#fronters; a lot
watercubebee · 10 months
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partypacking · 5 months
We've been depressed lately, our system is going through some tough changes, and we're back on the hell grind that is college. But we've also made some great friends and some great art, so it's fine? I guess?
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thespacehound · 1 month
Going through the blog archive on lawisnotmocked is something that can be so personal (derogatory)
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blu-engineer · 3 months
weird trains of thought at 5/6 am
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*throws this across the room at a high speed* HEY @giant-tiny-squid WE GOT A GIFT FOR YOU >:D
(also @mcyt-gt-events bc we need that one too)
okay so like. we had so much trouble deciding which of your prompts to do. seriously it's not even funny we love both of these so much! we ended up settling on this one, though; After all the manhunts, Dream and the hunters need a bit of a vacation, so they decide to take a break. However, after a mishap where someone ends up shrunk (you decide who ;)), the vacation turns into a journey to keep the shrunken person (or people, if you wanna shrink multiple) safe and return them back to their normal size
this. ended up being less of a vacation for the hunters than they previously thought :)
dream was still worried abt them though, he did what he did to keep them safe but his instincts started acting up 😔
also just wanted to say thanks to everyone in this community for unintentionally giving us the motivation to write for it again. seriously we probably wouldn't have joined this event without realizing that “hey, we’re not alone, other people do enjoy this content.”
thank you, everyone. seriously. sorry for the sappy shit we just wanted to say that hsbfjdf
CHARACTERS USED: (we wanted to add this bit for which set of hunters we’re using!) G!Dream with T!Sapnap and George (the classic >:))
TW’s: Safe/soft noms (we couldn't help it lmfao), mouthplay, unintentional fearplay (these two just come with the pred!dream package tho), swearing
Word Count: 1315!
We hope you enjoy it!~
(again, noms under the cut!!! dont like dont read, but we dont wanna hear it if you decide to read it <3)
This was bad.
This was really bad.
Dream, Sapnap, and George had decided “Hey! Let’s take a break from the manhunts, just as a little vacation,” but it seemed the gods above had other plans. Currently, the trio was back to back in a cave, surrounded by mobs. “I knew we should’ve brought weapons with us...” “You guys would’ve tried to kill me!” “Guys, please just shut up, we don’t have time to deal with this!” George interrupted Sapnap and Dream’s bickering, cracking his knuckles. “We’re getting out of here, even if it means a fistfight.” “That’s a horrible idea, but it might work. Don’t get yourselves killed,” Dream muttered, before throwing a punch at a zombie approaching him, his eyes narrowing as he heard the cackle of a witch. That’s when he heard a splash potion being thrown. 
Dream rolled out of the way just before the potion could hit him, his eyes widening as it caught Sapnap and George in the chaos. “Sap, George, no!” Dream tensed as he realized he couldn’t see the hunters when the dust settled, looking around before noticing the mobs approaching an empty spot on the ground. He fought his way through them, diving down and scooping Sapnap and George up- both of the hunters now being tiny- before any mobs could get to them, his pupils narrowing into slits as a rush of instincts began to cloud his senses.
Sapnap couldn’t hold back a cry of fear as giant hands wrapped around him and George, squirming slightly before he realized it was just Dream who had picked them up, taking a sharp breath as he reminded himself that they had a truce. He looked up, his heart rate quickening as he noticed Dream’s slitted pupils. “He’s running on instincts-” Sapnap looked over at George, who shared his fearful expression. “Oh gods- You don’t mean-” George trailed off as Sapnap nodded quickly, yelping out as he was lifted. “George, NO!” Sapnap shouted as he looked up to see George squirming as he was held in front of Dream’s mouth, his eyes widening as he watched his friend get slipped inside. 
George squirmed and struggled as he was lifted towards Dream’s mouth, yelping out in shock as he was slipped inside. He grimaced, squirming more as Dream’s tongue wrapped around him to prevent him from escaping. “DREAM! Snap out of it!” George shouted, sputtering as his friend’s tongue swiped across his face. George paled as he felt his legs slip into Dream’s throat as the comparatively giant man began to swallow him, struggling in an attempt to get out, reaching out to try and grab on to something as Dream swallowed again. George’s eyes widened as he felt a hand meet his, barely able to catch Sapnap’s eyes before he had to jam his own eyes shut, being dragged further into Dream’s body.
Sapnap grimaced as he struggled to turn himself around, gripping George’s hand as he tried to pull his friend back out of Dream’s throat, yelping when he was pulled down as well. He muttered a curse under his breath as he neared Dream’s esophagus, aiming a kick at the back of his throat and grinning as he caused Dream to cough George back up a bit, moving to wrap his arms around him. “We’re gonna be okay, I know we will.” Sapnap couldn’t explain why he felt that way about the situation. Of course, that didn’t stop the instinctual fear he felt as he and George were swallowed down, pressed against each other without a means of escape as they were trapped in the crushing grip of Dream’s throat.
Dream couldn’t help but purr at the struggles of the hunters as he swallowed them, perched above the gang of mobs below him, tracing the forms of Sapnap and George as they slid down his throat. Once the two disappeared behind his collarbone, he moved to quickly craft the best sword he could- which was unfortunately just a stone one. His purrs deepened as he felt Sapnap and George slip into his stomach, the fog of instincts clouding his senses preventing him from registering their fear as he slowly made his way down from the pillar he’d made, attacking spiders when they approached and using his shield to block skeletons from shooting him down. 
George squirmed as he and Sapnap were swallowed by Dream, muttering something unintelligible as he tried to press himself away from Sapnap. It was too dark, he was only faintly able to see a soft glow from Sapnap’s eyes, before having to close his eyes as they entered a tighter space, continuing to struggle. It wasn’t long before the two passed Dream’s heart and lungs. George could faintly hear the growls and gurgles from his friend’s stomach somewhere below them, groaning quietly as he leaned into Sapnap.
Sapnap muttered a curse under his breath as he heard Dream purring once he and George had slipped into his stomach, ramming himself into one of the walls with a shout. “DREAM! Let us out!” He winced as he heard a loud gurgle from the organ around him and George, snarling under his breath. “Sap- It’s not gonna work- We’re just gonna have to wait until he thinks it’s safe.” “It’s gonna take FOREVER for that to happen! You know that!” Sapnap huffed, crossing his arms as he reluctantly leaned into one of the plush walls.
Dream snarled as an arrow hit him in the shoulder, whipping around to kill the skeleton that had fired it before he continued to push through the crowd of mobs, slashing them out of the way with a sword as he neared the cave exit. He muttered a few curses under his breath as he noticed the setting sun just outside of the cave, his eyes widening as the cave began to shake, spotting the loosening rocks above the entrance. Dream closed his eyes, the world appearing to slow as a green aura flared to life around him, before he ran to the exit of the cave, sliding under some falling rocks just before they could land on him. He opened his eyes as the aura faded from around him, starting to run towards where he and the others had built a base in the distance.
George yelped as a faint green glow shined from the walls of Dream’s stomach, pressing himself against Sapnap, who let out an annoyed huff. “George, we’re fine, quit worrying so much.” “Why is it glowing?! Dream!? What the hell are you doing out there?!” George shouted as the area around him and Sapnap shifted, sputtering as slime got into his mouth. “Ewwwww… I got the stomach goop in my mouth…” He groaned, doing what he did best and complaining, making Sapnap roll his eyes. 
“Stop complaining, he’ll let us out soon… I hope…” Sapnap muttered the last part, before growling as the area around them tensed up, pressing against him and George. “Gross…” He heard George mumble the word, tensing as he was suddenly pushed upwards, going back up Dream’s throat before landing in his hand, George following soon after. “Oh my gods, finally! That lasted way too long!” 
Dream laughed quietly at Sapnap’s complaining, before sighing as he put the two down on a cloth. “I’m… Really sorry. I didn’t know what else to do and then my instincts kinda just… Took over.” He muttered, glancing away from the two. “... It’s better than being dead, I guess.” Dream looked back over at George, chuckling at that. “I’ll go get you guys some milk- It’s not gonna be safe having you two this small.” He murmured, before standing and walking over to a chest.
“... So we’re gonna agree not to mention this to Bad, right?-” “If either of you mentions it to him, I’ll do it again.” “Okay, okay, we won’t say anything!”
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i’m on a two week trip with my family and they keep teasing me abt how much stuff i packed, but the problem with traveling is that i need to make sure that whoever’s fronting is gonna be comfortable/has their comfort items. so i always end up overpacking cuz i never know who’s gonna show up
but it’s easier to just let them think i’m a spoiled diva who likes clothes too much lmao
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viscerast · 8 months
being a big system thats introject heavy sucks bc the second you say your actual source count people are. so fucking loud . im tired of shocking people by existing. i wish we weren't such a big system but we are
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girldraki · 10 months
being plural is so funny. we have no idea at which point we can officially declare ourselves as a collective entity furries
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forshadowing · 6 months
typed a whole post out and then googled something quickly mid-sentence. new term learned!
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solarisgod · 1 year
We have not really touched much upon this concept yet, but we do think it is possible the Starwake System to have a factive introject alter after Adoniram a few days after the fire incident that had him vanished from the area it took place in.
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thethingything · 2 years
I realise our intro post is like "this blog is run by our host and whichever subsystem is most active" but I never seem to actually post on here? I've not really been fronting as much lately and now it feels weird and I feel weirdly out of place - Lucy
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petrichorvoices · 2 years
our desktop can handle Sims 4 pretty well. though untested, our laptop can theoretically run it even better. so now we’re tempted to build our innerworld home in the game, make sims of all of our frequent fronters, and try to play with them
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wawhii · 3 months
What is it with being a Daedra and always being hungry? Metaphorically or literally?
~ Nightshade
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Yeet— (and then their physical body stumbled into a wall because Sho was impatient and didn't give them time to stabilize it before switching)
For context, this doodle was like half to jot down a musing of "what if the moon key denoted the fronter, rather than only Sho", so that's Minazuki's neck it's flying off, not Sho's.
There's also a sillier version of the coloring below the cut for anyone who wants to see it. /o/
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Shoved so hard that he dematerialized into little blobs, lol.
(AKA: I messed around with a lot of coloring styles before realizing that Sho and Minazuki (seem to) canonically have a crisp-view headspace, so trying to depict otherwise was gonna be inaccurate, haha.)
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r-e-dax-t-e-d · 6 months
[Exisitential Crisis Get]
Just so fucking wonderful to be reminded of just how much of your life you are missing.
Started watching a Voice Over version of a[very long] piece of media with our partner system that we were certain we'd never finished[despite trying several times, which we also were certain of]; and the last part we remembered?
It still hasn't happened
And we are almost halfway through
And we keep remembering more
and we suspect:
We may have actually finished it
[Achievement Unlocked: Side System Suspicion Intensifies]
We remember trying to read this twice
Did we finish it both times??????
And this isn't even including all the weird ass dissociation we've been having during this watchthrough
Fucking consciously "driving from the back seat" for the first time
And then at one point it felt like we were fronting with a fucking cloud. Like it was all around front/the fronters.
What the fuckkkkkk
Switchy as all hell, off and on acting very out of the norm for who we think/know is fronting at any given time
Like, I'm not mad that this all is happening, but goddamn are we overwhelmed.
We wanna finish it again...
[Why the fuck did I say again with such certainty???]
And I just keep getting [no comment] as a response from the Innerworld about this shit so THATS great
Thought it was just gonna be another round of Split Roulette™ but nooooooo
Gotta unlock a whole 'nother level to this fuckery
Disclaimer: I am not actually angry/mad/pissed off. It's just a lot to process, and we kinda got blindsided.
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fossys · 6 months
i think my fav thing about this acc is every once n a while we get jumpscared by fandom stuff of our source from some1 we follow-
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