#great motivation to keep pushing myself and trying new things... like this actually i've never done a set like this before dhjsfdsdjhs
mikesbasementbeets · 20 days
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Sometimes I think it's just scary to open up like that. To say how you really feel. Especially to people you care about the most. Because what if... what if they don't like the truth? // Sometimes people don’t really say what they’re really thinking. But, you capture the right moment… it says more. // I didn't say it. // You didn't have to.
[remake of my very first gifset one year later]
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Im sorry im sot sure how to word this right but, how do you manage to change the characters race while still making them look like well, them? I've tried but it never comes out right.... they allways look like a new character when i try.... again im sorry to ask....
Tis not a problem at all dear comrade! I'm always happy to try and answer art questions, but just a heads up i might get a lil bit rambly in some spots so i do apologize beforehand.
First off, change that negative tone!
I understand how you feel and its easy to feel down when the piece isnt turning out how you picture it but that's ok. You're setting foot into new artistic territory, something you havent tried before thats still a fairly big unknown. Instead of seeing it as a failure see it instead as a step in your artistic growth. No one starts off god tier right? Changing your framing of how you see your 'bad' drawings can really help you see em in a more positive light (and help with motivation when you attempt something new another time!)
Ok but onto what you actually asked about. How do you change a character but still keep them the same? Well in my eyes to do this, you have to
Break down thedesign
Let's take in the character we wanna redesign. We gotta really look at their original design and identify all their relevant features and shapes that make them easily recognizable as them.
Lemme grab my assistant Gajeel to illustrate my point.
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So we have our Gajeel, yea we know what he looks like but! What exactly are we looking for here? Well we're looking for the key features to his design, features important enough where if he had a completely different hairstyle and colour palette ( and perhaps even body type) would make you go 'yea that's gajeel'.
So in breaking it down we note that he has:
Triangular shaped eyes with a bit of a dark outline
Small eyes with slit pupils
Prominent cheekbones
Jacked up hairline
And of course the most noticable feature, the multiple piercings
These- to me- are the most important parts of his design so i leave them generally unchanged when i go about drawing him. Which means everything else is on the table to change!
Though for me when I got about my redesigns i focus on changing 3 things mostly- nose, lips and hair. These really push a race change design, specifically in this case, makin em black
Now of course with this you are going to change skin tone that's obvious but relying solely on colour palette change makes for a somewhat weak redesign. If you turn off the colour and you can't tell if the character is nonwhite then it needs some work.
Noses and Lips
Now there are a great many ways to draw wider noses and it can be a bit difficult figuring out to interpret em without em lookin janky but i find that less is more!
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I only ever really show the base of the nose where the tip part is and the nostrils, the bridge of the nose is only ever shown in my style when the head is a bit turned.
The same goes with lips, you only really need about 2 or 3 lines at minimum to emphasizs thick lips- one for the actual lip line, one for the top lip and one for the lower lip. Some people choose to leave out the line for the bottom lip and thats fine. Just don't do this-
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If you do that im putting you in the ground myself.
Hair is a bit of a 50/50 for me to change most times because i really enjoy drawing that spiky anime hair lol. But I think that the important thing to keep note of changing the hairstyle to a more natural one is to keep the overall silhouette of the hair recognizable.
The silhouette being y'know, the shape and all that. If you're a pokemon fan then you already know how much a silhouette builds recognition. So as an example, Juvia's first hairstyle was that straightened looke with the tight curls at the end. The shape of that hairstyle was mimicked by using braids with puffs at the ends to help with maintaining that silhouette.
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Gajeel has very big, spiky and wild hair so I tried to mimick that with dreads
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(Also to note with the Gajeel redesign is that his face is slightly wider with the features a bit lower but thats more of a liberty I took than anything hard and fast so dont even worry about that)
Again, if i am changing the hair then i try to follow the shape of the original design as closely as possible. Even with a design such as my Black Gray design with a vastly different hairstyle i still sketched out the shape of his og hair to maintain the overall spiky shape (with a few liberties lol)
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So uh, yea! I think that's the most basic breakdown of how to go about doing a black redesign. Identifying the key design traits i think really is the most important step to do as it really helps to cement what's necessary to keep and what can or cant be changed.
But some other stuff to be mindful of when redesigning:
Refs naturally are your friend. If you have difficulty with interpreting irl refs then theres no shame in using someone elses art as a reference to help you to learn and understand (just no tracing!)
Please for the love of god use saturated browns for the skin tone. I cannot tell you how often i see designs with a gray-brown skin tone. It makes the character look ashy. Please don't make them ashy.
Also speaking of skin tones, be mindful of being accidentally colourist, where all your darker skinned characters villains or angry, loud, violent, sexual, etc. Not saying you can't redesign characters who have those traits to be dark skinned. But if all the characters you redesign to be dark skinned have those traits while others with more positive traits are lighter shades you may want to step back and do some reflection.
Don't be let down if you don't get a redesign on the first try! You don't see behind the scenes for other artists, it definitely takes a few tries to get it right so dont get hung up on it!
These are not hard and fast rules, just really what works for me and how I do things. If you need anything clarified better or wanna ask anything else feel free to! Happy redesigning comrade!
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humanityinahandbag · 1 year
hi, me and a friend are wanting to co write a fic together, and I was wondering if you had any tips for it? we've started outlining things and we've been brainstorming together and whatnot, but we're not quite sure how to go about actually writing.
Hey! I'm going to put @samthefrank in here as well so she can give her own response if she'd like to! But as for me, I can at least tell you what my experience has been, and keep in mind that you and your friend may be a very different case just based on how you work together.
We spend a lot of time chatting. This is done mostly in google, so we can copy and paste any ideas we have. To be honest, our outlining was pretty minimal? We jotted down ideas and put them in order, but we also were aware that anything could change at any time. Flexibility is key here.
We began writing and brainstorming at the same time. Don't sit and discuss for too long or you'll lose all your motivation. That's at least my experience! So sometimes we'll be mid paragraph, come up with a new idea, and write it down into the scene.
Be ready to delete. More writing is often better. Having more about your characters and world is helpful, and having more scenes that can be shifted, moved, tweaked, or used for inspiration is better than having less. But this also means you might have to delete moments you really like. Have a second document at the ready to dump all those darlings so they're not gone forever.
Delegate. We sometimes find that there are moments that one of us enjoy more. You may find yourself writing more of one scene than the other person. I was never big into writing smut (though I am trying to do it more!) and often found myself writing more of the sad or emotional moments. I also was less into romance, and though I've definitely grown, I know that it's not my strongest skill. We both love comedy, so we find ourselves splitting that often.
Be prepared to learn. I've started writing more smut and romance (tentatively). I can't speak for my friend, but I know she's mentioned more than once that she's started using other methods that she hadn't thought of before, but I did frequently. This translated from our fics to our original work. Push your boundaries. It's the only way to improve and grow!
Have fun. That's really key. We write together because we enjoy it! If we didn't, we wouldn't push it. I've wrote with other people and found the experience to be stifling and without a challenge. Either the skill levels were different or the other person came up with ideas and wouldn't budge. I very politely bowed out of those partnerships knowing that I would be miserable if I kept up with it. So above all else, have a good time. You're there to create something with your friend! This is a chance to play, to get closer, and to make art!
I hope that this helps! Have a great time with your friend! It's so much fun to write with other people, and I'm saying this as someone who is usually happier writing alone. Once you find that one person who you can write with as a friend, it's so amazing. You have a chance to get closer and learn more about your own writing on the way.
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seyaryminamoto · 1 year
Happy Birthday ! :) Go Capricorns <3 Hope you had a wonderful holiday season. Thank you for giving us this beautiful story. If I may ask, as a writer, how do you keep yourself going? How do you stay motivated and inspired for so long? It’s amazing! And the story you deliver is absolutely breathtaking. I admire you so much <3 P.S Thoughts on the new comics/ movies that avatar studios is coming up with ??
Sorry for taking so long to answer! Happy birthday to you too, Anon! I'm assuming it already passed, with Capricorn season wrapping up and all x'D
So, how do I stay motivated...? To be honest, it's a bit tricky to answer that X'D
I've told this story a few times in the past, I think, but the truth is, I actually wound up writing ATLA fics because I was stuck, absolutely stuck, with an original story over some worldbuilding elements I couldn't figure out. I was infuriated and frustrated by it, so I decided to clear my head and go watch this TV show people kept telling me was soooo good, so I settled on doing that and no longer stressing out about my story...!
... Poor story's been fridged for ten years :') so very cruel of me to do that, I know. And I think that, on top of the fridging, I'm actually bound to have to rewrite the whole thing from scratch one day, so... yeah :'D
The point of sharing this is explaining that, as much as I write up a storm sometimes, I don't ALWAYS do it, it doesn't work with everything, writer's block is no stranger for me, if anything I got waaaay too acquainted with it as a teenage writer who was writing whatever came to mind with zero pressure because it was for her eyes only.
My time writing original fiction as a teenager taught me many lessons, though, and among them, the discipline to write on a regular, constant basis. This isn't something EVERYONE can do, every writer works differently, and I can't pretend I'm permanently, constantly ready to write. But just waiting for inspiration to strike is a dangerous game to play, because... often inspiration arrives for the wrong things, or at the wrong time. I don't write anything out of order if I can help it (though my god, Part 3 is sooo trying to mess with that, organizing this chaotic chunk of the story has NOT been easy x'D), precisely because if I don't push myself through the transition scenes, through the lead-up, and I just jump right into the big moments I REALLY want to write? I'll never write the build-up to it because I'll never feel like it :'D
So, for starters, discipline. The discipline I developed is mostly about being ready to power through when things aren't super engaging. And then, if things didn't feel right because you forced them, you scrap and redo it, specifically by pinpointing the problems that caused things to feel forced. I've had to scrap soooo many ideas that just weren't flowing correctly, and I've had to go around that and figure out other ways to write something, both to make it more engaging and to make it actually work better than whatever I had in mind at first...
... Therefore, secondly, gotta learn to adapt! Once you identify something's not right, or a GREAT idea comes to mind but it potentially derails your previous plans, you slow down to figure out how to adapt, if adapting is possible at all. I actually had some very strange ideas for the arc I'm currently posting in Gladiator, and upon reaching the point where I finally had to write them... I realized that concept didn't work. It might work better on a TV show, maybe, in something audiovisual, because it would have required a lot of switching, back and forth, between two situations that looked the same, at the same time? Kinda? And it just didn't feel right when I finally was supposed to write it, it was too confusing. So... I adapted to what felt right, and I think the result is infinitely better for it :D
Thirdly... which probably should be the first thing, honestly: building scenes.
It sounds weird to say it this way, but this is a key element of how I write stories. It's become such an important part of it that nowadays I've become disgustingly critical of how scenes are built in any content I consume -- I'll have to try and figure out if someone's put my feelings about this into words, maybe in academic essays or books or so, because I admit I really don't know how to explain something that feels so instinctive to me...
But anyway: scene building is the core of how I write. If I were planning on writing a car race, I'd have to think about how that race will end, probably even before I think about how it begins. If it ends with a triumph for the hero, or a defeat, or a brutal accident that causes the race to be cancelled? I have to think about how that would happen, depending on the story I'm telling. Once I settle on the outcome, that retroactively informs then, of what I need to do in order to build this conclusion: how do I develop the characters in order to take them in that direction? And once the conclusion arrives... it has to be the biggest moment of the story. It has to carry narrative weight. A lot of that can be built by setting the stage, something I've found a lot of people don't really seem to think about... but even a small room in a house can be a grand stage for a big story's conclusion if the scene is set properly to pay off there.
So... I build up scenes. When I start thinking about telling stories, the first thing my brain is wired towards is envisioning scenes. Once I come up with a scene that I REALLY want to write, or in some cases, multiple scenes, I start to thread things together. Let's take for example... my "Azula and Sokka as spies" AU from Sokkla Saturdays 2020.
First thing I came up with was the idea, of course, of Sokka and Azula having to work together to save Kuei somehow. The exact threat they were saving him from only came to mind later, what mattered was that they would be in Ba Sing Se, cooperating to put a stop to something dangerous.
Then, I thought of the idea of the two of them being stuck together in a closet or a very tight space, unable to move or do anything because the enemy was right there and would catch them snooping about in the wrong place at the wrong time :'D This specific scene, then, became the core of how I built up that story.
From that core, I started to come up with the conclusion (do they win or lose), as well as how they landed in that situation, what's the threat, why they're working together but as separate agents, what their dynamics would be like in this setting, how their mutual attraction reaches a boiling point in that very specific scene...
And at that point, I just focused on preparing everything and setting the stage in order to tell the story of... how Sokka and Azula wound up locked inside a tight space together in Ba Sing Se's Palace X'D
For me, generating those core scenes is crucial for building a story that I can flow through with the right amount of motivation. I don't really know how other people do it, some people love writing stories without planning anything beforehand, and all the power to them if they can do that. I really prefer building things up towards the outcome I'm aiming for, though. At times, new elements come up in the middle of writing anyway, and you can be surprised by unexpected twists that actually bring new life to your story. You just have to let yourself ride the waves and figure out whether you'd rather choose your destination or let your story choose it for you, in a sense. But for me, setting at least some of the course is what seriously pushes me towards creating the story I want to write.
Gladiator-wise, the key has been this same principle, but in higher frequency. Basically, pretty much every arc I've written has one or multiple core scenes that I built up at the center of it all. Sometimes those core scenes could be very small and contained things... sometimes they could be something massive and chaotic. But I basically have pushed through Gladiator without breaking (even when things did get me down at times) because I had those highlights, important moments to look forward to that motivated me (and still motivate me, we're not done yet!) to keep going and push past the build-up that's necessary for everything that comes next.
... Alright, I hope that made sense X'D
As for Avatar Studios and its upcoming projects, as well as Hicks's next comic... I don't really have a lot to say on that front. I'm on a strict "live-and-let-die" policy with canon since North and South Part 1, pretty much, the last comic I ever read in full... because unless canon actually catches my attention and does things in a way I can respect/enjoy, I'm better off not engaging with it. As I mentioned in another ask not long ago, what really bothers me about the latest direction of this franchise is the lack of purpose in the stories they've been telling. Aang's story doesn't feel that way... but pretty much everything else does. Until I get the sense that they do have a direction and a purpose, I don't think I'm going to be overly concerned with whatever canon does. If I'm told Azula's comic is great, I'll definitely give it a read, but I don't hold out a ton of hope for my peace of mind, too. Better not to get excited only to be disappointed later on, as The Search taught me :'D I'd love it if Hicks can do a good job with the comic, of course, but I'm not passing judgment for or against it until it's out... and after it's out, I'll only pass judgment if I actually decide it sounds like something I want to read. Canon is free to do what it wishes to... I live very happily in my AUs and I have no need for canon validation to do what I do. So... that's my stance on that :'D
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hotspringfairy · 2 years
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Lately I've felt like giving up, giving in, and just letting myself gain back all the weight I've lost. It doesn't feel worth the effort.
So this is part of a series of posts to motivate myself to keep going! Each post I'll go over one way my life has improved since I've lost weight. I maintained a 50lb loss for 1 year, and then gained 10-15 pounds since moving in October. I'm focusing on losing those pounds, and then another 50 (from 250lbs- 150lbs).
Improvement #6: clothes!
This is one of my favorites. After I lost 50 pounds, I pretty much had to buy new clothes. I was wearing size 22-24, now 16. I was hesitant to spend too much on new clothes because I planned on losing more, but I purchased quite a few items I like a lot and have been wearing them for over a year now.
I've honestly been surprised at how great having clothes you like feels! Most of my life I've worn hand-me-downs and anything that fit- plus size clothing was hard to come by. My parents didn't buy me many nice clothes, especially in high school they'd only get me "work clothes" (I was homeschooled and worked for my parents). My aunt would buy me a dress here and there because I never had anything to wear to church. It was always so hard to find things that fit, it was never about what I liked.
Now I have my first job where I wear my own clothes. I thrift shop a lot, and recently have been obsessed with buying things from Torrid and Poshmark. I've also realized that wearing dresses to a desk job is pretty much the bee's knees. I was very uncomfortable wearing dresses at first, but I felt so pretty and they're so comfy I pushed myself outside of my comfort zone and now I love wearing them. Some recent acquisitions:
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For the first time, I'm actually wearing things I like and not just whatever I can get my hands on that kinda fits. I also have work clothes and after-work clothes which feels nice.
I cannot believe that the way I'm dressed can affect me so much. People treat me differently, they're looking, smiling, talking to me, holding doors open. When I'm wearing something I like, it makes me want to see people more and be out in public more (I'm rather introverted, shy, anxious, and even a little agoraphobic so this helps me a LOT). When I'm feeling confident I always get compliments- people can see it when I feel good.
Lately, whenever I'm feeling schlumpy I try to dress in something I like. Or if I'm feeling down I'll still wear a bright color. It can help.
Losing weight encouraged me to revamp my wardrobe, but it's also made wearing clothes better. For me, clothes just fit better when I'm under 200 lbs. Things sit more comfortably, fit where they're suppose to, hang better, idk everything just falls into place better. Even with just the 10 lbs. I gained recently, my back rolls are sticking out of my clothes again- which I hate, waistbands just aren't as comfortable even if I'm wearing a size up, other little things. Clothes are just more comfortable now that I've lost some weight.
Here's a shirt I bought at a great price hoping it would fit one day, and now I wear it all the time!
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I also bought a Bayside band shirt from one of my favorite concerts ever in the biggest size available- it didn't fit at the time but I love wearing it now! I even get compliments on how nice it looks on me, and sometimes I get to talk to other Bayside fans. I love getting to wear it.
I'm still plus size (really looking forward to shopping for "normal" clothes anywhere I want), but I can get things in my size now. At 250 lbs. it was like I needed a specialty order. I only had 2 work shirts that barely fit when I got that big, and I only had them because a fellow large co-worker gave me her old ones. They didn't even keep my size in stock. Now I can at least fit in generic sizing and get a free t-shirt, ya know?
I love my new clothes, and it's a big motivation for me to lose more weight. I want to lose the 10 lbs. I've gained recently so that my new stuff fits perfectly again; and I'm looking forward to having more clothing options in the future. If losing 50 lbs. made me look better and feel more comfortable every single day, I can't wait to see what another 50 will feel like!
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kpoptrashlord-007 · 2 years
You have alot of things to write and I am concerned. I think you should close your requests for now until you post and write almost everything. You got alot of people requesting and I'm happy but don't overwork yourselves oaky? I hope you are happy and healthy!! Have a wonderful day luv <3
First off, I'd like to say thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You're much too kind, caring about me in such a way. I appreciate it so, so much ♡
Secondly, well... tbh... I keep them open because it's fun seeing what new ideas people have. Most of the time I don't have motivation to write, so I just work on projects when inspo hits. Getting feedback and seeing what makes people excited is part of the fun.
I should actually be working on my novel but I procrastinate by writing fanfic instead. One of these days I'll put all these projects aside and focus on that instead. My requests will stay open and the ones that were already accepted will remain in limbo until I switch back over to fanfiction.
Also, and this might not be something anyone wants to hear, I have requests from... 2020? still in my inbox. When I get burned out or I just don't want to do a request, I let it sit until I'm ready for it. I'm never one to work hard (rip) so you don't need to worry about me overworking myself. Though I do agree that it would be nice to finish everyone's requests in a timely manner.
You've probably noticed that I'm a slow writer. I write chronologically and I edit as I write. I also overwrite and I haven't mastered trimming the fat to make my works shorter and more concise. I tend to ramble (just like I am in this ask). It's because of all this that it takes me much too long to finish all y'all requests. I'm trying to write faster, even if that means sacrificing a percentage of the quality, but that's not really working out. I mean, it's just fanfiction, right? I shouldn't worry about the quality... but I treat this as practise for novel writing.
At the end of the day, I enjoy writing fics so I don't mind pushing myself. But at the same time I'm just gonna do my best and complete what I can. I appreciate the concern, really truly I do, but I am merely here to provide content per the whim of others. I do as others wish, write my little heart out, and take in any feedback that can improve my writing. The moment I grow tired of it, I'll take a break and work on other things.
Anyway, I hope you're happy too, bb!! Have a great weekend and get lots of rest and water. It's important to get some sunshine too ♡
Eww, this is like reading one of my fics where I just talk about sunlight beams and feelings for the first thousand words.
TLDR;; Thank you so much, this was such a kind ask to receive! Don't worry too much about me, I've got nothing better to do during my days except write and work on video editing so-
P.S;; if you're worried about your request being pushed aside for too long, you can remind me about it and I'll work on it faster. Just as a general psa for anyone who comes across this.
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ghoste-catte · 3 years
I was curious what advice would you give to someone new to writing fics? I've been wanting to get back into it but haven't seriously written something since high school. I hope this isn't an annoying question or anything!
Not an annoying question at all! I'm just a little worried that I won't have terribly good or useful advice. To be honest, I also sort of stopped writing in earnest right as I finished high school, and didn't pick it back up until my late 20s. It's certainly an adjustment! But I think the few things that really helped me get back into writing fic as a hobby and something I spend quite a bit of time on would be:
Write for yourself first, then find your other motivations. My original inspiration in getting back into fic writing was that there just were not that many fics I liked for my favorite pairing, and I wanted more of them, and I especially wanted more with the tropes and characterizations I wanted to see. I think at the very core of anything you need that internal spark that drives you. At the same time, for me at least, if I just relied on my own drive, I would not get much done; I need some external guardrails. So having people send prompts, or writing for particular events, or writing stuff for friends really helps me to get my ass in gear and finish stuff. That may not be the perfect motivator for you, and that's fine! You just gotta figure out what is.
Be open to inspiration. Anything and everything can be spun out into a story with the right tweaking. Obviously stuff like music is a classic inspiration source, but I've also pulled ideas from poetry, from memes, from Reddit threads, from YouTube videos, from rambling conversations on Discord and from real life to make fics out of. So many times, someone will post a silly Twitter screencap, and I'll think, There's a fic in this. And a lot of the time, there is! Research is a wonderful thing, but so is serendipity. If you're out there actively looking for ideas, eventually one that you like will stumble past you.
Find your community. I can genuinely say I never would have finished more than one fic if I didn't have fandom friends to talk to about even stupid headcanons, to bounce ideas off of, and to encourage me (and to encourage them in turn!). Discord has been a godsend, and some of my closest online friends are people I met in the GaaLee discord server. As I've gotten more comfortable as a writer, I've also joined general writing servers and Reddit communities and have found them immensely helpful on both a motivational level (bingos, sprints, owe-me challenges) and on a craft level (plot workshopping and writing ethics and live grammar help). It's a lot easier to think about fic ideas and hash through problem moments when I have a constant stream of fandom-related chatter coming from the little people who live in my phone! Ao3 is an amazing website, and it's great as, well, an archive, but it isn't social media by design. If you want conversation and human connection and cheerleading, you've gotta forge out and find it.
Make it a habit ... If you want to produce anything longer than a couple hundred words, you really have to set aside time for it. And writing is just like knitting or dirt biking or painting little model figurines: the more you do it, the more easily it comes. When I was first getting back into the proper swing of things, I committed myself to 30 minutes of writing per week. Just 30 minutes. I didn't even hit that goal every week, but there were tons of weeks I got on a roll and went over that amount, and by the end of the year I'd written over 200,000 words. I used to spend an hour laboriously tip-tapping out 200 words, but now I can easily blow through 1k in a 50 minute sprint. It's all about training that muscle.
... But don't make it a chore. With fanfic, you aren't doing this as a job, and you aren't ultimately doing it for anyone other than you. That means you can take breaks when you need them, you can set deadlines and then fail to meet them, you can write stuff and then decide to never post it. When you start getting burnt out, when the practice loses the joy and energy, stop. There's no 'hustle' here. In our capitalist society we're so trained to push past our limits and keep going even when it hurts us, but the hobby you do for connection and relaxation and whatever else shouldn't be like that.
Ignore metrics. Sometimes stuff isn't gonna get hits, or kudos, or comments. There are some basic 'rules' as to the stuff that does and doesn't get traction, but every time you post something it's a roll of the dice. If you're focused on watching that kudos counter tick up, you will get bummed out fast. And any writer will tell you that the stuff you think is your best work will never be the stuff that gets the most accolades. So you have to find something else to give you a sense of success. For me, it's watching my wordcount go up in my stats and those occasional comments where someone has a lot to say and that one person who always leaves me a <3 emoji (and, shout out to @egregiousderp, having someone to have long one-on-one conversations with about the stuff that never made it to page).
Don't strive for perfection. It's really easy to want your first ever fic to be a complete showstopper, the best fic fandom has ever seen, hitting all the tropes and the ideas and the characterization that you just know fandom is missing and would be everyone's top favorite if only it was written. This is a trap. No one fic can be all things. Most people who want to write an epic as their very first venture will not see the end of that epic, because they haven't put in the practice hours to make something on that scale work. That's not to say you can't start out with a big, sprawling multichap, just don't expect it to be the greatest thing since sliced bread if you're just starting out, and be okay with abandoning it for greener pastures if you get to that point. Think of the first time someone makes a vase out of clay or bakes a loaf of bread. That's never their best vase or their best bread. If they keep up with it, they'll make more and better vases and loaves. Likewise, your first fic is probably not gonna be your best fic. See it for what it is: your launchpad.
You can't edit an empty page, but you can over-edit a full one. This kind of spins off of #7, but if the words aren't there, you can't fix them. Daydreams and headcanons are fantastic (and god, how many times have I wished for a speech-to-text engine that projected my falling asleep thoughts onto a Google doc for later perusal), but they aren't fic. If you want to write fic, you've gotta get comfortable with the idea of sloppy outlines and rough first drafts. You can't build a house without a frame and you can't build a man without a skeleton (I mean, you can, I guess, but he'd be one floppy man). The nice thing about fic is that it doesn't matter if that frame is structurally unsound or the skeleton has 18 too many bones, you can clean that up in the editing process. But you can't start hanging curtains and arranging furniture in something that doesn't even have walls. That's the process. But! Also know when to set down the editor's pen and say, "Okay, this is good enough for government work", and call it done. ("Done" doesn't have to mean "posted", but it does mean, "I'm done picking at this for now, and I'm gonna go write some more stuff".) Over-editing can make stuff seem laborious and forced, and it prevents you from actually improving. To continue belaboring the house metaphor, you can spend your whole life rearranging furniture in just one room, but the end result of that is a pretty narrow existence and a room with a lot of footprints and tracks in the carpet.
Write shit down. When you have ideas, jot them down--in a notebook, in a Google Doc, in the Notes app of your phone, in pen on the back of your hand. You think you will remember that brilliant line of dialogue or sparkling snippet of narration or genius plot that came to you in a dream, but you Will Not. Write it down. Write it down. Write it down! There have been so many times when a fic was completely saved by past!me having written down my shower thoughts about what happens next in the fic, that present!me had completely forgotten about and was floundering over.
Have fun with it! Try different stuff. Try stupid stuff. Try experimental stuff. Do stuff you've never done before that you aren't sure will work. It's important to get comfortable with your niche (for example, I know I'm never going to be the sort of person who writes intricate plots of intrigue or super long 100k epics or detailed battles), but you can't find that niche unless you explore lots of different niches! Figure out what you love and what you absolutely hate, and then keep doing the stuff you love.
Okay, so that was actually TEN things, but ... I hope you still found this helpful. Feel free to send another ask if any of this was confusing or unclear. Good luck with your fic writing and, if you want, send me a link to what you've written once you've written it! I'd love to read it.
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enigma-im · 3 years
Eighth day of Christmas...
Trope: Heat (NSFW) Relationship: Werewolf x Human Word Count: 7,058
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I knew the moment I stepped off the bus that I was in trouble. From the horrid heat and melting pot of people, this was going to be a challenge. The dry air nearly made me cough the second I got off the steps. Everyone seemed as annoyed with the environment as I, which is a small relief. Looking around at all the people was both a relief and a nightmare. We all had no idea what was going on but I knew I stood out like a sore thumb.
"You," someone shouts, silencing the crowd. I look around till I spot a hardened older Soldier making his way towards me. The crowd splits before he can charge through. The man glares daggers at me before stopping uncomfortably close.
"Me," I ask, pointing to myself with unease.
"Yes, you," he shouts," what other mutts around here would I be talking to?"
"Right," I nearly drop my shoulders," what do you need?"
"I wanted to get a look at the first werewolf soldier who gets to become my guard dog for this year," he answers, appraising me with discontent," I expect excellence from you, mutt, this few months you will be chewed up and spit out a better dog than a better man. You have big shoes to fill, guiding your kind into the future and not a single one of us will give you an inch or centimeter to make mistakes. Do I make myself clear, private!"
I feel a bit wobbly at his words," uh, yes."
The man leans closer to my face, shouting despite the distance," What was that, mutt? Stand tall, be loud! Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, sir," I stand at attention, my stomach rolling into knots.
"That's better," he steps back," Now follow me."
The crowd splits again as the Drill Sargent stomps onward. As he passes, the young men and women look to me, a good mix of intrigued and disgust decorates the group. I straighten my shoulders and march after the man, keeping my head held high with pride.
The first werewolf to join the military, I got a lot to prove.
Conversation with the higher-ups of the camp was tense. I didn't expect it to go as well as it did, though a few sly jokes were made at my expense. They were all weirdly supportive of having me at the grounds, looking forward to trying out their new regimen for my kind. Having a stronger and more capable creature in their boot camp came with its own challenges it seems. They all seem excited to see what I can do.
A lot was explained, trying their best to just keep things running smoothly. No one was going to go easy on me and I'm expected to surpass even the best of their squads. I'm oddly invigorated to take on this challenge.
"With everything all situated, is there anything else we may need to know," the Executive officer asks. He is a sweet man, to my surprise, and has been appreciatively thorough with his preparations.
"Yea, we don't want any issues to come about with having you here. A lot of the soldiers are looking to make an example of you already, though you've done nothing wrong. So if there is anything we have to prepare for then please make light of it now," the senior drill sergeant explains.
"Nothing that I can envision happening here. I'm here to work and become the first in a line of werewolves to join the armed forces. Things will remain respectable on my end so if anything does go wrong I promise it won't be my fault," I answer. A big moment like this I can't even fathom screwing it up with some stupid actions. Let the people make their jokes and rude comments, I'm not bothered in the slightest.
"So we aren't going to catch you humping one of the other recruit's legs, right," the senior drill sergeant jokes.
"Don't want you going into heat and trying to fuck every woman in a mile radius of you," the executive officer joins in. I smile despite the discomfort, shaking my head before explaining.
"No, no, I may turn into a big mutt but I'm not so savage as to do something like that. Don't believe the women would be too receptive to me doing such a thing either. When little Fido does it, it's funny. When I do it, it's enough to get me sent to jail," I joke with them. The two laugh, easing some of the tension.
"But you do go into heat, don't you," senior drill sergeant asks," we look out for medical emergencies and if that will become an issue, let us know ahead of time."
I shake my head," no, that won't be an issue. We only go into heat for a specific person and finding them here would be one hell of a terrible time but I highly doubt it will actually happen. I'm sure I would have smelled them in the crowd if so."
"Specific person," the officer snickers," how romantic, Fido."
"Sounds romantic but I've seen some friends go into rut over their mates, it's not that romantic," I wince, remembering all the fights," it's not a hallmark movie moment, sir."
The officer cocks a brow, wary," I'm almost tempted to ask but I'll refrain for now. Either way, I'll have sergeant Crews bring you to your barracks, and hopefully, we won't have to speak again anytime soon."
I drop off my things at my bunk, sorting them into a chest before heading off to P.T.
The first week of basics is easy, though I'm warned about next week after some miss placed words. My squad takes to me nicely, though I can do without the nicknames. It's a better week than I could hope for after the horror stories from active duty members.
We all sit in the crowded mess hall. Murmurs of conversations can be heard over the disgusting chomping of food. In times like this, I almost wish I didn't have such great hearing. The wet slobbering is beginning to turn my stomach.
"Hey, Spot, is it true you transform on the full moon," Casey, a fellow recruit, asks beside me. I snort, picking at the slop on my tray.
"No, I can do it whenever I want," I answer," full moon thing was for you people to pin some other garbage on the magnetic effects the moon has on the earth."
"oh, wow, movies lied to me again," he lightly bangs his hand on the table," what about silver? Does that do anything for ya?" I scoff, looking at him a bit amused. It has been a lot of teasing but I haven't had anyone sit down and ask before.
"No, silver doesn't do anything for me. Neither does holy water, crosses, or garlic," I tease. Casey rolls his eyes, looking back to his meal with a pout.
"I'm not an idiot, those are for vampires," he grumbles. I chuckle, amused by this human's questions. As I tease the man some more I catch a wondrous smell.
"Besides, I know a normal bullet would work on you anyway," Casey points his fork to me. I can't pay him any mind as I slyly glance around. My heart is racing and pounding against my chest as the smell completely engulfs me. Please no, not now. As I'm looking towards the door I freeze as someone walks behind me. As if everything slowed to a halt I look to the recruit walking over to her table. I can't help but gawk though her attire isn't much to be aroused by.
Brown hair pinned up in a bun and terribly fitted brown and camouflaged clothing. It's meant to be plain and nonattention grabbing but she makes it work. My body thrums with need as I watch her sit at the end of the bench. I can't look away as she eats, looking at her lips like a starved man. I want her, I need her. It's the only thought that runs through my mind.
She couldn't come into my life just a few months later could she?
The whole day I feel like I'm on fire, sickly and distraught. I haven't even been here this long and I feel like I'm about to ruin everything. Surely I can just explain to the XO that I have to deal with this and get right back to basics. I nod, it won't be such a long delay, I'll be right back here shortly.
I head straight to the office, stubbornly marching past the groups still running about. The heavenly smell barely permeates the hot dry air but still nearly knocks me on my ass. My attention snaps straight to her doing push-ups with her squad. She makes quite the sight all sweaty and focused. I can't help but stop and watch.
The squad's drill sergeant walks the rows, screaming motivating insults to them all. My little mate grits her teeth as he passes by, her arms shaking each time they straighten. The sergeant stops before her, crouching down as she stays propped up.
"Getting tired there, private," the sergeant baits," want to take a little break, perhaps?"
"No, sir," she barks out.
"Then get that face in the dirt, let's go," he snaps back at her. The urge to run to the man and deck him in his hooked nose is strong. I have to shake my head of the thought to actually get some semblance of control. She gets back to her exercise, going hard and strong into her next set with a stiff focus on her face. It's admirable to see anyone as determined as she looks. It picks at my heart a bit.
I'm not just taking away this chance for me momentarily but her too. Would she want to take the time off to deal with me? It can't be that big of an issue but starting over has to be something she rather not do. I sure as hell don't want to start the week over even if it wasn't too difficult. She is human so it had to be hell for her. I hum, chewing my cheek.
With fist clenched I turn away from the offices and head back to my barracks. I'll just wait this out, three months is nothing. I can keep my cool that long.
I kept that line of thinking all up till I got to my bunk. The barracks are quiet, the snores of the recruits barely registering to my non-idle thoughts. Every part of me is racing, my heart, thoughts, limbs. I have way too much energy to just sit here. Closing my eyes does nothing but let the thoughts keep me up. I've never had such an issue before, especially here.
Staring up at the ceiling I think of my little mate. She's a cutie, that's for sure. Even with the unflattering get up I can't ignore the appeal of her body. She has strength, as does most of the people here, but watching her do exercises with her squad showed more than just basic strength. I smile to myself as I think about the determined look she had while finishing her set. I have a strong little mate.
I groan as my mind keeps replaying the scene over and over. I can only pray that the rest of the month won't be like this. Turning onto my side I force my eyes closed, trying my damndest to get even a few hours of sleep.
The next week I'm weirdly filled with energy. Every morning I wake up excited to do runs, outpacing everyone by miles as I speed down the dirt track. Exercises become a blessing and every moment I spend sitting down is one where I'm anxious to get back up. The nights are no better, my body humming with unspent energy. It feels amazing to get out there and work.
Sitting at the lunch table I shovel food into my mouth, leg bouncing under the table. I want nothing more than to get back out there and get rid of this energy but lunch is kind of important. As I unflatteringly gulp down the muck an erotic scent ceases my tension. Flowing over my body like a warm shower. I close my eyes, taking in the calm.
"So, I gotta ask," a woman before me asks," do werewolves generally have this puppy energy, or is it just you because watching you hall ass down the track is almost inspiring."
As I open my eyes I'm left gawking at the woman. My beautiful mate sitting just across the table, smirking with her arms crossed. I swallow hard, feeling oddly nervous at this moment. What should I say? Should I say something? She quirks a brow at me, waiting for a reply.
"uh," I clench my pants under the table," depends on the person?"
She hums," is that a question or an answer?"
I straighten," a-a answer, ma'am."
"Hey, lighten up," she knocks on the table," don't need any of the ma'am business. I just wanted to ask, you have been buzzing like a bee this past week and I was kind of hoping it was something I could learn instead of it being genetics." my palms feel clammy the more she speaks. She's so casual, I almost wish she wasn't. I can handle stupid full moon questions over this. I wipe my hand on my pants.
"Sorry, it's all genetics," I give her a half-smile," blessings of the father I'm afraid to say."
She props herself up on crossed arms, her breast squeezing together," so was your mom human? I didn't think you can cross-breed like that." my eyes flick down to her pushed out chest, gulping hard I look down to my hands. I wipe my palms on my pants.
"No, a werewolf can b-breed with anyone," I meet her eyes," just has to be their mate."
"Awe, that sounds cute," she coos. Before she can add anymore the sergeants come in to collect their squads. I watch her look to the crowd, her shoulders dropping. She turns back to me," well, was nice talking with ya, Cujo." with that she leaves.
I remain seated as everyone begins filling out. Looking to my lap I groan in frustration, I never felt more like a measly runt than right now. Couldn't even talk to her and I'm sitting here with a full chub. I look to the crowd once more, catching sight of her turning out of the doorway. Fisting my pants I whimper lowly in my throat.
If I knew talking with her would make things worse then I would have never done it. The night we first spoke was tenser than any before. I feel like ants are crawling all over my skin, my body unbelievably hot. My blankets feel scratchy and too rough on my sensitive skin. I can hardly sleep as all I can think about is that beautiful woman smiling at me from across the table. Her ample chest just perched on her crossed arms. My loins lurch at the thought, aching to a degree I've never experienced.
I fall onto my back, panting as I kick the blanket off myself. Looking down myself in the dark barracks I see the tent in my pants. I groan, thumping my head against the pillow. A boner over a minute conversation with a girl, surely I couldn't stoop so low. I peak at my lap, groaning again as I flex my toes. Perhaps a little attention can soothe the beast?
Timidly I slide my hand down my stomach, fingers sneaking under the hem of my pants. I grab the base of my shaft, squeezing it while slowly closing my eyes. Just have to do this quickly and I got to get some sleep. With the task in mind, I aim for fast. I pump my fist, going harder than I've usually started. My callused hand feels uncomfortable, not helping the smooth glide I need. I take my hands out of my pants and lick my palm before trying again.
I jerk off, feeling itchy and frustrated as I do. I try to get it out and done before anyone can wake up to notice but I can't get into it. Trying a new tactic I relax on the bed. Keeping my eyes shut I slowly pump my fist up and down my shaft, pleased with the torturous glide. An image of my mate sitting across the lunch table pops in my head, my cock twitching at the picture. I admire her harden face, the beauty in her full cheeks when she smiles. I wince as my fingers glide over my tip.
The image shifts as I stare at her tits resting on the table. They are laid bare, her sweet little nipples hard from the cold lunchroom. My cock pulses as I think about reaching over the table to grab her, grazing my hand over her little buds. A whimper tries to bubble out from my throat, the sound surprising. I can't pay it any mind as I imagine tweaking her nipples, watching her face twist in pleasure. In my palm my cock aches, demanding more as I pump harder.
The scene twists, she's bent over the table with her tight ass presented to me. I whimper again, bucking into my fist. A bulge nudges against my hand with every descent. It would be something to investigate if I wasn't so tempted to continue. I picture lining my dick up with her weeping slit, gently pressing my tip in with a retrained grunt. Another whine leaves me, the base of my cock throbbing worst than the rest of me. As fantasy me bottoms out inside her I bite my fist to reject the whimper trying to cry out.
"Fuck," I mumble in a cry. I jerk till I can feel my body shiver in its impending climax, utterly debauched at the fantasy playing out. As I reach my breaking point I grip the hard bulge at the base of my cock, squeezing as hard as I can as I cum in my boxers. My grip pulses as I unload all over myself.
My grip eases slightly as I catch my breath. I feel disgusting as the wet fabric sticks to my tip. Looking down my body I wince at the damp stain. I tug down my pants and catch a look at my still hard dick, I furrow my brow confused. Generally, I'm soft shortly after, not still ragingly hard. I look to the bulge still cupped in my hand. Well, that's new. I test a squeeze. A shot of pleasure jolts up my spine making my head feel fuzzy. I nearly curl into myself at the surprise. That's definitely new.
I take one more glance at myself, wincing at the sight. I'm no fresh pup, I know what's pulsing at my base. I just didn't think it would come out without being buried inside someone. Sighing, I tuck myself away and attempt to get some sleep. I wince at the sticky fabric, suddenly regretting not waiting till a more opportune time to do this.
Circling the track for the 2nd time I catch up with the squad. Everyone is taking a breather, panting hard after the three miles. I casually jog up to them, still vibrating with energy.
"How can you even do this, air bud," Scott grabs at his knees," I knew there would be running but…fuck."
I look at him bemused," air bud?"
"Well it's like my dog, Rufus," another squad member claps me on the shoulder," would just run around for hours once I let him outside." I look between the two.
"I just like running," I answer," I feel rather energetic lately."
We all talk as I bounce on my heels. The sergeant rounds us all up before heading off to the next part of PT.
We begin jumping jacks in our lines, listening to the drill sergeant scream encouragements. Looking off to the side I catch sight of another squad doing their miles. They all seem rather calm, must be their first mile. I watch them go by, just briefly catching sight of my little mate in the middle of the crowd. A smile curls on my face as I watch her run along. Her arms pumping and chest bouncing. A raging need thrums into my veins, my cock standing to attention. I watch her in a daze.
"What are you doing, boy," someone shouts, grabbing me by the back of my shirt. I stumble as I'm tugged backward, torn from my stupor. Catching my bearings I realized I've tried to walk out of formations, ignoring my exercises in favor of following her delicious smell.
"uh," I shake my head," Sorry, saw a squirrel." I half-smile, hoping the joke would land. He grits his teeth, tugging me back in line.
"I'd make you run another set but I think you would enjoy that, instead you're on patrol tonight, Fido," he shouts, walking back down the line," Let's start again, from the beginning. One, two, three…"
Lunch has me excited, feeling like my tail is ready to sprout out and reveal my pleasure. I quickly shovel down my muck, looking around like an eager pup for any sight of her. Spotting her coming out of the line and heading my way I can't help but wipe my face and straighten my clothes. I nearly bounce in my seat as she gets closer.
"So you do have a tail," Scott tugs on something behind me. I grunt, twisting around with a growl. Out of the corner of my eye I catch sight of my fluffy black tail.
"Ah, fuck," I grumble, looking to her coming closer then back at my tail. Without much thought, I pin it between the bench and my thigh.
"Hello, Cujo," she greets," you're endless energy for exercises will never cease to amaze me." she sits down at the table, her tray clanking against the metal. My tail tugs, wanting to break free. I open my mouth to answer, interrupted by someone clapping me on the back.
"Yea, it's making the rest of us look bad. He makes three miles look easy," Tyler jokes as he sits beside me.
"well, it is easy, you guys are just out of shape," she jokes back. I snort, glancing at the offended men on either side of me. My mate has a sense of humor I see.
"haha, hilarious, G.I. Jane," Tyler deadpans.
"It's funny you should say that because I caught you slacking behind your crew today," Scott props his smug face on his hand," it's bad enough they let dogs in the military but you women have a lot more to prove." I can't help but sneer at Scott.
She glares at him, crossing her arms and leaning forward." yea, well what's your excuse, cadet?"
Scott leans forward as well," got a handicap, love, hard to run with three legs."
My mate snorts a chuckle, shaking her head as she grabs her food," What kind souls the higher-ups are to let you join with such a clear handicap."
Scott bounces his brow," you know it, baby. I'll be happy to show you my treatment options, perhaps you can help?" I stiffen at the suggestion, my limbs and chest tightening as Scott continues to flirt. A low rumble climbs up my throat, back arching as I glare at him.
"Think I'll pass, I heard that men with large dicks tend to need too much prep work for a minute of entertainment," she bites back. Scott shrugs as Tyler chuckles, them all going back to their meal. The growl comes out louder, my teeth pricking at my lip as I snarl at him. Scott looks at me, recoiling at the clear aggression.
"You ok, Fido," Scott asks," looks like I'm trying to take your food or something." I feel everyone's eyes on me, confused and concerned. A possessiveness boils under my skin, demanding action against this male. I swallow hard, shaking my head as I glare down at my tray. Reigning back the shift, I shake my shoulders.
"Sorry," I growl," just feeling tense today." everyone nods, quietly eating their meals. I pass a glance to my mate, worried I pushed her away with my lack of control. We look to one another, the edge of her lip tugging up. She looks away with a shy smile gracing her beautiful face. I smile to myself as I eat.
After lunch I go for a run, feeling more anxious than yesterday. I dig hard, making record speed over my fifth mile. My body feels invigorated but anxious as I run. My brain goes a mile a minute, demanding attention to the one person driving me crazy. With Scott's words ringing in my ears all I can do is think about the threat. Someone is encroaching on my territory, challenging my claim.
I shake my head, I haven't claimed her. Hell, I don't even know her name. I run harder. Pictures of her flash through my head, my fantasy of the other night forcing discomfort to my groin. I shake again. Just running isn't doing enough, I need more now.
Slowing to a stop I take off my shirt. Crouching and pressing my fingers to the ground I allow my skin to break. I grunt with my bones snapping and rearranging. The pain feels great, an action my body agrees with greatly. With my claws digging into the dirt and fur bristling in the breeze I bolt down the track on all fours.
cadets and Sergeants gawk as I high tail it around the trail. I breathe heavy, tongue lulled to the side as I hear the air roar in my ears. Everything feels so open and free. This is something I've missed all week. Changing in front of everyone made me feel embarrassed, self-conscious. I'm not like them and proving that could lead to problems. Right now, I couldn't care less. I have other issues to deal with.
After running around for hours I fall in the grass near the tree line, laying on my stomach to bask in the sun. I should be exhausted now, all this mating energy out for the time being. Closing my eyes and resting my chin on my paws I relax. It's a lovely day out.
Sitting there for a moment I feel a burst of energy. I growl. Two hours of running on top of PT this morning, how can I be nearly vibrating with need? This mating business is getting harder and harder to ignore. All I think, hear, smell is her. My cock stirs against my stomach, the hot length pinned to the ground. I growl again.
Making my way to the showers I angrily toss my torn shorts and turn the water on. I step into the cold stream, shocked at the temperature. This should help, I can chill out before patrols tonight. Closing my eyes I press my head against the tiled wall. Not even a second in and I see her. I see her wet and naked before me, giving me eyes and beckoning me forward. I clench my fist and grow as my cock throbs.
"Fine," I grab my erection," you win again."
I jerk myself hard and fast, snarling as I picture pounding into her sweet cunt. Bucking into my fist I imagine her bouncing breast and wonderful cries of pleasure. I need her, I need her so damn bad. Baring my teeth with clenched eyes I feel my base ache. I grab at my knot, pinching it in a tight grip. I can feel my seed go up my shaft, spraying the wall. Whimpering, I pulse my grip on my base, sighing as each drop is let out.
"I can't keep doing this," I whimper," I'm so tired." my cock doesn't soften, even as I turn the water off and dry myself it still aches for her.
Walking the perimeter I look around the dark camp. My uniform feels scratchy and tight as I step. There are bags under my eyes and I'm still filled with energy. I'm tired and hyper at the same time. The walk around the base feels like a dream, hollow and dazed. I'm so sleepy.
The sound of a door opening catches my attention the same time a wonderous perfume punches me in the nose. My head snaps to a shed out a bit of way from the main building. A light is shining out the open door, a shadow cast on the sidewalk. I take another inhale of that sweet scent, my cock pulses.
Like a zombie, I shuffled to the shed. The corners of my vision are distorted as I turn into the doorway. My eyes snap to the person standing at the opposite end next to a shelf. She looks over her shoulder, smiling when she realizes who it is.
"Hey, Cujo," my mate greets," you look like shit, you ok?" she takes a step to me, concerned. A growl snaps out my mouth, my shoulders sagging forward. She recoils, taking a step back. I match her, taking one forward. "Cujo," she tries to say casually but comes out a little worried," you need something from the shed?" I take another step. Her back hits the shelf, startling her as she watches me stalk forward. With all my control out the window, I storm towards her, bracing my hands on either side of her head. My face buries against her neck, taking a large inhale.
"What's your name," I growl out, using the final bit of control I have to ask.
"S-Samantha, my friends call me Sam," she jokes with a timorous hilt. I lick up the taunt tendon of her throat, she shudders. "Cujo," she timidly runs her hand up my arm," what's happening?" I nearly purr at her touch. Her words barely register as I lap at her skin, drunk on her already. I hear the smallest whimper from her, making my ears perk up.
"W-what's your name," she asks as her hand glides up my back to card her fingers through my hair.
"Trevor," I bite at her shoulder," and I can't take it anymore."
"Take what," she says nearly breathless. I can't answer, only having enough thought to grab her thighs and lift her. Her legs wrap around my waist easily, pulling me against her heat. My eyes nearly roll with the friction. With little thought I slowly rock my hips, my tongue licking up her neck to her cheek then licking over her lips. Her fingers tug on my hair, scratching at my skin.
"You want me," she asks. I buck hard into her in answer, she chuckles. "Am I your mate," she asks. A spark starts in my loins at her saying such a thing. Does she accept this? Accept me?
Aching and primed I get her on the ground, licking her as I feel my tail stuck in my pants. My brain is muddled and unfocused, wanting to tear her clothes off and mount her right here. It feels wrong- it feels right. I bite at her shoulder again, frustrated beyond belief as I grind into her.
"S-sam," I whimper," Please."
She tugs on my hair again, snaking her hand under my shirt to pet at my sprouting fur. "What do you want, Trevor," she asks.
"You," I dig my teeth into her skin," you, you, you."
She laughs, rubbing her cheek against mine," then have me, big boy."
In a flurry of need, lust, want, I rip her shirt. I can't bring myself to feel guilty as her nearly naked torso is before me. I lather at her chest, plucking the little strap between her cups with my clawed finger. My tongue wets her nipples, chest, stomach, listening to her little adorable whimpers. I feel frenzied as I shove her pants down and bury my face against her cunt. She smells sweet, tastes like ambrosia.
"Oh, good boy," she grips my hair too tightly. I lap are her folds like a dying man, feeling my body pulse and rejoice. She is amazing and all mine, open and pleasured by me. Her body wiggles and grinds against me, forcing me to hold her hips. Her thighs clamped around my face, nearly covering my ears. I'm pleased to hear her cries and feel her tighten around my tongue as I force it inside her. Oh, by the gods, she's divine.
I continue showering my attentions upon her as she tries to push me away," that's enough, Trevor, I need you." my head perks up at her words. She needs me? I sit up, ripping my already torn shirt off my shifted body. I rush to undo my pants, tearing at them enough for my cock to poke through. I look down at her cunt, licking my chops with excitement. I fall over her, hands framing her head. My hips gravitate towards her, needing her more than air. I whimper as I can't bring myself to plunge into her like a savage. Whimper again I meet her eyes, begging her.
She smiles, reaching up and petting my cheek," go ahead, Trevor, I think I understand." overjoyed I lick her mouth, tail wagging freely now.
Now free to do as I need I look between us and nudge my cock against her. My tip spreads her folds but delving into her awaiting heat is hard. I can't think, instincts taking all my control. I whimper again, looking at her. She smiles sweetly, reaching down and guiding me. I wait eagerly for her to lead me, feeling her place me at her entrance. I shove forward, engulfed easily. I whine and growl as I push as far as I can go. I try to nudge further but my base is already swollen. I chuff.
With my new addiction wrapped around my cock I withdraw before plunging into her divine heat with a heavy breath. This is what I've needed, what I've craved. I can't stop myself from bucking into her hard and fast, demanding everything with each thrust. My ears ring as I'm taken to a world of pure bliss.
Samantha writhes and whimpers with me, grabbing at the fur on my chest. I lean closer, pressing my body to hers. My thrusts begin to shorten till I'm rutting into her with shallow humps. Short uncontrolled bucks that leave my knot knocking at her entrance. An overwhelming need overtakes me. I bump my knot harder and harder against her, demanding entrance with every nudge. With a hard push, she opens more for me. I grunt as I force it, locking her to me with a satisfied sigh.
We both wriggle against each other till I'm left whining against her shoulder, with a well-timed clench on her part I'm bursting inside her. I bite down on her shoulder, marking her as my cum paints her insides. Her walls flutter around me. I listen to her melodious cries as I cum. It's too perfect, too beautiful.
With my cock locked inside her I can't help but wag my tail and lick at her face. She giggles, allowing me to shower her in affection as she rests on the floor. I pamper her, licking at her sweat and cleaning every part I can reach. She is mine now, my wonderful mate.
As my knot begins to deflate I feel the week catch up with me. I collapse on her, my cock softening and falling out. She grunts as my weight is on her. My eyes begin to flutter, my body coming back to its original state. I drift off to sleep without a care in the world.
I awaken in an unfamiliar bed with unfamiliar clothes. Without much thought I sniff out my mate, wanting to roll into her comforting arms. A disgusting chemical smell greets me instead of her warm scent. I jump awake, scared, and worried immediately.
"Whoa, cool it, Spot," someone catches my attention. I snap my eyes to them, seeing a skinny man in normal military attire. The brown shirt and camo pants.
"Where is Sam," I growl, disoriented as adrenaline fills my veins.
"The girl? Probably talking with the XO," he shrugs," should be back here soon." the man looks to his computer on his medical trolley. Feeling he is distracted I jump from the bed and bolt to the door. I can hear him shout but I'm too busy taking in the scents around me. I look left, nothing. I look right, I smell her.
Charging down the halls I turn this way and that as I follow her trail. I feel stressed and angry, to an unbelievable degree. I need her in my sight, in my arms. Her scent leads me to a door, the words on the sign not registering in my mind. I slam it open, spotting her immediately.
"Oh, hey," she smiles as she turns in her chair. She has more to say but I interrupt her. Plucking her from her seat I slam her against my body and bury my face to her neck. I take in her scent, assess her health and the environment. The smell of another makes me stiffen but her fingers scratching behind my ear makes me purr. I can feel my tail wagging behind me.
"Tamed the dog, how cute," someone says. I snap my head to them, nearly growling at my XO. He sits at his desk smug, but still intimidatingly powerful. Though I hold back a sound I can't help but bear my teeth to him.
"Let's not antagonize the pup, alright," Sam jokes. She guides me over to the seats, parting to take her own. Looking from her to the XO I feel the urges again, a primal need to get her out of sight of this male. I shake my head to put myself back into a normal mindset. Reluctantly I sit down.
"Now the excitement is over, Cadet Trevor Galius. You are relieved of training till further notice along with Cadet Samantha Backster," he says calmly. I stiffen at the dismissal, looking at Sam in clear worry. Will she be mad? This is exactly what I wanted to avoid, taking her choice away. Sam glances at me with a disarming smile. I remain wary.
"For how long," I ask.
"Till next January, that's when winter training starts. For now, I encourage you two to settle all that needs to be settled before then," he glares over to me," I'd hate to have a repeat of this semester." I wince, looking down at my lap.
"Will this put a delay on werewolves being allowed in the armed forces," I peak up at my XO. He smiles to himself, dropping it quickly.
"I admire your dedication to this cause but no, there be no delay for werewolves. I hope you don't mind too much not being the first one," he answers. Most of my worries melt off at his words. The only person I'm potentially holding back is Sam, no one else has to suffer for my lack of control.
"That won't be a problem, sir," I answer.
With no final notes, we are dismissed. I walk with Sam out into the hall, fidgeting all the while. We walk out of the main building in silence. Should I say something? Is she mad? I pass glances at her, looking for any signs of distress. She gives nothing away.
"Just ask, I know it's killing you," she bites her lip to stop her grin. I fall apart, reaching out and pulling her against me. I can't take not touching her.
"Please don't be mad at me. I didn't want to force you out of training like this but trying to hold back was killing me. I'm so sorry," I whimper into her hair. She awkwardly pats at my back as I apologize.
"I'm not mad," she answers," far from it. I'm rather excited about all this. Like, it's not every day something like this happens."
I recoil from her, confused," you're not mad?"
She shakes her head," no, I actually had some guesses around our second conversation."
I look at her bemused," you did?"
"Yea, I knew about the werewolf mate thing from my cousin. I went to her wedding about two years ago and she was mated to one of your kind. She wouldn't shut up about how they met and the utter romantic garbage she experienced from him," she scoffs," it was almost sickening how sweet they were but I got to learn some signs. You have been tense and full of energy lately. I figured that was normal but you perked up a lot when I showed up. It was really cute. Still, I had some guesses and when you came to the shed it was heavily validated. So in the end, I'm not mad. Lowkey a little happy you didn't do some over the top romantic gestures like my cousin's man did."
I listen to her rant amused and amazed. She knew? A part of me thinks she just had some hopeful thoughts and wanted the signs to be for her. Or maybe I'm not as good as I think at hiding this. Either way, it doesn't matter because she doesn't hate me. She wants me and I can't do anything but be thrilled.
With a snort, I pull her into a kiss, ecstatic with the turn of events. She smiles against my lips, pulling me close. As we kiss a few people walk back, whistling and making sly comments at us. We part, chuckling with one another at their jokes.
"So you aren't mad you have to join back next year," I ask just to be sure.
"Maybe a little," she shrugs," I guess your just going to have to make me forgive you."
I growl, leaning down and nipping at her neck. Her shriek of laughter makes me giddy. I have my mate, and she's perfect.
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willowser · 3 years
I feel like your always posting something new! How do you write so fast?
i'm glad it feels consistent and like i have some semblance of organization in my life because the truth is...i do not LOL
honestly writing for me is chaotic, the amount of half-written drafts in my docs would shock you. it's genuinely absurd and appalling and not something i'm proud of lol i was lucky when coming to tumblr from ao3 that i had a fic or two in my arsenal to put out when nothing new new was ready, so i'm sure that's a big part of the facade pffft
on the flip side -- and i do not suggest writing in this fashion lol -- i have a ton of half-written fics in my docs, and all it takes is a bit of a push to focus and get them out, so i can generally be ready with something new fairly quickly. but the big thing is that i try not to force or limit myself. if i have an idea and want to start fic #673, i do it, even if i write three lines and never come back to it. and i also never force myself to write because i know personally that is my biggest motivation killer, and it generally makes me a happier writer and therefore a more frequent writer.
as far as technically, i write almost every day. sometimes i wake up really early before work and do it, sometimes i write at my lunch break, sometimes i do it in bed on my phone lol i also enjoy writing in a group or with other people by doing writing sprints, because i like to brainstorm out loud and discuss what i'm writing/how i could change things, and it's just more fun that way for me ( i've actually recently signed my soul away to a friend that will keep me accountable by sprinting with me for 45 minutes every single day LMAO rip willow ).
i feel like it's necessary that i state that quantity does not equal quality. getting new things out quickly is great -- and it also doesn't mean those things are inherently bad -- but what you're writing, what it means to you, the effort and passion you put behind it, is way more important than how quickly you are getting it out. it's not a competition, it's a hobby, a thing to enjoy.
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I was hoping I could have a ship for DPS, Harry Potter, Stranger Things, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off if it's not too much. I've got golden blonde hair and I'm about medium height, just above average. I have light freckles on my nose and forehead. I love to read and write. I'm working on writing my own novel as well and hoping I can get it published soon. I'm a total romantic, probably a little too much so. I pride myself on my intelligence. I'm an introvert and sometimes a little shy.
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I ship you with Todd!
The two of you would make the sweetest couple. You both have similar personalities, therefore it was only a matter of time before something pushed the two of you together. He constantly saw you around the town near Welton, and both being introverts, it took a while for one of you to actually make a move. It was Charlie who literally shoved him in your direction and forced him to ask you out on the spot. You couldn’t help but smile as he blushed and asked you to dinner that evening, his hands were shaking in his pockets the whole time.
He is very hesitant to do grand romantic gestures, but that is not to say he doesn’t display how much he cares about you at any given moment. He knows that you definitely have a romantic side and is always racking his brain to show you how he feels. His family does have money, therefore whenever you see him you always come home with some expensive bunch of flowers, however he loves to find ways to surprise you instead of just throwing money at material things.
One of his more memorable moments was when he first asked you out on a date. He knew you were somewhat of a hopeless romantic yourself, he spent the majority of the day brainstorming with Neil and Knox about what to do. He took the whole day decorating the cave where they held the dead poet meetings, taking a trip into town to get some food and making Charlie get him a bottle of wine. You saw how much effort he put into all of this, candles decorated every surface giving the cave a soft glow. You spent the entire evening talking about your favourite writers and what you wanted to do in the future. Honestly he could watch you for hours, watching you face light up as you passionately talk about what interests you.
When he finds out you are writing a novel, he is beyond impressed, jumping at almost every opportunity to read what you wrote. You often come to each other for advice, whenever you have writers block he is always there to help you come up with new ideas, he is almost too hesitant when it comes to criticise your work. You often have to force it out of him, even if he insists it is perfect on your first draft. You are often there for him as well, helping him through his anxiety or self deprecating thoughts. Calming him down when he is overwhelmed, allowing him to cling to your jumper as he buries his head in your neck, softly telling you what’s wrong. He often thinks it’s selfish how needy he is, but you are one of the only people he lets his guard down for, he is grateful to have you.
The song I associate with you guys would be ‘White Winter Hymnal’ by Fleet Foxes.
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I ship you with Cedric!
This is honestly such a cute match! Being one of the most popular boys in his year, he never really had trouble attracting the attention of girls. However he noticed you were more reserved than his other classmates, but he knew who you were nonetheless. Priding yourself on your intelligence is something he respected and loves your passion for knowledge. Hardly being shy about asking you out, he had no problem approaching you inviting you on his next trip to Hogsmead. He couldn’t help but smile at the way your cheeks turned slightly more pink, relieved when you agreed to go with him. You didn’t notice it at the time, but as he turned the corner he did a slight victory jump, already thinking up ideas for what the two of you could get up to.
He loves your kind and caring nature, wanting to know more about you and determined to make you come out of your shell more, making you want to share more of yourself with him. He is pleasantly surprised when you show him your more outgoing side. He remembers the first time you really made him laugh, with his head tilted back wiping his eyes as he tries to stifle his amusement. Looking back at you as if you are the only one in the room, it’s the moment he realises he made the right choice.
Something you learn to love is his more extroverted nature, he always knows the best idea for a date. One of his favourites was when you agreed to go flying with him to watch the sunset. Being a romantic is something you both share, however he is slightly more subtle, but this didn’t stop him from spending most of the afternoon flying on his broom searching the grounds for the best place to observe the view! Settling on a small platform on a steep hill, you could see the sun slowly set over the long, winding river. You let you head rest on his shoulder whilst he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, softly tracing patterns into your arm. He wished you could stay like that forever.
He doesn’t focus too heavily on looks, however he is undeniably attracted to you. Your golden blonde hair is stunning to him, he often finds himself absentmindedly combing his fingers through it as you lay on his chest, just enjoying each other’s company. He often jokes how it is the same as his house colours, mumbling how is is sometimes difficult to find you in his house stands at a quidditch match! Another thing he loves is your freckles, he always recognises them as something special about you. Brushing his thumbs across your cheeks whilst sitting in the Hufflepuff common room, he says they remind him of constellations he used to find at as a kid.
The song I associate with you two would be ‘Baby I’m Yours’ by Arctic Monkeys.
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I ship you with Jonathan!
You two would work so well together! You both had known each other pretty much all your lives, growing up a few streets away you were no stranger to the Byers family. As time progressed you both began harbouring feelings for each other, the two of you being to shy to say anything in fear of ruining you friendship.
You were the only one who really knew him, through and through. One night while you were hanging out in his room after school, listening to his current favourite record, he felt more confident than he ever had. He leans forward, closing the gap between the two of you, gently placing his lips on top of yours. You were slightly taken aback but returned the kiss, glad that he finally had the courage to make the first move.
Will and Joyce always knew you two would end up together, with neither one of them really being surprised when you started holding hands or sharing a kiss goodbye. Joyce can’t help but smile when she first notices you holding hands under the table at dinner, giving you a wink when she sees you staring, wordlessly telling you that she approves. Will was the first to know about the two of you getting together, he literally had never seen his older brother so excited! They share everything together and this was no different, after you left Jonathan was still filled with adrenaline after your first kiss. Bursting into his brother’s room and stumbling over his words as he told him what just happened. Will couldn’t help but smile and wrap his arms around him, seeing him truly happy for the first time in a while, he could feel the happiness radiate off him.
He always has a small smile on his face when you link arms or hold hands while walking into town. He is so proud to be able to walk next to you, showing you off to the world. You both have found a little routine, stopping at both the record and book shops to have a quick browse whilst running errands. He loves to watch your excitement as you look through the latest selection of books, listening as you ramble on about their history or the authors life. When he has the spare money he always buys a few for you, even when you insist it is not really necessary. Not that he minds, if he has the means to spoil you, why not? You would always make sure to try and return the favour, occasionally buying him a new vinyl that you can listen to together.
The song I associate with you guys is ‘Wonderland’ by Big Country!
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I ship you with Ferris!
This is definitely an opposites attract situation! You never really took much time to notice Ferris at first, you being consumed in your studies, not wanting to engage with someone so carefree and reckless. You of course knew who Ferris was, but you always thought of him as a slight show off and therefore never really took the time to get to know him. That is until you were both put in the same class, with fate deciding to seat the two of you next to each other. He was taken aback by your slightly reserved attitude, his usual one-liners didn’t seem to have much of an effect on you. He expected himself to dislike the way you brushed them off as you focused on your work, but it just made him more intrigued and motivated him to try harder! After weeks of his subtle flirting and wise crack jokes, one of them actually made you smile. Finally managing to win you over, he decided to ask you on a date, which you gladly accepted.
He does have a bit of a wild side and knows how to have fun. He often finds you stressed about work or overwhelmed with assignments, he may not seem like it but he does have an innate knowledge of when you are being to hard on yourself, always being the one to drag you away from your desk and on an adventure, you even skip school for the first time with him. And although your times in the city are usually filled with sneaking in and out of places you are definitely not allowed to be, he always does at least one thing he knows you will love. Allowing you to spend hours looking around the museum or art gallery. Debating different works or artefacts, he always provides a great outside perspective, always keeping you on your toes!
You also are the one to stop him from doing something too stupid, convincing him that he doesn’t need to go on some crazy adventure to impress you, trying to get him inside for a quiet night in. Although he would not outright admit it, one of his favourite activities is just watching movies with you. Picking out snacks at the shop and going to blockbuster to pick out a movie, legs tangled together as your eyes are glued to the screen. He does spend a significant amount of time watching you instead of the film, admiring you out of the corner of his eye.
The song I associate with you guys would be ‘Restless Year’ by Ezra Furman!
Sorry this took so long to write! I’ve been super swamped with work, but hope you like it. Also let me know how your novel is going, when you’re finished I’d love to read it! ❤️
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princesscandijane · 4 years
How do you feminize you? I've tried many times without success :/ so sad
I will tell you it was not an overnight thing, and it did take some work.  In fact it took me years to get to this point. Somethings were certainly easier than other.  These are the things that I did and if you are able to, I would suggest the same. Being a sissy is all mental, so much that I still have so much to learnFirst and foremost go at your own speed.  Don't rush into anything that you are not comfortable with.  Treat this like yoga, push yourself, but if it is too much take a step back. This applies to everything I mention below. There is still so much I have to experience but I am going at my own speed, and that's ok.Next thing is CHASTITY!!! I cannot stress this enough but take that little clitty of yours and lock it up 🔐 It intensifies the feeling by sooooo much.  If you are new to chastity then start off slow. It may feel a little uncomfortable at first, so take it an hour at a time, and work your way up.  When I started I had no interest in chastity, but after hearing from so many to try it out, I finally did, and it I haven't looked back.  Best purchase for any sissy. I doubt you will find a sissy that has tried chastity that will say otherwise. These days chastity is my natural state, and couldn't be happier 😄  How deep you want to go is up to you, but be careful you may find yourself at the mercy of merciless key holder 😧Another thing that helped was filling my sissy hole. If you are new to this, take this slowly, do research, do not be stingy with the lube, start small and work yourself up.  I started with a finger, then got a butt plug, then bigger butt plugs, then dildos, then... we'll see lol  John Mulaney does a great job describing the first time something goes up there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNlyZSvsNjw The first several times I put things in my bum, it was not comfortable, butt after a little bit it starts to feel pleasurable.  Thanks to toxic masculinity, a male experimenting with anal pleasure is less than man, great for a sissy mindset, but horrible for society.  You don't have to be a sissy, gay, you can be a 0 on the kinsey scale and enjoy some ass play, and it certainly won't make you any less of a man.  I do remember the first time I used a butt plug I was a little sore the next day, walked a little different, and couldn't shake the thought that my bum has been filled. Don't focus so much on having the elusive sissygasm, and just enjoy the feeling.  Besides sissys don't always get to cum.Speaking of cum, EAT IT. That is one of those barriers a sissy needs to break.  Start with your own cum obviously. It is something that all of sissys want to do while we're horny and touching ourselves, but once we blow our load we feel super deflated and lose our nerve.  I started with lifting my legs in the air and trying to shoot it in my mouth. I got some in my mouth, but a lot on my face, I had to scoop the rest off my face and eat it.  I went from finding cum to be 🤢 to 🤤🤤🤤Go smooth.  This one took me longer than it should of.  It is not weird to be male and be smooth. I get advertisements on Hulu about manscaping.  If nothing else shave your clitty.  Even if you want to be the manliest man, or whatever, anyone sucking your cock and balls will appreciate not getting hair in their teeth.  I certainly don't want to deal with an amazon to suck cock lol As far as legs, arms, torso, arm pits, tell everyone you think it is disgusting, because it is.  Steve Carrell or check out Hugh Jackman's legs when he's deadlifting vs any movie with Ryan Gosling, Matt Damon, or any other modern sex symbol topless. What I'm getting at is you can be smooth and manly in public, yet also get the wonderful feeling of being smooth as a sissy.  The feeling over anything over freshly shaved legs feels amazing, you would be surprised on how much feeling hair interferes with.  Once I put stockings on my freshly shaved legs, I never wanted to be hairy again.  Get and wear clothes that make you feel sexy and cute. This seems easy, but is super tough.  At least for me it is.  I don't know fashion at all, and I am learning that what is amazing on the model will not work for me, so much wasted money lol #sissy struggles The important thing though is that it makes you feel sexy.  A good wig also helps, anytime you can look in the mirror and see the sissy you envision the better.  But do not be critical.  Every sexy photo, or even unsexy photo you see of mine is picked from a lot of really bad pics. There's angles and lighting and things I don't know 'cause I'm not a photographer. Practice giving a blowjob.  You don't have to buy a dildo, though you should lol but go to the vegi department and pick up some phallic veggies treat it like a cock.  Suck it as if it were a cock, I learned from Fast Times at Ridgemont High https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZ-MY6zjRHU you don't have to deep throat, but learning is such an accomplishment, certainly has made me hungrier Exercise, being a sissy should be a motivator to exercise.  Exercersing isn't the funnest thing, it's tough to do, and really hard to keep up with.  A sissy needs to take care of themselves, there are so many programs out there and gyms, and ways to keep in shape. I am a bit of a fitness person and so it is certainly easier for me. There are a lot of programs out there, but what you need to find is something that you can reasonably do forever (insert for-ev-er meme).  It doesn't have to be anything super cazy, but if you can find 20 minutes 4 times a week to workout than you will be on a great path.  Working out is exausting, you will sweat, you will get sore, you will feel discomfort, and at times it is not fun.  Fight through those down swings, think of your goals. Having a sexy body does take work. Anyone that you idolize online, or invision yourself is probably someone that takes care of themselves and spends time suffering at the gym.  I say suffering, because sometimes it is, but find an exercise routine you like.  And do not worry about gaining muscle and being unsexy with muscle.  First you need to gain some muscle, muscle is healthy and burns fat, and is sexy. You can have muscles, be a sissy, and be healthy at the same time. I am 130.8 and I do all types of exercises.  I did and still do have to work on having this weight, at one time I weighed 160lbs. There are plenty of exercises out there, most important is to find one that you can foreseeably doing for the rest of your life. But all your exercise is nothing without the next part and that is.  If nothing else, do some yoga.  The benefits to a sissy should be pretty obvious lolLearn to cook and diet:  Out of everything in the world, not just sissy, but the world, well not the whole world, actually the first world this should be done.  Only in the first world do we have these problems, but that is what you eat. They say "abs are made in the kitchen" for a reason. You can't reward yourself from a hard exercise with a double cheese burger, large fries, and a beer.  Find a diet that you can sustain for the remainder of your life. There are so many amazing recipes out there that are healthy and delicious.  Stay away from refined sugars, simple carbs, and all those bad foods, use a food app, don't cheat yourself, because that's the only person you are cheating.  And learning to be a good cook will certainly make you more desirable for any mate.Celebrate the small victories.  Progress can be slow at times, but it is still happening, be sure to acknowledge and internally celebrate.  If you see any progress be it lb less on the scale or taking that bigger plug, be happy about the progress, and do not ruin it.  Start Today. Anytime I want to make big change, I like to say things like "tomorrow I will", "after this last ...whatever", "when the universe gives me a sign." Those are only excuses I give myself to not do something.  You don't have to do everything today, but start with something.  Got super high and mas drunk sense I started so this may not make sense nos more
I also used sites like these which were super helpful http://sissy-university.com/ and https://sissylover.com/sissy-school/
My Goddess thinks I may be over explaining lol 
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wellashell · 4 years
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Health, fitness, clean eating, wellness: all important; all good things, right? So why does it seem like the world of fitness has changed in face but not in practice? Where once we were sold "low-fat" diets to remain trim, saw models whose translucent skin showed collarbones and ribcages, we now see "low carb", we see "counting macros", we see a new wave of what "health" is supposed to be.
The beauty industry, cleverly disguising themselves as the health and fitness industry, has sold us a new ideal woman. A woman with curves, who is "thicc with two c's", a more attainable woman, or so they'd have you believe. But those curves can't include cellulite on the perfectly round butt. It can't have stretch marks. It can't have a tummy. What they've really sold us is a new unrealistic standard we must meet. A thin waist and arms. A big bum from perfectly curated squat exercises in designer workout clothes, sipping on flat tummy tea. They've tricked us into thinking progress is being made, but really, it's just been repackaged with different buzz words.
I grew up fat. I knew way to young that fat equated to bad, less than, in need of change. I couldn't wear bikinis to the pool like my friends and cousins because I would show too much of myself. I needed to be smaller, take up less space. But I didn't know how.
I didn't want to be seen. So I learned to detest things like running, because the fat on my thighs would jiggle and my shirt would ride up and reveal my stomach. Gym class was a time of extreme embarrassment when I couldn't do a single push-up, when mean girls would trip me while we ran because it was funny to see me fall.
It's a double-edged sword, trying to workout while fat. The world tells you you need to lose weight, but then when you actually put in the effort, they laugh and you and ask why you bother. And then you eat your feelings because why do you bother, and the cycle continues.
It wasn't until the end of my college career that I really started seeing a change in my figure and my health. And it wasn't because I was starving myself or spending hours at the gym. It was because I started hiking.
I went to college in upstate New Jersey, surrounded by woodsy mountains. I learned to love getting lost in the woods, to crave that adrenaline high from surmounting a steep hill. Most of all, I loved the solitude.
Discovering my love for hiking, I finally found something to get my body moving that made me forget it was exercise. Going to the gym, lifting weights, or running on the elliptical, I always had one thing in mind: I am doing this to be skinny. Sometimes I enjoyed it (you can't fight the power of endorphins). Seeing the scale number go down and my clothes get baggy was a great motivator to keep doing what I was doing. But I was only enjoying it for the sheer fact that it was getting me closer to the goal of shrinking myself.
In the years since, I've hiked dozens of mountains. I've hiked twelve miles into the Grand Canyon. I've passed rocky scrambles in New England. I've lead the group in hiking tours, making it to the top first. Each peak is simply a new challenge. A new aerial view of the world. I never feel stronger or more confident than I do with my legs shaking and sweat rolling down my back, having climbed thousands of feet into the sky.
I don't focus on how long it takes me or how many calories I've burned. To be honest, when the trail gets tough, I'm often focusing on what I'm going to eat when I get back down (protein and beer is always my go-to).
I'm not saying that gyms are evil and weight-lifters are all shallow. But the motivator should be something other than fitting into a certain body mold. Because ten years from now, the beauty industry is going to tell us that big butts are out find a new way to commodify women's bodies.
My wish, with the rise of the body positive movement and fat acceptance, is that we find a way to better our bodies for the sheer reason that we love ourselves as we are. Because they can't sell products to women who are comfortable in their own skin.
@kaitlynrosewrites on insta
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allsystemsarenotgo · 4 years
I normally save these kinds of posts for a much smaller cluster of peers that I trust, or on an alternate profile where I can keep my public and private images separate.
I'm choosing to blur that line with this post because I am reaching out to the very people on my life that will see this and take the time to read it.
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I had a complete and thorough meltdown the other day. I haven't had one in a great while.
I was out on the edge, feeling like I didn't have control of myself, so close to simply giving up.
I finally cried myself to sleep at 5AM clutching a pillow in loneliness and abandonment as I do on a nightly basis, only to be back awake at 7AM as my alarms went off.
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I spent the morning in deep thought and self revelation. Thinking about my past, the people in my orbit, who I actually care about and who cares about me.
In that time of weakness, one friend stepped forward to talk to me, to bring me away from the edge and show me that they cared.
I know that I've never been the most perfect person and that I've wronged some folks. I also feel like alot of people have false images and presumptions. And I know alot of people don't know that I have changed over time.
I know that is a cliché statement used and abused by alot of people through the years.
But I'm really trying to be a better person. I can't fix or make up for my fuckups early in life, but I can change how I interact with people.
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I was talking to a friend tonight about some feelings stuff, and this scene came up on the show 'Mom' (S07 E08 - Hot Butter and Toxic Narcissism).
It goes along with the first card - Comprehension is the real key to communication, and comprehension is gained by actually sitting and listening to the other person.
That tends to be an exercise in futility in my world - as much as I want to shut up and listen to somebody else, I have a horrible habit of listening to respond, not listening to comprehend. On the same token, I have lost alot of people's respect, to the point that they no longer take the time to listen to me.
Some (most....all) of my best and closest friends have walked out of my life because they could not put up with my poor communication skills. I allowed the pain to continually happen, doing the same thing over and over, hoping that maybe one day, somebody would understand.
That person has only existed once.
The one person that I thought did understand, tried to take me to a bar...knowing that I don't like alcohol and can't breathe in smoke. I went just to say I did after much attempted refusal...but that is the only best friend that I have ever pushed away intentionally.
I've been single for 8 years. I wrote relationships off for a long time to focus on making heads and rails of my little world. Recently, I've tried to put myself out there and am zero for three first dates, and several that I didn't even make it that far. It doesn't matter how much I "match" or have in common with another person - when I make an ass of myself and don't even mean it, the massive bloody hole in my foot tends to hurt.
I also know that I have, at times, exhibited jealousy or envy. I am trying to be better about that. I'd love to say that it comes with the territory, but that is only a pathetic excuse ...
Change is really difficult for me. I can't just reach over, flip a stack of switches, and become a whole new person. Unfortunately, I am not a robot and (thankfully?) I am not bipolar or split personality.
I'm just a guy with no social life and no communication skills.
But I want to try. I'm tired of being this introverted, selfish, mute person that I have been.
I want to have friends instead of acquaintances.
I want to be invited to places and events
I want to not be shunned or avoided when I try to join a social group.
I want others to take the time to actually talk to me and let me explain things before presumptions and rumors go flying around.
I want to be able to carry on a normal coherent conversation in person...even if I know that will take a little more work...
*I just want to be normal.*
I just wish it was as easily done as it is said.
I know that some people don't believe this whole "High Functioning Autism" thing. These same people have never asked me to explain it, never let me share my life story.
My school didn't have diagnosticians. We were lucky to have a registered nurse. Sometimes I question if the counselor was actually licensed in something other than college and career planning.
I've gone through four counselors and psychologists. I spent my senior year of high school and first 3 years of college in and out of the counselors office. I've been on and off medications.
Nothing has ever worked for me. When I learned about HFA, it explained alot. I got a facility to accept consulting with me about it even though I was outside their typical range of patient. I spent 30 minutes with the doctor there, and they agreed with full confidence.
That's why medicines have never worked for me. There isn't a "fix* for this.
All I can do is try to break outside of my comfort zone and try to change myself forcibly.
But that starts with the people in my orbit, my real friends, the people who genuinly care about me to motivate me and help me improve myself.
The people who have actually read this to the end.
Thank You.
Previous Entry, Part 2: https://allsystemsarenotgo.tumblr.com/post/615994879114362880
Previous Entry, Part 1:
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youradvice · 5 years
Hi there. I graduated college in June, got a 3 month internship near my college town, and was able to extend it until January. Throughout this crazy time, I also started a new relationship. I was taking things one step at a time, but now I randomly get anxious because I don't know what's going to happen to me after January. I've been applying to other jobs, but no luck. I keep telling myself I still have a few months to keep looking and hopefully find something and if not, then I can do -
[- something more temporary like a retail job until I'm able to find a permanent job bc obviously I need income if I want to stay here, closer to my boyfriend. Some days I feel like things will be okay, but others I get so anxious because what if I don't find a job? What if I have to move back home with my family? I really want to stay here and I want things to work out and I know worrying won't help, but I just don't know how to stop.]
hi! it sounds like you’re having a pretty tough time ): firstly i think it’s amazing you were able to extend it to january! that’s a great start :)
i believe you should just keep doing what you’re doing... you’re bound to get stressed, especially bc you’re having to multitask! your future seems uncertain but in actuality if you’re determined then it’ll work out eventually!
ask yourself why you’ve had no luck applying to other jobs. are you missing something? lack of experience? is your CV not appealing to a certain job place? you need to try and find out why you aren’t getting these jobs and fix that problem!
i think your idea of having a temporary job is a good idea, especially if you only have to provide for yourself- it gives you more time to apply to jobs and although it may feel like you’re not earning a lot, just keep pushing through and when you finally get that job it’ll feel soooo good! maybe if you don’t find a permanent job towards the end of december try to apply to retail jobs before your internship ends so you aren’t unemployed and struggling for income once it does!
it’s good that you’ve acknowledged worrying doesn’t help! but sadly it’s a normal human emotion especially in stressful situations. i think you should reassure yourself, tell yourself that even if you don’t find a permanent job by the time your internship ends then a retail job will suffice until you can get that permanent job. it really is a difficult situation to be in because you never know what will happen- but passion and motivation will get you far.
i hope everything goes well for you :)
have a problem? send me an ask for advice!:)
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Issue 2: Interview with Hannah Depop: @guthball
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Q: What brought you to Depop? How long have you had your shop? Did you/Do you sell anywhere else?
A: Depop appealed to me because it's so clear that its basis is in community. I’ve been able to connect, collaborate and create for cool people I might’ve never clicked with otherwise, and I actually, really, truly cherish that. Plus, the layout and features are so user-friendly, there’s never been an intimidation factor. I created an account about two years ago. And I’m still here, maybe just because they added the video feature...
The reception of my art from depop users has been so gratifying. I would not have immersed myself in resin so extensively without that encouragement. It wasn’t long before I joined depop that I began experimenting with the medium; I loved the look, but had no idea what its creation entailed. So I took in a few tutorials, bought a kit, and have grown, or attempted to, from there.
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The entrepreneurial bug bit me early. My mom owns and operates a drycleaners, and has allowed me to sell there since I was a kid. It began with hand-drawn bookmarks, friendship bracelets, that kind of thing. Now, I have a display of resin magnets and keychains there. I do local shows here and there, too. Mostly for fun, profit’s never promised. It’s always worth it, though, just to gauge reactions to my work- I love answering questions on process, seeing little kids play with the magnets, or experiencing the moment someone takes a closer look at something I made and really GETS it.
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Q: (Your magnet faces make me so happy to look at!) How long have you been making them for, and what inspired the making of these characters?
A: I’m so glad you enjoy the face magnets! They are a blast to make. I just looked through my photos to see how long ago I made my first- it was back to September of 2016. Wow. That piece now resides with my sister, totally forgot it.
A lot of my work is influenced by quirks in process and material, the expression pieces are no exception. At their inception, I’d done a few projects with encapsulated googly eyes before, and had a bunch of sequins I'd bought to make flower accents. It was around then that I realized that the plastic formed packaging from my jewelry findings could be repurposed as a smooth, glossy tile mold, in a range of sizes PERFECT for magnets and other accessories. Toony faces have always been my go-to in drawing, and these introduced a way to marry my illustration style with resin work. I've put together so many goofy lookers now, made out of all sorts of materials, and set in all kinds of molds. I've refined my technique, but still never really know how (/if!) they’ll come together until they’re popped out. The features are all cut and glued, then layered in backwards, so I don’t have a great view as they cure. Pieces can shift, bubbles can sneak their way in, some materials distort when submerged in resin. It can be a challenge to make sure nothing's too out of place, but the glitches can be where the character sneaks in.
I mostly improvise the face designs, but sometimes, just to shake up the procedure, I doodle ideas out beforehand. There’s definitely inspiration from drag, from cartoons, from geometry, texture, and color. I know there’s one with a pout I ripped straight from a photo of my sister- I'm into the idea of full-on custom magnetic portraiture, but no one’s come to me requesting their likeness in sequins and googly eyes yet. The fact that kids think they're fun is also a huge influence: that motivates me to make them as kooky and colorful as I can. There is a selection that made it to a preschool classroom, and it’s been reported back to me that all the kids like to play and even fight over them. I love that!
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Q: Do you have any favorite artists that inspire you?
A: She’s inspired by way too many artists!!! A few off the top of my head: Keith Haring, Hattie Stewart, Jillian Evelyn, Betsey Johnson, Parker Day, Shantell Martin, Siobhan Gallagher, Kendra Dandy, Tuesday Bassen, Erté, Klimt, Kay Nielsen, Man Ray, Chagall, Dalí, Hirschfeld, Picasso, Gary Baseman, Kenny Scharf, Neal Levin. If that’s not a weird and wide enough swath... I follow hundreds, if not thousands, of creators of all sorts on instagram. Admittedly extensive, but a wonderful pool of inspiration to dip into.
I have always had an interest in the arts, and (…aquarius here) make a point to be very open to all sorts of visuals. I’m content to take everything in, and very much, like, “like like like”-- it’s a whole thing when I don’t care for something, but I try not to play critic so much. I’m normally drawn to really graphic work, yet down to take the time to appreciate subtleties as well. I gravitate toward what’s wacky, clever, bold, evocative, sparkly, dimensional… a lot of stark contrast as well, a lot of black and white. But also a lot of pink and kitsch. I'm a maximalist, I obsess. That might just be reflected in my work.
And, duh, I admire other resin artists. The medium is SO versatile and I love to see its limits stretched. I put a lot into distinguishing my style from others who create with resin, but there’s major inspo in what everyone else is coming up with! Shout out to my fellow resin-making depoppers :) I’d also like to mention Lauralee Benjamin (if you're not familiar, please change that immediately), who has found inventive ways to use my pieces as accents on her beautiful work. That collaboration is all thanks to depop, and has inspired me in ways I never could have expected.
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Q:What is some of your process when you create? (Do you listen to music, create alone or with friends, where is your work space?)
A:Oh my god. It’s all over the place. A lot of my process is just seeing what I can get away with.
So much can go wrong; resin is a finicky substance. I employ a variety of techniques, many developed through trial and error. I try to create unique effects, or emulate things I’ve seen before in my own way. Many of my projects are worked in layers, transformed with each pour. It can be as simple as mixing a bunch of glitters together. Even that can be tricky, though! I can get very in my head about intricacies, and try to balance the detail-oriented with simpler projects, or whatever'll give me a break from the eyestrain. Most of my stuff comes from sitting down at my workspace, assessing my supplies, and sorting it out from there. Once I have a batch of resin mixed, it's a race to get it divided into colors and divvied into molds. At times it requires a lot of precision, and a willingness to just wait it out and see what’ll happen.
Tools and materials dictate much of the process. I have a few staples, but keep an eye out for new supplies just about everywhere. I get the biggest kick out of repurposing components that might’ve otherwise been trashed. Think broken jewelry, old cosmetics, sequin scraps, and single-use plastics. I intend to look into eco-resin and biodegradable glitters down the line; it’s a matter of cost and accessibility, but adjustments I find necessary, at least for my own sake, in continuing with this art form.
At the end of last year I cleared a space in my (creepy) basement as a studio. It’s kept a hectic mess, but… that’s my nature. I work alone, save for a few times my sister has joined me. Friends have been invited to try in the past, but considering resin is such a time-sensitive, kind of hazardous, sticky thing, it’s not a great group activity for the uninitiated.
I work to an, errr, eclectic mix of podcasts and music. A lot of Sondheim, disco, Comedy Bang! Bang! and CBC Radio 2.
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Q: What is your favorite piece you've sold so far?
A: Oooh, toughie. The first that comes to mind is one of the first sequin trays I made- it was a really specific rainbow pattern inspired by a book cover. I also love the custom name necklaces; they always turn out so badass! In a few instances, I've made pieces used in photo shoots or performance. Those are extra special to me, too.
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Q: Where do you want to go next with your art?
A: My art is going to morph. I want to hone my skill in areas beyond resin, and then find ways to blend the edges. I want to keep pushing, but know when to pull back. I wish to collaborate more, to find solutions I’ve not yet reached, to make some of my outlandish ideas a bit more tangible. I want to build a brand and learn to accrue my worth for once.
And, maybe, down the line, tile a room with a mosaic of resin faces.
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Q: What is your favorite fashion era?
A: I love an outrageous 80’s moment.
Q: Do you do commissions?
A: I adore doing commissioned work, and have had so much fun on prior personalized pieces. I am currently open to fulfilling some custom requests, just DM me, whatever!
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Visit Hanna's shop!
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savitaa · 3 years
Sarah Feels Great After Losing 4 Stone
About Sarah
I have recently qualified as a primary teacher, having originally graduated with a Music degree.
Click here to discount my most recommended weight Loss Method https://bit.ly/3feNHht
I'm much more active now in the classroom than I was studying music as I am constantly on my feet and moving around.
"Being a musician is, in contrast, a fairly sedentary lifestyle. On the downside, staff rooms tend to contain large quantities of chocolate to keep the staff sane!"
I certainly gained the most weight once my husband Paul and I started to become more secure in our relationship, perhaps just from feeling comfortable and happy.
Now Paul tries to help me with my eating since he's the cook in the house, but we're both far from perfect so there are often major temptations to deal with.
Dieting History
I've always been chubby, and as such I've been dieting on and off for most of my life.
I tried Rosemary Conley and Weight Watchers as a teenager, and various attempts at self-restriction over the years.
At the start of 2005 I decided to make a change and lost 4 or 5 lbs myself through exercise. I then joined Slimming World and lost more weight between May 2005 and June 2006.
Both Weight Watchers and Rosemary Conley worked for me at the time and I lost a little bit of weight, but felt constantly hungry.
"I found they pushed me towards some unhealthy relationships with food, such as deliberately starving myself."
I also felt that the way they specified a 'healthy' weight for me was unrealistic. I don't think I'm designed to weigh 9 stone.
"Going it alone never really worked for me as I always lost motivation and whenever I fell off the wagon I gave in and didn't get back on again."
Slimming World, on the other hand, was extremely successful for me at the time, and I didn't put the weight back on in the 6 months between leaving Slimming World and joining wlr.
It allowed me to eat a lot of food whilst losing weight so I didn't have to deal with being hungry, and whilst I considered joining them again to lose this final bit of weight, I didn't feel like a group, or the kind of eating plan offered by them would suit me any more.
How being overweight has affected you…
Being overweight seriously affected my already pretty poor self-esteem and I have never really felt comfortable with my body, even now, and I still find it difficult to accept that I look good.
Oddly, however, it took me a very long time to admit how bad I had gotten, and I still have pretty mismatched perceptions of myself then and now.
"I found it impossible to buy clothes because I couldn't stand the sight of the lumps and bumps I had, but obviously couldn't magic them away with the “perfect” pair of trousers."
I often used my weight as a kind of punishment or reward system, saying things like 'When I'm a bit lighter, I'll get a gym membership/go back to training' because I was too embarrassed to be seen by all those healthy people, or 'I won’t buy any new clothes because I intend to get slimmer' and then never did.
Motivation to Diet
Originally I just couldn't stand to look at myself any more. I felt uncomfortable being naked with my partner, and avoided photographs at all costs and I just didn't think that was any kind of way to live as a 21 year old.
"Now I train in Muay Thai (Thai Kickboxing) and I really love it. It's a great way to get healthy and build your self-esteem."
I've started competing and as such I need to meet specific weight categories. If I'm too heavy I don't get to fight, so that's a good motivator!
It's as much about being healthy now as it is about being slim.
Sarah Before
How Weight Loss Resources Helps
Counting calories helping me to get a better perspective on my diet and create a better relationship with food, so that I can eat the things I want, just not all of them and not all the time!
The Best of Weight Loss Resources
I use the food diary and calorie database every day, and I use the message boards. There's a lot of support and knowledge to be shared and taken advantage of there!
Lifestyle Changes
I can go into any clothes shop now and guarantee that I will find something in my size that will look good, and which I will actually feel confident in.
I can look at myself in pictures and in the mirror without cringing and feeling the need to draw the curtains and never leave the house again.
"I don't feel ashamed of my appearance any more. There's nothing I wouldn't feel confident doing now because of my weight."
I'll join any club, take part in any activity and I'm much better at talking to strangers now that I feel proud of who I am and what I've achieved.
"I'm also learning how to take a compliment."
When people offer me a compliment about my figure I can believe them, instead of assuming they are making fun of me, and I can look them in the eye, smile and thank them.
Diet Changes
It's not so much about meals as it is about snacks for me. I always ate reasonably healthy meals. I just ate too many calories, and too often.
Typical Breakfast
Before: Raspberry flapjack and Red Bull ( c.500 Kcal)
Now: 2 Weetabix with skimmed milk and raspberries (c.170 Kcal) And I wondered why I was overweight!
Exercise Changes
I now train in Muay Thai 6 days a week, generally 7 hrs per week. I cycle everywhere, clocking up about 35 miles per week.
I try to run/stumble 3 times a week – c.5km per run.
Why do you think wlr has helped you lose weight where other diets have failed?
I think by giving me control and awareness of the food I'm eating, its calorie and nutritional content, and by showing me that I can eat “normally”, and still lose weight.
Sarah's Calorie Counting Tips
My main tip would be this: losing weight is not easy, but neither is it complicated.
I mean that people tend to ask me a lot how I lost the weight and reactions are generally split between jealousy and disbelief when I explain that to lose weight I ate sensibly and exercised regularly.
I think the people who are jealous think that I mean that it was easy, when it really wasn't. It isn't easy to take control of your diet when you've been so out of control for so long, and learning to say “no” to things is seriously hard.
The people who don't believe it think that there must be more to it than that, when there really isn't– eat less calories than you burn and you will definitely lose weight.
Just don't go overboard – eat your calorie allowance, don't be too hard on yourself, and remember it's necessary to have a treat occasionally!
Also, it's not the end of the world if you fall off the wagon every now and again, so long as you get back on again straight away.
Click here to discount my most recommended weight Loss Method https://bit.ly/3feNHht
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