to be able to read your lips until you learn how to sign."
"So he can hear us?" Lo'ak asks.
"Barely." You respond, reminding him that you are in fact in this conversation.
Neteyam nods, rubbing a burn into his brother's scalp. "Sorry, Lo'ak needs to remember these sorts of things."
"Shut up, bro." He pushes his brother away, causing him to skid sideways a few paces.
"(y/n), you would be a great help in teaching them sign language." Tsireya turns to you, signing as she speaks.
You understand, but you purse your lips. "Today? I sort of wanted to explore..."
"Doesn't have to be today, no," She shakes her head, "today is about breathing. If you want to leave, that's perfectly alright."
She smiles at you. Oh, Eywa, you loved Tsireya. She was so kind.
You take her permission and give a wave before diving into the water.
You swim farther into the ocean, trying to wash off your embarrassment with the cool water. It burned in your cheeks, anyway.
When the Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk found out about your hearing loss, you had already reached a point where there was no way to be healed. Everyone blamed your parents, their neglect for your ears and the proper care after a swim. But in truth, you knew you were also to blame.
It had been a long time since you were a burden. The Metkayina accommodated for your hearing loss. You were lucky to be born in the clan who originated the language that didn't require hearing. You had long since come to a comfortable life because of it.
When you realize that the embarrassment won't wear off so easy, you lay down on the sea grass covered sand—or lay down as best you can. The current pushes your head and limbs up.
Your intent was to relax, but the bioluminescent squid from yesterday pops up above you. You react quickly, reaching out and trapping it in your hand again.
You. You sign, awkward because you're one-handed, You embarrassed me in front of Kiri.
You'd missed two of its tentacles in grabbing it. It crosses its arms, giving you attitude, then pointed at you instead. Somehow, you understand.
Alright, fine. You huff, It's my fault. You release the squid, but this time it lingers. You forgive me?
It waves two of its tentacles up and down as if to nod its head.
You pluck a small fish from its school and hand it over as an extra peace offering. Sorry, fyìp.
It stares blankly at your offering. Clearly, it was refusing it, because it was definitely capable of catching that fish on its own. Also, you were ignoring the lesson Kiri taught you. You release the fish, which scurries back to its school, signing sorry again.
Why do you want to hang out with me?
The tentacles at its sides raise up in a shrug.
You lost your group. You purse your lips, extending your hand so that the squid may sit on it, even if it is redundant underwater. Are you trying to find a new one?
It shrugs again, though accepts the spot you give it on your hand.
Well, I suppose we're the same in that. You and I, we're special. I'm hard of hearing, and you're bioluminescent. You laugh inwardly, Although, those are two different things.
Fyìp does a twirl in your hand. It seems pleased.
Alright, let's go. I'll show you some of my favorite places.
After the Sully's breathing exercises, Neteyam is eager to find you. He dives into the water, both practicing his breathing and speed.
For the third time, he's lucky to find you returning to the village for dinner, this time you were fortunately not caught up in exploring the sea.
Neteyam waves his hand in greeting. You do the same, though you hadn't realized he had more to say.
(y/n). He signs.
Immediately, your eyes light up. Neteyam is delighted.
Who taught you that? You sign. Your hands are a flurry of speed, but he manages to catch the words anyway.
He recognized "you" and "taught" and the distinct lack of "I", so he can assume what you asked. Tsireya. He signs simply, for she hadn't taught him much more than that and your names.
I'll teach you too.
He recognizes "I", "teach", and "you", and understands. He nods excitedly, then points up towards the surface. You follow.
"You're learning." You grin as you surface.
"Yeah." His smile turns bashful, "I want to learn so I can talk to you better." He even exaggerates the movement of his lips so that you may read them.
"Aww, that's sweet." Though you've only known him for so long, you give him a hug. "Thank you."
"No need to thank me." He shakes his head, still holding your elbows gently even as you part from the hug, "It's just what I should do."
Oh, you skxawng! You're late, you're late, you're late!
Too caught up within the serenity that the sea brought you, you had forgotten that you were supposed to be teaching the Sully's sign language!
You swim towards the shore with much hurry. Your body was preoccupied with a mission, to get there fast, and your mind was berating you for being stuck in your head so much. Because of it, you're not exactly focusing on the world around you.
"Oof!" You grunt as you bump into a column. It was one of the ones that supported the Marui pods above.
You pull yourself up onto your elbows on the pathway between pods, spitting out the water you'd caught in your mouth when you bumped so stupidly into a column.
Your squid friend jumps up too, sticking to your leg then climbing up to your shoulder. Its sticky tentacles feel weird on your skin, but you pay it no mind. Instead, you focus on cradling the spot on your forehead where you collided.
When Fyìp lands on your shoulder, you turn to it with a huff and go back to rubbing your head. Then, once you actually notice, you double take back to it.
"You can go above the surface?"
Now, no longer muffled by the water, you can just barely catch its squeal. Huh, so it was making sound all this time.
It twirls around your shoulder as if to say yes.
You turn your head back forward, resting your chin on the pathway. "I'm so stupid–wait." The Sully's and the chief's children are having the lesson quite a few ways ahead of you. They didn't seem to notice you. "It's them."
Fyìp's eyes almost seem to light up when it sees Kiri.
"Gah, should I really be joining them now? I'm so late!" You frown, thinking it over. "I'd be so lost," You narrate your thoughts for Fyìp, "every time I think about something to teach, what if they already taught it? What even is their teaching plan? I shouldn't have gone out today. Should've stayed to talk to Tsireya."
Thanks to your awful hearing and tunnel-vision, you don't notice Fyìp yapping in your ear. Only when it slaps you on the shoulder–it was a small animal, hardly hurt–do you pay attention to it.
"What?" You whine, now rubbing your shoulder.
Fyìp points forward vigorously, pulling its tentacle forwafd and back repeatedly.
"It'll be so embarrassing."
It crosses its arms in front of itself like a no. Even though you're sure it will be, Fyìp's insistence reminds you of your promise to Neteyam. It wasn't broken just yet.
"Okay, fine."
At your affirmation, Fyìp drops back into the water. You follow suit.
Learning a new language, later in your life, was always hard. Although, Jake Sully was the only one in his family with that experience.
"Lo'ak, why are you home early?" Jake and Neytiri rush over to him, sitting down as he does.
"Sign language is so hard." Lo'ak groans, his head down.
"Learning another language is hard," Jake affirms, putting a reassuring hand on his son's shoulder. "but it's like everything else. With practice, you'll get the hang of it."
"At first, he was terrible at Na'vi too." Neytiri grins, causing Jake to roll his eyes.
"Yes, and I became better." He gives her a pointed look, to which she only replies by baring her fangs playfully.
"Well, it's more than that." Lo'ak frowns, looking down at his hands, the very reason he was so different. "I have five fingers! Everyone else has four. Whenever there's a sign that requires fingers, everyone stares at me and Kiri. Their looks are so blank, but I can tell what they're thinking."
"So why didn't you say something?" Jake asks. "It's unlike you to not do anything."
It was a good question that left him silent as he thought. He didn't really know the answer, not as he dug through the surface of his mind. As he searched deeper, he found an answer, but he didn't really want to believe it. "It's because... Tsireya and (y/n) were there."
"And..?" Neytiri prods for him to continue.
"I don't want to disappoint them..." Lo'ak purses his lips, "or be a burden to them."
"Son," Jake places his hands on both Lo'ak's shoulders, causing him to finally look up at him. Jake wanted to be sure that Lo'ak understood the sentiment behind his words. "you're only learning. You can't disappoint them. And if they get upset at you, then that's their fault because they do not understand you and who you are."
"Next time," Neytiri speaks up, catching their attention, "make an arrangement. Find a way to work around it. Alright?"
Lo'ak nods, "Okay."
Usually, you were the one sought out within the Metkayina if they ever needed you because you were always doing something in the ocean. The sea was vast and cluttered, from seawall terrace to the shore, it was all within the realm of possibility of where you were.
But, for once, you're seeking someone out.
"Kiri!" You call, "I was looking for you."
She emerges from the ocean, ringing the water out of her hair. Too caught up in the sights and feeling Eywa in the sea, she had missed dinner. You could relate to that, so you had to make sure she was taking care of herself.
"What is it?" Kiri asks, treading carefully on her words.
"I saved you some dinner." You hand her a leaf dish of fish.
"Oh." Only once she sees the food does she remember her growling stomach and hunger. "Thank you." She takes the leaf from you gingerly but begins to scarf it down once it's in her own hands.
"It's no problem." You begin, "Sometimes I accidentally skip dinner too. I know the feeling of great hunger in the morning."
Kiri nods in understanding.
"Make sure to get the water out of your ears." You enthusiastically demonstrate by tipping your head to the side and tapping the side of it. "You don't want to end up like me."
Kiri almost chokes on her food. She coughs and puts it on the sand temporarily. "Like you?"
"You know," She doesn't know how you can retain a smile like this. "bad hearing and all."
Ever since you'd lost the majority of your hearing, the adults started using you as an example of what not to do. Not only did they advice the young ones while using your example, they also advised your peers. At first, it was embarrassing, but you began to understand why you were an example and had long since grown used to the embarrassment it brought.
"(y/n), are you using yourself as an example?"
"What?" You tease, "Wanna end up like me?"
"No, (y/n), that's not what I mean." She takes both your hands in hers. "You shouldn't be using yourself as an example of what happens if you don't take care of yourself."
"Why not?" It was pretty normal to you now. You purse your lips, "Everyone uses me as an example. I am what happens if you don't–"
"Because," Kiri breathes out in disbelief, "you're more than an example. You're your own person. You're more than your past mistakes."
"You're right," You snicker at the thought, "just like last time."
"I'm just saying what has to be said." She reassures, rubbing her thumbs over the back of your hands, "Value yourself more."
The trend of you seeking other people out, when it'd always been the opposite before, followed along for Lo'ak.
After your sign language lessons, you retreated into the ocean to clear your thoughts. Now that you had what you were looking for, you had to find Lo'ak, which thankfully doesn't take long.
"Lo'ak!" You call as your eyes find him.
He himself seemed to be searching for you too, so when he sees you, his eyes brighten. He covers the ground between you two quickly. "Hey, I was just looking for you."
"Me too. Do you wanna go first?"
He nods, "I found out a way we can work around my fingers."
"Your fingers?" You tilt your head forward.
"Yeah." He shows them off, wiggling all five for you.
"What about them?"
"Oh," He realizes the question wasn't because you'd somehow forgotten how many he had, but because you hadn't heard the rest of his sentence. He speaks with his mouth wider for you, "I found a way to work around them."
"That's what I was trying to find you for, actually." You snicker, "I found a way to work with them."
"With them?" He hadn't thought it possible.
"Yep." You grin, "Oh, but you were going first. Go on."
"Right, um," Lo'ak lifts one of his hands with the other, up to your view, then he pulls his last finger down. "I was thinking we could tie down my pinkie."
"Your pinkie?"
"My last finger, the smallest, it's called the pinkie."
"Okay, right." You nod.
"Tie it down with like a, um," He snaps his fingers while he thinks. "rope or something until I learn to stop using it."
After hearing his thought, you burst out laughing. It leaves Lo'ak confused. He stands there awkwardly, arms falling down to his sides with a building shame because he can't understand what you were laughing at.
"Sorry, um," You shake your head to wipe the laughter from your face, "that's too cruel, Lo'ak."
"Cruel?" He asks, eyebrows furrowed.
"Yeah, don't you think? It's just like what your sister taught me. We shouldn't take things against their will." You hold his hand to bring it back between the two of you and press his pinkie down against his palm. The force you put on his knuckle and the position is rather uncomfortable for Lo'ak, and it shows in his face. "See?"
"Yeah, you're right." He mutters, then realizes his mistake. "Sorry, I mean, you're right." He enunciates louder and clearer. "Just that... I couldn't really find any other way."
"Well, I was thinking we could just use your middle fingers as a unit." You bring his pinkie back up and press your fingers on his middle fingers, "What do you call them?"
"This is the middle finger," He wiggles it and specifically avoids accidentally showing it off to you, even if you probably don't know what it means. "and this is the ring finger."
"Okay." You nod, understanding quickly. Then, you press your fingers against the ring's left and the middle's right and hold them together. "We can consider these as my middle finger."
You hold your hand up next to his, pulling your other fingers down to show him the middle. He almost laughs and tells you the meaning, but decides it's funnier if you don't know.
"Say, "happen" for example." You use his hand as if it were your own, as yours was holding it, and press the side of yourd against it. Then, you bring it to the side quickly whilst pushing your fingers wide apart. "To mimic my middle finger, you can use your middle and ring fingers together."
"But... wouldn't it be confusing?" Lo'ak argues, looking up into your eyes.
You turn away from him, biting your lip, "Much the same as you're... accommodating for me by learning sign language, we must accommodate for you too. It's only right."
"Accommodate..." He hated that word, and clearly, you were just as ashamed to use it. It had been used all throughout your lives because of your particularities. "Let's not say that."
You turn back up to him, a glimmer of hope within your eyes. "What do you mean?"
"Let's not say we're accommodating for our differences." He turns his hand, the one that rested upon your palm, and uses it to hold yours reassuringly. "Let's just say that we're doing this for each other."
He loves the way your face lights up with a smile. "That sounds good."
Thanks to Tsireya's efforts, the Sully's had learned the ways of the Metkayina.
They were still different, they were Omatikaya, and they and the Metkayina would always have their differences. However, despite their leaner bodies, they could catch up with you in the water; despite other physical differences like smaller lungs, they could stay underwater almost as long as you. They still preferred bow and arrow over spear and ikran over ilu.
Soon enough, they were good enough at free diving that they were allowed to perform their first Iknimaya trial, catching a small shell thrown into the sea.
Of course, it was the first because it was the easiest, the Metkayina completed it when they were young; but still, it called for a celebration.
Ronal denied a coming of age celebration. It was past the season for it, the tulkuns weren't home yet, and the Metkayina didn't know the Sully's enough for it to have any real sentiment.
It didn't matter to you, though. All they really wanted was a celebration with friends (which Ao'nung so gladly volunteered to not participate in).
You brought them into the sea for the celebration. For once, it wasn't a test of their breathing, speed, or swimming form. It was just exploring, enjoying the water; and they hadn't done that since they tamed their ilu.
As you dove into the sea, Fyìp swam to be near you. It seemed unbothered by the stares of awe he received.
Kiri grinned, signing to you, Fyìp ioang?
Yeah! Call him Fyìp now. You offer it a spot on your palm, which it accepts. You thrust your hand forward to show them all. He warmed up to me, forgave me.
Forgave you? Lo'ak signed. After your arrangement, he'd really gotten good at sign language.
Though the celebration was not meant to be a test, it was a great demonstration of how they were on their way to master sign language.
I believe I told you about the lesson Kiri taught me. I caught Fyìp to show it off to her, and she taught me I shouldn't have done so, even through all my curiosity. You nod at the thought, Wise words.
Kiri tucks a hair behind her ear, It just made sense to me. Not something wise or anything.
Sure. You huff out a laugh, then turn around to swim further in. Fyìp clings onto your shoulder.
The sights were already amazing. The Sully's were no longer limited by depth or obstacles now that they knew the way of water, so now they could see everything the sea had to offer.
You turn back to them again with an offer, You guys wanna see one of my favorite places? Knowing that they'll definitely agree, you turn back around and start leading the way.
It doesn't take long before you are standing before a marvel.
It was a cove of coral, fish, and many more ocean creatures. They were all colorful and eye-catching, but the main attraction was the ilu. It was similar to the Banshee Rookery in the Ayram alusìng.
We don't always tame ilu bred from other ilu at the village. Sometimes, we come here, though rarely. You explain.
These ilu were wilder, more aloof, but they still retained their friendly nature with the Na'vi. So long as you do not anger them, we can hang out with them.
The Sully's were practically let loose around the area. As you already knew much of it, you laid down on a rock at the heart of it and simply watched. Fyìp stuck around you, catching stray fish for dinner.
Kiri easily communicated with the ilu. Even if they were already friendly, they seemed even warmer with her.
Lo'ak managed to find the more playful ilu and had somehow gotten himself into a game of tag. He seemed to be one of the runners. He ducked behind coral, up and around rock arches. He was holding his own, despite the ilu naturally being much faster. Tsireya found herself watching too, and was laughing at Lo'ak's panicked face as he narrowly avoided being caught by an ilu.
As Lo'ak and Kiri both found their own things to do, it seemed Neteyam was stuck with Tuk. But she wasn't a burden to him. What kind of big brother would he be if she was?
He held her by the hand and admired some of the smaller creatures with her, although it seemed as though she had other intentions.
She escaped Neteyam's grasp and began swimming away with vigor. For a moment, Neteyam panicked, rushing after her with alarm. However, he soon relaxed once she saw she was going to you.
She waved hello adorably with a grin then signed. As the youngest, she had a bit more trouble with signing, but you understood her. Why do you like being in the water so much?
Well, it's very serene. You reply.
Neteyam caught up. He seemed interested too. Is that it?
You shrug, Sort of. There's some other reasons, but... You took in Tuk's hopeful eyes. She was far too cute to be denied. I could tell them to you.
Please? Will you? She swims closer, holding onto your wrists so that you may still sign.
Perhaps Tsireya rounded them up; otherwise, you have no idea why, as signing doesn't make sound, but they all round up around you. Even Fyìp swims closer.
It was a bit nerve-wracking, having all those eyes on you, but you had grown close to all of them. Nothing bad would come of it if you told them.
Tuk's smile grows wider, she swims away so the others can see you too.
Ever since I was a kid, the ocean was so entrancing. It was majestic, a different world from the one above. The other kids my age, they preferred to play with one another. I preferred to explore the ocean. Even though I was hardly used to the world above, I still preferred exploring underwater.
Tsireya taught you that the sea gives and takes. While it gave me a world to love, it also took my hearing because I was negligent towards my ears. Eventually, the sea was more than just the world I loved. It was also the only place I could be normal.
Lo'ak and Kiri listen more carefully when you mention the word normal. It was something they both struggled with.
Everybody needs to sign to speak. You don't need your ears to listen to them, you only need your eyes; and my eyes, I still have. Underwater, I swim and speak and listen just like everyone else.
Tsireya swims closer, a frown on her face. She holds your elbow endearingly, You are just like everyone else.
Yeah, you are. Neteyam does the same, swimming closer. You are Na'vi.
We are Na'vi. Lo'ak signs.
Though we are all different, we are all Eywa's children. Kiri signs. It doesn't matter in what way we are different, my fingers, our blood, your hearing...
Lo'ak's eyebrows... Neteyam signs. Said eyebrows furrow at the teasing. Lo'ak retaliates by squeezing Neteyam's exposed neck, as his brother always does to him. Neteyam pushes him away.
You guys, you all understand. You smile, I'm so sorry that the Metkayina treat you differently.
Lo'ak shakes his head, If it is something we must teach them, we'll make them learn. He smiles, So long as we have great teachers like you and Tsireya to back us up, right?
You roll your eyes–he thinks it's endearing–at him but nod. We'll teach them that we're all the same.
Tomorrow will be a good day for that. Tsireya signs, Let's not forget we are celebrating your first Iknimaya trial.
Fyìp does an encouraging twirl that makes everyone smile.
To tomorrow. You sign.
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Yellow-rump Warbler 05/09/23 Here in our yard FOY.
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aonungstsahik · 1 year
Beauty | Ao’nung x Fem!Reader
you were a sully kid, neteyams twin sister. after you and your family got accepted you each got assigned teachers, yours was ao’nung. during lessons you easily got distracted but ao’nung likes that about you. (idk what to write)…
a/n- i skipped some parts of the movie…don’t be mad😞. also this is my first ever ff for anything! so if anyone has suggestions on to fix/work on please let me know! also request something and i might work on it!
warnings- ao’nung being himself, cussing, spellings mistakes and grammar
WC; 1,382!!
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‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊
second person pov
ever since you and your family moved to the Metkayina clan, you and your siblings have been constantly harassed by ao’nung and his friends during your teaching sessions.
whenever during your lessons you been so distracted by the natural beauty of wildlife under water. almost drowning 3 times. ao’nung noticed this after your lesson where you nearly drowned, and where you two started to become friends
‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊
flashback to the first lesson
ao’nung noticed the first time when you weren’t there. you would always complain how tiring it was and you need a break. so you weren’t there, he panicked because you were far from any land. he was not about to have your death on his hands.
there he saw you giggling as fishes were swiming by you, tickling you. a small smile coming to his face when he saw you.
it went away as soon as you started to grab your throat. you were starting to drown. ao’nung swam to you as fast as he could. grabbing you by your arms helping you reach the surface.
“what were thinking!,” he shouted at you as you coughing. you still were in his arms.
“i wasn’t thinking…i was distracted by the beauty of this place…” you looked at him. waiting for another scolding, instead he just laughed at you. you started to smile, “it’s not that funny! it’s a really bad habit of mine,” you said while slightly giggling while you splashed water at him.
“oh, you wanna start that?,” he said while laughing. he as you splashed you with water as hard as he could. ao’nung started to laugh at your state, jaw opening and dripping in water.
“ao’nung!!,” you shouted at him “you’re going to fucking pay for that,” you said as you punched him in the arm. his eyes grew muttering ‘oh shit’ under his breath. he dove underwater trying to run away from you as you couldn’t swim like him.
recap before present day
over the next few days and weeks, you and ao’nung would get closer and closer. he started to bully you a lot less and he even was being nicer to you siblings, aka not pulling anymore pranks or saying rude things to them.
you and him would even hang out outside lessons, just by yourself. you felt your felt yourself starting to like him but you didn’t want to be reject by ao’nung. even though your whole family was teasing you and your ‘boyfriend’.
whenever there was no one around at the beach or underwater, he would be touchy with you. rubbing his hand against yours or even putting his tail on yours while you guys sat on the beach and talked about how different each of your homes were. and every time he would touch even sightly you get all nervous and blushly, you tired hiding it every time too.
he always saw you blush and thought you were adorable. ever since the first lesson ao’nung thought you were different from everyone he has every saw. and he loved that about you. he knew he liked you and ao’nung knew from his sister, Tsireya, that you liked him too. he just waiting for the perfect day to tell you…
‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊
present day, almost two months since you came
you were swimming with ao’nung for your ‘lesson’. ao’nung started to make up lessons just to spend with you since your siblings or someone were always with you. and he just wanted you to himself.
˚𓆛your pov
i was swimming behind ao’nung as i kept getting distracted by the wildlife. whenever a fish would swim right by me i had to stop and play with it. ao’nung could always tell when i wasn’t by him and i could see him whip his head around and smile when he saw me, i would smile back giggling. he swam up to me signaling up to the surface and i nodded to him.
“i want to show you somewhere, so no more distractions okay?,” he said to me while sightly turning his head to the side rising one brow.
i nodded and wrapped two fingers, “i promise ao’nung,”
he scoffed, “thank you tìlor,” as soon as i heard that word i started to blush. i tried hiding it by diving in the water. I signaled to him to hurry up. ao’nung smiled before he dove down where i was, motioning me to follow him.
we swam for what felt like forever, it was 5 minutes. he took an area underwater that had a cave, with a place where we could breathe.
“sooo, what makes this place so special
…?,” i asked, staring up at him as sitting on ground kicking his feet in water. i was right next to him but in the water, resting my head on my arms softly kicking my feet.
he looked down at me meeting my eyes. “i come here to calm down or even be by myself. i never brought anyone else here,” i lifted my head and smiled at him. “i need you to sit up here please, i want to you right in front of me please,” ao’nung asked me. i nodded and i was trying to pull myself up, he grabbed me by my arms lifting me up.
“thank you” i whispered, i started to get nervous. wondering all the things he could have said to me. maybe today was the day i was going to let it spilt.
“y/n?” ao’nung asked bringing me out of my thoughts, i nodded. he looked down, reaching for my both of my hands to take in his. he was holding my hands so gentle almost like i was going to break because of him. “i need to tell you something really important,” he looked at my eyes. my smile started to grow almost like i knew what he was going to say.
“y/n. i..um” he started stuttering and turning red. i giggled at his state making him look up and squint his eyes at me. “y/n, i..i like you…,”
my smile grew so big showing my more of my teeth now, “ao’nung,” i said “i like you too,” i took one of my hands and put it on his face rubbing his cheek. i scooted closer to him, “can i kiss you?,” i asked.
“that’s not fair i’m meant to ask tìlor,” he pouted, “but yes,”. his little smirk was one of the things you liked about him. you leaned in kiss him but as soon as you barely touched his lips he scooted away.
“ao’nung!?,” i questioned him, tilting my head and pushing my eyebrows together.
“cmon y/n you know you gotta work harder than that,” he laughed at me, he leaned in to my ear whispering “catch me for it,” and with that he was gone in the water before i could react.
i jumped in the water after him, i saw him swimming away looking behind him to see me chasing him. the chasing probably went on for a minutes before i couldn’t hold my breathe anymore. i swam to the top, looking down trying to see him but i couldn’t. as soon as i was about to go down again i felt something wrapped their arms around my waist. i screamed and turned around ready to punch someone. but it was him, ao’nung, all smiles and giggles.
“hey,” he said looking down at me, “you know you look so cute when you pout after you don’t get your way,” he moved his hand to cup my face, i slapped his arm and he yelped.
“i think you owe me a kiss,” is all i said as my eyebrows were raised. he chuckled at me and muttered a quick ‘yeah yeah’. he pulled me into a kiss that lasted for ten seconds. after the kiss i rested my forehead against his chest trying to hide me blushing so much.
“y/n,” i looked at ao’nung, who was already looking down at me, i looked up at him and nodded. he pushed some hair out of my face and smiled. “i see you tìlor,” he said and he leaned down to kiss my forehead.
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callsignangel · 1 year
domestic life w/ baby daddy! neteyam x a metkayina! mate - part two
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warnings: fluff, neteyam being a great dad <3 in this series neteyam is about 24/25 (so, an ADULT) which i forgot to mention in my first post. if you're concerned or confused, please reference my statement regarding this series here. requested by anon <3 ↳ “i need more baby daddy neteyam but with a son. like maybe he admires how close his wife and son are yk mother-son bond,”
i’m not super happy w/ these but i hope y’all enjoy regardless <3
neteyam had 3 other siblings growing up and he wanted the same for your daughter, so naturally you have more children together because the more the merrier
your second child was a son
fun fact, your daughter has 4 fingers like neytiri, but your son came out with 5 like jake. neteyam is thrilled that both of his kids are healthy and have these connections to his parents
but most importantly, they both remind him of you and how amazing and strong you are
neteyam still wears his baby carrier while he’s doing housework or cooking just so he can have his son close
your daughter’s first word was dada (not surprising)
he would watch you with both kids, telling your daughter stories of metkayina warriors before bed and singing na’vi lullabies to your son
he loves the bond you have with your kids. you teach them the importance of being a strong warrior and being fierce, but also to be kind and help those around you. to protect pandora and it’s wildlife, the oceans and the forest and to have a deep connection with eywa.
his daughter tends to gravitate towards him, but your son is a complete mama's boy. just the sweetest big happy family
now that your daughter is older, she likes to sleep with you guys in your bed
sometimes he’ll wake up in the night and he’ll see you with the baby
it makes his heart swell watching you softly sing to him and rock him back and forth
you guys take turns waking up to care for the crying baby. sometimes he sleeps through it, but there’ll be moments where you get up to go but neteyam’s already there
he cradles that little boy in his arms and this man ALWAYS makes sure he supports their neck/heads
he’s bouncing him softly and humming to lull him back to sleep
he carves out toys for his kids from driftwood found on the beaches of awa’atlu
threatens to take away said toys when your kids get fussy about eating their vegetables
neteyam is a frequent napper now, you’ll always find your baby boy on his chest and your baby girl cuddled up on his side - all sound asleep.
they both grow up way too fast but he wouldn’t have it any other way. he’s glad you stayed by his side through it all and that you’ve blessed him with two gorgeous children
we love baby daddy neteyam <3
kiri is the spiritual crystal loving wine aunt
lo'ak is the funcle
tuktirey is the cool aunt who'll colour with them but also sneak them alcohol
jake is the military grandpa who start's every sentence with "back in my day," or "back where i come from," and falls asleep everywhere all the time, gives unsolicited parenting advice lol
neytiri is the one who spoils all of her grandchildren the most, always has cute little gifts for them and brings them candy
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 2 months
May I request more baji hcs? Like all the hcs you have?
(I love your take on him ajd I wanna hear your thoughts)
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The people have spoken and it's now Baji's turn so here we are!
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Baji gets extremely excited for zoo visits, as a kid he actually used to frequently get lost at zoo trips since he'd run off to look at all the animals faster then his mum/ class. 
Likes splashing in puddles (especially if it means he can splash Chifuyu or Ryusei).
Whenever he sees Luna and Mana they beg to braid his hair (he secretly likes it being played with)
Actually likes talking while watching movies, he likes having someone to theorise with and discuss the plot with.
He can't take any credit for his hair care cause his mother taught him everything he knows.
As a kid he would constantly invite Kazutora round for dinner because he didn't like the idea of him being home alone/ with his parents.
Actually doesn't understand the fuss over dating at all (not until he meets a certain someone and falls in love at first sight).
Can make a really great paper airplane (used to aim them at Mikey's hair) 
Will show affection through biting 
Is super handy with tools, always fixing things his mother tells him to (she taught him everything he knows).
Shinichiro used to ruffle his hair a lot as a kid, he always loved that feeling (Shinichiro's the only one allowed to do this though)
His school sports coaches are constantly trying to recruit him for baseball club (i mean tbf he does have great aim).
Used to have his own piercings but his mum made him take them out (that's why he knows what he's doing with Kazutora's).
Is really great at climbing trees (he wanted to beat Mikey so badly at climbing that he started practising non stop.)
Has accidentally broken his phone at least 6 times
Has named every single stray cat that comes into his room. 
Got so angry when Senju attacked him while training Emma (he immediately pushed Emma behind him to try and protect her) but that anger immediately vanished when he realised who attacked him and why. 
Has teased Mikey before by saying Emma likes him as a martial arts partner more.
Has a lucky hair tie for fights 
Is very protective as a partner, will constantly check your wellbeing and safety.
Is also on bug duty, there's a big spider in the house? It's his job to take it outside. 
Is a bit of a baby when it comes to taking medicines, doesn't like the way they taste and refuses to take them. 
Went to visit Sanzu in the hospital after the incident, he brought him magazines to try and cheer him up. 
Feeds the local wildlife as well as cats, he has a few trees where he hangs birdfeeders etc
His mother always makes a big effort for his birthdays so he's learnt to make a big effort for everyone elses. Though he always puts in the most effort for her.
Has been late to meetings because he was distracted by a cat before
Baji kept every letter Kazutora sent him
As a partner he's very good at reading your moods and adapting to them. Your sad? Then he'll cheer you up. Stressed? He'll help you relax. Angry? Then he'll take you out somewhere to let that frustration out.
Watered a fake plant for two years without realising it wasn't real once.
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tikattu · 1 month
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KAAMOS (the dark urge) companion edition!
kaamos likes helping those in need, open-mindedness, and snarky jokes. he appreciates using words to get out of trouble. kaamos generally dislikes violence, but may randomly approve displays of physical cruelty.
significant approval for showing him trust and support when he struggles with amnesia and the urge
picking joke dialogue options
defying authority
supporting other companions
some acts of violence (randomized, chance greatly increases if player encourages him to embrace the urge)
succesful deception or persuasion checks to prevent fights and getting access to information/places
knowledge of religious practices
being nice to wildlife and children
kaamos dislikes unnecessary violence, be it towards people or any other living creature. he strongly dislikes attempts to take away his autonomy and not having privacy.
unnecessary fights prompted by the player
significant disapproval for threatening him when he opens up about his urges
using detect thoughts on him
some intimidation checks
being too open with unknown or suspicious people
siding with the absolute
recruiting auntie ethel, lorroakan, or wulbren as an ally
significant disapproval for not letting him duel orin
greetings under read more to prevent this getting too long!
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kaamos has a variety of different greetings that indicate his level of approval. he gets a little more talkative when he trusts the player.
some greetings are exclusive to a plot path where the player has encouraged him to embrace his urges. his demeanor becomes more agitated and distrustful over time when he lets his urges take hold of him, making the few exclusive greetings more common as time goes on.
low to very low:
[ stare, raised brow ]
[ audible sigh ]
"careful now." (dark urge encouraged)
neutral to medium:
[ curious look, head tilt ]
"walk softly"
"what's the matter?"
"did you hear that? no, nevermind."
"i'm here."
[ intense stare ] (dark urge exclusive)
"pardon me, it's hard to focus. need something?" (dark urge encouraged)
high to exceptional:
[ smile, nod ]
"am i in trouble?"
"you return! not that it bothers me. it doesn't. i swear."
"whatever you need, friend."
"what's on your mind? besides the tadpole, i mean."
"trying to sneak up on me? hm. i could teach you a thing or two sometime." (dark urge encouraged)
[ uneasy smile ] (dark urge encouraged)
[ tender smile, bows head ]
"your presence is ever so soothing. is there something you need?"
"you're always a welcome sight. all is well i hope?"
"there's my guiding star." (partnered)
"hello, love." (partnered)
"there you are. where have you been?" (dark urge encouraged)
"i was wondering if you had forgotten me already. just kidding." (dark urge encouraged)
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notgonnaedit · 12 days
Fading Scars
Summery: After the Chain meet Twilight's family and friends, a portal takes them to another Hyrule
Focus Link: Wild
A/n: Art isn't mine, it belongs to @gia-d
I really enjoyed writing this one. There's a reference to the BotW overworld music in there too. Takes place after BotW but before TotK
Master list
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Wild turned in his makeshift bed as he tried to fall asleep. The day's events should've left him exausted. Playing with the children of Twilight's village, exploring as much as he could, but no matter how much he tried, the Champion couldn't find sleep.
He had been waiting for Twilight to return. The Rancher had left suddenly a few hours ago, and hasn't returned. Wild worried for his friend. What if the Shadow creature found him and hurt him all over again? Not being able to stand it anymore, Wild got pushed his blankets off, and walked to the door. He made sure to be quiet as to not wake his comrades, and opened the door and stepped outside.
Wild took a breath of fresh air. He found that the smell of grass calmed him. Maybe it was because it reminded the Champion of his own home; a wilderness that cried out to travelers like him to explore. 
A sigh escaped Wild's lips as he thought of his own Hyrule. In his own time, Hyrule was undergoing restoration. Princess Zelda had wasted no time in preparing to fix the ruined kingdom. A small smile came across his face at the memories of Zelda seeing the house he bought.
The Princess had almost cried at the thought of living in Hyrule Castle again. So when Wild offered for her to stay with him in Hateno Village, she was overjoyed. The children of Hateno loved her, and Zelda had taken to teaching them about the local wildlife. Her new role as an educator earned her the name "Miss Zelda" from the kids, and "Flora" from Wild himself, stemming from Zelda's love of flowers.
The soft sound of footsteps turned Wild's attention back to the present. He looked down from where he stood above the ladder on Twilight's house to see Twilight and Ilia walking from the path that led to the Spring. The two were smiling, and upon a closer look, Wild saw they were holding hands. A small smirk played across the Champion's face when he saw them, he knew from the moment they were reunited that the Rancher and his friend had feelings for each other. It had confused him, though. From the way Twilight had talked about Midna, the Champion was sure that was who he loved.
"How long will you be staying for?" Ilia asked. They were in Twilight's yard now.
The Rancher sighed. "I don't know. The portal that took us here was random, so we might be here for a while, or a few days." In truth, Twilight hoped they could stay for a while, like they did with Malon. Not only did he want to spend time in his home, he also wanted to show his friends his world. He could show them the Resistance and how they were working to help Hyrule, or maybe even Snowpeak and take Wild sledding.
Wild watched Twilight and Ilia, hesitant to make himself known, but also uncomfortable with eavesdropping. Sure, he listened in on people's conversations before, but that was to get information on the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab.
Deciding on showing himself, Wild acted like he'd just walked out and yawned, a loud, drawling sound. Twilight and Ilia looked up at him immeaditly. "How long have you been standing there?" The Hylian asked.
Wild shrugged. "I just came out. Nice night, isn't it?" The Champion could've sworn his mentor's cheeks were tinted pink.
Ilia smiled and looked at Twilight fondly. "Yes, it is."
The Rancher's blush deepened at her words, and Wild jumped down from his perch, avoiding the ladder. 
Ilia looked between the two. "Well, now I know you're the same person. Only Link jumps off ledges like that."
Wild looked at his friend. "You told her?"
Twilight shrugged. "Kind of. She figured it out."
Ilia chuckled at them, and the Rancher and Champion couldn't help but join her. But suddenly, the earth seemed to hold it's breath. Twilight's senses were put on edge, and before them, a portal appeared.
"What is that?!" Ilia asked as Twilight stepped in front of her.
"A portal," Wild said. He turned to his mentor, who looked solemn. "You know what we need to do."
Before Twilight could answer, the door to his house opened, and the Chain tumbled out, all half dressed and bleary-eyed.
"What's happening?" Time asked.
Four gasped. "Another portal?"
The Links began to discuss among themselves and grab their things. Twilight did the same, saddling up Epona. As he secured their bags to her saddle, Ilia walked over to him. 
"So I guess this means you're leaving, huh?" She said softly. She stroked Epona's neck, running her fingers through the mare's white mane.
Twilight sighed. "Yes. And I don't know when I'll be back." 
"I'll tell everyone what happened, so don't worry." She said. Twilight took her hand and took a step closer. He moved in to kiss her, but Legend called him.
"Rancher, you ready to go?"
Twilight sighed. He looked down at Ilia and squeezed her hand. "I'll be back. I promise."
He let go of her and led Epona through the portal with his comrades.
This time, the portal was more pleasant. None of them landed face first in the dirt, but rather a grassy plain. Wild looked around, wondering where they could be.
"That was much better!" Sky said. 
"This place looks like Hyrule Field." Four said looking around. Several of them nodded in agreement. There were ruins scattered here and there, and several broken automations that caused Wild to grab his Sheikah Slate.
He opened his map, and it was working again! They were in Blatchery Plain, just got west of Fort Hateno.
"We're in my Hyrule." Wild said, turning to the group. Everyone looked at him.
"You're sure?" Hyrule asked.
Wild nodded. "Yeah. Just over there is where I died."
"Uh, okay?"  Legend said. But Wild couldn't stop smiling. They were only a short distance from his house.
"C'mon," The Champion said. "We can go to my house." He led the way as he walked. Epona nickered at the wild horses.
"Whoa." Wind looked up at the wall of Fort Hateno. "What is this place?"
"Fort Hateno." Wild said. "It's where Hyrule made it's stand against the Guardians. A bunch of fleeing farmers held them back here."
"A bunch of farmers?" Twilight asked. "What about the army?"
Wild sighed. "They were at Akkala Citidel, but they were overpowered. They say that it wasn't until Akkala fell that Hyrule was truly lost."
"The Guardians you mentioned." Time said as they passed through the woods. "We'll we see any?"
The Champion looked around the road, keeping an eye out for Yiga. "You already did. All those broken machines out there."
"How did they break?" Hyrule asked. "You make it seem like they were unstoppable."
A small smile played on Wild's face. "Zelda. She unlocked her power there and destroyed them. But I helped a little bit. I managed to take a few out before they got me."
"What is your Zelda like?" Sky asked. 
Wild pursed his lips. Sometimes it was hard to describe her. After losing his memories, the Champion had to practically watch his old life, and with that the old Zelda. But she was much different now. She smiled more and laughed. She wasn't burdened by the coming of the Calamity. "She's very smart and kind. But she also isn't afraid to tell people exactly what she thinks.
By now they were walking under the Cliffs of Quince. They walked in silence for a bit, taking in Wild's homeland. It was strangely quiet, save for their footfalls and a few birds. It was nice almost, the other lands they'd been to seemed to be loud, and bold. Boasting their adventure with the sounds around them. But Wild's home was quieter. There were still sounds, but it's silence allowed them to really take in their surroundings. The ruins of a once boasting kingdom. They were walking through what was left, and the sounds around them seemed to know.
Soon they saw a tall tower that has the Sheikah symbol on it. Time looked up at it in interest. It seemed that in this time, the Sheikah were thriving, as compared to his own time when Impa was the last one. 
Up ahead, a windmill could be seen, and a few houses as well. Wind brought his hand to his forehead to block the sun. He was riding Epona to get a better view. "Is that your village?"
Wild nodded. "Yep. I bought a house there. They're starting to put wells in too."
Time grimaced inwardly. He hated wells. It was bad enough having to navigate the haunted well under Kakariko Village, but fighting that...thing. Very few things scared the Old Man, but Dead Hand was one of them.
They walked along the part between Ginner and Midla Woods until they reached the front gate. A man familiar to Wild but not the rest waved. He had a straw hat and a pitchfork. He smiled when he saw Wild.
"Hey, Link! You're back? The Princess is at your house. She's been waiting for you to return."
Wild grinned. "Thanks, Thadd. I'll see you around." He led his companions up the hill and to the right, crossing the bridge over Firly Pond.
"Nice place, Champion." Warriors said surveying the property. "But the Princess lives here?"
Wild nodded. "Yeah. The castle is still undergoing reconstruction, so she stays with me. I am her appointed knight after all."
He opened the door. "Zelda?" He looked around, but no one was inside. It was a small house, she couldn't be far. "She's probably out back." He walked behind the house, and found the one he was looking for.
Zelda was sitting on the grass with a notebook and pencil in her hand. She had taken up the hobby of cataloguing the wildlife around her. At the sound of Wild's footsteps, she turned around. Her green eyes were as bright as ever. "Link?"
Wild gave her a lopsided smile. "Hey, Flora. It's been awhile."
She stood up and walked over to him, giving him a hug. "Where have you been?!" Her royal accent seemed to incenuate her words. She looked over his shoulder and saw the Chain. 
Flora pulled away from her knight. "Who are they?"
Wild scratched the back of his head. "It's a long story."
Inside, all the Links were sitting at the table. Legend was looking at the pictures on the walls, and Four was examining the weapon mounts.
"Fascinating," Flora said. "So you're all the same person, yet not. And even more interested, you're all chosen by the gods to save Hyrule."
"Well, not me." Wind said as he fiddled with his sleeves. "My sister was kidnapped by Ganondorf, and in order to save her, I had to undergo lots of trials. Only then did the gods recognize me as the Hero."
Flora smiled. "You're all so different too." She looked at all of them as she spoke.. "From what you told me, you're from the forest, you're a captain of the Royal Army, you're a blacksmith, a sailor, a rancher, a knight in a new kingdom, a traveler, and you're..." She looked at Legend.
The Veteran shrugged. "Let's just say I'm a Jack of all trades."
Sky looked at the Princess. "You're so different from my Zelda, but so similar at the same time."
Flora brightened. "Really?"
The Chosen nodded. "You're both strong willed and powerful. But you're also kind and forgiving." He sighed at the thought of his Zelda. He longed to be with her once again.
Twilight shrugged. "I don't really know my Zelda very well, but you do have the same air of leadership, Your Highness."
Flora chuckled. "Please, there's no need for formalities."
"You don't know your Zelda?" Four asked, to which the Rancher shrugged. "I've known mine as long as I can remember." The Smith thought back to his loud friend, how her father and his grandfather had been old friends.
"I've known mine since childhood as well." Time chimed in. "But we went our separate ways long ago. I still see her sometimes when I'm delivering milk to Castle Town, but that's it really."
Warriors rapped the table with his knuckles. "I never really knew mine. But when the war started, I fought along side her. She is a powerful ally."
Wind grinned. "My Zelda hates being called Zelda. She prefers to be called by her middle name and lead us through the seas."
"How about you, Traveler?" Legend asked his friend. "What's your Zelda like?"
Hyrule had to think about it for a moment. He had two Zeldas. One that was captured by Ganon, and the other whom he awakened from a deep slumber. The former know lived in Hyrule Castle and was repairing her kingdom, much like Flora. But the latter was living on a small farm run by her and Hyrule, having chosen to lay low and live the life of a commoner.
"She working on helping my Hyrule, too." The Traveller said, choosing the Zelda from his first adventure. "What about you?"
Legend shifted. "She's the ruler, and a kind one at that." He wasn't lying, but it wasn't the whole truth. The Veteran didn't want to get into the whole scandal.
"Well, it sounds like you have very interesting versions of me as well." Flora said.
Wild nodded. "It really makes you wonder if there are more of us."
The group was silent as they thought about that. Could there be more of them. More young men with a heart of a lion, and more princesses with the blood of the goddess?
The setting sun shone through the windows, casting a golden light on the group's faces, and even making Wild's scares dance. Legend moved up the stairs and observed more pictures, but one caught his eye in particular. 
It showed Wild and Flora in the middle, but both held expressions of surprise. There was a Zora girl who was thrown forward and just as surprised, and a bird man, a Rito as Wild and Wind called them, who seemed to be sqwaking in shock. A Gerudo woman was smiling playfully, and a Goron with a mischievous grin was pushing them all together.
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"Who are they?" The Hero of Legend asked. They obviously held some significance in Wild's, and possibly the Princess' life.
Wild and Flora's faces saddned slightly at the picture. "Those were the Champions." Wild explained. "Like me, they were chosen to help in the fight against Calamity Ganon."
"Were?" Time asked.
Wild sighed. "They fell in battle, but they weren't as lucky as me. If I had been faster...
Flora stood and looked at Wild. "Link, you know just as well as I do that it wasn't your fault. You were protecting me, you were doing your duty."
Wild scoffed. "Yeah, and some job I did with that. Tell me, how long were you in the castle fighting Ganon while I slept?"
"A hundred years, Zelda." Wild said standing. "And how much longer did you wait as I ran around Hyrule, just trying to remember who I was. Not to mention how long it took me to free the Divine Beasts." He scowled. "I wasted so much time as you were on your last legs. Some appointed knight I am." He opened the door and left.
"Link–!" Flora tried to go after him, but the door was shut in her face. Twilight rose and rested his hand on the Princess' shoulder. Was he overstepping his boundaries? Maybe. But at that moment she wasn't the princess, she was a girl who needed comfort from someone Wild knew well.
"Don't worry, he be okay."
"How can you be so sure?" Flora sniffed. Wild had expressed very little to her, an old habit he was trying to break.
Twilight sighed. "A few weeks back, I was mortality wounded and was dying. He had a moment like this, but after some time alone he calmed down and was able to help the situation."
Flora looked at the Rancher. While she may be older in years, 118 to be exact, the young man was still older physically and mentally. Not to mention he had spent months traveling with her Link. She let out a sigh. "I'm going to speak to him." She walked out the door.
Wild sat at the summit of Ebon Mountain where Heartbreak Pond called home.
Heartbreak. That seemed to be the theme in the Champion's life. Doomed to fail and live with it. Sometimes Wild wished he had died a century ago, then he could at least be at piece with his friends. Or even his father and sister, who would have died by now anyway, even without the Calamity.
Wild didn't remember much of his family. Only his father's strong hands, and his sister's laughter. He had no recollection of his mother, but Zelda had found records at Hyrule Castle of each knight and their families. It seemed that his mother had died when his sister was only a baby due to an illness that swept over Hyrule.
Wild looked down at his gloved hands. Only his fingers showed, and the ones belonging to his left hand had scars on the tips. The scars. Each one a reminder of the pain he endured fighting for Zelda. His only goal to usher her to the safety of Kakariko Village. 
It was strange to think about how much he had changed since that fateful day a century ago. Once a silent, dutiful knight, loyal to his king, he was know a rambunctious wanderer, who didn't trust as much as he used to. Random travelers turning into banana-crazed assassians will do that to a person.
A sigh escaped his lips as he watched the sunset, and another sound was heard. Footsteps. Wild turned around to see Zelda walking over to him. Her blonde hair looked like a waterfall of gold and amber in the day's last light.
"I've always wondered what caused this pond to have such a shape." She said sitting down next to Wild. "I've heard of another pond like this on Tuft Mountain. Maybe I'll go and see it soon."
"It's nothing much." Wild said. "There's a few fairies that come out at night, but that's it."
Flora hummed. "It doesn't sound like nothing to me. I'd like to take up painting, and that could be an excellent way to start."
"The people of Lurelin might recognize you." Wild said. "You've mentioned how you want to keep a low profile."
"Then I shall have to wear a disguise then. How well do you think I can wear a false mustache?" She grinned at Wild, and he couldn't help but chuckle.
"Not very well." He replied honestly. "Not with that long hair of yours." 
Flora looked at him. "I've been thinking about cutting it. It gets in my way when we're traveling. We are headed to Faron to explore the Zonai ruins when you find out what's causing this mysterious portals. The climate there is humid and hot, so I don't know how well these locks will suit me. What about you? Have you given your hair any thought? It's rather long."
Wild felt his hair. The mane of gold reached down to his belt, but he didn't mind it. "I haven't thought about my hair in a hundred years." 
The centenarians shared a laugh. Wild looked down at his hands. "Flora, I'm sorry for my outburst inside. I just–"
Zelda put her hand on his. "Link, it's okay. I myself have felt the same way. But you must remember what Urbosa told you to tell me. "No one need carry blame." "
Wild smiled at her, stretching his scars upwards. "Thanks, Zelda." 
The two stared off into the sunset in silence. Wild turned to look at her suddenly. "You really think I should cut my hair?"
Flora chuckled, touching her fingers to her miumo as she so often did when laughing. "Well, it may help you sneak into Gerudo Town easier."
Wild gaped at her as she burst into laughter. "Fine. I'll remember that when you need someone to escort you to the Lost Woods."
She shoved him lightly. "I can navigate my way through the Lost Woods just fine, thank you very much."
Wild gave her the side eye. "Sure you can."
Now it was her turn to gape at him. "I can too! Honestly, Link, I'm surprised you even found your way through at all."
Wild smirked. "It was easy. Especially when you–" He stopped suddenly. "Oh, you almost got it out of me." 
Flora sighed. "It was worth a try. Why won't you tell me?"
"The Lost Woods is the only thing protecting Korok Forest." Wild explained. "I'll teach you when we go to get the Master Sword back from revitalization. It needs to be kept secret."
"I suppose you're right." Flora admitted. "You're counterparts..." She said changing the subject. "You seem to be close to the one you call 'Rancher'."
The Champion looked at her. "Do you remember the wolf that shows up randomly?" Zelda nodded, and he continued. "Well, that's him. Except younger. He didn't know me until this journey, but I know him because he helped me in this time, but he doesn't know that. Does that make sense?"
Flora nodded. "Yes." She looked out at the sunset. "But this whole thing is extraordinary. What could possibly be driving the Hero's Spirit together?"
"I don't know." Wild admitted. The sky was nearly dark now. The Champion looked over to his charge. She still had her hand on his, and he enjoyed the feeling. It reminded him that someone living remembered him, unlike so many of the people of Hyrule. Some exceptions were Kass, Riju, Yunobo, Teba (though he took some convincing), and the entirety of Zora's Domain.
But Zelda was there when it happened, when Hyrule fell. When he died. She has been with him since the beginning of his journey as a Champion, and Wild treasured that more than anything. He was her knight, and would give his life all over again for her.
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