#fun fact for anyone who watches Demon Slayer
bitetheriskyrose · 4 months
59 (dosent have to be a pic of you)
What do you look like?
I'm a weird hybrid between lanky and curvy. I've got my dad's hips and my mom's tiny wrists.
I've got brownish wavy hair that goes a bit below my bum, and greyish-green eyes. Which apparently change colour according to my friends
Despite having a large percentage of Native American in my blood, I'm very very very pale and covered in freckles.... basically I look like an underdone cookie. My lips are on the thinner side but are, in my opinion, a gorgeous shade of pink which makes up for it.
Thank you for clarifying! I'm not sure I'll ever post a picture of myself publicly on here🖤
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izvmimi · 7 days
cw: selfship-coded. tanjiro and reader in 30s and have named children. family fluff.
Your daughter, only aged six, is surprisingly graceful, mirroring her father’s movements with determination and care written on her face that outsizes her small frame, as Tanjiro gives words of gentle encouragement, each step in time and more fluid than the next. 
It’s Sunday morning, and Ayumi has been practicing small portions of this dance for months now, and her sister right after her, Miki, stands a short distance away in the courtyard, mouth open in awe, with uncoordinated movements of her own as she tries to mimic them. You smile and call her over from your vantage point, and she peels her eyes away from them to look at you, then runs over to fall into your arms. Your last daughter, Mio, who has a wooden toy halfway in her mouth as she crawls over the tatami, also looks and easily jealous, scampers over to fight for attention.
“Stop!!!!” Miki starts to whine, but you shush her gently before finding space for both of them to sit close enough as you sit cross-legged and watch the rest of your family dance.
Ayumi is not holding a sword, even a training one made of wood, and you’re endlessly thankful for that. Thankful that she’ll likely never don a Demon Slayer Corps uniform, thankful that she’s learning for fun and tradition only. 
Tanjiro isn’t wielding a blade either, and while you can still see the slashes of his sword in your mind’s eye as he moves (you’ll never forget it as long as you live, you think), the Hinokami Kagura he’s performing has the steps he once called unnecessary added back in, once more a dance rather than necessary swordsmanship needed in situations of life or death. As he turns quickly, power and beauty combined in every step and hand movement, Ayumi moves in concert, less steady but just as impressive if not more so given her young age, and she’s the picture of her father in miniature, in a small little girl, the tints of burgundy in her thick curls pulled up into a ponytail matching his in the ample sunlight. 
She makes another sudden step, misplaces her foot, and practically trips, but Tanjiro is quick to catch her by the back of her kimono, and gives her a reassuring smile. 
“Oops! That’s enough for today, sweetheart,” he says, as she rights herself.
Ayumi pouts, but she can’t deny that she’s tired, and allows him to pat her on the head. “Good job,” he offers and her lips spread into a wide smile.
“You looked amazing, honey!” you call out to her. 
The two are quick to join you to sit on the tatami, Tanjiro pulling Mio into his lap and inspecting the drool covered block in her hand. She giggles as he tickles her tummy, and then Tanjiro’s eyes shift to you, as Mio quickly escapes him and crawls back into your direction, something that often drives him insane but he allows today.
“It wasn’t a bad idea,” he finally admits.
Ayumi, ever curious, asks “What?” as her eyes dart between the two of you but you share a knowing smile and don’t say anything further. 
You’d once asked him if he’d ever pass on Sun Breathing and he’d imparted to you that he never intended to teach anyone this dance, practically callous in his honesty that he in fact, never expected to live long enough to. In your stubbornness in refusing the idea that he could potentially die, you’d made him promise that he’d imagine himself teaching his child, whether girl or boy, if he managed to beat the curse and if he carried out his promise to marry you if he made it to age 26. 
And here you are now, years past that in the courtyard of a house far bigger than Tanjiro would have been comfortable living in, only giving into Kiriya’s constant offers of money once you were pregnant with your first child and he considered perhaps he could fill up a happy, large home.
“What wasn’t a bad idea?” Ayumi insists again, pushing into her dad’s side. Tanjiro ruffles the curls of her hair.
“Letting you show me up in front of your mother,” he teases. She laughs.
“Nuh-uh! I messed up three whole times!”
She demonstrates with her fingers and Tanjiro quickly replies, “yeah and you’re only 6, so very, very soon you’ll be a far better dancer than me!”
Ayumi’s dark eyes sparkle with competitive spirit which makes you smile. He picks her up abruptly and spins her around, then asks,
“Will you beat me at a ramen eating contest too?”
She laughs as he cheerfully puts her down then does the same spin with Miki, ever demanding of copious amounts of attention, and pretend wincing as she tugs gently at his earrings.
“So ramen for lunch?” you ask, as Ayumi and Tanjiro nod furiously. 
The idea of a family outing puts a smile on your own face. 
“Of course, let’s get ready to go!”
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strangertheories · 1 year
The Stranger Things Q&A panel at a convention today (actors of Chrissy, Alexei and Karen)
I was not able to ask any questions, sorry guys! The queue was long and I dislike crowds a lot so I avoided it. However, the panel host pointed at me when talking about the cosplay in the fandom and complimented my cosplay- people clapped! Except she said "oh my goodness chips ahoy!" (I am a Robin cosplayer) and I am in fact not cosplaying chips ahoy.
I've included most answers here, nothing really about S5 though except confirmation that filming begins in June for Cara, what they'd like to happen and no Byler. There was a lot for the Hellcheer shippers as well since Grace got asked about that. There were a few questions they refused to answer, most of which were about their fellow cast members. Except for when the crowd wanted to kill Mike when asked which of the party should die (bit harsh). One person said Will and Grace was outraged.
Cara (Karen)
Her daughter cosplays anime
Audition - started in 2015, in person followed by a series of auditions, only one to meet Duffers before set
Huge Walking Dead fan, loves Star Trek, anime vicariously through child, Genshin Impact
Likes the nostalgic bits - happy it's introducing 80s music to younger generation
Favorite part to act was the scene where she first met Billy as it was fun to shoot and they were laughing between takes
Cara never learnt to swim so had to get lessons to film a shot of backstroke in S3
Sad that Benny died, as well as Eddie and Chrissy because she wonders what could've been
Her daughter was 2 when she started stranger things so she grew up with the cast and it's bittersweet to see kids grow
Thinks pineapples DO belong on pizza
Wants Angela to die in S5 (because she's mean) with a whack to the face from another roller skate
S5 shooting begins in June!
She was surprised at how gruesome Chrissy's death was even though she'd read it in the script but thought it served as a good departure from previous seasons
Carnival scene was best location to film on as they built a carnival and you could go on the rides when it wasn't being filmed
Grace (Chrissy)
Audition - sent in a tape, only had to try once because she was the only one to play her nice
Grace is a big Doctor Who fan, particularly number 10
Would be a demodog if she could play anyone else
Favorite part of shooting was working with Joe Quinn as he's super talented and fun
Most stressful scene to shoot was running from Vecna (crying, screaming, running, etc was exhausting) especially since Jamie Campbell Bowers walks super slowly
Would kill Vecna to save Eddie
She thinks Eddie and Chrissy would've been together but says that "they are [together] now" (💀💀) which got a huge laugh
Says third season is the best
Would be a potato if she could be a food
Not tired of Chrissy Wake Up. Was asked to sing Chrissy Wake Up but she didn't
Was nervous people would be glad she died so she'd be out of the way so was pleased people love Chrissy
Dear Billy (04x04) is the best episode in her opinion
Thinks pineapples don't belong on pizza
Enjoyed dying for the first time but actually found it hard to watch. They wouldn't let her keep snapped Chrissy to hang from her ceiling
Alec (Alexei)
Audition - just generic scenes, wrote the character around him
Big anime fan (Demon Slayer, Hunter X Hunter)
Says the 80s nostagia shows the power of music (and marketing)
Favorite people to work with were David and Winona (mother and father figure of set)
Favorite part to shoot was the scenes with the slushies. It was cherry "because it was in the script" (he was asked why he chose a cherry slushie)
Would be "Cool Dustin" if he could have played anyone else (he is his favorite character, loved Gaten's performance from S1 as he's unique)
First shot outside of Murray's house was very scary to film as he wanted to impress the cast
He says the first season is the best season
It was unexpected that people clung on to his character and the reaction from social media although he did anticipate people would be sad from the death
Doesn't want Eddie to come back, says more main characters should die
So that's that! I got to speak to Cara as well and she was lovely, I'll be seeing them later today as well for photos/autographs (:
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acacia-may · 2 months
Let’s pour some salt together, Acacia~!/lh 💖
If it’s not too much trouble, can I ask #7 generally, #10 for Fairy Tail and Black Clover, and finally #25 for Demon Slayer?
It’s several questions and a bit all over the pl s so I hope you don’t mind… 😅
Cheers, Erika! 🥂 Thanks for the chance to get a little bit salty about so many different things! ^^
Necessary disclaimer above the cut: These are just my own personal opinions based on my personal tastes, perceptions, and feelings regarding the series, stories, and characters and their relationships. I genuinely have the utmost respect and absolutely no ill will towards anyone who has a different opinion than me. In fact, I have always said that one of the greatest things about fandom is that we can all experience and perceive these amazing stories and characters in very different ways but still love them. Even some of my dearest fandom friends enjoy different pairings than me or see our shared favorite characters in wildly different ways than I do. I personally find it very rewarding to have respectful conversations about our differences of opinion, and I hope that my opinions will also be respected. Also, I don't vibe with just mindless bashing things, so even though this is about to get very salty and a little snarky, I'll try to keep it respectful and all in good fun. I am not tagging anything and am hiding my thoughts under the cut so you all don't have to be subjected to my hot takes and "Salty Acacia," if you don't want.
MAJOR Spoilers for Demon Slayer below the cut. You've been warned.
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
ATTACK ON TITAN/SNK. My sister says I need a swear jar because I can just rant for hours about how I was just so personally, viscerally disappointed with how that series ended (made all the worse because I had several years of investment in it). As a disclaimer, I still like my favorite characters and the side story "No Regrets" will always be **Chef's Kiss** but yeah...you could not pay me to watch or read it ever again.
But again, disclaimer, that's just me. It's my cousin's favorite anime of all time, and he loved the ending. Everyone's different.
As for anything else from fandoms I actually talk about...I'm not sure there is anything. Like everyone with an online presence, I have definitely been disturbed, appalled, and otherwise very upset by things I've seen on the internet, but that's what the block button is for (and I know it's all peace, love, & good vibes around here, but I block aggressively, actively, and unapologetically when the situation warrants it). As a general rule though, I try not to let what other people think get to me and ruin the things I love, and in that way, I don't think I have ever had a situation where something was just completely 100% ruined for me by a terrible fic, toxic fandom, or anon hatred ect. ect. I have certainly distanced myself from certain pairings and certain fandoms because of that, but I wouldn't say any of them have ever reached the level of "I can't stand it now." If anything, I sometimes feel a little contrary and dig my heels in on that thing in a petty revenge, "Well in that case, I'll just like this more" kind of way, if that makes sense?
All of that said, I have no patience for nasty, toxic fandom environments, and I stay away from those even if it's a media I really like i.e. you mentioned MHA in one of your salty asks...I wrote my one platonic friendship fic and got the hell outta there (nothing bad happened to me but it just wasn't worth it to take any chances). But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it in real life and sometimes talk about it with my sisters and irl friends. I just don't want to discuss it online. It's not worth the headache & drama.
I definitely get fandom fatigue sometimes where the aggressiveness and toxicity of the fans of a certain pairing or character I already don't like just intensifies my dislike for that thing. But that's really only ever happened with things I already don't like or don't have an opinion on at all, which I don't think that really fits the prompt here.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Fairy Tail: The anime-only Celestial Spirit Arc by a landslide. It was so boring and had so many pacing issues. I literally fell asleep during it and didn't even both going back. I'm also super bitter towards that arc because my sister got so bored during it that she quit the anime (right before getting the best arc Tartaros). I keep begging her to pick it up again and just skip the stupid Celestial Spirit Arc but she swears she is a completionist and would never be able to do it. So yeah. Can't stand that one! The only positive thing I could remotely say about it was that Levy on the game show was kind of entertaining, but overall the whole arc was kind of just like a boring bizarre dream I'd like to forget about.
For arcs that appeared in both the anime and manga, I really didn't like that flute arc (which a google search has informed me is actually called the "Eisenwald Arc"). I'm glad we got Gray and Erza introduced as characters, but the arc had a lot of pacing issues and just went on for way too way, imo. They could've wrapped things up a lot faster, also I just didn't get the whole "evil flute" thing--it was really random and kind of bizarre (also not the most well thought out plan in the world). I will say this arc gets more points than the Celestial Spirit Arc because my sister and I had so much fun making Kokushibo flute jokes.
Black Clover: Gotta go with the anime only arc here too because again, it was boring and didn't have a lot of bearing on the series as a whole. It also felt like a major let down after the high stakes of the Elf Arc. Honestly just not a fan of that one.
If I had to pick a manga arc...uh...I honestly don't know. Maybe the Sosshi village arc? But only because I thought it was better in the anime where they really took the time to flesh out Magna's backstory. It felt more rushed in the manga, but I don't dislike it as much as that anime only one.
If I can pick a character arc, freaking FINRAL'S!! Like what happened here?! It was so, so good...until it wasn't. I JUST CAN'T WITH THE AMOUNT OF REGRESSION. It makes me want to beat my head against the wall even more than he is! But I think this was about story arcs, not characters arc so I'll refrain from ranting here.
25. Would you change the ending of Demon Slayer?
This is kind of a complicated one. My sister and I were just talking about this because she feels there was too much character death, but I feel it was a justified and appropriate amount for the high stakes of the series (even if it was devastating). So for the sake of this discussion, let's assume that the author had a "character death quota" (or a set number of characters who were going to be killed off by the end of the series). If that was the case, I would have axed Uzui at the end of the Entertainment District Arc and saved Genya in the final arc.
If there was a believable/reasonable way that Muichiro could have gone into god-mode and defeated Kokushibo without dying, I would have saved him too, having Uzui take his "death slot." Then I would have saved Genya by having Sanemi die to protect him (which would have been a much more satisfying ending to his arc, in my opinion).
As sad as the other deaths were (*weeps about ObaMitsu*) Muichiro and Genya were children. While it's realistic for them to die, it's especially tragic, and if I got to rewrite the ending, I would prioritize saving them.
Though to be perfectly fair, I would have been much happier with the ending if Uzui had died in the Entertainment District Arc and any of our heroes who died in the final battle survived instead. I'll forever be salty that Uzui of all people somehow managed to survive to the end when so many others did not, especially since his arc had already wrapped up and him dying in the Entertainment District would have been a satisfying conclusion to his story whereas so many other characters who did get axed had storylines that felt unfinished (Genya especially).
Also, Himejima should have played the flute at Kokushibo causing him to lose his cool in the infinity castle so much faster. I'm really upset this didn't happen. (Kidding but I would’ve loved to see him just go completely unhinged over the flute. I make way too many Kokushibo flute jokes…)
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mania-sama · 2 months
Hello, just found your blog and I love your posts. Thanks for sharing them.
When I first saw your blog, I thought it will be about classical books like Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, etc (sorry for my mistake). I'm new in anime/manga (about last 6 years), before that since my school days, I only read classical books.....So not young in age but young in fandom :D
Are those seven are your fav media : BSD, JJK, Genshin Impact, AFTG, Voltron, Demon Slayer, Haikyuu? Can I ask why you love them? What made them special for you?
Are you excited for the Haikyuu movie, new season of Demon Slayer, and new spin off for AFTG?
Thanks 🌻
Thank you for sending in another request!! I smiled wide when I saw that sunflower 🌻
I completely understand where you’re coming from. The A Tale of Two Cities is sure to through anyone off. Sorry!! I mainly use this blog to post my ramblings and creative projects that I can’t really put anywhere else, plus a few one shots. I might transfer more of my one-shots to here from Ao3, but I simply haven’t gotten around to it.
Love to hear that you love the classics, though!! I wish I had the patience to read more than I have already. I’m an extremely slow reader, so it makes it difficult to get through classics (even though I love them dearly). For anime/manga, I wouldn’t say I’m a huge fan myself. Not that I don’t enjoy it, but I don’t go out of my way to read or watch something in that genre because it’s in that genre. I watch or read anything that may pique my interest, regardless of the format, be it on Youtube, Hulu, Crunchyroll, etc. I haven’t really even seen many animanga myself, to be honest.
I wouldn’t say the seven that you listed are my favorite media, they are just the ones that I have written fanfiction/analyses about and posted it on here. I use that list as a masterlist guide for people to find my meaningful posts easier! So, not my favorite, just whats available to peruse on my account. As for my actual favorite… it’s hard to say. I don’t think I have seven I can list off the top of my head, but I do have some favorites in general.
Interestingly, for most of my “favorites”, I have never written a fanfiction for, nor do I read many fanfics for (with the exception of a couple of favorites). I don’t know why this is. Maybe because I find the original story too good to be expanded upon? I can’t say for certain.
A Silent Voice is easily favorite movie. It’s also my favorite anime, if you don’t require the anime to be a series. I haven’t watched any movie better, animated or otherwise, and I’m not sure I ever will. The characters are all so beautifully human, who say and do the wrong things, who are awful to each other, but who also do kind things, who develop, who change, even as others stay the same. Not to mention that the animation itself is beautiful. I could go on and on about this movie; I cry every time I watch it. I’d say it’s my favorite piece of media in general. Everything else falls behind it. Nothing can top it (at least not yet). Fun fact, if you didn’t already know: the English voice actor for Shouko, the main female lead, is actually deaf. Wonderful voice casting as well, just to top things off.
Bungou Stray Dogs is my favorite manga as of right now. I love it for many of the same reasons I love A Silent Voice; the characters are horribly human and complex, despite their inhuman abilities. Each character is interesting and unique, and while I do have gripes with the main storytelling, Asagiri’s Bungou Stray Dogs: BEAST really makes up for it. All of the character designs are also very unique and thought-out. Each character and their design leaves me spiraling as I think and analyze. It really triggers the autism LMAO.
Child of Light is my favorite video game. While I do have the most hours logged into Genshin Impact (and it is a close second in terms of favorites), Child of Light is simply one of those games that I can never forget. I have a lot of good childhood memories tied with it. I also completed the entire thing in one sitting in about 10 hours, which is the first and probably last time I ever speed-run a video game (speed-run is used loosely here because I am not “speedy” in any sense of the word). Anyway, Child of Light is a very beautiful game both in visuals (with its watercolor game design) and music (one of the best soundtracks in any game, in my opinion). The language in the game is also very unique — every character speaks in a rhyming pattern, all except the Jester character, who you would THINK would speak in rhymes but fails miserably every time. Each character is as fantastical as the next, ranging from a water droplet to a mouse. I wish everyone would play this game, because it’s so fun and so beautiful.
The Grishaverse is my favorite book series, though there are multiple series within the universe. I just don’t have a favorite (definitely not the Grisha Trilogy though 😭). Although it’s been a while since I’ve read the books, I seriously couldn’t put them down when I was reading them. They are a perfect blend of fantasy and realism, with believable characters and powers. While the OG series is genuinely not good in my opinion, the Six of Crows and King of Scars Duologies are actual masterpieces. Six of Crows is full of action, intensity, and found family, while King of Scars balances it out with political intrigue. Very, very well written and well done book series in plot, character, and setting. The TV show is a crime against the books, honestly, but it’s okay, Just read the books, they are better.
Merlin is my favorite TV show. I actually really love watching medieval settings. Not as much reading (not that I don’t like them in books, I just don’t search them out for the purpose of being medieval), but I love to watch them. I like admiring the old settings, buildings, clothes, and lifestyles that are being presented. I also love Arthurian retellings, so Merlin kind of hits the spot. I don’t have as many good reasons for loving this series, I just do 😭. Best (b)romance of the century. I did cry at the end when I watched it. Also, thank you to the Merlin fandom for reaching me what a good fanfiction is supposed to look like.
That’s all I can think of. I don’t really have a favorite individual book, classic or otherwise. I think that’s kind of impossible for me. I’ve read many great series, and I assume I will read a great many more to come.
I’m not sure if I’ll watch the Haikyuu movie. It’s been a long time since I’ve watched the anime, but if I come across it and I can watch it for free, then I’d be down honestly. I have been keeping up with Demon Slayer, with plans to read the manga maybe, so I am pretty excited for the new season!! And don’t get me started on the new All for the Game book!! I need it in my hands right now.
Thank you so much for asking!! I love talking about my favorite medias lol
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carlos-tk · 8 months
hello beloved and happy nice ask week !!
i know we talked briefly in replies about buddy the vampire slayer, so i wanted to ask what you fav season, character, couple and villain from it are !! + if you wanna use this to gush about any other shows/characters you like feel free to (/nf) <3
Hi my dear Flare 💗
Thank you for giving me a chance to talk about my forever gal Buffy 👩🏼
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My favourite character: Of course it has to be Buffy Summers. Strongest girl in the universe. I love everything about her. Her strength, her courage, her personality, her sarcasm and wit, her kindness, how much love she has for everyone around her 💗 She’s dynamic, she’s layered, she makes mistakes and she isn’t perfect. She just feels like a real person that you want to root for. We got to watch her go from adolescent to adult and persevere and survive it all. I could talk about her for hours!! SMG gives such a great portrayal of her and it’s hard to imagine anyone else in the role
Favourite episode god there’s so many good ones! Let me just say ‘The Body’ S5 E16 is one of if not the best episode of television ever, one that you’ll rarely ever want to watch again. It’s a beautiful, heartwrenching exploration of grief and mourning. and in a show that deals with so much death and destruction from monsters the worst loss you have is a human death by natural causes 💔 That episode is so hard to revisit so I’m gonna give you a favourite that is a fun one! ‘Tabula Rasa’ S6 E08. In the episode, a spell goes bad and every character forgets who they are and it’s just so funny. You get a lot of references to earlier episodes and funny jabs about the characters usual selves and the comedy was a nice break from how serious the rest of the season is
My fave couple obviously involves Buffy herself. Spuffy or Spike x Buffy! Vampire slayer and vampire. Literally trying to kill each other enemies to lovers excellence. There’s a lot to say about this ship but the thing I fell in love with most about this paring is the fact they just capture your attention in any phase of their relationship. They're just so interesting!! The constantly changing dynamic is just something special. You’re invested when they're enemies, when they're reluctant allies, when they're lovers, and when they're something undefinable by the final season. Their journey is a long one fraught with so many differences and similarities to become a real love story. But in saying that the ship was definitely toxic and not all that healthy at times but whatever!! and I understand people who don’t like it because the writers certainly made a choice in one particular episode that really does sour the relationship. Also sorry not sorry if you’re a Bangel fan lol 😅 I have some fave ship quotes I can share too because look at the material:
“When I say I love you, it’s not because I want you, or because I can’t have you – it has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try… I’ve seen your kindness, and your strength, I’ve seen the best and the worst of you and I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You’re a hell of a woman. You’re the one” LIKE they wrote that and I was supposed to be normal about it!! Impossible!!
“No you have to stay”, “You’ve got another demon fighting for you”, “That’s not why I need you here”, “Is that right? Why then?” “Because I’m not ready for you to not be here”(screaming btw!!)
“But I want you to know I did save you. Not when it counted, of course, but after that. Every night after that. I'd see it all again, do something different. Faster or more clever, you know? Dozens of times, lots of different ways. Every night I save you”
“Buffy, shame on you. Why does a man do what he musn't? For her. To be hers. To be the kind of man who would nev... To be a kind of man. And she shall look on him with forgiveness and everybody will forgive and love. And he will be loved”
“I've lived for sodding ever, Buffy. I've done everything. I've done things with you I can't spell, but I've never been close to anyone, least of all you until last night. All I did was hold you, watch you sleep and it was the best night of my life. So, yeah, I'm terrified”
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This is them in the final episode btw and I cry everytime 😭❤️
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Fave season has to be S3. Buffy’s last year of high school and the introduction of Faith, another slayer! The ‘big bad’ of the season Mayor Wilkins is one of the best too. It had great overarching themes, amazing character development and a satisfying conclusion. The season as a whole is probably the series most consistent and some of the best episodes are from it. It is just stacked with contenders if I sat here and named it would be the whole season 😂 ‘The Wish’ is a goodie, ‘The Prom’ is <3 ‘Helpless’ is just !!!! and the 2 part finale ‘Graduation Day’ is spectacular! It’s a fan favourite with good reason
The best villain is so hard because there’s so many great options, I’d say S3s Mayor Wilkins or S5s Glory. Mayor Wilkins is a reminder that the worst guy in the world is probably a white male politician lol!! he was also a demonic snake for anyone that doesn’t know 😂 and Glory! Buffy battled all kinds of vampires and demons and the S5 rolls around and her enemy is a legit God from a hell dimension😳 and by far the worst has to be S6s pack of complete losers ‘The Trio’ that these days we’d call incels 😂
Thank you for joining me on this journey of my og hyper fixation ❤️ and if anyone wants to ask me more about my fave shows pls do!!
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a-student-out-of-time · 9 months
See i feel like something at play with the "writters intention vs how the character is percieved by fans" thing is the fact that just because a character is an unlikable person that doesn't necessarily makes them an unlikable character, and i feel like writters often forget about that. Like, Power from chainsaw man is a terrible person and definitely not the kind I'd want to hang out with irl, but as a character she's so funny and entertaining that you can't help but love watching what she'll do or say next.
On the opposite side of the coin, there's times where writters want to make a character liked by the audience and do so by making them pure rays of sunshine that can't do no wrong, sometimes even going as far as not giving them flaws, and this just leads to a character who's often pretty unremarkable and boring because it's no fun watching a perfect person be perfect all the time. Tanjito from demon slayer is a good example of this to me, for a while the only real flaw he had is that he would constantly break his swords, but even that the show felt like they couldn't let be and went "No that wasn't Tanjiro's fault, it was just the guy who makes them that sucks at his job".
//Yeah, I think that's a really important reason to have some secondary opinions from beta-readers. You know how you want your characters to be perceived, but that's not always going to translate into the writing or into peoples' minds 100% of the time.
//For a bit of an older example, the early seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation are supposed to make Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise seem enlightened and upstanding, but they instead come off as smug, condescending, callous and often cowardly. It wasn't really until Season 3 that the show began to shift into the show that would be better remembered by Pop Culture.
//Compare and contrast characters like Khan Noonian Singh and The Outrageous Okana. Khan is THE iconic Star Trek villain, a genetically-enhanced superhuman with a commanding presence and the power to back it up. The prequel novels go further in expanding on his character, and really show how this guy could conquer everything from Morocco to China during the Eugenics Wars.
//In contrast, does anyone even know who Okana is? He appeared in one episode of Season 2 and was intended to come off as this suave, dashing ladies man, and basically an expy of Han Solo. What he actually came across as was an annoying sleazebag whose charming roguishness was all just told to us, while all we saw of him ranged from boring to annoying. There's a reason he never showed up again.
//Or hell, just think about all the comic relief characters who come off as more obnoxious and annoying than funny. The ones you want to see less and less of every time the story shoves them into your face.
//Now, when discussions are made about characters who come across as too perfect or never make mistakes, the term "Mary Sue" gets thrown around, and I always feel the need to remind people that these traits don't make a Mary Sue/Gary Stu. That's only applicable when a character literally becomes the singularity at the center of the story, where everything has to about them in some form, regardless of how they're written or why.
//Perfect/flawless characters can be annoying as well, but that feels more like it's the result of, as you said, perceived fears that a character being disliked. That if they make mistakes or turn out to be just wrong about something, we'll think less of them. This is only true if these things are the result of a character being stupid to make the plot reason, rather than character flaws.
//Dynamic flawed characters are the most interesting and most engaging ones in any story, and if you're worried how they come across as, get some outside opinions and see how you can improve.
//It's not about making a character less flawed or more cool, but better communicating the details about them that you want people to pick up on.
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demoiselettes · 2 years
May i pleaseee request a match up? *Insert puppy eyes*
Okay so i'm a demi girl and i use she/they, also i'm atracted to both men and women andd my nickname's fifi or inu :>
As for physical apperence, i'll keep it pretty simple, i'm pretty chuby, shoulder lenght dirty-blonde hair, and, as sad as it seems, i'm pretty short...(5 foot 2 or 1,58 m)
As for personality, oh there's a lot but i'll make it as short as i can
So i'm a big asss foodie, i'm super duper clingy (like the girls in my class already know they'll all get at least 3 hugs a day), my forms of affection are physical touch and words of aff, i'm an INTP (if it helps, if not ignore it) i do enjoy my alone time tho, oh and if i'm mad, dont try to get close to me, i'll break your leg. Oh and also i absolutly adore animals (i had 3 squierls) 😊
Also i'm always forggeting things, dreaming, zoning out, just lost in toughts (or how tf you spell them idk)
Also if you want my fav's colour is purple/orange
Also i like drawing but i suck at it
And i like writing (idk if i suck at that idk)
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I match you with Mitsuri Kanroji!
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•You and Mitsuri are both foodies
•It goes without a doubt that she loves to cook for you and if she can’t make something that day, then the both of you are definitely going out to eat. Loves to try out new dishes with you.
•As she previously attempted to hide her big appetite to seem ‘normal’, she might feel a little hesitant to show it in front of you.
•But as time goes on and your relationship progresses, she’ll be more comfortable with eating a lot around you.
•Loves your clingy side.
•Mitsuri is a naturally very affectionate person, so the fact that you love to give hugs is just a bonus to her. Be careful though she might hug too hard on accident
•She finds you to be absolutely dainty, and she won’t hesitate to (gently) scold anyone who makes fun of your height.
•Your conversations revolve around her cat and your squirrels. (She’d love to meet them)
•When she knows you’re in a bad mood, she’ll do her best to give you space and not to invade.
•She does get a little bit sad that she can’t spend time with you like usual, but she understands we all have bad days and we all have different ways to cope.
•Expect her to pinch your cheeks a lot. It won’t hurt, she’ll just very carefully squish them, and then squeal.
•Lots of nicknames, too: Fifi-chan, Inu-chan, [your irl name]-chan, love, honey, etc..
•Whenever she comes across wisteria flowers, she likes to bring a bunch home, for you since the color reminds her of you.
•She gets sad whenever she has to leave for missions, but alas duty calls.
•When she comes back though, she always have a gift for you. And while she is away, she’ll send you lots of messages via kasugai crow.
•You get lost in your thoughts or your daydreams, and she gets lost while staring at you.
•No, i mean it, if you zone out thinking of whatever, she’ll zone out while staring at you-
•Gets super flustered when she realizes what she is doing.
•You’ll just be seeing a very red Mitsuri covering her face and just shaking in her seat.
•She likes watching you draw, or write.
•Whatever you make is a masterpiece.
•She might stick your drawings on the walls of her room.
•You’ve definitely met Obanai a couple of times, whether you’re a demon slayer, a hashira or not.
•He was very wary of you in the beginning, but if he sees Mitsuri happy with you, he’ll soften up.
•Mitsuri loves to cuddle with you too.
•Loves winter because she gets to cuddle more with the excuse that ‘she needs to warm up’.
•Very protective.
•Constantly worries about you, fretting over the smallest details.
•Loves to play with your hair, even if it is shoulder length, and she’d love it if you’d try to braid or style hers as well.
•She likes giving you flower crowns.
•And you don’t go a day without genuine praises and compliments.
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manias-wordcount · 2 years
any anime you haven't written for that you'd like to write for?
so i had answered this same question a while ago but obv my answer updated soooooooooo lemme give a little rundown of some of the old and something(s) new:
old list!
more ghibli movies! those movies are just so cute so doing and writing some soft fluffy things like the guys from the movies bc theyre just cute.
kakegurui! i would like to maybe do something with characters from this show but im not too sure tbh. it feels generally like a hard series to write for that stays true to the story but ill have to see if still am all that interested in writing for this show.
sword art online! i wanted to write something for the 10 year aniversay (oops) but i totally forgot about it until like 8pm on the day (oops again) but the fact that i only watched the first season is kinda a big limiter for me tbh.
new list!
blue lock! just started this show (im on episode 2 WHAHAHAHAH) and i really like it so far. lots of guys who i can totally imagine having a super supportive s/o who loves to watch them play and worries constantly for their career so maybe when i actually know what the show is about i’ll write for it
chainsaw man! except im only going to write about taking pochita for a walk. highkey lowkey not joking tbh. i “read” most of the manga and seeing the show has given me a greater appreciation for the characters but unironically pochita is still the main reason why i keep going. the little panels and moments of his dumb face is just everything.
the devil is a part timer! THIS WAS MY SHOW BACK IN THE DAY and i always though maou’s basic ass design was cute as fuck. also the girls in here are cute so that might be fun to write about. idk though, just a thought AHAH
but there’s also a lot of shows on my list that im trying to knock out. things like tokyo revengers, demon slayer, tokyo ghoul, bleach, jujutsu kaisen, mob psycho. you know... the works. okay that was a list of a bunch of popular shows that i probably will never remember to watch. but i pick up shows randomly and i decide based on how much i like the characters or the development to see if i write for a series. so dont be surprised christmas time if you see smth new from this list or something completely from left field. or if there’s a new game that i find that i love. then that might make this list too
also anyone has any show reccs, please let me know heheheh (bonus points if there’s some boring ass looking brunette [with or without issues, either way- i can fix him] in the cast somewhere. that’s my weakness.)
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Who does Douma enjoy tickling more? Rui or Akaza?
Ooo, this one’s tough!
Spoilers for demon slayer manga under the cut!
So I think it’s safe to say both Rui and Akaza would probably murder Douma for even trying (I mean- look at the demon meeting. Akaza quite literally sliced Douma’s head in two) I think Rui’s less likely to kill him due to the fact he’s a lower moon, but the chances are still there!
With Akaza he’ll get loud hilarious cackles full of swears and flailing limbs. It’s really fun watching this demon being tickle attacked.
On the other hand, Rui has the most adorable giggle fit ever and tends to curl up on himself when tickled. It’s absolutely adorable!
I think Douma would probably tickle Akaza more simply because it’s hilarious (and he’s a masochist) But of the opportunity rises he’s gonna target Rui because how can anyone not?
So yeah- probably Akaza :D
Thanks for asking! :D
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mikichko · 25 days
kiko? that's me!
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🍂 who
kiko. 24. she/her pronouns. latina. bi. scorpio sun. infj-t. eastern us. some of you might know me by my previous user ksy/ksyescribe
🌠 what
full-time programmer + aspiring writer and theme makes i write fanfiction with curvy/plus-sized readers in mind. typically they are gender neutral but works with specifically gendered readers will be tagged appropriatly currently writing for: jjk and cod but occasionally write for haikyuu and bnha!
⌚ when
sporadic posting schedule specially since i normally write when i'm off the clock. nothing set in stone but i aim for at least one writing piece a week (if my brain permits)
🎬 currently watching
delicious in dungeon, demon slayer, cod gameplay, red vs blue season 15
📚 currently reading
jujutsu kaisen, dogsred, spells for forgetting by adrienne young
🏔 hobbies
baking, cooking, coding (cringe), gaming, building mechanical keyboards, reading, weightlifting, writing
❤ favorites
shows: mob psycho 100. dungeon meshi. demon slayer. red vs blue. books: song of achilles by madeline miller. leviathan trilogy by scott westerfeld. love theoretically by ali hazelwood. artists: hozier. young the giant. maye. bad bunny. megan thee stallion. dpr live. the marias. laura itandehui. keshi. laufey.
fun fact: i've almost died three times! haven't seen the light yet but she's definitely letting me know she's coming for me :')
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important disclaimer: i'm fully aware of the reputation that the tech industry as a whole has. while my peers might find little remorse in the consequences big tech has across fields I do not fall into that camp. ethics, morals, and safety, as it relates to privacy, are my primary goals in this field. it's for that reason that I do not and will not support or use any of the large ai tools that are open to the public. i ask that anyone interacting with my work does not plug them into any of these programs either.
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moeitsu · 1 month
Number 7 pls!!
Also, who is that in your profile? If ya don’t mind me asking.
My profile pic is of Tamino Amir. He’s a Belgian-Egyptian artist and makes beautiful music. I would recommend him to anyone. I saw him live in February with Mitski and literally cried the entire time. He’s also drop dead gorgeous the man literally looks like a god.
I’m rambling.
Number 7: what tattoos i have and their meaning.
I’m actually really happy you asked that one because I have so many tattoos and i love them ALL!
Okay, I have 12 tattoos. I’ll try to keep it short tho.
1. “Spirit Lead Me” on my bicep. This was my 1st tattoo I got for my 18th bday. It’s from Psalm 143. I’m not really a religious person anymore, but I still appreciate the message. The whole verse is “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Show me what you want me to do, and let your gentle spirit lead me in the right path.”
2. A small bouquet of flowers on my hip. This one doesn’t have much meaning. It was a last minute tattoo i got because my friend was getting one and the artist was really chill and was like “you want one too?” And i just said sure and let him pick the art. Looking back, i don’t know why i did that😂
3. A Luna moth on my shoulder. I’ve always considered myself more of a moth than a butterfly, if that makes any sense. I took a picture of a Luna moth was i was 16 and i was obsessed with them ever since. Fun fact: the day i got it tattooed i got a Snapchat memory that i took that moth photo 3 years ago on the same day. It was just meant to be.
4. The master sword from Legend of Zelda on my arm. This one is kinda self explanatory. I just fucking love the games. I played my first was i was 9 years old and it became my entire personality for the rest of my life.
5. A soot sprite on my ankle. This one also doesn’t really have a meaning. A friend of mine had finished her tattoo apprenticeship and was doing small pieces on people as practice. So i asked her to practice on me and she gave me a cute little soot sprite.
6. “Set your heart ablaze” on my rib cage. I got this after the demon slayer movie. It’s one of my favorite animes, and Rengoku was such an important character to me.
7. An evil eye with a tear drop under the back of my neck. I’ve always worn the evil eye since i was young. I don’t remember when i started or why, but I’ve always had a necklace or a keychain or earrings with it on. I liked the idea of it on my back bc in my mind it wards off any negativity that people might send me when my back is turned.
8. A cecropia moth on my other shoulder. Not so much meaning behind this one. My other shoulder felt naked and i wanted to add symmetry with another insect. I chose the cecropia moth bc I found one in the woods one time and I felt like some kind of woodland fairy. It was literally the size of my hand.
9. 333. It’s my Angel number. I see it everywhere, and at least once a day. I was also born on the 3rd day of the 9th month and 3 was always a prevalent number growing up. (I was on bus #3. My childhood apt was #3. Me and my sibs make 3, ect)
10. A maple seed. I got this tattoo for my current partner. We’ve been together 7 years and on our second date we walked a nature trail and we had talked about watching the notebook later and I made a comment about “how romantic would it be if we kissed in the rain”, it was not raining that day. So he picked up handfuls of maple seeds and threw them in the air. They rained around us and he kissed me under them. It’s probably one of my favorite memories.
11. Peter Rabbit hugging his momma. This tattoo was dedicated to my mom. My nursery as a baby was Peter Rabbit themed, and I still have a lot of the decorations still in my room 24 years later :’) I also love my mom a lot.
12. A heart locket with my childhood cat in the frame. Pretty self explanatory. It was dedicated in his memory. He was literally the best cat ever and i miss him everyday. He passed on my 19th bday.
Thank you so much for asking Anon!!! I really enjoyed diving into this :)
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moonflowerreblogs · 10 months
Thanks so much for the tag! I’ve never done one of these before, so sorry if it’s not that descriptive
tagged by: @spinyfruit
Last Song
Been recently listening to a lot of 2000s-early 2010s music. Specifically green day, Taylor swift, and whatever the radio plays on pop rocks
Currently Watching
Just finished demon slayer season 2/3(Netflix is weird). Currently rewatching Scooby doo and avatar cause I haven’t had the energy to get into a new show recently.
Currently Reading
Currently no traditional books. But after the movie comes out I plan on reading Red White and Royal Blue.
Current Obsession
Clothes (specifically 1860s, 1950s, and 1980s), animals(I went down a rabbit hole and can’t get out), research into aus(really gotta update my hetalia blog), and learning new fun facts
Tagging: I don’t really have any mutuals so anyone who wants to do it
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itsstrawberrymochi · 3 years
can I have headcanons of giyu, rengoku and sanemi meeting a very powerful male demon upper moon demon who suddenly gets turned into a human and begins to follow them around demanding they fix him. and they end up falling in love.
Kny characters x transformed from a demon to a human reader!
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Helllo I really appreciate the request ( sorry for the tardiness) I do hope you like them ^^
Please note there are NO SPOILERS in this and the whole demon suddenly turning back into human is not canon, so basically these headcanons are spoiler-free and not canon to the manga
Since all of these characters here literally hate demons because of all the damage they cause here are some important notes to make it more realistic that they feel for you
Let’s just say the reason you want to turn back is because you used your blood art to help the innocent from other demons and as well as bad people and you want to continue doing it
You only killed and ate criminals
He was very excited to meet you and by meet you I mean kill you
He was satisfied to know he’ll not be only killing a demon but an upper moon,the strongest type of demon
He also heard you were one of the most powerful upper moons so if he was able to slay you it’ll make his already big ego even bigger
All his plans went down the drain when you suddenly turned human
It happened during his battle with you, and even though you clearly looked and were human boy he still tried to kill you, luckily for you it had other hunters around who stopped him and convinced him to take you back to the headquarters before they did anything irrational
Oyakata-sama had allowed you to live and stay at the headquarters until they found out how this happened and Sanemi was not having it
Despite you being human now he still saw you as a human-eating demon and if he didn’t respect Oyakata-sama so much he would’ve killed you already
And the worst part about the whole thing for him was the way you followed him around demanding him to fix you
Sanemi did not hesitate to fight you when you did it
Shinobu had to always tell him to be gentle with you because you can’t heal as fast anymore, she also told him to be kinder to you and explained to him you use to be a good demon who actually helped people
After hearing about all the good you did and people you saved he decided to see you in a new light
He really liked the fact that you only killed criminals since he hates them too
Even though he knew the truth that you were good he still acted mean towards you because this is Sanemi we’re talking about
Your relationship would grow slowly and it’ll take him some time to warm up to you
He started to like how you followed him, it made him feel less lonely
And how no matter much he yelled at you, you stayed
He also liked how you weren’t scared of him like most people are but why would you be? yes he was a scary person but you’ve faced Muzan more than once so you were unfazed at this point
Day by day the more you were around him the more he feel for you and you feel for him
Sanemi became extremely protective over you and he didn’t even realize it
People would often feel uneasy around you because well... you use to be a demon and would gossip whenever you passed
Sanemi would shout at them and threaten to beat them up, most times he would actually do it
Since you follow him around a lot he asked you to train with him and he loves training with you because you’re ridiculously strong and he loves the challenge
Sanemi even taught you his breathing style since you didn’t have a demon blood art to protect you anymore
Since you turned into a human you would often go under countless experiments Sanemi hates that how they would pry and poke at you but he knew it was necessary so he’d always be near you during these times
The day he was sure he loved you he was scared to tell you, he thought during your times as a demon you probably forgot how to love but he asked anyways and when you said yes to being his boyfriend he was over the moon and promised to protect you from both humans and demons
He didn’t really care that you were a powerful upper moon he just wanted to kill you and get over with it
When you turned human he was beyond shocked, he was contemplating wherever he should finish you or not, he ended up not doing it because he saw you as a human now and he doesn’t kill humans
He took you back to the headquarters and while they were running tests on your blood they made Giyuu babysit for the time being
He hated that you followed him, but it was an order for him to watch over so he couldn’t do anything about it, when you followed him around he just ignore you
It took him a long to to stop hating you only because you asked to be fixed
Why would you want that? You hurt so many people and you want to do it again? These are the questions that would race in his mind whenever you asked
He shouted them at you one when you asked him again, he was tired of you and wanted to know
But when he found out the real reason why you wanted to turn back felt so bad
After that day he slowly began to open up to you and actually talked to you, like Sanemi he enjoyed your company and liked having someone to talk to
His feelings for you develop rather quickly seeing how much time you spent together
He also feel for you because you were the only person who talked to him nicely, other people usually talked to him to make fun of him or about slayer business so it was nice to have a friend
When he finds out he really loves you he’ll never tell you because he’s too shy and afraid you won’t feel the same way so you’ll have to make the first move
When you tell him you love him he’ll immediately say it back in a shy cute whisper 🥺
It was beautiful relationship because when you were a demon you never had a boyfriend and Giyuu being shy never had a one either so whenever you did things together as a couple, like a kiss or a date it was the first time for both of you
When you became his boyfriend he’d mostly go on dates in the night like late night walks, star gazing etc... he does it because you were a demon for so long you so he assumed you were perhaps more comfortable with doing things at night
He doesn’t want you to become a hunter because if a demon reconized you it’ll probably kill you or report you back to Muzan
Please continue following him even though your his boyfriend, he’ll get sad if you don’t
He give you his clothes because your old ones didn’t fit you anymore, he had such a cute blush as he handed you them
Like Sanemi he was pleased to know he’ll be killing a powerful demon but not for prideful reasons of course
He was glad to kill you because you’re a upper moon and once your dead you are you can’t hurt anyone else
But then there was no need for that because you turned human
When it had happen during your battle, he was the one who had to protect you from other hunters because they were trying to still kill you even though you were human
Yes he protected you but that didn’t exactly mean he liked you, his feelings for you in the beginning was pure hate, he saw you as a human and all but he didn’t forgive you for the sins you committed as a demon
He didn’t mind when you followed him, he wanted you to follow him actually because if by any chance you turned back into a demon he could quickly kill you
When you’re not following him he would follow you and he didn’t try to hide it
Since Rengoku isn’t a person who’s not scared to hide his emotions or talk to people he asked you why you wanted to turn back
After you told him why it took him some time to forgive you , yes he understood you only killed bad people but it was still killing humans
But over time he’ll forgive you and start treating you kindly
He even fixed you but not in the way you thought he would , he fixed you emotionally
He knew it probably took a toll on your emotions with all the killing and being a demon so he was there for you and talked things through with you and helped you become human again in terms of emotionally
During this time of him helping you with your transition into the human world again you two feel in love and started dating
When you two started dating he took you to things you couldn’t go as a demon
Contrary to Giyuu he took you on dates mostly in the day time because he assumed you probably missed those things when you were a demon
He’s fine with you going on missions with him and when you two go you’re a power coupe, since you use to be a demon you know all the weak spots and easy spots to slat so you’ll tell your boyfriend and he’ll slay the faster than he usually does
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aetheternity · 3 years
How they simp ft the Kny boys
I wrote one of these for Aot and I remembered how little I write for Kny so here's one for the Demon Slayer boys. This was written as if the person they're crushing on is two years older.
(The aggressive simp): Inosuke
☆ I mean come on who didn't see this one coming??
☆ Inosuke otherwise known as the aggressive mfer that can't spell crush let alone deal with one.
☆ Poor baby is mad confused as to why any little thing you say to him makes his heart mush and his face hot.
☆ Deadass goes to Tanjiro and is like,
• "Fuck is wrong with Y/N? Why do they make my face hot? Should I fight them?"
• And Tanjiro's like 😶😐 "I think you have a crush.."
• "Yeah! I do wanna crush them!"
• Tanjiro questioning his life choices: 😑😒
☆ Like he goes up to you fully intent on starting more shit than a bad Netflix original mean girl but you say,
• "Oh, Hi Inosuke."
☆ And he's just thinking, Why am I here?? Just to suffer?
☆ Personality does a full 180. His heart turned purple, his legs inside out. (If you understand this reference ily 💞).
☆ After a while he hits the last stage of grief, (Acceptance) and he slowly but surely starts to just follow you around. He doesn't understand what's so special about you that you caught his attention and he honestly doesn't care at this point he thrives off your attention in any way shape or form.
☆ You smile at him he's screaming internally. You say hi to him and he's floating. He finally reached a place where he doesn't even care that he feels this way he wants to experience it as long as possible.
☆ At some point you acknowledge his feelings and explain how you feel. (Not that it makes any sense to him). And give him a quick peck on the cheek of his mask. Probably after a really tough battle where he saved you from danger.
☆ Mfer is blushing hard asf under that sweaty ass mask. That's your problem now..
☆ Zenitsu dead makes fun of him the whole way back but Inosuke's so lost in thought that Tanjiro genuinely contemplates taking him to a doctor.
(The brotherly simp): Tanjiro
☆ Let's be honest he treats everyone like a sibling.
☆ But it's actually pretty cute when it comes to you.
☆ He'll ask you when's the last time you've eaten at least fourteen times a day and if you have a habit of not eating he'll bring you food.
☆ He knows whenever you've been training late or had a long mission so he'll bring you something to drink (most likely water) to keep your spirits up.
☆ Knows you're sad even if you're rooms away from him and will sit by your side and listen to you vent then give you advice.
☆ He likes sitting next to you no matter where it is because he loves listening to you talk about literally anything.
☆ Honestly Tanjiro's probably the least obvious except for the blushing and stuttering whenever you compliment him on his form or something.
☆ When he confesses it's straight up no beating around the bush just honest Tanjiro and you give him a small kiss on the lips as a way of accepting his feelings.
☆ Honestly after that he might not get sad again for a year.
(The hysterical simp): Zenitsu
☆ This mfer can't handle shit like come on it's literally canon.
☆ He follows you around like a lost puppy the second he realizes he's crushing on you. And you better have liked him first or just been a really patient person overall to like all the attention he gives you.
☆ Straight up does a bee line (like the down bad man he is) for you whenever he hears your voice.
☆ Finds a new way to embarrass himself every single time he's around you. But he's actually just trying to be cool. And he probably thinks he's being cool sometimes so 🤷‍♀️
☆ He most definitely helped you on a mission one day and you got to see the full extent of his power. Which if you're that kind of person would try to help him reach his full potential. (I mean he clearly has a lot of potential.) Which forces you two to spend more time together.
☆ Surprisingly during that time you get to see the less loud version of him. But what really tips the scales in his favor is when he saves you from getting hurt. During personal training or a mission doesn't matter.
☆ You end up telling him exactly how you feel and of course he accepts your feelings with loud, unbridled enthusiasm.
☆Actually faints into a little pile of goo when you kiss his forehead. Mfer laying on the ground with metaphorically hearts circling his head.
☆ You straight up got this boy sighing in contentment. If you don't end up staying with him while he lays there he'll be found by Tanjiro and Inosuke later. Good luck to Tanjiro having to listen to Zenitsu scream about his happiness.
(The confused simp): Giyu
☆ Giyu doesn't know he has a crush. He doesn't know he's simping he just knows he wants your attention. Hilarious antics begin:
☆ Well in a way. See Giyu's never met someone like you. Someone who actively goes out of their way to immediately make friends with him and then continue to do so even after he's shown them his version of affection.
☆ He understands nothing about you or his feelings but he knows he wants to keep you as close as possible at all times. He knows his heart flutters when you're near and his palms get sweatier (which he originally thought was just his breathing technique.)
☆ He sees you standing across the room and comes over to issue his normal greeting. Sees you training by yourself and just joins you in the same room.
☆ His only problem so far has probably been the fact that you're very popular so whenever he actually does have time to interact with you you're probably with someone else.
☆ One day you guys are on a mission together and you just tell him straight up that you have feelings for him and.. he doesn't say a word, stops where he's standing, his hands get all shaky and his entire face and neck go red as he tries to mumble out something.
☆ At some point he gets some sort of mutual confession out of him as you comb strands of hair back from his face with your fingers.
☆ You could give him a kiss but you just got Giyuu.exe to start working again so better save it for another day.
(The bubbly simp): Rengoku
☆ I just love the idea of Rengoku being all weirdly shy I think it's the cutest thing on earth so here we go!
☆ He's always grinning and talking energetically but when he's talking to you his voice goes down like 20 octaves and he's got the dopiest grin on his face. Out here looking like: ☺
☆ As if Zenitsu and Inosuke weren't obvious with their simping Rengoku's probably even worse.
☆ He legit turns his whole body to face you when you join a conversation between him and anyone else. Face all pink as he smiles brightly at you.
☆ He's got a little sigh going and everyone is thoroughly creeped out by all of it so they try to flee every time you and Rengoku make contact.
☆ He always finds ways to find you and he's just like:
• "Hi, Y/N! What're you doing!"
• You: "Eating lunch.."
• Him: "That's great."
• You: 😃😀🤨
☆ When he finally confesses you're just like it's about time and you give him a small peck on the lips. Now watch him walk around for the rest of the day with pink cheeks and a skip in his step like he owns the place.
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softscummymammon · 3 years
€Male Hashira React to Their MALE S/O Coming Out As Asexual€
••Part 1 ||→ Giyu, Rengoku, Obanai
••Part 2||→Sanemi, Gyomei, Tengen
→+*:;;:*Demon Slayer Headcanon*:;;:*+←
Sorry if it's bad. This is kinda the first time I made something like this. I hope you guys like it. I want to be inclusive, and since I'm trying to find my own identity at the moment, I wanted to make a little something. I hope I portrayed asexuality correctly. If I made any mistakes, please let me know and I'll fix it accordingly.
←Tomioka Giyu→
This poor boy was so confused. Please give him a chance to take in what you confessed. His silence isn't rejection, it's comprehension. Please give him a few minutes, then he'll ask what it means.
Yes, you're gonna have to explain what being asexual means.
He'll look at you for a second then mutter, "I see. " Nothing else. But to be honest, Giyu would point at himself and ask, "Does that make me asexual, too then? "
God this confused bean. You'd have to ask if he somehow felt similar feelings. He describes how after so many of his loved ones were killed, he'd never really thought about sex. It was just a waste of time to him, an unnecessary need that would get in his way of protecting people.
Please be nice to this man. He is just now putting a word to an emotion he's been battling with for almost his whole life. He'd ask if he's ever made you uncomfortable, and if he needs to change anything. Reassure him that if anything is too far for you, you'll let him know. With this new revelation about himself, he's unexpectedly more calm about giving soft touches.
He's less uncomfortable when you scoot up to his side in the middle of the night when he doesn't have a mission to carry out. A candle lit for warmth and light as you and Tomioka hold each other with a blanket wrapped around your shoulders. He wouldn't ask for anything more, but he can be selfish and wish for the moment to last eternity.
He'd bop anyone that would get too close or is making you uncomfortable. When on missions together in the city or populated areas, you two attract unnecessary and sometimes -mostly- unwanted attention. He's not against getting in between you and someone else and not so gently pushing them away.
All in all, you're both very comfortable around each other. Giyu isn't afraid he'll go too far in trying to make you feel sexually happy, and cuddles are exactly what both of you need after a long day of fighting.
←Rengoku Kyojuro→
The perfect time to do this is when he's partially distracted. You want his attention, but you don't want all of it at once. So, the best time to do it is during a meal, specifically dinner, so he has time to process this and get back to you.
But really, any time would be particularly nerve wracking. It's still the early stages of your relationship, as you didn't want to feel like you were leading him on and you didn't want to live to expectations you couldn't reach.
When you tell him, he'll pause. If the situation wasn't so tense, you'd probably laugh since he had a piece of meat hanging out his mouth. He'd finish his mouthful and home. He's swore to have heard that term before.
Rengoku would as you to elaborate, just so he isn't mistaking anything. You tell him you're asexual and have a lower, or therefore lack of sexual drive and desire. You can still have sex, but it isn't ideal to your comfort.
Kyojuro would hum, then smile and take your hand. He would; so unlike him, gently say that yes, he did once hope for an heir to the name of the fire hashira, he gave that up once he fell in love with you.
He'd be overjoyed that you felt comfortable enough to tell him about this. He knows how tense and worried you must have been. Rengoku felt the same way when he realized he fell in love with a man, you in fact, were that person he saw himself with for the rest of his life. No matter what his father says, he wanted you.
Rengoku makes sure that whenever he touches you, you're comfortable with it. He'll hold your hand, wrap his arm around your torso, and run his nails through your hair. Kisses on the forehead, back of the hand, cheeks, and even on the nose.
When you do it to him, though. Kyojuro's eyes would go wide, then a bright smile would break over his face. He'd laugh and wrap you in a high before picking you up and twirling you around. Late nights wrapped in each other's arms while chuckling about jokes and Rengoku's tales about training with Tanjiro.
Kyojuro's protective nature skyrocketed after your confession. He'd keep you close, and would absolutely be clingy if it drove the people who were making you uncomfortable go away. Rubbing his cheek against your's, and proudly showing anyone your intertwined hands with a beaming smile.
←Iguro Obanai→
Kaburamaru, his snake friend, senses something is wrong before you confess to him. You smell like stress and anxiety. Iguro would get worried you wanted to break up, so he'd get ready for you to come to him to tell him you were done. But when you didn't bring anything like that up during dinner, he asked you straight up if you wanted to break up while getting ready to sleep.
Awkward silence follows for a long stretch of time. You ask him if that's what he wanted, but he accused you of being the one that wanted to break up.
Getting a little angry now, you ask him why he would come to that conclusion. Obanai explains that Kaburamaru senses your stress and anxiety through the day, and how you seemed to he avoiding him the entire day. So, how could he not come to that conclusion.
You have to sigh heavily and thoroughly explain that you had no intention of breaking up with him. You know how he is, and you were willing to love him no matter what. You just hoped that he'd love you after everything too.
He'd ask you what you ment by that, of course he'd love you, you're one of the few that actually will. You have to tell him that you were planning on confessing you were asexual in the morning, since you had to build up the confidence.
He'd pause, then asks you what you mean by that. You playfully ask him what he thinks it means, but he grumbles and crosses his arms. You explain what you feel, or lack of feeling. You have little to no desire for sexual activity in general, and no, it's not because of him.
Oddly enough, well not really, he takes a little bit to think it over and then expresses that he'd support you in anything. You sagged in relief and watched as he walked up to you and set a careful hand on your arm. You smile and set your hand over his. He'd sigh and flop into your chest, humming when your arms wrap around his waist.
He'd demand cuddles for worrying him so much and you'd gladly hold him close. In comfortable silence, he'd ask if he ever did anything that made you uncomfortable, and of course you'd say no. Actually, you wanted him to touch you a little more then he has. You know that he's hesitant about his appearance and used to people shutting him out, but you want to embrace him and hold him.
Tearing up, Iguro nods and snuggles into you more. Kaburamaru curls up around your shoulders and flicks their tongue to your cheek. You lean forward and kiss Obanai's forehead. Chuckling when you hear him grumble.
Since that night, he's more willing to give you touch. He's still hesitant here and there, and rarely ever touches you in public, but it's more than before. He's so protective, this short king will glare at anyone who's eyeing you. He never forgets that times you'd stand up to people who make fun of his appearance or stature. He's off to the side cheering his bf on while they punch a dude in the nose.
You get in trouble, no doubt, but his love for you gets even more solidified. At home, he'd be a little brat and demand cuddles or hugs. If he's feeling particularly selfish, which he's getting more comfortable feeling around you, he'd ask for kisses too. He isn't at the stage of taking off his mouth cover yet, but head kisses and cheek kisses do just as well.
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