#handmaiden eirtae
nabooro · 2 years
Nâdune: The Handmaidens
The word for handmaiden in Nabooro is nâdune, and is rooted in the same word as “warrior” (tonde), as handmaidens are meant to not only accompany queens (or princesses, when Naboo was not yet an elected monarchy) and offer them companionship, but also guard and protect them when necessary.
Traditionally, handmaidens were older than the princess, but as the tradition of enshué ‘n canâk (masks and disguises), developed out of the older traditions of facepaint and veiling, handmaidens slowly became the same age as the princess or royal they were protecting in order to disguise themselves as her better.
The handmaid who closest resembles the one they protect (or, if several of them look similar, the title is afforded to a handmaid who has been injured in her duty towards her princess) is known as the shâm nâdun, and is the highest ranking of the nâdune, though that rank is more a formality than anything else in the present day.
The parallel figure to this for young princes is a cânsag. Cânsag have similar functions to nâdune, in that they are usually of an age with the prince or young royal or noble they protect so they can disguise themselves as each other in situations where it is necessary, though the forms their enshué take are different.
Regarding Padmé’s nâdune:
Sabé / Tsabin means “herald of new life/growth”, translating literally as “mouth of the seed.”
Eirtaé / Eirtama means “poetic.”
Ballory (Balori) is a vocational family name for those who were once royal or religious warriors, translating literally to “warriors of the Six.” (More on “the Six” soon!)
Rabé / Rabene means “daughter of spring”.
Tonsort is also a once-vocational name for religious warriors, translating to “blessed warrior.”
Saché / Sashah is a name with many meanings, generally understood as meaning “deeper than meets the eye”, though can also be understood as ‘mysterious,’ or ‘one who is less than trustworthy’ - translating literally as “to question what you see.”
Adova is a regional name for those from the Western continent.
While Sabé and Cordé are the nâdune who most resemble Padmé, Saché was given the title of shâm nâdun after the Invasion of Naboo.
Yané / Suyan means “diamond, gem,” though Yané specifically is also a name in itself that means “life, greenery.”
Higin is a historical vocational name for higher ranking tailors on Naboo, i.e. tailor.
Cordé / Cordyn is a traditional name meaning “protector of the past.”
Dormé / Dorra means “cold,” and is one of several traditional winter names for children.
Versé / Versaat means “blessed,” or, more literally, “daughter of the Six.”
Moteé is more of a metaphoric name/phrase that is best translated as “to bloom,” though it translates literally as “to grow wings,” kind of in the sense of... to come into your own?
As Moteé doesn’t have a canon ‘original’ name i.e. before-she-was-a-handmaiden name, I came up with my own: Motil.
Most of these handmaiden names are actual names, though not all of them are particularly common ones (Yané is the one that is most commonly in use in the present day). The -é form is a presently somewhat old-fashioned way of constructing names used in previous centuries by royalty—so, these names do mostly maintain their actual meaning, because the root for most of their names is the same.
* I do eventually intend to come up with more last names and assign them some, but that’s... not a priority for me right now.
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uwingdispatch · 2 years
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Made some stuff for the Naboo folks! These totes and beanies say boss bitch in Aurebesh with the Naboo royal crest in place of the O. I thought these would be fun for the Padmé Stan’s but also for all of us who fell in love with the handmaidens in the books and comics. There are also stickers available with the same design.
For US orders to arrive by Christmas, the deadline to order apparel is Dec. 13th. For Jewelry it’s Dec 16th. 💜
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cypanache · 1 year
okay darling. for the wip ask game that you tagged me in. I know it's been a minute since you posted it, so feel free to ignore, but i'd like to know more about either 'date my wife' or 'raised a sith'– you pick! since I know all about the obidala stuff, and very little about those, i'm curious.
Ugh, I've been so heads down on Countdown, I'm finally getting around to going through my ask box so apologies for the insanely late reply on this.
I talked about the 'date my wife' wip here. So let's do the raised a sith au, because I'm insanely excited about this one, and it even has a title now "Chirality".
So after repeatedly and painstakingly walking back sexual tension in like every draft of every obidala fic I have ever written, because they're just so damn good and they wouldn't, not yet ... I really just wanted to let Obi-Wan and Padme be unrepentantly hot for each. So I asked myself what would it take for them to stop worrying so much about it all and the answer as you so eloquently put it, is 'they could be evil, as a treat'
That's it, that's the fic.
No really. Imagine a world where Obi-Wan got left on Bandomeer by Qui-Gon and then eventually rescued by Dooku and taken as his apprentice and later left the order with him. Meanwhile imagine a Padme who never left Coruscant after her appeal to the Senate in TPM and instead stayed under house arrest while she watched her world ravaged by the Trade Federation with Palpatine stoking her outrage and anger into something truly spectacular. But to the galaxy she still presents as Padme Amidala as we know here during AotC. So drop poor baby Anakin into the events of AotC and The Clone Wars between these two opposing dark proteges who are sort of allies and sort of adversaries, but are definitely obsessed with each other, watch them ruin him.
I honestly feel a little bad tagging this obianidala because its me, so its definitely very obidala focused and Anakin is in way way over his head being manipulated and gaslit at every turn, but it is there at least as an implied future state so there you go. Also its a SithAU so while I don't write terribly explicit or kinky sex, all the warnings for mind games, manipulation, violence, unnegotiated everything, and basically terrible people who should absolutely be kept away from Anakin Skywalker at all costs, but won't be. Sexy, though not explicit, excerpt below the cut:
He’s waiting for her when she gets back to her apartments.  Lounging on the bed like he owns the place. Utterly unconcerned with the fact that in less than a day’s time all of the Senate will be calling for his head along with his Master’s. 
One of her handmaidens comes over to assist her and Padme grits her teeth in irritation as she takes in the blank expression, the clumsy movements.  Oh, she despises when he does this.  True, it was amusing the first time or two.  And she has always had a weak spot for power in all its flavors.  But these days she just finds it tiresome.  They’re utterly useless for anything more complicated than the most basic of tasks for hours after he does this.
Dismissing Eirtae with a wave of her hand she rounds on him in a huff.
“I wish you would stop doing that.  You know you don’t have anything to worry about.  They’re all completely loyal.  I’ve made sure of it.”
Obi-Wan grins, vulpine and vicious and absolutely unrepentant.  “To you.  They’re all completely loyal to you.  I doubt there’s a single one among them who would spare me a second thought.”
“That’s not true, there’s at least three who would strangle their own mother for the opportunity to put a blaster to your temple and pull the trigger.”  Turning, she holds out her arms and then looks back over her shoulder, imperious and expectant.  “Well?  You can hardly expect me to get out of this on my own.”
He doesn’t.  That’s the entire point of this petty little show of his.  He likes the opportunity to undo her, deconstruct the facade she presents to the galaxy layer by careful layer.  Until she’s laid bare in more ways than one.
Coming up behind her, he trails his fingertips up the length of each arm before he settles his hands against the line of the high collar in a way that from anyone else would be a threat.  But he could force choke her from halfway across the room and they both know it.  And they both know Palpatine would make him regret it for the rest of his very long and very painful life if he ever tried.  
She smiles at him in the mirror and presses back a little into the joints of his fingers calling his bluff.  “You know we debated putting a bounty on your head this afternoon.”
He tsks.  “How very uncivilized.”
“Yes, well, attempting to exterminate the entire Jedi Council does tend to provoke people’s ire.”
“Oh, is that the version they’re selling to the Senate?”
She spins in grasp, indignant now, “Don’t be insulting.  You know better than anyone how useless the Jedi are at politics.  It’s the version I’m selling to the Senate.  Very effectively I might add.”
“I’d expect nothing less,” he says, skimming a kiss once against her mouth.  Then deepening it as his hands come up to her headdress and she feels him begin to remove the hairpins holding it in place one by one.  It’s not precisely what she had in mind when she told him to undress her, but Obi-Wan wouldn’t be Obi-Wan if he wasn’t always looking for the loophole and Padme allows it.  It’s been months since she’s been kissed well.  Whatever Anakin’s potential, both as a lover and a darksider, and it is glorious, it’s all raw and unrealized, it will take her years to mold him to her liking.  Pleasurable work perhaps but work to be sure.  Sometimes a lady just wishes to rest on laurels.
Particularly when her laurels are so very, very appealing.
Obi-Wan frowns against her mouth, “Your shields are down.”
“Are they?” She asks innocently, biting at his bottom lip with just a little too much force in punishment for both starting and stopping without permission.  “And did you like what you heard?”
He pulls back.  “You know I didn’t.”
She turns away with a huff, and removes the last few pins herself, running her fingers through her hair to free it and denying him the pleasure.  “Oh yes, you’ve made your feelings on the matter quite clear.  His arm, Obi-Wan?  Was that really necessary?”
“Maybe not, but it was fun.”
Padme scowls at him over her shoulder.
He just laughs.  A cocky, contemptuous sound that sets her teeth on edge and her blood on fire, “Oh dear, are you upset I scratched up your pretty plaything?  And here I thought you were a fan of my work.  I even signed this one for you.”
“And if I thought it had anything to do with me, rather than breaking the boy Qui-Gon Jinn actually wanted enough to take as an apprentice, I might be flattered.  Besides–” she gives him her most petulant pout, “I didn’t even get to watch.  You know that’s my favorite part.”
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
super cool character headcanons meme
This ask meme is from two months ago. Please don't send new prompts.
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod Go for Baroque Give Me Love Too Loud Not Another Rockstar
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep — where they’re not supposed to The office.
the game they’d destroy everyone else at I want to say poker. Her years as Queen Amidala meant a lot of time displaying no emotion and having no real affect to her voice, while also reading other people well. So, her poker face = good.
the emoticon they’d use most often 😜
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep Slightly more emotional? I think she's generally got a good handle on herself, but once she's back in private with just people she trusts (like the handmaidens or Anakin), she has Frustration Tears.
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever. I want to say... warm cider? Not alcoholic, but just a heated space-apple cider, like the kind you can buy at autumn festivals for middle schoolers, or at the top-of-the-mountain kiosks some ski resorts have.
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump Chocolates, blanket, and a romcom.
what they wanted to be when they grew up Oh, she's been in politics since she was Prepubescent. Girl is right where she wants to be.
their favorite kind of weather Warm summer day of low humidity on the Varykino lakeside, sunny and lovely for rolling down the hillside with a questionable teenage monk warrior while ignoring that said hillside might be covered in herd animal dung.
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?) Ehhhh decent, but on the slightly worse side of decent. She doesn't break your ears at karaoke, but she's in the mood to have fun while a little tipsy, not show off. Also, soprano.
how/what they like to draw or doodle Swirls and half-thought outfit ideas for upcoming speeches. The outfit ideas rarely make it to the closet, but sometimes she hits on something she suggests to Eirtae.
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saiditallbefore · 9 months
Fic Stats Game
Thanks to @tavina-writes for tagging me!!! 💚💚💚
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
My writing is very eclectic, so I have no idea what's coming.
Most hits: Narrow Escapes, my Ahsoka/Padme smut fic. I have no idea why this one has so many hits, especially in proportion to the number of kudos.
Second most kudos: Ample Opportunities, my Dreaming of Sunshine x Star Wars crossover. Shikako gets a real lightsaber in this one. DoS fandom is very generous with kudos 💜
Third most comments: The Real Family Job, a Leverage fic in which Archie Leach's daughter reaches out to Parker, believing them to be half sisters. The writing is a little rough, compared to how I'd write it now, but I still like it, and I think I'd like to write a version from the sister's POV someday.
Fourth most bookmarks: What You're Made Of, my PJO x DCU crossover where Stephanie Brown is a daughter of Hermes, and her demigod and vigilante lives collide. This started off as a character study and morphed into something like casefic. It's also the second longest thing I've ever written.
Fifth most words: fake it til you make it (til it's true), my Tortall Keladry/Neal fake dating fic. I wrote this one for Fic In A Box last year and had a blast-- Kel/Neal is one of my oldest ships, and it was very fun to write Kel getting sucked into Neal's shenanigans. I also got to flesh out one of Kel's sisters who only gets mentioned, and include some worldbuilding about Midwinter feasts and future Lady Knights.
Fewest words: sacrifice, a Padme/Eirtae fic that explores a little bit of what it means to be as devoted to your queen and your planet as Padme's handmaidens are.
I think most of my mutuals have already been tagged for this game, but if you haven't please consider yourself tagged 💜
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chaoticchickadee · 3 years
Good Things Happen, Week 1
Hello there! Since I’ve been writing (mostly) consistently recently I thought it would be fun to do a little challenge. Every Friday, I’ll be posting a one-shot prompt fill from this bingo card. I’m going to try to do this until I fill the card, provided it gets good reception/I continue to enjoy doing it. You’re welcome to send in specific prompts, I will write for any Star Wars fandom you see on my blog and most characters. I’m more comfortable with gen at the moment, but I can try ships as well!
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Starting out for week one is “good hair day” with Padmé and the handmaidens, circa Queen’s Peril novel.
Show your support-- reblog!
Read it here on AO3
Padmé hadn’t expected how exhausting wearing the Queen’s headdresses all day could be. Sure, she’d known during her candidacy that they were heavy and hard to balance, but knowing and experiencing were two different things. Rabé did her best to make them as comfortable as possible, but even with the braids and the styling gel her hair was a mess by evening. It was unimportant, really, but Padmé missed the feeling of her long, tightly-curled locks flowing freely all day, not just in the evenings before bed. Still, Padmé would gladly suffer frizzy and unkempt hair for the rest of her life if it meant she could make a difference as Naboo’s Queen.
Sabé had noticed Padmé staring at her, and it hadn’t taken long to figure out why. It wasn’t her that Padmé was staring at, but her hair. Padmé had lamented what the royal headdresses had done to her beautiful hair many times, and while it was said in a light-hearted, joking manner, there was a little bit of truth to it. Padmé had gotten very good at hiding her tells and insecurities, but Sabé would always be able to read her. She shared her observations with the other handmaidens, and they decided they would try to ease Padmé’s discomfort, at least as much as they could. Eager to find a solution, they put their heads together and did what they do best-- scheme.
It was a long day in the court, and all Padmé wanted to do was flop onto her bed and not move for at least three days. Her handmaidens were suspiciously quiet on the walk from the throne room to the royal apartments, but Padmé was secretly grateful for it. She didn’t think she had enough energy to walk in the elaborate wardrobe of the Queen and hold a conversation at the same time. Soon, they arrived at the apartments, and Eirtaé quietly opened the door. Once inside, the handmaidens quickly stripped her of the gown. As soon as it was off, Padmé sat on the stool in the center of the common room, and they began working on her paint while Rabé took her place behind her to work on her hair. Padmé sighed when she felt the headdress being lifted off of her, relaxing further when Rabé’s gentle fingers began undoing her braids. Instead of putting her hair into a loose braid for the night, Rabé accepted a bowl from Saché and began working some sort of goop into her hair. Padmé sent a questioning glance towards Saché but didn’t press any further when she didn’t get an answer. She closed her eyes as Rabé massaged her scalp, relishing in the simple pleasure of being cared for by her friends.
When she was done, Rabé twisted Padmé’s hair up and secured it with a clip. After quietly instructing Padmé to rinse it out after ten minutes, the girls settled down to read and unwind, as was their nightly routine. They talked about a variety of subjects, from the latest palace gossip to speculating how many heart attacks they’d given Captain Panaka that day. It was Padmé’s favorite part of her day, relaxing with her friends and chatting about nothing and everything, enjoying being in each other's company. Padmé dutifully excused herself after ten minutes to rinse her hair and clean up. She lingered a little longer than strictly necessary, tension bleeding from her body under the warm spray.
Shutting off the water, Padmé stepped out of the shower and dried herself off. She ran a brush through her hair once more, surprised by the lack of any difficult tangles. Her hair felt uncharacteristically smooth and soft when she went to braid it. Whatever Rabé had put into her hair, it had worked wonders. Padmé spent a minute staring at herself in the mirror, petting her hair in awe. She shook her head and started to braid, but she was still unable to wipe the goofy grin off of her face.
As much as she loved her work as Queen, Padmé was grateful for the quiet day. For once, there were no meetings she needed to attend or appearances  Amidala needed to make, so she didn’t bother to put on the Queen’s regalia. Officially, Queen Amidala would be spending the day in her quarters reviewing documents while her handmaidens were out running errands in the city. If, perhaps, there was so much that needed to be done that it required all of the girls, including the young page Padmé, well, who were they to shirk their duties? Surprisingly, it hadn’t taken much to convince Captain Panaka to allow the excursion. He seemed a little more at ease with their adventures now that they kept him in the loop for some of their schemes.
They’d opted against hoods for the day, as they were less likely to be recognized when they weren’t near the Queen. The central market of Theed was already bustling by the time the girls arrived at about noon. They’d meant to get there earlier, but decided to indulge themselves in their morning routine, taking time to do their hair in fun, elaborate hairstyles and go a little crazy with their makeup. Their morning was full of giggles and goofing off. It was a rare opportunity for them to be just teenage girls, not a head of state and her terrifyingly competent handmaidens. For the first time since her election, Padmé was out in public without the royal wardrobe. She hadn’t realized she missed the common, everyday activities of normal life until now. Being able to effortlessly move through the crowd without so much as a second glance was now foreign, but Padmé was grateful for it.
The girls wandered from stall to stall, eyeing the merchandise and occasionally making a purchase. Yané snagged a beautiful pair of night pearl earrings from an up and coming artisan, using most of her allowance for the day. They all teased her about using her money on one thing, but they really were a beautiful pair of earrings, well worth the price. None of the items for sale had really interested Padmé, so she used her share to buy them all a modest but tasty lunch after a few hours of meandering around the market.
Almost every time the girls approached a stall, patrons and vendors complimented Padmé’s hair, peppering her with questions about her hair care routine or tricks for styling it. Padmé deferred most of the questions to Rabé, reeling at the attention she drew. She’d gotten used to being in the public’s eye when she began her candidacy, but that had been as Amidala. It was new to draw the attention of passersby as just Padmé, but she enjoyed it much more. It felt more authentic, which in turn made her feel even more connected to the public and her people, even if they weren’t aware they were speaking to the Queen.
Once the entire market had been combed through, the girls headed back to the palace. The sun had started to set, and the girls could feel the excitement of the day catching up to them. When they’d gotten far enough away from the market that the streets were practically deserted, Padmé finally asked the question that had been on her mind all day. “So, how long were you planning my unusually good hair day?” The handmaidens stopped and looked at each other, silently discussing the best way to answer. When an explanation and a speaker was chosen, they turned back to Padmé with easy grins on their faces. “Not long. A few weeks ago I noticed you staring wistfully at me.” A couple of giggles interrupted, but quickly settled. “Once I realized you were staring at my hair, I told the others and we concocted a plan. Once we had the supplies, we just had to wait for a time we could get you out without being Amidala,” Sabé finished. Her rundown was clinical and professional, but Padmé could hear the affection in her voice. Saché piped up next, “You have a lot on your plate, we just wanted to do something nice for you.” Padmé’s heart melted at their words and the care in their eyes. She drew them into a hug, not caring how sappy and public it was. “I didn’t expect to get close to you all, but I’m so glad I did. You’re the best friends I could ever ask for, thank you.” She said. Though her words were a bit muffled, they all heard her loud and clear. “We’re glad to have you too,” Eirtaé responded. “Even if it means I won’t be the youngest accomplished engineer of Naboo.” She added. They laughed at her quip as they broke away from the hug. “It’s getting late, we should get back to the palace soon or Panaka will send out a search patrol,” Yané sighed. They all hummed their agreement and turned to start walking again. Padmé cautiously linked her arm with Rabé, and the rest of the group enthusiastically followed suit. With their arms linked and smiles on their faces, they continued their trek back to the palace.
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rabesfives · 6 years
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Naboo Handmaiden moodboard for @naberiie 
+bonus ficlet under the cut
“Truth or dare, Sabe!” Eirtae asked gleefully, sneaking a look at Rabe, who grinned back. 
“Dare. It’s probably the safer option with you around,” Sabe answered, a hard edge to her voice. The tone that only came out when there was competition. 
Rabe and Eirtae exchanged sly looks, before Eirtae announced her dare.
“Confess your undying love to the Queen.”
Sabe’s eyes widened to the size of the apples eaten at Shiraya’s festival, her cheeks blooming red.
“I- wh- what- fdsg EIRTAE NO!”
Rabe raised an eyebrow at her. “Come on sister. Everyone can see it.”
“You almost said Padme,” Eirtae noted.
“WHY DOES THAT CONCERN YOU!” Sabe shouted, trying unsuccessfully to convince Rabe and Eirtae that she didn’t like Padme. Which of course, was a complete and utter lie.
“Are you going to take up the dare? Because you could forfeit...” Eirtae mused. Sabe could never forfeit, apparently it went ‘against her morals”.
Rabe and Eirtae smirked at eachother. 
“So if you’re not going to forfeit, then you have to do it,” Rabe pointed out.
“Well you should know that there is nothing to confess to Pa- the queen, not even the fact that she has very nice ey- SHUT UP I DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING!”
“Oh Sabe you useless lesbian,” Eirtae sighed. “Come on Rabe. I think she needs some help.”
“Oh absolutely,” Rabe agreed, lifting Sabe over her shoulders, ignoring the rather colourful language making its way out of their sister’s mouth.
Running down the hallway to the queen’s room, Eirtae knocked loudly.
Padme came to the door, looking rather confused as to why Rabe had Sabe slung on her back, and why the three were at the door.
She looked at them, before asking: “Do I even want to know?”
Eirtae nodded. “Sabe has something she would love to tell you.”
Padme was trying in vain not to laugh. “Well then. That is a shame, isn’t it? I guess you should go back to bed then”
“M’lady! No! I love y- ARGGH I HATE YOU EIRTAE”
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
I imagine the Handmaidens all dote on little Luke in the Anakin Raises Leia AU.
oh ABSOLUTELY, he's their perfect little prince who's done nothing wrong in his life, they can't say no to him. they're also super super protective of him:
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dameronalone · 6 years
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Eirtae aesthetic for @leopoldjamesfitz
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accidental-spice · 3 years
Reasons all the Star Wars movies are amazing, part one: The Phantom Menace.
Queen Amidala's outfits.
All the handmaidens.
"We are brave, Your Highness"
Darth Maul.
Trying to figure out which handmaiden is which.
the Darth Jar Jar theories.
Depa Billaba.
"Duel of the Fates".
Maul trying to flatten Anakin for absolutely NO reason.
Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon Jinn, his half-up half-down hairdo, and his habit of picking up "pathetic life forms."
In that vein, Obi-Wan calling his future apprentice a pathetic life form.
Also Qui-Gon figuring out that Padmé was the queen.
Queen's Peril making EVERYTHING about this movie even better.
Anakin's terrible pick up lines. ("Are you an angel?")
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alexversenaberrie · 2 years
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#star wars paintings   #sw art calendar  
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quasiimodo · 3 years
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naboo handmaidens
eirtaé (born eirtama ballory) served as a handmaiden and communications expert for queen amidala of naboo. additionally, she worked with other handmaidens to improve the designs of the regal dresses and headpieces the queen was required to don. she was known to often tinker with electronics. prior to taking up her position as a handmaiden, eirtaé was an artist and an inventor. she was discovered by captain panaka while working as a set designer at an acting workshop. 
following amidala’s final term as queen, eirtaé travelled to the gungan city to continue working as both an artist and an inventor. her goal was to use gungan technology to improve her painting, while also working to improve naboo’s agriculture. 
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deadsuncoldtakes · 2 years
Sache: Thank you very much, we have an announcement to make. On July Fourth of this year Naboo will blow up the moon.
Eirtae: We have the technology! The time is now! Science can wait no longer! Children are our future! Naboo can, should, must, and will blow up the moon!
Sache: Yes, and we'll be doing it during a full moon to make sure we get it all.
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fanfictasia · 2 years
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OKAY so this idea just hit me. so, we all know how leia says she only remembers a bit of her mother? and that doesn’t match up with padme’s actual death at all? (does the lack of continuity on that subject bother anyone else? no? just me then)
what if she’s remembering one of her mother’s handmaidens? we know most of them aren’t dead at the end of the prequels. and they look so similar to padme (and therefore leia), so maybe she just assumed they were her mother?
what if they took care of her for a few days before she went to alderaan, as a last act of service to their now deceased sister?
guys what if?
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bracefacefreak · 3 years
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Handmaidens of Naboo : Eirtae Born to a wealthy, aristocratic family, Eirtae grew up with the best of everything and was entrenched in politics from a young age. At 11, she moved to Theed to study politics and was a classmate to Padme Naberrie, whom she ran against for the position of Queen. She lost the election but was offered a role as handmaiden, and  soon she became one of the new queen’s closest and most trusted political advisors. She left the queen’s service after her first time when she married a young officer from the palace guard. 
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