#funding fee
tariah23 · 4 months
Oh…. Well, it’s over for Crunchyroll I guess
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secretstime · 1 year
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aromanticbuck · 2 months
I know, everyone and their mom is tired of seeing this from me, but I'm seconds away from a total mental breakdown about this at any given moment.
I took all of my money, all of the cash we had in the rainy day jar, and even pulled the < $1 I had from my savings account to pay the second half of rent for the month. After that, I am at -$575.
Because my employer is only giving me $25 a week during my medical leave (< $10 after tax), and I have no idea when I'm going to actually get money from the state. I have another job I'm pursuing (just praying I get called back for the working interview or at least an answer this week), but I won't get paid from that until I actually get the job and, you know, actually start working.
I just want to have positive money at the end of the month, so that rent will actually take out of my account again. It's going to put me back in the toilet after that, but I just want to know we'll be able to keep our apartment in May, you know?
I can't even keep Dashing because my car has no gas in it. I'm not getting Etsy orders. I'm stuck at home while Kit is at work and I hate that I can't do anything to help right now. Any little amount will be helpful, or even a reblog if you can't give anything right now.
paypal venmo: amwallace95 etsy
so far: 195/600
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gxtzeizm · 7 months
i truly hate to rant about my current situation rn but
ngl i can feel that this whole period of this semester will be the thoughest one for me in terms of my self financial stability, or honestly saying that this is literally in my lowest point ever rn since it's involving money and it's the most crucial time for me to need it :(((((((
thanks to all you guys, i was able to cover up for my last month's expenses. but right now, i'm still struggling financially to pay for my study fees for this semester and i'm trying to get enough money as possible before january next year, or else i can't able to register for my courses next semester.
i mean i'm trying to looking for some jobs inside my campus but i truly afraid that it might losing my focus on my studies. also i want to consider to find some side income online but ngl i found that almost of it is untrustworthy plus my dad also not very keen about me to do all this kind of jobs 😔😔.
i mean idk but this whole entire thing rn is being fucked off for me personally 💔
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ragsy · 4 months
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Workin' on a new painted grinning beast mask >:)
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mickstart · 1 year
Here's the thing about street circuits. I also think they don't suit the current size of F1 cars and should be special and unique not the norm. But if F1 is going to keep adding new tracks they need to be either street circuits or older circuits renovated to be up to modern FIA standards. We cannot keep building new circuits it uses up so many resources and takes up so much space and then is functionally useless for most of the year. It's like a golf course but worse, and almost all of the major new circuits built for F1 in the 2010s are now literally abandoned and rotting because F1 moved on to someone else with more money.
In an ideal world F1 would stop adding new circuits altogether and it would rotate existing circuits to keep the calendar exciting, whilst helping new destinations without a certified fia track to revitalize and upgrade existing tracks to add them to that rotation cycle. Places with absolutely zero race tracks would make street race destinations - again, to be cycled on the calendar. This would be better for the environment, better for the Motorsport community as a whole, MASSIVE for motorsport heritage, and better for the racing tbh as we would see tracks adapted from a VARIETY of architects on the calendar.
But f1 won't do this for the same reason it left those 2010 tracks high and dry. Its own greed. They want new flashy destinations without having to consider the culture, the space, and existing Motorsport in those destinations. (SEE: building Miami and Vegas when the us has so many suitable tracks.) They want The Most Races Ever every year. They want to expand and expand and expand BC that's what you DO under capitalism, line goes up forever. So until the ballooning money involved in F1 and the FIA as a whole is brought under control, this isn't going to happen. They know building new circuits is 1) unsustainable and therefore unpopular for their image 2) hard to convince people to spend money on right now. But they still want to expand, and they sure as fuck don't want to HELP fund their destination unless it's Miami where millionaires will pay to be seen on the grid.
So, I can't help but expect we're just going to keep seeing more and more street circuits on the calendar until either the F1 bosses are visited by 3 ghosts or the sport collapses under its own weight.
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blodwyrm · 10 months
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ref sheet for ZeCardimima on toyhouse! 🌸🌷
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sensiblebisexual · 3 months
absolutely fuck everything about this:
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itsror9 · 1 month
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Go to bit.ly/palfunds to donate directly to Palestinian families in Gaza now! 4 families that need urgent help.
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mali-umkin · 4 months
I... Got into Cambridge
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princeoftheroses · 1 month
fuck you gofundme i'm not fucking tipping your shitty ass website just send the money i gave you to the person who needs it thanks
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rhube · 2 months
Ryan has legal recognition as non-binary under California law. Under UK law their legally recognised gender identity in California should be respected. A court has denied that on the basis that the language in the Gender Recognition Act can be interpreted as intended to be about binary male or female genders only (bollocks), and because it would be an administrative hassle to recognise their gender identity when the UK doesn't recognise its own native-born non-binary citizens. But they have won the right to appeal this.
They're funding this fight themselves, but it's costly, and it would be a huge win for all non-binary UK citizens. Please donate if you can and boost if you can't.
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secretstime · 1 year
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proto-language · 4 months
oh also i never told the beloved circle of mutuals who like all my posts bewailing the horrors of my academic life that i have got an mphil offer from my current university!! i need to get a first in my undergrad degree, which is far from a given, and i kind of need to be given at least partial funding too, but it is a first step!!
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dykethang · 6 months
i have no patience today for cis people. my legal name is a traditionally Boys Name. i have been on T for almost 5 years. why would you take these two puzzle pieces and deduce "hm, yes, i will use she/her"
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sunflowerseraph · 1 year
Heyyy so i got a parking ticket and the mail telling me about it was! Kept from me by someone in my household to "teach me a lesson" i would really appreciate some help paying it off. Its at $116 USD and if i dont pay it off i wont be able to renew my registration and I need to have a car in order to take care of my siblings/family and obviously myself. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated im really sorry to be asking.
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My l!nks: linktr.ee
P4yp4l: leehancock1
V3nmo: $Sseraphh
C4shapp: $Sseraphh
Any help or reblogs would be great :')
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