distortedsense · 17 days
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Art for The Day My Dream Died
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foxleysdollhouse · 4 months
taylor swift this ice spice that, we all know who the real top of the music pyramid is. its furries who make kink music about wearing collars and leashes and their voices are so distorted and the instrumentals are so hard that normal people listen to their stuff without ever even KNOWING
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crushdiamond985 · 2 years
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tenderlysharpmidain · 2 years
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Prompt: key visual by [ Kentaro Miura, Caravaggio, Alphonse Mucha] of a vampire killer, empire of the black ribbon, Glitchpunk, watercolor, ink splatters, epic sceneri, Low-angle, hyperdetailed, chiaroscuro, beautiful light, dramatic, dynamic, 8k, dark fantasy, redshift render --test --creative --ar 9:16
@ 0tumn
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games-und-lyrik · 8 months
Metal Suit: Counter Attack - Das Spiel, das den Begriff "Rüstung" neu definiert
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Metal Suit ist ein Pixel-Art-Spiel, das als side-scrolling Run-and-Gun konzipiert ist. Willkommen im Jahr 4029, in dem die Menschheit die Erde verlassen hat, um auf einem weit entfernten Planeten, der als "New Earth" bezeichnet wird, eine neue Heimat zu finden. Leider wurden sie kurz nach der Besiedlung von einer außerirdischen Spezies namens Golida angegriffen und haben den Planeten an sie verloren. Kevin in Metal Suits Kevin: Mehr als nur ein Cyborg Die Waffen: Ein Arsenal, das keine Wünsche offen lässt Sammle und verbessere deine Kampfanzüge Die Mission: Rette New Earth! Fazit: Ein Spiel für Adrenalinjunkies Kevin in Metal Suits Hier kommt Kevin ins Spiel, ein Kampf-Cyborg, der mit verschiedenen Kampfausrüstungen und -anzügen ausgestattet werden kann. Deine Aufgabe ist es, die verschiedenen Fähigkeiten von Kevin zu nutzen, um die Feinde zu besiegen und den neuen Planeten zu retten. ©Eggtart Inc. Kevin: Mehr als nur ein Cyborg Kevin ist nicht irgendein Cyborg, sondern ein komplettes Kampfsystem. Er kann mit einer Vielzahl von Kampfausrüstungen und Anzügen transformiert werden. Das bedeutet, dass du im Laufe des Spiels immer stärker und vielseitiger wirst, je mehr Ausrüstung du sammelst. So wird das Gameplay nie langweilig und bietet ständig neue Herausforderungen. https://youtu.be/y6k9FwgWuj4?si=Th_vz8FRQfDLU0CX Die Waffen: Ein Arsenal, das keine Wünsche offen lässt Golida mag vielleicht niedlich und farbenfroh aussehen, aber lass dich nicht täuschen. Kevin ist mit Waffen ausgestattet, die selbst die furchtlosesten Feinde in die Knie zwingen. Dazu gehören: - Schusswaffen - Schwerter - Raketen - Granaten - Nukleare Fäuste - Mächtige Laser Du kannst diese Waffen verwenden, um alle Arten von Strukturen, Objekten und natürlich Feinden zu zerstören. Wenn du also schon immer alles in Sichtweite zerstören wolltest, dann ist dieses Spiel genau das Richtige für dich. ©Eggtart Inc. Sammle und verbessere deine Kampfanzüge Jedes Level bietet die Möglichkeit, verschiedene Kampfanzüge zu sammeln. Diese Anzüge steigern nicht nur deine Fähigkeiten, sondern sie fügen dem Spiel auch eine strategische Tiefe hinzu. Welchen Anzug du wählst, kann darüber entscheiden, wie einfach oder schwierig ein Level für dich wird. Die Mission: Rette New Earth! Das ultimative Ziel des Spiels ist es, New Earth vor der Invasion der Golida zu retten. Also zögere nicht, lade das Spiel herunter und stelle dich der Herausforderung. Die Zukunft von New Earth liegt in deinen Händen! ©Eggtart Inc. Fazit: Ein Spiel für Adrenalinjunkies Metal Suit ist ein actiongeladenes Spiel, das dir die Kontrolle über einen hochmodernen Kampf-Cyborg gibt, ausgestattet mit einem Arsenal, das keine Wünsche offen lässt. Mit seiner Pixel-Art-Grafik und dem side-scrolling Gameplay ist es eine Hommage an die klassischen Run-and-Gun-Spiele, bietet jedoch eine moderne Wendung mit vielseitigen Waffen und Anzügen. Also, worauf wartest du noch? Die Zukunft von New Earth hängt von dir ab! Der Entwickler des Games ist Eggtart Inc. Weiter geht es zur Steam-Site von Metal Suit Andere Artikel auf Games und Lyrik: Cyberpunk 2077 – Entfessle deine Zukunft: Tauche ein in eine pulsierende Welt Trapmaker 3: The Final Trap – Ein Schlussakkord voller Rätsel und Spannung Ankh 3: Kampf der Götter Glitchpunk – Begeisterung für die 3 Fraktionen im Steampunk-Adventure? Face Noir – Eine Reise in die düstere Welt des 1930er Jahre New York Hollywood Monsters 1 – Erlebe monströse Abenteuer Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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jboh-art · 4 years
I wonder how you design the touhous' clothing/if you have a decent source of references. I'm trying to draw them in authentic Japanese/Chinese clothing, but I can barely find any useful and/or accurate sources on the internet. And since I'm Europian I only have a limited knowledge in these kinds of things, that's why I'm asking. Stay amazing, I love your art!
thank you so much!! i’m always glad to hear that ppl are enjoying what i post :)
i have a bit of a lengthy response so i’ll try to put it mostly under a cut; if it doesn’t work i’m very sorry mobile people
honestly i just redesign them based on what i think looks good...... i also try to make it somewhat similar (in general) to the original outfits that touhous are drawn with (such as drawing kaguya with an aoqun instead of the standard crossed-lapel robes that initially come to mind when thinking of hanfu, because they share a white collar, sleeves that are kinda wide but not exactly billowy, a top that only goes down to around the hips, and a very, very long skirt)
however i do sometimes make an exception depending on the character (for example, even though seiga has a vest, i generally don’t draw her with any additional top layers because i specifically draw more of a chest-high ruqun since i feel that her original design is very tang-dynasty-inspired)
i also just really like to use patterns on clothing just to make it look extra elaborate (plus you get that nice implied embroidered feel).... lately, most of the ones i use are hand-drawn by me, but sometimes if i’m super lazy i’ll overlay traditional japanese katagami, of which you can find high-quality scans at certain museum websites (make sure you check if you can use them, of course!)
as for sources... i actually don’t really use references all too often because i know the most general/basic styles of hanfu by heart, but i always like to look at hanfu blogs on tumblr for inspiration, like @/hanfugallery or @/ziseviolet. i also generally watch a LOT of old and new wuxia/xianxia/chinese period dramas and i have been since i was really young; it’s really easy to absorb the clothing detail from those. for example plenty of wuxia actually have wheelchairs that are designed to look like they’d kiiiiinda fit in the setting, so i remembered those when drawing my latest keikina thing. basically my recommendation is to start following and checking up on media that have a lot to do with costuming etc. so you’ll eventually just start to absorb detail passively! 
also: KNOW WHAT BASIC THINGS ARE CALLED. don’t be afraid to copy/paste the kanji/hanzi terms into non-western sites because, like you mentioned, there’s not tooooo many english-centered (or whatever) places to get really cool info on traditional east asian clothing. i recommend browsing shopping sites too because of the multiple pictures that sellers will take of outfits in order to properly showcase their products, so you can see how a lot of different pieces are sewn and put together from different angles
@/nannaia also did a bunch of REALLY widespread illustrations regarding how chinese and vietnamese traditional clothing evolved over time so i recommend checking those out.
... also, as you can see i kinda just only covered sino-styled clothing and that’s because i know next to nothing about traditional japanese outfits and nor do i really care to... i think plenty of other people draw that kind of touhou fanart so i usually don’t touch it LOL.
that being said depending on the role they play or their current/past societal status it should still be relatively easy to look up sources as long as you KNOW what you want to learn (such as japanese buddhist monk robes for byakuren, or styles that were popular during the asuka period for miko’s crew)
in general tho, it’s really just is the Power of Evocation. a lot of designs you can get away with by not being completely accurate, just as long as you evoke the Feel of east asian traditional clothing. a perfect example is ZUN with eirin/seiga/junko/sekibanki/yachie; you’ll find that NONE of them are wearing any actual hanfu yet their designs SCREAM sino-inspired.
however, just make sure you know what you’re flanderizing before actually flanderizing it is what i’m saying LOL. like be aware of which cultures fold their robes a certain way and when, be aware of color usage and how it can mean different things in east asian cultures as well as the general trend of utilizing different shades on certain outfit pieces, know when and where to use visible frog buttons vs. bows/ribbons, and for god’s sake don’t sexualize qipao or áo dài etc. unless you’re actually like from those cultures (me @ myself even tho i’m sino because i’m already pushing it with sexy seiga)
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michaelpaulukonis · 3 years
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See also part 1
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absolute-eyesore · 3 years
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overdxze · 3 years
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New shit ⚡️⚡️
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distortedsense · 7 months
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Art for my fantasy novel The Day My Dream Died
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alder-knight · 2 years
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Uh-oh! That didn't work. Please try again.
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visceralcoma · 3 years
Got a fun glitch where I visited Judy’s apartment after she said she was leaving Night City, and after several texts of images of her on the road, only to find her in her apartment. I’m like....okay..... and proceed to talk with her and it’s like she’s responding as if she’s on the road driving and we’re having a phone call.
Very strange. But is in the later part of the game so I understand why this part of the game got less polish than early parts.
Still fun glitch nonetheless.
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glitchpunk · 3 years
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artoftheglitch · 5 years
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juxtaposition (6), 2019 instagram | website | patreon
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theplaystationbrahs · 3 years
Upcoming Indie Games In August
Upcoming Indie Games In August
Check out our list of upcoming Indie games for the month of August. Make sure to let me know which games you might pick up or if there are any others games out there on your list. Thanks for watching and don’t forget to like & subscribe. Can’t get enough BRAH?! Then you’re in luck! Follow us on Twitter! Enjoy our content on YouTube! Listen to our official BRAHcast! Get a taste of our Instagram!…
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gamergirl-niffler · 3 years
Huh... interesting...
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