whales-are-gay · 8 years
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karlietio · 7 years
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myluckybucky · 7 years
Gishwhes votes!
Hey everyone could you please vote on my poll! I need to get 400 votes by the 12th so it would be super helpful if you could vote and retweet it to help me out. Thank you!💕
Link to poll below:
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herbal-disaster · 7 years
We would love it if you answered this simple question of, "which hand do you brush which side of your teeth?" Dominant to dominant? Or not? TELL US!
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tluminareth · 7 years
Help with GISHWHES
Its that time of year folks! My team still needs some votes. We’re almost there! 
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celestialmeowmeows · 7 years
For Science!
I would appreciate it if anyone and everyone who sees this fills out this form regarding your method of brushing teeth!
This may or may not be for GISHWHES... ;)
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calliebrinley · 7 years
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echoisweird · 7 years
So I did a thing and Misha Collins/Tumblr sent me a care package.  Today is a good day.
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2013imissu · 7 years
accio my will to live
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casismybestfriend · 4 years
the road so far (aka fandom firsts nostalgia game)
thanks for tagging me @chill-legilimens!
first fandom steps: i think i first heard about spn back when i didn’t have a social media account but i was lurking everywhere. i was already interested in doctor who (and then sherlock, yes), and i found spn from superwholock around 2012-ish. i didn’t decide to start watching spn til a couple years later during s10, but i was already aware of spn and tfw
first handle or platform: no joke, i used my google+ account and i became the moderator of the largest spn community on there (i forget how many members there were, maybe 500k+). then i lurked on tumblr and made an account in 2016 after i watched the show, and my url was some vague superwholock vehicle reference like “1967mark40cab” or smth. i made a tumblr to not only join in on the fandom fun but also to participate in “gishwhes takes tumblr”
first blogs followed: i won’t actually tag them, but i liked fanart and gifs and metas and funny posts (i still do) so i followed consulting-cannibal, yourfavoritedirector, subcas, princesscas, elizabethrobertajones, deancasheadcanons, sunlitcas, mishacoliins, unicornmish, and many other blogs that i still follow today. i even followed @mishacollins
first mutuals: probably some of the above. i never really kept track of who followed me back until recently
first post: ever, that i made myself? it must have been a gishwhestakestumblr submission. besides that, i think the first post i made myself was a meta that i’ll explain in a later answer. as for first reblogged post, i think it was a cockles gifset :P
first fandom discourse™: this was back in g+ but i would very often debate about dean being bi. i’d attach gifs and screenshots of metas to people that were sealioning me (i didn’t know that concept at the time)
first character panic: if i understand this correctly, the first time i panicked about a character was when cas was possessed by lucifer. i loved 11x10 and after that scene i was like “holy shiiiiit!” and then after that i was counting the days until cas was back to normal, and i’m certain it was over 100 days til 11x23 :P
first crack spec: so that first og post i mentioned above was probably my season 11 trains meta. s11 was my first live season and i realized that there were a lot of train sounds and imagery. one time in 11x06(?) there was a demon talking, and he did a dramatic pause and then a train horn played in the background. i thought “that has to mean something!” so i eventually went through and documented every single train instance in s11. i didn’t come to any actual meta conclusions or guesses, but i did a lot of work for that post. in hindsight it might’ve been a symbol for god coming back, like the pigeon for his s14 return
first fic read (or art that inspired you, etc!): i don’t remember the first fic i read, but i do remember reading turn and yell because people talked about it, and i see now that it’s overhyped. i also saw a lot of spn art before i watched spn and joined here, so idk what was first. i assumed cas was the main character cause i saw him the most lol. nasyu’s art comes to mind, though!
first fic written (or art drawn, gifs created, etc!): i don’t have it with me rn but my first spn fanart was a drawing of cas, and i remember i didn’t even watch s4 yet when i made it! my first crappy spn gifset is here, and my first improved spn gifset is here
tagging: everyone! do it!
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Random, but I am doing a survey/twitter poll and I need more people to answer! Please! It will only take a few seconds. 
Please, please, please, I still need about 300 more votes!
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voldyrules · 7 years
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¡Voldy's Kindom cumple 1 año hoy!
Hoy hace un año que llegué aqui por culpa de #gishwhes y Misha Collins
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IMAGE. If there’s one thing we know about tumblr, it’s that tumblrs (is that even a word?) absolutely love “shipping”. So let’s see your best work! I want fan art of your favorite shipping companies - FedEx, UPS, USPS… wooing one another. Post your submission on your blog and hashtag #gishwhestakestumblr and #gtt4
They never publicly announced the winners, but this is the one that won this item. (by @whatdowedoaboutcasifer)
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celestialmeowmeows · 7 years
If anyone has the means to donate to this great cause, that would be wonderful!. All proceeds go to an impoverished ballet school located in South Africa. Read more about it on the crowdrise page.
"It gives me hope. I feel special when I'm doing it. If something bad happens to me, all I have to do is dance..." -Timarandarin (14 years old)
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