#except for Netflix
writerownstory · 2 years
thinking about how JATP not only allowed me to “meet” cool people online, but it also brought me closer to my friends irl.
It came out during my first semester back at school while also learning how to juggle socializing with COVID. I was honestly so anxious about it, and so I was looking for a new show to watch and stumbled upon JATP… watched super casually the whole first episode until I saw the Wake Up scene. (little did I know🤧)
I told one of my good friends at the time about it because I knew she’d love the show (and she did) and it gave us a reason to get together, masked up and hang out and watch. and then rewatch. and then go on drives to listen to the soundtrack.
and then we shared it with more of our friends. and then made a power point to show our sorority sisters on Zoom 😂 and literally everyone I’ve shown it to has enjoyed it to some degree. I think that’s one of the reasons I love JATP so much. it brings people joy, and I think everyone deserves a little bit of that.
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yukianika · 4 months
You know what hurt the most? Katara, Aang, and Sokka didn't feel like a family. They felt like friends who, just coincidentally, are trying to survive with each other.
And how they removed Katara's feminine rage.
I am very forgiving in shows, but this one stung.
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skipppppy · 6 months
I think about the alternate universes where a different faculty member found Carmen as a baby and subsequently betrayed VILE for her constantly. How the team dynamic would change. How they’d grow as characters. The shenanigans they’d get into
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(Also how good Shadowsan would be as a straight up, no holds barred villain. But that’s another drawing for another day)
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Enid: VIBE CHECK!!! *punches Tyler*
Tyler: Ahh! What the fuck? Wednesday, your pet werewolf hit me.
Wednesday: Don’t be a baby.
Enid: …My hand hurts.
Wednesday: *instantly starts kissing Enid’s knuckles* There all better. Do you want a hug?
Enid: …yes please.
Tyler: I could use a hug.
Wednesday: *holding Enid to her chest* How tragic. Unfortunately no one asked.
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leonardoeatscarrots · 3 months
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beaulesbian · 9 months
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One Piece 1.05 || "Eat at Baratie!"
Sanji: "That old man's a real piece of work. Bet you regret giving him that IOU." Luffy: "I don't really do regret."
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saessenach · 11 months
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"He knew those wild, black curls and the obsidian star on a velvet ribbon. What he didn't know and had never seen before was the face. It was a face of rage and fury, the face of a goddess of vengeance, destruction and death."
Yennefer of Vengerberg, in black and white
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esterexpsito · 2 years
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Ester Expósito as Carla Rosón Élite Short Stories: Carla Samuel 1.02 “Part 2”
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three--rings · 2 years
You know one thing that occurred to me watching Sandman so far is that someone out there is going to watch this show and be like “ugh why did they have to put so much gay shit in it, this is just typical of 21st century woke politics cluttering up everything” and not realizing this is just how the comic was in the 19fucking80s.
There’s a reason us baby queers attached so hard to it when we were in our teens, okay?
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comradekatara · 5 months
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he’s gonna put his whole pudiussy into this role as he always does and no one will even care because the show will be bad. this is so fucking tragic please cast this man in projects worthy of his enormous talent please god im begging😭😭😭
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aggressive-p0tat0 · 7 months
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I'm shipping everyone in this damn show. They made me ship two characters who had a five second interaction. That is honestly impressive.
(love this dynamic and it's a shame that if there's a season 2, even if they get together it'll probably just be briefly brushed upon)
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nell0-0 · 2 years
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The Wednesday Netflix show may have its downs, but this dynamic was just *chef’s kiss* 
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narcissistcookbook · 9 months
assemble People Who Love Creepy Things But Can't Handle Being Startled So We Read The Synopses Of Horror Shows/Movies On Wikipedia And Go "Oo Spoopy" And Maybe Watch A Scene On YouTube With The Sound Down And The Window Very Small So We Don't Get A Fright squad
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xialing-gf · 26 days
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i miss charles rowland so much i think i finally understand what its like to wait for a husband to return from war
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mugentakeda · 4 months
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them flip flopping the original roles of this scene is making me feel demented. the added lu ten funeral scene adds the perfect parallel and depth to it: lu ten gave his medal to zuko to serve as comfort and determination to zuko when ozai was mad at him, yet zuko gave it up to comfort iroh after lu ten died. and then sat with him through the funeral when nobody else was. and now zuko's the one heading into what's basically a suicide mission and yet he takes the initiative to console iroh by telling him lu ten would be proud to have him as a father. this is sick work and i'm gonna be haunted by it for the next 30 days and 30 nights
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beaulesbian · 2 years
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Dream of The Endless, a sort of a compilation
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