#hazbin hotel whump
bookdragon6127 · 4 months
Some hazbin hotel thoughts and theories because I still have brain rot. These might just be the sleep deprivation but they’re stuck in my brain:
1. Alastor is bound to Lilith or eve right and the deal is to dethrone Lucifer and get Charlie in power (because she's the most naïve) which is pointed to by Alastor's lines in the song with the cannibals
1.5 Lilith betraying Lucifer and Charlie is going to be *gut wrenching* both because of Charle loving and looking up to her mother and then Lucifer being turned on by the woman he fell with
2. Alastor's power is restrained because he sold his soul to one of the above and part of the deal was that he couldn't be a heavy hitter because then he wouldn't have been able to gain Charlie's trust when the time came. Hence why he had to disappear. It's also so he didn't just destroy the entire hotel/have collateral damage
3. Alastor is going to force Lucifer into making a deal holding Charlie as leverage and that is how he gets out of his deal- both/either fulfilling his end of the bargain or it's just more powerful and overrides it essentially
4. Lilith/Eve will be the main big bad and Charlie will have a mental breakdown because this woman she idolized really is evil. Lucifer is just a depressed lil guy but Lilith/Eve saw being banished to hell as a way to get power but she's a smart mfer She's playing the long game
5. The series will end with Charlie as an Angel but still serving hell. Idk it's a hunch
5.5. Maybe they’ll explore more of Charlie being half angel especially after seeing her full power and all the fun tricks she can do. How cute would it be with Lucifer to teach Charlie
6. Vox looked up to Alastor when he was a baby overlord and once he got power, he tried to go to Alastor because he was his idol but Alastor pulls his "do I know you"shit (iconic)
7. We’re going to either meet god in season two which will lead to tensions with Lucifer obviously or find out there is no god and the system in place is running on auto pilot
8. Emily will either fall or overpower sera/take over to help Charlie and redoing heaven’s whole system and that’s why/when Charlie ends up an Angel
9. Alastor was referring to Eve when he told Adam “you should know better than anyone what can happen when a soul takes charge of their fate”
10. Lucifer cannot defend sinners as part of the whole extermination thing but once Charlie was actually attacked he was able to intervene (because she is hellborn and they aren’t part of the extermination)
11. Lilith’s deal with Adam is driving me crazy and I’m so curious what it is but my thought is that it’s as simple as she would stop rallying the sinners but she wanted to stay in heaven for it (which maybe meant she got to learn more about it so then she can influence Charlie as her almost figure head on the throne OR when she takes the throne herself)
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vespertineneon · 4 months
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feministfandomgeek · 23 days
Lucifer Whump
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What if the reason Lucifer's wings look like his coat because he's hiding what they really look like?
Maybe when he fell they were damaged and twisted. Maybe they're blackened or burned. Or have places where the feathers never grew back. Where angelic damage scarred over instead of fully healing.
What do you think he might be hiding?
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ranma0 · 2 months
Tw for gore and medical talk
So we (probably) know that Alastor died from a gunshot wound to the head, and that hunting dogs may or may not have been involved right?
But we don't know the details
See a lot of people assume that a bullet to the head = instant death but in fact we really only need certain parts of the brain to live. Those parts are mostly located at the lower back of the head, far away from the frontal lobe
So consider with me, Alastor is shot straight on in the forehead with a .22 hunting rifle, the bullet enters his head and either bounces around in his skull, turning his brain to paste
It exits somewhere through the parietal bones or upper occipital, leaving him alive if rather scrambled. Intracranial pressure increasing as he bleeds into his brain.
Alastor then slowly loses consciousness on the forest floor as a pack of snarling hunting dogs closes in around him, sealing their bared teeth as his final memory
For added angst, he lives a while even after losing consciousness
He is brought to his mother, who holds his hand as he takes his last stuttering agonal breaths, completely oblivious to the fact that she's by his side
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madamefeu · 7 months
I need fic recs. Anyone who knows of some good Hazbin Hotel whump involving Alastor as the whumpee and/or caregiver, please tell me. And if you’ve written one yourself, link me to it. I’m offering free likes/kudos/comments here people
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greykolla-art · 4 months
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My blog has become infested with angst goblins, and they must be fed with some hypothetical scenarios!🙏💚
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drunkenmantis · 3 months
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Alastor whump sketch dumb with a hint of radioapple
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feuersturm97 · 4 months
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A quick sketch of this scene maybe I'm going to do a finished drawing tomorrow of it xD
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fycoren · 3 months
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wuh oh-
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thezmajana · 4 months
Pulling all the strings.
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greentrickster · 4 months
Begging the Hazbin fandom to go read some wiki articles on garden of Eden-era biblical lore. Not because the Hazbin fandom's doing a bad job or uncreative or anything so much as because apparently some of the preexisting lore is absolutely buckwild.
Like, I gave the wikipedia entry on Adam a poke, just 'cause curious, not at all expecting a "Lol yeah, he and Eve both lived for almost a thousand years after getting kicked out of Eden, and for the first hundred and thirty they just fucked off to separate sections of the world because they were mad at each other and both had a lot of sex with demons before getting back together, having Cain and Abel, and then presumably getting to question whether they shouldn't have just stuck with the demon sex when their firstborn killed their second-born."
It just feels like there's apparently a lot of stuff the Hazbin fandom could have a lot of fun with, you know?
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stickiemax · 16 days
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the wires got the best of him ⚡️
radiostatic week day 7: FIGHT
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sickficideas · 4 months
I NEED your Al/astor hc's please! He is also my fav and Im dying out here from lack of sickfic
omg of couuurseee💖 he's a prime candidate for being miserable
- this dubbed comic (which is delicious by the way 10/10 recommend) put me on board horribly seasick alastor lol...i think he doesn't really get motion sickness otherwise but on boats he feels like he's dying. unbearable nausea that is not easily remedied by anything. i think when he was alive it was much more manageable. Just a little nausea, and certainly something he'd never admit being from Louisiana but now there's absolutely no hiding it :))
- i think he hates throwing up, not in the emetophobic way, i think he just hates dealing with it. in an "i need to get this over with as soon as possible" kind of way
- does Not ❌️ like people touching him when he's sick or injured. in general not a fan of physical contact but in these instances especially. however when he truly can't do anything to help himself, he'll slowly lower his walls to let people help him, but certain things are still absolutely off limits
- when things are really bad. high fever, awful injury... and he's not all mentally there he'll start talking about his mom, or when mistaking people taking care of him as his mother 🥺 absolutely heartbreaking to anyone around to witness it. he said it once to charlie and she cried her eyes out poor thing. she knows his mother used to take good care of him
- i also love the idea of him being really good at taking care of other people because of his mother 🥺 him being sweet and helpful is very off putting to the majority of the hotel residents lol angel dust is creeped out by it
I have another ask with a request for alastor headcanons as well so I'll make some more on that one :))
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crabofthewoods · 4 months
dudes omg it’s so fun seeing alastor genuinely happy and with his friends and it’s so fun seeing him genuinely distressed and we got BOTH in the span of two episodes and it was SO GOOD im. SHHEJRJK
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madamefeu · 4 months
Ever since the final episode I’ve been seeing an influx of Alastor whump on AO3, and can I just say….I fucking love it? Yes. All of the yes. Gimme more. Sick Alastor. Injured Alastor. Alastor being soft for his friends. Alastor being cared for as he processes the fact that he cares for these goofy sinners now. I LIVE FOR THIS SHIT
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prince-liest · 25 days
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New chapter tomorrowwwwww, this one was weirdly difficult to write and I can't tell if it's because of the writing or because I've been busy/tired all week. Perhaps I will Fix It In Post (read: edit it a bunch tomorrow before posting and feel better about it)!
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