#ffxiv limericks
mimble-sparklepudding · 10 months
Mimble Poetry Nonsense Examples.
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Just trying to pull together some random examples of my silly poetry posts for potentially interested parties (who may or may not be stuck with me for the FFXIV Swap Meet doodah).
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the-wardens-torch · 23 days
I dropped a few more chapters of Fal's story into my Ao3 - of particular note, my first two batches of Eorzean dirty limericks, which have already garnered 2 and 4 notes in an hour, respectively. Which is actually pretty good for my being a total recluse in the FFXIV community, and unknown in the Ao3 community (does it even have a community? I don't even know.)
...I'd be uploading them much faster if not for having to convert them all from .wps *wailing and gnashing of teeth* but I'll try to drop a few more tomorrow.
In other news, I never bothered with the 7.0 Benchmark, but I guess that may have been a good thing considering Yoshi-P apologized for it. I know they said they promised to light dark-skinned characters better, which could go badly (please don't whitewash Fal,) but frankly I'm mostly worried about them sanding off those statuesque face #4 cheekbones.
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I mean, look at them. Anyone who would destroy those is a monster.
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spotofmummery · 5 months
I've added a new poem: Cadu D'Syrcus - A Limerick - to the creative showcase. Thank you to @mimble-sparklepudding for writing it and allowing me to share it on my site!
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tosetsu · 3 years
Writing Prompt #1 - Foster
There once was a man from Aleport, He name was Jeffery Winefort, He brought all the kids from far and wide, That had no families or places to hide, That is until he was caught and brought before the court.
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#22 - Argy-bargy
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Being a parent ain't easy, Especially with a brain that's breezy. You say the wrong thing, And feel that verbal sting, "Ugh, dad, you’re way too cheesy."
- A Father of Three, hurt by his eldest daughter.
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renofmanyalts · 4 years
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A miner from Blackbrush - the sore type -
Through some nonsense had earned a forlorn stripe,
So to Limsa they went,
Where they met a young gent --
Except now they keep humming a hornpipe.
Written for FFXIVWrite2020 Warm-Up #3: Write a limerick about your character. Also featuring Scrap, who belongs to @mathemagiks. 
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tough-bit-of-fluff · 4 years
People-Watching With Aly - Limerick Edition
Prepping for FFXIVWrite2020 with one of @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast​ ‘s warm-up prompts, ish. The prompt was to write a limerick about your character, but I think Aly can claim credit for penning these “gems” herself.
A Wildwood I saw in Gridania
Looked so sexy that I said “Good on ya.”
He stared, blank, at my words,
Though I’m sure that he heard.
Maybe I, too, have that “je ne sais quoi.”
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A dancer on the Road of Rubies
Cried, “Everyone, bring your gil, come and view these!
Big, round, perky, and soft,
Watch me hold them aloft!”
She trained paissas, you pervs. Get a clue, please.
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fair-fae · 5 years
Entry #22: Val Covington
FFxivWrite2019 I There once was a man named Val Nunh He took his role in his tribe just for fun So they showed him the door Then he fell for a Hyur Now that man is Val Covington II W’val Nunh was a Seeker of the Sun For his actions, Wolf tribe did shun Faye he sought to bed But instead they were wed Now the Seeker is Val Covington III Faye had thought that Val was a brute Even so, she knew he was cute He liked to fight And he couldn’t write But once in love, her gripes were moot
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valdiis · 3 years
FFxivWrite2021 Master Post
So I’ve never really done a master post of my entries before. Never much saw the need. Figured I’d try it this time and see if it helps me collect my thoughts better. This is the fourth year I’ve participated, and I’ve been playing FFXIV nearly as long (I wrote my first FFxivWrite entry about two weeks after I began to play). I struggled this year with inspiration and I’m only really proud of a few pieces (I’ll star those). Writing has gotten a lot harder for me this last year. RP hasn’t, but freeform writing is really tough. I did like how the words chosen this year were a little easier and more relatable than prior years. I could work with these. Mostly. Looking at you, benthos. As I expected when I started, I wrote a lot about Daephrin this time around since I’ve been RPing him the most lately.
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Prompt #1: Foster - Daephrin Astramente - In which Daephrin and his mecha-kitty search Allagan ruins.
Prompt #2: Aberrant - Aeluan Hoshinata - Aeluan muses about his beloved’s dysphoria. * Prompt #3: Scale - Daephrin Astramente - Airship! * Prompt #4: Baleful - Aeluan Hoshinata - In which Aeluan meets a thief. * Prompt #5: Extra Credit / Hair - Daephrin Astramente - A detailed examination of hair. Prompt #6: Avatar - Lhys Onhde - Lhys argues with her escort. Prompt #7: Speculate - Daephrin Astramente - What does this part do? Prompt #8: Adroit - Daephrin Astramente - Mmm, guns. Prompt #9: Friable - Vy’thanis Lusignon - It’s all an innuendo. Prompt #10: Heady - Mathaes Silverton - Daydreaming about his boyfriend. Prompt #11: Preaching to the Choir - Daephrin Astramente & Aeluan Hoshinata - A brief discussion of a phrase. * Prompt #12: Extra Credit / Barrister - Daephrin Astramente - A sunny day and goofing off. * Prompt #13: Oneirophrenia - Aeluan Hoshinata - Haunted by nightmares. Prompt #14: Commend - Daephrin Astramente - Watch where you’re going, Dae! Prompt #15: Thunderous - Daephrin Astramente - Boom. Prompt #16: Crane - Zheyn’a Lihuel - In which Zheyn’a plays a song. Prompt #17: Destruct - Daephrin Astramente - Content warning: mentions of self-harm, suicide. Prompt #18: Devil’s Advocate - Daephrin Astramente - A rejection of feelings. Prompt #19: Extra Credit / Rifle - Iovar Reynard - Rifling through ruins. * Prompt #20: Petrichor - Aeluan Hoshinata - A poem... Prompt #21: Feckless - Daephrin Astramente - A misspent youth. Prompt #22: Fluster - Daephrin Astramente - A very brief dialogue. Prompt #23: Soul - Daephrin Astramente - The soul of an airship. Prompt #24: Illustrious - Lhys Onhde - Lhys argues with her mentor. Prompt #25: Silver Lining - Daephrin Astramente - Daydreaming about his boyfriends. Prompt #26: Extra Credit / Limerick - Mathaes Silverton - A very bad limerick. Prompt #27: Benthos - Daephrin Astramente - In which I nearly responded with just a picture. Prompt #28: Bow - Aeluan Hoshinata - This one is suggestive. * Prompt #29: Debonair - Daephrin Astramente - A lady lounges in his room. Prompt #30: Abstracted - Aeluan Hoshinata - Daydreaming about proposing to his boyfriend, and why he’s too scared to.
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That’s right, folks - YEAR 4 of our annual FFxiv 30 Day Writing Challenge begins on Tuesday, September 1st at 12:00pm PST!
More Info: https://ffxiv-write.carrd.co/
Artist Volunteer Sign-up: https://forms.gle/bMojWcWWiUMXZzht5
Questions: My Ask box is open, or ask me on Twitter (MoenMoenFFxiv)
Need a warm-up? Here are some short weekly prompts to get the writing gears in motion:
I challenge you to keep your responses short while writing to these weekly warm-up prompts. Why? Because they’re just warm-ups - a moment for your creative brain to stretch a little before running the marathon.
And, I want you to practice writing short because if, during the Challenge in September, you start feeling creatively exhausted from this marathon, you’ll be able to think back to how short your responses to these warm-ups were and it may encourage you to submit something super short so that you meet your goal of writing every day without overtaxing yourself. I mean it when I say that short and sweet entries count. ❤️ I will accept single sentence entries!
See if you can do one of these warm-ups each week leading up to the Challenge. If you want to repeat one or two of them multiple times, go for it! Whatever you need for your creative brain to feel good and ready.
I won’t be tracking responses to these warm-ups. They’re purely for your benefit. Use the hashtag #FFxivWrite2020 warm-up if you’d like.
Write a haiku about your character
Write about your character’s facial expression (10 sentences max)
Write a limerick about your character
Write about the sound of your character’s voice (10 sentences max)
Make up your own warm-up idea! (10 sentences max)
Have fun! 
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hadriandemara-ffxiv · 4 years
𝒊𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒂 𝒅𝒆𝒊𝒕𝒚 | Hadrianus
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Deity of: Laughter, perseverance, Bacchanalian excess, reckless bravado, adaptability, determination, luck
Associated with: Volatility, changing winds, fireworks, million-to-one Hail Mary shots, quicksilver, getting the last laugh, resourcefulness, faerie rings, kestrels, the sizzling of adrenaline at the eleventh hour, “tomorrow is never promised,” leaps of faith, strong drink, "party at the end of the world,” the first rays of sunlight breaking through the clouds after a storm, conception, transmutation, clay
Sacred plants: Stinging nettle, prickly pear
Sacred crystals/stones: Amazonite, labradorite, tiger’s eye
Sacred animals: Kestrel, mongoose
Colors: Silver, charcoal, crimson
Food: Grapes, fatty cuts of meat, whiskey and barleywine, rye bread, blackstrap molasses
Scents: Leather, sandalwood, rust, smoke
Accepted offerings/ways to honor: You are a god in mortal flesh. Turn lead to gold, losses to gains, and hopelessness into survival. When your house falls down around you, gather the timbers and build a campfire instead. Look to no one else to save you; you were given eyes and ears and steady hands. Use them. Seize opportunities and deny yourself no pleasures, for they are fleeting. Trust your aim. Laugh loudly and often, especially at your enemies.
An offering to Hadrianus must always include strong drink, for it’s the father of bold impulses and the enemy of cowardice. Hadrianus is a gluttonous god, and will love you for feasting him richly, but never do so at the expense of your own well-being. Dead devotees speak no prayers and sing no victories.
Set your offering on a nondescript altar of stone, and burn it so that the fortune scatters back up in smoke onto the winds. State your prayers simply and to the point, and don’t forget to thank him for the strokes of luck that got you this far.
Alternately, honor him with bawdy songs and limericks about glad-hearted survivors and serendipitous happy endings. Write your own, if you can.
‘ You only have one life; live it as loud and bold and proud as can be -- and if it must be taken from you, then leave it streaked with claw marks and die with pieces of it in your teeth. ’
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Hadrianus is a masculine deity that embodies self-reliance, adaptability, and the unstoppable power of will. He is a favorite of soldiers and survivalists, as bravery and resourceful thinking are traits that he adores, and he rewards them richly with gifts of truer strikes, improbable ‘near-misses’ that would’ve been fatal otherwise, finds of clear streams and forest bounties, and other such unlikely-but-welcome strokes of luck. Those who cross him often find themselves seemingly cursed with one misfortune after another: gamblers may experience prolonged and disastrous losing streaks, couples may struggle to conceive, and so on.
Despite his association with ferocity of will and lucky breaks, Hadrianus is a solitary god, said to roam the heavenly halls and the earth endlessly as though in search of something or someone -- often slipped right past him, just barely missed by a moment. The lavish offerings and stellar victories of mortal men ease his mind and lift his spirits, and so the best way to earn his favor is to live each day as though it were your last, reveling in all that life grants to you, wasting no opportunity and bringing tell of your triumphs back to him.
Thank you for the tags, @silvernsteel​, @cigarettes-n-daisies​, and @chanaihimaa​! This was loads of fun!
I think the entirety of the world has been tagged in this already, but just in case... @renofmanyalts​ @mathemagiks​ @spotofmummery​ @lumei-xiv​ @primus-medicus​ @conjuringcoeurls​ @resistance-ranger​ @shur-kha-ffxiv​ @wondereverlasting​ @janijaire​ @blue-sentinel​ @aylamoenwyb​ @thevoilinauttheory​
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mimble-sparklepudding · 3 months
Feldspar Ruby
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If you visit The Cracked Cluster bar,
You should enjoy a drink with Feldspar,
He's an accomplished bartender,
So why not be a big spender,
And leave generous tips in the jar!
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Some further poetical nonsense! This time to celebrate the birthday of the fantastic @loldragoon-ffxiv and their wonderful OC Feldspar Ruby.
One of the first blogs I ever followed on Tumblr, this one comes highly recommended, with beautiful gposes and terrific writing - and some of the shapeliest calves in all Eorzea.
Co-Writer, with @scholarlostintime, of one of the most moving romances I've ever had the pleasure of reading, this is a blog with some serious talent behind it. Please give it a follow if you're not following already.
Many happy returns @loldragoon-ffxiv!
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ever-searching · 4 years
FFXIVWrite, Warm-Up #3: Limerick
(Part of the FFXIV September 2020 weekly warm-up series)
There was a Highlander so stern that his impassive face caused concern.          He was once asked to smile,          and he did so for a while but it only made everyone’s stomachs churn.
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krahka · 5 years
The KleskizhAUs and their Poetic Styles
Under read more because lomg
SWTOR Kleskizhae
Ridiculous Sith Juggernaut. Excessively proud of his Sith ancestry but also ridiculously light side and somehow doesn’t see this as a problem. Loves lightsabers, loves the Empire but is a little less clear on whether he likes the Empire as an institution or the Empire as the people, and hint, it’s the people, he’ll pick the people if he had to.
DS!SWTOR Kleskizhae
Ridiculous and awful Sith Juggernaut. Believes himself morally and genetically superior to all others. Delights in toying with his inferiors, especially in breaking their hearts with his charm and facade of kindness. 
Poetry: Flowery and romantic and flattering. More or less copies of ancient Sith poems, but with the words changed a bit. They’re mostly for showing off how cultured he is and how much he loves you babe, so he doesn’t put in much effort. 
ESO Kleskizhae
Altmer Battlemage. A scion of the Direnni but not on great terms with his family due to his allegiance to the Aldmeri Dominion and his marrying a Bosmer because of Spinner shenanigans. Ambassador of the Queen and definitely not one of her Eyes nosir. Got pressganged into the Buoyant Armigers after impressing Vivec by exemplifying all of hir favorite virtues and vices just by accident.
Poetry: Sonnets. Ballads. Sexually explicit but it’s so purple that you can hardly tell just how sexually explicit it really is. Mostly about his own adventures and the people he knows. Melodramatic as fuck. The stuff he wrote when Vivec specifically was taking an interest in him is his best work, since he starts getting more experimental and tones down the silliness without losing that red hot emotional core that really elevates the verse to something that so many people try and fail to replicate in the future that it’s become its own genre. 
DS!ESO Kleskizhae
Altmer Battlemage what dabbles in necromancy. Believes himself the rightful king of all of High Rock with the Bretons as his rebellious subjects. Allied with Mannimarco because he promised him that when Planemeld happened, he could have his ancestral holdings all to himself, with all the people there living only to glorify him. The kinda guy you end up killing in the Daggerfall Covenant quests or in a Balfiera focused dungeon DLC. 
Poetry: Pretty similar to light side ESO!Kleskizhae, but if he thinks you didn’t appreciate his work he’ll torture you until you do. Try and critique it and he’ll just plain murder you and raise your corpse to grovel for his forgiveness and admit that you were wrong. Also his poetry is his annoying boss mechanic somehow. Didn’t read the books in his dungeon? Too bad because that’s how you defeat him. 
GW2 Klejskizae
Norn Herald. Skald, champion of Wolf, Lightbringer of the Order of Whispers. A Delight unto all people of Tyria! Your new best friend who is not using your friendship with him to learn your secrets! Come and listen to him channel the spirits and the Legends next Dragon Bash!
Poetry: Actually more into prose. Veddas. Stories about heroes, exaggerated for effect. Tales that he keeps in his mind that he tells differently each time he’s asked to tell it, depending on what he thinks his audience needs to hear. The poetry tends to be more personal, often taking the form of prayers to the Spirits that are between him and them. Also will write songs, also about heroes, with calls to action for the Pact. 
TES!Specifically Klejskizae
Nord Skaald. Traveling yeller. Delighter of audiences all throughout Tamriel. Follower of the Old Ways. Probably also in the Blades. 
Poetry: SCREAMING TAVERN SONGS. Great heroes, sometimes gets kicked out of taverns in Skyrim because he’s performing songs about non-Nord heroes but how can you not be excited by EVERYONE
SWTOR!Specifically Klejskizae
Mandalorian what will scream battle poems in your ear as he faces you in glorious hand to hand combat. Has some very weird ideas of what being Mandalorian is, but they’re closer to reality than his Sith version’s ideas of being Sith. 
Poetry: You thought Sith Kleskizhae’s poetry was gory and violent? You haven’t heard Mando Klejskizae. They are ridiculous. Everything ends with lovers embracing for the last time as they die in battle and their death is described in excruciating detail.
FFXIV Kleskizhae
Ishgardian adventurer. Dragoony Bard. Got kicked out for being way too scandalous for the theocracy and for talking too much about how he thought that maybe we should just smooch the Dragons? 
Poetry: The poetry isn’t why he’s not liked back in Ishgard, though that poetry was a means to transmit his unpopular and scandalous ideas and activities. The poetry specifically is why he’s distrusted in Gridania after he met an elemental and challenged it to a rap battle and it went very poorly. (Kleskizhae won and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise or that that’s not the point and there is no winning because he definitely won)
West Coast Fallout Klaus K. Zheng
Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel. Sort of into the whole BoS thing of keeping dangerous tech out of people’s hands but also he’s into protecting people in any way he can, since they must protect those who will inherit the past, yes? That is what we’re doing, right? Right?
Poetry: He found a book of poems about Arthurian legends and they changed his life, as did Grognak the Barbarian which he’s sure is in the same canon. He’s also read a bunch of Shakespeare and only sort of understands it. So yeah, sonnets that are Shakespeare ripoffs. Casting modern topics into medieval terms. Sometimes it’ll get weird and his BoS worldview will come in and make them anachronistic but it’s unintentional because he just wants to write like the knights of yore. 
East Coast Fallout Klaus K. Zheng
Enclave soldier, later deserter once he sees that oh shit killing everyone wasn’t supposed to be what they were going to do! He wasn’t listening to the quiet part! Ends up aiding synths because it pisses off the BoS and also saves lives. Still believes in America but it’s one that maybe never existed. 
Poetry: The Enclave did preserve a lot of good American literature in their databanks, though they’re kinda sketchy about distributing it to their soldiers since even before 2077 they realized that a lot of the American canon contains like, anti-war, anti-corporate ideas and they couldn’t have that in their new society. He read Leaves of Grass once and it blew his mind. He might just surrender to the Brotherhood if they let him have access to their books, because he needs those. But also he might not because they would probably kill him and he’s also spending his post-Raven Rock time helping synths out of the Institute and that’s something they’d kill him for. And probably also kill a lot of other people if they realized that the Railroad had ex-Enclave in there. And the Institute doesn’t care for the humanities, which is why they had to create machines to teach them how to be human and then proceed to do such terrible things to the humans they’ve created; because they are less machine than they are and they resent them for it. 
Modern Vlogger Klaus K. Zheng
Relationship advice vlogger, specifically as a counter-voice to all those shitty misogynist PUAs that are targeting lonely straight men. Also here for the lonely women and the lonely queers since he’s a queer man himself. 
Poetry: He’s got a Master’s in Poetry and he feels it was time well spent, even if he didn’t care as much for academia as he did for the writing and the reading. One of the rewards for donating to his Patreon at a higher tier is a short poem written just for you about whatever subject you wish. (Assuming that it’s not extremely objectionable. He’ll gladly write poems about all sorts of sex acts, but he won’t write one about the virtues of white power.)
HZD Kleskizhae
Carja Warrior. Participated in the Red Raids because that was what the will of the Sun was but he couldn’t take the violence and the genocide and ended up joining with Sun-Prince Avad to overthrow the murderous king literally as soon as he could. Has been on a tour of goodwill ever since. 
Poetry: Overuses the words “glinting”, “scintillating”, “resplendent”, “radiant”, “brilliant” and other words that mean A LOT OF LIGHT because he’s really into writing ridiculous songs about the Sun. A lot more personal and emotional than a lot of Carja poetry, since it’s more about love than about praising the Sun or the King. It’s a new dawn, and what the world needs is love’s shining rays to heal her wounds. With the help of some Oseram who wanted to promote the newly invented phonograph, manages to become the first real pop star after the apocalypse.
DA Kleskizhae
Tevinter Battlemage. Was sent off to the front lines against the Qunari to keep from embarrassing his family and his master. Accidentally ended up embarrassing them anyway. 
Poetry: So he’s really into bringing up the Old Gods in his poems. He doesn’t worship them, he’s a good Andrastian, but you know how in the Renaissance everyone was a huge Greeceaboo? Yeah, it’s like that. 
WtA Klaus K. Zheng
Fianna Galliard. He’s a werewolf poet who sings ballads of his pack’s glorious battles and lifts their spirits in the name of Gaia and Stag!
Poetry: He’s got a soft spot for dirty limericks. All of the Kleskizhaes will make improv poems upon request when they’re drunk enough but Fianna!Klaus is the master of the drunken on-the-spot poem. Like they get way better when he’s drunk and they’re improvised, as opposed to the usual thing where they’re charmingly bad.
VtM Klaus K. Zheng
Toreador. Got the vampire bug some time in the Victorian era, I dunno if he was actually British or what.
Poetry: Lord Byron himself once called his poems “a bit maudlin.” His sire was certainly fond of his work, but if he had more time in his peak living creative years he would have probably been a better known figure in the Romantic movement. As it is he’s fairly irrelevant and forgotten by all but a few intense scholars of the period, and even they consider him a minor figure. 
Shadowrun Klaus K. Zheng
Elven Street Samurai. Just wants to make the world a better place through the power of love and also katanas. Probably unfortunately involved with Aztechnology which is gonna end badly for him probably. 
Poetry: Machines and corporations have not yet conquered the metahuman soul, and that is why he writes. Has been banned from a couple of Runner BBSs for constantly posting about his latest runs in the form of epic poem, and that’s not what these boards are for, @GLORIOUSSAMURAI, please turn off your caps lock
Star Trek Kleskizhae
Romulan Tactical Officer. Fought in the Dominion War, joined the Romulan Republic after Romulus asplode, because they wouldn’t let him quietly desert and because he believes in the true Romulan spirit that can never be repressed!
Poetry: He’s trying to revive ancient pre-Awakening Vulcan poetic traditions whilst failing to recognize that lots of it doesn’t work in the modern Romulan language. He’s always been super into poetry but after the destruction of Romulus, he becomes obsessed with writing the perfect series of poems to describe it for the future, so that people will remember what it’s like long after everyone who remembers it is dead. He hasn’t been successful yet and it’s upsetting him but he can’t just not do it. He owes it to the dead. 
Bionicle Kleskizhae
He's a proud Skakdi warlord of Fire who is trying his best to unite his proud and noble people against the wicked deprivations of the Makuta and might also be in the Order of Mata Nui because sometimes Kleskizhae is a spy? But always he is very loud. 
Poetry: Extremely long and elaborate war chants with 40 verses that he’s trying to get his guys to chant into battle but no one else but him can remember it all and he keeps adding more verses. But also he’s written love poetry that’s gone all the way around Greg and made romance canon again! He’s done it! With the chiseling of the tablets he’s made love real!
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poor-rhyan · 5 years
Trust NPC: Rhyan Charm
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Selection: “'Normally I’m a lover, not a fighter. But let’s go.”
Job: Tank-Dark Knight
Weapons: Big damned sword, magic.
AI Behaviour: During combat, Rhyan would use a combination of melee hits, protective bubbles, and aether-draining magic. He is quick to use protection abilities if one of his party members is threatened
Battle lines: “Let’s dance!.” -Starting attack line “Mmm, your aether tastes like mashed popoto!” -Using Specialty Skill, variation 1 “Don’t worry, I’ve got you..” -Using Specialty Skill, variation 2 “Uh, could you not have a lie down while I’m risking my life for you?.” -Upon ally KO Limit break: “Better make myself look big.” - Upon Limit Break 1 “Come close to Papa Rhyan. He’ll protect you.” - Upon Limit Break 2 “I will not let you hurt my friends!” -Upon Limit Break 3 KO’d: “Not the face!” - Variation 1 “Tell them, I died like I lived. Sexy as fuck.” - Variation 2 Revived: “Thanks, I needed that.” - Variation 1 “Ooh, that made me feel all tingly!” - Variation 2 “Are we still fighting this? Fine.” - Variation 3 Bonus: “Do you think these trousers are too tight?” - Upon standing idly “I’ve got a date in a bell so could we get a move on?” - Upon standing idly “I know a great limerick. Want to hear it?” - Upon standing idly
tagged by: @thebaileymail tagging: @archmagesarto @duskblackbird @missmeela @twin-moons-ffxiv @kikilukilu
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the-wardens-torch · 5 years
FFXIVwrite2019 - Prompt #2
@sea-wolf-coast-to-coast, a very kind and dedicated pillar of this funky little FFXIV community!
((Had to repost this one because I’m an idiot and didn’t follow the rules with my post title and I was afraid I’d get missed since I originally posted this hours ago, thanks @adeat for pointing that out /facepalm))
Entry #1, prompt #2 - Bargain Word count: 812
N’elyrha knew a powerful woman when she saw one.
Sihaha Siha’s stature made her no less imposing - the scarlet paint on her lips didn’t resemble a girlish flush of arousal so much as the spilled blood of a freshly killed lamb.  Her eyes were a jolly rose pink, but betrayed little emotion behind dark eyeshadow that hung fog-thick on her eyelids, and eyelashes like shards of volcano glass.  She brought her hand up and gently touched her chin, leaving a single finger over her closed lips, a gesture that might have seemed coquettish on anyone else.  
“You come with a strong recommendation from one of my wealthiest patrons… he said that he should like to see you perform in surroundings more befitting a “flower of the desert,” as he so tritely put it.” her voice was flat and expressionless.
“Your willingness to entertain the thought of hiring me is flattering, but I cannot say that I imagined myself performing in a place like… this.” N’elyrha cast her eyes around the room… Nearly every surface was velvet, brocade, lacquer, or all of the above, in varying warm, sensual colors. An oil painting of suggestively flesh-colored flowers bloomed on the wall behind Sihaha’s chair, rising around her like some elaborate throne. Sihaha chuckled.
“Please, little sister.  I know that isn’t your kind of performance. I have other girls to do the hands-on work, and they enjoy every minute of it just as you enjoy every note of your songs. I would be happy to have you.  Though you would need accommodations, am I correct?”
“Yes, mistress. For me and… for my son.”
This provoked another chuckle from Siha.
“What, that leggy bay colt of a Hyur downstairs? If that’s your son, than I’m the daughter of a Xaela and a Sea Wolf….”
Siha’s sarcasm came as no surprise to N’ Elyrha, who had been hearing remarks like this about her choice of family for nearly a decade. Her anger at it was all but gone, manifesting only in a slight flattening of her ears and tensing of her jaw.
Siha laced her fingers together and smiled, letting it be known that N’elyrha’s reigned in anger was not lost on her.  “…But, in this line of work, found family is often all we can hope for. Just the same, even a young rooster can cause trouble in the henhouse.” Siha said, blood red lips curling into a self-assured smile.
N’elyrha looked back at her, meeting her pink champagne gaze with a sort of spiteful determination.
“He can earn his keep, believe me.  He can braid my hair as easily as he can fell an antelope, which is to say nothing of what he brings to my performances… He’s only touched an instrument a few times in his life, but any tune you play to him he can play back with scarcely a moment’s thought.   He knows all the best bawdy limericks and sings like a sunroad wren.”
Siha shook her head, her smile growing wider as her veiled eyes twinkled. N’elyrha held her tongue despite the fact that Siha was clearly enjoying this little game she had created between them.
“Sure he’s your sweet little pet now, sister, but in a few years he’ll be peeking into the dressing rooms and leaving sticky spots all over the furniture, and that songbird voice of his may turn into a raven‘s croak.”
N’elyrha angrily sucked in a breath through her nostrils. She had many a memory of the teenage boys of her own tribe using sticks to draw enormous cocks in the sand, spying on the nunh as he made love to his favorite woman, sneaking peeks at the girls bathing near Burgundy falls… Generally acting like aldgoats in rut. It was only a matter of time before her own boy reached such an age, and she was not looking forward to it. Just the same, Siha’s game was getting tiring, sensible as her objections might be.
“But before you try to verbally disembowel me with that pretty voice of yours, let me propose a bargain.” Siha said, narrowing her eyes in a playfully predatory fashion.
“We have a vacant room, and one of my orchestra players recently skipped town.  Left his accordion behind after he used his other “instrument” to fool around with the dockmaster’s daughter.  Teach your boy to play that accordion, keep a tight rein on him, and you may both stay here. Would such an arrangement please you, little sister?”
N’elyrha shuffled her feet girlishly and smiled.
“It would, mistress.” N’elyrha reached out her hand to the smaller woman, allowing the faintest hint of defiance to sparkle in her golden eyes. “And might I say how appropriate it is that your name has ’haha’ in it… Because you’re certainly proving yourself to have a very unique sense of humor.”
Sihaha’s chuckle became an unabashed guffaw as she shook N’elyrha’s hand warmly.
((And we’re off and running with an uncomfortable female perspective on male puberty - meet Sihaha Siha, proprietress of the Fox and Shrew, and first employer of Fal and his mom.))
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