#favourite nephew and uncle duo
litt1e-prince · 10 months
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you guys DONT understand- i read this line from Smiles Taken AU fic and just havent been the same since- went out of my way to learn perspective
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feydrautha · 3 months
Finally finished Gideon the Ninth and man, i truly am the most predictable bitch because the Third and the Eighth Houses are just soooo 🥺 to me
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elif-in-wonderland · 4 months
The AveryJameson headcanons that have been a draft, finally come to light:
She fell first, but he fell harder. And since then, Jameson is the clingy one in the relationship, always wanting to kiss her and cuddle with her.
They make a Disney movies marathon once a year. At first, Jameson wasn’t the biggest fan of this idea, but he got super hyped when they visited Disneyland together, so he gave it a chance. He ended up loving it and Avery was a proud girlfriend. Their favourite movie is Tangled and she always teases Jameson with Flynn Rider and “the smoulder”.
Jameson gives her a lot of gifts, with or without a special occasion. He buys her big red roses bouquets once a week and sends them to her anonymously with a cute riddle on the card. Of course Avery knows who sends them and she always goes to him and kisses him, calling him “her mystery boy”.
They go on a trip to Tahiti and Jameson proposes to her in a very romantic and cute manner. They have a picnic on the beach and he puts her guess in which of his fists lays the surprise. Avery is amused at first, but picks his right fist, only to find a ring made of paper. She doesn’t really know what that stands for, but Jameson uncovers his left fist and shows her a real diamond ring. He pops the big question and Avery is speechless. After a few moments, she comes back to her senses and jumps at him, both falling on the sand and obviously she says YES!
One week after the Tahiti trip, they return home and get married, because they were too impatient and wanted to be husband and wife as soon as possible. Jameson cried when he saw her in the bride dress and Avery laughed because he never cried for anything.
They didn’t have kids, but they were the best aunt-uncle duo, making all sort of games for their nephews and nieces and playing with them all the time. Nash scolded Jameson at some point because he was showing his kids some dangerous stuff.
I hope you like it 🤗
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mryside · 7 months
Today’s WangXian thought:
Wei Wuxian loves spending time with his son Wei Yuan creating intricate Lego builds. They like building the kits sure, and even have some of their favourites on display, but the best part is taking those kits and seeing what else they can be turned into. What they can build with a random assortment of bricks and just their imagination.
So, when his son tells him about a Lego building competition that he wants to enter where the prize is a rare exclusive set, well that’s an immediate yes.
What he doesn’t know is that his brother in law Jin Zixuan is also a fan of Lego. It’s something he does to relax, and he doesn’t like to talk about it. He prefers making the kits and meticulously planning out his builds over just winging it. He has also heard about the competition, and has entered himself and his son (Jiang Yanli may had to convince Jin Ling who is not much of a fan “You know how much it’ll mean to your father if you join him, plus knowing him everything will be planned out and you won’t have to do much”)
Amongst the judges for the competition is Lan Wangji, a structural engineer. He’s doing it partly as a favour and partly because he’s intrigued by the idea and is interested in seeing what the contestants come up with.
The theme for their builds is Adventure, and all bricks will be provided. The Weis have discussed ideas but both have decided to just see how the bricks speak to them the day of. The Jin’s (mostly Jin Zixuan) have their build planned down to the last brick, with a detailed list of how much of each size and colour they’ll need.
Day of the competition and of course Wei Wuxian is placed next to his brother in law. He’s absolutely delighted about it. He didn’t know that both his nephew and his brother in law are also really into Lego. He has so many questions, and so much teasing to catch up on.
Jin Zixuan is less happy about things, especially once he finds out that Wei Wuxian prefers to 'wing it' with his builds. Jin Ling for the most part just wants to ignore things, but once he finds out his uncle and his cousin are here, well now it’s game on. There’s no way their team is losing to them.
Once time starts the two teams immediately get down to business. The Jin’s collect all the pieces from their list, while the Wei’s just grab whatever catches their fancy. There’s some mild teasing, like when Jin Ling is trying to ask his father something and Wei Wuxian just happens to (loudly) dig through the barrel of bricks nearest to them every time he starts talking, but overall everyone is just quietly working on their builds. Well, mostly.
Wei Wuxian can’t help but express his enthusiasm and delight with how their build is going to his son, nor can he help praising other's builds and encouraging them as well.
Lan Wangji is surprised at how much fun he’s having just watching. Yes he is looking at everything with a critical eye, he is a judge after all. But watching the wide variety of people and concepts is fascinating. And speaking of fascinating, there is one duo that his eyes keep coming back to. The father is so handsome and vivacious that he can’t help but be drawn to them.
Wei Wuxian has noticed the drop dead gorgeous judge, and he can’t help but flirt every time the man stops by their table to check up on things as he makes his rounds. Thankfully it’s not that often or he would never get any work done at all. When the man is around he practically forgets whatever it was he was trying to do.
Wei Yuan is a very bright child. He sees how his father acts around this judge, and vice versa. He can tell there’s a mutual something going on there, so he does what anyone would do, and makes sure to let the man know that why yes his father is single, and yes he would love to go out with you.
Anyways, 10 hours later the competition is done, and the winner announced. Both the Wei’s and the Jin’s builds fulfill the theme beautifully and they place in the top five. Wei Wuxian comes in one place higher than his brother in law, which he uses to tease the other, claiming that 'winging it' is the superior style after all.
While he didn’t win the competition, Wei Wuxian got the best prize anyways, Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji can’t help but disagree with him. While he wasn’t in the competition he seems to have gotten the best prize, Wei Wuxian and his son.
Some minor notes:
Luo Qingyang and her daughter are the ones who won the competition.
Jin Zixuan won’t admit it but he does think that what WWX came up with is actually really nice and totally deserves to have beaten his design.
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fluffansmut-old · 2 years
Eddies traditions
December 2 - Eddies traditions. 
12 fics of christmas part 1 - masterlist
Summary: Reader visits the munson trailer for their annual christmas decorating day.  
Content warnings: Nothing much, very much just cosy vibes and fluff, Wayne is being the good uncle that he is. 
Word count: 1046
*Fic is also posted on a03* 
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You knocked on the trailer door with an mittenclad hand, and to your surprise Wayne opened the door.
“You’re home?” Was the first thing you said to him, confused at the sight of him.
“Well thanks for that, no hi Wayne it’s so good to see you, just questioning me..” the older man muttered with a cheeky half smile as he let you in the door.
“It is, truly, so good to see you” you said, slight stress in your voice as you unwrapped the scarf you had on.
“ He’s just fucking with you, you know?” Eddie said as he approached you. You smiled as you saw him, looking absolutely gorgeous, he had a long-sleeved slightly cropped band tee on, it was paired with oversized, checkered pj-bottoms that clung to his hips thanks to the string that was tied in a lazy bow. The long hair was messy and in it were some strings of tinsel.
He lent in and pressed a kiss to your lips.
“You’re looking festive” You said, Eddie looked at you confused and then you both heard Wayne chuckle.
“What is it?” Eddie asked. You pulled the tinsel out of his hair, holding it up in front of him.
“It's really getting me in the mood,” you said.
Eddie smirked and pulled you closer, trailing kisses up your neck.
“In the mood for what?” he asked, big, ringed hand cupping your arsecheek.
Your face heated at your boyfriend’s behaviour, your eyes flicked apologetically towards Wayne who only rolled his eyes at his nephew.
“Ya know if I knew this was all that would go down here, then I could have gone to work today..” Wayne said, right before you said:
“The festive mood, asshat” to Eddie, kissing the bottom lip he jutted out as you moved his hand to your waist.
“Let’s get this show on the road.” Wayne said, popping the lid open on one of the boxes that stood in the middle of the living room .
Inside were a variety of christmas decorations, multicoloured, foldout foil stars, garlands, tinsel, lights, some small santa figurines and this little ceramic christmas tree that lit up when you put a light it.
“Do you always put all of this up at the beginning of December?” you asked as the two men as they started to dig out things from the bin, putting it in different piles.
“Yup,” they responded in unison.
“And you always do it together?” You asked, taking a papergarland made out of red and green paper, from Eddies outstretched hand.
“Yeah, I mean it’s tradition, that’s why he’s home.” Eddie said as if it was obvious.
His statement made you think of traditions.
Eddie and Wayne seemed like the most non-traditional duo around, but at the same time you had a feeling that told you that maybe they made up the rules a little as they went.
“Do you have any other traditions?” you asked.
You watched Eddie as his face scrunched up in a concentrated expression.
“Do we?” Eddie asked Wayne, after a while.
“Son,” Wayne said with a slight shake of his head. “We do have traditions.”
“What's your favourite tradition Wayne?” you asked, as you helped Eddie attach the garland around the front of the kitchen isle.
“It´s gotta be the campaign to be honest.” the older man said, eyes glued to a knot on a string of lights.
“the campaign?” you asked, confused. “Like an Dnd campaign?”
“It’s not really a campaign, it's more just good ole’ storytelling” Eddie corrected.
“At least it started out as storytelling.” Wayne said, smiling affectionately at his nephew. “Come, let me show you”
You followed Wayne across the trailer.
“Are you really about to expose me like this?” Eddie groaned as Wayne pulled out a story book and an old notebook from a shelf in the kitchen.
“Yeah, I mean she asked.” Wayne muttered as he flicked through the notebook with a warm smile on his face.
“It’s so cheesy though.” Eddie groaned.
Wayne ignored Eddie and turned to you, showing you the storybook.
“I got into the habit of reading to Eddie when he first came to stay with me, and for his first christmas I got that book from a co-worker of mine, whom accidentally had bought one that his kids already had.” Wayne explained. You watched him wide eyed, it wasn't often that either of the pair talked about their joint past. “so I read that one on christmas eve, and let me tell ya, six year old Eddie acted out this plot for days afterwards.”
You smiled at Eddie, whom smiled back, a blush painted his cheeks.
You took the book from Wayne and flicked through it. You figured out quite quickly that it was a magic-laced story about a group of friends, sent out to fight some evil monster and save christmas. Towards the end of the book there were scribbles in the margins. What appeared to be scribbles made by a child.
“Did you write notes in the margins?” you asked Eddie, who came over and put an arm around you.
“Oh yeah he did, by the time the little bastard was ten the story… how did you put it?” Wayne said, stopping to think.
“It was unbelievable.” Eddie filled in, grinning his signature half smile.
“Isn’t it suppose to be? I mean it seems to be pretty magic- heavy.” you asked. Wayne let out a chuckle and handed you the notebook.
“It wasn’t that part that was unbelievable.” Eddie explained. “they got to the treasure to quickly, the build up was lacking and there truly weren't lots of obstacles for them to overcome.”
“He rewrote it.” Wayne said, “at ten, and he has been adding to it, every year since.”
“Seriously?” you asked, looking wide-eyed at your boyfriend. He smiled at you.
“yeah, speaking of I better start writing soon.” He said.
“I wanna hear you tell the story” you said, delicately flipping through the pages of the notebook.
“One show a year babes” Eddie said. “You’ll have to be here on christmas eve to hear it sweetheart”
You pecked his lips.
“Was that an invite?” you asked.
“I suppose it was?” Eddie replied, “or what do you say Uncle Wayne?”
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luthientinu · 1 year
Flower Dilemma- House of the Dragon: One Shot 3
Aemond encounters a minor hiccup to which he cannot say no.
A/N- Welcome to another episode of 'Let's forget canon exists and everything and everyone is fine :)'
Aemond was on his way to the training grounds when he was stopped by an excited shout. 
“Uncle Aemond! Wait for me!”
Visenya Targaryen, second of her name, daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen came hobbling up to her uncle, her purple doe eyes looking up at him quite imploringly.
“Shouldn’t you be resting zaldrītsos (little dragon) ? You had quite an injury yesterday little one and you should not be running around the Keep.”
“ Kessa kepus (Yes uncle). It is not that bad…a little sprain.” the seven year old replied a bit impatiently. Visenya had their entire family wrapped around her little finger. Being the baby of the Targaryen family, everyone doted on her and Visenya was well on the way to replace Rhaenyra as the Realm’s Delight. Last year she had stubbornly insisted on learning the intricate art of sword fighting, much to the delight of Daemon, who Aemond suspected would hand over the custody of Dark Sister to her when she reached of age. He was not surprised considering her namesake was a great Targaryen Warrior Queen and her being the Rogue Prince’s only daughter. Visenya was advancing quite quickly and was quite eager to join her father, brothers and uncles on the training grounds. Unfortunately, due to a training mishap she had sprained her ankle and was ordered by her father to rest.
“Can you come with me to the gardens? To the Weirwood Tree? There’s something I want to show you.” Visenya asked him, giving Aemond a toothy grin.
Aemond sighed. Training would have to wait. He picked her up and the duo made their way to the gardens, with Visenya chatting about her day.
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“You want to braid flowers in my hair?” Aemond asked, unable to believe what the smiling girl had told him and looked at the collection of different coloured flowers gathered. 
“Yes kepus (uncle) !”  
“Why not Uncle Aegon, Uncle Daeron or Aunt Helaena?”
“Uncle Egg and muña (mother) are having a meeting and Uncle Daeron and Aunt Helaena have gone flying. She added conspiratorially, "You are my favourite uncle. Now please sit. I have a lot of braiding to do.” Visenya tugged him down and Aemond complied, unable to refuse his niece.
Training forgotten, Aemond sat with Visenya that afternoon, with her weaving in flowers  and braiding his hair and listening to her chatting away and occasionally joining in.
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The reactions of the family varied but everyone was quite amused at Visenya’s antics. She had beseechingly asked him whether he would wear the slightly sloppy braid for the rest of the day and Aemond couldn’t say no. Aegon had almost crumpled to the floor laughing, tears streaming from his eyes, when they convened for dinner. With a shit eating grin on his face, ignoring his brother’s deadly glare he asked Visenya to continue braiding Aemond’s hair as it looked quite beautiful, much to the delight of Visenya. Daemon had a knowing smirk. Mother had a genuine smile. Nyra gently chided Visenya, telling her not to trouble him and for wandering around the Keep when she should be resting. Helaena tried to disguise her laugh as a cough. As for his cousins and nephews, the bunch tried not to maintain eye contact lest they burst out laughing like Aegon did.
“See Kepus (Uncle) ? I told you will look pretty with the flowers.” Visenya spoke to him from her corner of the table.
"Right ‘Senya? It looks pretty on him isn't it?" Aegon encouraged her with the same shit eating grin on his smug face which Aemond really wanted to punch now.
Not wanting to upset her, Aemond thanked her sincerely once more and Visenya beamed at him.
HOTD Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Previous- One Shot 2
A/N- Baby Visenya's death broke my fucking heart and I cried like a baby. They all deserve a happy ending. Likes, Reblogs and comments are welcome. The High Valyrian translations were taken from here. Posted on Ao3 and on Fanfiction.net
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wolken-himmel · 3 years
In which Leona has to babysit Cheka. Luckily for him, (Y/n) is there to gladly take over his job of babysitting his nephew — but maybe that's worse than having to babysit the boy himself.
Why? Cheka hogs all of her attention for himself — which definitely bothers Leona. And a jealous lion doesn't come without consequences.
Request by @alyahibou.
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"I can't believe my brother dropped you off for the weekend."
Leona glared at his nephew, who was running around his bedroom like he owned the place. The dorm leader remained seated on the end of his bed, his nails clawing into his bunched up bed sheets. He closed his eyes in hopes that Cheka would just disappear as a bad illusion — but that never happened.
"I didn't expect this either!" Cheka chirped as he came to a stop in front of his uncle to plant his small hands onto the other's knees. Excitedly smiling, he began jumping up and down. "But now I get to spend time with my favourite uncle!"
"I'm your only uncle, boy." Leona groaned and held his head in annoyance, feeling a headache already forming. He would have to sleep for days after this whole ordeal to forget about this. Yawning, he couldn't wait to sleep again once this pest was gone, but for now, he had to endure the torture. "Why do I have to babysit you again?"
Cheka shrugged, playfully tapping his index finger against his chin. "Mom and Dad said it was an emergency!" he yelled out eventually, causing Leona to wince at his voice's volume.
A chortle escaped Leona's raspy throat since he had just awoken — or been awoken by a little creature jumping onto him as he had slept; yes, he was still salty about that. "Sure... your parents probably wanted to go out on a date..." he mused as he scooted to the side to hopefully get away from his nephew — but Cheka wouldn't let his beloved uncle escape so easily. He clung to the adult's leg, giggling when his uncle tried to shake him off. Leona's eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "Let go."
"Alright!" Cheka chirped innocently, doing as he was asked.
Leona rose from his bed with a drawn-out sigh escaping his lips. "Anyway, you just stay here and do nothing, alright?" He sent his nephew one last reprimanding glare before he made his way to the door, but Cheka would have none of that. Afraid that Leona would leave, Cheka bolted forward and clung to his torso.
"But that's boring!" the young boy cried out, not wanting to be left alone. He wanted to spend his weekend-visit with his dear uncle — and he wouldn't just idly watch as his uncle strolled out of the door without him. "Where are you going?"
Leona sighed as he finally succeeded in prying Cheka's surprisingly strong hands away from him. Holding the boy by his shoulders, he explained, "Listen, I'm late to a meeting with (Y/n) already— and she's gonna be so angry at me. And I can't have my crush be angry at me. She's about to confess to me!" He narrowed his eyes, and the room became strangely stiff. "So. You. Stay. Here. Alright?"
"Can't I come with you?" Cheka asked, curious to finally meet this person Leona talked about so much. "I want to meet them!"
Booming laughter spilt out of Leona's lips — so much that Cheka began to smile happily — only for him to quiet down almost immediately again. A serious scowl appeared on his lips as he clicked his tongue. "No."
Cheka was about to say something witty and convincing — but before he could do so, a person barged through the door and entered Leona's room. Both inhabitants turned their head towards the door, which now had fallen into its hinges again. The dorm leader's eyes widened in surprise as he realised who this sudden intruder was — you, his friend and crush.
Oh no, there was an angry scowl on your face as you stomped towards the duo. Leona immediately let go of Cheka and pushed him behind his back, hoping to shield the young boy from your wrath. Once you arrived in front of him, you crossed your arms and hissed, "Leona! Where have you been?! I've been waiting for almost half an hour—" You quieted down when you noticed a little boy curiously peeking out from behind your friend's back. "Oh my love... how— how adorable!"
Immediately, all your wrath evaporated into nothingness as a big smile appeared on your lips. You gasped and eagerly walked around the tall Savanaclaw student to get a better glimpse of the young one. A loving smile appeared on your lips as you immediately snatched the boy into your arms, pulling him to the ground where he remained in your lap.
You sat cross-legged and laughed along when the boy began to laugh at the way you tickled him with your nimble fingers. Forgetting all about Leona and your anger towards him, you continued to nuzzle your nose in the boy's messy hair. "You're so cute! Can I adopt you?" you cooed as you cradled him in your arms, giggling happily.
Leona looked surprised at your sudden change in demeanour — but most importantly, he was glad that his nephew had managed to lessen your fury towards him. "I'm sorry, (Y/n)." Leona scratched the back of his neck sheepishly as he idly watched you play with Cheka; little did he know that you weren't listening to him at all. "I didn't wanna show up late... again... but my brother threw his son at me to babysit for the weekend."
Pinching the boy's cheeks, you lovingly drawled, "Aww, aren't you adorable? Yes. Yes..." Cheka laughed happily as he playfully swatted your hands away, but inwardly enjoying all of your affection and love. Eventually, you felt merciful enough and decided to leave his cheeks alone; instead, you leant your face closer to rub your nose tip against his. "What's your name? Leona Jr?"
"It's Cheka!" he exclaimed, smiling widely.
His voice caused you to swoon, and your eyes only grew in size as you stared at him like he was the cutest being in Twisted Wonderland. Leona crossed his arms as he glared daggers at his nephew, slowly growing irked by the way you ignored him. "Cheka—! That's such a cute name for an adorable lion like you." You laughed as you gently took the boy's hands and pulled them up and down enthusiastically. He eagerly reciprocated before he decided he had enough; he jolted forward and wrapped his arms around your neck for a hug. "Come here... Oh, you're so cute," you squealed as you wrapped your arms around his torso.
Leona squatted down next to you two, hoping to somehow gain your attention. He waved his hand in front of your eyes, and then he poked your cheek when you showed him no reaction. "Hey, (Y/n)," he muttered, trying to keep his frustration down. You hesitantly pried one eye open to look at your friend questioningly, your arms always remaining wrapped around the boy. "Are we going to the botanical garden now or not? Also, could you please stop fussing all over my nephew? He doesn't like hugs."
Cheka vigorously shook his head at his uncle's words, exclaiming, "I love hugs!"
You had been about to answer Leona, but the way Cheka's answer was so adorable quickly distracted you from the matter at hand once again. "I love hugs, too, Cheka!" you chimed, patting his head eagerly. Giggling, you briefly eyed the irked lion before returning your full attention to the cub. "Leona doesn't like them as much, you know?"
Cheka gasped in disbelief. "Really? I thought he loved my hugs," he asked, his voice full of innocence.
"Oh, I'm sure he does!" you hummed, quickly backpaddling to alter your statement. "He only likes your hugs, though~ who wouldn't love your hugs."
Leona narrowed his eyes at you; you knew fully well that he didn't like his nephew — so why were you making his predicament even worse by encouraging the already touchy boy. "Stop talking like I'm not here." His words fell on dear ears, causing him to hiss curses. Leona's patience ran thin, and he eventually grabbed Cheka by his waist to pull him out of your arms — he had enough of this annoying cub taking up all of your attention.
"Hey!" Cheka protested as he clung to you like a monkey.
"Get away from (Y/n)," Leona hissed as he successfully pulled him away from you. Before he could completely be extracted from your arms though, your hands shot out to grab the boy by his forearm.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you glared daggers at Leona. Strangely, it felt like your mother-instinct had just been activated. "No! Hey, Leona! Let go—" you pressed through clenched teeth as the dorm leader and you played tug-o-war with his nephew.
"Yes, I wanna hug (Y/n), Uncle!" Cheka pouted as he did his best to wiggle out of Leona's grasp. "Actually, can she be my aunt?"
Leona gasped in surprise and let go of his nephew. Cheka flew into your arms again, and the force sent both of you tumbling to the ground. You laughed as the little boy now lay on top of you, his head resting on your chest.
"...Aunt?" you repeated as you sat up again to squish the boy's cheeks between your palms in utter adoration and love. Squeals escaped your lips, and your cheeks turned a flushed red. "Why do I have to suffer so! Ah, my poor heart! Your cuteness is gonna cause a heart-failure, Cheka."
Leona rolled his eyes as he sat down on his bed again. "Aunt... tsk..." he scoffed, although he couldn't help a smile from forming on his lips. "It does sound nice though... Wait, what am I saying—" As quick as his eyes had turned soft, they hardened once again. Taking a deep breath, he turned his attention back to you two on the ground. He narrowed his eyes and raised his voice. "(Y/n) darling, give me Cheka or else I'll send him home, right now!"
His words made you freeze in horror and sadness as you gazed at the equally saddened boy in your arms. "Okay... fine..." Leona watched with a satisfied grin as you rose from the ground with his nephew in your arms. Surrendering to prevent him from being sent home, you transferred Cheka to his uncle's arms.
Leona hummed as he kept the boy in his arms, ignoring the way his nephew thrashed around and extended his arms towards you. "But Uncle, I wanna play with (Y/n)!" Cheka wailed.
"No— No playing with her," Leona muttered like a reprimanding mother as he wagged a finger in front of the boy's eyes. Shaking his head in utter disappointment and frustrated, he glared at his nephew. "You little troublemaker are hogging all her attention. That's a crime."
Cheka giggled as he hugged him. "I'm sorry, Uncle."
Leona let out a few chortles at his nephew's apology. A sudden shadow looming over his seated form caused him to look up to find your apologetic eyes. He quirked an eyebrow at you, feeling awfully smug. "Ah, I'm sorry, Leona," you mumbled, rubbing your neck sheepishly. "I just get carried away when I see such adorable children..."
He hummed, happy that he had received an apology from both offenders. "Good. Good. Now that this is settled..." he trailed off, and you all thought the matter was off the table — that was until Leona's green eyes snapped towards you again. In a demanding tone, he spoke up again. "Say that I'm your favourite lion, (Y/n)."
"What?!" You were utterly and absolutely startled by his demand. Leona continued staring at you expectantly, just waiting for you to say what he had asked of you.
Cheka pounded his fists against his uncle's chest — but he wasn't really strong enough to hurt the adult anyway. Wails and sobs escaped the boy's throat. "But I'm her favourite lion!" he yelled while he turned around as best as he could to look at you with big glossy eyes that could melt even the coldest of hearts. "(Y/n), look at how adorable I am! Nobody can resist my eyes."
The two lions were staring at you silently, both entirely sure they were your favourite. You would have found the situation absolutely hilarious if it weren't for how stuffy the room had become due to how serious they were about this. "Can't you two be my favourites?" you asked, your voice unsure and wavering. "I love both of you."
Cheka shook his head, dissatisfied. "I'll cry if I'm not your favourite."
"Oi, don't think I can't cry, too," Leona muttered as he glared at his nephew.
"You two! I said that I love both of you," you cut in, successfully causing the two to calm down. Taking a seat next to Leona, you wrapped your arms around him to trap Cheka between you in a sweet hug. You rested your head on Leona's shoulder. "Now stop arguing! We can all get along!"
Leona, although smiling now with the way he had successfully snatched your attention from his rambunctious nephew, still wasn't completely satisfied with the way he had to share your affection. But oh well, it was better having to share than to have none of it.
"You never answered my question, Uncle Leona," Cheka suddenly piped in to break the silence. "Can you make (Y/n) my aunt?"
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scariercnidaria · 2 years
not to be all like “people who say uncle is a bad show dont get it”, But. honestly? if you say something like that im going to assume that you gave up on it before you finished the first season. so like, spoilers all for the end of season 1 (and trigger warnings for suicide, substance abuse, overdose, cancer).
the show is about andy growing and becoming a better person and learning to take responsibility through his relationship his nephew errol. yes hes annoying and a scumbag and unlikeable at the start, but its not like hes Winning; the show literally opens with him about to kill himself.
there are a number of turning points throughout uncle. first of all his decision Not to cut the string and electrocute himself and instead pick up the phone when his sister (sam-- she is also strongly contending with val [and bruce] for my favourite character. shes divorced shes in rehab she loves facebook she has a pinterest board for her imaginary horse sanctuary she loves her son above everything. there are many characters that help to make uncle watchable [at least while andy is still a grade a prick] but genuinely sam and her unparalled older sister ability to tease andy and call him out on his shit) calls him. sam needs him to pick errol up from school and take him to football practise because her uni class has run late and errol is Very Neurodivergent (ocd in the show, i think he is also probably autistic. errol is also one of the best characters and written so well. never once did i think ‘this is a child actor’) and cant have his routine disrupted, and because it could blow her custody case.
so he picks up errol, because he does have Nothing Better Going On, and then continues to have him tag along on little schemes while babysitting or chaperoning him. which is a little bit irresponsible, sure, but errol grows to enjoy hanging out with andy through their combined interest in music and playing together in val’s battle of the bands (their band btw is called “the bear maximum”, based off of the cutest and most genuinely charming joke in the entire show, which was told by an 11 year old errol when andy suggested that he try telling a joke to impress a girl that he likes [”what’s the bare minimum? // one bear”]).
and for a while its all well and good, wacky hijinks following andys love life and errols social life, kids birthday parties, andys struggling music career; they continue to play together in a band and eventually the duo get noticed by a record label. andy, 3 weeks late on his rent, is thrilled and drags errol-- who is really into dental hygeine right now and made a laminated schedule of the weekend and just wants to get sushi and go to the planetarium-- along to the meeting, where its revealed that the label executive mo khan (kayvan novak) is actually only interested in errol. errol is adamant that he can explain the situation to andy, and mo khan gives him a tin of branded breath mints, but errol fails to do so before the record labels mixer party the next day.
at the party, mo khan separates errol and andy, taking errol to the vip room while an intern distracts andy outside to keep him from making a scene when he inevitably finds out. inevitably, he finds out, and makes a scene, leaving errol in the care of mo khan. mo has errol perform a song for the other vips and errol very enthusastically bangs out an utter tune he wrote about salmonella and e. coli and proper food safety, but the vips are bewildered. errol runs off and finds himself back in the executives office, and goes looking for more breathmints, at which point he find a load of little white breathmint sized pills in the desk and takes far too many.
its ecstasy.
andy punches mo khan in the face for laughing at errol having an overdose and errol is rushed to hospital. fucking thankfully he survives, but its going to blow sams custody case out of the water and errol very well could never see his mother again, and its at this point where it really stares you in the face that errol is a child, and he is to some extent reliant upon andy and all the other adults in his life, and that andy had better get his fucking act together like the rest of them or else hell just continue to hurt people.
this is followed, in typical andy fashion, by a dramatic gesture wherein he storms the custody hearing to take responsibility for his actions, proclaim that that sam doesnt deserve to be punished for believing that there would be no way that andy would be irresponsible enough to take a 12 year old to a party with drugs, and that its his fault for continuously bending over backwards to hit new lows, that its his fault, his fault alone, and that he swears never to go near errol ever again.
a restraining order is placed upon him at errols dads request, one which andy is happy to honour. errol is the one who fudges the bus times to go to andys flat in the year timeskip between the end of season 1 and the start of season 2 to play video games with him. and thats all they do; andy doesnt take him out anywhere, doesnt bring him on adventures. he gets a job at carpet brothers and he stops living excuse to excuse and he calms down. errol is the one who wants the restraining order lifted, because despite everything andy is the only one who really gets him. hes shared custody and he doesnt have any siblings, and he doesnt have any friends either besides bruce’s stepdaughter tiff, who he isnt the closest with and who also doesnt have any friends besides errol. errol is a fairly high-strung (in some ways very Grown Up Already) kid, but hes still a kid, and andy is the only person he can really be A Child around. this is in part because of andys childishness, but that means that andy is forced to grow in order to make way for someone elses needs now.
in episode 1, andy sarcastically suggests that errol “get some [whiskey] down ya”. by the end of the season 3, hes sober. he starts reading feminist literature (im pretty sure. its one moment and he . he joins sam at her NA meetings, and when now 15/16 year old errol, who is acting out and just got an illegal tattoo of sams name, asks him for a cigarette outside the hospital where sam has cancer he refuses and fights him to keep him away from it.
just, please give this show a chance. its got a lot of heart and a lot to say about family, and it doesnt all come from val.
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2. Kiss on the forehead - 6. Mind
Since my three previous “not quite Inktober” drawings were OC-themed and a great many of them might be in the future, I’ll be gathering the ones that are not. And since last weekend was spent in the company of nephews (the oldest of whom is 7 and a half and tries to cheat at cards, crafty little bugger), I returned with Auntie Bel feels and essentially put ‘em on paper.
#2 is from this prompt list and #6 is from this one. I chose to interpret “mind” as in “look after/take care of”, because the aforementioned auntie feels apply equally to one of my favourite uncle/nephew duos in fiction 💜 (Let’s just say Alex’s ages are different from one picture to the next...)
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70 George Weasley headcanons in celebration of 700 followers!
A/N: I hate to repeat myself but I do still love and appreciate all 700 of you! Thank you for reading my stuff and here’s to 700 more! <3 
Find the 70 Fred Headcanons: Here 
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George is well known to be the brains behind the twins’ operations. He sorted out finding the location for the shop in Diagon Alley, he came up with most of the names for their products, even if Fred came up with the idea for the product itself, and for the longest time, he was the one who sorted out sales and orders for stocking their wares as well as overseeing the owl post-service while Fred sorted the more practical parts.
It might sound crazy, but if you ask George, he didn’t actually like Fred very much until they were about eight or nine years old. George was a lot more quiet and emotional than Fred and frankly, probably feared his mother more than his twin, and so George always thought Fred was too brash for his liking. Eventually, as we know, Fred’s crazy ideas rubbed off on George, and he started liking his twin more and more until they became the inseparable duo we know and love today. Mostly this was because the two found out how well they complimented each other, which meant that whatever they got up to turned out a lot better than when they’d attempt the same alone. 
Fred added an extra oomph to their escapades, daring to aim just a little higher, and George was sensible enough to make sure that a little higher wasn’t too high. 
It’s only their older siblings who noticed this change and remember the times where Fred and George didn’t get along as well as they did, which is why Bill, Charlie and Percy tend to treat the twins more as individuals whereas Ginny and Ron are more likely to see them as a duo. 
Since George is more sentimental, he’s also the bigger worrier. Did they like that joke? Did that prank go too far? Is this worth it and what are we going to do if it isn’t? He’s usually also the twin who’s more likely to step back and apologise to anyone they’ve pranked or teased, not liking the idea of upsetting someone.  
This also means he’s incredibly considerate concerning relationships, he’s not afraid to voice his concerns and worries. If his s/o is struggling with something, he notices, worries and tries his best to support them. 
Essentially, if their s/o is upset: Fred is more likely to make a joke to make them laugh and take their mind off it, George is more likely to take them aside and talk to them about it, letting them let their feelings out for as long as they need, he’ll listen for hours if that’s what his s/o needs. 
Speaking of letting feelings out: It’s been pondered if the reason George is the better beater, despite Fred being the more brash and extreme of the two, is because he uses the quidditch pitch as an outlet for his aggression and considering his anger doesn’t just involve beating bludgers but also resorting to elbowing people in the face (or beating Malfoy up) I’d say that this is incredibly true for him. Most people share the opinion that if something angers George, he’d let it build up until he explodes (myself included) and playing quidditch is a good way to let off steam without it being directed at anyone in particular, making him extremely violent on the pitch, though after every game he plays, he’ll probably be in his most zen and relaxed state of mind.
I do also like the idea of George being very emotionally mature in the sense that he knows how his feelings tend to build up, and since George is also a worrier, he probably doesn’t like the side of him that explodes in people’s faces and yells until he’s done being angry, so: He does try to confront his feelings as soon as he feels them so they don’t get a hold on him. If he’s angry with you, he’ll tell you, if he’s upset because of something that’s happened he’ll tell you. If he doesn’t and seems all quiet and broody (cause he’s not a saint and sometimes he doesn’t confess his feelings) then it’s probably a good idea that you ask him about it. 
George is also not afraid to cry, or at least he’s not as afraid to show it as Fred. He actually cried quite often as a small child, as Fred will happily remind him. The only times George will hold his tears back is when he doesn’t want to make the people he loves the most worry, like when he lost his ear. 
He was so close to crying he thought his throat would split open but he kept it in while his parents and Fred were there; he couldn’t bear to worry his mother more. Not to mention Fred for that matter. Instead, he waited until he was allowed to take a shower and let it out as quietly as he could, though little did he know Fred was standing guard on the other side of the bathroom door, crying as well. 
George doesn’t want a lot of children, he’s so used to the large family dynamic. It’s not that he disliked having many siblings but he’d prefer to have a few kids, three at most and be able to spoil them rotten. 
George has only broken one bone. It was his collarbone from a bludger. Besides that, he has dislocated his arm once due to hitting a bludger too forcefully from a wrong angle and sprained his ankle from landing too quickly more times than he can count. He’s also been concussed from taking bludgers to the head twice. 
George is actually a bit of a neat-freak. He likes having things in order and in the right place so he doesn’t lose track of things. He can’t put too many things in cupboards because if he can’t see them he’ll forget he has them and buy more and more (cause ADHD, baby), so instead he keeps things where he can see them, though in racks and specific orders which Fred often messes up.
Generally, once they moved out, George was better at doing the housework and he didn’t mind at all. Doing all the housework means it gets done the way he wants it done. 
His favourite season is winter and his favourite holiday is Christmas because it’s “a time for family”. 
George prefers Molly over Arthur (though it’s a tough pick), and he especially loves spoiling her once the shop takes off. He’ll buy her gifts often and always writes to remind her how much he (and Fred) appreciate her. 
He’d never admit it but he also does this as a way of proving himself to her. It really hurt him in those years where Molly would disapprove of his and Fred’s plans and even when he found success he still grappled with the feeling of his mother not being proud of him, despite her telling him that several times. All this just added to his disliking of Percy when he was at his going through his insensitive-git-phase.  
 George’s favourite time of day is the evening. When everything’s quiet and still he can concentrate better. He wrote most of his essays and came up with most products for the shop during this time. 
George loves intimacy. He’s not big on PDA. Cuddling alone together, being all tangled up in each other and having whispered conversations when everyone else is asleep are more his thing. 
He does love being close to you in public though, he’ll sit next to you, hold your hand, have an arm around you, lean his head on yours, bump his knee against yours under the table if you’re in a lesson or at a meal together. Small yet intimate touches are George’s romantic love language. 
George’s favourite sweet is chocolate. Anything with chocolate is good. If there’s caramel or coffee involved too then even better, mint is also accepted (his favourite flavour of ice cream is mint chocolate chip and he will fight you on why it’s the superior ice cream flavour) 
George prefers tea over coffee and drinks AT LEAST two cups a day but can easily have up to four or five depending on how long his day is. 
George takes a lot of naps. He’d occasionally nap at Hogwarts, like most students. He really started after he lost his ear because Molly kept fussing over him and forcing him to go lay down and rest, then it became even more of a regular thing after the battle of Hogwarts when he’d stay with Fred at st. Mungo’s, while he got better, and then when Fred forced him to go back to work because “sitting here, is not going to make my leg work, now go make us some galleons you git!” he’d work the shop mostly by himself, well, actually completely by himself beside his employees, which was still a small team at the time and he’d often just have to excuse himself to go upstairs and take 30 minutes to nap before he’d pass out from exhaustion. 
George struggles with some sensory problems since losing his ear, he gets a faint ringing sound in his ear every now and then, and though he can hear out of his missing ear, it’s less than his other one and he struggles determining where sounds are coming from which is distracting sometimes. He also got a bit of vertigo every now and then as well as some nausea for the first few years after he lost the ear, it got better and better and today it barely bugs him, though he gets dizzy easily.
On the subject of the ear: George enjoyed telling his nieces and nephews (and heck his own kids too) these wild stories of how he lost his ear: he paid it as a toll to an ancient spirit to gain superpowers, it froze off on a particularly cold camping trip with their uncle Fred, a bludger blew it right off, he was possessed by the spirit of van Gogh…. the list goes on. 
George was also slightly self-conscious of his ear for a while, he often worried if people were grossed out by it, though with time he forgot about it more and more until he hardly noticed it himself. Now he doesn’t notice if others notice and frankly, he couldn’t care less if they do.
Fred and George mention in OOTP that they took turns testing products, George tested puking pastilles and ended up taking several days off because of what Madam Pomfrey thought was a bad case of the stomach flu, nosebleed nougat (he said himself how it kept bleeding and at that point he let Fred do more testing because Madam Pomfrey was starting to get wayyy to suspicious of him having some terrible disease that was thought to be long gone) and fever fudge though Fred also tried that one. 
George takes after his mother as a parent, his platonic love language is definitely cooking for his kids, making them hot cocoa and baking with them during Christmas breaks. 
Does he fuss over his kids as Molly does? Noo, absolutely not no. no way. no. no. (yes)  
George’s boggart is being left alone. 
Despite that, he hates it when people assume that he and Fred are interchangeable and incapable of being without each other. He loves his friendship with Fred, he’s very happy to be his twin but he’s still his own person and it would be nice to be seen as such and not just “one of the Weasley twins” 
Mostly his hatred of being seen as “one of the Weasley twins” stems from the fact that people always assume Fred first, meaning George has been mistakenly called Fred more times than he can count. 
George is very timid, to begin with, in any relationships because he’s worried his s/o wants him to be like Fred, and that they don’t really care about him as a person but see him more as an asset or “the next best thing to Fred” Which is also why he’d never marry Angelina after she’d dated Fred, even if it was just for a while. 
George spent his first salary from the shop on a gift for his mother, a necklace, and a mixed bag of sweets from Sugarplums'...He knows it’s stupid but he just wanted to buy as much candy as he wanted without feeling guilty about spending money for once. 
George is not squeamish what so ever. He has got a stomach of steel. It’s almost kind of freaky how unfaced he is but then again, he did invent and test puking pastilles and a product called you-no-poo, so he’s seen a lot.
George’s favourite dates are movie nights and going for ice cream. 
George (and Fred) regularly attends quidditch matches, they also love to go back to Hogwarts to watch their kids play (you know at least one of their kids would be into it, considering the Weasley’s history with the sport) and they always yell out their support v e r y loudly. 
George really likes wine. The older he gets he appreciates it more and enjoys talking about it without any knowledge on it at business dinners, he’s impressed quite a few potential clients and business partners by giving them a long tirade about wine, without a single thing of it being necessarily true. 
George (+Fred and Lee, lol) experimented with eyeliner for a short while, they stopped because it was quote-unquote: “too much work” which made a lot of their female friends roll their eyes because, oh you’ve no idea, do you, Weasley?
I mean someone had to test the wonderwitch products, right?
George is a very light sleeper, and since Fred is anything but that- what with his sleepwalking and tossing and turning- George rarely got a lot of sleep, meaning there’s a large percentage of his detentions in school that were solely from “inattentiveness” aka “falling asleep in class.” 
George always thought that if he really really couldn’t work with the joke shop, he’d be a healer. He doesn’t know if he’d be any good at it but it’s a nice thought and he does have a caring gene from his mother. 
George’s first sign of magic was when he was a year old. He summoned a blanket into his crib, so it wasn’t much. His first noticeable thing he did was three years later by blasting Fred off him when they were play-wrestling, he basically shocked him with a defensive charge which sent Fred flying onto his back. Fred’s reaction was sitting up, looking shocked, rubbing his head and then whispering: “cool!” They spent days trying to recreate it but to no avail. The story of the event has been greatly exaggerated by both Fred and George to their nieces and nephews. 
They still joke that George has a secret superpower that can only be unlocked by play-wrestling him. 
As George gets older, he requires glasses like his father, though mostly for reading and sometimes for working on products. 
George’s favourite genre of music is soft rock, he’ll belt out an 80’s power ballad any day (and preferably while cooking) 
Oh, cooking. George gets super into cooking and baking after the twins move out, he tries his best to recreate his mother’s recipes and is still to this day attempting to perfect her cornish pasty (a personal favourite of his) and every Christmas, George and Molly practically never leave the kitchen in the burrow, as George desperately tries to learn everything he can. 
George is the godparent of all Fred’s kids as well as Albus, Dominique and Lucy. 
George buys the best gifts, I’ve already touched on this, but he has a weird ability to get you not only what you wish for but what you really need. 
Also, his gift wrapping skills are out of this world (his kids + nieces and nephews will never not receive those gifts that are wrapped in like 100 layers of paper)
George loves pet names, he loves the overly sweet, cliché ones and the simple, common ones. His favourite to call his s/o is darling, sweetheart and, weirdly, pumpernickel (he just thinks it’s a funny word).
George’s favourite dates he’d take his s/o on is: museum dates, cooking for them at home, picnics and going to the beach. 
George actually kind of liked the Hogwarts uniform. It was easy to keep track of and it meant he could spend minimum time in hand-me-downs that rarely fit perfectly. 
George would love to have (and probably has already got) a dog, he doesn’t care what size or breed (but personally I can see him getting on well with a cavalier or a Stabyhoun) 
George (also) has a small size kink: He loves wrapping his arms around his s/o from behind, enveloping them in his jacket when it’s cold and resting his head on top of theirs. 
George is either full of energy and wants to do five things at once or wants nothing more than to lay flat on the nearest soft surface he can find and watch movies until he falls asleep. 
He often takes his s/o on random adventures, he does it as a way to escape boredom or if he’s lost his inspiration. He finds it helps to come up with new ideas if you throw yourself off your rhythm (if you get it you get it) by doing something random you don’t normally do. 
George has big John Mulaney energy and if his s/o ever showed him his shows, he’d probably never stop quoting them. 
George’s favourite body parts on his s/o: Neck, hands, lips (and butt) (this is where it gets steamy just fyi) 
George is very respectful in bed, he’s the type to ask “are you ok?” and “is this ok?” a lot, at least the first couple of times he’s together with his s/o until he gets to know them better. 
George def. has a praise kink, he loves giving praise but he also loves feeling like he’s appreciated and loved and doing a good job, you know? 
We all know George has a thing for lace, we’re way beyond that at this point. Consider silk, though. He’d totally be into silk over the lace, it’s a light fabric, pretty and really easy to tear away…. *wink* 
George is surprisingly good at opening bras. 
Generally, he’s really good with his fingers…
He has a pretty dirty mind when it comes to sex but is also super embarrassed about it so he’d only admit his kinkier thoughts when he really trusts and knows his s/o. 
I think he’d be pretty two-sided in bed, he loves the intimate, sweet sex but also the rougher, tearing-your-lingerie-off-you sex. 
He prefers receiving more than giving oral but it is by such a small margin, he’ll happily give. 
He can only last one round (maybe two if you give him a long break) but he’ll absolutely make it count.
George’s fav position is missionary. As much as he likes trying other positions, he prefers the intimacy of missionary. Plus he thinks being able to see your face as you unravel under him is really hot. 
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I'm using @crowfootwrites' June List Day 7: Gold
Oops. We late. Anyways. Here is some fluff.
The types of text show the different languages being spoken Player Piglin
Also reminder that SBI + Bee Duo are all on good terms within my canon
If anyone wants to be part of a taglist for A Familial Unit, feel free to message me/send an ask/or mention it in reblogs.
Taglist: @sleepysnails
Tommy held Michael’s hand as they traversed the Nether between Snowchester and the Arctic Commune.
“You’re holding me too tight.”
Tommy startled a little. “Sorry.” He loosened his grip. “Just don’t want you running off on me. Papa and Dada aren’t really fond of you leaving the house. But what’s a little adventure with your favourite uncle?”
Tommy smiled.
Michael noticed it was a little strained. He squeezed Tommy’s hand the way Tommy was holding his before.
Tommy looked to their conjoined hands and swung them a little.
“Are we there yet?”
Michael squeezed Tommy’s hand again and started to run forward down the cobblestone path.
Tommy ran along to keep up with the little piglin. Tommy slowed then when they reached the obsidian bridge. “Michael.”
“We’re going to meet Technoblade.”
“We are?”
Tommy tugged Michael and they stepped through the portal.
Michael was a vibrating ball of energy the whole walk from the portal to the cottage in the field. He wanted to run all the way there but Tommy was walking slowly; like he was familiarizing himself with the snow.
Tommy helped Michael jump the fence.
“But the gate?”
“But jumping over the fence. Come on, Techno doesn’t mind. Everybody jumps the fence.”
Tommy brought Michael to Techno’s front door. He hung back and let Michael knock on the door. After a minute or two Tommy started banging it.
There was movement from inside. The door swung open. “Just wal—“
Techno looked down. He blinked. He hadn’t seen the little piglin. “What’s this?”
“My nephew.”
“Isn’t Fundy Wilbur’s son?”
“Phil didn’t adopt Tubbo.”
“He didn’t adopt you either and you’re my brother.”
“No I’m not.”
“Big brother Technoblade.”
“Big Uncle Technoblade.”
Techno sent the little piglin a betrayed look. “Not you too piglet. Tommy’s corrupted you.”
“Big Uncle Technoblade.”
“You if start calling me little uncle I will disown you kid.”
Techno snorted.
“Best Uncle Tommy.”
Techno smiled at the two of them. “And you didn’t just barge in because?”
“Michael felt bad about jumping the fence. Don’t think he could have taken just walking in.”
“What? Gold.”
Tommy rolled his eyes and pushed passed Techno. “If he gets hurt Tubbo and Ranboo are gonna kill me. I was supposed to stay in Snowchester.”
“Gremlin. Can’t even do something for his friends.”
“I am! I’m babysitting.”
Techno ushered Michael into the house. “Lemme get you some gold.”
“Okay. What’s that?”
“Steve. Don’t hit him. He’s nice for cuddles.”
Michael looked to Tommy for permission. Tommy nodded. Michael grabbed his hand and pulled Tommy down to flomf into Steve’s fur. Michael curled into Tommy’s arms, leaned against the softness that was Steve’s coat.
“Shut up man!”
Michael held out a hoof to Techno. “Sounder. Cuddle. Gold.”
“Gold?” Michael asked hopefully. He could settle for some gold.
“Come on Blade!”
“I’m not curling up on the floor.”
“Come on Blade. Join us.”
“One of us!”
“One of us!”
“One of us!”
“One of us!”
“No. Cuddle.”
Michael buried his hand in Tommy’s hair. “Gold,” he said happily.
“Look at him. The least you could do is give him some actual gold.”
“I think he likes your hair.”
“Well yeah. But I know where I stand. Actual gold is better.”
Michael felt Tommy’s tone dip. “Best Uncle Tommy.”
Tommy headbutted Michael lightly.
“And I hate you.” Techno got down onto the floor, and cuddled his little brother. He wrapped his cape so that it draped around Michael on the other side of Tommy.
“Shut up. I get enough from chat.”
“You called me SoftyInnit.”
“Sounder. Cuddle. Gold?”
“You have Tommy’s fur.”
“Littleblade’s fur is nice.”
Laughing once more, Techno headbutted the back of Tommy’s head. “You wanna spar later piglet?”
- - -
Techno was flat on his back. Michael straddling his chest, sword held above his head triumphantly.
“Take his crown!”
Michael sent Tommy a distressed look.
“Do it. He won’t mind. You’ll give it back like you gave back Papa’s crown right?”
“Take it.”
“Go on piglet. You won.”
Michael smiles and takes Techno’s crown. Techno lurches towards Tommy for a second before calming himself. Michael sitting on his chest helps.
“Oh I see how it is.”
“Shut up. I have it under control.”
Tommy, toying with death maybe apparently, picks Michael off of Techno. He brings the piglin into his arms. Michael puts his hands back in Tommy’s hair.
“You have gold?”
“Gold,” Michal said with a mischievous smile.
“You are spoiled.”
“Techno! Have you seen Tommy? If he’s not here I’m killing him next time I see him!” Ranboo yells as he’s climbing down the ladder to the training room.
“They’re right here.”
“Hi Boo-boy.”
“Hi Papa.”
“Did you have fun with Techno?”
“Yes Papa.”
“Good. I’m going to kill your uncle.”
“Big Uncle Technoblade let me win.”
Ranboo blanched. “It that ‘Technoblade’ in piglin?”
“Yes.” Techno got up off the floor.
“I— no offense Michael, but I think my not being able to beat Techno has nothing to do with me being able hurt Tommy.”
“What are you talking about Ranboo? Michael is a bad man. If he can’t then you can’t.”
“Tommy I will strangle you.”
“Michael’s fine.”
“Hand him over.”
“I’m trapped.”
Michael‘s hooves jumped out of Tommy’s hair.
“You little shit.”
”You love me.”
Tommy headbutted Michael. “I do. Give Technoblade is crown back, we should get you home.”
Tommy picks the crown off his head and walks to the ladder. He gives Techno is crown back, but takes Ranboo’s and places that one on Michael head.
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gaypanicblog · 3 years
I was tagged by @nika1882 & @salayy sending good vibes to you two <3
Post a picture or a gif (preferably from tumblr’s gift feature or with permission) of:
• Your favourite character
• Your favourite friendship
• Your favourite ship
• Your favourite sword
• Your favourite sect
Favourite character: Xue Yang
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Ok, this is actually kind of difficult cuz I mean, lots of the untamed characters are my babies, but yeah my heart is always stolen by the villains, so I have to clarify that I do not justify what Xue Yang has done. If you follow me it’s kind of obvious that I love this devil bitchy ass who in fact is a lonely soul needed of love and tons of candy, and who was afraid of lose the only affect given to him ever (messing things up), but also is someone who till the end never understood what’s right and wrong. And yeah, he lacks self-control, has poor emotional intelligence, and is still in love with his dead bf. He has that wicked smile, he is careless, sarcastic and shameless af, someone who does evil for fun, who is f*ckin lethal and of course f*cked up. I think he’s a really complex character and a walking curse with a cat complex, and I really live for that. (I would hug Xue Yang but like I need an armor or something, not that he not even exists)
Favorite friendship: Wen Ning-Lan Sizhui
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I´m not sure if it´s a friendship or what, like I’ve seen people shipping them, but I think it’s more kinda a nice uncle-nephew relationship but not exactly, anyways, even I don’t think of that duo in a romantic way, I’m really in love watching those two together, they are sooo cute, whatever it is I’m vibing with them and I like it. Wen Ning is always looking after Sizhui and trying to remember the past/compensate the lost time, indeed Sizhui is curious about Ning and his life with him in the Burial Mounds, the kiddo has always been super kind with the soft Ning. You can see that they´re comfortable with each other, they really enjoy themselves together and got along pretty well! I would die for more scenes of them side by side doing their cute stuff. (They really said: let me put the babies and the whole cuteness in one duo uh?)
Honorific mention: Wei Wuxian-Wen Qing, all the juniors hanging, the three idiots (affectionately): WWX, JC and NH
Favorite ship: Wangxian 
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That might not count bc it´s technically canon and Xuexiao too or at least it is in my mind, like they obviously had feelings for each other, however let me tell u about some ships that I enjoy: Lan XiChen&Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng&Wen Qing, Meng Yao&Nie Mingjue&Lan XiChen, Song Lan&Xiao Xingchen&Xue Yang, Meng Yao&Lan XiChen, Yanli&Wen Qing (idk if someone else ship those queens but I hella do)
Illustrations from here
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Favorite sword: Bichen
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*Gifs from here 
Just look at it, it’s damn beautiful, like celestial? Immaculate? magical? From another world? Most likely.  (Put aside the dirty thoughts about Bichen, I’m watching)
Honorific mention: Whatever and Sandu
Favorite sect: Yunmeg Jiang
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*Gif from here
Not gonna lie I pretty much enjoyed the visuals *chef kiss* but also the atmosphere, it´s like a big house and they all are a family. It seems relaxed but it´s actually a really hardworking, capable, brave, and virtue sect.  Jiang Feng Mian is such a great sect leader, he is kind but imposing, he cares about everyone, is loved by his people and he loves them back and his family. Of course all my respect to Madame Yu, her determination and braveness are everything, she knows what has to be done and bows for anyone, also she loves their children and goes feral for them. Yunmeng sect have its own ideals and visions and I wish my best to my beloved angry (misunderstood) bird aka Jiang Cheng, you are capable and qualified honey.
Honorific mention: I loved the Gusu Lan´s visuals too! That waterfall is wholesome. I like their music thing and I would die in that library. It seems like a place to have much fun (not in a sarcastic way),I mean I’ve been in that kind of strict places and believe me there´s nothing more funny than being mischievous but without being discovered, lmao but good luck with Lan Qiren.
 Sorry for the bad words, that much text and probably bad English.
I tag @thirdofjune @thisautistic @saranghae-hoe​ @seonghwagender​ and everyone who wants to do it.
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shandian-go · 4 years
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[PRE-ORDER] MDZS x Qing Cang Studio - Jiang Cheng & Jin Ling Mini Figurines
Qin Cang is back with some more figurines, and this time it’s for our favourite uncle-nephew duo! To pre-order, please complete the Google form in the pinned post. 
I will be closing pre-orders on August 20, 2020 at 9:00 PM EST and you must complete the form AND the payment by the deadline in order to qualify for the pre-order.
Each figurine includes an acrylic background standee which is attachable to other figurines' background standees.
The Jiang Cheng figurine comes with a bonus wine jug and the Jin Ling figurine comes with a bonus table and teapot. 
The first 3,000 orders will get a bonus paper background (which I will do my best to get for you guys, but no guarantees!)
The figurines are expected to be released mid-November 2020
17.50 CAD or 13.00 USD each + shipping
35.00 CAD or 26.00 USD for both + shipping
*This pre-order will be open worldwide but please note that items will be shipped to my address first, so you would have to be okay with paying for shipping from Canada to your country.
**IF I can make the pre-order with the store within the first 1,200 orders, there will be a discount and I will be adjusting the prices accordingly (so the final price will be around 15.50 CAD or 11.50 USD each)
If you have any questions, feel free to DM or e-mail me!
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smuggsy · 3 years
For the fanfiction writers ask: 16, 29, and 46? Please ^_^
thank you! <3
16. Can you tell us anything about your current WIP?
which one? asfkdkj i have quite a few. i guess i should go with the one i'm currently more invested in / updating regularly. it's the one from my pinned post, where i invented jim gordon's nephew and, basically the idea is, to have him be confrontational towards oswald and ed bc they're #criminals and he's a Good Boy™ just like his uncle used to be. but then he's gonna catch feelings and all. i'm really looking forward to adding the scarecrow and the hatter to the story, i've already brainstormed some stuff and it's gonna get real exciting when they return to cause mayhem like the dramatic problematic duo they are<3
29. Describe your style in three words. No fucking clue (lolol sorry, i don't consider i have a specific style? like a personal style? hm, maybe my readers could tell me if they find my writing distinctive in any way bc i really don't?)
46. What's your favourite emotion to cause on your readers? i think surprise, the good kind of surprise, basically just avoiding being predictable
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shirokodomo · 3 years
✍️ X 5
For every ✍️ received, I will mention a mutual and write about my favourite thread/OOC interaction we've had together!
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Alright!! Let’s start with the one who sent this ask <3
@archeracrosstime | Rarity was legit the very first person I followed after I made this blog and she was the source of inspiration for a lot of stuff I did at the beginning, both for graphics and writing. Must confess though that I really thought the headers for the verses was something common among this RPC community and I kinda jumped on the boat for that x’D 
Favorite Thread: Hard to pick, we haven’t had much Hakudoshi-Kagome interactions, we had more with Kohaku and Kagome and the post-canon interaction with Kohaku asking Kagome for help due to a new demon helped me build off how my post-canon Kohaku would be. Other than that, I am currently really liking the Towa and Hakudoshi thread, looking forward to continue it soon!
Favorite OOC Interaction: I can’t just pick one tbh but I would say when we are screaming/ranting about the Yashahime episode and theories are my favorite OOC interactions so far!! We’re surviving this hell of a sequel together XD
I will continue this under the cut!
@withagentleheart | Ella. We started off in a random thread because our muses never once interacted in canon, then came the relationship meme where I mentioned that I had gained interest in Hakudoshi/Rin in a romantic way, after that we both fell down this shipping hole plus the love we both have for Kohaku/Rin. And now we’ve joined all that in one beautiful OT3 ship.
Favorite Thread: Definitely, definitely our berries thread, I mean seriously I don’t think I ever started a ship in such a cute and funny way! Love for berries brought those two together.
Favorite OOC Interaction: I have many but as of lately it’s definitely the screaming over the Naruto episodes!!
@senpujin | Emma. I was so happy and excited when I saw a Setsuna blog appearing on the community that my follow was instant, the series hadn’t even started yet and I was already adoring Emma’s Setsuna, I really loved her portrayal overall and even now that we have seen Setsuna on screen I think she has nailed her Muse really well.
Favorite Thread: Any thread with Setsuna and Kohaku are my favorites, doesn’t matter really if it’s just crack, random, chief Kohaku or dad Kohaku they always put a smile on my face and warm my heart!
Favorite OOC Interaction: Very much like Rarity, I love when we discuss our theories and analyze the new and old episodes of Yashahime together!!
@slaheir | Zee. Legit when I saw a Hisui blog had followed me on Kohaku I legit screamed, like with Emma’s Setsuna the series hadn’t started yet but it made me so dang happy to see someone deciding to portray MirSan’s baby boy (funny enough days before Zee followed my blogs I had thought of creating a Hisui RP blog x’D)
Favorite Thread: Every single one that expands and explores the bond between Hisui and Kohaku! Since Sunrise and Yashahime are not giving us what we wished for, we are feeding ourselves with feels and fluff with the uncle and nephew duo.
Favorite OOC Interaction: I would say definitely the rise of the Mizuki / Kohaku ship for the Yakuza verse, like it started as something random and funny that Zee wrote to me and then I was just “...why not tho?” and now here we are sobbing and loving these two dorks too shy to confess.
@slayerled | Shadow. Well I had to complete this with almost all of my Taijiya fam members. Shadow I adore every single one of our interactions both IC and OOC, let’s keep being siblings in the dash games because I absolutely love when we get the same results xD
Favorite Thread: Slowly on-going but it is definitely Sango trying to soothe her little brother about his crush on Rin, the poor boy is a ball of anxiety who doesn’t know what to do with these feelings and only his sister can help him xD
Favorite OOC Interaction: uM every single shanenigan we have in our Taijiya server, seriously all of you guys in there make me smile and laugh and I thank you all with your endless support!!
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writingat-night · 4 years
nie huaisang, jiang cheng and/or wen ning for the headcanon meme?
nie huaisang
sexuality headcanon: gay, probably? i don’t have a concrete headcanon for this, but there’s no way on earth he’s straight
gender headcanon: i personally see him as amab, male presenting and using he/him, but i don’t think he would really care all that much about gender
a ship i have: SANGCHENG NATION
a brotp i have: oh boy i have so many. nhs and wei wuxian, nhs and xichen, nhs and jin zixuan, nhs and wangji (although that ones a bit more complicated imo)... he’d just get along with everyone! my favourite one has to be nhs and yanli, though. i think they’d get along very well, bonding over their shit cultivation and their idiot brothers
a notp i have: can’t believe i even have to say this but n*ecest, obviously, that shit nasty. same for s/ngyao, although i do like the idea of nhs having a small crush on jgy when he was younger. i also personally really don’t like nhs and lxc together — i don’t HATE it, i get why people like it, but i just can’t see lxc as anything but an older brother to nhs
a random headcanon: when he was young, his mother taught him zhezhi (chinese origami), and nhs would make a bunch of different things and hide them around his parents’ and brother’s rooms. he stopped after nmj died
general opinion: this may be obvious given my icon and the fact that i’m literally writing a fanfic centered around him but i LOVE HIM. BEST CHARACTER.
jiang cheng
sexuality headcanon: biromantic demisexual
gender headcanon: probably cis
a ship i have: once again, sangcheng for life. i can’t get enough of them
a brotp i have: jc and wei wuxian!! also, if wen qing had lived, they would have been the ultimate duo and we were robbed
a notp i have: once again, i hate that i have to specify, but ch*ngxian. gross. adopted family are family. not a fan of ch/ngqing — he for sure had a crush on her and i love that (he has excellent taste), but she’s too good and too lesbian for him. my feelings on xich/ng are pretty much the same as xis/ng — i see why people like it, but it’s not my cup of tea, and xichen just feels more like a big brother than anything
a random headcanon: at first, jc never called wwx “ge” or “gege”, mainly out of spite, partially because his mother would be pissed about it. when they got a bit older, he started to call wwx “ge” on very VERY rare occasions. the last time he calls him that is when he visits wwx in the burial mounds and tries to convince him to come back to lotus pier. later, when jc finds out sizhui is his nephew, he tries to make up for 16 years of lost uncle-ing in one go. he tells lsz to call him shushu, invites him to lotus pier, buys him gifts, etc, etc. lsz is bemused, jl is horrifically embarrassed. when wwx finds out, he cries. a lot. maybe jc doesn’t call him “ge” any more, but he calls lsz “zhizhi”, and maybe that’s just as good
general opinion: i relate to him probably a bit too much. get him some therapy
wen ning
sexuality headcanon: i think bi, but same as nhs, no concrete headcanon, he’s just not straight
gender headcanon: i haven’t thought about it much, but i like the idea of him being trans, and that’s the reason he has a courtesy name and wen qing doesn’t — she gave him his courtesy name when he transitioned
a ship i have: i don’t know that i really have one? i’ve seen him paired with mo xuanyu, which i think could be really interesting (in an alternate universe obvi, rip mxy), and i also quite like wangningxian, tho i don’t know if i actively ship it
a brotp i have: wen ning and sizhui! the iconic duo! wen ning and the juniors in general too, and of course wen ning and wwx
a notp i have: i don’t think i have one, tbh? i’ve seen some people ship him with jiang cheng, which i don’t really get, but i don’t hate that either
a random headcanon: this one overlaps a bit with the gender headcanon, but regardless of whether you think he’s cis or not, wen qing 100% gave him his courtesy name. this is because 1) she’s the best big sister ever (tied with yanli, of course) and 2) that’s the only reason i will accept for wen ning having a courtesy name while wen qing doesnt
general opinion: he’s baby! he’s badass! the whole package! i love him
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