#go nuts show nuts whatever
finnitesimal · 1 year
What 2-3 songs you like would fit smalletho in your opinion? I am creating a playlist for myself and since your interpretation of them Means a Lot to me, I would love to hear your ideas
Now. You said 2-3 but
Back of the car - miike snow
Fifteen minutes - mike krol
Hold it in - jukebox the ghost
Tongues and teeth - crane wives
Remember to forget you - Shakira
Van horn - saint motel
Love and war - yellow claw
Bad romance - lady Gaga
What the fuck do I know - Miley Cyrus
Presumably you've asked for limited life smalletho. This is them 2 me
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fanficmemes · 2 years
not trying 2 invite disk horse, but I’m curious if this blog is proship friendly?
Ship whatever who gives a shit
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axorcia · 1 year
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pawsitivevibe · 9 months
Are you out in public with your dog? Will your dog come back to you when you call it, 100% of the time, under all circumstances?
Okay let me introduce you to something you may have never seen before:
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And then you just:
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Oh and this part is important too:
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mugentakeda · 7 months
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mighty dragon (and fledgling)
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murderandcoffee · 8 months
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will this convince my friends to listen to the mechanisms? no. is that going to stop me from talking about the mechanisms? absolutely not.
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crimeronan · 4 months
thinking abt amity somehow finding luz and hunter in this timeline... insane.
shes at the door and her and hunter immediately start cursing at each other like??? what the fuck?? and since i bet amity would be in her scout uniform, i think camila would make some quick deductions. (they sent a child to kidnap my children? hello?)
but then luz comes at the door and is like "!!! amity!!!! :D" and instead of hunters usual insane protectiveness hes. oddly ok with this? and it takes exactly five seconds of amity and luz looking at each other for camila to pick up some vibes. (is the cult.. not homophobic? is this why her and hunter arent a thing? (shes wrong but efforts appreciated))
thinking about camila trying to glean the specifics of luz and hunter's paramilitary bunker doomsday death basement cult through context clues is So Fucking Funny. this poor woman. she's like statistically speaking they were almost certainly fundie christians but like. WERE THEY NOT FUNDIE CHRISTIANS??? luz doesn't even know who jesus IS.
i think if amity showed up at the door, after everyone had been introduced and it was established that there was no danger, camila would privately sit luz down and be like, "okay. luz. baby. you know i don't push you to share things you aren't ready to, you know i want you to feel safe and comfortable here above everything else. but luz. if there's, like. an entire schoolyard worth of kidnapped children living out in your former basement being tortured by a cult somewhere. Do You Understand Why I Need You To Tell Me About That,"
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altschmerzes · 1 year
here’s another thought i have on the finale which isn’t very high stakes but has been driving me Fucking Nuts:
re: the fight between jamie and roy about keeley. i thought it was stupid and lazy writing that did a disservice to everything else that dynamic was and encompassed. there was so much more there and THAT was how we closed it out eh? like kudos to her for going ‘uh, no’ and kicking them out, that was a good call, but the whole thing sucked so bad generally and wasted time we could’ve spent doing literally anything other than the most cliche, juvenile, classic ‘women are a prize for men to fight over’ thing. however what’s annoying me even more is the way people who DID like it are responding to people who didn’t.
i keep seeing people be like “ACTUALLY them fighting over her was fine and normal youre all just babies who can’t handle that sometimes people REGRESS and sometimes people are MEAN and UNFAIR and UNKIND” and it’s like nah man it’s because they avoided doing this shit entirely for three fucking years and then were like do you want the cliche love triangle bullshit you dodged the whole time heaped on you at the last second when it makes the least sense? sure, here you go!
is it regression if it’s something they never did in the first place? i think not! and characters can be mean and unfair and cruel and whatever and it’s not the end of the world, i actually think it’s very interesting, and THAT’S not the part i find out of character, it’s that they literally never did this before and now after EVERYTHING else, after how clear it was how gravely fucking serious jamie was about the video leak, this is the kind of shit they’re throwing at each other about this? after repeatedly subverting expectations of classic love triangle nonsense? it’s tired and it’s lazy and it’s the cheapest option and nobody is gonna be able to change my mind by telling me i just don’t understand that People Can Be Unfair Sometimes.
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quinnsaturn · 1 year
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palettepainter · 5 months
I'll be real I'm not really into Hazbin anymore but like...I've seen clips on Twitter of the songs (which slap by the way like damn-) and....the dynamic of Vox and Val?? The tension between Vox and Alastor?? Whoo
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bytebun · 6 months
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with enjoying particular types of art more than others, but the knee jerk disdain people have towards modern art is disappointing…
I think u have to be ok with not connecting to everything that u see. That’s just fine. Art is like food and there’s going to be some stuff that just doesn’t work for u regardless of if it’s objectively well done or not. There’s a flavour of anti-intellectualism and inferiority complex that seems to accompany ppls hatred of modern art, this discomfort that they “don’t get it” when that’s like. Actually fine. Some stuff u will appreciate once u learn context and others, regardless… u just won’t! I still hate beans & legumes
That being said I also have friends who would rather order the same mac & cheese at a restaurant every single time than risk getting something they won’t enjoy — or won’t enjoy as much. But art costs u very little to try in comparison, so why not try it?
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bmpmp3 · 6 months
lemme tell you im starting to get a little sick of when im complaining about when a show or movie is writing a major female character with not as much depth as her male cohorts or she's written oddly plot device-like for a main character and people always tell me "oh but it's intentional, we're seeing her through the eyes of the male main character and he has a crush on her so he doesnt see her flaws" because like
FIRST of all yeah i get it but its hard to write that trope interestingly to me at this point without a lot of work put into subversion so intentionality doesnt make it any less boring
SECONDLY half the time people say this about ensemble cast stuff and like why is the random dude suddenly designated as the most perspective of all perspective characters when it comes to this specific woman. why dont we get to see the other characters perspectives on her too?
AND THIRDLY do people view women they have crushes on as bland plot devices without lives of their own enough irl that this is so universal in writing? isnt the point of having a crush wanting to hang out and know more about your crush, know about their likes and dislikes and all that. am i missing something here
#im gonna sound insane for what im about to say. but i grew up watching way to much harem anime for a 10 year old#and im gonna be honest. maybe that spoiled me? those things were not without their flaws but at least the 5 different magical giant#goddess demon vampire women with multicoloured hair inexplicably in love with random normal guy at least had like. inner lives#like thats why the guy is so normal and bland. because the focus is on the magical women and their pink hair and their complicated#backstories and familial lives and whatever outside of the main character#like theyre still big boobied colourful haired fantasies but at least they showed me something about em#when it comes to these other stories where a woman is treated like a plot device love interest and written like a dead wife in an#action movie but like. alive. i cant help but feel like. are you holding out on me? i want to know her. show me her LIFE i want to SEE IT#grabs writers by the collar ARE YOU HOLDING OUT ON ME???#its nuts because sometimes you see the bones of a really cool character but the writers are more interested in what she can do for the main#male character and how he sees her than whats going on in her head. i dunno im just getting annoyed. i think u can do this trope well#like how i think you can write basically any trope well. but i see intentionality used an excuse so often so i wanna see you do#SOMETHING interesting with this trope if ur gonna do it at least. subvert it in cool ways i dunno just do ANYTHING hfjdkjfkd
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francy-sketches · 1 year
Plate of corn moment in the worst scene ever but aw tommen saying he likes to sail...just like his namesake who sailed to valyria and died a horrible death+lost the family sword like a loser 🥺 he's a little sailor boy 🥺
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neverendingford · 3 months
#every time a character does the whole “talk softly and reassure the dangerous person” thing while also walking ominously towards them ughh#it drives me absolutely nuts. like. you're trying to talk them down from paranoia while you're threateningly walking towards them?#someone does that to me and I'm shooting them at least in the leg or stabbing with whatever makeshift spear I've manufactured#anyway. criminal minds is getting real annoying with the whole pathologizing of people.#like. guy shows signs of being very good at torturing people and they go “ah yes.. a pure sadist” or whatever the fuck#I get that it's shitty crime drama stuff but still. ugh.#I just. I fucking hate when people take the obviously wrong route when talking to mentally destabilized people.#like. people are shit at talking to suicidal people. are shit at talking down irrational fears. people are shit at talking down paranoia.#I hate how people don't fucking know how to interact with freaks I hate how people don't know how to interact with me#everyone acts on their own level without understanding what it's like in any way#and so everyone just projects their own reality onto you without performing any sort of empathy or exercising any sort of understanding#and I want to scream so fucking loud#you're all living in a cotton candy world and your words disintegrate in my humidity#and it's so fucking lonely#and my mind has been clear this past week. the autistic need for pressure satisfied by this prescription pushing on my brain#and I can feel the cogs turning. the wheels and pins and linked gear trains and drive shafts and traction band motors.#all the parts of my brain churning around and I can't get close because the heat from my motor makes my hood hot to the touch.#I burn your hand as you try and press your palm against my flanks.#only think saddle and tack make contact. strict guidelines and harsh rules to govern me.#when I am free I buck and I shift gait and I drag you under too-low branches#also. compared to Hannibal I can basically listen to criminal minds as a podcast. none of the visuals really contribute anything to the show#like. feels very shallow
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toytulini · 9 months
idk. picky eater rights. im coming to your events and turning my picky bitch nose up at your fancy ass desserts you spent a bajillion hours working over in the kitchen and asking if i can find like a basic ass brownie with no extra flairs or ingredients or steps or whatever the fuck. cry about it. stop trying to feed me
#toy txt post#they gotta have some picky eater bitches be the judges on those food competition shows i stg#sorry for committing the unforgivable sin of my tastebuds didnt enjoy the food you made. it was intended as a personal slight actually#i am trying to offend you for real. yeah. thats definitely whats happening. god/sssss#like god irl if i dont like food you made ill try to be fuckin gracious about it buf dont fucking get mad at me for like. idk. prepping my#own foods you percieve as worth less or whatever the fuck. ppl are so fucking weird about food.#honestly guy on prev post didnt even dislike the cake it sounded like but was just experiencing the human emotion of disappointment#when the little specific joy he was looking forward too was not what he expected. if she had asked him 'do you mind if i make a similar cake#that is not the exact same as the one you asked for? maybe he wouldve been fine cos he wouldnt have been looking forward to that specific#thing. OR maybe he wouldve said if youre not going to make this very specific one im looking forward to then dont bother i dont want you#wasting the time and effort and then she wouldnt have been mad. or maybe she wouldve. ppl do get weird about that kind of thing#maybe saying that wouldve been a crime too. guess that dumb asshole shouldve shut up and eaten his stupid cake and enjoyed it and said#nothing. a recipe for happiness#anyway. hot take ig stop putting nuts in desserts. alllergy havers will prolly thank you but you know who else will thank you?#every day i see takes about food that make me think i really should be more of a picky bitch eater on maim to knock yall pretentious#food fuckers down a peg tbh. every day i resist the urge but god how yall test me. let me be the judge on a cooking show.#weird assholes who are rude abt ppl having allergies or sensory issues: come here. im going to break you#anyway more of us picky bitches who are picky just for like. casual reasons. we should he loud picky bitches on main. if a cook or baker or#whatever can accommodate my picky bitch ass thats difficult to feed for no reason we can be sure they can accommodate allergy havers#and ppl w medical restricted diets. if they can be gracious about me just not vibing w the food then they can def be gracious about more#sensitive reasons. yea i could choke down the food i dont like probably. it wouldnt make me throw up or send me to the hospital. but why#should i? if youre an asshole to me about simply not liking your shit then why the hell would i feel safe disclosing medical info to your#bitch ass? why would i trust you to follow it? and not try to sneak some shit in bc you think you know better about food?#anyway#picky eater rights. let ppl be picky for no apparent reason. cos the ppl who have uwu Good Valid Reasons(tm) dont fucking owe you that#explanation
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nedsseveredhead · 4 months
tmi tsaturday i am So Incredibly sick lmao ask me anhything
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