#friends 💜
artemiseamoon · 18 days
🍦🍧🍨 ICE CREAM DELIVERY!! 🍨🍧🍦 give ice cream to your favourite bloggers and help them stay cool this summer. 😎🍦
Hi! 💜 thank you!
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ymcr · 1 year
thank you to @boggblog and @uiruu for a pleasant evening of good and wholesome conversations that made me feel fulfilled and connected and a whole lot less lonesome after work i love you guys very much
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liquidstar · 8 months
If my mom sees a significant amount of blood she gets lightheaded, and has fainted on some occasions. Once it happened when we were kids, I wasn't there to witness it but I heard the story from my dad. Basically my brothers, around 7 or 8 at the time, were playing outside while my mom was making their lunch, and she accidentally cut her finger. It wasn't anything serious, but it drew a fair bit of blood and she passed out. My dad saw this and rushed over, but he didn't really know what to do so he just sort of started slapping her to wake her up (not recommended, but he had no idea and panicked)
At that exact moment my brothers both came in from playing, and all they saw was our mom unconscious on the floor and our dad slapping her. So, like, without even saying a word to each other they both just INSTANTLY start whaling on him, like, full blown attack mode to defend our mom. Which obviously didn't help the situation, but she did wake up and everything was fine.
Now our dad says that he's actually really glad they attacked him over what they thought was going on, because it means he raised good boys. And I still think that's true, they're very good boys.
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alanangels · 7 months
Your trademark is either Foo Fighters or AWE!! 💖
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Jeremy Fitzgerald’s reaction to FNAF scooped Michael
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frostbitebakery · 10 months
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“You speak like a man who has something to bargain with,” Kenobi observed coolly. “I must admit I’m having trouble identifying what it might be.”
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for @elwenyere and her pirate au, credit for the caption goes to her 💜
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riddlerosehearts · 1 month
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ever since vil's luxe couture groovy was first revealed i have not been able to stop thinking about how much i love him and the way his relationship with gender is written and treated by the narrative. the way that he's a gnc man who refuses to be seen without makeup on, who uses an extremely feminine personal pronoun in japanese ("atashi") and it isn't treated like an unusual thing or a joke. the way he admires the fairest queen, wants to be beautiful like she was and has such an immense amount of pride and confidence in his physical beauty. and then literally not one person in the whole story calls vil's masculinity into question except for epel, who gets told by vil that his views on gender roles and of men doing "feminine" things are backwards and archaic, and ends up having a whole arc where he learns that he was wrong and comes to see his own naturally cute and feminine appearance as a strength!
and then the fact that the narrative doesn't just treat vil normally as a gnc man but also actively celebrates him by having him be such a massive, world-famous celebrity who's so respected and loved?? he's a movie star, he's a model with a record number of runway appearances, he's an influencer who has 5 million magicam followers, if he advertises a product it flies off the shelves. in his dorm uniform vignette an international fashion magazine--which is specifically known for being the first to feature vil on its cover--is coming to interview the pomefiore students for an article on their pursuit of beauty, and the interviewer tells vil that he looks like the fairest queen reborn! and that's how he wants to be seen and is an entirely positive thing!! and with vil being so famous throughout twisted wonderland there will be kids and teens, most certainly including gnc and trans kids, who will look up to him and hear him publicly say things like how there's no such thing as something being just "for girls" or "for boys" and that men shouldn't be ashamed of doing feminine dance moves or wearing certain kinds of clothing. kids who will feel empowered because the vil schoenheit said they could be both beautiful and strong.
idk, it's just, in a lot of other stories i'd expect vil to struggle more because of the way he presents himself and to be treated in a more comedic way because of it. but instead he's a very important and well-developed character who's incredibly successful and confident, who isn't the slightest bit a joke or comic relief character and in fact is one of the most responsible and mature in the whole cast, whose struggles are mostly unrelated to his gender presentation but who gets to defend his right to be happy just the way he is when someone does look down on him for it, and who at least in my opinion gets some of the prettiest cards in the whole game. he is such a cool and unique character and i love him so much and find this aspect of how he's written to be so empowering and refreshing.
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mblue-art · 7 months
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late halloweeen dooodleee
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What’s a better way to celebrate the last day of black history month than with another Lucas and Erica drawing. I really wanted to make sure I got this done by today!!
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Tried my hand at perspective,,,
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aheartofgold · 10 months
Muriel, though? Muriel, who is so pure of heart, so naive, with such a childlike spirit? Muriel, who didn't listen in the private conversation because it wasn't their business? Muriel, who helped Crowley without thought even knowing that Crowley is a demon? Muriel, who Metatron called dim without a second thought for them?
Muriel is going to be sooooooo important
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artemiseamoon · 1 year
for the soft asks:
strawberry & sweetheart ✨️🍓
Hi! 💜🌸
How are you? It’s been a long time!
Strawberry - favorite fruit? Mangos 😁
Sweetheart - favorite cup? Mug? My fav mug is a clear glass one, I use it all the time. It’s very simple, but I love it. My favorite cup is a mason jar that used to have jam in it.
Sweet asks (the list)
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crystallizsch · 2 months
after basketball practice
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[🐍] Do you do this for everyone?
[💜] Pft. No? Just you and Ace. Floyd can handle himself. Frankly, I’m surprised you’re even letting me do this.
[🐍] Frankly, I’m surprised too.
[💜] What was that?
[🐍] Nothing. You’re hearing things.
(short bonus below: basketball club being little shits)
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jazeswhbhaven · 5 months
Noble Headcanons 1: Names
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*MC sitting in the foyer of the castle, reading over a small paper* MC: hmm Glasyal...Glasyul, Gala, Met Gala... Foras: MC what are you doing standing in the middle of the hall? MC: Oh, Foras...sorry. I'm trying to practice saying everyone's name. But...*shows him Glas' name on the list* Foras: I see, I can pronounce it for you. Glasyalabolas. *says it a second time but slower* MC: Glas...yala boo? Foras: Almost, Glasyalabolas. MC: Galapagos Islands? Foras: Are you joking right now? *Barbatos enters* Barbatos: AH ITS SO DARK IN HERE *pouts and then looks at the two* Oh MC, Foras! Foras: Barbatos...please assist MC in pronouncing Glasyalabolas. Barbatos: Huh? Why...Did he do something again? MC: No, I'm just trying to address him properly I don't think he liked what I called him last time Barbatos: What did you say? MC: Ikea furniture devil Barbatos: .....? Foras: ......I can see why he was upset.
*Glas peaking from the corner sulking while watching them silently the entire time*
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alanangels · 7 months
Your ™️ is loving Freddie Mercury, so it's changed lol I love you no matter what you're currently posting :)
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Aww, I love you too🥰🥰
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Everyone “hates” Mike in the FNAF movie..
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sollucets · 8 months
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my love he makes me feel like nobody else but my love he doesn't love me, so I tell myself
i got new rules, i count 'em
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