#except he's still sickly and not stable
clonerightsagenda · 9 months
After the Catholicism discussion decided I should look up whether there was a Saint Isabel(le) and
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sunshine-jesse · 6 months
The Incest End is Not The Bad End, Part 3: The Only End I Know For Real
Alt title: We're roleplaying the endings, not choosing them.
I've focused a lot before on how sickly sweet the chemistry between Ashley and Andrew is and how unproblematic their relationship would actually be under different circumstances, mostly societal ones. I mostly did so to counter the idea that the incest end was primarily a bad end and bring up the assertion that it was the one with the most hope. In doing so, I basically interpreted all of the text within the game in a very positive light, giving off the impression that I think it'll be all sunshine and roses. The reality couldn't be further from the truth? While I think it's the end with the most hope, I ALSO think it'll be incredibly difficult for everyone involved.
As a matter of fact, I think the Questionable end will be the most difficult one to navigate through for Ashley herself.
"But wait," you say, alarm bells ringing in your head, "doesn't she literally fucking die in the Decay ending?"
And I don't think it's that obvious.
First off, why do I think the Questionable end will be difficult to navigate through? After all, Andrew is calm, collected, and Ashley is just a little bit nervous about how he's changing. She also has that ultimate leverage over him, knowing that he's sexually attracted to her and she can use it to keep him by her side. There's little for anyone to worry about, right? Well, no. Not really. As another analyst has pointed out, in the Questionable ending, Ashley has no OTHER leverage over Andrew.
The trinket? Shown to be only situationally useful to them. The future visions don't always show danger, sometimes the demon can just troll them. Sleep? No, he no longer needs Ashley for that. A scapegoat? Not even that. In the Burial ending, he starts to take responsibility for the violence he inflicts on others and has no need to pin the blame on Ashley.
Outside of sex, Ashley is more or less useless to him now, at least in her own mind. Truthfully, Ashley is still the most important person in the world to Andrew and doesn't seem to need a reason to keep her around anymore, but Ashley doesn't realize that; it's part of why she's so confused and uncertain. Their dynamic is changing, and she doesn't like it. But in the Questionable ending, all Andrew has to do is not have sex with Ashley (easier said than done if the fanbase [myself] is any indication) and she'll have nothing left. She'll likely have no other choice but to look inward at this point, especially if Andrew doesn't give off any of the usual red flags that make her think he'd leave her.
There's a good chance at this point that their dynamic will flip entirely. Ashley will be the one who needs comfort, and Andrew shows every indication of being emotionally stable enough to provide it. We'll see some Real Mental Illness instead of Possible To Infer But Maybe Problematic To Do So Mental Illness. Whether or not she changes for the better or worse will likely determine the ending we'll get.
Except probably not.
Sane vs Questionable can't be THAT different, or we'd be getting 3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D instead of 3A and 3B. And, y'know what? Now I'm gonna start reaching really hard into theory territory rather than just analysis. So, hear me out here.
Both dreams are canon no matter the ending. The only difference is whether or not Andrew sleeps or not; if he does, the vision he gets is for HIM, and Ashley only incidentally sees it. It's much more important to him than to Ashley, because Ashley doesn't get a clear vision like she did in the motel. If them fucking was actually relevant to Ashley, she likely would've seen it no matter the ending. Her reactions reflect this; at first, she appears weirded out, maybe uncomfortable. Then she finds it hilarious. She considers it as a means of manipulation, sure, but the writing is on the wall: She won't NEED to do so no matter what.
Unfortunately, due to her not being able to open both doors, she won't be able to realize this. Oops!
At this point in time it's basically impossible to ascertain what her own personal vision means. I've given my interpretation before, but I ultimately have my doubts that the specific sequence of events is all to relevant. Most weird dream metaphors are clear parallels to past events, but the dream seems to be a metaphor for what the future will hold. The most relevant part is not the ghosts, but instead how Ashley reacts to what is clearly Andrew's soul. She jokes about trapping it in the bottle, but it being as a joke more than anything is a far cry from how desperate her attempts to keep him normally seem. So what gives? What does this mean?
I think, funnily enough, the Decay ending holds the answer.
My most-distanced-from-a-literal-or-metaphorical-reading-of-the-text-but-is-relatively-easy-to-accept theory is that the choices we are given in the game aren't asking us what we want to see from them, but rather, how we see the characters and their relationship. People are distracted by the idea of choice, but the reality is that we're being asked to roleplay (this is an RPG after all) as the siblings and do what we expect them to do. This isn't about choice. This is about BEING them and DOING WHAT WE THINK THEY'D DO.
Here's what I mean.
If we interpret Ashley as having trust in Andrew and his judgment, then it makes perfect sense she'd trust him with her parents. She might be a little worried, but it's pretty clear that her overwhelming desire to keep Andrew by her side is underscored by genuine love and trust. From there, if we interpret Andrew as having genuine love for his sister and a desire to take care of her, then it becomes everyone else's problem that they can't be together; not his. In killing their parents, he comes to terms with this and self-actualizes. He's willing to take responsibility for the violence he inflicts on others and has no discomfort with dismembering them.
But if you interpret Andrew as viewing Ashley as a burden and a problem, he can't bring himself to save their parents and have a better life because he views himself as too far gone. He hates himself as much as Ashley hates herself for being unable to break free from her influence. He still feels like she's his responsibility, but the love that exists there is greatly muted and overshadowed by his sense of responsibility and a carnal, physical desire for her. Knowing this is likely part of the reason he hates himself; part of the reason he can't let go.
He, crucially, also squanders Ashley's genuine display of trust. It's HIS fault that things break apart, which is why the skull appears over his head when you accept the mom's offer. Ashley genuinely, seriously loves Andrew and wants what's best for him. She's posessive, but her care is a lot less selfish than Andrew thinks, and he can't see that because he's too blinded by his hatred and (partially sexual) frustration to see who she really is.
On the other side of things, if you view Ashley as being a primarily toxic influence that views Andrew as more of an object than anything, she doesn't trust Andrew to deal with their parents and it's HER fault that things break apart, as the skull appears over her head. She sees him as an object, as a child or toy. She sees him as Andy, not Andrew, and can't process the fact that he can change. It's very overbearingly maternalistic, and I believe this specific choice is the only one where Ashley is actually more like their mother than Andrew, eye colors be damned.
In Burial, she wants to share the vision with Andrew, and he wants to share it with her, because their feelings are genuine and mutual and they want to share the experience (because they might get two visions from it, sure, but the principle isn't that much different) But in Decay, she keeps it to herself. She doesn't trust him or his input, either because she doesn't view his feelings as important or because he either almost squandered her trust (if she was listening in), or because he was generally hostile and disincentivized her from wanting to share.
There are other examples too, like when we're allowed to control Andrew to kill the hitman. If we view him as unprepared or unwilling to kill, we empty the whole clip because he's nervous and doesn't want to do this. If we view him as prepared, calm, and in control, he kills in one clean shot without much of an issue. Washing the [REDACTED] out of the shower drain? We basically get to see if Ashley is actually all that competent at housework or not, and if we don't know the right order, neither does she.
This comes to a head in both of the endings.
In the Questionable ending, we're shown that Andrew slept through the dream. We see what he really wants and the depths of his true feelings. He has very obvious romantic feelings for Ashley, and it's not just physical desire. Ashley's very obviously obsessed with Andrew still, but the fact that he can be present in every painting shows that she ACTUALLY views him that way. She's not just seeking validation; her feelings are real, and she knows it.
Remember, this dream is SHARED. We are seeing how BOTH of them feel.
In the Sane ending, Andrew isn't present, and Ashley is never given a chance to view their relationship as anything other than platonic. We don't know how Andrew feels, and we're arguably never given a view into Ashley's true feelings either, because that would-be revelation is cut off by a vision (indicated by eyes). We're just shown what she should do, needs to do, or will do.
Because we don't view their relationship as romantic, light is never shone on the reality of their dynamic. We never see how obsessed Ashley really is (if anything, we're being misdirected by being shown the opposite), and we never see that Andrew has romantic- if buried- feelings for Ashley that can't just be passed off as carnal physical desire. But since it's still the Burial ending, the dynamic still clearly exists; the endings would be too different otherwise. We CHOSE how we see their dynamic in the basement scene.
In other words…
Without love, the truth cannot be seen.
Reader who is in the know: "…hey wait a fuckin' minute" Me: "MOVING ON"
At some point- probably early on- the Sane and Questionable endings have to converge. Andrew and Ashley will have to have the nature of their dynamic laid out for them in a way they can't deny, and the likely only difference between Sane and Questionable will be whether or not Andrew is surprised/embarrassed, or just goes "I guess that dickhead demon wasn't just tricking us after all" and then the route will proceed as normal. Whether or not they have sex will likely be determined by your choices in Chapter 3 itself rather than Chapter 2 with this in mind. Either way, I think Ashley will go through most of the chapter confused and uncertain and will be forced to develop as a person, for better or worse.
In the Decay ending, as said, we're shown that Ashley doesn't even attempt to share a vision with Andrew, so we get to see a vision where Ashley's frame of mind isn't one driven by mutual affection. In this route, we see Ashley constantly running from -something,- and given dreams are metaphors, I think it's reasonable to assume that it's showing us that Ashley is primarily motivated by a fear of Andrew. Fear of what, exactly, isn't really clear; we know for a fact that she's afraid of losing him, but she's also afraid of the violence he can inflict upon her. Either way, she runs away, we can see the demon say "hmmm how interesting," and then we get a vision of the future.
But it's important to note, that vision is a metaphor, not a literal vision of the future. It takes place in the dream world- unlike any other vision, which takes place in the real world- and there are no out-of-frame eyes in the CGs like there are in the Questionable route. Also, (albeit less convincingly), all the eyes are in the background rather than on the map themselves, like they are when we see the hitman vision. The eyes only exist in the background in the Sane vision too, further adding to the idea that they're a metaphor.
So. If it's not a literal depiction of what will happen, then what exactly is it a metaphor for? Okay. Hear me out. This is my wildest fucking theory yet.
It's a metaphor for the Burial route. Or rather, the kind of event that happened in the Burial route.
What we are being shown in the metaphor is a reconciliation of their relationship, where their true feelings are laid bare. We are put in a situation where they are forced to decide how they feel for each other once and for all. If Andrew holds all the power in the relationship but has no control or awareness of his feelings- represented by whether he was composed enough or not to unload his entire clip-, he unceremoniously kills Ashley. Without that awareness, Ashley cannot even defend herself. She has no control because she isn't dealing with someone who has any either.
(Whether he actually kills Ashley or just some abstract representation of Leyley isn't clear, but it doesn't matter much for the purpose of analysis.)
But if Andrew does have that awareness of his feelings- represented by only shooting one bullet- they can negotiate. Because Andrew is in control, Ashley is also in control, and she can make one of two choices:
She can choose to save herself (and either maintain the status quo or just fucking kill Andrew depending on how literal the vision is). With this choice, she lets her fear overtake her and discards Andrew- the cause of her fear- like trash. He is an object that only exists for her sake, after all, and she can discard him just as easily as he seemed like her could discard her during the strangulation scene.
She can choose to trust and accept Andrew. And given a heart appears over her head, she can choose to love him, and overcome her fear, even at the cost of either her life or their prior dynamic (once more, depending on how literal it is).
Decay is asking us if we think Ashley is primarily motivated by selfish fear or genuine selfless love. But both exist either way, and their relationship must be understood and reconciled at some point; this route might honestly be their only hope for a platonic good ending, but it's going to be dismal and painful either way.
So with that in mind, why is the gun not relevant to the Burial route (yet) if it's such a strong metaphor?
Because the reconciling event WAS the basement scene.
We had to make that same choice there. Was Ashley too afraid of Andrew's interaction with her parents to let him handle it? Or did she love and trust him enough to make that choice? In choosing yes, the ball in Andrew's court. If he chooses to care for her needs, their relationship evolves. If he or Ashley refuse make that choice, that can is kicked down the road, and their relationship continues to deteriorate.
Or decay, as it may.
But in Burial, with that reconciling event having happened, the ball is in Ashley's court. With Andrew having come to terms with many of his feelings (minus his sexual desire), most of his arc is finished. There's probably still a lot of him to unpack on the Burial route, but in the Decay ending, as long as Ashley shows love for him, the final choice always falls on his shoulders. And with his final choice having been made in Burial, all that's left is Ashley's.
And what final choice will she have to make?
I don't know, I'm not a prophet.
But either way, she'll still have to make the choice of whether or not to be ruled by her fear of losing him, and desperately try to grasp for control she no longer needs, or cast aside that fear and allow for genuine, mutual love to flourish. Think about it this way: When you see a corpse, how do you react? If you don't care for the corpse or fear it, you stay away and let it decay. If the corpse belongs to someone you love, you tend to it and bury it.
And what do I think the best case scenario is? Well, I've made my opinion obvious, but I think there's one final thing I need to emphasize:
You don't claw at someone's back like a wild fucking animal if you're not really into it.
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a-yellow-van · 1 month
Wish You Were Here | Part 1
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We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year. Running over the same old ground, what have we found? The same old fears. Wish you were here.
20 years after the outbreak, you’re a stable, well established member in the community of Jackson, Wyoming. You have been for a long time now, the horrors, the brutality of survival buried deep inside, leaving place to the safe simplicity of routine. You didn’t think there’s anything that could disturb that, after all you’ve been through. That is, until you meet Joel Miller, and a drunken choice leads to…much more. Set in between Part I and Part II. Canon compliant (I'm breaking my own heart)
Series masterlist
Pairing: Joel x f!reader
Fanfic tags : canon compliant, slow burn, romance, eventual smut, angst, hurt/comfort, joel and the reader are terrible at feelings, female reader, no use of y/n, reader is in early 30s, past relationships, trauma/PTSD, grief, loss, post-apocalypse, joel is a good parent to ellie, major character death, original characters, queer characters, bisexual main character, age difference, canon-typical violence
WC for Part 1 : 4.5 k
Warnings for Part 1 : drinking, swearing, implied sexual content
New Year’s Eve 2034. Jackson’s tavern is packed to the brim, people in every corner of the room, almost shoulder to shoulder. It’s hot and humid inside; layers have been shed, revealing patches of sticky skin. A musky, sickly sweet smell assaults your nose : a mix of sweat, booze and dust, making you nostalgic for a time you never knew, before the world fell apart. The windows are fogged up, blocking out the view of snow falling peacefully, coating the street. You’ve rarely seen anything like it. Nearly every adult survivor in the community has seemingly decided to come out tonight, and the fact that Eugene has finally dipped into his batch of mead, home brewed by the barrel, is most certainly to blame. Maria, Jackson’s leader, doesn’t exactly approve, but she’s making an exception. Just for the holiday. You spot her at the back; she’s holding hands with Tommy, her husband, protectively watching over the crowd. Eugene’s feeling particularly generous this evening; he offers a hefty bottle to whoever asks, reminding each lucky recipient to “savour ‘cause she’s been fermenting since July!” You must have heard that sentence a good twenty five times since you got your own bottle, the words getting progressively less intelligible as Eugene indulges in his creation. You’re still not certain why he refers to his mead like it is a woman, and frankly, you’re afraid to find out. One thing’s for sure, the beverage is incredibly strong, has a horrid taste, burning your throat like acid with every drop. It’s questionably safe for consumption, but the occasions to get shitfaced in the midst of an apocalypse are quite limited, so you endure. Even Jackson’s most reclusive members agree with that notion. Including him. Joel Miller. He’s nursing a drink at a table near the bar, opposite to the one you’re sharing with your usual group. You wouldn’t exactly call them friends, but they’re fellow patrollers, close to you in age, so, naturally, you’ve grown familiar. 
“What are you looking at?” Max, the one you’ve known the longest, nudges you with their elbow.
Your gaze quickly snaps back to meet theirs. You realise you’ve been staring at the older man. Noticeably. You don’t quite know why. Maybe he intrigues you, all quiet and pensive in the middle of a rowdy celebration. His expression is hard to read, but there’s a hint of…sadness? You get a hold of yourself and brush off the thought. 
“Nothing,” you lie. Max cocks an eyebrow, a little grin forms on their lips, freckled cheeks dimple. 
“Uh-huh.” There’s a glint of malice in their green eyes. “You sure? No one particular caught your attention?” 
You don’t let their teasing get to you. “Nah. Just checking at Seth trying to hit on Leanne,” you reply without missing a beat, “for the millionth time.” This one isn’t a lie, as the scene really is unfolding a few metres away. You blink at Max, feigning innocence. They narrow their eyes, not buying it. 
“Man, when is he gonna get the hint?” Fred chips in, breaking the unspoken exchange between you and Max. She quickly peeks in the direction of the duo, a muscly arm propped on the back of her chair, long cornrows draped across the other shoulder. She scoffs, and takes a swig of her drink. “She looks like she’s seconds away from kicking him in the balls.”
“Don’t know how she hasn’t done that, like, years ago.” It’s Astrid’s turn to talk. She sighs, shaking her head, her wavy golden blonde hair rustling with the movement. 
“Maybe you should go beat him up for her, A,” Fred jokingly suggests. “Bet she’d like that.”
“Don’t give me ideas,” Astrid responds, seriously. “I’d have him in a wheelchair for the rest of his days.”
“Oh, yeah. And then you and Leanne would run off into the sunset,” Max adds, taking their attention off you, finally. They start screeching in a horrible, high-pitched voice. “Oh, Astrid! Oh, thank you! You saved me from the big, bad man! I lo-”
“Shut the fuck up.” Astrid cuts them off, cheeks reddening. 
“Hmm. I think they hit a little nerve there, A,” Fred continues, laughing, moving her arm to playfully put it around a flustered Astrid. She’s too easy, you think. It’s pretty endearing.  
“Who are you kidding,” you join in Astrid’s torment. “You can’t even say hi to Leanne without stuttering.” The woman gets even redder, the angry tint reaching her pale neck. Fred and Max giggle. “You’re such a teenager,” Max strikes. 
“Just fucking drink.” Astrid commands the three of you, pouring the group another round. 
“Fair enough,” Max says, before clinking glasses with Fred in front of them. Astrid finishes hers in one gulp, which makes her cough, while you sip slowly. The buzz is setting in. It’s nice. It eases the burden on your aching shoulders.
You let your companions carry the conversation as the night progresses, occasionally humming or laughing at a remark. You’re not exactly concentrating. You keep getting drawn back to Joel Miller, for some reason. He arrived in Jackson last summer, about six months ago. Him and a kid, a girl, around fourteen or fifteen. You assumed that was his daughter, but soon learned that you were wrong. People talk, especially in such a small community. Something about Joel smuggling her across the country for the fireflies? A failed operation, clearly. You heard the organisation disbanded since then. It was about time. You’re surprised they lasted that long in the first place. He’s Tommy’s older brother. There’s history there, you know some of it; Joel already had a bit of a reputation before ever passing through Jackson’s gates. He hasn’t done much to help it since then; he barely interacts with anyone besides Tommy and Ellie, the girl. He keeps to himself, brooding, silently observing, tough, cold, detached. That’s how Joel’s treated you on the few patrols you’ve had to go on together these past months. He usually works with Tommy, you usually work with Max, but Maria likes to switch around the schedule occasionally to test out different pairings. You and Joel have done a very efficient job, only speaking when absolutely necessary, technical terms only, mumbling salutations. However, on the last patrol, in early December, you made a great shot at a stalker, and you could have sworn Joel’s mouth twitched in approval. It was so short it might have been a product of your imagination, but then, after coming back to Jackson and bringing your horses to the stable, he mumbled your last name instead of his usual grunt goodbye. It’s fair to assume there’s mutual respect for each other’s skill there. Nothing else. So then, why does your gaze keep returning to his tousled, greying curls, scruffy beard, piercing brown eyes, and the scar on his left temple? Maybe it’s the alcohol. Yeah, that must be it-
Joel’s eyes suddenly lock with yours. Your heart skips a beat, making you choke on your drink. Shit. What the hell was that? Fred immediately interrupts the story she’s telling and you feel three pairs of eyes on you. You clear your throat, looking down at the table. 
“Sorry. Went down the wrong pipe,” you mutter. They keep staring. “Uh, Fred, what were you-”
And then, as if the universe takes pity on you, Mike, Jackson’s butcher, jovial fellow in his early sixties (but barely a wrinkle creasing his dark skin) claps loudly and calls out over the incessant chatter. 
“How about some music, huh?” A few supporters acclaim him. He pushes through the crowd, reaching the old console piano standing at the south wall, underneath a window. Around, some tables have been stored away, allowing some space for dancing. The instrument is in poor shape, the keys are yellowed, a pedal has fallen off. Mike sits on the worn piano bench. Most survivors in the tavern have momentarily lowered their volume, following the man’s moves. He tries a little riff. Not as bad as was expected, just slightly off tune. You know he’ll make it work. “Alright. Get ready to groove, everyone!” He plays the intro to Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry perfectly, earning cheers and applause. Chair legs scrape on the ground, glasses and bottles are snatched up as the crowd converge around Mike. 
“Woo! Come on!” Fred exclaims. She stands and takes Astrid’s arm, forcing her patrol partner up. Astrid resists, but just for the principle, a beaming smile on her face. The pair leaves, already bobbing their heads to the rhythm. Max takes another shot before shuffling away from the table on legs rendered wobbly by the booze. They hold their hand out to you, but you don’t take it yet. You dare look over at a certain someone again, who is grounded in his seat, indifferent to the change of mood. Max wiggles their fingers impatiently.
“I’ll, uh- I’ll join you later,” you say, averting their eyes. 
“Ugh. Fine. You suck,” they reply.
You raise your middle finger in response. They turn away abruptly, flashing the back of their frayed jean vest, the sleeves cut off by hand. Max catches up with Astrid and Joey, and you watch as they start dancing, snorting at how uncoordinated the three are. You’ve downed a good five drinks now. One more won’t do any harm, right? You fill up your glass with the last drops of mead from the current bottle. Warmth spreads through your veins, making your head throb in a pleasant way. Your eyelids are heavy, your surroundings blurred. Something is clear, though. You and Joel are amongst the very few survivors that aren’t taking part in the fun. Hell, even Maria’s letting her husband spin her around. 
And then it happens again. Joel meets your gaze. But this time, he holds it for a couple of seconds, before looking to the side and rubbing his chin. Almost like he’s doing it on purpose. You must be drunker than you thought, because that makes no fucking sense. And what your clouded brain makes you do next is even less logical. Slowly, you rise, and walk unsteadily to the now deserted bar, heading towards Joel. Your heart picks up its pace. This is so stupid . You sit down at one of the stools, just a few feet away from him. You lean over the counter, resting your head in your hand, staring straight ahead at the row of vintage bottles aligned on a shelf behind the bar. On the piano, Mike has moved on to I’m Still Standing by Elton John, his voice strong, smooth. You catch a glimpse of Joel in your peripheral. He’s tensed up ever so slightly, his back straightened. He’s aware of your presence. This is so stupid.
“Hey, Miller,” you hear yourself speak, still looking ahead, but loud enough he can hear you. 
He sighs. That’s something. He hasn’t gotten up and walked away, he hasn’t told you to get lost. He’s acknowledged you. It’s full of irritation, sure, but it gives you enough motivation to keep going. 
“Not a fan of the music?” You attempt a sultry tone and make yourself cringe. Great start. Joel grunts, takes a swig of mead and crosses a leg over the other, nonchalant. 
“Yeah, I didn’t exactly peg this as your scene,” you continue, gesturing vaguely at the crowd. The booze has taken the reins, and you can’t hold your tongue. 
A full minute passes in silence. You’re about to give up. And then Joel talks, gruff, sarcastic, the inebriation accentuating the southern drawl in his voice. “Right. And like you’d know, of all people.”   
A sentence. Joel Miller just spoke a full sentence to you. You’re stunned.  
“Fair point,” you recover after a few seconds. “You just, uh, don’t really seem like the social type.” A pause. You feel Joel’s gaze burning the back of your neck. “No offence,” you add.
“None taken.” Joel downs the rest of his drink, exhales. “You’re not dancin’ either,” he observes. 
“Perceptive,”  you retort. You spin on your stool, now facing him. A corner of his mouth curves upwards almost imperceptibly. It goes back down immediately, but you caught it. And it gives you a boost of confidence. You’ve made the grumpy bastard smile, or, well, the closest to it he can probably manage. 
“Why not?” he questions. “Your friends looks like they’re havin’ fun.” He nods his chin over at Max, who’s gone up to the piano and is belting the lyrics to the song, stomping their feet, while Mike plays the melody. Two things : first, Joel knows who you hang out with, which means he’s not completely oblivious to who you are, and second, he’s making conversation with you. Astonishing. 
“Guess I’d rather be bothering you.” You shrug, trying to suppress a smile. “Thought you’d have cursed me out by now, if I’m honest.”
Joel scratches his forehead. “Dunno why I haven’t,” he mumbles. 
“Maybe you should.” Did you really just say that? Did you just try to flirt with him? And why did his gaze flicker to your lips?
He looks back up and narrows his eyes at you. “Nah. You don’t want that.” 
You don’t miss a beat. “Hey, I could take it.” You’re maintaining eye contact from your seat at the bar. “I’m tough.” Well, this is happening. Damn Eugene and his mead .
The ever-so-subtle smirk passes over Joel’s face for the second time. He shakes his head.  “Don���t wanna make you cry.” 
“Hm. How considerate,” you reply, unable to fight a little smile. Joel emits a short, low, rumbling sound. 
“Was that a laugh?” You ask, the smile growing larger. 
“Hm. No.” He goes right back to irritation. But still, he’s not pushing you away. So, in your drunken state, you decide to test the limits. You slip off the stool and take a step towards Joel. He furrows his brows, but doesn’t say anything. You take another step, and then another, until you reach his table. There’s no going back now. 
“Uhm, mind- mind if I sit?” 
“Are you really gonna leave if I say no?” He asks, rhetorically. He’s challenging you. You feel your cheeks heat up and your stomach drop. You pull the chair out and settle on it. You’re suddenly very conscious of your near proximity to Joel. The courage you had mere minutes ago is disappearing; you have to fuel it up. You grab an empty, upside-down glass sitting near two bottles of mead, one empty, one half full. Joel is acting quite coherent for a man who’s had that much. You tilt your head in request. 
Joel scoffs. “Go ahead.” 
You pour yourself a seventh drink, knowing perfectly well that it is an absolutely terrible idea. You down most of it in one gulp, wincing, before putting the glass back down with a thud. 
“Something wrong, sweetheart?” Joel asks, the nickname dripping with irony. Still, your stomach does another flip. “Can’t hold your liquor?” He mocks. He leans back in his chair, legs open, right hand on his knee, left hand palm down on the table. Your gaze travels from his face, down his neck, to his broad chest where the small unbuttoned portion of his flannel reveals a few dark hairs. What the hell are you doing? Your eyes snap back up
“Fuck off,” you mutter under your breath. Joel looks pleased with himself. You finish your drink, looking straight at him, taunting.
“What was that?” he asks, even though he heard you perfectly. His smug smirk is assured now. You don’t answer. Joel fills up his glass. You take it as a sign that he intends to see this interaction through. Fine by you. You search the depths of your sluggish brain to find something witty to say.
“So, Miller. What’s with the accent?” This is the best you can come up with. The words are slurred. 
He scoffs again. “Don’t know what you’re talking ‘bout,” he says, pointedly adding your last name. He’s playing you.
“Ah, come on, cowboy ” you continue, impressed by your own audacity, “Where you from?” 
Tommy has mentioned this to you before. Definitely somewhere south, but you can’t recall in your current state. And you want to hear Joel say it. 
He rolls his eyes at the nickname, but he doesn’t stop smirking. “Texas. Austin.” He takes a sip. “You?” 
Texas. Right. Makes sense. In a way, you feel proud to have gotten this minimal piece of information out of him. You didn’t think you’d ever witness Joel Miller opening up to you, not even a tiny crack. But here you are.  
“Washington. Seattle.” You copy the structure of his answer; Joel nods, casual. “Uh, you’re a long way from home,” you add.
“Yup.” He doesn’t elaborate. Takes yet another sip. “Seattle, huh?” His gaze pierces through you, eyebrows knitted in reflection. “Born and raised?”
“Yeah…” You’re not certain what he’s getting at. 
“There’s a QZ, right?” A pause. “D’you end up in it?” he questions. 
The words are like a slap in the face, sobering you up a little. You don’t want to think of that right now. Not at all. You look down, fidgeting with your empty glass. 
“Hmm,” you confirm. 
“Damn. Heard things got pretty bad up there,” Joel says. You wish he’d just shut up. You don’t like this turn the conversation took. 
“Yeah, well, I left, so.” The sentence comes out harsher than you had planned. Joel understands the message; he raises his hands up in defence.  
“Got it. Sorry I asked.” The guy doesn’t look one bit apologetic. It frustrates you, and yet…You’re enjoying this little game. 
“Yeah, watch it, Miller,” you warn, but your tone has gone back to being playful. Joel relaxes in his seat. He rests an elbow on his denim-encased thigh, shifting his weight. 
You proceed. “So what’d you do? In Texas?”
“Hm. Contractor.” He really is a man of few words. His past occupation suits him like a glove.
“Fitting.” You give him an unimpressed pout; he stays unbothered. 
“Yeah, yeah. What’d you do, then?” He asks. 
It makes you chuckle. “Uh, middle school student. 6th grade sucked ass.”
Joel takes a second to register. Something quickly washes over his face, an emotion you can’t quite discern, before vanishing. You’re too drunk to analyse it. 
“Huh. I would have guessed elementary,” he states. 
“Aw. Don’t flatter me,” you reply, dryly. 
“I’m not. Just sayin’ you don’t seem like you’ve learned much past fourth grade,” Joel says with a shit-eating grin. 
Wow. You’re speechless. And then you burst out laughing. And, miraculously, Joel starts chuckling with you, the corner of his eyes crinkling. The sound is hearty, surprisingly warm. It’s the kind of laughter that you would try your hardest to hear as often as possible. That could make you all fuzzy inside, if you’d let it. And just like that, the tension that had been building between the two of you breaks. It’s comfortable, you’re at ease. The moment stretches out; you feel a strange connection with Joel, and you wonder if it’s mutual, or if you’re going completely insane. It’s probably the second option. You manage to utter a few profanities, between two breaths. Joel watches, amused, waiting for you to calm down. 
“Alright, you’ve got me there,” you concede, a smile lingering on your lips. 
Joel’s expression has softened. He looks younger, somehow, like a few years of constant stress have been erased just by talking with you. 
“I may not be the brightest, but at least I can take a joke.” 
“You’re not wrong there.” Joel fills your glass with the remnants of the mead, while you push a strand of hair behind your ear, trying to conceal a blush. “You deserve it,” he explains, “if you can take another round.” 
“You keep underestimating me.” You raise your glass up in the air. 
Joel imitates you. “No hard feelings?” He suggests. 
“Deal.” You clink Joel’s glass with your own, and tilt your head back to swallow the foul liquid as quickly as you can, your gut churning in protest. You groan.  
“Think my estimation was correct, actually,” Joel quips. You look over at him. Besides a slight glaze over his eyes, he appears unaffected by the alcohol.
“How are you doing this?” You ask, baffled.
He shrugs. “You’ll get there eventually.” 
“And by there, you mean kidney disease?” You naively bat your eyelashes at him. 
“I’ve survived worse,” he remarks. It’s lighthearted, but it hides a bleak truth you know all too well. You ignore it. 
“Yeah. It shows.” You tease, giving him a scrutinising up-and-down.
“Hm. Funny. You didn’t seem to mind it that much when you were starin’ earlier.”
Jesus Christ.
Game over. Joel wins, one million to zero. You want to bash your head against the table, or run very far away, preferably out of Wyoming. And get torn apart by clickers. Instead, you stay right where you are, mouth agape, cartoonish. Fucking idiot. Are you twelve?
“That’s not- I- I- wasn’t-” 
Joel is delighted by your reaction. 
You wisely decide to shut up and quit stuttering. As if on cue, Mike hits the iconic intro to Don’t Stop Me Now. Max starts singing dramatically, in an offensively bad Freddie Mercury impression. Some survivors join in, not a single one on key, resulting in a cacophony. You take it as an opportunity to get out of the situation. You scramble off the chair and start walking away, stumbling and catching yourself on a nearby table. 
“Where you goin’? We weren’t done.” Joel calls after you. You turn around. 
“Me? Oh just stretching my legs.” You start stepping side to side and swaying your shoulders, following the rhythm. “Showing some love to the artists.” You shoot two fingers at him, moving your arms to the music. Joel shakes his head, chuckling. “You’re terrible.”
“Well then why don’t come here and try to do better!” You shout back, doing a ridiculous twirl as the sheer quantity of mead you ingested finally hits you. The room spins, transforming into blobs of colour. So, you close your eyes, and you flail around carelessly, your mind too foggy to worry. The tempo of the song increases. 
I'm burning through the sky, yeah! Two hundred degrees, that's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit-
Suddenly, there’s a presence next to you. You crack your eyes open, checking on who’s intruding. Joel is standing about three feet away from you, hands awkwardly shoved in his pockets. His left heel is tapping the beat. 
“S’a good song,” he mumbles. 
Joel Miller, nervous to dance with you? Anything truly is possible tonight. You approach him, not interrupting your dance. He stays put. You two are away from the crowd, and it feels like you’re alone in the tavern with him, like no one can see you. 
I'm travelling at the speed of light, I wanna make a supersonic man outta you!
As Max puts all of his might into the chorus, you get closer to Joel, because he lets you, close enough that you could reach out and take his hands if you wanted to. And you do, but they’re hidden in his pockets. So you keep dancing, wiggling your hips, jumping up and down. Joel still isn’t budging, but you feel his gaze on you, eyeing your bare arms, the tattoo right under your left clavicle, and going lower down your chest…You take a step towards the man. 
“Who’s staring now?” You hadn’t planned to say that out loud, but it’s too late. You take another step, now inches from Joel’s  chest, which is rising and falling faster than before. His lips are parted, his eyes intense. It’s now or never. Fuck it.   
Your right hand moves up to rest on Joel’s shoulder, causing him to tense up. His expression goes stern, serious, like he’s fighting an internal conflict, debating whether he should pull away. Yet, he remains still. So your left hand goes to his other shoulder, looking up at him through your lashes. He holds your gaze, then inhales like he’s about to say something.
A clunking noise interrupts him, shattering the moment. Your arms fall back to your sides and you glance over Joel’s shoulder, searching for the source of the disturbance. You find it easily. Astrid is standing near the table your group had claimed before, her hair thrown in a ponytail, face glistening with sweat, the sleeves of her sweater pushed up. Her water gourd lays on the ground, its content spilled. Her eyes are wide with surprise, jumping between you and Joel. Her mouth contorts in a silent, one worded question. 
That’s bad. That is very bad.  
Joel notices the shift in your attitude and whips his head around, as a snickering Astrid jogs up to the crowd, merging into it again, certainly to tell Fred about what she just stumbled upon. Joel turns back and leans in, his lips brushing your ear as he whispers:
“Outside. Now.” 
His breath tickles your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. Something stirs in your lower abdomen; a longing, a desire that demands to be dealt with, urgently. 
Joel snatches his coat from the back of the chair he sat in, before striding towards the exit. You follow behind, docile, not bothering to retrieve your own jacket. Once you’re out of the tavern, the freezing wind barely even pinches your skin. You’re too preoccupied with another feeling that’s dangerously rising up inside. You need his touch. And you get what you want. Joel grabs your forearm, and drags you to the alleyway at the side of the building, lit up by a single, flickering street lamp. In a second, your back is pressed against the logs, Joel’s face taking up your entire field of vision. He’s seething with anger. His pointed finger digs into your sternum. 
“You- you- ” he growls. You look back at him like a deer in headlights.
And then he kisses you. Hard. His lips crash onto yours and you let out a startled yelp, jerking your head to the side. Joel stares, anticipating your reaction. You don’t let him wait for long before you kiss back. His hands glide down to your waist, gripping it, while yours go to the nape of his neck. You pull each other in and a burning heat spreads between your bodies. Time seems to slow down as you part your lips to deepen the kiss, letting his tongue in. He tastes bittersweet like the mead. Your heart races. An ache forms where your thighs meet.
Just as suddenly as he came in, Joel shoves you away roughly. Your head bounces on the tavern’s facade. He storms out of the alley without another word, leaving you alone in the cold, panting, riled up, confused. 
What the fuck just happened?
Next chapter
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kybercvnt · 1 month
Pet Empathy
Pairing – Jonathan Archer x GN!Reader
Summary – Based on S2E5 “A Night In Sickbay”, as a crew member of the Enterprise, Captain Archer calls you–another pet-lover to console him in his time of need.
Word Count – 806
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Jonathan Archer was sleepless and starting to get agitated with all of Doctor Phlox’s late-night antics. He could barely get an hour's worth of sleep before he was up and ripping the curtain open in sickbay to Phlox feeding another one of his chirping creatures. Not only Phlox, but it was also Captain Archer’s anxiety and concern towards his beloved dog–Porthos–that was chewing into his subconscious. He wasn’t sure how much more he could handle.
As soon as he brought up his quarrel with T’pol, Phlox decided to point out sexual tension–a common phenomenon going on between all crew before then, which is when Archer’s mind raced to think of you.
For once, his mind wasn’t preoccupied with his beagle, but instead with you–his loyal and devoted crew member. He remembered you were one of the few exceptions, like himself, to bring on board an Earth pet to look after in your quarters.
You always showed responsibility with your care to your animal, and Archer made sure to be friendly with someone like-minded when it came to animals, so it was no doubt he was familiar with you.
When it came time to his frustration he commed you, in the early hours of the night. When you came running into the sickbay in your sleepwear, you first caught sight of the sickly dog laying in his box, then second to your captain.
“Captain Archer, I’m so terribly sorry to hear what happened to Porthos,” you said.
“It’s… Definitely a tragedy, L/N, but I want to apologise for any disturbance I’ve caused this late at night, I just… don’t know who else to contact,” he grovelled.
“It’s alright, Captain, I completely understand if he were mine.”
“I knew you would,” he chuckled.
“How’s she doing?” You asked, walking up to the box, stroking the corner of the glass as if he could feel it.
“We should know within a couple of hours,” Archer repeated, as he continued to say to everyone.
Silence filled the air. Phlox was busy doing his duties with other species and medicine, still eavesdropping on your conversation with the captain. There wasn’t much to say to your captain without it possibly being deemed inappropriate, although, being summoned in your sleepwear in front of your superior was already inappropriate, you didn’t want to extend it any further by saying something unprofessional.
“As someone who loves their animals just as much as I do, what should I do in this situation, crewman?” He asked, head low, ashamed that he felt he must ask for support.
“I find it endearing that you stick by your companion’s side while he is sick, Captain…” As you say that, your eyes catch Phlox’s gaze, while he gives you a fascinated ‘hm,’ “...But I think that it might cause you more harm than good, might disrupt your sleep and therefore your mental health, affecting the crew, Captain. Why don’t we return to your quarters for a short while, take your mind off things,” you suggested.
He looked over to Phlox, “Oh, it’s quite alright, Captain, he is in a stable condition. I’ll let you know if anything dire happens.”
The captain’s quarters were quiet without Porthos, he couldn’t take his eyes off of the empty dog bed.
“If the Kreetassan even tried to look over the data, Porthos wouldn’t be in this mess,” he complained, pacing the room. The hot tea you retrieved for him was sitting on the table alone, losing steam with every second that passed.
“I’m sure there is always someone to blame, but on this mission, there is always the risk that we might lose our loved ones, especially those in our crew, and the ship,” you tried to explain.
“You’re right,” Archer said after a moment of thought, “I should’ve never risked Porthos on an alien planet.”
“No, Captain.” He stopped to look at you, who asserted their position as they stood up. “Your decisions come with consequences, but now is the time to be optimistic.”
He looked puzzled, so you walked up to him. Really close. Close enough so he could watch your lips while you talked.
“You trust your doctor, yes?”
“Yes, but I can’t he–”
“Then trust he has it under control. There is still a chance to redeem this ship of embarrassment with the Kreetassan,” you tell him. But you’re so close to him, he heard every word you said, but also ignored it all. He couldn’t stop looking at you.
“You’re right… L/N.” Then, he leaned down and kissed you. Without any self-control or professionalism, in the privacy of his quarters, he kissed you.
When he pulled back, you straightened yourself out. “I’m… sorry L/N. That was–”
“It’s okay, Captain. It was your decision. I guess us pet owners are highly empathetic.”
“I guess so,” he laughed.
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aiallardyce · 2 years
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— . . . ❝ you know the penalty if you fail. ❞ . . .
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「 the dormitory built on the beautiful queens’ spirit of tenacity. while normally concerned for their appearance and overly infatuated with high fashion, you should not ignore the hardworking nature of these students just because of their ego. the prettiest ones are always the deadliest… 」
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⤷ a nervous wreck of an embalmer that’s extremely scared of vil schoenheit. actually, he’s scared of everyone except his brother. hiding behind walls, refusing contact but is always watching, the only thing of true comfort is the dead. twisted from: the raven.
nothing has been recorded in the books.
⤷ the gorgeous mortician that elegantly flies throughout nrc. he’s definitely more stable than his brother since he doesn’t cower at the mere thought of interaction, but sometimes he can be very…catatonic. dead, if you will. it doesn’t help that he’s mute. twisted from: the glass coffin.
nothing has been recorded in the books.
⤷ one of the previous dorm leaders of pomefiore. a sickly prince with a talent in alchemy, he was obsessed with explosions in particular. he often helped people from dire situations when still attending, but now it seems he’s the cause of those dire situations… twisted from: shen.
nothing has been recorded in the books.
⤷ a well-known actor and musician, people often obsess over his good looks. while he’s grateful for the opportunities that has come with his profession, he’s unfortunately become rather cynical about everything. twisted from: jessica rabbit.
nothing has been recorded in the books.
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nothing has been recorded in the books.
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osovereign · 16 days
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❛ ☆ — MENTAL STATE / i.
when one lives numerous upon numerous lifetimes, it should be expected that the various tragedies, horrors, mistakes, and other atrocities would come to weigh on the mind heavily—kratos was not the exception. he was one of the oldest beings in aselia’s history to have such a deep rooted guilt and depression. one could argue his self-loathing and misery began in his youth: when, even his happiest moments spent with his mother had always been littered with apprehensions in the back of his mind over a constant state of worry over her health or the fear that with every action she took was only pushing herself into further decline.
yet another could raise the case of his fragile mental to being a child of nobility ( whom upon his mothers death was abused mentally and sometimes, physically by his father ): turned orphan of war and then later, a high-ranking member of the royal knights during the era of the thousand year great kharlan war. all is heavy with battle ( as all is in matters of life or death ): and no matter how fast your blade or steadfast your resolve, kratos had learned early that you cannot save everyone. there was a kind of meek optimism he had once possessed that was crushed by the realities of his own humanity and powerlessness to really make a lasting impact amongst his troops losing their lives in—what he strongly believed—was a pointless struggle.
as many who lived a lifetime during any matters of strife ( and had lived many several times over ): kratos did not just feel worry, he also felt fear ( an untreated person having post traumatic stress disorder and anxiety ): while, he would not admit to these fears but he felt them in massive excess. along with, triggers ( that while he had learned to deal with over the thousands of years he has lived, he’s never gotten over ): one instance is how four-thousand years ago when martel had become sick with the ozettle flu it reminded kratos of his mother and how she was always sickly. or, how when colette had developed chronic angelus crystallus inofficium ( angel toxicosis ): it brought up every memory of martel and her sufferings to the forefront of his mind.
kratos has other notable triggers, that one could not even begin to suspect with the demeanor he exudes, especially now as the unseen godly king of aselia but even now, they still exist, however there are a few people in which kratos can posses a stable peace of mind and these factors mostly relate to specific individuals, moments, or instances. the first, yuan ka-fai ( oldest friend ), the next, lloyd irving ( his child ), and listed last but amongst the first in his heart, anna irving ( wife ): many of the moments or instances involve one of these three people in some way. the few that do not hail from his life before they entered and kratos has more moments of note with them and others than without.
regarding yuan ka-fai: the reasoning behind yuan providing his mind a bit of peace are simple yet effective by nature. yuan has a natural jackass nature to everyone ( but especially towards kratos ): but it causes kratos to be pulled from his thoughts and to only think and focus on the here and now. yuan unintentionally ( but yuan is well aware of how his words can effect kratos ): works as a trigger block so that even if the pair share their rare happy or more common depressing memories with each other they won’t affect the other as it would be with someone else. taking into account they can comfort one another in ways that no other can nor could. in the way same veterans of war meet others who have seen the horrors they had—discussing what plagues them, even to each other, gives a bit of calming reprise, even if only in that moment.
regarding to lloyd irving: lloyd is a special case and exception to rules pertaining to kratos. he is the biggest reminder to kratos his choices ( of the paths he could have taken / of the lives he could have saved ): though he also reminds him of the happy times as well. lloyd in and of himself is a trigger but also not: he is the living embodiment of love that he shared with anna irving but also made him acknowledge his mistakes, depression, and natural aura of putting up a front, a facade to mask his aeons of pain. the best example of this would be when kratos is around both yuan and lloyd. while yuan serves to block all cumbersome thoughts, lloyd acts as the trigger to them. however, lloyd is his child so kratos’ parental side kicks in which forces him to think upon things when looking at him . all of the good and all of the bad. 
regarding the most important anna irving: she is easily his light, his most cherished, and the only women kratos has ever loved. however, she is also single handily the biggest factor in restoring his mental state into one of normalcy and also the reason he became an empty husk of his former self for nearly fifteen years. it could be said that when the two of them met, that kratos gave the appearance of having been a perfectly fine plate that had shattered into pieces. however, those that knew him ( yuan, mithos, and martel ): could argue that his mental state had never been a perfectly fine plate. kratos’ psyche was more like paper that you ripped and ripped into such tiny bits that you cannot ever perfectly put the pieces together again—despite all the tape and glue—even if you try, it would only serves to get even a bit burned and torn yet again. 
though, making the paper as it once had been was not what anna irving did onto him. while, anna could not restore the paper that was kratos aurion’s disposition to what it formally was. anna did something even more amazing. she took the ruined pieces of burnt paper and had lovingly crafted them into something new. with her own two hands she had forged within kratos a new shape out of the acceptance and adoration she held for him, as he did for her. however, for all things to have a beginning, it meant that an ending would follow and what an ending followed. upon kratos’ having to murder his own wife his psyche broke for the final time. these events combined with the also once thought death of his son and animal companion, noishe. kratos had lost all reason to continue living and became something far more hollow and cruel. desperately he clung to the idealism of mithos yggdrasill with his own despair, as the anchor.
thankfully overtime kratos had managed to overcome this depressive mindset over the events that transpired during the journey of regeneration and he starts to resemble his more modern counterpart featured on this blog: someone that whom is still prone to depressive episodes but it isn’t as all consuming as before. he mourns, he weeps, he misses, he longs for but he does not let it be the ending to everything. kratos has accepted that even within trauma and misery—happiness and laughter still could exist and he cherishes every moment he is able to still experience and the protection he is able to grant upon the people of aselia. while not perfect, he is leaps and bounds more proper with his emotions than before: a man that is both half-happy and half-sad but wholly aware of how he had always been one to exist within oxymoron and an ever evolving enigma.
0 notes
eri-pl · 28 days
I lahorima anna / Prologue: 8000 years ago
Waves still raged in the sea, but the lands had been mostly stable for the last few weeks. On an island shore, a dirty little girl stood with her gaunt mother. The child started in amazement at a ball of flame ascending in the sky. 
“Is it a star? I like stars.” Despite her sickly looks and matted, felted hair, she was smiling.
Her mother, instead of replying, hugged the girl, blocking her view of the evening sky. 
“It is the Dark Lord, Morgoth Bauglir,” said an elf, sitting in the sand, previously unnoticed by the islanders. He didn't exactly look like a soldier of the Valar army, and the woman held her daughter tighter. The elf gestured at the sky with his right hand, so badly burned that it was black. “He lost the war and they're throwing him away so that we can finally have peace.”
The girl smiled again, peeking from behind her mother. “So it will all be good now? Daddy will come home and we will have food? And there will be no more bad things? No lice and death and crying?”
“No new bad things will be created,” said the elf, not looking very happy, but rather angry. “The ones he made will still be there. Until one day… Your people say that one day Morgoth will return and then one of you will defeat him. Kill him for good. And then, yes, then there will be no bad things anymore.” 
A big wave crashed at the beach, spreading water all over him. The girl and her mother jumped away, but the elf stayed in place, his worn robes now wet. 
“And when we kill him, everyone will be happy?” asked the girl, ignoring her mother trying to get her away from the stranger and into the jungle.
“Everyone will be happy, yes,” replied the elf, not looking at her.
The girl stepped closer and asked again: “Everyone?”
“Everyone,” he said as the islander woman finally managed to get her child away from him. Then he added quietly, heard only by himself and the raging sea, “except those who cannot.”
The flame in the sky kept climbing.
Constructive criticism and feedback welcome. (On all chapters)
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casspurrjoybell-29 · 10 months
Frayed Ties - Chapter 6 - Part 1
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*Warning: Adult Content*  
The deep red glow of dusk lit up the military camp, casting long shadows down the endless rows of tan tents.
This camp was much larger than the one they had stayed in a couple of nights ago.
Simon's touch was gentle but impersonal as he helped Danya down from the horse.
His attention fell away the moment Danya was back on his own two feet.
When a man tried to take Simon's horse for him, he brushed him off with a wave of his hand.
"This is home, more or less," Hamish said to Danya as Simon led the way to stables that stood on the far edge of the camp.
"It's got all the modern amenities like, uh... tents? And... that dog over there eating horse shit. I know it seems kinda shitty right now, but it's actually great because you'll find that by the time we leave you'll no longer hate the idea of heading back to a vampire infested city where we almost all died quite so much."
"He won't be leaving my tent, so boredom is the only thing he'll have to worry about while we're here," Simon said as he led his horse through the stable doors.
The air smelled of hay and horse and everything was quiet except for the occasional snort or shuffle of hooves from the long row of stalls.
The horse in the stall nearest the door stretched its neck out but couldn't quite reach far enough to eat Simon's hair.
"Well, I don't know about you but boredom is exactly why I go out there and risk my life on a regular basis. Fighting evil? Who gives a shit. Saving lives? Pfft. It's all about adrenaline and men in uniform. Hey, Wyke."
The mage who had stuck his head out of a nearby stall was older than Danya by several years and had short light brown hair that looked like it had been hacked at haphazardly with a pair of scissors.
He turned when the horse whose stall he was cleaning nosed at him, revealing puckered burns down the other side of his face.
Danya hadn't noticed him when they had first come in and when Wyke lifted a hand to open the stall door it became clear why.
Like Baine, he had black crosses tattooed on the backs of his hands marking him as a Neutral.
He had energy, like any living thing but it was weak enough that the horses had masked it.
Wyke took the mandarins without comment and disappeared through a doorway.
"I wish he really could grant good luck," Simon commented.
"We've had too little lately."
"Nah, are you kidding?" Hamish shook his head.
"We're alive. We should have died last night at least twice but we didn't. That's luck."
"I'm not sure luck deserves the credit here but you're right." Simon's eyes locked with Danya's.
"And I am thankful for it."
It was a strange feeling to know that the one thing he had done in his life that truly mattered, the one thing that made Simon look at him like he had value, was also something he had been taught was aberrant and dangerous.
He bit back a smile and dropped his gaze but there was a sickly feeling that lingered in his gut.
He almost wished Simon would punish him in some small way just so that he could stop feeling like he was still waiting for it to happen.
Danya's head jerked back up as the distant edge of something strange brushed his mind.
He frowned as a tall man waved at them from the other end of the stables as he approached.
He felt... odd.
Not bad like the vampire had, just completely different from anything Danya had ever encountered before.
He was definitely Fae-touched in some way but he didn't feel like a mage and with his square, stubbly jaw he certainly didn't look like one.
And his size.
Simon was tall but now that he had reached them it was clear that this guy was nearly a head taller.
"Hey guys, welcome back. What's, uh....."
The guy looked between them and Danya expectantly.
"He's our son. We adopted him," Hamish said.
"Turns out neither of us can carry a child, so..."
"He's mine," Simon said, ignoring Hamish. "He was a gift from the host of the party we went to."
"Oh, wow."
His face scrunched up in a mix of sympathy and distaste.
"Well, uh, I'm Slone..."
Danya flinched back as Slone reached towards him half a second before realising that he had just been offering Danya his hand to shake.
"Oh, sorry."
Slone took a step back to give Danya space.
"Is he jumpy?"
"Well, not usually but you are twice his size," Hamish said.
Danya straightened up and held his hand out to Slone.
"Sorry, sir. I'm not used to people shaking my hand. My name is Danya."
Slone grinned and shook Danya's hand gently.
His energy vibrated gently against Danya's skin.
Once they were done shaking, Slone tapped his fingers against his throat to indicate the scratches on Danya's neck.
"What, uh..."
"Vampire," Simon supplied.
"What the fuck?"
Slone looked between the three of them.
"You can't've had him more than a few days."
"Two, actually," Hamish said.
"It only took us about twenty four hours to nearly get him killed, though. We're efficient."
"Well... at least you managed to save him, I guess?"
"Ha ha, yeah, about that..."
Hamish rubbed the back of his neck but he was smiling.
"Come help me get some dinner together and some bedding for Danya and I'll tell you the full story."
"All right."
Slone leant towards the door Wyke had disappeared through and called out.
"Hey, Wyke, I got some shit I need to do. You be all right on your own for a bit?"
Wyke poked his arm through the doorway and gave him a thumbs up.
"Cool. I'll be back with dinner for you later, buddy."
Wyke stepped back through the door, glanced at Hamish and Slone as they left and then silently took the horses from Simon.
"Let's go," Simon said.
Danya followed Simon out of the stables, across a stretch of empty land that was more dirt than grass, and into the long rows of tents.
They drew the attention of everyone they passed but Simon kept his gaze straight ahead and his stride confident.
The man grinned and grabbed at his own crotch.
"Want some of this?"
Instantly Simon was there, pushing in front of Danya as he faced down the man.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
The grin had fallen off of the man's face.
"Just having some fun, sir."
"Just having some fun with my slave. Do you think that's acceptable behaviour, private? Do you think that shows proper respect to me?"
"No, sir," the man said as he sat up straighter, eyes wide. "I apologise."
Simon stared the man down for a few long seconds before dismissing him with a wave of his hand.
"I'll be having a talk with your commanding officer."
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foggycuriosities · 10 months
┌───────────── ∘°United by blood and bone°∘ ────────────┐
verse: Together again in hell
The main verse for the twin’s Charlotte and Victor follows DBD cannon pretty closely except I did age the twins up a few years for important events. The two of them were born to a low-born woman with the help of a midwife but, at the sight of the fused twins, the midwife ran away screaming about the devil’s bride and children. From birth, the twins have never known a stable life or home. They thought all the games of “hide and seek” and traveling were something all kids did. Though, at the tender age of 13 Charlotte had to take over the role of caretaker from her mother, who grew pale and sick. It wasn’t long till Charlotte grew overconfident from successful petty thievery. The villages put together who the small-time thief was after she made mistakes. She also grew more “greedy” seeing as her mother’s sickness was only getting worse as time passed. She would make a fatal mistake one day, swiping too many high-value items from the same town. She was followed back to the family camp where the person saw the two fused twins and sickly mother. The townsperson ran back to town and gathered up people from the church and a judge who ransacked the camp that night. Charlotte and Victor were helpless as they watched their mother be chained to a tree and burned alive while she pleaded for them to look away.
Charlotte and Victor lost any innocence and childhood joy that night when their mother died. The two were dragged back to the town and imprisoned until a cloaked group bought the children and took them to their new “home” an isolated temple. There they were experimented on and forced to do tasks ranging from odd but harmless to being forced to kill animals to even enduring brutal torture. This would go on for years until the twins were 19/20 when these experiments would end one fateful night. The twins were dragged to the center altar of the temple which was surrounded by candles. A wrinkled cloaked man would study their skulls before pulling out a knife. Charlotte would struggle against her captures partially falling off the altar’s edge. Just far enough that Victor could outstretch his arms and knock over a candelabra which took to the dry wood around the altar lighting it up in flames. Which quickly caught onto the black robes of the cult causing mass panic in the temple. The smoke filled her lungs and eyes choking her, she would have perished in the fire if it wasn’t for the glimpse of sunlight she saw which lead her to freedom. She ran filled with fear and a sort of excitement not having touched the ground in so long. She ran from the burning temple so hard and long that she collapsed passing out in the woods. What one would think to be a turning point in the twin’s life something for the better, after all they finally escaped imprisonment being “free” once again. It was not, what should have been a spark of hope when she awoke was shattered as she opened her eyes. Victor was dead his tiny deformed lungs not being able to handle the heavy smoke of the fire and the long tireless dash. Charlotte would refuse to believe his death for a long time. She convinced herself he was just ill and needed medicine she would steal from a vendor in a town she came across. Though unknown to her she was being followed and as she turned down an alleyway filled with beggars huddled around a small fire for warmth she was confronted by a witch hunter. Kicking up the fire and embers to stall for time the sparks would fall into a puddle of wine sitting it on fire, and quickly spread flames to nearby piles of straw and boxes. A panic would start and she would break from her pursuer and flee the town yet again, leaving a column of black smoke behind her. She would travel running from witch hunters and cult members with the rotting corpse of her brother still attached for about 3 and a half years. His corpse was kept “fresh” due to the shared body, most of his body seemingly still getting a decent blood flow and maintaining “healthy” flesh. 
One day this would all come to an end, a hunter finally caught up to Charlotte and chased her deep into the woods, injuring her with arrows. She thought she would die, but filled with the rage and bitterness she had for humans she hid behind a big oak and pounced when the hunter got close with a knife. Ripping into him like the wolf she killed earlier, she tore his throat out and watched him bleed out. Clutching Victor she went deeper into the woods, freezing from the harsh French winter. 
She would lie down eventually as her weak body began shutting down in the cold, embracing the death that was coming for her. Suddenly the corpse of her brother shrieked with a loud cry as a fog wrapped around him. Charlotte was frozen, paralyzed by overwhelming emotions as Victor seemingly began healing as the fog wrapped around him and spilled from his mouth. Before she could pull herself together, she felt a great tearing in her chest as Victor burst forth from her, leaving a gaping hole in her. He dashed through the snow, shrieking. Charlotte didn’t know what magic this was or if she was already dead and this was the beginning of hell. Charlotte didn’t care what the answer was it filled her with happiness and hope to see her brother. She chased after him in the snow until she finally found Victor at the edge of a thick fog. Charlotte opened her arms with tears calling for him but a hooded figure, just like the ones from the temple emerged and grabbed him as he failed and yelled for her, that brief moment of happiness quickly disappeared and returned to the all-familiar rage and hatred she relied on to survive. With her sickle, she charged into the fog to retrieve her brother and make anyone who dare hurt them or get too close pay. 
─────────── ∘°Damn them as they would damn us°∘ ───────────
This is some important information about the twins and what I’m comfortable with when it comes to them, as they are disabled characters. Charlotte and Victor are intersex in my headcanons and I would prefer no comments about Charlotte’s/Victor’s “true” gender etc. I understand all recorded instants of conjoined twins are the same biological sex but this is a fantasy horror world after all. Plus the comment of true/real gender is just odd to me as a trans man and makes me uncomfortable. (I do love and support trans headcanons etc that isn’t the problem). 
Victor is a grown man, but he is disabled and from flavors text from the twin’s addons it’s hinted that Victor does have child like behavior that doesn’t match with his age. I personally view this as Victor being behind emotionally/intelligently etc due to the unique circumstances of his body and upbringing. He is around 17-18 mentally wise compared to Charlotte who is 24/25. Victor does have his moments where he acts more childlike due to autism etc but try to avoid Infantilization him the best you can. 
Charlotte does have a relationship that leans a little more motherly than a typical sibling relationship so if your muse confuses them as a mother/child that is okay but try to be aware of how your muse is wording things if they ask questions/make comments. Charlotte will get angry and upset if you keep referring to her brother as a baby/child when corrected. If your muse keeps referring or babying Victor I might end the rp for my own comfort. (this doesn’t count if like your muse IS trying to upset the twins like insulting them during a trial etc) Tldr; try your best to not uwufy and Infantilization Victor who is a grown disabled man. Or make weird gender comments about Charlotte and Victor.
────── ∘°Your binding is not a curse my loves, but your strength°∘ ──────
Current romantic relationships (for Charlotte only): none
The Twins specific tags
Verse: together in hell - any post/rps in the main verse for the twins Our side of history - any prompts/writings having to do with the twins
Two minds one answer - any asks about the twins 
└─────────────────── °∘❉∘° ──────────────────┘
0 notes
spotsupstuff · 2 years
“My marshal?”
The title sends a prickly shiver down his spine. Too many distant memories attached to that. Too many regrets, too many hurts that he only had the chance to throw himself in after listening keenly to his own past. The title makes him sickly, the title makes pride bloom in his chest for reasons he can’t seem to identify with.
The White Bone Lady enters the room, holding something, looking thoughtful.
“Really, my Lady,” he turns towards her, head slightly tilted, “I have so many titles, no name at all, and you’d still rather choose the most removed one while addressing me in private?” He cracks a toothy smile which shortly mellows out when she only stares at him in response.
It sort of troubles him to see her like that- it was easy to make the old Báigǔ laugh, to bring some life to her face. With the dullness of her old gloomy kingdom, just pulling her into a simple dance without a form felt like casting a miracle upon her. Now she...
All they need to do is ensure their victory, he rationalizes to himself to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach. Just... just reach the damn goal of this whole thing and she will be content and they’ll be able to catch up with everything she has missed over the three millennia she had been locked away. They will have the time to help each other... He can mend what the ages broke, he knows, anything he sets his mind to hard enough can be done. She just needs a little bit of help-
He just needs to be patient. It’s always about patience.
Sigh. “What is it?” Six Ear extends a hand out for her to take. She calmly accepts, laying her hand into his, letting him hold and guide her to sit next to him on the bench. He's been busying himself with tinkering, plan-making for the Blood Moons, while the creations explored their physical prowess. Both of the new half-lives have been proven to not be... strategically smart enough, so he took the job upon himself. All for her- anything for her.
"I'd... like to ask about this device." The White Bone Spirit presents a pair of earphones and a phone to him and he cracks a little fond smile in return. At least she still has her curiosity. "I can't seem to figure out how it works, even though the Fragment has been playing with it before I took it to investigate."
Ah, so that's where she got these. He's just glad she didn't get her hands on his own phone.
"Well, first of all these are two devices. The bigger one is called diànhuà. A phone." He takes the things from her and unplugs the earphones, showing her the end of the cable and the headphones port. She leans in just the slightest, almost even captivated.
It warms his heart, when he notices.
Six Ear points to the other ports of the phone, "Each of these serves some kind of purpose. This one, for example, is responsible for connecting this whole thing," he shakes the phone a bit, "to a source of energy when it is close to running out."
"Magic can run out?"
Snort. "Ha! No no. Things like this don't run on magic. Humans haven't really figured that one out. At least it isn't widespread enough, yet. As the name suggests, most things today run on electricity. Like lightnings, except contained- like the charges of an eel, except stable and almost endless."
“Oooh..” she nods along and when Six Ear offers her the phone to hold, she carefully takes it, turning it in her hands and inspecting it a while, not turning it on, though. “What about the smaller one? It’s such a weird shape...”
Presenting them for her proper, Six Ear chimes, “Earphones! Ěrjī! Or headphones, I guess, but since these are the small ones, they are more of the first variant than the other.” He puts the earphones into his lowest pair of ears. “And this is how you use them! When they are connected to bigger devices- like a phone- the earphones will play the sounds only for you to hear.”
Now completely enthralled, the White Bone Spirit moves to take a closer look, kneeling on the bench and leaning into the monkey to be face to ear with him. He responds to that only by chuckling and holding still for her, tilting his head so and so, ears fluttering when she pokes the past hearing one with interest.
“Huh...” she breathes out as she rests her head against his shoulder, brushing away the fur that obstructs her view.
“Do you want to try?” Six Ear offers, taking a peek at her. The Spirit takes a moment before cautiously nodding, moving away and properly sitting again. “Alright- you’d probably have an easier time with headphones, but let’s stick with these for now.”
She holds still as he cups her face, carefully inserting the earphones. It really does take a bit of effort, what with there being only bone and hair to work with or around. He ends up telling her to, maybe, just to be sure, hold the earphones in so they wouldn’t fall out. She stares for a bit and then complies, looking rather confused.
Reaching into his cloak, he seemingly takes out his own phone out of nowhere. That makes the other yaoguai perk up slightly. “You have one too?”
“Mhm, most of everyone does. It’s the easiest way to stay connected to other yaoguai or humans. I refuse to trust ‘Mayor’ and his music taste- I bet he listens to some absolute trash.” He scoffs, rolling his eyes as he scrolls. “That guy would listen to broken breaks combined with a sound byte of a sheep throwing up and he’d call it music.”
After a second or two he reaches for the earphone cable and plugs it into the phone. “I’ll keep the volume low. If you’ll want it louder just tell me.” She nods. “We’ll start with some traditional music to ease you into this. Sounds good?”
This time she squints suspiciously at him. He shrugs in response, “I just don’t want you to get overwhelmed, a lot has changed in the...” he pauses for a second, ”3369 years you’ve been gone. These things can be hard to process and I won’t think of you as weak for that. I don’t know how I’d handle your situation at all.” He smiles at her reassuringly.
And she gives him no reaction except looking away thoughtful for a moment, before nodding again.
Instead of pondering how that makes him feel hopeless, he turns to the screen of his phone and lets one of his older gǔqín recordings play. Despite all the talk beforehand, the White Bone Spirit still jumps a little in her seat as music fills her ears. She stares shocked for a little bit, before taking out the earphones.
“What- Is it that b-?” He’s about to ask when she plucks them back in and there’s a little shine to her eyes, a microscopic smile.
“Woah..” she sighs out, taking the earphones out again and then back again, repeating it a few times in fascination. The Spirit looks at him and the spark magically does not leave. “Can you play it louder?”
Six Ear allows himself to smile and relax at that, shifting to sit right next to her. He shows her the phone, pointing at two buttons. “This is how you change the volume. The higher button makes it louder, the lower quieter.”
As she leans against his side and fiddles with the buttons while he holds the little machine for her, he indulges himself in the nostalgia it brings forth. And, quietly, he swears he won’t fail the upcoming mission of tricking Sūn Wùkōng and his kid.
All for her, anything for her.
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itsnothesameasitwas · 2 years
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!!! - please be careful and read all the tags and/or warnings before start, left kudos and nice messages to the authors <33
🌱 call it fate, call it karma by @thepolourryexpress | E | 15k | harry x louis
“You’re really telling me Louis’ been here for weeks and you haven’t noticed until now?” Nick snorts, shaking his head as he slides off of his horse. Harry sighs, wondering how many times he’s going to be questioned over this. “There are a lot of people working in our stables, Nicholas.”
🌱 Opulence Thrills by @brightgolden | E | 68k | harry x louis
“You know, it’s my first time bidding-”
“Bidding on people?”
Harry supplies. Louis snickers as he shakes his head, a small smile playing on his perfectly shaped lips. “You could say that, yeah.”
OR Where a well-versed submissive, Harry Styles has spent eighteen months in BDSM abstinence after an irreconcilable difference in kink preferences with his ex-dom, and a random winner for a charity auction might just be the one who brings him back.”
🌱 It’s been Ages by @2tiedships2 | NR | 13k | harry x louis
“We need to talk,” Niall said as he plopped down on Louis’ bed. “It’s you and Harry. You like him, he likes you, it’s a match made in heaven and you will one day be mates,”
“Louis shook his head in exasperation. “If you’ve been watching, you would see that Harry is interested in, like, alpha alphas. Not me.”
“What the fuck is an alpha alpha?” Niall asked with furrowed brows.
“You know what I mean,” Louis said, giving Niall a pointed look.
“I literally have no idea what you’re talking about.”
🌱 Enchanted by @brightgolden | E | 25k | harry x louis
“My close friends usually call me H,” Harry mumbles suddenly after Louis wraps up his story.
That’s unexpected. “Are you telling me I’m your close friend now?” Louis quips, squinting his eyes at Harry.
OR Where Louis finally meets his neighbour. After a few conversations, he begins to realise he is too weak to resist the charms of the new mother and his six month old daughter.”
🌱 no lemon drops no bubblegum by @heartofartichokes | E | 14k | harry x louis
“They never interacted in that one semester, in that one class, and never were put in the same group, never sat close to each other.Then again, it’s not like Louis was hoping it’ll turn to something more. Just a fleeting crush, that he’ll get over once he stops seeing him every week.
Except he hasn’t stopped, he’s still thinking about it once in a while. What’s Harry Styles doing today? Has he cut his hair? Does he still eat scones for breakfast every Wednesday? He got his answers now, at least about the state of his hair. Harry’s hair is a lot shorter than the last he remembers, it curls around his ear, framing his square jaw nicely. He’d have to ask about the scone next time. If there’s ever a next time.
University AU. In which Louis is most definitely not pining.
🌱 my heart, it went wild by @afirethatcannotdie | TUA | 17k | harry x louis
Louis thought he was going to Ibiza for the sunshine and the beach and the alcohol. Harry thought he was going for a break from uni and to play some golf and to dance the nights away. Neither of them were supposed to fall in love.
They do anyway.
🌱 Violent Delights by @ohpleaselarry | NR | 76k | harry x louis
Prince Harry is arranged to mate Princess Charlotte, but first he must spend a month completing courting traditions which ends in a mating ceremony. When he arrives to the Tomlinson castle, he finds the forbidden North wing holds that which the family has worked hard to keep secret. Mainly: the sickly sweet Prince Louis, who’s rare gender has forced his family to keep him locked away for his own protection.
(ABO princes au)
🌱 We Can Go On Forever (When Everything’s Gone Forever) by jurassiclouis | M | 39k | harry x louis
Harry spent most of his adult life focused on either his studies or his books - 5 of which he has already had published before he was 30. Immediately after completing his dissertation, he was offered a lectureship at Cambridge University where he’s been for 2 years now.
This wasn’t the first time in his life that he had felt the incessant itch to know more about a subject by any means. However, this was the first time the subject had been an Omega.
🌱 Ready To Fall by whoknows | E | 21k | harry x louis
“Ninety and rising,” Nick says triumphantly, as though making Harry’s heartbeat pick up by thrusting an obscenely attractive person in front of his face is any kind of success. “Louis Tomlinson has just walked into our control room and suddenly our dear Harry Styles has lost all ability to speak. Could this be some kind of strange coincidence?”
“I hate you,” Harry hisses, forcing his eyes back into Nick’s direction, uncaring that the mic must have picked it up. “I thought we agreed that you were going to play fair.”
“I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Nick denies, except he’s holding up a picture of Louis’ face now, sharp cheekbones prominent, soft lashes nearly sweeping against his cheeks as he looks down, and his fucking mouth –
“A hundred and two!” Nick crows, all but clapping his hands together in glee. “The highest it’s ever been!”
“To be fair, I did bend over the desk on purpose,” Louis’ voice comes crackling in the headphones. Harry practically breaks his neck whipping his head around at the sound of it, gaping at him through the glass panel. “You can’t really blame him for getting a little excited about[…]”
🌱 Hijack My Heart by @camellia-lily | E | 18k | harry x louis
Harry Styles loved challenges. What was life without challenges? he asked himself at 17 when he failed his A levels and had to switch schools. Challenges made life interesting, he said at 20 when he moved to New York, all alone, away from his friends and family. Challenges are what make life worth living, he thought at 25 when the nurse handed him the most beautiful baby girl on the planet, and asked him to give her a name.
Challenges suck, he thought at 25 and a half, when he held a wailing baby in his arms on the 6.00 AM flight to London, from New York.
- A self indulgent story featuring Harry as the "cool dad", Louis as his guardian angel, and Niall as the best wingman you could ask for.
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flowercrown-bard · 3 years
I was today years old when I found out that cornflowers can also be white/purple and pink.
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My first instinct was to never refer to Jaskier’s eyes as being the colour of cornflowers again. My second instinct was to write this instead:
Soulmate AU
word count: ~3k
pairing: Geraskier
Content warnings: blood, injuries
The Colour of Cornflowers
Jaskier’s eyes were the colour of the sky, of the sea, of sapphires. At least that was what people said, when they tried and often succeeded in wooing Jaskier. People who had been lucky enough to have found their soulmates and foolish enough to risk that happiness for a bard who would leave them come the morning.
Geralt would never understand those people. They had something so precious, so special and they were willing to throw it away for a pretty pair of eyes.
Geralt never understood those comparisons to sky, sea and sapphire either, and not only just because he had never seen the colour of either of those things. They just sounded so… cliché. As if someone tried painfully hard to sound like a poet. And didn’t the sky change colour during the dawn or at night? Did every body of water have the same colour? And didn’t some lord or another once proudly present his differently coloured sapphires, knowing full well that Geralt wasn’t able to distinguish between them anyway?
And he never would. It wasn’t uncommon for people to never see the world in colour – soulmates were rare and it wasn’t unheard of that some people lost all sight of colour after rejecting their soulmates for whatever reason.
But all of those people could at least still hope to have the world burst into colour at some point in their lives. Unlike Geralt.
“It is a mercy,” Vesemir had said when he had explained to the frightened boys that would become witchers or die in the trials that they would lose the ability to ever find their soulmates, “that you won’t have to go through that. You won’t get distracted by searching for them. And you won’t get your hearts broken.”
Because even then, Vesemir hadn’t made them believe what everyone else accepted as fact: That witchers didn’t feel, didn’t love.
Vesemir had known better. And he had known that that didn’t change a damn thing. A witcher would fall in love all he wanted, no one would ever accept a witcher’s love.
When Geralt had been younger, he had told himself he would be different. He had thought himself a knight that would one day rescue a damsel or meet a stable boy who loved horses as much as he did. He had thought they might fall in love – for who wouldn’t want to love a hero? – and they would be happy together, Destiny and soulmates be damned.
And then he had saved his first damsel. When she had seen his face, she had screamed and vomited and passed out. And Geralt for the first time understood what Vesemir had meant when he had said it was a mercy not knowing one’s soulmate.
Whoever was cursed to be a witcher’s soulmate, they would draw back in horror once they saw the sickly yellow of their eyes – at least that was how Geralt’s eyes had been described to him – and they would reek of fear rather than of love when they realised just whom Destiny had bound them to.
No human should have to get punished with such a fate. And Geralt knew that he wouldn’t be able to keep himself from shattering if he ever saw disgust on his soulmate’s face.
So it was better that he would never know if he ever met them. It was better that he would never see the colour of Jaskier’s eyes.
He didn’t need to anyway. People never shut up about them, after all.
Between all of those descriptions that made Geralt want to roll his eyes, there was one that somehow got stuck in his mind, no matter how he wanted to shake it off.
For some reason it sounded right. Geralt was sure a poet, or even just about any man who was better with words than him, would be able to create a beautiful and meaningful connection between Jaskier and the preciousness of gems, the ever-moving sea or the freedom of the sky or other such sappy nonsense.
But cornflowers…Jaskier had named himself after a flower, hadn’t he? And cornflowers weren’t so different from buttercups. He had heard farmers complain about them, about how difficult they were to get rid of once they had started sprouting in their fields.
Geralt’s lips had twitched upwards when he had heard that and looked at Jaskier who had returned his side-eye with a cheeky wink, as if he knew exactly that Geralt was thinking about the way Jaskier had attached himself to Geralt no matter how hard he had tried to prevent that.
He tried no longer.
He had grown used to Jaskier’s presence. No, it was more than that. He had gotten to appreciate it. To enjoy the humming and chattering. To relish in the feeling of Jaskier running his fingers through Geralt’s hair. To feel his stomach twist in anticipation when he saw Jaskier again after months spent apart.
And when they were apart, Geralt found himself looking at cornflowers, unable to stop his lips from twitching into a soft smile. He might not be able to see their colour and never would, but that didn’t change the fact that they reminded him of Jaskier and of how he hadn’t drawn back in disgust or flinch from his touch even once.
Of course it helped that Jaskier had never seen his eyes in colour either. He couldn’t have. Because if he did, then surely he would have reacted in some way. No one, not even Jaskier was that good an actor.
True, his songs about Geralt often featured descriptions of his eyes – of honey, gold and sunflowers – but Geralt didn’t need to see colours to know that those descriptions were ludicrous. Predatory, sickly, creepy. That was how his eyes were normally described. Jaskier must have just heard the word ‘yellow’ and then asked other people for other, more pleasant things of the same colour. For surely, no one who had ever seen his eyes as they really were would think of something so kind that the first time Geralt had heard it, he had to leave the room for he was sure that he wasn’t able to keep the fondness and admiration he felt in that moment out of his eyes.
Fleeing hadn’t helped, of course. Jaskier didn’t need to sing of honey-eyes or silver moonlight-hair to make Geralt’s chest clench and his fingers itch to reach out and pull Jaskier close.
A single smile from him was enough. A quiet moment shared by a fire. Laughter and bad jokes as they travelled side by side.
Witchers could love and in those moments, Geralt was more thankful that fact than he had ever been for anything else. Loving Jaskier was beautiful.
And it was the most painful and terrifying thing Geralt could imagine.
Never in his life had Geralt been as scared as he had been when he had seen Jaskier run towards him while he was in the middle of a fight. For a terrifying moment, when the griffin’s talons had hit their mark and torn deep gashes into Jaskier’s chest, he had thought this was it. This was how Jaskier died. Because of him.
But as Geralt had dropped to his knees next to him, pressing his hands against the wounds and pleading with Jaskier to stay with him, Jaskier hadn’t blamed him, hadn’t yelled at him or tried to evade his touch. Instead he had lifted one of Geralt’s hands to his lips and pressed a soft kiss against it, heedless of the blood sticking to them.
Jaskier’s eyes had fallen shut and Geralt’s blood had run cold.
His eyes had opened again, later, when Geralt had bandaged up his wounds and brushed his hair out of his forehead tenderly, the same way Jaskier sometimes did with Geralt’s hair when he woke up, drenched in sweat and with his heart racing from a nightmare about the trials, about the day he had lost all hope of ever finding his soulmate.
When Jaskier’s eyes had fluttered open and his face had broken into a smile so soft as if Geralt was the most beautiful sight Jaskier could imagine, Geralt had known. He could never let something like this happen again. As long as Jaskier was with Geralt, he was in danger.
But Geralt had also known that he wouldn’t be able to get rid of Jaskier – neither would he be strong enough to push him away, nor would Jaskier ever willingly go.
Not until Geralt did the unthinkable. Through friendship, through deadly injuries and insults being spat at them, Jaskier stayed with Geralt. But even he had his limits. Even he wouldn’t be able to stay with a witcher, knowing he was loved by him. By a mutant, monster, butcher.
Geralt knew it, the world knew it and surely Jaskier himself knew it too: Jaskier deserved better than someone like him, better than being loved by someone like him. Confessing his feelings to Jaskier would be the last straw that would finally make Jaskier act upon this knowledge and go find someone good enough for him. Someone who wouldn’t put him in danger. Perhaps even someone who could tell Jaskier that his eyes looked like cornflowers and see it too.
Geralt knew that saying the words would irrevocably drive Jaskier from his side. He knew the moment of rejection and disgust would forever be branded in his mind. It would be the thing Geralt would remember when he got injured on a hunt while knowing that Jaskier wouldn’t be waiting for him with a worried look and tender touches.
And yet. Geralt couldn’t bring himself to just say it. He only got one chance to tell Jaskier how he felt, and although it would end in Geralt being shattered and alone, he wanted to relish the moment, the chance to let himself believe for even just a moment that Jaskier wouldn’t push himself away.
So Geralt waited and planned. A part of him knew that he was selfish, that he was only drawing this out so that he would get to keep Jaskier by his side a little longer. Another part of him wanted it to be perfect. He wanted Jaskier to think back to Geralt and remember someone who had tried despite everything to give Jaskier a confession that he deserved.
Except, Geralt wouldn’t ever be able to give such a thing to Jaskier. He wasn’t good enough for him and neither would anything he could ever give him be.
He didn’t have poetic words or grand gestures.
A simple gesture would have to be enough. Maybe it would even help to make Jaskier leave.
It was pure coincidence that they passed the field that day. Jaskier’s hair was lighter than normal in the sun and his smile was bright and easy. Geralt let himself look at him like this one last time. Jaskier was beautiful. Too beautiful for someone like Geralt.
Geralt shouldn’t get to keep him. He had to do it. Now.
Taking a shaking breath and clenching his jaw as if that would stop his hands from trembling, he bent down and plucked the cornflowers right out of the field.
To Geralt they were different shades of grey, ranging from almost white to dark grey, but to anyone else, they would be blue. Like Jaskier’s eyes.
As much as Geralt had always told himself that it was a good thing that he wasn’t Jaskier’s soulmate, he now wished more than anything, that he would have gotten to see the colour of Jaskier’s. He didn’t need to see the world in colour. Knowing blue would have been enough.  Then he would have more than grey flowers to remind himself of Jaskier when he was gone.
“Jaskier.” His voice came out slightly hoarse and he had to clear his throat.
It was of no use. As soon as Jaskier turned around and laid eyes on the flowers Geralt held out to him, his throat tightened again.
At the same time, Jaskier’s eyes darted between the flowers and Geralt’s face, searching for something, looking almost achingly hopeful. Though for what, Geralt couldn’t tell. Perhaps Jaskier was for once silently pleading Geralt not to continue talking.
He did it anyway.
“Jaskier, I…these are for you.”
He took a step closer to Jaskier, half-expecting him to draw back. Instead Jaskier too came towards him with hesitant wonder in his eyes and took the flowers from Geralt’s hands. Their fingers brushed and the simple touch sent a jolt through Geralt. This would be the last time he would ever get to feel Jaskier’s skin against his.
“Geralt.” Jaskier sounded choked and there was a watery shine to his eyes that made Geralt’s chest tight and his now empty hands ball helplessly into fists. “Those are beautiful.”
“Like you,” Geralt said, before he had time to think and swallow the words. “Like your eyes. They – cornflowers. They look like your eyes.”
Jaskier stared at him for a long moment but he didn’t move. Geralt knew he had to say more, had to get Jaskier to turn tail and leave Geralt behind, but the words got stuck in his throat and burned like shards of glass cutting into him.
Still, as the moment dragged on, it seemed that Geralt didn’t need to say anything else. Jaskier let out a strangled sound, clearly supressing something else. Not for long, though. Not a heartbeat later, a laugh tumbled from Jaskier’s lips and once that first chuckle was out, he wouldn’t stop himself.
Ice pierced Geralt’s heart and he had to look away. For the first time he couldn’t bear to look at the way Jaskier’s face lit up as he laughed. He should have known. Jaskier was kind, but he was also expressive beyond believe. Geralt had no doubt that he would have tried to let him down gently, but it seemed that the idea of a witcher trying to be romantic was too ridiculous for even Jaskier to keep his composure.
“Oh, oh Geralt,” Jaskier said in between laughs, gasping for air and wiping away tears that had spilt free with his free hand. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I know I shouldn’t laugh. You’re being very sweet, it’s just-“
“I know. You don’t need to say it. I know.” Geralt interrupted, suddenly desperate not to have Jaskier say it out loud. Seeing him leave was one thing. He could still pretend that it was no different than when they separated for the winter. But hearing Jaskier outright tell him that Geralt’s feelings were a joke to him – Geralt wouldn’t be able to bear it, to have these words join the ones of hatred and disdain that he remembered whenever he lay awake at night, kept awake by self-doubt and shame.  
“Oh, I don’t think you do,” Jaskier said and his smile didn’t falter, as if he wasn’t tearing Geralt’s heart out with it. “It’s just…Geralt, I know you can’t know this, but…my eyes are blue.”
“I do know.”
“Yes, well, but these flowers aren’t. They are lovely, of course, but this one for example is very clearly pink.” He tilted his head to the side like a bird as he looked at Geralt with mirth in his eyes. “You know, it’s almost the same colour your cheeks get sometimes when I sing about you.”
A painful spike shot through his heart. The flowers weren’t blue. The one thing he had known to do to try his hand at a romantic, albeit simple gesture and he had messed it up. Of course he wouldn’t be able to do even such a simple thing. Of course Jaskier would –
His thoughts came to a screeching halt and his eyes widened as the full meaning of Jaskier’s words came crashing down on him.
The flowers were pink. Jaskier knew, he saw, that they were pink.
“You can see colours.” He had meant for it to be a question, but it came out as a bitter truth.
Jaskier’s cheeks darkened. “I…yes. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for you to find out.”
“Why-how long?”
Jaskier swallowed nervously and his eyes darted away for a second, before finding Geralt’s again, pleading and scared. He clutched the flowers to his chest as if he feared Geralt would tear them off his hands.
“You know how long,” he said softly, almost apologetic. “Ever since I first saw you.”
“No.” Geralt shook his head. This wasn’t- this couldn’t be. He had expected Jaskier to flee from him, to tell him that he didn’t feel the same way. He had never expected him to be cruel. “No, you don’t – You can’t be. I can’t be.”
“I’m sorry.” The apology tumbled out of Jaskier’s mouth fast enough to slur the words together and his hand shot out to seize Geralt by the wrist. The touch burned him even through his clothes. “I know you don’t like Destiny. I never should have said… I don’t want you to force you into this. You must believe me.”
Geralt’s mind went blank. It almost sounded…he shouldn’t be foolish enough to believe this. He shouldn’t feel hope burning in his chest, but the way Jaskier said it….it didn’t sound as if he himself hated the idea of being soulmates with a witcher.
“You wanted me to choose you?” Geralt asked bewildered, still unable to comprehend.
Jaskier’s eyes softened and his smile turned into something bittersweet. “That was all I had ever wanted. I always thought you wouldn’t, but now…Please don’t take this back. Don’t tell me this isn’t what you chose, just because it’s the choice Destiny wanted you to make.”
Geralt’s brows drew together. “I couldn’t care less what Destiny wants me to do.”
Jaskier’s face fell when Geralt pulled his wrist out of his grip. After a moment of hesitation, Geralt lifted his now free hand to cup Jaskier’s cheek.
Jaskier let out a soft gasp, before leaning into the touch with an unknown desperation.
“I choose you,” Geralt said, his fingers caressing Jaskier’s skin. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Jaskier said urgently. “I would choose you time and time again, whether Destiny wanted me to or not.”
Geralt’s throat went tight once more. “You know I can’t see colours. You know I won’t ever be able to compare your eyes to something and know it’s what they look like.” His gaze dropped to the flowers in Jaskier’s hand. “I can’t give you flowers the right colour.”
Jaskier let out a watery laugh. He turned his head and kissed the palm of Geralt’s hand, before taking one of the flowers – perhaps a pink one, perhaps one of a different colour entirely – out of the posy and tucked it behind Geralt’s ear.
“It doesn’t matter. The colour never mattered. They are beautiful. Because they come from you.”
“You are beautiful,” Geralt echoed. “Because you are you. Colour or no.”
His hand trailed down until he was gently holding his chin, titling his head up ever so slightly.
“Jaskier?” he asked, one last hesitation, one last chance for Jaskier to choose to take his words back.
Jaskier made his choice.
He leaned forward and pressed their lips into a soft kiss.
Geralt had always known that loving Jaskier was beautiful, but in this moment Geralt learned for the first time, that nothing, no flowers and no colours could ever be as beautiful as it was being loved by Jaskier.
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pencilofawesomeness · 3 years
Hey hope you don't mind...but mystogan headcanons? Please?
Wh-what's this? Somebody is asking me to ramble about Mystogan? *is absolutely giddy* Heck yeah let's goooo
—His mother died during childbirth. Faust was devastated, and because he survived when his mother didn't, Faust never quite gave him a chance. Especially since Mystogan was born with the red mark on his face, something that had no precedence in Edolas—not that any of the palace staff knew of, at least. It was considered a bad omen. Little Prince Jellal was rarely shown in public, especially not when the mark was visible.
—The public assumed that he was sickly. Some thought that the prince didn't exist at all, and that Faust was just faking it until he could figure out a situation for an heir.
—Truth was, Mystogan was a sickly child. At least, he wasn't the most physically fit, being that he had a weak constitution. He spent a lot of time reading, but despite his 'poor health' he was an active child, and hated sitting still.
—Mystogan and Jellal were born at the exact same instance—something rare even between counterparts. Because of this, Mystogan gained Jellal's arcane mark. Since he was effectively synced with Earthland's magic flow, and not the weak one of Edolas, it affected him as a child, leading to the so-called weak constitution.
—Mystogan is actually really tough, when in Earthland. He can take hits almost as well as the average mage, despite not being able to use magic to soften blows. Granted, his pain tolerance is also stupidly high.
—Being that Faust was never close to Mystogan, and Mystogan wasn't able to be a public figure, he saw him as a waste of space, but one that had to be begrudgingly tolerated just because he was his only heir. Faust mostly avoided him, but sometimes he became the convenient target for his ire. Most of it was verbal, but sometimes, it wasn't. Anything else was simply (according to Faust, of course) a well-meaning attempt to "toughen him up."
—Mystogan is highly observant. His number one past time to amuse himself was just watching people. Seeing how they interacted (because he was mostly left alone). He's especially sensitive to mood swings, even at the slightest hint.
—His ninja habits started as a child. He loves climbing things and he loves heights.
—He managed to convince his father/the staff to let him learn to ride a legion. He picked a white one—the runt of the group—because he liked her quiet disposition. He named her Claudia. Unfortunately, he wasn't allowed to fly alone, or very far, and the stables of legion were well guarded.
—After a particular rough exchange with his father, Mystogan ran away. He made it three days on his own (he studied nature and survival techniques more often than customs and history) before he was caught on unstable ground and injured in a landslide. Pantherlily noticed him and saved his life, nursing him back to health and returning him to the capital. Much to the disappoint of the palace, of course.
—Not long after, he ran away again, except this time, it was through the Anima. Not only did Mystogan figure that his father was going to use that gathered magic for less than altruistic means, but he hated the idea of another world dying.
—He would have taken Claudia with him if he could, but he didn't know how to manage it, and he convinced himself she would be better cared for there. Though he always worried they would do something to her, just to spite him. (Luckily, they didn't. Nothing besides keeping her confined to the stable grounds.)
—Mystogan really likes the outdoors. He even likes being outside in the rain and snow.
—He loves bird-watching. The most still he gets is when he's watching something, especially if he thinks its interesting.
—Being that he could never sit still, he learned to make things, and other crafts that could keep his hands busy. He made Wendy's backpack for her when he found the lost girl in the woods.
—Wendy had startled his birth name out of him, but even before he learned of the exact (current) disposition of his counterpart, Mystogan stopped using 'Jellal' as a name. It reminded him too much of his childhood, and even though he only came to Earthland to stop the Anima, the allure of a fresh start was too good to pass up. (I talk about his name a lot in this little oneshot I did a while back, after I finished the Edolas arc.)
—His favorite color is black. Just because he thinks it's both cool and practical.
—He doesn't just avoid people because he doesn't want them to know his face. Mystogan is just garbage at human interactions. He's too blunt and straightforward, and he doesn't know how to navigate niceties, so he doesn't. His go-to has always been being quiet or avoiding it.
—He really doesn't mind listening, though. He's always been a watcher, after all. Companionable silence is his favorite form of interaction, because it comes with no expectations or complications.
—Mystogan places a lot of expectations on himself, telling himself that it's his job to rectify the Anima situation, but in reality, expectations make him nervous. He has failed a lot of those, after all.
—People worry that he's nosy because he's pretty much a spy of a mage, but he's really not. Unless he thinks something is dangerous, he doesn't pry and he doesn't think much of it. People are entitled to their business.
—He has a really fatalistic and dry sense of humor. He likes puns, too, but he's not good at coming up with them.
—Mystogan has a cat. It's mostly a feral stray, who hangs out in the woods when Mystogan is off on jobs, but he'll feed him, and the cat reacts well to Mystogan. It's a black cat, and he named him Shadow.
—He prefers tea over coffee.
—He's a light eater and a light sleeper.
~ Some HTRYDS specific ones ~
—All of the dragons are concerned with his lack of appetite. Eventually, Acno had to begrudgingly admit that his metabolism really is just naturally slow.
—He constantly deals with imposter syndrome—especially when Jellal first joined the guild. However, Laxus once remarked that since Mystogan was there first, Jellal was actually the second one. It helped a little, especially once it became clear that he was still being treated like he always had been.
—Because of this, people joke that Mystogan is the 'older twin.'
—The majority of Fairy Tail just thinks that Jellal and Mystogan are twins that were separated at birth. This was just a contingency, but Erza used it to make a concerted effort to drag Mystogan into more activities.
—This effort was only a tiny bit successful. He remains the best at avoiding events, superior even to Acnologia.
—Shadow is even more spoiled. Wendy feeds him when Mystogan is gone, and Jellal fills in other times. Erik has a few times as well. Erza is still trying to win him over.
—Mystogan is scary good at being elusive, especially since he even can dodge dragon slayers from time to time. Though he has yet to avoid Acnologia when it counts.
—Since Acno got him a new invisibility ring and gave him some pointers for it, it's become one of his favorites. He uses it to leave towns more often than not, because he doesn't like the after-job attention.
—Even though he doesn't hide his face around the guild anymore, he still likes caps and scarves to tuck his face into. He still is careful outside of Magnolia, just because he doesn't want to deal with people.
—The guild, for the most part getting a better picture of Mystogan's awkwardness, is very supportive of him not wanting to deal with the press. Some of them will go as far as responding with "who's Mystogan?" if ever questioned by a reporter. These various responses have somehow made Mystogan even more enigmatic than he was before he loosened up about his identity.
Whelp that's all I got for now, but I can ramble about this boy for a while. That was fun. I have a lot of feelings about Mystogan. If anybody asks, yes, I am salty about how little we saw him and about losing him to Edolas.
I have no idea if those were the kind of headcanons you were looking for, but it all kinda spilled out in a mess of random stuff and character backstory, so sorry about that.
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jimlingss · 4 years
The Seven Year Itch
➜ Words: 5.2k
➜ Genres: 99% Fluff, 1% Angst
➜ Summary: The seven year itch is the curse of all marriages. Your own parents divorced after seven years. Your friends separated after that doomed number too. And now, you're trying to prevent the same downfall from reaching your marriage with Yoongi.
➜ Warnings: Implied smut and discussion of sexual topics.
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You and Yoongi met at eighteen.   It was during a crazy New Year’s festival on the beach around a bonfire when you were introduced to one another from friends of friends. Much to your mortification, you were totally drunk that night and hit on him while insisting he should make you s’mores since his toasted marshmallows were the best.   The two of you started dating at twenty two after a few years of friendship and a tedious period of time wondering if he liked you like that. That New Year’s Eve was spent on a cute, romantic date holding hands while watching fireworks by the river.    And now at thirty two….   “Did you do anything over the New Years break, Y/N?” Kijung asks as she stirs sugar into her steaming mug of coffee, leaning against the kitchen counter. She’s your colleague of several years now and part of the marketing team that attributed much to the profits and sales — or at least that was your opinion as part of the finance department. But your manager who has a stick up her ass and has a fixation for the research department would adamantly disagree.   “Nothing much,” you reply. “Did you?”   “Not really, but my boyfriend and I went on a road trip on New Year's Eve to the hot springs and we managed to catch the fireworks.” Kijung smiles and your eyes light up.   “Oh, I went there a long time ago with Yoongi. It was nice.”   “Yeah, I really enjoyed it.” Her cheeks are rosy and you muse how pleasant it is to be young and in love. Those old days of dating and shy flirtation seems so long ago. “Did you and Yoongi do anything special for the countdown?”    “I don’t remember…” you murmur gently while you try to recall. These days, everything blurred together. Waking up, eating, television, bed time. “I think we just slept through the countdown.”   “You make it sound like you’re fifty,” Seokjin laughs much to your chagrin, entering the kitchen and firing up the coffee machine.   “Easy for you to say,” you retort back to your coworker with a light scoff. “Weren’t you having back problems a month ago?”   “Nothing my chiropractor couldn’t fix up.” The human resource manager dramatically stretches out his muscles and rolls his broad shoulders as if to prove it. Much too early for his shenanigans, both you and Kijung exchange unimpressed expressions and choose to ignore him even when he begins to loudly protest.   “Oh yeah, isn’t your wedding anniversary with Yoongi coming up?” Kijung asks, remembering that a few years ago, you took a long vacation to celebrate right around this time.   “Yep.” You smile. “Seven years.”   “Wow, that’s a long time,” Jin notes as he sips on his coffee. “My cat hasn’t even been alive for that long.”   You’ve never really thought about it before. “It has been a long time, huh?” you hum.    Kijung grins. “Congratulations.”   “Thanks.”   Time was so gradual, one day after the next, one moment after another. It was only when you stopped to turn around did you realize how long and extensive the journey has been. That you discover that you’ve actually been married to Yoongi for seven years now.   Seven years….   Seven.   Suddenly, it hits you. There’s a sickly feeling pooling in the pit of your stomach. It makes you nauseous like you’ve dropped from a ninety degree roller coaster. It propels you forward, making your mouth and throat dry, your face drained of all colour. You can’t believe you could’ve forgotten—   The infamous seven year itch.
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The seven year itch is a curse. It’s known to be the point where marriage satisfaction begins to decline. It’s the average length of a marriage. The point of no return.   To some, it may just be a myth or a simple statistic, but your own parents were together for only seven years before getting themselves into a nasty divorce. And you know friends who were only together for seven years — Hoseok and Jimin were separated six months after their seventh year anniversary. Jungkook and Eunbi left one another before their seventh year…   You can’t believe you’ve allowed yourself to forget about the cursed number seven.   And now that you’ve realized, you’re worried you’ve allowed your marriage to become stale.   “I’m home.”   The house is quiet and dark except for the sound of sizzling coming from the kitchen. You follow the dim light and cross your arms, leaning on the doorframe as Yoongi turns from the stove.   “The patties in the freezer were about to expire,” he says as if to explain what he’s doing and you nod.   “Burgers for dinner then?”   “Uh-huh.” Your husband is dressed in gray sweatpants and a black shirt oversized on his body, dark hair in a disarray as if he just rolled out of bed an hour ago. It might not be too off the mark considering he’s been working from home for a few months now, an arrangement he’s fallen in love with. Namjoon might never be able to drag him back to the office after this.   “I fixed the plumbing issue in the shower, by the way,” he calls out as you drag yourself down the hall.   You stick your head out the door. “You didn’t have to call Taehyung?”   “Nope.”   This was your life with Yoongi. He’s stable, a grounded and secure force, who lives in a consistent routine. It’s peaceful and you love it. It’s all you could have yearned for after your chaotic childhood and crazier teenage years. But now, you wonder if these habits you cherished will someday be your downfall.   This mundanity might breed boredom and then discontentment.   It’s only a matter of time now.   “—took me two hours at the hardware store. But then I managed to find—”   “Hey, Yoongi,” you interrupt him in the middle of his story in the midst of dinner, unable to shake the thought off your mind. There were more pressing matters to you than Yoongi trying to prove to Taehyung that he doesn’t need his help.   The man blinks at you. “What?”   “Do you want kids?”   Yoongi puts his burger down, visibly taken aback by the sudden change of topic. “I mean, if you want to. But I thought we were going to wait until we were finished paying off our mortgage and had more saved up.”   He’s right and having kids won’t make your mundane marriage any more exciting.    If anything, it might just make it worse.   “Where’s the diapers?” you would screech to the other while holding the howling baby in your arms, your phone sandwiched between your shoulder and ear in the meanwhile.   “I thought you bought them!” Yoongi would emerge from the bathroom, juggling the other two shrieking babies in his arms with his shirt unchanged from a week ago and still stained with milk puke.    Triplets, you can envision them as clear as day. A luck of the draw or a curse, you wouldn’t be sure of.   “What?!”   You dispel the horrible vision from your imagination, crashing back down to reality. “Never mind.”   Yoongi catches your long sigh, but doesn’t comment.    That night, you turn to him while you’re both in bed and the warm sheets are pooled around your laps. And more enthusiastically than you intended, you declare, “We should make our sex lives more exciting!”   He flinches from the sheer volume of your voice but it seems to catch his attention and his brows lift curiously. Yoongi puts his phone down. “What are you thinking?”   Your eyes are big and excited and you lean over as if to whisper a dirty secret in spite of being the only ones in the bedroom. “How about...anal?”   Yoongi’s blank expression remains unchanged. “We already tried that and we weren’t into it, remember?”   Oh. Right.   You quickly retract, stuttering and bumbling, “I-I meant you can be the one on the receiving end—”   “We already tried that in college,” Yoongi reminds.   “How about role-playing?” you offer, a last ditch attempt at trying to come up with something creative that the both of you haven’t attempted in your fourteen years of being together.    “We tried that on Valentine’s two years ago. It didn’t work out well,” Yoongi recollects.   “Never mind then.” You sigh, giving up. You’re going to need to put a lot more thought into how to keep your marriage from being so mundane.   But for now, you crawl out of the sheets to the bathroom and Yoongi takes off his rounded spectacles, placing them on the nightstand. He watches your backside with his lips pouted and his brows slightly furrowed, wondering what’s wrong.   //   For the following days, you begin to brainstorm ways to spice up your marriage with Yoongi and keep the seven year curse at bay.   You read a few articles here and there and ask some married folks around the office how they keep their marriages exciting — to which they give you too many details over their sex life that you never wanted. But your attempt at a candlelight dinner ends up with the candles blown out when the tablecloth nearly sets aflame. Yoongi also cooks again when you undercook the fish.    You try to surprise him by getting naked but you give up when he takes too long in the shower and you start violently shivering from the brisk air conditioning. You pull the whip out from the back drawer too to get freaky in bed, but one spank has you cussing him to stop. And when Yoongi denies you of your orgasm, you throw in the towel and call it quits, deciding to go at it the old-fashioned way for just some simple love-making.   The two of you aren’t as young and adventurous as you used to be — it was something you were quickly realizing.   But you weren’t going to give up so easily, not when you were so desperate to keep your marriage with Yoongi alive and keep boredom out of your partnership….   And it’s when you’re putting away the old leather whip to the back of your closet that another box comes tumbling out. It’s a memory box, full of high school yearbooks, knickknacks at amusement parks, and a bright pink book with pages and tabs sticking out of it.   “I forgot I had this,” you mutter to yourself, holding your worn diary that’s filled with memories and nostalgia.   Opening it up, the spine cracks and you’re met with your sixteen year old self encapsulated between the pages. There are scribbles and doodles, entries from random days, notes that you passed to your friends, pictures and movie tickets taped to the pages. There’s even a whole section dedicated to your old celebrity crush — Lee Hyun — and you cringe while reading the small blurbs around cut outs of him describing certain scenarios. First date. First time he held hands. First time he proposes and how the paparazzi go wild and you become famous too.   But as much as you cringe, it’s kind of wholesome.   You forgot what a hopeless romantic you were.   Flipping the page, you’re taken aback by the decoration, vivid colours and washi tape. It lines the paper, bright markers that bleed to the next paper. But what takes your attention is the bold letters at the top. It’s written: Couples Bucket List.    Your eyes skim the rest of the page.
Flowers delivered on doorstep :)
Receive a love letter!!!
Be confessed to***
Be serenaded outside a window!
Dance in the rain.
Go stargazing~
Take a long walk on the beach <3
The first on the list is to have flowers brought to your doorstep — which you muse has been completed many years ago. Yoongi did it once on Valentine’s….mostly because he had to go to work and you were busy running errands with your mom, so he had no other choice but to leave his gift for you at the doorstep. It still technically counts though.   The second goal you have written is to receive a love letter. That would be impossible. Yoongi doesn’t do declarations like that. He’s not one to talk about his feelings. But ironically, the third point on the list you wanted to achieve with your future significant other is being confessed to and he technically accomplished that one too….   In tiny text, there’s a description of your fantasy — how your crush would call you out to the back of the school and declare it underneath that giant tree that kids used to climb. It’s utterly ridiculous but you find yourself standing, grabbing a red pen from your vanity and putting a check mark next to it.   Yoongi might’ve never professed his love in the way you imagined it but you remember how he proposed to you. It was supposed to be in private, but the ring box fell out of his pocket and you noticed, picked it up, and he scrambled to get on his knee in the middle of the park.   You smile at the memory.   The fourth thing on the bucket list is to be serenaded outside your window. And you burst out laughing at the mere thought of it. Yoongi can’t sing for shit and he wouldn’t do it even if you paid him to.   The following point is to dance in the rain, but your husband would never. He hates the rain. Yet the sixth task on the list has been completed. The two of you had gone to a planetarium on one of your first dates and you’ve spent many late nights outside together during winter where you were able to see the stars past the light pollution.   You’ve taken a long walk on the beach too, holding hands and watching the sunset. It’s something you did on your honeymoon and you grin while recalling it.    You flip the rest of the pages in the diary, giving it a skim before you’re about to tuck it back where it belongs, but you hesitate. Your hand tightens on it. You can’t let it go.   There are still things that you have yet to complete.   //   “Hey, do you remember when we used to write notes for each other?”   Yoongi’s eyes are plastered on the television playing some random Netflix original series that was on his recommended section, one you had not bothered to pay any attention to.   He mumbles past his cheek full of food, “Kind of.”   Your eyes pin onto your husband’s profile and you rest your cheek in your hand, elbow propped up on your knee. “We should do that again….or maybe we could write a really long letter to one another.”   It’s still lingering on your mind — the couples bucket list and your unfinished task of receiving a love letter.   “Why?” Yoongi chews haphazardly and goes quiet for a moment to watch the action on screen before he speaks again. “We did that when we were living apart. If I need to tell you something, I’ll just tell you now.”   You hold your sigh in your nose. He’s not wrong, but it was still worth a shot.    You fail to notice the way Yoongi glances at you, obviously aware of your disappointment. But he doesn’t ask. It’s already been long established that you can come to each other for anything. Yoongi knows that you’re fully aware of that. So while he doesn’t pry, it doesn’t stop him from wondering what’s the matter with you.   //   It’s a Sunday afternoon when you’re quietly watching the rain pitter-pattering on the ground outside and against the window frame, spraying like an artist splattering paint on their canvas. It’s showering, enough to collect puddles and to wash the grime off the driveway.   The peaceful sound of the droplets hitting against the roof is interrupted by Yoongi coming up behind you with crossed arms and grunting, “Looks like we can’t pick up groceries today. We’re running out of toothpaste though. Do you want to pick that up tomorrow after work?”   You don’t answer. You merely turn around as an idea flickers into your mind. A mischievous smile spreads into your features and you grab hold of your husband's wrist.   “Let’s go outside.”   It swirls in the forefront of your brain — dancing in the rain.   But at once, Yoongi’s expression blanches and he looks as if he ate rotten eggs. “What?”   “C’mon! It’ll be fun!” You drag the grumpy, old man and he stumbles forward from the sheer force.   He whines childishly, already pouting at the thought of it. “We’ll get wet.”   “That’s the point!”   Yoongi’s not impressed with your antics whatsoever. When you open the door and try to haul him out, he protests and grips the doorframe like a child not wanting to leave a toy store. But he ultimately relents at your insistence and is yanked outdoors to the downpour of pelting rain.   You burst out laughing the moment you see him despite his glare. Yoongi’s black hair shags down in front of his forehead, nearly pricking into his eyes. His clothes are becoming drenched, heavy on his body and dragging down. The sleeves of his flannel pulls past his fingertips.    His tender features are wrinkled into distaste, lips pouted, his eyes unamused and full of hatred of the rain. Yoongi looks like an angry, wet dog.   Unable to resist, you cup his cheeks, lean in and kiss his lopsided mouth. It’s a short peck, one you can’t draw out when you’re grinning and he refuses to reciprocate.   “It’s cold!” Yoongi shouts as the rain becomes heavier.   You giggle and tug on his arm, dragging him further out onto your driveway where the neighbours might be able to see and conclude that the pair of you have absolutely lost your minds — something you’re sure isn’t too far off. But you don’t dwell enough to get self-conscious.   You clutch Yoongi’s hands tightly and slowly walk in circles as if you’re playing ring around the rosy.   “C’mon, husband, you can be more enthusiastic than that!” you laugh much to his dismay.   You step forward and back, dancing stiffly and Yoongi’s body is like jelly. He allows you to pull him along as you please even when you lift his arm, twirl around and land back in them.    “Why are we doing this? Why?” True to himself, he’s trying to act like he’s not at least enjoying this a little bit. You’ve known Yoongi for long enough to see the way he’s trying not to smile and opts for whining instead. “I already showered, you know!”   “You can always shower again!”   Yoongi lets you move his body like a marionette doll, dancing along with you, and your giggles finally lets a smile on his face slip. But at that moment, lighting flashes over the horizon and thunder booms loud enough to shake the ground. The pair of you jump and rush back inside.   You both enter in the midst of laughter and then Yoongi sighs lightly, looking at the mess on the tiled floor. “The floors are all wet.”   “You were going to mop them today anyway,” you cheekily retort and he playfully spanks you, ordering for you to get into the shower before you make an even bigger mess.   The two of you hop in together, but Yoongi finishes faster. He gets himself dressed while you enjoy the steaming water for longer. As he’s drying off his hair haphazardly with a towel in the bedroom, he picks up his phone. Yoongi notices the low battery percentage and searches for his charger. When he’s unable to find it in its usual spot, he assumes you stole it again and pulls out your vanity drawer.   Yoongi doesn’t find his charger, but he discovers something else inside.    A bright pink book with worn pages.   Curious, he picks it up and flips it open. It automatically falls to the doodled page that you’ve been studying most recently these days and he skims it.    After a moment, Yoongi scoffs. But a softened smile stretches into his face.   //   “You’re happy,” Seokjin comments passive aggressively as he observes your expression while stirring his mug of coffee on this cold Monday morning.   “Yeah.” Your grin widens and your dismayed colleague wonders if you know that the week has barely begun. “I am.”   These days, you’re having a lot of fun trying to find ways for Yoongi to secretly fulfill your wishes, even if it’s silly and childish. There were only two more things that needed to be done on your bucket list — receiving a love letter and being serenaded to, things you’re sure Yoongi would rather be killed than be seen doing. But your new fixation and ambition has kept you preoccupied from thinking about the seven year curse approaching in three weeks time.   It’s a win-win. The bucket list might, quite literally, be the solution to the seven year itch. Completing it might just be enough to deter the curse and keep discontentment at bay.    After a long day, you arrive home while brainstorming a strategy to get Yoongi to profess his love for you in a letter — perhaps something you might enlist Taehyung’s help in. But your thoughts are interrupted when after dinner, Yoongi suddenly grabs his coat.   “I’m going out. Don’t wait up for me.”   “What?”    You’re utterly confused at why someone who was as an intense homebody like Yoongi would want to step outside the comfort of his warm home at such a ridiculous time of night.   “We still need toothpaste, remember?” he says nonchalantly. “You forgot to pick it up after work.”   “Oh. Well, I can always get it tomorrow.”   “It’s alright. I’m going to stop by Jimin’s too. That brat keeps telling me I should come over, so don’t wait for me.”   “Okay.” You nod, bidding him farewell. It’s a bit of a foreign sight, one where you can’t tear your eyes away from until the door shuts and he’s gone. You end up surfing the internet and playing on your phone for a good half hour in the serene silence before your boredom spurs on yawns.   You decide to head to bed early and brush your teeth, completing your whole nightly routine.   But before you crawl into the toasted sheets, an unfamiliar envelope on your vanity catches your attention. It's thin and rectangular without postal stamps or an address — only your name written on it in sloppy cursive. You approach the dim light of the lamp on your bedside table to get a better view and you rip it open.    Immediately, a gasp tears out of your mouth.   Your heart stutters in your chest. Your breath holds. It’s Yoongi’s chicken scratch writing.   To my beloved wife,   It’s me. Your lovely, amazing, best husband, Min Yoongi.   This is really embarrassing and I don’t know what to write either. But I was just thinking about how difficult it is for us to meet and be together. If you think about it, there’s almost eight billion people in the world but we still met each other. I don’t know if it was luck but I’m relieved to have met you. I also can’t believe we’ve been married for seven years now.   Thank you for making so many memories with me.   Love you, Yoongi.   P.S. please stop digging your ice cold feet into my feet at night. go to the doctor it’s not natural.   You choke on your own saliva, tears flooding your vision as your overwhelming emotions swell into a lump in your throat. It’s Yoongi’s love letter. Everything that’s so unabashedly him encapsulated in a few sentences — not cringey, a bit distant, but tender all at the same time.   You don’t know why he’s written this so out of the blue or how he knew you wanted this so badly, but you don’t care enough to question it. You hold the letter to your chest, head falling as your tears rise to squeeze out of you — but before you can melt on the carpet, you’re startled by a giant rock slamming against the window.   You jump, screaming, and your face drains of colour.   What’s left on the glass window is a jagged line split in different directions and you rush over in shock, opening up the latch to figure out who the perpetrator is.   What you find is your dumb-ass husband standing below your window. “What the hell are you doing?! You cracked the window, you idiot! We’re going to have to get it fixed,” you hiss into the dead of the night.   “Shut up, will you?” he sharply whispers back and your eyes adjust to the darkness.   From the glow of the street lights and the lamp on your table, you’re finally able to discern the acoustic guitar slung over his body.    Oh my god.   Before you can even burst out laughing and tell him to get inside, much to your mortification, Yoongi begins to sing in spite of his tone-deafness. “If I should stay, I would only be in your way….”   He strums one chord, the wrong chord, and it jumbles with the false notes streaming from his vocal cords. Yoongi stares down at his fingers, stretching them across the guitar neck and he strums every other sentence. His singing is awful and it’s noisy, especially when you begin to laugh.   You’re tempted to grab your phone and record him, but decide to savour the moment first-hand.   Your husband struggles and at some points, the pitch goes too high and his voice cracks so horrifically that he stops singing altogether.   Yoongi’s only put out of his misery when across the street the lights inside the house turn on and there’s a grumpy voice shouting— “Shut up! Some people are trying to sleep!”   You end up running downstairs at the same time he’s finally coming inside and you’re still giggling as he sets his guitar down, leaning it against the wall. “Where did you even get that?”   “I borrowed it from Hoseok,” Yoongi sighs. “He kept on asking so many questions. I had to tell him that I was bored at home and wanted to give it a try.”   You close the distance and encircle your arms around his neck. Yoongi’s hands immediately find purchase on your waist and you plant a fat kiss on his mouth before leaning away, confused curiosity not allowing you to prolong the affection.   “Why’d you write me the letter and why….this?”   Yoongi answers you by moving away to the entryway table past the foyer that’s there more for decoration than usage. He goes for the second shelf and holds up your worn diary.   That’s when you realize you’ve been caught and Yoongi’s brows lift with a tiny smile.   “I hope I got to fulfill the rest of your wishes, even if they were back to back.”   The pair of you gather together in your cozy bedroom, guitar tucked safely away and the letter still displayed on your vanity where you’ll be able to see it for the rest of your days. But those silly antics are far from being over and you know it with the way Yoongi’s been looking at you.   “You should’ve just told me if you wanted to do those things,” he says as he rips off his socks and changes into comfortable pajamas.   “Yeah, but you would’ve refused…” You twiddle with the hem of the duvet and Yoongi hums after a moment, crawling into bed with you. He realizes that you’re right. He probably would’ve scoffed at the idea of writing you a love letter or serenading you if you asked up front.   “I thought there was something wrong. You got me worried for a few days.”   “I’m sorry. I just…..I know I’ve been a bit off.” You sigh, locking your gaze with your husband as you finally confide your concerns to him. “You know how our seven year anniversary is coming up, right?”   “Yeah. What about it?”   “I know this is going to sound really, really stupid and dumb, but I was kind of, a little bit, worried about the seven year itch.”   Yoongi’s brows furrow and he squints. “The what?”   “You know, the seven year curse thing.” When his expression remains blank, you exhale and explain, “it’s when marriages are known to go downhill and divorces happen because people get bored. My parents got divorced after seven years, remember? So did a bunch of our friends and I don’t know, the thought kind of freaked me out.”   Yoongi softens and the corner of his mouth quirks. His arm reaches over and around your shoulder, and he pulls you closer to him in a loose hug. “I don’t know about you, but I have no plans of divorcing you any time soon.”   You mold yourself against Yoongi’s embrace, allowing yourself to melt into his comfort. It was soothing to hear his deep timbre next to your ear, to let him reassure you in such a way.   In one instant, all your doubts seem to vanish.    “I’m not bored of you, Y/N.” Yoongi smirks and you lean your head on his shoulder. “I don’t think I’ll ever be.”   “Are you sure?”   “As sure as I was when we made our vows,” he consoles without even needing a second to think about it and pulls away with a tender, thoughtful smile. “Plus, we’ve survived this ‘seven year’ curse anyways.”   You frown. “What?”   “Didn’t we start dating ten years ago? Yeah. It’s our ten year anniversary of being together. So we technically passed it three years ago already.”   You’re puzzled — you’ve sure the seven year itch only applies to marriages, but in a way Yoongi was right. It’s not like you want to disagree with him anyways. But the pair of you have been together for considerably longer than seven years. Your relationship had begun much farther back.   You lean in, planting another kiss on Yoongi and it’s one he happily obliges to deepen.   It’s a familiar kiss, but not one you’re discontent with. It’s practiced, skilled and full of technique. Not hesitant, lackluster or sloppy like the first time. Yoongi kisses you the way he knows you like it. After so many years and spending so much time with one another, it’s been perfected after all.   He pulls apart and you snuggle in him with a giant smile, digging your cold feet into his warm ones much to his dismay. But this time, he doesn’t complain and molds himself against you.   Yoongi plants one more kiss on top of your head, feeling sleepy and too tired to even turn off the lamp on the bedside table. “Is there something special you want to do for this year’s anniversary? We still haven’t talked about it yet.”   “I don’t want to stay in,” you hum. “How about a road trip up to the hot springs? Kijung was talking about it and it sounded nice. We haven’t been up there in a while.”   “Okay.” Yoongi is happy to oblige. “Sounds like a plan.”   You and Yoongi met at eighteen. After four years of being friends, the both of you broke the barrier and started dating. It took only three years for him to put a ring on your finger and for you to share his last name. It’s been seven mundane but wonderful years since. And while it seems so long ago, you’re certain there will be many, many more years to come.
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djarinsidebitch · 3 years
omg requests are open!!! can i get something about meeting the family, with Sam Wilson??
I am so happy that I got some sam requests- I love this man more than life itself. I wasn’t sure what family you were referring to so I went with Sam to meet your family. If this isn't what you wanted please let me know and I can fix it!!
Not beta’d we die like men here
Word count: 1.4k
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“Shouldn’t I be the one nervous baby bird” Sam jokes reaching over to put a hand on your leg that has been bouncing the entire drive from the compound to your family’s home.
“ha ha very funny Sam” you quip back then sigh “ I don’t know- i haven’t seen them in years and I am just scared- what if they freak out or its another round of ‘look at your sister she has a safe and stable job why do you have to be out there fighting'' You ramble nervously and Sam looks at you with the definition of heart eyes wrapping his sturdy arms around you pulling you into a hug- abet and uncomfortable one because of the center console but it calms you down. Sam seemed to have that effect, whenever you were stressed or upset just being around him calmed you and vice versa if he had a bad mission you would be there to comfort him
“You will be fine, and if they start that we will just leave and go see a movie or dismantle the patriarchy, we have time to decide” he pulls back and turns the car off looking over to you once more, “You can do this- you are a badass avenger, and my badass fiance “ he brings your hand up to his lips giving a soft kiss upon them. You nod a sense of false confidence filling you and the two of you get out of the car. Sam meets out halfway around the front of the car putting an arm around your shoulders as the two of you look ahead at the front of your family’s home, it wasn’t the one you grew up in but the one they moved into after you graduated from the shield academy and was place in the triskelion to be nearby.
Standing at the door you took one more deep breath before knocking on the door. It was only a few seconds before the door opened to show your father he was a kind man with eyes that just radiated warmth and they widened when he realized it was you, he said your nickname with a happy chuckle bringing you into a hug
“My baby” he murmurs and you smile pulling away moving to introduce Sam
“Pa’ this is Sam-My fiance; Sam this is my Dad” You introduce the two and Sam holds out his hand but your dad just sighs and pulls him into a hug “I am a hugger Sam” this makes Sam laugh and pat your dad on the back  before pulling away. Your father invited the two of you in and everyone had already shown up. It wasn't any holiday but your mother had decided she hadn’t seen all of her children in a long time so she set up this dinner. It was nice to see everyone you hadn’t seen your younger sister or brother in years; your sister was married and just had a little boy while your brother’s wife was expecting.
Sam intertwined his hand with yours as they walk into the living room where everyone except you mother, who was in the kitchen, Once they noticed you were here both of your siblings stood up to give you a hug you returned the hug and pulled back to allow Sam to introduce himself but we was quickly cut off by your nerd of a brother going “You’re the Falcon'' in a giddy voice excited to meet one of his favorite avengers. You rolled your eyes as Sam laughed “Yeah man, what are you a fan” he jokes but your brother just nods and starts asking him a bunch of nerdy questions while your sister pulls you over to the couch where her husband and newborn was.
“So, About your no dating coworkers policy” She rides and makes you roll your eyes
“That is different-”
“How so-”
“Because he’s-”
“Crazy stupid hot-” That earned a slap on the arm from you and a look of amusement from your sisters husband  “What- I’m not wrong.”
“No you are not- but that isn’t the reason,” You look over to where Sam stood gladly dealing with your younger brother's questions about his suit and falcon duties. He looked perfect the jacket he wore stretched over her arms that where calmly crossed over his chest making a few jokes that made your brother laugh “Well one I met him before we were coworkers, and he wouldn’t let me say no when he asked me out” you joked and finally your mother left the kitchen to let everyone know that food was ready, you and your mother had an ‘interesting’ relationship. She wasn’t fond of you agreeing to go to the shield specialist academy she said it was because she wanted you safe but you knew it was because she didn't think you had the grit to survive it- but you did and even after that she always doubted you; your skills, your decisions, she was the reason you were so nervous no matter how good you where it was never enough. 
Sitting around the table you sat next to Sam and made easy conversation with everyone chuckling about some joke that Sam made about a mission the two of you and Bucky went on while feeling your mothers eyes glaring into the side of your head, she cleared her throat bringing attention to herself 
“So when were you going to tell us about you boyfriend” she says snidely in the tone that made you want to punch something, you clench your jaw looking over at her 
“Fiance” you correct your thumb subconsciously coming up to run across the engagement ring that sat on your left ring finger, “-and that was the reason we came but you were doing something when we arrived and i didn’t want to bother you” you say back with a sickly sweet tone sam quirked an eyebrow up he knew that you had talked about your mom being difficult but he did not expect that right off the bat.
Your mother only hummed disapprovingly taking a sip of her drink then sighed “I don’t know what i expected from you- You probably weren’t going to tell us until after the wedding. It's like you don’t even want to be a part of the family- at least if I just said I only had one daughter then I would stop having to be embarrassed.” Everyone looked over at your mother's eyes wide.
That one hurt, you were used to her complaints but that one actually hurt, you know you missed birthdays and events but you were either on missions or celebrating with the rest of the avengers but you tried you really did. before you could say anything sam stands up for you “Hold the phone- you think that your daughter is an embarrassment, the same daughter that puts her life on the line day in and day out to keep you and everyone else safe, if this is how she is treated every time no wonder she doesn’t want to come back  here I have only know your daughter for a few years but it seems i know her more than you do, Now we are going back to Our family” he stands grabbing onto your hand “We’ll send you the rsvp for the wedding” he says simply walking out with your hands still intertwined. He smirks at the astonished look on your mother’s face and the large smiles on your siblings faces.
Walking down to the car you looked lovingly up at Sam, “Thank you Sam-” 
He looks over to you, moving to pull you into another hug “No one can say anything bad about my little bird without me protecting her,” he says with a smile. 
The two of you get to the car and when you shut the door you look over at him as he says “I know what we should do-”
“What is that-” you say intrigued, clipping your seat belt in.
“Dismantle the patriarchy and get ice Cream” he says with a suave tone and you smile leaning over the console again placing a soft kiss on his lips pulling back to softly say against his lips “I think that is an amazing idea love” 
“Of course it is, I thought of it” he smirks “I love you” he replies kissing you once more
“I Love you too Mr. Wilson” 
“Oh don’t i know it future Mrs. Wilson” He smirks pulling the car away from where it was parked resting a hand on your thigh as you two drive away.
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madaras-housewife · 4 years
A bridge between love and duty
This took me a long ass time to write and holy I’m glad I’m finally done with it. I enjoyed writing it and I also hated it, but I’ve sure learnt a lot from it. Nonetheless, I’m infinitely happy about giving Hashi the love he deserves.
This one shot is a part of a server collab organised by the lovely @bakubabes-hatake. 
pairing: Hashirama Senju x female reader
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” 
prompt: Hanahaki disease
length: 5.7k words
tw: none
Red camellia: “You are a flame in my heart”  
The muffled sound was the first thing she heard in the darkness of her slumber. As her consciousness steadily gathered, she took a deep breath and realised what it was. Her heavy eyelids peeled open, but they quickly closed back.  A warm bed; a mask covering her mouth and nose. 
The woman groaned and rose up to sit straight. Her chest was slightly aching, but it was not as bad as usual. A gentle beam of sunshine tried to peek through the blinders. How long had she been out? It was then that she started reminiscing about the failure of her life with a resigned sigh. But what stirred in her heart was not fear, nor anger. A strange melodious tune of relief coursed through her body. It was over. 
Nevertheless, her thought process was interrupted by the door creaking open. 
A woman in a white coat walked in and looked her up and down with hawk-like eyes. She seemed better than the state she was in at her arrival. The medic formally introduced herself and asked the patient the routine questions, before using her medical ninjutsu on her. 
_____ did not mean to ask who brought her to the hospital, but she felt the need to inquire about other matters.
“How long have I been asleep?”
The nurse did not spare her another look. “For about 5 hours. Hashirama-sama wasn’t here for too long after leaving you in our care.”. 
“Ah, I see.”. A nearly awkward silence ensued between the two, but the medical worker seemed to have read her mind. 
“He was here until you became stable.”. Those words visibly relieved the patient, to which she reprimanded, “Your condition is grave, you know. You should have gone to the doctor a long time ago. Chance is that you will have permanent scars.”
_____’s shoulder stiffened, but those words seemed to go through her. Despite the accuracy of her statement, she did not want to feel scolded by a stranger, albeit a medical professional. 
The woman in white pursed her lips. “Hashirama-sama should be back soon. I will send word that you have awakened. Until then, you should get some more rest.”
With a nod, the nurse was dismissed and _____ was left alone in her room. She could now relish in the mess that she made, recollecting her mistakes from the very beginning. 
Following the end of the Warring States era, the shinobi world found that the easiest way to forge peace between the clans was through arranged marriages. So for _____, being chosen as a bride for the Senju clan was an opportunity for her own brethren to gain respect and recognition in the newly founded Konohagakure. 
A few moons after the official inauguration of the Leaf, the clan elders deemed it urgent to hold an internal conference. Most of the distinguished families showed up, so it was deemed necessary for her to be there, too. In their characteristically tedious manner, they spoke of traditions that needed to be upheld, as well as something related to their reputation and prestige, a subject that no one was particularly interested in.
 However, the discussion slowly built towards the matter of Hashirama’s marital status and how he was to marry a kunoichi from a different clan as soon as possible, as the elders thought it sensible for the leader of the village to have successors. 
A stale atmosphere of monotony clung to the room, except for the chair where _____ sat. She tried imitating the mannerism and facial expressions of the other members to no avail. The tension surrounding her became almost palpable, but the scowl lingering on Hashirama’s face gave her hope of him denying the proposition.
“I will consider it.” 
Regardless of all her years of training, she couldn’t control the furious wriggling of her digits on the table, something which did not go unnoticed by the participants. Their impassive, yet judgemental eyes burnt countless little dents through her with enough ease to make her feel like nothing more than a decaying puppet which had long outlived its usefulness. The shame was suffocating, unbearable, virulent and yet the only thing her decrepit body could perceive was the subtle stifling of her chest. 
Hashirama shot her a curious glare before his attention returned to the elders, who seemed to be more full of crap than they usually were. She retracted her hands under the table with a servile frown. 
She was grateful that her husband, Hitoshi, wasn’t there. 
Would he think of her any less than he already did? His attempts at hiding it were half-hearted at best. The contempt he held towards her was the second thing that haunted her the most. Yes, the eyes never lie. 
It would have been inconsiderate of her to blame Hitoshi for his indifference. Not only had he accepted it, but he also allowed her the undeserved decency of not addressing the farcical, yet frequent, circumstance of forced wedlock. Maybe that, too, was a form of consideration and love for her, but the notion was baseless, a conjecture, which, unfortunately, could not make her heart sway in his direction, regardless of its verity. 
Once the clan meeting was over, _____ was the first one to leave her seat. She did not have the strength to even look them in the eye, so instead, she turned on her heels and flung the door open.  
“What’s wrong, ______?”, Hashirama asked. He wanted to reach out to touch her shoulder, but stopped himself mid-way. The somber aura clinging to her made him. Taking a closer look, he could almost feel the scent of illness, one he had been familiar with his entire life.
 In all fairness, he had his suspicions. Being the head of his clan, he was privy to certain information and, judging by the manner in which Hitoshi spoke of his marriage, he was sure that it had something to do with that.
When she turned around, he made out her sickly pale complexion, which was poorly coated in make-up. She was spent. 
She found herself twisting the ring on her hand. It was ordinary for diplomats to lie for the sake of appearances, but to her, deceit had become the strongest weapon. Whatever sense of self she had left, she wished to use to the best of her ability. 
“Everything is alright, Hashirama-sama. I just happen to be a bit overworked.”, she affirmed, “Nothing that a good night’s rest can’t fix.”. Even a small grin found its way on her dry lips. 
When he was nothing but honest, all she could offer him was emotional chicanery, bland lies and formal words. After all, it was the thing she was best at, wasn’t it? She tried focusing on something, anything else that would diverge her mind from guilt, but she couldn’t look away. Instead, she stared right back at him with a stilted glare.
Her assertiveness almost persuaded him, if it hadn’t been for the folded hands on her lap; fingers squeezed together, trembling, wincing, as if it was the last day on that wretched world.
“You don’t seem well. Would you like me to take a look? I’m sure I could help.”
“I said, I’m fine. There’s nothing to be worried about.”. Her words came out harsher than she intended, but bold enough to startle him. And as such,  her duplicity endured, once again. Every word seemed to embed a metal needle under her skin, until her entire body itched violently. The sensation was so familiar to her, she realised her medication had run out. “Now, I must go back to my husband.”, turning around, she silently apologized for the dismissal.
That was the last time. The sting of tears overtook her unexpectedly. She squeezed her eyes shut and bore a growing lump in her throat in the way she taught herself. It wouldn’t be long now.
Hashirama frowned and debated letting her go. It was clear that she did not want to open up to him. And why would she? She had no reason to impart her private grievances, no matter how much he would have liked to think otherwise. 
Still, fate seemed to have other plans. She felt its brute force as she clutched her stomach in pain, and, unwillingly, she let it all out. The mask had slipped off. Crimson petals leaked from her mouth and he was by her side, placing a gentle hand on the small of her back, in less than a moment’s notice. He immediately activated his medical ninjutsu, but the coughing wouldn’t stop. It went on and on, until her hands were stained, until her own tears mixed in with the fruit of her disease, until she realised her failure. In her hazy, broken state, she couldn’t make out why she was crying, when, almost effortlessly, she purged her own chest the same way earlier that day. Was it the product of her illness or that of her sorrow? 
The answer wouldn’t amount to anything. 
When her ailment finally decided to give her a temporary reprieve, she stood straight, quickly wiping off the tears and the stains of blood on her loose dress, but it was too late. The mask had already shattered. 
She hadn’t even noticed that his hand was gleaming green on her back. As relief coursed through her body, scant breaths became regular. Her shoulders slumped when the warmth of his body enveloped her. Hashirama’s powerful chakra aroused tingles on her skin, making her reminisce that night they first met. A tint of pink brightened her complexion and she allowed herself to relish in the moment, without paying attention to him.
Hashirama was speechless and did not know what to make of the situation. Allowing her to ease up, he inspected her up close: the dried tears, the rosy cheeks and the darkened puffiness under her eyes. But then, he suddenly remembered it, too. That night, which he unsuccessfully tried to forget, was always following him, nearly haunting him.
The two met at her wedding reception. She hadn't been formally introduced to him at the time, so she approached him. Hashirama humbly presented himself, speaking with such frank familiarity that it made her feel awkward, at first. Given how the disingenuous and monotone courtesies of the ceremony bore her, she subconsciously lingered closely to him. 
Being physically close allowed her to feel his chakra prickling her body like a warm touch. It awakened a stream of goosebumps on her skin and _____ guessed that he was forced to keep it at bay due to its intensity. One couldn’t live in the Warring States period without hearing stories of Senju Hashirama’s legendary might on the battlefield. 
Throughout the night, they held each other's company whenever they could. The conversations flowed naturally as the time went by and at one point, both of them were so inebriated they couldn’t even tell what they were talking about anymore. Hardly anything was distinguishable besides the loud giggles and hiccups and the aroma of heat that surrounded them. 
Their eyes intertwined in a silent dance, again and again. His were almond shaped, she remarked, a mellifluous whiskey brown that never failed to mirror his gentleness. When contemplating her questions, he turned his head away, squeezed his eyes shut and knitted his thin brows together with a finger cocked under his chin. That was when she could ogle innocently at his features. The man’s tan skin was visibly flushed and yet, flawless. The shinobi world was not a merciful one, considering how most warriors had noticeable marks on their bodies, worn with pride. They symbolized endurance and experience in warfare, like an insignia gained through hardship and struggle. In contrast to that, Hashirama’s face bore no scars, no blemishes, no wrinkles that weighed on it and, despite barely knowing him, _____ could safely tell that the head of the Senju clan was not a man of appearances. He was undefeated in battle, after all, to the extent that not even his responsibilities seemed to burden him. 
Whenever a gust of wind pervaded the backyard, the woman couldn’t help but admire his hair; a soft raven mane that cascaded on his broad shoulders and his back. Shinobi were rarely interested in looks, so they often kept their hair short or tied, even more so when it could be a hindrance in battle. But, once again, Hashirama distinguished himself. His hair reached mid-back and seemed to flow freely in the wind, like him. He was not bound by the grudges that had been passed down to him and he was not afraid to challenge the world’s beliefs, that much she realised. No, he was a man of his own, unlike everyone else at the wedding reception, unlike her. _____ acknowledged that she herself was confined to the laws and traditions of the shinobi world; it became apparent upon meeting the head of the Senju clan. He truly was an eccentric, but a charming one at that. 
He was so alluring, she compulsively moved closer to him, until their shoulders brushed against each other, as he mindlessly accepted it. Her touch was so brief it could have been called a mistake, if it wasn't for the girlish bat of her eyelashes and for the delicate, faint chuckles which suggested otherwise. When their eyes made contact again, the atmosphere shifted into something else. Neither of them said a word, but she was almost sure that time had gone still. Her breath hitched when Hashirama subconsciously trailed his eyes over her body with a gaze so intense, she felt her knees melting. They eagerly took in the modest cut of her dress, with the moonlight highlighting her collarbone. In that moment, he was certain that her body had been sculpted by the gods. The jewelries seemed to adorn it and he wanted nothing more than to see it all, right there, where the sensual beam of light accentuated her beauty just barely enough for him to realise what it was that he yearned for.
The man took a step closer and unwillingly heard the sound of her gulping down, but she didn’t budge. Instead, her feet stubbornly planted themselves into the ground as the crackling sparks in her eyes turned into a fire so incessant and heated, he felt it on his flushed skin, all the way to the tip of his fingers and toes. He knew then that she yearned too. 
And so, the next moment had her eager lips pressed against his own, as a tingle of impatience ran down her spine. He returned the passion tenfold as his arms draped around her frame and pulled her in. An intense, almost violent hunger coursed through his veins, their tongues intertwining as he claimed her mouth. By the time she realised how weakened her legs had become, he was already supporting her, pushing her body against his own. 
A surging tide of warmth pulsated in her chest as all thought ceased, intoxicated by the taste of his lips and the alcoholic breath invading her nose. She tugged on his hair so addictively that he groaned in her mouth, the vibrations descending to her stomach, where tension started coiling up. The way their teeth clashed and their bodies drowned together sent wild tremors to her nerves, kindling in her emotions she had never known she was capable of feeling.  His earthy scent aroused her to no end and, as if time had stopped right there, both Hashirama and _____ forgot to breathe, forgot that there was anyone else in the world but them, forgot about the fact that anyone could walk by and witness how they melted into each other, needing to become one. 
With a last lick of her lips, he slowly pulled away, drunk on her and the sake she consumed earlier that night. Their ragged breaths almost deafened the crowd in their vicinity, all of whom were unaware of what had just transpired. Even so, it slightly pulled Hashirama out of their bubble of passion. He blinked once, twice, and then his eyelids started fluttering in disbelief.
His eyes unwillingly darted over to the Senju clan badge on her shoulder, which made him completely stop in his tracks. Almost instantly, and, yet, reluctantly, Hashirama put physical distance between him and the flustered bride, his gaze not daring to meet her hypnotised eyes. At first, she was confused, but it hit her as well. What the hell was she doing? The brunet bowed his head with a short whisper of an apology, followed by a formal statement of good wishes, before she was left all alone.
The rest of the evening had been just as awkward. Out of respect for her and her new husband, he decided to stay, with the condition of completely avoiding her. Hashirama even found solace  in the nearest bottle of sake, which he wished would also quell his thoughts about her. _____ followed in his example and allowed herself to succumb to a few more drinks, before she could not even remember the rest of the night. 
At any rate, it didn’t take much for Hashirama to put two and two together. The reception, her illness and her suddenly relaxed state. He needed no more than a direct confirmation from her. 
“What is this?”
She expected that question. Nonetheless, the ever present sting of shame, whose face she knew too well, did not seem to crawl under her skin. Instead, she felt something she had only experienced once before, upon the consummation of her marriage to Hitoshi. She welcomed it. 
“I love you, Hashirama.”
The man’s face turned bright red. He seemed to have lost all sense of dignity when his lips parted and his eyes widened. She placed a shaky hand on his shoulder and gave it a warm squeeze.  
Following that night, they frequently engaged in short conversations at clan meetings. As per Hashirama’s typical attitude, he tried to mend their inhibitions, wishing that it would be as easy as it was back then, but his eyes always hid behind a wall of hesitance, and, although it could not stop her from craving, it made her realise that it would probably never come down. At that moment, however, something was different. 
An amused chuckle echoed through the hallway. “The last time I’ve seen you this flustered was when I kissed you. Perhaps I should have brought a bottle of sake. That face of yours could definitely use a cup or two.”
The strain in her voice made him snap back to reality. He took a step back, figuring out her vain tactic. Would he judge her? Perhaps not outwardly.
“How long have you been hiding this for? How much longer until…?”
“I thought they would go away, these feelings of mine. He knows, too, but we don’t talk about it. ”, she chose to look at her feet as she spoke those words. Even for a second, she wanted to avoid the burning, pressuring sensation on her back.  _____ subconsciously fiddled with her fingers, almost as if she was trying to scratch away at the humiliation like a piece of paper. 
She had a place to call home. Shouldn’t she have been happy? She had the firm earth under her feet, the pride of her clan on her back, a name to carry, shouldn’t she have been happy? She had a dutiful husband, shouldn’t she have been happy? And the warm food in front of her nose, the calm rains and sunshine blessing her, the smiles and laughter of children, so then how? How was she still not happy when she had peace? 
It was not enough.
His own eyes drifted to her hands. Playing with her own fingers was a tick he had grown to learn about her. Hashirama would watch her peculiar habit during their meetings. After having seen it so many times, he understood its meaning and knew how frequent it was. What merit was there in a life without happiness? 
He frowned and wondered if there was anything he could do. But just as quickly as that thought came, a wave of emotions crashed into Hashirama’s consciousness. It was his fault that she was in this state. The man’s expression then deepened, but she quickly sensed and rebutted his contrition: 
“This is my cross to bear, Hashirama. It’s the only thing I can do for my clan, the only way I can honor their name. So, please… I can handle this myself.” she said half-heartedly. And there it was, that dull pain in her chest, again. Was that what she really wanted? 
Despite her comforting words, his lips slightly curled downwards. The brunet saw it as nothing more than cordial rejection, so he judged it to be the perfect opportunity to draw her in. Reaching out his hands, he grabbed her smaller ones, squeezing them reassuringly, with a gentleness he didn’t think he was capable of. 
His gesture was unexpected, but not rejected. She squeezed back, barely. The hesitance in her grip only fueled his fire. 
“This village… This place we have built is supposed to put an end to meaningless pain, ______. My entire life I have seen only suffering and loss and I want… no, will to put an end to it. I promise I will find a way to make things work out, if you choose to abandon your marriage. ”. The determination in his eyes was almost intimidating. He himself sincerely despised the prospect of an arranged, albeit necessary, marriage. 
Those tender, reassuring words made her heart skip a beat with a fondness so profound she could revel in for the rest of her life, but as much as she wanted to believe his commitment, the woman deemed it to be nothing more than wishful thinking. 
Perhaps, that was why she found herself thinking about him time and again. And for months on end, she was unable to make anything of it. Even though she knew that her wedlock was but a small compromise for the greater good, ______ felt less and less complacency as time went on. The fulfillment of her noble duty no longer comforted her at night, when she felt frigid and abandoned. Instead, she found warmth coiling in her gut whenever Hashirama crossed her mind. To her, he was a paradox; a way to escape her own condition when she could no longer bear it and, yet, its cause. It became difficult to endure, the more complicated her disease became. She could almost feel the numerous camellias blooming in her chest, a sickening sensation that her rudimentary medication could barely alleviate anymore. 
This is my punishment, she confessed to herself time and time again. When the leaflets coiled up in her trachea and choked her, the woman could almost feel an intangible force wrapping its hand around her throat. Regurgitating the putrid and picturesque corollary to her emotional infidelity, ______ found herself imagining what could have been if she hadn’t been chosen as a marital pawn, but instead of offering her some type of temporary, albeit imaginary, release, it only made her clench her fists and her weakened shoulders shudder. And by the time her guts were briefly drained of bloody flowers, all that was left was a disgusting portrait of feebleness, lamentation and illness, a symbol of her true self; not a kunoichi, not a member of the Senju clan and certainly not a wife. At times of bitter realisation, such as those ones, she thought to herself that maybe, blaming him would be easier; that maybe, putting it all on him would ease her guilt a little and even diminish her feelings for him, but Hashirama didn’t deserve that. He did not deserve to be the target of her selfishness. 
“I would lose status in front of both of our clans, I would be rejected by my own clansmen, abandoned by my husband. And for what...? Stop speaking of such a pipe dream. Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Hashirama.  ”, the weight of her words sent a pang of conscience in her chest, where she felt it squeeze her lungs in a punitive manner. She could not tell whether her dubiety or her Hanahaki were taking their course on her body.
No matter how hard she tried to deny it, she wanted it; a way out. She felt guilty even for thinking about it. She did not deserve any more than she already had, anything better than she was cursed with, that seemingly worthless duty of hers, like a puppet on a loose string.
Her vision gradually darkening, she didn’t notice the man’s bottom lip jutting out. Instead, his sunken eyes made her realise that her harsh words definitely struck a nerve. She tried taking a deep breath, which would have resounded with regret, but all that came out was a short gasp before her chest tightened. With balled fists, she tried her best to ignore it by pressing on and apologizing, before being delayed.
“Don’t speak that way, I know-”, the plea was interrupted by the woman’s head unnaturally bowing forward, her body trying to follow. It was so abnormal that it made him instinctively grab her shoulders. She was shaking, he noticed.
The room began to spin as consciousness gracefully slipped from her grasp. She allowed the darkness to embrace her as her frail body suddenly limped, but was caught before it could touch the ground. Hashirama’s arm pushed her closer to his chest while his other hand gently pressed itself against her dry, ashen cheek. Those eyelids dropped heavily and unhesitatingly. It was as if she had already given up.
He kneeled and activated his glowing chakra to quickly inspect her state. Eyes wide and heart nearly bursting out of his ribcage, Hashirama knew he couldn’t waste any time. The thought of it being too late for her crossed his mind and it made him run faster than he thought he was able to. Please make it in time...!
Later that day, Hashirama found himself sitting on the highest point in Konohagakure. The freshly carved stone face of himself still felt unfamiliar, yet he found a strange sense of tranquility and peace in that spot. He could gaze at the entire settlement and it was there that he indulged in the sweet gift of solidarity. Even a man such as Hashirama enjoyed it sometimes. It helped him clear his mind and contemplate, when his office became too crowded and uncomfortable to fulfill that purpose. 
Every now and then, he could even feel his friend’s presence next to him, one which he dearly missed. He was painfully aware that he could not stop Madara from leaving. Hashirama could not prevent, nor mend, his mistrust with the village. Madara renounced his place as a shinobi of Konoha with a sinister promise of his return. But it would not be a peaceful one, Hashirama knew. He needed to be prepared to protect the people the way he knew best.
Protect, huh? his mind drifted off to ______. He reminded himself of her arranged marriage and her honorable sacrifice. The flowers gushing out of her throat, right in front of him, and the way she desperately clung to him for air, for a reprieve. He would not forget the way her ailing body caved into him and how loose her clothes were that day. Never quite understanding why they almost limped on her body, he was aghast when he felt her bones poking through her skin. 
Now that he considered it, she looked a little different every time he saw her at their conferences. The woman’s garments heavily contrasted the proud wear of the Senju. Instead of vibrant and estimable, her clothes were prosaic, almost dusty. Even so, the clan crest always decorated her figure, displaying her high status. It almost served as a ridicule, for she became nothing more than a meaningless symbol of welfare. Something festered in him each time he saw her and yet, he didn’t realise how she was slowly withering away. A memory of her in her wedding gown flashed before his eyes; the way her eyes twinkled and her hair danced in the wind; those plump, enticing lips of hers. She was exquisite. How could he not notice it? 
The aftermath of the events that took place at her wedding reception never quite left the atmosphere. It went unmentioned. It would not have done neither of them any good to bring it up. What would they even say? Would they confess to their sins? Lament over the moment of their forbidden passion? 
  If it was exoneration that she sought, she wouldn’t solicit it from the one she ferociously kissed, but from her family, her clan and her husband.
 She was always in the back of his mind, on the good days and the worse ones. Though humiliated about it, the memory of their passionate moment made his cheeks flush. He touched her that night ー a married woman ー and despite the circumstances, he did not regret it. 
 The man understood her responsibility, her drive to do what is best for her village and its citizens. Is that all there really is to life? Liability? Duty?, the Senju pondered.
 Hashirama was a person who could not tolerate the prospect of peopleー human beingsー being used as pawns. It made him stiff with anger. After all, his childhood revolved around his utility on the battlefield. To the Senju clan leadersー his own father, nonethelessー, the 4 siblings, as well as many others, were nothing more than numbers; peons, to be used for mindless warfare that had lost its meaning long before they were born and before their father’s fathers own births. 
Who would he be if he abandoned someone when they needed him, again? 
It would be an insult to his people and his loved ones to let someone walk away, again. Even when so many people looked up to him, he felt ashamed. He could not even remember all his mistakes, all his sins, all the deaths he was responsible for. So Hashirama decided that he would not fail another time. He was aware of the repercussions he would face not only from both clans, but possibly from _____, too. Except, it could never sting as badly as the grim image of death knocking at her door as she squandered whatever was left of her life for a scrap of dignity and pride.
 Her reminiscing was perturbed, once again, by the sound of the wooden door being flung open.But this time, she readily turned her eyes to the other side of the room, where they met his. 
“How are you feeling?”
“Certainly better than before. I’m sorry for… you know, fainting on you.”, a small, ashamed chuckle was let out, which he imitated. However, his eyes softened to such a degree that she felt her entire face suffuse with red in front of them. 
He strode towards her bed, where he sat and took a moment to study her. “That’s good news. I’m relieved.”
 One of her hands snuck over the blanket and lightly squeezed Hashirama’s. She was hoping that the peaceful silence would last longer. Muttering a few words of appreciation, she wished nothing more than for things to stay that way.
His eyes were fixated on her hand, but he did not return the gesture. “I don’t think you should thank me yet.”
“What do you mean?”
“After I left you here, I had a… conversation with your husband and the elders.”. His tone was almost meek, but there were no hints of regret coating it. “It’s over.”
 The small gasp that followed did not surprise him in the slightest. Despite the sound being distorted by her mask, it bore just as much distress as he had anticipated. He had mentally prepared himself for every possibility.
Her mind raced aimlessly. Although her hand did not move, her eyes turned away, deciding to focus on the weather outside, behind the open window. In the aftermath of  her failure, she realised that there was no other way for it to end, but with shunning and disgrace. Although she would never admit it, she knew it from the moment she chose to kiss him.  
 Nevertheless, the world kept spinning, the sun kept shining, and, for the first time in a while, she felt its warmth and comfort, a blessing she had denied herself for so long. It was really over. Her dessicated lips curled into a smile. 
“I knew I should have asked you first, but I-”
“Thank you, Hashirama. It’s alright now.”
The moment their orbs connected to each other, she felt the hot tears welling up, reflecting a thousand emotions and he silently listened to them, accepting them. It was then that his marred hand reached back to hers and gently intertwined his fingers with her own.  Hopefully, the fidgeting would stop. But they knew it would not be as simple as that.
_____ brought her fingers up to her face, removing the somewhat bothersome mask. She bent forward towards Hashirama and placed a tender peck on his cheek. Even the burden on her chest seemed to slowly dissipate.
Hashirama’s hair smelled earthy, she remarked, the same as back then. Inhaling his scent, she relished when his free hand slightly pulled her closer and he rubbed her back.
 Her crime weighed heavy. She was aware she would be cast out for leaving her husband, for failing her clan, for owning herself. 
What was done was done. The new-found sense of freedom made her heart play a tranquil, bittersweet tune, an unfaltering rhythm that finally set her eyes on the horizon, one which she would definitely chase this time, no matter what came next. 
Maybe, if she let go of what she was, she would become more like him. Bolder, more unprejudiced, more independent. 
If one’s brave, they listen to the heart. If one’s a coward, they obey their head. But for cowards, there is no paradise.
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