#great listening to it while making a cosplay
wooltoesocks · 10 months
arthur every 5 minutes: what the fuck is going on?
the guy who has his eyeballs: lmao dont ask me idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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yakdee · 1 month
Payu’s racing suit: A masterclass in foreplay and kink exploration
One helluva title, huh? Well listen, I’ve been cursed with a great attention to detail (the notes app is sick of me atp) and an even greater desire to share so here we are. Wanna come along for the ride?
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It's race day and this is the first time we get to see Payu in his gear, hence this very important full-body shot for which audience is quite grateful (I took the liberty of speaking for all of us, but if you disagree, remember that denial is a river in Egypt 😌). Though we will come to see later on, that no one is as grateful as Rain.
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One thing about Rain, he's going to brat. And as amused as Payu is, he's going to nip it right in the bud (hair tousle, my beloved 😭). That aside, we know that Payu is almost always in tune with Rain, and he can clearly see that baby boy is more than loving how he looks in his racing gear. And Rain saying that his suit is cool a second time gives Payu the confirmation he needs, and an opening for foreplay and the exploration of Rain's budding cosplay kink.
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Now despite rendering Rain parched and speechless at that thought of him stripping out of his gear, leave it to Payu to take it to the next level.
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Rain is visibly excited. And although he has not verbally responded, his body language is speaking volumes, even if at this point he doesn't fully get what Payu is implying.
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Payu has essentially given Rain the permission to dress him within the boundaries of cosplay, and confirms this by asking Rain to help with putting on his gloves.
Now I'd like to think the purpose of Payu's request two-fold: (1) to show (just the audience atp because Rain doesn't understand what's happening yet) that he’s noticed the beginnings of Rain's kink and (2) to engage another one of Rain's senses as he continues their foreplay. So far there's been sight, sound, smell, and now Payu has added touch.
We all know that Payu probably entertained the idea of having Rain go full-contact right in the middle of the garage, but he still has a race to win so the gloves will have to do for now.
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The race is over and Payu has fulfilled his promise to Rain: he has claimed victory unscathed. And now Payu is looking forward to his reward: reaping the benefits all of that glorious foreplay.
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By the time they get home, Rain is damn near feral. He’s so turned on that even Payu is pleasantly surprised. And honestly can we blame Rain? We’ve established that Payu looks hot in his racing gear, but he looks even hotter winning in his racing gear. The latter isn't lost on Rain and it’s showing in the way he’s kissing and touching Payu.
Ah yes, the touching ... let's focus on that.
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As they’re kissing, Rain’s hand glides along Payu’s side, pulling him close, and lingering for a bit to feel the fit and structure of the suit against Payu's body — the smooth feel of the elbow pad and the grain of the leather on Payu’s ass.
Side note: I find it fascinating that Payu starts mirroring Rain’s movements for a bit. I don’t know whether they’re just really locked in and hot for each other (both. both is good.) or it’s meant to be a form of subconscious reassurance for Rain. Whatever it is seems to be working because Rain’s energy is at 1000%.
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Baby boy is so lost in the sauce that even palms and strokes Payu through the suit (he really said "all hands on di—" i'm sorry lol), later pulling him close to feel the full weight of all of that leather on his body.
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Now, we could say that this is just the way people touch each other while in the midst of a pre-sex make out session, but that is not the case here. Payu can feel the difference and remarks on it, continuing their earlier conversation at the garage.
Another side note: Imagine being so in tune and obsessed with your partner that you're able to continue conversations hours later as if the passage of time doesn’t exist. Absolute insanity.
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Anyway~ naked and deep in throes of passion, it's at this point they switch gears for a bit (pun intended) with it being Rain's turn to do the talking.
From the garage up until now, Payu has a created a safe space for Rain to release his inhibitions (s/o to my girl Natasha Bedingfield 🎶) and explore this new side of himself. And while that's true, the rules established in their D/s relationship are still in place. One of them is no swearing. But Rain is feeling carefree and especially bratty, so he levels up the dirty talk, adding some profanity to spice things up.
They both know that a punishment is inevitable, but there's some nuance involved. Rain is the midst of self-discovery, so Payu opts for a less severe punishment for the swearing. He bites Rain's lips, but he does it with degree of playfulness that encourages Rain to continue. Without the swearing, of course.
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Taking the hint and most importantly, staying on theme (i.e. riding Payu like a finely-tuned motorcycle 🏍 again, i'm sorry lol), Rain takes over both verbally and physically, and it is absolutely doing it for Payu.
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In fact, Payu is so pleased that he offers Rain a lifetime subscription of free riding lessons. All jokes aside, the way that Payu responds (in that he mirrors Rain's word choice) shows that he is enjoying this cosplay scene just as much as Rain.
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Thoroughly spent and content after crossing yet another finish line for the day, Payu reassures and encourages Rain once more. And in turn, Rain checks in with Payu confirming that everything was enjoyable for the both of them.
Communication? We love to see it.
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Even while basking in the afterglow of their bisexually-lit post-coital bliss, that race suit is still on Rain's mind. Again, can we really blame him? He realizes that the cosplay aspect of it is something that he likes. And although things seemed to come naturally to him, this is still very much uncharted territory for Rain. Payu acknowledges this and provides aftercare in the form of teasing encouragement, promising to purchase a few costumes for later cosplay sessions.
Rain may not be ready to fully accept his newfound kink, but knows that he can explore it further with Payu whenever he's ready. And the open and consistent communication they've had during this time will help them build a solid foundation to do that.
If you made to this point, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed and I'll catch you in the next one :)
Bonus: An update from the special episode
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A few months have passed and as you can see our lovely couple has indeed gone on to further explore their cosplay kink.
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AND they even added a few others to the mix. Good for them and may the kinks be ever in their favor.
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ollie-lolly · 1 year
Mind if I send another baby request (because I love the idea of these men with precious beans)? How would the Brothers/Dateables be if they had babies of their own? I just wanna know what kinda fathers all of them would be!💗💖
Thank you for the request! <3
Them as dads
warnings: none!
reblogs are appreciated!
-Will do that thing where he'll place the little ones feet on his, and hold their hands to help the baby learn to walk. TvT
-We now know that Lucifer is at least 10 million years old soooo.
-"He is more than daddy to me, he is like, he's like grandpa."
-Lets just say after being a mom dad to six he is desperately waiting for the baby stage to be over.
-He does not want to handle the little one too roughly, like with his more resilient brothers. So please help him out.
-I can see him in front of a white board trying to explain the stock market and the baby is just there like :)
-He is super proud of his little one. 
-He just holds his baby above his head sometimes like >:D
-I can see him buying a smaller version of his sunglasses and putting it on the baby.
-He uses the baby stroller as a place to store stolen things.
-Will take tons of pictures of the baby of any little cosplays he can find.
-Would use his tail like a baby carrier.
-I can see him holding the baby so they can see his figurines and he would go on and on who they are, from what show etc.
-Will watch childrens anime with the baby.
-Is scared for his life during the whole experience. So please try to keep calm, because he sure won't.
-Loves tucking it in bed.
-Please help him when his patience wears thin.
-Will bounce the baby on his lap while he is reading.
-Probably named the baby after a character in a book he liked.
-Will attempt to teach the baby complex topics, the baby has no idea what he is talking about but keeps listening anyway.
-Will want to be around it 24/7.
-Will have tons of nicknames for the little one.
-Wants to dress it in so many outfits. ♡
-Customized and patterned diapers.
-Wine dad with Lucifer.
-Will often talk about his new dad life on social media.
-Will have the little one on his shoulder at all times.
-Please be with him when he feeds the baby, because what is stopping him from eating the baby food.
-Looks really intimidating when he picks the little one up from daycare.
-Will gently use it as a weight when exercising.
-Will want to sleep with it for hours.
-It is so bad to the point that he has trouble falling asleep without his precious baby.
-He loves how warm the baby is.
-He has the little bassinet hanging above your shared bed, so he can check on the baby anytime.
-Beel essentially takes care of it with him.
-Will have a baby carrier on 24/7
-He will be walking in the halls of RAD and the baby is just:  :D 
-Will gain a lot of popularity with students because of the happy baby.
-The baby will most likely inherit Diavolo's adorable smile.
-Would spoil it with the most expensive gifts much to Barbatos' dismay.
-Will take time off to love and appreciate the little one.
-Handles the worst parts of babyhood great.
-Would love to teach you the techniques regarding childcare.
-Diavolo would beg Barbatos often to bring his butler's baby to work.
-Somehow always knows why the baby is crying.
-Will insist on you resting while he takes care of the baby.
-Looks so angelic when he holds the baby.
-Simeon is always smiling when he gets to be with his baby.
-Luke loves to take care of the baby with him.
-Will dress it in a wizard costume and post "My new apprentice"
-Please don't let him feed it.
-He does not realize how dangerous his house is.
-Next thing you know, the baby has his hands on a wand and almost destroys Solomon's house.
-Lets just say there needed to be A LOT of baby proofing.
-In the meantime, Solomon had to use a spell to make the baby float.
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unpopular opinion but I really like the adventure zone. the first DND podcast I ever listened to was Taz Balance. I fell in love with it instantly. it was funny and silly and told a good story while being easy to follow for someone like me who didn't know how to play before hand. I learned how to play alongside the players and liked the goofs. it's what got me back into fanfiction writing and part of what gave me the courage to start actually posting them for people to read.
I've always had a hyperfixation on cryptozoology as long as I can remember and so amnesty caught my attention quickly. I love the chaos of it and apparently it's unpopular but I really loved Aubrey too. all of the players were great but apparently it's unpopular to like Aubrey and all Travis's characters in general. and Travis in general but I love Travis, his humor is exactly mine and Aubrey and Magnus are still on par with my favorites. I went as Arlo Thacker and Indrid Cold to the Halloween parties I had this year.
the first character I ever cosplayed was Magnus Burnsides and I got my partner to cosplay Taako. it was the first one and inspired a lot more creativity in me.
I love the graphic novels. I own all of them except for the eleventh hour because I can't afford it yet but I've read all of them they're all really well drawn and the story is amazing as always. all of them and all arcs of every campaign have made me cry easily. they're all that beautiful
finally I really really really liked graduation. I love Fitzroy. everything about crab boy magic man makes me happy. I like Rainer and her wheelchair, as someone who needs a wheelchair (but can't afford one rip american healthcare) it's nice to see and I also like that it's brought up in a jokey way when we first meet her. because it wasn't pity or anything. it was very in character for her. I like that we meet so many people up front because that's what it feels like when you move schools. there's so much new to the point of being overwhelming. I LOVE FIRBY AND HIS NO NAME!!!
I see so much hate towards taz and specifically towards Travis and I just can't understand it. also why expend your energy towards something you don't enjoy. just let people like things.
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wambsgansshoelaces · 3 months
hi, i think u did a similar one already but could i get a hc on how succession characters react to their s/o crying? about feeling sad , or stressed , or losing a loved one , idk , just something mildly serious. i wasn't feeling great today and i started crying and my sister told me to stop crying and was like mean af to me and i could use some gentleness and affection :|
aw anon im so sorry :( I know I’m really late with this but I hope you’re doing much better <3 I’m always here for you in my ask box or pms!! your sister is an asshole you can cry whenever you want all of your emotions are valid and I love u u are so worthy
I hope these make you feel happy <3 enjoy x
serious issues (succession main cast)
ᝰ when he notices your mood is off, he immediately goes solemn
ᝰ while if it were something smaller, he’d leave it and let you come up and talk to him on your own
ᝰ but he can tell it’s bad
ᝰ and he’s not going to let you stew in this by yourself
ᝰ he will help you
ᝰ whether you want him to or not
ᝰ he gets you a glass of water
ᝰ and forces you to drink
ᝰ then sits you down and makes you tell him what’s wrong
ᝰ when you do
ᝰ rather, when you burst into tears in his arms
ᝰ he can’t help but feel horrible
ᝰ he cradles your face in his hands and kisses away your tears
ᝰ he apologizes over and over
ᝰ he’s rubbing your back the entire time you tell him what’s going on
ᝰ “cry it all out. i’m right here.”
ᝰ he talks you through it
ᝰ he’s cosplaying his therapist
ᝰ if it was a death, he gets the name of where the service will be held and pays for it in secret
ᝰ over the next few weeks, you can just show up in his office and cry on his shoulder
ᝰ and he won’t ask any questions
ᝰ he always lets you
ᝰ the night you tell him, he keeps an arm hooked around you, keeping your head to his chest
ᝰ he plays with your hair and strokes soothing patterns into your skin for the rest of the night
ᝰ as you recover emotionally, he makes sure to check in on you
ᝰ even long after the incident, you both make sure that you have no bullshit check ins with each other
ᝰ “how are you really”s
ᝰ he makes it clear to you that he will always support you
ᝰ and you’re glad
ᝰ not really the best with words
ᝰ or emotions
ᝰ or being serious
ᝰ however
ᝰ the only time(s) he is 100% serious is when you’re severely upset
ᝰ the first time it happens, it’s like he stops breathing
ᝰ “hey, come here. something’s wrong. i need to know what.”
ᝰ you tell him
ᝰ it’s the hardest you’ve ever cried
ᝰ the entire time, he grips your hand, gently stroking the back of it with his fingers
ᝰ he’s never been more focused on anything in his life
ᝰ he wishes he could help talk you through it, but he’s physically incapable
ᝰ so what he does is murmur a few comforting words then take you out on a boat ride
ᝰ because of course he has a miniature yacht on call
ᝰ “you can relax, take your mind off everything. i’ll take care of things, don’t worry.”
ᝰ the rest of the day is spent the two of you cuddled together, looking out over the water
ᝰ he doesn’t say anything
ᝰ he feels bad because he doesn’t know how to help you sort through your emotions
ᝰ because god knows he can’t
ᝰ so instead, he spends every waking moment with you, at your beck and call
ᝰ regardless, he’d do anything for you
ᝰ incident or not
ᝰ he listens to you when you talk, of course
ᝰ he just can’t give you any sound advice
ᝰ the nights on the boat, when you’re at your most vulnerable, he makes sure you fall asleep before he does
ᝰ so that he can kiss you to sleep
ᝰ and make sure you fall asleep soundly, feeling safe
ᝰ he’ll never be happy unless you’re happy
ᝰ she notices something’s wrong, but doesn’t say anything at first
ᝰ when you don’t come to her at all and instead stay holed up in your room, that’s when she knows something is really wrong
ᝰ she crawls up onto the bed with you, and you feel her hands smooth up your back
ᝰ “what’s wrong? tell me.”
ᝰ does not leave you alone until you do
ᝰ listens intently
ᝰ literally memorizes what you’re saying so that she can help fix things
ᝰ the entire time you’re speaking, she massages at your skin to soothe you
ᝰ and it works
ᝰ thumbs away your tears when they fall
ᝰ she refuses to let you go through this alone
ᝰ she helps talk through your issues
ᝰ nonstop reassuring you that everything you’re feeling is perfectly valid
ᝰ and telling you that if you’re upset, she’s upset
ᝰ and that she’ll stop at nothing to make you happy again
ᝰ in all honesty, she’s extremely inexperienced with cooking and baking
ᝰ but she figures it out just for you
ᝰ she makes you a fudge with strawberries and raspberries frozen into it
ᝰ and it’s surprisingly really good
ᝰ your tears ease as the two of you eat together in bed
ᝰ you’re still sniffling when she gently urges you to lay your head in her lap
ᝰ even when you’re this upset, she’s utterly mesmerized by you
ᝰ your lips when you chew, your cheeks, the plush of your thighs as your pajama shorts hike up your legs
ᝰ “i know it’s hard, babe. i’m here. i’m not leaving.”
ᝰ and she doesn’t
ᝰ she’s at your side for the rest of both your lives
ᝰ she holds your hand through all of your difficulties
ᝰ she always listens, always helps you with your issues
ᝰ she’ll never, ever, let you suffer on your own
ᝰ she wishes she could take your pain from you
ᝰ you’re her sun and moon
ᝰ the personification of a massive teddy bear
ᝰ when you’re upset, he’s in SHAMBLES
ᝰ he swears he can feel your pain
ᝰ he soothes you every way he knows how
ᝰ he keeps you close, rubbing his hands up and down your sides
ᝰ he makes you your favorite meals
ᝰ refuses to let you do any chores
ᝰif it was a death, he organizes these massive baskets to be delivered to everyone affected
ᝰ and the biggest one goes to you
ᝰ it has all of your favorite sweets, a bouquet of beautiful flowers, a blanket
ᝰ and a love letter detailing how you’re the strongest person he knows
ᝰ and that he loves you more than anything
ᝰ of course, he gives you space if you ask for it
ᝰ but he’s always concerned for you anyway
ᝰ he gives you your time to recover while slowly helping you along
ᝰ after a couple weeks of leaving you be and taking care of you at home, he starts making you go out with him
ᝰ “we’re getting you used to things again.”
ᝰ he stays at your side through all of it
ᝰ will always let you vent to him
ᝰ and always does his best to give you advice and help you through your issues
ᝰ every night is spent the two of you chatting about your days
ᝰ making sure the other is really okay
ᝰ his arms are always warm
ᝰ your bed even more so
ᝰ he always makes sure you’re feeling warm and fuzzy
ᝰ he just loves you so much
ᝰ he’ll never let you go cold
ᝰ when you start freaking out, he also starts freaking out
ᝰ but he gets himself together
ᝰ because you’re a big deal to him
ᝰ and he loves you
ᝰ so he’ll do everything he can to help you
ᝰ in his own way, of course
ᝰ he honestly sucks at talking you through things
ᝰ but he listens to you
ᝰ he loves listening to you
ᝰ after you tell him what’s going on, he pulls you into his arms
ᝰ he just hugs you for a while
ᝰ he doesn’t let go until you do
ᝰ and you only do that to go to the bathroom
ᝰ when you come back, he has a favorite movie of yours pulled up on the tv
ᝰ “why don’t we watch? I think you could use the brain break. relaxing is good for you.”
ᝰ he keeps you pulled tight against him
ᝰ softly stroking your hair, your neck, your shoulder
ᝰ he’s just hoping your mood is shifting
ᝰ which it is
ᝰ he’s not the best with words
ᝰ and he’s not exactly sure if what he’s doing is helping
ᝰ but bottom line, you know he cares
ᝰ and he wants to help, needs to help you
ᝰ he spends the next few days doing his best to make you feel loved
ᝰ he makes you lunch to take with you to work
ᝰ he makes sure your favorite snacks are always stocked in the pantry
ᝰ always asks things along the lines of “do you want coffee? iced tea? I’ll make anything for you” even though he doesn’t know how to cook or bake anything
ᝰ but he figures it out
ᝰ because the only thing that makes him happy is you
ᝰ and he’ll fucking die if he sees you crying again and he can’t help you
ᝰ his world revolves around you
ᝰ and he loves it that way
ᝰ honestly, you being so viscerally upset puts him off
ᝰ his world falls off balance
ᝰ demands you tell him everything
ᝰ keeps your face sandwiched between his hands as you talk
ᝰ his eyes never leave yours
ᝰ he nods, makes soothing noises
ᝰ “okay, here’s what we’ll do. we’re going to go have fun tonight.”
ᝰ he takes you out for dinner
ᝰ the entire night he’s just like eyeing you trying to see if you’re still upset
ᝰ in reality, he’s just a smooth talker
ᝰ he has no idea how to actually get serious
ᝰ so now his efforts are put into making you feel better
ᝰ when you pick at your food, he takes your hand
ᝰ and tries to be profound
ᝰ “I know I kind of suck at this whole handling things seriously thing, but I want you to know I’ll listen to anything- everything you have to say. I don’t… you’re not going through this alone, is what I’m trying to tell you.”
ᝰ it comes out really messy
ᝰ but it’s obvious he cares
ᝰ it’s obvious he loves you
ᝰ and that in of itself makes you feel leagues better
ᝰ you decide to walk off your dinner
ᝰ you both take a stroll, hand in hand, through the streets
ᝰ the night chill is strangely calming
ᝰ but you know that’s just stewy, not actually the chill that’s making you feel at ease
ᝰ “we can try stargazing tonight.”
ᝰ “stew, all I can see when I look up is smoke.”
ᝰ because you literally live in new york
ᝰ where rats live everywhere rent free
ᝰ “we’ll just have to drive out somewhere, then.”
ᝰ he actually does
ᝰ the two of you end up in a bit of a rural area sitting in the trunk of his car
ᝰ he spread out blankets and brought pillows and everything
ᝰ he even stopped at a gas station to get you both slushees
ᝰ in the gas station you both mixed flavors
ᝰ and he keeps stealing from you
ᝰ but it’s okay
ᝰ you’re leaning against him, his fingers are in your hair
ᝰ “I’m sorry I couldn’t help more.”
ᝰ “you’re helping me lots.”
ᝰ you give him a kiss
ᝰ “your lips are all blue, stewy.”
ᝰ “the blue raspberry is just really good…”
ᝰ you turn back to the stars
ᝰ but his eyes aren’t even on the stars anymore
ᝰ they’re on you
ᝰ and if he had it his way, they’d never leave you again
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thatpaperdoll · 30 days
Part 2 of Ranking Egon's Outfits :p
missed part one?
University Lab (GB 2)
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grey cardigan vest is back! shout out to the costume department for repeating outfits with the main 4, it keeps them grounded and very realistic. though i really don't like that tie lol (im a coral hater sue me). but it's okay ig.
Ray's Occult Books/Investigating Dana's Apartment (GB 2)
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pretty sure these scenes take place the same day (i did notice that egon is missing his sweater vest while in dana's apartment though but maybe that's just a costuming error). anyways he looks really good, classic egon suit moment. i gotta say that epididymis joke lowkey makes me blush whenever i watch it.
Construction Worker Cosplay (GB 2)
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i cannot express how much i love egon in a more casual outfit. the flannel, the slacks, the boots, he's dressed like every bisexual person in the fall. kind of a shame it had to be covered with the construction hat and safety vest. also this scene is my personal favorite in the movie; egon's terrible lying, peter and ray's heavy new york accents, and of course the iconic "yo! ✊". great look, great scene, ghostbusters 2 is hilarious.
In the Court Room (GB 2)
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listen i know egon has worn quite a few suits but... idk this suit specifically makes me feel some typa way. maybe it's his confidence, maybe it's his smartass quips, maybe it's his everything in this scene but HOT DAMN! if i was the judge i would've let him off scott free just for showing up to court looking that good.
Mood Slime Experiments (GB 2)
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his hair in this scene looks really good holy crap. again i love any lab coat moment and i like his tie in this scene, it's a cute look. oh and he fucked the slime but i think we all already knew that.
Exploring the Sewers (GB 2)
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okay rubber duck, work. nah but fr he looks so goofy lmao! i love it for how silly it is and how he's matching with ray and winston (ray bought all those raincoats and galoshes prove me wrong) but as a look? its goofy as hell!
Mood Slime Discovery/At the Mayor's Office (GB 2)
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from goofy to the extreme lmao. when the guys and him are covered in the slime they look exactly like alec baldwin at the end of that cursed cat in the hat movie (if yk yk). and this is just personal but i hate those kinds of thermal underwear, they're kinda ugly lol. it makes the scene hilarious though (shout out to slime square it makes me giggle everytime). but again: as a look its just hella goofy.
At the Asylum (GB 2)
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omg i love "one flew over the cuckoo's nest"! lol but seriously, i have no strong feelings towards the look one way or another. i mean... his hair is nice and curly? idk it's just a bit plain for my liking.
Dark Blue-Grey Coverall (GB 2)
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when i tell you it's a *personal* attack that i didn't see more of the dark coveralls in the sequel... like omg he looks so good! he comes into your home/business establishment to deal with a ghost dressed like *that* and you're not gonna feel like he's on top of shit? sir you can protect me from evil spirits any day.
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klmp11s · 2 months
Hi! I’m the guy who did the cater request. I was wondering if you could do Idia with a male reader who looks like the most normal guy ever, but he’s a bigger nerd and weeb than Idia is? That’s all, hope you have a great day!
HAHA while I was writing this I read several articles to accurately write this 🤗(English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes)
Summary An idea with a reader who, at first glance, doesn’t look at all like who he is Character: Idia Shroud Warning: bigger nerd male!reader, ooc(?), hcs, romantic
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Idia Shroud
You met him after you were assigned to Ignyhide (Ortho was definitely involved)
But he couldn’t fully understand why such a normie like you was enrolled in his dorm
Like, have you seen yourself? An absolutely normal, ordinary person like everyone else. Yes, your appearance is pleasant, but then why weren’t you ahead, for example in Pomefiore?
And most likely Ortho influenced his brother and ultimately introduced you to him. Okay, so what next? He's not a fan of talking to other people, you know? Moreover, he thought that you were completely different from him and had completely ordinary tastes, what should he talk to you about if it is necessary?
Once again, after walking around campus with you, Ortho told Idia about you. At one point, the boy looks at Idia’s monitor and says something like: “Oh, you watch this anime too? He told me about this today! He even showed photos of his collection of stuff with characters!”
After that, Orto definitely started talking about you more often and even suggested that his brother also talk to you about something that you both liked.
I think at the moment if Ortho told Idia that you also madly love video games, he could have casually said that he wouldn’t mind playing with you once.
Okay, Ortho FLYED OUT to tell you about this. You're happy, aren't you? He tried so many times to make you friends with his brother and finally he succeeds!
Idia definitely didn't expect that you could beat him several rounds in a row. Okay, are you even human??? He's been playing this game since its release! How do you manage to defeat HIM?
Voice chat? Yes, VOICE CHAT
You are simply saying that you also started playing this game as soon as it came out and you could also win it in other games. Okay, do you want to argue with him?
During one of the games, you just start telling him about a new anime that came out the other day and he doesn’t notice how he’s really listening to what you’re saying. Okay, he could watch it later.
Now from now on you write to him like?? Almost every day?? Except for the time when you are in class.
Voice messages about a new game/movie/manga/anime, etc.? Oh yes, but he's definitely sure that he didn't sign up for this, but for some reason he listens to all your messages
Now you write to each other about something that caught your attention and at some point he wonders how he could think that you are a normie. ARE YOU LITERALLY WORSE THAN HIM??? He is absolutely sure that there were times when you stayed awake longer than him and he woke up from your 99+ messages about some new game that should be played as a couple.
His room is now your room with him, just like your room is now your room with him, you know? He’s really lucky that your room is close to his and the chance of meeting other people is much less, convenient, right?
He is even sure that he knows the plot of films and TV series that he has not even watched. Do you really talk that much? (he talks almost as much as you)
The two of you can just spend time in silence in one of your rooms with him when you suddenly sit down and start telling him about the new manga you read
He is literally at this moment: 🧍 You two sat for 10 hours in silence and now you just start talking about a completely random thing? Okay, he might be interested in this.
WHAT IF YOU ARE A COSPLAYER? Well he's INTERESTED Do you show off your collection of costumes and some of your looks and even invite him to cosplay as an anime couple? He died
You started dating him during one of your play dates. It's literally like, "hm? Yes, I wouldn't mind dating you." "..What?" AND HE LEAVES THE VOICE CHAT? Okay, now he will write to you soon only if you are offline. Better yet, forget it, okay?
On the one hand, he is definitely not happy to see that you have come to his room, but on the other hand, he really needs to discuss this with you. Or maybe it’s still not necessary?
You could have told him at first that you were unhappy, because he left the game at the moment and you had to fight alone against other teams, but now everything is fine. After you tell him that you also have feelings for him, he will definitely not believe you at first.
Do you think this is funny? He will now kick you out of his room and unfriend you in games.
Now you need to prove that you really like him, you know? (Five minutes and he will understand that you are serious)
Seeing you in public a couple of times, he is as surprised as possible, because you are completely different alone with him.
Now he understands why he thought of you as a completely ordinary guy
You 100% play the gacha with him over a video call and YOU ARE LITERALLY ALWAYS LUCKY?? WHY?
Now you play gacha on his account 🤗 after which he goes to brag about how lucky he is to have such a lucky boyfriend
The characters do not belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners, please do not edit, translate, repost my works on other platforms, also without my permission and @
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insanepixels · 4 months
Introducing my newest, and possibly dumbest, Elden Ring "cosplay" invasion build:
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Right hand: +12 Rusted Anchor w/ Waves of Darkness, frost infusion
Left hand: +12 Clayman's Harpoon w/ Piercing Fang, frost infusion
Armor: Octopus Head (fun fact: listening to Ocean Man while farming this headgear is guaranteed to make it drop faster. This isn't even a joke) + Scaled Set for the rest
Talismans: Green Turtle Talisman, Great-Jar's Arsenal, Spear Talisman, Bull-Goat's Talisman
Stats that matter at rl60: 40 VIG/22 END/26 STR/13 DEX/12 INT
(I started as a Vagabond so my stats aren't optimized, start as Hero if you decide to invade as Ocean Man yourself for some reason)
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givemeonereason · 5 months
My Blue-Eyed Master: Part 1
Part 2
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Photo credit: here
Rating: 14+ (I know that this will gradually have more mature content in further parts.)
Plot: A handsome new customer comes to the cafe. What could go wrong?
A/n: This is the introductory piece to a short series I'm hoping to work on.
I was greatly inspired by watching "Maidsama" recently and loved it.
I was thinking, we all know Gojo would be living it up in a maid cafe. Lots of sweets, lots of women to fawn over him. Seems like the right place for him to be right?
While listening to this.
Bells chimed when the entrance door opened.
A tall, well-dressed, white-haired man stood by the door wiping the rainwater off his shoes on the 'welcome' rug.
"Good afternoon, Master!" Three women in maid cosplay called out to him sweetly. Each of them walked up towards him to vying for his attention.
"Good afternoon." His smile was bright. He looked at them over the top of his dark black sunglasses. His bright blue eyes almost making one of the girls faint.
The girl who almost passed out, proved to be uneasy and weak in her knees. Being held up by the other two. You stepped in, not so easily swayed by his masculine wiles.
Your tone was not as nearly as high-pitched and cheery as the other girls. "Right this way Master." You didn't even look over your shoulder at him as you walked towards a table at the far end of the room. You set down a menu. "Please make yourself at home." And you walked away without bothering to pay him any mind.
"Oh my god, he's so handsome."
"I wonder if he's single."
"It's as if the gods sent us an angel."
You stood near the back preparing a teapot for another table. The roll of your eyes almost gave you vertigo.
"Ladies!" The matron of the cafe warned. "Please keep your voices down."
The girls who were huddled at the prep counter grew quiet. Only two of them were whispering amongst themselves about the mystery new client.
June, the co-owner of the cafe continued, "There are rules we place to protect you girls. Please make sure you follow them as well." She looked over at the man they were all gushing about. "No matter, how handsome or how charming, you never truly know what a person is capable of." She looked back toward you and the girls. "I've been in this business for some time and have seen my fair share of things to shock me." You have always loved how sweet and protective June was. She became like a loving aunt that you never had.
You've been working at Cafe Sakura for five years. You took the job as a part-time gig while you were in college. Low profile enough to not run into anyone you knew. But it served another purpose, which provided a confidence boost for you. Growing up you were never really seen as conventionally beautiful and you were picked on by the popular girls at the time. So being able to work in a place like this worked wonders on rewriting those negative inner monologues.
People were very kind to you while you've been working there. The regulars are respectful. Sure, there are some douchbags who are there especially to live out demented wet fantasies. But overall, it's a great place to work, and why you've been there for so long.
You dropped off the tea pot to a nearby table sharing pleasantries before you stopped back at that man's table with a glass of water. You were staring down at your small notepad, the fairy charm hanging from your pen jingling as you jotted down the table number. "What can I get for you, Master?"
He didn't answer at first, he was looking at you, waiting for you to look at him. Unfortunately for him, you only sidestepped near him, looking and pointing down at the menu. "If you're unsure about what to get for a first-timer, I suggest a slice of cheesecake." You grabbed the menu from his hands and flipped it over. "Any of these sauces or combinations can be used."
Still, he remained quiet, looking at you taking in your features. His eyes darting across your face, to the end of your hair, to the buttons on your near your collar, to your fingers wrapped around your pen. It was in the shape of a lobster claw. He started to chuckle. He lifted his hand to his lips to try and conceal his laughter.
"What?" You were so annoyed with this guy. It kept getting worse and more worse.
"So I take it you like seafood?" An eyebrow raised, he's looking between you and the red pen in your hand. His bright blue eyes showed over top the rim of his rounded glasses.
When you caught his eyes, you looked back down at your notepad. "Where would you get an idea like that?"
His hand so gently bent over, his finger pointing towards the claw.
Your eyes are furrowed. What is he up to, god almighty! You look down at your uniform checking for something that would give any indication of your meal preferences. That's when he stood up and walked towards you. He towered over you. He's taller than most men who frequent here.
The other ladies were gasping and cursing you under their breath. How they wish they could be you in that very moment. Close enough to taste his cologne....You rolled your eyes. They wouldn't mind tasting it. However, you, on the other hand, have had enough of his charade.
He took his glasses off with the swagger of man who can afford to buy several new pairs. Seeing his blue eyes in full view was so striking. Maybe you can use those glasses to shield yourself from the glare.
"I'm talking about your pen." He reached out and plucked it from your fingertips. He pulled it up and inspected it, giving it a solid click for good measure. "I just assumed one would be a seafood fan if they so blatantly paraded around with such a token."
Innermost sighhhhhhhh.
You snatched the pen from his hand. "I would appreciate it if you did not touch my things, sir. There are rules in place at this establishment and if you cannot follow them, I will have to ask you to leave."
All of your coworkers raced towards you. The girls fawn over the man, the matron pulling you by your elbow towards the back. "Y/n, what have I told you about talking to the customers like that?"
You cross your arms across your chest. "You're the one who created the rules. Some of them are strictly unspoken rules. He shouldn't have done that."
June closed her eyes. "He shouldn't have done that. And I don't take very well to anyone intimating my girls."
"...I wouldn't call that intimidating..." You added before she continued.
"If he would have put his hands on you I would have definitely thrown him out." She turned to you. "Focus on other patrons. I will have one of the other girls take care of him. If we're lucky, he might never come back."
A blessing, I'm sure.
You walked out from the back room and reached down into the front pocket of your maid cosplay. The lobster claw pen was buried down in there, but you pulled out a generic pen with a local business's address and phone number on it.
You could hear the girls giggling when they talked to that guy. His sultry voice charmed them as they served his cheesecake you so obviously suggested to him. Their breathy attempts at "master" were followed by him with a sweet "miss" and a wink.
It's disgusting how men prey on innocent girls. Good-looking, charming men are the worst of the worst.
A few of your afternoon regulars showed up and made the day redeemable. It's not always a bad day. There isn't always a bad customer. It's rare in the time you've been there. It does happen.
You thought on it, that guy wasn't that terrible. It was just you hated how forward people were sometimes. You work at a cosplay cafe, it should be expected. Men come here to live out their own fantasies. Women enjoy these experiences as well. It's just that you're more likely to run into a pervert than anything.
He just grabbed your pen is all. And he can't help that he's tall...and handsome. He was born that way, right?
Nonetheless, you might never see him again.
Possibly for the best.
Besides, you really do like that pen. It was the last gift your grandfather gave to you before he passed away. Silly as it is, it was a gag gift, but it's special to you. It's a way for you to think of him. Both your grandfather and you are just a little bit crabby. Ha!
.....to hell with that guy.
Damn it all.
Damn his beautiful eyes, damn his sexy voice, damn his gorgeous hair, damn his charisma, damn the way his clothes hug his body.
damn. that. man.
© 2024 givemeonereason
Don’t steal other people’s works! Respect creators!
Reblogs and likes appreciated :)
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justaghostingon · 2 years
Fashion Fail: Three Demons and a Cultivator Loose in the Modern World
A scum villain crack au
It all starts when Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua collapse without any warning, appearing to be dead, (but still breathing)
Naturally Binghe is freaking the Hell out, as is all of Cang Qiong
But the dream demon interupts, revealing that something has taken their souls away to what appears to be another world, sincw he can’t access it
That’s all Binghe needs to start slashing holes through the universe (after stealing Xin Mo from the other Binghe)
With him he takes Mobei-jun, Sha Hauling, and Liu Qingge, who wasn’t invited but refused to be left behind
Eventually they find the right world, but its a strange one, where people live in moutains of steel and glass, and wear scandalously little clothing.
Liu Qingge looks as if he’s about to pass out when hr sees his first skinny jeans
Naturally three handsome men and a beautiful woman in cosplay is attracting a lot of attention. Too much in fact, and the requests for photos and autographs is starting to impeed the speed of their quest
So binghe makes the call for everyone to blend in, taking them to the first merchant shop he sees with clothing inside
Its a second hand store, with all sorts of options everywhere at cheep prices, because Binghe’s luck is just that good
Binghe chooses his clothing carefully. He listens to the female workers giggling about which outfit they’d want to buy if they could, and buys that, confident he’s picked an Outfit that will give him respect
Its a vivid red Prom Dress, floorlength skirt with a slit over one leg, off the shoulder straps. Binghe loves it. He looks beautiful.
Mobei-jun doesn’t care what he wears so he just grabs the first things he thinks he can put on
These end up being hot pink sweatpants and a real fur coat, plus crocks on his feet. He looks ridiculous, but he’s also huge and scary, so no one is gonna say it
Sha Hualing is having a great time. This worlds cultural clothing styles were made for her!
She ends up in a bikini with bright pink flamingos on it, plus a neon green feathery boa she drapes over herself like her old silks
Liu Qingge refuses to change. He’s not dressing in these absurd clothing styles, no matter how much Binghe insists it will help them blend in.
Fortunately it doesn’t matter, standing next to four people in equally good cosplay he mught look like an actor, but standing next to three weirdos he looks just as weird
The final touch is the three matching ducky hats on the three demons. Demon marks need to be disguised after all, but shifting is hard to do in this strange world, or any of their powers really
So ducky hats. It kinda works on mobei-jun (aka its so weird it fits) but it absolutely ruins Binghe’s gorgeous dress affect, and Sha hualing’s weird beach athestic
Now everyone is staring at the four of them for a very different reason, but at least they aren’t coming up to talk to them
What’s more, it’s because of their strange clothing they manage to find Shang Qinghua and Shen Qingqiu, who are both stuck in the hospital
Binghe and friends were given instruction to go there by some teenagers messing with them
Jokes on thrm, because while they were walking up a loud voice screams “my king?!!!”
Mobei’s head whips around so fast it gives him whiplash, but he doesn’t care. All he cares about is the small stranger shrieking at him from a high window, waving his arms excitedly and chattering like mobei’s beloved right hand
And beside him is a man who looks very like Shen Qingqiu’s plant body, Shen yuan
It takes a little while to get to then, shang Qinghua and Shen yuan can’t just leave the hospital intensive care ward, and the receptionist takes one look at four weirdly dressed people demanding she “release your captives” and calls security
It takes three break in attempts, a wheelchair, a seduction attempt (curtesy of sha hualing) and liu qingge fighting a vending machine with a real sword for them to be able to reunite with shen yuan and shang qinghua
Liu qingge takes one look at the paper hospital gowns and promptly faints
And there are many things to say, even more things to explain, like transmidiagation and the doctors trying to convince him it was all a dream, but the only thing that comes out of Shen Yuan’s mouth is: What the hell are you wearing?
Binghe, who up until that moment had been feeling confident, bursts into tears
it takes 30 minutes to get binghe to stop crying, to assure him shen yuan still loves him, he does look good, better than liu qingge - hey! Goes liu qingge in between faintings- and have shen Yuan internally confront and conquer his many bigotted views on gender and style in the name of reassuring his husband
Meanwhile mobei glares at shang qinghua, silently demanding compliments for dressing up
Shang qinghua: …that’s what you’re wearing my king? (Mobei glare increases) it looks…unique
“Good” mobei says, pulling out a matching set and shoving them on shang qinghua “match”
Binghe promptly pulls out another prom dress, this one a lovely green with a short skirt to show off his shizun’s beautiful legs
And thus shang qinghua and shen yuan are smuggled out of thr hospital in a pack if weirdly clothed friends, looking so wierd that no one questions them
And the all go home
But binghe keeps the dresses. He has…plans…for them
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
the brothers as uncles
a/n: baby can be either biological or adopted it's not specified in this, it's mc's and any other random brother
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: children/babies
he's a little worried, he never looked at any of his brothers and thought of them as father material, but as long as you're all happy it's fine
lucifer helps out with a lot of the preparation too, he'll even go to devildom ikea and ask the staff for 'the finest quality baby crib'
he will basically be your main babysitter too, the baby loves him and that makes him really happy but he will deny it (while smiling and looking away, very convincing)
mammon might be a bit sad he won't be your co-parent but he makes peace with it, he'll be the world's best uncle instead
he even got a sticker for his car that says 'world's coolest uncle'
mammon is great with kids so of course the baby will love him, he'll play peekaboo and stuff with them and they're laughing really loudly and happily the whole time
when your child can talk he'll ask them 'who's your favorite uncle?' every 5 seconds
he's a little uninvolved since it's not his child and all, but the baby does interest him
you caught him explaining tsl lore to them, and they were listening closely and making little noises
'mc can I dress up the baby as azuki-tan when I'm cosplaying ruri-chan?'
when the baby is old enough he'll play video games with them, that's basically what he thinks babysitting is
as much as he (can admit he) loves his brothers, he thinks none of them, including himself, are fit to be fathers so he may need some time to process the news after hearing it
he'll buy you and his brother many parenting books, and he'll read them himself too
you can see the fear in his eyes when you ask him to hold the baby
but he really warms up to them, now he reads them bedtime stories
he's happy, the minute he finds out he's going to be an uncle he's calling everybody and sharing the news
asmo will have a little gift prepared for the baby when they first come home (he may or may not have bought it already the same day he found out he'll be an uncle)
literally anything the baby does is adorable to him, he has like a bunch of cute pictures on his ddd too, which he'll always share with you and his brother
he's in such a happy mood nothing could ruin his whole week, especially if belphie is the one who's going to be a father
beel is quick to worry too though, if the baby coughs once he's trying to call the doctor
he is always available to babysit, beel will clear anything that's on his scedule to free some time to spend with the newest addition to his family
also he's the cool uncle who always takes you to mcdonalds after school
at first he's like 'well I'm not going to be one of the parents so I won't have to do much work'
but after he sees the baby for the first time he knows he'll do anything to help make sure they're happy and safe, even if that means skipping a nap
also he takes nap with the baby, he'll literally lie down on the floor next to their crib
plus he lets them sleep on his favorite pillow
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bogunicorn · 11 months
thoughts on what fandoms the da:i characters would be in
I will do this for you but ONLY if I amend it to "fandoms they would be annoying about" because it's funnier and otherwise I'm just assigning them shows they would be into and that's too subjective and less fun
One of them has to be a Homestuck and it's Sera, Sera is the Homestuck. Sera has a Trollsona that she doodles on everything, she would 100% absolutely try to dye herself gray using sharpies and vodka for a cosplay. She references it all the time and is annoying when you don't understand her jokes. She still tries to get people into it, but she considers Andrew Hussy a mortal enemy these days for Reasons.
Solas is a Song of Ice and Fire bitch. Not the show. The books. "But wait, Boggers!" you might say (if you know me well enough to call me "Boggers"), "What about LOTR? Why isn't Solas into LOTR?" And to that I say, he's definitely read it and is a nerd about it, but this is about fandom, and fandom to someone like a Reddit-addicted bitch like Solas is about theory crafting, debates, and politics, and ASoIaF being complex but unfinished really lends itself to the kind of deep internet toxicity that I think Solas would crave. Also he likes wolves.
Cole is a Supernatural Superfan. He has all the cheesy "join the hunt" merch because for a while it was his chief special interest and all he wanted was SPN stuff. He's kind of obsessed with Baby, specifically. His favorite episode was Baby and he has an AO3 account full of fic written from the car's perspective. He didn't cry in the finale until he saw the Impala under the canvas and he's been lowkey upset at Sam for doing that ever since.
Dorian is an old school Baldur's Gate fan. Like, BG1 and 2. He's played other RPGs of that era, those are just his favorites. What makes him an annoying fan is that he thinks complicated = good and looooooves to complain about how "simple" and "boring" current-era RPGs are. If you can't softblock yourself from all progress by making one mistake two hours into your playthrough, it's too easy. He's active in fandom spaces and is largely helpful, like he writes tips and guides and will answer newbie questions, but the price for his help is dealing with him being smug.
Leliana is a FromSoft fangirl and a Soulslike aficionado. Nightingale says git gud. She'll happily team up with you in co-op to get you through stuff if you ask, but she also explains mechanics and such like you should have known them already and thinks you're just not trying hard enough to listen, even though her advice is almost incomprehensible.
Cullen is an MCU fanboy. He fully believes they're the peak of cinema. He compares literally everything to an MCU movie, as he has seen all of them, multiple times, and thinks you're "thinking about it too much" if you criticize them in more than the most banal of ways. Usually it's fine, like, being excited for stuff is fine and enjoying mainstream things are fine, but you can only have so many "Thanos was a great villain" conversations with this dude before you go insane. Despite seeming incapable of critiquing the MCU, his criticisms of the DCEU are spot-on, sharp, and demonstrative of actually very impressive media analysis skills, but also coming from a starting point of "DC Bad, Marvel Good", so it's like, we could've had it aaaaaaaaall.
Cassandra is in the Bridgerton fandom. She read the original books and liked them, so she was one of the first people watching the show. Most of her fandom stuff happens on Facebook with other book fans. Watching the show with her is fun until the exact second she says "well, in the BOOKS" and then rattles off a list of the most inconsequential changes, distracting you from a pivotal moment in the show and forcing you to rewind. She is very pressed about the seasons going out of order from the books.
Varric is a Critical Role evangelist. He was there when it started, he's listened to everything. He's listened to other real play podcasts and shows, but CR is his favorite. That's not annoying in and of itself, what's annoying is that he will not stop trying to get you to watch it. If you even breathe in the direction of a DnD-related topic he tries to give you "advice on where to start" with CR. His friends put up with it because he's their Forever DM and they love him, but he sure does do a lot more obnoxious sound effects now than he used to and they're planning an intervention about it.
Josephine is a Disney Adult. She seems normal and then bam, you get blindsided by something insane, like that she owns every single Disney character Funko Pop, or that she's gone to DisneyWorld for vacation every year for the last decade, or you go over to her house for dinner and find Hidden Mickeys in her bathroom, or she's really intense about pin collecting and limited edition mouse ear headbands. You wonder when she has the time and energy to collect all this. And there's more of it every time you see her. But the thing is that she's pretty quiet about it as long as you don't poke the bear. You know that she's seen every one of the new remakes in theaters, but you don't dare ask her opinion about them. Her favorite princess is Cinderella and she tells you "the original dress was silver" with exactly the same amount of excited did-you-know energy every time.
I hate to break this to you all, but Iron Bull is a Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan fanboy. Yep. Yes he is. His toxic trait is that he shuts his brain off and just enjoys the gritty action sequences. He liked Batman v Superman. He bought the Snyder Cut. He thinks Nolan's Batman is the absolute best that franchise has ever been and ever could be. I'm sorry, it's heartbreaking but it's true. I know, I'm sad, too, we can hold each other.
Vivienne has been in the Anne Rice fandom under the same pseudonym for ever. She was one of the original fans and was much more active in fandom when she was much younger, but she made her fannish activities more and more private as she became more established in her career. You would honestly never know it meeting her IRL; at most, people come over for dinner parties and might notice that she owns every single Anne Rice book, but they're part of her overall book collection and don't really stand out. Secretly, though, she's been keeping up with the Anne Rice fandom under a pseudonym this whole time and goes to the more modern in-person events using her fake name. She might kill you if you ever connected her fandom activities to her real life in any way. She's also just, like, she's really bad at letting people be wrong about these books. Really, really, really bad. There are epic-length threads on old forums that are just her and one other similarly deranged person fighting about obscure Vampire Chronicles lore.
And finally, Blackwall is a Game of Thrones girlie. The show, not the books. He's one of those "I don't like fantasy but I like Game of Thrones" guys, and he thinks GoT is mold-breaking and special and better and grittier and more realistic than other fantasy and that's why he likes it. His most irritating fan trait is that he thought season 8 was good and that the ending was good and he likes to get into heated debates with other fans about it. However, he does not know what Reddit is, he only talks with other GoT-watchers in Facebook, which is why he and Solas haven't had the fight to end all friendships yet. Yet.
BONUS! Krem is into Star Wars and Scout Harding is a die-hard Trekkie, and they go to big cons and cosplay together. They're not annoying at all, I just wanted to mention it because I feel like that's in-character for them.
**also if you like this and think "i'm gonna give this fine person a follow because they're so funny about dragon age", i made a new DA sideblog at @skyholdstarbucks where i'd post anything similar to this in the future
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Relationship Headcanons pt 1
There’s gonna be 3 parts (i think)! 1 (Luci, Mams, Levi) 2 (Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie) 3 (Simeon, Solomon, Diavlo)
Warnings- Just fluff :)
a/n. this aint proofread.
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He would hate PDA, he thinks it’s unprofessional.
But the moment the two of you make it back home, he’s all over you.
Holding your hands, hand around your waist, giving you small pecks all over.
He would hardly ever let you out of his sight
Oh you’re going shopping? He’ll get his shoes on. You’re going to the mall to pick up some new clothes? He’s going with you and paying for everything.
Unlike Mammon, he’s way less stingy with his money.
If you show a slight interest in something, it’s on your table with a little bow the next morning.
He just wants you to know that he does care and that you’re his one and only.
Lucifer would love to work with you near him, even if you’re just reading a new novel or playing games on your phone.
As long as you’re around for him to look at, he’s happy with it.
While Lucifer can be incredibly short tempered, or impatient with his brothers.
He’s nothing but kind and considerate with you.
You’re perfection to him, and should be treated as such.
He loves to imagine what life would be like with you, but you and him together.
Maybe a couple kids, maybe a couple cats, either way.
Overall, Lucifer would be a great lover, and he would love you even more than Diavlo.
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Oh boy.
Don’t even get me started on how clingy he is.
You thought he was clingy before y’all got together? Imagine that, but 20 times worse.
Every time you go out in public, he has to have one hand on you at all times.
If you stop him from touching you while you’re out, he’ll get all whiny and give you a look like a sad little puppy.
He’d tell you how ‘everyone’s looking at you’ or ‘it’s not fair’ or ‘please, MC, just hold my hand for a little bit??’.
It can be annoying, but it can also be so precious.
At night, he’ll lazily hold onto your arm and just snore the night away.
Sometimes, he’ll forget he’s holding onto you and he’ll forget he’s even capable of moving that arm away from you.
He really is the cutest.
Mammon also loves being spoiled, and vice versa.
If you buy him a shirt, he thinks it’s only fitting that he buys you a matching one.
If you don’t feel like going out to dinner that night, he’ll convince Beel to help him cook you two a nice meal.
The other six find you both adorable, even Lucifer, and they do anything they can to help Mammon not be so awkward around you.
All in all, Mammon would be the cutest boyfriend.
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Levi wouldn’t stop his gaming habits, though he wouldn’t play as much with you around.
Before you two got together, he would spend hours thinking about you, and then wondering why he was thinking about you.
When he realized he was in love with you, he was shocked.
When you confessed that you were also in love with him, he was beyond shocked.
How could someone so perfect love someone like him??
But of course, he got over all that after a couple months of your kisses and hugs.
The time he once spent at otaku stores alone, was now spent with you, and he couldn’t possibly imagine it any other way.
He loved how you listened to him talk on and on, and how you would sit down and watch some anime or k-drama with him, even if you were confused.
Levi would spend late nights playing video games, and he always felt bad about it.
You looked so cute sleeping in his bed, that he wanted to just come up and lay right next to you.
So you can imagine how happy he was when you suggested sleeping on his lap one night.
He lost every round that night.
He was too focused on not moving around too much and making sure you wouldn’t slip out of his arms.
He never let you sleep alone again though, whether you were in his arms or he was in yours.
Levi was used to saving up to buy figurines, but now he was saving up to buy the two of you matching cosplays.
All his favorite couples were portrayed by the two of you at one point or another.
In conclusion, Levi is the best boy.
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goosesister · 1 year
With all the reboots going on right now l'd like to nominate Danny Phantom for a well thought out, animated (I can be persuaded to see a live action but only if they put in some quality production value), gritty reboot for the following reasons:
We are a viewing audience that currently loves silliness, working through trauma, super heroes, found families, and wondering what happens after we die. Danny Phantom is all 5 and more
While the Danny Phantom show didn't end in a cliffhanger per se it didn't have much closure either
Back to point 1: As an audience that loves superheroes, Danny is not weighed down with years upon years of cannon or different authors for his character and actually offers a fresh and cohesive perspective on being a superhero
The Danny Phantom fan base, (ironically) is still alive and kicking. They're also making some quality content and have some killer cosplay
I'd like to see the updated visual effects for Danny's powers
It would open up a great discussion on what parental neglect and looks like and would help people be more observant
It would also open up the gate for lots of other more serious discussions like teen depression, sibling bonds, the nature of power, balancing your workload, what it truly means to be alive, and (of course) the nature of letting go and getting closure
With a great selection of villains the show could go for a really long time
It seems like we're mostly out of new quality ideas anyway, so might as well go for this one
I really, really want it
Now I'm not just advoacting for a REGULAR dark and gritty reboot, Danny deserves more! So the reboot should NOT have:
30 year olds playing high schoolers
A Big Bad that's hinted at all season and finally revealed to have been pulling the strings all along (looking at you Vlad/Observants/Evil Future Danny/Pariah Dark). The only things Danny should be working on (for the first seasons AT MINIMUM) are his relationships with the other people in his life and coming to terms with his death.
Love triangles
Making someone a part of the LGBTQ community without giving them a fully fleshed out backstory and complexities. There should be no 'gay best friend' tropes, make the character have layers or don't do it
Plot lines that go nowhere or are solved in less than a minute
Thank you for listening!
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crankityart · 2 years
Guuuuuuuys, I'm gonna cry ... soooo ... I need to tell you all about my German comic con experience and how I met Harry Lloyd IN DETAIL!
First of all, the piece you have all been waiting for:
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AHHHHHH I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT! First of all, something I did not expect: Harry's autograph line was sooo empty. 🙈 The moment he arrived it was like ... 3 of us! Nonetheless, he was super sweet and friendly. When I told him I was here because I loved his performance as Viktor he was so surprised but happy about it! He immediately said, "Oh, I love Viktor!" and when I told him he was my favorite character Harry responded, "Mine, too!" So yeah, we bonded a little over our mutual love for Viktor. XD He gave me so many nice compliments and said the artwork is fantastic and 🥺🥺🥺 and my favorite comment of his when he saw the piece was "Well, usually Viktor doesn't look that happy!" 😂 and I had to admit to him that I was rather fond of sassy Viktor.
Eventually, I told him to put something motivational on it instead of my name and HE WROTE THE FRICKIN "CRANK IT" LINE! I secretly hoped that it would be a lil "crank it" or something but didn't say anything and he instinctively put it on there and I couldn't be happier 🥺❤️
But that's not all ... okay, I ... I got greedy ...
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Yep, I also bought a selfie ticket, don't mind me here. :'^) It was so awkward coming to his booth a second time (as far as I could tell his booth was rarely occupied by fans and I kinda wanted another shot, because you know, no waiting in line, what an opportunity! Gotta give him that sweet money, this poor man should not sit here all alone!) and this time I was the only one in line and Harry was still the sweetest. He asked me how my day was and if I had a good time and even asked for my name because I didn't mention it the first time. And then we shook hands and he said "Nice to meet you" like A GENTLEMAN! I swear he was so down to earth, it was so wholesome. 🥺 If you get the chance to meet him, please do it! I highly recommend it! And my favorite thing while waiting in front of his booth was listening to the people making comments about him when walking by because some people were hilarious! I remember one girl going "I thought he was kinda ugly in GoT but what the hell he is SO CUTE in real life!" 😂 poor and lucky Harry.
The rest of the time I've spent walking down artist alley and giving away my other Viktor fan art copies to other artists. I met some really cool people and had great conversations AND they all wanted to give me their arcane artwork in return, so I basically traded all of my copies for other awesome art. That was so nice of them! 🥺 And yeah, simultaneously I had the chance to brag about my autograph and hopefully inspired a few of them to get one themselves. 😌 so much for my Harry Lloyd/Viktor propaganda, haha. (I didn't see a single Viktor cosplay though, that was blasphemy!!)
Overall, it was just so nice and wholesome! Thank you so much for motivating me, because without you I don't think I would have created so many Viktor artworks. 🥹 Sharing them on here with everyone is so dear to my heart! ❤️
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xerith-42 · 2 months
Some Thoughts On Miku Expo 2024 (AZ)
So. Let's get the big one out of the way. I knew going into this concert that I was not going to be seeing the proper Miku hologram, which was cringe, but my friends and I had been preparing for this for a while and we're too excited to give up on it. We were determined to make the best out of a potentially bad situation.
And I will say, there was some good stuff at that concert. While the LED screen certainly wasn't ideal, the model they projected onto it was incredibly expressive, fluid, and honestly real in a way that a projection shouldn't be. That's just the power of Hatsune Miku I guess. And the band was absolutely incredible, I think I fell in love with the bassist.
For the songs I knew I had a great time. I was singing and dancing along, the crowd was really energized, there was something special in the room. And even some of the songs I didn't know I had fun dancing to. Vocaloid music almost always slaps. There's another positive I want to bring up, but I'm holding onto that for a bit. There is one more positive I promise.
But uhhh... There was a bit of a problem with the set list. I knew 2 songs on it. I would consider myself a more casual Hatsune Miku fan, I was more into her in middle school and listened to a lot of her classic songs. In fact my outfit was themed around my favorite of these, Two Faced Lovers. And they didn't play it! Even though it's one of her most popular songs ever of all time!!
I don't object to newer music being played, but part of the concert experience is the collective feeling you get there. The sense of community when you all sing along to a song in this room, looking at your idol on stage. But most of the crowd didn't seem to know these songs either. I would wager a lot of them were people who have been Vocaloid fans since their formative years, and the classics from those older eras mean a lot to people. It really limited the collective experience when most of us didn't know 80% of the songs on the set.
Furthermore, the LED projection was incredibly limited, and underutilized. I won't pretend to know anything about how it works but it really sucked that the visuals were so... Typical. I don't know if you've ever seen a Vocaloid music video, but those things are so visually stimulating, full of really creative and bonkers animation. They have songs with incredibly striking visuals attached to them that they could have put on the screens surrounding the stage, but they didn't do that.
I would say overall the experience was worth it. But it wasn't because of most of the set list, or because of the visuals, or because of the lighting. It was because of the people. The incredibly talented band that played with her. The masses of people who showed up in merch, in cosplay, doing choreography in line, playing games in the pit. It was the people who cheered for someone holding up a picture of Shadow The Hedgehog and all of us losing our shit over it. It was the Hatsune Miku plush without a hairline that got held up and caused us to all yell "BALD!" while pointing at it.
It was the people I made jokes with in the pit knowing I'd never see them again. It was the people who complimented my outfit and I did the same for them. It was the two Miku plushies that started fighting each other in the pit. It was everyone changing their light sticks to different colors for the different idols. It was the people. I know Miku is an artificial being, but she has a way of bringing people together and uniting us as one.
I just wish the event planners had utilized that properly.
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