#gilmore girls analysis
weepynymph · 1 year
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Just noticed a lovely little costume detail in this scene and had to share.
Under their fleecy coats Rory and Jess's shirts are pretty much exactly the same shade of purple. I like to kind of read that as a subtle visual cue that while they might be in opposition on the surface (arguing about Luke and the chalk outline prank), under that there's this inherent kinship between them. It's like they're LITERALLY cut from the same cloth.
(Even the way Jess's coat is buttoned up and Rory's is open implying that he's more guarded about his inner self at this stage - god I love the costuming on this show!)
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evelhak · 2 months
Aaaaa, this!!! I literally cried, I am so happy to see some actual common sense!! I am so, SO tired of this trend, it's not just Rory either, there's a really unfair pattern going on where the "renaissance" on a piece of media is basically just fans ripping a protagonist to pieces for things that these fans do not hold other characters, particularly beloved antagonists and rivals, accountable for.
This video perfectly illustrates the dynamic: Rory, who tries her best to both achieve her goals and be a decent human being while doing it, who never was a perfect human if you paid attention, gets held to the standard of an angel, so every time she makes a mistake that mistake is treated as disproportionately horrible and irredeemable. Meanwhile, as a good example, Paris, who consistently treats other people horribly, gets downright babied, and how she deserved better is repeated, her own responsibility over her actions downplayed or completely ignored. Only her good qualities are remembered, and highlighted.
There's an excellent quote in the video:
"The audience loves Paris because she is so over the top that she becomes a non-character. But when you take her as a real person and judge her with the same standards as you would Lorelai and Rory, she is pretty terrible."
This. This happens with so many characters whose traits are so much that they are viewed as inherently comedic or unbelievable, so they don't count in people's eyes. Paris having a fit in her college entrance interview, yelling over the interviewers and defending eugenics, gets brushed off as "poor baby, she's clearly mentally ill, she just deserves better, she should have gotten in", while Rory, who got manipulated into an internship by the BIGGEST journalism figure just so he could tell her "she didn't have it" was JUST weak and entitled for getting upset and discouraged over it.
Paris cheating on her boyfriend for months with a college professor gets pushed under the rug because people are too uncomfortable to even acknowledge the whole thing, meanwhile Rory is THE WORST for sleeping with a married guy after she repeatedly asked him if both him and his wife agreed their marriage was over, suggested they could try counselling, and was lied to by said guy that both he and his wife knew things were over between them.
Yeah, Rory made mistakes, and definitely didn't act perfectly after either of the situations I mentioned. She was emotional and people generally make mistakes when they are. But for some reason certain characters get a free pass all the time, while it feels almost like Rory gets punished for even trying to be a good person. Like "See, I caught her making a mistake, that means she's the worst." As if trying to have morals and be decent is inherently arrogant and hypocritical. Like trying and failing is worse than not even trying. It's like, her mom and grandparents and home town expect her to be perfect, so fans did too, and now they're mad at her for being human because they put her on a pedestal. Meanwhile characters who consistently don't care about their impact on others don't get scrutinized, their actually horrible behaviour is just taken as comedy or proof of their victimhood.
Basically, people are desensitized to horrible things from certain characters, they expect it, so they don't react to it, but when Rory who is "supposed to be good" makes a mistake, it's suddenly the core of her character and all she is. Geez.
And don't get me wrong, I love both Paris and Rory. I love every character in the show. But this double standard drives me nuts. So many characters in the show have done very similar things as Rory gets accused of, some of them while feeling no remorse. Some of them have done a lot worse things that get forgiven easily.
And don't even get me started on what a hot guy with a tragic backstory gets excused for. Yeah, some things are understandable when you know the backstory. That doesn't make those things not wrong.
It's like people are obsessed with the idea that someone who appears good on the surface must be bad, and vice versa. Nuance be damned.
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mauradersdaughter · 6 months
Honestly, I love that Rory got to make mistakes through the seasons. She was just so shy and didn’t take opportunities to do things outside her comfort zone, like in the episode in season 1 where she didn’t want to go to the dance, just because, with no reason. I liked her arc of messing up and being young and stupid, which Logan really helped with. I just wished the writers knew when enough is enough and how to turn it into a lesson for her. It’s good to do things outside the spectrum of who you are and go look for different existences in life, but you have to know how to go back to your good ways and not lose yourself in the rabbit hole. That’s what happened to Rory; she lost control and crashed. She could’ve been an example to people in navigating their youth, but she became what many people desperately wish to not be.
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chappellrroan · 6 months
Rory *pathological people pleaser* Glimore
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sunflowermyheart · 2 months
gilmore girls is a wonderful show to use to study media literacy but yall aren't ready for that conversation yet
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ksfd892 · 2 months
Jumping on the Rory and Jess analysis train...
Jess generally doesn't abide by rules unless they make sense to him, and/or are important to people he cares about.
Rory likes rules because they make her feel safe. When she starts having feelings for Jess, she forgets about rules - case in point, impulsively kissing Jess at the wedding - and that frightens her a little. This impulsivity scares her at various other points in the series and Rory clings to rules as a result.
During the early seasons, Rory is afraid of uncharted emotion. Jess, while not necessarily afraid in the same way, doesn't know how to handle his emotions. He doesn't look to rules as Rory does, but has also never had any means to navigate. Both characters flounder when their emotions overtake them and both go the wrong way - Rory insists she doesn't need a set of rules when she drops out of college, and Jess rejects everyone and everything because rules and expectations have never done anything for him.
Later on, it's a kind of compromise which helps both. Jess tells Rory this 'isn't her' when he sees her in S6, and she is trying to be someone she's not. Rory goes back to school and remembers that she likes rules and structure, even if she is an adult and can question them a little. Jess, for his part, writes a book and works at a publishing house, able to take on some external responsibility without expecting the worst from everyone and nothing from himself.
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midsummerevening · 1 year
Some Gilmore Girls // Byler - Mileven parallels which I thought were quite interesting to think about. Buckle up, I have a lot to say!
Rory couldn't say I love you to Dean just like Mike couldn't say I love you to El.
As Dean and El process their words, hurt dashes on their faces before anger takes hold of their emotions, admitting out loud similar thoughts: "You don't love me?" // "But you don't love me anymore?". The reactions from Rory and Mike are immediate: they don't agree with the statement, but don't say the expected words either. They delve into an explanation which does not satisfy the other party at all.
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In both cases, it leads their relationship in some sort of limbo, a breaking point. In short, a state which leaves us and the characters thinking if they can come back from it.
Later on in the season, both Rory and Mike both say I love you to Dean and El and the scene appears as a big pivotal moment in the shows.
The only differences being the choice of music (more upbeat than emotional in Gilmore Girls) and the fact that Rory and Dean kiss meanwhile Mike and Eleven don't. It can be noted, however, that in both shows, someone who loves Rory / Mike is left standing by, watching the love confession, namely Tristan and Will.
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Both love confessions are given with an explanation as to why the "I love you" hadn't been said before. What lies at the core of it is fear and commitment issues.
In Gilmore Girls, Rory explains to her mom that she was scared, that she didn't know what to do or what to say at that moment. She adds that she didn't want to hurt him. Her mom goes on to explain that she doesn't want Rory to be like her and have commitment issues when it comes to love, to the point that it would prevent her from saying it.
In Stranger Things, Mike admits multiple times that he is scared of losing Eleven (including to Will!) or that she would not need him anymore, meaning if he did commit and said I love you, she might go and leave him at some point.
NB: Though it is not said nor explored, this very well could be linked to Mike's parents unhappy marriage and their lack of love, but that's another matter...
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Now, you may wonder, how if all of this is interesting in terms of Byler? Let me start by saying that I do believe that Mike does love El just like Rory does love Dean. But their love for them does not prevent them from loving someone else, i.e. Jess and Will, other love interests.
At some point in both shows, these relationship become long-distance. Rory spends the summer in Washington, leaving Dean behind in Stars Hallow. Mike stays in Hawkins whereas El lives in Lenora. In both cases, it is canon that they send letters to each other.
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For those of you who haven't watched Gilmore Girls, it is fairly obvious from the moment that Jess arrives that Rory crushes on him and quickly develop feelings for him, despite the fact that she's with Dean and loves him. Which also means she's very conflicted and tries to ignore these feelings.
This inner conflict may be the same that Mike is having. How?
When the long-distance thing is going on, Rory finds herself utterly uncapable of sending one single letter to Jess but as it is showed, she has no problem sending many to Dean, who she's still with.
And according to Will's words, El has a "book of letters" from Mike meanwhile he didn't get any. Mike has no issues sending El letters because as he explains it, she's his girlfriend. But somehow he couldn't send any to Will, his best friend?
Are letters purely romantical? Would it have betrayed hidden feelings?
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The lack of contact from Rory and Mike hurt Jess and Will, and they end up confronting each other about it. Both confrontation scenes really mirror each other: they're filled with tension, the characters get pretty defensive, other love interests are mentioned (El, Dean and the girl Jess is dating).
Jess accuses Rory of not reaching out. "Did you call me at all? Did you send me a letter? Postcard?". Meanwhile Will flat-out accuses Mike of having called only "maybe a couple times". Both Rory and Mike don't know how to excuse their behaviours.
Rory admits she hasn't called nor sent a letter, but jealousy is sipping through as she mentioned Jess's girlfriend and she's left angry. Mike seems angry too at Will's accusations and wonders out loud why it must be his fault and not Will's as well.
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As the shows go on, Rory and Jess along with Mike and Will do make up. Things end between Rory and Dean because Dean caught on Rory's feelings for Jess and later on, Rory and Jess are together in a relationship. Mike and Will have plenty of heart-to-heart scenes in the rest of season 4 and that leaves us wondering if they will go down the same route as Rory and Jess.
Will El catch on Mike's feelings? Perhaps with the painting? Will that be the cause of the break-up?
Will El walk off on her own and leave Mike "behind" just as it is hinted at the end of Season 4? Just like Dean left Rory stranded saying Rory didn't want to be with him but with Jess?
I guess we'll have to wait to find out!
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iscahmckrae · 9 months
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love-geeky-fangirl · 2 years
The symbolism of Rory's curls on Gilmore Girls
OK so I don't want to sound like an english teacher but one thing I noticed is how Rory's hair changes with her character. More particularly, how the way her hair is styled fits her storyline. For the majority of seasons 1-3 she straight hair that makes her look very innocent and childlike. However, she wears curls for the episodes where she is rebelling against Lorelai.
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This is the first time we see Rory wear curls for the entire episode. I don't think that it's a coincidence that this is the episode where Rory starts secretly dating Dean and sneaks out at night to see him. Lorelai sees them through the window and is shocked that Rory is keeping secrets from her. She had thought they tell each other everything.
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She doesn't wear curls again until this season 3 episode where she is dating Jess and Lorelai catches them passionately making out on Luke's couch. This is also the episode where she expresses interest in sex for the first time which Lorelai is not happy about. Also notice how these curls are tighter and less relaxed than the season 1 ones? Here she is rebelling against her mother much more because unlike Dean, Jess is a bad boy who her mother doesn't like.
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She doesn't wear curls for a whole episode again until she starts crushing on Logan in season 5. These curls are much tighter and messier than the previous ones, because this is her biggest rebellion against her mom ever. By spending time with Logan, she is ingraining herself more and more into Emily and Richard's world that Lorelai tried so hard to escape and shield her from. She continues wearing curls for almost an entire time she isn't speaking to her in season 6. During this time, when she isn't wearing curls, she wears her hair in a tight bun and her style strongly resembles Emily. Immediately after she breaks up with Logan and moves out of her grandparents' house, her hair is straightened again.
Again, maybe I'm being like an annoying english teacher and overanalysing stuff but I feel like asp may have done this intentionally.
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liesmultixxx · 7 months
whenever i listen to long live i immediately think of gilmore girls
“The crowds in stands went wild we were the kings and queens and they read off our names” -> the final party for rory (and lorelai)
“The night you danced like you knew our lives would never be the same”-> the dance marathon in stars hollow, lorelai dancing with luke, emily and richard’s wedding renewal
“How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you”-> lorelai and rory obviously
“I passed the pictures around”-> lane and rory’s childhood photo & logan and rory’s photo from the life and death brigade thing
“You traded your baseball cap for a crown”-> luke
“One day we will be remembered”-> everyone in gg
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weepynymph · 1 year
I really feel that a big part of the appeal of Jess as a partner for Rory is the way he always felt truly devoted to her. Of all her partners, Jess is the only one who never seemed to doubt that he wanted to be with her forever. Whereas Dean and Logan, whilst extremely attached to Rory and not wanting to lose her (often in a more possessive way) seem more in doubt of a future with her.
See: 'So what happens when you move, do we break up?' from Dean.
And: Logan's 'Listen, maybe we should hang out at my place for a while so as not to give your grandparents a visual to latch onto.' in response to being asked by Richard about his intentions (marriage, babies, etc, although this wasn't Richard's intention--he's trying to find out about Rory's plans specifically, Logan just gets the wrong end of the stick)
Now, I'm not condemning either of these two for being hesitant about committing to a future with Rory, they're all super young and it's valid not be freaked out by stuff like that (plus there are so, so many other things more worthy of condemning both of them for) I'm just saying that this sort of thing never rears it's head with Jess.
Instead we have: '22.8 miles.' and 'we're supposed to be together. I knew it the first time I saw you two years ago'
And I'm not saying you have to believe in true love and fate and soulmates to be a great partner, I'm just saying that compared to Dean and Logan there's something lovely about Jess's unflinching and never-ending belief that Rory is the One. And as a diehard Rory defender, I think that's the kind of love she deserves.
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saebaragi · 2 months
i have thoughts about friendship and amatonormativity. they're not very organized but they are here. I just wanted to warn anyone that might randomly see my posts sometimes that sometime I might show up with a long post about friendship and amatonormativity.
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mauradersdaughter · 2 years
“Not like other girls”
I think one of my biggest issues with Gilmore Girls is the “not like other girls” behavior. This trend is when women act as if they are better than other women just because they do different things beyond the female stereotype.
Gilmore girls is a serie that has that topic down to its roots. We see Lorelai and Rory as this “quirky, different” women. They eat a lot, talk too fast, are funny and don’t behave like other girls and that attracts guys. I think we see that more in Rory, especially in how she’s treated by others, like with Logan’s speech on why he hasn’t asked her out : “because you’re special”. Or when Dean comments on Rory’s eating habits: “most girls don’t eat”. This creates the better than other girls concept and idea that for a guy to want you, you can’t do things that are considered normal.
When Jess starts dating Shane, Rory gets mad, she expects him to wait for her, when she kisses him, while having a boyfriend, flies do D.C and doesn’t say anything. He didn’t have to pine, he owes her nothing. That confuses Rory, how come he doesn’t wait for her? She expects to be treated as this princess even when she hurts others and when she’s called out on her mistakes, instead of owning them, she deflects and plays victim. The “not like other girls” part kicks in when Shane is involved, like how she treates her in the store, when Shane has done nothing but date Jess (that’s the only vendetta Rory has against her). The way that Lorelai and Rory call her “a freak” just for being a teenage girl who wants to be with her guy (when afterwards Rory does the same) or during the dance marathon, Rory says: “girls like Shane, don’t they see what they look like, I know they have mirrors”. This whole shaming Shane is mysoginist and roots for competition for male attention, and that’s not the only time we see Rory shaming another woman because she’s jealous or insecure.
The whole feminist act on the show is easily forgotten by the two protagonist and we have a lot of scenes of them acting like jerks towards other women just because they don’t fit into the “cool girl” category or are girly and sometimes stereotypical. Two characters who claim to be such independent, empowering women doing shit like this is embarrassing!
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adamation3 · 2 years
Fuck you Paris Geller.
Still I’m still on my bull shit rewatch of Gilmore girls to catalogue any and every gay moment.
The first episode of season 3 has killed my hand with all the writing and Paris Geller’s crushing Comphet has murdered my hand.
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ksfd892 · 2 years
There is a real tragedy between Luke and Jess. When Jess arrives he is carrying a lot of baggage and frustration which Luke doesn't want to see.  Lorelai receives a lot of criticism for cautioning Luke about his nephew coming to live with him but she isn’t entirely wrong when she argues that buying a set of sheets is not enough and the rest won’t just take care of itself.  Luke stubbornly sets out a few rules to Jess, decides that’s all that needs to be done and then it begins to fall apart.  There is also a lack of consistency - sometimes Luke is strict and other times he assumes Jess doesn't need him at all.
Jess acts out because he has had no stable parental figure and was sent away without any say.  His own thoughts on moving to a small town where he doesn’t know one are entirely and disregarded and, when he arrives, everyone in Stars Hollow essentially distrusts and dislikes him on sight. Jess is hostile in response, furthering their view and, when Jess becomes friends with Rory, she too is warned against giving him a chance,  Even Jess’s fondness of Rory is seen as a way to ‘get her in trouble’.  Although Luke defends Jess against the town he fails to see why Jess is acting out, assuming his nephew is doing so to annoy him and yells at him as a way to get through.  In response Jess shuts down further.  Eventually, when Jess drops out of school, Luke sees it as Jess just being an ungrateful teenager, rather than dealing with feelings of isolation and fears of becoming like his father who has returned without warning.
None of this is to say that Jess couldn't have talked to Luke or handled things better.  He could have talked to Rory as well.  The issue is, Jess was handling more than he could deal with.  Aware that everyone around him basically saw him as a troublemaker, Jess is dissuaded from better choices.  It is only after Rory believes in him that Jess starts believing in himself.  Luke believes in Jess too but diminishes much of his S2 and 3 behaviour to being an angry teenager when, in reality, it was a lot more than that. 
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seancamerons · 7 months
i do think loralei should talk to max. the way she ran off sucked, while they got to have some mother-daughter time, driving aimlessly and making memories together, and spend time at rory's favorite school but she needs to at least say something to him. ghosting is never good. it also teaches rory a bad example, but i don't think she's bad she's just handling this really poorly.
her heart is almost always in the right place, but running isn't going to help her in the long run because she has complicated feelings and she doesn't know how to express them properly. it's very relatable. i know lots of women and even teenagers who do things like this. I've even unfortunately ghosted a guy for silly reasons that would've been much better had i just opened my mouth and not got in my head about it and hurt someone that way. I've been hurt that way myself in times. i just can't help but see that she goes in that 'mode' and tunnel vision where she's thinking she's doing the right thing and she's only hurting someone else, and then she'll feel inevitably guilty outwardly justify her reasons, and yet in the same breath feel guilty about it but swallow it up and then 'move on' like she'd been doing i guess for a long time, since when she and christopher split up for real before their long pauses in visits and such.
she is such a caring mother though and she even didn't pursue max if you remember because she wanted rory to have a nice time at her school and not to get her involved either but she was very supportive of them getting married because she'd had all that time to get used to him and in a way she hurt rory too because she was liking max even if they didn't work out. i wish he sticks around to help mentor rory and her writing for his class. i don't think this will be the case.
she put rory in a difficult spot at school. (even though rory still spoke to him, felt uncomfortable and paris assigned her a great interview with him which seemed a graceful way for them to communicate.) i had a feeling that rory was particularly crushed whether she admits it or not that max was almost her stepfather and she remarked on that and he seemed to feel the same. he was good for loralei, and rory wanted someone good for her mother. i just dislike how loralei couldn't simply tell him how she felt. i had a feeling she wasn't going to get married because she had called Christopher her ex and baby daddy at her bachelorette. the true nail in the coffin for the max and loralei was her nagging luke for his support and he finally delivers by showing up with the chuppa thing. when they stand under it together i just like, okay. there it is. they're destined. somewhere along the line i wouldn't be surprised if they perhaps, i odn't know years later seasons later marry under that same chuppa. when she said she'd keep it, he smiled. something is going on there, for the first time the seeds are budding and i can see the subtext that while luke had always cared for her even when he finds her annoying and her obsession with her loud personality against his strong and silent personality clashing each other, he might be deadpan snarking her but deep down he wouldn't have her any other way. he knows her too well, so he knows when loralei is happy/sad/scared/overwhelemed without having to communicate. i think they're destined for great things, a relationship, perhaps more will be in the cards for now we wait like any slow burn.
i wonder what that all mysteryous gift emily purchased and will keep in the closet until her daughter finally marries someone and I'm sure she has a delightful trick up her sleeve. i guarantee it'll come back up, or i hope. maybe it's the tiara she wore to her own wedding to lorelai's father. perhaps something borrowed or blue from her likely massive but stately and classy jewelry collection for the occasion and to keep.
emily didn't neccesarily seemed surprised. she picked up that luke sees her beyond the friend and how he goes above and beyond for her and the way he sometimes looks at her even though lorealei is pretty unaware unfortunately. perhaps it's better that way for now considering where everyone is. luke just took on his nephew from his sister, loralei just ended her engagement with the wedding just days away, her daughter is headed for putting in for college, work obligations but in a good place where she's thinking about business and accounting and luke promised her he'd help her with accounting and the math work to get there for budging and such. i love their dynamic. i have a lot to say about that.
getting back to max/loralei's doomed nuptuals, while she's 'fine' (or not fine) i don't think max is at all judging by the scenes with just rory and max and the look on her face as she read her interview notes and drafting for her article for the paper at school. i don't think it's farfetched to say he needs that closure to move on, he really wanted it to work and it seemed like when reality set in the excitement went away and she took off without a word to him.
i loved max even tho they didn't work out i think a part of her really cared about him. she probably feels like things will be weird with her at school but she wasn't thinking about that when she ran off because again, reality sets in because she doesn't plan ahead. she's not perfect and sometimes it seems like rory has to parent her because she's more of a planner and such but truly i believe luke is destined to be with loralei, now isn't their time. it's such a bittersweet thing.
i love gilmore girls, it's a very good show and i can't wait to get more and more into it. i'd be watching right now if my bf didn't go to bed early because i don't want him to miss anything. thanks for reading.
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