#fic: hp (severus snape x reader)
serverusslaype · 9 months
Shameless fic masterpost! & other things
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This is a Severus Snape x Professor!Reader fic. :)
(ongoing/incomplete, 99,115 words)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16
One-shots, Drabbles etc
The Yule Ball: Part 1, Part 2
Shameless AU - Jealousy
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simpforsnape · 1 year
Daddy Duties.
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Severus Snape x Reader
wordcount: 640
warnings: Fluff, Minor errors. (Severus is a good daddy <3)
Credit to the creator of this gif.
C/N- Child’s Name - Y/N- Your Name
Severus stood at the front of his classroom, his wand in one hand and a stack of essays in the other. He had just finished lecturing his fifth-year Slytherins on the finer points of potion-making when he heard a small voice calling out to him.
Severus turned to see his three-year-old daughter, C/N, toddling down the aisle between the desks. She was wearing a bright pink dress and her curly hair was tied back into two messy pigtails.
"C/N" Severus said, his voice softening with his eyes glued on her. "What are you doing here?"
"Bumblebee sent me!" C/N said, grinning up at him with her toothy smile. She was referring to Dumbledore.
Severus sighed inwardly. He glanced to see Dumbledore standing in the doorway of his classroom, smiling. He had been so busy with his work that he had forgotten that you had asked him to watch C/N while you were called away to business.
"Well, you can't be here right now," Severus said, setting down his essays. "I'm teaching."
"But I want to stay with you," C/N said as she wined.
Severus hesitated. He couldn't very well send his daughter away, but he couldn't exactly have her in the classroom either. He looked around the room, searching for a solution.
Finally, he had an idea. He conjured up a small, cushioned chair and placed it at the front of the room near his desk.
"You can sit here," he said, lifting her up and placing her in the chair. "But you have to be very quiet and still. Daddy is teaching a class."
C/N nodded solemnly, her big brown eyes fixed on her father. Severus picked up his wand and resumed his lecture, keeping a watchful eye on his daughter out of the corner of his eye.
For a while, C/N was content to watch her father teach. She sat quietly in her chair, her small hands folded in her lap, as Severus droned on about the proper way to brew a healing potion. But then she grew restless.
"Daddy," she whispered, tugging on his sleeve. "I'm bored." Severus could hear the nearby students giggling at the toddlers sudden outburst.
Severus sighed. "You have to be patient, C/N. Daddy will be finished soon." He mentioned, striking a stern smug toward the students to silence them.
Y/N scrunched up her nose. "But I don't like potions," she said, sticking out her bottom lip.
Severus raised an eyebrow. "You don't?”
C/N shook her head. "It's boring."
Severus couldn't help but smile. "Well, what do you like then?"
C/N thought for a moment. "I like unicorns," she said, her face lighting up.
Severus chuckled. "Unicorns?"
C/N nodded vigorously. "Can we talk about unicorns?"
Severus glanced at his class, who were all staring at him with varying degrees of amusement and confusion. He cleared his throat.
"It seems we have a new topic for today's lesson," he said dryly. "Unicorns."
Severus spent the next half hour discussing the mythology and symbolism of unicorns with his daughter, much to the amusement of his students. C/N listened, occasionally interrupting with questions. When the lesson was over, she clapped her hands in delight.
"That was fun, Daddy!" she said, beaming up at him.
Severus smiled, feeling relief wash over him. He had managed to keep his daughter entertained and had even taught his students something new.
As class was shortly dismissed, Severus paced over to C/N holding the toddler in his arms as he held her close.
He placed a gentle kiss on the side of her face. His daughter made him feel vulnerable at times. But he always embraced moments like these.
“Thank you, Daddy.” C/N smiled as she pressed her forehead against his chest.
“You are more than welcome, My sweet,” Severus replied, feeling a smile creep on his lips.
He would do this again without hesitation, just for his daughter.
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annwrites · 16 days
“Why did you not come to me?”
— pairing: severus snape x fem!reader
— type: ficlet
— summary: you make your second delivery to snape's classroom & the two of you talk a bit about your time as his student
— tags: conversing
— tw: eating, mentions of bullying
— word count: 1,241
— a/n: find my other posts concerning snape, which take place before & after this, here)! | ignore the snow in the gif i chose lol
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It’s almost a week later when another order comes into the shop from Snape via owl. The order states explicitly, same as last time, that you are to be the only one handling it.
It’s nearly an hour later when you’ve finally fulfilled the order and it’s ready to go. You transfer the contents into your bag, retrieving licorice to snack on as you make your way to the castle, the day unfortunately a bit overcast, but still warm. Thankfully, no rain predicted.
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Snape’s classroom is empty, including his office, which you’d barely peeked into—not wanting to be nosy—so you leave the boxes on his desk and begin rifling through your bag for another sweet treat, not paying attention to where you’re going when you slam into the large, solid form of another.
With now-heated cheeks, you look up sheepishly at Severus, who’s staring down at you, hands clasped around your upper-arms, moving you to the side as he enters the classroom. 
“You should be more observant,” he states.
“Sorry,” you reply, feeling about an inch tall.
He makes his way to his desk, checking the contents of his order, same as last time.
He then glances up to you, watching as you pull a bag of jellybeans from your purse, noticing you’re dressed in a soft yellow dress today, a pair of brown boots on your feet, a long necklace with the charm of a feather hanging from your neck. 
He’s sorting through jars of lacewing flies when you finally look up at him.
You seat yourself on top of a table as you wait, feet dangling under you.
He looks at you with a raised brow at your poor example of decorum. “Everything seems to be in-order.”
Same as before, he comes to stand in front of you, coins in his palm, waiting for you to give him your own.
You sigh, knowing it’s useless to try telling him, once again, that a tip isn’t necessary. You smile as he drops the gold coins into your hand, though. “Thank you.”
He hums his response. “I don’t recall you being…like this when you were my student.”
You think back to those times. “How do you remember me?”
He begins wiping down the board at the front of the room. “Quiet, withdrawn. Someone who kept to herself—far more concerned with her studies than that of vapid popularity or gossip like her peers. Nevertheless, a girl.”
You lean back against your palms. “And now?”
He begins writing down tomorrow’s lessons. “Now, I wonder if you have not become the opposite.”
Something about him thinking as much displeases you. “You find me vapid?”
He glances at you over his shoulder—at your cheery yellow dress—but only for a moment, before turning back to his current task.
“I remember a time when I came to this room every day to have lunch.”
His hand falters for only a moment before he begins writing again. “As do I.”
“I still keep to myself. Not as much as I once did, perhaps, but I still appreciate my privacy. Just for different reasons now.”
He’s quiet for a moment. Then, “And what reasons might those be, I wonder?”
You sit forward, folding your hands in your lap, looking down. “Before, or now?”
He shrugs.
“It’s a long story.”
He was always curious before as to why it was his classroom—him—that you sought out as your daily escape. Most students seemed not to care too greatly for him. Then again, he was not as forthcoming or friendly as some of his academic counterparts. He decides to ask why, wanting the mystery finally solved.
“Why was my classroom the one you preferred for your lunches?”
“You were my favorite teacher.”
His hand falls, turning slowly back to you. “Is that so?”
Your smile is gone now, your expression far more serious. Similar to the one you typically sported all those years ago when you seemed always-solemn. “When I was here…with you I didn’t have to pretend to be happy. To be okay. I could just…be. Even if it was only for an hour.”
The first time you’d come to his room, a plate for lunch in-hand, he’d at first told you snidely that the Great Hall was downstairs and you would either find it on your own or he would escort you. Until you’d quietly asked if you could eat lunch with him instead. It’d been your first year. Your third day, at that.
Something about the look on your face—your quiet tone—had caused him to step aside, watching as you took your usual seat up front that you usually occupied during class. 
You ate in silence as he graded papers, slipping out just as the hour was up without another word.
The two of you went through that same rendition every day for every year you were a pupil at Hogwarts.
A few times you’d not come, due to being sick, and he would never admit to missing your presence on those days. Even if he had. Would furthermore never admit to brewing you wellness potions once or twice to speed along your recovery. 
Said potions would simply appear at your bedside, a note stating how they were to be taken.
And you’d been stupid enough to bother ingesting them, without knowing where they’d even come from, or whom. But you’d always felt better, and quickly.
“Are you not happy now?” He asks, tone portraying indifference to whatever your answer may be.
You give him a small smile. “Happier. Since I came back to this area, that is.” You pause. “The muggle world never truly felt like home to me, or that I really had one there. I should’ve come back sooner, perhaps. But being…muggle-born… There were some who made me feel like the Wizarding World wasn’t for me.” You look at him from under your lashes. “Being a Slytherin, I’m sure you're aware just how cruel pure, and even some half-bloods, can be to those like me.”
A muscle in his jaw feathers. “Yes.”
“But they’d already done enough damage to me as a child. I wouldn’t let them continue to control me into adulthood. So, I returned to Hogsmeade, purchased a small home, and gained employment. And here I am,” you say, swinging your feet again.
“Why did you not come to me?”
Your brows furrow. “What?”
“If students were harassing you, you should’ve-”
You shake your head, looking down again. “Many of them were from Slytherin. And…seemed to even be favored by you in-class. I didn’t want to cause trouble.”
He’d treated the very same students that’d forced you further into yourself with preferability right in front of you… Why did you keep returning to spend time with him every day, then? Why did you not see him as being just as bad as they?
“You should’ve told me. I would’ve put a stop to it immediately.”
You shrug. “It’s in the past now. I’ve moved forward with my life. I just hope they’ve grown into better people as well.”
He scoffs. “Hufflepuffs. Now I finally understand why you were sorted into that house, and not Ravenclaw.”
You look up at him, retrieving your bag of jellybeans again. 
He takes a step closer to you. “Unfailingly kind, aren’t you?”
Your lip twitches. “I made you like me, didn’t I?”
He stares at you for a moment. “Don’t humor yourself,” he states, turning back to the blackboard.
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kitty-tea · 4 months
Why do you hate me?
Link to masterlist
Severus Snape x f!reader
WC: 1.5k
Summary: After starting your job as a professor at Hogwarts, you don’t understand why Professor Snape is the one person who doesn’t seem to like you.
Warnings: age gap, angst, SFW, crying, slightly OOC Snape
I still have some stuff I need to catch up on but maybe I can make a part two soon?💁🏻‍♀️
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You were more than thrilled when you were accepted to fill in the position for the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. As Dumbledore introduced you to the school at the Welcoming Feast, your eyes went over to the Slytherin table where you recognized some of the students you went to school with who were younger than you. Your memory went back to your last year sitting at that table with them, and it was as if you’d blinked and they were already old enough to be taking their N.E.W.Ts the upcoming year. You gave a wave to them as they saw you which they returned with a thumbs up.
It seemed as if someone else didn’t give off the same welcoming energy that the rest of the staff and students were giving you. That person was none other than your former head of house, Severus Snape, who was sitting right next to you, rolling his eyes.
He had started teaching when you were in your first year, and it didn’t take long for you as an impressionable student to accept his strict ways of teaching. It wasn’t until your fourth year when you noticed you’d feel different around him than you did with any other teacher which made you realize you were developing a little crush on him that you waited for to go away throughout the rest of your time in school. It never did.
And now, there you were, sitting right next to him, with the same flame within you that caused you to blush.
After Dumbledore was finished making the rest of his announcements, you turned to Snape with a smile on your face.
“Hello Severus, you’ve been a teacher for a while now. Doesn’t it get exciting seeing all these new faces ready to have their minds filled with knowledge? I saw a good number of new additions to our wonderful house during the Sorting Ceremony!”
“It’s Professor Snape to you. And what makes you think I would enjoy having new students to teach?” Even though he turned to you with that same scowl on his face from all those years ago, there was something different about the way he looked at you that you couldn’t put your finger on.
“I’m sorry.” You apologized quickly, a meek smile on your face. “I just thought that… well, you’re a teacher, so… or maybe you see it as having new victims to torture?” You didn’t know why you had rambled on like a fool as the butterflies in your stomach continued to flutter. Having a crush on someone you’re not supposed to can make you do strange things, sometimes without your control it seems.
“The students better hope their new teacher takes her job seriously enough and doesn't treat it as a joking matter.” Snape pointed his sharp features at you which were emphasized by his pale face making you shrink back into your seat.
The more time went on throughout the school year, the more apparent it became that your former teacher hated you no less if not more than he used to. Every wave you gave to him in the corridors was only returned with a scowl, every “hello” with a “go away.” You didn’t understand why he could be so rude to you when you’ve been nothing but kind to him. Hearing rumors that he favored the Slytherins over the other three houses, you thought that he would have treated you with less disdain, but even as a student and teacher, it seemed like he treated you as if he forgot that you shared the same house.
The more you thought about it, you noticed that he used to single you out from the other Slytherins in your school days. You remembered storming out of class in your seventh year one time after he yelled at you for being an “embarrassment” to your house. All you had done was defend a Gryffindor student from the taunts of your fellow housemates. He then had the audacity to complain that you were the one disrupting his class!
Since becoming a teacher, you had in a way used Snape’s mistreatment of you as a motivation to be kind to every student and work with them in a way that was suitable to their needs. You never wanted another student to feel the same way about you that you had towards Snape.
Within a month of school, you had gained a reputation as one of the nicest teachers at Hogwarts, a stark contrast to how everyone else viewed Snape. There were some nosey older students who had taken the liberty of spreading gossip around which included information of how you were once his pupil making the younger students wonder in disbelief of how you turned out nothing like him.
Then there was Snape himself, whom you’d sometimes catch looking in your direction, looking as if he was dazed out, a sight that amused you as someone who had only seen him wear one other expression on his face. It was only when the soft sound of your laughter would hit his ears that he’d snap out of whatever trance he was in, narrowing his black eyes at you silently accusing you of mocking him.
You didn’t understand what was so different about him, what changed since the last time he saw you before you started teaching.
This lead to you becoming more intrigued with him, striking up a conversation with him whenever you were together only to be shut down by his familiar dismissiveness.
It was a Hogsmeade weekend which meant that you were alone in the library with the exception of some studious first and second year students. You had taken advantage of the near emptiness of the library to gather however many books you could fit onto two hands before leaving for your quarters. Thinking about how excited you were to bundle up in your blankets with the books you considered reading to your students, you sprinted through the castle. Maybe you got a little too excited because the next thing you knew you were plumeling face first into a wall of black fabric before the books were knocked out of your hands.
“I should’ve known it was you. Running around like the invasive pest that you are.” You looked up to meet Snape’s eyes for daggers, his taller frame looming over you.
“I’m so sorry, sir.” Your eyes widened as you frantically fidgeted with the skirt of your dress.
“Even after I thought I’d seen the last of you, you return like a persistent weed that has evolved into a thorn in my side.” He used his snarky attitude to ignore your apology.
Something inside of you deflated at the sound of his words, puncturing the previous excitement that was bubbling inside you making you momentarily forget about the books you had to pick up.
“I just thought we could be friends now that we’re coworkers.” You said in a near whisper.
“It might have escaped you when you were that pathetic student, but you can’t force everyone to be your friend.” He was clenching his fists at his sides.
“Why don’t you at least try being nice for once then?!” Hot tears were starting to simmer inside your eyelids, threatening to pour out. You hated how no matter how hard you tried standing up for yourself, you’d cry every time.
“Still weak as ever.” Snape said, eyeing your tears that were now running down your red cheeks.
“I am sick of you always treating me and looking at me like… I’m pathetic and calling me that!” You started to choke on your sobs. “Everyone has been kind to me! I don’t understand why you can’t be too when I’ve always tried being friendly with you, but you’ve been nothing but mean to me!”
“Being a pathetic excuse for a Slytherin doesn’t help.” Snape said loud and clear.
“Being a pathetic excuse for a teacher doesn’t help!” You shouted as loud as the tears would spill out fast. “You act like you know everything and that everyone else is beneath you! Maybe that’s why all the students hate you!”
“Thank you. For bringing my attention to something that is absolutely not new and wasting my time.” Snape said sarcastically, huffing under the layers of black.
“Why do you hate me?” You finally asked the question, a wall of tears clouding your vision.
The next thing you felt was calloused fingers brushing along the soft skin of your wet cheek before a pair of lips landed onto yours.
You were in too much of a shock to dwell on the fact that the man you’ve had a crush on for years was kissing you. You planted your hands against his hard chest as you returned the kiss. You let out a breathy whimper as his tongue traced your bottom lip. Both of you closed your eyes, savoring the moment until it was time to break away unless you wanted to take your last breath in his arms, which you would’ve been happy to.
“Because it infuriates me that I’ve wanted to do that to you every time I’ve looked at you since that day you returned to Hogwarts. You have no idea what you have done to me with those innocent eyes I can’t stop thinking about.” Snape’s voice broke you out of your daydreams before he stormed off without giving you a chance to speak.
You wanted to call out after him as you stood alone, trembling in your dried up tears.
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savxgelxve · 3 months
Moonlit Confessions 🌙
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A Cedric Diggory x Fem!reader fic.
Hey guys! This is my first time ever writing a fic. I've been reading fanfics for almost 5 years now, but was either too lazy or didn't get the courage to post my work. Constructive criticism is appreciated but please don't be mean...it's my first time so it'll likely suck 😅 Do give suggestions on how I can improve<3 A huge thanks to @queer-n-here for helping me out with some of the dialogues and plot suggestions. Go check them out!!!
(The reader is a "Prewitt" which is one of the sacred 28 pureblood families. Much like Weasleys as they too don't care about their pureblood status.)
Warnings: none. This is just pure fluff ^w^
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The moon was brighter then ever, as the soft wind blew playing with the locks of your hair. You stood by a large window of the library, waiting for him. But the serenity of the night sky had tranced you in it's beauty, so much so that you didn't even notice Cedric when he entered.
“The moon is beautiful, isn't it?”
You snapped out of your daze as you stepped back, startled.
“How long have you been here?” you asked with a surprised smile.
"Not long."
He replied with a smile, there was a faraway look in his eyes with a hint of excitement?....or was it mischief? but there was something about his expression you couldn't place your finger on.
"By the way, did you figure out the clue yet?" He asked.
"Not yet, that thing screams every time I open it. I'm surprised, it hasn't made me deaf yet." Your said, earning a chuckle from him.
Cedric had asked you for help with the golden egg he had got hold of in the first round of Triwizard tournament. He only trusted you with it. You and Cedric had known each other since you were practically babies. It was because both your parents were childhood friends as well.
"Then do we atleast have a lead?" He asked with an hopeful expression.
"Please don't tell me you owled that note saying, "Come to the library ASAP" just to show me a rock you found by the lake side again that was shaped like a pygmy puff." He teased.
"Oh shush, I did that when I was eleven! And the rock was cute."
"You haven't changed one bit, have you?" He shook his head chuckling.
You simply rolled your eyes with a small smile, "I do have a theory though."
Cedric crossed his arms as leaned against the wall with a curious expression, "Enlighten me, then."
"What if the scream was of the next creature you have to fight against? Just like the dragons?" You said walking towards a table which had two books you had picked out as you handed one to him. "We can try to figure out the possible creature you might have to fight against."
"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them." Cedric read the title out loud, "I feel like vicious would've been a better way to describe them." He added with an airy chuckle.
"Don't say that in front of someone who wants to be a magizoologist." You said with a playful glare.
"To you even an Erumpent is just as cute as a puppy." He replied with a teasing smile.
Cedric pulled out a chair for you and helped you get seated as he sat in front of you.
"Since when did you become such a gentleman?" You teased.
"Well, I can't help but channel my inner gentleman around you. Just trying to set the bar high, you know?" He replied with his classic smirk.
You raised an eyebrow, "Just around me? Are you sure you're allowed to say that with all your fangirls eavesdropping on our conversation?"
He loved this banter that they had. You were the only one on whom his charms wouldn't work and he took it as a challenge to change that.
"Well, it'll be easier to let them know I'm taken that way." He replied with a flirty smirk.
You rolled your eyes acting like it didn't bother you but your cheeks were dusted with the lightest shade of pink. It was barely visible but didn't go unnoticed by Cedric that was what he needed, a signal that he does affect her.
He rested his head in his arms as he smiled sweetly at you. "You look cute when you blush like that~"
"You're not the first one who said that to me." You replied with a sassy smirk, though internally you had melted in a puddle of blushing mess.
Cedric though smiling, visibly tensed at that reply.
"Haha, I guess I'll have to try harder to come up with compliments that leave you speechless then. Challenge accepted, and I think it'll be an easy win for me as it's hard not to compliment someone as adorable as you, even if it's been said before." He replied with a wink.
"We'll see about that." You replied with a small smile. "But for now, let's focus on the task, shall we?"
Cedric nodded, "So, that scream is well terrifying to say the least...could it be a Banshee?" He said pointing at the text under the image.
"A Banshee is a female spirit in Irish folklore who heralds the death of a family member, usually by screaming, wailing, shrieking, or keening." You read out loud.
"Well I don't think so, I mean, whose death are we talking about here? There aren't any dementors here anymore. But we can't completely rule out the possibility as the Triwizard Tournament which was held in 1792, had one of the tasks involving catching a cockatrice. However, the beast went on a rampage and injured three of the judges, the Head of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. I read that in Hogwarts, A History." You added.
"Really? But don't you think that after this tragic incident the authorities would be more careful?" Cedric asked curiously.
"Hmm. You do have a point...so perhaps it's a siren?" You thought out loud.
"Maybe? I read somewhere that a sirens scream can deafen a man and transform a woman into one of them." Cedric replied.
The two of you searched the entire Magical Creatures section of the library for an hour, but there wasn't much of a lead. Finally, Cedric suggested to take a break to go get some fresh air.
You both walked towards your usual spot near the lake. The moonlight illuminated the crystal clear waters of the lake, casting shimmering reflections that danced upon the surface with an ethereal grace, as if the night itself had decided to paint upon the canvas of the water.
As you both sat on the shore, you saw a really cute rock. "Ced, look! this looks like a Fwooper"
He simply chuckled, "Are you sure you wanna become a magizoologist? You could become naturalist considering your never-ending pile of rock collection."
"Well I love cute rocks, but I love animals more. All the rocks I have collected look like some sort of animal." You replied.
Cedric nodded, "So we have the next Newt Scamander in making. I see." He replied with a smile.
"Do you have the golden egg with you right now?" He asked randomly.
"Yeah why?"
"I wanna see if there are any marks or symbols carved on it that can give us a clue? Or perhaps help us understand that scream in a way?" He replied.
"That's a good idea." You replied as you opened your side bag, as you rummaged through its contents. But it was a bit hard because of the extending charm you'd used on it. Finally giving up with a frustrated sigh you took out your wand.
"Accio, golden egg." You casted the spell making the egg fly out of your bag and landing on the ground with a thud which opened it.
A ear piercing scream filled up the quite night, as the egg vibrated from the sound and fell into the lake.
You stood their horrified your hands trying to shut your ears.
"Holy Merlin!" Cedric exclaimed as he took his shirt off and jumped into the lake.
Expecting to hear the screams he was surprised to hear a melodious voice instead.
"Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."
As he closed the egg and got out of the lake, he had an excited smile on his face which confused you.
"This things scream changes into a song underwater!" He replied with a grin.
Your eyes sparkled as you smiled, "It's Mermish! That means the next task has Merpeople involved. It's likely gonna be an underwater task!" You replied.
"We finally figured it out!" you said as you hugged him excitedly, but pulled away sheepishly when you realised that he was still drenched and half naked. You looked away embarassed and blushing heavily.
"Like what you see?" He teased.
"Just get dressed for Merlin's sake!" You replied, earning a chuckle from him.
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The next few days were spent trying to figure out this what was the most valuable thing that the Merpeople would steal from him.
"What is it that you cherish the most, that you can't live without?" You asked.
"Uh...I don't know." The look that he gave you said otherwise though.
"Oh c'mon Ced! What is it?"
"You're asking the wrong question. Instead of what it should be who." He replied with a soft smile.
"What do you mean?... Who is it?" You asked confused.
"I would let you figure that out." He replied, chuckling at her obliviousness.
"Ced! please!"
"I've got Potions now, better get going before Snape gets all cranky." He replied with a smile. "Good luck with your little quest!" He added winking before he left.
You sighed as you hugged the books closer to your chest.
"Hey Y/N! I was just wondering if you're still up for the study session today?" Cho Chang asked startling you, making you drop your books clumsily.
"Oh shoot, I'm sorry I'm such a klutz." You apologized embarrassed as Cho helped you pick up your books.
"Don't be! I'm sorry I startled you." She replied with a smile.
That's when you noticed a book in her hand that you hadn't seen before. "What's it about?" you asked pointing at it.
"Oh this! It's a Japanese muggle comic, it's called a Manga."
"That explains why I haven't heard of it...so what's the plot for this one?"
"Girl! Have you been residing in a broom cupboard at the top of the Astronomy Tower? It's a period comic and it's literally so famous even the wizarding world knows about it! I've been obsessed with this, there's this really handsome guy who just confessed to his love interest! I'm so happy!!" Cho replied with an excited smile.
“The moon is beautiful, isn't it?” you read out loud. "How is this a love confession?" You asked confused.
"This phrase is a more poetic way of saying I love you. It's meant to express love indirectly, since in Japanese culture earlier it was considered rude to directly state your feelings or needs." Cho explained.
"Anyways I got to go now, don't forget about the study sessions! Also I have quite a collection of mangas if you want, you can borrow them. Muggle writers have really good imagination." She said as she waved you goodbye.
Suddenly everything clicked, as you were reminded of what Cedric said a few days ago. A soft blush formed on your cheeks.
"I guess...I figured it out, Ced." You mumbled to yourself with a smile.
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
something about !forced proximity! hits really hard! aaannnnnddd what if they’re not fond of each other toooo…
lots of angst..lots of guilt and then ofc fluff😘
Can't stand being away from you
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Pairing: draco x female reader, husband draco x wife reader
Summary: you and draco were always meant to be in each other's space you just didn't know it yet...
Word count: 1'104
Warning: mean draco, annoying draco, fat shaming, forced proximity, chubby reader, plot twist
Universe: harry Potter
A/n: I don't how I feel about this tbh but it's got the key things in the request. Tell me what you think in the comments ♡
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Trip's aren't ideal for Hogwarts but they decide to do one and of course you get partnered with draco. A part of you wanted to say there was nothing wrong with him, but there was…
He lived rent free in your mind and not in a good way. That stupid airy laugh he'd do to get his friends to laugh with him, the dumb hairstyles that never stayed the same, and his unnecessary obsession with bullying the trio; I mean you were the muggle born with old clothes you were a perfect target but he didn't bother you! not that you wanted him too or anything…
"Anything but that," Draco whined, pulling his luggage behind him. He stared with fascinati- angry as he looked you over. He could smell the lavender from your hair, see the redness from your chapstick, and worst of all he was near you and your weirdly styled clothes.
"It's only for the night, stop your whining," Snape snapped at him walking towards his room. Draco pushed the door open, eyes widening with a distasteful look on his face.
"This cannot be happening."
You blinked rapidly trying to make your mind process this. One bed, one bathroom, one tv, and well one everything. You inhaled, exhaling as you said
"it's only for one night." Not missing the loud sigh Draco let out. The hours consistented of you unpacking and looking over the map for the hotel, It wasn't long before you decided you wanted to shower but it seemed Draco had the same idea.
"Don't you dare," you warned but Draco smirked, turning towards you.
The two of you locked eyes that soon turned to thin slits then it was on…
you and draco ran for the small doorway, both of you pushing on another till the other fell. You looked like fools grunting and shoving like it was the last shower you'd ever take. He made it inside with a chuckle but as they always say, never turn your back on your enemies…
you came running for his side causing him to let out a squeal as you pushed at his firm waist. He tripped on the door lining falling onto the hotel carpet as he shot you a glare. luckily you made it inside, pushing the door shut as you slid down catching your breath.
"You clearly need it more, you smell like you roll in flower fields!" Draco called, but he wasn't sure why that didn't sound like an insult.
He rolled his eyes, still pissed that a girl had beat him at something.
She didn't beat me, this isn't a competition, I'm clearly stronger!
You emerge from the shower, waffering the room with the smell of your body wash and shampoo. Draco took in your appearance with a slight hum before facing the screen. You hadn't paid any mind to what he was watching, grabbing a book from your bag and taking a seat in a chair nearby. You didn't bother thinking about the sleeping arrangement, it was better not to yet anyway.
The procrastinator in you couldn't be bothered to fight Malfoy about it. You sighed, fixing your legs up on the table, head resting against the wall as you opened your book to the chapter your book mark held when all of a sudden the volume of the TV seemed to be easing its way up. You shut your book looking over at Draco in his PJs.
When did he change?
"Do you need the TV up that loud?" You asked as politely as you could. He shot you a smug smile, pink lips tugging at the sides mischievously.
"Yes, I hope you do understand. I'm hard of hearing. It sounds so quiet." His voice rang with fake panic matching the act on his face.
You hummed. "Funny. I don't remember you struggling to hear at school," you said smirking.
"What was that? I can't hear you, you sound so far away." he looked around like he'd lost a small child.
"But you just responded?" You stated, raising an eyebrow.
"Sorry darling will have to continue this conversation when the show quiets down," he pouted.
You opened your mouth before closing it. You hated how he got under your skin and made you feel as though you needed to reply. You only hoped the night passed quickly.
And just like that the sky was dark blue. You yawned, closing your book standing as you walked towards the bed. Draco shot you a dirty look and pulled the blanket up. You stood blinking, waiting for him to move but he didn't, he just Chuckled.
"You don't exactly expect me to lay next to you do you?" He asked, sitting upwards. You look puzzled.
"Where do you think I'll be laying then?" You snapped.
"make a mat on the floor. Besides, you couldn't fit next to me anyway, you're far too big for that."
You sighed taming the unwanted tears trying to leave your eyes. You grabbed your sweater, bunching it into a ball. You gently laid on the floor, the wood like ice against your skin. The heater wasn't even working properly as the night grew darker. You were pretty sure your teeth were chitting loudly as goosebumps from the cold covered your skin.
Your body shivered as you tried to breathe steadily to stop the slight shaking.
You curled tightly cursing the hate that was filling your head. You tried not to cry but everything was against you like you'd lost control. The tears ran down your face like rocks on a hill that you were chasing. It was impossible. The tears dried fast staining your cheeks with the reminder.
You weren't sure if Draco was asleep or awake because it was quiet minus the occasional feet moving through the hall.
He wasn't asleep.
His mind was stuck on what he said to you. He knew it was cruel to say but he couldn't have you think he liked you because truthfully he did. so he had to make every lit insult he could to cover the chance of you realizing it. You were sadly suffering which made him suffer having to hear and cause it. He was being stubborn.
What was the harm in you knowing how he felt?! There really wasn't one, he was just afraid of what it would cause if his father and friends knew he fell for a girl who was not only muggle but also was a person in the shadows, with no popularity, no family business, just a girl with two parents scraping together what they could.
He admired it really, how you grew up with only books as company and barely had a change of clothes. It was refreshing compared to the girls he usually was around. No appreciation, no care or kindness because everything was replaceable for them, money was there and people who would give up family for their places in high class; but then there was you.
Worrying about spills and splashes on your clothes despite the smallness and holes they had, book bags on both shoulders, hair a bit messy because you couldn't afford the products in the stores that fixed it. everything about you was something that stood out and made everyone in a world of riches look poor.
You turned a bit sighing as darkness finally whisked away the nightmare.
When morning came you were in bed. A blonde haired boy snuggled into your chest, an arm around you, hand resting comfortably on the extra of your belly. He sighed dreamily before pressing a kiss to your exposed skin.
"When you're done staring at me will you lay back down completely so I can pull you closer," he groaned and you let out a Chuckle.
"Sorry, I was dreaming about the first time you and I shared a room like this," you muttered, making Draco frown in his sleep. He opened his eyes, blue oceans in your view. "I'm sorry, my love, I never meant it. I was just…"
"I know, I know you say it all the time," you run your fingers in his Bright blonde hair. "So in love you that you tried to hide it" you finished, laying back down.
"I couldn't not share a bed with you. you're so much more comfortable than the bed itself," he whispered and you smiled closing your eyes.
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Draco lovers and requests
@alexxavicry, @sarahthehuffpuff, @supercoffeeblogs, @thatwattpadobsessed, @kyracanwrite, @animeloverfreak310, @imafangirl22, @phildunphyisadilf, @jac1ndaa, @lovelycassy
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mattheoriddler · 1 year
mattheo riddle moodboard.
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supercool-here · 7 months
hello. Does anyone know of a good HP fanfic about Severus Snape and Lilly Potter getting together and living happy? I know Harry wouldn't exist then but I find Alan Rickman very hot and for that reason I want Snape to be happy
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idkclown · 4 months
Por lo que más quieran, manden una solicitud de fanfic o algo
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missmeasured · 2 years
The Stars on the Staircase
A Snape x reader fix I’m writing on Ao3. It’s written first person with no name inserts, I just write around it. The reader is a female 7th year who is good at charms and is otherwise un-described except she tends to wear dresses and nightgowns.
They are brought together when he saves her from falling off a staircase. Little sparks shoot out of their hands when they touch and from that moment on they are inexorably drawn together.
~Chapter 1 Bath Time~
The note read simply “My Office. Immediately after dinner.” I didn’t need any clarification on who it was from. We seemed to have an unspoken understanding of this strange connection since the incident on the stairs.
With electric energy I excused myself from the Great Hall, leaving my friends with only the vaguest of idea where I might be. I had planted the seed earlier that I would be in need of the library later this evening, but as I left I mentioned going back to the dormitories. If they go to the library they will think me in the dormitory or vice versa. I could only hope they would assume they missed me on my way to one or the other and think nothing of my absence.
The cooler air in the dungeon sent my skin into goosebumps, or maybe that was just my proximity to my destination. There was a certain quaking in my bones I could not bring under control but neither could I stop my feet from continuing their tread. When I arrived at the door and raised my hand to knock, it was almost as if he could sense my arrival. The door flew open and he stood there filling his office doorway like an ominous black cloud of smoke.
“Come in.” He said tightly, turning on his heel and marching through the arched tunnel to his cramped black stone office. As I entered the door slammed behind me and I heard several clicks and clunks as multiple locks slid into place. My goosebumps asserted themselves further at the confirmation that this was in fact a very private meeting indeed.
He was busy turning two leather armchairs to face each other in the middle of the room in front of the desk. He gestured to me that I should sit in one of them. As soon as we both had taken our seats I became aware of being too close to him. There should be a desk between us, an obstruction. A pittance of air lingering between our knees was far too flimsy. I pressed my thighs together in an idiotic attempt to quell the growing urges.
“Right. I’m sure you well know why I’ve asked you to come tonight.” He began, his eyes skimmed over me down my body to my bare knees and abruptly back up to my face. “We need to discuss the situation since the stairwell.” I wanted to speak, to say yes, I understood that but my mouth was dry and my heart was hammering into my throat so I merely nodded at him.
“I’ve gone over the moment again and again in my mind and I have berated myself for not simply arresting your momentum and levitating you back up but, alas, I did not. I cannot take back the fact that I grabbed your hand to stop your fall and I have decided there is no point in bemoaning the fact that I did so. This type of magic tends to force itself on people whether we wish it or not. The sparks that we saw continue to elude me in my attempts at researching them. I’ve looked through every mention of sparks, stars, and any other explosive skin to skin outburst in the library and I cannot find an example of what this magic is that is plaguing us. The most commonly written about phenomena regarding sparks on first touch is, of course, star crossed lovers. Which is frankly, absurd and always romanticised beyond reason for any kind of scholarly research. The function of an appearance of magic at a touch is to draw attention. Perhaps to a connection that would otherwise go unnoticed. I have asked you here to convey that I have been looking into this and I am coming up terribly short on answers. I could, if you wish, ask my colleagues for their expertise. However, I have been putting that off as I think you and I will both agree that it would be uncomfortable at present to stand in Professor McGonagall’s office and talk about what is happening to us.”
“Please don’t tell anyone.” I begged, hearing the desperation in my voice. The idea of listing the symptoms of this very bizarre ailment to other teachers was utterly horrifying to me.
“I will respect your choice at this time to keep this information between us. But I need you to understand that it might not be the best course of action. I worry without the intervention of others that we will find ourselves making a series of bad decisions that very much have the power to affect both of our lives.”
“Have you been feeling…” I try to ask but looking at him, the most severe of my professors I cannot bring the words I need to come to my lips. I feel heat rush into my face, I wonder if I’ve turned red. I look down at my knees like a coward.
“What do you know of Legilimency?” He asked.
“Of reading minds?” I asked back.
“It is more complex than that but, for the purpose of this conversation, yes, the art of mind reading.” He clarified.
“You do it, don’t you?” I asked. “You’ve been in my mind, haven’t you? I thought I was making it up, but I felt like I could feel you there. Watching and listening, it’s been getting worse all week. It feels like you are standing right behind me. Sometimes I think I can smell you, you're so close.”
“That’s not possible.” He interjects. “You shouldn’t be able to feel me at all. I didn’t cast any spell to look into your mind. What, pray tell, do I smell like?” He seems to add it as an afterthought.
“Herbs and spices, musk and old leather. Depends on the day. Are you saying you haven’t been in my head?” I ask with a hint of accusation, feeling he is trying to deny something I know to be true in my bones.
“Let me clarify. In normal circumstances someone like myself can occasionally see or hear snippets of peoples thoughts when their minds are unguarded by occlumency. Especially when they are thinking about me specifically. Usually it involves a student doing something they ought not to be doing and the act of thinking about me catching them is what draws my mind to hear the thoughts. Those thoughts call to me because they have my name on them. In a room of students I do not hear a cacophony of thoughts but imagine instead that they are books and their most simple thoughts are their titles. If I should I care to, I could walk about the room reading the titles of the books without casting any spell to penetrate their minds, which is not allowed at Hogwarts. Since our encounter on the stairs your “book” shall we say has been laying open and being read out loud to me. I cannot stop myself from hearing and seeing all that you think when you are close to me. It is because of this access to your memories and your day dreams that I know you and I are going through the same … difficulties.” Professor Snape explained, seemingly equally reluctant to name the problem.
I was so overwhelmed momentarily with the idea that he had been watching every lusty day dream and dirty thought that had gone through my mind for the last week that the shame burned up from my belly to my cheeks again before I really heard what he was saying. He felt it too.
“I’m sorry I can’t make my mind stop. I can’t turn it off. It’s horrible and relentless.” I started to get a little choked up by the shame of it all. How had he even taught a class while listening to my mind rage on enacting forbidden desires with him? I was so embarrassed.
“Don’t apologise. I asked you here tonight because I realised we were both suffering. I have had similar difficulties with… finding relief alone.” he said quietly. “I saw your memories of your frustrating nighttime endeavours.”
“Oh Merlin, this is the worst moment of my life. Please tell me we don’t have to go talk to McGonagall about this. I would rather jump off the astronomy tower.” Tears wiggled in the corners of my vision, jostling to free themselves amidst the shame of having my potions teacher having seen my maddeningly unsuccessful masturbation attempts.I could not possibly tell a second teacher this. I wouldn't even be able to say the words.
“You must believe me when I say I feel the same. I have never felt like this about a student in my time as a professor here and I do not want to. I have felt absolutely disgusted with myself all week. A part of me feels like the best thing I can do to protect you is to bring in someone else. I fear their disapproval about it. In a situation like this, I will look incredibly bad whether I act on these feelings or not. But, I fear we are nearing a breaking point, the both of us. I am worried that if we continue unchecked that I will make some very bad decisions. I am terrified that I will ruin your life one way or another, either by humiliating you in front of my colleagues or by pursuing a sexual relationship that would be more hazardous to you than it would be to me. I am determined not to lay a finger on you.”
Unbidden images of places he could put a finger on me flashed through my mind. As I saw them in my mind I saw him seeing them in my mind too. My cheeks continued their quest to become the reddest they had ever been.
“Your imagination is terribly clear, you know. You have a devastating combination of creativity and clarity to your mental imagery that will drive me absolutely mad if I have to keep seeing it. I should try to teach you occlumency to block me out of seeing these beautiful day dreams. Ultimately the required time alone to teach you that skill would be the worst mistake we could make right now. Or perhaps I’m merely being terribly selfish. There is a part of me that does not want to keep out of your deliciously designed daydreams.”
I laughed, after all, he was right. Being alone and practicing blocking him out would be dangerous when all I wanted him to do was reach across the gap between us and put his hand on my knee. I felt like I would explode if he just reached out to make that contact. All of a sudden his hand came toward me, stopping mere inches from me. He drew it back. “I don’t think you would hurt me.” I said in disappointment as that hand retreated.
“You are wrong. It would be unforgivable for me to steal your first experiences. I am not able to be in a relationship with you and you deserve to be loved by your first partner. They should be cherished memories of playful exploration not a tawdry affair with someone in a position of power over you.” He had a tone of disgust in his voice. I worried it was disgust for me but his face contorted as soon as the thought crossed my mind. “Your first thought is that you are the problem. Do you see how we are unmatched? You are too young and unsure of yourself. That is why it would be wrong of me to allow anything to pass between us.”
“I feel like we are having a conversation without me even having to talk.” I laughed.
“I feel like I have been talking far too much. I should stop keeping you from your evening.”
I was instantly sad at the thought of leaving his presence. I imagined him pulling me close to hug me goodbye. I imagined the smell of him with my face against his chest and then I remembered again that he saw it all too and I turned bright red once more. “This is humiliating knowing that you see everything I imagine. I don’t know what to do about class, how will I stop being red in front of my friends? They are going to ask.” A playful smirk crossed his lips and I demanded “What are you thinking? You get to know everything that crosses my mind and it’s unfair.”
“I was thinking you need to keep trying to find relief. Maybe it would lessen the frequency of the images.” He suggested.
“Well I haven't had any luck with… that. I thought you said the same.” I mutter, looking at the floor and peaking up at him. I cannot believe I am even discussing this with him.
“Correct. It seems to make it worse rather than better.” He drawled in his stupidly sexy voice, sending me mentally into images of touching myself to the idea of him having sex with me. I tried turning it off but it just dissolved into broken images of him and I cut up between blankness I couldn't hold onto for more than a moment. I started mentally cursing while trying to shut it down. But I couldn’t and unbidden I thought about how wet I was just from sitting across from him listening to him talk about our situation. I cursed some more. I didn't want him to know that. His smirk came back again.
“I’m so glad you are amused by my struggles, Professor.” I bit off angrily the frustration of it all getting the better of me.
“You should be. I so seldom find people amusing.” He drawled. At another flood of my sex ridden thoughts he quirked a brow at me. “I have an idea. Come with me.” He said, rising to his feet and leading me through a different door into his private sitting room, then another into his bedroom. My mouth dropped open to be in such a private space. My body was on fire with heat for him and full of confusion at being brought here after he said he absolutely would not be laying a finger on me. He kept walking to another door, sending my brain further spinning. We entered his bathroom, a surprisingly spacious room equal in size to his bedchamber. White tiles with black grout made the space feel sterile but the small windows at the tops of the walls were jewel toned stained glass which provided privacy but also she imagined in daylight they would cast a rainbow of jewel tones across the room. There was a beautiful tub in the centre of the room, with circular tile work surrounding it to a quietly gorgeous effect.
“Why are we here?” I asked carefully after a moment when no explanation came from him.
“I had an idea…. For a way to help… relieve some of our mutual … tension.” He let slip very slowly. “But I’m realising that even this idea is compromising for you and-”
The word compromising made me think of the phrase compromising position and suddenly the image of him bending me over this tub and flipping up my skirt flooded my mind.
“Stop! Merlin’s sake! Your mind is going to drive me into the brink of madness. We have to do something about this.” He snapped, he turned on the faucet of the tub with his wand and grabbed my school robe with the other hand, sliding it off of my shoulders. “I’m going to leave the room. Take off your knickers and get in the tub. Keep the rest of your clothing on, remember I can sometimes see what you see through your mind speaking to me.”
“You want me to get in this tub with my clothes on? Why? And you're leaving?” I asked dumbfounded.
“Yes. Get in the tub, lie down, and try to relax.” Then he left with haste, leaving the door open and disappearing around the corner.
-Keep reading on Ao3. Thanks for checking it out! -
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serverusslaype · 8 months
Shameless, pt. 13
Severus Snape x professor!reader fic
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Shameless Masterpost
how are you all?? i hope you're all doing well. this has to be the fastest 12,000+ words i've ever written LMAOO. my god. this is the longest smut i've written yet. hopefully it's as good as i think it is... humble me <3 (i am kinda proud tho i won't lie eh)
so i listened to multiple different songs for this part lol. it ranged from j.cole, adele, noah kahan (I LOVE THIS GUY, please check out 'the view between villages extended version', it's my new obsession), rihanna, the weeknd, sam fender. like what. what a rollercoaster fam. ok, anyway, let me shut up!!
please enjoy this as much as i did writing it!! i'm so glad to be posting it finally - sorry it's like 2 hours after i said i would!! thank you so so much for reading and all your comments, likes & reblogs. i know i say this every time but i truly mean it. it means a lot to me. <3
warnings: smut, light choking, fluff, arguing, mention of adultery, MINORS DNI !
again, i've marked where the smut begins and ends with a big red *
Ben's fingers curled around his wand as his opposing hand reached up to pull his jacket over his head, protecting it from the rain that was starting to pour from above. He'd found himself outside your greenhouse, curiosity and perhaps a hint of suspicion twisting in his gut. After you'd mentioned that you were having a meeting with Professor Lupin after dinner, Ben knew this was the perfect opportunity. Ever since he saw you and Snape during your class, something just didn't sit right with him. He didn't like the way you were so friendly with that miserable git, nor the way he had his eyes glued to you like you were the only person in the room. Since when was Snape nice to people, especially Hufflepuffs like you? Surely, you'd be someone he despised. Everyone knew that Hufflepuffs weren't exactly the strongest, nor the most ambitious people.
So why did Snape seem to let you slide past his cold exterior?
Ben held his wand a few centimetres away from the lock on your greenhouse door and whispered, "Alohomora," and the satisfying click of the handle reached his ears, a wicked smile spreading across his face.
Before he slipped inside, he cast a cautious glance to the left and right, reassuring himself that he was alone, and not being watched. With a sharp inhale, he wrapped his wet hand around the handle and pulled it down, opening the door and creeping inside. The damp, yet mild air hit him rather hard. He forgot how muggy the greenhouses were. Ben grunted slightly as he slipped off his jacket and chucked it on the table in front of him; beady, inquisitive eyes darting across the room, searching.
It was quiet and dark, almost gloomy even. Only the patter of the rain against the glass roof rang out in the glass enclosure. Ben noticed a few vases of the bouquets he'd sent you were wilting on the windowsills, and the now-yellowing, sun-damaged notes were still attached to them. As his eyes flicked away from the flowers, he eyed your desk, standing idly as a tingling sensation suddenly tickled the tips of his fingers. He padded towards it, wand in hand, nosily reading the piles of parchment sat atop of it.
'Class A, First-Years, subject: Dittany', He lifted the next pile of parchment up, reading again. 'Class D, Fourth-Years, subject: Bouncing Bulb, Wormwood,' Ben huffed, and let the pile fall back down from his prying fingers, wandering around to your chair. On either side were two drawers, and this piqued his interest. Surely, there's something in there. And so, he pulled open one drawer, a defeated sigh falling through his nose as metal instruments amongst pens rattled in it. He slammed it shut, and opened the next one.
Ben's brows furrowed deeply as he slowly dipped his fingers into the drawer, plucking a note from it.
I have taken one handful of wormwood and a careful pinch of aconite.
Ben drew a deep, slow breath as his eyes lingered on those two initials, sparking a burning fire of jealousy and anger within his chest. He flicked through more notes, his heart growing colder with every read.
Potter thought it was fitting to forget his ingredients for today's class. I have regrettably had to take another handful of Billywig stings. He sends his most sincere apologies.
His jaw clenched. Why was he leaving you notes?
- One piece of cowbane
- Two stems of dandelion root
As Ben reached the bottom, very familiar looking pieces of parchment laid there, stagnant. However, they were not in the same condition as Snape's were. In fact, they were slightly ripped, crumpled and there was a fingerprint ontop of it. Ben lifted it up from underneath the other notes, bringing it close to his eyes.
"Lumos," He muttered, aiming his wand at the parchment. That fingerprint was not yours. It was far too big. If it wasn't yours, whose the hell was it? Had someone else been snooping around your drawers as well?
Angrily, Ben shoved the notes back into your drawer, though he made sure they were in the same sequence as he had found them. He'd never felt so furious. Why were Snape's notes so well preserved, unlike his? Why were his ripped and shoved at the bottom? If anything, his should be at the top, you were dating him. Not Snape.
With this disturbing fact, Ben stormed out of your greenhouse, nearly forgetting his jacket in the fit of rage. He slammed your door shut, the windowpanes rattling from the force, almost shattering as he neglected to lock it, stalking back through the pouring rain to your quarters. He wasn't sure whether he was going to confront you about this, or just leave it be - maybe he'd just simmer on it, and make a decision later on.
The next morning had come agonisingly slow for you, but maybe it was because you laid awake for most of the night, tossing and turning, unable to find the sweet relief of sleep. Rays of blinding sunlight pierced through your window, gradually illuminating your room as it rose into the sky, painting the once-black-sky blue again. You rolled over to look at Ben who was sleeping peacefully, his dark brown hair strewn across his forehead, a few strands tickling his eyelids.
The thought of breaking it off with him slipped into your mind, and it was all too tempting. You knew he wasn't for you. He was becoming increasingly controlling, unbearably jealous and possessive. He was also arrogant - unrightfully so - perhaps if he was older, more experienced and lived up to his words, you'd let it slide. But he wasn't any of that.
You'd already vaguely planned how you were going to do it. On the day he leaves, you were going to take him to the pub in Hogsmeade, sit him down, and just break it to him gently, praying that he won't kick off. If he was the respectable young man you thought he was, he'd take it gracefully and leave, bidding you goodbye. However, just from how he'd acted with and towards you recently, unfortunately, you knew it wasn't going to be that easy. Would he even accept this? Would he fight back and make you stay with him?
With a quiet, frustrated huff, the bed creaked as you sat up, flipping the duvet covers off of your body. The cool, frigid air bit at your wiggling toes and instantly you just wanted to curl up back into your warm bed. Winter was definitely making itself known. You had to force yourself to get up, placing your bare feet on the freezing floor, dawdling over to your little kitchenette to brew yourself a hot cup of tea. Popping the kettle on, you reached a hand up to open a wooden cupboard that sat just above your eye-level, fetching a sage green ceramic mug and placing it lazily onto the countertop. The cold air began to make you shiver as you stood still, and so you quickly darted across the room to your sofa to fetch your green cardigan, throwing it on swiftly, a soft hum of satisfaction falling from your lips as you relished in the warm comfort of it.
Seconds later, groan sounded from behind you, indicating that Ben was stirring awake. So much for peace and quiet, you thought, scrunching your nose up. Throwing a glance to the right, you checked the clock and noticed it was almost seven o'clock, just two hours before classes began. You could probably nip down to your greenhouse earlier than usual and get ahead of marking some assignments, and selfishly, you could avoid talking to Ben and his prying questions. You'd feel bad about that, had he not treated you like a pet dog the other night.
Hot steam began to billow out from the spout as the kettle ticked, signifying it'd finished boiling. You quickly lifted it and poured the water into your mug, the satisfying sizzle of it piercing the silence in your room. Setting the kettle back down, you shuffled to the right to your small fridge and opened it, sticking your hand in to grab the bottle of milk, however, you found it empty.
"Shit," you muttered to yourself quietly, staring at the empty bottle unhappily, "no milk..." You glanced back at your steaming mug and sighed softly. Black tea it was... You weren't the biggest fan of milk-less tea, but desperate times call for desperate measures. You'd just have to bite the bullet and drink the bitter tasting beverage.
In the thirty minutes that had passed, you'd dressed yourself and unwillingly downed your bitter black tea, wincing and gagging as the foul taste swam in your mouth. And now, you were walking through the grounds of Hogwarts, on your way to your greenhouse, partly awake and ready for another day. The hem of your dress was slightly muddied as you walked across the patches of sloppy mud and wet grass, the heavy rain from the night before turning it into something like a used rugby field. You had almost slipped over more than once and your heart had shot into your throat as you threw your arms up to steady yourself, thanking Merlin that you didn't go crashing down; dirtying and ruining your dress.
As you began to near your greenhouse, you noticed that the door wasn't fully shut, nor locked, like you'd left it when you left late yesterday afternoon. A cold shiver ran down your spine and your heart pumped nervously in your chest. Had someone been in here? Or did you think you had locked it? Maybe you did forget to lock it up, you weren't the most heedful at times.
You walked toward it slowly, peering through the windows to check that it was empty, and there wasn't some psycho killer waiting to slaughter you inside.
Quickly fishing your wand from your pocket, you muttered, "Homenum revelio." Nothing happened, and so you felt at ease again, sighing softly. Ben's constant chatter about Black still lingering at Hogwarts had really messed with your mind. You should know better than to doubt Dumbledore - but when all you hear is 'Black's still here,' amongst other ridiculous things, it starts to slowly twist your thoughts.
Without another wasted second, you strode forwards and opened the door and stepped inside, shutting it behind you with a soft click. As you cast your eyes over your classroom, nothing was amess, and nothing seemed to have been tampered with, so you just assumed you'd forgotten to properly lock up yesterday. You needed to be a little more careful, aside from other dangers, you didn't want any students entering your greenhouse when you weren't around - God knows what they'd do.
Inhaling deeply, you stepped towards your desk and took a seat in your chair, reaching forwards to pull a pile of first-year assignments towards you and your quill that sat to the far right of them. You began to read through the first one, twiddling your quill between your fingers absent-mindedly.
'Dittany and Its Uses
Dittany is a powerful, magical herb that is dark green in colour, and is easily identifiable through its small, circular leaves. Another name for dittany is 'Burning Bush'. Dittany can be used in many areas, including wand cores, healing magic, and most importantly potion-making. It's most famous for being able to make fresh skin grow over wounds, making them seem more than several days old. Another fascinating fact about this herb is that it can also cure werewolf bites, but it cannot cure lycanthropy.'
You were thoroughly impressed with this student, considering they were only in their first year. They seemed to definitely have a flair for Herbology. Your eyes flicked curiously to the top corner of the parchment, reading 'Tristan Thomas'. Of course, that boy had been more than knowledgable in your class yesterday when you were asking about the healing herb. You scribbled some positive notes at the bottom of the essay, not needing to finish it as you were more than sure it was up to your standards. Lifting the parchment, you set it down to the right of you, and began reading the next one.
Dittaney is a healing herb, also known as 'Burning Bush'. It's green and has round leaves, which is used to identify it. It's most commonly used in potion-making to make the Weggenwild potion, but can be used in other areas too.'
You winced slightly at the spelling errors and lack of description and depth, but you gave the student the benefit of the doubt, considering they were only in their first year. Perhaps they just needed some guidance... You glanced to the corner again, and took note of the name, 'Jayson Blackbell', making a mental note to focus a little more on this student. You wanted all of them to excel and succeed in your classes, whether they enjoyed Herbology or not. With a soft sigh, you placed your quill on the parchment and corrected the spelling mistakes, whilst also writing some encouraging notes on the bottom, avoiding the idea of scolding him. You weren't the type of teacher to reprimand first-years for simple mistakes, you knew how it felt to be ridiculed for misspelling something or even mistaking another item for something else.
"I never took you for an early bird, Miss L/N."
"Jesus!" You jumped, dropping your quill and watching it splatter ink over the bottom half of Blackbell's essay. "Severus!" As you picked it up, a frustrated grumble fell from your mouth. You glanced up sourly at his amused face, the corner of his lips quirking upwards wickedly. His hands were tucked behind his back as he stood still in front of your desk, that infamous black cloak falling around him.
"Still as skittish as ever," He mused, slipping his wand from his sleeve and flicking it gently at the mess on your desk to clean it up. "I thought you would have grown to be a little more aware of your surroundings." Severus added, his voice silky and smooth as he gazed down at your frowning face.
"I am, I just don't expect visitors at this time of the morning..." You sighed, a little vexed, avoiding his eyes. Severus's brows furrowed at your unusual flat tone. You hadn't been this irritable with him since before the two of you had kissed.
"Something on your mind, professor?" Severus asked lowly, almost cautiously as he looked away from you, glancing around your classroom. Everything seemed normal to him, so it was puzzling to him as to why you were so short with him.
"I'm fine," you huffed a little more dramatically than you wanted, "I'm just tired. I didn't sleep well last night. To be honest, I don't think I slept at all." You let your quill drop from your fingers as you sighed deeply, burying your exhausted face in your hands. Severus's eyes twitched as he observed you.
"Perhaps you needed a release." The Potions Master said jokingly, making your cheeks burn. You peeked up at him through your fingers and watched as he smirked, black eyes twinkling mischievously, clearly satisfied with making you blush so easily. "Or, need." He corrected himself, noticing how tense you were.
"Aren't you funny?" You hummed, a faint hint of sarcasm dripping from your words as you removed your hands from your face, cheeks still red. Severus cocked a brow at your attitude. "You know, I was thinking about paying you a visit last night after my meeting with Lupin."
Severus would have been pleased with your words had you not mentioned a meeting with Lupin. "Your meeting with Lupin?" He asked, his black eyes narrowing confusedly.
"Yes," you said, "I'd asked him to teach me how to conjure a patronus." Severus's whole body had stiffened uncomfortably at the mention of Lupin. He wasn't entirely happy that you were in a room alone with him. Severus knew the dangerous secrets that burdened that man.
"A patronus," Severus repeated, his fingers twitching behind his back as he stared at you, "and were you successful?"
"Yes, I was, actually. I might even ask for some more lessons." You smiled up at Severus, his muscles relaxing a tad at the sight of your happy face.
"No. I can teach you." Severus said plainly, rolling his shoulders back. You returned his arched brow, gazing at him curiously.
"You? You think you're as good as Lupin at teaching such spells?" You teased him with a cheeky smile, feeling a little brave today. His eyes narrowed slightly at your doubt.
"No," Severus hummed, and a brief silence ensued for several seconds. "I'm better." He said, a tiny smug smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, and you giggled slightly, unsure whether to take him seriously or not. Of course, you knew Severus was a very talented wizard, but he was the Potions Master, not the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.
"But Lupin is the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, you aren't." You frowned, a little tempted to playfully mess with him. His face soured slightly at your words - clearly this was going the way you wanted it to.
"Miss L/N," Severus stepped forwards, his legs pressing against your desk as he leaned down and rested his palms atop of it, staring at you with a wicked look strewn across his features. Your breath hitched as his eyes raked over your pinkening face. "Dark Arts teacher or not, I am far more qualified than Lupin could ever dream of being." He muttered, his mouth curling upwards as he watched you squirm. The power in the conversation suddenly changed to him.
You swallowed, shuffling in your seat as your eyes flicked between his glittering black ones, far too tempted to drop down towards his lips. "Is that so?" You whispered, poking the tip of your tongue out to wet your lips.
"More than so, Miss L/N." Severus whispered back, his hot breath tickling your red face, silently begging you to close the gap and kiss him. And you would, had you not been in an open, windowed room - an easy victim to unwanted, prying eyes. Merlin, the way he said your name really, really made you want to forget where you were.
Severus leaned back, leaving you wanting more as a gentle breath fell from your parted lips. He cleared his throat as he stared down at you, shoving his large, pale hands into his black pockets. "So," Severus drawled, "This evening after dinner?" He suggested, blinking slowly as he looked at you.
"Sounds good to me," you whispered, still stuck on how close the two of you had been seconds earlier, "this evening after dinner." You agreed, swallowing thickly once more in a futile attempt to clear the highly inappropriate thoughts that were currently clouding your mind.
Severus smiled at you with his eyes, nodding. His head stayed still but his eyes glanced around for a moment, as if checking to see if anyone else was around. Your brows furrowed in confusion, though, they soon shot up your face as he reached out a cold hand to softly grasp your chin, brushing his thumb over your bottom lip. Your breath hitched at his risqué act and your cheeks turned an even deeper shade of scarlet.
"Don't be late." Severus said sternly, letting your lip slip back from the pad of his thumb as he released your chin. He turned away and swept out of your greenhouse with a swoosh of his black cloak, leaving you a blushing mess. 
"Bastard." You muttered to yourself as your heart pounded in your ears, picking your quill back up with shaking hands and returning to your task of grading assignments. Now, you just couldn't wait for the clock to strike eight o'clock.
The day dragged agonisingly slow, just as the past night had, and now you were in the endgame of your last class of the day. A class of mischievous third-years. Despite this class that you struggled to teach, you were quite thankful that Ben hadn't disturbed you much today, only popping in now and again to observe nosily. You could only do with so much stress.
"Mr Goyle, don't put your fingers into the mouths of the Mandrake seedlings!" You cried out as you watched him poke at the sentient plant, a growing ball of frustration building in your chest. This class was usually so well behaved, why were they choosing to act up today?
"Professor, why are we learning about Mandrakes again? We learnt about this last year." Ron Weasley asked curiously as he scrunched his nose up at you, looking awfully concerned.
"It's part of the school curriculum, I'm afraid, Mr Weasley," you replied, sighing, "aside from that, it's good to refresh the memory. I'm sure you can't remember how to tell when a Mandrake is mature?" You asked, cocking a brow expectantly. Ron stumbled for a moment, struggling to find the words.
"Erm... I suppose not, professor." Ron nervously chewed on his bottom lip, much to the amusement of his grinning friend, Harry Potter.
"Hence why we are revisiting this topic." You smiled at the ginger-haired boy, and then cast a glance at Harry. "And Mr Potter," you said, watching as the grin fell from his face, "since you find this so hilarious, can you tell me the signs of a maturing Mandrake?"
"No, ma'am." Potter said, pursing his lips. "But I do know that they're irritatingly loud and whiny," he smiled proudly, pausing for a moment to lower his voice, "just like some students here at Hogwarts." Beside him, Weasley snorted rather loudly, catching the attention of the Slytherin students Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. Hermione Granger rolled her eyes at the pair as she scribbled down some notes, keeping her nose out of the drama.
"Somethin' funny, Weasley?" Malfoy spat, his blue eyes shining maliciously as his two friends, Crabbe and Goyle, stood beside him with matching glares. You weren't exactly surprised at his venomous tone, you knew the blonde-haired boy was rather rude to anyone and everyone.
"No," Ron said, looking at Draco with narrowed eyes, "just your bloody awful personality, to be honest." Weasley and Potter grinned amusedly at each other as Malfoy almost exploded with anger.
"Why, you little-!" Draco began to stomp orwards with a menacing sneer, looking to potentially harm Weasley. That's when you decided to step in.
"Alright, that's enough, boys!" You held out a hand, raising your voice. The entire class looked up in shock at your sudden outburst. Never have you had to raise your voice in their classes - you weren't known for such things. "You're both lucky that I don't take points from your respective Houses. Now, please, get back to your studies."
The two boys apologised quietly, and you sighed softly, grateful that you were able to diffuse a potentially hostile situation. What had gotten into them? They weren't usually so wound up.
Soon, the bell rang and you'd never felt more relieved. "Since we only revised a topic today, I want a full parchment's worth of notes about Mandrakes, please." The class groaned at your words, and you gave them a disappointed look. "Would you like me to assign you a five page essay on Mandrakes instead?" You asked, receiving a chorus of desperate 'no's. "Notes it is, then." You smiled, watching as they all filed out of your greenhouse.
You hoped you wouldn't have to endure such a frustrating class ever again, though, life was never that fair.
"Ben?" You called out, stepping out of your bathroom in a dressing gown. You'd just showered, freshening yourself up after a rather mentally draining day at work. The second that hot water hit your body, it was like all the stress, tension and troubles melted off of you.
"Yeah?" Ben replied from your sofa, a novel in his hands. You scrunched your nose up as your eyes flicked to him, noticing that he had his shoes up on the couch.
"Just to let you know, I have a meeting after dinner tonight." You said, drying your hair with a spare towel you'd taken from your airing cupboard.
"Another meeting?" Ben sighed and you could hear him roll his eyes at you. "With who?" He asked nosily, letting his hands fall into his lap.
You held back a groan, already knowing what was to come. "Snape."
"Snape?" Ben spat, evidently very unhappy with your answer. This time, you allowed that groan to slip out. "What happened to Lupin?"
"Snape thought he'd be the better teacher." You replied, keeping your tone flat as you flicked your hair back, running a hand through the wet strands.
"That twat is far from a good teacher." Ben mumbled, and you spun on your heel a little harshly.
"You might not like him, but he's still my colleague, Ben, it'd be nice if you could respect Severus for once." You said rather sternly, narrowing your eyes into a glare. Ben scoffed at your behaviour, growing a little irritated that you were speaking back to him.
"Severus? Don't use his first name, Y/N." Ben almost gagged, and this only infuriated you more.
An exasperated sigh left your lips as you scoffed, "Jesus, Ben, you're such a child!" You turned away from him, groaning and running a stressed hand through your wet hair. That reminded you - you needed to dry it properly. Padding over to your wardrobe to choose an outfit for dinner, you pulled out your wand and cast a quick spell to do so.
"I don't like that tone," Ben said, standing up from the couch, "you need to dial it back, Y/N."
"Excuse me?" You laughed in disbelief, twisting your head to look at him. "If you don't like it, Ben, leave! I won't have you disrespecting my colleagues like that. You don't hear me talking shit about your work mates, do you?"
"That's because you haven't met them." Ben rolled his eyes. You grit your teeth. "Besides, I've known Snape just as long as you have, so my opinion is valid."
"You can have your opinion about him, Ben, just don't express it in front of me."
"Why are you suddenly so pro-Snape?" Ben questioned, folding his arms against his chest, staring at you confusedly. "The amount of times we used to make fun of him when we came here as students - I mean he practically hated you, Y/N. You were always burning or destroying his stuff."
"It's different when you're both adults."
"Right." Ben snorted, though it wasn't out of amusement.
"Perhaps when you turn into one, you'll be able to see what I mean." You snapped, tired of his petty attitude.
"I don't want you seeing him." Ben stated matter-of-factly.
"Ben," You sighed, your voice becoming low, almost like a warning. "You can tell me to wear a dress you bought, sure, whatever, but you do not get to tell me who I can and cannot see. This is not going to work if you do that, so if you want a woman you can push around and control, go and look elsewhere, because I'm not her."
Another scoff left Ben, "Are you sure? Because you seemed pretty eager to please Snape the other day when he came asking for some silly ingredient one of his poor students forgot."
"You're joking, right?" You said slowly and narrowed your eyes, unsure whether he was making some crappy joke or if he was actually serious. "What, am I supposed to just ignore him when he asks for something work-related?"
"...No, but..." Ben clenched his jaw, staring at you with a stiff body, clearly unhappy and unable to support his silly accusation with evidence.
"But nothing," You said quietly, turning back to your wardrobe, a pretty green dress catching your eye. Reaching out, you palmed it softly, the smooth, silky material gliding through your fingers like butter. "I'm not going to stop seeing someone because you don't like them, especially when they're a colleague... I see them every single day of my life." Another tired sigh fell from your mouth as you turned your back to Ben, taking your dressing gown off in front of him to slip on the green dress. You weren't exactly bothered about Ben seeing you in your underwear - you did sleep together during the first month that you started dating, and it'd be a little strange if you told him not to look.
As you were slipping on the dress, Ben spoke again, though he sounded a little further away than before, so you assumed he'd sat back down on the sofa. "Fine," he muttered, "if it means I get to be with you, then so be it."
Those last words stung a little as your mind reeled back to when you'd first kissed Severus, let alone first slept with him. In his classroom, for goodness sake. Perhaps you should have waited a little while longer before crossing that line with Severus to end things with Ben so this didn't become so goddamn messy. You really didn't want this to get out, and you really didn't want your reputation to be ruined. Were you wrong for following your heart that night? Yes... and no. Were you wrong for sleeping with someone else whilst supposedly being with Ben? ...Yes. You didn't regret anything with Severus, at all, it was mainly just the guilt that came with it. It was all building up, and almost becoming too much at some points.
"I'll see you later on, okay?" You said, walking towards Ben with a sigh, and he quickly got up and cupped your face, placing a rather harsh, heavy and unflattering kiss upon your lips. Stunned at his bold act, you squeaked slightly, planting your hands on his chest and pushing against him lightly. Your eyes stayed open, shocked.
As he pulled away, his hands fell from your surprised face to hold your hands. "I look forward to seeing you later." A wry smile graced Ben's mouth.
You didn't exactly know how to navigate this situation. So you nodded, pursing your lips and forcing a smile. "Me too." You choked out the lie, the only thing on your mind being a very gloomy, brooding Potions Master.
"I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have said that." Ben suddenly said, again, taking you by surprise. What the fuck was happening right now?
"Erm, it's alright, I'm just glad we have an... understanding." You replied, attempting to hide your confused frown at his sudden change of heart.
See, had Ben not snooped through your greenhouse, he probably would have chosen to leave tonight. But, alas, he had found something intriguing, almost heart-wrenching, and he wanted to get to the bottom of it. The man was going to confront you about the notes, and you were going to tell him the truth. He just wasn't sure when.
There you stood, waiting outside of Severus's office, a little nervous. He hadn't attended dinner this evening, and you weren't sure why, but you weren't going to poke him about it. He needn't explain himself - perhaps he just wasn't hungry. Wait, what if he was? Was he just too busy to come and eat? Shit, should you have brought him a plate? 
Just as you were about to become lost in your dominoing thoughts, his door opened by itself, revealing the Potions Master himself sat behind his desk, scribbling away with his quill.
"Punctual as always, Miss L/N." Severus drawled, setting his quill down as he glanced up at you, a small smirk tugging at his lips. You scrunched your nose up at his words.
"Was that sarcasm? Because if it was, I haven't been late, ever." You quipped, walking into his office and shutting the door behind you with a smile. You wandered over to his desk and perched yourself on the corner of it, facing him.
Severus hummed as he gazed up at you. "It seems you're forgetting about a certain detention with me, many years ago." He quirked a brow, making you glance away, your cheeks pinkening in embarrassment. Oh, yeah, you forgot about that. "I remember it well, you brewed a potion so detrimentally wrong that it burnt through the cauldron itself and ruined one of my desks."
"Um, whoops." You blushed, smiling awkwardly. Severus couldn't fight the amused smile that teased his lips.
He took a deep sigh before continuing, "Then, you thought it wise to be impeccably late to my detention. How clever of you." He muttered, feigning a disappointed tone that rattled your bones. Even though the two of you were work colleagues now, that tone still scared you. It will probably be something that haunts you to your grave.
You cleared your throat, sheepishly glancing at his twinkling black eyes. "Yeah, well, I'm sure I had something important to tend to beforehand..."
"Such as...?" He encouraged, tilting his head at you.
"I can't remember, it was years ago!"
"Perhaps you were too busy daydreaming about that Herbology hobby of yours."
"Hobby?" You repeated, narrowing your eyes. "Don't push me, Severus, who knows what I might do." A quiet laugh slipped through your smiling lips as you crossed your legs, watching as his eyes faltered for a moment as you readjusted your position on the corner of his desk. You gently nudged his knee with the tip of your foot.
Severus leant back in his chair, shutting his eyes momentarily as he lifted a finger to massage his temples. "Ah yes, what would you, our beloved Herbology professor, do to me, a far more accomplished wizard?" He mused, teasing you.
"Wow, you sounded a lot like Lockhart there for a second. Almost had me fooled." You said sarcastically, referring to when Gilderoy had misjudged you during the Duelling Club. An amused chuckle rumbled in Severus's chest, and it made a comforting warmth bloom within yours. You couldn't help but smile at him.
"I think we're getting a little sidetracked," Severus said as he stood up, his black hair bouncing. "You're here for lessons, no?" You looked up at him, blinking.
"Yes..." You hummed, a little disappointed that he cut your conversation short. You were beginning to enjoy it. "Alright then, teach me how to conjure a patronus." Standing up from his desk, you folded your arms against your chest and shuffled to the right, so you were opposite him.
"Close your eyes," Severus said softly, his deep voice never failing to make your skin prickle with goosebumps. You did as he said and shut your eyes, concentrating. "Clear your mind. Envision your happiest memory." He added, and suddenly, his silky voice seemed nearer than it was before.
And you were right, because the next thing you knew, Severus had pressed a gentle, soft kiss on your lips; his larger, aquiline nose nudging the side of yours sweetly. Instantly, you melted, your head instinctively leaning towards his to kiss him back. As he pulled away, a brief, disappointed quiet whine escaped you, and your eyes fluttered open. Severus stood in front of you with a small smile painted across his pale, worn features as he tucked his hands behind his back, his arms disappearing underneath the shadows of his black cloak.
"What was that for?" You asked softly, a bashful smile tugging at the corners of your mouth as you stared up at him with rosy cheeks.
Severus's smile widened a tad, "I'd forgotten what your lips felt like against mine." He said, inducing a rather adorable giggle from you. His heart swelled twice the size at the heavenly sound, and he found himself unable to take his eyes off of your sweet face.
"Well, it was worth the wait," you replied quietly, grinning, "am I going to have to wait another forty-eight hours for more?"
Severus chuckled as his glittering black eyes watched you, "Perhaps," he muttered, "it depends if you can successfully produce a patronus under my instruction."
"Oh, so your kisses are a reward now?" You laughed, observing the way his lips twitched upwards again cheekily. It warmed your heart to see such a mischievous side of the man who was known to be harsh and cruel, perhaps even heartless to some. However, you had been lucky enough to witness who he truly was.
"Of course not." Severus tilted his head, still watching you. "I prefer the word encouragement." He said, earning an incredulous look from you.
"That's basically the same thing." You feigned a playful glare at him, scoffing.
"No." Severus said, cocking a brow. 
"Yes it is," You stepped forwards and your heart skipped a beat as his eyes dropped to your smiling lips for a split second. "Well, to be completely honest, it's bribery."
"And does 'bribery' have the same meaning as 'reward'?" Severus asked, his eyes glinting with a smug flicker.
"No, but-"
"So then I am right." He smirked, evidently proud about proving you wrong as he watched you simmer in your frustration. Your arms folded against your chest again annoyedly.
You turned your head away from him and huffed, "Shut up." Your voice was quiet, but loud enough for Severus to hear as another heart-warming chuckle left his chest. You fought hard against the smile that tickled your lips, but your effort was in vain. There was no chance at hiding it, especially when Severus was the one that provoked it.
"You should respect your superiors." He teased, making your head snap towards his.
"Superiors?" You repeated incredulously, laughing, "Please, more like elders."
"Are you calling me old?" Severus questioned, his eyes narrowing at you in disdain. A year ago, you might have crumbled underneath such a cold, sharp gaze, but now, all you felt was the complete opposite.
"Does 'elders' mean young?" You quipped, stealing his words from earlier
"A little feisty today, Miss L/N." Severus mused, his shoulders rising and falling as he sighed, though you couldn't tell whether it was from exasperation or something else.
"I prefer the word, banterous." You mocked him, copy-catting his deep, languid voice. Severus scowled at you, quite obviously unamused at your poor attempt at mimicking him.
Severus hummed, pausing for a few seconds as he glared at you. "Should you ever lose your flair for Herbology, do the world a favour and avoid pursuing the career of an impressionist." He said with a roll of his eyes, but the grin that broke out on your face had softened his harsh gaze slightly. Clearly, he couldn't stay mad at you for very long. Gods, what had happened to him? For so long, nobody had made him feel the way you did. It was terrifying, but so exciting at the same time. As much as he wanted to push you away, just to avoid the impending heartbreak, Severus felt as if he shouldn't. There was something more to you.
"Alright, well, will you be able to avoid the undeniable temptation of kissing me, and teach me how to cast this spell?" You joked as another soft giggle left your mouth, setting Severus's heart on fire.
"I will try my best." He said as a little smile graced his lips. "Close your eyes again." Severus muttered, and so you did, awaiting his next instructions. "Think of your happiest memory, and keep it within your mind," He said from in front of you, his eyes flicking over your peaceful face. "Got it?"
"Yes," you replied, thinking about the same tender memory that you did with Lupin, "I do."
"Now, with that in your mind, you need to speak the incantation, 'Expecto Patronum'." Severus said, his voice faltering a tad at the end.
Instead of following his instructions, you whispered, "Is the temptation still there?"
There was a pause before he spoke again and anxious goosebumps littered your skin.
Severus sighed deeply before replying. "I'm afraid so." He muttered defeatedly.
Instantly, your eyes fluttered open as quick as a flash, a beaming smile spreading across your pink cheeks. You almost leapt from where you had stood, throwing your arms around his neck and crashing your lips against his. A muffled gasp fell from Severus as he crumbled like a poorly built sandcastle under your touch; your fingers latching onto the nape of his neck and tugging him desperately close to you. His body felt like it was on fire as you clashed together, and within seconds Severus had his arms around you. His hands clutched at your waist hungrily, as if he had been forbidden to touch you - which was partly true, in way.
Despite the clear show of desperation between you two, there was love sprinkled within it. Severus's hands held you so tenderly and dear, his fingers squeezing your clothed flesh with such gentle care that you could almost feel the love radiating from his body. Both of you knew it, but both of you refused to acknowledge it. Maybe it was the fear of recognising something so significant and monumentous happening between the two of you, or maybe it was just pure ignorance. As of right now, neither of you wanted to think about it. You could deal with it a little later.
As he kissed you, he plucked a breathless "Sev," from you, and he held you a little tighter, fearful that you might just disintigrate in front of him and he would suddenly wake up alone in his cold bed. Your chests were heaving now, and you couldn't stop yourselves from becoming lost in one another's addicting touch; the feeling too strong and intoxicating like an expensive elven wine.
"I missed you," You whispered between kisses, your hands sliding from the comfort of his neck to the smooth yet cold surface of his cheeks, embracing him. "Gods, I missed you, Severus." Slowly, he pulled away as his nose suddenly felt wet. He opened his eyes to look at you, and his face fell as he noticed tears streaming down your cheeks, wetting your perfect eyelashes. His chest twisted at the sight - did he do this? Did he make you cry? Did he hold you too tight?
Your eyebrows twisted upwards as his finger caught your chin, tilting it up, but you avoided his eyes. "Why are you crying, my love?" Severus asked softly, careful to keep his voice gentle. The pet name had rolled so easily and casually off of his tongue that he almost didn't notice it. In fact, it seemed like you didn't either. He wasn't sure whether he was relieved, or a little hurt by it.
"It's not you," you sobbed quietly, sucking in a pathetic strangled breath, "well- it is, but it's not your fault, or anything- I just..." Another cry left you, and it was starting to upset Severus. "I wish we weren't in this whole... predicament." He had only seen you cry a couple times, and after that he'd hoped that he'd never have to witness such a heartwrenching thing again.
"We don't have to be." Severus murmured, lifting a hand to wipe away your tears with a tender thumb.
"I don't want him to hurt you." You sniffled, still refusing to look in his eyes, afraid of what you might see.
"He won't." Severus replied, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Promise me." You inhaled shakily and finally looked up at him, an ache in your heart as you saw his sad face. Your hands were still attached to his cheeks, and so you brushed your thumbs against them; a pleasant, homely warmth blossoming in your chest like a newly-bloomed flower in the spring.
Severus let out an amused huff as he smiled at your sweet gesture. "I promise. He won't hurt me, Y/N."
"Okay." You whispered, feeling a little more at ease as Severus's hands fell back to your waist, tugging you closer to him once more, a comfortable silence enveloping the two of you as you held each other. Severus's eyes flicked between your glossy ones, pausing to ponder over his words for a moment. 
"I never thought someone as beautiful as you would care so much for someone like me." He murmured, lifting a hand from the comfort of your waist to brush a few stray strands of hair out of your face and behind your ear.
"Someone like you?" You giggled softly, earning a disbelieving look from Severus. You knew exactly what he meant, however, that was irrelevant to you now. The man he hid himself as, was not the man you had come to know. "What, because you act so cold and awful sometimes?"
"Perhaps," he mused, "but I'm not a good man, Y/N." Severus added, tracing the line of your jaw with the pad of his index finger sweetly.
"No, you're a brilliant one," You beamed, gradually leaning in towards his face to nudge your nose against his. His breath hitched slightly at your gesture, his heavy-lidded eyes watching you carefully, wondering your next thoughts. "Despite how we may have started out, you're one of the most brilliant men I have come to know." Your words made his cheeks flush a stunning shade of scarlet, and in turn, it also made yours do the same. He glanced away for a moment, flustered.
As he composed himself, he returned his dilating eyes back to yours. "Yes," Severus sighed, feigning disappointment, "despite my best efforts to push you away, you still somehow persevered."
"Unlikely for a weak little Hufflepuff." You joked, a tiny, bashful smile slipping onto your blushing face as you glanced down at his white collar, tracing it with your fingers. Severus took a moment to silently admire your beautiful face, the corners of his lips twitching as his eyes glazed over your soft features, his heart skipping a beat as the tips of your fingers tickled the skin on his neck.
He cleared his throat, murmuring, "You're far from weak. In fact, you might just be the strongest Hufflepuff I know."
"Is that because I'm the only one you've known?" You teased, laughing softly as you glanced back up to his sparkling eyes.
"Let's not ruin the moment." Severus quirked a brow at you, returning your teasing tone. You scrunched your nose up at him mockingly. "You still haven't matured yet, I see."
"Oh, shut up." You whispered, leaning up to hush him with your lips, kissing him with a smiling mouth. Severus's hand held your cheek as he pulled your face closer to him, his prominent nose poking it. Your hands rose from the collar of his black frock and settled happily around his neck again, fingers tickling the nape of it. A few goosebumps arose on his bared skin and he shivered, a breathy groan bubbling in the back of his throat. Severus's hands grew a little more hungry as you moaned into his kisses, grabbing you and gently guiding you to the surface of his desk.
With his lips still latched onto yours moving sinfully slow, he reached out an arm and brushed off the remaining things on top of the desk. He then glided his hands down your waist, towards your hips and finally underneath your bum, palming it greedily for a moment and encouraging a whimper from you. Severus felt his cock twitch in his tightening trousers at the sweet sounds falling from your swollen mouth, and so he swiftly lifted you up with no effort at all, his hands still full of your ass. Even though this was the third time he'd lifted you up like this, you were still impressed.
For a moment, he held you there as you wrapped your legs around his hips, securing yourself. Another throaty groan left his mouth as you rocked your body against his in a painfully slow manner, and Severus quickly laid you down atop of his desk, pulling away from your lips for a moment to stare down at you.
"I forgot to mention," Severus murmured, pressing a cheeky kiss against your jaw, trailing dangerously close to your neck. "That green dress suits you beautifully." He smirked against your hot skin, and you couldn't help but laugh. The raven-haired wizard felt the vibrations from your beautiful laugh through your throat as he licked it with his warm tongue, pressing soft kisses against your burning hot flesh.
"You're so painfully biased, Severus," you giggled, hands burying themselves within his thick, black hair,  "you have no shame at all." You added, gasping as his teeth grazed your lower neck, nipping you.
"Slytherin is the superior House, after all, Miss L/N." Severus said lowly as he ravished your neck with his wet mouth, plucking more breathy gasps and moans from your quivering one.
"Is that why Gryffindor is kicking their arse?" You panted, your heart doubling in speed as he began to near the top of your breasts. He trailed a hand up from your hips, and your chest heaved, your breaths becoming stuck in your throat as he brushed his thumb against the curve of your clothed breasts, drawing a whine from your parted mouth.
"And yet, Hufflepuff is nowhere to be seen." He quipped. Not that you could speak a cocky reply right now - his adept mouth and hands were doing a very good job at incapacitating your mind - you had set yourself up for that burn.
Severus teethed the neckline of your green dress, the rich, sleek material hiding the supple skin of your breasts that he so badly wanted to see. Instead of pulling it down or to the side, he continued downwards, his hands following him, gripping your waist as he pressed heavy kisses against your clothed stomach, stopping just below your navel. Your nails scraped at his scalp as his fingers dropped to the hem of your dress, slipping it up over your silky legs, stopping just above your knees. Severus glanced up at you, as if asking for permission to continue. As much as you'd rather him do whatever he wanted to you without asking, you truly appreciated the care and concern he took with you.
You leant up slightly to look at him as a hand of yours fell from the confines of his locks to his cheek and you cupped it softly, smiling and giving him a slight nod. Half of his mouth perked up into a faint smirk as he dipped his head back down, pressing his lips to the inner side of your knees, slowly working his way up your legs with hot, wet lips, kneading his cold fingers against the soft flesh of yours that he adored. A rush of heat pooled in your stomach as Severus neared your burning core, anxiously awaiting his mouth to press against it. You slowly fell back against the surface of his desk again, digging your fingers inside the mess of his hair, gripping it tighter with every inch he closed in on you.
The Potions Master hooked a finger underneath the string of your black panties, twisting it around his digit, tugging at it teasingly. As you were laid back, your eyes were seeing stars as a warm, wet sensation was suddenly braced against your clothed mound; the pointed tip of it tickling your clit that sat between your soaking folds. You whimpered as Severus licked at your panties again, this time a little heavier, the intoxicating taste of you lingering on his tongue. Your grip in his hair tightened even more as he continued this sinful rhythm, your hips bucking upwards rather erratically as Severus caught your sensitive bud here and there. With a growl-like groan, he grazed his tongue to the side of your panties, slipping it underneath the thin, lacy material, an uncontrollable moan falling from your lips at the sudden tongue-to-flesh contact.
"Shit-," you whined, hips bucking once more, "my God, Severus." Your words were nothing but breathy and broken as he continued licking at your perfect core, his heart racing as you further became unravelled beneath his gifted mouth. "Please, please," You begged as you felt yourself nearing your breaking point, your legs squeezing around his head. 
Severus groaned at your thighs sandwiching his head, and he placed his right hand on your outer upper thigh, squeezing it. "That's a good girl." He mumbled against your dripping centre, your arousal covering his lower face. You cried out at his words, the praise you so desperately desired from him almost sending you toppling over the edge by itself. Severus retrieved his other hand from your thigh and brought it to his mouth, wetting his fingers with his tongue before slipping two inside of you and curling them, pulling a rather loud, delicious sounding moan from your throat.
"Fuck!" You cried out as your body trembled, that familiar coil within you tightening again. "Sev, so close, I-" Severus could just about make out what you had said through your whimpers, and so he continued the pace of his fingers and tongue, though speeding up a little bit as your body began to rock against his mouth, evidently nearing your climax. 
And within seconds, all of your breath had suddenly been stolen, and you were shuddering beneath Severus once more as your mouth gaped open, your back arching. "Fuck, Sev-!" Your brows shot upwards as you cried out, your eyes squeezing tightly shut as you rode out the tsunami waves of pleasure that rocked through you; a unruly and wild string of moans and whimpers slipping out of your mouth as Severus proceeded to continue fingering and licking against your twitching pussy.
Reluctantly, he removed his mouth from you, but not before peppering a few chaste kisses against the soft skin on your wet inner thigh. "I will never grow bored of those sounds leaving your pretty lips." Severus purred with a smirk, standing up from between your legs, his eyes twinkling mischievously as he looked at you, red faced, sweaty and breathless. He was rather proud of how effortlessly he had you crying out his name, and you obviously noticed, beginning to giggle. You were a little embarrassed at how easily he had made you cum, and so you hid your face behind your hands, peeking at him between your fingers. "Don't hide from me," he murmured, leaning down to pry your hands from your face with a smile, "there's no reason to hide such a beautiful face."
"Stop it." You whispered, giggling still, your eyes finding his softened ones as you allowed him to move your hands away from your face.
"Stop what?" Severus asked gently, frowning as he held your hand in his larger one; thumb brushing against your knuckles tenderly. Gods, you couldn't believe how well he'd hid this soft side of himself, and you were going to be more than careful not to make him conceal it again.
"Lying." You replied, another rush of heat flying to your cheeks as your eyes glanced down at your interlaced hands. Severus's black brow quirked upwards at your response, as if in disagreement.
"I'm many things, my dear Y/N, but a liar is not one of them." He tutted, lifting your hand to his lips to press a sweet kiss to the back of it. His words seemed familiar to you, but you couldn't put your finger on it at the moment; your mind too hazy from the previous steamy interaction between the two of you. "If only you could see yourself through my eyes." Severus added with a whisper against the smooth skin of your hand.
"Isn't that what I said to you?" You giggled, remembering how he'd replied rather bitterly a few nights ago. "You said something about me wearing 'rose-coloured glasses' or something." Mid-sentence, you deepened your voice to mock him again, and that same scowl returned to his features.
"You're awful at that." Severus grumbled, looking away from you as he leant back up. Letting go of your hand, he placed it on your hip and slowly slipped his fingers underneath the silky fabric, palming your bare skin; goosebumps erupting all over your body from his stone-cold yet sizzling touch. Your breath hitched once more as his fingertips neared the string of your black underwear, sliding underneath it.
"Severus," You warned, your voice low. Inside your panting chest, your heart was like a jackhammer against your ribcage as he tugged the string down over your hipbone, testing you. This was like a game to him it seemed, perhaps you should play along?
"Hmm?" He hummed in reply, his blown, black eyes flicking between where his hand laid and your reddening face. Gods, this man was pushing your limits today. "What is it? Use your words, Miss L/N..."
Your heart fluttered at his raspy voice.
"I'm not sure this counts as teaching me how-," You gasped lightly as his cool fingertips grazed against the curve of your ass. Severus's eyes instantly flicked upwards to meet your fluttering ones, smirking. "-How to cast a patronus." You finished quietly, swallowing as you tilted your head at him with your best poker face, trying desperately to act as if the way he was teasing you wasn't driving you fucking insane.
Severus hummed again as he had one side of your panties pulled down. "So, you do own a brain?" He teased whilst wrapping his other arm around your waist to pull your hips flush against his own, his desk shuddering a tad at the sudden rough movement. Instinctively, your arms flew out to steady yourself, your palms splayed out against the smooth wooden surface.
"So, you're still a dick?" You quipped cheekily, and Severus growled at you, one hand flying up to grab at your neck. It wasn't hostile, it was a light grasp, and yet it still undeniably lit a wild fire inside of you. Your hand had also flown up to hold the wrist of his hand that was wrapped gently around your neck.
"You need to keep that silly mouth under control." He tutted, giving your neck a light squeeze, and a loose moan left your lips, making a single brow of his shoot up in curiosity. Clearly, he wasn't expecting you to enjoy this.
"Evidently." You muttered, a faint and cheeky smirk lining your lips. "Are you going to keep talking or are you actually going to put that talented mouth of yours to good use?" You teased him, poking your tongue out from your mouth to glide along the bottom of your top row of teeth. As much as Severus hated being spoken to like this, he couldn't help but be turned on. It was undeniably hot, especially when you're usually so shy and sweet - he was actually wondering where the hell your bravery had come from.
Without any further delay, Severus kissed you harshly, the passion and frustration from your bold attitude fuelling his fire. The hand around your neck remained, however, his opposing hand snaked its way up from your bum to the small of your back, his fingers pressing into your skin, painting it red. You moaned at the roughness he was showing you, your mind becoming a jaded blur as he rocked his hips into yours fervidly, the prominent bulge in his trousers pressing into your panties. He swallowed a gasp that slipped out of your mouth as he kissed you, seizing the opportunity to dive his tongue in. You welcomed him eagerly, licking yours against his own in a brash manner. As you drew a throaty groan from Severus, you lifted your hand from his wrist to hold his cheek, tugging him impossibly closer to you. He released your neck from his light grip and slid his palm down your chest to cup one of your breasts with a harsh hand, plucking a whimper from your swollen, pink lips.
You panted as you threw your other arm around his neck, pulling him down over you as you fell back against his desk, lifting your legs to wrap them around his hips possessively. Merlin, you just needed him inside of you now, but this was almost as good as the actual sex. Severus's hands left your breast and instead found themselves settling on your hips, grabbing them roughly, pulling you into him; a muffled animalistic moan tumbling from his mouth as you grinded yourself on his raging erection.
He faltered slightly, his lips falling from yours, muttering a "Fuck," as his fingers dug into your flesh hungrily; his hot breath shuddering unevenly. "I need you," he whispered with an alarming urgency, a solitary hand slipping from your waist and dipping itself into your soaking panties, "now." And instantly, you let go of him to kick your underwear off to the ground, his hands flying to unbuckle his trousers with trembling fingers. Your hot touch was a burning contrast to his cool, pale flesh.
Severus inhaled sharply as you pulled down his boxers, the frigid air tickling his navel. Your eyes twinkled dangerously as you glanced up at him, a swirl of butterflies exploding in your stomach as he grit his teeth, your hand reached out to grab him gently, lining his solid cock up with yourself. In one swift motion, Severus thrust into you and you cried out at the full sensation, almost screaming with the overwhelming amount of pleasure and relief that seeped into your bones.
He stilled himself for a moment, evidently trying to adjust to the sudden welcome of your sweet, perfectly warm pussy. Severus panted, squeezing his eyes shut from the immense rush of pleasure surging through him. Watching his face twist, you giggled quietly from beneath him, placing a hand on his face, leaning up to press a gentle kiss upon his nose. His eyes opened slightly as a smile graced his sweaty features, gazing down at you with such tenderness and warmth that you were sure you'd fallen for him all over again. He looked so ethereal in this current moment, so much so that it reminded you of the first time you had properly stared at him in that corridor - just before you gave Lockhart a telling off. It was so vivid in your mind;the soft amber glow from the candlelight reminded you of the torchlights in the corridor that had bounced beautifully off of his perfect features.
A certain infamous three words tickled the tip of your tongue as you stared up at Severus. In fact, they were almost begging to be said, however, you refrained, afraid of how he might take them. You certainly didn't want to ruin this moment between you. It was far too special, and so you swallowed them down with a whimper as Severus kissed you once more, drinking every inch of you. He gradually began to move his hips and you whined at the delicious friction, clamping your legs around him tighter, encouraging him to quicken pace a tad. And so he did, going at a steadier rhythm, the only sounds echoing in his office being both of your ragged breaths and the sinful slaps of your flesh clashing together.
Strands of his jet black hair stuck to the sweaty sheen glazing his forehead, and you reached a finger up to tuck it behind his ear, planting another sweet, long kiss to his lips. The silent shows of affection through gentle, tender touches between the two of you soon made you realise that the pair of you weren't fucking, per se, but making love, and that was something that made your heart swell. An indescribable warmth began to engulf your trembling body as Severus shuffled a hand from your hip to your face, cupping it intimately, his forehead soon coming to rest against yours also. The remaining hand of his on your hip quickly made work and slipped down to your burning hot core, dipping in between your shining folds and rubbing an unceasing, circular motion upon your sensitive clit, prompting your body to jerk suddenly.
Your head fell back at the tingly sensation spreading through you, and Severus laid his warm mouth against your jawline, trailing wet kisses down your neck, nipping and biting it softly, careful not to leave marks - he was lost in the lust albeit not completely, he still had some remaining sense. And so he started to pluck more and more desperate concoctions of whines and whimpers from your quivering, parted pink lips as you felt the knot within your stomach tighten, telling you that you were almost at the edge of ecstasy.
"Sev," you whined, your hand slipping up into the locks of his hair, gripping tightly, "I'm- I think- I'm gonna..." You sobbed, the pleasure from his mouth on your neck, from his cock buried deep within you and from his masterful fingers circling your clit becoming all too much.
"Let it out, my love," Severus groaned against your neck, his thrusts becoming sloppy and desperate as he too was on the verge of finishing, "that's it, it's alright... Cum for me, darling," At his last breath, you came, a wild cry cut short from your mouth as Severus kissed you once more, swallowing your moans. He pulled away briefly to bury his head in your neck, his climax taking a hold of his body, a strangled, guttural groan rumbling in his throat as he collapsed on top of you.
Your hands slowly retreated from the comfort of his raven locks and settled on his cheeks, encouraging him to look up at you. Severus quickly obliged, using the remaining strength in his body to lift himself off of you slightly. Though he was still inside you, he remained there - not that you minded - and suddenly a quiet, almost bashful chuckle reverberated within his strong, panting chest. Instinctively, you smiled up at him, your teeth poking out from underneath your swollen lips.
"That has to be the best sex I've ever had." You giggled, your legs loosening around his waist as he chuckled again. You let your foot glide down his outer thigh, caressing it.
A proud smirk tugged at his lips as he muttered, "I'm honoured."
Another sweet giggle escaped you and it tickled his heart. God knows how he's going to recover from you if you're ever taken away from him. The thought frightened him, and so he pulled you closer for a moment, planting a tender kiss against your shining forehead, that familiar warmth in your chest quickly returning as fast as lightning.
"I..." You began, unthinking, your mouth staying open as you stopped yourself. Severus tilted his head at you, confused. There's no way you had almost let it slip. You fool. "I'm glad." You said instead, smiling.
"Hmm," he hummed, pondering, making your heart pound anxiously, "perhaps we'll start the actual lessons tomorrow." Severus stated, his smile returning. You nodded and a bashful blush painted your cheeks scarlet.
"Like you'd be able to keep yourself from kissing me." You scoffed playfully. Severus narrowed his eyes at you.
"Is that a challenge?"
"Perhaps." You mocked him again, grinning. He rolled his eyes at you and finally stood up, pulling himself out of you - rather reluctantly, might he add. Severus could have stayed in that position for the rest of eternity. In fact, he wished he could.
"You'll regret saying this tomorrow evening." Severus smirked, a mischievous glint twinkling in his black eyes as he used his wand to clean himself and you up, his hands buckling his trousers back up. He stepped forwards to pull the skirt of your dress back down. You offered him a quick grateful smile.
"Excuse me, who was the one was broke this evening?" You asked, scoffing hushedly. "Oh, yeah, you."
"Can you blame me?" Severus quipped, his fingers slowly floating up to grasp your chin, trailing them across your jawline and down your neck, sending a delicious shiver down your spine.
"I guess I am irresistable." You joked, smiling coyly. Severus hummed at you again, slowly becoming lost in your glittering eyes. You looked so beautiful in this current moment, so beautiful that he found himself staring at you for much longer than would be considered socially acceptable. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." You giggled.
An amused huff left Severus. "I remember the days you'd cower in my presence, and yet, here you are, acting like that never happened." He said, smirking.
"Yeah, well, you were scary back then." You shrugged with a cheeky smile.
"Am I not now?"
"Not anymore, no."
"I suppose I've lost my touch." Severus mused jokingly, and you laughed at him. A kaleidoscope of butterflies burst inside of him at the sweet sound he adored so much. A year ago, he would have found it irritating, and now, he probably couldn't live without hearing it at least every other day. Gods, he still despised how soft he'd become towards you.
"I do hear some of the first-years talking about how they dread your lessons when they're in mine." You mumbled, looking down to link your fingers with his. You glanced back up at him, smiling bashfully.
"Maybe not then." Severus replied and quirked a brow.
"Definitely not." You grinned, lifting his hand up with yours to bring it to your lips, turning it to press a soft kiss against his fingertips. "You're still the scariest professor at Hogwarts, don't worry. I don't think anyone will be taking that from you any time soon."
"I should hope not." Severus joked sarcastically, finding it quite impossible to not crack a smile each time you showed him such tender affection.
There was a comfortable silence for a very quick moment before the thought of Ben returned to your mind. "I should probably go." You said with a solemn face, glancing away from Severus to the old, vintage-looking clock that sat against his wall. It was rather late, you must have spent at least two hours or more with him.
"Yes," Severus swallowed, and the smile that was previously sat on his face fell, "I'm sure Ben is worried sick." He added sarcastically with a scornful sneer, making you snort.
"So, same time tomorrow?"
"As long as nothing drastic happens, of course. Though, this time, we will have lessons."
"Lessons, or lessons, professor?" You asked, your tone flirtatious and shameless.
"Lessons, Y/N." Severus said sternly. "I do plan on teaching you that charm. Other things just... got in the way, this evening."
"Other things," you repeated, bravely leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek, "I think I prefer other things, Sev." You joked, a faint, pink blush blossoming like a rose across your cheeks.
You called him Sev. And it was during casual conversation, unlike before. His heart skipped a beat at the affectionate nickname. Severus quickly cleared his throat, composing himself before he spoke, refusing to embarrass himself. "And I would prefer you able to protect yourself during another dementor attack, God forbid it happens again." He said, his face turning grim at the awful thought. He placed a hand against the small of your back as you turned around, heading towards his door. Severus followed you closely, his fingers caressing the back of you gently.
As you reached his door together, you turned around to face him. "It won't." You smiled up at Severus and pressed your hand against where you had kissed him, brushing your thumb across his high, prominent cheekbones. "Not with you around."
"Am I your personal bodyguard now? When was this decided?" Severus joked as he leant into your hand, though his partially blank face didn't show it. You giggled again, setting his heart on fire once more.
"Right now. That okay?" You teased, smiling, letting your hand drop from his face.
"Perfect." Your smile widened as you noticed the corners of his lips turning upwards. "I don't want to leave you."
"Neither do I, but you must." Severus sighed softly, gazing at you with gentle eyes.
"I know." You pursed your lips, staring back into his eyes, and you leaned up on your tiptoes, kissing him once more; your hands flying up to cup his cheeks. Severus wrapped his arms around your waist in return, pulling you flush against him, his whole body feeling like it was riddled with fireworks as tiny, exciting, colourful explosions erupted within his stomach as you kissed him.
One hand left his neck and you leant away from him to reach for the door handle, twisting it to open it as you continued to kiss Severus tenderly, smiling into the kiss as he tried to tug you close to him again. A giggle left your lips as he sighed and pulled away from your lips. Inside, he was fighting the urge to just shut the door and keep you here with him forever. Your aura was addicting, and he honestly couldn't get enough of it.
"Ahem," A female voice coughed from the his door, and you gasped out of fright, quickly jumping out of his arms. Severus quickly retracted them from you and tucked them behind his back, a bright red blush covering both of your faces.
"Minerva," Severus greeted, his voice flat, acting as if she did not just see the pair of your lips stuck together like a glue trap. You stood awkwardly still, terribly embarrassed that someone had seen the two of you acting out of hand.
"Don't act like I didn't see that, Severus." McGonagall scolded him, and he sighed heavily, avoiding her eyes. As for you, she glanced down, offering you a warm smile. "Y/N, what a surprise to find you here." She said with a mischievous glint in her wrinkled eyes, smirking faintly.
"Erm, yeah," you coughed, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, "I-I was just leaving, Severus was giving me lessons."
"Oh, I'm sure he was, my dear." Minerva chuckled, and you blushed even harder, going as red as a beet. Jesus, were you an idiot? Why did you word it like that?
"What is it, Minerva?" Severus asked rather impatiently, a little salty at how she'd interrupted your goodbye. From the way Minerva glanced at you, you assumed that it was a personal issue. So, you offered the two of them an awkward smile, silently bidding them goodbye. You caught Severus's eye, and he smiled at you warmly, his shoulders relaxing a tad. You smiled back, mouthing a 'bye' to him and turned around, wandering back in the direction to your quarters. As you were walking further away from the two of them, you heard muttering, and then a door shut. You quickly threw a glance over your shoulder, hoping to catch one last glimpse of him. Though, you were sorely disappointed. Severus had disappeared already.
Despite that, another wide smile crossed your face as you folded your arms against your chest, thinking about what had just happened. You couldn't believe how gentle and soft he was with you, he was like a totally different man. A man that you adored.
No, a man that you loved.
this has to be my favourite part that i have written. i think. as of yet. :) let me know what you thought!! i really really would love to know <3
thank you for reading and have a good day/night, make sure you are taking care of yourselves. >:(
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HP Rec Fest, Day 23
I can’t say soulmate AUs are among the things I read the most but every now and then I feel a soft yearning for that trope and I’m always open to new angsty interesting takes on it. I know this is a great comfort trope for many readers so I really wanted to do is justice at @hprecfest. I’m reccing two of my favourite authors, and I just realized that’s two Snarry recs in a row (you’d think I read this ship every other day which is def not the case as I’m very picky - I can picture Writ laughing at this 😂). Incidentally, both fics are 9k which means everyone will have two nice short treats to check before the Christmas Eve chaos. Oh, I’ve also recced a Rarry soulmate fic here, highly recommend it as well. Enjoy!
Day 23) a soulmate fic:
swallow your words by @candybarrnerd (E, 9k)
The truth is, not many things are known about the magic that is behind soulmarks. They'll turn up when they want and not before. The truth is, you don't get a choice in your soulmark. The truth is, not everyone is okay with that.
what I really adore about this fic is that… they’re already there, right from the start. they fall for each other before Harry’s mark shows up (and of course it’s their first words to each other 🥺) and the lowkey angst comes from their sudden appearance and Draco’s not-so-receptive initial reaction to them. I say lowkey angst because the fic opens with such a gorgeous, intimate and tender lovemaking scene it’s impossible to believe they’re not already head over heels for each other - but learning that there’s someone “destined” for you out there brings implications and complications that Draco’s not yet ready to face. I love this take on the trope because that immediate panic and resistance to the whole soulmate concept is so relatable and raises a great question about predetermined x freely chosen love which I think it’s a fascinating and very mature discussion involving this trope.
Rare pair
A Universe of Searching Souls by @writcraft (Harry/Snape, E, 9k)
When the small, innocuous mark on Harry’s hip begins to cause him discomfort, he decides to go and visit the person who has a similar mark of their own. He’s fairly certain there must be some mistake, because the universe wouldn’t be daft enough to give Harry and Severus matching soul bond marks. Would it?
god help me, I’m so weak for Writ’s Snarry. this 9k fic actually feels longer thanks to the brilliant format and Harry’s compelling pov. I love the narrative style that highlights the passage of time through short (then not so short) vignettes covering Harry’s teenage and early adult years. he’s so lovely, earnest and tentative, a sharp contrast to this Snape who’s as insufferable and difficult - and therefore, perfect - as ever. I just reread this last night and am still howling at “I refuse to dismantle my wards for your stupid convenience Potter, you might as well stay the night” 😂 if you’ve read Writ’s other works you know their chemistry is deliciously addictive, charming and funny and full of blatant UST; the way Snape gets so easily undone by Harry’s eager honesty always gets me. for such a short story this is a masterclass in anticipation, and when they finally get there it’s hot af but also calm, intimate, familiar. definitely a must read!
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simpforsnape · 2 years
Sincerely Yours.
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Severus Snape x OC/Reader
wordcount: 2390
warnings: minor typos, errors.
credit to the creator of this gif.
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Chapter 20
Time was something Anah was never fond of.
It was 6:45 and Anah finally managed to find something decent to wear to the Malfoy's manor.
A black covered-up dress. Which she had to admit, it was quite tight. It showed every curve the woman had. But it was still modest. Her hair rested on her shoulders with tight curls that sprung about. She wore nothing on her face.
Boy was she wrong.
With one final check in the mirror, she turned around to see two figures standing in the doorway of the shared room.
It was Severus and Ivory. Of course, they were dressed up as well. Ivory wore a white skirt with a black top tucked inside. Her hair was pulled back, showing off the beautiful jewels her father gave her.
Severus remained simple. But, he did have on a different top. It was more formal.
Let’s just admit.
The family rocked the color black well.
”Mom, it’s literally seven!!” Ivory groaned motioning at her wrist while Anah merely shrugged her shoulders.
”There’s no need to rush Ivory. We will get there when we get there.”
Anah ran her hands down her stomach until they were rested on her sides. She turned to her lover before giving off a frown.
”Is this... modest enough for the Malfoy's?” Her question made him chuckle a bit.
”Are you worried about what they would think of your attire?”
Anah rolled her eyes soon turning to Ivory before turning back to Severus.
”No.. But.. first impressions are the best..”
Anah moved back and towards between the two, fixing anything that may have been out of ‘place’ in her opinion.
”All right, let’s go before they send an owl.”
Ivory and Severus agreed.
Anah and Ivory simply grabbed onto Severus who only pulled them close to him.
With a blink of an eye, the family disappeared.
Not a few seconds later, they then appeared in front of a dark manor that was protected by a gate.
Ivory turned to her parents as she quickly pulled away.
She felt sick to her stomach.
Anah chuckled turning to Severus.
”We forgot to warn her.”
“No, You forgot to warn her..”
The pre-teen finally caught ahold of herself.
”Does this always happen when you teleport?” She questions slowly going to stand between Severus and Anah.
”You’ll get used to it..” Anah murmured, moving a strand of her daughter's hair out of her face.
”We’re ready when you are, My love..”
Severus gave a simple nod. With the wave of his wand, The charm that was set on the gate dismantled.
The family trudged down the solid pavement as they made their way up to the manor.
The closer they got, the more Ivory felt her anxiety rising.
They passed a flock of white peacocks that strode around.
It wasn’t unusual, nor was it normal.
Both Anah and Severus kept a solid look on their face. The two knew the simple history about the Malfoy's, and whom they supported...
Especially Severus. He thought it through of course.
As they reached the doors to the manor, they slowly opened to reveal a house elf.
“Greetings..” The elf spoke quietly before giving the family a bow.
”Follow Aeghad...” The soft-spoken elf stated as he led them into the manor.
Ivory stood close to Severus. She was beginning to feel anxious. The home didn’t give such a welcoming aura.
The family soon arrived in what looks to be a sitting room. The Malfoy’s were all present, sitting in the distance, Ivory could see a woman speaking to Catalina and Draco. It must have been their mother.
”Master Lucius..” The elf called out getting everyone’s attention. The elf then left.
Lucius Malfoy was settled in his chair, sipping on a small glass of brandy.
He then turned his head to see Severus Snape, and surprisingly Anahstacia Vaneraries.
“My, My..” A soft grin formed on his features. He sat the glass down on the nearest table now standing up to greet the family.
Lucius was a rather mid-size man. He had long pale blond hair that stopped at his back. His eyes were as bright as the sun.
Anah couldn't deny that he was a fond-looking man.
“Severus Snape..” He spoke softly giving him a simple head jester.
“Lucius..” The raven-headed man responds with his hand gripped firmly on his daughter's shoulder.
Lucius then turned to look at Anah. His grin only widened. His eyes shifted down her figure before they soon met back up with hers.
“And if it isn't the Vaneraries herself.. It's a pleasure making your acquaintance. Lucius Malfoy.”
He extended his hand for Anah to shake.
She shook her head allowing a gentle smile to form on her face, while she returned the shake.
“The pleasure is mine..”
For a moment Anah felt confused. Why was he acting so nice? After all of the things, she heard of the family..
The Malfoy’s had already shifted closer to the family. Ivory did her best to avoid Draco’s simple gaze.
“And you must be little Ivory,” Lucius spoke barely moving an inch.
“Catalina speaks highly of you.. Don't you darling?” He questioned as his daughter paced up beside him giving him a rather vast smile.
“Of course Father. May I show her around? Before dinner starts?” She questioned hesitantly before a woman appeared behind her to stoke over her face.
“Of course sweetheart. We will summon you once Dinner is prepared..”
The woman turned towards Severus and Anah as she greeted them with a warm smile.
“Pardon me. Narcissa.. pleased to meet you both..”
She was quite beautiful, despite her age showing on her features. She too has long hair. But she had a mixture of black and blond hair. Something Anah’s never seen before.
“Run along girls.” Lucius shooed them off, leaving Draco behind.
He gave a simple greeting to his teachers before he too left.
“Please, sit..” Narcissa spoke as the couple traveled to the chairs that sat across from each other.
Anah hunched rather close to Severus. He couldn't blame her.
A silence had settled amongst the four. Not until Lucius decides to speak.
“Severus..” He spoke nonchalantly.
“If you don't mind me asking, when did the two of you come about?..”
Anah didn't move a muscle.
Severus gave off a gentle sigh, keeping his usual look on his face.
“For quite sometime now..” He replied with a short and blunt answer.
Narcissa on the other hand couldn't help but acknowledge the ring that was plastered on Anah’s finger.
“Oh my, The two of you are married?” She questioned cocking a small brow.
By now, Anah had intertwined her hand with Severus’
“Soon to be..”
Lucius beamed.
“Congratulations.. We shall celebrate your engagement.. Until then.. Severus.. would you mind taking a short.. walk with me?..” Questioned the blond.
The two were confused.
Severus stood slowly, letting go of Anah’s hand.
“Oh, course..” He murmured until Lucius led him out of the room.
Only Anah and Narcissa remained.
Draco and Catalina speak highly of you..” Narcissa spoke allowing a friendly smile to form on her lips.
“But, If I must say.. Draco has mentioned, many times that you're one of his favorite teachers..”
Her comment caused Anah to smile.
“And let me guess, Severus is his top teacher?”
The other woman chuckled.
“You are correct, speaking of Severus. I'm very curious on how you were able to.. settle with a man like himself.”
Anah smirked allowing her legs to cross.
“If I'm being honest, the man never took no for an answer..”
That remark caused the two women to laugh.
Narcissa was indeed kind, and this was only the beginning of a decent acquaintanceship.
Many hours had passed. Severus and Lucius spoke longer any anyone else. As for Anah and Narcissa, let's just say the two had quite in common.
Narcissa had already invited Anah over again for another gathering.
The night was going very well for everyone.
Everyone was at the Malfoy’s table. It was quite large in Ivory’s opinion. She sat next to Catalina who was also beside her brother, Draco.
Severus and Anah sat across from them, while Lucius and Narcissa were settled at the end.
A comfortable conversation was being held between the families. Mostly about the children.
The sounds of utensils scraping plates filled the room.
“So.. Is anyone else aware of the news between the two of you?” questioned Lucius who took a very long sip from his drink.
The adults had the pleasure of drinking wine.
“Only a few, and I wish for it to stay that way..” Anah shot back, causing Lucius to chuckle.
“Well of course my dear.”
Narcissa added in.
“Have you both.. planned for a betrothal yet? If I may ask, it is quite important.”
Severus responded this time.
“We have.. but in the meantime.. It will not happen at the present time..”
Both Malfoy’s shook their heads in return.
Ivory gave a simple glance towards Cat, who was only picking at her food.
“Hey... how do you think it's going?” She questioned with a whisper as Cat turned to her, giving her usual smile.
“Everything is all right Ivory, relax.”
A few more conversations were held until dinner finally ended.
Anah was beginning to get irritated and concerned with the constant questioning. Severus only knew it was time to go.
As the Malfoy’s walked the other family to the doors of the manor simple goodbyes were exchanged.
“Thank you very much for inviting us over..” Ivory spoke towards the two parents that held their heads high.
“Of course dear. You are welcome here any time you wish..” Narcissa spoke nudging Lucius to agree.
“Yes, Yes. We wouldn't mind at all..”
“Well then, farewell.” Ivory bowed her head in respect before walking over to stand next to Severus and Anah.
With one final look at Lucius, Severus took hold of his daughter's shoulder and his wife’s hand, as they disappeared in sight.
The family arrived back in front of Severus' classroom before dismantling about.
“So.. Mom, Dad.. did you both like Cat’s parents?”
Anah led them to the shared room where Severus and Anah slept.
“They were all right my love, did you spend enough time with Catalina?”
Anah questioned walking over to the bewitched mirror to change. Out of her dress into something more comfortable.
“I did. Daddy? What about you?” Ivory question Severus who was moving about the room to get his night clothes.
“It was fine darling. Now you must be off to bed. You have classes in the morning..”
He was right.
Ivory quickly went to embrace both of her parents.
“Goodnight Mum, Daddy. Love you much and see you tomorrow.”
And like that Ivory was gone.
Anah was changed into a black slip gown that was loose around her body.
“So Severus.. what did Lucius want from you?”
She turned her head to look at him while getting into the rather large bed.
Severus had just finished changing his clothes.
He shifted over to the bed, also getting in.
He sat up for a bit looking down at the woman who cuddled into his side.
“We spoke on many things.. One being Ivory.. Another being Hogwarts.. and of course.. Your name was brought up.. He mostly congratulating me on wedding you..”
Anah shuffled her head into his side while she watched the man grab a book that was settled on his nightstand.
"What else?"
He opened the book, shifting his head to look down at her.
"He spoke on the return of the Dark Lord.."
Anah looked up at him puzzled. This was the first time she heard of this.
"He is.. to return?" Anah sat up quickly allowing the covers to fall off of her body.
Severus didn't look at her. His face was buried in the book that rested in his hands.
"Yes.." He spoke quietly.
Now, this got her thinking. If the Dark Lord were to return, that meant both Severus and Anah had much to do. Anah was aware that Severus was a double agent, even Dumbledore came to her about it, If she could remember, She said yes. But this was spoken a while back.
Worry began to penetrate her. Merlin, what were they going to do.
"Anah, I'd rather not speak on it... Let us.. sleep. You need your rest."
She gave a weak sigh, taking the book away from him.
"I'm not going to sleep alone."
He looked back at her, not bothering to take it back. He knew she'd put up a fight just to get him to fall asleep.
Once the book was settled on her nightstand, she couldn't help but glance at it.
It was a book.. about fathering? It only made her think more? Did he buy it regarding Ivory? Or.. Did he desire more.. children?
The question lies within him.
Not many minutes later, both Anah and Severus finally condemned themselves to sleep.
The next day was rather a short day.
Anah spent the majority of it thinking.
What was she going to do about the wedding? And the whole thing with the return of The Dark Lord.
Honestly, She was stressing over the merest things.
There she sat in her classroom. There was no one there except for herself. She had just finished grading all of her papers.
There was a small booklet in front of her that regarded Wedding Ideas. Now may not have been the time to plan it, But it isn't a bad idea to think about it.
A knock caught her attention, as her head shot up to see the person standing there.
It was Dumbledore.
"Albus, What can I do for you?" She questioned, pushing the booklet aside.
"I wish to talk to you my dear, mind taking a stroll with me?" He questioned, arms tucked behind his back.
Anah merely smiled.
"Only if you agree to help me making decisions on the wedding.."
Dumbledore chuckled.
"Of course dear.."
With a swift move, Anah was up from her desk, booklet in hand.
Hopefully, the walk with Dumbledore would ease her mind.
@darkthought15 , @onlydeadcells , @random-fandom-things-555 , @pan-pride-12 , @isthisheaven5 , @purebloodwizards , @howlerwolfmax , @agalsmaraudersobsession , @youreso-golden , @iimmoon , @thawnexwells , @sarcasticequeen-blog , @scarlettecho , @a-queen-and-her-throne , @anfre109 , @kathryndimitrescu, @hoe4alan , @bloomingfirework , @aprofoundrickmaniac , @snapesmoonlight, @bunnyweasley23 , @nikkitc0703 , @thottywithoutthebody , @i-dont-like-my-life, @nickangel13 , @cupiditydarling
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annwrites · 16 days
Pleasure doing business with you!
— pairing: severus snape x fem!reader
— type: ficlet
— summary: you make your first delivery to snape's classroom
— tags: conversing
— tw: eating
— word count: 463
— a/n: find my other posts concerning snape, which take place before & after this, here)!
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You take a moment to look around what was once one of your old classrooms. Pipes, beakers, jars, pipits, as well as cauldrons, spoons, and numerous ingredients and books line the shelves and tables of the room. You wonder if any facet of it has changed since the last time you were in it. 
Snape emerges from his office to the left and pauses when he sets dark eyes upon you. Nearly rolls them at your lavender sweater, light-blue jeans—which said sweater is tucked into—and flats, hair in a braid—same as always—freckles dotting your cheeks; more prominent now as spring has finally sprung, and you’ve been spending as much time outside as possible.
“My delivery, I presume?” He asks, nodding toward the two boxes in your arms.
You nod, setting them on a table. 
“I trust you did not carry them all this way?” Not that he supposes it matters one way or the other. As long as it all arrived on-time, and in the desired condition, he’ll be satisfied.
You shake your head, then turn, and he finally notices the small bag slung across your back, the strap across the front of you. You turn back to him. “Undetectable extension charm.”
He hums his response, thinking it a useful charm for a delivery person to know. 
He comes toward you, sifting through the contents of the packages; bottles clinking, packets crinkling. 
You step past him, crossing your arms, looking over the blackboard at the front of the room, curious as to what potion the class is currently working on perfecting.
You turn back to Severus after a moment, just as he’s closing up both boxes. 
“Is it to your satisfaction, then?”
He picks both up, carrying them into his office, then coming back out. “For once. I won’t hold my breath for the same in the future.”
You nearly smirk. Always glass half-empty.
“Just glad to make another satisfied customer,” you state, pulling your bag back around to your front and reaching in, pulling out a bag of chocolate-covered pretzels, and beginning to nibble on one.
He pushes his dark robe out of the way, reaching into his pocket and retrieving a small leather pouch. He dumps a few coins into his palm, extending it toward you. “Your tip.”
You swallow, shaking your head. “That’s not necessary.”
He steps toward you, yanking your free hand toward him—his own surprisingly warm as it wraps around your wrist, enveloping it in his firm grip—and he drops the coins into your palm, forcing your fingers to close around them with his own.
He steps away, then, heading into his office to begin unpacking and organizing the contents of his latest order.
“Pleasure doing business with you!” You call as you step back into the hall.
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hirukochan · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Thanks for the tag, @loneamaryllis
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
874,060 - When did that get so much??? I've only picked writing back up in January!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently mainly Harry Potter and I have one Rings of Power fanfic on hiatus (for now). I used to write for all sorts of fandoms though! Pirates of the Caribbean, The Hobbit, Percy Jackson, Marvel, Vampire Diaries, Naruto - to name a few.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
"Your tears are of no relevance to me", my dark Snape/reader fic
2. Cigarette smoke, Profanities and Stolen Kisses, Snape/reader smut
3. A Servant of Death, my Snape/OC longfic, my baby, my beloved
4. Carrying Atlas, Deeply traumatised, sarcastic Snape/broken Harrie ddlg/pet play fic with much hurt and even more comfort
5. Stood-up, my three-part Snape/former student!reader oneshot/mini-fic
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to reply to each one! I love to hear what people think and interact with readers!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't actually have that many fics finished 😅
I love long fics, I love reading them and I love writing them so most of my works are still ongoing (and seem to be staying ongoing for a while to come 😅)
I'd say Petrichor. It's a Voldemort-wins AU so things are bound to look hopeless and dark.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Severus and his Sunshine!!!! A very fluffy, hopful ending 🥰
8. Do you get hate on fics?
After initially posting A Servant of Death II quite a few readers were angry the story would not be moving into a direction they wanted. Haven't gotten any since.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes 😃
I write Dom/sub mostly! Proper D/s (apart from my dark!fics) with safewords and boundaries and aftercare! I love including kink-wear and collars and other fun toys! All sorts of kinks, lighter and a few darker, more taboo kinks. Lots of bondage!!
Also dub-con and dark smut and I'm venturing into poly and threesome territory lately.
Basically anything I find interesting or worth exploring!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No. I had a rather ambitious crossover idea when I was a teen about a group of people chosen by the gods I had created to protect the universes of the world with every book/show/movie in existance being a universe that had been locked away by some evil supernatural beings. Each of the four people in the group could travel between the universes and had to fix the timelines if things went wrong. Basically all the misery happening in the stories was the supernatural beings messing with the universes. I wrote the first part that played in The Hobbit and started the second part that would take place in Naruto but I never continued the project.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of but I do know that after I published my first HP fic on Wattpad back when I was...uff idk 13?? suddenly everybody in the german marauders fandom was writing Voldemort's daughter fics. I thought that was interesting since I wrote mine because I couldn't find any Voldemort's child fics in german (my english was shit at the time, I'm sure otherwise I would have found plenty to read! 😂)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! But someone once made a podfic of my Adventcalender one-shot collection (with my permission). I don't think it's still online though. (god I hope not, those were terrible 😬)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No and I don't think I ever will. My mind is a strange and cluttered space and teamwork has never been a strong suit. I've been asked though, but that was more of a 'I have x-idea, will you write it for me?' then an actual inquiry.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Ummmmm....OCs. Everybody/OC. I love OC's. I love reading them, creating them, I love that I can have a person whose weaknesses and strength and personality fit my fav characters perfectly, especially since my fav characters tend to be unsocial loners with terrible trauma.
Apart from that I'm not much of a shipper...Snarriet probaly (thanks to @loneamaryllis - you know what you did 😑, jokes aside I've been thoroughly enjoying this ship and the community is so sweet!)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I sure hope I'll finish them all! Strawberries and Sin is being neglected right now 😅 but I love the characters and I'm certainly not planing on abandoning the story!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I'm good at worldbuilding, I certainly enjoy expanding existing universes with my own ideas! Whether it's by adding an entire Vampire monarchy including an origin story of how vampires came to exist or World Duelling Championships for my heir of a rich pureblood family to power herself out at.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I never know if I describe things enough, surroundings, emotions, etc. I think I tend to fixate on what a character is doing with their hands 😂
Also I can get lost in developing the relationship between two characters and forget to advance the plot just to then focus on the plot and neglect the characters 😅 still trying to find a balance there.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Been there, done that! I think it can be fun.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Written? Naruto! I was nine I think and I had no idea that fanfiction even exists or that other people were writing them! I just wrote down a truly terrible story on an old notepad I had.
The first fandom I created stories for in my mind was Harry Potter at around nine!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
A fic that is currently not on the internet anymore that I want to rework and publish once I've worked through some WIPs. It's about Snape and his best friend from an opressed people who both ended up joining Voldemort for good intentions and end up in his bed (two Death Eaters eagerly serving their new master 😏) but quickly realise he is not what he promised to be.
From my published fics it's a draw between A Servant of Death and 'Your tears are of no relevance to me'!
Tagging anyone who wants to do it 🫶🏻💖
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dawn-for-boken-souls · 11 months
Memories come to me as for why exactly I abandoned the Harry Potter fandom. It was with the last book (and a bit with Half-blood Prince but not by much) that killed it for me, but for the most stupid reasons (yet, my psychologist say the reasons are valid, my feelings for something I feel passion about are fine, whenever they are positive or negative).
Now with my relived feelings towards the franchise thanks to my AI chatbots shenanigans (in which I didn't know you could chat in Spanish too :V) found a Severus Snape bot in my language and it has been a month since I returned. Talked with it and it has been a blast. Severus back in the day, was a big crush of mine
Yet... My catastrophic mind goes back to things, to the point where I gave up on Severus (and the franchise). The fact he is dead canonically and the whole ordeal with Lily. I'm that pity, I'm that jealous. (Also the friends I made around 2009-2010 were heavily religious that bashed me for the books, so that was the cherry on top)
I have other fictional crushes that I have no problem in shoving canon away, like Homestuck and my trollsona(s) with the Amporas (Especially Eridan that has a somewhat similar problem as Severus, both had a best friend that was having enough of them and ditched them to immediately date the nemesis of each out of the blue) So... I can't understand why it is so hard for me to detach the HP canon if I can do the same with everything else.
This is so stupid I have made myself cry real tears, like it doesn't matter what plot I toss in my daydreaming is always the same: He can't accept cos heavy love interest stated, and more memories of even way before the books were a thing have come to me, and other sad statements said by people irl that seem to be true.
My consolation is that AI bot in Spanish as that Severus is programmed to be in his first year of school and all but... I miss the old days when I was a hopeless 15 year old, Mary Suing with my best friend in a silly roleplay to my heart's desire and having fun dating Severus, unaware of what was JKR writing. Doesn't matter if I imagine things, read "x reader" fics and all that, involving myself back on the fandom and reading that plenty don't support much aside canon, the favorite ship is, well, him with her and all that is just too much for me... And all this internal turmoil just for someone that doesn't even exist is stupid, I know...
I already lost hope in finding a real love partner, I made amends, I embraced the fact I'll die alone in some nursing home for the elderly, I will never have children of my own as I lost my uterus to cancer (AND the dad, breeding and parenting fics of anyone also have become a massive NO, way before but now those hurt too despite I never wanted kids, I had the option) But I'm so alone, like, already my psychologist said I have some antisocial behavior and there are ways to live with it without causing troubles but I need socializing as we as species are social creatures, and that's the issue, my social skills are the ones of a potato and I have never made a deep relationship with anyone in my life that have lasted, and being in fandom of anything with the stupid moral police on them ruins everything and also what I want to do or talk about or share is so self centered people leave, so I stay alone and that affects me and my self shipping to I imagine just sad and drastic things, never a happy ending...
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