#mimble poetry nonsense
mimble-sparklepudding · 10 months
Mimble Poetry Nonsense Examples.
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Just trying to pull together some random examples of my silly poetry posts for potentially interested parties (who may or may not be stuck with me for the FFXIV Swap Meet doodah).
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The Etheirycrumb OCs...
A is for A'vett, baking quality bread, B is for Briar, in his forest homestead, C is for Chisai, who was tamed by her wife, D is for Drac, in the prime of his life, E is for Eisha, in love with a Scion, F is for Fennie, a qualified Archon, G is for Goldthorne, the well-travelled bard, H is for Hali, finding love in Ishgard, I is for Inxli, pink-clad and mighty, J is for Juri, flirtatious and flighty, K is for Kuro, the accomplished cook, L is for Leo, putting thoughts in a book, M is for Meeps, with a soul fused by magic, N is for Naru, lost in romance most tragic, O is for Otto, whose wife has a fluffy tail, P is for Phoebe, the deadliest nightingale, Q is for Quail, romanced by a gleaner, R is for Raer, with a patient demeanour, S is for Shio, who studies traditions, T is for Talion, with enchanted munitions, U is for Umari, so beautifully pale, V is for Vincent, who’s unwilling to fail, W is for Wrath, consumed by his rage, X is for Xanthia, an accomplished Red Mage, Y is for Yloise, enamoured of plants, Z is for Zoisite, who was skilled with the lance.
By Mrs. Dale Bulking-Pimped.
(With apologies to Edward Gorey)
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I hope nobody minds me borrowing their OCs for silly purposes!
How many OCs did you recognise? Why not follow their creators and find out more about their stories!
@avettabendrot @briar-ffxiv @sunny-jade @draculas-husband @umbralaether @scholarlostintime @goldthornxiv @firelightmuse @pinxli @cinnabun-faerie @kurokuznetzov @writer-of-histories @meepsthemiqo @blucifer08 @superiorthaumaturge @phoebe-of-ivalice @actualanxiousswampwitch @azure-dragonsinger @the-littlest-kojin @talion-graves @umari-xiv @lizarddiary @under-the-blood-moonlight @xanthiaxiv @yloiseconeillants @loldragoon-ffxiv
Apologies to those amazing OCs I missed out due to alphabetical limitations - there are apparently a great many OCs starting with N and L etc.!
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