#help! help! the weekend run club's music rips my heart out and tears it to pieces!! /pos
mobtism · 1 year
listening to music. its dealing x2 emotional dmg. /pos
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harrybabystyles · 4 years
Oh, Angel! (harry styles)
chapter one - m a s t e r l i s t -
warnings: sex, language and drinking
a/n: my first series, yay! I swear the chapters get better after this one lol, and I realize that I am not the best at smut so bear with me, also the gif below is what I imagined him looking like for this chapter :)
series intro: After a rough week, Anna decides to let loose with her friends, go out drinking and dancing, maybe even let a stranger take her home. She was starting to lose all hope when suddenly she runs into an angel -or so she thought- who actually turns out to be a tall, curly headed man with a thick accent, making her stomach twist in knots. When he asks to buy her a drink, she doesn’t hesitate to agree, how could she resist?
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It was hot, and dense, like every other club I suppose, not quite suffocating, but close. Especially with the dozens of people packed in the small space, heated kisses being shared in corners and sweaty dancing happening practically everywhere you looked.
Normal for a Friday night, especially with the music fest happening only a few blocks away. After the concerts were over, the after parties seemed to always be carried here. Which, I wasn’t opposed to I guess, it happens every year, but the number of bodies increased ten fold, and this was my favorite club. 
My friends were always thrilled by it, it provided more options if one of them were feeling risky and wanted to find themselves under the sheets with a stranger, which they usually were. Matter of fact, I think I see Evelyn slipping through the front door, her arm wrapped around a burly man with dreadlocks draping down his back. I smile, she always found her a man within the hour. 
I wasn’t much of the ‘take a guy home every weekend’ kind of girl, I did it every once and a while, but frankly, I preferred to be alone.
However, tonight was not the night. 
Between being fired earlier this week, and finding out that my sister was moving across the world at the end of the month and there was nothing I could do about it, I needed a distraction, and I decided that taking a stranger to bed was the drug I needed. 
So, when I was getting ready for tonight, I went straight to the back of my closet and grabbed the tight black dress I wore only for occasions like these. 
Was it a little too revealing? Probably, but I didn’t really give a shit to be honest, I knew the kind of attention I wanted, and I also knew how to dress to get it. My friends squealed when I hopped into the cab, like they always did when I wore this dress, they know what it means. By now we had all broken off, I went to grab more drinks, and since I saw Evelyn leave, I’m guessing that Harper is probably rubbing up on some helpless soul. 
Harper is something else, always hooking up with whomever she pleases, whether its the bartender from downstairs or the girl with the shaved head and face tattoos, she can have almost anybody under her spell within minutes. 
But then there is Paige, she grew up on a farm out in Georgia, her christian mother was brought to tears when she told her she was leaving her southern life. She tends to get wild for the first hour or so, choking down a few drinks, but then she sits in the corner the rest of the night, and sips at a glass of water. Sometimes I don’t understand why she doesn’t let herself go more, but her modest dresses always stay puke free, so I guess that’s a plus, and she can take care of us in the morning when our heads our threatening to pound us out of existence. 
Bless her soul.
I’m pretty sure her parents would die on the spot if ever they found out she shared an apartment with Harper, or that we go out to drink almost every week. She enjoys the freedom, and the adrenaline of knowing her parents would drop dead if they ever found out, but even if she denies it, she actually doesn't like drinking that much. 
I should probably check on her actually. 
I step out of my place in line, the massive amount of bodies made getting drinks take ten years instead of ten seconds, and it wasn’t worth it anyways, it was getting late and I needed to pick out my target. I steady myself against the somewhat sticky railing, as my head spins a bit. I was always one the be able to hold my alcohol, but I certainly had a few more than I usually would tonight. My eyes landed on Paige, right where she always was this late at night, tucked into a corner, eyes scanning her phone, a half empty glass of water in her hands. I make my way over to her, but my phone buzzes in my purse and as I reach down to get it my body clashes into something hard, and before I know it I feel my body slam against the floor, and a weight crash on top of me. 
I blink, focusing on a pair of pale green eyes. 
My eyes grace over defined cheek bones, brown furrowed brows, a halo of dense curls bouncing around a defined face, and a pair of rosy lips, that made me subconsciously wet my own.
Then, my eyes focus back on the striking green in front of me.
I must have died, and this is an angel carrying me to my mansion of clouds, because there is no way this is real. 
But then my senses come back, the pounding of the music fills my ears, the smell of alcohol and sweat consumes my nose, and the feeling of the sticky floor under me makes me shift. 
I feel like my soul left my body.
I look around noticing how the man caught himself just before he completely crushed me, his hands on either side of my head. 
Damn his reflexes are fast, and I can’t help but heat up at the feeling of his body weighing down on me, his hips flush with my own.
“Uh...I’m so sorry” he faintly chuckles, the smell of alcohol on his breath slightly stinking my nose, his breath hot against my face from hot close we are. 
“Are you okay?” he asks, getting back on his feet in a wobbly manor, and offering a hand out to me, which I take and he pulls me to my feet. 
“Yeah...” I breath, still trying to pull myself together, “...are you?”
“Yeah...” he runs a hand through his thick curls, and looks down at his chest, “...damn” he whispers, and I notice the wet fabric of his dress shirt stained with whatever drink he was carrying, which leads me to notice the glass that is now on the ground, and the sticky substance that drenched the left side of my chest.
“Oh damn, me too” I look down at the darker fabric of my dress where the drink had spilled, “I’m so sorry” 
He gives a light hearted chuckle and looks up at where I’m helplessly trying to clean off the thick alcohol.  
“Here” he smiles, and motions his head to follow me. I take in his tall figure as I follow close behind him, and how his thick curls swayed when he would turn to look back at me, I gave him a small smile, and he would return it with a breath hitching one. 
I’m still not convinced this is actually real.
And if it is real, there is no way I’m letting him out of my grasp, he was drop dead gorgeous, even covered in sticky alcohol. He leads me back down the stairs and into the women's bathroom, to which he got several confused glances and a small laugh from me. 
He rips paper towels from off the dispenser, and puts them under the running water of the sink. He wrings them out, and I watch as the muscles in his ring clad hands flex, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man wear so many rings... it’s actually really attractive. 
“Here” he hands me a damp paper towel, “Sorry again” 
With the loud music of the club muffled behind the bathroom door, I notice his heavy accent, and butterflies can’t help but stir in my stomach.
“You from the UK?” I ask in shock of the accent that was hidden under the music. He flashes a smile, starting to wipe off his shirt, “Yeah, I’m from Cheshire” he shrugs, and I start to wipe of my shoulder where the stench of alcohol was radiating profusely.
“Huh” I reply, amused and baffled at the same time. 
“What? You never met someone from the UK before?” he questions me with a smirk, and my heart skips just a tad at the dimple that pokes into his face. 
“No, actually, and I definitely have never knocked over someone from the UK before” I say playfully, watching as he lets out a head spinning chuckle.
 “Its a first” I shrug. 
I feel him look up, a small laugh leaving his lips, and I smile when I slip down the strap of my dress, to wipe away the alcohol from my collar bone, and his whole body freezes. 
“What?” I smirk, looking up to find him jolt back into action, trying to hide his pause in motion, his eyes settling back onto his dress shirt. 
“Nothing” he shrugs, but he smirks again, and my eyes settle to where the white fabric of his shirt, due to the spill, clung to his torso, and my breath hitches at the taut muscles underneath. 
Fuck, he really is flawless.
My eyes go wide when he starts to unbutton his shirt, and my brows drop in confusion.
“Oh, you don’t mind if I take this off...do you?” He looks me straight in the eyes, and the devilish smirk that pulls up on his lips makes those butterflies in my stomach begin to take of. 
Is he teasing me?
I take a deep breath in, “Of course not”
I try not to watch as his fingers gracefully slip each button out of there holes, but I find myself struggling to keep my eyes away.Then, the door hits the tiled wall, and a husky voice echoes through the room. 
“No sex in the bathrooms, you both need to leave immediately” a built security guard looks between us, his face stern and gaze serious.
“Oh no, we aren’t...” I laugh at his hilarious assumption, but I look at how my dress strap is slipped down below my shoulder, and how his shirt is unbuttoned all the way down, exposing his toned chest and his...tattoos? 
Are those tattoos?
My eyes settle on a inked butterfly just below his chest, and flip shamelessly down to where dark leaves poke out from under his trousers, a slick black belt and the fabric of his trousers block the rest of the ink from my view. 
Oh damn.
“Sorry, we will take our business elsewhere” his accented voice interrupts, and I blush when I realize I am staring at his torso, and that he has noticed, giving me a smug grin. My teeth bite down on my lower lip as my cheeks heat up.
I pull the strap back over my shoulder, and he buttons up his shirt again, leaving several open like before, and we squeeze past the security, tossing our paper towels in the bin on the way out. 
“Who do you think snitched on us?” his voice rings in my ear, and I now notice the presence of his hand grazing my lower back. 
I giggle, “My bet is on the brown bob” I refer to a women with a short bobbed cut I noticed on our way in, “She was definitely glaring at us when we walked in” I play along, not telling him that she was the only face I even remembered from when we walked in, and he smiles.
“I agree” he replies, and he takes in a breath, his eyes momentarily glancing down to my lips, and those butterflies reappear in my tummy. 
“I’m sorry about your dress” he starts, pointing to where the strong smell of alcohol still soaked my chest, “If you’d like I’ll buy you a new one” 
My eyebrows shoot up at his offer, “Oh, don’t worry about it, it was worth nothing” 
Which was a lie, it wasn’t worth a lot, but it was still the most expensive thing in my closet.
“Well then at least let me buy you a drink” he insists, clapping his hands together, eyes scanning my face.
I try to make it look as if I’m really struggling to give him an answer, like I want to but I’m not sure if I should, even though I already knew my answer. 
“Sure” I agree, but a sudden scream catches our attention, and my eyes snap to our right where two girls are being held back by what looks like security guards, only they wore slick black suits instead of T-shirts. 
A sudden ghostly touch from his fingers on my shoulder turns my attention back towards him, “Wanna go somewhere a little quieter?” he asks scratching the back of his neck like he is suddenly uncomfortable, leaning forward just a tad. 
“Only if you tell me your name” I tease, raising my eyebrows at him in a playful manner. 
“Of course...” he covers his face with his hands like he is embarrassed, “I’m Harry” he holds out his right hand, “Excuse my manners”
“Hi Harry, I’m Anna” I shake his hand, and notice how much larger his was compared to mine. 
This man has no flaws, whatsoever.
“Pleasure to run into you, Anna...” he pauses for a moment and leans in , “...literally” 
I giggle and nudge his shoulder playfully, “Pleasure is all mine” I say back, putting a hand over my heart dramatically, to which he chuckles, and we start to walk towards the front door, his hand placed on my lower back as we weave through the crowd. 
The night air feels cold and brisk in my lungs, but it’s such a relief and I take in a deep breath, smelling the scent of rain, and cherishing the fresh oxygen. 
“Shall we?” he calls, holding out his arm for me to take, and I stumble a bit walking over to him, most likely due to the alcohol and the heels I’m in.
“Where are you taking me?” I ask playfully, but genuinely curious, and he keeps his eyes glued in front of us, but leans over, a smile on his face. 
“That’s for me to know, and you to find out” 
I scrunch my nose, pouting at him, “Fine” 
 I look ahead of us and notice both sides of the street are lined with cars, and as we continue to walk, I find that the line keeps going for several more blocks. 
Damn, I guess my favorite club just turned into a block buster.
“Here we are” he breaks the silence, reaching in his pockets to grab a set of keys, unlocking an old 1966 Mustang, my eyebrows raise.
“Nice ride” I comment, as he opens the passenger door for me, and gently shuts it, walking over to hop in the drivers side. 
“Thank you” he gives me a smile, starting up the engine, his eyes linger on mine for a moment, flashing back down to my lips before focusing on putting the car in drive, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth. 
I lean towards the window, watching giddily as we pass building after building, traveling through several traffic lights before pulling off the road into a parking garage.
As we climb the levels, his old car somewhat struggling with each steep turn, my eyes land on him again, taking in his side profile.
Perfect forehead, nose, chin, neck, not to mention that sharp ass jawline he has got.
He really is perfect, isn’t he? 
 He must have noticed my gaze because he grins, that perfect dimple flashing as he glances at me from the side. 
I blush and look back out towards the window, how the hell did I get this lucky? 
We hardly speak as we step out of the car, and walk through a glass overpass that lead to the apartment building across a dark alleyway, we only exchange small smiles, his hand hardly leaving the small of my back the whole time. 
Walking through the doors of the apartment building, my jaw drops.
Between the red velvet sofas, and the gold detailing on the roof, the room looked like the inside of a palace, with painted ceilings and a small fountain in the center.
This wasn’t even the main floor.
I manage to close my lips, as he leads me towards the elevators, waving to several hotel staff workers, and giving the button number of his floor a gentle push as we step in. I was still in awe at the beauty of the place to even tear my eyes away, and even as the doors slowly shut, my eyes still wandered around the room.
Who is this guy?
When the doors did shut, I managed to let out a breathless “Whoa” from my lips, smiling up at him.
“Impressed?” he questions, and I couldn't help but pick up on the subtle gravel that laced his voice, and how it made those butterflies in my tummy reappear ten fold. 
“Definitely” I breath, crossing my hands in front of my hips, still gripping my handbag. His lips turn up in a small smile, “I’m glad”
I catch his dense green eyes again, but this time there is something flashing behind them, a shade of sparking desire perhaps? 
I hoped so.
His eyes don’t leave, and neither do mine as the moment drags on, making my tummy catch on fire as his gaze burns further into me. 
Holy shit, it was almost intimidating.
I became suddenly restless, biting the inside of my cheek, and fidgeting with my fingers, I felt like I suddenly stepped out into the desert, my body temperature rising alarmingly. 
I felt like I had a fever. 
His eyes tear away when the silver doors of the elevator glide open, and we shuffle out into the hall.
“This way” he guides, pointing to the right where a gorgeous hallway with only a few doors extended in front of us, and his hand settles back down on my back. As we walk I notice how far apart the rooms are spread out, and realize how big the apartments must be.  
We stop at the second door, and he grabs the keys from his pocket and unlocks it, swinging open the door so that I can walk in first. 
When the lights come on, I’m blown away.
Crisp walls enclose the space, a marble countered kitchen to my right opening up to a living room larger than my own apartment, with a huge TV mounted on the far wall, and dark grey sofas that surrounded a sleek glass coffee table. My heels click gently on the wooden floor as I mindlessly walk towards the floor to ceiling windows, the city stretching out like a sea of stars. 
I was entranced, the glowing white and yellow hues twinkling in the dark night.
New York never looked so alive, but at the same time, it was the most peaceful I’ve ever see the city be. You couldn’t hear the honking cars, bumping music, or loud profanities you usually couldn't get away from, just the shuffling of my heels as they hit carpet. 
The city below looked endless, with miles of soft blinking lights.
It looked heavenly.
For once it didn't seem like the dirty city it was, crime and poverty seeming to wash away under the gentle glow of apartment buildings and offices, which made a streak of hope tug at my heart, and I absentmindedly put my hand against the cool surface of the glass. 
I could feel the tears that rimmed my lashes, not falling, just letting me know they’re there, as my eyes continued to scan the scene. 
It was surreal to see the city like this, peaceful and elegant, like it was a place for angels. 
Even the red neon of the strip club down the street or the subtle blue of a raging bar seemed innocent, just another glowing light for my eyes to soak in. Just another stroke of the painting that was being etched behind my eyes. 
And for a moment I forgot I was some girl who was jobless, standing in a strangers apartment in my not so innocent black dress, looking for a distraction from life. So, I tear my eyes away from the glass, blinking back the tears that rimmed my lashes, I found his eyes looking at me with an amused smile, pouring alcohol into two glasses. 
“Tequila?” he asks, lifting his brows.
I clear my throat, suddenly feeling embarrassed at how emotional I got at the scene, “Please” 
He puts a lime wedge on the rims of the glasses and walks over to me at the windows, a small smile on his lips, but it drops and his brows furrow as he gets closer.He sets the glasses carefully on the coffee table rushing to me with concern.
“Are you okay?” he places his hands on my shoulders sliding his hands slowing down my arms in a comforting manner, his eyes flicking between my own. 
I can’t help but inhale sharply at the touch of his skin, or the warmth of his chest that was now only a few inches away. 
“Yeah...” I breath, heat flushing my cheeks at the realization of him seeing my teary eyes, “...the view” I explain vaguely, gesturing towards the windows beside us, letting out a nervous laugh.
“Oh...” he takes a moment to look out, a smile forming on his lips, “...heavenly, isn’t it?”
I nod, following his gaze back out to the open city, “Breathtaking”
“Don’t worry, I cried the first night I stayed here” his warmth leaves as he grabs the drinks from the table and hands one to me.
“You did?” I ask, shocked that he is telling me this, most guys would keep something like that like it was their darkest secret. 
“Like a baby” he adds taking a sip from his glass, and I raise my eyebrows, letting out a shocked breath.
“What? Guys can’t cry too?” he sounds offended, but the playful look on his face tells me that he is just messing around. 
“No, no, I just...most guys don’t feel like that, they feel like it makes them less of a man” I explain, taking a sip of my drink, feeling the thick liquid sting as it glides down my throat. 
“Crying is manly” he shrugs, taking another sip, and I can’t help but let out a laugh.
“Exactly!” I agree, still half laughing. 
A smile lights up his face, “So, Anna...” he lowers his voice, and a shiver falls down my spins at the sound of my name accented on his lips, and I tried to hide the feeling as it shimmers through me.
“...tell me something about yourself” his eyes glaze over with that same look from the elevator, dark and swirling, that makes me want to catch on fire as the back of his fingers ghost down my left arm, sending more chills spiking through me.
He brings his hand up to brush my hair off of my shoulder and behind my back, leaning in so that his breath is fanning over my ear, “Something no one else knows” he adds in a low whisper, before brushing a piece of hair behind my ear and leaning away, a devilish smirk of his face. 
I take a deep breath in, realizing I wasn’t breathing, and shamelessly look from his eyes down to his lips and back up again. 
“Well...” I begin, watching as he takes another sip of his drink, never breaking eye contact, “...I do this thing, when I can’t sleep, where I sneak up to the roof of my apartment building, and I try to see the stars” 
His lips tug up into a smile, and his eyes dance over me, I can tell he is intrigued by my answer, and I can see the curiosity flourish inside of him. 
“What about you, Harry from Cheshire, what do you do when you can’t sleep?” I drag out my words, my voice a notch above a whisper, and I take another sip from my drink, watching as he thinks. 
“Meditate” he smiles, and I quirk a brow at him, “I’m just kidding” he chuckles.
“I typically take a bath...” he answers confidently, “...simple but effective” he shrugs. 
I laugh quietly at his answer, taking another sip, “Maybe I’ll try that sometime” 
His eyes glance down over my body shamelessly, making my spine tingle as they travel back up to my eyes, and my heart jumps at the contact.
Inside the dense green, I can see it, all the lust and desire that is stirring up inside of him, and it makes me want to be lit on fire, heat spreads through every limb as we hold the contact, and when his fingers graze my arm, the heat of his skin mixed with the cool metal of his rings send fireworks exploding within me.  
“I like your dress by the way...” he whispers, his voice low and thick, “...fits you flawlessly” 
My breath hitches in my throat as my heart starts hammering, oh boy he is good.
I set down my drink, game on.
“Thank you...I’m still so sorry about your shirt...looks expensive” I whisper, reaching out to grab just above where the fabric folds down into the first done button, pulling gently until his body is almost touching mine. 
“I know I may never be able to make it up to you...” I look up at him, watching as he darts his tongue out to wet his bottom lip. I flatten my hands against his stomach, feeling his muscles tense under my touch, as I glide them down lower and lower until I rest them on the edge of his trousers, my fingertips slipping under the fabric just a tad, “...but I can try”
I smile when his breath hitches, and his hand grazing my elbow slides down to my hip, I slowly lean forward, and a plant a kiss in the center of his chest, where his the fabric of his shirt is not yet buttoned. 
I slowly kiss up his torso, and along his collarbone, all the way up to his jaw, which is set tight as he inhales sharply. 
I pause over the side of his face, my eyes tracing the shape of his lips as I bite my tongue, I can feel him watching, and painfully waiting for me to connect our lips, but I don’t budge, I just sit there tempting him with my breath.  
In a flash he sets his drink down, the loud clink startling me as he grabs my face and pulls it to his, the hand his drink was in wet against my skin due to setting the glass down so abruptly. His lips glide along my own, the feeling knocking the air from my lungs, and his taste explodes in my mouth as he deepens the kiss, tequila overpowering my senses. 
I tangle my fingers in his hair, pulling against the silky soft strands as he lets out a low grunt, causing a tornado of butterflies deep in my stomach. 
My fingers blindly find the buttons on his dress shirt and start to fumble with them, tearing them from their places one by one. He helps my hands slide the shirt off his body, our mouths never breaking, and I glide my hands over his torso, my stomach doing flips as I feel the taut muscles flex with every movement. 
I slip my hands under his arms to slide up and down his back, the smooth skin feeling like silk under my fingertips. 
His lips rip away from my mouth as they begin to nip and kiss along my jaw and down my neck, my lips part from the feeling of his tongue laying slick marks against the skin, as his hand smooth down my body. 
He breaks away, his breath hot against me as he begins to tug at the end of my dress, “Is this okay?” he whispers, slowly starting to pull it off. 
I nod frantically, and in an instant the dress is on the floor and his lips are back on my neck. His hands travel down to grasp my butt, and slide down the back of my thighs, signaling for me to jump, to which I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. 
His lips refocus on mine as he starts walking, and I carelessly kiss him back as we walk down a hallway and into a room. He sets me down just before what I assume is his bed, and before he can push me back onto it, I flip around so that he falls with a surprised expression onto the soft covers, and I smirk. 
I lean down and begin to slip off my heels, and I notice his gaze never leaving me even as he sits up ans slides off his own shoes. 
He pulls me to him by the waist his large palms pressing into my hips slightly, as our lips reconnect. He slides his hands up my back, and slip his fingers under the latch of my bra. 
“Still okay?” he asks, and my heart melts at how innocent he sounds. 
I bite my lip and nod, “Yes” 
Then, his lips press in the valley of my breasts as he undoes the latch, and I gasp silently when he bites against the center of my bra and pulls it off with his teeth. 
Holy shit.
He smirks, and kisses me with a fury only pure lust could produce. As his hands grasp and palm over my body, a furious heat grows in my core, and with every heated kiss, I am more and more desperate to feel him closer. 
I lean back and with my lips tugging into a smirk, I push against his chest and he falls flat against the bed as I climb to straddle his hips.
I place open mouth kisses on his chest, over the butterfly tattoo, and glide my hands down his torso until I feel the cool leather of his belt and I start to unbuckle it when his hand stops me. 
“Wait...” he pants, “...are you sure?” he looks at me with concerned eyes, and I almost laugh at how absurd he sounds, of course I’m fucking sure.
“One hundred percent” I reply, my chest heaving as I struggle to catch my breath. He nods slightly and lets me continue. He helps me shimmy of his trousers, lifting his hips so that I could pool the fabric down to his ankles, his belt clanking when it hits the floor.
His jaw goes slack and his lips part when I palm the bulge that’s under the thin fabric of his briefs, and he starts to pant, his chest heaving. He grips my hips, his fingers slipping under the fabric on my hips as our lips collide again, a low moan rippling up from the back of his throat as my hands smooth over his hips, close to his core.
I break away, catching my breath, and taking a moment to look over his body.
Disheveled curls, perfectly parted lips, adam’s apple bobbing in his throat...down to his taut chest, sparrows rising and falling on his pecs, and the image of the ferns tattooed on his hips making my core heat up seeing them completely.
I trace my fingers over the vines and leaves, my eyes settling on his v-line as it goes down into his briefs.
He had to be an angel right? No one is build like that if they’re human.
I’ve got to be dreaming.
He sucks in a breath as my fingers graze the ink, and I look up to see his eyes traveling on my body as well.
“You’re so fucking beautiful” he says breathless, pulling his bottom lip in his mouth, and the rasp in his voice has heat pooling at my center.
I pull him back in for a desperate kiss, like his lips were oxygen and I was drowning, and he kisses back with just as must force.
In a flash he flips me around so that he is hovering over me, and I giggle into his lips.
“That’s better” his voice rumbles up from his throat, his hands hot on my hips, fingers pressing firmly into my skin as he connects his lips with my neck, leaving wet kisses down to my collar bone before pulling away to hook his fingers under the lace of my underwear, smirking up at me while he begins to pull them down my legs.
Once they are completely off he throws them over his shoulders, a devilish grin placed on his face, as his hands smooth up my shins.
He places a kiss on both my knees before starting to suck on the soft skin on the inside of my thighs, and I have to muffle a moan at the feeling.
“It’s okay love...” he whispers, his voice incredibly low, “...let me hear you”
My jaw goes slack as he starts sucking again, slightly higher up, and as the moan leaves my lips, a low groan leaves his own.
His palms push on my inner thighs, and I open them as he makes his way further and further up, and if I wasn’t totally washed away in pleasure I would have thought about the hickeys he was leaving on my skin, but I didn’t.
I couldn’t give a fuck to be honest.
I arch my back when I feel his tongue leave a slick trail just a hair’s width away from my folds, a soft whimper leaving my mouth.
“Tell me what you want” he says, voice low and lustful as he smirks at me, eyes blown out.
The throbbing in between my legs is almost painful, and I shift my hips to try and ease it, wincing when he continues to do nothing.
“You gotta tell me what you want, baby” He says and I glare at him, the heat in my core rising by the second.
“You” I breath, and he smirks even wider, “I don’t care how...God, I-I just want you”
I feel the presence of his fingers on my heat, and a moan leaves my lips. He sinks his middle digit deep into me, his cool rings making me gasp as he curls his fingers up.
“Fuck” I whisper, my eyes closed as he goes a steady pace, my head spinning, “N-need more” I gasp, and he slips in a second digit.
“N-no” I shake my head, writhing and rolling against his bed.
“No?” he questions, a smug tone to his voice and I force my eyes open to look at his.
“Not what I meant” I glare, and his smirk tells me he knows what I meant, but I can see the devil dancing in his eyes.
“Not your fingers, I need you” He bits his lip as he groans, pulling his fingers out of me to slide off his briefs, his member springing to his stomach.
“You want to feel me love, is that it?” he says low and raspy, reaching over to his bedside table to pull a shiny foil package out of the drawer.
My core is throbbing and I feel like screaming as more heat shoots through me, “Yes...need you now”
A dark chuckle rolls up from his chest as he rolls the rubber material over his hard center, sucking in a breath at the feeling.
“It’s okay, need to feel y’too” he whispers as he positions himself above me, my hips bucking and rolling, trying to ease the heat between my legs.
“Gonna have to hold still fo’ me” he says, one large palm pressing between my hips to try and limit my constant movement.
“Sorry-“ I pant, “It’s killing me” I whine, not even able to find embarrassment at how needy I am, all I could think about was the heavy throbbing at my core.
“All this for me?” he gasps as his head glides through the wetness at my center, and I moan at the feeling of finally feeling him, wrapping my legs around his hips, my heels pressing into his skin.
He sinks further and further into me, and I hadn’t realized just how big he was until now, he filled me up completely and I couldn’t help but whimper. He starts slow, pulling out and pushing back in at a painful pace, and I grab at the sheets under me.
“Faster, p-please go faster” I plead, and he sucks in a breath as he picks up speed, hitting all the right spots inside of me.
“God you’re so tight” he grunts, his eyebrows furrowed together in a mix of concentration and pleasure. He pace quickens and quickens until I’m seeing stars, the bed thudding from his thrusting.
“Feel good?” he pants, and I wonder how I’ll even get words out of my mouth with the pleasure rushing through me.
“Fucking amazing” I manage with a moan, my hands moving to grip at his shoulders, feeling myself almost to the edge.
“I-I’m-“ I gasp, but I can’t seem to speak as my head spins.
“You’re close?” he questions, stepping in for me and I nod furiously.
“Me too, fuck” he gasps, biting his lower lip, one hand landing on my hip to pull me against him harder, to the point where I ached where his fingers where, his nails digging in to my skin.
And that’s enough to send me over the edge, dirty noises leaving my lips as the coil in my belly snaps, my body shuttering around him as my vision blurs. I cuss and wrap my legs tighter around his hips, pulling him impossibly closer as he moans.
His thrusts become sloppy and broken as he cries out, his own release quickly following my own, and his head drops to the crook of my neck as he comes down from his high, body exhausted but still rolling into me. He rides out both of our orgasms, lazily sliding his hips into my own until he is almost too tired to move, but manages to slide out -causing me to gasp at the feeling- and plop down beside me.
We lay there, our bodies recovering, chests heaving and skin sticky with sweat.
When I finally regain some muscle movement I look over to him next to me, his back flat against the mattress one hand on his torso, one up by next to his head. A low fire begins to brew in my belly again at the sight of him, curls soaked with sweat, body glistening, muscles twitching and stretching as he struggles to catch his breath, lips parted and eyes shut.
I drag myself on top of him, tracing patterns on his balmy skin, “You okay?” my voice rasps, my vocal chords a bit overdone.
He swallows and smiles, “Yeah...you?”
I brush a hand through his damp hair, and he gives a satisfied hum.
“Yeah” I bite my lip, “...never felt like that before” he chuckles, and heat is already returning to my core as he opens his eyes, a lazy grin on his face.
“Me either” he admits, his hand beginning to run gently up and down my back, and I realize his rings are still on.
A shiver travels down my spine, and I bite my lip, “Think you could do it again?”
He raises his eyebrows at me, bringing his other hand to run down his face as he laughs.
“Christ! Already?” he exclaims and I blush a bit, still tracing invisible patterns on his chest.
“I made y’feel that good?” he asks, voice a bit lower, a sly grin on his face, and I give him a nod.
“Here...” I begin, “...you don’t even have to do anything, let me do the work” I say as I pick myself up from his body, ignoring my wobbly legs, and scoot down so that I am straddling him just above his hips.
“Okay...” he swallows, watching as I kiss his torso, right on top of the butterfly tattoo, laying a slick line with my tongue. His skin erupts with goosebumps and I smirk, sliding my hands down his body, placing my palms on his fern tattoos. I lay another kiss and another, until I’ve reached his belly button, and I scrape my teeth along his skin. A low groan leaves his mouth as his eyes close.
“Y’like that?” I ask, and his hands flex the sheets underneath him before he nods. I can feel his cock already hardening from behind my bum, and I lean up to suck on his neck, my teeth nipping his skin as I finish and his breath hitches. I scoot down and rub my wettening core on his length, which earns a soft whimper from both of our mouths, both of us still sensitive from our last round.
I reach between us as I glide my hands down his member, realizing he never took his condom off from previously, and giving him a slow pump as I watch his jaw slack as his length fully hardens in my hand.
“Feelin’ good yet?” I ask, and I graze my thumb over his head, a moan leaving his lips.
“Yes...keep going” he says, his chest already starting to heave again. I lift myself up, thighs shaking, and slide onto him just a tad, closing my eyes at the feeling, and I pause, my hands firm on his chest.
“K-keep going” he pleads through gritted teeth, and I don’t have it in me to tease him, my core throbbing for him. I lower myself down and I hear him suck in a breath as I completely engulf him. Then, finding it impossible to hold still, I lift myself up and back down, my lips parting at the feeling.
He was so big...and I loved it.
His hands settle on my thighs, gripping as I speed up, slowly bouncing faster and faster on top of him.
“Holy shit” he mumbles, grunting and I let out a small whimper, I was already so close.
“I’m close” I gasp, biting my lip and he nods.
Only a few more bounces and I’m shaking, throwing my head back as pleasure shoots through me, his hands now on my hips, pulling me down as he lifts his own up until he was moaning too, both of us trembling and gasping for air.
I lift off of him, and collapse beside him, opening my eyes when I hear him roll the condom off his body, and he goes to toss it away, returning to pull me under the covers and against his chest.
“You’re a minx, y’know that?” he laughs breathlessly, and I chuckle back, I was exhausted, and he was too.
“Made me feel amazing though, haven’t felt that good in a while” he whispers, a genuine tone to his voice, pressing a kiss to my forehead, “Thank you”
I furrow my eyebrows, did he just thank me?
No one has ever thanked me after having sex before, and I found it oddly heart warming.
“Let me know when you’re ready for round three” he smugly whispers and I raise my eyebrows pulling away from his chest to see the devilish smirk on his lips, he was either an angel or satan himself, and I’d be lying if I said the idea didn’t burn me up from the inside out with excitement and curiosity.
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cilliansaccent · 4 years
The Peaky Designer - Cillian Fanfic, Chapter 9
Hello, welcome back. Below is the next instalment of my fanfiction!
Leave a like or a comment if you liked it, or if I can do anything better! Please, it would mean the world and to understand if anyone is enjoying my writing. Also, sharing/reblogging would be even better.
I will not be including Cillian’s family as it’s kinda weird since he has children lmao. Just a mention of his parents and a previous lover.
I will indicate in a chapter if there is smut in the beginning and before the actual scene!!
I will add trigger warnings if there is any!!
There is a variety of levels of swearing during a chapter, I will not hold back, everyone swears.
The timestamp for the Fic is now 2016 and onwards!! 
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Background: Gabrijela Babic is a Croatian girl from Sydney, Australia. She is born in the year 1991 on the 24th of December. She studies a Fashion degree in a University with a major in Game Design as well. Her teacher in the fashion designer class managed to nail an Internship on the set of Peaky Blinders with the shows very own Costume Designer, Allison McCosh. There, she travels to London for under a year to learn how to be one, working alongside the actors as well the man she admires, Cillian Murphy. But, her platonic feelings for the man begins to grow into something more, and she wonders whether she should pursue them or let him go for fear of her strict parents and her three older brothers…
Swantje Paulina as Gabrijela Babic (swalina on Instagram)
Cillian Murphy
Word Count: 2,928
!!Warnings!!: None.
Date: August to December 2016
Chapter Name: ...And Cruel.
Brief Chapter Outline: Gabrijela hangs out with her bestie for the next four weeks, having a great time. But at a Christmas Party, all of that good joy and happiness shatters to pain and heartache...
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By morning, Gabrijela called up Lucia and called her over for breakfast. She was there in less than fifteen minutes and she let the girl up. Gabrijela had already finished cooking, "Goodness, does it smell good." Lucia smiled and hugged her. "Thanks. Been practising." She smiled. She had cooked up eggs, bacon, mushrooms and pancakes were wrapped up in foil to be kept warm. They ate in silence and Lucia helped her clean up once they were done. Then when they had their hot cocoa they sat at the couch together, "I need to ask you something." Gabrijela started. 
"I know. Yesterday," Lucia sighed, looking down at her cup then back up. "I want to apologise for that. I was being mean and rude, no other reason." Gabrijela nodded, "Logan didn't feel comfortable at all. And neither did I, especially with that last comment you made about whether this lasting or not." She frowned, "That hurt." Lucia reached over and took her hand, "And I am deeply sorry for that. Let me make it up to you." Gabrijela smiled a little, "Alright. You can totally make it up to me." After that day, the girls spent each day together. They did plenty of shopping, Lucia was a bad influence when it came to shopping and Gabrijela had to watch her spending even if she had a lot of money still. They did the usual tourist things, Buckingham Palace, the London Eye and all that. Bought souvenirs for home and their friends and went on organised tours. Gabrijela had learned Lucia was here for a break of University. She had stated it was too hectic and would be here till early December. Lucia planned to stay here for a month, then return to Spain to see her extended family before she would come back here and spend the two last weeks with Gabrijela in December It seemed odd, Gabrijela thought but she didn't care. She had her best friend here with her. So the next few weeks were busy, Gabbie balancing out her new work and life with Lucia. Clubbing, getting wasted over the weekends and having the absolute fun. Logan had occasionally tagged along with some of his mates, which was fine but Gab couldn't get a little overprotective. Especially when Lucia always eyed him like a meal. But she didn't pay much attention to it, Lucia wouldn't hurt her like that. Overall, Gabrijela had missed her best friend a lot, missed just being herself and acting like a bunch of mad women laughing and all that. It was good to let go but she still kept in mind she was with Logan and kept herself distanced from any men who tried to hit on her. As the months wore on, Gabrijela was busy working away. She had a good balance of her work and romance with Logan. She was happy finally, and even got to see Cillian almost every week. Just either dinner or coffee or catching a film together. Life for her was good. She was in a good mindset after so, so long being in darkness. By December, after long hard working through her new work and being with Logan for almost five months now, Logan had organised a small Christmas Party on Saturday for his buddies from work, so Gabrijela brought Lucia along before she was to fly out in two days. The pub was decked out in Christmas decorations and a live band played classic Christmas music that made it warm and cozy despite the cold temperature. Gab had changed into a mini tube skirt with an ugly Christmas sweater on top. It was the theme for tonight and Logan had an equally ugly sweater. "And yet you still look so delicious." Gab grinned up at him and they kissed. "I always look good in everything." He said, keeping an arm around her waist. "That's true." She nodded and they joined the group of friends. Lucia was chatting with a guy, clearly, she was trying to see if he could go home with her. The night dragged on, people danced and drank and drank and... drank. Gabrijela was talking to some of the girls outside and decided to head back in with them as it started to rain. But she wasn't feeling tonight, Logan had been... off the whole time. Even when they had met up during the week. Especially when Lucia was around. "Where is Logan?" She asked one of his mates. "Gone to take a piss." He replied. Gabrijela nodded, but her senses or whatever you called it was telling her something was up. Everything was wrong tonight. So she headed to the toilets, she was slightly shaking as anxiety rolled through her. She didn't want another attack, she hadn't had one for a long time and that was during and after the messy break-up with her ex. Some girls were laughing as they left the female toilets, "Fucking disgusting huh? Can't fucking shit in peace with that noise." Gab watched them go and could hear something inside despite the loud music. As she walked in the sounds were... muffled, soft moans came from the last stall. She could see the shadows below it. As she neared she heard it, "Logan." A soft female voice she knew too well. But she wanted it to be untrue and she pushed the door open which was unlocked. "Hey! Someone is-" When the door opened she saw Lucia and Logan. His pants at his ankles and her legs around his waist. It was exactly how Lucia had explained to her how she found her ex with a woman. "Gabrijela." Lucia hastily fixed her skirt as Logan fixed his pants, "I-I'm so sorry. Oh god Gabbie." "No." She snapped, tears falling down her cheeks, "No! You don't get to fucking call me that! You don't!" She screamed. "Please, baby, fuck I-I'm sorry she just-" "You shut the fuck up. Just shut up." She whimpered, her heart was ripping to pieces. She felt the darkness of her pain swallowing her up once more. "Oh, my god. Oh, my god." She repeated, running her fingers through her hair, gripping the strands. She paced around, "Fuck, what is wrong with me huh? Huh? I-Is there something wrong? What don't you like about me? A-Am I to fat? Do I have to small size breasts?" She looked at Logan, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?" She screamed in absolute pain. Logan looked away, regret in his features. "Fucking trusted you. I opened my heart to you. I let you in." Her voice dropped into a broken whisper. "You cheated on me. How long huh? How long?" She looked at Lucia. "Tell me, how fucking long have you two been messing around hm?" "Four months." Lucia winced when Gabrijela let out a pained whine. "Oh wow. Wow, so I've been riding a fucking used cock that was used on a bitch. Wow. Just fucking wow. Lucia, you are so fucking horrible, you know that? You wanna know something Logan, yeah? You ain't the first fucker she's gotten her hands on. She's done it to the other men who were taken. And now, I've had enough fucking looking after you Lucia. You have no sense of personal space and you ruin everyone's lives. You almost did it to Elijah. But at least he was the better man and stopped you." Gabrijela said with such venom Lucia looked down. "I-I'm sorry. Please don't leave me alone, I beg you. I'll make it up-" She whimpered as she stepped to her. "No. No way. It's over. No more will I stand back and let you trample over everyone's lives. You'll learn that one day, fucking someone's partner is not a thing that should be laughed about. I can't believe what moron I was to even stick to you. I only stayed because you had no one else. But now, this is the line I draw entirely." And with that, she left the bathroom, tears and makeup running down her cheeks. She didn't care if it was raining she just needed out. Away from this place. She cried, but no one would know as it was pouring down. Gabrijela came to a park and she sat under a gazebo. She was shaking, it was so cold. But she didn't care. She cried her heart out. Her phone buzzed and buzzed but she ignored it. Only after she stopped she pulled her phone out, Lucia had sent her messages and missed calls from Logan. But she didn't want to speak to them at all. Shivering, she rang up someone else who would listen to her. She waited until the phone was picked up, "Hello?" It sounded like Cillian had just woken up from his sleep, voice heavy. "C-Cillian." She sniffled, the rain had eased off now. "Gabrijela?" He sounded more alert, "Are you okay? Gab?" "I-I'm not Cillian. I... Please pick me up. I-I'm so scared." She started to cry again. "Shh, don't cry hey. Look around yeah? Where are you?" He asked, there was some shuffling and it sounded like he was getting dressed. Gabrijela sniffled and checked her phone for the maps and told him. "Okay. I will be right over. Stay where you are, okay? I won't hang up." His voice was gentle. She nodded, "Okay Cillian." He spoke to her about filming and what was happening as he got into his car. He carried an extra jacket as he sped down the road to the park she was in. It was about twenty minutes and the rain had begun to fall hard again. He parked and ran through the semi-dark park and found her on the gazebo. Gabrijela stood when he came over and she wrapped her arms around him, crying into his chest. He wrapped the jacket around her and held her close. "I got you." He said, a hand on the back of her head. "I'm right here. Oh, darling. Come, let me take you to my home." He murmured. He held her close as they made their way back to the car, he helped her in and he got in and drove off. His home was almost how her apartment looked like. But he had a whole three-story all to himself. He had Christmas decorations up, a Santa light in the bay window. Cillian helped her out of the car, through the iron gates with a pretty garden and up the stairs to the wooden door. Once inside, they were greeted with a narrow hallway that looked like it led to the kitchen and the small dining room. A set of stairs went up to the second floor, and on the right was an open door frame that went into the living room. It was all warm tones, it was cozy and like in a cabin in almost. She spotted photos of him and his family on the little table in the hallway. "Let's go upstairs. You're shivering." He said. Up they went and into his bedroom that took most of the second floor. It overlooked the back garden, it had a large king-sized bed with deep blue sheets and a white throw. It was messy as if he had kicked it all off. He got her to sit on the bed, "I'm going to make a bath, okay? Just wait here." He said as he left the room to go to the bathroom. She sniffled as she looked around, the bed was wooden and had a shelf like backboard that had stacks of books inside it. The wall was dark blue with the other three being an off white colour. Light oak coloured floorboards with a grey carpet at the foot of the bed. Directly across from the bed was a small balcony. From where she sat, across her was a tall bookshelf that had a mixture of books and little statues and photos of him and more of his family. When she turned to look behind her, there was a dresser beside a floor to ceiling window with heavy drapes the colour of storm clouds. And further next to the bed was a small walk-in wardrobe, the light was still on. The room was nice, sleek and cool. Much like Cillian. She smiled at the thought. It even smelled like him. He came back in, carrying a packet of wet wipes and a towel. "Bath is filling up," He said as he sat beside her, "May I?" He held the wipe as if to clean her face up. "Okay." She nodded. He gently began to clean her face up, wiping her eyes and lips and cheeks. "I'll go check the bath." He said and stood, "You can undress, I left the towel there." He smiled and left. She stood up and slowly took off her clothing, neatly leaving it in a heap as she wrapped the fluffy towel around herself. A knock at the door, "Come in." Gabrijela called. He came in, "It's ready. Come on." He gestured for her to come over. He took her into the bathroom. It was cute and simple. It had white tiles halfway then a grey/green/blue coloured wall the rest. The white claw tub that was also a shower was right across, a large window that looked down to the garden below. To the right was a dark brown vanity and white bowl atop. A huge mirror above it. The floors matched the dark colour of the vanity with a plush carpet in the middle. "Fancy." She murmured as she came over to the bathtub that was full of bubbles. She giggled. "I knew bubbles would make you smile. You told me you liked bubble baths." He said, a hand on her back. "I did. Thank you, Cillian." She looked up and gave him a smile. "Any time." He said. "Get in and get comfy. I'll go downstairs and make some tea." He said. She nodded and got in after he had left. She moaned softly and sunk in further, she had kept her hair up in a bun as it was almost dry now. She didn't want to get it wet again. She could feel her body warming up now, but she felt a chill within her. She was going to get sick. Shutting her eyes, she tried not to think of what happened tonight. Tried to stop her heart from breaking any further. But it was hard, she had worked so hard this year, dove into her studies more fiercely and focused more on her happiness. She couldn't believe Lucia would do this to her, but then again... she was stupid to even believe her. She had hoped she would be a better person, but it seemed she wasn't. Tears began to fall again just as Cillian knocked on the door. She quickly washed her face, "You can come in." She called as she watched him enter with two teas. "How is it?" He asked as she set the tray on a little table. "Perfect." She smiled as she held out her hands for her tea, he handed it to her. "Good. I made earl grey, something-" "I told you. Yeah. Thank you, Cillian." She sipped her tea and shuddered, "Yum." She murmured. He sat on the toilet seat, he was dressed in long flannel pants and a white shirt. He had changed it seemed. They stayed silent as she drank her tea, she knew he wanted to ask what happened but she wasn't ready to speak about it. "I uh, I have a long-sleeved shirt and some pants, if you want to wear that. And socks. That's all I can offer." He laughed softly. "That is fine by me. I'd like to be surrounded by you tonight." She whispered as she handed her empty cup back. "I'll bring it in," He said and left and returned with the clothing. Then left again so she could have some privacy. She got out and dried up, combed her hair with her fingers and changed into the clothing he gave her. It was soft and warm. She used the mouthwash and the cup before she cleaned it. She trudged out to the bedroom where he was fixing the bed. "Hi," She said softly, she had puffy red eyes when she had looked at herself in the mirror. "Feel better?" He came over, reaching up to brush his fingers along her jaw. "Yeah. Much needed. Thank you, Cilly." She leaned her cheek into his hand. "I'd like you to stay in bed, I... I need comfort." He nodded, "Alright. Let's get in." He said. She got in with him, the bed was so soft. He laid in the middle on his back as she laid down with her head on his chest. His arm wrapped around her as he pulled up the sheets. "Oh!" He jumped and she looked up. "What?" She asked. "Your feet are cold. Touched mine." He chuckled softly. "Oh, my bad." She let out a soft smile and laid her head back down. She let the sound of his heart lull her into sleep. She was warm, surrounded by the smells of Cillian and his arms. Cillian had no idea what happened tonight to make her so distraught. It broke his heart to see her alone in the dark, shivering and cold. He would not push her, he would let her tell him when she was ready. He would make sure tomorrow she was entirely comfortable and happy.
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amintyworld · 5 years
Together - Sanders Sides Fic - Part 2 of "Brothers"
A/N: It's here! Part 2 is finally here! Thank you to all those who liked the first, and especially those who left a nice comment, it really warmed my heart to see you enjoy my work. Hope you enjoy this one, Part one is on my blog, and I reccomend reading the first part before reading this one to understand the story a bit better. Enjoy!
Ship: Plantonic LAMP, Prinxiety
Summary: Roman won't be ripped apart again from someone he loves.
TW: Sympathetic Remus, Brotherly Advice, Seperation, Kissing, Dancing, Crushing, Sandness,
They'd been texting a while. Roman seemed almost glued to his phone half the time, texting Virgil. He'd developed the ever loathing crush on him, always thinking of him, texting him, calling him. 
He laid on his red bed, giggling at Virgil's latest text, when his father, Patton called from downstairs. "Roman, kiddo, you have a guest!"
He shoved his phone in his pocket and sauntered down the steps. Patton smiled giddily at him as he walked down, and his father Logan carried in a huge suitcase.
"THOMAS!" Roman yelled, running and giving him a huge hug as he stepped through the door. The impact sent Thomas back a few steps. "You're home! I've missed you so much!"
Thomas ruffled his little brother's hair. "I've got a month off for Christmas, so I thought I'd surprise you by coming in a few days early."
"Best. Surprise. Ever." Roman smiled. Thomas was Patton's sister's son, who he took care of when she passed. He's three years older than Roman, already in College. Thomas had been there for Roman since… forever.
In fact, if it wasn't for Thomas dragging Roman out to his Theater Club's play, Roman would've never gotten his love of Theater in the first place.
"Now, what's going on, Ro? Tell me everything." Thomas said, sitting on their brown couch.
"Well, I…" Roman said, sinking into the fluffy couch. "I found...Remus."
"Wait, wait, wait…" Thomas said. "You found Remus?! As in… your twin from Theodosia's Orphanage?! That Remus?!"
Roman just nodded. "He got adopted, actually. I was… tutoring his brother."
Thomas laughed. "What a small world, huh?" Roman's phone buzzed, and he went to check it. Virgil had sent a few messages about what went on during their last session - Roman spilled soda on Virgil.
Roman giggled, and Thomas smiled. "Soooo, who's the guy?"
"Huh?! What guy?" Roman asked.
"Roman Price Sanders, I am your brother. I know when my little bro is crushing on someone. So, who's the guy?" Thomas said, smiling.
"Virgil Sanders. He's a grade below me. I...tutor him." Roman admitted.
"Hold the phone - you're crushing on the brother of your now adopted twin brother?" Thomas asked. Roman sheepishly nodded. 
"Promise you won't tell Dad?" Roman begged. "He'll spill to Lo, and you know how he gets about this."
"Of course, Ro." Thomas said. "I won't say a word."
"Speaking of," Roman said. "There's this dance, and I really want to ask him, but I...I dunno what to say."
Thomas sighed, holding out his hand for the phone. "I got you."
Virgil struggled with his history homework, trying to remember dates. Thanks to Roman, he flew through his math, remembering everything from their sessions.
Well, he remembered at LOT more than just math. He blushed at the thought of last week, their mouths so close together, his breath in his ear. He was fit. More than fit, even. They'd look at the same book, hunched close together, while Roman would explain the problem and how to solve it, voice nearly soft in his ear. Just when he thought their lips were so close they could touch, soda spilled on his jeans.
He looked down, noticing his answer to the Commander of the South Civil War armies - Roman Sanders
He went red, erasing the answer quickly. His phone buzzed. A text from Roman. Roman hadn't responded for 15 minutes, and Virgil was slightly worried. What was going on?
He opened the message and he couldn't believe what he was reading.
Look, I really like you. If you like me, I'd be honored to be your date to the prom.
The prom?! As in...the Senior Prom?! Roman Sanders wanted to take him to his own Senior Prom. 
Oh. My. God.
He..he didn't know how to respond. He was frozen. Was this why he'd been silent for 15 minutes?! Another buzz. Roman was calling him. He took a deep breath and answered.
"OhmygodVirgilpleasedon'thateme…" Roman started, on his own little tangent of a freak out.
"Roman, I wanna go with you."
"I mean how STUPID am I- wait. What did you just say?"
Virgil took a deep breath. "I'd be honored to accompany you to the Senior Prom, Roman."
There was a long pause. "Can you...give me a minute?"
"Uh, sure." He could hear Roman trying to cover the microphone, squealing and yelling in excitement. Virgil stifled a laugh. Roman uncovered the phone. 
"Friday night then. I'll pick you up at 7?"
"Of course, Princey. I'll be ready."
They'd been at the party for a bit, drinking punch with Remus, joking around, laughing. Then, Roman had dragged him outside for some air, leaving Remus doing the worm, a crowd forming around him.
The moon shone bright against the back, velvety sky. They sat on the front steps, the music blasting behind them. They looked up to the night sky. A thought loomed over them, and both couldn't help but think about it.
Roman and Remus would be graduating in a few months, going off to college. Virgil was only a Junior. Was tonight all they had before they were ripped apart?
"Sky's beautiful." Roman said, trying not to think about it. 
"Yeah, it is." Virgil responded, the weight of the situation weighing on his mind. Silence passed through them both. "So, you're graduating in a few months…"
"...yeah." Another pause. Roman turned to Virgil. "I'm really going to miss you."
Virgil held back a few tears. "I'm gonna miss you too." Roman held Virgil's cheek as he wiped the falling tears. 
He smiled. "Don't cry, Virge. You'll get mascara all over your tux." Virgil laughed. 
"If… tonight is all we have left, I...I wanna do something." Virgil said. "But, only if you'd let me."
"Of course." Roman said as Virgil stood, holding out his hand. A slow dance started behind them.
"Then…" Virgil bit his lip. "May I have this dance?"
Roman blushed. "Of course, Emo Nightmare."
Virgil lead as they danced on the concrete, spinning, twirling, moving. Then, Virgil dipped Roman, pressing his lips to his. "Virgil, what are you-"
Roman's leg twisted around Virgil's, not wanting the moment to end. Remus smiled as he watched from the doorway, holding back a snicker.
Those two were hopeless for each other.
"Wait, hold up." Remus said. "It's over?! What...why?!"
Virgil sighed as he plopped on his bed. "He's going off to College, Rem. I don't want him to fail because he's focused on seeing me every weekend. I...I want him to achieve everything he's always wanted, even if it means I have to be out of the picture."
"But, I SAW you two!"
"You SAW us?!"
"I was trying to find you guys, and...that's besides the point. There were sparks between you. I saw the way you looked at each other, the kiss...it was real."
"He's leaving today, Rem. That's it. It's over. Can you just drop it, please? It was only a stupid, stupid kiss." Virgil snapped, eyes brimming with tears.
Virgil rolled over, laying on his bed, facing the wall. "Just leave me alone."
Remus sighed, closing the door.
Logan rolled Roman's bright red suitcase over to the car, while Patton shouldered his duffel. Thomas leaned with his shoulder against the doorway. "You're really sure it's the right choice?"
Roman huffed, packing a second suitcase. "I wouldn't just break his heart if there wasn't any other way."
"I know, but-"
"It was amazing while it lasted, like… almost a fairytale. But you know it won't work."
"But, Ro-"
Roman snapped his suitcase shut, a hard thud as it hit the floor. "That's everything." He rolled the suitcase toward the door. "Come on, Thomas." Without another word, he rolled past him to the stairs.
Roman wasn't happy. A year passed as he went to class after class, Virgil always coming back to his thoughts, the thought of the kiss…
He didn't hang out with his friends, he didn't go to parties, he just studied and went to class. He felt like a robot.
He should be happy, right? He was in College, getting his Acting Degree. He was working to be a Broadway Star, his dream since he was little.
Why wasn't he happy?!
Nothing seemed to make him happy anymore. Not even Musical Theater. Not even Disney movies. The world seemed dull, losing the luster Virgil had given it.
He heard Virgil had got accepted to MIT, all the way in Boston. He guessed he wanted to be as far away from him as humanly possible, and well, Roman couldn't blame him.
One weekend, in the middle of studying, he had an idea. A crazy, stupid, romantic idea. His mind told him no, yet his heart yearned for him to do it.
He remembered what his Father, Patton, told him: "Follow your heart, Roman."
Follow my...heart...?
Roman grabbed his keys and sprinted out the door, adrenaline pumping as he ran to his car.
He only hoped he had enough fuel for the trip.
Virgil's roommate, Remy, was on his fifth Redbull, and now his fourth coffee, cramming for the exam. "Dude, how are you still alive?" Virgil joked. "You haven't slept for three days."
"Sleep is for suckers." He said. "A bit more cramming, and I'll be ready for Monday's test."
"Remy, take a break-" Virgil said, reaching for his arm, when Remy turned and let out a hiss.
"Did...did you just hiss at me?" Virgil said. "I think College is really starting to mess with you." A knock at the door sent him out of his thoughts. He went to answer, surprised, to say the least.
"Roman?! What are you doing here?"
"Virgil, I...I have something to say. You can hate me after, but I just need to talk to you."
"Okay…. what's up?" Virgil said, extremely confused.
"I was a selfish jerk to you. I only thought of myself, when I didn't realize you were hurt, too. I realized last year, I made the biggest mistake of my life by breaking your heart, and I...I don't want to do it again."
"What are you saying?" Virgil asked.
"I'm saying...you make me happy, Virgil, and...I'm miserable without you. I...I love you with all my heart, and I want you to be with me forever, and nothing will break us apart. Not ever again."
"Roman, what are you-?!"
"Virgil Vincent Black, will you marry me?" Roman said, getting down on one knee, and showing him the ring he'd bought with all his savings. Logan would be disgusted he'd spent his savings spur of the moment, but he didn't care. 
He loved him.
"Roman, I-" Virgil stuttered. "I dunno what to say, I…"
After all this time, Virgil couldn't deny his feelings. He loved Roman. He couldn't believe what Roman was telling him. He thought he'd be better off without him, but he guessed he was wrong.
He was glad he was wrong.
"Yes… yes, yes, yes, Roman, I will marry you!" Virgil said, tears going down his face as Roman slid the ring on. Virgil grabbed his collar and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. When they came up for hair, Roman was a blushing mess. Virgil's face blushed.
"I've been waiting to do that." He said, catching his breath, smiling at his Fiance.
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seouledbysisi · 5 years
Chapter 5
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The doorbell to their front door sounded. Sapphire and Riley were almost certain that it was Minho because he always had a habit of just popping up, which was fine since they didn't know many people anyways.
Sapphire lifted an eyebrow when she opened the door. “What's this?”
The guy handed her a package. “I'm an intern for H1ghr Music company and I was sent to give you this. Are you Riley or Sapphire?” He asked.
Sapphire nodded. “Riley come here!” She yelled. “What is this for?” She directed to the young guy.
He shrugged. “I'm just running errands. I don't ask questions, I just do as I'm told.”
“Who is this?” Riley asked as she finally walked up.
Sapphire gave the guy a tip. “Thanks.” She said and closed the door quickly.  “He said he's an intern for H1ghr Music.”
Riley scrunched her forehead staring at the package. “So they just randomly sent us a package. What in the world would they send?”
Sapphire placed the box on the counter and ripped the tape off of it. “Your guess is as good as mine.” She pulled out two bracelets which were diamond encrusted with the words H1ghr Music engraved on them.
Riley snatched the bracelet from Sapphire. “What the hell! This can't be real diamonds!”
“I don't know, they look pretty real to me. There's a note too!” She exclaimed as she pulled it out of the box. 
Thank you for your invitation to your grand opening.Myself and also my rappers are enthusiastic about this event. I would like to extend a personal invite to our company party tonight to give you taste of what your club has in store. I hope you will accept!
- Jay Park, CEO
Riley and Sapphire's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.
“Jay himself is inviting us to a private company party!” Riley yelled as she leaped up and down.
Sapphire was in so much shock. “It's such short notice, like what the heck are we going to wear?”
“All the clothes you have in your closet I'm sure you have something! Call Minho up and tell him that he's coming with!” Riley ran off to her room to start getting ready.
A couple hours later Minho arrived to their apartment.
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“Ladies! How the hell did y'all score an invite to a Jay Park party?”
They both were confused by how they were important enough to be at one of his parties.
“He even sent us these.” Sapphire lifted her wrist.
Minho's eyes widened. “He has a fine way of thanking someone. He must enjoy spending lots of money.”
Riley admired the bracelet on her wrist. “I ain't complaining. Maybe we need to invite his rappers more often if it gets us diamonds.” She laughed.
“So you feel me!?” Sapphire agreed. She slipped her heels on.
Riley grabbed her clutch purse. “Here goes nothing.”
When they arrived to the address that was printed on the invite they were all slapped in the face with astonishment.
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“Surely this isn't his house, right?” Sapphire spoke as she stared in awe at the huge mansion.
Minho chuckled. “Most people rent huge houses for parties like this. If you get into the right circle of people you'll get used to this type of treatment.”
Riley shook her head. “I don't think I'd ever get used to these kinds of things.”
They stepped out of the Uber and headed up the steps to the entrance of the house.
Every person in the building turned to stare at them.
Sapphire immediately became nervous and covered her body with her arms a bit. “I mean I know we're American but do they really have to stare at us like they've seen an alien?”
Minho shook his head. “I think their gazing upon y'alls beauty to be honest.”
pH-1 came around a corner and Riley's heart began to pump like it had never before. How the heck does he have this kind of control over my body? I barely know the guy. She shook her head to herself.
“What in the world are y'all doing here?” He asked as he looked Riley from head to toe. He couldn't deny her beauty and his hands tingled as if they were dying to touch her soft, slightly tanned skin. He placed his hands immediately into his pockets to avoid them doing anything that he had no control over.
Riley sighed. “Your boss sent us an invite earlier today and promised to give us a taste of what our grand opening night is going to be like.”
He looked around the place as if looking for someone. “Wow, well it's great to see all of you here. Ladies, you look gorgeous but I'm sure you already know that.”
“Yeah, but it never hurts to hear someone else say it sometimes.” Sapphire added.
Woodie and Sik-K were jumping up and down with the other guests. They were surrounded by quite a few people and they seemed to be having the time of their lives.
“You don't get down like them do you?” Riley asked him as she unconsciously rubbed his arm to grasp his attention.
His breath hitched in his throat for a moment. “I do sometimes. They're always crazy though.”
She nodded as she watched the guys.
“Sorry to cut this conversation short but I better grab them so we can get up on that stage.” He hurried off and met up with the crowd.
Riley kept her eyes on him as he disappeared through the crowd.
“Are you oogling him?” Minho asked.
Riley quickly looked away. “No, I don't oogle!” She rolled her eyes.
Sapphire simply smirked.
“I think you liked what you saw.” Minho kept picking with her.
Riley shook her head. “Whatever. He's handsome but I totally wasn't oogling him, okay?!” She crossed her arms as her cheeks began to turn a light shade of pink.
“Y'all ready?!” Woodie was hype as always. He couldn’t keep still.
Sik-k dapped him up. “I stay ready, bro!”
“So you know Jay invited Sapphire and Riley, right?” pH informed.
Sik-K was confused. “Who?”
“The owners of Moonlit, duh!” Woodie hit his arm.
Sik-K rubbed the pain away. “We meet so many people, my bad forgetting their names!”
“They're here now?” Woodie asked.
pH-1 nodded.
“Even more reason to tear that stage up! Leggo!” Woodie ran up on the stage.
The ladies couldn't help but turn up a little while they performed.
“They really know how to work a crowd!” Riley spoke to Sapphire and Minho over the loud music.
Minho bobbed his head. “I told you that you'd love them!”
The guys came off the stage as the DJ started playing other music. Girls were surrounding them, grabbing them to dance with them.
Riley rolled her eyes as she watched a girl grind on pH. “Wanna get some drinks?” She asked immediately.
Sapphire nodded. “Yep!” They hurried away to find the bar.
Riley tapped on the bar as she babysat her glass of wine.
“You've barely touched your drink, something must be on your mind.” Sapphire asked as she sipped her Moscato.
Riley exhaled loudly. “Suddenly I'm about ready to go.”
Sapphire jerked her arm. “Why? The party is still going.”
“Yeah and I'm not feeling it anymore.”
Sapphire downed the rest of her wine. “What's wrong? You're moody now.”
“I'm not moody I'm just ready to go. You can stay.”
“You know I'm not going to stay without you, though!” Sapphire rolled her eyes.
Riley took a small sip of her wine and shrugged.
Minho met up with them with the guys in tow with him. “Hey, we've been looking for y'all!”
Sapphire looked up from her glass and looked right into Jay Park's face. “Oh my gosh, nice to meet you! Thanks for inviting us.” She threw her hand out quickly.
Jay shook her hand. “Are you enjoying yourselves?” He laid eyes on Riley.
“Well this is unlike any party we've ever been invited to, this is all dope!” Sapphire exclaimed.
Jay chuckled. “All credit goes to my party planner. I just spit the money out for it. I'm glad you ladies came though, I just wanted to meet you officially.” He nodded.
Riley gave him a small smile. “Nice meeting you as well.”
He walked away to speak with some of his other guests.
“She's ready to go.” Sapphire told Minho.
“Y'all are leaving?” Woodie posed up next to Sapphire.
Sapphire shrugged. “If she leaves I'm going too.”
pH cocked his head to the side and grabbed Riley's hand. “You're not having fun?”
Riley pulled her hand back. “The party is cool, I'm just tired.”
“Come dance with me first?”
Riley looked up at him with searching eyes. Had he figured out that she was upset or did he genuinely want to dance with her? She knew she shouldn't feel special seeing as he just had another girl grinding her flat ass all over him which pissed her off even more the more she thought about it. She really had no reason to be mad, he wasn't hers but she still didn't like another female's hands on him.
“Don't tell me you're too tired for one dance!” He chuckled as he reached for her hand again.
She took his hand and followed him.
Woodie took a seat next to Sapphire. “Aye can I get a beer?”
The bartender handed him a Heineken.
He took a quick sip. “You enjoy the performance?”
She nodded. “Y'all were nice up there. The crowd really liked it for sure.”
“Phire, why are you being so modest?”
She giggled. “I'm not, this is just how I am.”
“I find that really hard to believe. You don't have to be shy around me.”
“I can't help it, this is just how I am around new people.” She looked towards the DJ stand.
Woodie grabbed her chin and turned her to face him. “Well I guess we better change that. What are you doing this weekend?”
Sapphire cleared her throat. “I have plans Saturday around noon but after that I'm pretty sure I'm free. Why?”
“I was going to ask could I take you on a date.”
Sapphire's eyes widened.
Woodie laughed. “Don't worry I'm not asking you to marry me I'm just trying to get to know you better if that's okay?”
“No, I didn't mean to offend you. I just wasn't expecting for you or anyone else here in Korea to ask me on a date.”
Woodie gave her a peculiar look. “Why wouldn't guys ask you out?”
She stared at him for a moment. “Do you really have to ask?”
Woodie was still confused. “You're gorgeous and you must be smart since you own two businesses. I don't see a problem with you.”
“You didn't notice that I'm not Korean or are you blind?” Sapphire giggled.
Woodie rolled his eyes. “I'm not like that, Phire. I realize you're not Korean but I think you're great regardless.”
She gave him a half smile. “Well not many people here are going overlook the fact that I have dark brown skin.”
“Well I think your skin is beautiful. It reminds me of chocolate and I love chocolate.” He caressed her uncovered thigh gently. “So is that a yes?”
Sapphire took a deep breath. “Sure!”
Riley and pH met back up with them at the bar.
Riley wrapped her arms around Sapphire neck and pushed her hair aside to reveal her ear. “Guess who has a date Saturday night!”
Sapphire squealed a little. “Me too!”
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writtenbybigoceans · 7 years
Could you write a post-breakup Imagine where the reader has been getting a lot of hate from Shawn's fans since her breakup with Shawn and then they ran into each other at a party or an award show and the reader tried to stay away from Shawn not to get more hate but Shawn is being very sweet to her and ask if she's okay and whatnot? Hope that makes sense lol. Thanks
A/N: Not sure if it’s exactly what you wanted but I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to request imagines guys, I’ll try my best to write them :) 
It had been weeks but the ache still hadn’t subsided. No amount of time or distraction seemed to be able to fill the gaping hole Shawn had left and the weight of it dragged her down every single day. Her friends had been there every day to keep her from disappearing into herself, inviting her out and planning sleepovers and movie nights. Every weekend had involved a night out; her friends dragged her to every club and bar the city had to offer. Even the pounding music and alcohol couldn’t completely wipe the memory of brown eyes and soft curls from her mind. But she’d gone anyway, throwing on a mini dress and heels and a face of makeup every time.
Other people didn’t seem to think it was as good of an idea as her friends did.
‘It’s barely been a month and she’s already over him.’ one tweet read.
‘We all knew she wasn’t really in love with Shawn, this just proves it.’ Snarled another.
On and on they went, and endless wave of hate crashing over her head and dragging her down. Eventually, her friend had deleted the app off her phone and refused to let her near the laptop. She didn’t really need to look to know what they would be saying. No doubt their anger had reached the ears of the very person who had put her in their sights.
Another Saturday night rolled around, another party to attend. Her three best friends all piled into her room, digging through the outfits they had laid out until the perfect ensembles were chosen. She felt herself get swept up in the infectious giggles and electric excitement. Maybe party-therapy was finally starting to work.
They piled into an Uber for the twenty-minute ride to the house and arrived at a house already vibrating with heavy bass and overflowing with tipsy young adults. Guided by her friend’s hand, tightly gripping hers, she finds herself in the kitchen. Bottles of various kinds of alcohol line the kitchen counter, each decorated with different, brightly coloured labels. Taking the whiskey, she pours a generous amount into each of her friend’s cups and tops it up with coke to help it go down easier. As they toast something catches her eye. For a moment, she thinks she sees a very familiar head of curls, dark and glossy like polished mahogany. The air rushes out of her lungs like she’d been punched. Surely not… But it’s him. It must be. No one else has hair like that and towers above the crowd like that.
“Drink up!” someone tells her, and she does. Tipping her head back, she drains half the cup, savouring the burn in her throat and the taste of cherry cough syrup on her tongue.
“Let’s dance!” is the next suggestion. With a hurried excuse, she makes her way to the edge of the room to a set of wide, sliding doors that lead out onto a patio. Her breaths come in shallow pants as if she really had been winded. She just wanted a second away from the crowd to collect herself. And to avoid him, she admits to herself. She didn’t need more hate coming her way because she spoke to him at some house party. 
“(Y/N)?” a voice, right behind her enquires. Startled, she spins around, dreading what she’ll face.
And there he stands, as perfect as ever. His hands are shoved into the pockets of his jeans and the top few buttons of his dress shirt are undone, exposing a thin strip of his chest. All the barely suppressed hurt surges to the surface of her mind at the sight of him, ripping the hole in her chest open a little bit more.
“Hey,” she manages to say. He smiles that same crooked smile that melts her heart.
“Hi,” he responds. “How have you been?”
She wants to laugh out loud. How does he think she’s been? Her boyfriend of eight months walks out with no explanation, leaving her to the wrath of his enraged fans who’d relentlessly harassed her online.
“Fine,” she lies, throwing in a smile to boot. “How about you?”
He answers with a simple shrug, that damn smile still on his lips. His dark eyes run over her body, her exposed legs and arms bared by the velvety mini-dress her friend has insisted she wore.
“You look amazing,” he tells her, unaware of the painful flutter it causes in her heart.
“I better get back to my friends,” she says, gesturing to the doors. He nods understandingly although there seems to be a hint of something like disappointment in his eyes.
“There’s just one thing I wanted to ask,” she adds, her hand resting against the door. She sees him nod in her peripheral vision. “Why? I thought we were fine and then you left.”
He gapes at her for a moment, shocked by her question before he recovers himself.
“You deserved something who would be there for you. Not someone who’s never here when you need him. And I could see how hard it was for you to be in the spotlight all the time. I just wanted you to be happy, even if it wasn’t with me.”
“Shawn,” she breathes out harshly. “I was the happiest I’ve ever been when I was with you. I would do all of the months alone, all of the hate and tabloid articles ten times over to be with you. Leaving me didn’t save me from anything.”
With a final look at his shell-shocked face, she slides the door open and disappears into the crowded room, squeezing her eyes closed against the tears that threatened to spill over. Lord knew how long it would take to heal this new hurt.  
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thiamlife · 7 years
Thiam Week Day 2: Fake Relationship
“I should have never come to this club with Mason and Corey” he thought as the guy across bar winked at him again.
Where in the hell did they sneak off to anyway? Liam glanced around trying to locate his friends and when that didn’t work he honed in on his other senses and followed their scent finding them on dance floor. Trying to catch Mason’s attention proved to be impossible as he watched them start to make out. Turning around to head back to the bar he felt someone grab his arm, pull him into their body, and tried to start dancing with him.
Liam shoved the person back easily enough but was now closer to the center of the dance floor than he wanted to be. Bodies were pushing up against him and scents of alcohol and sex were enough to make his already thin control slip.
He growled under his breath when he was grabbed again and turned around to find two glowing red eyes staring back at him. “It’s been awhile since any other wolves have been here” the other guy purred. He tried to pull away but the guy tightened his grip and started to run a single claw down his wrist. Liam gave his arm a hard tug which made the alpha’s claws dig into his skin causing it to tear.
The scent of blood hit the air and that mixed with the pain, his last shred of control snapped. His claws popped out, teeth elongated, and eyes burst to a bright yellow glow. He growled again, made a grab for the stronger wolf’s other hand, and dug his claws in. Everyone around them was too lost in the music to notice that danger was happening around them.
“I’ve always loved a beta with a little fight in him,” the alpha sneered “you’re going to be fun tonight.”
Liam opened his mouth to give one last warning growl when an arm wrapped around his shoulders and a body plastered itself to his back. The alpha let off a little growl of his own trying to claim Liam as his.
“There you are!” The person that was wrapped around him said just as their scent hit Liam’s nose. He relaxed slightly into the body but didn’t change back.
“Thanks for keeping him company, you just never know when you’re going to have to kill a hunter.” Theo said cheerfully. Liam could feel him walk to his side but was still too angry, too wolf, to acknowledge him. He watched as Theo grabbed his hand and tried to pull his claws out of the alpha’s arm giving it hard squeeze. When he didn’t budge Theo sighed and looked to the alpha.
“Would you mind letting go of my boyfriend’s wrist?” Liam jerked his head to look at Theo as he continued speaking, “He has some anger issues and I’d really rather not have to do damage control for his dumb ass.” Liam snarled at Theo earning him a wink in return.
Neither of them budged, Liam’s yellow eyes turned back to stare into the red ones… daring him to fight him. Alpha or not he was ready, he needed a fight. It had been months since the hospital battle and he had a lot of pent up anger fueling him.
Theo’s eyes flashed in annoyance at Liam. How could he be so god damn stupid?! With a low growl of his own, Theo moved and simply broke Liam’s fingers. Liam gave a terrifying, to humans of course, roar luckily right before the dj dropped the beat so everyone except for Corey and Mason thought it was part of the music.
With Liam now focused on him he slowly backed away with a smirk challenging Liam to follow him and leave the alpha. The alpha made moves to follow as well but Theo shook his head and glanced up to the balcony in silent communication. Hoping the alpha would understand that they were surrounded by hunters. He watched at the alpha sniffed the air, snarled, and then disappeared into the crowd of dancing bodies.
“Corey get Mason out of here now!” He said in a normal voice knowing that he would be able to hear him.  
“What about Liam,” came the reply, “we can’t just walk out of here with him in wolf mode.”
“I got it just go, NOW!” Theo continued to back up across the dance floor with Liam slowly walking towards him.
“Liam I need you to change back.” His plead was met with a low growl. “Liam I’m serious, I can’t fight you and the hunters at the same time. Change.” He had almost reached the back emergency exit when Liam lunged for him.
They crashed into the door leading to the back alley and rolled to a stop by a bunch of empty bottles. Winded, it was all Theo could to to grab Liam’s wrists before he tried to punch him.
“Come on baby wolf, say Scott’s three things.” Liam stopped trying to hit him and tilted hit head at the name. So he tried again, “What are they baby wolf? What are the three things?”
Still frozen, Theo was surprised when Liam opened his mouth. “The sun…” Liam managed to snarl out, “the moon…” more human, “the truth.” Theo watched as his fangs slid back and then he rolled Liam off him. Standing up bringing Liam up with him he tightened his grip on the beta’s wrists.
“Again.” He sighed deeply as he watched Liam struggling to regain control. He looked into the baby’s bright yellow eyes and it took everything he had not to grab him and hug him.
“The sun, the moon, the truth.” Liam’s claws slowly slid back and turned into human fingers again. Releasing the harsh grip he had, he moved his hand to Liam’s shoulders.
“Just your eyes Liam, come on baby wolf… one more time.” He watched as Liam dropped his head to hide his eyes from him. Like hell, Theo thought to himself, I need to see them. Using his hand, he pushed Liam’s chin up making him look at him. “One more time.” He whispered softly but without question 
Only they didn’t have time for that as a hunter chose that moment to turn down the alley. Theo didn’t sense any fear or anger coming from the man so he assumed that the guy didn’t know it was the two of them he was hunting. Liam’s bright yellow eyes stared into his and the hunter was getting closer and closer. He had to make Liam’s eyes change and he had to do it now.
Using his hand that was already under Liam’s chin he gripped his face and pushed him against the wall. The hunter a mere few feet away now so he took one last breath and slammed him mouth down on Liam’s.
Liam stood there frozen.
Theo was… kissing him. He went to push him off but Theo grabbed his hand and pinned it to the wall next to them. Theo kissed his jaw, turning his head to the side with his hand, and dragged his mouth to his ear. “He’s a hunter, close your eyes.” Liam’s eye snapped shut and he was left with the feeling of Theo kissing and biting his neck.
Liam dug his claws into Theo’s side, “Not there, don’t kiss there.” Theo moved back up to his mouth and sucked at his bottom lip. Liam had just started to return the kiss when Theo shoved off him and turned his back to him. Opening his eyes, he watched as Theo breathed heavily in and out and listened to his erratic heartbeat that matched his own.  He must just be anxious because the hunter was so close. Liam tried to take deep breaths to calm his but the feel of Theo’s lips on his neck wouldn’t go away.
“Let’s go.” Theo rasped out, turning to walk in the opposite direction than the hunter just had.
Liam followed blindly behind him and when they approached his truck he automatically went for the passenger side and slid in.
Liam watched as Theo braced himself against the truck taking deep breaths before actually getting in. He didn’t make any moves to start it up which Liam thought was odd considering there were hunters everywhere.
“Are we going to leave or…?” He asked with some sass. Earning a glare that melted into a smirk.
“Oh now you want to leave, only almost got us killed first. But hey what else is new?” Theo retorted.
What an asshole. It wasn’t his fault that an alpha tried to drag him away. “The alley was new…”
Theo whipped his head to look at him, the chimera’s eyes glowing bright “Not a word Liam, not a single word.”
“Alright geez.” Liam turned to look out the window and muttered “you’re the one that asked.”
The drive to Liam’s house was silent. Which meant that there was nothing stopping him from thinking about Theo kissing him. He didn’t mean to, his mind just kept replaying it over and over. His heartrate had begun to spike at the thought of Theo’s lips and teeth at the spot on his neck. Hayden hadn’t even been able to find “his spot”. Wondering if maybe Theo could find other spots on his body he shivered.
He was ripped from his thoughts when Theo asked “Why is your heart beating so fast.”
Blushing, he looked out the window and realized they were sitting in his driveway. “I don’t know” he replied lamely. Thank god his parents were gone on a weekend trip, he didn’t want to have to explain why his arms were covered in blood and why Mason and Corey weren’t with him.
Liam looked in the backseat and noticed the pillow and blanket. He glanced back to Theo and realized that he had been sleeping in his truck again. He closed his eyes and before he could stop himself blurted out “Want to crash here tonight?”
Theo watched as Liam looked to his back seat and knew that he saw his bed. He watched as Liam closed his eyes and watched as he blushed when he asked him to stay.
“I don’t want your pity.” He spat out harshly. He didn’t mean for it to happen. He just couldn’t contain his anger. He didn’t understand why he kept kissing Liam even after the hunter had passed them. He didn’t know why he cared when that alpha grabbed him or why he almost lost it when the alpha made him bleed. Mostly, he didn’t know why he promised Scott that he would keep an eye on the baby wolf. It wasn’t his pack; he didn’t need to help them anymore. But for some unknown reason he couldn’t leave without knowing that Liam would be okay.
“I’m not pitying you. You saved me tonight… again. Just wanted to be nice.” Liam had finally opened his eyes and was looking right at him. His heartbeat jumped but he tried to cover it up with a deep sigh.
“Fine.” Theo shut the truck off and pulled his bag from the back. He followed Liam up the driveway and into the quiet house. “Where are your parents?” he asked wondering if he was going to have to explain why Liam had dried blood on his arms and why there were blood stains on him from when Liam clawed his side.
“They went away for the weekend.” Liam’s heartbeat jumped a couple times as he opened the door to his room. Theo was going to question it but thought better of it and put his bag on the floor. Liam turned to face him with questions in his eyes. But ended up looking away.
Sighing, “Out with it Liam, just ask.” Theo was tired, mentally drained after the events from tonight and didn’t have the patience to treat his baby wolf with kid gloves anymore. HIS baby wolf? Fuck fuck fuck. What’s wrong with you Theo. His inner monologue only stirring his anger more.
Liam opened his mouth to speak but closed it and then frowned. When he started again Theo was on the verge of exploding. “Where have you been? How did you know where I was?”
“I’ve been here the whole time, keeping an eye on your ass because you’re never in control!” He yelled.  “Do you know how frustrating it is to make sure you’re not going to change at any given moment? Scott made me promise to take care of you and half the time I don’t even know why I agreed. But then you pull shit like tonight and I remember why.” He was breathing heavily now. “Who honestly thinks they can take on an alpha by themselves? Oh that’s right, YOU.” Shaking his head, he walked to the window to try and focus on something else other than Liam’s scent that was surrounding him.
“Okay, wow, that was one time.” Liam’s voice showed annoyance but his chemo signals were telling a different story. It was too much for him, Theo’s head span and he lost control.
He whipped around and walked heavily toward Liam until he was standing in front of him, no more than a foot away. “And the lockers you ripped off the wall the other day? How about the car you dented… WITH YOUR HAND. And there’s my personal favorite, when you changed after a game and stalked the captain from the other team home.” He watched as Liam finally understood how everything always seemed to be fixed after he had an outburst.
“You’ve been following me? You put the lockers back? You fixed Mrs. Martin’s car? Wait… you… you were the animal that made me chase you into the woods?” Liam looked confused and that quickly turned to anger. “Why?” he demanded as Theo watched his eyes flicker to yellow.
“Calm yourself now. I’m not doing this shit with you for the second time tonight. I already broke your fingers and you put holes in my side.” At the mention of the kiss Liam’s eyes stayed yellow but his scent changed. Theo sniffed and he couldn’t place the change, he didn’t know what it was because Liam had never smelled like that before. Wait… yes he had. In the alley. Was it arousal? Fuck again.
“I told you not to kiss me there.” Liam said low in a growl. Theo couldn’t help but feel the tingle of arousal himself. He tried to hide it but Liam sniffed the air and let out a snarl but his eyes changed back. “What is that Theo. Why do you smell like that?”
“It’s nothing, I’m going to bed.” He turned to get his bag but Liam grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He leaned in and started smelling his neck and across his chest. Theo tried to push him away but Liam wouldn’t budge.
“Theo why do you smell like that.” Liam’s nose touched his collar bone and his heartbeat started to increase. “Why is your heart going crazy Theo? Hmm?”
“Liam cut it out, I’m serious.” Theo said through clenched teeth. A bead of sweat had started to drip down his face from being this close to Liam in addition to being surrounded by his scent.
“Oh come on Theo, you judge me for being out of control yet here you are sounding dangerously close to it yourself.” Liam mocked him.
Before Liam knew what was happening Theo had him pushed up against a wall with his hands pinned above his head. “Don’t start a game that you’re not ready to play baby wolf.” He stated flashing his eyes at Liam before letting them go back to normal 
Liam looked up at him and whispered “Who says I’m not ready to play?” Theo leaned in and was about to touch his lips to Liam’s when he saw Liam’s eyes change.
Smirking, he pulled back and said “You’re losing already. Are you sure you want to play?”
TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW ON GAME DAY. Nothing like a game of chicken or battle of wills ;)
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Come Back, Be Here - Chapter 53
A/N: I just want to preface this chapter by saying that it will get better. Just know that Camren is endgame in this book, I promise. This chapter is VERY intense. With that being said, there is a MAJOR trigger warning for this ENTIRE chapter. I want everyone to be aware. Go read my bio before you read this chapter. It will give you some peace of mind. I love you all. Camren will be okay. Everything will. Just remember that. xx
“I’ve officially decided that I’m tired of you sulking. Lets go out to a club.” Keana proposes and Lauren looks over the rim of her reading glasses with a scowl. “My friend Steph invited me to the opening of a new nightclub tonight.”
“But I would much rather stay here and read Nicholas Sparks and drink wine.” The green-eyed girl frowns as she sets the book and wine glass down on the nightstand beside her.
“You literally haven’t been out of the house in a week. The last time you were out was last weekend for Camila’s concert. You really need some fresh air.” Keana walks over to the bed and pats her friend’s knee.
“Fine.” Lauren finally relents and stands up from the bed. She presses her phone to see the time, but it’s dead. “What time is it anyway?”
“5 pm.” Keana answers as she walks out of the room. “Leaving here at 7!”
“What do I need to wear?” Lauren yells back.
“Something sexy.” Is the answer she receives.
Meanwhile, Camila is finishing up recording in the studio. Turns out, Eric really liked her song Close To You and he asked her to come in and record it. By the time she’s finished, it’s 5 pm and she decides to try calling Lauren again. This is the first time she’s called her in a week and she hopes the girl will answer. When the phone rings and goes straight to voicemail, she sighs and tucks the device into her back pocket.
Maybe she’s just busy, Camila thinks. She makes a mental note to try calling her back later on tonight.
The brunette has been doing amazing these past two weeks. Yes, she has missed Lauren like crazy, but she has really gotten her life back on track. The drugs are officially in the past and she has no intention of ever doing them again. Basically, she just wants to sit down with Lauren and have coffee or something so her wife can see that she is getting her shit together.
Camila was even invited to a club opening tonight, but declined because she doesn’t want Lauren to think she is out partying instead of getting herself better. Instead of going out, she finds company in a Nicholas Spark’s movie, popcorn, and a bottle of wine.
Lauren, on the other hand, finds herself the center of attention at the club opening. She blames Keana because the girl made her wear a tight red dress and matching red pumps. She honestly has been hit on about a million times in just the short hour that they’ve been at the club. While dancing with Keana and her friend Steph, she feels her phone vibrate and so she pulls it out of her pocket.
It’s Camila.
Her thumb hovers over the answer button, but before she can actually answer it, her phone is jerked away from her by a drunk Keana.
“Not tonight, Laur. Tonight you are having fun. You can give CamEEla a call back tomorrow if you want to.” The brunette slurs and then hands Lauren’s phone to Steph. “Steph will hold onto this for you. Just so I can make sure that you don’t answer the phone and kill the mood. Now, come dance with me.” Keana drags Lauren to the dance floor and Steph follows closely behind the two girls.
The two brunettes dance until another guy, the tenth one tonight, comes over and asks Lauren to dance. She politely declines.
“Hey Steph, get out Lauren’s phone. You are going to want to get a picture of this.” Keana shouts and Lauren just furrows her eyebrows, while Steph does as she’s told and opens the camera app on Lauren’s phone.
“Hey boys!” Keana shouts loud enough to get the attention of many of the men in the club. Once she does, she places her hand on the back of Lauren’s neck and crashes their lips together in a heated kiss. Most of the club erupts in cheers, but groans can also be heard and they are coming from many of the guys who were interested in pursuing the beautiful green-eyed girl. After a beat, Keana pulls back so she can finish saying her piece to the boys. “She’s taken so back the fuck off!”
Lauren just chuckles and shakes her head.
“Cabello can thank me for that later.” Keana slurs into Lauren’s ear.
“Yeah I’m sure Camila would love to know that I’m kissing other girls.” Lauren wipes the saliva from her mouth. That was a pretty sloppy kiss.
“She has nothing to worry about. You are like a sister to me Lauren. No offense, but that kiss was horrible.” Keana admits and Lauren slaps her upper arm.
“Hey! I’m a great kisser!” The brunette pretends to be offended. While the two friends are lightheartedly bickering, they have no idea that Camila is calling Lauren’s phone once again.
Well this bitch can’t take a hint, Steph thinks as she presses the decline button on yet another one of Camila’s calls. She doesn’t know who the girl is to Lauren, but obviously Lauren doesn’t want to talk to her and she can’t take a hint. Steph decides to take it upon herself to help the girl understand that Lauren doesn’t want to talk to her tonight.
Back at her apartment, Camila ends up calling Lauren 3 more times within the hour. On the 3rd time, she realizes that Lauren isn’t going to answer today so she decides to finally leave a voicemail.
“Hey, Lo. It’s Camila. But you probably already know that because it’s the 21st century and we have caller ID now. Wow I’m rambling.” Camila chuckles into the phone momentarily before continuing. “I just wanted to call and tell you that I’ve been doing so much better these past couple of weeks. I’m completely drug free and I have no intention of ever going back to that lifestyle.” The musician pauses to gather her thoughts. “I was just hoping that maybe we could have a chance to talk like over coffee or something so you could see for yourself how good I’ve been doing. I also managed to gain a couple of pounds back that I had lost this year due to my poor life choices.” The brunette takes a breath. “Anyway, if you are interested in getting together, please call me back. I miss you so much. I love you.” Camila says the three words and then ends the call.
She sets her phone down and continues to watch the movie. Not minutes later, her phone dings and she picks it up to see that she has a text message from Lauren.
Her heart goes ballistic and a huge grin spreads across her features.
Finally, she thinks.
However, when she opens up the text message, her heart plummets to the ground.
It’s a picture of Lauren, her Lauren, kissing another girl in a nightclub.
Not only that, but the text under the picture reads Leave me alone. I’m with someone else now.
Camila feels as if all the air has been sucked out of her lungs. She stands up and the phone falls to the floor. She immediately starts gasping for air and she runs into the bedroom that she used to share with Lauren. She immediately rips the bed sheets off the bed and knocks all the lamps off the nightstands in a rage. Her hands grasp at picture frames that hold pictures of her and Lauren and she chunks them at the nearest wall.
They shatter on impact and now they lay on the floor in a million broken pieces. Just like her heart.
Her next victim is the closet. She takes all of Lauren’s clothes and throws them outside the front door. Once the pictures are completely gone, and the clothes, she walks into the bathroom and stares at herself in the mirror.
“She said she never wanted somebody else!” Camila screams as tears start streaming down her cheeks for the first time tonight. The numbness has worn off and now the pain is starting to creep into her heart. She sees the necklace Lauren gave her hanging around her neck and she immediately takes it off and chunks it somewhere in the bathroom. Deciding she cannot look at her broken image in the mirror any longer, she walks back into the bedroom and sits on the bare mattress.
Out of habit, her fingers start to trace the band around her left finger. The one that Lauren gave her when she promised her she’d always be with her, in sickness and in health. Not wanting to have it on her finger any longer, she takes it off and tosses it on the ground, near the pile of shattered glass and tattered pictures of her and Lauren.
She screams until her voice turns hoarse.
She cries until she physically cannot cry anymore.
It is when she is sitting in the silence that her mind starts to betray her.
If you don’t have Lauren, you don’t have anything to live for, she thinks.
However, as soon as that thought crosses her mind, she realizes that she doesn’t need to do this alone. She shakily stands up from the bed and walks out into the living room. She picks up her phone and dials a number that she knows by heart.
“Mila?” The brunette hears one of her favorite voices and she feels comfort immediately.
“Cheech, I need you.” Camila sobs into the phone.
The brown-eyed girl spends the next couple of hours informing Dinah of everything that has happened since she and Lauren left Miami.
She tells her about how they slowly started growing apart. She tells her about how the music business is not what she thought it would be and goes into detail about everything they have asked her to do. She tells her about the steamy music video. She tells her about the drugs. She tells her about Lauren leaving.
After all that is said, she tells her about the text message she just received from Lauren.
Camila talks to Dinah as her and Normani make their way to the airport and book a flight to LA. She talks to her best friend until they board the plane. Dinah assures her that everything is going to be okay and makes her promise her that she won’t do anything stupid. Camila promises.
“I love you, Walz. I love you so fucking much. Hang in there until I get there okay?” Dinah wipes away some tears that have fallen from her eyes upon hearing everything that her best friend has gone through and is still going through.
“I love you, DJ.” Camila chokes back a sob and then presses end on the call. The brunette heads back in the direction of the bedroom and sets her phone down on the nightstand before crawling onto the bare mattress and curling up into a tight ball.
She cries and cries until finally sleep overtakes her.
4 hours pass and Camila is still sleeping soundly. That is until she is awoken by the ringing of her phone. She groans and reaches for the device. Without looking at the caller ID, she answers it.
“Cheech, are you here yet?” She stifles a yawn.
“Hello am I speaking with Mrs. Cabello-Jauregui?” She hears a male voice on the other line and she immediately sits up in the bed.
“This is her.” She answers wearily.
“I am sorry to inform you of this over the phone, but there has been an accident.” The man pauses and Camila’s blood runs cold. “Your parents, they ran a red light  tonight and they were hit by a transfer truck. Both of them were killed on impact.”
“What about my sister?” Camila screams into the phone. “Sofi, s-she has brown hair and b-brown eyes. W-was she in the car too?” The brunette frantically runs a hand through her hair as fresh tears coat her tan cheeks.
“We were told that three people were found in the car, ma'am. Two of them could be identified, your parents, but the other person that was in the backseat, we are still trying to identify. I will call you as soon as we do.” The man sighs. “I’m sorry again miss.”
Camila lets the phone, for the second time tonight, fall from her hands to the floor beneath her.
She lost Lauren tonight. Her wife. The love of her life.
She lost her parents tonight. The people that raised her. The people that gave her life.
She lost Sofi tonight. Her baby sister. Her everything.
Her entire body feels like it’s filled with sand, but somehow she manages to drag herself to the bathroom. She opens up the medicine cabinet and reaches for the bottle of Adderall. The bottle she now wishes she would have flushed down the toilet, but chose not to. After closing the medicine cabinet, she shakily opens up the bottle and dumps one into her hand.
An image of Lauren kissing the beautiful brunette pops into her head and she dumps a couple of more into her palm.
That image is followed by one of her parents and her baby sister laying in a casket.
Before she knows it, she’s holding a handful of pills.
With them in hand, she walks back to her bedroom and sinks to the floor, alongside the torn bed sheets that she was once cuddled up in with Lauren and the pile of broken pictures and her wedding ring.
She picks up her phone from the floor and navigates to her messages where she finds Lauren’s most recent one. She types up a reply.
My heart has always been and will always be yours. Even if you don’t want it anymore. When I promised you forever on our beach that day, I meant it. You were the best part of my life. I love you.
She them scrolls down to Dinah’s contact.
I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my promise. It just hurts too much. Tell Normani and Ally I love them. You were one of the brightest and best parts of my life. You were my best friend and I feel honored to have known you. I love you Dinah Jane.
She sets her phone down beside her on the floor.
The handful of pills find their way into her mouth and without hesitation, she swallows them.
Camila closes her eyes as a single tear rolls down her cheek.
A peace washes over her because she knows that the next time she opens her eyes, she will be reunited with her family.
A/N: Don’t hate me. I love you.
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littledonkeyburrito · 7 years
tbh I might be hooked on these. I’ll stop when I have something more interesting going on in my life
Do you ever sit with your legs open? Yeah, often
Have you ever been offered drugs on the street? I have been to a nightlife area in Colombia, so yes, several times.
What is one place you have been to and hated? Harvey Bay. Went a couple of times as a kid and it was pretty shit.
Have you ever seen a jellyfish? Many
What’s your favourite kind of soup? Probably pumpkin
Do you ever put bread in your soup? I dip it in, yeah
Is there anything in the USB key slots in your computer/laptop? Mouse
What advertisements are on your screen at the moment? None.
Do you ever get a really itchy nose when you’re unable to scratch it? Yes
Has anyone ever randomly licked your face? Many dogs
When was the last time you bought a book? Fuck even knows. Well over a year ago
Are you upstairs or downstairs at the minute? Uhhh my apartment does not have stairs but it is on the 3rd floor of the building (out of about 8)
Have you ever been asked for directions? Yeah. I remember the first time someone asked me for directions in this city a few weeks after I moved here and I could actually point them in the right direction. I was really proud.
Are there any farm animals near you? In the inner city? Not that I’m aware of. 
Are there any lakes near you? No but the ocean is only a few minutes walk away.
Was there ever a time when you felt absolutely terrified? Sure
If so, why? Spiders usually
Have you ever been in your local newspaper? No but half my friends were in the sport section once or twice each because of karate stuff. They never gave a shit about me though.
Have you ever called your mother ma or mammy? Yeah I usually call her Ma or Mamá
Can you imitate any other accent? Eh I’m pretty bad with accents so I don’t try, except kiwi occasionally
What is your funniest memory of the 6th contact in your phone? It’s the number for my old work phone. One time one of my staff members, an old guy, called up on a friday around midday and he was like, “Just thought I’d call up and say have a great weekend.” I didn’t answer right away because I was waiting for him to get to the point and ask the work related question that he surely must have. But no. That was it. He literally only called to say have a good weekend and nothing else. I was like, “uhhh thanks man... you too..?”
Were you ever chased by an animal? Horse. During the period of life that I had a phobia of horses. It sure didn’t help. 
Are you single/or taken? Single
Are you happy with that?^ Eh it’s fine 
Do you make the first move or do you prefer it the other way around? I prefer it the other way around.
What is the most painful thing you’ve experienced? When I was 15 I got a tooth infection. It started as a toothache so mild I could barely notice it but it just didn’t stop. On day 3 it started really affecting me but the pain had gotten worse so slowly that I assumed it was still the same and that I was just being weak. I remember getting home from karate class and walking into the other room and just bursting out in tears because it hurt so much. Mum realised and pulled me out of school the next day to take me to the dentist. Got antibiotics and prescription painkillers. That night my mum called a 24 hour nurses hotline to ask them how many of the painkillers she could give me without me overdosing because she couldn’t stand to see me cry so much. Those pills barely did anything and I couldn’t sleep properly. I finished the week course of antibiotics and nothing had changed so went back to the dentist and they drilled out my filling, injected antiobiotics into my tooth, put another filling in and doubled the dosage of the pills. In all it was 12 day toothache, but I think about 5-7 days were hell. 5 years later the same tooth (a baby tooth still) got infected again but before it started to hurt I went to the dentist and paid over $500 for them to rip the fucker out of my skull. Dentist also had to drill out a little piece of my jawbone to stop the infection spreading. I never had an adult tooth underneath it so now I have a gap.
Do you hug someone whenever you see them? I'm not a hugger. But if they initiate it I’ll hug them. Usually it’s just my dad.
When was the last time you bled? What happened? Last week I cut my thumb on a beer can
When you look behind you what catches your attention the most? The picture on the wall
Have you ever had a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend? No How many true heart breaks have you had in your lifetime? None Who last grabbed your ass? Probably the guy in Panama grabbed my butt at some point but I don’t remember specifically
Do you have any gay family members? Not that I’m aware of Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? Mango. And I keep seeing other people in the street wearing this shirt and being surprised as if it’s not mass produced and sold in at least 7 stores in this city Do you feel like everything is falling apart around you? No Was your first kiss romantic? Uhh I guess it was at the time Do you know anybody whose last name is a color? Half of my last name is a colour What are you most likely to go to jail for? Probs murder. Go big or go home. Do you ever feel like life is going by too fast? Sometimes Who was the last person to sleep over at your house? A guy from Madrid who stayed with me for a weekend Is there someone that always intimidates you? Most likely, but I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head Have you ever liked anyone that was in a relationship with someone else? At some stage, probably Would you ever get a boob job? A reduction is almost a certainty in my future. I got my mum’s genes, so my tiddies ain’t ever gonna stop growing. Did your last relationship end because of you or the other person? I don’t think the time with any of my previous partners could actually be considered a relationship. The last fling ended mutually but damn he was pissed at me. Do you ever ignore texts from some people? No Have you ever tried to break up anyone because YOU liked the guy/girl? No, of course not When is the last time you felt left out? A little towards the end of my trip in central america because I got the feeling that several people in the group didn’t like me. But that was because I’d been lying to their faces for 2 weeks and they pretty much knew it so, y’know, I totally understood. And tbh it was worth it because I was still getting laid ;) When was the last time you flirted with someone? Panama What would you think if you found out your ex was gay? At least one of them is bi. That was fun though because we could bond over cute dudes we saw in public. Would you ever take someone back if you found out they cheated on you? Depends on the situation What does your last text message say? "It's only intense on the news. IRL everything is the same as ever aside from a few protests here and there” (fb message but whatever. I haven’t sent a text in almost a year) What color is your hair right now? Brown Do people ever compliment your eyes? Actually there was this one dude working in a cornerstore in Cartagena. I went in to buy a couple of empanadas before I went to the bus station and asked him which ones were chicken, beef etc. He asked if I spoke spanish and I said yes a little and he said something I didn’t quite get so I asked him to repeat it. He was like (in spanish) “you have beautiful eyes.” I was more surprised than anything because I was expecting him to say, “This one is beef” Do people ever tell you that you’re funny? Sometimes Would you be upset if you caught your boyfriend looking at porn? No How many people has your best friend had sex with? idk. Less than me I think What’s the last song you listened to? No idea. I don’t play music at home usually Who’s the last person that hung up on you? Several people I called from that telemarketing job Four days from now, will you have sex? On wednesday? I doubt it Do you look intimidating? I have been told that I do. What does your second to last text say? The second most recent message sent to me says “that’s what she said amirite” What makes you laugh? Many things. What were you most looking forward to today? Nothing in particular How is your hair? In need of a cut at some point When was the last time you had a conversation with an ex? A few months ago Are you worried about anything right now? Finding a job before I run out of money and have to go back to Australia How do you think tomorrow will be? The same as today Is there a guy who knows everything or almost everything about you? I have a couple of close male friends who know a lot about my life If you could pack your bags right now and were given a plane ticket, where do you go? Costa Rica How far away are you from the person you have feelings for? From spain to costa rica haha Your last ex calls wanting to hangout, what do you say? Well actually I think he is in town this weekend but he made it very clear that he doesn’t want to see me. tbh I don’t really care either way Where were you at 2 this morning? In bed scrolling through facebook on my phone Have you ever kissed anyone who’s name started with a K? I don’t think so Have you accidentally sent a text to the wrong person? Yes and it was me bitching about him. Last time you were TOTALLY happy? When I was travelling. I’m pretty much always happy when I’m travelling. Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? I could but I’m not going to. Is there anything currently hurting on your body? No Ever kissed someone with green eyes? No idea. I don’t pay much attention to eye colour When you are home alone, do you still close the door when you shower? Yes because it keeps the bathroom warm and steamy Are you mad at anyone right now? No Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level? Reasonable level. I don’t like loud music unless I’m trashed at a club. A couple of months ago I was shopping and I walked into this one store and immediately turned around and left because the music was too loud and that’s when I realised I’m an actual adult. Have you held hands with anyone in the past 30 hours? Not unless you count a handshake as briefly holding hands. How often do you sleep in? Every day. I got nothing to do in the morning Will you be in a relationship next month? Doubt it Do you stay up later than ten o’clock on a week night? Yes because I got nothing to do in the morning Who’s the last person you told a secret to? I don’t think many things in my life are actually secret Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Probably not Would you rather have big or small dogs? Medium Will you cry tonight? I don’t really ever cry Do you have respect for people even if you don’t like them? I can, depending on the person What’s one fruit you love in drinks? Lemon Have you ever tried wine? Yeah. I’m not a wine person but I’ve still been drunk off it a couple of times. In your life, do you plan on visiting other countries? Well in the last 3 years I’ve been to 11 countries and I definitely plan on going to plenty more. Is there an ex you want to make up with? Ehh, If I went back to australia I’d probably hit up the ripped guy but not for an actual relationship, just casual.
Does cuddling freak you out? Why would it? How much time do you take to get ready in the morning? about half an hour Do you love where you live? It’s honestly such a cool city. It’d be better if I had friends here to do things with, but I still like it even though I’m alone. Will your next kiss be drunk or sober? Knowing me, probably drunk Do you wear high heels everyday? I haven’t worn anything resembling a heel in about 5 years Are you an aunt or an uncle? No and I think my brother is about as likely to have kids as I am. Mum knows that she’s very unlikely to ever become a grandmother. Were you texting someone right before you fell asleep last night? Yeah, a couple of people Did you have any unread text messages when you woke up today? How many? 3 messages from one guy, and like 50 from a group chat. I woke up every now and then from the vibration of my phone under my pillow and had to mute the notifications for an hour Are you happy? I’m content, I guess Are you an alcoholic? Depends who you ask haha Can you go a day without thinking about the person that’s on your mind now? Not at the moment, no. Could you go the rest of your life without a cigarette? Yes. Does anyone know every little detail about you? There’s a few people that know many details about me What’s one thing you really want right now? More money Who was the last person you took a picture with? Some people from the office. Y’know, the one that I don’t work at anymore Did anything “cute” happen today? No. I haven’t left my apartment Are you wearing shoes right now? No Have you ever just laid outside and looked at the stars? I have. It’s very peaceful outside of the cities. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? No. I was going to get a tattoo a couple of years ago but I couldn’t pin down the tattoo artist because he kept being busy and moving between studios and then I kinda just lost interest. But if I got a tattoo now it would still be that same design Do you smile everyday? Yes Who are you more like, mom or dad? I look more like my dad but my personality and interests are a lot more like my mum. My brother is the exact opposite. Could you date someone shorter than you? I have. But I probably wouldn’t do it again. Where do you wish you were right now? Travelling Have a crazy side? Oh yeah Something you do a lot? Sleep 
What is your natural hair color? Brown How many people have you kissed? idk probably 20-something. I have a tendency to make out with people when I’m drunk
Ever kissed someone you weren’t dating at the time? Most of them Ever kissed someone you’d met less than an hour before? Sure have Were any of them in relationships with someone else at the time? Yes but it was a party game and they were both there and cool with it How old was the oldest person you’ve kissed? In their 30s How young was the youngest person you’ve kissed? Maybe 2 years younger than me Ever been kissed by a legal adult when you were a minor (or vise-versa)? No. Ever been walked in on while you were making out with someone? I don’t think so Weirdest place you’ve kissed someone? (geographically, not physically) I don’t think so, nowhere unusual. Just like car, club, empty spare room at a friend’s house Ever kissed someone and had someone else get really mad about it? Not that I recall Ever stopped kissing someone because they had bad breath? No, but I have slightly avoided kissing when I know we both have morning breath Ever not known the name of someone you kissed? Yep Ever kissed someone on a dare/as part of a game? Yep Kissed someone you didn’t really like just to make someone else jealous? No Ever had a really horrible kissing experience? haven’t we all Ever been called a bad kisser? No Ever called someone else a bad kisser? Lmao yes Where’s the most public place you’ve ever made out with someone? Club/in line for a club Where’s the most private place you’ve ever made out with someone? Bedroom I guess Ever thought of someone else while you were kissing someone? Probably Do you usually kiss on the first date? Tbh I’ve normally boned them before they’ve asked me out. I kinda do things in a backwards order. But I see no issue with kissing on the first date anyway.
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lyricsbylincoln · 7 years
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“So you don’t think blowjobs are the answer? Huh. Intriguing.”
Meet my new semi-problematic son, Duncan Auger!! You can find a basic stats page by clicking HERE. And since that page covers the basics (pls do read it), I’m going to use this space to lay down some more of the deetz!
Duncan is half-French. He’s the son of a public defender and a semi-unsuccessful artist. Growing up in Brooklyn, money was fairly tight, so unlike the majority of his wealthy friends, he attended public school in the city. He’s never been too fond of school and the work associated with it, so once he got old enough (and confident enough), Duncan began manipulating the school system into allowing him to skip -- he used those skip days to join an elite dance troupe (think modern/contemporary with hip hop and ballet influences) that performed regularly in Manhattan. Through that, he made friends who were just as passionate about dance that he was. They began teaching him the foundational technique he’d neglected, and his dancing improved immensely. So much so that he began going to open call auditions for musicals in the NYC area.
He worked at Macy’s for a few years, in the men’s fragrance department. There, he got a lot of numbers (and a lot of ~sexual connects~). One guy in particular though, a redhead with freckles and a smile to boot, left a lasting impression on him. When Duncan had him sign the receipt, the guy left his name and number. Brett Hughes.
After creating a bit of a name for himself in local theater, Duncan decided to begin posting YouTube videos of him dancing, singing, and performing online. Call it a bit of a power play, or perhaps just a way to show off to the cute guy he met at his day job working at Macy’s, but his channel caught the eyes of some producers. He was asked to audition for the role of Moritz in the Broadway production of Spring Awakening (I’m altering the dates a bit but yolo you get the idea) and nailed it.
Remember Brett Hughes? They ended up going on several dates during Duncan’s Broadway run, and they hit it off really well. So like... Fast-forward two years, right? Duncan’s 20, Brett’s 21, and they’re so fucking in love, you guys. It’s sickening. Tabloids speculate all the time about when one of them’s just going to ask the freakin’ question. They support one another in every single performance, every interview. When Duncan does a bit of modeling, the magazine actually asks Brett to join the photoshoot. Free couples photos? The fans approved.
When Duncan landed the role on Treblemakers, Brett was more than supportive -- he picked up and moved to Hollywood with him for a bit, until he was notified that he’d been cast for his own Broadway debut. In January, Duncan traveled back to NYC to see Brett in his opening night and spent the weekend there. After Treblemakers finished filming, the plan was for Duncan to move back to NYC to make up for the time they spent apart.
In this past May, however, things took a turn for the worse. Brett collapsed just before intermission in a Thursday night show. Duncan was notified and he caught a flight across the country immediately. Upon arriving at the hospital, he was told that Brett had suffered from appendicitis, and that the procedure would be quick and simple. But following the operation, Brett encountered complications. What should have been an overnight stay and a quick release turned into a week-long hospital stint. Tests were inconclusive. 
On May 2, 2017, Duncan Auger lost the love of his life.
The media ate this shit up. They followed him everywhere. When he returned to Hollywood to finish up the last bit of filming and keep up the dance performances he was featured in, paparazzi were relentless. He’s on “watch” now; the media is convinced he will crack and they’re waiting with bated breath for when he does.
Since Brett’s passing, Duncan has adopted a “no monogamy for me” type of lifestyle. He’s hot and he knows it, so clubbing becomes somewhat of a conquest -- scope out the best face, the best abs, the best ass, and add it to his list.
He’s that friend who’ll absolutely come over with takeout and be like, “Brought some Thai. You hungry? Need anything? Want a blowjob with that?” Casual. Seriously. Duncan is quite overtly sexual and he is not afraid at all to aid a friend in need. (Do with that what you will, I am here for juicy plots.)
He’s terrified of being seen as fragile, especially after what happened this year. So he’ll go out of his way to seem a bit more rugged and edgy. But he’s got this practiced grace about him, this swan-like poise that tears peoples’ breath away. It’s just a part of him, but the fact that there’s a “protect Duncan Auger at all costs” campaign on tumblr really irks him. He’s fine. And he’ll continue to perpetuate that lie until someone finds out he isn’t.
Highkey allergic to strawberries, but will still use them as a device for seduction. He’ll pop a benadryl and sensually lick one while making eye contact just to get someone going. No shame. None.
He will also swoop in and make out with you to save you from that awkward guy/gal/nonbinary pal hitting on you at the club. You’re welcome. ;)
Someone tell him to stop wearing the promise ring he found hidden in Brett’s drawers. He’s still so in love with his deceased boyfriend, and it’s not a good look on him.
Duncan has a slight Brooklyn accent because I say so. Cayoot.
He has a pet parrot named Reba that talks back to him. Her catchphrase is, “Tu es beau, ouai, ouai, tu es beau.” They also get into little arguments that go like this:    Duncan: Reba, je t’aime.    Reba: No, no, you more!    Duncan: No, you!    Reba: Noooo, you!    (And it continues on forever tbh because they’re idiots. Switching between English           and French just because they can.) Hashtag confirmed.
Wanted Plots:
Friends with benefits. This would be so interesting because Duncan has no problem with this dynamic at all. Give me close friends who help one another out every so often. Or, better yet, someone who does have a problem with this dynamic that Duncan is just 100% oblivious to.
Flirtationships. Do you have a face? Is your face vaguely attractive? Duncan can and will make it his mission to see you swoon.
‘Bachelorette’ buddies. What do you mean it’s trash TV? It’s the best thing.
Bitches in the club. They’re that badass crew that saunters into the club and steals away everyone’s focus. Get crunk, get drunk.
Dance pals. I neeeeeeeeeeeeeed a pal who will dance incredibly with Duncan, but will absolutely 100% also go to arcades to fool around and show off on Dance Dance Revolution.
*Thomas Sanders voice* Disney pranks! With friends!! Need I say more?
Ladies who lunch. Give me that boujee squad who gets all dolled up in their best vintage-inspired ensembles for Sunday brunch. Bonus if they also do nails together and compliment one another on their taste in mid-morning alcoholic beverages.
Ladies who munch. Duncan may be on a self-imposed strict diet, but he loves twizzlers and will indulge if someone knows how to coerce him into committing criminal acts.
Ladies who crunch. Workout buddies, hell yeahhhh.
You annoy me a latte. Once upon a time their coffee orders got mixed up and now they just... get mixed up all the time. Maybe the barista is trying to play matchmaker. Or maybe they’re just stupid.
Naomi & Ely’s No Kiss List. A friendship just like that. Bonus points if there’s unrequited feelings. Bonus points if they actually have a list. Bonus points if they walk arm in arm and are #adorable. I just... need.
Roommate(s)? I’m assuming after Brett died, Duncan really didn’t like the idea of being alone. How cool would it be if one of his closest friends moved in with him? Or several? What if the Ladies who lunch lived together? How cute. I am trash.
You are the music in me. *casual HSM reference* But seriously! A musician/pianist that composes songs for Duncan to choreograph dances to, that he then posts on his YouTube channel. Gah. My heart.
Talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, ooh yeah. (I realize those are the wrong lyrics to Funkytown but do I care? nah.) Guys!! Pals who hooked up and thought it was a good idea, but then stopped talking because it made things weird? Tbh Duncan is the type to be like, “You’re acting strange. Cut it out or I’m cutting you loose. We fucked; it’s not like I murdered your landlord or something.” RIP in pieces.
Enemyyyyyy. Someone who either loathes Duncan or Duncan loathes. Maybe he destroyed their relationship. Maybe he wore the same pants as them to a red carpet event. Doesn’t even need to be a good reason. Stupid reasons give me life.
Duet partners. *cries* He’s a Broadway babe so someone sing with him pls. Go to drunken open mic nights and remind him that there’s more to life than mourning your lost love, thx. Look him in the eye when you sing romantic lyrics and watch his flirty exterior drop and his soft heart show a bit. :”) Tears.
There are so many more but I’m gonna leave it so I can post this!! Yeeee pls message me to plootle plot I love you all <3
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enjoyblacksurf-blog · 5 years
About A Band
Many moons ago in a valley called Ilkley in sunny Yorkshire... I (@aliepstone) met my brother to be, Phil (@SpankeeJones). With only the influence of Queen, R.E.M, Nirvana, Lemonheads & Green Day, Spankee Jones created me a mixtape (Spank Me Up, Mr. Ali Vol. 1 & 2) that would change my little mind forever. Everything from Bjork, Everclear, Sublime, Veruca Salt, Pixies, Weezer and Nada Surf to name a few.
This mix tape blew my mind wide open to the world of the 90’s alternative and beyond. A bond was made. The dream of creating our own band was brewing.
Spankee introduced me to the world of The Leeds Music Festival in 1998 and we’d go every single year to follow. In one weekend we saw James Brown in a small tent and Iggy Pop humping a Marshall stack in see-through pants. Minds were blown again in many more ways than one, and our own band, Wendall, was formed. Wendall (named after Arrested Development’s Mr. Wendall) was short lived. 3 songs and only two gigs later, high school fame reared its ugly head and the band imploded. We grew up, left school and lost touch.
I made a metal band called Mishkin with teenage friends, Mark, Ben and now the infamous ‘Ramoss’ on bass. We grafted, went through the mud a few times and saw the world together. In the best part of ten tears, we toured the country up and down, went to China twice, supported Enter Shikari, Sepultura, He'd P.E & Letlive to name a few.  Mishkin had been through 13 different members in order to keep that metal train in motion and it took it’s toll. We called it a day in 2012 but lifetime friendships were made and bands like Beyond All Reason, Pteroglyph, Delta Sleep & In Technicolour and were fully formed.
After giving my whole life to a band that dissolved in one band meeting... I was completely lost and and ready to shake off the best part of ten years of naughty water abuse. I needed to clean up and figure out what the hell my life was about.  I’d always known I was gonna sort myself out. Might as well be now? So I flew to Australia to start a new life with his wife and study Meditation with my acoustic guitar in hand. I’ll go Solo and be one of those miserable acoustic dudes, I thought.
Spankee Jones married too and had an awesome little baby boy. This new life had ignited a whole new surge of creativity and he sent me some demos for a potential fun new project.
These demos shifted something within both of us and brought back those childhood memories. Spankee, a bass player, with a multi-instrumental heart had somehow learned to play guitar and merged a perfect hybrid of the essence of Weezer’s early classic albums, with a twist of Flaming Lips. Immmm YES! I combined my love for Evan Dando, early Billie Joe Armstrong and Art Alexakis as a starting point to explore my new found voice. I knew I had one, I just never found the right channel. The two of us never fully explored our musical abilities until now. 
We dreamt up our version of a perfect band. Whatever ever styles we liked, we’d explore. This became, Black Surf. The only issue being that we were now 10,000 miles apart. Between FaceTime chats and dropbox files being sent, we wrote our first song ‘Army of Sheep’. This was enough to book a flight back to the UK, a rehearsal room and a gig at Leeds' Brudenell Social Club to kickstart this dream. 
It all became effortless and a true joy to experience. Spankee explored the guitar, I enjoyed discovering my voice, Ramoss was brought back into the fold. He kept the bass phat and himself incognito in the shadows where he likes it best. This all leaving Mark, the glue, to keep it all together.
We followed up with a classic, Black Surf banger, Light’s Out. It received rave reviews from The BBC, Total Guitar, Classic Rock, The 405 and a feature in Rocksound Magazine. A label showed interest and a support slot with Lonely the Brave gave the band confidence to keep riding that Black Surf Wave. This all happened within a really short time and the band hadn’t caught up ourselves or figured out who we were or what this thing was. We decided to go back into the studio to capture the moment, achieve a life-long goal and create a memory in the form of an album before it all went tits up.
The result, Let’s Pretend It’s Summer, a 14 track album recorded with Lee & Jaime at Greenmount Studios and bits and bobs at Penthouse Studios and Chairworks studios, captured the band working out what we were capable of. We discovered our love for all things pop, rock, punk, fuzz, acoustic, psychedelic and straight up rock n roll. This collection of songs remains widely unheard as we didn’t really push it out to the world. The album was more of a personal victory for us all. All we ever wanted was to record a record. We did it! Now what? The band, now with four kids, work and life commitments to add to the mix, made the reality of dreaming further than the limits of Yorkshire an impossible task. The future of the band didn’t look great and something had to change if it was to carry on. But, this wasn’t just a fun project or flash in the pan, there was something in this thing worth nurturing, exploring and diligently committing too. It was just too damn fun to let go. 
The band had a achieved an almighty goal against all odds. Mark went back to his main band, Spankee and Ramoss remained in Yorkshire to bring up their kids and run their respected business and I was back to square one. Again. Great.  It all came to a natural end with a great feeling of accomplishing an album to be really proud of. I mean, it’s a total banger of a record! 
Check it out - https://enjoyblacksurf.bandcamp.com/album/lets-pretend-its-summer-
So.. I moved in with my wife in London with the intention of keeping this dream alive with Spankee. Now only 200 miles apart between London and Leeds, we could still make records together.  I went back into the pub trade and met Tom Moore at The Duke's Head pub in Highgate, North London. We drank damn good beer and started a bromance rooted in music. An instant connection was made. 
Listen to Thoughts & Talks Podcast for a glimpse into the ramblings - https://www.blacksurf.co.uk/podcast
Tom played in his band and they were going through changes too. Having never heard Tom play, I asked him to join the Black Surf fold based on his stories of Download festival and tattoos alone. That’s all one ever really needs, right?
Spankee had another album’s worth of material up his sleeve. This was a new sound, full of life, synth and dare I say maturity. With the inspiration of Ballvenie, early R.E.M albums and a Pavement documentary... I wrote most of the lyrics and melodies in one big writing session. It literally all just poured out. The flat was tiny and I couldn’t be too loud, so the words came out quiet over the heavy tunes. This formed a new style I got to play with. The three of us went back to Greenmount Studios to give these songs a life. The Greenmount guys ripped the songs apart and created a whole new vibe and sound for the band. These songs needed to be heard this time. So, the band needed a new line up that was free to tour the world. Indefinitely. No biggy.
A collection of songs was recorded, mastered and ready for the world to hear. The only problem being, Black Surf, now based in London, didn’t have a line up. Tom & I set off to Leeds to play one last show with the boys and hooked up with long time buddy and multi-instrumentalist, Bryan Diggle. We went for a cheeky pre-gig steam and sauna. Tom and Bryan hit it off instantly. Bryan and I had couch surfed together years ago and had a brotherhood bond from the days he rocked it in Leed’s finest jam band, Ego Killer.
This all seemed too perfect and so a throwaway comment was made to sack off his whole life in Leeds and move to London and start the band from scratch, then tour the world and all live happily ever after. Diggle said yes and the new version of the band was created. Instantly.
We spent the whole of 2018 creating a new version of this band. A version that has actual foundations and is set for longevity. We ironed out all the creases and spent countless hours creating and preparing ourselves for a life on the road. Diggle had a personal... moment and quit the band just before started releasing the new music. This took us back to square one, again. So what, now we’re a chuffing two piece!?  Why oh why am I still pushing this thing!? In all honesty, from the moment we tried to make this thing a band that tours and creates output on top of our day jobs and living in London... it’s been completely bruuuutal and disheartening trying to keep this thing alive and together. Writing and recording is by faaaar the easiest and most enjoyable part of the process.
I didn’t realise that to keep this thing alive, just writing and creating music, simply wouldn’t be enough.  I learned how manage the band and still remain friends with my friends. This ain’t easy but it’s just about possible. Babysitting, mediating at times and calling the shots, booking the tours, keeping promoters sweet, designing  stuff, creating videos etc. It just goes on and on. I need a band that shared all this between us! I ain’t no solo project. But that just wasn’t an option.  It was completely gnarly and like pulling teeth at times. One last shot. so I called a meeting.
“What is this thing? Does anyone actually care and want to pursue it? What part of the band would everybody be happy doing?  I’m in this for the long game and I need to know what everybody else wants.” I know full well that I can get whatever I want if I help others get what they want. That’s my philosophy and I’m putting it into action.
Spankee - “I want to write and record. The rest of it is of no interest to me”. Ramoss - “I love the band but I can’t commit to all the shit”. Tom - “Yeah, let’s do this! Whatever it takes”. Diggle - “I wanna play and tour but don’t want to do all the band stuff” Myself - “I’m willing to steer the ship and do whatever it takes so I can keep making music”.
Finally, everybody was honest and real. We now know what everybody wants to do and doesn’t. 
Tom and I are dead set on touring our asses off, seeing the world and running the show. Whatever that entails at all costs. Spankee and Diggle are doing what they love too and are prepared to come along for the ride. And Ramoss...  Well, he’ll be back.
After a solid 4 years of pushing through the mud, watching other bands quit along the way or go on to bigger things. We’ve made friends with hell and accepted our cards. We’ve figured out who and what we are, we finally have something that we can call a band that we’re proud of it.  But most of all... we’re ready to set it free. Finally! This year is gonna be all kinds of hell yeah. 
See you soon,
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spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews… Ru Paul’s Drag Race (S09E03) Draggily Ever After Airdate: April 7, 2017 @vh1 @wowreport Ratings: 0.673 Million :: 0.3 18-49 Demo Share Score: 4.5/10
**********SPOILERS BELOW*********
Finally! An episode we can all sink our teeth into. No, this isn’t a ‘Drag Race’ best… But we’re finally starting to see who has that special something to make it to the latter half of this competition and who doesn’t. Slowly but surely the stakes are raising and the stars are rising to the top. 'Draggily Ever After’ as an episode and as an overall challenge knows exactly where it is in the competition. There are still weak ones and performers that aren’t fully realized as full on Drag Queens left in the competition, so the challenge is basic… But it demands the Queens to realize a concept and reach into their bag of tricks and show us their artistic side by having the contestants create Princess characters that are accompanied by an original sidekick and threaded together by a short storyline.
Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, but it looks like, for the most part, that Eureka, Nina Bo'Nina Brown, Sasha Velour, Trinity Taylor and Valentina are all front runners for their own reasons. Shea Couleé could be a dark horse in the competition… And the judges seem to be pulling Peppermint in to praise her for something outside of this competition, as if Peppermint has established herself and put in work and therefore automatically deserves a little bit of spotlight and praise. I get it and I don’t get it. I just know I’m not looking at a winner. Charlie Hides does runway well, but the total package isn’t strong with this one. For some reason I can’t ever remember who Alexis Michelle is, was, or anything about her. It’s true I take a Xanax or two, but I’m going to need this girl to shine and soon. Maybe she just hasn’t had the met the right challenge yet? If someone or something doesn’t make an impression on me I can literally turn around, walk two steps, and completely forget they exist. What were we talking about again?
I hate that Drag Race is on Friday’s now. The weekend is not when I do my best writing as I’m always tired, running around, bartending or serving for extra money or trying to get an extra piece or two worked on for a printed publication or wherever I can fit in. Last week in my review on RPDR, I fumbled some words about the show of which Lisa Kudrow was quoting, it didn’t change the fact that she was one the show for 20 seconds to just say lines from one show that she did. They did say 'The Comeback’ in the show, and unfortunately I’m unable to post edit something I post on TVShowTime and I apologize for the mistake and it was corrected outside of this platform, but understand that I really try to come from a good place… And no, the show she was quoting didn’t change how I felt about the segment. Please don’t tell me to 'calm down’ or 'relax’, I am writer at heart and whether I’m making money or not, I love this community, you see what I write first, and it’s you who really get to see the true me, sans about 5 people in this world who I know are the definition of a 'real friend’, and only one of them lives here in South Florida. I am exhausted right now, I’ve been up since 5am yesterday morning working and I really hope that I can convey this next topic with the compassion and sincerity that I normally am able to convey with ease (just not Friday-Sunday).
As a Floridian, who had friends and co-workers in Orlando during the Pulse Massacre, this is a very difficult place for me to revisit, even with the amount of time we’ve all had to process what happened. I’ve been in a gay relationship for over 11 years now. I’m a natural born hustler in many aspects, I’ve always had multiple jobs, multiple passion projects, and for a good 3-4 years I was a 'Male Dancer’ in one of the most notorious Gay Strip Clubs in Ft Lauderdale, FL. I’ve always been on the outside of the gay scene, I never felt like I belonged, and that’s because I don’t, and that’s ok. During my time working there, I made a lot of friends that I never thought I would make. My intention was to go in, get money, and get the fuck out. I thought I had nothing in common with a lot of these people and hung with the other 'straight’ dancers at the club at first. I quickly found myself bored with those 'straight’ co-workers (no offense, trust me they were vapid and always overcompensating for something they lacked beyond physical beauty) and suddenly found myself very much amused at the more quirky, flamboyant boys who came to play. They were all hot messes, yes, but in a 'Party Monster’ type of way, you know… Before the whole murder…errr… Manslaughter twist ending.
There’s always been a huge part of me that has been terrified to seem anything less than masculine, even though my personality is very much 'over-the-top’, I’m haunted with the memories of my parents scolding and shaming me for a brief moment of 'sounding gay’ or displaying a trait that they found too telling. Suddenly I was worlds away from that feeling and those people (who I do love and know did have good intentions, just an ignorant approach) and I was meeting some of the most impactful and beautiful people who were very proudly 'gay’, something I had always equated with 'exploiting for money’ or 'shameful’. These over-the-top Latin and Black young men took a stubborn, scared strawberry blonde boy who was allowing myself to be the “token 'soulless ginger’ with a thick ass and athletic legs” and helped me shed the fear of just letting go and being 100% me. They really showed me how to live my life to the fullest in a way I didn’t know was possible. That chapter in my life is very much over now. You won’t my find me in gay clubs anymore, and my other safe haven, the rave scene, is long dead (since 2003/2004), and now I may attend a music festival once or twice a year if my schedule permits it… But I wouldn’t trade my experience with those incredibly amazing human beings for anything in the world and I try to take what they taught me with me everywhere I go and apply it to anything and everything. One of those people I lost to suicide, and no there was no 13-tapes to listen to afterwards, because suicide is an ugly spurt of the moment thing.
Not everyone is right for the strip club, it takes a special kind of damaged mess to navigate that world… But there were several young, unbelievably strong young men who showed me something beyond that for a few years… And I’m incredibly blessed to have a partner who knew I needed that experience and allowed me to do whatever I wanted, never wanting to impede on my personal growth, but still always put up somewhat of a fight… For good measure.
That 'safe place’ that Cynthia Fontaine talked about, I know that place, and the thought of a single man barging in one of those places with an AK where people are able to discover a different meaning and break the general mold of what is or isn’t 'the social and societal norm’ and gunning down as many people as possible rips my inner core into a million pieces. The night that it happened, I called my friends and coworkers in Orlando, over and over and over, wondering if they were alive… Wondering how something like this could happen.
Growing up with the bravery to admit that sexuality and gender isn’t as 'paint by numbers’ as everyone wants it so desperately to be is difficult, especially when you are a leader and you bear that cross during difficult times like middle and high school. Once you make it out of high school, it does in fact 'get better’, but now we have to face something like this… In a place that’s supposed to be designed to celebrate our freedom, a place that allows a select few a unique chance to come of age for a second time around… But instead that 'safe place’ was used as a hunting ground. People were lined up and shot one by one, bullets and blood, tears and pain staining the air with a stench of terror and death as good people who had amazing hearts and the ability to heal and teach and love and change people’s lives for the better… It’s impossible to truly make sense of… And something a fucking hashtag on social media will only stain further.
What we heard between Trinity and Cynthia was a real conversation about the direct effect it had on two people’s lives… Two people that were technically removed from the nightmare, but still very much a part of it in a very real way. It’s something we will never escape as human beings, as sexually free human beings and it’s fucking terrifying. Sasha urged everyone not to be scared to go out and live your life, and I don’t have the answers or the ability to even offer up a solution because I don’t ducking know why there are people in this world who want something like this to happen. I’m glad that I was able to experience the rave scene pre-9/11/2001 and the Florida Gay Nightlife pre-6/12/2016. I hate that people are scared to go out now, scared that someone could shoot up a nightclub, or drive a truck into a fair, or set off a bomb, or snipe people at a concert, but I don’t blame them… Fuck I’m scared to just ride the metrorail or congregate in a large crowd.
And on that note, I’m going to move back to the competition. I didn’t expect this very real, very fresh moment at the time to be captured on camera and shot straight forward, without the usual tongue-in-cheek editing the show is known for. They just really served up a raw recount of how these acts of terror, particularly this one on the LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 community affects us all, even if we weren’t inside that building holding a strangers hand, hoping to see tomorrow. Let’s move on… Because we have to… Because the world will keep moving even if we don’t…
The lip sync? Aja might paint like a clown, but it was clear there is something genuine inside of him… A fire that does burn for a win. She gave us a fun, energetic lip sync, especially compared to her direct competition, that screamed 'Give me another shot!’ Unfortunately that look, that concept, and that sidekick he created was indeed a pun that neither Ru, nor any of the judges, nor I can resist to crack… A PRINCESS DISASTAH!!! Aja is young and anti-glossy, the latter of which her Brooklyn Drag Sister used to her advantage in S8. Thorgy Thor gave us a purposeful unpolished polish and we ate it up. Aja just isn’t there yet, but I want her to be. It’s clear that there is talent and great ideas mixed up in this mess, and if you can’t see that then surely the good intentions are plain to see. Like Farrah Moan, he needs another 3 years or so to understand who he is. It’s not always about 'honing your craft’, even though that’s definitely a part of it, and that’s proved by Valentina who’s turning it out in the top group consistently now in the most spectacular of ways. Age may be just a number, but life experience and raw talent counts for something major… And at this point in Aja’s career, I think that’s exactly what’s lacking to make the package complete. He��ll get there tho, I’m sure of it.
Guess I won’t be eating my words… Will I, Kimora? Like I said last week, the only reason I believe Kimora was given a pass to stay was because Jaymes Mansfield was so damn terrified. I try to stay away from negativity, but Kimora doesn’t really bring the best out of anyone including herself. It’s that nasty attitude…She transparently played the 'dumb blonde’ (I guess in 2017 we call that 'Playing Kardashian’, but I have no reason to insult any of those women), and that overly confident schtick doesn’t translate when there is no substance or clever angle to back it up… Kimora is no Willam Belli. I know stupid, I’ve stared at it directly in the face… And even stupid knows what adjectives are. I just don’t buy it. Kimora is the product of a generation that eats, drinks, shits, and dreams of reality television… But this is reality tv competition and we see that you are attempting to play a part, and not even well. You wasted a spot. You sent Jaymes Mansfield home and as scared as that little bugger was, he was certainly more promising and more talented. I’m not being mean here, I’m being real. There was nothing fun about watching Kimora Blac and this is literally the last sentence I will ever write about him.
Thanks for reading. I know this was a long one. And yes, I think taking the time to share my views of the show as well as compare and contrast my life experiences was worth it, especially since we were able to cover Pulse, it’s aftermath, and what it means to me. This will be edited down as it moves to other platforms, but I think that you and you and you who have read this all the way through are worth my time and every word on this page, as ridiculously fucking long as it is. Spotlight Saga is my baby, my brand that I’m moving forward as my own online publication, who better to give the most honest and passionate piece of myself to than you?
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