#greggor clone wars
kratosfan6632466 · 3 years
Rex : viva I’ve got some news
Viva : hm?
Rex : there are some survivors wolffe is one of them greggor and well the bad batch so you have options now
Viva: greggor is alive????
Rex nods*
Viva : I know about the bad batch and it’s been a while since I’ve seen them poor guys keep getting called lab scraps but I like them around and by the looks of it they liked me too
Rex: well you have a lot of likable things about you
Viva: I wanna go to see Greggor and wolffe
Rex : alright then also before we go how’s the leg doing?
Viva: well I can walk on my own again
Rex : good now let’s go find them
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undiegnosedadhd · 3 years
So you know how the clones have good immune systems and rarely get sick? Well what if they get infected with a virus and it goes dormant. And they get a cut then the virus goes active.
Would they feel the full effects of the virus or would it be like a little cold?
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kaijusplotch · 3 years
Ok there is something that really annoys me about people and the bad batch
Rant ahead you have been warned
Hunter is the SARGEANT of the Bad Batch. He IS THE ONE IN COMMAND.
People don't seem to understand what military hierarchy means, even in Star Wars.
So let's take a look here at the "ranks" of clones and the batch.
Cody: MARSHAL COMMANDER of the GAR and Third Systems array. COMMANDER of the 212 Battalion. Answers only to Palpatine (realistically) and Generals.
Wolffe: Commander of the 104th. Answers to Palpatine, Generals, OR the Marshal Commander (Cody).
Rex: Captain (later promoted to Commander) of the 501st. Answers to Palpatine, Marshal Commander Cody, Generals, Commanders (including Ahsoka).
Greggor: Commando Captain. Answers to Palpatine, Marshal Commander Cody, Generals, Commanders.
Hunter: Sargeant. Highest rank of the bad batch. Answers to Palpatine, Generals, Marshal Commander Cody, Commanders, and Captains.
Echo: ARC trooper. Now there are a LOT of ranks between Echo and Hunter. But there is some independence with ARC troopers. They are, as their name suggests, Advanced Recon Commandos. Echo answers to everyone above him, but he has some leeway in "respect"? He leads small squads of regular troopers or works with other ARCs in specialized units and missions.
Finally we have the rest of the batch:
Wrecker, Tech, Crosshair: all Troopers. Unranked officially, they are specialized but they are, to put it bluntly; Cannon fodder in the scheme of things. They are the "enlisted men".
Now why is this important for people to understand?
It comes from the many MANY posts I see complaining that Hunter is self centered and refuses to "rescue" his brother, and puts the batch over "regs". Saying he doesn't care about the others or about Crosshair.
These people are disregarding the fact that Hunter is THE HIGHEST RANKING CLONE IN THE BAD BATCH.
YES. The bad batch is family. But that is SECOND to them being a Squad in many aspects.
Hunter has his entire squad AND OMEGA'S lives in his hands every single time he takes a mission from Cid.
Being in command of a squad means you have to either prioritize the mission or your men. Hunter is far more compassionate than people make him out to be. He does not like putting his men, his brothers, into situations that would risk their lives.
Crosshair has had MULTIPLE fully trained clone troopers, often double digits or MORE, align with the three/four? (rip man who got shot you were a good one for an empire brown noser) highly trained Nat born soldiers with him Every. Single. Time.
Crosshair is deadly on his own, but he has been fighting the chip. Look at how many shots he has MISSED! Or even took WARNING shots like on Bracca on Tech!! He could have sniped him through his open helmet gap and his goggles! But Crosshair DIDN'T. SO to people saying Crosshair is EVIL, no. He is fighting. But he is not the focus of this rant.
Hunter KNOWS the limits of his squad. And he knows without their lookout/sniper/eyes in the sky Crosshair, they are fucked. Add in the non-combatant Omega, A CHILD, and Hunter has to protect those under his command.
He knows that his squad cannot take on Crosshair and any troopers he is allowed to have without loosing lives.
The lives of the many outweigh the lives of the few l.
Hunter knows where Crosshair is. He knows that as of right now; Crosshair is an asset to the empire and Hunter doesn't think Rampart will decommission him.
Now what about Hunter not listening to Echo?
Echo has barely any rank. His advice and comments are advisory at the very most. But listen, Hunter DOES take Echo's thoughts into consideration. Echo has had FAR more training than Tech or Wrecker, he has seen things the Batch hasn't.
Echo technically is out of line, but Hunter NEVER pulls his rank on Echo. He listens he stores those comments away to think them over.
And in today's episode? He realizes that yes! Echo is right. Hunter realized yes, this is similar to Sako Minor. He took a risk and listened to his ARC trooper.
And they almost made it. But let's look at the order in which the group got into the Marauder.
Wrecker plays main cover for Echo and Gregor to get in. Gregor is injured and Echo does not has as much fire power and foghorn capability as he has one arm.
Next up? Tech. He is less armored, and although highly capable, with the fighters coming back, they needed Tech to pilot and hold the Marauder steady.
Hunter is LAST. He puts his MEN his BROTHERS ahead of his own safety.
And when he fails to get in? When he falls off the side OF A FUCKING MOUNTAIN while the Havoc Marauder is in a dogfight with what are basically Proto-Tie fighters?
Hunter knows the lives of the many outweigh the lives of the few. Even his own. Greggor is injured and needs help. The Havoc has taken damage and will not survive a long dogfight.
Hunter makes the call to put his men, AGAIN, above the mission. To his own detriment. To him being captured.
And I don't think he is expecting a rescue. Because he expects his brothers to put the lives of themselves and Omega over his life.
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soccialcreature · 4 years
What your favorite clone says about you
Rex: idk u just rly love the clone wars. and dyed hair
Cody: u have an annoying sibling
Kix: u love the ‘unsung heros’ and u think that healers r just as if not more important than fighters. also the “im a healer, but” meme
Fives: ur way too into the ‘oh if only this one tiny thing had gone differently then nothing wudve gone wrong!’ thing that prequel stans do
Hardcase: u have adhd
Echo: ur always a slut for ppl who r rly sweet and wholesome <3
Tup: ur favorite clone is fives
Wolffe: u either want plo koon to b ur dad or ur a 2012 tumblr emo girl. OR u want to b slashed in the face by ventress
Any of the bad batch (minus echo): those 4 weeks when the bad batch arc was being released were the best 4 weeks of ur life. ur the reason we r getting a whole show about them
Fox: u love making up backstories and adding depth to the “misunderstood” characters and honestly i dont understand u
Appo: u rnt super into clone wars but u rly love atla
Jesse: u probs just like him bcuz every ep hes in is rly good. which is a completely valid reason. also its cool that hes been around for so long. and u love tragedy
Bly: u love ROMANTIC tragedy
Greggor: ur george lucas
Waxer or Boil: u love ppl who r good w kids
99: ur just like. A genuinely good person
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picklesthelesser · 3 years
The Bad Batch Episode 14 Reaction
Aight had some Belgin beers with me mates and now Canadian beers with the bad batch
The episode description sounds like they will meet maul on some outpost out in wild space
Oi is that my boy howzer?
Oh shit did he defect???
I love that they trust rex
Lmfao wrecker speaking without any critical thinking
YES more kamino screen time
The baby clones look weirdly animated
Do the kaminoans live under water?? Like where are the rest of them?
This forest planet has some peak animation
Oh God peak forest AND mountain animation
Whoa that military base give me endors vibes
Who needs an astromech when u got echo
Oh shit the Commando
What's TK trooper?
Giving me republic commando vibes
Why does greggors torso look so weird? Like his chest armor is reallt wide? And his arms are like oddly sized?
Weird seeing storm troopers using republic era ships
Oh fuck I thought hunter was going to die for a sec
Lol echo saying the c3p0 line "the odds are..."
Oh shit the kaminoan drama
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jmkitsune · 3 years
without spoiling s1
thoughts regarding what we'll get in s2 of Bad Batch
TLDR (if you wanna skip the long thoughts)- its gonna be a mix of s2 of Avatar the Last Air Bender and A TINY BIT of some of the other story threads we've seen in star wars media (clone wars/Mando/rebels. BECAUSE IT RHYMES)
-Tech downgraded, something will happen where he's going to be without his comfort equipment and he'll be forced to rely on someone else/something less than he deems good enough realizing he's just as skilled as his siblings
-Crosshair alone, somehow either intentionally or not, Crosshair is going to be forced to have a "Zuko alone" episode type scenario, but the outcome is still uncertain/up in the air on how he'll end up after the events that will transpire in that episode
-Wrecker's "reckoning"- the big guy has developed a bit in the first season we see it, and know it could/should have been more but wasn't s2 Wrecker is probably going to have to come to grips with the conflicting emotions and complicated nuances of the way things are regarding everything. Wrecker is capable of handling it but everything up til now has pretty much forced him to not have the chance to come to terms with it/face it without his outcome being tied to the others.
-Omega's Challenges, ok this kid's biggest problem is that she is young/naive. it's not a bad thing, because she is a kid, however there is going to have to be consequences she will have to live with soon. If only because while we don't wanna see our characters hurt, but we need to see them challenged. Omega's capable of a lot now, unfortunately she's gonna have to face hardship on her own though to see how capable she is.
-Echo's past vs future, our boy is fleshed out, sorry if this is a hottake but we had a lot of him during the clone wars and the Echo we have now is gonna have to come to terms that his PAST and his present aren't synced and to move forward he's gonna have to let go of some parts to survive/be at peace. He doesn't know about a lot of things post his capture and either Rex is gonna need to tell him, or maybe Wolfe when they find hm, or Greggor or worse- he'll do it on his own and have to forge a new path on his own. (if comparing to ATLA characters- I foresee Echo becoming a sort of Iroh in terms of did a lot of messed up shit and is gonna have to deal with it come series end some how)
Finally- Hunter.
OH HUNTER is gonna be the long con I think. Since he's our resident story dilf, I think he's gonna spend most of s2 tackling his dual loyalties
- the man carries the weight of the world on his shoulders because of his crew, he is gonna have to figure out what that means though post s1. The empire is PERIOD the governing power, and the republic is gone, what allies they have are becoming fugitives/criminals/etc Hunter needs to reconcile that he is now in the eyes of the powers that be- the bad guy. but he can't let that cause him to waver in his resolve to do what is GOOD (for himself, his crew and those around them.
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thehamsterjedii · 4 years
Aching Flames
Imagine the purgill took away the seventh fleet leaving only the Chimaera to crash, and the Rebellion captures Thrawn.
This is a bit of AU or an Alternate ending you can say. Imagine that Ezra and Thrawn didn't disappear but the rest of the seventh fleet did. The Chimaera crashes, and the crew rushes to save Ezra and captures Thrawn.
Fandom: Star Wars Rebels
Words: 1265
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"Ezra!, Ezra get out of there right now, that's an order!" Hera cried in her commlink and her eyes stared at the stardestroyer catching flames where one of her family is stuck there. The purgills surrounding the falling ship while their tentacles are glowing, preparing to jump to lightspeed. Hera prayed that the force would save Ezra, she is not ready to lose him too.
On the other end of the comm link, Hera heard shaky breaths and she could almost swear she heard a groan of pain. Her worry strikes higher and she is trying to prepare herself for what might happen. Not every war has a happy ending. And she hopes this war is not one of them.
Ezra is strugglig to keep his hold on Thrawn, the Purgills and the air inside the chimaera. The wound in his shoulder throbbing painfully, and he was fully sure he was gonna deal with overusing the force later. His muscles are screaming at him, his head is splitting with pain, and the force is the only peaceful thing in the middle of all the chaos. His body couldn't hold it any longer, so he let go. The purgills detached from the ship and jumped to hyperspace, leaving him.
Ezra felt the rush of air in the crashing destroyer, preparing for a very exciting landing like Hera would say. He smiled to himself, knowing he fulfilled his destiny and the will of the force. He honestly didn't have much hope of surviving this ordeal. But he felt also relieved that his friends and family are safe, they could move on without him. He closed his eyes waiting for his end. And as the Chimaera crashed and screeched hard against the fields at Lothal while the already ongoing flames rising higher. Ezra Bridger was at peace.
The crew of the ghost stood frozen, watching this fireball of a ship crashing to the ground, turning any grass around it to ashes, the animals running hurriedly away from the heat.
They stood like statues for a few minutes, until Sabine woke up from her shock and whispered "This is our chance", she turned around to face the rebels and said loudly "We need to split into 2 teams, one will go save Ezra and capture any imperial survivors left. The other one will blow this dome and retreat to the Ghost" she held up her wrist and contacted The Ghost "Mart, I need you to contact the Rebel base, ask them for a medical team stat and a ship to transport the prisoners" she said hurriedly.
Mart Mattin answered in the same hurry as hers "Copy That, Lieutenant" and turned off the comm.
Hera smiled at Sabine and stood before the crew and ordered "Sabine, Ryder, Ketsu, and Rex, you go to the Chimaera, take the phantom II, the rest with me" she shouted.
Everyone nodded and went in different directions to fulfill their duties. As the first team reached the glass windows of the dome, Chopped beeped loudly and threw an item at Sabine's direction. She caught it with ease and looked at it. Ezra's lightsaber. Sabine looked at Chopper, "Thanks!" she said.
She activated the green blade and cut the glass into two, kicking it with her legs, it gave away and shattered into a million pieces, the team of four hurriedly ascended the Ghost to reach the small shuttle attached to it. Rex hopped into the pilot seat and quickly took off.
Upon reaching their destination, the flames were even higher than they were. Sabine Wren wasn't one to be afraid of anything, but since Kanan died, her worst fears became flames. Her heart rated spiked and she hoped she wouldn't find a pile of ash instead of her friend.
They landed the phantom II, and the four ran out of the ramp. Now near the burning Chimaera, they searched for an entry way. Not finding any.
Sabine whisper growled and reached for the cylindrical weapon attached to her belt, activating it once again and attempted to cut a door shaped opening for them to enter. She finished and deactivated the saber. Looking at the opening she made, it was more of a jagged undefined mess than a door, but it would do the job.
The four entered slowly in caution, fearing the ceiling would collapse on them. Ryder and Rex started to cough loudly from the smoke, their helmets not on them while Ketsu and Sabine have. Sabine felt like she was pulling her breath from a narrow straw, her helmet quickly filtering out the smoke and any gases around her. She almost felt constricted.
The four decided to split up, and the one to find the main room would contact the others.
Each member of the team felt like they were in a maze. Charred hallways and dead bodies of storm troopers thrown left and right.
Rex almost felt empathy for those troopers, they weren't like he was once, a clone with no family, just his clone brothers. But these troopers mostly had families to feed and to care for, they didn't deserve to die like this, in the middle of a fight. But at the same time they killed thousands of rebels, the Imperial pilots shot down hundreds of ships, and the imperial workers shot Greggor today.
Rex stopped and looked down. Tears coming to his eyes, but he stopped them from falling. He took a deep breath and remembered the mission at hand, he will grieve later.
Rex was the first one to reach the main part of the ship. Upon entering, he gasped. Then coughed, The room was like an abandoned war zone. He looked at his left and right, noticing dead death troopers slumped down the walls.
Looking at his front, he stared with wide eyes. Thrawn was collapsed on the control panel, his what once was a white imperial uniform, was now ripped and black from soot. His face was bloody and his right wrist was badly burned. Rex was almost sure the admiral had more injuries, but he'll have to check them later.
His heart jumped at the thought of Ezra. If this was the state of the grand admiral, what would the kid look like? His form stiffened from the thought.
He searched around the room and spotted an orange sleeved hand under what looked to be a part of the ceiling. Rex let out a loud gasp and ran to the kid, groaning from the weight of the boulder, but he managed to lift it off.
He kneeled down beside Ezra and took a first look at his injuries. He had a blast shot that ran through his left shoulder, he had a large gash on his head, definitely some ribs were broken by how his breath almost sounded like wheezing, his right side was bleeding from the boulder, Rex could tell, and his leg appeared to be broken. Rex let out a strangled gasp.
Rex quickly turned on his commlink and shouted "I found him, hurry!"
He ran a gentle hand through the kid's incredibly soft cropped raven hair that was matted with blood from the gash on his head and whispered "Stay with me, kid, please"
Part 2?
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calamity-queen · 4 years
So i’ve finally got the chance to continue watching The Clone Wars after being busy for a long time, and HOLY FUCK.
So i left off at that one arc in season 5 with the younglings, and i was so fucking over it, because i came here for war and Maul not children but I admit Hondo being nice to the one girl youngling was kinda cute.
Then the next arc w the droids bugged the shit out of me because, again, I came here for big action and Maul. Though I did like the Clone Captain Greggor and I wish they didn’t kill him (hopefully he’s not actually dead but my expectations for him returning are low).
When I saw Maul and Savage I👏Freaked👏OUT! Deathwatch is so fucking cool and I do like them but HOLY SHIT MAUL AND SAVAGE!!!!! They kicked fucking ASS!!! When Savage decapitated those crime leaders???? FUCKING SEXY!!!
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Everytime I heard Maul or Savage do that little Zabraki growl™️ My Heart went 💞
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outshinethestars · 7 years
Long Life
Rex is a thirty year old man in a sixty year old body.
But it’s not as simple as that.  Sixty, by galactic standards, even without the best healthcare, really isn’t that old.  Humans often live to be twice that age.
It would be more accurate to say that Rex is a machine with a three month warranty that’s been plugging along for thirty years.
Three months.  That’s how long the kaminoans expected a clone trooper to last in combat.  Six if you were command, but Rex was never intended to be that, the CCs of his legion just didn’t seem to remember they were supposed to outlive him. 
Rex never expected to see his eleventh birthday never dreamed he’d live past three months of battle.  But then, well, he did.  
He learned that war doesn’t follow rules.  Some clones die ten seconds into their first engagement, others just keep living, just because, and it doesn’t make a bit of difference whether you’ve got a CT or a CC in front of your number.
And Rex loved it.  Not outliving his brothers, no, but living.  He loved fighting, he loved seeing the galaxy, even if it was usually mostly broken when he got to it.  He had a purpose, to defend the republic, to protect civilians, to protect his Jedi, to lead.  And oh, how he loved to lead a good fight.
But three years of fighting, and fighting, and not dying but being left behind, three years is a long time when you’re thirteen.  Three years is a long time when you were expecting three months.
By the end of the clone war Rex already felt old.
Afterward, after everything fell apart, or fell apart more spectacularly and with more finality than it had before, Rex didn’t know what to do.
Making expectations on how long he’d last was something he’d given up on long ago, but it would be fair to say that he didn’t expect to actually succeed in evading the empire that would call him a traitor for as long as he did.
He no longer had a purpose, at least not one clearly spelled out for him, but he was alive, so he lived.
The clones were engineered for the short term.  They were made to grow up and grow old twice as fast.  They were also designed to be stronger, to run faster and farther, to go without food or sleep longer.  They were made to burn like wildfires, and turn to ash just as quickly.
He ended up hiding on a desolate rock with Wolffe and Greggor, their bodies slowly falling apart, with no clue how they’d survived this long, wondering when death was finally take them.
Retirement was fun in a lot of ways, actually.  It was good to not to have any responsibilities.  They acted like kids more than they acted like old men.
Then a Jedi came, asking for help and—
Rex was old now, he could feel it.  Clones weren’t made to last and his time was over.
But he was still alive.
Was there ever really a question?  Given the chance could he ever say no to a fight in the long run?
He was alive, and he could choose to keep existing on that hunk of dirt, waiting for his body to finally deteriorate, or he could get out there and spend what was left of his life doing what he was made to do (or what he had thought he had been made to do) fighting for a cause worth fighting for.
Of course he left with them in the end.
He is old, yes, but he is still a damn good fighter.  He is a clone trooper, so he will keep up.  He’s still a good shot, possibly the best in the galaxy (yes, there are probably some young force sensitives out there who were never taught blasters were beneath them, but that doesn’t count).  Rex knows, that you can’t place expectations on how long a life might last, and he’s finally learned that you can’t waste a second of it.
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kratosfan6632466 · 3 years
Rex : hey viva look who I found?
Viva sees greggor and wolffe with him *
Viva: WOLFFE your alive!
Viva: hi greggor
Greggor: hello!
Viva : so what exactly happened to fox?
Rex :........
Viva : what?
Rex : you weren’t there but .....he died sacrificing himself for us
Viva :oh.....
Viva was sad*
Rex : but don’t worry he’s always on our side
Viva: yeah I guess your right
Greggor: wait viva’s your name?
Viva: mhm
Greggor: that’s a cool name !
Viva smiled a bit and said : thanks Greggor
Viva : Rex how long ago did fox die ?
Rex : a while ago......
Viva: and you didn’t tell me?
Rex : I’m sorry I should have but you were already upset about everything before that
Viva: it doesn’t mean that I didn’t wanna know!
Viva was in tears kinda pissed at Rex *
Rex tried to hug her but she shoved him away *
Viva stormed off *
Rex : viva wait! Rex went after her*
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kratosfan6632466 · 3 years
Rex was silent and viva was talking to Wolffe *
Viva: how did you find him?!!!
Wolffe: it’s a long story but I found him leaving kamino and well I followed him
Viva: ah so great to see you I thought you were....uh you know....like the rest of them
Wolffe: nah I’m a survivor
Viva: is it weird that I wanna hug ya ?
Wolffe: I’m not into mushy stuff but I can accept hugs
Viva hugged Wolffe *
Greggor: hey Rex? Why aren’t you going to her ?
Rex : because I think she wants space
Greggor: yeah....uh she is hugging Wolffe are you sure she needs space cuz she looks like she’d like your company
Rex stood up *
Rex : why do you care?
Greggor: well me and viva were best friends before I left and if I remember correctly she likes getting attention by people closest to her so go!
Greggor shoved Rex *
Rex : alright already I’ll go !
Rex sees viva *
Rex : hey
Viva: hi
Out of nowhere Greggor shoved him again putting him very close to viva *
Rex : I uh......
Viva : yes ?
Greggor whispered: cmon already!
Rex : uhm ah what the hell !
Rex hugged her as Greggor yelled *
Greggor: YES! (As he bumped his head )
Viva chuckled *
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kratosfan6632466 · 3 years
Greggor: hey viva are you and Rex uh......a thing?
Viva: there are many “things “ dude what do you mean?
Greggor said it in a quiet tone : together...? Like a couple?
Viva : yeah we are
Greggor: oh cool uh I figured but I didn’t wanna assume things...
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soccialcreature · 4 years
rebels s4 first-time watch liveblogging! (just jedi knight on bcuz i only wanna watch the good eps of this show)
sorry. the hair is bad. maybe dont let a blind man give himself a haircut
kanan and hera r the only too bitches i care about in this house
theyre soooo cuuuute ugh
y go to the fuel depot tho that seems like a recipe for disaster
kanan didnt have to b dramatic about it i think they all cudve gotten away if he had just got in the ship. theyve been in tighter situations before
can kanan b a force ghost tho? just to talk to hera. idc about the others. hera seems rly broken up about this
hera: *crying*.  chopper:  bur bur. bur bur bur bur bur.    hera: *sniffles* youre right
ezra and hera reminiscing about kanan is actually really good and really hits :(
the side plot is stupid. y not just use a bomb-bomb and kill that little grey bitch. a fuckin paint bomb? r u serious?let zeb kill him bitch goddamnit zeb deserves a little murder. as a treat
what the fuck is happening
god fucking damnit dave u fucking furry ive had enough of these fucking wolves
i hate how they talk
leave hera alone she needs like 5 fucking minutes to grieve her baby-daddie’s death goddamn
FUCK YEAHHHHH WE R GOING BACK TO THE JEDI TEMPLE i love the jedi i miss the clone wars :(
im gonna say it. the loth-cats cudve been cuter
ohmygod dave finally made his dream come true of having his characters ride wolves (bcuz he said he wanted ahsoka to ride a wolf at some point. but these guys riding wolves r fine too i guess. ahsoka makes anything cooler tho... jus sayin)
this is some force-power-bullshit that i can GET BEHIND. TELEPORTING WOLVES HELL YEAH
they literally have no asses
who the fuck is this crusty bitch
COURUSCANT lets go there. i miss the clone wars :(
wait wheres rex. is he safe? is he alright?
y does sabine have to b here
good job ezra u got it. u cracked the code. ahsoka is the daughter <3
sorry nothing was happening so i blanked out for a bit but now we are in the world between worlds AND I AM HEARING THE VOICES OF ALL OF MY FRIENDS GOD I LOVE U GUYS OBI WAN AHSOKA ANAKIN I LOVE YALL
this scene is very cool tho
ugh stop can i skip the sabine scenes? i wanna hang out w ezra in the world between worlds
she shud do the thing again where she falls onto her back and kicks the enemy away i think thatd b rly fun
hellooooo hottie
ahsoka  <3
does she know shes the baddest bitch in the galaxy? i feel like she doesnt know. i feel like sabine thinks SHES the baddest bitch in the galaxy but rly its ahsoka
is it like ahsokas job is to dramatically go “anakin...” 
when did she name the fucking bird
ok god complex ezra
ahsokas been through so much shit in her lifetime. she can literally understand any trauma just name it
cud we not have done one more take to have my guy palps say ahsokas name correctly? i mean its not a huge deal but like. was he payed by the second???
“i will. i promise” ahsoka ur so fucking cute
whered it go
how can the entire temple just skrrt away
okay what the fuck is happening y did everyone just show up
ahsoka said “ima take a nap hmu after the finale”
i hate this fuckin grey dude
hondo ily
sorry i stopped paying attention but wolffe just had a line so im back now
oh my fuck this next episode is HOW MANY MINUTES LONG?????
hera in this ep b like ‘am i gregnant?’
kallus ur the coolest bitch in this whole show (minus ahsoka)
go hera <3
yo what the fuck
this episode is 47 goddamn minutes so that we have time for this pig catapulting bullshit?
the whole second half of this show is just the writers making excuses to have thrawn do absolutely nothing while still pretending like he’s a threat
why r there 2 separate animal dues ex machinas in this finale?
yoooo ezra i actually rly like u bro :(((
hey where the fuck is darth vade y did he just dip out of the show. i feel like he cud help the empire out in this situation
very weird that thrawn supports sabines patreon or whatever the fuck
heyyyy palpatine what the fuck
they were rly broken up about kanans death for like. an episode. but theyre chill now theyre over it
y is palpatine into ezra?
can kallus and zeb smooch? just once? please? wud that b so hard?
how is this pig not dead
oh lmao he is dead hahahahahahah
im still confused about how greggor didnt die in clone wars. i thought he died? was i tripping?
palpatine is trying so hard not to saw “dewit” right now
what does destroying the temple accomplish?
oh so NOW ull kill the little grey bitch
y cant he get out of there tho
bro a bitch is crying
theyre dating
hera’s makeup
the way i broke down when i saw ahsoka
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outshinethestars · 7 years
Clone Numbers
So, I’ve seen comments before on how unrealistic the canon total of clones fighting in the Clone Wars is, but to me, there’s an even more illogical issue regarding clones and numbers: the haphazard way in which clones are innumerated.
Here is a list of a bunch of clones from oldest to youngest if the Kaminoans had done the sensible thing and given the first clone they created the number 1 or 0 and went on from there.
Ponds: 411
Hevy: 782
Gree: 1004
Fox: 1010
Droid-bait: 00-2010
Cody: 2224
Wolffe: 3636
Cutup: 4040
Tup: 5385
Jesse: 5597
Kix: 6116
Rex: 7567
Echo: 21-0408
Fives: 27-5555
Greggor: 5576-39
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