#how to check crypto funding rates
secretstime · 1 year
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poipoipoi-2016 · 1 year
#trying to understand wtf is happening to svb because uh. i want my salary
The business model of banks
The way banks work is that they take in deposits and make loans.
So I put money in a bank, but ALSO I took money out of a bank to get a car loan which let me buy the car that I used to commute to work to pay off the car loan. And also drive to Death Valley. GOOD little car. Could go from Vegas to SF on a tank of gas.
What this means from a bank's perspective is that your bank balance is a problem and the loans they make are assets. Because you took in $20K of deposits and then gave me an $18K car loan that I paid back at $400/month for 5 years. And at the end of 5 years, you will have taken $18000 and turned it into $24000.
And if one person asks for $2K back, you have $2K. And if someone(s) a year from now asks for $10K back, you have:
$2K in cash
But also the $4800 in cash I paid you last year. Minus the amount of money you spent last year running the actual bank.
The money used to found the bank (The Equity)
The ability to shop around and say "Poi is going to pay us $400/month every month for the next 4 years and if he stops doing that, you get a gently used Chrysler 200 to sell. How much are you willing to give us for that cashflow?" <- THIS IS THE PROBLEM
So as long as you are:
Liquid, meaning that you can give people their money back when they ask for it
Solvent, meaning that if EVERYONE asked for their money back, you'd sell off all the loans you'd made, give them their money back, and also have a >$0 pile of cash to go Scrooge McDuck in after you shut down the bank.
you get to keep existing.
If you're liquid, but non-solvent and somehow manage to hide it, this is called Bernie Madoff. But also "The Bank of Japan in 2023".
If you're solvent, but non-liquid, someone rolls up and buys your assets for "The value of your liabilities and also this Snickers Bar" and that's a pretty standard action.
And if you're non-liquid and insolvent, uh look crypto is weird but go look at FTX. There's a list of creditors and several months or even years from now, you'll get a fraction of your deposits back based on the recovery value of the underlying assets.
What specifically happened to SVIB
So you are a bank in 2019. And specifically, you are the Bank of Startups. And startups are very bad loan risks and also have giant piles of VC checks so they don't actually need loans.
$200 Billion of VC checks in fact. Which they gave to you. And because you're a good bank, you put $20 Billion in the cushion fund and now you have to figure out how to use $180 Billion to generate enough money to keep running the bank.
Unfortunately, it's 2019 and all the liquid risk-free assets pay 0.08% and that's not enough money to pay your bank tellers. So you make a (in retrospect dumb, in practice I'm not sure it's dumb enough I scream just at SVIB) decision to put it into:
A bunch of Treasuries that pay 1.5% or so
A bunch of mortgage-backed securities which are default risk-free b/c of post-2008 reforms. If someone forecloses, the government pays you back at par.
Corporate bonds which are risky but hey that's why you charged 5% right?
So these are illiquid, but they're not like... that illiquid and if interest rates ticked up a percentage point, a 5-year bond with 3 years to go is still like 98% of face value, it's totally fine.
And now you have $4-6 Billion/year to pay your bank tellers with and also improve that cushion.
And if you don't do these things, Silicon Valley Investment Bank does not exist. CHASE BANK does not exist. This was a prerequisite to having banking services in this country post-2008 in literally 0 interest rate environments.
And then the Fed goes on a historically unprecedented interest increase. So your 1.x% bonds are now competing in the market with 5% bonds and your 2.6% mortgages are competing with 7% mortgages and hoooo boy.
A 2.6% $400K mortgage pays you $20K/year and is currently worth $260K at 7%. $180 Billion of assets marked down to ???? Billion. 7 years to break-even and your bank tellers need to get paid.
Now for most banks, this isn't a problem. They're an actually profitable Bernie Madoff by design as a feature. They can't give everyone their money back, but they don't have to. And the bonds are paying up and the mortgages are paying up and 5% nominal GDP growth isn't a lot, but it's something and of course, you're making NEW loans at 7% so if you can just keep paying 0% interest on bank deposits and keep pulling in 7% interest loans, you'll make it out of the next few years, and you're suddenly solvent again.
Except for you.
Because you are the Bank of Startups.
And when interest rates went up, VC funding went down. So you have these perfectly good businesses (for now at least) that are constantly and continuously drawing down on their bank accounts.
And remember, this isn't 1982. You're only making 2%. Your cap ratio is 5%. All those mortgages paying in 5% of book value every year and if you get out over your skis, you cease to exist. You're going to hear the words "Duration Risk" a lot and this is that.
So you try to do an equity raise. You'll sell the rights to some of that 5% cashflow (and remember, it's increasingly 7% interest/10% cap which is slightly more exciting) in exchange for the money you need NOW TODAY to pay out your withdrawals.
At which point Andreesen goes "Uh what my friends?", tells all of his buddies to pull their cash, and $42 Billion gets withdrawn in less than 24 hours. Leaving $160 Billion behind.
And now we remember that bank accounts over $250,000 (IE: One paycheck at a $6.5 Million payroll company) aren't technically FDIC insured.
Lessons Learned
And the thing is that I really can't just blame SVIB here. They got stuck in a pretty terrible trap caused by the US Government. And the US Government likes it when you buy Treasuries and likes it when you buy and SVIB was, more or less, doing the things you as a society wanted them to do.
And the Federal Reserve explicitly destroyed them for it.
Don't get me wrong, they were weird. But I'm not sure they were weird enough especially given the constraints of 2019-2021 that I can just go "Eh, screw them". Spread that blame AROUND.
And any bank that can survive a FORTY PERCENT drawdown in the value of the underlying assets.... isn't a bank. At least not as we mean it here in 2023. The Fed's stress tests involve a 'severely adverse scenario' where 10-year US Treasury yields are at 0.7% (and only get to 1.5%). They're currently at 3.6%.
The second set of lessons that we learned today goes like this:
There are lots and lots and LOTS of reasons that small or medium businesses might temporarily or permanently want more than $250K in raw USD cash in a bank account at some point. This is now a banking risk. (There's some tricks you can play if you're really large, but those also have limits)
However, if you bank at Chase Bank (or any other bank on the too-big-to-fail list), you are infinitely insured. Because CHASE BANK is backed by the entire combined firepower of the US Government and banking sectors. If Chase Bank stops existing, the nukes have fallen.
So why would I ever use a local bank for anything at all ever again? At which point you now get another round of contagion in the system where everyone gets out of these regional banks. Because remember, EVERY BANK IN THE WORLD INCLUDING THE BANK OF JAPAN is now insolvent.
Because they were destroyed for the crime of "Doing exactly we wanted them to do". Oh sure, in a risky sort of way, but see that note above about the Fed Stress tests.
Where "What we wanted them to do" involved buying government debts
Are you uh... 100% absolutely certain you want to be teaching those lessons? That if you buy US Treasuries, you will be destroyed for your crimes? That if you use a regional bank and they are destroyed for their crimes of making loans to the Feds, your business dies with it?
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cfxn · 2 years
How Does Financial Technology Work?
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Financial technology (Fintech) refers to new technology that aims to improve and automate the delivery and use of financial services. At its core, fintech is used to assist companies, business owners, and consumers in better managing their financial operations, processes, and lives through the use of specialized software and algorithms that run on computers and, increasingly, smartphones. The term “fintech” is an abbreviation for “financial technology.”
When the term “fintech” first appeared in the twenty-first century, it was initially applied to the technology used in the back-end systems of established financial institutions. However, there has been a shift to more consumer-oriented services and, as a result, a more consumer-oriented definition since then. Fintech now encompasses a wide range of sectors and industries, including education, retail banking, fundraising and nonprofit, and investment management, to name a few.
Fintech also includes the creation and use of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. While that sector of fintech receives the most attention, the real money is still in the traditional global banking industry, which has a multi-trillion-dollar market capitalization.
Understanding Financial Technology
In general, the term “financial technology” refers to any advancement in how people conduct business, from the invention of digital money to double-entry bookkeeping. However, financial technology has grown explosively since the Internet and mobile Internet/smartphone revolutions. Fintech, which originally referred to the application of computer technology to the back office of banks or trading firms, now refers to a wide range of technological interventions into personal and commercial finance.
Fintech now refers to a wide range of financial activities that can be completed without the assistance of a person, such as money transfers, check depositing with your smartphone, applying for credit without visiting a bank branch, raising funds for a business startup, or managing your investments. According to EY’s 2017 Fintech Adoption Index, one-third of consumers use at least two or more fintech services, and those consumers are becoming more aware of fintech in their daily lives.
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Fintech in Action
The most talked-about (and funded) fintech startups all have one thing in common: they are designed to be a threat to, challenge, and eventually usurp entrenched traditional financial services providers by being more agile, serving an underserved segment of the population, or providing faster and/or better service.
Affirm, for example, aims to eliminate credit card companies from the online shopping experience by providing consumers with the ability to secure immediate, short-term loans for purchases. While interest rates can be high, Affirm claims to provide a way for consumers with poor or no credit to secure credit while also building their credit histories. Similarly, Better Mortgage aims to simplify the home mortgage process (and eliminate the need for traditional mortgage brokers) by providing users with a verified pre-approval letter within 24 hours of applying. Green Sky aims to connect home improvement borrowers with banks by assisting customers in avoiding entrenched lenders and saving money on interest by providing zero-interest promotional periods.
Platforms like Crypto Fiat Networx exchange (CFXNX) implement the use of blockchain in their fintech. What this platform does is convert cash to crypto and (or) crypto to cash using a casino concept from the 16th century. This platform is relatively new and its main target is the online gaming industry and the casino gaming industry. The platform is still seeking investors to aid in its development and expansion. So, if you are an investor and would like to join the CFXNX network, reach out to its CFO and one of the founders Thomas Bowen at [email protected].
Fintech has transformed many industries, most notably banking, trading, insurance, and risk management. Fintech firms, which include startups, technology companies, and established financial institutions, use emerging technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and edge computing to improve the accessibility and efficiency of financial services.
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earning-bots · 2 years
The best earning bot in the telegram 
Today I am going to talk about Task manager | Earney bot in the telegram. Task manager bot is a telegram chat bot that acts as the middle man between workers and employees. It is a bot which you can earn money from doing simple tasks. It paying in Tron crypto coins. You can also create a task and complete it for cheap price. Task manager bot is a simple way to earn money online doing micro tasks such as following people on social media or upvoting their posts, sharing content, downloading apps and games or signing up to referral system and airdrops. Work as a freelancer and provide professional services such as programming, writing, video and audio editing, marketing services and more. 
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Above picture shows the view of the bot. You can join bot using this link- https://t.me/EarneyTaskBot?start=ref2016388887 . Now let’s see how to use this bot correctly.  
Start EarneyTaskBot using telegram chat software. 
List all of the jobs by category and user rank, find tasks you can do. 
Read the instructions on the task and if you want to do it, reserve the job. 
Do the task as instructed and then upload screenshots or other proof into the bot. 
The task owner will check your proof, and once approved you will receive your payment. 
If you have trouble getting payment, you can report the task for admins to manually check. 
Once you earn a min of 10 TRX you can withdraw your money instantly. 
Pay to upgrade and verify your account to earn higher rates and better-quality jobs. 
After approved your task by admin you will receive message as follow. 
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Now you know how to use this bot. So, we learn how to create an advertise. 
Start @EarneyTaskBot using telegram chat software. 
Deposit TRX crypto into the bot, wait up to 5 mins for confirmation. 
Click create a task button to begin creating your task. 
Choose the type of task you want users to perform. 
Enter a short task title – This will be displayed in the job's menu. 
Give instructions – tell users what to do, and what proof you require. 
User level – Pay for all users or pay extra for experienced users. 
Enter task link – Provide your affiliate link or any link needed. 
Enter task budget – How much TRX to pay for this job in total. 
Amount per user – Set the TRX amount to pay per user. 
After done tasks by employees, you will receive their proofs. You have to check them and approve. If task is not completed you can reject it and tell them what to do. 
There is another way to earn money in the bot. It is referrals. Let's see how it is working. 
Task Manager Bot offers a two-level referral system and pays life time commissions on all user actions including both workers and advertisers. 
Earn TRX every time someone completes a task, and earn when users pay for tasks. 
You will receive 7% of the fees collected from first level users, and 3% from second level referrals. 
Our powerful two-level referral system allows you to earn profits from your friends' referrals, so when your friends refer users, you will earn from those users as well. 
Share your referral link and when users click on it and start the bot, they will be your registered referral for life and you will receive a share of every action they perform. 
Create a passive income and withdraw TRX daily by promoting the bot. 
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You know everything has rules to follow. So, there are few rules to follow. 
Please do not try to scam my bot 🙂 
 Do not create multiple accounts on the bot or refer yourself. 
 Do not advertise or promote anything illegal. 
 No porn, hyips, scams, scam bots. 
 All tasks need to be approved by admins. 
Please do the tasks honestly and to the best of your ability. 
 Once a task has been broadcasted it can’t be cancelled. 
 Funds deposited for tasks are non-refundable. 
 All task buyers are responsible to check completed work. 
 Tasks are auto approved after 24 hours. 
 Users who try to scam the bot will be banned and lose all funds. 
Don’t worry there is a team of members to help you in the bot.  Telegram group- https://t.me/earneytaskmanager 
This bot has 3 levels of users. 
 1 - New user  A new user is anyone who has joined our task bot, many will be inactive, some may be bots or multiple users, some may submit low quality work.  This is the fastest way to get huge amounts of users but the quality is low. 
 2 - Verified member  A verified member is a user who has earned at least 200 TRX through our system and has completed many successful tasks.  These users have been manually reviewed by our team and will be 98% real users. 
 3 - Gold member  Gold members are our professional users - gold members are hand-picked and provide commercial services. 
Expect high quality work and 100% real users, influencers, promoters, bloggers, youtubers, people with higher follower counts, users who can provide professional services such as graphics, blog writing or video creation and much more. 
Things you should know 
When will the submitted documents be rejected?  If the user has sent the requested documents incorrectly or has not done the task correctly, you can reject it. After rejecting the information, the user is obliged to complete the task within 24 hours and send the documents to you. Otherwise, the frozen amount will be released and refunded to your task payout. 
 When are submitted documents approved?  Once you are sure that the user has done your task correctly, you can verify the user's credentials to free up revenue for the user. 
 Red lines!  If a violation is observed, either party can file a complaint through the support ticket. If the violation is proven to be intentional, the offending user will be blocked.   
Today you learnt about how to earn money using telegram bot. Do simple tasks and earn money and enjoy it. Good luck. 
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davidrandrup93 · 2 months
Golden Gateway : Cryptocurrency News: 09/13/17
The above article is about a French court ruling about Bitcoin loans qualifying as business loans and that makes it a legal tender just like fiat cash. Yet in March 2019, Tether modified its phrases of service: the USDTs endorsement altered to 75% USD anchorage and 25% iFinex stock-collateral loans. Extra specifically, the higher Band is at the moment at $11,700 - 25% above current prices. With the global markets and crypto markets taking a hit on account of the continued covid 19, leaving quite a lot of of traders and users confused due to the current uncertainty. The company anticipates that the addition of crypto funds through Coinbase will give the company entry to a broader customer base with the potential to attract countless new sales alternatives not unlike the successes witnessed by Overstock. Kronos units could be variable in shape or size, and, due to this fact, have the potential to be scaled down for air purification in cars or scaled up in size for industrial and hazardous fuel destruction. Adaptability is the primary downside I've which prohibits me to freely use my cryptos and go bankless because money is the primary forex that is offered right here in my country which could be considered a purpose why I do want checking account of my very own.
When that happens, youll be in a strong state of affairs, as your assets may have rather more value than what you paid for it. David digs down into how Tim turned enthusiastic about Ethereum and the way Tim views Ethereum as a programmable store of worth. Bitcoin is used for Remittances, to retailer worth, for cash laundering and as cost technique for unlawful actions. Chinese authorities particularly emphasize that they trust blockchain safety, which is ok to retailer confidential medical knowledge. The failure of latest coins can jeopardize people's belief in altcoins as a concept. The loss of belief throughout the world's monetary system, will pave the best way for crypto and Blockchain tech's success throughout the mainstream world. Cryptocurrencies have a variety of alternatives that they are still attempting to find and cryptocurrency applied sciences are still growing and in the future cryptocurrencies will attain incredible heights and cryptocurrency prices could also be at a high degree sooner or later, that is why investments ought to be made whereas cryptocurrencies are still at the primary stage of improvement. This past week, Ethereum recovered nicely and climbed above the $188 pivot level in opposition to the US Greenback. “When we lend Bitcoin or when we borrow it, it's a shopper mortgage which obliges us to return the identical high quality and amount, and subsequently makes the borrower bear the dangers or profit from the fruits.
Classify bills into mounted, variable and discretionary and compute your disposable earnings
There is no repayment deadline
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All Tethers are are initially issued as tokens on the BTC blockchain by way of the Omni Layer protocol, at a pegged trade rate of 1:1 towards the USD. Lend or borrow cryptocurrencies at competitive interest price. This research included a survey, the place 105 folks of the Austrian Bitcoin Neighborhood, have been requested about their conduct towards Cryptocurrencies and their socio economic background. We know there are already 1000's of coins in existence and there can be more in the future. I hope these tips aid you yield good returns from your crypto investments. Once major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum expertise a resurgence in demand across the market, you will be ready to realize better returns over your funding. If put to make use of massively inside the mainstream world, I am positive that prices will rise throughout the market due to the high demand from everyday folks. The number of customers on Coinbase has passed 30 million with eight million having joined the change over the previous year. ETH price climbed above the $188 resistance, but it struggled to surpass the $190 pivot stage.
ETH worth is trading simply under a vital resistance close to the $205 degree towards the US Dollar. Ethereum is buying and selling above the $192 and $195 help levels against the US Greenback. Serving the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) market, Kronos technology uses state-of-the-art excessive voltage processes without the usage of traditional HEPA filters. If crypto-rising.news were in it because of the technology as an alternative of the money, you can've anticipated the aforementioned cryptocurrencies to have the next worth available on the market by now. For investors who have a superb understanding of how crypto investments work, the risks are lower in comparison with these who're simply beginning out in this industry. This is the first cause why the market is collapsing, i.e. the value of many of the currencies & belongings is dropping, as there isn't a demand in the market. Each time things like this happen and the value of property begins dropping, folks begin panic-selling their property within the concern that the value will further drop and they're going to incur a loss. But 1 coin will always be equal to 1 coin in the crypto/Blockchain world.
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coinbase105 · 2 months
How to Increase Your Coinbase Wire Transfer Limit?
Coinbase is now one of the top platforms for selling, buying, and storing cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Coinbase limit are based on an algorithm that takes many aspects into account, such as the age of the account and location, as well as the history of transactions and the verification process that was performed. Each Coinbase user will have their limits to meet their specific needs. To see your current Coinbase account limits, go to Account Limits in Settings or call support directly to get assistance if you need it.
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If you would like to increase the maximum amount for the Coinbase account, the procedure requires proving your identity before making an application, but this can take several days to process. So, let's begin and learn more about it.
What is the Coinbase wire transfer limit?
The Coinbase wire transfer limit is the maximum amount that you can transfer directly from your account into your Coinbase account by wire transfer. The limit on your daily spending for Coinbase is $2,500. Any transactions that exceed this limit need to be done using a different method or split into multiple transactions. Be aware that Coinbase charges an additional 2% transaction fee for transactions outside the US in addition to 2.49 per cent liquidation charges for cryptocurrency for any other currency.
Moreover, the Coinbase debit card limit is $2,500; however, there are additional restrictions that can affect purchasing efficiency, including the rate of conversion or reward structure restrictions. Additionally, any cryptocurrency you purchase using Coinbase Card Coinbase Card may be subject to taxation, so be aware of your fiscal situation prior to deciding about how you spend your money.
What is the Coinbase daily withdrawal limit?
Coinbase lets users transfer crypto assets directly to their bank accounts via the Assets page. You can only withdraw $100,000 a week from both crypto assets as well as Fiat currencies (USD), which is an adequate amount for most people. The ability to withdraw funds from Coinbase is dependent on several factors, which include your account history, the history of transactions, your bank history, and the verification steps that you have that you have completed.
Limits for withdrawals typically last until 4 pm PST the following day once they have been listed. You can check all the available limits of funding sources through the Pay Methods page (web version available only) or mobile purchase and sale pages (if there are any). The request to increase Coinbase daily withdrawal limit is possible by submitting this form along with a statement of identity and purpose. After approval, notification will be received within two days.
How to increase Coinbase wire transfer Limit?
A Coinbase customer's spending and purchasing limits are based on so many different factors.If you want to increase Coinbase transfer limit you need to follow the steps mentioned below:
Open the Coinbase app on your phone.
Click on the Identity Verification tab.
To increase the amount of wire transfers you can make, make sure you have completed all required identification verification steps.
It usually involves providing personal information and then verifying your identity with government-issued identity documents.
Are you wondering if the Coinbase card is a crypto credit card?
Coinbase was set-up in 2012 and offers novice traders and those with experience an easy way to purchase and manage crypto assets. In 2019, Coinbase further enhanced its offering by launching the Visa debit card, which is known as the "Coinbase Card" allowing customers to use or transfer to other cryptocurrency accounts directly.
It is available for purchase. Coinbase Card is now available to customers in all 50 US states without an annual cost and no rotating rewards. To make use of it, customers need to first sign up with Coinbase and then deposit USD into it. Once it is deposited into the Coinbase USD balance, they can buy it with their credit card or put it in another wallet. If they use their card to make everyday purchases, there is a higher daily limit of spending $2,500.
How long does it take to increase the Coinbase wire transfer limit?
If you wish to increase your Coinbase buy limit, go to the Account Limits page, and make an application. The request should include the reason and could require proof of identification prior to being accepted. Once this happens, you will get an email confirming that your limits have been increased and that you are now able to use cryptocurrency funds with your Coinbase Card. The time it takes to increase Coinbase limit differs from user to user. The process of completing identity verification and creating an accurate history of transactions could cause gradually increasing limits over time. If you require a limit change urgently, contact Coinbase support for assistance
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Crypto recovery review
As of my last update in January 2022, I can't provide specific reviews of individual crypto recovery review services since I don't have access to real-time information or reviews beyond that point. However, I can offer guidance on what to consider when evaluating crypto recovery services and how to approach the recovery process:
Reputation and Trustworthiness: Research the reputation and track record of the crypto recovery service. Look for reviews and testimonials from previous clients. Verify the legitimacy of the company by checking if they are registered, licensed, or accredited by relevant authorities.
Transparency: A trustworthy crypto recovery service should be transparent about their process, fees, and success rates. Avoid services that make unrealistic promises or guarantees of recovery, as the outcome of recovery attempts can vary depending on the circumstances.
Experience and Expertise: Look for a recovery service that has experience and expertise in dealing with cryptocurrency-related issues, such as lost funds, stolen wallets, or scam recovery. Ask about the qualifications and background of the team members who will be handling your case.
Security Measures: Ensure that the crypto recovery service has robust security measures in place to protect your sensitive information and funds. Ask about their data security practices and how they handle client confidentiality.
Communication: Choose a recovery service that maintains open and responsive communication throughout the recovery process. They should provide regular updates on the status of your case and be available to address any questions or concerns you may have.
Legal Compliance: Verify that the crypto recovery service operates in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Avoid services that engage in illegal or unethical practices, such as hacking or unauthorized access to accounts.
Cost: Understand the fee structure of the recovery service and ensure that it is transparent and reasonable. Be wary of services that require upfront payment or charge exorbitant fees regardless of the outcome of the recovery attempt.
Alternative Options: Consider exploring alternative options for recovering your lost funds, such as seeking assistance from law enforcement agencies, regulatory authorities, or legal professionals specializing in cryptocurrency law.
Ultimately, when choosing a crypto recovery service, it's essential to exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and trust your instincts. If you're unsure about a particular service, consider seeking recommendations from trusted sources or consulting with professionals in the cryptocurrency industry.
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secretstime · 1 year
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faulknermcfadden87 · 3 months
Margin Trading Basics: how to Trade Crypto With Leverage
Cryptocurrency trading has ended up being a popular way to make and also invest money in the digital world. However, for those who are new to trading, it can be challenging to understand the various trading techniques as well as terms entailed. One such strategy is margin trading, which enables traders to boost their possible revenues by using take advantage of. In this write-up, we will check out the fundamentals of margin trading in crypto trading.
What is Margin Trading?
Margin trading is a trading technique that entails loaning funds from a broker or an exchange to increase the dimension of a trader's placement. This technique enables traders to raise their prospective earnings by using leverage, which is the capability to control a larger amount of possessions with a smaller sized amount of funding.
In margin trading, the investor utilizes their very own capital as collateral to borrow funds from the broker or exchange. The obtained funds are made use of to raise the dimension of the trader's placement, which means that the prospective earnings or losses are likewise enhanced.
How Does Margin Trading Work in Crypto Trading?
Margin trading in crypto trading operate in the very same means as margin trading in standard markets. However, there are some distinctions that investors need to be knowledgeable about.
In crypto trading, the trader can borrow funds from the exchange or other traders to boost the size of their placement. The obtained funds are used to purchase even more cryptocurrency, and the trader can market the cryptocurrency at a greater rate to earn a profit.
Margin trading in crypto trading is typically done with futures contracts or continuous agreements. Futures contracts are contracts to offer a possession or get at a predetermined cost as well as date in the future. https://ManoCoin.net/ Perpetual contracts resemble futures agreements, however they do not have an expiration day.
When trading on margin, the investor needs to maintain a specific amount of security in their account to cover the obtained funds. This is recognized as the margin need, and also it is generally shared as a percentage of the complete position dimension.
For example, if the margin need is 10%, and the trader wants to buy $10,000 worth of cryptocurrency on margin, they require to have $1,000 in their account as security.
The trader can offer it for an earnings and pay back the borrowed funds with interest if the cost of the cryptocurrency goes up. However, if the rate of the cryptocurrency drops, the trader can endure substantial losses as well as may be required to market their placement to cover the obtained funds.
Advantages and also Disadvantages of Margin Trading
If done correctly, margin trading can be a lucrative trading approach. However, it likewise comes with its own collection of downsides as well as risks.
1. Increased Potential Profits: Margin trading allows investors to enhance their potential earnings by utilizing utilize to manage a larger amount of properties with a smaller quantity of resources.
2. Diversification: Margin trading allows investors to expand their profile by trading on numerous exchanges and markets.
3. Short Selling: Margin trading enables investors to benefit from falling costs by brief marketing, which is the method of offering a possession that the investor does not have in the hope of acquiring it back at a lower cost.
1. Increased Risk: Margin trading magnifies the possible earnings and losses, which suggests that investors can suffer considerable losses if the market moves against them.
2. Margin Calls: If the market moves versus the investor, they may receive a margin telephone call from the broker or exchange, which needs them to transfer more funds to cover the borrowed funds.
3. Interest and also Fees: Margin trading typically includes paying interest as well as costs on the borrowed funds, which can eat right into the investor's revenues.
Margin trading is a prominent trading strategy in crypto trading that allows traders to enhance their prospective earnings by using take advantage of. However, it also features its own collection of risks and downsides. Traders need to very carefully consider their danger resistance as well as trading experience prior to taking part in margin trading. It is additionally essential to choose a trusted broker or exchange that supplies margin trading with reasonable fees and also margin demands.
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christianfyhn29 · 5 months
Greatest Asic Units For Mining Cryptocurrency
The totally different software program choices out there vary by the miner varieties they assist (GPU/ASIC/FPGA), supported platforms (Windows, Linux, and so forth.) and extra. Tailored solutions that align with specific needs, surroundings, and objectives can present unparalleled benefits. From understanding the distinctive requirements to evaluating completely different options and balancing price and efficiency, the journey to the proper solution is a thoughtful course of. Many mining amenities have specialized and superior cooling systems that cut back temperature, particularly those with a quantity of ASIC miners next to one another. An essential consideration when purchasing an ASIC should be how soon you're likely to see a return on your authentic funding. This is set by the hash power of the device – i.e. the number of BTC it might possibly generate every day – minus your electricity costs, mining pool fees and current mining problem. StrongU have been around for a number of years and make the Hornbill H8 and H8 Pro bitcoin miners which hash TH/s, with and effectivity of W/TH. In principle the H8 machine could be very profitable, yet no miner critiques are discovered and the mannequin stays a mystery. And, in 2018 they have been the first producer to achieve a chip effectivity of lower than 63 W/TH (75 W/TH on the wall).
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Braiins Pool is a crypto mining software program that enables users to mine ZEC and BTC with ease. It helps you examine that your rewards are fair with statistical proof. There are, nonetheless, intervals when Bitcoin’s mining difficulty increases a lot that mining isn’t in any respect worthwhile until your electrical energy is extremely low cost or free. It’s frequent knowledge that it has turn out to be very tough for individual miners to get entry to the best machines and the cheapest electricity charges. Bitcoin farms that operate at scale use these benefits to maximise their returns. Unfortunately how to check for bitcoin miners at the second are no longer worthwhile even in China. Manufacturers construct these machines with the only real objective of mining a specific crypto algorithm, which is why ASICs are so effective. To be aggressive, you will want to spend money on a quantity of expensive machines, run them 24/7, and pay high electrical energy bills. The Bitcoin community can presently process between three and 6 transactions per second, with transactions logged in the blockchain about each 10 minutes. By comparison, Visa can course of somewhere round sixty five,000 transactions per second. The mining process is what you hear known as proof-of-work (PoW)—it takes lots of power and computational power to achieve the aim of less than or equal to a goal hash. The price to mine one Bitcoin can range upon many components corresponding to mining problem, electric charges, and mining hardware effectivity. Despite the unpredictability of crypto mining, there are methods for calculating mining profitability and estimating your return on investment. When performing these calculations, the most important rates to consider are energy consumption, BTC prices, energy prices, and the hash price of your mining rig of alternative. If you are on the lookout for the most worthwhile ASIC miners presently current on the planet, then Bitmain ought to be your first alternative. The guarantee period of sure product is specified on the web page of that product and commences on the date of supply. Delivery service is provided by third parties such because the nationwide submit providers or worldwide specific delivery couriers similar to DHL, UPS, FedEx. The international express delivery couriers are normally door-to-door providers. Please note that we might select a special service (an optimal possibility on the occassion) somewhat than the choice as displayed if you placed order. The Labyrinth Noise Reduction Box is aptly named for its intricate design that resembles a maze or labyrinth. By forcing the sound waves to navigate by way of a collection of twists and turns, the box successfully dampens the noise emitted by the miner. Model Jasminer X4-1U from Jasminer mining EtHash algorithm with a most hashrate of 520Mh/s for a power consumption of 240W. In the early days of Bitcoin adoption, it was commonplace to employ commercial GPUs for cryptocurrency mining. While individuals still use that method in areas with low cost electrical energy, such an method to Bitcoin mining has lengthy outlived its cost-effectiveness. Covered by one year warranty (half a yr for the whole machine, one for the controller), EBIT E11++ is built on a 10nm chipset. The cost of electricity may also differ from region to region inside your respective country. Model Antminer KS3 (9.4Th) from Bitmain mining KHeavyHash algorithm with a most hashrate of 9.4Th/s for a power consumption of 3500W. Application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) are computer chips that have been designed for one single exercise, which may range from audio processing to digital foreign money mining. Also, the value of Bitcoin can be crucial, and if the value drops low enough, you’ll be mining at an extra loss. The 2018 crypto winter introduced mining companies like Bitmain to its knees because of low Bitcoin costs, and another similar winter could doubtlessly occur again. Some will want to make the most of spare area of their storage, whereas others could additionally be trying to construct mini ASIC mining farms. The tough bit is that you need to consider so many metrics before diving into the house, essentially the most pertinent of that are electrical energy cost and the Antminer worth. For new miners, it is a nice choice for mining Classic Ethereum. With a excessive power consumption of 2556W, the efficiency of Bitmain Antminer E9 is high. The 4 miners help to lower warmth levels and keep away from excessive electrical energy prices. While solo Bitcoin miners may find it difficult to profit from the venture, people who join Bitcoin mining pools are way more doubtless to herald a return.
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vedelconnolly90 · 6 months
Millionminer Com Buy Asic Miners From Main Manufacturers Within The Us
Without these the chips would overheat and burn out, however the necessities needed to keep them cool sufficient to function make for one chunky unit. It connects to the 2 hashing boards by way of knowledge cables and likewise options the ethernet port, power/reset buttons, and a small speaker for emitting warning sounds. In the PPS technique, the miner receives a fee primarily based on the anticipated block reward. However, miners earn not simply from this block reward but in addition from transaction fees. Unlike passive noise discount strategies that depend on bodily limitations, ANC uses sound waves to counteract and cancel out unwanted noise. Let’s discover its description, know-how, benefits, and concerns. Secondly, treating the warmth generated by the miners is one other important facet of preserving your ASIC machines. Now that we all know what harms your mining hardware, let’s look into some recommendations to guard it against these opposed situations. As we’ve mentioned, ASICs are very highly effective machines, however they’re additionally pretty delicate. Several external components can simply harm their parts if exposed to unfavorable circumstances. For Bitcoin miners, optimizing hashrate is important because it immediately affects potential earnings. You can use our calculator under to check the mining hardware above. Input your expected electricity value and the hash rate of the miner for an estimate. If you’re thinking of investing in an ASIC miner or beginning a mining group along with your mates, do plenty of research beforehand. After all, like many investments, crypto continues to be a risky market. The greatest publicly traded cryptocurrency mining corporations are based in the US and Europe. dash coin price embody Riot Blockchain, Hive Blockchain, and Northern Data AG. The former two are listed on the Nasdaq inventory trade, whereas Northern Data AG is listed on Xetra, a German inventory exchange market. Bitcoin mining is the process of fixing for the two-digit encrypted number contained in a block's hash called the nonce. These machines are still profitable and sturdy, nonetheless they are coming to the tip of the road as they're now three years old. Canaan Creative were the primary company to transition from FGPAs to bitcoin ASICs again in 2013. For those who are unsure, FGPA stands for field-programmable gate arrays. But considering the worth of GPUs, as compared to ASIC miners, you'll be able to definitely explore this feature and see how issues turn out for you. CPU stands for Central Processing Unit for any pc, and in this context, we are speaking concerning the CPUs of desktop computer systems. Keep in mind that CPU mining is the least profitable kind of mining because of the restricted effectivity offered by the hardware. Here are the methods via which BTC and other cryptocurrencies can be mined. A information on Whatsminer M50 profitability, value, specs, and extra. Furthermore, it determines when the pool makes funds and whether or not any minimal cost necessities have been set. If your machine just isn't working properly, first verify the network, reset the rig, check the cables and power provide, clean mud, and/or lower the ambient temperature. You may need to switch the ability provide, upgrade the firmware, or re-flash the management panel. This was meant to make them a lot much less attractive to Ethereum (ETH) miners, as the LHR core restricted the ETH hash fee, however it appears that the miners come out on high. With all this in thoughts, you'd spend less and achieve better performance with a setup like ASIC miners. One GTX 1070 card prices $430, with a hash fee of only 30 million per second.With eight playing cards costing over $3,000, the hash price only reaches 240 million per second. When the gadget was announced, Avalon supplied the gadget on the market in bulk quantities, and since it's currently out of inventory, the listed price above could be completely different. Another model from Chinese MicroBT, the M30S++, is a Bitcoin mining machine beast with the very best hash fee energy obtainable on the retail market. Surprisingly, its power draw is kind of low, which suggests it's also some of the efficient ASIC miners at 31 J/TH. However, with a price tag at a minimum of $10k, you have to be heavily committed to Bitcoin mining. As we've stated in a few of our previous guides on crypto mining, it, unfortunately, doesn't embrace such exciting objects as pickaxes or diamonds. Fortunately, nonetheless, it also doesn’t require you to do any handbook labor to get to a treasure arguably extra priceless than the shiniest of gems — cryptocurrency. The software’s official website is quite full and simple. For the creators of this system, it’s all about making Bitcoin mining “easy” and profitable “high payouts”. From a quantity of testimonials, it seems that Windows antivirus software products are inclined to get jumpy along the set up course of. In trade for mining operations, you probably can obtain a financial reward in the type of digital foreign money. Bitcoin mining software program offers detailed reports based mostly on your earnings. Most of these free mining website instruments are automated, so it doesn't require technical abilities. Many miners prefer to arrange a large mining space in their storage or basement. FPPS is like PPS, nevertheless it contains both the anticipated block reward and the transaction charges in the payout. When a block is discovered, every miner’s reward is decided by how a lot they contributed to the final N shares of the pool. So, if the spherical was fast, all miners earn extra, but if it took longer, they earn much less. Braiins Pool, beforehand often identified as Slush Pool, was the primary mining pool and at present mines almost 1.24% of all blocks. For context, envision the Jasminer X4’s energy equivalent to roughly 80 GTX 1660 Super GPUs whereas drawing a mere fraction—five times less—of their energy intake.
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ASIC mining gets extra competitive as extra people begin their very own mining operation, so your hash fee continues to say no. Our quest to search out the proper answer to "what is ASIC mining" has taken us through selecting a mining rig, pool and software, amongst different details. Some paid variations are subscription-based, while others cost according to your rig’s hash energy. Before venturing into ASIC mining, it's best to deeply think about critical issues just like the mining rig, pool and software. To combat the demand from miners, Nvidia added Lite Hash Limiter know-how to its new graphics playing cards.
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skaarupdrake60 · 6 months
Buy New And Used Asic Miners By Antminer Dragonmint
As issue and value have increased, extra miners have opted to take part in a pool. With the worth of bitcoin falling, the decline in hash rate and the elevated availability of GPUs indicate that some miners may be questioning the bitcoin mining business. “Supply and demand regarding bitcoin mining haven't been favoring the price this 12 months (2022),” Yuya Hasegawa, crypto market analyst at bitbank. Bitcoin is mined using custom-built computing systems and miners earn bitcoin in change for validating bitcoin transactions by solving a "hash" on the blockchain. These transactions present security for the bitcoin community, which compensates miners through cost in bitcoin. This methodology facilitates the process of crypto mining and gets the rewards.
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Validating and recording all the new transactions that come across the network is not a simple task. https://egeberg-hussain.hubstack.net/antminer-s19-pro-mining-calculator-1703082338 ’s the core accountability of firms like Bank of America and Venmo – so convincing random individuals to cooperate and work effectively goes to take a fastidiously deliberate incentive. Boasting a step up in higher performance than the earlier era, is the RTX 2070. At a lower cost point, it’s straightforward to supply some compelling causes to improve to the MSI Gaming GeForce RTX 2070 for gaming, design and content creation. Of course, it’s also among the many leaders for the best mining GPUs currently. It has a heatsink designed for higher heat dissipation, and Zero Frozr technology which might really cease the fan in low workloads for much less noise. But most people would choose safety over small performance features each time. Here's tips on how to inform if someone is cryptojacking your assets for their own benefit. Our in-house analysis group and on-site financial experts work together to create content material that’s correct, impartial, and up to date. We fact-check every single statistic, quote and fact utilizing trusted main assets to ensure the information we provide is correct. You can study more about GOBankingRates’ processes and standards in our editorial policy. As The New York Times reported, the process of making Bitcoin consumes about ninety one terawatt-hours of electrical energy a 12 months — more than is used by Finland, a nation of about 5.5 million people. Notably, an revolutionary Bitcoin mining pool, PEGA Pool, provides a 50% payment discount thanks to renewable energy usage. Moreover, a current study revealed that Bitcoin mining could help photo voltaic energy meet 99% of end-user demand. Now you’re a little more aware of free cloud mining, as well as some paid providers. This is considered one of the only methods to begin free Bitcoin mining without funding. Otherwise, most strategies will cost you a hefty penny, assuming you don’t have already got a powerful PC to get began. HashFrog operates as a market for renting mining providers, allowing users to accumulate the exclusive alternative to profit from mining actions during a selected length. The crypto reward is then dispersed to everyone in the pool when the block gets created. The blockchain works as a public, decentralized ledger that's advantageous for miners and those transacting cryptocurrency. Miners have an incentive to make transactions quicker, and users benefit from the encrypted safety of the blockchain community. In order to mint these new tokens, a world pool of miners are all contributing their computing energy to working a hashing algorithm. They're competing against each other to see who can unlock each batch of recent bitcoin first. In order for crypto mining to be value it, the earnings must outweigh the costs of electricity and hardware. The MXC Foundation is the steward of the MXProtocol and the MXC token. Together, we're building a world data network that enables the units of tomorrow to connect, commit and communicate more efficiently than ever before. Since 2018, we've crushed the market with a wise mixture of crypto and customary stocks. According to some estimates, the cryptocurrency's mining course of consumes as much electricity as entire international locations. The blockchain ecosystem circulates between customers who make transactions, the miners who confirm transactions and create blocks, and the block that is finally up to date and stored on the blockchain. Users create cryptographically secure transactions and broadcast these transactions to the network. When they provoke a transaction, data provides to a block and duplicates throughout multiple nodes throughout the community. Their job is to route out dangerous actors whereas verifying transactions through consensus. Another advantage of graphics playing cards and CPUs over ASIC miners is their versatility. The Ethereum mining industry has flourished and thrived similar to the Ethereum network. It is worth $19 billion, according to an estimate by crypto analysis group Messari. The crypto community is celebrating the coming of Ethereum 2.0, but there are additionally considerations for miners. Since Ethereum has switched to a proof-of-stake model, mining Ether will no longer be needed. Due to this, mining machinery will turn into out of date, leaving miners with fewer choices. This implies that theoretically, mining 1 BTC will solely take 10 minutes (as a half of the 6.25 BTC reward). However, you must pay income tax on any profits you make from mining Bitcoin or different cryptocurrencies. That’s as a result of the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) views cryptocurrency mining as a money-making procedure. Each block stores transactions, which are then added to the blockchain, solely once it's verified and validated by miners. Post this, it is inconceivable to make any changes with the transactions as it is now already on the blockchain. Since you choose a trusted cloud mining web site, the process of creating cryptocurrency via the cloud is authorized in most international locations. Sign up free of charge on-line programs covering an important core subjects within the crypto universe and earn your on-chain certificates - demonstrating your new knowledge of main Web3 topics. Quickly establish hotspots in your mining facility and find offline machines with our heatmap visualization. Effortlessly fine-tune your GPUs with integrated overclocking, underclocking, and undervolting tools, including BIOS flasher, autotune, rxboost, and AMD Memory Tweak. Jarred Walton is a senior editor at Tom's Hardware specializing in everything GPU. He has been working as a tech journalist since 2004, writing for AnandTech, Maximum PC, and PC Gamer. Both metrics, key measures for the miners’ profitability, have been setting new all-time highs throughout 2023. Since investing money into mining rigs can be quite expensive, one might assume that the setup process is type of easy. The reality is that you just should be highly tech savvy to assemble rigs and maintain them over time. For many miners, the fact that Bitcoin hasn’t undergone any main mining algorithm adjustments presents some stability over different cryptocurrencies that have. Variables needed to calculate bitcoin profitability include electrical energy costs, the effectivity of mining machines, and bitcoin worth. Companies similar to Nicehash provide online calculators to determine mining profitability.
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cherrycheng25 · 6 months
The Method To Operate And Clean A Bitcoin Asic Miner
Litecoin has a block reward that finalizes four times as quick as Bitcoin’s, with new blocks being processed approximately as quickly as each 2.5 minutes. It also has a max supply of 84 million LTC, which is approximately 4 instances as massive as BTC’s. However, a key distinction in phrases of mining LTC is the mining algorithm Litecoin makes use of. ASIC miners are typically higher than GPU miners for mining cryptocurrencies using the SHA-256 or Scrypt algorithms, corresponding to Bitcoin and Litecoin. This is as a outcome of ASIC miners are specifically designed for these algorithms and can perform the required calculations a lot quicker and more efficiently than GPUs. The Innosilicon A10 Pro is a high-performance ASIC miner designed for the environment friendly mining of various cryptocurrencies, together with Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash. Finder, or the writer, might have holdings within the cryptocurrencies mentioned. However, except you are using an "ASIC" (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) to mine Bitcoin, it's unlikely that the pc will be profitable. Yes, there are lots of different Proof-of-Work cryptocurrencies that might be mined, and most of them are more accessible to the typical fanatic than Bitcoin. Dogecoin and Litecoin are 2 examples of digital property that can be mined. An important consideration when purchasing an ASIC ought to be how quickly you're more doubtless to see a return on your original funding. This is set by the hash power of the system – i.e. the number of BTC it might possibly generate day by day – minus your electricity costs, mining pool charges and current mining issue. StrongU have been round for a number of years and make the Hornbill H8 and H8 Pro bitcoin miners which hash TH/s, with and efficiency of W/TH. In concept the H8 machine can be very profitable, yet no miner critiques are found and the model remains a mystery. And, in 2018 they were the first producer to achieve a chip efficiency of lower than sixty three W/TH (75 W/TH on the wall). For Bitcoin miners, optimizing hashrate is vital since it instantly impacts potential earnings. You can use our calculator under to check the mining hardware above. Input your expected electricity value and the hash rate of the miner for an estimate. So, for the hobbyist Classic Ethereum home miner, GPUs stay essentially the most sensible choice because of their flexibility and comparatively good efficiency in comparability with price. GPUs can mine many other cash and, if push comes to shove, can be resold to gamers or used to build a gaming PC. Additionally, ASICs are harder to source, as few outlets sell them, while buying immediately from manufacturers may require excessive order portions and long ready occasions. Halliburton stated Sazmining is in a position to get all of its power from the dam, that means the new facility runs on 100 percent renewable vitality. Sazmining President Kent Halliburton told Decrypt that due to Paraguay’s unique hydropower producing dynamics, it was selling 5 Gigawatts of power at a loss to its neighbor, Brazil. algorithm with a most hashrate of 504Mh/s for an influence consumption of 800W. Centralized authorities like banks don't management cryptocurrencies. So they should device some mechanism that may enable them to keep monitor of all of the transactions. The primary job of a cryptocurrency miner is to confirm blocks of transactions. You can mine cryptocurrencies utilizing CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and ASIC rigs additionally.
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Successfully mining only one Bitcoin block, and holding onto it since 2010 would mean you have round $1.three million US dollars worth of bitcoin in your wallet in 2023. You can get free crypto mining apps for Android, iOS, Windows, and different OS. Some legit crypto mining apps for Android are Storm Gain and Hashshiny. Mining Pool Hub is a trading system that lets you set the coin you want get with ease. It is probably considered one of the greatest Bitcoin mining site that allows you to begin mining in less time. Under this system, whenever a new block of knowledge must be verified and added to a cryptocurrency's blockchain, it is encoded with a sophisticated puzzle that a computer needs to unravel. Whoever solves minerar ltc gets to update the blockchain with the new data and is awarded a sure amount of cryptocurrency. When choosing mining hardware, having extra environment friendly systems is incredibly necessary. They differ from a graphics card or CPU mining system, which depends on elements designed to perform greater than just one task. Instead, ASIC miners are designed from the bottom as a lot as carry out the calculations required by a selected cryptographic hash algorithm utilized by an individual or handful of cryptocurrencies.
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teslerright120 · 6 months
What is Tesler & How Does It Work?
Tesler is an automated trading tool using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to predict market movements before other traders do. This strategy is able to exploit predictable environment by exploiting the timing of price events and leveraging this knowledge to act at opportune, profitable moments. How Much Profit Can I Make With Tesler? It really depends on your capital and leverage. If you're trading with Tesler of your disposable funds, an Tesler success rate will result in a profit of around Tesler . On the other hand if only 10 percent is traded but then goes through Tesler leverage for instance; that same person can expect at least Tesler profit margins. Make sure you're clear on trading risks and only use capital you can afford to lose. Is Tesler Free To Use? The simple answer is yes, there are no other fees for opening an account with Tesler. Tesler App - Is One Available? No, there is no Tesler app available. However, Tesler is accesible via the web on any browser-compatible device. Where Is Tesler Available? It's hard to go anywhere without running into Tesler. For example, this includes the United Kingdom (UK), Australia Tesler, and Canada (CA) as well as Europe (Austria Tesler Germany (DE) Switzerland Tesler / Holland Tesler/ Poland (PL) Belgium Tesler Spain (ES), South & Central America Tesler and Africa (ZA). However, even if your country isn't listed above, you may still sign up for Tesler in your own country by filling out the form on this webpage. Do Any Celebrities Endorse Tesler? Tesler Elon Musk has been very public with the endorsement of cryptocurrency. Tesler He's tweeted about it and companies like Tesla are starting to trade crypto in addition to being an alternative storehouse for wealth, just as alternatives were once offered by gold or stocks. No evidence suggests they use Tesler, however.
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It’s important to note that while automated trading can be highly profitable, it also carries risks. Setting stop-loss orders and using caution when using automated trading mode is important. Pros of Tesler: User-Friendly Interface Tesler also offers a free account option, allowing users to test the platform’s features before committing to a paid plan. This feature is particularly useful for new traders who want to get a feel for how the platform works before investing any money.
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ailtrahq · 8 months
Market sentiment around AVAX turned in the sellers’ favor. AVAX’s price dropped by nearly 4%, and metrics were bearish.   Avalanche [AVAX] fell victim to a hack that caused losses worth millions of dollars. This definitely had a negative impact on AVAX’s price action, as the token’s bull rally came to an end. Read Avalanche’s [AVAX] Price Prediction 2023-24 Avalanche’s Stars Arena is under attack Stars Arena, which is a newly launched SocialFi app on the Avalanche blockchain, witnessed a major security breach on 7 October. The hack resulted in a loss of nearly $3 million.  There has been a major security breach with the smart contract. We're actively checking the issue. DO NOT deposit any funds. Stay tuned for updates. — Stars Arena (@starsarenacom) October 7, 2023 Several officials also took to X (formerly Twitter) to reveal more details about the hack. For instance, Emin Siren, founder and DEO of Ava Labs, mentioned in a tweet that $3 million was a huge sum of money to lose. However, he also mentioned that the Stars Arena team could easily raise the money to plug the hole given its revenue stream and growth trajectory. Let's be clear: $3m is a lot of money *for a regular person*. Heck, $3k is a lot of money for a regular person, and specifically, even $30 was a lot of money for me when I was a long-time graduate student. But we're talking about a highly successful project here. Stars Arena… pic.twitter.com/EzujGkentv — Emin Gün Sirer🔺 (@el33th4xor) October 7, 2023 How is AVAX reacting? The hack definitely made AVAX a topic of discussion in the crypto space of late, which was evident from the rise in its social engagement in the last 24 hours. However, bearish sentiment around the token surged by 64% while its AltRank plummeted. Source: LunarCrush It was surprising to see that while negative sentiments were propelled by the hack, network activity surged. As per Artemis’ data, AVAX’s daily adjective addresses and transactions spiked in the last few days, suggesting high network activity and usage. Though the blockchain’s network activity remained high, the same can’t be said for AVAX’s price action. The token witnessed a comfortable rally last week as its price surged by 12%. But the good days came to an end, thanks to the hike in bearish sentiment. According to CoinMarketCap, AVAX’s price dropped by nearly 4% in the last 24 hours alone. At the time of writing, AVAX was trading at $10.52 with a market capitalization of more than $3.7 billion. This was accompanied by an increase in trading volume, suggesting that investors were selling their assets. After a massive spike, AVAX’s 1-week price volatility also dropped slightly. It was interesting to note that while AVAX’s price showed high volatility, its development activity increased. Source: Santiment Realistic or not, here’s AVAX’s market cap in BTC’s terms  Investors should worry more, as a look at AVAX’s derivatives market suggested that the token’s price could plummet further. For instance, its Funding Rate went green, meaning that Futures buyers were purchasing the token at its lower price. AVAX’s Open Interest also registered an uptick while its price fell, further increasing the chances of a continued downtrend. Source: Coinglass
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secretstime · 1 year
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