#feeling in control is kind of more important than actually being in control
i just found your post on having to play 5D chess with PDA where you tagged it mentioning you had many tips to trick the brain and to ask for them if interested! I can’t find if you already posted those because Tumblr’s search function is ass- would you be willing to share some of them, or if you already have, direct me to where I could find it? Thank you!
I think I may have given a couple tips somewhere, but I never got around to making a conclusive post so thanks for asking! the key thing is always to get at the root of the problem, to be patient to yourself, and to understand that sometimes even the best of tools just aren't going to work
so, first. there's a reason PDA is sometimes taken to stand for Persistent Demand for Autonomy. this isn't necessarily true in all cases or in all situations, but I've found it can be a helpful way to reframe it in my mind. when I'm starting to feel that my PDA has been triggered I ask myself:
am I feeling like I've lost control of the situation? how can I feel like I can regain this sense of control?
how much autonomy do I have in my life in general at the moment? are there other places I can regain autonomy?
what is it that other people are doing that may have triggered this response?
my PDA is almost always at its worst when I am in periods of high-stress, when I don't feel like I'm in control of anything. sometimes this means that, before I can do housework or uni work or whatever else, I need to go do something else that makes me feel back in control
usually, this means taking a safe risk. walking in a straight line from somewhere without my phone or a map. doing something creative without having any kind of plan. changing up something about my appearance. eating something I've never eaten before, or in a combination I haven't had before. that kind of thing. it's only once I've reminded myself that I have autonomy that I have a higher tolerance for environments where my autonomy is somewhat restricted
another thing that has helped is maintaining an attitude of everyday resistance. it's easier to complete a task if I feel like I'm in control of HOW I do it, WHEN I do it, and the ATTITUDE I do it with. a classic example of this is giving myself a range of options of what I do with my time like a choose-your-own-adventure novel. I can either do the laundry or take my dog for a walk or write one sentence of my uni pre-work etc etc
in a more general sense, it's also important to communicate with people in your life about what your needs are on this front. if you can pinpoint exactly what it is that tends to trigger your PDA response, it's a hell of a lot easier to make sure that other people in your life are aware of it, and how they can help to navigate it along with you
and then. perhaps most importantly. I do not let myself get annoyed or frustrated myself, regardless of how much I actually get done. I find that I end up being most productive when I don't force it and I don't feel like anyone is forcing me to do anything (including myself!). productivity happens while nobody is looking
I hope this helps!
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izzys-bluebell-woods · 4 months
I feel like people have been quick to dismiss Mimzy's importance in Ep. 5
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I've been seeing a lot of Mimzy hate, mainly on Reddit, where people are genuinely REALLY hating on Mimzy because she was annoying, interrupted Hell's Greatest Dad, and served no purpose in the episode.
Whilst the previous two points are down to personal taste, I feel like considering Mimzy's role in this episode nonexistent, or that she just exists for fanservice here, is greatly overlooking what this episode is about. There are two focuses to the episode, one of course being Lucifer and his relationship with Charlie, but it's also the deepest look into Alastor's actual character that we've gotten so far, I'd say significantly more than the finale. We see two sides to Alastor that both Mimzy and Luficier bring out, and I wanted to kind of highlight my thoughts and what the episode was trying to show us about Alastor that we wouldn't have gotten if Mimzy wasn't there.
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Alastor's instant hostility towards Lucifer makes it incredibly clear that Alastor can't keep his cool all the time - his two biggest flaws is that he is power-hungry and incredibly petty. From what we know - and what is likely to be true considering Lucifer is shown to have no idea who he is - Alastor has never met Lucifer before this. If the theories that he belongs to Eve/Lilith in some way are true, there is reasonable ground to say that this immediate hatred towards him could be justified, maybe it was in some way Lucifer's fault that he's caught in this deal and this is his way of taking it out on him or trying to uphold his end of that deal.
But look how much his mask slips, look how annoyed and angry he is. If this was a font that he was doing to somehow make Lucifer intentionally mad at him for some sort of personal gain, he wouldn't have looked so murderous. Him just leaning down and hissing 'fuck you' right in his face was so shocking for the audience purely because no one has done that to him before, no one has pushed him so much.
This indicates that Alastor isn't just playing some sort of game, Lucifer genuinely got under his skin, because he is so obviously more powerful than Alastor and he HATES that. He hates being reminded that he's not the biggest meanest in Hell - this was explored more in his showdown in Adam, but at the time of this episode's release, this is the most flawed and 'human' Alastor has ever felt. He's dropped from this force of mysterious evil, to randomly picking a fight with the Devil himself because he was so catty about being shown up.
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As further reinforced with him snapping at Husk when he also reminded him he wasn't as all-powerful as he sees himself to be, Alastor will lash out at those who make him feel like he isn't the one in control and pulling the strings of everything - we finally see a hint of motivation for him sticking around at the hotel at all.
But then there's Mimzy.
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We immediately go from seeing Alastor at his worst, at his most aggravated and petty, to seeing him literally melt into a hug. The demon who, according to Viv herself, hates physical contact so much that he would distort and melt himself to get away from it. We so quickly go from being shocked that Alastor is behaving so spitefully to now having to take in Alastor being ecstatic to see someone who he considers to be a friend.
Having this be so directly after his massive tiff with Lucifer is so important. If this wasn't included in this episode, our only insight into the person Alastor actually is would be that he's an asshole. Picking fights with people just because he wants to stay on top, that its the thing he cares about the most. But Mimzy does come along, and we see that it isn't true at all - and its confusing, and that is so perfect.
You think you're getting somewhere with the person Alastor is, but you see that, hold on, there is actually a semblance of heart in there, here he is actually caring about someone. But what is so important about this being a relationship he shares with Mimzy, and something that couldn't at all be explored with, say, Rosie, is the kind of person Mimzy is.
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Mimzy double crossed Alastor. And, according to Husk, this is a somewhat regular occurace. We can see that Alastor is annoyed at her, and I think most of us were prepared for him to do something to her like he was doing to those loan sharks a few seconds before this confrontation.
But...he doesn't. Not at all, he doesn't even snap at her. Perhaps scold her a bit, but other than that, he is so nice to her and just politely tells her to leave and that is that. He does more shit to Lucifer, who literally hasn't done nothing but exist in his presence, than someone who just trampled all over his ego by using him, both as a shield and, well, somewhat emotionally.
In this episode, Alastor is shown to lash out. Easily. All you have to do is be more powerful than Alastor, and he won't like you - that's the impression you'd get from his scenes with Lucifer alone. But we have his scenes with Mimzy as well, and you're being told, hold on, no, that isn't quite correct, because he's not acting the same here. What has Alastor got to gain from letting Mimzy get off of this with no repercussions? Mimzy, someone who has probably sold her soul to someone else and has absolutely no power at all.
Nothing. He does it because Alastor cares about her.
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I don't think I would have considered his friendship with Rosie to be genuine at all if it wasn't for his friendship with Mimzy. Rosie is so powerful, and Alastor has so much to gain from being in close cahoots with her, but it's so clear that he doesn't care about that, but he sees her as an equal. If all we saw from Alastor in that episode was him lusting for power, it would render the way we see all his relationships with people to be of some gain to him somehow. ESPECIALLY Rosie and other Overlords like Zestial.
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This makes Alastor and Mimzy's relationship arguably one of the most interesting in the show. Someone who is so powerful and unpredictable, who hardly cares for anyone other than himself, caring about this absolute gremlin of a woman. He likes Mimzy purely because she's fun to be around, a sentiment you might expect from Alastor, with his stated reasoning for joining the hotel being to laugh at people, but he's in no way laughing at Mimzy. You can tell that he doesn't intimidate her at all, because she has the absolute balls to pull off the loan shark thing with him.
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Mimzy and Lucifer's interactions with Alastor has made him to be one, if not THE most interesting character in the show. Because you're exploring two contradictory sides of the same coin at once. One where he gets so worked up and angry over not having the power he sees himself as having, and one where he's visibly hurt that his long time friend used him. In one instance you have him pulling out all the stops to be as hostile as he could be to Lucifer without actually hurting him (even though he clearly wants to), and another where he has full range to hurt Mimzy as much as he wants to, but he doesn't.
Alastor cares about people. But also disregards people like playing cards. He is such a mixed bag, so far from being one note, and you wouldn't have gotten that insight without Mimzy.
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dollfacefantasy · 4 months
hi! i love your writing so much! i was wondering if you could write something with leon and a clingy reader? she just likes being held by him, and one day a make out session gets out of hand while he’s holding her so he just fucks her while standing up, not letting her get down. i don’t know if this makes sense but the thought won’t leave my head. hope you’re having a good day/night! <3
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pairing: leon kennedy x fem!reader
summary: you're such a needy little thing. leon can't get enough of you, and when he finds out you like being held, he has to take advantage of that.
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, oral sex (m receiving), standing sex, daddy kink
word count: 3.9k
a/n: thank you so much for the request! i FELT this one cause i also have a thing about being held hehe. i hope it's what you were looking for :) reblogs and comments are really appreciated <3
tags: @sleepyluxe @kaitkatme @tosuckmyweenis @pupthepokemonenthusiast @bizzarethirst @death-paint @petitecolibri @iron-toxinz @wildest-dreams-at-midnight @nexysworld @explorevenus @luniaxi
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It only took Leon a couple weeks of dating to figure out that his girlfriend was exceptionally needy. He could tell you tried to suppress it to the best of your ability, control your yearning for physical contact, but it was still there. Honestly, it was obvious from the way you looked at him alone. Glossy, pleading eyes just calling out to him for some love.
At first, he was wary of this trait. He wasn’t good with affection normally. Didn’t like talking about his feelings. That stuff was just too much. He’s a busy guy already. He didn’t need extra worries in the form of a sweet thing like you rubbing your cheek against his neck, snaking your arms beneath his shirt, softly pleading “Leon, I wanna cuddle.”
But his problem was that he always gave into that stuff. Words like those hitting his ears, your pouty lips begging for his kisses, and grabby hands roaming around his body always got you what you wanted. He’d plant a smooch on your temple or forehead, grunt a quiet “c’mere then baby,” and pull you on top of him.
Time passed, and you grew on him like ivy climbing a stone wall. Your clingy nature took root somewhere inside him and drove him wild. It was addictive, feeling so needed. For the first time in his life, he felt like someone’s absolute first choice. It was nice living out his days with the subconscious idea that he was your favorite person. He could get a bit cocky about it sometimes but more than anything it made him all sappy. He couldn’t help it. He tried keeping up the cool, slick persona around you for a little while because impressing you was so important to him. But the way you looked at him made him feel like Superman. Your precious face tilted upwards to gaze at him like he was the only man you’d ever laid eyes on. It just made him wanna scoop you up and take off, soar far up into the clouds where it would just be the two of you.
So he ended up feeding into this kind of behavior one thousand percent, enabling you with no reservations. If you were sitting together, you were on his lap. Standing near each other? His arm was around you, keeping you tucked to his chest. The two of you would be lying in bed and simple cuddling just didn’t cut it anymore. No, instead, he’d be rubbing your back, nuzzling and kissing your neck, massaging your scalp. And the pet names were constant. Your actual name was only reserved for serious or special occasions. In ordinary conversations, it was always “my baby” with the intermittent “precious girl” or “princess” mixed in. 
Because, from his perspective, why wouldn’t he? You both deserved this. You craved the physical affection you’d never gotten enough of while he yearned for a sweet little thing to dote on and love between the brutal DSO missions that plagued most of his time. He didn’t give a fuck if someone wanted to say it was codependent or that he was whipped. You were his baby, and if sweet tender affection was what revved your engine, what kind of man would he be to deprive you of it?
Maybe he was whipped. He wouldn’t shy away from that label. He loved you undoubtedly. His heart ached to see you smiling and laughing. Each individual cell in his body cried out to be pressed against you. But in the same breath, he’d be a liar if he said that sex played no part in his urges to coddle you.
He’d never seen a girl get as cock drunk as you. He’d warm you up with his cooing and caresses, and then all he had to do was slide a few inches in you, and you were gone. Nothing had ever gotten him so hard. It’s like your brain shut off as soon as your sweet little pussy was filled up. Really, you went the whole nine yards; whining, babbling, drooling. Your gorgeous lashes would flutter as your eyes went hazy, and you always wanted to hold his hand. Well, more specifically, you wanted him to offer his hand to you. He’d simply murmur “Aw, is it too much, princess? Here, hold daddy’s hand. That’s my girl,” and you were already cumming.
Cause that was the other part of this whole thing. Shortly after he caught on to your intense need for physical affection, he discovered your penchant for the infamous d word. The first time you’d said it, he had you pinned down to the mattress, face shoved against your pillow, hips slightly elevated while he stuffed you full of cock. You just cried it out in the same way you’d yell for God or whine “fuck.” And he rolled with it. One little word wasn’t gonna get in the way of what he’d found with you.
Beyond calling him daddy, Leon tried to take note of all the things that got you going. Sure, you were fond of physical expressions of love, and you probably wouldn’t turn down an offer from him ever. But that didn’t mean you didn’t have favorites when it came to this stuff. Leon took pride in remembering what you liked. Over the months of your relationship, he made a point to remember the specific motion you liked him to do when he rubbed your back. He burned into his mind that you liked to kiss in a way that would definitely make those over-the-top smooching noises found in network dramas. What could he say? He just wanted to do everything right for you.
Possibly his favorite thing that he discovered about you though was your love for being held. Love probably wasn’t even a strong enough word. Your affinity? Proclivity? Plain white hot need? Who fucking knows. All he knew was that you had a major thing for being wrapped up in his arms with your head on his shoulder.
The first hint he’d got at this part of you came by pure accident. He’d just arrived home from a mission, a long and taxing one at that. He’d missed you like crazy, felt as needy as you did on a daily basis, and you were practically vibrating with a longing for his touch. So when you came bounding down the hallway to meet him at the front door, he’d grabbed you by the waist, picked you up and spun you around like in an old cartoon when the prince and princess finally get their happily ever after.
Coming out of the short twirl, he’d brought you to his chest and held your body a little ways above the ground. He cradled your head to your shoulder and kept his grip tight to support you. And it wasn’t like you melted or had little hearts gleaming in your eyes, but something in your demeanor shifted.
“There’s my baby,” he muttered while smacking kisses on the side of your head.
You replied with how much you missed him, more than anything in the whole world. He laughed his deep, rumbling laugh and brought you over to the couch. You were all over him even more than normal which was really saying something. You couldn’t stop pecking his face or pushing up against him. Next thing he knew, you were tugging at his belt and taking his dick down your throat.
“Fuck, precious. don’t gotta choke yourself. It’s not goin’ anywhere,'' he hummed while tilting his head back against the couch. You weren’t normally so forward. You were always needy, but typically, you waited for him to initiate. It was much more your style to drop hints that you were in the mood and wait for him to pick up on your signals, but this time you just went for it.
He stroked the back of your head while you bobbed your head, taking him deeper each time. Groans fell from his lips, and his hips jolted in small twitches. Your saliva seeped out over your soft lips and dribbled down to his balls. You had never lacked enthusiasm before, but now you were taking him like his cock was the best treat you’d ever had.
He could barely stand the sight of you in that moment. Cute eyes drooping while your cheeks hollowed. Once he heard the muted sound of you gagging, he was done for. Shot his load deep in your throat in what would have been an embarrassingly short amount of time if you were anyone else. But you swallowed it all without any complaints and then crawled into his lap to cuddle some more. As you curled up to his chest, he knew something he did struck a chord with you to get you so eager.
So naturally, he tried picking you up again a couple days later. He had to know if that was a fluke or if it really was a thing. This time it was much more intentional, but he still played it off as a teasing gesture. He scooped you up from behind while you were fidgeting with something in the kitchen, expecting a whiny chorus of “Leon!” and “Stop, put me down!” But you didn’t say either. You let out a soft squeak and a quiet “What are you doing?”
“Just giving you a hug, baby,” he teased and situated you in his embrace so your front was pressed to his.
Almost immediately, as if your skull was magnetized, your head fell to his shoulder. Your limbs tightened around him a little and you took a deep breath like you wanted to commit his scent to memory. You didn’t even complain about him pulling you away from whatever task had been occupying your attention.
“This isn’t a hug,” you’d said softly.
“Says who? Seems like a hug to me, got my arms around you,” he responded with a small kiss to your temple.
His hand rose to your head and cradled it against his shoulder as your legs locked around his waist. He stood there with you for a moment just taking in the embrace. It was as if he could feel you melt against his body.
“A hug is when we’re both standing,” you say quietly while slotting your face in the warm crook of his neck.
“Yeah? You look that up in the dictionary or something?” he mutters in return.
When he had a firm hold on you, he walked you through the living room, taking the long way up to the bedroom to give his little experiment some time to play out. You rested quietly in his grasp as he navigated past furniture. He ran his free hand up and down your back as he moved, his other one planted firmly on your thigh to support you.
After the two of you reached the bedroom, he set you down on the bed and climbed in after you. His fingers coasted across your cheek as he looked down into your eyes, studying you in a way. He was still curious about what was going through your head. Again, him holding you like that had led to some of the best sex the two of you’d had, but there was something deeper there too. This wasn’t just a cheat code to get you to drop your panties. There was an emotional part of this too. He could tell.
“So you like when I pick you up, hm?” he’d asked.
You looked up at him from your spot against his chest, glowing a bit as you came down from the high. “I guess,” you answered with a tiny shrug.
He’d chuckled at your attempt to be casual and just dropped the subject matter. Your reasons were probably sensitive to you. Located in a deep, private cavern of your heart that was too guarded for you to let even him in yet. And that was ok with him. For now, he’d just chalk it up to some desire on an instinctual level. It was just something that made you tick, and it became something he did for you from time to time when you needed that extra level of care.
This evening, the two of you had been watching some movie. To be honest, Leon didn’t even remember what it was called at this point because he didn’t really wanna watch it in the first place. He was much more interested in you. You had just started it up as he arrived home from running some errands though, so he didn’t want to be rude and ask you to shut it off just because he was horny. Instead, he flopped down next to you on the couch. 
A small laugh bubbles from your lips as he pulls you to him and kisses down the side of your face, murmuring for you to explain what’s going on in the thing you were watching. You ramble on about the story, telling him that it’s the end of the world and these guys are trapped in this house, and that one is friends with that one but hates the other one, and blah blah blah. He loved you to death, but he just couldn’t care less about that right now. He hums along with a stream alternating between  “mhm” and “oh yeah.”
Your laughter increases as his kisses become more distracting. He nips at the skin of your throat and litters your soft skin with love bites. His tongue laves at your neck as his nose coasts over your flesh. After a while, your own interest in the movie begins to dwindle. You turn your head and plant some smooches on his face, enticing him to tilt his head upwards. The two of you meet in the middle, connecting your lips.
Mouths move in sync, tongues brush each other, and soon enough, your seat’s been abandoned in favor of your true favorite spot. You’re parked on his lap, the lush flesh of your ass flush against his semi-hard bulge. His hand slithers up your back underneath your shirt to rub up and down your spine while pulling you closer. Your breathing gets heavier, and you’re practically panting when you two finally pull away for a break. Your lips are wet with spit and a little puffy from making out. He drags his thumb over your bottom one as he smirks at your glazed eyes.
“Think you’d be ok with finishing this later?” he asks.
To his pleasure, you’re quick to accept the offer with a nod. “Seen it before anyways,” you admit and lean back in for more kisses.
He chuckles into your mouth and boosts you up without even turning the tv off. He’s stumbling to the bedroom, and you’re latched onto him like a little spidermonkey or something. He knew well by now that being carried took your brain to that sweet spot of utter submission, but today you were on something else entirely. You were getting whiny between kisses. He was having to support you extra because your hands were trying to slide in between the two of you and get at his pants. He assumed it was cause he got you riled up before picking you up, but he didn’t lament about it too much. He wasn’t thinking with his head right now.
All your squirming around nearly made him trip and topple the both of you to the ground. He grunts and shifts you around, trying to get you to settle down at least till you reach the bedroom. You wouldn’t let up though, continuing on with your impatient hip rocking and greedy fingers. He’s sure he’s about to fall over and one of you is moments away from serious injury, so he totters a few steps over and secures you against the wall.
“Jesus, you’d think I’d just got back from a war or something,” he breathes.
You laugh, but keep up your neediness. “Just want you so bad. Missed my daddy all day,” you murmur.
“Yeah? I know it’s hard being away from me. Your little head’s just not cut out for all that thinking is it?” he coos condescendingly, “This is how you're meant to be, just attached to daddy, letting him take care of everything while you tag along.”
“Mhm,” you nod and kiss him again. He can feel you smiling against his lips.
“Yeah, so how bout you do me a favor then and stop wriggling around so much. You wanna get dropped on your head so thinking isn’t even an option anymore?” he teases.
“No. I just…” you whimper defensively. A smile spreads across your face as you hide your face at the base of his neck. “I just want you… really bad.”
That was a tone Leon knew well by now. That was the tone of the guessing game. It was the voice you used when you wanted something but were too shy to just ask for it. So Leon had to decipher your signals and figure out what that thing was. Luckily, this time around it was pretty simple.
“Really bad? Like pinned down in the middle of the hallway while I’m stuffing you full of cum bad?” he asks.
“Sorta…” you say.
With an amused shake of his head, he thinks a little more. The stuffed full of cum thing was a given. So what was off? He was thinking through this as if searching for a missing puzzle piece. He runs through different scenarios before it clicks. He laughs a little. It was kind of obvious once he had it.
“Oh, of course not. There’s no way you’d choose to be out of my arms. What was I thinking?” he says, exaggerating his cadence, “So you want it standing?”
You nod, and with the right answer, that little smile feels so much sweeter. He leans harder into you, keeping you by pressing you between him and the wall. Giving you a few messy kisses, he finally undoes his pants and pushes them down to his mid-thigh. He was fully hard now. You could feel it as he rolled his hips against your center.
“Lucky you’re wearing a skirt, nice and easy for me,” he hums.
He bunches up the fabric around your waist before dragging his fingers over your panties, feeling how they were damp. He smirks against your lips while applying more pressure, seeking out your swollen clit.
“Already so wet, baby,” he chides, “Is this how you get while I’m not with you? Can’t think of anything but daddy cause your pretty pussy’s just crying for some more attention.”
“Yeah, need you to make the ache go away,” you say in a breathy whimper.
“I know you do,” he coos.
It’s a bit difficult in this position, but Leon manages to remove the last barriers of cloth separating the two of you. He lines up his dick with your entrance and slides home. Now it’s his head that falls on your shoulder as he groans. His stance didn’t really allow him to ease in. He was balls deep in the first stroke. You let out a long satisfied moan.
Taking a moment to readjust, he gets his elbows hooked under the bends of your knees. You’re basically bent in half, his cock to your cervix. This angle felt even deeper too. Your walls pulse around him as you work to accommodate the length.
“That’s it, pretty girl. Every part of you clings to me,” he grunts before taking a step away from the wall.
Losing the stability behind your back had you rocking and shifting more, causing his tip to nudge against all those sweet spots. Your thighs quiver as Leon gets into a rhythm and figures out how to bounce you on his cock like his. The sound of your skin meeting floats down the hallway. You whine and whimper, your eyes roll back as your head tilts the same direction.
He could tell you were loving it. Your favorite place to be combined with your favorite feeling in the entire world. There was nothing his sweet girl loved more than being stuffed full of cock and held by him.
“Feeling good, princess? Is daddy fucking you just how you wanted?” he asks.
“Mhm, mhm, mhm,” you whimper and nod dumbly.
“Good,” he says. He focuses on working himself in and out of you. His mind is locked on the sensation of your slick coating his shaft and collecting at the base, dripping down to his balls. But more words fill his mind and rush to his mouth to be let out. “This is why you’re so needy, right baby? You just need some cock in you or you get so frustrated. Can’t even think straight without your fill, can you?”
You shake your head wildly. Your legs tense over his arms. His hands dig into your back to keep you supported. You see his biceps flexing beneath his sleeves as he uses his strength to hold you up. He rocks you on his cock, back and forth, sliding himself in and out. You’re gasping and trembling more noticeably now. He knows you’re approaching the peak.
“Doing so good for me, precious,” he murmurs, “Keep squeezing me like that so I can fill you up just how you need.”
Your noises become more desperate. It feels as though you get even tighter. Leon slams into you deeper than you could remember. But then again, in this state, your memory wasn’t worth much. Pumping in and out, he sees your eyes squeeze show, your mouth widening into that cute familiar shape it always made when you came.
“Go ahead, baby. Make a mess for daddy,” he groans.
You do as he says, following your orders. You seize up and moan, long and loud. He tightens his grip and takes a step closer to the wall to ensure your high isn’t cut by falling. His hips don’t stop though. He feels that tensing in his belly. Gritting his teeth, he pounds you over and over until he has to stumble back to the wall.
You hit the surface with a thud, but he’s a little too busy to notice. He growls and whimpers into your neck, hips working at a more strained pace as he tries to grab that brief euphoria. A few thrusts later and release is washing over him. He fucks you full, going deep and staying true to his word about filling you up. He pumps every last drop in.
You slowly slide down in his arms till he lets go of your legs and your feet can touch the ground again. Looking up at him as he comes down, you watch his features melt into the relaxation of post-release. You lean up and press a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. His eyes open and look down at you. A lazy smile spreads on his face and moves in to return the gesture.
“So how’d I do?” he asks with that smug look you loved so much.
“Perfect like always,” you answer, genuine in contrast to his teasing. You step forward on wobbly legs, grabbing his hand to finish your trip to the bedroom together. He leans down and smacks a kiss on your neck.
“Clearly not perfect enough if you’re walking on your own now,” he purrs in your ear.
You smile and look down. “There’s still time to fix that,” you offer.
“Of course there is,” he agrees with a light swat to your ass. He pecks your lips once more before following you through the entryway to your shared room.
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akutasoda · 1 month
hii :3 for ur 1k event, can I request a fic or hcs of sunday w a shy s/o which likes physical affection a LOT? fine w fluff or hurt/comfort!! love ur writing <3
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feather light touches
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synopsis - what happens when someone who loves physical affection meets someone who doesn't?
includes - sunday
warnings - gn!reader, slightly angsty, comfort, fluff, wc - 897
a/n: hii :3 thank you!!!
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sunday was a public figure. head of the oak family and at the will of the watchmaker, anybody who had even heard of penacony probably had heard of him. while he did manage most of the affairs of penaconians in his office, he was a well known face - mainly due to him making sure he could accompany his sister to her performances and personally greeting very important guests.
to maintain such a high profile position, sunday had no room to be shy nor anxious when it came to anything. he needed the ability to communicate with and sway anyone to his whims and so he needed to show no signs of weakness. perhaps it was maybe helped by the fact that he did have quite the desperation for control and so to achieve that, he needed everybody to see him as the confident and formidable person he was.
as a result, alot of his relationships were strictly business - in a way every business relation he built up was built up to his benefit, to keep him in control and eventually elevate his status. he needed to be in control to succeed and so he never took up opportunities that made him feel like his control would diminish and leave him scrambling for his power. by extention, sunday wasn't exactly the kind to enjoy physical affection, if anything he despised it. of course there were exceptions to a degree, namely his sister and you.
you were like a complete polar opposite to sunday. he was confident and an influential figure that liked keeping people at arms length, even those he was close too. you were a shy and reserved person who craved nothing more than to be close to those you held dearly. physical affection was very dear to you but unfortunately the shyness was an obstacle that prevented most forms of physical affection - unlike sunday who would take any opportunity to stay away from any kind of physical contact.
sunday didn't mind how shy you were, it didn't really matter to him as he enjoyed your company nonetheless. he didn't mind doing things for you and so if your shyness did prevent you from talking to people he'd gladly step in. your shyness was actually a great comfort to him at the end of a day filled with business dealings, just to spend his evening with you indulging in smalltalk and relaxing without the pressure of being the head of the oak family.
it wouldn't take sunday long to notice how hesitant you could get in private, you always looked like you wanted something but you never said anything and so he didn't know what to do. if something was bothering you, you probably would have told him know no? truth be told, your issue wasn't so much your shyness when it came to physical affection but more with how unsure you were with sunday's willingness to just that.
you knew for a matter of fact that physical touch and affection wasn't exactly sunday's deal, so you're shyness was overcome with worries that he wouldn't understand your love for physical affection. you started fearing that this would be the reason you couldn't stay with sunday, that this would be the breaking point of your relationship. what made it worse was that you never brought it up. you were way to shy about it to bring it up and so you say on the issue.
that was until sunday started picking up more ideas to what was causing your hesitation around him. he noticed how a simple act of hand holding made your face light up even if you didn't mention anything, so unconsciously he started doing that more. sunday realised you were very fond of physical affection and maybe you were just hesitant that he wouldn't appreciate it.
it was true that he was uncomfortable with most kinds of physical affection but maybe he could try and make an exception for you - he really couldn't bare seeing you so pained because you couldn't ask him. simple acts like hand holding, that still made you light up, were bearable with him to start as long as he still wore his gloves but you didn't seem to mind. maybe just maybe he could atart building up his tolerance just for you.
or maybe he couldn't deny you when he realised you built up all your courage just to ask him for a hug. sunday fully understood now, he knew for sure that you lived physical affection but you were simply too shy to ask for such. albeit he probably didn't help you by seeming so off put by physical affection but he just had to prove to you that you were indeed an exception - so long as you still let him get used to more physical contact.
it all seemed worth it in the end to him. seeing your face light up when he offered a hug, a small kiss, or even hand holding made his day, what really made it worth it for him was seeing you becime more comfortable with asking for the physical affection you lived oh so much. it may be foreign and slightly uncomfortable to him but he'd be willing to build up that aspect if it meant helping you in the process.
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akutasoda's 1k event
423 notes · View notes
rosie-writings · 3 months
Where Delicate Stops
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Request: anon—I need more Sub!Colby my life depends on it
Summary: The tension in your friends with benefits relationship with Colby escalates into a massive blowup when he won’t admit that he is yours and you are his.
Warnings: Angst, Alcohol, Colby x Reader smut, Sub Colby, Dom Reader, Overstimulation, Bondage, Subspace, Squirting, Unprotected sex
Words: 8.3k
No Y/N Used
Title is from ‘Jaws’ by Sleep Token
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Perhaps my downfall began the moment I agreed to playing friends with benefits with Colby about eight months ago after he agreed to pretend to be my boyfriend to protect me from an ex-boyfriend—
It wasn’t until it inevitably blew up in my face that I realized it was a bad decision.
Now, should I have anticipated it? Yes.
Should I have prepared for my fragile heart to become completely and utterly obsessed with him in every way? Also yes.
Instead, I pretended like I was a brick wall even though I knew it felt like my knees were stuffed with cotton after having less than seven hours of sleep at night. Maybe I had a bedtime now, and maybe I couldn’t wear jeans in the summer, but we all get old.
I didn’t realize that having a numbingly tender heart was another side effect of it as well.
Or maybe it was all Colby’s fault and none of mine.
After our previously twice a month cavorts in Colby’s bed, never mine, I left quickly. It became difficult for me to look at Sam in the eyes once he found out what Colby and I got up to behind closed doors. It put a stall in our friendship, and the dynamic was too unbalanced. I had never seen Sam so confrontational. After we communicated and I realized that Sam didn’t care as long as we would all still be friends in the end, these meet up happened once a week rather than twice a month.
Blame it on our relief of not having to sneak around anymore, or blame it on Sam like I found most appealing. The concept of Colby’s routine friends with benefits situation being Sam’s fault was too funny for me to not pass up on.
Until the first flutter happened.
The worst part was, we weren’t even in bed.
I remembered that afternoon nearly every day since, and I tried to use every flaming toxic thought to incinerate the butterflies that were born in my stomach that sunny day. God, it was so hot. Mid July in Las Vegas wasn’t forgiving, I learned that much.
What I also learned that day was when Colby spoke with this warmth—an ardor he only had when it was about particular topics that were closely personal to him—something deep and fiery ignited in me. 
I didn’t think much of it at first, but as the night settled and we had drinks under starlight on the patio of that club in the sky, I realized that blue eyes could reflect starlight too.
I laid myself down in my bed that night a bit too aggressively in order to knock the thoughts out of my pounding pre-hangover. It wasn’t enough. With every second, hour, and day, I thought of Colby more and more.
And the worst part was that it was in a new kind of way.
Definitely not a friends with benefits kind of way.
Not a friendly kind of way.
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My legs were still quivering from last night. 
Before I opened my eyes, I knew I’d feel it. It was rare that I pushed and pushed Colby enough for him to actually lose control and ruin my chances at having a fully productive day the next. I cramped as I rolled over and tried to grab my phone off my table.
My phone wasn’t on the table.
In fact, my table was in the wrong place completely. 
I opened my eyes and adjusted to a brighter lighting that my bedroom never had in the morning. I had west facing windows. 
The sheets were too soft and dark and—
I sat up straight.
Colby lay asleep next to me. My heart pounded behind my bruised ribs and I sat frozen in uncertainty. What was I supposed to do? I broke one of our rules; one of our—if not, the—most important rule in this arrangement.
We weren’t supposed to stay overnight.
Better yet, that morphed into I wasn’t supposed to stay the night. I was always allowed to stay for as long as I wanted in their house, but between Colby and I, I was only allowed to sleep in an extra room. Not his bed.
And then, it happened again.
My heart skipped a beat at the sight of him there. He looked well rested; far from the stressed out shell of himself he was yesterday afternoon. His hair was messy and pushed back across the pillows. Then my eyes caught the few streaks of red on his back, his sides. 
My already parched throat clamped shut when I realized those were marks from my nails. I remembered doing that; I didn’t think I held onto him that hard. Then he stirred.
I looked away, I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know what time it was or where my phone was, I didn’t know if he would be upset—
“Hey,” a sweet half awake voice said. I looked at him on reflex. He hardly opened his eyes. It looked like he saw me once and then closed them in fear of the burning morning light.
Then his arms were out and one settled around me. He pulled me in, but on impulse, I pulled back.
When I fought him and tried to sit up straight, he went rigid. 
A tension fell over the room and I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t even know if I could speak yet, for that matter. 
“Come here,” he sighed with a heaviness that conveyed more to me than just those words.
He knew we were breaking a rule, but he didn’t care.
I didn’t move.
How could I move? If I laid myself down into him, I would stress my heart out. If I got out of bed, it would feel brittle. Hostile, almost. 
Colby sighed. 
“Colby,” I gasped without thinking. “We—I didn’t mean—“
”Yeah,” he cut me off. I was taken back by his sudden firm tone. I looked at him. He avoided eye contact with me with a darkness in his eyes. 
”What? Why are you upset?”
”I’m not.”
I scoffed.
”What’s wrong with you?” That accusatory tone welled anger inside of me. Mixed with the butterflies and the confusion, I wanted to cry.
“We—I literally—are you okay?”
”Well I thought I was.” 
I got out of bed with a sigh.
”What are you doing?” He gasped as he sat up.
”Colby!” I exasperated as I grabbed my clothes off the floor. “I stayed overnight!”
”I can see that.”
”Isn’t that—“ I heaved my bra on. “It’s that something you definitely didn't want to happen.”
“I mean, not particularly, I guess—“
”Then I’m leaving.”
”You don’t have to,” he rushed. I looked at him as my shirt fell over my body. His eyes called for me with a longing I wanted nothing more than to dive straight in to. Instead, I pulled my jeans over my aching hips. I noticed the way his eyes scanned the bruises in between the legs and on my hips and neck. 
“I have to. We broke a rule.”
”How important are the rules anyway?” 
I stood speechless as we stared each other down. 
“You literally demanded that I leave on night even when we were drunk and I couldn’t drive. You said that only Sam was allowed to know, so when my best friend accidentally found out because we both know how bad of a liar I am, you were so mad at me you didn’t touch me for two months. You said that—“
”I get it,” he spat. “Alright. I get it.”
”So when it’s my turn to uphold our stupid rules, suddenly they don’t matter? All because you feel like breaking them?”
”You think I want to break them?” He scoffed. My eyes widened. “It’s not my fault you fell asleep in a bed that’s not yours.”
Heat blazed through my mouth, down my throat, and to my heart.
”Considering I’m fucking you in your bed more often than even you sleep in it, I’d say it’s just as much mine as it is yours.”
He grumbled my name. I knew that tone; he rolled his eyes with it. I passed the foot of his bed and reached for the door handle. 
“Don’t come in here for like a month.” I scoffed. It nearly turned into a laugh. I whirled around to face him.
”Yeah, as if you could last that long. At this point, it seems like you need me or something. Maybe you should be more grateful that one of your best friends even puts up with your bullshit like I do.”
I slammed the door on my way out. 
And if I sobbed in my car all the way home, there was no one to witness it.
Two days later, my best friend told me I needed to get out of bed for myself or else she would yank me out and force me out of the house herself.
Regardless, I would be crying and pissed off, so I got out of bed.
In my eyes, I was pathetic. With every hour that passed without a word from Colby, my heart ached more and more. It wasn’t like he kicked me out of his life.
He kicked me out of his bed, and it wasn’t even permanent. I wasn’t even supposed to be in his bed anyway. This butterflies turned into a family of butterflies over time, so I assumed that my lack of self control was to blame.
If only I didn’t let my heart run too far from me and into Colby’s arms.
I’d be pissed too. Maybe he knew. Maybe he slowly caught on to the fact that when he kissed me—only while he was buried inside of me, of course, we weren’t allowed to kiss outside of sex—I always kissed him back twice as hard. Maybe he caught on to the fact that when he edged the tears out of my bleary eyes, they were called by unrequited love rather than his harsh hands.
Was it even love at this point?
If I didn’t love him, I would have taken a shot and moved on once after a good drunk cry.
The last meal I had was with him.
”Literally—“ I sat on the bathroom counter and leaned against the mirror with wet trails down my face. “You’re an idiot. But we know that. We also know that Colby’s an idiot so this could work out.” I glared at my best friend as she dabbed my face with a cotton ball. My tears smeared the foundation work she did.
”So what you’re saying is he could either want me or never want to see me again.”
With enthusiasm, she nodded her head with a smile. 
“I hate you.”
”Come on,” she said and popped my thigh lightly. “You look great. We’re going to be late anyway.”
”Like usual,” I sighed. She grabbed my wrist and yanked me out of the bathroom.
The club was louder than usual.
I couldn’t tell if the sun was five degrees closer to this exact point on Earth or if a darkness hung over the ambient fog as a mirror. My arm already linked in hers, my best friend b-lined for the bar. Two shots down and a drink in hand, we seeked our friends out. They already had a table. 
“Look who decided to show up!” I turned to Tara when her arms flooded around me like a blanket. “I can’t believe it’s been like what, three days now? I was concerned I wasn’t going to see you before I went home.”
”Thankfully I could make it,” I sighed and our conversations fell into motion.
The elephant in my head was screaming.
”Where’s Sam and Colby?” My best friend asked first.
”I don’t know,” Jake said. His eyes scanned the club. At least they were here. “They went off after a few shots.” 
“You guys want to?” She pressed on, and I waited for everyone else’s answer to decide for myself.
Did I want to?
I didn’t know if I fully wanted to see what the two were getting up to.
”Actually sure,” Johnnie was first to speak up. Jake agreed, and when it seemed like everyone else was on board, I too followed them.
With weak knees, sure, I followed them nonetheless.
The bass in my bones was appreciated.
My best friend’s arm was a crutch as we followed our friends and danced in a sea of drunk people who wouldn’t remember the way I was on the verge of tears anyway. 
Time slipped away from me and that was how I knew I was drunk. 
Colby wasn't on my mind anymore; I had forgotten we even went looking for the two anyway. As we danced, the tension was relieved from my body, and my best friend, Tara and I merged with the crowd and shuffled with them. We took another shot. More dancing. More singing. More laughing. 
And the world paused. 
Oh, it's Colby— my drunk mind happily thought as if I hadn't been heartbroken by him and as if we hadn't just been looking for him. Then I noticed the brunette against him. 
His hands were on her hips, his tongue practically down her throat, and I couldn't blink away the image of them there grinding against each other. The only thing I could think was how ridiculous they looked together because she was obscenely small. 
She might have been as big as Tara; might. 
Before soberness truly settled in, I acted on impulse and darted straight for them. My eyes were on him, not her, him. The familiar skin, familiar soft hair. 
She didn't know the difference between his footsteps and Sam’s. 
I grabbed her by the arm and flung her off of him. From the sheer velocity her body wrought passed me, I must have been significantly bigger than her. Sure, I was taller, but I could dunk her in a pool fully clothed and lift her out of it by her shoulders.
Colby looked at me with emotionlessly dark eyes. 
I stood my ground in front of him confidently without breaking the stare. Not even to blink. 
Then, his hands lifted, grabbed my face, and he kissed me.
I was fluent in the movement of his mouth and body against mine. I could identify his taste out of a pool of other people. I knew him by his hands alone. But I didn’t know this feeling. I didn’t know these sensations; the ones that mimicked the swarm of butterflies that infected my stomach when he was simply near me. 
I could have made an embarrassing noise, but the music drowned it out. Only he felt it, and it made him taste me deeper. I grabbed him and pulled him closer. One of his arms draped around my waist and the next thing I knew, my body was flush with his.
I thought I knew anger, but when I felt how hard he was against me already, anger I hadn’t met before seeped into my veins. 
I pulled away from him. A look must have contorted across my face, because he flinched and broke the stare. His eyes fluttered quickly, and I couldn’t choose between leaving him there or getting on my knees in front of the whole club.
This anger must have been jealousy, because only my hands were allowed to touch him for all these months. 
“If you need me,” I said with a quiet venom that tasted all too sweet. “I’ll be in our bed.”
And I turned on my heel and left the club.
My best friend and I lived in the same apartment complex deliberately within walking distance of our favorite strip of clubs. Before I exited, a hand grabbed my elbow. I spun as if I were actually prepared to hit Colby in the face, but my best friend stared back at me in shock.
”What the fuck is happening?”
”I’m running home then I’m going to Colby’s. Don’t wait up for me.” Knowing she would get the details in the late noon, she turned and left.
It was at most, 30 minutes later when I stepped foot in their house. Of course I knew the code.
I ordered the Uber when I saw my apartment in the distance. I changed clothes, tossed a bag together, and waited outside in the humid night for this ride straight to Sam and Colby’s house.
I didn’t even care that Sam had no warning. I didn’t care that Colby and I didn’t discuss this at first.
The numbness I felt was incomprehensible, and under it was a lake of fiery rage. I didn’t have a plan, but I knew that when I saw Colby walk into his bedroom that night it would come to me.
I lay myself down on his bed.
The room was dark aside from the orange glow from the bedside table. His silk sheets were cool against my body, and I almost fell asleep. The silence of the house cooled my temper, and the light spinning of the overhead fan lulled me to comfortable relaxation.
I only wore the white t-shirt I came here in. My gray sweatpants were on the floor. 
He could find out what I wore underneath later.
I was almost asleep. The stillness called me until I forgot about where I was.
Until the shrill of the front door pounced me awake. I lay still as could be. I heard the familiar voices—they were alone—and then footsteps. It wasn’t Colby; the closing of a door.
I waited. Then I realized, what if Colby wasn’t coming upstairs? It was hard for me to find someone who matched my pettiness, but Colby outdid me sometimes.
Then the door opened and closed again.
Then voices.
Then the front door.
Colby and I were alone now. Unless he left with Sam. Unless this all was—
His bedroom door opened.
My eyes met his; hazy with alcohol but significantly sobered since the last time I saw them. I sat up to my elbows. Colby didn't know what to say. I think he was just as caught off guard by our actions tonight as I was.
“Come here,” I said. My voice hardly broke a whisper, but it did. He slipped out of his shoes as he crawled onto the bed and sat in front of me. The moment I saw that look in those eyes, the plan came to me.
He sucked in a startled breath when I kissed him. He kissed me back. We were on the right track. 
I held his face and licked into his mouth and he hummed as his hands trailed from my sides up my back. I straddled him and was pleased when he didn’t fight it. He didn’t fight. He didn’t even try to win dominance and taste me for himself. 
So when I laced my fingers with his jacket and shrugged it off of him, he not only conceded but also pulled his shirt off as well. My heart thrashed against my ribs as I kissed him. I caught my breath before I kissed down his neck. He didn’t speak, and I allowed his hands to feel me. 
The moment his hands went under my shirt, I backed away.
”Lay down,” I said. He hesitated. I knew he would put up a fight, so this sweet demeanor on my tongue had to last. “Please,” I sighed.
He caved, and when he lay down, I straddled him. 
“Oh my god—“ he gasped when I leaned down and kissed him. My hands tore across his skin. I made sure there wasn’t an inch of it missed. My nails trailed down his sides, his arms, and wrists before I latched onto his hands. 
Then, he thrusted his hips up into me.
”Fuck—“ He moaned when I interlaced our fingers and pinned his hands on either side of his head. I rolled my hips against his. 
When his eyes rolled back, I flickered my gaze to the handcuffs. 
I could not risk a miscalculation.
Without hesitation, I dragged his right hand up, grabbed the cuff and clicked it tightly around his wrist.
“What—“ He gasped, his voice breaking from the shock. Chilling vibrations cut through the center of me, and my hands shook as they wrestled with him. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
”Giving you what you deserve.”
I got off of him.
”I swear to god—no. Grab the key, now—“
”Mm, you never told me where you keep it, unfortunately.” The abrasive mess in which he said my name gutted me with fear, but what could he do?
His right hand was handcuffed above his head. 
Yes, Colby still had his left hand free, but if I wanted to get away from him, I could.
I had the power. Now, though, I had to figure out how to get his other hand locked up. 
Colby laughed.
”Um, no? It’s in the fucking drawer,” his head tossed towards his table next to the bed. “Get the key.”
”No,” I said firmly. I sat in front of him on my knees. 
“Get the fucking key, now. Unlock me.”
”No,” I said with a laugh. “You pissed me the fuck off. I think I should give you what I’ve been wanting to for so long.”
”Yeah?” He laughed. That flare of anger in his eyes made my stomach flip over itself. “And what’s that?”
”A taste of your own medicine. I’m a firm believer that you should at least know what it feels like to be treated the same way you treat someone else.” He scoffed.
”You cannot think that you can make me lose myself like I make you. You’re such a brainless mess after I had my way with you.”
”Is that a challenge?”
”What? No it’s—“
”It’s sounding like you’re giving yourself away, Colby,” I sighed and dropped my head to the side. His eyes softened as he watched my hair fall over my shoulder. “Challenging me kind of sounds like you want it.”
”I don’t want anything except for you to unlock me.”
”And what would you do to me if I did?’
”I’d tie you up and make you cum over and over until you’re crying saying you’re sorry and reminding yourself that you’re mine and mine only.”
”Oh,” I gasped. He stared blankly at my faux realization. “Thank you for the ideas, that doesn’t sound too bad now, does it?”
He said my name with finality; a warning.
I climbed over him and reached his table. But then his left hand came up and grabbed my side so rough that I yelled.
”Colby!” I screamed and slapped his arm.
”Come here,” he demanded. We wrestle until I finally bent his arm back and pinned it down with my knee. He lost all leverage. “You’re in so much trouble once I’m free.”
”Pf yeah,” I scoffed with a laugh. “If you can even speak when I free you.” His hand curled up and he scratched his nails into my skin. I gasped and pinned his hand down tightly. He dragged in a cold breath with a gasp. ”You made me bleed!” I yelled. He looked at me with wide eyes that broke from our playful banter. At least I thought it was playful; honestly, I was being dead serious and by the roughness he handled me with, I assumed he was being serious as well.
“Now,” I started again. “Be good and let me get stuff.” He laughed at me. “Colby,” I demanded and dug my thumb into the tendons of his wrist.
”Hey!” He cried in pain and tried to drag his hand back.
”You’re going to be good for me, right?” His eyes shined darkly up at me as if he were a child throwing a fit over being grounded. “Colby,” I groaned his name through gritted teeth.
Then, his eyes widened when I straddled him.
Immediately, his free hand came up and held my hip. The sweetness didn’t last long; he slapped my ass harshly and then dug his nails into the flesh until it too probably bled.
”Colby!” I shouted at him, and my hand found his throat.
He looked up at me in shock, and I stared down with an evil ever growing smile.
”Get the fuck off of me.”
”No,” I spat back. I squeezed. He closed his eyes once then opened again.
He said my name again with a grit on the end.
”I said no!” And I choked him harder. He sucked in an uneven breath. 
His grip on my hip didn’t hurt anymore.
”Now give me your other hand.”
This time, he didn’t say anything, he simply shook his head.
”Be good for me and give me your other hand. I can’t trust that you won’t try to stop me from giving you what you deserve.” He opened his eyes. 
They were hazier.
”And what do you think I deserve?” 
“Everything you’ve given me.” He laughed again.
”I’d like to see you try.
And his other hand raised up and lay down above his head. 
I essentially gawked at him, but didn’t lose the chance. Quickly, I wrapped the cuff around his wrist and I looked down to his eyes when they clicked tightly shut. He stared up at me in anticipation, and after I finally dragged myself out from drowning in his eyes, I got off of him.
”What? No come back—“
”Don’t tell me what to do. Do you allow me to give orders?” 
“No but giving orders isn’t your job.” I scoffed as I looked through the stash of toys we had in his drawer. 
“Says the person locked to the bed.”
”Oh my fucking god,” he grumbled deeply. I grabbed what I wanted and came back. “I’m going to tear you apart when you’re done.”
”I bet,” I laughed.
”What the fuck are you doing with those?” I didn’t respond as I left the fleshlight and vibrator on the bed next to us. He sucked in a breath as I unbuttoned his pants.
We knew. 
It was too obvious. 
He should have been grateful I didn’t make a remark from how painfully hard he was in his jeans already. 
But then—
But then I decided that I really couldn’t lose this moment in teasing him.
”So was it the fact that you’re handcuffed to the bed or the fact that I choked you that you’re already hard as fuck?” He gasped my name.
”Shut the fuck up.”
”No, no, I asked you a question.” I didn’t know where the sudden string of confidence came from, but I basked in it. I hovered over him like he would hover over me, and his eyes were dark with anger. “You answer my questions, Colby.”
”That was a stupid question.”
”If I said that to you, what would I deserve?” 
“I would slap you and then, well, you wouldn’t deserve to cum—“
His words were hardly out of his mouth before I slapped him. 
I smiled widely as his eyes widened in shock before they melted into a deeper anger. My hand lowered to his throat and I tightened like he would frequently tighten his hand around me.
“Thank you so much for all the ideas, you really are insightful.”
”Wait—“ I cut him off with a kiss. He kissed me back furiously, and my own head grew fuzzy from the way he pushed his tongue in my mouth and tasted me like he hadn’t been able to for years. I pulled away and his head collapsed back to the pillow with a pitiful groan. 
“You’re ridiculous,” I sighed as I kissed down his neck.
”How?” He asked. His voice wavered. I knew all his ticks; I knew that kissing down his neck and chest made him feel as light and fuzzy as it made me when he locked me up. 
“You’re acting like I haven’t allowed you to touch me for years.”
”Yeah it’s basically the same thing.” I laughed as I kissed over his chest and chills raced down his body in the wake of my breath. 
“You fucked the shit out of me three nights ago, Colby.” I knew he hated it when I talked to him like this; confident jeers laced with spite. 
“Oh fuck—“ He moaned when I rolled my hips with his. I too sucked in a fast breath because the friction of his jeans against my thin soaked underwear caught me off guard. I kissed down his skin and left love bites wherever I pleased. Each time I sucked and bit his skin and broke his evenly toned skin with blue and purple bruises, he shuddered and moaned.
I didn’t tease him for it in fear that he would conceal them.
Then my mouth reached his pantline. He gasped my name.
There it was. 
There was a different tone in his voice. A breathiness; a desperation. I looked up at him. His head was tossed back and he must have felt my stare because he looked straight at me.
”What? What’s wrong?” I teased. He shook his head and rolled his eyes.
”You’re the one being ridiculous now.”
”Oh am I?” 
“Yes,” he gritted his teeth. He pushed his head against his arm. 
“How am I being ridiculous now?”
”You know.”
”I don’t know anything,” I sighed and shook my head. My fingertips still invaded his underwear and slid across the skin that was indented from the band. 
His breathing was deeper now.
”Tell me what you want.”
”I don’t want anything.” I almost laughed out loud at that lie. The biggest lie. His eyes were nearly glazed over and his breathing was deep and uneven. When I moved over the front of his jeans, his hips ever so slightly thrusted up at me.
”You are such a liar,” I laughed. “Now tell me what you want.”
”I don’t—“
”I will do this all fucking night, Colby, so tell me what you want, now.” His eyes stared down at me widely, emotionlessly. He believed me. He bit his lip in thought. “Seriously, I will keep you here like this. You’re so hard already I know you have to cum to make it go away. So are you able to cum like this? With no one touching y—“
”Okay! Just-Just take off my pants.” I smiled down at him.
”You want me to take off your pants?”
”What do you say?” A glare shot up in my direction. “You should be fluent in how to politely ask questions, right? Since you’ve trained me so well to be polite.” A loud gasp shot through his mouth when I pushed a knee down over his arousal. 
“Fuck—“ He cried and tossed his head back.
”Ask me nicely for what you want and maybe I’ll give it to you.”
The word was so incredibly subtle but it was there.
”What did you say? I didn’t hear you.”
”I said please,” he groaned louder.
”Please what?” That fiery gaze behind his eyes almost made me tremble.
”Take off my pants, please.”
”Mm-hm…” I hummed. I watched as he tensed from where my fingers lightly traced across his body. “That was shit. Ask again.”
”I swear to god—What do you want from me?”
”You know exactly what I want from you,” I spat as I lowered my face to his. He tried to lift up and kiss me but he couldn’t reach. “Now ask me nicely or I will get up and leave you here.”
”I already asked—“ My hand pinned his throat down to the bed.
”Try again.”
He moaned my name.
”That’s not what I’m asking—“
”Oh shit—please,” he moaned. This time it was real. His eyes closed with pleasure as I lowered my weight on his jeans. My other hand touched every inch of his skin and dipped below the waistband of his pants. I knew it was evil, but I pushed him further and further. 
“Please what?”
”Can you please take off my pants? Please?” 
Butterflies erupted in my stomach when his voice softened with yearning. A want so deep; I knew how that felt. That was a true desperation that I had never heard from him before.
”Oh my god,” I whispered. “You sound so nice,” I praised. 
This time when I kissed down his body, I unzipped his pants. Uneven breaths were my only response as I slowly pulled the black denim off. My own heart raced and my own skin caught on fire when he was free from them. His head met the pillow and every time I looked up to his face, I caught his eyes fluttering shut more often than not.
“Holy shit,” he moaned freely. I looked down in between us. I grinded down on him and I too almost lost myself in the pleasure. He was so hot and wet against me that even though we both were underwear, could I even call this dry humping? I moved against him tighter, and this time, he fucked his hips up into mine.
”Fuck, Colby—“ I accidentally moaned.
And that woke him up.
He looked up at me with that haze gone from his eyes. Anger dwelled there now, and he looked down in between us where I continuously rocked.
”What, does it feel so good now that you’re already losing that fake dominance? I know you’re already losing it; you’ve been pretending to not freak out this entire time—oh shit.”
I didn’t waste a second more. I yanked his underwear down and pulled him free from the rough confines. His head rolled and I watched as his lips parted. He fought it. I knew he did; he fought expressing how relieving it felt.
”What were you saying?” I teased brightly. He tried to fight it still. Then his eyes rolled back.
”Oh my god,” he moaned, and I smiled as I stroked him slowly. Painfully, infuriatingly slowly. “Stop. Just—“
And I dropped him.
”No, I mean stop teasing. Holy shit, just touch me.”
”That was mean,” I gasped. “If you really wanted it, you would beg for it.” 
“Shut the hell up.” He didn't laugh. He slowly lost it; it was too evident. I knew that when he laughed that was when my metaphorical tail shoved between my legs. But this faux anger? 
Colby was slowly breaking.
”I don't think I will. I think you should nicely ask me for what you want and then I will give it to you.”
He warned me with my name on his wet lips.
”Colby, be good for me and ask sweetly.”
”Please,” he grumbled. His hair spread across the pillow in frustration. “Please touch me.” He immediately choked on moans when I stroked him tightly. My hand was firmer than he liked and I moved so quickly that his eyes snapped closed. “Oh my god, oh my god, that’s—holy shit—that’s too much—oh fuck!”
”Is it? I thought you wanted me to touch you.” 
“Oh fuck—“ I watched as his chest rose up and down quickly. “Please—“
My stomach fell out of its place.
I didn’t ask for him to say that please.
”I’m sorry what?” I gasped.
He moaned my name. I quickened my pace. His stomach tensed and he lurched forward.
”Please!” He almost shouted.
”Please what?” I asked.
”I’m—oh my god—you’re going too fast.”
”How am I going too fast?” My voice was calm even though a storm lay behind my eyes. 
“I’m-I’m—oh my god—I’m gonna cum.”
”Yeah?” I pitifully laughed as my eyes watched his every move, every breath. He didn’t need to use words to communicate with me. 
His chest rose and fell, his wrists yanked at the cuffs, and his hips thrusted up into my hand. He sucked in a harsh breath and—
“No,” he gasped when I dropped him again. I sat back up and allowed his fiery eyes to rake over my body. 
I took off my shirt and I swear he stopped breathing. Then he rolled his eyes back and laid his head on the pillow. 
The lace of my bra matched my underwear; he knew what that meant.
”What’s wrong?” I teased. An airy tone lodged itself on my tongue and I couldn’t help but smile at his recoiling body. “Did you finally figure out that this is what I planned to do all along?”
”You’re such a bitch,” he whined.
”I am?” I gasped. I leaned over him and grabbed his face with a hand. His wide eyes stared up at me. “You’re the one who thought it was a good idea to make out with that random bitch! You-You—after literally fucking everything too?” My voice was loud and I shoved his head back down. When I stood back on my knees again, he looked at me with a sort of desperation in his eyes that I hadn’t seen before. “God knows what you did to her! You get her number? Did you touch her? If it weren’t for me, you probably would have fucked her tonight, wouldn’t you?”
”Don’t lie to me!” My voice made him flinch. He moaned my name. “I’m serious! You are so goddamn confusing and selfish, Colby! I wanted you so bad and that’s how you repay me?”
”No it’s-it’s not—“
”Then why would you do it?” I asked. 
His body lurched forward when I grabbed him and stroked him quickly. He moaned my name again and I wanted to bask in the beautiful sound, but I couldnt. 
”Tell me!”
”Because—oh shit!”
”Colby!” I grabbed his hip with my other hand and left bloody crescent moons.
”Fuck! I’m—holy shit, please—I’m going to cum—“
”And I’m not stopping until you tell me—Actually,” I sighed as I remembered the toys on the bed. I grabbed the fleshlight.
”Fuck no, I’m—oh my fucking god—!”
”Why did you do that to me, hm?” I asked as I abrasively stoked him with the toy. His eyes rolled back and his body writhed under me. His moans were rough and he muttered incoherent words. “Colby?”
”Because—“ He gasped. He tried to bring his head up, but he couldn’t keep still and rested it against his arm.
”Tell me, now,” I spat. He looked up at me.
His eyes were glossy and a haze filled them again, only this time, his mouth spouted incoherent words endlessly.
”I’m coming—“
”Fucking tell me,” I doubled down. 
The second his eyes snapped shut and lips parted to elicit the prettiest moans I ever heard, I watched as I stroked him through his orgasm. My heart stammered in my chest when I watched his cum streak from the end of the silicon. I dragged in a breath so that I wouldn’t cave—so that I wouldn’t moan—and I focused on the pain in my heart as his cum poured onto his skin and all over my hand and the toy.
”Stop,” he gasped breathlessly.
”Not until you tell me why you would do that to me.”
He said my name. His voice broke at the end.
”Colby,” I gritted my teeth. “Tell me why you thought it would be already with you breaking my heart like that.”
”I didn’t—oh my fucking god, please!” His voice was loud; it reverberated in my bones.
”You did!” I squeezed harder and this time, his body reeled against itself. His legs kicked out and he tried to push me away. “You kissed her, shit, you probably were going to fuck her too!”
”I fucking wasn’t! I didn’t!” He screamed. Tears welled in his eyes. 
“Okay, then why did you flirt—“
”I wanted you!” My heart stop. “Fuck, please! Please, I’m sorry. I’m sorry! I didn’t-didn’t kiss or fuck anyone! I needed you, want you so bad, but you didn’t-didn’t want me so-so I thought—“
”You thought making out with someone else was the right thing?” I gasped. Tears fell down his face now.
”Yes!” He cried. “Because then I can get ov-over you—you didn’t want-want me!” I slowed down my movements.
”Col-Colby,” I stuttered quietly. “You can safeword.”
And he laughed.
Heat boiled under my skin—something akin to humiliation—and so I grabbed the vibrator and turned it on.
“Holy shit—“ I cut his moan off by pushing the vibrator against his tip.
”You’re such an asshole, Jesus Christ,” I groaned. He writhed against the sheets as his wrists must have been bruises from the cuffs.
”Please,” he whined at that point, and I stroked him with a steady pace.
”So mean to me,” I sighed. “I like you Colby, Jesus Christ I like you so much; you’re all I wanted for so long, and you’re an idiot enough to make me jealous to get with me?”
“I’m sorry, please—”
”You can safewor—“
”No,” he cut me off. “No just-just please just…”
”Just what, baby?” I asked sweetly. He moaned loudly again.
”Fuck fuck fuck, I’m—holy shit!” I looked down at my work on him. My hand still stroked him with the clear silicon and my own teal vibrator buzzed him to the highest point of overstimulation. Fuck, he was so incredibly flushed red and purple; I didn’t know how much more he could handle and he was clearly too arrogant to safeword.
”Tell me, tell me now, Colby. What’s wrong?” He groaned as he tugged on the cuffs more and more. 
He wouldn’t stop chanting expletives so I stroked him faster and faster—
“Holy shit,” I gasped as quick and faint clear spurts came from him. “What the fuck; did you squirt for me, baby? Have you even done that before?” He choked on nothing as words left him. He still squirmed away from me, and while he wasn’t quite where I needed him yet, at least he couldn’t speak anymore. “You’re so fucking hot for as stupid as you are,” I said before I leaned over and kissed down his skin again. His shook timidly with every passing of my lips and breath, and when I reached the mess he made on his lower stomach, I licked it up and he moaned and tried to thrust his hips up.
”More?” I gasped. “You want more?”
”No! Please, no. No way.”
”Oh, so you still can speak?” He glared up at me and that was when I noticed it.
He didn’t pull at the cuffs anymore.
I took the vibrator off of him. He slumped back as deep breaths filled his burning lungs.
And when I took the fleshlight off of him, he relaxed so deeply that I thought he would pass out. Until I straddled him.
He gasped and looked up at me. I watched as my hands touched him, teased him, and I ground myself down on him. I knew he hardly had anything left of him; his head fell back immediately and bright eyes rolled back.
I didn’t care though. He didn’t meet his breaking point yet. So took my underwear off over him and he watched me hazily. His eyes didn’t leave my body, especially not when my aching arousal was right in front of him.
”What?” I asked with a slight laugh in my tone. He finally looked at my eyes. “Do you really not want to fuck me now?”
He moaned my name.
”You don’t?”
”Fuck,” he gasped. “Want it so bad.”
”What do you want?” He rolled his eyes with a moan. It turned into a gasp when I grinded down on him. It took everything in me to not melt from the way his body mended with mine. Our fluids mixed and he was so wet already and slightly less hard than usual; I almost sank down on him by accident multiple times.
”Please,” he whined.
”Please what?”
”Just want you,” he said through gritted teeth like it was a challenge.
”What do you want me to do?” I shot back.
”Fuck me,” he finally whispered. My head cocked to the side as if I misheard him.
”I’m sorry what?” I slid against him again and his head met the pillows. 
“Oh my fucking god, please! Fuck me, please fuck me. I need you so bad. Just fuck—oh fuck!” I pushed myself down on him, and I gasped when I finally was full. 
“Holy shit Colby,” rushed out of my mouth so fast that I let go of the dominance for a second. I rocked my hips lazily as if I tried to gather my bearings; as if I was the one edged and overstimulated to hell and back. “You feel so damn good oh fuck.” 
Rivers of moans flowed from him and I drank all of them up. I moved faster and faster until we both were sweaty and breathless. The way he looked up at me through hazy eyes and wordless moans pulled me in and I couldn’t resist. I brought myself down and kissed him, and oh, he kissed me back like it was the first and last time he could.
He licked into my mouth and I allowed it; I didn’t fight for more dominance. I didn’t know how to, not when he felt this unbelievable. 
“Shit—“ He gasped against my lips.
”What?” I whispered when I pulled back. 
“Close,” he whispered too.
”Already?” I teased. “You’re going to cum again for me?” He nodded quickly and I pressed him back down to the pillow with my hand around his throat. 
“Yes,” he choked when I squeezed tightly. “I’m so—oh shit—so close!” He whined and I kept moving even as I knew my own orgasm was just as close. 
“Yeah baby? Are you going to be so good for me and fill me with your cum?” He nodded quickly.
”Yes, please. Fuck, you feel so good.” I smiled down at him and I retracted my hand from his throat. He moaned freely and lay on the bed without tension. God, I loved it. I understood now how he loved the thrill of being in control.
I couldn’t get over the sight of his lax body on the bed and lax hands in the cuffs.
I grabbed the vibrator again.
”Shh,” I told him. I turned it on then lowered it behind me. “You’re going to cum again for me right?”
”Yes! Why—fuck,” he choked on nothing and his jaw dropped. His eyes closed tightly and I marveled at the pleasure that painted his face when I pushed the vibrator against his perineum.
”What baby?” I teased again. And he writhed again, his breath grew faster and faster.
”Coming,” he choked out once and I turned the vibrator on a higher setting.
I knew when his orgasm crashed into him again. Another loud moan pushed from him and he couldn’t open his eyes. His face still gleamed wet from the tears, and I couldn’t stop watching him even as his body shook from even more overstimulation.
”Oh my fucking god—ugh!” He practically screamed my name when I didn’t stop my movements. I watched as his fingers tangled together so he could hold onto something and he pushed his cheek into the pillow as if I was too bright of a light for him to look at.
”Fuck Colby,” I moaned as I felt it grow and grow in my stomach. “Fuck, Colby—“ I gasped again as I couldn’t help it, I couldn’t control it anymore.
He opened his eyes again and watched me when I took the vibrator away from him and pressed it against myself. Immediately when it touched me, my climax hit me violently and I fell forward and held myself up by my hand next to his raised arm.
”Fuck! Oh my god, Colby,” I moaned his name as I rode out my high. I knew he watched me breathlessly. When I opened my eyes, his were still enchanted with me. “Holy shit,” I laughed. “You made me cum so hard.” A small smile pulled at his dark lips as he caught his breath.
”Oh my god—“ I pulled off of him and he finally relaxed fully on the bed. It took a second, but when I hovered over him, his cum pooled on his lower stomach again. “Come here,” he mumbled.
”What?” I asked. “I’m right here.”
”Taste you,” he slurred his words. Taken aback, it took a second or too until I walked on my knees up to his face. My legs shook with every movement until I was over him and he raised himself up and licked me once, twice, before pressing his tongue into me.
I moaned his name and palmed at his hair until he was finished with me. He looked up at me and from that look in his eyes, I knew he would never be finished with me. He just cleaned all that he could.
I kissed him. I kissed him so sweetly that he hummed in contentment and laid himself back down in the plush bedding. I pulled away and kissed his neck a few times before looking at him.
That haze in his eyes didn’t go away yet.
He didn’t pull at the cuffs.
He didn’t say anything yet.
”Let me unlock you now,” I said and he only nodded. 
When I unlocked him, his hands dropped to the mattress and stayed there.
”Colby,” I spoke gently. “You can move now.”
”I know,” he sighed. “I need-I need um, something—a minute.”
”Yeah, I know,” I said as I traced his skin with my fingertips. I laid down at his side and cuddled into him.
”Fuck,” he laughed as he came down from his headspace. “You’re in so much trouble.” 
“Oh am I?” I laughed. He turned to me and cuddled against me.
”Yeah, so much trouble… Tomorrow though. After—“ He sighed as if he caught his breath for the first time. “After a much needed discussion.”
”Okay,” I laughed and kissed him one more time. “I’ll be in trouble tomorrow after we have our much needed discussion.”
And we held onto each other when we slept that night. 
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itsbeeble · 4 months
I Think He Knows
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SUMMARY: You've been in love with Joshua for as long as you can remember, yet you've never been able to tell him. Fortunately or unfortunately, you're pretty sure that he already knows.
GENRE: smut, fluff
PAIRING: Joshua Hong x afab!reader
WC: 4.9k
PERM TAGLIST: @winterchimez @juyeonszn @flwoie
SERIES TAGLIST: @captain-brie @nobraincellmode @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan
WARNINGS: uhhh, best friends to lovers, Hoshi being a snitch, p in v sex, brief oral (fem receiving), ddry humping, a bit of spanking, brat tamer!Joshua, brat!reader, tiny bit of angst if you really really squint, consent is IMPORTANT, tiny bit of alcohol, horrible flirting, multiple orgasms, idk this isn't my best work. It's also not edited so uh....good luck lol.
A/N: heyyyyyy 🥰. I'm not dead clearly, but my god has it been a minute. part of me is wondering if this series will ever be done but i'm doing my best. school sucks, work sucks, life is a bitch, and I burnt myself out. Anyway, thank you to Brie and Ally for betaing, much love kiss kiss. ALSO HAPPY VALENTINES DAYYYY
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Your heart pounds ferociously in your chest, butterflies tumbling through your stomach uncomfortably. You feel like a teenager again, sitting in front of Joshua who has a boyish grin on his face. One of his hands traces along the bottom of his champagne glass, the other resting on the table and playing with the cork of the expensive bottle. You wonder if he knows how he makes your head spin with just a little smile and a glass of champagne. The thought doesn’t linger for long, and you let your gaze lower back to the practically empty plate before you. A few roasted vegetables remain on the plate, and you pick at them with your fork to avoid looking at your friend. 
Friends. That’s what you are. Nothing more, nothing less. As you always had been. 
Friends that took each other out to expensive restaurants, bought expensive drinks and expensive meals. Friends that—
“Soonyoung told me something interesting today,” he leans forward, dipping his head down to try and catch your eye. You glance up at him, but the fluttering in your stomach returns and forces your eyes back down.
“Oh yeah?” You murmur, thanking god for the dim lighting around you.
“Mhm. He mentioned you, actually.” 
Kwon Soonyoung was the only person in the world who knew about your years-long crush on your best friend. If you could even call it a crush at this point. You’d admitted to yourself long ago that you were in love with him, admitted it to Soonyoung a few months back. You should’ve known better than to trust the mouthiest person in your friend group. 
“Now I’m curious,” you lift your head again, steeling yourself against the onslaught of nausea at what your mutual friend could have said. 
“He said,” Joshua shifts in his seat, running his tongue over his lower lip. “That you have feelings for me.”
Damn you Kwon Soonyoung. 
You nod slowly, lowering your fork onto the ceramic plate in front of you. The pounding in your chest has returned, hitting so hard against your ribs that you fear your heart will pop out and land right on the table in front of Joshua. 
“And…do you believe him?” You ask, failing to control the fear in your voice. Joshua smiles, and for a moment you let the fear wash away. Joshua Hong is the last person that you should feel afraid of. He was kind, he would never intentionally harm someone whether emotionally or physically, and he understood you better than most other people. You try to keep this in mind as you make eye contact. 
“I would be lying if I said that I didn’t at least hope he was telling the truth.” Joshua sits up, lacing his hands together and resting his elbows on the table. A spark, and you find the corners of your lips lifting. “Otherwise, my plans for the evening are a bit…a bit ruined, I guess.”
“You had other plans?” The champagne burns against the back of your throat as you down the rest of your glass. 
“Depends on how you respond to my question.” His eyes burn into yours and suddenly the table for two feels a lot smaller. 
“What question is that?” I already know, and I know my answer.
“Are you,” Joshua slides his glass to the side, “in love with me.”
“Yes.” You respond without hesitation, ripping the band-aid off and shocking both of you. Never had you been this forward with Joshua. You were always somewhat reserved with…everything, really. Past relationships, struggling with a subject, a pet passing away. You never wanted to let Joshua in and it made his heart swell that you did now. “I’ve— I’ve been in love with you since the day we met.”
Joshua sucks in a sharp breath of air, leaning back in his seat and smiling thoughtfully.
“I answered your questions,” you drum your painted nails on the table. “Now you get to answer mine.”
“Ask away.” Joshua waves his hand. 
“What sort of plans did you have for us?” 
The question was innocent— at least to you it was— but as you watch Joshua’s eyes darken with lust, you realize that the implications…may not have been as innocent as you had believed. You think he knows where your mind has derailed to, knows what thoughts have begun to plague you. 
Joshua tips back his glass of champagne, and you watch him carefully. You allow yourself to admire the way his neck cranes, the way his jaw is hit by the light. He drains the golden liquid in two long sips, wiping away the excess that rested on his lips with a delicate swipe of his thumb. 
“We’ll get to that,” he emphasizes the word, watching you tilt your head down and bite at your lip. “I have some other things I’d like to do before anything else.”
He flags down your waiter, calmly asking for the bill. You shift uncomfortably in your seat, disturbed by how the mild flirting had already gotten you worked up, but wait patiently for Joshua. You wouldn’t deny the fact that you were eager to see what he had in store for the two of you, what he’d planned on such short notice. 
“You ready?” He taps the table with one finger, already beginning to stand. 
“As I’ll ever be.” Your lips twist into a smile as he helps to pull out your chair, grabbing your jacket before you even had a chance to reach for it. “Aren’t you just a gentleman?”
“You should know by now that all I’m doing is the bare minimum.” He scolds, and you don’t pretend you don’t notice his eyes flicking from your eyes to your lips. 
“Best friends don’t pull out chairs for each other.” It’s a joke, both of you know it. You’re fully aware that after tonight, neither of you will ever be best friends again. Whether he asks you to stay with him or not, at the end of the night nothing will be the same. This doesn’t, however, stop Joshua from scoffing and tugging you by the waist to come closer to him. You stumble, nearly falling into his chest had his hands not been right there to catch you. 
“I think you know,” his voice is a quiet rumble, “that we’re never going to be best friends again after this, Y/N. You’re mine now, and I don’t think I’ll ever let you go.”
You have to fight everything inside of you to not yank him down by that dark hair of his and kiss him in the middle of that crowded restaurant. Thankfully, it looks as if Joshua is fighting that same urge, one hand dropping down and the other sliding to the small of your back to guide you toward the door. 
You’re mine now.
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It’s a wonder that you make it to the car without jumping Joshua’s bones, but it seems you have more self-control than you’d given yourself credit for. The whole ride to…wherever it was that Joshua was taking you, you somehow managed to keep your hands in your lap, rubbing at your palm with your thumb. From the corner of your eye, you can see Joshua. He has one hand on the steering wheel, the other resting on the center console. He glances at you periodically, scanning your side profile.
“You’ve gotten quiet,” Joshua comments, drumming his fingers while you wait at a stoplight. Your eyes flick to his, and you purse your lips. “Are you…did I make you uncomfortable at all? Do— do you want me to bring you home?” 
“No,” you tell him quickly, shaking your head. “No. I want to stay with you.” 
The response soothes him, and he lets his hand drift to your thigh. He lets it hover over your exposed skin, waiting for you to push him away before he finally lets it rest on you. His hand is warm, his touch sending sparks through your body. You swallow hard, leaning back against the seat and staring at the road in front of you. Would it be wrong to tell him you want him to touch you more? To bring his hands just a bit higher, to—
Joshua’s hand squeezes a bit, drawing you back to reality. The light is green now and your body jerks as he presses on the gas. He lets his hand drift a bit higher, grazing underneath the fabric of your dress before stopping. Heat begins to pool in the pit of your stomach and you contemplate grabbing his hand and putting it right where you need it if he doesn’t move faster.
“You’re a menace.” You click your tongue and Joshua looks at you with a mocking pout.
“I didn’t do anything!” 
He’s right. Technically he hadn’t done anything. You, however, were on the verge of doing something very…inappropriate if he didn’t knock it off.
“I’m sure you didn’t.” You let your hand fall to his, tracing the back of it with your pointer finger, and watch the veins pop as he squeezes for the third time. You’re approaching a very familiar street with some very familiar houses. “Are we…are we going back to my place?” 
Joshua smirks. “Small change of plans.”
The giddiness inside of you returns, your head spinning as you think of all the things he could (and likely would) do to you. Your fingers lace through his, your heel-clad foot tapping against the floor protector in his car as he pulls into your driveway. He puts the car into park but leaves the engine running. For a few moments, neither of you says anything. The air between you is thick with tension, tension that grows when he tugs you toward him. 
“Tell me now if you don’t want this.” Joshua breathes out, his lips mere centimeters from your own. If you tilt your head just a bit, you’ll be able to kiss him— something you’ve craved since the day you met him. “Tell me now and I’ll walk you to your door and say goodnight.” 
“And if I do want this?” Your eyebrow arches, a playful look in your eyes. “What then, Joshua Hong?”
His eyes flutter, exhaling heavily as he tries to keep his composure.
“You’re going to be the death of me, I think.”
When Joshua kisses you, it isn’t as rough as you’d imagined. No, he’s gentle with you. His kiss ignites a fire inside of you, the flames swirling through your veins and heating your body until you fear you’re burning up. He cradles your jaw in one large hand as if you were glass and you would shatter if he held you too roughly. His lips move softly against your own, parting the slightest bit to catch your lower lip with his teeth. It’s a delicate dance, almost playful, and you couldn’t have asked for anything more. Your head tilts, allowing you to kiss him deeper, and a quiet groan leaves him. You smile a bit into the kiss, Your hand sliding up his chest to curl into the fabric of his shirt and pull him closer to you. Both of you ignore the fact that your body is halfway across the center console, your thigh resting on the seat between his legs keeping you propped up when his hands become distracted by the curves in your hips
The two of you only stop when you feel like you can’t breathe, your chest tight with the lack of air. 
“You taste good,” Joshua murmurs, his nose nudging yours as he gazes at you with heavy eyes.
“You think so?” Your lips press against his jaw, and he smiles tightly.
“You should turn off the car and take me inside so you can find out what else tastes good.”
That must have been the right thing to say, because Joshua’s eyes darken in an instant and then he’s shutting the engine off, slamming his car door shut, and walking quickly over to your side. When he opens your door, you don’t wait for him to outstretch his hand before you practically spring to your feet, grabbing him by the sleeve and yanking him after you. He laughs as he stumbles along behind you, tugging his arm out of your grasp and squeezing at your waist over the fabric of your dress. Your hands are trembling, the heat in your stomach growing more intense by the minute.
“Struggling, pretty girl?” 
His breath against your ear and his lips on your neck sends chills down your spine and you inhale sharply as his hand wraps around yours to help you guide the key into the lock. Your eyes are starting to flutter, your feet stumbling into the foyer of your home. Joshua presses you onward, one of his hands on the small of your back and the other flicking on the lights. You spin around to face him, your hands coming to his chest and curling around his tie to pull him down to kiss you again.
“At least let me get you upstairs,” he mumbles against your lips, grinning when you whine in protest.
“Can’t wait that long,” you deny, already fumbling with the buttons of his shirt. He grins, backing you through the doorway to your living room. 
He stops your movements to spin you away from him. You face your window now, curtains drawn and the windows to your neighbor's house across the street staring right back at you. “All your neighbors will see us. Is that what you want?” He’s kissing down your neck, hands trailing to the back of your dress to undo the clasp. 
“Let them see.” You hold your head high, hands clenching into fists as the fabric slides down your body and hits the ground with a soft thump, leaving your body completely bare except for a thin pair of lacey panties. “Let’s put on a show for them.” 
“Interesting.” Joshua seems entirely unaffected by the statement, but the way he pulls you back against him to grind against the growing bulge in his pants is saying something entirely different. “Didn’t take you as someone to like being watched. I’ll have to explore that another time.” 
You mean to respond, words forming at the tip of your tongue but never escaping your lips as Joshua pushes at your shoulder, slowly guiding you to the ground. Your knees fold beneath you, your eyes wide and filled with stars as he moves into your line of vision and then away from you. You watch as he lets the curtains fall and cover your windows, and then he turns back to face you and continues to unbutton his shirt, loosening his tie until it hangs loosely around his shoulders.
“What are you doing, Shua?” Your voice is weaker than you’d wanted it to be. 
Joshua smiles coyly, leaning down until he’s at eye level with you. “I said that I would explore that at a later date, pretty girl. Not tonight. Tonight, you’re mine.”
“Yours?” Your hand rises to cup his cheek similarly to how he held yours just a few minutes ago. 
His knees hit the ground on either side of you, leaning over your body until you’re forced to lay back. Your legs stretch out to make his position a bit more comfortable, your knees rubbing together in anxious anticipation for what’s to come. 
You expect him to kiss you, your lips starting to pucker and your eyes fluttering shut as he lowers his face to yours once again, but nothing happens. Your eyes open to find him mere inches from you with that same smirk playing on his lips. 
“What are you smirking at?” You ask him, but he doesn’t answer. He shifts further down your body, laying a soft kiss on your collarbone that has your breath hitching briefly. Another kiss, this one closer to where your heart lays pounding underneath your ribs. Your hand twitches, aching to run through his hair, but the second you move to act on this urge he’s pinning your hand to the ground and glowering at you. 
“No touching.” Joshua commands, mouthing at the soft flesh of your breast. “Not until I’ve tasted every last inch of your skin.” 
He slips further down your body, leaving trails of soft kisses in his wake. The only sound in the house is the soft pop as his lips leave your skin and the heaviness of your breathing. 
When Joshua reaches the hem of your panties, he stops and trails his finger along it. The brush of his skin on yours is so subtle, yet you’re addicted to the feeling of it. So many nights you had cum to the thought of him tugging your panties down your legs, his eyes boring into yours as he lowers his mouth to your glistening cunt, imagining how it would feel to have him licking and sucking nipping at your folds. So many nights, and yet nothing comes even close to how it really feels. 
The second he runs his tongue from your hole to your clit, your back is arching off the ground and a loud gasp is echoing throughout your home. Your hands fly to Joshua’s hair despite his prior instructions, but he doesn’t seem to care as he drags his tongue and teeth across you. Your legs try to squeeze around his head, attempt to trap him against you, but he doesn’t let you. His large hands pry your legs away from him, squeezing harshly at your thighs and pinning them to the ground on either side of you.
He mumbles into your cunt with loud and drawn out sounds that reverberate through your body and have your legs jerking with pleasure. 
“Shua,” you gasp out, your eyes rolling as he sucks particularly hard at your clit. “Shua, fuck.” 
A loud smack rings out, and your thigh begins to sting. Your eyes widen, your head lifting off the ground at the same time that Joshua’s pulls away from you, his mouth dripping with your arousal. 
“What the fuck—” 
Another smack to the side of your thigh, and you yelp. Joshua raises an eyebrow. 
“Want me to keep going?” You can’t tell if he’s insane or not. You can’t tell if you want to smack him or beg him for more. You don’t get the chance to retort before he’s smacking your thigh again, harder this time. “That wasn’t rhetorical, pretty girl.”
Your teeth grind together, and one of your feet comes to his shoulder to shove him back. Maybe he lets you push him back. Maybe he wants you to fight back. Maybe he was waiting for it, because when you lean your body over him, he’s grinning maliciously at you.
“Who do you think you are, smacking me like that?” You hiss, and he pouts.
“Like what? Like this?” His hand comes down again, this time directly on your ass and sending waves of pain and pleasure through your body. 
“Joshua Hong,” you snap, but there’s no real anger behind it as you begin to grind your lower body into his clothed cock. His hands come to rest on your waist, watching as you try to form words and pleasure yourself at the same time. “If you keep pulling shit—”
Your body shudders and an airy moan pushes out of your lips despite how you fight it. Joshua grins again.
“What were you saying, pretty girl? If I keep pulling shit…what? What are you going to do, baby?” 
You can’t answer him, your hips rolling into his harder and faster as you approach your high. 
“Oh, baby.” Joshua coos, his voice shockingly stable despite how you’re practically riding him over his pants, effectively ruining them with your juices. “You’re a little desperate, aren’t you?”
“Oh shut up,” you whine, folding forward until your mouth is right next to his ear. Your moans and whines are right in his ear now, intentional on your part, and his grip on your waist tightens. “Feels so good, Joshie.”
“Yeah?” He’s quieter now, a low growl in the back of his throat as he fights to keep his hips on the ground. Fights to let you have your little moment, your little bit of control over him. “How good, baby?”
“Gonna cum,” your lips find the skin beneath his ear, sucking a mark into his flesh as your hips begin to stutter. “F— god, Shua, please!”
“It’s okay, pretty girl,” Joshua coos, a bit of pride welling in his chest at how fast you learned. “You can let go. Go ahead and cum for me, pretty girl.”
Almost as soon as he says those words, you’re letting out a loud, near pitiful moan and your body begins to shake over his. A wave of arousal soaks into his pants, seeping through and beginning to wet his boxers, but he doesn’t mind. Not when the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen is cumming for him, moaning his name and no one else’s. 
Joshua can’t stop his hips from jerking into yours, pleasuring you even as your orgasm begins to ebb away. When he sits up, he cradles the back of your head in one hand, his eyes boring into yours in such a way that has you whining for him, clinging to his shoulders and turning away. 
“So pretty when you cum,” Joshua murmurs, lifting the two of you up and giving you a second to wrap your arms and legs around him as he loops around your living room to the couch. “Gonna fuck you now, okay pretty girl?”
“Okay,” you nod, but your eyes aren’t focusing and neither is your mind. It feels like you’re on cloud 9, and Joshua hasn’t even taken his pants off yet. 
He peers down at you, mild concern showing in his delicate features. 
“Y/N,” his hands are caressing your sides gently, pulling you back down to focus on him. “You good?”
“I’m fine,” you promise, smiling lightly at him. “I just…it’s hard for me to actually, like, believe that you want me how I want you.” 
Joshua smiles. “And how, exactly, do you want me?”
“Wholly. I want everything. I want all your love, all of your problems, every doubt, and every moment— good or bad.” His eyes soften as you speak, and for the first time that night he’s the one that’s gone quiet. “I want you carnally, I want you to crave my touch and my taste as much as I crave yours. Every kiss, every intimate moment. I want them all.”
“And you’ll have them.” Joshua promises, and then he’s kissing you again. It’s a deep, lingering kiss. His lips part against your own, your tongues dancing together but not dominating each other. Your hands cup his neck, holding him close to you, and in that moment you don’t hear the clinking of his belt or the sound of his zipper sliding down. 
“You promise?” You pull away from him, your lungs burning from the lack of air. Joshua smiles at you, and his lips press against your forehead. 
“I think you know the answer to that, pretty girl.” 
And you do. 
He would never have to say it, you always know. Joshua Hong, in all the years you’d been best friends, had never once told you something if he didn’t 100% believe it, if he wasn’t absolutely sure that he would or could hold himself to it. He didn’t have to promise you, you could see it in the way he looked at you. Soft eyes, pretty smile, that little wrinkle in his nose. You knew the answer. 
“I’m gonna start pushing in now,” Joshua murmurs, aligning his cock with your entrance, shuddering at the seemingly never ending flow of arousal. “Let me know if you need me to slow down or stop.”
“Okay,” you nod, draping your arms over his shoulders and forcing your body to relax. 
He pushes in slowly, but the stretch of him filling every little crevice inside of your cunt stings and causes you to let out a whimper. 
“I know,” he whispers, “just take it all, baby. Take it all for me like a good girl.” 
Your body shudders at that, and you let your head fall back onto the cushion below you. Inch by painful inch, he slides into you until your body begins to convulse and try to force him out. 
“Baby,” Joshua grinds out between gritted teeth, “You gotta stop clenching like that.”
“I— I can’t.” You moan out, your back arching off the couch. “Hurts so good, Shua.”
“That so?” Joshua grunts and shoves the last few inches into you, relishing in the pretty little wail that escapes you. “That’s another thing I’ll have to make note of, huh?” 
He doesn’t give you much time to respond before he’s hauling your legs up and around his waist, one hand gripping the arm of the couch and the other planted beside your head. A silver chain dangles above you, glittering in the low lighting of the living room but capturing your attention just long enough to tell Joshua to start moving. 
“Can’t,” he tells you breathlessly. “Fuck, clenching so tight I can’t move.”
“I don’t care.” You whine. “Just fuck me, please Shua, please, please, please fuck me—”
He cuts you off with a sharp thrust of his hips, shoving his dick just that tiny bit further into you that has you gasping as the air is punched out of your chest. 
“You’re lucky I love you.” He groans as he slowly pulls back, his dick practically drenched in your arousal, and then thrusts sharply back in, sheathing entirely inside of you. You cry loudly, a tear slipping down your cheeks and your legs tightening around his waist. Joshua repeats the action again and again, drinking in the way your head lolls to the side, your tongue practically hanging out of your mouth. 
Then he begins to fuck you, just as you asked. He thrusts into you with hard, deep strokes that have you wailing and thrashing against the couch cushion. Your body is convulsing beneath him, and he can only watch like a god watching his worshippers, as you beg for him to fuck you harder, faster, deeper as if he isn’t already going hard and fast and deep to a point beyond your fucked out mind’s comprehension. The couch shifts slightly on the ground, scraping against your hardwood floor, but the sound is drowned out by the combined volume of your cries and moans and whimpers along with his grunts and little moans. 
“Close,” he grunts, his head dropping to your chest to bite and suck at one of your tits. “Fuck, I’m so close.”
You clench around him in response, your back arching off the cushion to get closer to his mouth, relishing in the pleasure he’s providing you. “S—so good, Shua. Fuckin’ me so good.”
“Yeah?” He pulls away from your chest, a sheen of sweat covering his forehead as he stares down at you. “Gonna cum for me? Gonna cum all over your best friend?”
Your body shudders in response, and suddenly your vision goes white. You can faintly hear your own voice, your own pleads and screams of Joshua’s name as he pounds into you, forcing your juices out of you and giving you no time to recover from your orgasm before he’s shifting his hips and driving his cock into a spot inside of you that has you seeing stars. Your hand clamps down over your mouth to muffle the animalistic sounds that pour out of you, but Joshua rips your hand away, pinning it down on the couch.
“Don’t you dare muffle a single sound that comes out of you,” he hisses. “Not a single one.”
You don’t have the strength, will, or energy to respond to him. Not as his cock begins to twitch inside of you and another orgasm threatens to wash over your body. One of Joshua’s hands, the one that had been pinning your hand to the couch, moves over your hip, and his eyes stay on you as his thumb begins to rub hard circles into your clit.
“Oh my—” your voice cracks. “Fuck, oh my god, Shua!”
“Cum for me,” he grunts, forcing his orgasm back so he doesn’t cum before you, despite you already having done so twice now. “Now, baby. God, please cum for me.”
And you do. 
It crashes over you like a rockslide, rough and strong, and crushing everything in its path. Your cunt clenches around Joshua so tightly you fear you might break him, but he only moans out your name and begins to spill white-hot cum inside of you. The combined fluids from the both of you are forced out as Joshua continues to fuck into you, slowly now compared to before. Soft, deep thrusts that carefully bring you down from the edge until both of you have finished, laying spent on your now ruined couch. 
“That…” your voice is raspy. “Is that how you’re gonna fuck me every night?”
“Is that how you want me to fuck you every night?” Joshua’s tongue laves over your skin, pressing gentle kisses against your neck. 
You think he knows the answer, but you tell him anyway with a sly grin on your face.
“You promised.”
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© itsbeeble. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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ghostaholics · 10 months
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➸ PAIRING: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x fem!reader (established relationship) ➸ WARNING(S): [ 18+ ] body shots; oral (receiving); ruined orgasm; basically PWP with slight BDSM (disciplinary action) ➸ SUMMARY: Simon teaches you a very important lesson about holding still – extended version of this. ➸ A/N: Thank you to @mvtthewmurdvck who lets me bitch about anything and everything including this and offered kind words when I certainly lost faith in the whole thing. ➸ WORD COUNT: 2.2k
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𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐁𝐎𝐍, 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐎𝐍’𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐐𝐔𝐎𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄. Pilfered from his not-so-secret stash and running low with about a quarter left; the contents slosh around in their bottle-shaped confinement as he stalks into the room with a heavy hand swallowing around the widest circumference of the glass.
Good memories, usually. Like the first time he’d brandished his titanium pocket flask for you to take a sip. You’d scrunched your nose, feigning disapproval of the drink. And he'd said – cheeky as always – with a low-timbered response:
"Don't worry. The taste of your cunt's still my favourite."
But now, there’s no trace of that Simon anywhere to be seen. His face is entirely devoid of the amusement he already so rarely expressed. Stone-rigid. Unimpressed. Disappointed – seems like – and certainly not in the mood for any games.
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It's a red-hot brand searing the edges of your memory (charred, ash-coated, lined by the cinders of a poor attempt on your part that had gone up into flickering embers).
See, the brain remembers it well.
Your cunt, too: the walls hugging his cock, full of his cum – excessively so, nearly bursting with it after he'd buried himself to the hilt and stayed inside just to plug your snug little hole, ensuring that none of it would dribble out after he’d fucked you senseless. He’d given you plenty, more than enough. And it’d been generous of Simon. A gift, really, considering the enormity of the initial request.
Make me yours?
He’d only had one thing to say, just a simple favour in return for doing this, for indulging you. His voice had been hoarse, sandpaper-rough from overuse – your fault entirely – eroded away after being subjected to a whole night's worth of groaning against the shell of your ear and telling you just how fucking good you felt before you'd milked him for everything he was worth with your greedy, pulsing self.
Keep it all in then.
You’d done your best not to clench, but stretched taut around the girth of his cock like that, you'd just wanted to readjust. Not a lot. But the position you'd been in wasn't the most conducive one for this. And you’d shifted – barely, practically inconsequential (or so you’d thought) – to where you wouldn’t have even thought it’d matter except—
It had.
Pushed some of it out, that is. A stream of cum trickling down onto an area of the duvet, staining it – the unfortunate aftermath of your decision to move.
Thas’ a shame. Thought you wanted it. Guess I was wrong.
Simon comes to a stop at the foot of the bed where you're sitting; he towers over you – an intimidating, subduing presence without even having to try. "Had to wash the sheets because you couldn't keep it all in.”
You blink in surprise as your mouth parts slightly in what you're sure must be a dumbfounded expression. Of course, this is nothing new. You were there. Responsible for the incident, apparently. And though it wasn't necessarily your fault, you still feel the need to explain that it was due to factors beyond your control. “There was so much—” (As if it'll help your case.)
But he's never cared much for excuses.
“How ‘m I supposed to finish inside you knowing that you’re just going to waste it?” he asks. It's a rhetorical question, not one that actually requires an answer.
Your chin tips down in a silent apology. There's something heavy sitting in your chest; remorse, you think.
He grips your jaw in his hand, forces you to look at him. “Yeah, love. We’ll fix that. Gonna teach you how to be grateful, how to understand the value in the things I give to you."
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He makes you tell him your colors.
You do.
He asks if you know what you’re supposed to get out of this.
You answer that he’s probably going to have to wash the sheets again before you can learn whatever lesson he’s trying to impose on you.
Yeah, that earns you a sharp pinch to the hip.
That massive body of his sinks to the floor, one leg bending down before the other joins it, rough carpet cutting into his knees, undoubtedly. Then, his fingers curl around your legs, blunt digits sinking in – ten identical divots pressed into the flesh. He leaves light indentations with his palms spanning along the sides of your thighs to spread you open while his elbows anchor into the mattress.
Heat blooms across your skin, every surface that he touches and even in the places that he doesn't – white-hot, intentional (and he never does anything without purpose); it sparks a fever that fans out, unfurls. There's no part of you left unaffected. You're growing warmer by a few degrees. Doesn't sound like much, but it's enough to make a noticeable difference if the beads of sweat gathering at the back of your neck are any indication.
And Simon lets out a soft scoff. Cocky. Like he knew what was waiting for him—
You're soaked, absolutely drenched. Cotton panties, sticky –saturated beyond belief. If you looked there yourself, you wouldn't be surprised to find a damp patch on the fabric steadily growing in size.
He's such a sight, too: the contour of his muscles shifting and rippling, all brawn and power – his presence speaking volumes about just who holds the cards right now, undeniably the one in control here; the visual of his stature and build emphasize that. And authority bleeding from the width of his shoulders if not spelled out by his words alone.
"Haven't even touched you, and you're already dripping," he murmurs. "Why?"
Your mouth trips and stutters over your own words the same way your heart trips and stutters over his. "Because you—y-you're..."
His thumbs hook into your panties, slowly peels them away – not an easy feat, damn things are clinging to your cunt – before dragging them down your legs. "Say it, sweetheart. What do you think I'm gonna do to you?"
And your mind is racing, jumping too many steps ahead. "You're going to eat me out?"
Simon stuffs his panties in his back pocket for safekeeping. A souvenir, since there won't be much use for them now. "I'm gonna eat you out," he affirms.
"Mhm, yeah. Want your mouth on me."
"Whether or not you come depends entirely on if I feel like letting you."
"Spill a single drop, and you don't come tonight," he says, never one to draw out the details. His instructions are concise, uncomplicated. Then, further inquiry. "We clear?"
"Yeah..." you say with a shaky breath before trying to regain some semblance of composure. "Yes."
"Good girl," he purrs low, almost a growl – though you're not quite certain that you deserve the praise yet.
He’s answering to a shrine, beckoned forward by the invitation of a wet cunt and the promise of a taste of your slick. He pauses, takes a brief moment to admire it in his own way, almost reverent as he takes in how your arousal’s smeared everywhere from your folds to your inner thighs (all for him, because of him – isn’t that right?).
But make no mistake, there’s absolutely nothing respectful about the act that comes next. Simon leans, forces his shoulders to hold you open, before he bows his head and he licks; it’s a hungry tongue lapping at the slit, everything terribly hot and wet – the sensation makes you jolt upon first contact because it's too much. So, so much.
And at the same time, not enough.
The feeling spikes along the circuit running from your head to your toes – empty thoughts save for the white static that buzzes in the hollow of your skull, a tingling, prickling paresthesia-sort-of-thing that usually accompanies the high of an orgasm. Except, the irony’s not lost on you in this instance; he’s hardly even begun to wreak havoc on your cunt yet.
Currents zip down your spine, down, further down, everything else collateral damage. No part of you is spared by the overwhelming fervor responsible for it – the initial onslaught of his mouth laying waste at the spread of your entrance.
Every single nerve-ending is on-edge, trigger-sensitive as he sucks, and kisses, and fuck are his groans heavy, bone-deep, the rumble of a thunderstorm gathering in his chest. They radiate from the point of origin where your core’s suffering, reverberating tremors that diffuse out to the rest of you. It makes your skin thrum like a live wire. There’s no hope of staying in a fixed position if he keeps this up. How could you? The odds are zero to none. It isn’t feasible.
You forget your place, can't help but squirm within his iron grip.
Then, Simon; a severe reprimand— "Watch it," he rasps. It’s a lull amidst the incursion, an unplanned interlude. Temporary reprieve (barely) so he can scold you for your inability to follow his instructions.
A low whimper leaves your throat. That's completely out of the question, beyond what you're currently capable of. Easier said than done. "I'm trying—"
"Then try harder."
Despite how weighed down your eyelids feel, you manage to guide your laden gaze south, let it roam over your stomach. The dark, amber liquid in your navel sways; it rocks, sloshes with the tide, a consequence born from the pull and heave of your jarring movements. Exercise caution. This is delicate work – a balancing act. Those thoughts are cloudy.
Your mind is fuzzy, thick, a drunken haze. Buzzed, lightheaded. And everything's off-kilter. But you haven't had a single drop of alcohol. None at all. Couldn’t, because everything's still sitting in your navel right there like it’s supposed to.
Simon dips his head back between your legs, continues to seal his mouth over you, flattening his tongue to lick thick stripes from your entrance to your clit. He doesn't let up, only bringing his face closer, following that same path again and again and again – agonizing – until you're trembling. The noises he’s making, something debauched and bottomless – one wet groan after the other. This isn't for you. It's for him, that much is clear.
You plead anyways, hoping he'll grant you an amnesty that you haven't earned in the least bit, "Need you inside. Anything, just—"
"Sure you can handle it?"
Breathless when you say, "Ah, yeah..."
"We'll see about that," Simon murmurs.
He doesn't believe you.
To be fair, you’re not so sure you do either.
But he's courteous, slips one finger in and lets you clamp around him. And your cunt flutters, welcomes the feeling.
You release a soft moan. “Want more, Si. Feels good."
His face turns to the side, wet nose and chin grazing along your thigh to spread the slick in more places that haven't been drenched yet. Then he bites. Gentle. An admonishment. Nothing serious about it though: scraping, the light pressure of teeth sinking into the skin as he pulls with his mouth.
You jerk suddenly before catching yourself.
"Don't be fuckin' greedy. You'll take what I give you, and you'll thank me for it." He's curt, perfunctory. No delay as he offers up his two fingers to your mouth. The expectation is clear. “Suck.” And he's waiting.
You wrap your lips around them, swallowing him down, not one to squander an opportunity sitting in front of you, right? You understand that now.
“So tell me how good you taste.”
"I-um, taste good—"
"Yeah, you fuckin' do."
"Thank you."
You can't see it, but you can hear it: the low clinking of a belt being unbuckled, the sound of a zipper being undone. Clinking metal and rustling denim being tampered with somewhere below your line of sight as he reaches down, almost like he— is he… oh.
Most of his body's obscured by the edge of the bed, but everything from the chest up is still visible. Simon's shoulder is bobbing slightly, arm pumping back and forth in a rhythmic motion and fuck, he's getting himself off to this.
That sends another spark of arousal to your core, makes you gush. It adds to the mess coating his jaw, his chin, his lips. You whimper out something – broken syllables – his name, maybe. You’re not entirely sure.
God, you’re almost there. So close. Wound up tight, hips rolling against his mouth, chasing his tongue—
Until he stops entirely. No contact. Simon pulls away in such a rush that you gasp, startled.
"Look at that." Accusatory.
It's a trail of liquor dribbling over the curve of your stomach, down your side in small rivulets. There are streaks pooling onto the sheets underneath you. Tragic.
(Couldn't help yourself, huh?)
Guilty as charged.
"What'd I say – told you to hold still, yeah?"
And even though you had a feeling it would happen, you still have the nerve to act surprised at the result. "Fuck," you whine pathetically. "Was so close—"
"We're starting over. Don't care if it takes us all night, we're gonna keep at this 'til you get it right or you use up the rest of the whiskey," he says, readying himself to deposit another pour of alcohol into your navel. Simon lifts his shoulder in a light shrug like he can't be bothered about the final outcome. "Better pray that it works out before the bottle’s empty. Won't let you finish otherwise, sweetheart. Understand?"
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oozedninjas · 6 months
What do you think of possessive turtles with their s/o? What do you think they'de be like? Other than marking their s/o that is
Ninja turtles + possessiveness
Ah, the smell of toxic relationships!
18+ I Ninja guys are mind to late twenties I kind of dark!turtles, kind of what I think the toxic aspects of dating them would actually be like. I MDNI I General verses
This bitch is too cocky to even think you can cheat on him, or fall for someone else. Yet!! He's still a mutant turtle, what if you hang out too much with someone who changes your mind?
You haven't answered in half an hour? Calls you.
Oh, you don't answer? haha, funny
* proceeds to spam*
via text, via calls, via social media
He just has this controlling habit of wanting to know where you are, with whom, and what you're doing.
You hate it, but when you confront him about it, he's always like
:( What do you mean? I'm just worried!
The foot clan's out there, you know?
Passive aggressive, honestly
It's not that he's being possessive! he just wants to make sure you're safe. *coughs * gaslighting * coughs*
He's sore when it doesn't work.
Yeah, I don't how to tell you this but, your phone is tapped.
Just as you are about to leave to hang out with your friends, he makes the century's discoverment. It's happening again — "Please stay; it's important!"
Just five more minutes! *263536 hours later he still isn't done showing you *
Tracks your phone (in case of an emergency, of course)
Scoffs at you when you point out he's being possessive
Behold, the "I can take you there" man.
Do you need to go to the store? He drives you! Get on the motorbike, enjoy the city lights ;)
You're hanging out with your friends? Don't worry; he'll give you a lift! No? Why not? Hmm, are you really hanging out with your friends?
Well, if he can't take you there, he can pick you up. How's that? :D Really so annoying.
Oh, you're clubbing? Guess what?! He's patrolling just in that same area. Isn't that great? Now he can wait for you to finish and walk you home!
Stalks your Instagram stories knowing he'll probably get angry, and then confronts you about the most random screenshots. Why are you touching this friend on the shoulder in this pic?! >:(
Seriously nerve-wracking.
Listen, listen, we gotta give Mikey all the coins!! All the points because he's so subtle you don't even notice he's being possessive until one day you're reflecting and * loud gasp * revelation.
He gives you a bracelet just like his own so you can wear it as a couple! In addition to many other things that are sometimes bought and sometimes handmade, the point is that they are all orange.
And you will say, how is that possessive?
BECAUSE, because, your friends ask, is orange your favorite color? And while it may be yes, it is an opportunity to mention that the color reminds you of your boyfriend.
In short, he gives you or does things that will force you to bring him into conversation with other people.
He is the first to comment on all your photos on social media, "How beautiful my angel!" which is a problem bc now your friends want to meet him * sweats * how the hell are you gonna explain? And what if someone in your group reveals the secret? * anxiety intensifies *
Everyone in your life knows that you have a boyfriend, which is not bad, but sometimes, Instead of his actions feeling genuine, it's more like he just wants everyone to know that you are taken.
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m-musings · 7 months
im actually so excited omg i dont wanna sound mean actually the opposite but you write for a couple of pretty dead fandoms and im just so happy to see new writers for them.
can i request hcs for rotg (either jack frost, or bunnymund, or pitch, whoever you like. maybe the three of them??? idk go nuts show nuts) with a grim reaper reader? thanks! :D
Headcanons: Jack Frost, Pitch Black and E. Aster Bunnymund with Grim Reaper! Reader
A/N: anon I'm dying at go nuts show nuts, that's the funniest shit i've read in a while but anyways yeah, all 3 sounds good to me lmao. also, I wasn't sure if you wanted platonic or romantic so i just kept it on the friendly side, i hope that's okay!
Word Count: 450 Warnings: mentions of death/ dead people
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Jack is a bit wary around you at first simply due to the nature of your job.
But once he sees just how gentle and kind you are with the souls you reap, he's back on board with getting to know you.
As he gets more comfortable with you, he'll definitely make fun of you like he does with the other guardians but he does it with love!
Jack will occasionally accompany you when you're reaping a younger soul. His presence seems to calm them down if they begin to panic, even if they sometimes can't see him.
If you ever get a break from reaping, he will invite you to participate in one of his famous snow day snowball fights as a way to forget about the sadness that sometimes comes with the responsibility of being a being of death.
He's still the excitable and reckless Jack Frost but when you're around, he's more mellowed out and - forgive the pun- chill to hang out with.
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Pitch is intrigued by you from the start.
While he may control people's fears, it is a rare occasion for him to actually interact with one, let alone one as important as the personification of death itself.
He knows just how powerful a reaper can be so he is always sure to treat you with the respect you deserve.
The one time Pitch tried to convince you to join him against the Guardians, it ended with a scythe pointed at his neck and a stern scolding from you, so he doesn't bring that subject up around you anymore.
Pitch actually enjoys spending time with you though, he feels that your presence is much more tranquil and calm than that of the other spirits he knows.
He can be maniacal and full of himself but deep down he has a strange admiration for you and the job you do.
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Bunny has known you for a long time and has come to highly regard you as an ally.
You two mesh well together, because without the deaths you take watch of, he wouldn't be able to help bring new bouts of life into the world.
He refuses to see any of the souls you may bring around The Warren though, it makes him kind of squeamish.
He will occasionally help you wrangle up a lost soul or two but it's very uncommon for him to be around during the actual reaping.
Bunnymund and you do spend the most time together just because your roles are so interconnected with one another (Guardians of Life and Death and all that).
All in all, You and Bunny are very close knit and have a great respect for one another.
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sunkissedchld · 8 months
𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
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𝒊. 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒆?
when a planet is in retrograde (rx), it appears to be moving/rotating backwards from our point of view on earth. it's important to note the planet is not actually moving backwards - it just looks that way because of its position in relation to earth and the sun. with that in mind, the sun and moon cannot be in retrograde.
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𝒊𝒊. 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔 𝒊𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒂 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒆?
when a planet is in retrograde, often it makes it harder to deal with its energy. it could cause a lot of internal conflicts that also impact connections with people throughout one's life.
having a planet in retrograde in your natal chart is not a bad thing or a bad placement - it just means one has to work a little harder to understand and harness the energy of the planet compared to ones that are direct.
technically, this post was made to read for natal retrogrades, but it can also be useful if you want to know general challeneges that can occur during transit retrogrades also!
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𝒊𝒊𝒊. 𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒔
this retrograde is what's most known when people talk about retrogrades. with this planet in retrograde natally, you could find it hard to communicate with others. this could be in that you have a stutter, or you could be too harsh or too passive when addressing others (depending on the sign). you could be too impulsive in your actions, or you could overthink and inhibit yourself from taking charge in your life. i could also see people with this planet in retrograde finding it hard to write and learn new languages.
you could find it hard to fall in love and/or to find, be in, and maintain relationships of any kind - but especially romantic ones; it could take a long time for you to start dating compared to others. this planet in retrograde can also make it hard for people to develop and sustain self-love and self-attraction. you may not see yourself as handsome or beautiful and/or others may look down on you or ignore you because of your looks. this is another planet that could make it hard to get along with people because venus is also associated with harmony overall, but the issues with beauty and love are more prominent.
you could find it hard to bring your drive and passion to the surface. you could find it hard to be self-motivated and may prefer to take things slow throughout life and see how things pan out versus taking control. if you know the musical hamilton, you could be similar to aaron burr in waiting for things to happen to or for you versus making things happen. i could see natal mars retrograde manifesting as someone being asexual and/or having a low libido. you could have issues with bottling up anger, creating anger issues; if underdeveloped, i could see this leading to self-harm or other violent tendencies - this is not absolute
it could be hard for you to recognize your luck and/or you may feel as if you have no luck even if you actually do. this is a "the glass is half empty" type of placement. you might have taboo beliefs, and people may make you feel as if you’re weird or wrong for them. although people may make you feel that way, your belief system may still be strong depending on your jupiter sign. there's a possibility of not being fit for tradtional higher education. you may feel like you have to create your own luck and could have trouble trusting the universe and your guides to provide for you.
you could be too harsh on yourself when it comes to having structure. you may burden yourself with responsibilities no one else is giving or expecting of you. you may put more boundaries and limitations on yourself than is naturally expected of you. i could see this placement manifesting as asceticism in some people. you might feel like people never live up to your expectations, or they always let you down, so you only trust yourself to get things done. with this placement, there's an emphasis on self-motivation and high ambition.
it could be hard for you to express your individuality outwardly. maybe you’re too worried about how much you’ll stand out amongst others, and so you try to fit in with the majority instead of recognizing how different you can be. you may be more cautious about expressing your rebelling views. you could be more focused on individuality on a more personal level versus on a societal one. in the case of rebellion and innovation, you may feel the need to rebel against yourself and ideas you put on yourself versus ideas society puts on you.
your dreams could be more intense and grandiose than other people's dreams are - this could be in visual dreams you get while sleeping and/or in terms of life goals. you could be deeply spiritual and in tune with your intuition; you might even be able to predict when things will happen to you, or you could get deja vu often. you could overly daydream when it comes to personal goals and ideals; you might use daydreaming and other forms of escapism as a way to constantly ignore everyday life. the idea of realism could be foreign to you.
you may go through life transformations regularly. you could change your appearance often, or explore different religions all throughout your life, or your beliefs could change drastically as you get older. you could have strong power over yourself and possibly others - even unkowingly. you could find comfort in traditionally taboo things, espeically the occult and/or horror and things of that nature. in addition to constantly going through transformations, you could have fond memories of the past and have a deep connection to the concept of nostalgia. you could constantly look to the past in order to change who you are in the present or future.
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hungerofhadarr · 5 months
Do You Know What Dry Socket Is?
Informational post about something a lot of people might be unaware of.
So, let’s say you loose a tooth. You fell and knock it out, maybe you pulled it at home for whatever reason. All that is important in this scenario is that you’ve lost a tooth outside of a dentist visit, so there is no field professional there to walk you through the healing process.
Now, how do you recover from this? Saltwater rinse, wad of cotton to help slow the bleeding, painkillers, eating soft foods. It stands to reason that, like any other recovery period that involves the mouth and teeth, you’d also need a straw. Makes sense, easier to get liquid into your mouth and you’ll have more control over where in your mouth it goes. Makes sense, right?
You are about to give yourself dry socket.
The main difference between most other well known recovery periods from a jaw / mouth injury, is that the act of sucking on a straw can dislodge the blood clot from your gums.
The reason is, for a few days, your blood clot is actually smaller than the hole left behind by the missing tooth. Gums do heal quicker than most other tissue on your body , so the opening will close to be smaller than the blood clot itself. But there is a period of time, the first few days of healing, that the blood clot is at a serious risk of coming loose or being dissolved away . This risk does not truly go away until healing is over , but the likelyhood slowly goes down.
This blood clot being removed will reveal the traumatized and damaged nerve + the jaw bone to the open . Unsurprisingly, this is extraordinary pain, that nothing can soothe. Any fluid gets into the wound ? Food particles ? You inhale / exhale too hard ? That nerve is going to Ache. Not to mention , you’ re at an even higher infection risk now .
And the things that can cause dry socket are so innocuous , that unless you know about the possibility , you may do these actions without thinking.
1) Straws ( and Sucking )
The pressure from drinking through a straw is enough to pull the blood clot from your gums . This pressure can be caused by anything that requires sucking , this includes smoking as well . Anything that requires a strong pull into your mouth to eat / ingest is exerting the same pull on your loose blood clot . If you suck on a straw now , you can feel the kind of pressure vacuum you make in your mouth . That pressure does not care about what it might cause to dislodge .
2) Spitting Out Blood
At least , for the first 24 hours . After 24 hours ( specifically , after your gums stop consistently bleeding ) and you start doing saltwater rinses , you’ re free to spit . But regardless , forceful spitting can do the exact same damage as drinking from a straw . It’ s the pressure and force you cause . When you do saltwater rinses , don’ t really swish. Tilt your head side to side and slowly push the water around . For the first 24 hours , you are encouraged to swallow blood instead of spitting , to avoid the risk of spitting out the start of a blood clot and prolonging the bleeding cycle . Keep in mind the nausea this can cause .
3) Alcohol and Hot Food/Liquid
Paring these together since they cause similar issues . Alcohol can melt a blood clot , and abundance of heat can increase blood flow too the clot . Both of these will cause the clot to dissolve or come loose , but cold food/drink is more recommended . Yes , cold can cause an ache if it manages to come into direct contact with the healing area , but it will not affect the blood clot as seriously as hot food/drink will . Room temperature is also okay for consumption.
4) Exercise
Light exercise is okay , but anything that ups your heart-rate is upping blood flow to your wound . Nothing strenuous, nothing that pushes endurance , nothing that you know will exhaust you . Even if you heart-rate jumps from something like chasing a cat down because they have something they shouldn’ t have can cause increased blood flow ( trust me , it felt like I was undergoing divine punishment because I stopped my cat from eating a tuff of dog hair . ) The sudden taste of blood is a warning to slow down what you’re doing .
While dry socket can heal on it’s own, the gums will cover the exposed bone regardless of if there’s a clot there or not, this pain is not something anyone deserves to struggle with . Once again , dealing with dry socket is dealing exposed bone and nerve .
Dentists are expensive , and if you cannot afford a dental visit after the loss of a tooth, I only want you to be aware of one of the more serious complications that come with such a thing happening . Everyone deserves to heal in comfort , and I only want people to have the best chance at having a complication free healing process .
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mochatsin · 9 months
You’re not sure if it's the workload from RAD, the student council preparations, or the fact you have to keep 7 demons under control, but you find yourself so dizzy and fatigued. You were hanging out with the brothers in the living room, and you felt your body give in when you went to get a glass of water.
He’s noticed how you’ve started to look more tired than usual these past few days. When he asks you about it, you reply that you’re fine with the same kind of enthusiasm but all of that is gradually wearing down. 
He’s actually the one who told you to get some water when you complained about your headache. He’s also the one who proceeded to lecture his brothers when they started asking you to bring back a few snacks from the kitchen. 
“MC is not your servant. If you want something then go get it yourself or I’ll do something about those legs of yours.” 
While you were on the way to the kitchen, you felt very lightheaded and cold. When your legs gave in, Lucifer stopped mid-lecture and turned to you quickly when he sensed something was wrong.
Before you could even land on the floor, he ran at a speed and at a blink of an eye, you’re already in his arms. 
Expect his mood to go south the moment he sees that you fainted. Would command all the brothers to prepare your room, medicine, pillows, everything you could ever need. His orders are absolute and if anyone slacks for even a second then he’d threaten to string them up by the toes.
He would put his work on hold since ‘it’s for the sake of the exchange program’ and he won’t leave until he makes sure you’re okay. At some point he had to convince Diavolo not to summon the best human world doctor for you. 
Once you’re awake, he’ll give you the biggest hug ever. “You have no idea how bloody worried I was about you…” 
He wanted to lecture you about being more honest if you’re not feeling well, but after seeing your state? What’s more important is that you’re okay. 
If any of his brothers would start bothering you, it’s guaranteed that he’s going to take them out of your room so you can recover peacefully. 
Punishments are harsher from now on if the brothers drag you into any sort of trouble. 
“My brother’s are my responsibility, so focus on resting for now my love.”
He lessened bringing you around in his schemes when he noticed how sluggish you’ve been. He says that it’s because you’re slowing him down but really, he didn’t want to tire you out more than he normally does. 
So when he sees you fall, he’s the first one to start running to you out of panic. 
Would hold your body close and refuse anyone from touching you. Like a dragon guarding his treasure. 
Eventually he has to let you go so that they can see what’s wrong with you and get you the help that you need. 
Human biology is not his best suit at all, all he knows is that humans are fragile and this incident is one of the scary reminders to him about that fact. Even if it takes just a few days of bedrest, he’s afraid that it’s still worse than it actually is. 
Would be your guard dog while you’re asleep. He’ll make sure that none of the brother’s are trying to bother you while you’re recovering. Asmo wants to pamper you? He’s suddenly out the door. Belphie wants to nap with you? Find your own bed! 
They’d get annoyed, but the last thing they want is to cross him when he’s on the edge. He’s only like this when it comes to you, so if space is what you need then he’ll make sure that you’re getting that, even if it means he’ll be barking at his brothers. 
When you wake up, he’s running to your bed and holding onto your hand “A-ARE YOU OKAY?!” He’ll ask every 5 minutes. 
If you try to say you’re fine, he’ll just be pouty “Ya said that, but you passed out anyways. I ain't believin ya one bit!” 
He’ll handle any work and chores you have while you take your time to recover. You’re not gonna be able to lift a finger. Water? He’s on it. A book? Already by your side. A snack? He’s got you covered.
Just hope that he doesn’t cause more trouble than necessary when taking care of you. If you want to eat, he means well when he cooks for you but he forgets to clean his mess and it infuriates Satan.
Levi used to be pouty whenever you started falling asleep during your anime marathons, or when he’d start talking to you about his latest games. Is it because he’s a good for nothing otaku with no interests outside games and anime? 
You reassure him that it’s not him, you’ve just been feeling so tired lately. That’s when he started noticing the signs of you sleeping late and looking more stressed. 
When he turns around and sees that you fainted, he would scramble his way to hold you. His game? This is one of the rare times he doesn’t care if it’s saved or not. You’re more important right now!
Would be all sulky while sitting next to your bed as you recovered. He’d wish he paid more attention to these signs so this wouldn’t have happened. 
Asmo had to tell him to stop being so depressing next to you, that’s not the energy you need when you wake up so Levi tries to perk up by preparing all the shows you two can watch together.
He’s seen more in your room than in his own, which is rare if not for these circumstances. 
Levi could barely concentrate on his games while you’re asleep, and he’ll constantly ask his brothers if you’re going to be okay. He doesn’t want to lose his Henry. 
He’ll panic a bit once you’re awake, asking you several questions just to make sure you’re fine. 
“M-MC! You’re awake! D-do you still remember me? It's Levi! How are you feeling? Are you in pain anywhere?? Sick maybe???”
You have to explain to him, if his brothers haven’t, that this happens to humans who don’t get enough rest. You’re not in any life threatening condition at all. 
He’ll start scheduling his gaming sessions and anime binging to a better time so you would still have plenty of hours to rest. He doesn’t have a healthy sleep schedule but that doesn’t mean you should copy him! 
“Y-you should stay here in bed and rest… I can drop by here more often and we can pick up where we left off in that show you like! I-if you’re okay with it!” 
He would notice the signs early on when you’re more prone to falling asleep while reading with him. 
At first he likes how you get to sleep on his shoulder. But your optimistic mood started to decline with stress and he began to worry. 
He would be the one to remind you to take breaks every now and then. But you always tell him that you’re fine so he never pushed it. 
He regrets not doing more to help you when he saw that you fainted. He would immediately shove the rest of his brothers out of the way to get to you first. 
Satan was glad he picked up books about humans and healthcare. Something he did when you two began growing closer. At least he knows what to do in situations like these. 
That doesn’t alleviate his worry though. He sits next to your bed, reading your favorite book for you while you sleep. 
If any of his brothers try to disturb you, he’ll be very happy to throw them out. Your peace and quiet is his top most priority so you can recover. 
When you wake up, he would gently place a hand by your forehead to check if you’re feeling sick. 
“Ah, glad to see that you’re doing better. No signs of a fever, you should be fine with a few days of rest but please… be more honest with me when you’re not okay? I want to help you, kitten.” 
He would be gentle with taking care of you. If you miss out on any homework, he’ll be happy to help you out with any of them once you’re feeling better.
That gentleness is not extended to his brothers though. He doesn’t want you cleaning up their messes from now on, his brothers need to learn.
Asmo started to notice when he saw how pale you’ve been lately whenever you’d do skincare together. He’d comment about it and offer to take you out on a spa day to relax, but he’d whine every time you’d decline. 
Being as dramatic as he is, he’d let out an ear shattering scream when he finds you on the floor. (Rip to the twins that sat next to him)
Since he knows little to nothing about human health, he’s going to worry too much. 
“What if it’s actually worse?!” “... Asmo it’s not.” 
Satan would probably have to calm him down first and explain what happens to humans who overexert to him. 
Expect him to be all over you once you wake up. He’d give you all the hugs and kisses while asking if you’re okay. 
“Darling, don't make me worry like that again!! It’s got my hair all messed up and my skin wrinkled! you know what that means right? We DEFINITELY need that spa day now.”
You can’t say no to that spa day now, but of course he’ll wait until you’re fit to go out again.
During bed rest, he’ll pamper you and make sure you’re not neglecting yourself. Skin care routines do somehow help boost your mood, you’re not sure if it’s a magical effect of those facial creams he puts on you every night.
He drags you to these salons and spas more often so you can take a break. He’d even offer you some of his bath soaps and scrubs that promote relaxation. 
He starts getting worried when you are eating less these days. Sure, he’s happy to eat leftovers sometimes if it means more food for him but the portions you leave on your plate are getting bigger lately.
He would ask if you’re okay, since you barely eat lately. You tell him that it's just the stress but you’ll be fine.
When he finds you on the floor, he would scoop you gently in his arms and carry you to your room effortlessly. All while never taking his eyes off you. Thank god for his amazing strength, he could carry you like you weigh nothing. 
Beel looks like the equivalent of a sad puppy when he stays by your side despite all of his twin’s effort in cheering him up. 
Would constantly ask “When will MC wake up?” to his brothers.
He bought all your favorite snacks, while trying very hard not to eat them, and placed them on your bedside table. Maybe if you’re surrounded by the food you like, you’d feel like eating them when you wake up. That’s what he thought at least. Though half of the snacks are gone by the end of the day.
Once you do wake up, his eyes will perk up and call his brothers first so they can check on you. 
“MC, I don’t know what I can do for you if you’re sick but… would it help if I feed you? I’m worried you’re not getting enough. If only that’s okay with you.”
If you said yes, he would be patient and feed you while you recover. You get the bed and breakfast treatment with him, since he doesn’t want you to tire yourself out, though most of the time it’s Belphie who brings it up so Beel won’t eat it on the way. 
He’s more attentive about whether or not you’ve been eating the right amounts at the right times. If he notices that you haven’t, he’ll treat you to your favorite places. At least that way you’re getting enough food, and he gets to spend time with you. 
Belphie has complained about the decrease of ‘quality nap time’ with you when you had to do a lot of student council work. Though he noticed the bags under your eyes, and how you’re starting to fall asleep more in classes.
“MC, you look awful. When’s the last time you’ve slept?” He's straightforward like that. 
He would whine every time you say you’re too busy with work. He swears that he’s going to complain, even if it’s against Lord Diavolo, just to lessen your work so he can take naps with you.
When he finds you passed out, expect that his mood is not going to be very pretty.
Beel had to be one to carry you, since strength was not his forte at all. But he would bring all of his softest pillows in your bed because your comfort is what’s important right now. 
Would definitely straight up nag Lucifer in giving you less work because Belphie will not allow you to touch a single piece of paperwork until you actually get enough rest. 
He would snuggle up against you like he always does, but it feels lonelier than usual given these circumstances. He just has his arms around you, hoping that when he opens his eyes, you’ll be looking down at him with a smile on your face.
He would be glad that you’re awake and whenever you try to sit up, he’ll make you lay back down. 
“You shouldn’t get up MC. This time, you’re not leaving this bed until I’m sure you’ve slept enough okay?” 
You can’t really fight him about this since he’s right, so you both make up for all the lost cuddle times. He’ll even let you borrow his favorite cow pillow too.
Though Lucifer would argue that it’s you who needs to be on bed rest and not Belphie who’s constantly asleep with you. You watch when the youngest gets dragged away from your room with a sour expression on his face.
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watchmegetobsessed · 1 year
A/N: okay wow, it's actually here, but let me say a ew things first: i am no it proessional so there are some made up stuff so don't come after me if there are untrue things in the story lmao. also, the ending... im not entirely in peace with it, but i've been sitting on this story for way too long so i just bit my tongue and finised it. don't come after me if you don't like it... but anyway! hope it didn't turn out as bad and you'll enjoy the story!
SUMMARY: You're up for the promotion you've always dreamt about, but right when you need to prove everything goes downhill. Lucky for you the cute, quiet IT guy, Harry, is there to help you out.
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There’s that feeling when you wake all by yourself, a moment of peace takes over you for not starting the day off with your one true enemy, the alarm, but then panic instantly stabs you in the chest when you realize it’s a weekday and there’s absolutely no way you just woke up before your alarm, feeling this rested. 
Your eyes pop open and you sit up in a frenzy looking around in the room, figuring out what happened and what should be done now. First you check the time on your phone and when you see that it reads 8:32 you almost start crying, but there’s no time for that, so you jump out of bed and sprint into the bathroom, stopping on the way when you spot Eric in the hallway, fully dressed, ready to leave.
“Eric?! Why didn’t you wake me up?!” you snap at him. He turns to you with innocence all over his face.
“I thought you were off today,” he simply says.
“Off?! We have the board meeting today, how could I be off!” you practically scream as you rush into the bathroom to get ready in less than two minutes hopefully.
“I’m sorry!” he calls out from outside. “I’ll see you in the office!”
And the next thing you hear is the front door opening and closing.
“Motherfu…” you mumble as you start washing your face like a crazy woman.
You leave in ten minutes, but you’re fifteen minutes late already, no matter how magically fast you got ready. You don’t have time to get a bagel for breakfast and you’re already halfway into the office when you realize you left your lunch at home too. You somehow shorten the route and win a few minutes on your way in, but you still arrive ten minutes late, looking like a hot mess, completely out of control as you make your way to the twentieth floor to your desk, pretending you haven’t just had the absolute worst morning of your life. 
The elevator almost closes right in front of you, but before you could smash against the sliding doors a hand sticks out and stops it, letting you slip in last minute.
“Ah, thank you,” you breathe out, your purse sliding off your shoulder and your folder almost falls from your hands.
“N-No problem,” a sweet and smooth voice answers, but your hair is such a mess, it covers your vision and you don’t see the kind man that saved you a few minutes with his move. The moment the elevator arrives to your floor you jump out and rush towards your desk.
“You alright, boss?” Zaya, your intern asks, who is more like a personal assistant at this point. She eyes you curiously from her desk as you gasp for air and try to soothe out the wrinkles on your blouse, though there’s absolutely no use in it. 
“Everything is perfectly fine,” you force a smile on your face as you start your computer, emails flowing in like crazy the moment you open your inbox. “Just had a rough morning.”
With Zaya’s help you go through everything at light speed, it’s one of your biggest strengths, being fast and productive, so in just about twenty minutes you reduce the thirty-seven unread emails to just two. 
You’ve cleared your schedule beforehand so you can have a practice run for your big presentation. Today’s board meeting is gonna be an important one. There’s a promotion at risk, one you’ve been working your ass off to get and now it’s so close, you can almost feel it between your fingertips. This presentation and what stands behind it all is what you’ve worked for night and day for the past month and you have never been more confident in yourself, though you can’t shake the general nervousness off.
You make your test run to Zaya who says her mind is blown and there’s no chance you won’t get the promotion. 
“You got it, boss,” she fist bumps you, something you’ve grown to like, it’s her form of appreciation. 
“I hope so,” you sigh. “Alright, I’ll grab a coffee quickly before the meeting.”
You head a few levels down to the main kitchen area that has the best coffee machine in the building. It’s already past the morning rush, so you’re delighted to see that there are just a few people lingering around. Including Eric.
“Hey!” you huff out a smile as you stand next to him at the coffee machine. He peeks at you, just a tiny smile on his lips, but it doesn’t reach his eyes like usual.
“If you’re curious, I was only just a bit late this morning,” you chuckle to yourself, grabbing a cup while Eric waits for his own coffee to get ready. 
“Mm, great. Sorry about… the morning.”
“It’s okay, are you nervous? About the presentation?”
Funny enough you’re running for the promotion against Eric, the guy you’ve been hooking up for the past few months. It’s nothing serious, no strings attached, mostly just sex, though you believe that if you spend at least three nights together every week and spend time outside of bed as well, that has to mean more than just a regular hook up.
“Not really,” he shrugs, but it doesn’t sound genuine.
“It’s okay, you’ll do good,” you smile at him warmly as you place your hand on his arm and give it a squeeze, but you’re surprised when he moves out of your touch, shooting you a look.
“Not… in the office, Y/N,” he grits through his teeth, looking around to check if anyone saw the tiny gesture while you’re just blinking at him dumbly.
Yes, you usually keep your… whatever it is out of the office, but he hasn’t been this distant to you before. Before you could ask his phone starts ringing and he mumbles an apology before running off.
You write it off as nerves, you know Eric to be highly competitive, it must be a new field for him as well, running against someone he is involved with. 
Your heart is racing when you enter the boardroom, welcoming the people that will decide your future at the company, the CEO, the CFO, the head of marketing and a few others you’re not that familiar with, but you know they have power.
For the promotion you had to come up with a plan to boost the numbers on the website that hasn’t been doing much lately. You worked up a plan for a marketing strategy that would reach the target audience in a better way, it’s pretty awesome, you’re quite proud of it and you’re convinced you’ll kick ass with your presentation.
There are a few more minutes left until the meeting, you pour yourself some water and go ahead to open your slides on your computer so you have it all ready when it’s your turn.
“What… Oh no,” you whisper, when your computer starts lagging and the cursor freezes. “No, no, no!”
“Everything alright, Miss?” the CFO notices your panic.
“Yes!” you force a smile on your face. “Everything is… perfect.”
He nods and turns back to his previous conversation while your panic intensifies. You keep pushing buttons and trying to move the cursor, but it looks pretty dead, so you decide to shut it down and try to restart it, hopefully it will come back from the dead. 
Eric strides into the room, but as he takes his seat he doesn’t even look at you, just sets out his own laptop and paper notes and stares ahead of him. No matter how you try to catch his attention, he ignores you fully and it’s just another punch in your stomach.
What the hell is happening?
“Alright, everyone ready?” Daniel, the CEO claps his hands together. “Eric, you’re up first,” he gestures at him and while you’re still desperately trying to revive your computer. 
Eric sets up and when his presentation appears behind him your stomach drops instantly. 
The title, the topic, the colors… everything. You know all of it, because… because you made it. It’s yours.
You forget about your computer as Eric starts talking and he presents your idea, everything you came up with and worked hard on, he hasn’t changed a bit about it and now he is making it look like it’s his own. If you were panicking before now you’re about to set on fire.
That would be probably nice, because you wouldn’t have to go up there and most likely embarrass yourself. 
How did he get your presentation? Why did he steal it? You can’t blame him just out of the blue, you need proof and right now the only device that could have it is dead in front of you. 
You are so screwed. 
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“ Holy fucking shit, oh my God!” you keep mumbling under your breath as you approach your desk, holding your dead computer to your chest, eyes wide from what you just went through.
“Boss? You alright?” Zaya’s eyes widen when she sees you all shocked and traumatized.
“No! I’m anything but alright!”
Luckily, the small meeting room near your desk is vacant so you’re quick to take it, Zaya following you right after, shutting the door closed so you can unleash fully.
“Oh my God I can’t fucking believe him! The asshole! How did he fucking do it?!” you snap, throwing everything to the table so you can anxiously start pacing the floor with your hands on your hips. “I cannot believe this, what the hell!”
“Y/N, what happened? You’re starting to scare me,” Zaya eyes you and she actually looks scared which is a new thing, the girl is fearless.
“Eric! He stole my… my whole fucking presentation!” you whisper-yell, throwing your hands up into the air. “Every slide! Every detail! It was all mine! And he sold it as his own!”
“W-what? But… how? And what did you present then?”
“I have no idea! He was up first, as we all knew ahead of time, he went up there, opened his presentation and it was mine! I thought I was about to fall off my seat, fucking hell,” you groan, rubbing your face with your hands. Thanks to your rushed morning you’re not wearing any makeup today so at least you can’t turn yourself into a panda bear. “My laptop died right before the meeting started so I could use it as an excuse and… fuck, I made up a whole other plan on the spot!” You’re about to start hyperventilating, maybe even crying which you’ve never ever done at work before.
“But… that’s good, right? That you came up with something new?” Zaya tries to see the bright side of it, but you shake your head violently.
“You know what I came up with? I said I’m planning to rebuild the whole fucking website! All of it!”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes! I basically set myself up for failure!”
Everyone knows a full makeover could easily be a death sentence, especially with such a short notice. You have no structure to it, no plan and most importantly no IT support to do the actual work. Because you can dream up any idea, but you cannot actually write the code for it. 
Zaya tries to cheer you up but you both know you’re not only knee high, but probably neck high in deep shit. She promises to take up extra hours to help you figure out what to do and though it’s nice, the situation still feels pretty much lost.
You’re on the verge of tears when you make your way to the IT department to have your computer checked out, which is still pretty much dead. You’re already dreading the interaction, Steven, the head of the IT department is a real pain in the ass, he never wants to actually help with anything so it’s always a fight to get things done with him. 
When you walk into their office he is the first one you see and you almost groan out loud, but manage to keep quiet as you approach him.
“Hi Steven, do you happen to have a moment?” you ask, as politely and nicely as you can in the light of what just happened, but apparently it’s not enough for him, because the look he gives you makes you want to turn around and run away.
“What’s the matter?” he grimaces, fixing his glasses as he leans back in his seat.
“My laptop just died,” you hold up the device. 
He stares at you, then at your laptop and then his eyes flicker back to you and he stays silent for what feels like forever before he speaks up.
“I have no time for this now,” he says, returning to his own computer and your shoulders fall forward in defeat, but then he speaks up again. “Go to the back and ask for Styles.”
“Thank you,” you breathe out and are already on your way away from his desk.
Maneuvering between the desks you’re trying to find out who’s Styles or who to even ask to tell you where to find him and you’re just about to stop at one of the desks when you see a big screen, a sticker on the back of it that says H. Styles, so you make your way over there.
As you’re approaching the desk a head full of chocolate curls appear and soon you spot the guy sitting behind the screen, peering up at you with curious, green eyes from behind his glasses.
“Are you… Styles?” you ask, feeling weird that you only know his family name. He stares at you for a second with wide eyes and you start to think you’ve got the wrong guy, but then he nods, the curls bouncing along with the movement.
“Y-yeah. I’m Harry Styles.”
“Great! Steven said you might be able to have a look at my computer, it’s completely dead.”
“Sure,” he clears his throat as he pushes back from the desk while you round it to give the laptop to him. “W-what happened?” he asks as he opens it up and tries to turn it on, but the screen remains black.
“Um, basically it froze right before the most important presentation of my life and then it died and hasn't turned on since then,” you summarize with a sad smile as you watch him grab some kind of cable to connect your laptop with his computer.
Harry hums as he opens some kind of program that has a long, complicated looking code running in front of him and he clicks and searches in it so easily as if he was reading a children’s book. 
“Is it fully dead?” you ask after a couple of minutes. 
“No, but you got a virus, it might take some time to restore everything and some files might not make it, I’m sorry.”
You let out a shaky breath, feeling like crying again, but you manage to swallow them back as you lean against the edge of Harry’s desk. He looks up at you like a frightened kid.
“I-I can try to get everything back, I promise, it’s just that–”
“No, I know it’s not up to you. Thank you though. I’m just on the verge of… would it be weird if I started screaming right now?” you ask rhetorically as you pinch the bridge of your nose. 
“I can set up another one for you to use with all the access cloned from yours, but you won’t have the files in the meantime.”
“That would be wonderful, thank you.”
“Is there any file in particular you want me to try to recover?”
“There’s this folder that would be nice if I had it, here, this is the name,” you say as you grab a post-it and a pen and scribble the name down with all the files in it. 
“Okay, I will try to restore it. Give me a few minutes to set your replacement computer up.”
Nodding sadly you wait by Harry’s desk, watching him work on his computer like it’s an instrument and he is pretty much a professional. You know nothing about programming, but Harry seems like a wizard, you have no idea why Steven makes him deal with all the tiny things when he could pretty much redeem the world. 
“Here, this is the password, everything is set up,” he hands you the new computer.
“Thank you.”
“I’ll give you an email when I have something about your old one.”
“Okay, my address is–”
“I know, I just… I literally just logged you into your account,” he reminds me with a shy smile and you realize he’s right.
“Oh. I forgot. Well, thank you so much, Harry. And I’m sorry you have to deal with it now.”
“It’s fine, I’m the newest on the team, this is how it goes. Rookies get to deal with all the device issues,” he chuckles shortly.
You nod with a sympathetic smile and pay one last look to your savior. He looks young, around your age, but he’s sporting a slight stubble that adds some harshness to his otherwise boyish face. He’s got kind eyes behind his glasses, the prettiest pink lips you’ve ever seen on a man and his curls are screaming to be touched, though you’re not sure HR would take it well if you were just walking around the office, touching people’s hair. Oddly, it wouldn’t be the first time they would have to deal with a situation like this. Bobby DeMarco was a weird dude who worked in sales and he had an even weirder obsession with playing with women’s hair randomly. He didn’t last too long at the company, luckily.
When you return to your desk it takes everything in you to focus on working and A, not find Eric to claw his eyes out and B, not anxiously wait to hear anything from the board about today’s meeting. They are supposed to give feedback today and approve if you can continue working on your project and they can easily just kick you out of the whole thing as well. If that happened Eric would still have to prove himself to be a good fit for the role, but you’d have no chance to ever step up at the company.
You’re a mess, to say the least. You’re panicking over having to do a full website makeover in just a month, you have no idea where you stand with Eric and honestly, you’re torn between never wanting to talk to him and also screaming at him until your lungs give up.
God, your sister will be so mad, she was right! Jeanie warned you. She said it right at the beginning when you started hooking up with Eric that it’s not gonna end well, but you thought she was talking about being dumped eventually, not getting your promotion stolen from you!
When Zaya comes up to you with a question later in the day you’re still so shaken up you can barely make out an answer for her.
“I think you should report it,” she suggests, holding her notebook to her chest.
“And what do I have as proof? My computer is totally dead with all the evidence I made the presentation,” you groan, leaning back in your seat.
“Let’s hope the hot IT guy can restore everything.”
“Hot?” you chuckle. “How do you know he’s hot?”
“You said it’s Harry doing it, right? Curly hair, glasses?” You nod. “I know him, he is definitely hot,” she shrugs smirking, shifting her weight to one leg. “You know what would be nice? Hooking up with him to get revenge on Eric!”
“H-Hooking up? Why would Eric care about who I hook up with?” you clear your throat, pretending like you haven’t had a thing going on with Eric these past months. Zaya gives you a look that clearly says you shouldn’t think she’s stupid and blind.
“Please, Y/N.”
Sighing you roll your eyes as you give up the act.
“Judging from the betrayal Eric gives absolutely no shit about me.”
“Maybe, maybe not,” she shrugs just when your computer pings, signaling two new emails in your inbox.
One from the board and one from Harry.
“Oh shit,” you gasp as you lean forward so fast you almost fall off your seat and Zaya runs behind your desk to see what’s happening as you open the email from the board.
Your eyes skim over the lines several times before you finally process what was written in it.
They approved your plan. You’re still up for the promotion.
“Congrats! You made it!” Zaya cheers.
“Fuck,” you whisper under your breath.
“What’s wrong? I thought this was what you wanted.”
“The chance and the promotion? Yes. But now I have to do a full website makeover in a month which is practically impossible.”
You’re still moping and silently panicking when you’re approaching Harry’s desk for the second time today. When he sees you he jumps to his feet and you almost break a smile because he looks like a puppy for a second, but then you see that he has taken his sweatshirt off, wearing only a simple black t-shirt that puts his tattoo littered arms on display.
Fuck, Zaya was right. He really is kinda hot.
“Hey,” he waves at you when you finally reach his desk.
“Hi, how did it go?” you ask with a deep breath.
“Actually kinda good, I could save most of your stuff,” he says as he sits back and you walk behind his desk, seeing your laptop still wired to his computer. “I saved the files onto a harddrive, but I don’t recommend you to keep using the laptop, it’s… it’s pretty fried,” he chuckles, pushing the glasses further up on the bridge of his nose and for a moment you just stare at his side profile instead of focusing on what he’s showing you on his screen.
“Uh, that’s okay, I’ll be fine with the files,” you clear your throat.
“So um… I don’t know if it matters or not, but I-I thought you might want to know that you didn’t just get the virus because you clicked on something, it was… well, someone put it on your computer and it started attacking the firmware.”
You blink a few times as you process his words and then it all starts to make sense.
“What do you mean someone put it on my computer?”
“Well, there was a malware hidden on your computer that basically attacked the firmware which made it impossible for you to use the laptop and it also attacked the files saved, I found an implanted code that was giving access to–”
“Harry, I don’t really understand what you’re saying,” you remind him, his words sounding absolutely foreign to you.
“Sorry,” he breathes out with a nod. “So basically, the virus stopped your computer from working and it also gave access to a third party to reach your files.”
“So someone could use my files?”
“Yeah, exactly.”
You feel like fainting again, because now it all makes sense. And you’re starting to see red.
“Can you see what files they messed with?”
“Actually, I’m glad you asked,” he smiles proudly. “I was able to find everything they duplicated and there’s a folder they tried to get rid of, but I restored it.”
“Is it by any chance the folder I gave the name to you?”
“It is,” he nods, his fingers starting to type on his keyboard at lightspeed. “Here. See these lines?” he asks, pointing at a code you understand nothing of, but you nod. “It’s basically something they should have paid attention to if they wanted to leave no trace, but I found it so now we know what they were trying to put their hands on. I even have time stamps too. The virus was on your computer for a while and then it was activated to attack the firmware today.”
This is all like a movie, it feels like you’re in Mission Impossible or James Bond, except it’s not a great villain who is working against you but the guy you trusted to let into your bed. The guy you considered your friend and even something more than just that lately.
You made a mistake, you see it now and you want to dwell on it but you know you have no time for that, you have to keep moving forward.
“Do you know who did it?”
“Unfortunately, no. I could only get proof if I had access to the other person’s computer who was hacking yours. I’m sorry.”
Harry seems genuinely sad, as if he failed, but he did so much for you already.
“It’s okay. Thank you so much, can you… like, make a record of all these? So we have all this as proof at least.”
“Already done,” he nods. “Do you want me to file a report?”
“No. No need for that,” you shake your head. “But… I want to ask a favor from you. I know we barely know each other and you probably have a lot of work, so feel free to say no.”
“What is it?”
“Do you want to help me redesign our whole website?”
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You’re anxiously chewing on your bottom lip as you wait for the Skype call to be answered, your sister’s name flashing on the screen until her pixelated face replaces it.
And she looks mad, just as you expected.
“Y/N, I told you so! I literally told you so!” she starts off, the voice cracks a bit as the call stabilizes.
“Can we skip the part where you tell me off like a child for hooking up with a coworker who ended up fucking me over?” you flash a smile, but she rolls her eyes at you, leaning back on her couch, her right side getting more illuminated by the lamp beside her couch. It’s past seven in the evening in Tokyo while it’s just six am for you. For the past six months this has been your usual, trying to call each other at a time that’s reasonable for the both of you with the insane thirteen hours of time difference. It’s definitely a hard task and sometimes you have to plan a call days, even weeks ahead.
“No, because I’m so mad!” she groans. “Mostly at the fucker, but you as well!”
“I really don’t need to hear how much I fucked up,” you mumble, looking down at your lap.
“Sorry,” she sighs, realizing she is making you feel even guiltier. “I’m just… you worked so hard for this and now he is ruining it.”
“I’m still up for the promotion,” you shrug.
“Yeah, but you said it’s almost impossible to do what you presented.”
“Well, things are looking a bit better now.”
She listens intently as you tell her about what Harry found on your computer and how you ended up asking him to help you out. You truly didn’t think he would say yes, but he didn’t even think about it before agreeing. So now you have the IT part covered by him, you just have to come up with all the rest.
“This Harry guy…” Sammy starts and you hold up your hand.
“Don’t give me the speech again, I learned my lesson.”
“No, actually I wanted to say that I like him.”
“For real?” you ask, raising your eyebrows. 
“I mean, he is willing to work an immense amount of extra time on your project and he basically has no benefit from it. I hope you do realize how big of a sacrifice he is making for your promotion.”
You knew how big of a deal it has been from Harry to help you out but now that Sammy said it out loud, realization hits. It’s not right he gets nothing out of it, so you note to yourself to go over it with him when you meet him in the morning for your first planning session.
“I’ll talk to him about it. Now let’s talk about something else.”
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Harry was afraid he wouldn’t be able to wake up so early in the morning and make it into the office for the meeting with you, but it turns out his excitement to be working with you is kicking him out of bed even before his alarm goes off. 
He does his usual morning routine, shower, get dressed, breakfast and checking he has everything he needs in his backpack for the day and then he’s on his way. When he walks into the café that’s two blocks away from his apartment the bell gently chimes above his head, catching the attention of the owner, Frida. 
“Harry! You’re up early today!” she greets him with a beaming smile, her grey hair is in her signature low bun, her blue eyes twinkling at the sight of him.
“I have an early meeting,” he mumbles with a shy smile, the tip of his ears turning red and she doesn’t miss it, but she knows how closed off he is so she doesn’t even try to tease her about it. 
“The usual?”
“Um, yeah, but can you make it two?”
“Of course,” she nods with a knowing smile, her suspicion is getting proven that this early meeting is with someone special. 
The two chat lightly while Friday makes the coffees to go, handing the paper cups to Harry once they’re done.
“Have a lovely day, Harry,” she waves after him and he nods back, pushing the door open with his hips, a cup in each of his hands.
He can’t deny there’s a pep in his step as he enters the building that’s eerily empty so early in the morning. He did not expect his day to take such an unexpected turn yesterday. He’s seen you around the office a few times before but he knew nothing about you, just that your laughter is ridiculously contagious. Then you jumped into the elevator with him in the morning, looking a bit messy but very pretty nevertheless. He could only blink as the elevator sped up and moments later you were out of sight.
But then you strolled into the IT department with your ruined computer and he finally learned your name. While he wanted to help with your laptop as much and fast as possible, he was also dreading the moment you’d pick the harddrive up with all your files and then never talk to him again. He felt silly, crushing on a woman he only officially met just a few hours before, but he couldn’t help it. Even when you were visibly stressed and worried he thought you were enchanting. 
He was not expecting you to ask for his help, but luckily his brain clicked instantly and agreed without hesitation. For one, he’s been dealing with boring projects as the rookie on the team and this seems like a great challenge for him. 
On the other hand, he would have said yes to anything you asked him, literally. 
So now as he walks into the meeting room where you’re supposed to meet his excitement is mixed with some anxiety, because as much as he is curious about this project he is nervous to spend so much time with you all of a sudden. He can only hope he won’t seem like a freak to you.
Thanks to the early Skype session with Sammy you’re on time too, arriving to the office building just minutes after Harry. He’s setting his laptop up when you arrive, his head snapping up when you approach the desk and take the seat next to him.
“Morning,” you smile at him warmly.
“Good morning,” he smiles back, fixing his glasses to sit straight before reaching for the extra cup of coffee. “Um, I brought you this. Actually, I realized too late that I don’t know how you like your coffee, so y-you don’t have to drink it…”
“Oh! That’s very kind, thank you! I drink coffee however I can,” you chuckle. “I just need the caffeine.”
You see a small smile flash across his face before he returns to his computer while you settle next to him. 
“Before we start, I wanted to go over something with you.” Harry turns to you curiously as you try to figure out what to even say. “This is a huge thing and I know it needs a lot of time and work. I don’t feel comfortable letting you do it without getting anything for the work you do.”
“Oh, I-I don’t need anything, I’m glad to help.”
“That’s very kind, but it still doesn’t feel fair. If there is anything I can do for you, literally anything, just feel free to ask. I would feel better if I knew you’re getting your reward for your work.”
Harry thinks about it for a few seconds before nodding to himself.
“Do I have to come up with something now?”
“No,” you chuckle. “Just promise me you’ll think of some way I can pay you back.”
In the next hour you learn two things. One, working with Harry is incredibly easy. He is efficient, communicates well and simply a great at teamwork, it’s like a breath of fresh air after some of the people you’ve previously worked with.
The other thing you learn is that he is incredibly smart and it makes him very… sexy.
God, you shouldn’t be having these thoughts after what happened with Eric, but you’re not immune to a good-looking man with so much knowledge, especially when it’s in IT. You know nothing about coding and when he pulls up his miles long codes, types quietly for a few minutes and then shows you what he did, explaining to you the science behind it… it’s making you feel things you shouldn’t be. It’s so attractive when someone knows so much about something and they’re passionate and devoted to the field. It’s clear that Harry’s field is programming and he is ridiculously good at it. 
You were afraid the task would turn out to be impossible and every time he spends just a little more time silently staring at his code you’re expecting him to give up and tell you he can’t do it.
But he comes up with something every time and by the time the meeting ends you feel oddly enthusiastic and optimistic about the whole makeover that was scaring you to death just yesterday.
“Harry, you are… truly a life saver,” you sigh contently as you lean back in your seat, a long list of tasks on your screen, but you can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel now. 
“I’m happy to help,” he smiles shyly, nodding to himself. 
“Do not forget about the payment, I really want to pay it all back to you.”
“I won’t, I promise,” he chuckles softly.
“Alright. I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
“Tomorrow,” he confirms before packing up his stuff and leaving.
You stay in your seat for a little longer, just having a break before starting your actual work day. Opening up your calendar you check what meetings you have today and that’s when you face what you’ve been religiously ignoring since yesterday’s ordeal.
The weekly marketing sync where most of the time it’s just you and Eric, because Dominik, the third person who should be present likes to cancel last minute. 
It’s ridiculous that you still haven’t gotten into contact with him. Part of you was expecting him to come to you, to give you any kind of explanation though there is nothing he could have said that would have explained why he did all of that.
It’s been radio silence on his part and now you have to face him and talk to him.
You’d rather throw up in the middle of the office than do it, but you have to suck it up and deal with him.
He is there in the meeting room when you walk in, typing away on his computer like nothing happened, like he didn’t just try to ruin your career.
“Eric?” you call out, your voice sounds a lot more confident than you were expecting luckily.
He looks up, his face remains completely blank and it just angers you even more.
“Hey,” he nods without batting an eye.
“Hey?” you chuckle, as you close the door behind you, shutting you away from the rest of the people outside. “Don’t you have something to say to me?”
“Y/N, do you really want to do this?” he sighs, as if it was tiring to even think about the situation.
“Eric, you stole my whole presentation and sold it as yours!”
“Are you sure about that?”
You’re seeing red. And you’ve never been this close to actually punching someone in the face. 
“Of course I’m sure about it! That was my presentation! Are you fucking kidding me?!”
Eric stands from his seat, taking his sweet time as he walks closer, trying to intimidate you with the height difference, which used to work, you even found it hot when he towered over you, but now it’s like his existence is giving you the ick.
“You have no proof, Y/N. And you didn’t say a word at the meeting. That ship has sailed, now it’s time to move on.”
“It was all just a joke to you?”
“I told you at the beginning I didn’t want anything serious, that wasn’t a lie.”
“But did you do it just to fuck my presentation up? We literally started hooking up when the open position was announced.”
“Does it matter?”
“It does!” you laugh in disbelief, tears stinging your eyes, but you refuse to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry because of him.
“Okay,” he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I just wanted to get to know you and see what you’d come up with for the presentation, but then one thing followed the other and… I went with it.” He shrugs and then goes back to his computer like you just discussed the weather and not how he used you and then threw you away.
You can’t hold yourself together any longer, so you turn around and get as far from him as possible as you try not to start sobbing in the middle of the office. Fuck, this shouldn’t hurt this much, but you really trusted him, you thought you could have something serious, you were hoping Sammy wouldn’t be right about him, but she was. Unfortunately.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you mumble under your breath as you approach your desk Zaya is not in today, so it’s pretty calm around your desk, but then you spot someone lingering there.
“Y/N?” Harry sees how shaken you look as you finally reach him at your desk. “A-Are you alright?”
“Hi Harry,” you force a smile out, but you can’t fool anyone with it. “Did we… Do we have a meeting or something?”
“No, I just wanted to show something… Y/N, are you about to cry?””
“N-No,” you shake your head, but your lips are already wobbling and you fail to prove your words right.
“Uh, come on, let’s have a break. Want to come up to the roof?” He gently circles an arm around your shoulders and you let him lead you back to the elevators.
“Roof? We can go out to the roof?” you ask, wiping your tears away.
He doesn’t reply, just makes sure to shield you from the curious eyes as you make your way up to the top of the building. You genuinely didn’t know the roof could be used and when you see Harry push the heavy door open that leads outside you’re guessing it’s not exactly a public spot, but you don’t question it.
It looks just like how a rooftop should look, it’s definitely not open for public use but when Harry leads you over the corner and you see a little bench there, facing the panoramic view, you know you have just found a secret spot.
“Is this where you hide from Steven?” you attempt to joke as you sit down with him. 
“Sometimes, yes,” he chuckles. “Not my spot though, I think the janitor comes up here to smoke, but I haven’t run into him yet.”
You sit in silence, Harry gives you time and space to pull yourself together, not rushing you to talk at all and you’re grateful for his patience. Staring ahead at the view you take a few deep breaths, telling yourself not to let Eric’s bullshit get to your head. 
“I’m sorry you had to… deal with my tantrum,” you chuckle sadly at last. 
“That wasn’t a tantrum,” he smiles softly. “And don’t be sorry, everyone could have a bad day. Want to talk about what happened?”
“I trusted the wrong person,” you purse your lips. “Um, the virus you found on my computer. Someone from the company put it there to fuck up my chances for a promotion I’ve been dreaming of for a long time.”
“What? Are you… are you serious?”
“Yeah and the worst part is that… god, don’t tell anyone, but I’ve been kind of… hooking up with him and he said it was all just to get closer to me.”
Harry opens his mouth to say something, but then ends up closing it, processing what you just told him. You don’t blame him for being lost and confused, it’s a shitshow, to say the least. 
“That’s… That’s awful, I’m sorry,” he clears his throat, gently shaking his head. 
“You have nothing to be sorry about,” you chuckle. “I trusted the wrong person. Learned my lesson,” you shrug, and you wish you could actually end it all in your head with that, but you know it will bother you for a while at least. 
“Can I ask who this person is?”
“Eric Sonders.”
“I think… I know him. Didn’t think he could be this… vile.”
“Me neither!” you laugh. 
“So… he stole your idea and presentation, so now you have to do something else? And that’s the makeover?”
Nodding you briefly tell him what happened at the meeting, he listens intently and then shakes his head in disapproval, probably just as upset and lost about Eric’s behavior as you are. 
“You should report him, this is incredibly unethical and unacceptable.”
“I have no proof. We can’t prove that he did it all to my computer, you said it yourself.”
“Shit, you’re right.”
While Harry is deep in his thoughts you just stare ahead of yourself, doing a short assessment of your current situation. This should have been an exciting, professionally challenging time in your life, working on something that would earn you your promotion, but now, you feel like it’s more out of your reach than ever.
“We’ll make it work,” Harry speaks up, as if he could read your mind. “We can do it.”
“You really think so?”
“Yeah. It’s gonna be a tight stretch, but… It’s not impossible.”
“You are truly a life saver for agreeing to do it, Harry. I have no idea what I would do without you.”
He turns to you with a sheepish smile and you notice the slight pink shade on his cheeks as he nods.
“I’m happy to help.”
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Part of you knew this would be deadly, but even after expecting the worst, it hits you like a train.
In the next two weeks you feel like you spend every waking moment working on the project with Harry. Sometimes you do it together, sharing ideas, discussing them, sometimes you’re together but work in silence and sometimes you do it apart. Whichever it is, you eat, drink and dream with the new website.
While Harry is taking care of the coding, you do everything else, that means content writing, planning, organizing and also designing. It’s been ages since the last time you designed anything, once upon a time you thought you’d end up in that field, but then somehow marketing came into the picture and now you have to combine your two passions. 
It’s destroying you absolutely, but slowly it’s starting to add up and you can see the progress. 
On a Friday evening you’re still in the office after seven, practically everyone has left by now, but you’re deep in work with Harry beside you. It's one of those quiet sessions, when you’re working together, but only speak when there’s an issue. Neither of you said anything for about an hour when the silence is interrupted by Harry’s ringing phone.
“Ah, sorry,” he mumbles, jumping in his seat at the sudden noise as he reaches for the phone, checking the caller ID before his eyes go wide. “Oh shit,” he mumbles and you look up at him as he answers the call. “Hey Mitch!”
You hear a voice from the phone, but it’s too muffled for you to make out what they are saying.
“Um, I’m kind of still at the office… No, I didn’t forget!” he protests, but the look on his face clearly tells you he did forget something. “I-I don’t know… Yeah, I’ve been just working with Y/N… No, I won’t– Mitch… No!... Uh, okay…”
He holds the phone away from his ear, covering the mic with a hand as he looks at you with anxious eyes, he looks like a reindeer caught in headlights. 
“Um, I forgot I was supposed to meet two of my friends for a few drinks. Is it okay if I leave now?”
“Oh God, of course! Harry, it’s so late, I shouldn’t have kept you here so long.”
“You didn’t keep me,” he chuckles, before the worried look returns to his face. “Actually, would you… I mean only if you want to–So do you maybe… want to come?”
It’s adorable how he stumbles over his own words and you see the familiar pink shade tinting his face again, it’s a color you’ve seen a lot lately and you’ve grown to quite like it. 
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to intrude on your time with your friends.”
“You wouldn’t intrude, I mean, I’m asking because I want you to join, obviously.”
“I-I’ll just go home and work some more, it’s fine–”
“Y/N, we’ve been working all day,” he chuckles. “You deserve some free time as well.”
You think of his words, these two weeks has been so busy you didn’t even do anything else than working and sleeping practically. Some off time would be actually amazing for your fried brain.
“Only if you truly don’t mind,” you say at last.
“Let’s pack then,” he beams with a smile as he shuts his computer down.
Twenty minutes later you’re walking into a bar you’ve never been to, joining Harry’s friends for drinks and though you can’t put your finger on it, but for some reason you feel a bit anxious. 
“Hey guys,” Harry waves at a couple sitting in a dimly lit booth. The woman is the first one to look at you with a beaming, bright smile as she slides out and holds her hand out for you.
“Hi! You must be Y/N! I’m Sarah and this is my husband, Mitch,”
“It’s nice to meet you,��� you breathe out as you shake hands with Mitch as well.
You’re instantly bombarded with questions from Sarah as you slip into the booth and don’t even notice that Harry leaves and then returns with two drinks.
“Oh, thank you,” you smile at him as he sits beside you.
“So how is the project going?” Mitch speaks up, lazily draping an arm to the back of the seat behind Sarah.
“It’s going good,” Harry hums with a small nod, very humble about how much he has gotten done in just the first week.
“Mostly because of Harry’s hard work,” you add, praising him the way he deserves and it brings back that pink shade to his cheeks.
Sarah and Mitch are very easy to talk to, they seem curious about the projects the two of you are working on and just you in general. You’re having a great time hanging out with them and you feel like you’ve known them for a long time even though you literally just met.
You don’t even notice how time flies by, only when Sarah checks the time and lets Mitch know that they need to be heading home so the babysitter can leave.
“It was really nice meeting you, Y/N. I hope we can do this some other time,” Sarah hugs you.
“If Harry doesn’t mind me interrupting his time with his friends, then I’m in,” you chuckle, looking at the man in question who just shakes his head with a shy smile, letting you know he definitely does not mind.
“Alright, then it’s settled!”
They say their goodbye to Harry as well and suddenly it’s just the two of you in the booth and Harry is noticeably more nervous than before.
“Um, w-we don’t have to stay, if you want to go home, you co–”
“I’m happy to stay, Harry,” you smile at him without hesitation. He seems surprised, but excited at your answer.
You order another round of drinks and with the previous ones already consumed, it seems like Harry is slowly opening up, leaving his shyness behind and you get to have a peek behind his walls. The more you find out about him the more sure you get that he is truly an amazing, brilliant person and you wish you had met him earlier.
Maybe then you wouldn’t have fallen for Eric’s bullshit. Maybe then you would have fallen for him.
The drinks you’ve had don’t actually let it register, but you’re already developing a crush on him. How could you not? He is sweet, caring, smart, very thoughtful, basically the polar opposite of Eric. It’s making you question what you even saw in that asshole, you really put the bar too low.
“Oh shit, it’s already three in the morning,” you chuckle, when you finally check the time. “I should head home, I can’t sleep all day tomorrow,” you sigh, rubbing your face with your hands, realizing just how tired you feel. 
“I’ll call an Uber, is it okay if we share one?”
“It’s more than okay,” you smile at him lazily.
Minutes later you’re out in front of the bar, waiting for the ride to arrive. It has gotten significantly chillier, you did not dress for a night out so you’re holding your blazer jacket tight on yourself. When Harry notices he shrugs off his jean jacket without a word and drapes it over your shoulders.
“No, you’ll be cold!” you try to protest, but he shakes his head.
“I have a hoodie in my backpack,” he shrugs and pulls out a black hoodie, putting it on right when a car pulls up in front of you.
“Thank you for inviting me out tonight,” you quietly speak up on the backseat of the Uber, staring at Harry’s dimly lit handsome face. His glasses slid down on the bridge of his nose and you had enough drinks to have the courage to reach out and push them back gently. The gesture seemingly surprised him, but he doesn’t protest, just keeps his eyes focused on you.
“It was nice hanging out with you outside of the office.”
“Now we know we have things to talk about outside of the project,” you chuckle, making him grin as well. “We’re a great duo, Harry.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah. I wasn’t sure about it at first, I have never had to work this closely together with an IT guy and I was afraid I might be too intense for you. But it all turned out so good, I like spending time with you.”
“Is it that surprising?” you chuckle, letting your head fall back and rest on the back of the seat. “You’re a cool guy, Harry Styles. And very handsome.”
The last comment rolls off your tongue before you could bite it back and though it’s too dark to see it, you just know he is all blushed. Before any of you could speak up, the car comes to a stop, you’ve arrived at your building. Harry gets out of the car with you and walks you up to the door. 
“See you on monday?” he shyly kicks the dust, hands in his pockets. 
“Yeah. Thanks for tonight,” you repeat yourself and there’s a heartbeat of silence where you feel that moment.
You probably should not be feeling this way, not after getting yourself burnt so bad, but you can’t help it. You want to kiss Harry and for a split second you believe he wants to do the same. His eyes flicker down to your lips and you move just a tiny bit closer to him, time stands still and just when you think he’ll do it, he clears his throat and steps back.
“Good night, Y/N,” he mumbles nodding before he walks back to the car. 
You stand there, feeling stupid as you blink after him before snapping out of your trance, forcing yourself to walk inside. As you take a quick shower and get ready to bed you get into a spiral. 
First of all you’re such a needy idiot for jumping from one man to the other. You should not be looking at men at all after Eric and yet here you are, crushing on yet another coworker of yours, what is wrong with you?! 
And second, why were you expecting him to kiss you? You’ve barely known each other for a few weeks and Harry is a reasonable man, he is probably not at all like you, he probably doesn’t want to get involved with a coworker especially not you. Some signs were giving you a feeling that he might have liked you more than just a friend, but you must have totally misread him. 
You have to control yourself and not scare him away, especially since he is doing you a huge favor, the last thing you want to do is to make him uncomfortable.
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Harry hasn’t stopped thinking about you all weekend. Specifically about that moment in front of your apartment building where he would have sworn he felt you were expecting him to kiss you, but he couldn’t do it. Not when you were clearly intoxicated.
He didn’t want you to think he would ever take advantage of you like that.
The next week starts oddly. He gets some extra tasks and you get involved in another project as well, so you can’t work together like last week. Monday and then Tuesday rushes by without the two of you meeting. By Wednesday Harry is craving to see you again and it seems like it’s finally happening, because you don’t cancel your morning meeting. He arrives in a good mood with coffee for you and him, excited to show you everything he finished in the past days.
But then he can feel the change in you when you walk in.
You seem off, but at first he can’t tell why. You’re not your bubbly self, you seem very closed off and oddly professional compared to the times the two of you met earlier. Harry tries to tell himself it’s nothing serious, but the more time you spend together the more obvious it’s getting and he can’t take it anymore.
“Y/N?” he quietly asks at the end of the meeting. “Is everything alright?”
“Sure,” you nod, but it’s like as if you didn’t even believe it yourself.
“Did… Did I do something that upset you?”
“Nope, I just…” You sigh, giving up the facade you’ve been trying hard to keep up. “Listen, about Friday, I’m very sorry, Harry.”
“Sorry? For what?”
“I feel like I overstepped a line and made you uncomfortable, I’m sorry about that. If I made you uncomfortable. I want us to work well together and my unfiltered mouth was not at all professional that night, so I’m really sorry about that.”
Harry is blinking at you, confused and lost about what you truly meant by all that. He did not see this coming and now he has no idea how to react other than just looking at you with a startled expression.
“Can we just go back to where we were before that?”
“Where… I don’t-I mean, um…”
“Let’s just forget about when we parted ways, please?”
“So… Uh, yeah,” he at last nods, trying his best to mask his disappointment. He thought there might be something more between the two of you, but this conversation is proof that you just had too many drinks and you didn’t mean any of it. 
“Thank you so much,” you breathe out in relief. “I wouldn’t want to ruin our work together.”
Harry nods silently and doesn’t ask more about it. 
He is trying hard to hide his disappointment and part of home wants to know if you felt even the slightest spark on Friday or it was all just the alcohol, but he is not one to dig into things that might end him up in an awkward situation. He just swallows it all down and pulls his walls up again.
You can feel a bitter taste in your mouth as well after your talk with Harry. Something felt off, but you can’t put your finger on it and soon you have something else to worry about. 
You’re surprised to see Eric chatting with Zaya when you return to your desk. Your intern, bless her heart, is trying to keep a straight and professional face but you can tell she wants to scream at the man who definitely thinks he is charming the young girl with his small talk. 
“Eric? What are you doing here?” you ask, biting your tongue so you don’t tell him to leave and fuck himself.
“Hey, can we talk? Privately?” 
You look at Zaya and her eyes tell you what she thinks: it’s the literal worst idea ever. And you want to say no to him, but judging from his antics lately he would somehow use it against you so you don’t have much of a choice.
“Sure,” you mumble and the two of you take an empty meeting room. “So?” 
“Look, I want to apologize.”
What? Is he for real? That was unexpected.
“My behavior was uncalled for and very unprofessional.”
“Do you mean the way you stole my idea and presentation or the way you talked to me when I confronted you about it?”
“Can you not attack me, please?” he gives you a look that would have put you in place before, but now it just annoys you. He is trying to make you be the one in the wrong and you want to snap at him for still being such an ass, but you want to be the bigger person and stay professional. No matter how much you hate him, you’re still colleagues. 
“Go on,” you sigh, folding your arms over your chest.
“I know I can’t change the past but I think it's best if we deal with it in a decent way.”
How noble of him, pulling the rug from underneath you and then acting like he is this decent, peaceful man who just wants to work together. You want to throw up, but you swallow it back and force a smile onto your face.
“Sure, of course,” you tell him.
Seemingly Eric is satisfied with the work he did, but he is so tone deaf it hurts. He smiles nodding and heads out of the room with you behind him.
“Great talk!” he enthuses before walking away.
Zaya turns to you with wide eyes and you just shake your head.
“He wanted to apologize, though he didn’t really succeed, but I feel like it doesn’t matter to him,” you shrug as you sit behind your desk.
“You’re not forgiving him, right?”
“Of course not,” you scoff. “But we’re still colleagues, I can’t keep up the beef, it’s too tiring. I’ll just ignore his existence.”
You don’t think much of Eric’s ridiculous attempt to make peace, you keep your focus on your own project. 
There’s a bit of awkwardness between you and Harry after your little talk, but you feel like with time it eases and you write it off as just him not fond of situations like the one you put him into on Friday. 
Thursday afternoon the two of you are having another session together, working on some details he’s been trying to figure out himself, but he needs your input to finish them as well. It turns into brainstorming which results in a bunch of new things you want to include, but it will also add more work to your plate.
“I’m really sorry I always just keep adding new stuff to your load,” you sigh, truly feeling like you’re constantly overstepping boundaries, but Harry just shakes his head.
“I’m excited about these all. These are great functions and I’m looking forward to writing the code.”
“That sounded so nerdy,” you chuckle, but notice that Harry’s smile has disappeared.
“Oh no, I didn’t mean it like that! It’s great, I love it when someone is so passionate about something. I love it when you get deep into the tech talk. I think it’s amazing how much you know about these stuff.”
“But you can always just tell me to shut up, I know a lot of people don’t like it when I talk like that,” he mumbles, noticeably avoiding looking you in the eyes.
“Has… someone told you not to talk about programming?”
“Um…” He shifts uncomfortably and you’re about to tell him he doesn’t need to answer, but then he speaks up. “My ex girlfriend hated it when I talked about IT stuff,” he shrugs, but you can tell it’s something he struggled with. 
You can’t imagine ever telling him to stop talking about something that brings him this much joy. It’s clear this is his element and any woman that would try to restrain it is an idiot and can’t appreciate how wonderful this man is. 
You watch him quietly finish up on his computer before he starts to shut it down and you know you have to say something.
“She did not deserve you.”
He blinks at you surprised so you continue.
“Anyone who wants you to stop talking about something that makes you happy is not a person you want in your life, Harry, I hope you know that.”
“Uh… thank you,” he mumbles, that lovely pink shade taking over his face once again.
“You can always talk tech with me. I like listening to it.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. It amazes me, because I know nothing about it.” And it’s really hot, you want to add, but then bite your tongue. 
There’s a tiny smile on his pink lips and you can tell this moment matters to him more than you could imagine and you’re glad you could make him happy like that.
“D-Do you want to grab something to eat?” he suggests as the two of you head out of the meeting room.
“That sounds great! I’m starving!” you groan. “Let me just grab my bag from my desk.
Harry nods and follows you, he already has his backpack with him. You’re musing about what you should have and Harry is telling you about this amazing bagel place he loves when you spot the familiar figure near your desk. 
“Eric, what are you doing here?” you ask, but you’re tempted to phrase your words differently, because it’s quite obvious he was snooping around your desk, not expecting you to show up after office hours.
“Y/N, hi! I was just… I thought I left some papers here the other day,” he clears his throat, stepping away from your desk. 
“You had no papers with you,” you simply say, knowing well something is off with him.
“Maybe I remembered wrong,” he chuckles. “Alright, see you later,” he waves and then leaves quickly before you could ask any more questions. 
“What was that about?” Harry asks as you launch at your desk, checking what might have changed.
“He was looking for something. He is trying to play me again,” you hiss through your teeth, frantically examining what he could have put his hands on, but you see nothing out of place. But then you realize that he must have thought you left your laptop, that’s what he was looking for. “Oh my God,” you gasp, quickly starting your laptop to see if there is anything wrong with it. 
“What? What’s going on?”
“Harry, can you, uhh—Can you check if there is anything wrong with my laptop?” you plead as he rounds your desk and sits nodding, though he is a tad bit lost about what’s happening.
“Like, check if there’s another virus, or something?”
“Yes. I think he was trying to tamper with it again, I can’t know for sure if he hasn’t touched it earlier.”
You knew his half-assed apology was tactic, but you didn’t think he would do it all over again. Eric really isn’t the person you thought him to be.
You watch Harry type away on your computer, anxiously waiting for him to say anything and in the meanwhile you’re planning how you’ll get rid of Eric the moment you finally get your well-deserved promotion. There’s no way you’re letting a snake like him work at the company. 
“I don’t see anything,” Harry finally leans back and you exhale in relief.
“I can’t let it out of my sight from now on,” you grumble, shaking your head. 
In this moment you feel like you’re running out of energy, all because you trusted the wrong person. Feeling defeated you collapse into Zaya’s chair, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Harry softly says, as if he could read your mind.
“I’m in this situation because I made all the worst choices. I can’t blame anyone else but myself.”
“You couldn’t have known this is how it would turn out to be.”
“I know, but…”
“No but. Just… You know what? I’ll install an extra security program on your laptop so only you can access it, alright?”
“Really?” you sit up straight.
“Yeah, just give me a few moments.”
He gets down to work, works his magic and a minute later he is explaining to you what he got set up on your laptop to secure it.
“Harry, I owe you so much at this point,” you sigh in relief when it sinks in that Eric will not get his hands on your things again. “I have no idea how I will be able to pay you back.”
You notice a slight shift in him as he clears his throat, looking at you nervously.
“About that… I-I think I know h-how–I mean I thought about what… you could…”
“You know what you want in return?” you perk up, happy to do something for Harry after everything he did for you. 
“Y-you can say no, it’s okay, I just–Um…”
“Harry, whatever it is, my answer is gonna be yes,” you chuckle, placing a gentle hand on his arm. He looks at your hand and then up to your eyes before finally speaking up.
“Go on a date… with me?”
Harry has been working up the courage to ask you all day, but he didn’t think he would have the balls to say it out loud. Sarah and Mitch urged him to shoot his shot, even after the kind of awkward conversation you had earlier. His friends were convinced you were into him regardless, but he’s been struggling to believe it himself.
It was kind of random he blurted it out, but now it’s been said and he is about to faint, waiting for your response. You’re staring back at him, eyebrows slightly raised, lips parted, but no words have left your mouth since his question.
“Y-You don’t have to, I-I understand–I mean, it’s–”
“Harry,” you cut him off. “I would love to go on a date with you,” you finally tell him and it feels like a stone has been lifted off his shoulders, his heart is about to jump out of his chest any moment.
“But I won’t take it as your payment,” you add and now it’s his turn to be surprised. 
“What?” he breathes out, not sure what to make of your words.
“I would never take it as a payment, because I would go on a date with you regardless, Harry. Think of something else and we will have the date as well.”
“Of course,” you chuckle. 
“Okay, alright, um… then… it’s a date!”
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Harry is late.
He promised to be there at the meeting room on time to support you and answer any tech related questions that might come up in connection with your presentation. Eric is now presenting his (your) idea, he has added some features to it since he stole the whole thing, but it’s still mainly yours. 
“Thank you very much for your attention,” he nods as he finishes his talk and the board claps shortly before it’s your turn to stand in front of them. 
You’re plugging your laptop together with the projector when the door of the meeting room opens and Harry’s head pops inside. Relief washes over you as you watch him apologize for his late arrival and take a seat. Your gaze meets his and he smiles at you sweetly, holding his thumb up for you as you load the presentation. Now you feel braver, knowing he is here to support you.
You desperately wish you could read minds as you go on with your presentation. You’re met with mostly blank faces, but they were the same during Eric’s presentation as well, so you can’t tell what they are thinking about. It’s going smoothly, you rehearsed it a million times instead of sleeping in the past few days and when it’s time for questions you ace all of them, even the few tech ones. You’ve spent so much time with Harry that you can easily give an answer to everything at this point.
“Thank you for your attention,” you nod smiling at the end and disconnect your laptop from the projector, walking back to Harry.
“You did amazing,” he smiles at you proudly and his approval means the most to you. 
“I’m sorry I was late, I had to take care of something.”
“It’s okay. I’m just happy you’re here.”
“Of course. I wouldn’t have missed it.” The CEO stands up and all heads turn in his direction.
“Thank you for the presentations, I would like to ask the candidates to leave the room so we can vote.”
You gather all your stuff and head out with Harry by your side. Eric ignores your existence, as if he didn’t lie and cheat his way to this moment, but you’re not stressing yourself anymore about it. 
You definitely believe in karma.
“You’ve got this,” Harry smiles at you softly and your heart melts at his expression. 
You’re planning to have your date tonight. It’s gonna be either a ‘you’ve got the promotion, now let’s celebrate with our date’ occasion or ‘you didn’t get the promotion so let’s cheer you up with a date’, you’re fine with both, truly. You know you put everything you had into this promotion and if they still decide not to choose you, that’s their loss and your sign to move on. 
You’re beyond excited about your date. There’s been an obvious change in your dynamic since Harry has asked you out, there are more glances, little touches, compliments and some very apparent sexual tension that’s still within the lines of comfort, it’s not too hard to control yourself, but you keep noticing more and more things about him that are pulling you towards him.
“I will miss our little work session,” you smile back at him shyly.
“Little? They usually lasted hours,” he chuckles, making you laugh too.
“Loved them all,” you shrug and the look on his face tells you he did too. 
The board takes some time to make their decision and when the door opens fifteen minutes later your heart skips a beat. The CEO asks you all to return to the room and you take your previous seat, Harry sitting next to you. His hand brushes against your knee shortly and you look at him, your gaze meeting his as he gives you an encouraging smile.
“Thank you all for these amazing presentations, we were very pleased with the plans and projects,” the CEO starts as he stands at the head of the table. “We had no doubt you two are the best applicants for the position and it’s been hard to decide who to choose, but at last we made a decision.”
Oh God, you’re about to throw up. Is it you? Is it Eric? You hope you won’t cry. That could happen in either case, but you really don’t want to cry in front of all these people. 
“The person we chose to fulfill the position is…” His eyes scan over the both of you as you hold your breath and then it finally lands on you. “Y/N Y/L/N. Congratulations.”
And just like that, your lungs fill with air again and it feels like a rock has been lifted off your shoulders. 
“I told you,” you hear Harry beside you and when you look at him you see pride all over his face and you can’t stop yourself from throwing your arms around his neck to hug him.
“Thank you, it wouldn’t have happened without you,” you mumble as you squeeze him tight before letting go of him, going up to the board to shake hands. 
At first you don’t even process it, but then Eric’s voice hits your ear and you realize he is turning red across the table, complaining nonstop about the outcome.
“...The whole thing was so fucking out of the blue! Redesigning the whole website? That’s like suicide!...”
You don’t even have the chance to react to his comments, the CEO speaks up for everyone.
“Y/N’s idea is daring, innovative and brave, just what we need. We don’t want to play it safe and your idea was definitely in the safe zone.”
“His idea,” you scoff under your breath.
“Actually, there is something I would like to show you, if you have a few more minutes,” Harry speaks up as he starts his laptop and moves over to where the board is. You’re watching him completely puzzled.
“There’s been an unfortunate incident about the presentations. Y/N’s original idea was stolen, a virus has been planted on her computer to cover up the deed, but I could not recover enough information about the perpetrator to make accusations, that was until a few days ago.”
You see Eric’s red face turn completely white as Harry types away on his computer and then shows something to the board. They curiously eye the alleged proof as Harry continues.
“Proof could be only found on the perpetrator’s device and a few days ago I had access to Eric’s computer when he brought it in for a check up, since it’s been working too slow. As expected and told, I make a full check on every device in these cases and found unquestionable proof that Eric stole Y/N’s presentation through the virus.”
Oh lord. 
You watch as everyone on the board processes what they see on Harry’s computer and you can feel the switch in them towards Eric.
“Eric, let’s have a chat in my office. Now,” the CEO says and it’s definitely an order and Eric doesn’t try to go against it, just nods and follows him out of the room.
“Harry, why didn’t you tell me you were planning to do this?!” you ask as you rush up to him. The board members are leaving the meeting room, leaving the two of you alone. 
“I uh– I wanted it to be a surprise. Eric showed up at the IT department the other day and I got his case without him knowing so I could snoop around. Found the evidence right away so I thought the board should know what he did.”
“Why did you wait until they announced who got the promotion? This could have kicked him out of the contest right away.”
“I knew you’d get it,” he smiles shyly. “I had no doubt they would choose you, I wanted you to experience defeating him after what he did to you.”
To say you’re touched is an understatement. He didn’t just help you immensely to get this promotion, but also went out of his way to serve you justice. He has done more for you than anyone ever. 
You just know you can’t let the moment pass and ignoring the fact that you’re still at work, though no one is around to see, you close the distance between the two of you and press your lips against his.
This kiss has been hanging there for a while and you’d be lying if you said you have never fantasized about what it would be like to kiss Harry, but reality is a thousand times more magical. His lips are soft and warm, go so well with yours and once his first wave of shock passes he finally returns it and you melt in his arms. 
You had a feeling Harry was a great kisser, but the way he claims your lips just blows your mind. He is sweet and gentle but also demanding at the same time and if only you weren’t in the office you’d pretty much jump into his arms and let him do whatever he wants to you. 
Somewhere in the distance a phone rings and it breaks the spell, making you realize that you shouldn’t get carried away. 
“Sorry,” you smile, your lips barely just an inch away from his still. “I got… I just–Thank you. For everything you did for me.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he returns your smile and pecks your lips shortly one more time. “And I will always be here to support you.”
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You might look like a lunatic as you watch the guy on the other side of the glass door of your office finish up the sign on the door.
Y/N Y/L/N, Head Of Digital Marketing.
God, you still can’t have enough of the sound of it even though you got the promotion two months ago. Okay, the first month you spent in your old job, teaching the ropes for your successor before you could start your transition into your new position.
Now it’s official and you couldn’t be happier about it.
Checking the time you sit back to your computer to finish up work for the day. It’s been one hell of a week, you’ve worked overtime three times so it’s great that today is finally Friday. You answer some more emails and check your calendar for the next week, making sure everything is settled.
There’s a soft knock on the door and when you look up your heart skips a beat, seeing Harry walk in, his backpack on one shoulder.
“Hey. Are you done?”
“Just one moment,” you smile and he nods, walking over to the window, patiently waiting for you to finish everything up. 
When you turn the computer off and look up at him, you notice that he is staring at you already.
“What?” you ask, packing up.
“Nothing, just… you look so pretty.”
You still haven’t gotten used to his compliments, though they always just keep on coming and coming. You love them.
And you love him.
Walking over to him you wrap your arms around his waist as you steal a kiss. Usually you try to keep the PDA out of the office, but sometimes he is just too hard to resist. Like now.
You’ve been officially a couple for two months, your first date after your big presentation was like a dream, Harry took you to all of his favorite spots in the city and then you just spent hours stargazing on the roof of his apartment’s building, he had a whole setup with a mattress, blankets and pillows, it was the sweetest thing ever, the best way to celebrate your win. Since then, it’s been endless dates, movie nights, trips on the weekend, you’ve been kind of inseparable. Well, outside of the office, because you try your best to stay professional at work. 
“What was that for?” he chuckles softly, his cheeks have that soft pink shade on them that you just want to kiss all over. 
“I’m just happy. That’s it.” Reaching up you fix his glasses before taking a step back and heading out.
Usually you just walk side by side to the elevator, but today you feel extra upbeat, so when you step into the elevator you gently take his hand and lace it together with yours and you can’t help but smile every time you’re in here with Harry.
Because he told you this is where he saw you for the very first time that day you overslept before your disastrous presentation. He was the one who held the elevator’s door for you. You were so disoriented that you didn’t notice him then and he likes to tease you about it, saying that he knew that moment he was into you, all while you didn’t even look at him. In return, you always bring up how you were the one kissing him for the first time. 
It’s crazy to think how much has happened between those two things or even between that morning and today. He was the quiet IT genius who you dragged into your madness. He is still a genius, but you’ve gotten to know the sides of him others can’t see and you love all of them, it just took you some time to open him up. To decode him.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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krowlovesinazuma · 1 month
Alright I ask for headcanons yet again Except this time for once I'm not insane How would Chiori react to the reader preferring their own clothes over Teyvat's? (Judging from the overall complexity of Genshin Impact's outfits, I can deduce that our modern-day clothing probably feels a lot more comfy)
Read this prologue for context!
Scenario: Reaction to Reader's casual dress style
Characters: Chiori
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For starters, Chiori is an incredibly forward person on purpose, no matter who she's dealing with, no matter how powerful or all mighty they might be, and even though you may be special in a different way, it's no difference to her.
When she sees your clothes for the first time, her mind takes a moment to properly process it. She hadn't actually imagined what you looked like before, but an otherworldly fashion style wasn't in her mind! She'll definitely rope you into checking out your outfit sooner than later.
With this check though, she's quick to realize that your outfit, made of a simple t-shirt and jacket, is made with comfortability and casual vibes in mind. Just to make sure, she'll ask plenty of questions! Mostly out of curiosity.
As soon as she confirms this theory, she'll get started on measuring you up, and making a new outfit of her own! She understands now that you prefer comfortability over style, but that doesn't mean she'll let you walk away without something of hers on.
She'll probably make a few prototype sets to understand what you find comfortable in clothes, as she was very much specialized in fancier, high status clothing making! It's a challenge she very much welcomes, no matter how much you may protest her attempts.
In the end though, she is primarily doing this for you, to help you feel more at home in this weird place. She knows the effects that clothing can have not only in onlookers, but one's sense of self, and she's here to help out with that.
Once you sound satisfied, and select which of her prototypes you liked best, she'll make a set only for you, making sure to stop progress on her other orders until this one is finished. It'll be a secret endeavor, as she knows the value in keeping your name hidden.
That'll be far from it, however. Don't be surprised if you get gifts from her every now and then with more sets of comfortable, yet fashionable clothing! Making sure to put in an Inazuman flare for you to fit in best, every piece was original and unique.
Whenever you feel the urge to thank her, she simply cuts it short and continues on. In fact, since this is her way of thanking you, she can't help but take it as something endearing, how you failed to see how much you've already done for her.
She hasn't forgotten the kindness and happiness that you showed her when you still controlled the game world from outside, and this is just her returning a due favor. You definitely notice the difference when interacting with the others, as they feel more at ease with your more familiar clothes. Perhaps she was right about your previous clothes being a problem...
"How would you say that set is compared to the last? Yes, these are important questions. This has been quite the enjoyable riddle, but I can only improve with feedback, and you're my only target audience. Don't worry about rushing it, just think deeply and answer me in detail, for the sake of a better set next time."
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myflagmeansace · 22 days
Hi all! It's taking a lot longer to caption Samba's BTS improv video, but here's the video without captions and a separate transcript with dialogue tags for now! 😘
Scene 1
Ed is determined to banter about Jeff's Inn by the Sea after gravy basket Hornigold ruined it.
Ed (proudly announcing what he does at the inn): My specialty is seafood. Um and I cook the sea...food.
Stede (completely and earnestly smitten): You cook it perfectly, by the way.
Ed (sweetly accepting his compliment): Thank you! 😊
Stede (so appreciative of his love's fictional cooking skills): I love that.
Ed (remembering how well Stede pours drinks *possibly inspired by the Ed draped across a bar fanart Taika called out in the IMDB The Outfronts interview*): Um and you are the cocktail man.
Stede (so excited about his role): I am the cocktail man!
Ed: Yeah!
Stede (really playing into his role): I make a drink or two.
Ed (a little dazed at imagining Stede as a cocktail man pouring him several drinks): Yep oh yeah! Um and more than two sometimes.
Stede (feeling a little cheeky): Sometimes we get on it, don't we? Yeah!
Ed (picking up on what Stede is putting down but also fuck off Hornigold, Ed is totally a people person at this fictional inn!): Yeah, yeah! You know, we get on it. You work the back of house, I work the front of house.
Stede: Yes!
Ed: Yep.
Stede (recognizing the importance of taking turns, in more than one way 😉): Sometimes I work the front of house.
Ed (agreeing to being a versatile partner): Yeah and then I-you give me a turn working the back.
Stede: Yes.
Ed: Yeah.
Stede (shameless at this point): You like that, don't you?
Ed (a little flustered but keeping his cool): Aw, I mean, I-you know, it's just nice for a change now and then, you know?
Stede (liking the thought of keeping Ed satisfied): Something different. Yeah!
Ed (admitting to himself why he likes working the back): Yeah! It's just nice to be in control.
*Stede proudly gazing at Ed*
Scene 2
Taika: *breaks, closing his eyes and smiling*
Rhys: *wheezing/laughing*
Scene 3
Stede (leaning into his role of cocktail man, expert of drinks): Well imagine us as...a mixed drink.
Ed (absolutely smitten, ready to listen and pressing his finger against his lips to calm the urge to press his lips all over the dork in front of him): I am imagining it!
Stede (really struggling to capture the expertise of a cocktail man because he's more of a gardening guy so he can't think of a drink good enough to compare Ed to so he goes with whatever sounds cool and tough): You're the hard...sort of...
Ed (smile falls and starts feeling sad because Stede is calling him hard when he's really just a soft kitty princess but he'll go along with it because he gets it 😿 he copies his hand gestures to appear agreeable): I'm the hard one.
Stede (sweating bullets):...rustic...
Ed (definitely not liking the word rustic and tucking in his paws, I mean hands): Yeah.
Stede (knowing he’s completely boned it as a cocktail man): Ummm...
Ed (trying to save the moment and compares himself to a rare whiskey): The bitter one like a whiskey.
Stede (agreeing out of desperate relief): Bitter whiskey at the bottom. Yes!
Ed (remembering he doesn't actually like whiskey but he does like rum): Yeeah. Like yes, yeah. I'm like the whiskey or the rum.
Stede (changing the focus to distract Ed from his clumsy cocktail man moment): And I'm the fluffy kind of ✨️epervescent✨️…
(new word alert lol I think he meant effervescent)
Ed (entertained by the word choice): Ohhhh!
Stede (playing it up with jazz hands):...tang!
Ed (doesn't dare correct his excited boyfriend): Epervescent!
Stede: Yes!
Ed (gestures at his bubbly boyfriend): Yeah! You're the bubbly one!
Stede (wiggling in excitement): That just jumps in on top!
Ed: The Tang!
Stede: Yeah!
Ed (trying out a pickup line): Yeah you're the tang to my tong.
Stede (has no idea what a tong is but he loves rhyming): Ahhh! You're the zangy, I'm the tangy!
Ed (absolutely enamored and giggling with joy at Stede's flirting): Aw The Zangy and the Tangy! We should call the joint that! The Seaside and…
Stede (high pitched mating call): Tangy and Zangy!
Ed (falls apart laughing, holding on to Stede): ...Tangy Zang-!
Scene 4
Ed (giving Stede a boyfriend test): We're very different you see. We're cut from different cloths us two. Um but somehow when you stitch that cloth together...
Stede (appreciating Ed's deep thoughts): Mmm.
Ed: What does it make?
Stede (passing the test with flying colors): Well, a beautiful seam! ❤️
Ed: 💘😳🥰🫠
Scene 5
Ed (taking the opportunity to analyze and get near the Stiddies): We're leather and silk.
Stede (oblivious, trying to romantically serenade Ed): Leather and silk!
Ed: It's uh...*begins nervously singing too* and all things milk!
Stede (heartfelt but slightly confused crooning): ...together!
Ed (trying his best to rhyme): ...and from different ilks.
Ed (starts over, pulling it together as he goes): Leather and silk, from different ilks...
Stede (too stubborn to be apart from Ed even in song):...together we....
*Stede waits, anticipating a masterpiece finish*
Ed (hyperfocusing on dairy and possibly Stiddies at this point): ...from the udder...of life...we make milk!
*Stede remains utterly still as his brain catches up with Ed's*
*Ed finishes, baffled by his own song but he stands by those words because life really is like a cow's udder, and leather and silk are of different ilks, and in a strange and cosmic way, they do indeed make milk 🙂‍↕️🫶🏽*
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chosokamosbf · 1 month
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☆ 18+ only/no minors.
WARNINGs: 18+, gn (gender non-implied)! reader, daddy/mommy kink, mentions of abuse (jason nor reader are doing it), minor mention of blood, sub/dom, pain play, fear play, "prey/predator," brat taming, reader is referred to as "prince(ss)" and "sweetheart" once.
WORD COUNT: 900-ish+
Based on canon, I firmly believe he's on the ace spectrum, specifically demisexual. And even then, he rarely experiences sexual attraction at all for his partners. This isn't because he doesn't love them (enough) or any other assumptions similar to that; it just doesn't happen much.
Furthermore, as much as he'll indulge you here and there if you do, (sexual) intimate moments with Jason would be far and few between, making them all the more important to him.
He's a switch, leaning on dom and top. Mostly because he likes the control and is more comfortable that way. Getting him to be submissive instead is a gradual endeavor. He doesn't hate it; it just takes a lot of patience and trust.
First and foremost on actual kinks, I think Jason has a thing for "daddy," both on the receiving and giving ends. He likes the title, and he's definitely the type to whisper something like, "C'mere, sweetheart. Give daddy a kiss." in even private, innocuous moments just to mess with you.
(Note: I don't think he'd have as much of a mommy kink because—y'know.)
Rough sex is a top favorite of his. This goes hand in hand with play wrestling as a form of foreplay, breathing heavily down on his partner just to continue that energy into bed with sweat-slick bodies. It's less about "winning," and more about being allowed to confide in someone in a way and the fun that can come with it. He wouldn't be against being the sub in this situation either, even if his partner is weaker than him, because he knows how important control can be in bed, so he'll let them win. Sometimes. He trusts you, and he wants you both to feel good.
Degradation/praise wise, he'll give either out depending on the moment. He's going to tease and utter dirty shit like, "C'mooon, prince(ss). You're sounding like a real whore for someone who didn't want it a couple minutes ago—" if you tried to struggle against. It depends more on the moment than position because he could be pounding into you and huffing out praise right next to your ear with what little air he's catching, to riding you, telling you to keep up while his head is already thrown back.
He enjoys pegging a lot, but as always, it's going to take some convincing to get him to comply.
Brat taming is another go-to of his, along with sub/dom. On the other end, it seems to be a near equal opposite—he's not into it, and it can get uncomfortable real fast. There's a few times he'll indulge himself, and they're all after more intense days to sort of solidify the trust he has in you. You're not going to hurt him; he's still in control in a way.
He doesn't seem like he'd like being on the receiving end of any sort of pain play. He already deals with chronic pain on a day-to-day basis. To have it overwhelm one of the few aspects of intimacy that he loves and simultaneously take his head off things for once just doesn't seem like it'd be enjoyable for him. No, on the giving end—
(Note: I'm not into pain play myself, nor do I even know what even makes it enjoyable for people, so I'll be segmenting this with fear play and "prey/predator.")
It wouldn't be something he'd ever bring up, far from it, but if it's what you like, he'll gladly take a knife in a steady hand to softly trace it down from your stomach to your underwear. In a smile almost cruel, he'd drag it across just enough so a few drops could be licked back up if you asked nicely enough again.
Jason knows you're just asking for it if you're weaker than him and bring up the idea of a different kind of foreplay. He'd pick a place, somewhere with a lot of spots you could try to hide away and run to (an abandoned office of sorts is the best go; he's not going to risk infections).  Just for him to stalk, pin you down with ease. If the spot he found his little prey in isn't satisfactory (or clean) enough, he'd have no qualms settling you over his shoulder like a sack and manhandling you where he wants it.
He definitely isn't going to go too far, though. As well-trained as he is, he's going to be especially attentive after any scenes involving that. Sadism isn't a big one for him. He'll enjoy it in the moment but then feel real guilty afterwards, so, just as a reminder, aftercare goes both ways.
I don't know why some people think he's into "dark" (ex. pedo stuff such as ageplay and actual rape.) kinks when he's canonically and literally has hunted down murdered several (sexual) abusers before. If you try to break boundaries, he's going to be reconsidering the relationship, and quite possibly if he even knew you as a person.
On a lighter note, consent is a big thing for him, and he's also big on aftercare. A go-to would be a bath for the both of you (stuffing the sheets in the washer right before and bandaging any "scratches" if need be.), then cuddling. Depending on whether he has the energy, he'll pop something in the microwave real quick. (Takeout is usually a last resort because the last thing he wants while enjoying the afterglow with a partner is social interaction with a stranger.)
If you wear make-up and it gets ruined by the end, like in the latter part of the previous section, if he can, he's going to help you wipe off the mess and maybe help you reapply it as a form of care.
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