#hayashi hinata
irisviel101 · 2 years
Hi!! 34 for the ask game 🧡
Well, it's different for different OCs.
For Kotone, there are lots of scenes that I really loved writing. A scene I haven't reached yet in the fic is one exploring the turning point in her and Masamune's relationship. I'm not sure if I should say much since it's technically a spoiler, but if I had to pick one, that would be my utmost favorite. There's also a battle that Kotone gets later, but that's again a spoiler scene.
As for among the scenes that I have written and posted in the fic, it's probably the one where she and Masamune work together to expose Anton — and their celebratory high-five afterwards which I plan to make a thing. And the training scene with Masamune before his battle with Lera. I have lots of fun writing pretty much all her scenes with Masamune; I really enjoy writing their dynamic. I also enjoyed the small snippets of her with Gingka and Tsubasa sprinkled here and there between the chapters, but I have plans to explore those interactions more in the coming chapters.
As for my other OCs, I haven't talked about them as much here, but I have several OCs with fully planned character arcs. I won't go into much detail about them sibce this ask has gotten long enough and I'm not sure if you meant to ask for just Kotone or the rest of my OCs as well.
For Hinata — my Inazuma Eleven GO OC as well as my oldest — my favorite moment is probably the culmination of her arc where she unlocks her Keshin and starts to confront her trauma instead of running away.
For Yumi — another Inazuma Eleven OC — there are several moments actually. She goes through a negative character arc and then a positive one, so her story is a long one. That said, my favorite scene writing her is probably her early days in Shin Teikoku. Yumi's initial innocence creates s stark contrast to Shin Teikoku's general atmosphere and it's a fun dynamic to play with.
There are a few more OCs that I have, but I think I'll stop this here. If you want to know more, let me know. And thanks for the ask; I really appreciate it.
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berriecolors · 1 year
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Happy 2023!
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10jo10ge · 2 years
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just sat and drew + watched streams basically the entire day yesterday lol
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the-chikyuu-times · 1 year
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bajibitch · 1 year
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Request: A second part of, “how they react to yandere!reader treating them like royalty.” but with Hinata and Kisaki.
Hinata, Kisaki, Haruki, Ryohei, Emma
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At first, she felt bad for entertaining the idea of being with you. Staying out late to have a nice dinner with you, going back to your place, and having accidental kisses, but the guilt left when she realized it was different. When she was with Takemichi she felt as if she had to keep him entertained out of fear of him cheating, but you made it clear that she was all you wanted. She didn't want to forget the feeling so she went with the obvious choice.
After the truck incident, he no longer chased Hinata, but he wondered if she would’ve accepted him if he used your tactics. You found the sweetest ways to say you loved him, telling and showing him so much he started to soften. Seeing you go to great lengths to satisfy him as he would for you if he loved you, and soon he does. He tried to force love on someone, and he suffered. There was no harm in seeing where the two of you could go if he gave into you.
He goes along with it since he doesn't see the harm in your actions and treats you like his partner once you confess your love. The problem comes when he sees how you're interacting with Peh; it’s almost like you hate him coming around. When he finds out you want him to yourself, he thinks you're insecure. The misunderstanding has him telling you, and anyone that’ll listen, he's not going anywhere. He begins to gift you things excessively and invites you everywhere with him. Even though he doesn’t get the message, it‘s enough to ease your worries about losing him.
He asks why you abducted him and groan as you explain yourself. It was childish. How could you love a stranger so easily? If you’ve been watching him, you’d know how dangerous it was. He’ll accept your kindness but correct you when you cross a boundary. Your house was nice, but not enough to make him give in instantly. Even though he's at a disadvantage he wants you to earn his love. Until he's convinced you're worth loving, worth throwing away his life for, he stops at nothing to get away.
She's scared to leave the room. The stories of being taken by wealthy people are nice to read, but they're fake. In the real world, she could die. You could kill her and leave her family searching for her remains. The fear of being useless brings her out of the room. She thought you’d be harsh, but after spending time with you, she couldn't see you being violent. You were soft and gentle around her and rarely raised your voice at her. She told herself she was playing the long game, but she was far too attached to see the trap anymore.
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Part one
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kinnoishi-studio · 2 years
Back to work!
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blxssom-221 · 2 years
A lot of people were confused about the last time leap at the end of TokRev and here’s my take on it:
So the whole reason Takemitchi was able to timeleap was because Shin transferred his power to Mitchi
And the reason why Naoto was his trigger was because they shared a mutual goal and desire to change specific events in history which in this case, Hinata’s death
But when we got to Bonten arc, Hinata was alive and ready to marry Takemitchi. This was the first timeline that we get to see where Hinata gets to live and have a happy ending
So for Naoto, his mission is complete. His sister gets to live and Kisaki was no longer a threat to her. That’s why Takemitchi no longer get to use him as a trigger
Because even tho Takemitchi isn’t done yet (wanted to save Mikey and make sure he also gets a happy future), Naoto is. They no longer shared the same goal
But Mikey and Takemitchi did. No matter what act Mikey put on and no matter what he says, he did want to be saved. Because even tho he’s willing to sacrifice all that he has for his loved ones, there was still that inner child in him that wanted to be happy, to be able to live a good future surrounded by his friends and family
So during that scene where Mikey jumped off the building and Takemitchi caught him by his hand, a new trigger was made
Takemitchi wanted to save Mikey and Mikey wanted Takemitchi to save him
So jumping to chapter 275-276, (and this all just how I interpreted it, so if you disagree, feel free to say so) when Mikey stabbed Takemitchi with the katana, Mitchi was at death’s door once again. Alive but only barely
And that one panel when Takemitchi was dying on Mikey’s lap, we see Mikey grasped at Takemitchi’s hand
At that moment, it was either Takemitchi’s doing or Takemitchi most likely transferring his powers to Mikey because I’ve read that that was what most people thought.
But regardless on who timeleaped and who was the trigger, I personally don’t think it really matters cause either way, they still share a similar goal
Seeing how everything went down, how no one got what they wanted, how almost everyone they’ve cared for and loved is gone, Mikey and Takemitchi probably only had one wish
They wanted to get a second chance to redo everything, to gain back what they’ve lost, to live the life they’ve always wanted
So with their hands still holding, the power went into effect and they timeleaped, both still having the memories of the other timelines they’ve lived
Ik everyone has different opinions on the ending and that’s okay cause we all have different interpretations feelings and thoughts about it
I personally liked it cause everyone is genuinely happy now, they get to all have a bright and good future together and I no longer have to fervently deny any one of my favorite character’s deaths
I’m not exactly sure how Chifuyu was able to remember bits and pieces of the other timelines he’d lived but I’m happy he remembered
I hc that all of them get like deja vus or dreams of their other lives which is also kinda sad if you think about it seeing how most of them had a lot of unresolved trauma…
Anyway that’s it! I hope Wakui will continue Tokrev in some way like spin offs or extra chapters on what other possible endings there could’ve been
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ilylovelyz · 10 months
housewife! reader w traditional! manly! ushijima makes my knees weak omg. the thought of this man training all day to come home to his little housewife and a home cooked meal!! he doesn’t care that you aren’t done setting the table he’s gonna bend you over it anyways. he’s just so in love w you!
this is kinda dark but the thought of him hiding ur birth control pills or replacing them with the sugar pills so he can knock you up oh my daysss like what’s the point of letting him fill your womb if he can’t put a baby in there :(
⍣ ೋ Million Dollar Man
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˚ · . dilf!ushijima x afab!reader
: ̗̀➛ dubious consent of impreg (?), birth control sabotage, traditional!husband ushijima, stay at home/housewife!reader, kitchen sex (yummy), misogyny (?), breeding, degradation + humiliation, size comparison, size kink, big dick toshi, dacryphilia, cervix fucking, just a whole lotta breeding <3, mentions of pregnancy dur
࣪𓏲ּ i was originally gonna work on an angsty fic for hinata but this was calling me </3 ushijima is so lana del rey
you're screwed up and brilliant you look like a million dollar man
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"i'm home." he calmly says, careful to not close the door so noisy.
he takes off his shoes like normal, changing into his house slippers shortly after. he's inhaling eagerly, the scent of well-cooked rice filling his senses.
he walks to the kitchen, his slipper clad feet softly pattering against the natural wood that is his traditional house's flooring. he passes by the doorway that connects to the living room, glancing in and stealing a look that is his first born daughter napping on the floor next to his also sleeping second daughter.
he makes a mental note to not be so loud as they are napping, he knows better than to disturb them.
"welcome home, wakatoshi." you say with that warm smile of yours, eyes crinkling up at the sight of your husband. he softly smiles at you in return, grunting softly in response.
his eyes look over to the stove, a large pot with a cover surely boiling, and then to the rice cooker; which is what he assumes is full of already well-done rice.
he looks back at you curiously, he can only guess what you're making, he doesn't cook often, thats your job as a housewife.
"i'm makin' hayashi rice, you're favorite."
his cheeks can only tingle with shyness, to anyone he might just look ungrateful or monotonous, but it's far from that.
he adores you.
"thank you," he says, taking a few steps towards you until his chest is a few inches away from your face.
he towers over you, you have a tiny frame compared to his almost gigantic one. some have even questioned the two of you about it, stealing a couple of snide jokes here and there.
he can't lie and say that he doesn't find it "interesting." he brings a hand suddenly up to your head, patting your hair lightly. you blush lightly at his affection, leaning into his gentle touches.
he doesn't understand why you still get so shy around him, but he doesn't mind it. he likes that you're so humble and polite, even when it comes to your own husband that you've known since the young age of 17. you're 33 now.
"hm," he hums lightly, leaning down to press a kiss onto your forehead. he places a few kisses on your forehead, temple and nose before he's taking your chin in-between his fingers and tilting your head upwards so he can kiss you on your lips.
it still surprises you, how he can take your breath away from one kiss. as his hands wrap around your upper back to bring you closer to him, you can only think back to the time when the two of you were younger and less experienced, him having less experience than you, so you had to lead him with the expertise you had.
it was cute then, the way he was the one who trembled under your touch, looking at you curiously for the courtesy to touch you.
oh, how time flies. now the two of you own a home together, and have two children together, two beautiful girls, the youngest still a little less than a year old.
while ushijima has always been so stoic and known for it, he, over the many years that have passed, has become twice the man he was those years ago.
it almost flusters you, and you can't help but look back on those younger days with a bittersweet smile, remembering the little boy who would ask to hold your hand.
you fluster at the way his strong hands are tearing your clothes off boldly in the middle of the kitchen, his mouth breathing in your sweet gasps for air as he kisses you passionately.
he cups the side of your face, holding your face still as he all but explores your mouth with his own tongue. you tremble within his hold, your ankles almost giving in weakly just because of a simple kiss.
he notices, and with a squeal, he's lifting you up easily into his arms, walking over to the dinner table, using one of his arms to move aside the dishes you precariously chose for that night. dinner can wait, you guess.
he lays you over the cold wooden table, his hands caressing and rubbing your bare skin. you look beautiful underneath him, eyes already glazed over with tears, mouth red and plush. your neck has fading love bruises and bites, he takes note of it to make sure to go over them once more later.
his hand comes up to fondle your breast, his other running down your torso and down to your back thigh. you mindlessly softly moan at his touches, it always feels good to be touched by him.
but he shushes you, leaning downwards to rest his forehead against yours. "you'll have to be quiet, you don't wanna wake up the kids, don't you?" he whispers softly, in contrast, his fingers are already gliding themselves over your folds, dipping a finger into your already dripping cunt.
you gasp at his lewd actions, an eyebrow raising at his words. "d-don't you think i-it's a bit unfair to say that and then.." you meekly say, trailing off when he adds in another finger, curling them inside and pressing against your sensitive walls.
"..and then what?" he teases, punctuating his sentence by pressing his finger-pads against that sweet spot. your body jolts with pleasure, a hand of yours coming up to clamp over your mouth to muffle your pathetic moans.
"y-you're mean," you mumble out, eyes stinging with shy tears. it has your eyes widening when he's visibly smirking at your words, pupils dilated and dark with pure lust.
"you're so naughty, don't you feel ashamed, as a mother, to be so wet like this on the diner table of all places? isn't this where your kids eat?" he boldly says, adding in a third finger as to worsen his seeming punishment. bastard.
"t-this isn't—it's not–you're such a bastard..!" you stutter out, your free hand coming up to punch lightly against his chest. he lightly chuckles at your words before he returns to his menacing actions.
"why don't you cum on my fingers like this, mama? don't be so loud, you'll wake your dear kids." he says, standing up straight to watch the way your body trembles and jolts with pleasure at his words. like command, despite your own pleas and mewls of disapproval, you're cumming on his fingers like a whore, on his word.
thats how it should be.
you're panting on against the dinner table, hiding your face into the crook of your elbow. you're quickly setting your attention back on him when he calls out your name, opening your mouth submissively when he presses his the same fingers that are covered in your own cum against your lips, feverly sucking up your own juices from his fingers.
you blush once more when he's lightly scoffing at your actions, his free hand coming up to rush his pants and boxers off, freeing his cock and lining himself up to your cunt. "don't be loud, mama," you gasp at his words, his fat tip popping into the tight confines of your pussy walls.
his pace is already ruthless, almost taunting you as he lifts your leg over his shoulder, his cock snugly fitting against your cervix with every thrust. you try your best not to be so loud, but it's a hard task to do, especially when he's purposely abusing all of your weak spots.
his eyes narrow at your state underneath him, grunting against the skin of your calf when he sees a tear run down your cheek. "crying? does it feel good?" he asks menacingly, his free hand coming up to squish your cheeks together degradingly, forcing you to pout within his grip.
it only makes you cry harder at his mean gestures, he never fails to make you feel so little, so small. all count of restrain is lost as you shamelessly moan and cry out at his unrelentingly pounding, cheeks burning greatly as you give into his clear humiliation.
he's almost uncharacteristically grinning at your defeat, bending your leg inwards to your chest, almost bending you in half. you grip onto his forearm for purchase when you're unexpectedly cumming once more, vision going white when he doesn't even slow down.
his right hand comes down to squeeze at your doughy breast, noticing that it's lacking the milk you used to have a few months ago. no, that won't do.
"'gonna cum inside." he declares, his other hand coming down to lift the leg that is dangling off the table so as you get you into the perfect mating press. your eyes are widening bewilderedly at his words, a little shocked.
"b-but i'm not on birth control," you mutter out, but from the way he doesn't falter in his thrusts, it seems he already knows. yeah, of course he knows, he threw them away awhile ago. you don't need those silly pills anymore, you're his wife, your duty is to stay at home, raise his kids, and have as many kids as he pleases.
"t-toshi, utako is not even a year old–ah," you cry out, only to be silenced when ushijima is shoving his tongue back down your throat.
"you're my wife, don't you want my babies?" he asks, stilling his hips, his cock pulled out to the tip. he stares at you expectantly.
you're thinking for a few seconds, he doesn't assume anything in particular except of his cock. you're braindead like that, having nothing but a mommy brain after the last few times he's fucked you so well and good that he got you knocked up.
"..want toshi's babies.." you sob, throwing your head back when you're once again coming around his cock once he continued his thrusts at your words once more, your pussy sloshing lewdly with every movement.
yes, of course you want his babies. that's what you're made for. that's what your lovely existence is for, to cook him a good dinner and then spread your legs for him as dessert. whats a good woman if she doesn't submit to her husband?
he's grateful that you're a good woman, one that is so intelligent yet submissive to him. one that is letting him stuff you fill of his thick seed, letting her hard-working husband fill her yet again full with their third child.
it's just this that you're expected to give, you don't have to do much aside from look after the house and the children you produce, you can do whatever you want with the free time you have left, whether it's the beautiful paintings you create, or the horrendous amount of shopping you do with his credit card.
"i love you," he whispers softly against your ear, noting from the way your chest is rising slowly means that you passed out. dinner still hasn't been served, but thats okay. you've probably had a long day too.
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౨ৎ please leave a like and repost with tags
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l0uterstella · 6 months
Fragaria Memories seiyuu list + their other roles
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Keep in mind this is mostly for my personal reference so I'll only be putting characters from media I'm into or at least heard of a lot. Feel free to add on to this in the comments or reblogs :3c
Hallritt - Gakuto Kajiwara
Haruka Nijo (From Argonavis)
Luka (Honkai Star Rail)
Hiiro Amagi (Enstars)
Allen Sugasano (Paradox Live)
Merold - Yuu Hayashi
Manjiro Sano (Tokyo Revengers)
Youhei Kanbayashi (Paradox Live)
Ryuunosuke Tanaka (Haikyuu)
Puruth - Takuma Terashima
Otoya Ittoki (Utapri)
White (Mahoyaku)
Shintarou Kisaragi (Kagerou Project)
Touma Amagase (Idolmaster)
Romarriche - Shunichi Toki
Yuki Rurikawa (A3!)
Rui Kamishiro (Project Sekai)
Freminet (Genshin Impact)
Hokusai Masaki (Paradox Live)
Rutile (Mahoyaku)
Rimicha - Saku Hyuga
not many notable roles
Sanah - Shugo Nakamura
Fukami Shinkai (Aoppella!?)
Shidou Kirisaki (Milgram)
Teru Tendou (Idolmaster)
Ryuki (Pokemon Masters)
Cielomort - Nobunaga Shimazaki
Kazuha Kaedehara (Genshin Impact)
Silver (Twisted Wonderland)
Haruka Nanase (Free!)
Yuki Souma (Fruits Basket)
Burgh (Pokemon Masters)
Kurode - Shogo Sakata
Aki Hayakawa (Chainsaw Man)
Gladion (Pokemon Evolutions)
Willmesh - Shoya Chiba
Kou Minamoto (Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun)
Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Hayato Akiyama (Idolmaster)
Klarkstella - Eiji Mikami
not many notable roles
Louterstella - Yuki Sakakihara
Shu Ujigawa (From Argonavis)
Juushi Aimono (Hypnosic Mic)
Myunna - Shinnosuke Tokudome
not many notable roles
Badobarm - Shunsuke Takeuchi
Juza Hyodo (A3!)
Yoshikazu Isa (Aoppella!?)
Cyrus (Pokemon Masters)
Dr. Ratio (Honkai Star Rail)
Extra: silly - Olaf (Frozen 2), Dvalin (Genshin Impact), Gudetama (Gudetama: An Eggcelent Adventure)
Chaco - Jin Ogasawara
Nayuta Asahi (From Argonavis)
Arupek - Tasuku Hatanaka
Kumon Hyodo (A3!)
Gorou (Genshin Impact)
Satsuki Itou (Paradox Live)
Denki Kaminari (My Hero Academia)
Hugh (Pokemon Masters)
Tuxam - Ayumu Murase
Venti (Genshin Impact)
Hajun Yeon (Paradox Live)
Shoyo Hinata (Haikyuu)
Tori Himemiya (Enstars)
Mitile (Mahoyaku)
Wally (Pokemon Masters)
Hangyon - Yohei Matsuoka
not many notable roles
Pikero - Narufumi Machimoto
not many notable roles
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katsuyuswritings · 1 year
— ᕦ kei ᕤ —
a lonely writer who has a few friends. asking for mutuals, also an employed attorney and has no social life 💗
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— MALE — genshin, naruto, saiki k, chainsaw man, stardust destiny (oc)
male; aether, dainslief, kaeya, diluc, albedo, venti, bennett, razor, mika, zhongli, chongyun, xingqiu, xiao, baizhu, tartaglia, itto, gorou, kazuha, heizou, ayato, thoma, alhaitham, kaveh, tighnari, cyno, capitano, dottore, pantalone, scaramouche/wanderer, lyney, neuvillette, freminet, wriosthley
naruto uzumaki/namikaze, sasuke uchiha, kakashi hatake, iruka umino, kotetsu, izumo, asuma sarutobi, sai yamanaka, shikamaru nara, choji akamichi, aburame shino, kiba inuzuka, kankuro, gaara, itachi uchiha, kisame, sasori, deidara, kakuzu, hidan, orochimaru, kabuto, jiraiya, minato namikaze, neji hyuga, zetsu, zabuza, haku yuki, suigetsu, juuga, maito gai, boruto uzumaki, mitsuki
saiki kusuo, kaidou shun, aren kuboyasu, toritsuka reita, nendou riki, hairo kineshi, makoto teruhashi
denji, aki, angel devil, shark devil (that's literally all)
aifuyo hime/yuzuki, renyue yuzuki, kōhaku hayashi, eijiro yuzuki, aoi hime, anh hyu, eugene hyu, feng xiang
— FEMALE — genshin, naruto, saiki k, chainsaw man, stardust destiny (oc)
female: amber, fischl, noelle, mona, jean, lisa, eula, klee, barbara, xiangling, xinyan, yunjin, ganyu, keqing, shenhe, ningguang, beidou, qiqi, yaoyao, kuki, kujou sara, yae miko, raiden ei/shogun, raiden makoto, kokomi, ayaka, sayu, yoimiya, faruzan, layla, nilou, dori, dehya, candace, dunyarzad, focalors, navia, lynette, yuelin, tsaritsa, la signora, sandrone, arlecchino, columbina, raiden makoto
sakura haruno/uchiha, hinata hyuga/uzumaki, karin uzumaki, konan, kurenai sarutobi, hanabi hyuga, ino yamanaka, tsunade senju, temari nara, tenten, anko mitarashi, kushina uzumaki/namikaze, guren (mommy), himawari uzumaki, sarada uchiha
kokomi teruhashi, chiyo yumehara/teruhashi, kuriko/kusuko saiki, aiura mikoto, rifuta imu, mera chisato
power, makima, yuro, himeno
katsuyu yuzuki/hime, chiyo hime, shinkkami ayakemi-sanjin (teiko), kohari hayashi, mina noshiro, maikka yue, yan xiang
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— ᕤ can request ᕦ —
smut, suggestive, angst and fluff
aged up characters smut/suggestive
child!reader x parent!character or vise versa
song related storyline
ships and oc x reader
— ᕦ can't request ᕤ —
minor character smut
oc x canon (I have my reasons)
weird shit like armpit kink and others (I don't wanna name them 😨)
Also I know most of y'all are minors... You can't hide from me
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irisviel101 · 2 years
I created my first character moodboard. It's for my Inazuma Eleven GO OC, Hayashi Hinata.
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Any kind of feedback would be appreciated.
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yokohamabeans · 2 years
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Please Note: 
This post will be updated periodically as I add my translations. 
I’ll include full scans of the free pages on Booklive, but not many others in case of any copyright issues. Please support Wakui-sensei by buying the book, if you can!
I’m still learning Japanese myself, so do point out any errors I may have made.
I don’t have an update schedule, and I cannot guarantee how fast I’ll be be as I’m pretty busy these days. 🥲
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Kurokawa Izana
Mochizuki Kanji
Madarame Shion
Haitani Ran
Haitani Rindou
Kokonoi Hajime
Mutou Yasuhiro
Sanzu Haruchiyo
Hanma Shuuji
Kisaki Tetta
Hanagaki Takemichi
Sano Manjirou (Mikey)
Ryuuguji Ken (Draken)
Mitsuya Takashi
Matsuno Chifuyu
Kawata Nahoya (Smiley)
Kawata Souya (Angry)
Shiba Hakkai
Hayashi Ryouhei (Peh-Yan)
Inui Seishuu
Mizo Mid Guys (Akkun, Yamagishi, Takuya, Makoto)
Tachibana Hinata
Sano Emma
Kurokawa Izana
Haitani Brothers
Kawata Brothers
Sanzu Haruchiyo
(Note: No room layouts for any other members.)
Wakui’s Notes on Volume Covers / Coloured Spreads
Tenjiku’s Best / Worst 3
About Yokohama’s Tenjiku
Looking Back on the Presidents of Black Dragon
About the Sano-Kurokawa Family
About Izana’s Tenjiku Uniform (ft. Other Kantou Gang Uniforms)
(i.e. What else is in the book)
Notes / Pictures of the Tokyo Revengers Exhibition
Notes / Pictures about Official TokRev Merchandise
Coloured version of Chapter 168
(Note: I won’t be translating these because it’s just a bunch of repeated information.)
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Last Updated: 11 September 2023
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year
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Bonten ➳
🎴As a Whole
With a Debbie Jelinsky Reader Part 2 (os) ♂️❔
With a Morticia Addams Reader (os) ♂️❔
🥮Sano 'Mikey' Manjirou ➳
While You Count Sheep (os) ♂️ 💞
💊Akashi 'Sanzu' Haruchiyo ➳
Just Relax, Honeybun~ (os) ⚧ 💞
Parody of an Office Romance (os) ♂️ 💞
Watermelon Sugar High! (os) ⚧ 💞
Dinner and a Bath
Bonten Sanzu × Crazy S/O Series.
Enter A Random Thought Part 2 (oth.) ⚧
The Case of the Missing File
Our Honeymoon on Warm Isles
Take Me to Your Warped Wonderland
Scars To Your Beautiful
👁Kakucho Hitto ➳
Oh, You Tranquilize Me~
Scars To Your Beautiful
🚬Akashi Takeomi ➳
Late Night Lovin' (os) ♂️ 💞❣
Scars To Your Beautiful
💸Kokonoi 'Koko' Hajime ➳
Sugar Daddy Behavior
🍆Haitani Ran ➳
Attacked By Turkeys (os) ♂️ 💞 🧀❔
"Bitch What's For Dinner" Tiktok (hc\os) ♂️ 🧀❔
Making You Fail NNN (hc\os) ♂️❣🔞❔
Candy Man~ (os) ♂️❣🔞
Lanky People
🫐Haitani Rindou ➳
It's One of Those Days
🍡Mochizuki 'Mochi' Kanji ➳
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Tokyo Manji Gang ➳
🥮Sano 'Mikey' Manjirou ➳
Sweet & Gentle But Ruthless Reader (hc) ⚧❔
Chifiyu's Older Brother Reader (os) ♂️ 💞 🧀❔
🐉Ryuuguji 'Draken' Ken ➳
Lanky People
🐈‍⬛Baji 'Edward' Keisuke ➳
🐈Matsuno Chifuyu ➳
🪡Mitsuya Takashi ➳
📸Shiba Hakkai ➳
Scars To Your Beautiful
🍜Kawata 'Smiley' Nahoya ➳
🥡Kawata 'Angry' Souya ➳
🥟Hayashida 'Pah‐Chin' Haruki ➳
My Darling Dumpling (in drafts)
My Very Own Sentient Body Pillow
Home Just in Time for Dinner!
Puppy Love; The Literal Translation
A Conveniently Available IQ Test
Like in Those Old Home Movies
A Blanket That Hugs Back
👔Hayashi 'Peh-Yan' Ryohei ➳
Lanky people
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Tenjiku ➳
🎴Kurokawa Izana ➳
Sweet & Gentle But Ruthless Reader (hc) ⚧❔
Making You Fail NNN (hc\os) ♂️❣🔞❔
Every King Needs His Queen
🍆Haitani Ran ➳
Haitani-san's House
🫐Haitani Rindou ➳
Haitani-san's House
🍡Mochizuki 'Mochi' Kanji ➳
I Want A Big Ol' Boyfriend!
🐓Madarame Shion ➳
He's A Little Dumb, But That's Kinda Hot
Hello Again, Rooster Boy
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Valhalla ➳
👓Kisaki Tetta ➳
It's The Glasses, I Swear! (oth.) 💩
Brother Knows Best (os) ♂️ 💞
He Be Sneakin'; He Be Schemin'
You'll Never Get the Girl~
✋Hanma Shuji ➳
A Sexy Man With Sexy Hands (oth.) ❣
Truly A Menace to Society
Lanky People
🐯Hanamiya Kazutora ➳
We Just Need To Talk It Out
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Black Dragons ➳
🔧Sano Shinichirou ➳
I Just Love Pathetic Guys (imgn.) ⚧ 💞
Homo-Erotic Hijinks (os) ♂️ 🔞
All Talk And No Action
🍭Imaushi 'Waka' Wakasa ➳
I'm a Sucker For You
Arashi 'Benkei' Keizo ➳
Morning Cuddling (os) ♂️ 💞❔
Akashi Takeomi ➳
Late Night Lovin' (os) ♂️ 💞❣
💢Shiba Taiju ➳
Stress Ball ~ (os) ♂️ 💞 ❣
Wow! So Cool! (os) ♂️ 💞
A Lovingly Home Cooked Meal
💸Kokonoi 'Koko' Hajime ➳
The Frog Boy's Neighbor
🪞Inui 'Inupi' Seishu ➳
He's Got Pretty Boy Privilege
Scars To Your Beautiful
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Other ➳
Sano Emma ➳
Akashi 'Kawaragi' Senju ➳
Shiba Yuzuha ➳
Tachibana 'Hina' Hinata ➳
🌶Terano South ➳
Someone Like South (oth.)
Sweet & Gentle But Ruthless Reader (hc) ⚧❔
Making You Fail NNN (hc\os) ♂️❣🔞❔
An Awfully Violent Cuddle Bug
Always Punch First and Talk Later
Back to the Masterlist Hub?
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chiffiorra · 2 years
"does it matter who wins the argument?" (toman gang + a few others)
inspired by: this
yeah it matters, i wanna win: nahoya "smiley" kawata, senju kawaragi, haruki "pah-chin" hayashida, kazutora hanemiya, chifuyu matsuno, seishu "inupi" inui, rindou haitani
it matters. but what matters more is... fairness: takemichi hanagaki, souya "angry" kawata, hakkai shiba, hinata tachibana
i don't care. but if you try to win...: ken "draken" ryuguji, keisuke baji, haruchiyo sanzu, izana kurokawa, ryohei "peh-yan" hayashi, taiju shiba, yasuhiro "mucho" muto
it doesn't matter. but what matters is, who the fuck are you to start an argument with me?: manjiro "mikey" sano, tetta kisaki, shuji hanma, ran haitani
hasn't lost an argument: takashi mitsuya, hajime "koko" kokonoi, emma sano, yuzuha shiba
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frozenmoonshine · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers Characters Appreciation
I've been thinking a lot recently about the series as a whole, and just how meaningful and amazing everything about it is, how many invaluable life lessons are interwoven into the story plot, into characters, and everything in between, and I just cannot stop being moved to tears constantly, if I think of how much of a genius Wakui-sensei really is! 🥹
Anyway, I decided to write all that down and share with the world, so, here it is:
‌Thank you, Hanagaki Takemichi - Crybaby Hero, for teaching us that being imperfect is ok, that we don't have to constantly strive for greatness and to impress anyone, as long as we don't lose against ourselves!
‌Thank you, Sano Manjirō - Invincible Mikey, for reminding us how important mental health is, that it's ok to cry, hurt, be 'weak', and ask for help, and thank you for giving us a reminder to check up on our friends and loved ones who seem strong and smiling, 'cause those people usually need the most help!
‌Thank you, Ryūgūji Ken - Draken, for being the realest one, and the backbone of the series! You da real bro, bro! *pats on the shoulder*
‌Thank you, Sano Emma, for being the most loving one in the story, and the epitome of all kinds of love, familial, romantic, and platonic alike!
‌Thank you, Tachibana Hinata - Hina & Tachibana Naoto, for providing us with a certain level of "normalcy" against which we can compare all other characters!
‌Thank you, Kisaki Tetta, for being the most hateable villain in the story, it would have never been the same without you being so awesomely written!
‌Thank you, Hanma Shūji - Shinigami of Kabukichō, for always being so chaotically entertaining, and a spice in every dish!
‌Thank you, Matsuno Chifuyu, for being everyone's comfort character, and showing us what a true friend, ride-or-die, and a trustworthy partner is supposed to be like!
‌Thank you, Baji Keisuke, for warning us that fighting alone all on our own leads to nothing!
‌Thank you, Hanemiya Kazutora, for showing us that healing from any bad experience is possible, that no matter how low we may fall in life, we can always get back up, as long as we are willing to admit our mistakes and face our demons!
‌Thank you, Mitsuya Takashi, for being an exemplary role model for all and any eldest siblings out there!
‌Thank you, Hayashida Haruki - Pah-Chin & Hayashi Ryōhei - Peh-yan, for being the sweetest, funniest characters in the story, and for providing us with the wholesomest bromance that ever bromanced!
‌Thank you, Kawata Nahoya - Smiley & Kawata Sōya - Angry, for always being cute, wholesome, and entertaining!
‌Thank you, Sanzu Haruchiyo - Loyal Mad Dog, for setting an example of always going an extra mile to achieve your goals, resilience, blind devotion, discipline, and not giving up! Or, simply, thank you for being that one unhinged psycho with a katana and a tragic past, that we can't help but simp for!
‌Thank you, Mutō Yasuhiro - Mūcho, for introducing our baby Haru <3 to cheesecake!
‌Thank you, Kurokawa Izana, and thank you, Terano Minami - South, for showing us that monsters are most commonly made, not born, and for pointing out that music is a good coping mechanism!
‌Thank you, Kakuchō - Brawler, for warning us to pay attention whose side we choose to be on, and who we choose to follow and attach ourselves to in life!
‌Thank you, Mochizuki Kanji - Mocchi, for showing us that honor goes beyond which side one's on.
‌Thank you, Madarame Shion - Leader of the 9th Generation of Black Dragon, for being the comic relief! (Hey, somebody's gotta do it, alright?!)
‌Thank you, Haitani Ran & Haitani Rindō for being the neverending sources of inspiration for fanarts and fanfics!
‌Thank you, Shiba Hakkai, for reminding us that we can always stand up to our abusers, and that toxic relationships should always be severed, because family is so much more than just blood!
‌Thank you, Shiba Yuzuha, for showing us what being a badass female/strong woman is all about!
‌Thank you, Shiba Taiju, for leading by example to give a helping hand when needed the most!
‌Thank you, Kokonoi Hajime - Koko, for reminding us that money does not buy happiness!
‌Thank you, Inui Seishū - Inupī, for being unapologetically blunt and always saying what needs to be said and heard!
‌Thank you, Sano Shin'ichirō, for being the Big Bro™️ of the whole series and the entire fandom!
‌Thank you, Akashi Takeomi - God of War, for giving us a warning about overindulging in hedonism, and teaching us to keep our feet grounded, lest our heads starts floating too high in the clouds, for the fall will be disastrous!
‌Thank you, Imaushi Wakasa - Waka - White Leopard & Arashi Keizō - Benkei - Redcliff, for being the coolest, most iconic, legendary duo, and parental figures to our Princess Senju!
‌Thank you, Kawaragi Senju, for being a badass ball of sunshine and a deadly cinnamon roll, and showing everyone that a girl can be a boss babe, physically strong, cute, feminine, and a tomboy, all the same time!
‌And lastly (but most importantly), thank you, Peke J, for being a cat! <3
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stars-tonight · 3 months
my random haikyū!! fanfic ideas
I have too many ideas and not enough dedication or inspiration to follow through with any of them. I also tend to write with a specific character name and personality in mind because it's awkward writing in the second person (I usually write for myself and my own eyes). None of these fics would have anything to do with each other (ex. Asuka and Misako both attend Inarizaki, but they don't exist in each other's worlds).
please do NOT use my ideas, with OR without asking or giving credit!!
Character: Shimizu Asuka (not related to Kiyoko lol)
Love interest(s): unsure; Miya Atsumu; Kita Shinsuke; Kageyama Tobio
Backstory / Notes: second year; prodigy setter and captain of Inarizaki's girls team; has to recover after a su!cide attempt after losing at Interhigh; highkey the player I want to become
"A Christmas Miracle"
Character: Miyazaki Sakura (did not realize how close this name was to Le Sserafim's Sakura but I like the sound of it too much)
Love interest(s): Bokuto Kōtarō; Akaashi Keiji; Kageyama Tobio; Hinata Shōyō; Tsukishima Kei, Sugawara Kōshi (unsure); Kuroo Tetsurō; Kozume Kenma; Oikawa Tōru; Iwaizumi Hajime (unsure); Ushijima Wakatoshi; Miya Atsumu; Miya Osamu; Kita Shinsuke; Suna Rintarō; Sakusa Kiyoomi; Hoshiumi Kōrai (unsure)
Backstory / Notes: first year; ex-foil fencer; assistant manager of Fukurōdani; meets a bunch of characters at the summer training camp in Tokyo and a Christmas charity tournament (made up for the story); Sakura's harem; seriously how tf do I develop like ten relationships over the course of one week for the tournament and three days for Nationals
"Ink on Paper"
Character: Nakamura Akari
Love interest(s): unsure; Akaashi Keiji; Sakusa Kiyoomi; Miya Atsumu; Kozume Kenma
Backstory / Notes: second year; journalist and assistant manager of Karasuno; kind of OP with writing and intelligence; the writer I want to be (I rly just write my characters as the people I wish I was)
"Street Kid's Rebellion"
Character: Akiyama Sora
Love interest(s): Akaashi Keiji
Backstory / Notes: first year; street kid; Akaashi is her tutor but no tutoring actually gets done; student at Fukurōdani; story is hopefully dreamy and ethereal but lowkey tragic
"Wooden Bells"
Character: Hayashi Misako
Love interest(s): Kita Shinsuke
Backstory / Notes: third year; childhood friends with Kita; moved to Miyagi after an accident at home; moves back to Hyōgō for third year and enrolls in Inarizaki; manager of Inarizaki
"mind, body, heart, soul"
Character: Yamasaki Miyu
Love interest(s): unsure; Miya Atsumu; Kageyama Tobio; Kuroo Tetsurō; Kenma Kozume
Backstory / Notes: first year; prodigy setter and opposite hitter for Nekoma (running a 6-2); also kind of OP
"Captain Flies"
Character: Kimura Aimi
Love interest(s): unsure; leaning toward none
Backstory / Notes: third year; captain and libero for Karasuno's girls team; essentially leads the team to Nationals (I want them to win but honestly it'd be unrealistic)
"Rule the Court!"
Character: Sakamoto Yuri
Love interest(s): unsure; Oikawa Tōru
Backstory / Notes: third year; captain and ace for Aoba Johsai's girls team; top three women's ace in Japan; leads the team to Nationals
"Silent Wolves"
Character: the whole fcking team is made up
Love interest(s): unsure
Backstory / Notes: a team known for being absolutely silent on the court; may be a bit OP; attend some sort of training camp or charity tournament with other teams; the team dynamic I want but is completely unrealistic
"Haikyū Notes"
Character: Y/N
Love interest(s): Hinata Shōyō; Kageyama Tobio; Tsukishima Kei; Sugawara Kōshi; Nishinoya Yū (unsure); Oikawa Tōru; Bokuto Kōtarō; Akaashi Keiji; Kuroo Tetsurō; Kozume Kenma; Ushijima Wakatoshi; Kita Shinsuke; Miya Atsumu; Miya Osamu; Suna Rintarō; Sakusa Kiyoomi; Hoshiumi Kōrai (unsure); Hirugami Sachirō (unsure)
Backstory / Notes: a collection of imagines and scenarios for our favorite boys
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