#Fairytale Princess Eleganza
umi-no-onnanoko · 5 months
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spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews… Ru Paul’s Drag Race (S09E03) Draggily Ever After Airdate: April 7, 2017 @vh1 @wowreport Ratings: 0.673 Million :: 0.3 18-49 Demo Share Score: 4.5/10
**********SPOILERS BELOW*********
Finally! An episode we can all sink our teeth into. No, this isn’t a ‘Drag Race’ best… But we’re finally starting to see who has that special something to make it to the latter half of this competition and who doesn’t. Slowly but surely the stakes are raising and the stars are rising to the top. 'Draggily Ever After’ as an episode and as an overall challenge knows exactly where it is in the competition. There are still weak ones and performers that aren’t fully realized as full on Drag Queens left in the competition, so the challenge is basic… But it demands the Queens to realize a concept and reach into their bag of tricks and show us their artistic side by having the contestants create Princess characters that are accompanied by an original sidekick and threaded together by a short storyline.
Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, but it looks like, for the most part, that Eureka, Nina Bo'Nina Brown, Sasha Velour, Trinity Taylor and Valentina are all front runners for their own reasons. Shea Couleé could be a dark horse in the competition… And the judges seem to be pulling Peppermint in to praise her for something outside of this competition, as if Peppermint has established herself and put in work and therefore automatically deserves a little bit of spotlight and praise. I get it and I don’t get it. I just know I’m not looking at a winner. Charlie Hides does runway well, but the total package isn’t strong with this one. For some reason I can’t ever remember who Alexis Michelle is, was, or anything about her. It’s true I take a Xanax or two, but I’m going to need this girl to shine and soon. Maybe she just hasn’t had the met the right challenge yet? If someone or something doesn’t make an impression on me I can literally turn around, walk two steps, and completely forget they exist. What were we talking about again?
I hate that Drag Race is on Friday’s now. The weekend is not when I do my best writing as I’m always tired, running around, bartending or serving for extra money or trying to get an extra piece or two worked on for a printed publication or wherever I can fit in. Last week in my review on RPDR, I fumbled some words about the show of which Lisa Kudrow was quoting, it didn’t change the fact that she was one the show for 20 seconds to just say lines from one show that she did. They did say 'The Comeback’ in the show, and unfortunately I’m unable to post edit something I post on TVShowTime and I apologize for the mistake and it was corrected outside of this platform, but understand that I really try to come from a good place… And no, the show she was quoting didn’t change how I felt about the segment. Please don’t tell me to 'calm down’ or 'relax’, I am writer at heart and whether I’m making money or not, I love this community, you see what I write first, and it’s you who really get to see the true me, sans about 5 people in this world who I know are the definition of a 'real friend’, and only one of them lives here in South Florida. I am exhausted right now, I’ve been up since 5am yesterday morning working and I really hope that I can convey this next topic with the compassion and sincerity that I normally am able to convey with ease (just not Friday-Sunday).
As a Floridian, who had friends and co-workers in Orlando during the Pulse Massacre, this is a very difficult place for me to revisit, even with the amount of time we’ve all had to process what happened. I’ve been in a gay relationship for over 11 years now. I’m a natural born hustler in many aspects, I’ve always had multiple jobs, multiple passion projects, and for a good 3-4 years I was a 'Male Dancer’ in one of the most notorious Gay Strip Clubs in Ft Lauderdale, FL. I’ve always been on the outside of the gay scene, I never felt like I belonged, and that’s because I don’t, and that’s ok. During my time working there, I made a lot of friends that I never thought I would make. My intention was to go in, get money, and get the fuck out. I thought I had nothing in common with a lot of these people and hung with the other 'straight’ dancers at the club at first. I quickly found myself bored with those 'straight’ co-workers (no offense, trust me they were vapid and always overcompensating for something they lacked beyond physical beauty) and suddenly found myself very much amused at the more quirky, flamboyant boys who came to play. They were all hot messes, yes, but in a 'Party Monster’ type of way, you know… Before the whole murder…errr… Manslaughter twist ending.
There’s always been a huge part of me that has been terrified to seem anything less than masculine, even though my personality is very much 'over-the-top’, I’m haunted with the memories of my parents scolding and shaming me for a brief moment of 'sounding gay’ or displaying a trait that they found too telling. Suddenly I was worlds away from that feeling and those people (who I do love and know did have good intentions, just an ignorant approach) and I was meeting some of the most impactful and beautiful people who were very proudly 'gay’, something I had always equated with 'exploiting for money’ or 'shameful’. These over-the-top Latin and Black young men took a stubborn, scared strawberry blonde boy who was allowing myself to be the “token 'soulless ginger’ with a thick ass and athletic legs” and helped me shed the fear of just letting go and being 100% me. They really showed me how to live my life to the fullest in a way I didn’t know was possible. That chapter in my life is very much over now. You won’t my find me in gay clubs anymore, and my other safe haven, the rave scene, is long dead (since 2003/2004), and now I may attend a music festival once or twice a year if my schedule permits it… But I wouldn’t trade my experience with those incredibly amazing human beings for anything in the world and I try to take what they taught me with me everywhere I go and apply it to anything and everything. One of those people I lost to suicide, and no there was no 13-tapes to listen to afterwards, because suicide is an ugly spurt of the moment thing.
Not everyone is right for the strip club, it takes a special kind of damaged mess to navigate that world… But there were several young, unbelievably strong young men who showed me something beyond that for a few years… And I’m incredibly blessed to have a partner who knew I needed that experience and allowed me to do whatever I wanted, never wanting to impede on my personal growth, but still always put up somewhat of a fight… For good measure.
That 'safe place’ that Cynthia Fontaine talked about, I know that place, and the thought of a single man barging in one of those places with an AK where people are able to discover a different meaning and break the general mold of what is or isn’t 'the social and societal norm’ and gunning down as many people as possible rips my inner core into a million pieces. The night that it happened, I called my friends and coworkers in Orlando, over and over and over, wondering if they were alive… Wondering how something like this could happen.
Growing up with the bravery to admit that sexuality and gender isn’t as 'paint by numbers’ as everyone wants it so desperately to be is difficult, especially when you are a leader and you bear that cross during difficult times like middle and high school. Once you make it out of high school, it does in fact 'get better’, but now we have to face something like this… In a place that’s supposed to be designed to celebrate our freedom, a place that allows a select few a unique chance to come of age for a second time around… But instead that 'safe place’ was used as a hunting ground. People were lined up and shot one by one, bullets and blood, tears and pain staining the air with a stench of terror and death as good people who had amazing hearts and the ability to heal and teach and love and change people’s lives for the better… It’s impossible to truly make sense of… And something a fucking hashtag on social media will only stain further.
What we heard between Trinity and Cynthia was a real conversation about the direct effect it had on two people’s lives… Two people that were technically removed from the nightmare, but still very much a part of it in a very real way. It’s something we will never escape as human beings, as sexually free human beings and it’s fucking terrifying. Sasha urged everyone not to be scared to go out and live your life, and I don’t have the answers or the ability to even offer up a solution because I don’t ducking know why there are people in this world who want something like this to happen. I’m glad that I was able to experience the rave scene pre-9/11/2001 and the Florida Gay Nightlife pre-6/12/2016. I hate that people are scared to go out now, scared that someone could shoot up a nightclub, or drive a truck into a fair, or set off a bomb, or snipe people at a concert, but I don’t blame them… Fuck I’m scared to just ride the metrorail or congregate in a large crowd.
And on that note, I’m going to move back to the competition. I didn’t expect this very real, very fresh moment at the time to be captured on camera and shot straight forward, without the usual tongue-in-cheek editing the show is known for. They just really served up a raw recount of how these acts of terror, particularly this one on the LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 community affects us all, even if we weren’t inside that building holding a strangers hand, hoping to see tomorrow. Let’s move on… Because we have to… Because the world will keep moving even if we don’t…
The lip sync? Aja might paint like a clown, but it was clear there is something genuine inside of him… A fire that does burn for a win. She gave us a fun, energetic lip sync, especially compared to her direct competition, that screamed 'Give me another shot!’ Unfortunately that look, that concept, and that sidekick he created was indeed a pun that neither Ru, nor any of the judges, nor I can resist to crack… A PRINCESS DISASTAH!!! Aja is young and anti-glossy, the latter of which her Brooklyn Drag Sister used to her advantage in S8. Thorgy Thor gave us a purposeful unpolished polish and we ate it up. Aja just isn’t there yet, but I want her to be. It’s clear that there is talent and great ideas mixed up in this mess, and if you can’t see that then surely the good intentions are plain to see. Like Farrah Moan, he needs another 3 years or so to understand who he is. It’s not always about 'honing your craft’, even though that’s definitely a part of it, and that’s proved by Valentina who’s turning it out in the top group consistently now in the most spectacular of ways. Age may be just a number, but life experience and raw talent counts for something major… And at this point in Aja’s career, I think that’s exactly what’s lacking to make the package complete. He’ll get there tho, I’m sure of it.
Guess I won’t be eating my words… Will I, Kimora? Like I said last week, the only reason I believe Kimora was given a pass to stay was because Jaymes Mansfield was so damn terrified. I try to stay away from negativity, but Kimora doesn’t really bring the best out of anyone including herself. It’s that nasty attitude…She transparently played the 'dumb blonde’ (I guess in 2017 we call that 'Playing Kardashian’, but I have no reason to insult any of those women), and that overly confident schtick doesn’t translate when there is no substance or clever angle to back it up… Kimora is no Willam Belli. I know stupid, I’ve stared at it directly in the face… And even stupid knows what adjectives are. I just don’t buy it. Kimora is the product of a generation that eats, drinks, shits, and dreams of reality television… But this is reality tv competition and we see that you are attempting to play a part, and not even well. You wasted a spot. You sent Jaymes Mansfield home and as scared as that little bugger was, he was certainly more promising and more talented. I’m not being mean here, I’m being real. There was nothing fun about watching Kimora Blac and this is literally the last sentence I will ever write about him.
Thanks for reading. I know this was a long one. And yes, I think taking the time to share my views of the show as well as compare and contrast my life experiences was worth it, especially since we were able to cover Pulse, it’s aftermath, and what it means to me. This will be edited down as it moves to other platforms, but I think that you and you and you who have read this all the way through are worth my time and every word on this page, as ridiculously fucking long as it is. Spotlight Saga is my baby, my brand that I’m moving forward as my own online publication, who better to give the most honest and passionate piece of myself to than you?
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javitrulovesims · 7 years
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Week 3.  "Draggily Ever After”
Category is “Fairytale Princess Eleganza”
Inspired by Farrah Moan Mermaid-ish Look.. Miss Ambrosia Delight Serves Tuna Fish Realness
Bow Down to Princess Goldy Fish Top ruler of any Bottom Sea, at first you could think she is bitchy mermaid but later you realize that she REALLY is a Bitchy Mermaid. 
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dress-up-race · 5 years
-Dress Up Race-
Hi Everyone! It's xXTrettaXx and I'm holding a Dress Up Contest coming soon! This contest is based off of the show that I love, RuPaul's Drag Race! It's a W.I.P because I only was able to get 2 judges for this (Myself and https://www.deviantart.com/numew ) 
I'll need 3 more judges who knows the show and is willing to deliberate privately in Messages on Tumblr or in Notes on DeviantArt. 
(Judges, including myself, cannot participate in the polls that I will create that will decide which one in the Bottom has the worst dress should be eliminated. The polls will be for the people/commentators.) I'll need 10 contestants to compete! But you'll have to be 13 and up to compete. Here's one of the many sites with dress up games www.dressupgames.com/ You're free to add your own art to your dress up characters in any art program like Microsoft Paint, GIMP, etc because there may be some dress up games where they don't have what you really need, but be detailed with it. Don't paint any part of your characters clothes in just one solid color in Paint lol. Until further changes, these will be the categories for the runways: Red For Filth (Red outfit!) Spring Looks (dress them up for the spring weather) Lolita/Victorian Realness (dress them up like a Lolita/someone from the Victorian Era!) Orange Alert (Orange outfit!) Gothic Emotion (Dress them up in a Goth or Emo outfit!) Fairytale Princess Eleganza (Dress them up like they're in a fairytale!) Christmas Realness (Dress them up in your own take of a Christmas outfit!) Super Sweet 16! (Self-Explanatory! Dress them up like it's their Spoiled Sweet 16!) Neon Realness (Dress them up in Neon Colors!) Angelic White (Dress them up like an Angel in White!) The prizes will be the following:
1st Place: 5 Drawn Full Body Detailed Art of your favorite dress ups that you made in this contest.
2nd Place: 4 Drawn Half Body Detailed Art of your favorite dress ups that you made in this contest. 3rd Place: 1 Drawn Half Body and 1 Drawn Full Body Art of your favorite dress ups that you made in this contest. The Drawings will be done by https://www.deviantart.com/numew , check her out!! PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!!
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itanovat1987 · 3 years
8 Phenomenal Elegant Wedding Dress With Sleeves Classy Awesome Ideas
Dream Wedding Dress Princesses Fairytale Ball Gowns
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Eleganza Sposa wedding dresses and gowns #wedding #weddingideas #weddingdresses #bridaldresses
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8 Phenomenal Elegant Wedding Dress With Sleeves Classy Awesome Ideas
Dream Wedding Dress Princesses Fairytale Ball Gowns
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Eleganza Sposa wedding dresses and gowns #wedding #weddingideas #weddingdresses #bridaldresses
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planacverka1981 · 3 years
8 Phenomenal Elegant Wedding Dress With Sleeves Classy Awesome Ideas
Dream Wedding Dress Princesses Fairytale Ball Gowns
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Eleganza Sposa wedding dresses and gowns #wedding #weddingideas #weddingdresses #bridaldresses
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emmyhaggins38781 · 3 years
8 Phenomenal Elegant Wedding Dress With Sleeves Classy Awesome Ideas
Dream Wedding Dress Princesses Fairytale Ball Gowns
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Eleganza Sposa wedding dresses and gowns #wedding #weddingideas #weddingdresses #bridaldresses
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hildabardin5148f · 3 years
8 Phenomenal Elegant Wedding Dress With Sleeves Classy Awesome Ideas
Dream Wedding Dress Princesses Fairytale Ball Gowns
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Eleganza Sposa wedding dresses and gowns #wedding #weddingideas #weddingdresses #bridaldresses
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jacelynfiggs7596u · 3 years
8 Phenomenal Elegant Wedding Dress With Sleeves Classy Awesome Ideas
Dream Wedding Dress Princesses Fairytale Ball Gowns
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Eleganza Sposa wedding dresses and gowns #wedding #weddingideas #weddingdresses #bridaldresses
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umi-no-onnanoko · 6 months
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shanformato3543b · 3 years
8 Phenomenal Elegant Wedding Dress With Sleeves Classy Awesome Ideas
Dream Wedding Dress Princesses Fairytale Ball Gowns
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Eleganza Sposa wedding dresses and gowns #wedding #weddingideas #weddingdresses #bridaldresses
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javitrulovesims · 5 years
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Like Mother, Like Daughter...
 Now that the Mermaids are coming to the game.. Now is time for a Photo Fashion Ru-Wind, Miss Ambrosia Delight Serving fresh Tuna fish with this Mermaid inspired Runway made by the “Fairytale Princess Eleganza”. And we have Silvie Dorada on her “Mermaid Fantasy” Look feature on S10. Similar Poses.. i didn’t plan that. So excited that Mermaids are coming.. i never played TS3 so i dont know what to expect.
So... Are they a TOOT? or a BOOT.
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echimrera1982 · 3 years
8 Phenomenal Elegant Wedding Dress With Sleeves Classy Awesome Ideas
Dream Wedding Dress Princesses Fairytale Ball Gowns
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Eleganza Sposa wedding dresses and gowns #wedding #weddingideas #weddingdresses #bridaldresses
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ileanagalow6385d · 3 years
8 Phenomenal Elegant Wedding Dress With Sleeves Classy Awesome Ideas
Dream Wedding Dress Princesses Fairytale Ball Gowns
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Eleganza Sposa wedding dresses and gowns #wedding #weddingideas #weddingdresses #bridaldresses
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loibloomdago1971 · 3 years
8 Phenomenal Elegant Wedding Dress With Sleeves Classy Awesome Ideas
Dream Wedding Dress Princesses Fairytale Ball Gowns
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Eleganza Sposa wedding dresses and gowns #wedding #weddingideas #weddingdresses #bridaldresses
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