#general trigger warning
funpuddle · 3 months
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fromchaostocosmos · 5 months
Because this my blog I'm allowed to talk about what I like. Which is what I am going to do because I need to deal with the tangle of feelings I am feelings.
Firstly do to child abuse and neglect I spent most of my life not allowing myself to feel my emotions which is not really possible, but I did the best that I could. I also spent a lot of my childhood, teens years, and some of my early 20's in state of hypo-arousal, numb and robotic, and lots and lots of disassociation and depersonalization.
I spent the past while working hard in therapy to allow myself to feel emotions as well as working on many other things. Now the main issue I often face with emotions is that I often feel something, but I don't know why and what I am emotion I am experiencing.
Secondly this post is not defense in any way shape form of the current actions of current Israeli administration, of Benjamin Netanyahu, of the Likud party and the choices they have made. Nor is this post against Palestinian civilians.
With those two disclaimers/background information out of the way my goal with this post is try as best I can to explain my feelings and thoughts while not always having the words or vocabulary that I need to do it.
I am glad that there are many people and organisations who are protesting on behalf of the Palestinian people and at the same time I find myself often confused by many of the choices and even frustrated.
I do not understand how shutting down highways and airports helps to further any goals. Instead I feel it makes the overall populace angry and unwilling to listen. I also do not understand the whole "don't vote for biden" thing. Like who else is there? Trump? Are you out of your mind? Vote no one? I think not, be able to vote yes is right, but is also a privilege that so many currently in the world do not have access to or have access to real voting as opposed to a sham of an election.
I also find myself frustrated in the boycotting of certain companies. Because I do not see how they help and I do know of cases where it has done more harm such as with the soda stream boycott leading to loss of jobs in the West Bank. I also must ask when employees are mistreated and lack pay and a boycott could make a real difference why so silent then.
I also find myself not just frustrated, but angry even in Syria chemical warfare was used against the civilian populace where was the marches in the streets, the demands from governments, the protests? Where are they now?
Yemen? Azerbaijan? Russia? Why silent there. Are Yemeni children not worthy too? Are Armenian children not worthy too? Are LGBTQIA+ not worthy too? Are the Ukrainian children not worthy too? Of care and concern.
As the Houthi attack in Yemen and as Yemen deals with an on going massive food crisis where is the same worry and concern?
As ethinic Armenians flee en mass by the thousands from Azerbaijan government and are often left cut off from food and medical aid where is the same worry and concern?
There Russia's relentless attacks against Ukraine and extremely concerning and worrying ongoing denial of rights and legal protection to LGBTQIA+ people.
As well as the ongoing Genocide by Myanmar towards the Rohingya and the Rohingya difficulty finding safety as refugees as they are attacked still after fleeing to Indonesia.
There is also the ongoing Uyghur genocide being committed by the Chinese government. That involve a host of atrocities such indoctrination, reeducation camps, and forced sterilization and abortions among other horrific acts.
All of these things have seen overall silence.
Despite what gets taught the World knew what was happening during the Holocaust. The information about the camps and killings was widely available and not just to government officials, but to your average person. The world knew and they watched it happen without saying a word in protest because it did not bother them that Jews and Romani people were being mass murdered. As far as they were concerned some one was taking out the trash. The UK got involved because Hitler turned his eyes towards the UK and the USA got involved because of Pearl Harbor if not for that they would not gotten involved.
So yes I am happy that no is being silent in the case of Palestinians. I also am wary of it because I look at the other times that needed voices, but only had silence. I look at the fact that there are multiple countries who mistreat Palestinians and yet there is silence there.
I look at the silence that has greeted and continues for the Jewish and Israeli rape and sexual abuse survivor and the silence for Jewish and Israeli hostages.
I look at the support for Hamas. I look at the those who say they care about care about Palestinians and yet do not listen to them.
I look out I see all this hypocrisy and I am filled with rage and despair in turns. I feel frustrated. I feel voiceless. I feel as my lone call is being drowned out. and I wonder if Israel was not a predominantly Jewish country would the same care exist?
I wonder why are there no calls for Qatar's role in all of this? Or the Hamas leadership who live the most opulent extravagant lavish lifestyles far far away from Gaza and why none who protest call for them to held accountable?
I rage and I despair. I despair and rage. I feel bound and I feel lost. And I wonder if it was me, if it was mine once again being killed would we again be greeted with a silent world?
And then I remember, everything that happened after. No it would not quite. It would loud, it would deafening, and it would be raucous cheering as the world watches with glee.
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teafortarry · 19 days
Ever wanna KYS bc you're net worth is negative and every day is a struggle bc of finances, but you know you can't bc you would then put your family members into debt?
Ha! Me either. ( ´;゚;∀;゚;)
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matchstickwords · 2 years
Not to say I forget Billy is unable to keep his tongue in check but
He would eat Steve's mouth all day everyday and just like play with Steve's earlobes LIKE A FIDDLE I SAY
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jesternighttight · 1 year
BloodDonor AU explained!
TW for: Abuse, kidnapping, blood, and generally sad stuff (Text under the cut)
Belos found out King is a titan. And now he has an idea, his idea is that he'll convince King to give himself up to Belos by telling him if he didn't do that he'd kill Luz, Eda, and everyone he loved. King, being a scared and worried child, accepted. Belos is keeping King in a cage(literally) in his "work space" to "harvest" his blood. He is using King as an infinite supply of titans blood, for which King, can't do anything about it in pure and utter fear of his family being hurt. The collector seeing this over time knew King was his key to being free, after all, Belos had been telling them that the key to freedom was titans blood. But after awhile the collector fell in love with King, feeling sympathetic almost. This forced him to become mature about it and try and side with Eda and Luz to save King the best he could while still trapped. Meanwhile Kings world view has changed. He's mad at the world. He's mad that the universe is against him. Hes so weak, he can't even get up properly. Constantly with an almost aggravated attitude. He's traumatized. And it's all thanks to Belos.
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catbountry · 2 years
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clever-and-unique-name · 10 months
The prospect of choosing my character's genitals in BG3 is making me realize Things about myself.
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@lillybet-the-overlord you asked for this Victor please don't hate me 😅
Ok I'm writing down anything I can think of, these aren't planned around your characters so please use all the necessary creativity and then some to make anything you like better match your work.
(For the rest of you: this is my ideas for Victor's OC's possible dying words and different situations they could be spoken in. It gets very detailed so here's a general trigger warning)
I'm telling you this gets detailed. Do not read this if you're at all sensitive to any form of violence and/or injury. If you're sensitive to only some specific things they're also very probably mentioned here. Even if you're not particularly sensitive to anything specific, proceed with caution as this can still cause fears/nightmares.
Scenarios for cause of death:
Death during a physical figh
1. Characters fight together against a threat, some are lost
-> short last words, one or two words, possibly a name or 'help' or 'no' or words cut short
2. Same as 1 but the whole group dies
-> have a second character hearing these words also get injured and/or die because of the split-second distraction for extra emotional damage to reader
-> either a surprise attack or forced to fight a hopeless fight, or the tables turn on the group during something they've planned (plans gone wrong)
-> small groups work best here, otherwise too many characters
->even shorter last words (unless some characters are hiding and can actually talk) (these words can be trying to warn others or direct them but fail to do so)
-> go through each character's last moments one by one using both first person and observer perspective for max emotional damage
-> slow down your pace once you get to the last one(s?) standing. Consider adding internal monologue or even dialogue or just description of the surroundings, situation and/or emotions. Make this moment calmer and more...poetic? before you end the last character's life
3. Character vs character
-> consider having the last one(s?) captured for a time instead, you can use this character as bait for future plot points to make more characters suffer
-> one needs to be the challenger aka the one initiating violence
-> for extra emotional damage give challenger an unjust but powerful motive and favor the non-challenger's pov then have the challenger win and the non-challenger lose
->also for extra emotional damage have either one or both participants unwilling to harm the other but forced to
-> ending: for max emotional damage, two possibilities: either end it coldly and cruelly in the unjust challenger's victory with then having no sympathy for the other OR have the winner completely emotionally broken about the other's death and frantically apologising out loud or just in their mind. Alternately have the one who killed be very very gentle with the other and comfort them while they pass away
-> last words ideas:
-have the dying character try and fail to speak due to injury
-confident angry 'I won't let you win!' or 'this is for [insert anything]!' while still in good condition, immediately followed by a fatal hit full stop
-dying character pleading the other to spare [insert loved ones or their people] followed by...well. cold denial of the request and/or the other describing what's going to8 happen to them next. possibly followed by an insincere or empty 'sorry'
Post-fight death bc of injury
->> this can be followed by furious empty threats from the dying character, and then finally, silence.
1. Death by head injury
(It's almost always bc of bleeding, internal or external. Sometimes head injury or a crushed or punctured lung causes death faster but those don't leave much room for words. Bleeding leaves between a few seconds to minutes to maybe an hour of coherency depending on severity. Useful bc a character can win a fight but still drop dead immediately after)
2. Death by neck/spine injury
-> character is barely oriented and mumbling something usually not quite intelligible. Maybe reaching out for a loved one trying and trying to say their name but ultimately failing. Max impact when character falls to the ground and instantly drops dead.
-> this one's creepy. Character walks forward and moves and talks normally as if fine when they move calmly and slowly, but when they're started by something towards their side and suddenly turn to look, they drop like a stone. Dislocated neck, spinal cord permanently offline.
-> possible for character to have an entire conversation before just. dropping dead.
(This is what sometimes happens in car accidents)
3. Death by crushed/pierced lung
->results in oxygen deprivation, basically same mechanism as death by asphyxiation but slower
-> character's ability to speak is limited or gone
-> technically a human can survive on with one functioning lung but pair this with bleeding out or being stuck in a small space that keeps their chest from expanding enough, or inhaling smoke/dust, and the character is done for. There's not enough air to cough the dust out, it builds up.
->absolutely fantastic setting for character 2 trying to keep character 1 alive and telling them to not talk and trying to give hope while character 1 tries to use their remaining oxygen to get their last message out (have character 2 too upset and preoccupied with trying to save a life to focus on the message for extra emotional damage)
4. Bleeding to death
-> a few minutes of coherency, sometimes just one. Major bones and/or arteries damaged. One example: enough damage to your thing will break both a major bone and a major artery, both enough to kill you in minutes alone, but together?
(Tip: shoulder injuries and blows to your middle can cause a surprisingly serious amount of internal bleeding)
-> the character will feel very weak and dizzy while standing up, and also lying down but less so. They won't remain standing for long.
-> enough time for a short conversation, usually about feeling unwell along the lines of 'help me' possibly followed by frantic 'I can't see what's wrong you look fine' by second character. It'll look like bruising and swelling at most in this time frame.
-> also possible to have this character's opponent/enemy sit next to them and watch them struggle against pain and eventually unconsciousness
-> character can hide pain and dizziness for days but it worsens gradually. It'll still look like bruising
->can worsen very suddenly
->also if there's a head injury it might be nothing first then suddenly the same as part 1 a day or two later, or a gradually worsening headache possibly with problems with vision/hearing/functioning and so on
->character will likely have changed location from where they got injured, either to the company of friends or enemies. The former will likely have the character seeking help -> last words can be goodbye to them or ???? Something? While in the later scenario the character will probably be hiding their injuries to the end until they're too tired to care, depending on what kind of people we're talking about the character might either curse at them or be pleading. Possibly neither.
(Two ideas I like especially: 1. Character's last words are to a loved one who isn't there, and 2. The character's captors don't want the character to suffer/die, they didn't mean for things to go like this, they thought the character was fine -> their last conversation is between the character and their captor who's trying but failing to help)
5. All of these can be applied to accidents which cause similar injuries, the only thing that changes is who's around
-> an enemy may use an accident as an opportunity to let the character die or harm them when they're vulnerable. Example: character gets stuck under a falling tree but isn't crushed and can somewhat breathe. Character 2 then proceeds to first taunt and then stab them (examples: in the side/chest to pierce 1 lung to leave them to die slowly OR faster)
Death by illness/prolonged death by injury
->bed. They'll be where they sleep
->possibly caused by infection from injuries from a fight, or just something more mundane
->surrounded by enemies? Vs surrounded by loved ones? Completely alone?
->character will be in much discomfort and will pause to focus on surviving pain between or in the middle of sentences and words
->enough time for a conversation. Last words are likely a full sentence, they really depend on what the character's background is.
-> 'are [insert other character(s) names] ok?' -> yes -> 'good...' *dies*
OR -> no -> 'where are they I have to get to them - I have to - to - [insert name]...' *dies*
-> (to character 2, real or imaginary) 'I'm so tired [insert name]...it hurts...I can't anymore I can't...just make it stop...' *suffers for hours unable to speak coherently anymore before finally succumbing to their condition*
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the-vibing-ghoul · 2 years
just saw a whole video that is just a compilation of people reacting to somebody's death. imagine being the type of fucking ghoul to clip somebody finding out about a person's death, put it in a compilation not even 12 hours after their passing was announced, and have the fucking audacity to ask for likes and subscribes in the outro. youtube stan culture and stream clips was a mistake
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fromchaostocosmos · 1 year
sometimes I get so angry and so sad at how much my parents have gotten away with
how much destruction they have caused, how much they have ruined my life, ruined me
how they totally utterly abandoned me and left me, but will claim they didn't because they were "there" like providing the very bare bones of food and shelter doesn't mean I wasn't abandoned
I was left to raise myself, I wasn't held, or told I was loved or told I was bright or smart or could do anything be anyone just because or because children need that like we air
No anytime I was told something positive it came at the expense of a sibling,
kindness and grace was the hooks on the end of the puppet strings, the lure on the fish line, a bait I had to learn not to take
I do not know how to trust others, I do not know what it means to be loved, to not treat everyone with suspicion, to not view everyone as a threat, to fear every person,
I've learned to choose kindness, empathy, and compassion time and again, but I don't know how to do the same for myself.
The forcibly taught self-sufficientence, self-reliance, financial independence from horrifically young age to find myself in a hellish existence without those things.
Because of trauma, because of my parents, because of the misuse, abuse, neglect, abandonment, and manipulation
I have no money, I'm currently living in a really terrible living situation that is just bad for mental and physical health. and dealing with government for tiny scraps of help they provide is like well like they both don't want to help and want you to just stay stuck.
The sad thing is how much of my problems could be solved with money. What I would give to win the lottery. What I give to have been accidentally switched at birth.
The irony of it all is that my parents will just stand there watch this all, hear me beg them for help, for the first time in my life, coo how sad it is, whimper how terrible it is, and do nothing
Do nothing like usual, take no responsibly like, act like they played no in anything going on like usual.
There are three of us, yet it is only I who get the consequences. Consequences for choices I did not make.
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vastveridian · 10 months
So,for most of my life ive been conviced my mother dosnt like anyone but herself , today i realized she literally JUST dosnt like me and is a devoted mother to my sister. Im trying so hard mot to rip my own throat out and eat it rn
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eleazar-survivor · 1 year
“...I don't know why he hasn't killed me There is a voice Telling me my time is at its end I'm just the same As all the others Others... I cannot leave them Because of them I'm stronger now Than when I came...”
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toxicbitchsyndrome · 1 year
○ Aerin/Tom/Tamara • 23 • he/she/it/they • fictive • sideblog ○
block. don't report.
☆ interact with my blog at ur own risk , you're not my responsibility ☆
tw drugs, tw ED, tw trauma talk, tw self harm/unhealthy coping mechs, tw whatevrr etc. i dotn know, just view at ur own risk. things may or may not be tagged, so again, view at your own risk!
♡ moodboard requests - Open ♡
DNI - ageplay, k1nk, nsfw, pro 4n4, pro ED, anti recovery, etc.
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incorrect-evildead · 2 years
Pinned Post
Hello! I’m Evil Dad! I am 21 and use he/vamp/bats/cats pronouns. I post incorrect quotes for Evil Dead here. Feel free to make submissions! My rules are below.
Please try to have a source for any quotes you submit. I understand if you can’t find them, though!
Do not spam like. Spam reblog instead! Likes do nothing on Tumblr.
Bigots of any kind. Christans/catholics. Pro-lifers. The Satanic Temple or any of its associates, inclusing "atheistic" Satanists/Luciferians. TERFs/radfems/gender critical/trandmeds/etc. Proshippers/comshippers/variants. Pedophiles/MAPS/NOMAPS/PEARS/etc. Incest (includes adoption). Noncon. DSMP/Harry Potter/Melanie Martinez fans. Starseed/indigo children/other ableists.
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unmedivate · 2 years
Nights like tonight make me want to go somewhere else entirely and make new friends and meet new people and just live my own life doing what I want to do. Of course I'm never going to do that because the shackles of love keep me tied securely down in place with my own friends and my wife and our boyfriend. Maybe not even my own friends. I don't think I have any of those anymore. I used to have facets I could express with different people, but now I'm stuck as the nice one and it is Smothering.
This is also all so stupid because it started when my boyfriend got a new alter that happens to be from the same source material as the other 2 systems in our friend group, and it's just another thing that I cannot connect to anyone on. I am the youngest (by a lot). I am the only singlet (so far as is known). I don't LARP anymore, and doing so with my friends is out of the question because they are all terrible at it and i don't think I'll be able to keep myself in check and not make fun of them in an actually mean way. I don't belong here, but I belong here more than I belong anywhere else because I'm autistic and I'm trans and I disassociate frequently and I probably have BPD.
I don't belong anywhere, but it would hurt too many people if I were to pass.
On the bright(?) side, my wife and the friend who went on a grocery run together to bring snacks back for everyone did not bring back any of the things I asked for and took so long getting back that I both don't get to/ have to watch the show we were going to watch tonight and I get to skip dinner, which leaves me well under 1000 kcal for the day so I guess you win some you lose some. Except I'll probably just end up binging or something tomorrow because I cannot rely on Ana as a solace anymore, no matter how much I might crave it.
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b00sh · 2 years
Brain rot but I've just gotta really bad headache and need to scoop out the rot before it gets worse please please please stop just let me get rid of it I need to take the pain out of my body physically and watch it writhe in my hand before throwing it away I must be sure I got all of it I want to look in a mirror as I dig gross black-red stuff out of my skull until all is left is the grey of my brain and a pile of pain in the sink before I wash it down and away
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