#fic: the book of memories
Just Some Concept Art for my Assassin's Creed and The Librarians Crossover Fic...
Just some Desmonds and some Flynns and some runic tattoos...
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somnimagus · 5 months
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My page for @sheikahzine; about Impaz's duty to her village, empty of people and full of memories.
[id in alt text]
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average-hua-cheng-fan · 5 months
another reason i think that xie lian felt an instant connection on the ox cart is because he and hua cheng both grew up in xianle.
there are maybe 4 people still alive that grew up in that culture. based on my own experience, you can pick up on things like accent, cadence, references, and humor that suggest a person is from the same place as you without consciously noticing it. that sense of comfort and similarity probably played into their instant chemistry.
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alittlefrenchtree · 28 days
✨ Random Red White and Royal Blue memories that are precious to me, a on-going list ✨
the way @petitmimosa keeps making fun of me because she told me to watch the movie even if I wasn't so excited about it and now I'm... here. In this state, 7 months later.
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The identical oh moment I had, at these two moments, first steps of falling in love with Alex and Henry.
The way I felt as a bisexual person reading this for the first time :
“Okay, fine, kid,” Luna finally snaps, “you want me to be your fucking sherpa? Here’s my advice: Don’t tell anyone. Go find a nice girl and marry her. You're luckier than me—you can do that, and it wouldn’t even be a lie.” And what comes out of Alex’s mouth, comes so fast he has no chance to stop it, only divert it out of English at the last second in case it’s overheard: “Sería una mentira, porque no sería él.” It would be a lie, because it wouldn’t be him.”
and thought: oh, they really get it.
the way i felt reading all that glitters (is not gold) even if I was a little sad to read it so early in my exploration of the fanfics of this fandom, because I know it would be so hard to top (for me) in terms of canon compliant story.
the way the No Consequences series has captured my heart and I was so happy to have ventured out of the canon-compliant stories.
the way i felt reading in every scenario because it's the most absurd and adorable 1.8K words I ever read in my life 😍
<You can reblog with your own memories if you want to spread the love or drop them in my inbox if you want 💜 (to do nothing at all and keep scrolling is fine as well 😁)>
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markantonys · 3 months
narishma is rand's son but i learned today that he's actually older than rand (by 1 year). shaken to my core.
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hewantshisbrideback · 3 months
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Nobody can definitively say the means which lead to the tragic ends of two such beloved public figures. Nobody can name what it was that brought the last Targaryen heir to the throne and the only daughter of House Stark together in the first place. No one knows exactly what happened, not in truth, but people can speculate. And speculate, they do.
A SONG OF INTERVIEWS AND FAKE NEWS: Retrospectives on Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark
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lovelyfoolish · 1 year
tbh i’m not really a meta person but i’m a bioethicist by training and i thought this could be interesting to discuss 
i think n and m’s routes both have this underlying, unexplored discussion of bodily autonomy (which is what vampirism is all about when you’re a bioethicist. i am not just here for the sexy fangs, i am here for the ethical questions that will give u a headache!) 
and their experiences diverge and parallel and form this complete picture of what it means to be and have a body and it would be really fascinating to see a love triangle route for them because of it
m’s route, with its focus on the conflict between physical and emotional intimacy (putting aside, for a second, the shallowness of the separation between the two, because to be physically intimate with someone takes just as much bravery as sharing your feelings with them, actually), has to place an emphasis on the consent aspect of bodily autonomy, where choices you make about your body require your complete understanding and allowance, free from undue pressure
n’s route has a preoccupation with their vampirism. there’s this psychological concept called moral injury, where you feel like you’ve done something (or acquiesced to something, or allowed something) that is deeply against your morals/values/life, and your moral injury can become a disorder. it’s similar to ptsd (and often walks hand in hand with it), and people who experience moral injury feel intense shame or guilt about it. i think maybe n becoming a vampire caused them some fictional equivalent of a moral injury, especially considering the circumstances in which they were turned 
so n’s route approaches the question of bodily autonomy from the opposite side, when you have no choice but to consent (which is really common with disability, where you have to do things you don’t want to do because you do want to live) because to not consent would be death 
does that make sense? 
it’s like. m’s route is about what you do with a body. n’s route is about what you do to a body
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butterflydm · 1 year
‘Matrim’ Cauthon: what’s in a name, etc.
I'm putting this in my reread because it's relevant, but it does have spoilers through A Memory of Light, please be warned! (also much thanks to sunrise-and-death for giving me the info on the first five books, several months ago)
So, I have not yet started the Sanderson books in my reread but I did some research on something that I remember bugging me about the last three books, after a couple of people who were doing their first reads kinda confirmed it was definitely A Thing in the Sanderson books (tigraine-mantear noticed for sure). Anyway, I wanted to share my results.
While I agree with markantonys that Sanderson's most out of character choice for Mat is his failure to have Mat think about Elayne's dimple even once, for me, the second biggest Sanderson-specific narration/PoV misstep is definitely, definitely the overuse of 'Matrim’ Cauthon.
Let me illustrate (using a random website that I found, also, while this is something that does annoy me, it is not that serious, lol. It mostly Just Bugs Me. But making the graphs was surprisingly fun so... there’s several of them).
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In the Jordan books: 59 times over the course of eleven books.
In the Sanderson books: 125 times over the course of THREE books!
And Mat himself goes from almost never using/thinking of the name (3 times over the course of Jordan’s 11 books) to being one of the primary people who uses it (30 times over the course of Sanderson’s 3 books). 
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Per book chart average. The teal is Jordan and the yellow bar is Sanderson. The only case where the teal bar is larger is Nynaeve. She’s the only person who used ‘Matrim’ more often in the Jordan books than in the Sanderson ones (averaged per book). Unless you count Tam, but I’m not sure if Tam mentions Mat at all in the last three books? I'll try to remember to check during my reread. 
Special notes: Tam was only averaged for 8 books in the Jordan books, mostly a guess as to when he appears in Perrin’s storyline; Moiraine was averaged for the first five for the Jordan books, since she went into the doorway at that point; Elayne was averaged for 9, since she wasn’t really aware of Mat’s existence in the first two books. Tuon was averaged for three because she was introduced in Winter’s Heart.
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“Matrim” is used EXTREMELY sparingly in the Jordan books. I’m guessing that Jordan wanted to Make A Point by having Tuon use it, which does kinda hilariously get watered down by so many other people using it in Sanderson’s books, to the extent that she has to give him a whole new Special Asshole Name because Matrim isn’t cutting it anymore. I feel like the point Jordan was trying to make (Romance Lady Gets To Use Special Name) was not the point that I took from it (Tuon Is An Asshole Who Doesn’t Respect Preferred Names), but mine has more textual backup (see: Leilwin née Egeanin).
For interest’s sake, since our other mains also have ‘formal’ titles that get used in place of their names, I made a few more graphs, just for fun:
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We can see here what Mat and Perrin usually just go by their names, and Elayne rarely uses��“Daughter-Heir” as well, while Nynaeve has a solid stripe of green from the early books and then it cuts off, while Egwene is the reverse, getting a strong amount of having a title near the second half of the series. 
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Cutting “Rand” out to see everything else better. 
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Here I just left in the titles plus Mat’s “formal” names. You can see how thin that stripe of green is for “Matrim” and how it’s mostly the deeper purples of the last books.
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Cutting out “Dragon” so that we can zoom in even more on everyone else’s titles. You know, seeing Mother, Wisdom, and Daughter-Heir like this is giving me real Maiden/Mother/Crone vibes. Like, I know that the comparison that is used a lot is Aviendha (former Maiden), Elayne (Mother that literally gets pregnant in the series, and Min (crone... because she’s older than Rand? I guess, lol), but honestly Elayne as Maiden, Egwene as Mother, Nynaeve as Crone is giving me vibes. 
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Finally, taking out “Mother” and “Lews Therin” really lets us see what’s happening with everyone else’s titles. Here you can really see how massive the three Sanderson books are in comparison to the Jordan ones when it comes to “Matrim”.
And for the raw Matrim data, here is our total Matrim count across the entire series, broken down by who says it:
Eye of the World: 8 times
Tam x3
Nynaeve x2 (annoyed with him)
Egwene x2 (annoyed with him)
Mat x1 (introducing himself to Moiraine & trying to impress her)
The Great Hunt: 2 times
Moiraine x2
The Dragon Reborn: 10 times
Padan Fain: x1
Moiraine x1
‘Selene’ aka Lanfear x1
Random Tar Valon Guard x1
Nynaeve x3 (annoyed with him)
Egwene x2 (annoyed with him)
That Herbalist Lady in Cairhien x1 (how did she learn it?)
The Shadow Rising: 8 times
Elaida x1 (how did she learn it?)
Egwene x1
Moiraine x1
Melaine x2 (HOW did she learn it?)
‘Natael’ aka Asmodean x1
Liandrin x1
‘Keille’ aka Lanfear x1
Melaine calling Mat ‘Matrim’ is EXTRA weird because she doesn’t use his last name, so she’s both being shockingly formal by Westlands terms (by using ‘Matrim’) but shockingly informal and intimate by Aiel terms (no last name). 
The weirdest thing about some of the ‘Matrim’s in the books is that they seem to completely come from the ether, as no one has introduced Mat to these people in this way and how do they even KNOW that Matrim is his formal name??? Naming conventions are so country-specific in this series and we never meet another person named ‘Matrim’, so how do all these random people know that Mat is short for ‘Matrim’? (Authorial fiat)
The Fires of Heaven: 7 times
Random Aiel x3
Melindhra x2
Somara x1 
Random Cairhienin citizens x1
Lord of Chaos: 7 times
Mat x1 (first time he’s mentioned or thought of the name since book 1!)
Random Cairhienin citizens x5
Nynaeve x1
And Mat thinks of himself as ‘Matrim’ here but still introduces himself as Mat (”Just call me Mat”).
A Crown of Swords: 5 times
Nynaeve x3 (very annoyed with him)
Elayne x2 (formally)
The Path of Daggers: 2 times
Elayne x2 (formally to other people)
Winter’s Heart: 0 times
Crossroads of Twilight: 0 times
Knife of Dreams: 10 times
Thom x1
Tuon x8 
Mat x1 (in the context of thinking about how no one calls him that, while he’s in the middle of asking Tuon to call him ‘Mat’)
I will note that Thom has NEVER used the word ‘Matrim’ before this very convenient moment of announcing it to Tuon so that she can keep not calling Mat by the name he prefers. And I’m not sure where THOMDRIL has any room to be using other people’s formal names in front of randoms. I will also note that though it is implied that Mat doesn't want to be called 'Matrim' (since he introduces himself as Mat always except once to Moiraine in EotW), from what I could see, Tuon is the only time Mat corrects someone calling him Matrim (but she's a jerk so she ignores him).
Notably, ‘Matrim’ is almost always used in the Jordan books when people being particularly formal (or, mostly in the case of Nynaeve, when she’s mad at him). Until Tuon. When Tuon decides that she respects him enough to no longer call him ‘Toy’ but not enough to respect his choice in names, she refers to him as Matrim multiple times in that one scene, just to really grind in that she refuses to use the name he prefers (she’s such a petty asshole so again I say ‘yikes’ for Randland that Jordan decided she didn’t need any character growth during her circus roadtrip), as he asks her SEVERAL times to call him “Mat” and she’s just all: *asshole stare* nope, I will never call you the name you prefer and you better get used to it! Truly a marriage dredged from the cold and miserable depths of hell.
Okay, now brace yourselves.
The Gathering Storm: 35 times
Graendal x1
Nynaeve x2
Tuon x12
Mat x3 
Joline x2
Thom x1
Aludra x2
Verin x12
Tower of Midnight: 38 times
Mat x11
Teslyn x3
Joline x1
Elayne x5
Leilwin née Egeanin x1
Setalle Anan x4
Thom x1
Sumeko x1
Tuon x2
Perrin x2
Faile x1
Moiraine x5
Verin x1
A Memory of Light: 52 times!!!! 
(Almost as much as Jordan used in the entirety of the first 11 books.)
Leilwin née Egeanin x1
Mat x16
Selucia x1
Tuon x17 (and once she continues her asshole trend and renames him, we get Knotai x33)
Moiraine x1
Egwene x5
Min x2
Faile x2
Urien x1
Elayne x5
Davram Bashere x1
Olver x1
Fain x1
Loial x2
Ironically, Mat uses the name 'Matrim' the most in his own thoughts in the very book where Tuon tries to take the name away from him (though he is luckily not brainwashed enough into the Seanchan culture to actually start thinking of himself as ‘Knotai’). 
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jiiyawns · 2 years
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lil gift for @chaoxfix because this chapter still lives in my head rent free
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Just some Magic Mechanics for my Assassin’s Creed/The Librarian(s) Crossover Fic
Pretty sure I posted this before but forgot to tag properly and then Tumblr ate it so… reposting my art!
Literally begging people to ask me about it please.
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Below is an interlude chapter from my fic The Book of Memories under the cut, in which Judson and Flynn discuss magic and the diagram above...
Judson actually jumped a little bit when he walked into the Annex Hub inside the Library and nearly ran into Flynn, who had pounced the moment he’d set eyes on the poor man with an open book balanced in one hand and a cuneiform tablet stylus in the other. His entire appearance was disheveled, to say the least, from the perpetually-tussled state of his hair to the now-constant lack of a tie and unbuttoned collar of his shirt (evidence of Desmond’s paranoia about giving enemies an opportunity to strangle him having finally broken the habit of neckwear) to the fact that the shirt was untucked, and finally to the missing left shoe with the sock that had little snowmen on it.
“Can I help you?” Judson asked politely. Flynn just nodded enthusiastically.
“Yeah. Can you teach me magic?” Judson blinked, and Flynn gestured to the book with the stylus. “It’s just- I’ve been reading up on the books you recommended but I’m not really understanding some things. I was hoping you could explain?”
“…I see. What is the purpose of the stylus?”
“I was practicing on a tablet, it’s not important-”
“And the missing shoe?” Flynn finally paused for breath, that manic gleam in his eye fading away as excitement turned to a grimace.
“One of the gnomes got out and ate it. Desmond lost his right one using it as a lure, and Jenkins lost a blacksmithing glove trying to get it into the groundhog trap. But we got it back into the enclosure eventually.”
“If there isn’t a loss of limbs, I suppose we can chalk it up as a success,” Judson sighed. “Why the sudden desire to learn about magic?”
“Well… I just… I know you’re teaching Desmond,” Flynn said awkwardly. Judson sighed, tiredness seeping into his tone.
“Flynn, it- it’s a different situation. I’m teaching Desmond how to control his natural talents. Talents which you do not possess and thus don’t need to learn to control, and as such have no reason to learn anything.”
“I still want to,” Flynn begged. “Please? I sort of know the difference between Mages and Sorcerers, just not a lot, but I think I could learn! I’m an A student for a reason, hard work doesn’t faze me. Long hours of study? Definitely in my wheelhouse. I love a challenge! Even if it takes years I want to give it a shot. Just… give me the chance?”
“…Very well,” Judson sighed, motioning for Flynn to sit in front of the chalkboard. Taking up a piece of white chalk, he began to draw an information web from rote memory. It consisted of a large central circle with eight small circles around it, and four larger branches stemming off of the center. Above it was base information on magical creatures and below base information on Mages and Sorcerers, separate from all else. The four branches were ‘Null, Linguistics, Mathemagicks,’ and ‘Runic.’ Off by itself not touching anything was a smaller circle labeled ‘Isu.’
“There are some tests we will have to engage in to determine whether or not you can even perform magic at all,” he explained when he had finished with the diagram, pointing at the upper left branch labeled ‘Null.’ “Every living being has some level of base magic inside of them. Mages are born with an excess, and using magic comes to them very naturally. But Nulls are people born with a deficiency of magic, making their levels so low they may as well be nonexistent.” He pointed at a few of the connected bubbles as he spoke. “Because of this deficiency, Null people are naturally shielded against environmental magic, psychic magic, curses, and anything involving any sort of mind control. Like water off the backs of waterfowl, magic just… slides off of them in many instances. The lower a Null’s magic count in their body, the greater chance they have of not being affected by it, though spell strength can occasionally ensnare most of them if potent enough. Now-”
“Continue,” Flynn said patiently, completely ignoring Judson’s flabbergasted look as he stoked their tiny little portable fire pit and prepared a marshmallow for roasting. “I’m listening.”
“Mm… As I was saying, your ability to interact with some of our artifacts tells me you are not a Null, but this doesn’t explain your magical affinity,” Judson said doubtfully. “Mages, while having a natural affinity, need years of study to hone their raw gifts. Sorcerers can attain great abilities after years of study- far longer than a Mage might need I may add- but they can be fairly powerful on their own right. Magical creatures have by far the most daunting levels of raw power, but this always manifests in niche areas of ability and comes with certain restrictions based on what creature being discussed.”
“Like Isu?” Flynn asked, nodding pointedly at the single lonely circle on the diagram. Judson shook his head.
“Not exactly. As you know, the beings mythology have come to think of as the Gods of multiple pantheons across the world were actually a species that predated- and created- humanity called the Isu. After the human rebellion lead by the Hybrids Hawwāh and Adem- Eve and Adam- and the destruction of the world due to the solar flare that caused enough tectonic unrest to trigger the Toba catastrophe over 75,000 years ago, the Isu departed to a different plane of existence called ‘Eden’ much like the Fae world of Tír na nÓg where they could live forever. The Isu, being steeped richly with potent magical affinity, created three areas of study.” Here, he pointed to the remaining three branches on the diagram. “Isu could choose to master all three if they so chose, though different sects chose to master different branches as a cultural demarcation than anything else. The Feyan- or Greek and Roman Isu- chose to focus on the Mathemagick side of things. The Egyptian and Norse focused on Runic. Hindu and Celtic? Linguistic. They would often cross between the three in their experiments and so on and so forth, but the basics remain.”
“Can humans also master all three branches?”
“No. While humans were created in the image of the Isu to be a slave workforce, they took the precaution of limiting our magical abilities. While an Isu could use magic with impunity, a human can suffer extreme backlash if they do not understand the risks or know what they are doing, which is why practitioners of magic are extremely rare. Tossing aside the severe rarity of Mages, Sorcerers just don’t happen that often, due to how long it takes before dedicated study produces any positive results- at minimum, a Sorcerer won’t see any progress until the five year mark if not later. It can be extremely discouraging as a result, meaning that Sorcerers are actually even rarer than Mages statistically speaking.”
“So… trying to master more than one branch would be… bad,” Flynn summarized. Judson nodded.
“Tremendously. Fatally, even. That’s not to say that a practitioner can’t dabble, mind. We do it all the time, but we would never presume to claim mastery over more than one branch. I myself am a Linguist, and Charlene a Mathemagician. Jenkins has become extremely adept at Runes over the years. Deciding which branch to study is determined by which you are most attuned to. Your being a polymath may make that process difficult down the line once you’ve grasped the basics, in fact. But not impossible.”
“Color me intrigued.” Flynn removed the marshmallow from the fire and carefully placed it between chocolate and graham cracker, then crunched down. Judson sighed and decided to ignore the s’more situation in favor of continuing his lecture.
“Linguistics is a fascinating field of study, at- at least as far as I’m concerned. It relies heavily on empathic influence, and the more complex the crafting of the prose the more powerful a spell will usually be. The branch of Incantation carries curses, enchantments, illusion, and even the ability to distort reality. Lyric, or musical, spell casting is also somewhat common if you have the pipes for it. Another branch is called ‘Charmspeak,’ and it implies what you think it implies. The ability to persuade or hypnotize someone into doing or believing what you want. The ah- the little white spell that automatically gains peoples’ trust when you tell them that you are a Librarian falls under such a category. Extremely powerful Linguists can even summon Fictionals using this form of magic-”
“What’s a Fictional?” Flynn asked. Judson paused, mulling the question over, before shaking his head.
“A complex answer for another time, I’m afraid.”
“Mathemagicks is the employment of equations and science to affect and even warp reality. It contains alchemy, medicinal miracles for the most well-studied, and usually comes with a high affinity for technology including but not limited to technopathy. Runic practitioners enjoy environmental spellcasting and the ability to create artifacts or encode a magical charge and spell into a desired object through carving, embroidering, calligraphy, or even the occasional tattoo. The magic they use can be freeform in creation, but must contain specific purpose towards the object the magic is being imbued with. Only the most adept can create a phylactery or, in other terms, an object containing a piece of one’s soul.”
“…Like the Book of Memories and the pendant Altaïr created to reincarnate,” Flynn said, catching on. Judson smiled.
“Yes. And, like his forebears, Desmond has a very high affinity for Runic spellcasting in particular. Hence the reason he studies how to control his magic more with Jenkins than he does with me.”
“Are there abilities that everybody can do even if they don’t choose a specific area of study?”
“Of course. The Sight, which you have seen Desmond employ many a time, is so readily usable that even untrained individuals with a decent enough magical threshold can use it, and it is utilized quite frequently by the Assassin Brotherhood. Less- less so in the more recent centuries of course, as wild magic has faded from the world due to inactive Ley Lines, but you understand the principle. My ah- my mirror trick is another easy form of magic, and most individuals with magical affinity that are repeatedly exposed to magic develop a natural shielding of their mind, soul, and body over the years. Ah… clairvoyance, or dreamsharing, can happen by accident for the more magically inclined and give them some rather unpleasant deja vu on occasion. Astral Projection is usually obtained through careful balancing of mind and body and enjoyed as a way to study with impunity by monks the world over. Telepathy and minor illusion spells- usually of the sort that obscure a person from being discovered during a search and so on- require a decent grasp of the base mechanics through study to use effectively.”
Here, Judson smiled and held a finger and thumb up. He snapped them together, disappearing in a shower of golden dust and reappearing on the other side of the long center table. Flynn turned to see him in his seat.
“Snap Travel is perhaps the trickiest baseline spells to master and must not be attempted in any complex way unless done by an experienced practitioner after many years of study. It is not nearly as simple as it appears and requires a nearly encyclopedia knowledge of geography and latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates. Suffice it to say, I feel it will be almost annoyingly easy for you to utilize if you decide to pursue magical study under my instruction.”
“I’d love to!” Flynn exclaimed, leaping up and bouncing on his feet. Lopsided of course, given the lack of one shoe, but not deterring him from his bouncing in any way all the same.
“Hm.” Judson looked him over and gave an approving nod. “I’ll see about adding on to your education as Librarian, then. We’ll see what best suits you.”
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maybebabyplease · 25 days
For the Fic Guessing Game—hee hee hee hee—
“Regulus is an adult now, though. He lives on his own. Ish. He knows how to behave when he has a crush. There’s no chance of him standing up in front of his History of Magic class, trying to hide an erection under his robes. He walks into the party totally sure of himself. Regulus Black can be cool.”
HA okay well i said i didn't remember any of my fics but i actually DO remember this one, because i thought i was soooooo funny.....no one tell me otherwise........
this line is from book smart my darling little remus/regulus fic. i really should write some more remus/regulus! they're lowkey so fun + have potential for such an interesting dynamic...hmmm......much to consider
fic line guessing game
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pizzee · 2 years
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sysig · 6 months
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It always seems like such a good idea in the moment (Patreon)
The first four are in reference to a great idea I had of - since I’ve finished my lower-limit page number testing for making books; shorter fics take up less page space, and just increasing the font size isn’t as handsome! - simply making a mini book! All it would take would be to halve the pages again, right? Just cut them right down the middle! Easy peasy!
As I’m sure you can tell by the second, no. Not easy peasy. Difficult painful un-fun >:(
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Obviously I still did it tho! What do you take me for, someone who could have the idea of an even tinier book and then not do something about it?? No It’s also the only one so far to have a paper bookmark rather than a ribbon!
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All told it’s a bit smaller than your average manga (I love the monochrome covers on these under their dust jackets haha <3) - you can see even with effectively doubling up the pages by halving their size, it was still very small-spined!
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A quick shot while it was still being made hehe ♪ It’s Out! Paired here - and the earlier one, just without its dust jacket haha - with my Zarla SC2 collection (ft. Family, Negotiations are Going...Well, and With No Obligation) - I absolutely kicked myself after the fact for not including Out as the run-up to everything, I was really trying to make a full collection in probably-chronological order! Out would’ve been a perfect start! And it only would’ve taken like four pages!!
Ah well, it was still quite a learning experience - I probably wouldn’t make another standalone of under 4k-ish just for formatting reasons but I did get some good ideas of how to do so if I wanted to! Although, my next project is going to be even more of a formatting nightmare........I’ll get there when I get there! Lol
#Doodles#The impulsive thoughts are always the funnest! But then it's all a matter of actually putting them into reality...#Ahh well like I said under the cut it was a learning experience! And I really wanted a physical copy of Out haha ♪#I don't think I've ever mentioned it - not even in my pre-fic notes :0 - but Out was another one of my inspirations for Drinking Game#I mean - the drinking lol obviously but I hadn't considered what VUX drinking would be like before reading it :)#I wanted to pair it with both physical copies hehe ♫ I'm happy I attempted it! And I have a better foundation to build on in the future!#I ended up using the scrap leftover from making such a small cover as the bookmark haha - and I picked the covers so they'd almost-match :)#They go together! But not quite! Just enough!#The sting of creation has worn off - it's actually been a while since I've made a quick book! - so the itch is starting to come back haha#Well - almost lol - the formatting is still........but I do want to do it! Especially now that I've got a hand-in-hand hobby to go with it#All that later ♪ For now snakes!#And also spiders I am also the same when spiders#I've been escorting a lot of spiders outside lately and pretty much all of them fall under the moniker of ''darling'' to me lol#Still no luck on finding a jumping spider :( But I also haven't got an enclosure set up yet either#There's this one booth that always has such adorable and pretty jumping spider enclosures ahhh I might have to break and get one someday#Same place where I got to hold the snake in fact! :D She was a love <3 Beautiful full-grown female cornsnake if memory serves#She was rather wiggly - she was tired and fussy and didn't feel like being handled by a stranger but she was so polite about it#A real delight to handle <3 And I got to see her babies! So cute and tiny!#The rest is more SCII fic stuff haha ♪ Rereading the Pirate fic was a lot of fun :) Intentionally avoiding Vargas fic(s) does make me a bit#Well I really like Vargas still lol it is candy to my brain so any gesture even remotely in that direction is very exciting haha#I'm perfectly happy with the rest for now tho! I have plenty of things to read and make! >:3c#Heck there's still a SCII fic I haven't read yet that I want to!! I just have to get all my previous SCII thoughts out of my head first haha#I will tho >:3c Always always ♪♫#SCII
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riddikuluspuff · 8 months
one shot: farewell, my love
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♢ farewell, my love
relationship: Alex Claremont-Diaz x Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor
rating: teenage and up
synopsis: Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor had been rushed out of Kensington Palace in the late afternoon and pushed onto his private plane with urgency. His equerry, Shaan Srivastava, not disclosing anything except that they were travelling to Washington earlier than they had originally arranged. Alex Claremont-Diaz and Henry had been officially out in the public eye as a couple for a couple of months and it was just a little longer that Alex's mother had been re-elected into office. Since Ellen Claremont's re-election, there had been a group of extremists that hadn't agreed with her being in office once more, doing anything to destroy what Ellen and her political team had changed about America. This resulted in targeting her only son, Alexander.
word count: 1k
! ON AO3 !
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mossy-aro · 2 months
i can’t believe i nearly forgot my mia warren is aroace agenda. anyways reminder mia warren is aroace coded asf
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idk man just tapping into the part of Holly that is very sad and very scared that she only shows a couple times because she's figured out how to hold herself together and keep breathing and not fall apart and she's ALWAYS been good at that, it's just in her nature, but she DOES get sad and she DOES get scared and when she does is she ever really allowed to show it? the others look to her for maturity and steadiness and support so much in the books and that puts so much pressure on her, to be the adult and be there for these children who don't realize they're children, and she's never allowed to really truly crack under pressure. even when she does it's an anomaly, it's under extreme duress, it's when someone is dying or her trauma is being poked in just the right way, and she's never really given the space to have that emotion until she's sitting behind a barricade with Lucy who once hated her just for being mature and then: she gets to be a part of the group that is going to make the world a place children can live in again
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