#he has my whole heart I can’t imagine how painful this has been for him
decembermoonskz · 1 year
chan’s bubble messages :(
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steddiecameraroll · 6 months
What if Steve’s the one painfully pining thinking Eddie is straight.
Eddie unaware but happy he and Steve became friends after everything.
Eddie oblivious to how Steve’s cheeks turn pink when he gives Steve the blinding dimple laden smile.
Eddie blissfully living his life, eating Steve’s snacks at movie nights, and riding along in the car when the kids get dropped off at the arcade.
And months go by. Long torturous months where Steve (or really Robin) is sure he’s developing an ulcer because he always has a stomach ache.
Until Steve finally decides he can’t do this to himself any longer. He thought at least having Eddie in his life was better than not. But his heart hurts constantly and if he doesn’t cut Eddie out of his life, he knows it’ll never heal.
So he stops accepting the invitations to hang out. Comes up with excuse after excuse until Eddie stops asking.
He stops engaging in the conversations when Dustin or Lucas talk about that week’s campaign or this amazing thing Eddie did.
And he’s… fine.
Sure maybe when he’s trying to fall asleep some (most) nights he wonders if Eddie ever went to that new music store. Or if he ever found out if his weird neighbor was poisoning the stray cats or not.
He acts like the fact Eddie seems to be unfazed about the whole thing, isn’t the most painful thing ever. That Steve vanishing from Eddie’s inner circle didn’t even generate an annoying little blip for him to question it.
It’s fine.
He’s fine.
Until one seemingly innocuous afternoon, when Steve is at the Hallmark store picking up a birthday gift for his mom. He’s holding something with a generic motivational quote in his hands when a bang hits the store window to Steve’s left.
He jumps at the sound and turns immediately, his body poised in a defensive stance, when his eyes register what he’s seeing.
Eddie Munson with both palms smashed against the window gawking at Steve. The man’s eyes are wide and his mouth is open and he looks like he’s seen a ghost.
Steve catches his breath when he realizes he’s not in any danger, and he gives Eddie one of those mouth pressed smiles and a small nod. It’s been so long since they’ve seen each other Steve has to pretend it’s not causing him physical pain.
Then Eddie starts side stepping toward the entrance. He’s keeping his body facing Steve through the glass like he’s afraid if he looks away Steve will evaporate.
Steve knew he wouldn’t get away with never seeing Eddie again, but he had been hoping. He’s trying to ignore the desire to turn heel and find a back exit, and thinks maybe Eddie will just wanna say hi. Maybe Steve will only have to endure five minutes of interaction and they’ll go their own merry way.
“Steve!” Eddie says a little too loudly.
“Hey, man.” Steve smiles and hopes it looks friendly.
“Where have you been?” Eddie moves to stand directly in front of Steve, basically blocking him against the display table he’d been in front of.
“What do you mean?” Steve swallows a lump as he watches Eddie’s face twist into an expression of bewilderment.
“You kinda fell off the face of the earth, man. I was next door at Radio Shack and was headed to my van and thought I saw a figment of my imagination through the glass.” Eddie’s eyes suddenly dart around as of their surroundings just dawned on him. “Um…I kinda need…I’ve been thinking…can we, uh, talk? Somewhere more private?”
Steve’s mind starts flipping through possibilities of why Eddie can’t just say what he wants to say. It sounds ominous and he guesses they should get this over with. Maybe after this he’ll never have to worry about seeing Eddie ever again.
“We could go to my van? If-if you were ok with that?” Eddie quickly tacks on the last sentence.
“Sure?” Steve shrugs, sets the unimportant birthday gift on the table, and follows a step or two behind Eddie.
Eddie keeps glancing over his shoulder like he assumes Steve will dart out from behind him and book it across the parking lot. It’s making Steve nervous.
Eddie moves to the back of his van and unlocks the door, pulling it open and motioning to Steve to sit down. Steve cautiously slides his butt back onto the van, letting his legs dangle over the bumper, in case he needs to make a quick exit.
When Eddie sits down there’s an awkward amount of space between them. Steve ignores how the distance physically shows how much has changed between them.
“I…uh,” Eddie sighs then lolls his head back staring upward.
Steve can tell he’s trying to collect himself before continuing.
“Sorry, man.” Eddie chuckles nervously giving Steve a weak smile. “I wasn’t planning on doing this today so just trying to organize my thoughts.”
Steve is about three seconds away from vomiting all over the nearby asphalt. This is awful.
“I just…” Eddie turns his head to look at Steve. He looks pained, like whatever he’s about to say may crush Steve.
It probably will.
“I wanted to apologize, for…whatever it is I did. I know I’m obnoxious sometimes.” He rolls his eyes “Jeff tells me to chill out constantly.”
Steve pinches his eyebrows in confusion.
“I miss hanging out and seeing you, but I get it. You don’t give a shit about D&D or any of the other stupid things I talk about. I probably forced it and you are just too good of a dude to say anything. But that’s ok… I’ve done a lot of thinking…lately. You helped, sorta, expose something…about myself that I didn’t know.” He sighs before continuing. “I mean, I guess in theory I knew, but I just thought everyone felt like that.”
Steve feels like he’s traversing a perilous hike without a map right now, totally and completely lost.
Eddie clears his throat and fiddles with his skull ring. “I miss you. I mean, hanging out with you.”
Steve stares, unsure what to say. He probably looks like he’s short circuiting right now, because he doesn’t understand.
It’s been weeks, months even, and he never reached out. He never called or stopped by Steve’s place but he’s talking like it’s been killing him this whole time.
“I-I don’t understand.”
“What do you mean?” Eddie cocks his head.
“You missed me?”
“Yeah, of course.” He says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the entire world. “Why wouldn’t I? We used to hang out all the time, Steve. I saw you more than I saw Wayne, most days.”
“Why didn’t you ever call me then?”
“Did you want me to?” Eddie laughs awkwardly. “You stopped wanting to do anything. I figured you didn’t want to see me, it was pretty obvious. I was trying to respect your wishes, dude.”
Steve doesn’t know what to say.
Eddie kicks his feet a little while he keeps his eyes pointed down at the parking lot.
“Oh,” Steve’s heart breaks for a different reason this time. “You didn’t do anything, by the way. It’s not your fault. I just needed to focus and get my shit together. My dad bitching about college again and I needed a new job. I was just sort of…distracted.”
By you
“Oh, you coulda said something. This whole time I thought you hated me. That’s a fucking relief.” Steve can sense Eddie’s entire body relax next to him.
“Opposite really,” he mutters under his breath.
“What’d you say?” Eddie leans in, his face shifting to seriousness.
“Oh nothing,” he brushes off. “Ignore me.”
“Opposite?” Eddie’s voice is pitched.
Steve’s stomach drops.
“No-no, um…”
Steve puts his palms on the floor of the van and pushes himself out of the van. He wipes his palms on his jeans. He needs to get out of here.
“I gotta go, uh, it was good seeing you, man. Um,” he wants to suggest hanging out but he can’t say the words. “Bye.”
Steve gives a finger wave and wants to smack himself in the face for how stupid it looks. He power walks away from Eddie’s van toward his car. He can get out of here unscathed.
“NO! Steve! Wait, wait,” Eddie’s chasing close behind Steve.
Steve fumbles with his keys as he tries to unlock his car door.
“Me too!”
Steve stops, his hands hovers over the door handle. Did he hear Eddie correctly?
Eddie approaches cautiously. “Me too,” he repeats quietly. “Opposite. You-that was the thing. The thing I figured out. This was it.”
Steve turns slowly.
“I missed you, Steve.” Eddie’s eyes are big and bright as if someone handed him a Christmas present. “I missed you, more than I should’ve probably. Definitely more than…a friend would.” He shrugs and pulls his bottom lip into his mouth.
Steve’s ears are ringing. The planet has shifted, he’s sure of it. Is Eddie saying what he’s been craving from the man for almost two years?
“Opposite,” Eddie whispers.
“Opposite,” Steve echoes.
“I really wanna kiss you right now,” Eddie says gently.
Steve’s eyebrows shoot up and he stumbles back thunking his elbow against the car window. “Ow, shit.”
“Are you ok?” Eddie steps forward, reaching a hand out but avoiding touching Steve.
“Yeah,” he rubs his hand over it. “Do you-do you wanna come over? My parents aren’t home. Won’t be until Thursday.”
“That’s four days away, Steve. Are you suggesting I’ll be at your house for four days?” He twists his mouth in a sly smirk.
“Maybe, if we needed it.” Steve’s heart is pounding in his chest pleasantly now.
Eddie blushes and ducks his head. Steve can tell the man’s holding himself back.
“You coming?” Steve tilts his head.
“Fuck, I hope so,” Eddie growls.
coffee? ☕️🍩💕
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 month
Broken Crown
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pairing: Eris Vanserra x reader | type: angsty | words: 3,3k words | warnings: topics like pregnancy and kidnapping someone while pregnant are discussed as well as bad family relationships; based on this request
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“Share your worries with me, my love.” Your hand tenderly caresses his arm, feeling his tense muscles beneath the tips of your fingers. “You shouldn’t carry the burden of them all alone.”
Eris‘ shoulders rise and fall with a deep inhale, and slowly he turns his head to you. There is a small, sad smile on his lips. His eyes close, and you can see the pain, the worry, etched upon his face.
His hand lifts and comes to rest on the barely-there bump of your belly. “I worry about you, my love,” he says, his voice nothing more than a whisper. “This,” —he flexes his fingers, before softly pressing down just the tiniest bit— “put you in more danger than you can ever imagine.”
Your hand folds over his. “I know that it could get dangerous.” You sit up in bed and Eris‘ hand falls to your thigh. “But only if Beron finds out. We will be careful, we have been careful for so long. He won’t know.”
Eris wants to believe you. He desperately does, but it is so damn hard. You are his mate and in your womb you carry his child. There is nothing but worry in his mind, his whole body in a constant state of fear for you two.
“And even if he found out, I could always run and escape and you would protect me.” You lean into him and rest your head on his shoulder. “Don‘t worry so much, my mate, and rather enjoys these fleeting moments we can share.” Turning your head a little, you kiss his arm. “We only have this time together, please, try to make the best of it.”
Eris sighs, but silently agrees and lies down in bed with you, his arm curled around you, his other hand once again resting on your belly, thumb stroking idly over your belly. Your shirt has risen a bit, and Eris used the chance to place his palm right on top of your skin, his warmth the most soothing thing to exist in this world.
“I can’t wait for Beron to be gone and for us to be able to love each other openly.” He turns his face to you and kisses your brow. “And I cannot wait to watch our little babe grow up. I know they will be as beautiful as their mother.”
“And their father,” you chime in and a small grin appears on your lips. Your mate chuckles and it makes his chest vibrate beneath you. 
He holds you for the rest of the night, always close, always tight. You know he doesn’t sleep. No for a single moment. Eris often finds it hard to fall asleep, or to sleep through or to feel enough at ease to entertain the thought of sleep.
In your early face of seeing each other he has slept well, telling you you brought him enough comfort to do so. It all changed when the mating bond snapped, and especially when you got pregnant. He hasn’t had a moment of rest since then, you think. And that hurts you, and you also feel guilty.
The moment Eris leaves your secret meeting place in the morning, he covers her scent. Beron can’t be able to detect anything. To make sure you are safe, he also strengthens the shield he has put over you, covering both your pregnancy and any kind of small ounce of Eris‘ scent that should cling to you.
He smooths a hand over his long hair and i hales deeply, worry and uncertainty making his chest feel a little too tight. 
With a heavy heart, he returns to the First House, not able to meet his father’s gaze while they eat dinner in silence.
“Where have you been all night?” Beron asks and in the corner of his eye, Eris‘ notices how his mother‘s posture stuffs, her fingers curling tightly around her fork.
“Out.” Eris is tight, and quick. Maybe a tang too quick. 
Beron drops his fork with a snarl. “I have noticed as much. But where exactly have you been.”
Eris swallows thickly, the piece of meat he has just eaten almost getting stuck in his throat. Taking a gulp of water, he clears his throat. “I checked on the war camp—”
“Which one?”
Beron dips his chin to his chest and forks a piece of potatoes, chewing it with his mouth half open. “What did you want there?”
“See if everything was alright.”
“You slept there?”
Eris nods. “I did.”
Beron says nothing, only turns his attention back to his plate.
For the rest of the dinner, his father doesn’t talk to him anymore, or care about him, too focused on his food to even deign his son another glance.
Or so Eris thinks…
Two days have passed and Eris is sitting on needles. His fingers nervously drum an unsteady rhythm on his knee, his chest rising and falling with deep intakes of air.
You are always on time. You have not once been late in all the time you have known each other. Where the hell are you now?
His heartbeat picks up, the organ now hammering against his ribs. Eris feels how dread coils within him.
Where could you be?
Of course worry kicks in immediately, a myriad of thoughts bubbling up about something awful having happened to you. Maybe you were caught, maybe some medical issues, maybe Beron—
He won’t allow his thoughts to go there. There probably is a good explanation for why you are late. Maybe you got held up, maybe you weren’t feeling too, maybe you simply forgot.
Eris lets himself fall back onto the bed, groaning loudly. His heart is still racing, his skin clammy with cold sweat, fear and panic curling around his heart like a vice. 
He could go looking for you, but worries that would only get you into more danger. He can’t go home to you — no one knows about your relationship. If the heir to the Autumn Court would suddenly show up at your home, word would spread quickly and this would end fataö for you. He can’t risk it.
All he can do is wait. And hope. Hope that you will arrive shortly and that you are unharmed.
It is what he does — waiting, while being plagued by thoughts and ideas of all the terrible things that could have happened to you.
He needs to find you, his father and the people who gossip about you two be damned. 
Eris waits a moment longer, really making sure you are not arriving and by the time he gives up, the sun has already set behind the horizon, the Autumn Court now bathed in endless darkness.
Eris heads back home with a heavy heart, always on the look-out to catch sight of you, a trace or some hint of your whereabouts.
He needs to get his hound, give them your trace, and then let them help him find you. 
In moments like these, he wishes he wouldn’t have had to glamour the bond. He could simply tug at it and be led to you — but he can’t. Not with the magic he used to cover any small hint of it.
It would make things so much easier, but Eris knows that life isn’t easy for him, and has never been. That is not how it is supposed to be, his life was never meant to be simple — his fate was doomed the moment he was born.
Breathing heavily and with his heart hurting painfully,, Eris eventually returns to the Forest House after waiting for hours. If he doesn’t hear from you until the morning, he will go look, no matter the consequences.
The door falls shut behind him with a loud thump. It doesn’t startle him, he is too wrapped up in his worries to even notice. 
But one person in the Forest House does definitely notice.
“Eris!” Beron’s low voice hollows through the empty, cold corridors and it sends a shiver down the heir‘s spine — Beton is enraged, Eris can hear that in his voice.
His eyes close and he doesn’t want to move forward, already having an inkling of what might expect him and he could never accept it. 
If something happened to you, he would forever blame himself. And if you…the Mother forbid — he isn’t able to finish his thought. But without you in his life, he wouldn’t want to live on. He couldn’t do so. His heart would be in pieces, nothing but bloody, broken shards.
“Father,” he says and bows his head low, after the whole way to the end of the corridor where Beron‘s office is situated, has become a blur.
Slowly, the High Lord lifts his gaze from the table and a viscous grin splits his dry lips.
“Such a pretty little thing you have found yourself,” he drawls. “But she is nothing more than pretty and unfortunately lower fae.” 
Eris fingers curl towards his palms while his whole body feels like caving in, his heart cracking open.
“Nothing more than a piece of trash — in other words, scum. And I won‘t allow my sons to fool around with that kind of fae, hasn’t the thing with Lucien taught you anything?”
“What did you do?” Eris shouts and panic rolls through him.
“I took care of her so you wouldn’t have to bother with her any longer.”
He didn’t kill her, that is for sure, Eris still feels the bond. But Beron touched her, hurt her and he will pay for that. 
“You hurt her!” Eris spits, a fury coats his insides, making him see red.
“I am not such a cruel beast, since she finds herself with a…child I didn’t touch her. Mostly. And I assume it's yours?” Beron raises a brow, but gives Eris no chance to say anything as the answer is clear as water anyway. “Matters will take care of themselves though and neither of them will be a problem for you in the future — not the slut, nor the little bastard..” A sadistic smile replaces the former expression on his face.
Eris would kill him straightaway, but he needs Beton to tell him where you are. He can’t find you otherwise and you would…
“Where is she?” Eris dashes to Beron’s desk, his hands slamming down on the wooden surfaces. “You will tell me where she is! I demand it!”
Eris once again tugs at the bond but gets no answer. Nothing but cool silence from your side. You are surely hidden somewhere by Beron’s magic, somewhere where Eris will never be able to find you without Beron telling him. It could take days, weeks, months and that is too long. Too dangerous.
“Tell me!” he shouts again when Beton says nothing.
Beron tips his head back and roars with laughter. Once calm again, he says, “You demand it? As much as I remember I am the High Lord and your nothing more than a little—”
“I invoke the Blood Duel.” He is driven by fury and fear — a lethal combination.
The temperature in the room drops at least ten degrees and outside thunder strikes. Never in the history of the Autumn Court has ever a son invoked a Blood Duel against their father, and certainly not against the High Lord. This is about to change now.
“You are a fool, Eris Vanserra, think about the consequences.”
“I invoked the Blood Duel — you and me, a battle to death.” Eris straightens his posture, staring down at his father who is still sitting at his desk, now stiff as a pole. Eris is sure a flicker of hesitation and maybe also fear passes over his father‘s face, knowing what his son is capable of.
Slowly, a smirk spreads over Beron’s face and he reaches his hand out. “I accept.”
The sun has barely risen, only merely peeking forward from behind thick clouds in the sky, bathing the Autumn Court forest in a soft yellowish glow.
Eris takes the last sip from his small flask when a knock sounds on his door. He places the small bottle down, and smoothes his hands down his jacket and his breeches.
“Lord Eris, it’s time,” a sentry calls.
“Coming!” the heir answers. His hand grasps his knife, the one made by Nesta Archeron, tightly and then he sets out.
Everything is going to change today if he is leaving this duel as its victor. The whole fate of the Autumn Court lies in his hands now. Beron has to fall, Eris has to win. When it is over he will find you, save you and proclaim you as his mate in front of all the Autumn Court. He will be the High Lord and you his High Lady.
The moment he steps outside, and the cool morning air greets him, he can hear hollowing and cheering — not for him, but for his father who is probably already strutting around the place where the duel will take place like a proud peacock.
Eris feels a knot tightening in his stomach, his heart almost pounding out if his chest. It is not the wish of becoming High Lord that drives him forward, but the fear about what happened to you and your whereabouts. He doesn’t care about anything else, he only needs to find you. And having to kill his own father…not an easy task, but one that needs to be taken earlier or later anyway. One he is willing to take for you.
Blood is thicker than water, is the saying. But you are his mate, and nothing is stronger than that.
Eris feels his throat tightening with anxiety, but drawing in a few deep inhales, he manages to calm himself a little and then moves into the glade, the open space for the duel, around which many Autumn Court citizens are already gathered.
“Father!” he greets, and can see the colour visibly drain from Beron‘s face when the High Lord turns to him. Beron had most definitely thought Eris would put his tail between his legs and would not show up.
But Eris Vanserra is no coward. And he will win this today. For you and the future of this court.
And so he mounts his horse, lance in one hand, shield in the other, and enters into a duel of life and death. And that against his own father.
Beron lands the first strike, but other than a small gash, his attack doesn’t do much harm. Very much to the High Lord’s surprise, Eris thinks, because he knows exactly that Beron dipped his lance in faebane, playing unfairly. 
He can’t see his father’s face behind the bronze helmet but he knows confusion is etched upon his face. 
Eris was smarter, he took the antidote against faebane before entering into this duel, already knowing his father’s foul tricks.
Beron lands the second strike as well. But then it is Eris' turn. He lands the third, the fourth and the fifth and when lifts his lance a sixth time, Beron slides off his horse, slumping to the ground. 
Eris dismounts his own horse, stalking towards where his father is lying on the ground, not lifeless but something close to this state. Eris stares down at him and slowly Beron’s eyes open in disgust.
“I take this as you give in?” Eris points the tip of his sword that he has pulled out from the leather strap around his waist at his father. He can’t take a risk now.
“You should be dead by now.” His lips part in a snarl.
“Well, as you can see, I am not.” Eris knows that the crowd gathered around them is holding its breath. This is a monumental event — a duel that decides over the future of this court and who the next High Lord will be.
The answer is simple: Eris. He won the duel. Beron lost.
“But…” Blood starts to spill from Beron’s mouth when he begins to shake his head. “The—”
“The faeban?” Eris raises a brow. “I knew you wouldn’t play fair, father. I took the antidote just in case.” Now Eris is the one grinning. He quickly tips his head at two warriors, signaling them to pick up his father. They follow his order, probably having already noticed the shift in power.
“I won’t do you the honour of making this quick. You deserve to rot in the dungeons for all you've done to me, to mother and my brothers.” Eris sheaths his sword with a loud rasps. Then he steps into his father, now held up by two warriors, and presses his forehead against his father’s. “And now, as your High Lord, I demand you tell me where my mate is!”
“Darling!” Carefully, Eris lifts you into his arms and cradles you tightly. Your body immediately reacts to him, and you feel yourself relaxing. All is good now, and you are safe.
Your mate is here, and all is good although you notice a shift in power.
Eris‘ heart is hammering so rapidly, you can feel it through his body. He is out of breath, and crying and holds onto you as if his own life depends on it.
This is the moment where you realise that your life means more to him than his own and a sob parts your lips, tears spilling down your cheeks.
“You found me,” you cry, and brush your palm up his chest, resting it on his shoulder. “You came to find me.”
“You are my mate, my love, I would always find you.” He leans in, resting his forehead against yours. “I would cross the seven seas for you, climb every mountain and fight every imaginable beast. You are my mate I would conquer Hel itself for you.”
His lips brush yours in a light kiss, and tears start to spill from your eyes. You blink rapidly, when you notice light at the end of the endless and dark corridor and there is also—
Cheering and barking, loud chatter and laughter fill the air around you when you step outside the place you have been trapped in.
You don’t understand, but Eris is quick to offer an explanation that would pull the rug from under your feet if you were standing. It leaves you speechless, your mouth wide open in surprise, but it is pride and utter love that outrules all the other emotions.
“I am the new High Lord of this court, and from now on a better time will begin. I will rule with understanding and respect for my loyal subjects, alongside my High Lady and wife.” 
He kisses your brow and then grins at the cheering mass of people gathered, their joy tangible in the air. And so is Eris — his heart, your hand resting atop his chest, beating steadily and happily within his chest.
His High Lady!
The first thing after his first official announcement as High Lord is that Eris summons six healers to check on you. You are trying to tell him that one is enough, but Eris doesn’t want to hear any of it.
He stays while they check on you and the baby, always observing them with an eagle’s gaze until the relief comes and you are told that both you and the babe are fine and no damage has been done to either of you.
“It’s all going to be good now,” Etis mumbles, leaning his head against yours that is resting on his shoulder.
“High Lord and Lady.” You beam, and turn your head making Eris lift his own. You lock eyes with him and then kiss him. “I love you, my High Lord.“
“I love you more, my High Lady.”
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tags: @sunshinebingo @tarataraaaa  @brekkershadowsinger @azriels-mate123 @mandziaaa  @cosmic-whispers @mali22 @elsie-bells @imma-too-many-fandoms @kuraikei @ginnyweasley06  @bubnix  @powerfulpantera @secret-third-thing
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mochatsin · 9 months
There are a lot of issues that you can come across as a human in Devildom and sometimes, the brothers aren’t really prepared for the worst case scenarios. One day they find you at home injured from other demons, how will they respond to this?
TW: Implied Bullying, Violence, Torture, Injury
sometimes I wonder if MC is a bit desensitized to violence (but not to a level where they’re no longer bothered by it). Think about it, the brothers have war-level fights all the time in the house. Plus MC lives in a realm full of devils.
His patience has never been so tested, all he can think about right now is going straight home. He heard that there was a  commotion that happened in one of your classes, so everyone was excused to leave early.
He never heard any of the details, and he would’ve asked the teachers or anyone in your class but it was better to hear from you instead. The wellbeing of the exchange student is his responsibility after all.
Lucifer was about to knock on your door but he heard a sniffle coming from your room which made him start panicking. “MC? Pardon me, but I’m coming over.” 
He found you by the bed, clutching your arm that’s poorly bandaged. Seeing the tears in your eyes broke his heart as he ran to your side. 
You told him that things got bad during your potions class. You don’t know how it went wrong when you followed the instructions correctly, but the cauldron exploded and gave you a bad burn. The teacher even scolded you in front of the class despite being in pain, making you an example of a foolish student before dismissing everyone.
Lucifer knows you’re not one to make clumsy mistakes like this, yet he keeps quiet to himself about that. His focus for now is to treat your wounds properly. But boy, he could feel his blood boil through his veins. How dare they make a fool out of you?! 
He promised to find something human-friendly for your skin as he applied a spell to numb the pain before going back to RAD. 
On his way, he overheard two students snickering to each other. Lucifer recognized them from your class. 
“Who knew adding fire newt tongues would’ve made it that explosive?” “You should’ve seen the look on their face when the teacher got mad. I knew the teacher hated them but it was hilarious when they looked like they were gonna cry!”
Lucifer had this sinister smile on his face as he walked up to the students. “Meet me in my office. We need to have a little talk.” 
It takes him an hour before he can come back to you with a healing salve. Gently applying it to your skin, you were astonished at how it was instantly restored!
Before you can comment about your amazement, Lucifer brings you in for a tight hug. “I’m so sorry… I’ll make sure you won’t get hurt like this again. I promise.” He tries to act calm but with how his hands held you so firmly, you can feel that he really was worried.
You could say that Lucifer keeps to his word when you find the demons, even your teacher, hung up by their legs in the potions classroom. They were beaten beyond recognition, you can’t even tell if they were still alive because the brothers lured you away from the scene before you could inspect them further. 
The whole school got the message, to never mess with the Morningstar’s human. The punishments are beyond what they could imagine, it’s not worth the few moments of satisfaction from making you cry.
Those people were dragged away by Barbatos to the castle’s dungeon, never to be seen again. Diavolo had to make arrangements for a replacement, and Lucifer ensured that you have at least one brother for every class to watch over you. 
He was strict and a bit more overprotective to you than usual, so it took a lot of time for you to reassure him that you’ll be fine.
To lesser demons, it’s a wonder how his denial with his problematic gambling and theft still made him think that he’s amazing and great. 
The stacks of reports about Mammon in the student council room can break records. He would ask Grimm that he would refuse to pay back, steal things he considers valuable, and his money-making schemes have caused lots of problems for other students. 
Despite the punishments from Lucifer, some demons think that it’s not enough. They want to hit him where it hurts. 
Mammon has been waiting for you, spamming your D.D.D. with several messages. You both planned to spend the night watching a movie together once you get home, but you’ve been running late and he’s getting impatient. 
When he hears the main door open, he rushes with the intention of complaining about what took you so long, until he finds you limping your way inside. 
“HEY MC I– huh… MC? What’s up with you? HEY!” As soon as he realizes that there’s more injuries on you, he instantly carries you to the bathroom and treats your wounds as best as he can.
He doesn’t speak, but he can’t hide the trembling of his fingers when he applies gauze pads and disinfectants on your wounds. 
You tried to explain what happened to him to the best of your abilities. You were cornered by some demons you didn’t even know on your way back home and they picked a fight. When you described what they looked like, Mammon instantly knew who they were.
“How about you rest first in the room while I go handle something yeah? Maybe report this to Lucifer” He lied of course. As if he’s going to waste a single second not hunting down these bastards. He lets one of his brothers tend to your wounds, he has other matters to attend to.
Mammon would send those demons a message, saying that he’s ready to repay them if they meet up. He was ready to give them back 10 times the pain they gave you. Break their legs for making you limp, even. 
You wake up in your bed to find him asleep next to you, holding your body close. The small tear stains on his cheeks made you pout and… well, you don’t tell him about the red stains left on his hands.
He walks you back to your classroom only for you to find it trashed. Broken chairs and desks, holes in the black board and the walls, and the demons from yesterday looking so bruised and wounded that they could barely shrink back in fear when they saw you and Mammon together. 
Lucifer would’ve punished Mammon for wrecking school property until you explained to him what happened. Given the nature of these circumstances, he didn’t tie up his brother from the roof like usual, but made him clean up the classroom he trashed.
Even with his goofiness around you, that incident was a reminder for the school that he’s still the second most powerful brother and the wisest thing is to never touch Greed’s treasure. 
Levi noticed that you haven’t been yourself lately when you come home. You’re always too tired to watch his shows and when you do, he finds one thing odd. 
When the anime he was watching showed a scene about bullying, you would flinch or turn away. You were never like this before and now Levi is suspicious. What has been happening in RAD when he’s not there?
Lucifer called him in to catch up on his classes since he’s been slacking off due to his games. He stayed a bit behind and when he finally finished, all he could think of was finally getting his hands back to his controller but then he stopped when he saw you in one of the empty classrooms. 
You were being cornered by a large demon, probably the size of Beel, who taunted you. About how you’re nothing but a weakling without the brothers, and calling them here would just prove his point. 
He was raising his fists to land another blow so you used your arms to protect yourself, but it never came. Instead, you find Levi kneeling down next to you with a sad look on his face.
He was in his full demon form, his tail holding onto the demon’s fist and won’t let go. “MC… why didn’t you tell me? Or at least any of us?” He seemed hurt because he didn’t know you’ve been in so much pain, especially when he saw the bruises on your skin as he tugged your sleeves down. 
He wrapped his jacket around you and wiped away your tears, trying to calm you down. Though it’s hard when Levi’s tail now has a death grip on the wrist of the demon who’s now screaming in pain and begging to be let go. 
“Shut up!” He hissed, his fangs bared out when he turned to the larger demon. 
Levi snaps his fingers and the demon disappears. The demon finds himself in the depths of the deep sea, struggling to breathe and swim up. He was spared from the agonizing suffocation by the sharp teeth of Lotan who swallowed him. 
He shifts back to his regular form and waits until you’re okay to be held. He tries to be gentle with you given the amount of bruises you’ve gotten. Since he’s not good at magic, maybe one of the angels can do something about this.
He doesn’t leave your side while Simeon tends to your bruises, all while he calls Lucifer to inform him of what happened.
“You’re my player two, we’re supposed to help each other out you know? That’s how the game works. S-so rely on me more MC!” 
He didn’t want to let you watch some anime that has bullying in the story, out of fear that it might remind you of what happened. The last thing he wants is to accidentally make you upset. 
Levi started attending school more, waiting for you outside your classroom every dismissal. You’d spot him gaming on his phone and if you’d ask why won’t he go straight back to the house, he’d just stutter way beyond comprehension. 
His cute flustered look as he struggles with the slightest physical contact, no one would guess that he’s the reason for the disappearance of the biggest bully in your class. It’s all game over when you mess with the Grand Admiral after all.
Despite being just a new exchange student in a realm with little to no knowledge, you still somehow make it through the academic year and even get better marks than half of the demon brothers who lived for centuries. 
Some demons in class find it infuriating to see a lowly human do better. ‘Maybe they’ve just cheated.’ ‘Perhaps they use spells to see the answers’ ‘the wizard knows some sorcery, maybe this one does too’ ‘how wicked.’
Those were rumors you hear when you enter a classroom before a lecture. You try to not let it bother you because they’re not true. It’s from the combined effort of your hard work and the brother’s teaching you from scratch. 
Satan has been waiting for you in the house since you told him that your lesson from today was a bit difficult to understand, so you both set up a small study session for when you get home. But it’s been about an hour ever since your last message. 
No amount of reading has calmed his nerves since you’re not one to be late for no reason. It’s been raining really hard so he thought that maybe you’re stuck in this weather, but the lack of messages is still concerning. 
When he heard the door open, he closed his book with the intent of questioning why you were late, but he saw how soaked you were from head to toe. 
He grabs your arm to help clean you up, but you hissed and yanked it away. He looked at you confusingly before he noticed the puddle of rain water was mixed with something… red. 
Without haste, he sits you down in the living room and rushes to get the first aid kit. He’s thankful for learning about first aid, but never did he think that he would have to use it on you like this. 
He focused first on calming you down, placing soft kisses on your head every time you’d whimper. It worried him a lot, but he didn’t want to ask you about your tears until he’s sure you’re okay. 
It took half an hour, and a whole lot of pain relievers until you’re okay. Satan went to grab your things left at the door, only to see a lot of your books and homework torn to bits. Connecting two and two together, he knew what happened. 
When you slept, there was only one thing racing in his thoughts. To hunt. He’s heard of the rumors about you, and he’s had enough of staying passive about it. 
He practically interrogates every student he comes across until he gets his answers. When he finally has a name, he would turn each stone in the realm until he finds them. 
The moment he does, the demons are facing the most agonizing cat and mouse chase of their lives. Satan would follow suit behind their tails, and each time they ran across him they would shed more blood and tears. 
He would’ve killed them on the spot with one snap of a finger, but that’s too easy. He wanted them to feel the fear, let it consume their soul until they go insane and give up. Only then did he grant them the release from this torture by burning them in green fire that not even the storm can put out, until there’s only ash. 
He comes home, covered in blood and ash. He smiles as he places a kiss on your head when he finds you still asleep. After that, Satan offered to help you get some spare books and do something about your ruined homework. 
He became much more aggressive afterwards, no longer tolerating any ill intent directed towards you. Mutter something under your breath, he’ll make sure it’s your last. That’s how they’ll pay the price. 
Asmo has so many admirers that are not limited to adoring fans online, but even famous celebrities that had the luck of working with him in magazine gigs and product commercials.
To him it doesn’t matter what kind of attention he gets, whether it's healthy or parasocial, he’ll bask in all of it as long as he’s the object of their affections. 
He wouldn’t normally care when his brothers would get crowded with his fans who wanted them to deliver their love letters and gifts, despite all of his brother’s complaints or protests. However, you’re the exception. 
Asmo doesn’t really hide how he feels about you. He would post your pictures with him on Devilgram or brag about you online. It did harbor some jealousy, but there are some that dealt with this worse than others. 
‘It’s unbearable to see him with such a lowly human!’ a demoness thought as she found a new post from asmo’s page with you in the background. Her nails could crack through her phone at the sheer rage and she plans to do something about these feelings.
Asmo has been calling you nonstop since you two were supposed to meet up at the house to go to a salon together, after your shift ends of course. However, you’re running late and the salon would close in half an hour. 
He was by his room when he heard your door open and closed. Asmo had the full intent to be extra whiny about your tardiness when he went to your room and opened the door. 
He was in the middle of complaining but trailed off when he saw you clenching your cheek and turned away quickly from his gaze. You were trying to make him leave, saying that you’ll change first, but he’s not buying it. “Let me see, please?” 
He moved your hands away from your face and gasped at the claw marks that ran across your cheeks. It hurts him to see that you try to hide the face he finds so adoring, so pretty. And he wants to find out who dared to ruin it.
He sits you on his lap while he applies any sort of healing skin that can restore it. He’s not going to allow a single scar caused by some low blood demon to rest on your face. He looks at you with a pout on his lips as he asks “... who was it?” 
You can’t help it, so you explain that the demoness that was also in the magazine cover with him the other week, stopped by your work and slapped you across the cheek. About how a human should not have her place next to the Avatar of Lust. 
For a quick second, he was wrath and you felt it. But he gave you a smile and held you close “you know that’s not true right darling?” and whispered sweet words to you.
Asmo spent the next few hours asking Levi and Solomon for help. The demoness instantly lost thousands of followers online, each and every scandal anonymously  exposed for the whole realm to see. He was hell bent on ruining her life with all the power he has as an influencer and a demon.
You never see the demoness again, you just know that she lost every connection and supporters she had overnight. If you ask Asmo about it, he’ll just shrug and smile “It’s just how it works honey. But don’t worry about that thing, why don’t we go to the spa like we should’ve done a few days ago? I booked a new appointment for us” 
Only Asmo, and maybe Solomon, knows the truth. So if you see a pink toad at the side of the road, pay no attention to it. 
Beel has been regarded as the star athlete when it comes to Fangol. Other than his towering height and unbelievable strength, it’s a product of all his hard work and training. He’s been doing more every time you promised to watch his games. 
He treats you like your lucky charm, and every time you’re there he would always do so well in his games. The other team doesn’t like that, they’re tired of the constant loss. Maybe if they do something about Beel’s lucky charm, he would be demotivated to play.
They’re demons after all, so cheating is not exempted in their nature. They’re willing to do what it takes to get Beel down to his knees, even if it means they’ll get their hands dirty.
There’s two days before the big game and Beel wanted to get a family-sized snack as usual from the fridge to calm his nerves. That’s when he found you rummaging through the freezer. 
Maybe you were trying to get some hellfire ice cream, so he thought. Until he saw that you pressed an ice pack against your head. “MC? Are you okay?” He walks in to check on you. 
He gasped when he saw that you looked a bit roughed up. There’s a bruise slowly forming on the corner of your lip, and some dried blood from the side of your temple. 
He knows that this was no accident when he found more bruises by your arm. Since he got a bunch of those during Fangol, he knows how to treat them. You’re no player though. After putting two and two together? He’s starting to get an idea what might’ve happened.
You did eventually open up about why you were hurt. You were going home and felt someone throw a Fangol ball to your head. You recognized that they were from the opposing team of the upcoming match and they continued to use you as target practice as you ran all the way back to the house. 
Beel was holding onto a bowl of cold water with a damp towel to treat you and as soon as you finished your story, the bowl was nothing but shards on his palm. 
His deathly aura must’ve alerted the whole house, especially Belphie who suddenly woke up from a nap as he came running towards the kitchen only to find his twin already in demon form. 
You’ve never seen him this angry that was outside food (or Belphie) and you tried to calm Beel down, but he left you in Belphie’s care while he walked out of the house. There was no way he was going to let this pass, not when you’ve already gotten hurt.
It doesn’t take Beel a long while to find the opposing team, especially when they always wear those ridiculous jersey jackets. Despite their large sizes that almost compare to him, they’re nothing but flies to Beelzebub himself. 
“Heard you had a bit of target practice earlier… I wanted to go easy on you, so if you drop out of the game and never show yourself again I'll spare you.” 
One of them scoffed and tried to throw a punch at his face. Let’s just say… never aim so close to his jaw. That player was no longer capable of holding a Fangol ball anymore, and the whole team got the message. 
You received a notification online that the upcoming Fangol game has been canceled, as the team captain is suddenly incapable of playing anymore. 
Beel comes home with a smile on his face while he has takeout of your favorite food. Mammon would comment about how it’s a miracle that he didn’t eat it on the way home, and all Beel said “It’s okay, I already grabbed a bite somewhere else.”
If demons would cower under the sights of Lucifer, the exact opposite can be said about the youngest. Not everyone can find the demon who does nothing but sleep to be intimidating, despite his status and power. 
Belphie doesn’t really care about trivial things about that. As if the demon who was willing to go against the royal prince himself was actually going to get bothered by mere rumors, even though it was all true.
He wouldn’t mind being called ‘a heavy weight’ when it comes to doing work, since he’d rather exert the least amount of effort if that’s what it takes for him to sleep faster. Sometimes he would forget important meetings because of his 8-hour naps. 
Today was one of those days where Belphie overslept while you were waiting for him in the library to do work together. He woke up and realized that he was almost an hour late so he was rushing towards the door but surprisingly bumped into you. 
“MC! I’m really sorry I didn’t mean to make you wait so long…” He was a bit panicked because you looked upset, though you told him that you’re fine and tried to walk back to your room. 
He grabs your arm and you wince, pulling it away from him. He looks at you confusingly, before he notices a slight cut on your cheek and how your clothes look a bit dirtier than usual. So he gets worried and asks what happened to you. 
You explained that while waiting in the library, you overheard some demons talking so badly about Belphie and calling him names. You confronted them, trying to defend his name, and the demons gave you a certain lesson for trying to sermon them. 
Belphie whines and pulls you in for a hug, trying to provide any sort of comfort he can give. “You didn’t have to do that for me MC… but thank you. Go get some rest, you deserve it more than I do.” 
His touch with you is so gentle when he makes little circles on your back as he hugs you. He lets you rest on his chest, feeling calm and safe in his arms. But Belphie was far from that. 
He could feel himself close to popping a vein, the only thing stopping him from shifting into his demon form was because he was holding you. When he puts you down on your bed as you sleep, he stares at you for a while before whispering “... I’ll repay you for your kindness, MC” 
The demons were laughing as they left the library, talking about the human they just picked on earlier. Too busy in their own merry to notice the pair of eyes that’s been following them.
Such carelessness would be their demise when they ended up getting thrown down the alley by the very demon they’ve been speaking ill of. Belphie stares down at them with no mercy in his eyes, despite the blood and screams. Unlike his twin, he was not as merciful. 
“I can tolerate the nasty things about me… but if you hurt my MC, then you deserve eternal sleep.” 
He comes home and immediately after dealing with the trash and starts walking back to your room. He’s glad to see that one of the brothers must’ve healed your wounds since your skin has been restored. 
‘... if they really see the best in me, maybe I should put in more effort.’ he thought to himself, hugging you close as he drifts off to sleep. You wake up only to find that, surprisingly, Belphie has done all the work for the both of you.
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sleepyhutcherson · 2 months
futturman comforting you headcannons
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masterlist | requested by @futturmansgf (babe im sorry this is so late xx hope you enjoy!)
pairing: josh futturman x gn!reader
tags: comfort, fluff, angst, established relationship, best friends to lovers but it’s not really mentioned, mention of family issues (nothing specific stated), use of y/n.
author’s note: finally getting back to focusing on my requests! this is so rushed and not my best work for sure but i still hope it’s enjoyable <3 also not edited so excuse any mistakes!
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First off, I 100% believe Josh is the type of boyfriend to tell you to call him whenever you need him—and he empathises how it could be three in the morning and if you call him he will pick up!
He’ll probably be up gaming, playing either Biotic Wars or something.
It doesn’t matter how into his game he is, the moment he sees your contact appear on his screen, he puts his controller down, mumbling a quick “hold on” to whoever he’s playing with before muting his mic.
“Hey, Y/N,” he’ll say through the line, his voice gentle. The moment he hears you sniffle and the sadness in your tone, his heart breaks. “Is everything okay, love?” He asks out of concern.
He picks up your call, you didn’t often call him this late so this must’ve been important. “Hey, Y/N, is everything okay?” He asks through the line, his voice gentle. He hears you sniffle and he can tell something is wrong (also because it’s not everyday that you call him this late.)
He listens to you explain what occurred, and before you can get too in detail he asks you if he can come over.
He listens to a brief explanation of what happened, you want to say more but you’re so overwhelmed with everything, and you’re partially scared you’re bothering him.
Josh knows you through and through, he has since you two were really young. So, he can sense you’re struggling and that you clearly want to say more so he doesn’t hesitate to ask you what he wants to, immediately blurting it out once you’re done speaking.
“What?” You ask, unsure if you heard him correctly.
“Can I come over?” He repeats, his tone gentle. You don’t know why but it surprises you—it surprises you that someone is willing to drive late at night just to hear you ramble about your problems.
You’re quite, no answer leaving your lips so quickly Josh says, “you—I don’t have to, er, if you—you don’t want me to but…” he trails off.
Truth is, he wants to hold you. He wants to be there for you physically if he can. If you’ll allow him to.
If you want, he’ll listen to you over the phone of course but he prefers to be there with you.
“Josh, it’s three in the morning…” you respond. This is not you saying no, though, you’re just still unsure if he wants to actually come over.
You hear him let out a soft chuckle. “I know, Y/N/N, but I really don’t mind. You clearly need someone right now.”
You agree and both of you hang up, Josh not even bothering to tell his friends (who were still on the game) bye, simply leaving the game.
Yes, Josh Futturman is the type of boyfriend to drive down to your house even if it’s three in the morning.
He doesn’t show up empty handed either, probably stops at some ‘open 24 hours’ shop to grab you some of your favourite snacks.
The moment you open the door, he moves forward to hug you. You were still crying, a little less but he could see your teary eyes and your stained cheeks.
With that, you both get cosy on the sofa in your living room, Josh patting his lap for you to lay your head so he can play with your hair while you tell him about your issues.
He listens the whole time, he doesn’t talk until your done.
He honestly can’t imagine what you’re going through, how your family has the capability to treat you like that. It pains him that you’re being treated so poorly by them.
He plants soft kisses on your head whenever you start crying, wiping your tears away.
When you’re done, he cups your face in his hands, gently wiping your tears away with his thumb. He looks into his eyes, his own glossy with probably tears. “I’m so sorry, love,” he frowns. He hates seeing you like this. He especially hates that your family’s causing this. “I know you’re struggling, I know I can’t take your pain away but I want you to know that you’re, like, the most important person to me. It might not mean much but I love you and I’m sorry your family hasn’t shown you that love but you are loved by me, okay?”
He always knows what to say in these situations.
He knows how to make you feel loved even in moments like these.
He peppers kisses over you face, even your tear stained cheeks, whispering “I love you”’s between each kiss.
Lastly, he’ll land at your lips, kissing you so softly and lovingly. He takes a moment between the kiss to tell you how perfect you are which makes you smile softly.
Your snacks that he brought over go ignored for now, Josh holding you in his arms until you fall asleep, finally at ease.
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f10werfae · 2 years
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Welcome to @f10werfae's library of Henry Cavill💫 Enjoy your stay!
Disclaimer: This story is fiction and should not be taken literally, the behaviour is simply imaginative and the content may be inappropriate
Here is my main masterlist for everyone else I write for♥️
[🌟] Favourites/Popular
[☁️] Fluff
[*] Smut
[🌧] Angst
Taglist Form
Lumberjack!Henry x short!shy!reader masterlist
-To request, please send in an Ask or PM me✨
➼ Heart Warming [*/☁️]
(Husband!Henry Cavill x Wife!Reader)
: Things get a bit hot when Henry uses his magical methods to comfort Y/n ;)
➼ Birthday Cake [☁️/Slight🌧]
(Boyfriend!Henry Cavill x Reader)
:When everyone bails on Y/n's birthday, all seems to be doomed, but not for long
➼ In Sickness and In Health [☁️]🌟
(CEO!Husband!Henry Cavill x Reader)
: Y/n tells a white lie, which ticks Henry off, in the most caring way
➼ What About The Game? [☁️]
(Henry Cavill x Reader)
: Henry introduces Y/n to the world of rugby, not realising what he’s gotten himself into
➼ Dangerous Protection [☁️/slight🌧]
(Mafia Husband!Henry Cavill x Reader)
: Welcome to the life of Henry and Y/n Cavill, the most powerful couple in the whole of Europe and maybe even the world. Watch their romance bloom along with their son Charlie
➼ For Kal, Of Course [☁️]🌟
(Henry Cavill x Interviewer! Reader)
: Henry falls head over heels for someone, over his dog??
➼ Period Pains [☁️]
(Henry Cavill x Reader)
:Henry and Y/n clash on her period, but of course Henry always has something up his sleeve
➼ Brother Bear [☁️]
(Husband!Henry Cavill x Reader)
: Henry and Y/n adjust to their new life with their newborn baby boy
➼ Another One?! [☁️]🌟
(Henry Cavill x Reader)
: Henry is at the premier for The Witcher season 2 and he also took Kal with him, meaning Y/n's been left unsupervised
➼ It’s The Little Things [☁️]
(Henry Cavill x Reader)
: Henry Cavill realising Reader is the one when she does little things for him and Kal, showing that she truly loves and knows them
➼ Hospital Visits [☁️]
(Husband!Henry Cavill x Doctor!Reader)
: Henry injures himself and there’s only one person he trusts enough to look after him
➼ A Proud Boyfriend [☁️/slight * ]🌟
(Boyfriend!Henry Cavill x Flight Attendant!Reader)
: Henry and Y/n are on two different flights, although Y/n knows better than to question the fact that Henry always gets his way
➼ Big Bear Hug [☁️]
(Henry Cavill x Reader)
: When Y/n gets asked to look after her best friend’s dog, she gets a lot more than she bargained for
➼ The Worst Days [☁️/Slight🌧]
(Henry Cavill x Reader)
: Y/n can’t help but feel drained but Henry is there to be the master of distraction
➼ Beard Or No Beard? [☁️]
(Husband!Henry Cavill x Reader)
: reader is trying to brush and bath Kal, but he’s being a diva when it comes to the bath part and being playful. Later on, Henry asks her if she can help him shaving his beard, which at first, she doesn’t want to because she likes it, but he has to shave it.
➼ What's Your Emergency? [☁️/🌧]
(Fiance!Henry Cavill x 911 Dispatcher!Reader)
:Y/n has a challenging day at work and it all comes to blow, thankfully she has her own superman to come and save the day
➼ How Much Is Too Much [☁️]🌟
(Husband!Henry Cavill x Doctor!Reader)
: Fans retell the best moments of what they see from Y/n and Henry's relationship
➼ Silly Me [☁️]🌟
(Henry Cavill x Singer!Reader)
:Innocent flirting between 2 stars + a cockblock James Corden =??
➼ Marvel VS DC [☁️]🌟
(Husband!Henry Cavill x MCU Actress! Reader)
:Fans Retell their favourite moments between Y/n and Henry VIA tweets
➼ All Worn Out [☁️*]🌟
(Husband!Henry Cavill x Wife!Reader)
: Movie night turns sauce ( not joking, might be the sauciest thing i’ve ever written)
➼ Henry Cavill Fatherhood Scenarios 🌟
(Dad!Henry Cavill x Wife!Reader)
=Not a series, just a compilation
Chapter 1
➼ Sign of Love [☁️]
(Henry Cavill x Deaf!Florist!Reader)
:Headcanon of you and Henry's relationship♥️ With a lot of flowers
➼ Handyman [☁️]🌟
(Husband!Henry x Pregnant!Reader)
: fans on social media are absolutely in love with Henry and Y/n's relationship, and can’t ignore the fact that the woman is stunningly glowing
➼ Doctor, Doctor [☁️]🌟
(Husband!Henry x Doctor!Reader)
: Fans retell their favourite moments from Henry and Dr. Y/n's wedding movie
➼ Baby Doctor [☁️]🌟
(Husband!Henry x Doctor!Reader)
: Fans retell the events of what’s going on in the Cavill fam, especially with two new arrivals, the twins Poppy and Lucy
➼ Video Star [*]🌟
(BF!Henry x Excamgirl!GF!Reader)
: After watching one of Y/n's old camgirl streams, a sense of dominance overpowers her boyfriend Henry
➼ Cavill Clan [☁️]🌟
(Husband!Henry x Primary Teacher!Reader)
: fans react to Henry's announcement that not only has he gotten married during lockdown, but there is a new addition to the Cavill Clan...a daughter
➼ Wedding Labour [☁️]🌟
(Husband!Henry x Wife!Reader)
: doctor reader goes into labor at her and Henry’s wedding? The twitter reaction format please?
➼ My Wife is fine, thanks [☁️/slight 🌧️]🌟
(Husband!Henry x Wife!Reader)
: Some friendly and not so friendly fans, react to Henry and the reader’s 10+ year age gap
➼ Strawberry Shortcake [☁️*]🌟
(Husband!Henry x Shy!Wife!Reader)
: henry cavill x shy! reader kitchen smut, pls! Apron + daddy + slap on the ass + cock sucking + gropping + size kinks
➼ Sleepy Snuggles [☁️*]🌟
(Boyfriend!Henry Cavill x Girlfriend!Reader)
: Henry loves on his cockdrunk girlfriend all through the night, especially during Christmas season
➼ Sugar Sweet Thong [☁️*] 🌟
(Lumberjack!Henry Cavill x Wife!Reader)
: After Y/n gets a new thong, away up in his cabin where no one can touch her but him, her wild man of a husband can’t keep his hands off her (Major Dom Henry)
➼ You’re Already So Sexy [☁️*] 🌟
(Lumberjack!Henry Cavill x Wife!Reader)
: Henry has to uplift his woman after she has some major insecurities about herself and his pussy, but all she needs is him (Major Dom Henry)
➼ Quick, It’s BeReal [☁️*] 🌟
(Henry Cavill x Girlfriend!Reader)
: Henry where his BEREAL goes off during sex and their friends react; reader has hickies all over her chest and neck and tied up
➼ Mr. Clingy and Kal [☁️] 🌟
(BF!Henry Cavill x Shy!Oblivious!Actress!Reader)
: Fans retell the moments of Henry and Y/n L/n’s relationship despite her being quite the opposite of him. (major clingy Henry)
➼ Two For One [☁️/*]
(Husb!Henry Cavillx Wife!Reader xHusb!Michele Morrone)
: When Y/n ends up in a polyamorous relationship with both of the sexiest men, it only makes sense for her to enjoy herself
➼ My Little Love [☁️/*]
(Boyfriend!Henry Cavill x Short!Reader)
: they're at his parents house because she's meeting his family and one of his relatives says something about their size difference which triggers Henry's size kink (Major Dom, Loving Henry)
➼ No Panties Indoors [☁️/*]
(Lumberjack!Husband!Henry x Wife!Reader)
: Housewife Y/n can’t help but find her wild husband extremely sexy while he’s fixing another one of his projects (Major Dom possessive Henry)
➼ A Virgin’s Lesson [☁️*]
(Boyfriend!Dom!Henry x Virgin!Shy!Girlfriend!Reader)
: When Henry finds out his virgin girlfriend’s needs, and her fears, he takes it upon himself to teach her a finger or two(Dom Henry‼️)
➼ Kissies and Waxed [☁️*]
(Lumberjack!Husband!Henry x short!Shy!Wife!Reader)
: Y/n gets all shy and adorable with her grumpy husband on their wedding night, letting him enjoy his waxed present(Dom Henry)
➼ But That’s Mine Hen! [☁️*]
(Lumberjack!Husband!Henry x short!Shy!Wife!Reader)
: Pouty Y/n gets jealous when her grump of a man is approached by a certain woman; she can't help but stomp her foot and whine, showing everyone that he's hers and vice versa (Dom!Henry)
➼ Expect the Unexpected Baby [🌧️☁️]
(Henry Cavill x Pregnant!Reader)
:Henry breaks up with Y/n, only to discover he’s left something of his behind, his baby. Does he try and reconcile? or Does he just accept the path he’s made?
➼ Sugar Sweet Tongue [☁️*]
(Lumberjack!Husband!Henry x short!Shy!Reader)
:Sweet little Y/n has caught the eye of the local lumberjack, and he gives her a lesson or two in tonguing and kisses
➼ Soldier Snuggles Butterfly [☁️*]
(pairing: Soldier!Henry Cavill x Shy!Wife!Reader)
: Henry comes home to his sweetheart, his butterfly, and she needs his touch to help her sensitive button get to sleep(Fluffy!Soft!Smut) (Emotional sex)
➼ More Kissies and Workouts [☁️*]
(Lumberjack!Husband!Henry x short!Shy!Reader)
: Sweet shy little Y/n joins her new older boyfriend for one of his workouts, but can she keep up?
➼ Sugar Plum Princess [☁️*]
(Lumberjack!Husband!Henry x short!Shy!Reader)
:Y/n feels a little under the weather after a snow day so Henry gives his sweet shy wife a taste of his special “medicine” (Major Dom Henry)
➼ One hot mama [☁️*] (Mechanic!Henry Cavill X Single!mom!Reader) :Henry becomes a daddy when a special woman enters his life, and his garage... and his home (DILF Henry) (Emotional!Henry)
➼ Baby Subway [☁️] (Husband!Henry Cavill x Shy!Pregnant!Wife!Reader) :Henry has to order for his shy pregnant wife when she wants a sandwich and he just has a cuteness explosion over her, and so do some fans (DILF Henry)
➼ Barefoot and Pregnant [☁️*]
(Lumberjack!Husband!Henry x short!Shy!Reader)
: Henry and his cockdrunk wife go through an emotional love-making experience, after being pressured by her friends to give her husband a 'hall pass' because of her growing body (DILF!Henry) (Dom!Henry)
➼ Pregnancy on the Brain [☁️*]
(Lumberjack!Husband!Henry x short!Shy!Reader)
: Now that Henry's successfully knocked up his precious darling wife, he has to keep an extra eye on her and their little miracle (Dom!Henry) (Emotional loving)
➼ Sugar Bun Cuddles [☁️*]
(Lumberjack!Husband!Henry x short!Shy!Reader)
: while on her period Henry has to put up with a little more attitude than normal, whilst also cuddling his precious sweet girl, and making sure she's taken care ot, and baby Marly (Sweet!Henry) (Brat!Reader)
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➼ Daddy’s Princess Fairy [☁️]
(Husband!Dad!Sy X Wife!Mom!Reader)
: Sy comes home to his newborn babygirl and wife after his last ever deployment, and he’s desperate to meet his tiny twin, and get into his wife’s panties (Dilf Sy)
➼ Sy, I am Backup [☁️]
(Captain!Sy x Girlfriend!Sniper!Reader)
: Reader is like a total badass super deadly sniper and she leads like a badass group of women who are also deadly soldiers. Anyways the ladies are called in to help rescue Sy and his team?
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artificialbreezy · 4 months
Omg dad Noah is the cutest but could you imagine him being so much more protective of his pregnant partner
i feel like Noah is just protective of the ones he loves period but when he sees the little plus sign on that stick it’s like something changes in him. he takes you EVERYWHERE. your midwife will be on the tour with you because god forbid anything happen to you. you guys find out when he’s on tour, your standing in a random hotel bathroom in New York and your pacing bc you’re so worried it’s gonna fuck up his career but Noah is anxiously waiting bc he wants his to be positive so bad. he hasn’t told you but he’s been thinking about this for months now. he hears the timer go off and looks at you and says “you wanna check it or do you want me too?” and you just kinda shrug and he checks it and his eyes immediately water and your stomach drops straight to your ass because you think he’s gonna leave and he looks at you with the happiest eyes and biggest smile, “baby, we’re gonna be parents!” and you’re like “wait. you’re not mad?” and he’s like “oh my god no. i’m so excited. we’re gonna have a little us running around before we know it.” and he’s immediately making plans for you to move in so he can watch you because he refuses to leave you alone. he’s gotta keep an eye on you. he makes sure you take your prenatal every morning, if you want any sort of take out he’s on his way to get it, when you show any sign of pain or discomfort he’s immediately asking “what’s wrong? do we need to go to the hospital? how can i help? baby why don’t you sit down?” and you’re like “noah i’m fine it’s okay, im growing a whole ass human inside my stomach. my guts have moved to make room for your baby-“ he’d interrupt you so fast, “our baby.” and you’d just smile and sit down like he said so he’d calm down. now he can’t keep his eyes on you 100% of the time. like when he’s on stage. but he’s also worried about the loudness of the venue being too much for your little ole body to handle now that your 7 months pregnant, so he makes you sit in the back with Davis. he’ll run back to the room during song breaks to check on you. he’s totally missed his cue a couple times because he got caught up feeling his baby kick. when he got back to the stage, he’d announce “sorry guys my girlfriend’s here and our baby was kicking like crazy and she never lets me feel her kick so i HAD too”. If noah has an interview he’s texting you the whole time and he’s making Jolly, Folio, and Nick keep their EYE on you. and he knows you wouldn’t tell him if something was up because he’s busy so he’s message the band group chat asking for the opinions on how you are and it’s always. she just has lunch or she’s sitting on the couch. it brings him ease knowing his family is keeping you safe when he can’t. bro and when you go into labor? he is your voice, your advocate. you guys talked so much about your birth plan (he wrote it all down so it would go according to plan) and when the hospital (if the hospital) is being picky he shuts it down FAST. “we are doing this the way she wants. no ands, ifs, or buts about it. the only reason we’re stepping outside of this plan is if it’s life or death”. he definitely would talk you through the pushing, he’d hold your hand, kiss your forehead. it broke his heart seeing you crying because of the pain but he knew you’d be okay. when he heard the cries of his little baby, the man wouldn’t be able to hold back his tears. he’d look at you, tears streaming down his face, “you did it mama.”
i got so carried away with this omfg
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alicenotalice · 1 month
I’ve been following Etho for ten years and Joe Hills for maybe ten months, so a proper Joe Hills guy might have a different read—but to me they have equal and opposite energies as characters/personas/performers. They are both Just Normal Guys who are also Baffling Cryptids; but Etho is a faceless, bodiless entity who can cause colleagues and fans alike to pop their monocles and clutch their pearls by revealing mundane details about his physical reality (He eats sandwiches! He grows stubble! He experiences local wildlife! Stop, no more, my heart can’t take it!)
But Joe Hills of Nashville Tennessee, meanwhile, has built his whole persona around being...I’d say “uncompromisingly present.” The fourth wall is his canvas, his own self is the paint. Tune into a stream of his and you’ll likely be met with his giant, transparent, real life face imposed over the screen as he regales chat about his time at a local pinball tournament or the troubles of renting in Nashville
They are both weird little guys who’ve been around forever and don’t give a damn what the current prevailing wisdom has to say about how to run a gaming channel. And they’ve started crossing paths more and more, ever since TCG and DO2 and HC Vault Hunters—and for my small part I’ve found it wildly compelling!
Because—ok. Etho’s default mode in one-on-one collabs is to let the other person pick the play, and then back it. Figure out what the bit is and go along with it. Harmonize and amplify—which is how we got slapfights with Gem in the Decked Out lobby as well as “the ship burns, everything burns.” Meanwhile Joe’s improv comfort zone, to my eye at least, appears to lie upstream of whatever’s “expected.” He delights in the odd and surprising, he’s gleefully contrary, he’s helpful and wholesome, he’s a pain in the ass. King of malicious compliance, Joe Hills
A lot of their in-person interactions prior to the current season felt a bit like their cryptid energies cancelled each other out, leaving two Very Normal Guys having friendly if light conversation and being generally accommodating (the best example I can think of is Joe’s HC VH episode where Etho joined him on a cursed vault run). I suspect it’s because Etho was trying to defer to Joe to set the tone and pick the bit, while Joe was waiting for Etho to pick a direction so he could provide friction by running counter to it—so the banter never actually had a chance to start. That said! Both of them separately are charismatic performers who are very good at what they do, so even without a chemical reaction between them they manage to put on a good show…but imagine. Imagine if they DID have that reaction…
And that’s why the stonefrog deal is so fascinating to me—Joe Hills and Etho have a Bit now. A dynamic. A place where banter could theoretically happen. And that dynamic has gone through several tone shifts since Joe decided to lightly menace Etho by making the delivered stone shulkers spell out “Ethowo”
And again! It’s not like this is a major plot line in either of their videos! It pops up often on stream, but only because Joe spends most of his time there putting mountains into shulkers, and gets a lot of questions as to why he doesn’t just use TNT. It’s not a big deal…and yet. And yet!
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writersmess · 1 year
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Pairing: Evan Buckley x fem!reader
Summary: After an exhausting shift, Buck decided to expose all the fears he had kept in his heart for so long.
Warning: a bit angst, some crying, fluff.
Word count: 0.9k
a/n: hey there my sweeties, here I am again. This came to me while i was listening to a song, and i couldn't stop thinking about our precious boy. english is not my first language, so im sorry if there’s any mistakes. hope you enjoy it.
No one could ever understand the mess that was inside that heart. How many times he was left behind, he couldn’t even count. His heart bled, it ached. He wanted to love, he was willing to love someone, to care for someone, to settle down and start a family. Buck was desperate for that. But suddenly he was left and they’re all gone, because no one saw him as the one, but as the one they could call when they needed some fun.
He was not seen as the one who was responsible, or the man of someone’s dreams. That man that someone would imagined a future with. And he accepted it. He accepted that nobody would look at him and imagine him as the father of their children, that nobody would look at him and think about the beautiful life they would have. He accepted his destiny. He accepted that he was broken.
And if brokenness is a work of art, surely this must be his masterpiece.
He stopped looking.
Until he found you.
But the fireman’s heart was already so wounded, so guarded. He couldn’t just let you in. But you easily found a way in. And you loved him. And imagined a future with him. And you imagined your children together. And suddenly you were everything he’d ever wanted, everything he’d ever dreamed of.
After leaving work early, you decided to go to Buck’s house to make some home-cooked food, so that when he came home from another turbulent shift, he could enjoy some fresh food and rest. By your side.
He definitely did not expect all this when he came home destroyed from an extremely heavy shift, a shift with some losses. He was so tired.
You understood this, you knew how hard it was sometimes, and you accepted it when even after thanking you so much, he spent the whole night quiet, trapped inside his own head, his own thoughts.
You were sitting side by side on the couch watching a movie. At least you were, buck was traveling in his thoughts, again.
“baby, is there something bothering you besides your work” you paused the movie when you realized he wasn’t paying attention, and sat down on your side, looking at him with that loving gaze that you had. You were so perfect.
You were surprised when you noticed some tears falling down Buck’s face but decided not to say anything when you realized that he was trying to say something and couldn’t, he was trying to find the right words.
“i wanna tell you but i don’t know how” your heart missed a beat at that moment. What could have happened? Did he want to break up with you?
“i wish I could tell you how much of a mess I am, how everything inside me always hurts and I can’t make it stop. How broken I am and how afraid I am. Because I wake up every morning waiting for you to realize how worthless I am and decide to leave.”
“baby i-“
“And every single moment that I share with you is unique. Because no one has ever been willing to live it with me. But I don’t know how, every second that I am with you, I keep waiting that they will become just memories, memories once again so painful. Memories of a life that I could have had, but I didn’t” you could see how painful this was to him, and you just stayed still, waiting for him to say everything that he wanted to “and I want to love you for a lifetime, I want to give you my heart completely, but I don't know how. I want to truly love you, but I don't know how. Because all the times that I did it, that I loved, a piece of me has been torn away and taken away along with them”
You had never seen Buck fall apart like this, and you could see how vulnerable he really was. And not this indestructible man he showed himself to be all the time. You knew how much he had hurt from past relationships, you just didn’t realize it hurt this much.
But you wouldn’t go anywhere.
You wanted to stay by his side for the rest of your life, because despite all the things he said, you had never felt so loved before, so cared for.
Buck was sobbing, and all you did at that moment was hold him in your arms. You put all your love and care into that hug. You were willing to face everything, all his monsters, all the pain, in order to mend that broken heart and make him happy, as he truly deserved to be. You waited until he calmed down and held his face tenderly, making him stare at you with red eyes.
“I’m not going anywhere, baby. I promise. I love you, and this love is not going to disappear overnight, no. Actually every morning when I wake up next to you I realize how lucky I am to have you by my side. I realize how much I want to live the rest of my life with you, to have your children, to have a family with you. I want to grow old with you, Buck.”
That was enough for Buck to crumble again. Finally he had found his home. And it was right there, holding him in a way he had never been held before.
And in that moment after so long, he allowed himself. He allowed himself to be loved and allowed himself to open his heart for you to come in and take care once and for all of that heart that was once so broken.
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usernameforaboredcat · 8 months
Head Over Heels (Law X TomBoyF!Reader)
(A little dabble I thought while taking a piss 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 like 3 minutes ago)
Warnings⚠: None
[Part 1/?]
Law meets Luffys older (by like a year) sister who honestly the type of girl he’d imagine being the big sister to the Straw Hat and BOY is she just fiiiiiiiine!
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3 brothers!
Imagine growing up with 3 idiot brothers with only one of them being less stupid. Fist fights, rolling around in mud and dirt, covered in blood from hunting, needing a bath every night to not get sick. Haha God I love those idiots!
Law doesn’t know why he’s here, walking down a random street on a random island with the idiot Straw Hat Luffy. As the two walk, Luffy lets out a loud yell as he sees a familiar older girl walking down the street. “HEEEEEEY! (YYYYY/NNN)!”. He calls way too loudly, drawing the attention of everyone including the girl. She turns in confusion, the gasps as she looks over with wide eyes and a bright smile.
Luffy jolts off over to the girl, the Captain of the Heart Pirates groaning as he slowly walks to catch up. He sees her wearing baggy long pants and a bikini, saddles and a small pack bag through the belt parts of her pants. Luffy jumps and hugs her, who hugs him back. “No way! It’s so good to see you again little dude!”. She greets him. “I’ve missed you so much!”. Luffy cries. (Y/n) pulls off the younger kid, putting him in a headlock as she ruffles his hair with his knuckles.
“You little fuck! I thought your ass was dead you little shit! Scared me half to death! I swore I saw the light!”. She snaps at him angrily, tightening her hold as he starts to choke. “I-I’m sorry! Please don’t kill me!”. Luffy breathes out, spazzing in her hold.
The Heart Pirate Captain finally catches up, looking at the two with a raised eyebrow. “The hell are you?”. (Y/n) asks the taller man, looking up at him. A thump goes through his whole body, strange. “Th-this is my friend!”. Luffy chokes out, now trying to pull her arm away. “No shit! Can’t believing you made a friend that isn’t some 30 year old guy!”. She says happily.
Law looks at his now turning blue friend, his cheeks reddening at the sign of his face so squished against her boob. “Hope this little turd hasn’t been too much of a pain in the ass”. She tells him, finally letting go of Luffy to let him fall to the ground. ‘Yes, he has been a giant pain in my fucking ass’. “No, not at all”. He responds. ‘Damn it!’.
She then hums, getting on her tippy toes and leans right up into his face. “Holy crap! You’re that Law guy! I heard about you! Your bounty is like crazy high at like 3,000,000,000 berries!”. She points out in shock. “Yeah! Isn’t he awesome!”. Luffy cheers, now back on his feet. “It is quite impressive, I must say”. She hums, holding her chin with her hand as she nods.
“Uh…th-thanks”. He mutters, gripping the brim of his hat to lower it to hide his slowly growing blush. ‘What’s with this woman? Why am I like this? Damn it!’. “So, whatchu up to these days?”. Luffy asks his older sister, the two turning to each other. “Oh ya know, just traveling around looking for anything to do! Probably doing the least to piss off the old man out of us kids”. She answers, leaning with her hand on her hip.
“How bout you? I’ve seen that your bounty has only been goin up so ya still trying to be King of the Pirates?”. She asks. “Yep! And it’s only gonna go up and I’m gonna be king!”. He responds happily. She chuckles at her little brother. “I believe it! Remember I’ve been your number one supporter since day one”. She reminds him, nudging his arms with her elbow.
She then turns back to the other captain, feeling an arrow go through his heart when her eyes meet his. “Mind if I hang with you guys for a while? Just for a bit, I wanna catch up with my baby brother”. She asks him oh so kindly. Law felt as if his heart stopped, chocking and spitting out his own spit. Luffy laughs at his reaction while his sister just stares.
She reaches into her bag and pulls out a handkerchief, holding it out to him. “Do you…need this?”. She asks nervously, never really seeing a guy act like this before in her life. “Uh…”. He takes the handkerchief from her, feeling the soft fabric on his fingers. “Thanks”. He thanks, raising it to clean his face. “Oh man! You should have seen your face!”. Luffy laughs at his older friend.
He holds the handkerchief back to her, her hand grazing his as she takes it back. Her finger tips are as soft as silk, her fingers smoothly sliding off his. Laws nose suddenly bursts, blood gushing out his nose like a hose. “Holy crap!”. The girl yelps, jumping back while Luffy bursts out laughing again. “Hahaha! Now you’re like Sanji!”. He laughs, holding his stomach from all his laughing.
(Y/n) looks at her brother with a concerned expression. “Is he uh…usually like this?”. She asks him. “Hehehe, nope!”. He simply answers. All Law can do it turn away from the two, his face a dark beet red. Never in his life has he been this embarrassed just because of some girl. (Y/n) leans over so she can whisper in Luffys ear. “Should I leave and we catch up a different time?”. She whisper asks him, causing the younger boy to turn and look at her.
“No no it’s fiiiine! Just give him a minute”. He reassures her. She hums as she leans away from her baby brother, then just to lean back over. “He said he acts like a friend of yours, what’s he like?”. She asks him. “Oh you mean Sanji? He usually acts like that around girls, he really likes girls”. Luffy answer. Oh…OH!!! Oh~. “Oh I see~”. She coos, leaning away from her little brother again.
“Huh? Get what?”. Luffy questions. (Y/n) then grabs Laws hand, gaining his attention and causing him to freeze in place. “So Law, are you here for long? Perhaps we can meet up and you can tell me some stories of dumb shit my baby brother has done?”. She asks him, sending him a little wink. His nose starts to bleed again, but he’s able to muster out a nod. “Cool! Now why don’t we go somewhere nice and chat!?”. She says happily, linking arms with her brother and dragging the two down the street.
Trafalgar Law, Died Age 26
Death By Blood Loss & Heart Attack Caused By Luffys Hot Older Sister
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marvelslut16 · 8 months
The Incident
Prompt number: 14 "If you don't stop now-"
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
Rating: T(een)
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: Swearing. Cannon typical gore- but not too detailed. Insecure reader. Mean Steve. Nightmares. Demodogs. Embarrassing parents.
A/N: This bad boy has been sitting in my drafts for over a year now, I'm so glad I found the motivation to finish it and post it for Fictober!
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You’re leaned up against the counter at family video as Steve complains for what feels like the thousandth time about how much he misses Nancy. You roll your eyes at Robin who’s standing behind the counter as Steve’s voice carries over the shelves of the empty store. The entire time you’ve known Steve he’s been obsessed with Nancy, and you can’t for the life of you figure out why. She’s not that special and she clearly doesn’t love him. 
“You’re such a masochist,” you sigh when he comes back to the counter to get more VHS’ to put away. 
“A what?” his voice is hard, he’s confused by the word but he knows the implication is insulting. 
“A masochist, it means you like pain and humiliation,” Steve is glaring at you, and not a playful one you're used to, this one is full of hatred. You know you should stop, especially with the look he’s giving you, but your mouth has a mind of its own and it just keeps talking. “I mean seriously, that's the only reason I can think of that you’re still acting like this. Nancy’s with Jonathan, she’s in love with him. Hence why she’s visiting him in California over break right now. She’s also told me that she doesn’t want kids and you’ve said more than once that you want your own little basketball team, you two will never work out. I don’t mean to be rude or mean in any way, I just don’t want you to keep hurting yourself over someone who isn’t into you.”
“I don’t know why you think I’d take relationship advice from someone who’s never been in one. You were a nobody before I met you, and let’s face it, you’re still a nobody now,” you can feel tears welling up at his words, but you refuse to cry in front of him, refuse to give him the satisfaction of your tears. It hurts so much because he’s voicing your inner fears, he must not be lying if he feels how you imagined he must be feeling. “The only reason you have friends is because you clung to us after the whole demodog incident, you didn’t give us a choice.”
“Steve!” Robin jumps in, seeing the hurt on your face and the tears in your eyes. She knows Steve is only lashing out because you’re right and he doesn’t want to admit it, but she can also tell that he’s about to lose your friendship. “If you don’t stop now-”
“It’s fine Robin,” you can’t muster a voice louder than a whisper. “Steve’s right, I have no room to talk. My break at the arcade is almost over, so I better get going.���
You spend the rest of your shift behind the counter as silent tears slip down your cheeks. Steve’s words replaying in your head over and over again, your heart fracturing more and more each time. You’re disappointed, but not surprised, when Steve doesn’t stop in to check on you and apologize when his shift is over. You know Robin would have stopped in to talk, had Steve not been driving her home after work. 
The next few days are a blur of tears and work. You don’t go over to family video once, and he doesn’t come to the arcade. Robin calls you every night to try and get you to open up about your feelings, but you never do. You wish she would just let it go and let you go back to not having friends, just like Steve said. And when the party, minus Mike- who’s still in California, come into the arcade and you hope they won’t notice you. 
“Hey (Y/N)!” Dustin spots you almost instantly, you sigh at the promise of his meddling. “Are we still on for movie night this weekend? Forcing Steve to watch the best trilogy known to man?”
“I can’t this weekend Dustin,” your heart hurts a little when the boy's excited grin turns into a frown. But you have to remind yourself that none of them actually care for you, they only include you in things because you’ve forced yourself on them. 
“Okay, when are you free next week?” he tries to reschedule, but you won’t fall for his caring act.
“I’m not, school starts back up next week and I won’t have time between that and work to have a movie night. You two have it without me, you’ll probably have more fun anyway.”
Dustin walks away confused and dejected, but there isn’t much else for you to say. It’s awkward the rest of your shift, the party spending all day there, where they throw glances your way the whole time. As if your day couldn’t get any worse, when your mom picks you up from work, she wants to go to Family Video and rent a movie for family night this weekend. 
“So you’re Steve and Robin?” your mom asks, setting Back To The Future on the counter. It took her twenty long minutes to decide on a movie that she’s already rented, twice. 
“Yes ma’am,” Robin answers, using her professional voice. You take small steps back, seeing the writing on the wall, you desperately want to get out of there before she can continue. 
“Well I’ll be,” your mom lets out a little laugh. “When my (Y/N) said she was friends with the Robin and Steve that work here, I never would have guessed she meant Steve Harrington, former star of the Hawkins basketball and Swim teams.”
“(Y/N/N) is great,” Steve says awkwardly, like he’s trying to force something nice about you out. “We’ve been friends for a few years now.”
“Mom, can we go now?” you practically beg, wanting nothing more than the ground to open up and swallow you whole. 
“C’mon sweetie, I’m just trying to meet your friends,” she turns back to the two behind the counter. “She just goes on and on about you two, all good things of course! I’m just so happy she’s made such good friends.”
“Okay mom,” you whine, taking another step back. “You’ve embarrassed me enough, let's just hurry up and rent the movie.”
Thankfully, Robin takes pity on you and quickly starts ringing your mother up, but not without trying to upsell her some candy because it will give her a commission. Your mom finally settles on buying some Sno Caps, and you can practically taste sweet freedom as she hands Robin some cash. But Steve ruins that when he opens his big fat- gorgeous- mouth. 
“(Y/N/N), we finally got Fright Night in, if you still want to rent it,” you wrinkle your nose, it was a movie you were supposed to watch with him and Robin, far far away from your parents. 
“That horror movie?” your mom asks in disgust, giving you an obvious look of disappointment. “She’s not allowed to watch horror movies, especially not with all of her nightmares!”
“Mom, please,” you mutter, trying to pull her away from the counter, away from Steve, and out of the damn store.
“Nightmares?” Steve asks, his face instantly softening. “You’ve never told me about your nightmares.”
“She wakes up screaming about some stupid dogs,” your mother tells him, and your eyes well up with tears of embarrassment. “It’s every single night.”
Steve’s words from earlier this week play in your head on repeat ‘you clung to us after the demodog incident, you didn’t give us a choice.’ It feels like all of the air is being sucked out of your lungs as your mom reveals your deepest darkest secret- one she’ll never understand. She’ll never understand what it was like that day, wandering through the woods when all of a sudden this dog-like creature with a cone head is standing in front of you and its face opening like a deadly flower. She’ll never know what it was like being knocked off her feet when that thing jumped on her and only being saved at the very last minute when the King of Hawkins himself whacked that thing off with a nailed bat. She’ll never know what it was like to be that close to death, that close to just being another Barb, disappearing without a trace.
Of course it haunts you, it was a near death experience, and you certainly can’t talk to a professional about it. No one would believe you, and they would probably lock you up in some mental institution if you ever muttered a word of it. You do your best to forget it day in and day out, but every time night rolls around you always remember every single detail; like how hot the demodogs breath was, or how many rows of teeth it had, how heavy it was on top of you.
“I’m gonna go now,” you hold back the tears as you race out the movie store’s front door. You can feel the burning gazes of both Steve and Robin on your retreating figure, but you can’t be by them. You can’t explain this to them. You’re going to have to move within the next day or two so you don’t have to face them ever again. 
The ride home from the movie store is dead silent, not even an apology from your mother for telling your friends about your nightmares. All you get from her are side eyes and glares, you can tell she’s silent seething because you were planning to disobey her and watch a horror movie. What she doesn’t understand is that horror movies help, the fake gore and the illogical plots somehow comfort you and make you feel better about what you’ve gone through. 
You go straight to your room, forgoing dinner to just sob into your pillow. Not only have you lost your friends, but now they know just how pathetic you truly are. All you have are nightmare after nightmare, waking up screaming and crying more times than you can count. This time Steve doesn’t come to rescue you, he just stares from the sidelines with that same glare he gave you the day of the fight, and no one else tries to step in and help you. You’re all alone. 
No matter how bad of a night you had, or how much you begged to stay home from work, your mother forced you to go. She drives you there and waits outside until you go in, you can see through the windows that she waited a whole five minutes before leaving so you can’t sneak out. The drive over she was going on and on about responsibility and being an adult, and how you can’t just bail on your duties because you had one bad night. You would’ve come to work today no problem, tired but with no complaints, if the Arcade wasn’t right next to Family Video. Right next to Steve. 
Most of your day goes smoothly, just rowdy preteens playing the twenty arcade games you have squished in there, nothing horrible happening. That is until around two in the afternoon when the door jingles and your eyes zero in on that unmistakable hair in the doorway. You contemplate running and hiding in the back room, but losing your job for leaving the floor unmanned is the last thing you want or need to add to the very large load of crap your life is becoming. 
Even if you had decided to hide in the back room, Steve is in front of you at the counter quicker than you could have hid. You refuse to look him in the eye, instead looking at the shiny nametag glinting in the few overhead lights. He stares at you for what feels like forever before finally sighing and then talking.
“Why didn’t you tell me you have nightmares?” he cuts right to the chase,, his voice is monotonous and you can’t tell if he’s trying to sympathize with you or come off condescending. 
“We all have our secrets,” you sneer, not understanding why he’s being nice to you all of a sudden. “It’s not like you care, so just drop it.”
“You don’t mean that-” you cut him off with a glare, finally looking into his puppy dog eyes. The ones you used to melt in every time he looked at you.
“Like hell I don’t!” you whisper harshly, not trying to draw attention from the kids in the Arcade. “You don’t care. Steve. So for both of our sakes, please stop pretending like you do. What I said the other day was harsh, but I meant it from a place of love and caring. What you said the other day was a low blow and said to hurt me. Let’s just go back to how things used to be, neither of us acknowledging that the other exists.”
You turn to go hide in the back room, job security be damned, you just need to get away from Steve. He can’t see you cry over him, you refuse to let him. But his hand catches your wrist, spinning you around to face him again.
“I do care about you (Y/N), and I didn’t mean what I said,” he grips your hand harder, pulling you closer to the class case that divides you. “I was embarrassed because you were right, you always are, and I wasn’t ready to hear it. If I could go back and keep myself from saying those things, I would do it in a heartbeat!”
“Your life will be just fine without me, and soon enough you’ll just forget about me, I’ll just be that girl you see around town, the one you used to know.”
“No it won’t, don’t say that!” Steve cups your face, making sure you make eye contact with him before continuing. “Life without you would suck, it would be so boring. What would I do without that adorable little giggle you make when I tell a horrible joke? Or the way you ramble excitedly about the things you love? Or the cute way you scrunch your nose when you're confused or embarrassed? What would I do without your goodnight calls and our coordinated lunch breaks? How would I survive without you lighting up every single room you walk in? Without you lighting up my life? You’re everything to me (Y/N), and I’m sorry it took me losing you to realize it. And if you give me the chance, I will spend the rest of my life apologizing to you for what I said and doing my best to scare away those nightmares.”
“Do you really mean that?” you sniffle, a single tear falling from your eye. 
“I do, I mean it,” Steve says with so much conviction as he wipes the tear from your cheek. “I love you. Not Nancy, you. It’ll always be you.”
“I love you too, I always have,” your wet laugh is cut off by a searing kiss.  
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courtforshort15 · 1 year
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Where the Love Light Gleams
Pairing: Matt Murdock x AFAB Reader
Word Count: 3,400
Summary: It’s Christmas Day, and reader has some news to share
Trigger warnings: Pregnant reader/announcement. Super fluffy and sweet.
Inspired by the way my mom told my dad about expecting my brother.
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When your eyes slowly flutter open, you're not quite sure what time it is. 
It's hard to tell, the gray skies of New York City making it difficult to know how late you've slept, the light coming in through the window muted. Silk sheets are warm and soft upon your skin, no doubt having a large hand in the way you had slept so soundly, and they slide soothingly over your body as you roll on to your side. Snow had started falling late last night, or so Matt had told you when he slid into bed behind you, skin cold as ice against your back as he pressed into you, attempting to take as much warmth from you as he could.
You'd shrieked and attempted to wiggle away, but he'd pulled you back to him, wrapping himself more closely around you and laughing in your ear, left arm sliding itself under your head to act as a pillow, right arm lung across your abdomen with its hand resting itself over your heart. You’d fallen back asleep not too long after, safe and secure in the knowledge that he was beside you, relatively pain free and whole.
Matt’s a giver, never failing to offer everything he has to just about anyone who needs his help, never failing to give up his blood and flesh and strength when there’s no one else to stand between a victim and a hunter. He isn’t always used to taking, isn’t used to asking, but there’s nothing he could take from you or ask of you that isn’t already his, the warmth of your skin included.
Stretching, your eyes eventually land on Matt as he makes his way into the bedroom, sweatpants low on his hips and white t-shirt stretched across muscles he’s spent years developing and maintaining, a soft grin playing on his lips. There’s a cup of coffee in his hands, and you can’t help but stare at it longingly, the scent of it already sliding through you.
It’s not long before he’s sitting on the side of the bed next to you, his eyes bright and unseeing as they flit across the room that had once upon a time just been his. It’s hard to imagine what sleeping anywhere else might feel like, needing his love pressed into you at all times like a brand, especially in the moments when you are most vulnerable. His hand reaches out to run the back of his fingers down your cheek, and there’s not a single inch of your body that doesn’t react to the gentle way in which he touches you.
The same Devil that snaps at the heels of the villains of the night is the same man who does nothing but remind you of his love for you with soft smiles and soothing fingers.
"Merry Christmas, sweetheart," he whispers, leaning down to press a sweet, tender kiss against your mouth, one that you can’t help but lean into, raising your head slightly to meet him. You feel him smile slightly against your lips, and you relish the way he feels against you, refusing to take for granted every second that he’s warm and safe and yours. 
Matt eventually pulls away, lips hovering over yours for just a few seconds more, before straightening back up. His dark hair is damp, and it hangs slightly over his forehead, lacking the amount of effort he puts into styling it every morning before heading to work. You’re the only one who gets to see him like this, unpolished and relaxed in a way he never is for the outside world, and to you, he never looks more beautiful than he does in these moments.
“Did you sleep okay?” He asks, hand reaching out to brush a lock of hair behind your ear. 
“I always sleep okay with you next to me.” Your voice is rough and dry from sleep, but no less warm and affectionate. “Did you? Did you sleep alright?”
“I always sleep okay with you next to me,” he echoes, smile widening when you nudge his knee in response. Yawning, you finally sit up, sliding yourself closer to Matt, leaning your forehead briefly against his before pulling back and brushing your lips on his cheek. Taking the cup of coffee that he’s brought in for you, you pull back slightly and take a long sip, the warmth of it sliding down your throat and heating you from the inside out. 
He sighs when you kiss cheek again in thanks, and the sound is content and so damn happy that you take a quick moment to savor the way his body reacts to being at peace. He glows, skin and eyes and smile absolutely radiant, even as he simply sits on the bed, body tilted towards yours. Behind him, lights flicker on the Christmas tree that sits in front of the window directly left of the couch, and your smile widens when you realize he’d turned them on, the gentle hum of electricity in his ears a reminder that he had someone to call his own and spend Christmas with, something that had been ripped away from him long ago.
You’d known when you first started dating him that holidays were a bit of a…sore subject.
He hadn’t grown up like you did, or at least he hadn’t after his father died. Several years of your life had included being with family on Thanksgiving, visiting grandparents on Christmas Eve, baking cookies for Santa and slashing open presents eagerly at 7am on Christmas Day. Several years of loved ones and cheesy Christmas music and decorating trees.
But every day that you'd spent celebrating with your family were the same days Matt had spent alone, curled up on a twin sized mattress, cursed ears hearing every single celebration and moment of joy in the homes that surrounded the orphanage. Matt needed his ears to navigate himself around a world that had all but dismissed him, but he’d told you he had never hated them more than the nights he heard loved ones gather, words of love and happiness shared freely, while he remained alone with no one to gather around him. 
And so, you’d spent the last four years doing your best to heal a wound that never should have been there.
Matt makes breakfast while you shower, and you can hear him singing along quietly to the music he plays in the background, mixtures of soft classics and upbeat pop songs filling your home. It’s so domestic, the sound of bacon sizzling and Matt puttering around in the kitchen, and sometimes you can’t fathom how you’d found yourself here, found yourself a man who wanted nothing more than to share these quiet moments with you.
His phone rings while you’re getting dressed, and you don’t even need the phone to announce who's calling to know who is on the other side of the line. Matt temporarily stops what he’s doing to answer and puts the call on speaker, no doubt aware you’re listening in. 
“Merry Christmas, you filthy animals!” Foggy’s voice rings through the apartment, loud and boisterous, joy spilling from the phone. Voices that are just as loud are heard in the background, Foggy’s large family thrown together in the room above their deli. No doubt his young cousins are stealing candy and comparing presents amongst each other, the adults drinking eggnog and making brunch together. Christmas with his family is an all-day event, something that Marci never fails to roll her eyes at in good humor, not-so secretly enjoying every moment.
Matt’s joined them on more than one occasion, had done so especially as a kid still in college, desperate to spend a holiday with a normal, loving family. He’d all but been adopted into the Nelson clan, his invitation to join any family event open and lovingly repeated tirelessly.
You’ll never be able to fully articulate how grateful you are to Foggy for offering his home to Matt when he’d needed it most, long before you’d met and made it your one goal in life to give him a safe space where he could take what he needed, knowing he’d never have to ask and that you’d never say anything but yes.
“Merry Christmas, Foggy,” you yell, hoping the phone will pick up your voice from where you stand in the bedroom, pulling a shirt over your head. Throwing the towel you’d used to dry your hair in the hamper, you make your way into the kitchen, pressing another kiss to Matt’s cheek before grabbing plates and silverware to set the table. “How’s the family?”
“They’re everywhere,” he answers with a fond bout of laughter. “I’m not sure how it gets bigger every year, but somehow there’s always new people joining us.”
“I can relate to that,” you respond easily with a brief snort, smile sliding across your face at the thought. “Between my three sisters, there are five children under the age of six. Dinner last night with the family was…”
“Loud,” Matt supplies. “Fun, but loud.”
“Oof,” Foggy says, and you imagine a playful wince crossing over his face, a fake shudder wracking his body. Foggy’s always been extremely expressive, every emotion playing clearly across his face and body, everything from humor to rage, and you can practically see his reaction in your mind. “One toddler is enough for me right now.”
As if on queue, Avery lets out a wail somewhere off to the side, and Foggy momentarily pauses to ask if the two year old is alright. Marci must answer because Foggy’s attention is gone for another few seconds before he comes back to the call. 
“Not looking to add another one to the mix? Add to the chaos that is the Nelson clan?” Matt adds to the conversation, turning the stove off and plating the bacon and eggs onto a serving dish with a spatula. You grab the plate from him and take it to the table, the pair of you a well-oiled machine, dipping while the other dodges. 
“Not right now. But who knows? Avery wasn’t exactly planned.”
“Who knows,” you echo him as you take a seat, face still tilted towards the phone so that your voice carries well enough for him to hear. “Maybe Avery will have a friend next year.” Matt must hear something in your voice because his face tilts towards you curiously, but he doesn’t say anything and apparently quickly waves it off. 
“Never say never,” Foggy says cheerfully. Someone calls his name and he responds easily, but it’s clear that he needs to hang up when he focuses back on the phone. “Anyway, got to go. We’ll see you later for Christmas dinner, right?”
Matt picks up the phone and brings it to the table, laying it next to his plate as the conversation winds down. “Absolutely.”
“Great, see you both later. Enjoy your day.” Foggy hangs up a split second later, and the apartment immediately settles back into the peaceful morning that had existed before his call.
Dishes are set in the sink when breakfast is done, Matt’s lips finding yours as you stand up and reach for his empty plate. His hands cup your face, blank eyes bright and hazel in the light from the window, and you're helpless to resist the gentle pull as you lean slightly down to where he’s sitting.
He releases you with a quiet I love you, and pushes his chair back to stand up and help you clear the table. It’s soft and sweet, the way he always handles you with such great care, and you’re both fully aware of the hold he has over you.
Not three minutes go by before you’re sitting in front of the tree, settled on the ground, legs crossed, Matt’s favorite blanket wrapped around your shoulders. He sits next to you, body angled towards yours, still amused after all these years that you’d rather sit this way instead of on the couch, but he humors you.
There are a few gifts under the tree that are placed lovingly on the rug that wraps around the bottom, each gift carefully selected and crafted with the other in mind. There’s always a certain anxiousness that sits with a person when thinking about something to get them as a gift, the nervous anticipation of whether or not they will like what you have gotten for them. You like to think you know him well enough to get him things you know he’ll find meaningful, but this year, the nerves exist at a level you haven’t been able to get rid of.
There’s no doubt in your mind that Matt can sense the worry that you’ve been trying so hard to contain, your lip sore from where you’ve bitten it repeatedly, but he’s always been pretty good about trusting you to let him inside your head when ready, rather than pushing for answers. Instead, he simply pulls your bottom lip gently from your teeth and runs a thumb over where you’ve irritated the skin, before pressing his mouth softly to yours.
This year, the cause of anxiety lies in an unsuspecting box, just inches from his foot, housing an ornament no larger than the size of a baseball.
It's been a tradition you'd developed, exchanging ornaments for Christmas every year, slowly building up the collection of decorations for the tree you pick out at the small lot near 54th and 11th every year. Last year he'd gotten you an ornament complete with an image of the two of you exchanging your vows, your wedding date written below in both text and braille, the date in question just a few short months before. You'd wasted no time laying him down on the rug, pulling him on top of you, and celebrating your first Christmas as a married couple under a blinking display of brightly colored lights that painted his skin beautifully. 
But this year…this year is different. It’s not just an ornament, not just something that will be hung on the tree and every tree for years to come, some funny or gentle reminder of the Christmas you’d shared in 2022. It's so, so much more.
Fingers trembling, unable to physically hide the sense of nervousness, you reach under the tree, picking up the box encased in satin, and hand it to him. He grabs your hand in his, sliding the gift into his other palm, and raises it to his lips. 
"Are you okay?" He asks, head tilting, no doubt having picked up on the steady increase in your heart rate. Your face flushes shyly, a color you thought had long faded away when it came to him, every single barrier of yours thrown open wide enough for him to step through with a love so ardent and effortless that it felt like he’d always been there.
"I'm fine," you tell him with a small smile. "I just want you to like it."
Matt leans over to give you a soft kiss to your warm cheek, the slight blush something he can’t see but can certainly feel as the red heats your skin. You know without him saying anything that he’s trying to convey that he’ll love whatever you’ve given him, regardless of what’s actually inside.
He pulls the box from your hands, tenderly running his fingers over the tag that has his name written in braille, before he slowly slides the satin off. The box opens easily for him, parting at the seams with little effort, the item inside waiting so patiently to be held. The color of it is that of deep wine, the shade a perfect match to the lenses he so often wears in public and the suit he had once upon worn before shifting back to black, and it’s a shade you’ve long come to associate with the man in front of you.
The glass looks so incredibly delicate in his battle-weary hands when he picks it up. Running his fingers over the first line of the ornament, a smile quirks on his lips, and it causes your pulse to skip a beat because the grin is not necessarily one of joy, but rather amusement.
"What is it?" You ask, voice mildly hurried in anticipation, and he turns his face towards yours, fingers finding your hand and bringing it to his mouth for a kiss in an attempt to soothe the worry that’s caused a wrinkle between your eyes.  
Matt shakes his head with a quiet laugh. "I think…they got the year wrong, sweetheart. It says 2023 instead of 2022."
Your shoulders are no less tense and square even as you let out a sigh of relief, a small grin resting on your lips. "Keep reading Matt. Just…keep reading."
Mouth twisted in amusement, Matt does just that, and your heart hammers in your chest when he suddenly freezes. It's only a second or two before he runs his fingers back over the ornament, once, twice, three times, as if trying to determine if he read it right.
But he did read it right, you know he did, because why else would he have frozen the way he did? And you know exactly what’s written, having paid a ridiculous amount of money to rush the  personalized ornament through on such short notice. 
In delicate, swirly writing, the kind of calligraphy you could never hope to achieve, it says
Baby's First Christmas 
His head slowly turns back towards you, red mouth parted in surprise, and you can’t help but fidget in your seat, goosebumps pricking through your skin at the look on his face. Over the years, you’ve gotten quite good at reading him, the one person who can usually determine what’s going through his mind. But now, as your eyes search his face, you’re unable to figure out what he’s thinking, too busy wringing your hands in your lap and trying to stop the way your lips are trembling in nervousness.
Just a few months ago, the birth control pills had been thrown in the trash, the small tablets of hormones forgotten and happily discarded. But even though you’d been planning for it, even though every time he’d made love to you and finished inside you you’d hoped it might lead you here, it didn’t ease the anxiety in the moment of telling him.
You nod immediately, eyes continuing to take in every square inch of his face, dark hair still falling across his forehead and a faded bruise on his cheekbone. The light that trickles in through the window highlights the green in his eyes, a color you’ve never failed to get lost in, and you can’t help but hope for your child to have a pair that matches.  
A shaky breath escapes your mouth. "Yes."
He gulps, fingers tracing the ornament again, his face still directed towards you, no need to turn away while his fingers can do the reading for him. "You're sure?"
"I…I, yes. I think I’m only a few weeks along, and I still need to meet with the doctor to confirm, but everything I've taken so far is pos–"
Matt's mouth is on yours before you can finish speaking, ornament lovingly placed back inside the box before his fingers wrap around your shoulders and pull you towards him. He kisses you like he'll never get enough of the way your lips press against his, like he'll never get enough of how complete he feels with you in his life. 
Without warning, he rises to his knees, wraps his arms around your back and legs, and stands up smoothly, and it’s only a split second before your legs are wrapping around his waist in an action that’s been familiar for years. You laugh into his mouth, and he echoes the sound, steps smooth and hurried as he walks with you into the bedroom, mouth hungry even as he whispers how much he loves you into your skin. 
The news really had no chance to remain a secret, really. No chance at being kept hidden for long, not with Matt’s friends and his lack of a decent poker face.
Foggy, as astute as he is, hones in immediately on the fact that you refuse every glass of wine he places into your hand, and it’s not long before he declares himself as Godfather for all to hear.
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earthry · 9 months
Hello love I know your requests are closed, but i have to get it out of my system and tell to you about it (please just ignore me) I can't stop thinking about the idea of papas breaking up with reader to protect them and even telling them 'I never loved you' because this way it will be a faster way for reader to move on and stop asking question to their papa, BUT i think the even more angstiest plot twist would be if it was the exactly same day when reader was ready to tell her papa she's pregnant. A few months/weeks after this whole breaking out thing he could by accident find out about 'the news' (im sorry for taking your time, but this thing is on my mind literally on a loop for days and i think you're angst enjoyer just like me ALSO i hope you have an amazing weekend)
Aksjshsh ANON it’s funny cause I literally had something almost exactly like that in my discarded drafts snsbsbsb I don’t really plan on finishing it or writing a full HC for it, but here's a little treat just for you. You can imagine any Papa here <3
tw: pregnancy, slut-shaming, self deprecation, hurt/comfort, angst, breaking up, happy ending! please keep in mind this is mostly unedited and just randomly written out spur of the moment.
After the breakup, everything he does reminds him of you. 
It was a mistake— thinking that breaking up with you would set you on the right path, a better one. You had a whole life ahead of you, he didn’t want you wasting it by waiting for him every time he left for tour or had to cancel plans to attend to his papal duties.
He can see the toll it takes on you, the crestfallen expression you think you hide so well when he has to leave a date night early or when he has to call a rain check. The anxiety vibrating off you when you text him after a new concert video is released of him flirting with the audience, asking if it's okay to get reassurance that it’s just an act.
He needed to let you go.
It broke his heart to, but he in his eyes it was setting you free for your own good. You would never let him go if you knew his reasoning— he knew this so he had to make it seem like he didn’t want you anymore.
You didn’t believe him at first, begging him to open up to you and to stop joking around. You were convinced something or someone must have said something; the Papa you knew loved you, he wouldn’t suddenly fall out of love so quickly or be so cruel. 
So he aims for the heart. He tells you it wasn’t really real, that it was all a game to him to play house for a while because he was curious. Now that his curiosity has been sated and he is bored, he sees no reason to keep you around.
It hurts him to say so, and he will never forgive himself for it, but he tells you that he never loved you in the first place, that you were just another body. That you were so easy to bed, it only took a few sweet words and you had already fallen so hard. He calls you laughable. Pathetic. A whore. He laughs as tears begin to gather, taunting you when you run out crying.
You avoid him after that— and he has his Ghouls deliver anything that you’d left in his room to your old room. 
You toss the positive pregnancy test that you were waiting for the perfect moment to show him— it seems like there would be no perfect moment, there would be no moment at all.
He may not have loved you, but you did. Despite the pain, you can’t imagine a universe that you wouldn’t keep his baby. 
You just don’t know how he’ll react. Once upon a time you had thought he would never ask you to get rid of the baby, that he would ask you what you wanted first and respect that decision. But you had also thought he loved you just as much and you were so very wrong.
You try hiding it as long as you can but eventually your belly gets too round to conceal. 
You can see the realization cross his face in real time and when he tries approaching, you can’t help but look at him with hurt, fearful eyes. All it takes is for you to rest a protective hand on your stomach to tell him what he wanted to know. 
“I’m sorry,” you blurt out, “I’m sorry, please don’t make me—“ you swallow back a soft sob, unable to even finish the sentence.
Of all the things he’s ever done, leading a satanic church, promoting sin and pleasure and corruption, this will forever be what he feels guiltiest for.
He doesn’t even think before reaching for you, trying to pull you into his arms to comfort. Can't think of anything else except that right now he needs to soothe you, needs to fix this.
Before, you would have melted into his embrace straight away. Now, however, you struggle and push him back.
He lets you, not wanting to force anything, not wanting to distress you. It’s bad for you— and the baby.
"Tesoro," He tries, gentling his tone as much as he can, holding his hands out with his palms up in an attempt to show that he means no harm, "Shh, shh— I won't make you, I'm not mad. I promise."
You don't believe him and he can tell from the way you are holding yourself— like a house of cards one blow from caving in. You don't know if you can do this again.
He had made promises before, too. Promises you had foolishly believed with naivety. How could you be so stupid, so gullible? To believe that out of all the people in the ministry, in the world, he would choose you? That Papa Emeritus himself could love you.
You should have seen it from the start but you had been too in love with him, too busy making sure you could be enough for him, only to realize that you never would be. There's a sinking realization that you were never enough in the first place.
You never meant anything, after all. He said it himself.
You wonder how it must have felt for him, to have to deal with your inadequacy and even your desire to learn how to make things feel good for him because you had little experience. He must have found it laughable, he certainly told you so.
You were laughable. Pathetic. Whore.
To want to be good at the one only thing you were good for... you wonder how he was able to stand you that long.
You put distance between you and him, arms wrapped protectively around your waist. He looks pained and you're having trouble figuring out what.
Was it because it would ruin his reputation? To have knocked up someone like you?
"I won't say anything," you rush out, "No one will know it's yours, please. Please let me keep it. Please."
"Amore mio—"
"I'm not your 'amore'. I never was, never will be. It's okay I understand that now. Please let me k-keep it."
"I..." He wants to say more, he wants to comfort you and hold you. But he doesn't really have a right to anymore and he can tell how upset you are, he doesn't want to aggravate you any further. "Yes, yes you can keep it. I won't interfere, you have my word."
You still look doubtful and he adds, "I swear to Lucifer himself."
There's a little more reassurance in that. You know him enough to know he wouldn't say those words lightly, even if he had lied to you and toyed with you the way he did. There's a relief that passes over you and you thank him as quickly as you can before dashing off. You hear him shout your name but you don't stop and he doesn't follow.
Eventually there's a moment where you ask why he's being nice, why he's doing this and he tells you he loves you and you call him a liar. He then admits his mistake and apologizes. He says he'll never do it again and will wait until the end of time for your forgiveness if necessary. Or if you never give it, he will wait forever even after the end of time. He is at your mercy.
You eventually warm up to him with hesitation, but you're cautious and always bracing yourself for the catch, for the bad things to happen again.
Papa continues doing his best to support you and be there for you and when he shows his dedication by being there for the birth of his baby and being there for you the entire time, you finally let him back in and offer him the first olive branch by asking him if he would like to hold his child for the first time.
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Instant Attraction - Tommy Miller x reader
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Summary: Upon meeting Tommy with Joel and Ellie you find the pair of you have immediate attraction for each other
Words: 1.7k
Warnings: none 
Notes: Part one of the Instant Attraction series
“What!” Ellie snaps at the girl who’s been watching us from afar, she’s been hiding behind one of the support beams with her. Tommy, Maria and Joel all turn to where the girl is now running off, Ellie having scared her. 
“What’s wrong with you?” Joel elbows Ellie lightly, his southern heart probably so embarrassed my Ellie’s wild behaviour and I try to stifle a laugh at the embarrassment in his voice as this is a very different side of Joel. 
“What about her manners?” Ellie looks at Joel then me. 
“She’s just curious,” Maria speaks up, “Kids around here don’t usually look or talk like you.” 
“Right,” Ellie’s voice dripping with sarcasm as she rolls her eyes, “Well, maybe I’ll teach them. I want my gun back.”
“Eleanor!” I use her full name, tone as stern as I can make it at the surprise on Maria’s face while Joel looks mortified and there’s an amused smile playing on Tommy’s lips. I can’t help but feel relaxed despite how tense it feels between Joel and Tommy. Ellie grimaces at the use of her full name and just goes back to stuffing her face, this being the first real meal she’s ever had. 
It’s fucking amazing compared to the beef jerky that Joel keeps on him at all times. It’s like a full Sunday roast, gravy and chicken and all and my mouth was salivating so much at the sight of it being placed in front of me. Ellie and Joel dug into it like they hadn’t eaten in months which is somewhat true and I wanted to do the same but every time Tommy’s intense gaze landed on me I felt myself flush because he’s good looking. 
Ellie picks up on it as she’s wiggling her eyes suggestively which has me kicking her under the table and she lets out a slew of swear words in pain that has Joel fixing me with a stern look like the one I gave Ellie a few minutes ago. I mumble out a sorry before going back to demolishing my meal, a snort coming from Ellie. 
“Thank you ma’am,” I mumble under my breath, mocking Joel’s tone and it has Ellie snorting and Joel’s head turning our way again with a defeated sigh. 
“My apologies about them ma’am,” Joel says to Maria, defeat in his tone, “You know how kids are.” 
“I am 20 thank you.” I speak up and Joel doesn’t even bat an eyelid, keeping his head turned away from me as his whole body gives Maria a see kinda look. 
“I like her, she’s fiery.” Tommy drawls, amusement still playing with the corner of his lips as his eyes flick from Joel to me. I think my heart stops when his dark eyes shift from my own to my lips and then away because I definitely imagine that, proven by the elbow in my side from Ellie. 
“Pain in my ass, is what she is.” Ellie put on her own Joel voice and the man just drops his head when Tommy and Maria actually laugh. The tension in Tommy’s shoulders seems to fade as he throws his head back in an unstrained laugh and I think this is when I really fall for the man. Something tells me not to get my hopes up despite his eyes following my lips every so ofter because of the way Maria seems to stick by his side like glue. 
“Should have left you at Bill’s.” Joel grumbles, grabbing all three of our plates and getting up to follow Maria to do his part in cleaning up. It leaves me and Ellie at the table with Tommy but of course Ellie doesn’t even try and be a wingwoman. Instead she’s jumping up, kicking her chair back and heads in the direction Joel and Maria disappeared off too with a call of “I’m not sitting in that bubble of sexual tension.” 
“Ellie!” I call after her, my face burning at the way Tommy raises an eyebrow at me while I just keep my eyes on Ellie’s retreating figure until she disappears and then my hands seems the most interesting thing around. 
“Sexual tension, huh?” There’s movement and then the chair Ellie was previously  sitting on is moving until a calloused hands reach for mine, stopping me from picking at the skin around my nails, “Hey darlin’, don’t do that, you’ll make yourself bleed.” 
I keep my head down, knowing my face is the colour of a tomato, and I drop one of his hands so I can turn the other hand over so I can lightly trace the lines on his palm. I usually do this with Joel when I’m feeling anxious but this feels different because Tommy’s scooting his chair closer so his hand settles in my lap while I continue to trail my fingers over the lines and the other arm is thrown over the back of my chair so he can lean in closer. 
“You got any family?” Tommy asks, voice quiet as if not to scare me.
“Joel and Ellie are the closest left. I had a younger brother who I lost before Joel and Ellie found me.” I tell him, finally daring to glance up and my breath hitches at how close his face is to mine, our noses almost able to bump and it has my cheeks flaring up again. 
I can’t look away despite how much I would like to. I’m usually loud and boisterous, Joel is always telling me that, but when it comes to guy I like I find myself getting flustered and forgetting how to breathe let alone formulate sentences. It’s what’s happening right now, my eyes are stuck searching Tommy’s face and taking him in. He and Joel look enough alike to be brothers: it’s mainly in the nose and mannerisms. Unlike Joel his skin is sun kissed and his freckles are visible from a distance and he’s sporting a moustache that makes me wonder what it would feel like in a kiss. I find myself acting on autopilot, one of my hands is running through the ends of his naturally slicked back hair as I find myself enthralled with the way it curls, curling strands around my fingers. His eyes are such a deep brown they’re almost black, reminding me of the night sky reflecting on water in the quietest hours of the night. His eyes hold so much passion and optimism I envy his way of seeing the world. 
A clearing of the throat has me snapping my head away from Tommy to find Joel standing there with Ellie and Maria, all three of them watching us. Ellie and Maria have proud looks on their faces while Joel just looks like a father who’s caught his kid sneaking out. It makes me shrink into my seat but Tommy doesn’t even flinch, if anything he acts bolder by moving his arm from behind me to fall onto my shoulders, thumb rubbing soothingly. 
“I want to stay here.” Ellie speaks up and I meet Joel’s eyes, seeing the same shock and hope reflected in them. We had talked about what happens after we hand Ellie over the fireflies and find Tommy but this… we never had a plan for this, “Fireflies were never my family, I’ve never had a family until now.” She turns to Joel because she knows she’s already got me sold. I have always seen Ellie as a daughter figure despite her being only six years older than her. 
“Joel?” I ask quietly as he just stares at Ellie, chest heaving as if he’s having a panic attack. Before I can move Ellie’s wrapped her arms around him and I see the glazed look in his eyes: he’s fighting guilt and want but it seems the want wins because he’s giving in and hugging Ellie back. It makes me relax and I realise I’ve been gripping Tommy’s thigh with nails digging in so I quickly withdraw my hand with an apology but he just squeezes my shoulder, looking at Maria. 
“There’s that house by the strawberry plot they can have. It’s two bedroom though and…” She’s trailing off, eyes flicking between me, Joel, Ellie and then Tommy. 
“I’ve got a spare room in mine,” Tommy answers her unasked question before Joel can open his mouth to say anything. He just gives Tommy a pointed look that Tommy seems to understand by the small nod Tommy sends back. Maria then tells Ellie and Joel to grab their packs and she’ll show the way to the house while Tommy finally takes his hand from mine and also stands. 
I copy and suddenly arms are wrapping around me and Ellie’s mumbling against my shirt, “You better not fucking disappear on us.” I laugh softy, pressing a kiss to there hair and hug her back until Maria’s calling for her. 
I’m being guided back against the door when it closes behind me, Tommy caging me in with arms either side of my head. He doesn’t make any moves other than that, just watching my expression for any signs of discomfort or fear but despite having only knowing this man for less that eight hours I feel completely safe. I feel like I know everything about him from all the stories Joel told me. 
“This is crazy,” He murmurs, testing the waters and closing the gap a little more, “We’ve only just met.” 
“Crazy,” I breathe, a small smile on my lips because yeah, he feels it too. He definitely feels it too when wind-chapped lip land on mine and steal all the air in my lungs. I’m grabbing the collar of his blue fleece jacket and pulling his body flush against mine as I melt into the kiss, body already wanting more. I feel alive for the first time in ages and want whatever Tommy is offering me despite the speed of all this. 
It seems he wants the same with the way his hand tangles in my hair and pulls, drawing a gasp from me before he pulls his body away from me enough to take me in before he’s groaning, “Can’t, I promised Joel I’d behave.” 
“I want this.” 
“So do I,” He whispers, “but I promised Joel we’d be sensible. Let me show you the town and it’s people first, take you on a date first and let you settle in.” 
“That doesn’t mean I’m going to stop kissing you.” 
“Thank fuck.”
Part One // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four // Part Five
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
ok ok I just randomly had another thought. Reader and Steve have always known they'd have kids eventually, but Steve's been trying to convince her to start trying for ages and she keeps being like yeah soon soon just not yet. so Steve's casually mentioning it the morning of his X birthday as he and reader snuggle in bed, and she's giving him the same old story later later--they've developed this whole routine so it's not a big deal when it happens. he has such baby fever it just comes up at any opportunity these days.
so they have his birthday party with the whole gang. and I don't know how you're going to do this but maybe Robin brings her niece?? and we get to see Steve interact with this little baby and his baby fever is just getting worse. and obviously he's adorable and so good with this baby and doesn't want to give her back.
and after everyone finally leaves the party you have two presents for him. first, some very sexy lingerie (you've never worn anything like this before and Steve is going to have to work very hard not to tear it to shreds when he rips it off of you) and so you're getting busy and you're about to really get into it but you have a second gift for him... you're finally ready to start trying for a baby so you give him something that signifies that. I like the idea of giving him your IUD in a velvet jewelry type box but maybe that's anachronistic? I have no idea I just want him to look up into your eyes and know exactly what that is and be like babe? are you serious?
and then we watch this poor boy lose his fucking mind going to town on you (opportunity for breeding kink but not necessary)
I know you have lots of other fic ideas you're working through Erin. I mostly wrote this bc I thought you might like it--no pressure to actually write it if it's not interesting to you!
ok love you bye 🔥🏀
YES HOLY YES. I love this so much I can’t wait for you to read this. Just IMAGINE the disbelief and happiness!
Yes, I’m using another gif of him shirtless in the upside down. Am I sorry? No.
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Birthday Wishes
Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: Smut
“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to yoooouuuu!”
Steve groaned, opening his eyes, seeing you laying next to him, head propped in your hand. You were beaming and singing at the top of your lungs.
“Happy birthday dear Steeeeeve,” you continued.
“You’re a horrible singer, you know,” he mumbled sleepily.
You didn’t let that deter you from finishing the song.
“Haaaaappyyyy birthday toooo youuuu!”
He chuckled, amused by your performance.
“Thank you, baby,” he smiled, kissing your nose.
“Did you like the song?” you beamed.
“Eh. 5 out of 10,” he joked.
You gasped dramatically.
“Five out of ten? You hurt me.”
You knew good and well that you couldn’t carry a tune to save your life, so you didn’t take the teasing to heart.
“The look on your face when you woke up was priceless though. You looked like you were in pain.”
“I was. At least my ears were,” he grinned.
“Asshole,” you laughed, hitting his chest.
He laughed, pulling you closer to him.
“So, are you looking forward to your party today?” you asked, laying your head in the crook of his arm.
“I am,” he said, “I don’t know how I got so lucky to have such great friends and a girlfriend to throw me such an extravagant party.”
“Only for the best birthday boy,” you beamed.
“You know what would really make it the best birthday ever?” he asked, nosing your cheek.
You had an idea where he was going with this and you snickered.
“Hm? What would that be?”
“If you finally agreed to start trying for a baby.”
You felt his pout against your collarbone and you laughed inwardly.
Starting a family was something you and he had discussed many times before. It was something you wanted to, but you’d been putting him off, telling him soon. At first, it was because you wanted to wait a bit, but for last few weeks, it had been for a different purpose.
“Soon,” you promised.
He frowned, though didn’t look upset by your answer, just looked like a puppy trying to convince its owner to drop a piece of meat. He was literally giving you puppy dog eyes.
“You’re going to deny me on my 21st birthday?”
His pout deepened and you couldn’t help the giggle that escaped your lips.
“What’s so funny?” he huffed a laugh, all smiles again.
“You just look so cute when you give me the puppy dog eyes,” you smirked.
“Cute enough for a baby?”
“Ah, nice try,” you grinned, wagging your finger at him, “Someone better be a good boy if he wants his presents later.”
“Like at the party later?” he questioned, brow raised.
“Like in private, later.”
Your smile was devious; his interest was piqued.
“I like the sound of that,” he hummed, leaning in for another kiss.
You stopped him with a hand to his chest.
“You need to get ready for your party, big boy. You can’t be late for your own birthday party.”
He relented, sitting up in bed. He threw you a smirk as he headed to the bathroom.
“Who cares? I’m the man of the hour anyway.”
“I don’t know which birthday song was worse, yours or all the kids’ screaming version,” Steve muttered to you, taking a bite of his cake.
“You love them,” you laughed softly.
“I do,” he grinned.
“Look who I brought!” came a singsong voice.
“It’s about time Robin showed up,” Steve rolled his eyes, “Always late for something.”
“This time you’ll be thrilled when you see why,” you said, pointing over his shoulder.
Robin had brought her niece, Anna with her. The little girl was just barely six months old, full of curiosity and spoiled rotten already by her auntie Robin. You and Steve absolutely loved Anna.
“Better go get you some baby cuddles,” you told him, “Before Joyce spots her and hogs her for the rest the afternoon.”
Joyce was so maternal and a great mom to her two boys, Jonathan and Will and her adopted daughter El. She loved deeply and fiercely, willing to go to bat for her kids at any time. She was starting to get anxious for grandkids though and you were positive whenever you and Steve had kids, she was adopting them as her own grandkids.
“Already on my way.”
You laughed, watching Steve make a beeline for Robin, taking Anna in his arms. He smiled at her, talking to her and booping her nose with his finger.
Seeing Steve with the kids and babies especially, did weird things to you. You felt a bit of a longing, wanting that to be your own baby. You felt love, seeing how good he was with them. You felt desire, the desire to want to have his babies.
You took a sip of your drink, eyes still glued to your boyfriend.
All in due time.
“I’m not sure who spoils her more, you or me,” Robin watched Steve with a grin.
“Definitely me,” he affirmed with a nod, “But she’s just too sweet not to.”
He pretended his hand was a tickle monster, it attacking her tummy making her squeal with laughter.
“Is that funny, is that funny?” he cooed to her, kissing her head, “Uncle Steve loves to make you laugh.”
“You have such baby fever right now,” Robin shook her head.
He groaned.
“I know. I can’t help it.”
“Y/N still hasn’t changed her mind?”
He frowned, shaking his head no.
“She says she wants to. At least she has before, but she just keeps saying “later” or “soon”. What if she’s changed her mind and doesn’t want kids? Or worse, doesn’t want kids with me?” he frowned, brows furrowing at the thought.
“I think you’re just overthinking it,” she said plainly.
“Why do you say that?”
“One, she’s crazy about you Steve. She loves you so much. I doubt she doesn’t want to have kids with you. Two, it’s a big deal, Steve. It’s a big responsibility and maybe it still scares her. Just give her time. Although,” she smirked, peering over his shoulder, “The smolder of her gaze is enough to set your entire outfit on fire, which I’m sure she’d welcome right about now.”
He turned around, seeing you staring at him. You smiled, waving at him innocently before turning to a conversation Max and Dustin were having.
“What are you talking about?” he asked, bewildered.
Robin was just giving him a knowing smirk.
“Just the way she was staring at you just now, while you’ve been holding Anna? She’s practically screaming “let me have your babies!” Steve.”
“I think you’re exaggerating.”
“And I think you’re blind,” she retorted, “I’m telling you, all you gotta do is seduce her a little cause she looks ready for it.”
“Ugh, ew, Robin. I am not discussing my sex life with you.”
“Thankfully,” she shot back, dryly, “All I’m saying it that you should keep trying. I think you both are going to make great parents.”
Steve smiled, handing Anna the toy that had fallen out of her grasp.
“You think so?”
“I know so.”
Before the party wrapped up, you’d excused yourself claiming you had to prepare Steve’s present from you. Technically, you were.
You left specific instructions with Robin to let Steve know where to find you when the last person left. You squirm anxiously when you hear his footsteps coming down the hall.
You sit on the end of the bed, waiting anxiously, chewing on the bottom of your lip.
“In here,” you called back, sweetly.
The door opened and he froze in the doorway, jaw practically on the floor. You hadn’t done anything like this before, so you were a tad nervous at his silence.
You’d bought a matching lingerie set—rose red. It was a sexy, lacy bra and panties set that you felt extremely self-conscious when you’d slipped it on earlier, but his reaction looked promising.
“Damn,” he breathed, “Happy birthday to me.”
You giggled.
“You like?”
“I love.”
He was already pulling his shirt over his head and it was left on the floor by the time he reached you, hand sliding into your hair, kissing you roughly. You moaned appreciatively as his other hand squeezed your breast through the lacy thing, so thin he could feel your nipple pucker through it.
“I’m gonna…” he managed between kisses, “Rip this…” Another rough kiss. “Fucking outfit off you.”
“Please don’t,” you grinned, tilting your head, eyes closing as his lips feasted on your neck, “It was pricy and I was hoping we might be able to use it again.”
His teeth sank into your neck and you gasped at the sensation, his tongue licking over the bitten area, soothing it.
“Hell yes. You’re never getting rid of this.”
Your laughter turned into moans as his hand dipped into one cup of your bra, fingers pinching at your nipple. The slight pinch sent sparks of electricity straight to your clit that had quickly began throbbing, your need for him multiplying in every passing second.
His mouth was back on yours, as you fell back on the bed, him hovering over you. His knee was situated between your legs and you subconsciously ground against his thigh as his tongue moved with yours.
“So needy already baby?” he whispered, hands gliding over your stomach, hooking it into the waistband of the red, lacy panties then snapping it gently against your skin.
You didn’t care that he’d hardly done anything to you and you were already moaning for him as you answered him.
“Yes,” you groaned, “Need you so bad, birthday boy.”
You bit your lip at the growl came from deep within his chest. His hand rubbed over your now dripping pussy, positive he could feel just how wet you were through the material. Somehow, he also managed to unhook your bra with one hand, nimble fingers hard at work.
You slid the straps down your arms, slowly, seductively as he watched you with desire heavy eyes. You tossed it across the room and he took you in with an approving moan. He was hard and throbbing, you could feel it against your hip.
“Get those off,” you ordered, nodding to his jeans.
“Yes ma’am,” he mumbled, standing up long enough to rid of them, returning to hover over you in just his boxers.
“As much as I love these,” he said, leaning down, his tongue trailing over the skin right above the band of your underwear, “They’re gonna have to go.”
“Unwrap me, big boy,” you taunted.
You pretty sure you heard a tiny rip in the underwear as he practically clawed them off like a wild animal. His finger circled your clit, as he kissed your hip bone tenderly before sucking harshly on the area.
You arched in reaction, nudging him with the side of your knee.
“Steve,” you breathed, “Before I become too far gone. I have one last present for you.”
He looked up at you, heat in his eyes.
“What could be better than this?”
“Just wait. I think you’ll like this.”
You sat up, leaning over to pull open the drawer of the bedside table and pulled out a velvet jewelry box.
“Aw, you got me jewelry? You shouldn’t have,” he quipped sarcastically, sitting back on his ankles.
“Shut it butthead,” you laughed, “It’s what’s inside. Open it.”
You handed it to him and he opened it.
“Um your birth control pills?”
“Look closely,” you murmured, bringing your bottom lip in between your teeth, “I haven’t taken it for the last two weeks.”
His eyes snapped up to yours.
“What are you saying?”
He had an inkling of an idea, but he had to hear it come from your mouth just to be a hundred percent sure.
“I want to have a baby. With you, Steve.”
That was all it took. He disposed of the case on the nightstand, not caring if it made it to the surface or fell to the floor—although it was a thoughtful and a gift he loved, he had more important things to take care of in the moment.
His hands cupped your face as he kissed you hard, passionately, full of the fire and longing and happiness he felt. You were already tugging on his boxers, pushing them down as you kissed him back.
“Let’s put a baby in you,” he growled against your lips.
“Yes sir,” you teased.
The teasing lilt didn’t last long though when he thrusted roughly and deeply into you, making you moan in an unusually wanton way. His mouth found your pulse point, sucking on it. You were sure he could feeling your racing heart beneath his lips.
It’s like you’d unleashed something wild in him tonight as he thrust into you roughly, gripping your hips hard enough to leave bruises on them from his fingers.
His hands snaked under your ass and lifted your hips just enough that with every thrust his pubic bone hit your clit, making you see stars behind your eyes. Your legs were wrapped around his back, hands grabbing his own ass as you tried to push him deeper into you.
It was rough, sweaty and passionate sex. In fact, it was the most intense sex you’d ever had with Steve and it was hot. There was something primal about it as you let your body be completely lost in his, moaning without abandon.
Your moans had become a chorus of Steve, oh god and yes. His usually perfectly swooped hair now fell into his face, giving him a sexy, rugged look, the ecstasy written into every micro expression on his face.
His hips tilted the slightest, hitting a delicate spot so perfectly, it made you arch into him with a whine. Your body was buzzing and you couldn’t get enough of him.
“So good, baby,” he groaned, eyes falling shut, “Gonna fill you up until you’re leaking my cum.”
His words were as good as giving you an electric shock and your pussy clenched around him, your orgasm coming dangerously close to unleashing itself throughout your body.
“Steve,” you whined, chest heaving as you reached between your connected bodies to rub your clit.
With a growl, he knocked your hand away, replacing it with his own. Your mouths met in a sloppy kiss as you both got closer to undeniable bliss.
His mouth attacked your neck, sucking hard enough that you knew there’d be bruises left later. His moans were muffled by your skin, but somehow that made it even better as he worked you until you were trembling.
“Cum for me, baby,” he uttered just as you could no longer hold back.
He was throbbing inside you and the feeling became too much as you squeezed around him again, fireworks going off in your head, whole body arching into him.
You cry was pleasure filled as your fingers and heels of your feet dig hard into his skin, the orgasm powerful and swift as it swept through your body. Within a few more thrusts, he was following you, his eyes squeezed and lips parted in such a beautiful sight.
Your soft moan was met with a kiss as you felt the warmth of his release dripping down your thighs. You loved feeling him cum within you, but it was even more special tonight after your gift.
He thrust a few more times, pushing his cum back inside you and smirked against your lips as you squirmed at the sudden sensitivity.
“Gotta make sure it keeps, babe.”
When he pulled out of you—even as sensitive and sore you were—you missed the fullness, the stretch and kinda immediately wanted him back inside you.
He grabbed a pillow from the head of the bed, sliding it under your hips and elevating your lower half. You watched, amused, even in your half dazed and sated state.
“I read somewhere to keep your legs propped up for at least half an hour after sex if you want to get pregnant,” Steve explained sheepishly.
You grin, obliging him as he settles next to you.
“You know, it’s a lot more fun if we don’t get pregnant right away,” you pointed out.
“Jesus,” he breathed, “You keep doing that to me and I just might die.”
“Well, people always say trying is the fun part,” you smirked.
“I’m definitely not denying it,” he laughed, rubbing a hand over your stomach, pulling you closer for a kiss.
“Thank you for making my birthday wish come true,” he smiled, his forehead resting against your own.
You had a devious smile on your lips as you pulled back so you could look at him more clearly.
“Oh honey, we’re only just beginning the celebration.”
He groaned as he captured your lips with his, once again climbing over you.
The birthday boy was going to be in for a night of celebrating, that’s for sure.
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edosianorchids901 · 2 months
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@flashfictionfridayofficial prompt - "pinprick"
Cw: blood, injury, offscreen violence, nonsexual nudity
“Oh my,” Aziraphale said, breathless as he and Crawley stumbled to a halt. “Well. I wasn’t quite planning to get caught up in all that.”
Crawley gave him an unimpressed look. “You shouldn’t have been in the middle of a war zone trying to pick figs.”
“Well, how was I to know it was a war zone?” Aziraphale protested.
“Maybe because it’s been more or less a war zone for the past decade?”
Aziraphale opened his mouth to say that he could hardly be expected to remember every war going on in the whole world. Then he paused, frowning at the trickle of red running down Crawley’s left arm.
“Are you hurt?” Aziraphale reached for Crawley’s black himation. Crawley hissed and tugged the cloak out of his hand. “Really, Crawley. After you came to my rescue so dramatically—”
“Don’t say that.” Scowling, Crawley tugged the himation tighter about himself and set off resolutely towards a farmhouse downhill. “I didn’t rescue you. Demons don’t rescue angels.”
Aziraphale rolled his eyes. Crawley had absolutely rescued him, dashing right into the fray to knock Aziraphale out of the way of a spear. “If you say so. But please, if you’re hurt, allow me to help.”
Resolute, Crawley kept marching down the hillside. Blood dripped to the rocky ground. “Wot, this? It barely counts as being hurt. It’s just a pinprick.”
“But you are hurt?”
“It’s a pinprick.” Crawley paused and looked around. The blood dripping from his arm and himation puddled beside his right foot. “Right. So. For my money, we should hide out in that farmhouse until we’re… until… the battle…”
Face ashen, Crawley fell over.
“Crawley!” Aziraphale lunged, grabbing wildly. Crawley crashed into his chest, limp. “Crawley, are you okay? Crawley!”
“Nnngh.” Crawley just hung in Aziraphale’s arms. “Weird. I got… dizzy.”
His voice was faint, dazed. He still hadn’t tried to straighten up.
Aziraphale looked down, and gasped. Blood stained his own clothes now, spreading quickly. “Oh, you absolute idiot! Pinprick indeed. I shan’t be surprised if an entire sword was driven through your shoulder.”
“S’ not sword,” Crawley mumbled. “S’ spear.”
“Oh, because that’s so much better.” Trembling, Aziraphale scooped Crawley up and carried him towards the farmhouse.
He ignored the heavily laden fig trees, heading straight inside. Crawley had somehow gone even more limp in his arms.
“Hello?” Aziraphale called, craning his neck to look around. “Is anyone here? I-I promise, I mean no harm. I just need somewhere to tend to my frien— to this fellow I don’t know!”
“Really?” Crawley managed to sound irritated even though his voice was barely audible. “After I… rescued you n’ everything?”
“You’re the one who said I didn’t rescue you.” There didn’t seem to be any people inside—perhaps they’d fled the war zone. Aziraphale carried Crawley to bed and laid him down on a sheepskin. “Here, now let me see. And I shan’t have any silly resistance, now.”
Crawley gasped in pain when Aziraphale peeled the blood soaked fabric away. “Oh, Satan…”
“Just a pinprick,” Aziraphale muttered. “This so-called pinprick has pierced all the way through your shoulder. I can’t even imagine how painful it must be.”
“Really painful.”
Aziraphale huffed. “Why didn’t you tell me you were hurt?”
Crawley gave a baleful glare, but didn’t answer.
“I’m afraid this is going to hurt rather a lot. You know how it is, holy power and all.” Aziraphale drew a deep breath, then pressed his hand to the wound. Crawley moaned. “Here we are, just a moment now.”
He channeled a miracle into the injury. Crawley howled in pain, thrashing, and Aziraphale held him down. Sweat broke out across Crawley’s ashen skin, seeped through his grey chiton in dark patches.
“I’m sorry,” Aziraphale whispered, blinking away tears. His hands trembled, and he couldn’t even find it in his heart to make a sarcastic comment about Crawley downplaying the wound so much. “I suppose it’s not wonder you didn’t want to tell me you were hurt. I wish my healing didn’t hurt you, too.”
It was better than Crawley discorporating, at least, and he tried to keep that in mind. He got some water, eased Crawley the rest of the way out of his clothing, and gently bathed away the blood.
He couldn’t get all of it. Not without turning Crawley over. The poor old dear had gone quite silent and still, and the thought of disturbing him was unbearable.
Finally, though, golden eyes flicked open again. Crawley looked for him, dazed, and quirked a faint smile. “Hi. Sorry. Fainted a little.”
“Yes, I’m afraid you did.” Aziraphale miracled the blood off his own himation, and spread it across Crawley. “I’m sorry the healing was so painful.”
“Nnnh.” Crawley just laid there, but his smile widened as Aziraphale took his hand and held it gently. “S’ not why I didn’t tell you. About the spear thing.”
Aziraphale pursed his lips. “Well, not wanting me to douse you in holy energy does seem a valid reason.”
“I mean, yeah. But.” Crawley ground his teeth, then hissed. “Look, I don’t wanna say this, but you’ll feel guilty if I don’t. I held off because if I’d told you back then, you woulda…”
He cut off. But now, Aziraphale understood. If Crawley had admitted to the injuries, Aziraphale would have insisted on stopping to tend to them. And Crawley had wanted him to be safe.
Smiling, Aziraphale nodded and squeezed his hand. He wouldn’t force Crawley to talk about it, wouldn’t rub it in his face, although he had every intention of bringing up the “pinprick” again later once Crawley felt up to being teased.
But the knowledge that Crawley had risked himself not just once but twice to keep Aziraphale safe… that knowledge, Aziraphale hugged close to himself as he held Crawley’s  hand and settled in to watch over him as he recovered.
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