#evil bird makes my simple brain happy
libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled (“Soul, going to quench her hew: shall not”)
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0 notes
Wounded Love (Lady Dimitrescu/F!Reader)
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: M for mature. Blood, more blood, heavy language, seriously lots of blood. Literally the bloodiest/most detailed thing I've written. Genre: Super angst with some fluff to ease the pain. We're talking putting honey in your cup of poison to make it taste better. The ending is split, with both a happy and a sad ending. Warnings: Minor surgery (technically?) while the patient is fully awake (that's the reader, btws), blood loss, graphic depiction of a wound and how said wound is taken care of. Possible trigger for self-harm, as the reader is performing part of the surgery themselves. Also brief mention of cannibalism in the bad ending. This may very well be a Dead Dove: Do Not Eat sort of thing. Notes: While I have more medical knowledge than the average person, due to my Girl Scouts training + having a mother as a nurse, I am in no way shape or form a medical professional, and do not suggest that the methods of treatment used in this fic be taken seriously. If you find yourself seriously injured, do not attempt to replicate anything you read here. Only a portion of this is based on a real-ass incident I went through, the rest is based on a dream, and what I experienced was not what you want to do in an emergency.
{Wounded Love}
This was a mistake. Blood stains your leg, your fingers, and bruises start to form all over your exhausted body. And for what? Why had you, a tiny, fragile human, dared to pass through this damned, lycan-infested forest? Because a woman who didn’t even love you asked you to. Now you were going to die, body certain to get left out in the cold or reduced to a pile of gnawed bones. If you had more strength remaining, you might have slammed your hand into the ground in frustration, or screamed until your lungs burned from something other than frost.
But that wouldn’t get you anywhere. Wouldn’t help you get back to the castle, wouldn’t ease the racing of your heart. So you settle for the only thing that might do any good: One quick motion pulls the scarf from your neck, sending a chill down your spine that you promptly ignore. Even with shaky hands and numb fingers, your experience is enough to let you wrap the cloth around your leg, tying the ends in a knot to secure it. The pressure hurts, just not enough for you to prefer bleeding out. A test step reveals that walking is mildly more difficult now.
“I’m going to haunt her,” you muse, under your breath, tears starting to freeze at the corner of your eyes. Still, you are as quietly determined as ever, and so once more you limp down the path. Every time you put weight on your injured leg it protests harder. If not for the snow and ice covering the ground, you might have quickly searched for a walking stick. “What could be so important about this damn package? Couldn’t Doug or whatever-his-fucking-name-is deliver it? Man can practically teleport, and here I am, watching as blood loss and hypothermia race to see who can kill me first.”
Gods were you angry. Why had this happened so soon after you had settled in? Finally you had been comfortable in Castle Dimitrescu, no longer as frightened of the residents, even finding them… charming, in a way. Then the Lady of house called to you for what she claimed to be a simple errand. You had believed her, even when she explained that you would have to leave the relative safety of her home. What a fool you had been.
“What a fool she must be,” you murmur, “to think me safe here. To think I could outlast wolfmen prowling the village outskirts.” Would she even care if she saw you now? Would she be surprised, disappointed? Would she do something to change your fate? There was no reason for her to do so. It didn’t matter how much you had helped her, how much she claimed to appreciate what you did (heavy lifting, repair of clothing, massages). You were as replaceable as any other Maiden there was. And that, that was what made you have a double-take. It came to you in that moment, a thought so painful that you could not deny it was the truth. “She never thought I would survive.”
Bitterness coats your tongue, like blood in your throat, and your brain demands that you destroy your cargo, the very thing that got you sent here in the first place. You almost do it. Feet stopping, arms shrugging the carrying straps off, bloody hands taking hold of it. Tears fall, just two, and hit the package. At that moment your plan changed. This new idea would be far, far more satisfying… as long as you succeeded.
Spite was one hell of a drug. Enough of it and you could march your warm corpse right back to the castle, fist banging on the front door with everything you had. The path had been shorter than you thought, thankfully, but it had still taken so much out of you. Now you were leaning against the door, sliding down it, unable to support your own weight. Nothing inside the castle stirred. Were they ignoring you? Was Alcina really going to let you die inches from your “home”? Fuck that, you thought.
“Alcina!” You scream, loud as you can, startling the birds in the distant trees. The word echoes around you and rattles inside your ribs. It’s not enough. “Damn it, I am seconds away from dying, get out here now so I can look you in your fucking eyes!” Something tears a little in your throat, turning the last of your words into a hellish screech, leaving you to gasp and croak in the snow. You go to wipe your tear-filled eyes with your hands, only to remember just how much blood they’re covered in.
Sobs overtake you in just a few moments. You’re blinded by tears, deafened by sorrows, and numb from all the cold. In the aching seconds before you black out, you can only barely make out the silhouette of someone rushing to your side…
The first thing you feel when you wake up is mind searing pain. You try to jolt upwards, only to find a pair of strong, gloved hands holding you down. Someone shouts something, but you can’t make it out, and you feel another hand gently squeeze one of your own. Pained gasps escape your throat one after the other, but whatever is hurting you doesn’t stop. It takes a full minute for you to adjust enough to make sense of where you are. At last, you understand what’s being said.
“-it’s okay, shhh, please, we’re trying to help,” says none other than Lady Dimitrescu herself. She’s the one holding your hand, doing her best not to hurt you with her grip, trying desperately to calm you down. One the other side of you, Cassandra is positioned to hold you down. There’s a tight-lipped scowl on her face, and her brow is furrowed, but she’s not looking at your face, but rather eying somewhere in the opposite direction. Following her gaze, you find her older sister is sitting near your injured leg, and is undeniably the source of some of your pain. In one hand she holds a bottle of alcohol (notably not the wine her family produces), the other holding a wet cloth to your wound. No wonder it stings so much.
“Shit, shit, stop,” you growl, barely getting the words out. But all anyone does is look at you. Alcina’s mouth opens to speak, only for you to cut her off. “I’ve got medical training, for the love of Mother Miranda let me help! How long have I been unconscious?” This time Bela stops, glancing at her mother for direction. The grip on your torso grows looser, with Cassandra evidently heeding your words, and you take the chance to sit up, careful not to move your leg. At this point you realize that there’s a needle of sorts in your arm, attached to a tube, which trails up into a blood bag. It’s clearly been improvised with equipment from the “wine-making” part of the castle.
“Fifteen minutes at most,” a new voice chimes, from somewhere behind you. “I got that cloth you wanted, mother, but something tells me I’m not done fetching things.” Ah, Daniela Dimitrescu. Was the whole family helping you?... Why? As much as you wanted answers, there wasn’t (currently) time for questions. Not when one glance at your leg tells you that some of your flesh is rapidly decomposing. The wound was made only an hour ago, and already it was getting deadlier than you could even process.
“I need a sharp, clean knife, a needle with thread, a glass of water, and someone needs to put a metal tool, sterilized, on the stove, right now,” you said, finding it easier to talk now that no one was cleansing your wound. Without hesitation Daniela dispersed into a cloud of insects, heading towards the kitchen, while Cassandra stood up and moved towards the stairs.
“Guess I’ll get the needle,” she said, sounding rather unenthusiastic.
“What are you planning?” Alcina asks, more concerned than you had ever heard her before. Attempting to reassure her, you manage a small smile before explaining.
“Got scratched and slobbered on by a lycan. Whatever they have, it’s infectious. If I want to save my leg, or at least have a chance at surviving, I have to take measures to reduce the likelihood of an infection,” you say. Now Alcina is slowly stroking her thumb across your hand, eyes narrowed with concern. There’s a look on her face that you can’t quite parse, something she’s not saying. For now you ignore it and continue going over your plan. “The best thing would be to amputate. The tourniquet might have helped prevent the saliva from getting further into my body- and I do mean might- but I can’t keep it on forever. Problem is… I don’t want to lose it. God, I’m terrified of that, and with what we have in the castle I… I’d be more likely to die of shock than not. So, well, forget that idea.
“I’m just going to remove the wound. By making a bigger wound. It’s crazy, I know, but this will kill me if we do nothing. It will probably kill me if we do. The technical term is some shit like ‘de-bride-ing’?... No, debridement, I think. Except normally the poor fucker getting cut open is asleep for the procedure.” By the time you’re done, Lady Dimitrescu is looking at you with horror. Yeah, you had a feeling she wouldn’t appreciate the idea. “Look, if this is too much… if it’s not worth saving me, if you’d rather give me a quick death, I understand. If I were-”
“Don’t be foolish, dear. You will not die, not as long as something can be done about it,” Alcina replies, quickly, eager to stop hearing you talk about dying. It’s… strange to hear her sound so confident about saving you, even stranger to realize what she called you. As if reading your thoughts, she shifts in her seat, avoiding your gaze for a moment. Shyness didn’t suit her, and you imagined it was more about her finding the right words. When she speaks, she’s looking right at you again. “I have hesitated to tell you the truth, and now I find the world playing a cruel trick on me, trying to take that which I adore. But I don’t want to aggravate your stress right now. Please, think nothing of what I have said.”
Before you could reply, footsteps reached your ears, and soon enough Daniela returns. In one hand she holds a large pitcher of water. In the other? Several knives, of various sizes, one of which you’re pretty sure you’ve seen Cassandra playing with before. As soon as you see her your face lights up, glad to be able to start the procedure.
“Oh thank fuck- or, I mean, thank you, Lady Daniela,” you stutter, reaching out as she offers you the items. Thankfully Bela had already made room on the table at your side, where she had set the bottle of alcohol down. For a moment you had forgotten that she was there. Had she already known about her mother’s feelings? Based on her lack of reaction, you could only assume that she was well aware. “I’m gonna scream, B-T-dubs. Just, uh, cover your ears?” You offer, already holding your chosen knife (big enough to be effective, small enough to offer precision).
“So… you’re going to do this yourself? Didn’t think you had it in you, red. Try not to cut anything important. Wouldn’t want to have to clean that mess up,” Daniela teases. As soon as she’s finished she has to shift into a swarm, as Bela flat out throws a knife at her. For a moment you freeze, watching as Alcina rises to her full height, staring her eldest daughter down. Behind her, Daniela reforms, clearly using her mother as a shield. “I was just trying to relieve the tension, jeez. It’s like you think she’s already dead.”
“Don’t speak another word!” Alcina snaps, sending a frightening stare towards Daniela. You cough, awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Meanwhile Bela is pinching the bridge of her nose between two fingers, clearly tired of dealing with her sister’s sense of humor. “No one will speak a word until this is finished, unless my dear needs something, understood?” Both the girls nod at that, neither feeling a need to risk any further ire.
“I’m just going to start working now,” you awkwardly chime, taking a deep breath before leaning in towards your injured leg. On closer inspection you can see a strange, dark residue in the wound. They’re specks, scattered along the length of it, and they seem more common the closer you look to the gash’s center. Gross, you think. Half curious, half checking for legitimate reasons, you bring your other hand to the cut and gently spread both sides apart. It hurts like hell, and you have to bite down on your lip to stop yourself from screaming. But sure enough, the residue is practically solid at the deepest point of the wound. “Those lycans really should be on leashes.”
Out of the corner of your eye you can see Daniela exchange looks with Bela, but neither of them disobey their mother (yet). Shaking the thought away, you finally get to the brunt of the task at hand. Your hand moves slowly, reluctant to inflict such damage against its own body. As soon as the tip of the knife touches your skin, you start to doubt your ability to do this. It takes looking at Alcina, seeing the way she watches you with equal parts concern and tenderness, to remind you why you’re doing this. Death just wasn’t something you could accept right now; not after what she had said, what she had implied.
The knife is fantastically sharp. Hardly any pressure is needed before your flesh gives away, cells letting go of their neighbors like it was a casual affair. You start at the left side of your injury, digging down a little, trying to only go as deep as you needed to. Tears formed in your eyes but you quickly blinked them away. As the first of many screams leaves your mouth, you turn and twist the knife, cutting to the right, then up. Like scooping the seeds out of a pumpkin. Fresh blood springs from the wound, starting to fill up the crevice. Quickly you discard the skin you removed by tossing it into the same bowl that Bela had put a bloody towel in earlier.
“Yes,” you shudder through gritted teeth, “this hurts so fucking bad. No, I don’t need someone to take over yet.” At this point neither of the present sisters are looking at you, seeming oddly uncomfortable at the sight of you cut up like this. Hadn’t they done worse to your fellow Maidens?... Whatever, the thought couldn’t last long when you still had work to do.
Next you take a fresh, damp cloth and dab at your injury, ignoring how it throbbed beneath your touch. Then you resumed cutting, forced to press the knife deeper in order to remove the spreading residue. If you had been a scientist, this would have been utterly fascinating to observe. Whatever had been in the lycan’s saliva was slowly eating at your flesh, but not outright dissolving it. No, it simply left the skin where it was, but killed and rapidly broke it down. Yes, it would have been fascinating, if not for the fact that there was a chance you wouldn’t be able to outpace the bacteria.
With this in mind you force yourself to hold in your next scream, hoping to make it easier for you to focus. The knife continued to cut, going lower, setting nerves alight as it did. Your vision starts to blur, and for a few seconds you think you’re going to black out. Someone says something you don’t hear, and then suddenly there’s a hand on top of your own. When your vision clears you see Bela is responsible, her grip keeping you from dropping the knife. She doesn’t let go until you give her a clear nod. Even then, she seems reluctant to let you continue.
Around this time is when Cassandra returns. Her footsteps catch your attention (it’s your understanding that carrying objects is much harder in swarm mode), and you spare her a quick glance before getting back to work. A few moments later she’s placing a set of needles and a long spool of thread next to you. Ironically, they’re the same tools that you’ve used to repair and adjust Alcina’s dresses over the past year. Hopefully they work just as well on flesh, you think. Your next thoughts are canceled out by unbelievable pain. More cries leave your lips, and your hand starts shaking. Panic is settling in fast, your movements getting sharper, leading you to make a brash decision: Time to care less about precision and more about speed.
“Distract me, please,” you gasp between grunts. No one responds at first, and you know they need clarification. Speaking is getting harder by the second, but you do your best. “Brain can’t process many stimulants, same time. Just- fuck- trace skin around wound, touch hair, anything.” Somewhere between your semi-broken sentences and screams, Alcina gets the message. She’s moving closer, now, behind you, one arm wrapping around your waist, the other rubbing gentle circles on your undamaged leg. Across from you Daniela is too busy pacing to help, though you can hardly blame her.
“Should I get the metal thing from the stove?” Cassandra asks, silently hoping that Dani hadn’t assumed someone else was going to handle that part. You’re still in too much pain to talk, so you half nod half grunt in response. Not bothering to say anything, the middle child takes off, swarm moving at what might be a new speed record.
As much as your hands are shaking, you still manage to cut away another strip of flesh, tossing it aside with even less care than before. This time Bela wipes the wound for you, practically reading your mind. The moment her hands are completely out of the way you start cutting again, crying out, throat shredded to pieces from all your screaming. Alcina sounds like she might be close to sobbing, but she doesn’t stop her movements, doing her best to distract you just like you had asked. Even Bela helps, now, tracing spots around your injury whenever she knows she won’t be in your way. The effect is minor, in the end, hardly making a dent in how much pain you’re processing.
If you survive this, though, you’re hugging every daughter as tight as you can and showering them with affection… but only after you finish doing the same for their mother.
“You are so brave,” Alcina murmurs next to your ear. It’s even clearer now how close she is to crying, her voice seconds away from cracking. Hearing her like this almost hurts as bad as the initial lycan attack did. “You are so strong. No other mortal could ever be your match. Do you understand, my dear? You are blessed, divine, and I love you so much.”
In any other setting, her words would leave you melting in her arms, radiating affection so strongly that you might as well have been radioactive. Instead, you are unable to respond, or even look her way. All you can do is press the knife to your skin again, showing your own feelings by destroying yourself for her.
The blade is starting to find more resistance, and you’re having to pause more often, spots appearing in your vision. Going faster only makes things worse, your hand threatening to slip. You’re determined to finish this, no matter what, but your need to control the situation is gradually making things worse. Alcina notices this before you do, and acts before you have a chance to protest.
“Bela, the knife,” she says, then tightens her grip on your waist. Your confusion shifts to panic as your arm is carefully, but forcefully, pulled away from your wound. “Can you finish the job?” It takes you a few moments to realize that Alcina isn’t talking to you. No, she’s speaking to her eldest daughter, who doesn’t hesitate to take the knife away from you. It’s so easy for her, between her strength and your weakness. “Don’t struggle. Let us finish this.”
Protests rise from your throat and die in your mouth. Pain flares harder now that Bela isn’t distracting you. Once more your vision goes dark, but this time there’s no pause, no hesitation. You are suffering, horribly, and the Dimitrescu family refuses to make you hurt longer than necessary. It’ll be over soon, you think, not knowing whether you refer to your pain or your life itself.
Something wet drops onto the back of your neck, then darkness overtakes you…
“Damn those lycans, I should string Heisenberg up myself! They’re his responsibility, after all,” Lady Dimitrescu snarls, trying to ignore the tears in her eyes. Now that you’re unconscious, unable to hear what ails her, she feels free to voice her thoughts. “The damn things should never have come close to the path to the village.”
“What if she strayed from the path? Wouldn’t that explain it?” Bela suggests, even as her hands work to remove what seems to be the last piece of dead/infected flesh from your leg. She hates how the words feel in her mouth, hates suggesting that you of all people might have betrayed her mother’s trust. But it makes sense. After all, this whole mess, with you leaving the castle to retrieve a mysterious package, was all a test to see if you would try to run. It hadn’t been her idea, and Bela admitted to herself that she thought it was unnecessary.
“On the way back? Why would she bother getting the package if she intended to run?” Lady Dimitrescu asks, right as Cassandra returns. The middle child is practically juggling the metal spatula she’s carrying, irritated (not harmed) by the heat it produced. One of her brows perks up when she hears the conversation, but she keeps any thoughts she has to herself.
“Just a thought, mother, I didn’t quite believe it myself,” Bela chimes, after a pause. With that said she holds up her hand with pride, clutching between her fingers the last of the decaying flesh. The way the others react, one might have thought that a miracle had been performed. Daniela clapped her hands together, giggling a little, and finally stopped her pacing. “Don’t celebrate too much, now,” Bela reminded her, taking the spatula from Cassandra as she did. “There’s still plenty to do. It’s a good thing she’s not awake for this part.”
A good thing, indeed. She uses her fingers to spread the remaining skin a little, giving a quick examination, then deciding that she had successfully removed all remaining residue. Keeping her fingers where they were, she pressed the side of the spatula to your skin, putting the most pressure at the center of the wound. Three seconds passed, then she lifted her hand. A pause. She pressed it back into place, keeping a close eye on the affected area. This repeated several times, the gaps being necessary to prevent unintentional damage. Once the wound seemed properly closed she set the spatula aside.
“Is that it?... Did we save her?” Daniela asks, opting to finally sit down in a nearby chair. Something about her word choice makes both of her sisters scoff.
“I could sew it closed, as a precaution, but there’s no way I’d do it the way she had intended. It might be best to just give her time to rest, and see what she thinks when she gets back up,” Bela answers. For a moment her words hang in the air, but eventually Alcina gives a little nod and a hum.
“Very well. I shall carry her to my quarters, where she won’t be disturbed. Please, let one of the Maidens know to bring some food up this evening,” Alcina says, gently taking you into her arms as she does…
BAD ENDING: It’s been six hours, with no sign of you waking up. Your other wounds had been examined, cleaned, and bandaged. Food had been carefully prepared and brought up to you, though it now remained on the bedside table, untouched. Alcina has gone to call Mother Miranda, intending to speak to her about the growing unrest of the lycans, as Heisenberg hadn’t answered his phone. For the first time since you returned you are alone. It is now, of all times, that you awaken. A gasp sends you into a coughing spree, forcing you into a sitting position. The space around you feels like it's moving, and your vision blurs. Blood spills from your mouth as you finally regain the ability to breathe.
Seconds later your vision clears, but what you see is enough to make you wish you couldn’t. The blood that spilled onto the sheets is a dark red… with even darker spots scattered throughout it. All at once you know what happened: Residue had hidden from you, or gone deeper than your wound, infecting you before you ever stood a chance. Tears threaten to spill from your eyes, but something deeper starts calling to you. Something older. Darker. It drags you to your feet, ignores the pain of your wounds, and sends you out the bedroom door.
Your mind is racing, thoughts never quite clear enough for you to understand. It doesn’t feel like you’re in control of your own movements. Was something else in charge, or were you operating on an infection powered autopilot? Answers weren’t coming, just bloodshed.
“You’re not supposed to be out of bed yet!” A voice calls out to you, making you turn to investigate. On the other end of the hallway is a maiden, one you instantly recognize. You’ve worked with her before, plenty of times, tag-teaming more tasks than you could count. She was like a sister to you. When she sees the blood staining your clothes, she gasps, then moves to support you. “Please, Lady Dimitrescu will be so upset if you-” her words melt into a blood curdling scream. For a moment you don’t understand.
And then you swallow, a chunk of hot meat slipping down your throat, and the scream dies down.
“What?...” You whisper, finally tasting the blood in your mouth, watching as your friend’s body falls to the floor. There’s a chunk of flesh missing from her neck, and the dots connect themselves in your head. You did that. Every part of you wants to scream, wants to cry out and beg someone to come kill you. Instead you fall to your knees, hard, uncaring. Your hands move themselves, grasping at the still warm corpse. Something has made you stronger, or at the very least removed the mental limits that kept you from destroying yourself. Flesh gives under your touch, tearing like paper, and you start crying as it reaches your mouth.
Footsteps approach, thundering fast, and you want to warn whoever it is. When you turn to look, you feel your hands let go of your meal. Your gaze meets that of a stunned Cassandra Dimitrescu, then drifts to the sickle in her hand.
“Kill me,” you growl, voice distorted, practically echoing. “Kill me now!” Not needing to be told a third time, Cassandra moves lightning quick, swarm-jumping forward before manifesting behind you, sickle dragging across your throat in one smooth motion. But it’s not enough. She realizes this, though, and slams her foot into your back, sending you tumbling forward. It’s enough to prevent you from countering, which gives her time to advance again, this time pulling a knife from her boot and driving it into the center of your back. When you scream, it’s not with your own voice, but that of a monster.
“Fucking fuck, what the fuck, red?” Daniella asks as she rounds the corner, eyes immediately landing on your bloodsoaked mouth. She’s quick to take in the scene, drawing a conclusion easily, even if it breaks her heart a little. Your vision fades as she approaches, and you know that it’s finally over. If only you had expired a few seconds earlier… because the last thing you hear is the startled cry of your would-be lover.
“No! No, darling, what happened-” Alcina finishes her sentence, but you do not hear it. You do not hear anything, anymore. You do not know it… but there will be hell to pay for your death.
GOOD ENDING: When you awake, you find yourself in the softest sheets you’ve ever touched, a warm and familiar presence next to you. The first thing you see is Alcina’s sleeping face next to your own. She’s on her side, one arm around your waist, the covers pulled up to her hip. Warmth fills your chest as you take in the sight. For a few moments you just… appreciate this. Never before had you imagined that you would get to wake up next to the woman you loved so much. A sigh, one of bliss, leaves your lips. Slowly you move forward, gently placing a kiss to Alcina’s cheek. Seconds later her eyelids flutter open, and she tiredly takes you in.
“You’re… awake,” she murmurs, hardly awake herself. But her fatigue doesn’t last long. As soon as she’s fully processed the situation her eyes go wide. Then she’s pulling you closer, careful not to hurt you, and peppering little kisses over your face. “I’ve been so worried, dear. You scared us so much.” The hurt in her voice leaves you restless, making you curl up against her, desperate to soothe her worries. Moving hurts a little, but not enough to dissuade you from your goal.
“I’m sorry, love,” you say, tears pricking your eyes. “I’m okay, I’m alive, the plan worked out. You don’t have to fret for me anymore. I won’t leave you, I promise.” Slowly but surely, Alcina calms, exchanging kisses for softly running her fingers through your hair. There’s such love in her eyes that you can hardly believe you aren’t dreaming. “You’re amazing, Alcina. I could stay like this all day.”
“Maybe we should,” she offers, chuckling a little. Once again you give her a quick kiss, unable to resist the urge. “I should have never asked you to leave. I should have just trusted you.” The words give you pause, and you tilt your head in confusion. Realizing that you still didn’t know the full story, Alcina frowns. “The package is worthless, just a bundle of straw and a few rocks for weight. It was never what I cared about.”
Tension builds in your chest, and for a few seconds you have no idea how to react. It takes a minute for you to think, to connect the dots, but once you do it’s a tad bit easier to breathe. A scowl twists your lips as you think of what to say.
“If I had known that Heisenberg was forgoing his duties, I never would have sent you outside,” Alcina adds, the silence taking its toll on her.
“You shouldn’t have sent me either way,” you respond, bitterly, thinking of all that you had seen and heard on your journey. “I would have done anything to prove to you how I feel. There are other ways to show devotion- far less dangerous ways, at that.”
“I know, dear. You have every right to be angry… and watching you suffer has taught me all that I need to know,” Alcina says, still playing with your hair, trying to ease the tension. As upset as you about this recent revelation… it’s not enough to change how you feel about her, and you want her to understand that, fully and completely.
So you lean into her touch, let your eyes drift close for a moment, then softly place one of your arms around her as best as you can.
“We’ll need to talk about this more… just not right now. Right now, I need you, Alcina. I need to hold you, and be held by you, and just know that you’re here. That I’m here. That neither of us are going anywhere,” you say, resting your forehead against hers. “I need to feel safe, and your arms are the safest place I can imagine. Stay here with me?”
“It will be the easiest thing I have ever done.”
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
Mosaic Beach
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It has taken me since Thursday morning (it is now Saturday night) to write this goes-nowhere-piece-of-fluff. I had a low level migraine Wednesday night and felt awful Thursday morning, so the first 850 odd words are me visualising being in a better place other than outside my daughter’s school. Then Scott had something to say and promptly ate my fic. But then at least he was thinking about Virgil.
Also, Gordon is evil.
As always, many thanks to @tsarinatorment​ @scribbles97​ and @janetm74​ for the read throughs and support. You guys are amazing to me :D
I hope you enjoy this totally lazy fic ::hugs you all::
It was a lazy day.
Virgil suspected John, who had been kicked off Five the day before, had Eos routing all but the most dire situations to local authorities whether Scott authorised it or not.
There were days where Virgil wondered if Scott was really in charge, since John had so much ultimate say.
But that thought was for another day. He was tired and it was likely going to be a day off - please let it be a day off - and he was going to find a corner of the Island to sit alone and scribble in his sketchbook.
He ended up on Mosaic Beach, a personal favourite on the edge of the caldera. Gordon had mentioned it the day before regarding the quality of flotsam available after the last storm and Virgil thought he would see what he could find.
It was overshadowed by an ancient pokey tree brilliant in red blossom and the sand here was a mass of black and white swirls as the coral detritus fought the eroded igneous rocks – the reason they had given it its name. Gordon was right - there was all sorts of things tossed up the sand and Virgil spent the first half hour wandering along the strip of sea wrack picking up shells and whatever caught his eye.
One of the shells appeared determined to return to the ocean and it was with a small smile that he picked up the tiny hermit crab and watched it curl up into its shell.
Holding it gently in his palm, he sought the shade of the giant tree and sat down on the sand in its shadow. Here the breeze was gentle, the sand cool and, leaning back against a rock, he set the little crab down on a smooth patch of sand, along with his small hoard of shells and let it scamper across the little landscape that resulted.
Sketchbook out, he spent the next few minutes sketching the crab madly as it moved about. It shifted angle at random and he found himself increasingly switching from real life to a character sketch. A little personality sprouted from the page that reflected the little crab’s determination.
Ever aware of the crab’s needs above his own, he sketched fast, took a few photos and then gathered the little creature in his hands once more. He trotted down to the rock pools at the edge of the beach and found a spot he felt the crab would be happy.
Crouching down, he watched it scamper into the water.
His lips curved into a smile.
Gordon would know what species it was, where it lived and how to best care for it. Virgil was pretty sure he knew what type it was. Mel was pedantic about crabs and had given them a list of ‘these are endangered, tell me if you see them, kill one and I will kill you’. Fortunately or unfortunately, it wasn’t a long list, so Virgil had memorised it. This little guy...he should be happy here.
The crab found some weed and promptly hid under it.
The rockpool drew Virgil’s eye a little longer before he finally stood up and let the breeze cool his face. A sigh at the sun’s warmth and he wandered back to the shadow of the pokey tree and sat down again.
The little crab stared up at him from his sketchbook, spritely and determined.
Kind of like Gordon really, despite the claws.
That prompted a smile at the thought of his fish brother’s reaction to being compared to a crab.
He would squawk, but he would love it.
Virgil returned to sketching the shells and bits of coral he had collected. Rearranging them, repositioning for lighting. He picked one up and stared at the colours created by a little mollusc. He was ever amazed at what Mother Nature was capable of. Simple geometrics and chemical formulae made one of the world’s strongest and most beautiful substances in nacre. Another broken shell showed the rainbow of colour that he knew his paintbrush would never quite be able to capture, much less the pencil and stick of carbon he had with him today. He was left with a little snapshot from his phone...which was never quite the same either...and what his memory could provide.
Perhaps it was nature’s way of ensuring it was always the most beautiful.
He shifted to scribbling down the beachscape after that. It wasn’t the first time he had drawn this beach, but as with all beaches, it was different every day as the tide sculpted it.
His fingers grew more and more lazy, his lines wandering through more emotion than reality as the day drifted on. At some point, he ate the sandwich he had packed, quite happy to not care what time of day it was and refusing to look at his watch.
Eventually the sketchbook was set aside and he let himself just stare out at the ocean lagoon, eyes tracking the movement of the distant waves and the laps of the ripples against the shore.
And nature’s rhythms lulled him to sleep.
“Hey, big bro, you might want to drop by Mosaic Beach before the tide comes in.” Gordon waltzed past the desk Scott was sitting at with a smirk on his face.
“What?” Scott’s brain was still stuck in working out what the hell Simmonds meant by the ‘urgent memo’ that had interrupted his afternoon off.
“The snoring is scaring away all the wildlife.” With that Gordon grabbed a book off the shelf on the far side of the room and backtracked out the way he had come in...without another word.
Scott was left staring where his brother had been.
But then Gordon was worth ignoring some times.
He turned back to his display and continued to try and work out why Simmonds had ordered sixty plastic flamingoes and then memo’d him about it in a panic.
It took him a good few minutes more before throwing it back at Simmonds’ supervisor in Japan with a ‘concerned’ note.
What did Tracy Industries need with sixty plastic flamingoes?
He shook his head and forced himself to stand up and not invest any more in any comms from the business. Today was hopefully his day off and he refused to fall into the trap of losing himself in all the things that required attention.
All the things.
He paused mid rise.
But no. No! Vacation day. He forced himself away from the desk and out onto the balcony.
It was a beautiful out here. The afternoon sun was blazing in a brilliant blue sky without a single cloud. The sea was murmuring far below. It was an artist’s dream.
He blinked as certain Gordon utterings connected neurons together.
A frown. “Gordon!”
No answer.
Another frown and he strode back inside, following the recent tracks of his fish brother down to the kitchen.
Scott found him reading at the table, a phone that was most definitely not his in one hand and the book in his other.
There were lots of photos of crabs.
“What are you doing?”
“Confirming the identification of a crab.”
“Virg found one down on Mosaic Beach and I wanna make sure it is what I think it was so I can report it to Mel.”
The dots that had been connecting earlier fused into a solid line with an arrow pointing directly at Gordon. “And where is Virgil?”
“Snoozing on the beach.”
“And why do you have his phone?”
“Because his drawings were excellent, but I needed a colour shot.”
His brother didn’t even look up. “What?” But then he blinked and frowned at Scott. “He’s fine. Well above the high tide line.” A glance down at the book again. “There, that’s it. Oooh, Mel is going to be so excited.”
Scott glared at Gordon for a whole second longer before storming over and snatching the phone out of his hands. Without another word, he strode out of the kitchen and took the path that would lead him down to the reported beach.
Younger brothers were hard work.
The little beach wasn’t the closest on the Island. Probably one of the reasons Virgil chose it to get away from pesky younger brothers. Trust Gordon to find him anyway.
He fingered Virgil’s phone in his hand as he walked. The green leather case was embossed with an elaborate dragon design.
Looking at it, all he could really feel was fondness.
He must be tired. Grandma was right. He needed a day off.
Easier said than done. It wasn’t like he could park himself on a beach and fall asleep.
He grunted as he stepped over some rocks to start the climb down to the little cove. The path was thin and wove amongst several pōhutukawa trees – or pokey trees as Alan called them, their dark green leaves adorned with puffs of red blossom. Birds darted between them squawking at each other. That combined with the surf in the distance and the breeze rattling palm trees, it wasn’t the quietest of places.
Nevertheless, he found his brother sprawled against a rock under the largest pokey tree at the edge of the beach, snoring his head off.
Definitely noisy.
Virgil was dressed in an old pair of work shorts and a t-shirt with a hole in it. Both sported spatters of paint and clearly showed how relaxed his brother was trying to be.
Beside him on a rock, carefully placed, no doubt by Gordon, the brat, was a sketchbook and a box of drawing tools. Virgil’s artist backpack lay folded up supporting his head - again likely Gordon.
Virgil snorted and curled up just a little more against the rock.
Gordon was a shit, but he was a kind one. Virgil slept like the dead and would likely need one of those waves off in the distance to wash over him if he was going to wake up before he wanted to.
Staring a moment longer, Scott sighed, gave up and sat down beside his brother. He dropped the phone onto the sketchbook and looked out at the beach.
Virgil continued to snore.
His biggest little brother had always snored. Scott had cornered him and got him tested for a variety of sleep issues, but he was fine. Just loud.
The terrible two used to make a point of pointing it out as much as possible. But that was before the hydrofoil accident.
Gordon didn’t know it, but due to his injuries, he now snored, too.
The ribbing about snoring in the Tracy household had dropped to a minimum since, Gordon the only unknowing ribber.
But Virgil remained the major noise maker and the brothers worshipped the soundproofing in the villa.
Regardless of the racket, Scott did find it strangely quiet out here. Sitting on the sand with nothing to do was oddly relaxing. Of course, he wasn’t really one to do nothing and Virgil’s sketchbook was right there. Gordon had obviously already stuck his nose into it and Scott was pretty sure Virgil wouldn’t mind if he took a peek.
Would he?
Lifting the phone off the book, Scott carefully picked it up and nestled it in his lap...ever, ever so careful. Okay, so he had some respect and not a little fear of damaging Virgil’s artwork.
The pages were thick and stiff and likely designed to support wet media as much as dry. Most of the work in it was pencil, however, maybe some charcoal? The darks were so deep in some that they had to be.
But Scott was no artist and really only had eyes for the content.
The first page found him looking at himself. Virgil had obviously either captured Scott’s likeness on the sly or drawn from a photo or holoprojection. His drawing stared up at him in almost all three dimensions. The expression on his graphite face was thoughtful, almost wistful. He could see his rendered self was thinking or planning and totally distracted...which was likely why he had no clue his brother had captured this shot.
But the artistic strokes were strong and sure, simple in their complexity.
Scott blinked, moved that his brother was so talented and capable.
Though he really shouldn’t be surprised.
Turning the page, he discovered their grandmother.
He had to smile. The concentration on Grandma’s face was almost comical. A bowl and a recipe book sat in front of her and the very tip of her tongue stuck out of the side of her mouth as she frowned at whatever she was reading.
There was a touch of caricature in the drawing, a little exaggeration, but done with love and fondness, not mockingly. His grandmother was beautiful.
Scott swallowed and turned the page to find several detailed scribbles. They looked like pieces of machinery and the pages had notes written down the sides.
It was a spark moment. He knew Virgil well enough for that. One of those times when his thoughts all came together and saw him running naked out of the shower to grab whatever he could find and get it written down.
Several major equipment improvements had occurred exactly this way. It appeared that at some point, this sketchbook had been the nearest note book and had borne the brunt.
He stared at the diagrams, doing his best to work out exactly what they were. Sharp notation, numbers, that had to be the backend of a pod. It clicked. This was part of the pod assembly redesign from the previous year. Virgil had come to him with some major improvements, including a pod body redesign. What followed had been a massive overhaul of all the ‘birds’ assembly systems and a whole new set up, including colour changes according to which Thunderbird housed which pod. Virgil and Brains had been buzzing for weeks.
And it was possible it had all started here on this piece of paper. Now he could see the scribbled down inner workings of the assembly mechanism and the shape on the second page was a worked and reworked pod shell.
He glanced over at his brother who was still snoring peacefully. Virgil was amazing. Scott could not have been prouder of what his little brother had achieved. Yet Virgil never really boasted or bragged or even highlighted what he had done. He was just there. Always there, one step behind him ready to help.
He must be really tired because now he was getting emotional. There had been a few times in the last couple of years where he had come close to losing Virgil. He hadn’t, but there had been nightmares and many a night where he had spent reassuring himself that his biggest brother was still with him.
And yes, he could stand outside his brother’s bedroom door and listen to him snore.
It gave him comfort.
Gordon had caught him once.
That had been a heartbreaking moment.
Because his fish brother hadn’t said a thing, just reached up, squeezed his shoulder, dropped his forehead against Scott’s arm and just stood there for a solid moment. Another gentle squeeze and he left, not even looking up at Scott before he was gone.
It said more than any words.
Scott sighed and turned the page...only to come face to face with Gordon again. Though this time the joy in their fish brother’s eyes was lighting up the page. He was grinning at a shell and there was a speech bubble - ‘Virgil, come and see this!’
Scott had to smile. Gordon was notorious for sharing his beach discoveries. Virgil was usually the target because at least he knew a little bit about their little brother’s fascinations. Scott loved to see Gordon happy, but honestly, he couldn’t tell the difference between one shell or another. He tried. He honestly did, but Virgil had the patience of a saint and was much more engaging.
Scott loved to watch the two of them instead.
And yes, he saw Virgil sneak things into his pockets. Usually shells, but occasionally rocks and bits of coral. Those finds made their way back to Virgil’s studio and there was a whole corner devoted to marine still life.
Which was why it was no surprise when the next three pages of sketchbook turned out to be exactly that. A curly shell, a pile of cockle shells - Scott knew those at least - they were good for fishing. The third page had a plan for a reef painting. It had scribbled notes, much like the pod redesign pages, but this was based around a sketched layout. Scott frowned at it...it was vaguely familiar. He would have to ask Virgil about it when he woke.
The next two pages sported today’s efforts. The same beach he was sitting on emerged from the paper, along with some sketches of a crab. The first few were realistic, but the last one had the little hermit crab with an IR symbol on its side and one of Dad’s old uniform hats perched on top of its shell. It bore a sash that resembled Virgil’s despite the lack of green colour and one of its claws was bigger than the other in a very exo-suit-like way.
That had Scott grinning. This was no doubt the reason why Gordon had run for the crab book. Mel, in her position of Director of the Kermadec Expedition south of them on Raoul Island, was very particular about the endemic crabs on all the islands in the area.
He wondered what she would think of them inducting crabs into IR.
He wondered what she was doing today and if she might be available later for a nice evening together.
That thought was very distracting and had nothing to do with crab identification at all.
Virgil snorted, rolled over off his backpack and face first into the sand.
Scott startled, fully expecting a woken bear of a brother to surface from that.
But Virgil just kept snoring, now snorting sand as well.
He placed the sketchbook down, scrambled around his brother and gently shoved the folded backpack under his head again.
His fingertips brushed sand off Virgil’s face.
And he found himself sitting beside his brother again.
Why was he out here?
Because Gordon was evil and dangled the concept of Virgil drowning in the tide simply to aggravate him enough to do exactly what he did.
Gordon was a shit.
But a good one.
Another sigh and he lay back against the rocks and got comfortable, because, let’s face it, he wasn’t going back up to the villa without Virgil. His brother was safe, sure, but walking off and leaving him to the elements ran against his grain.
And Gordon knew it.
He would throttle, and possibly hug, his fish brother later.
Besides, it was nice out here, taking a moment to just be.
Virgil would approve.
Virgil would fake being asleep just to get him to do it.
Scott’s eyes darted to his now softly snoring brother, a sudden suspicion at the forefront of his thoughts. He would put it past either of Virgil or Gordon’s conniving ways to conspire to get him out here.
Virgil was drooling a wet patch onto his backpack.
Well, maybe not.
Perhaps he was just being paranoid.
Perhaps he just needed to relax.
He closed his eyes and folded his hands in his lap. Kayo was good at meditation. So was Gordon. Virgil did some connecting with nature thing that seemed to work for him.
Exhibit A snorted as if in agreement.
He could try.
Out of all the sounds he could hear, only one really held his attention.
That same soft snoring. No waves or wind or birds squawking brought him any kind of comfort.
The sound of his brother breathing evenly beside him, safe and sound, was the most beautiful sound in the world.
What that said about him...well, he didn’t care right now. He was tired and worn out. Maybe Gordon was right. Maybe this is what he needed. He should care, should be annoyed, but the rhythm was lulling and, god, he was so tired.
So goddamned tired.
Virgil kept breathing and Scott followed him into sleep.
Hidden in the foliage of the grove of pokey trees behind his two brothers, Gordon just smiled.
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kirieshhhka003 · 3 years
Hi! can I get hcs about the bucci gang having an artist s/o who likes to draw them? But its the kind of drawings where you exaggerate someone's facial features to make it comical xD who do you think would like it and who would get actually angry? Thanks uwu
Thank you for your request, my dear anon💚
Sorry, I’m far from drawing and stuff, and I don’t know much about it, so here are some things that came to my mind:
Bucci Gang x S/o that draws in a strange manner
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Bruno Buccellatti
When S/o showed him their drawings he was very excited about them. It seemed like an illustrations to some book with fairy tails, all characters have some individual features and details that make them look very cool and elaborated. He’s sure that S/o spent lots of time and affords creating every one of them
When he flipped the page in their sketchbook, Bruno saw himself, sitting on the beach and fishing in some weird hat with hooks and shiny beads in it. He couldn’t hold his laughter, the way how silly and adorable the drawing of him looked, made Bruno feel happy and his lips curved into wide smile without him noticing. He muffled S/o’s hair gently and asked - “So, this is how you see me, huh?”
Leone Abbacchio
When Leone first saw S/o drawing he silently stood behind their back and watched them passionately scribbling something in their sketchbook. “Gibberish” he said softly and kept on watching S/o drawing. “Fuck ooof” they responded with a drowl and slightly poked silver-haired in a stomach with their elbow
In Abbacchio’s eyes it’s all just some kind of childish scribbles, but more detailed, S/o are just wasting their time and money. But as long as drawing keeps them busy and calm Leone is totally okay with their hobby
Guido Mista
Guido is so so far from art, especially drawing. All those styles and techniques, if it looks good - it looks good. S/o’s works look great, they’re kinda childish, like some kind of cartoon, but they have some... charm?
Guido asked S/o to draw them and when he took a look at the sheet of paper they gave him Mista was happy like a little pup. He also asked to add some fancy hat with stars and clown shoes to his look. Why? Mista doesn’t know. But it’d look great
Narancia Ghirga
Narancia is utterly excited about S/o’s drawing skills and style. When he was strolling through their sketchbook and noticed a drawing of a young guy, he took a closer look and realization hit his brain. “It’s ME!!!! You really drew me!!!” Gosh, he was so hyperactive about that, S/o wish they never shoved this drawing to him
Narancia often asks S/o to draw him something random like airplane, dragon, bird, boat or gnome. He gets so excited about it, like a little child. He asks for dinosaur daily and if S/o draw dino with the same design as they’ve already drown, Nara requires to remake it
Pannacotta Fugo
Fugo was raised in very straight family and they always told him that all arts, that don’t follow the rules of academic drawing , don’t count as art at all. So when he saw S/o’s drawings he was confused because yeah, it’s really good, but it’s not a real art, right?
When S/o showed Fugo a drawing of him, blonde was really confused about it. Yeah, he could recognize himself in this drawing, but his features was changed, the clothes were really different, he doesn’t have this t-shirt with a strawberry S/o drew him in. But, it’s still lol cute and he appreciates S/o’s work and time they spent on creating it
Giorno Giovanna
Giorno noticed S/o’s sketchbook poking out of their backpack and he asked why it was. They showed Giogio their works and blonde was really interested in them. Pretty much like Bruno, Giorno was excited about every character, every one of them made him feel different emotions - this boy is gotta be silly, and his old man looks evil etc.
He loves to watch S/o drawing, the way simple lines and dots become a whole drawing amazes Giorno. It looks so easy when they draw, blonde feels like he can do the same, but the moment when he grips pencil in his hand all confidence immediately leaves his body and he just stares at the white sheet in front of him
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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mintchocohip · 4 years
sub!bts as pillow princesses [headcanons]
╺  requested | the ot7 as pillow princesses!
pillow princess ~ somebody who prefers to receive. 
╺  note | sub!bts x domme!reader. see each member for any other kinks and warnings.
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👑 TAEHYUNG | other kinks: spanking, princess endearment | ↬   
Squeezed, cuddled, kissed onto the nearest flat surface, adored from head to toe; breathlessly hoping you’ll slide your hand back around his throat next time your lips move along the crest of his ear—Taehyung needs to feel loved. Happiness compounds until his mind is spinning so hard he can’t reciprocate. He’s too dreamy not to act bratty over complex instructions, but Taehyung can follow simple commands to arch his back, put his arms over his head, or roll over. 
Eventually, your generosity emboldens Taehyung. On lazy sun-streaked afternoons spent in bed he curls up against the pillow and whimpers when you tell him to get on top. "Demanding princess,” you sigh out the frustration. Taehyung stops whimpering instantly. Hearing that word dazzles him. Thankfully, you sense how much he likes it. Your typical clicks of “naughty boys only learn from spankings,” become “this spoiled princess needs to be taught a lesson”—and Taehyung finally has a title that makes him blush.
👑 YOONGI | other kinks: mommy kink, biting | ↬   
! warning: body image  
There are several positions Yoongi prefers in life. Sitting is comfortable. Laying flat on his back is serene. Yoongi smiles faintly when you tell him you want to do the work. Still, he understands the value of luxurious treatment. It’s exhausting. Yoongi doesn’t slip. He’s your angel, and it’s his duty to be cute for you every day. Pious grooming that unholsters the tweezers, coffee scrubs that make him soft, exercise, a dab of makeup, a hint of your favorite cologne between his pecs, and pretty selfies on-demand are efforts to tempt somebody who already adores him. Nonetheless. Yoongi earns it. He needs to. It embarrasses him to think you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off even if he didn't look like your dream boy.
“I’m amazed,” you smile up at Yoongi, “that my little slut can keep his hands to himself. I look pretty down here, don’t I? You know Mommy likes using her toy without interruption,” a kiss on his cock punctuates the admiration, “smart boy.” Yoongi presses his fingertips into his collarbones politely. He doesn’t necessarily enjoy how lazily you suck his cock when he’s forbidden to squirm, stroke your hair, and beg for more. Yoongi does love the praise. He’s just glad his nervous giggles aren’t on the list of bite-worthy transgressions.
👑 JUNGKOOK | other kinks: collaring, pegging | ↬
In public Jungkook kisses your hair and slips his hand into your jeans pocket with an easy confidence. Everything changes when bedroom doors close. During the early, uncollared days of the relationship you wondered if Jungkook was shy—awkward; or just inexperienced. Now, the collar hugging his throat tells Jungkook it’s okay to shut out every confused instinct. He’s yours. That’s all he needs to be.
Jungkook lurks in lifestyle group chats. He never thought much about his obsession with pegging before reading grievances about entitled subs neglecting the person behind their favorite toys made him put down his phone, stare at the wall, and question everything. He struggles to talk about it. “When I want something I take it,” you comfort Jungkook by digging a fist into his hair after he stutters through another reminder that he’ll do something different if you prefer, “and I want this.” Jungkook smiles and chokes on a faint sound of understanding. He’s breathing into the mattress and the strap buried in his ass, but he needed to check before he lets go completely. 
👑 HOSEOK | other kinks: objectification, marathon sex, toys | ↬
Cleaning your home, shopping for you, and wearing more of the outfits you like are ways to please you that Hoseok understands. Sacrificing his naked body is equally sensible. He knows he has a handsome face, lithe curves, and a generous cock to provide. Calling this an act of service for the moments when you need to burn off frustration or relieve excess hyper joy helps him curtail the embarrassing reality that he gets off on being used. How you exploit this passivity isn’t too important. You make Hoseok feel good by enjoying him however you need.
"My chewy-oowie gingerbread cookie,” the affliction of Hoseok’s post-orgasm uselessness keeps you by his side after the silence clears from his ears and his fucked-out world of blurry darkness becomes light, “why are you so sweet? So soft,” you trace circles on his tummy, “very squishable.” Hydration, 3 A.M. homemade pancakes with steaming hot coffee, massage, and baby-talk fill the long, long gaps when Hoseok’s senses are returning. Spoiling such a good boy with the Hitachi and your hand feels correct to you. Whether or not he feels spoiled after his orgasms have turned dry and birds are singing outside doesn’t negate that you’re doing this is out of love.   
👑 JIMIN | other kinks: bondage, gags | ↬ 
! warning: topdrop
Jimin knows exactly what he needs. If it feels like you spend more time sitting on the living room floor talking to your boyfriend about sex than actually fucking him—you aren’t wrong. If he’s going to trust you to tie him up and make him feel good, though, Jimin needs you to understand everything. Finding that balance between your fantasies, his fantasies, and folding them together is the confidence that allows him to surrender. When you're sitting at your desk tomorrow evening trying to get some work done while Jimin’s crawling all over you and kissing your neck for attention—all you need to do is remember his vivid confessions, roll up your sleeves, and let intuition fill in the blanks.
Flow state settles into quiet numbness while Jimin cozies up to your side and nestles like a kitten. Feeling a little empty when you've given so much is inevitable. “I’m glad I have you,” Jimin sounds extra sweet after ribbons of used bondage tape are kicked off the bed and his gagged voice has reappeared in a crystalline sigh, “you’re amazing. You make me feel… transcendent. Tell me how it felt for you. Please.” You sip the coconut water Jimin just offered you, sigh, and think. You dedicated every ounce of energy in the air to showing Jimin exactly how you feel. Loving him is instinct. This is reflection—and Jimin is an amazing listener.  
👑 NAMJOON | other kinks: general roughness, edging, somnophilia | ↬ 
All Namjoon can give you is instant surrender. Attempts to pretend he won’t tremble the moment you put a little pressure on him are endearingly futile. There are simple things that dig under his skin. Having his wrists pinned is nice. Mostly, Namjoon is just flattered that, apparently, you really like it when he turns his head to the side and closes his eyes like that’ll protect him. You’re bullying him with pleasure, of course. Namjoon is still learning lessons in denial. Until he masters that art, you can tease him with unpredictable ebbs of gentle touch and say evil things to unlock the cute helplessness that only motivates you to handle him rougher.
“Why are you leaving?” Namjoon’s stomach sinks when he wakes up to feel you slide off the bed. “You fell asleep. It’s okay to prioritize sleep.” Weekly edging sessions can stretch for hours. Tonight, you were only touching him for a few seconds before Namjoon’s sleep-deprived brain convinced him it was safe to relax. “Sorry. I don’t want you to feel insulted.” “I’m not insulted. Would you be insulted if I didn’t stop after you fell asleep?” “No.” A few clothed, fully awake talks make it clear. You can smack his thighs to keep him awake during the pre-determined time he gives to you. On nights when he’s swimming through pleasant dreams while you’re needy and bored because he fell asleep before you there’s no reason to wander out of bed and watch porn on the couch. You’ll try your best not to wake him up. Namjoon is more than happy to be available 24/7.
👑 SEOKJIN | other kinks: toys, lingerie, elements of cfnm | ↬ 
Before you met Seokjin dumping a pile of expensive silicone and cheap clothespins on a partner who barely reacted was a recipe for disappointment. Seokjin appreciates novelty. He won’t complain if you want to experiment on his body for hours. Laser-focus in your gaze tracking every audible shiver that starts at his eyebrows and ends in his curling toes makes him want to hide inside himself; yet, he can’t truly feel shy when he only feels grateful to entertain you.
“Couples should match.” Seokjin states it with a twinge of irony. Wearing matching shoes in public gives him butterflies. Your suggestion of matching lingerie underneath sweatshirts and jeans gives him so many butterflies it hurts. Being the center of attention isn’t painless. Following protocol after you arrive home from a date doesn’t make it easier. Undressing while his girlfriend watches and waits fully-clothed makes his ears burn. When he’s finally down to bare necessities the kisses of crimson lipstick you cross up his skin mapping your favorite places around his pantyline and skimming close to the trim of the bralette disappear in red-on-red. His whole body is glowing hot. If he defended his pride by undressing you and kissing you back his hand might be less shaky when you hold it. Telling Seokjin to lay down on the floor and focus on nothing more than the beautiful view while you undress to do your work is absolution. He did enough. Right now, he just needs to relax.
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hhuta · 3 years
every day i think about how they changed the le bien qui fait mal and l'assasinphonie choreography so salieri wasn't dancing close with sexy half naked men. do we know why. i have tried and failed to pinpoint an exact time. i feel like im going insane. they no homoed a dance
anon.. i think about that daily too... im so happy someone else loves the original choreos like i do 😭 it took me a while to reply cuz i was on a mission to answer ur questions as best as i could. so... finally... here is what i found out:
first of all if u wanna read my rant about the changes, in general, here are the posts about le bien qui fait mal and l'assasymphonie
second of all "do we know why" is a good question. meaning i dont have an answer dlkjaskl i just now started to learn french so if they ever talked about it in a video, or something... i missed it. so right away im telling u that i can only offer my guesses.
starting with LE BIEN QUI FAIT MAL, as i said in that post i linked, i tried to figure out whether they only degayed it for the 2011 proshot or not and i found out that no, the changes were also present in live performances.
then an anon told me massimiliano (the dancer who manhandles salieri) couldnt be at the 2011 proshot recording. i checked the video and he really wasnt there at all, but that still doesnt fully explain things, bc as u will see from my extensive, very professional research, unlike in the 2011 proshot, in live 2011 shows massimiliano was there, performing, in other parts of the musical. just not during lbqfm. i know he is an irreplaceable icon, so much that i couldnt find a single video where he wasnt the one manhandling salieri (even tho other dancers, from other parts of the choreo, kept switching), but to me its now clear that that was not the case. they really just decided to change the choreo.
so now lets see how it all progressed
for that its helpful to know the dates of mor performances. based on that i was insane enough to watch as many videos as i could to try to pinpoint when the choreo changed. except it wasnt that simple. i quickly found out that a loootttttt of other changes happened before that major one, before massimiliano left. so here it is
03.01.2010 last PDS performance, still the original
6, 26 february 2010 original
11 march 2010 original (massimiliano's skirt fell off 😭)
20 march 2010 original
8 may 2010 original
9 may 2010 not so much the original anymore. this is the first change i've noticed. @1:28 originally its a male dancer who bends back salieri and then there are 2 men and 2 women who .. idk how to describe it, but do that push and pull motion. here one of the guys is not there
(10, 11, 12 no performances)
13, 15, 16 may 2010 now the other guy is gone too, only women left (but the dancer is not really gone. im pretty sure hes there, doing another thing next to them)
(cannot find a video from the 17th, that was the last performance in lyon)
performances at zenith de saint etienne begin at the 21st but i couldnt find a video from it
22 may 2010 original again (sidenote salieri is really unhinged here)
27 may 2010 change. female dancer who's usually interacting with salieri during the first verses isnt there, just massimiliano. not sure if its the same woman who calls him during the bridge and moves him thru the dancers but anyways shes also not there, he walks around alone. so when the Climax happens, again, only massimiliano is there grabbing him
31 may 2010 and 6, 10, 13 and 19 june 2010 another change. the female dancer is back, but during "j'adore l'avoir dans la peau" usually there are two dancers next to him mimicking playing a harp with their bodies but not this time
now the dates that matter the most i cant find a single videeooo 🤡 which are the performances in limoges (25, 26 and 27 june 2010) so all i can say is that
3 july 2010 is the first time i could find that massimiliano wasnt there. aka the degayed choreo. but i cant say if it is the first. also the original choreo for the "j'adore..." part is back again. thats the only performance they did in nancy and its also the last tour performance from 2010. a bunch of people were at the curtain call, even albert cohen was there, so its very weird that massimiliano was absent. im so mad i couldnt find those videos from late june bc all i got is just one video of him not being there, which makes me think he just couldnt be there so they had to change the choreo
9 november 2010 they are back in PDS and its the original again (also this is just for me but he still has the original cravat here. im trying to kill two birds with one stone)
2 december 2010 original (salieris beautiful cravat is gone 😔but this is one of my fave videos)
5, 11 december 2010 still the original
12 december 2010 changes again 😭 "j'adore..." harp dancers are gone again
14 december 2010 they are back <3 (funny video bc mikelangelo forgets to give florent the score)
18 december 2010 NOW HERE ITS WHERE IT GETS INTERESTING. a little change. massimiliano is there at the beginning, he drags salieri around but then hes gone before the first verse starts! and he doesnt come back !!! harp dancers are still there tho lmao
19 december 2010 massimiliano is fully gone 🎻 yamin even replaced him during la mascarade, like it happens in the 2011 proshot. i think since this date this change became the standard for a while, before they went back to the original. in the meantime, im guessing its when they shot the 2011 proshot
26 december 2010 still just the female dancer
4, 8 january 2011 still just the female dancer
9 january 2011 still just the female dancer but because it was the last performance in paris, before going on tour again, she has a whip for funsies. also they added, at the end, 2 female dancers sorta removing and quickly putting back salieris coat
28 january 2011 first tour performance, still just the female dancers. and i was not paying attention to this before, but i noticed for the first time in this video the 2 women dancing together, like they show for 2 seconds in the 2011 proshot. lesbian rights <3 i dont think it was part of the original choreo? its hard to tell exactly when they added that bc people usually record salieri, not the dancers, and hes not next to them when it happens (its before the bridge)
4, 5, 6 february 2011 still just the female dancer. but unlike before, this time (but idk exactly when it began) massimiliano was there for other parts of the show; yamin and other people didnt replace him (on the 4th: im pretty sure hes present in l'assasymphonie) (on the 5th: hes in la mascarade, le trublion, etc)
so. they really just changed it. massimiliano not being able to perform wasnt the case. we have to accept that they made a mistake <333 ldkajslk
19, 20, 27 february 2011 the original is back
19, also 19, 20, 23, 26 march 2011 it changed a little again but massimiliano is still there. no one bends salieri back and just one guy and one woman do the push and pull motion. also i think around here they removed the two women dancing together? maybe i just cant see it
20 mai 2011 original back once again
01 april 2011 .................... clearly an aprils fools joke bc massimiliano is gone again. i randomly picked this date cuz i knew it would be cursed dlkjaslk.. also again salieri doesnt get bent back and just 2 dancers do the push and pull... u knOW IT !!! WE GET IT !!!!! ok but i love him dramatically sighing and falling on the floor at @2:58 hes doing the most to make up for the flavour that got lost
03.06.2011 original again
12.06.2011 just massimiliano, no female dancer. im obsessseedddd with this video fully bc of the things massimiliano does!! obsessed with his evil smile @0:48, obsessed with salieri forgetting to throw the score on the floor, so massimiliano grabs it from his hand and forces him to kneel and stand up again. can u tell im a massimilianator and the choreo without him has no chance to please me?
17.06.2011 back to the original again
now im gonna skip to the very last performance from this production bc im honestly tired lkdajskl
10 july 2011 its the original thank god
TL;DR: 19 december 2010 is when the degayed choreo became the standard for a bit and on 19 february 2011 the original returns.
im confident that watching all those videos in a short period of time gave me brain damage but .. anything for science <3
ANYWAYS i started to do this to figure out why they changed It only to realise they changed A Lot of other things throughout performances (some things i didnt even mention, like the dance the woman does next to salieri during the first verse changes a lot) and they kept going back and forth to the original choreo. i think i can safely say not a single part (involving salieri) remained the same throughout the whole thing (not even the bending him back part was always there. i could swear it would be but!! no!). my guess is maybe because a certain dancer took a break or maybe they just wanted to do something different
in conclusion i figured out the exact dates but i cant tell u why massimiliano wasnt part of lbqfm for a while. i couldnt even find people talking about it on forums but, again, maybe bc im not fluent in french. to me it was a big loss, the whole thing loses its spice, i obviously prefer the original by miles. no idea why they simply didnt chose someone to replace him bc the other dancers changed all the time.
maybe it was in florents contract that only massimiliano was allowed to manhandle him <3 dlkjaslk im half kidding bc who knows? maybe it was a legal thing, maybe massimiliano invented this part of the choreo and only He could do it 😭 but honestly. my real final guess is that they simply wanted to change things to make it New and Fresh. as we saw, massimiliano leaving wasnt the only lbqfm choreo change.
moving on to L'ASSASYMPHONIE thank god bc it will be a lot easier to pinpoint when they changed the choreo. i believe they changed it and never went back to the original </3 god knows why </333 so when i find the new one ill stop looking
03.01.2010 last performance from "season one", at PDS (before going on tour) and also the last time they used the original choreo bUT ! THERES A BONUS! MORE MEN !!! LKDJALKS they said we will degay it later but u can have more naked men as a goodbye gift <3 really caught me by surprise, its the first time i watched it. but u wanna know whats really weird? this blurry shaky video is the only one i can find?! i even had to scroll a lot on youtube to get to it... conspiracy theory dove is trying to hide the original choreo. but honestly it makes no sense bc it was a Special day..... i cant find it anywhereee not even outside youtube... this is a hate crime. this is offensive. this is the heresy salieri sings about in the song.
the only thing i found was another performance from the same day but i think its the morning or afternoon performance and not the very last one. its for sure different than the one i linked first. i dont think there are 100 men onstage but at least we can see he had black nails 🥰 anyways... if anyone knows a better shot video of the very last performance... let me know... im really upsetklfdjalsjdal I FEEL SOOOO ROBBED...
and im even more mad now, remembering that from now on we get this new choreo. it began on their first tour
04.02.2010 2010 tour begins, first time we see the new choreo
and i have absolutely no idea why they changed it. again, i never saw an explanation and i dont have a single guess. i cannot imagine why they thought the new one was better. if i have to say one nice thing about it is that i like the background, the moving curtain that kinda looks like flames. they should absolutely drop the stupid flashing lights and just leave that background for the Cool effect and bRING BACK..... THE HALF NAKED BLINDFOLDED MEN (HNBM) ...........  THEY CAN REPRESENT SO MUCCHHHHHH... I LOVE THEM....
thats all i got to say otherwise ill start repeating myself.. if u wanna read more about my opinions on the hnbm and why i prefer the original l'assasymphonie choreo its all in the second link of this post..
anyways big thanks to anyone who read this, hope u enjoy all those videos. even with the dagayed choreos, florent and the dancers always deliver amazing performances. so, regardless, its a good time to watch them. lastly if anything is wrong, if i put down the wrong date or something, my bad, but it was .. a lot.. to go through, so if anyone sees a mistake let me know !
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dayseternal-blog · 3 years
i think im running out of naruhina fluff/smut. T-T. Can you help me out? hihi
you think you can hide behind anonymous 🧐  I’m quite certain I know who this is haha 😘
And for you, dearest anon, have three completely unfinished, barely started wips (EVIL CACKLES BECAUSE THESE GO NOWHERE)
But actually, if any of these one-shot ideas catch your interest, please let me know and maybe I’ll actually try to finish one of them?
Smutty Soulmate AU, where you meet your soulmate in your dreams each night upon turning 20.
When her alarm jars her from sleep, she’s always only left with a feeling and flashes of color.  Today...she desperately tries to focus, to reach back, to remember…
Excitement.  Red.  Dark.
Her heart beats faster for reasons unknown to her, and there’s no point in trying any harder to slide the experiences of the soul into her brain.  After pointless meditation sessions, longer naps, and all manners of effort with dream diaries and online tips, she’s been resigned to the fact that only her other half can unlock that translation of dreams to memories.  She has yet to meet her soulmate in person.
Ever since her 20th birthday a few months ago, since that nerve wracking night of meeting her soulmate for the first time, going out has been a secret manhunt.  Eyes peeled to every single passersby over the age of 20.  Any one of them could be the person she’s spent the last 200 or so nights with.
So she dresses carefully for a day out with Sakura, Tenten, and Ino.  They’ll be going to the restaurant where Sakura’s fiance works his part-time job.  For all she knows, her soulmate might be there, too.
A guy?  A girl?  Her age?  Much older?  She has no idea what she’ll say to her soulmate, either.  But she imagines that when she sees them, it’ll be like a homecoming.  Planning is unnecessary, right?  When it’s someone you actually see every night?  If they didn’t like her, she can’t imagine why she would wake up every morning with so much residual happiness and longing.
-------------------------------------THAT’S IT @bunny-hoodlum
Ghost-Hunting (Obake Hunt) Comedy Modern AU, Naruto & co. visit a college at night for some scares that take an unexpected turn...
A shadowed driveway leads up the mountain toward the private college.
“Is this it?” Sasuke asks, peering out the car window.
“Yeah, turn here,” Ino instructs.  
“Okay, but why is the place even open at this time of night,” Sakura states, arms crossed with a skeptical expression as Sasuke drives the minivan through the gates, up the grand driveway.  The dorms for the college were built at a separate location down the main thoroughfare.
Ino shrugs.  “They have all kinds of events that go on at night.  I don’t know.”
“At least we know we’re not trespassing if the school’s open.”  Hinata’s soft voice comes over the back seat.  
“I still can’t believe we actually talked you into coming with us!” Ino teases.
Sakura laughs, “We’re having a bad influence on her!”
Hinata shakes her head.  “Actually, I’m amazed that Naruto-kun is here,” she shyly replies.
Sasuke lets out a quiet laugh.  “Doesn’t mean he won’t shit himself if we find a ghost.” 
“Okay!, no!, I won’t shit myself, alright?” he immediately defends.  “...I might just scream a little, but I won’t poop my pants…”  He’s already in a protective stance, arms crossed, back hunched a little.  
Everyone laughs at him, but Hinata takes his hand, smiling half-amusedly, half to comfort him.  “I’ll protect you, Naruto-kun.”
That only makes everyone laugh harder as Naruto sinks into himself in embarrassment.
Despite Ino’s school being open, the parking lot is somewhat empty save for a few cars.  The buildings are magnificent in design, echoing back to an era when arched entryways and stucco were favored over walls of glass.  The hum of cicadas pierce through the still, late summer air.  
The small group of friends silently follow Ino back toward the driveway of the school with only yellowed street lamps lighting the dark sidewalks.  They cross into the street, stopping right in the middle at the fancy traffic meridian.  It’s an odd decorative aspect of the driveway they passed on the way up.  It’s right in the middle of the street, separating the in and out lanes, somewhat built-up and rounded with a grassy patch and flowering bushes planted high on top.  It really only serves to make the school look expensive.
Ino smiles, then whispers, “Put your hand here on the wall.”
“Why?” Sakura asks, also in a whisper.  
“Just feel it.”  
They do, all of them placing their hands on the wall, waiting for something to happen.
“You see how the plaster is kind of rough over there?” she asks.
They nod, their fingers dragging over the rushed job.
“...This is an ancient burial ground,” Ino explains in a hushed tone.
Their hands spring off of the wall, their fingers wide in stress at what they were just touching.
“Ino, what the fuck?!” Naruto hisses, barely containing his volume, his legs already carrying him away from the meridian and onto the side of the street. 
Sakura stares at her hand wide-eyed.  “Oh my gosh, we’re all cursed,” she laments.  She can practically feel the spiritual energy twisting around her fingers. 
Ino snickers.  “That’s what my course major senpais did to me.”
Sasuke and Hinata are silently trailing after Naruto with abject horror on their faces.  Hinata fists her hand uncomfortably against her skirt.  
Once they’re all gathered safely away from the meridian, Ino continues to explain.  “When they were constructing, they found the remains of the ancient natives.”
“So they just built that random thing in the middle of the street to house the bones and then continued on their merry way?” Naruto asks for clarification.
Ino nods.  “After they found them, they built that wall around the burial ground, and apparently they were in a hurry to cover it back up.  They just made the driveway go around it.”
They stand there, staring at the burial ground, picturing the bones just on the other side of the wall they touched, below the grass and bushes.  
“Did you have to make us touch it, though,” Hinata asks, regretfully, with a really sad frown.
“The spirits of the ancient warriors are going to find me and kill me in the dead of the night,” Naruto states, as if it’s already fact.
Ino brushes his paranoia off.  “We’ll, I’m still here, aren’t I?”  
“Note to all of us--don’t do anything Ino tells us to do,” Sasuke says.
Ino gives him a very evil smile.  “That’s not all there is to this place.”
“Why...why am I doing this…” Naruto asks to no one in particular.
She leads them deeper into the center of the school, where a large tree spreads its thick limbs over a beautiful cobbled courtyard.  A simple fountain beneath the tree spouts water, and pennies shine beneath the surface of the circular pool.  The gurgle of the water as it falls is relaxing, serene in the quiet of the night.
“Wow, this is nice,” Sakura says, looking around at the manicured gardens surrounding the courtyard.  
Ino nods.  “A girl hung herself here.”
They turn their attention to the blonde.  Suddenly, the peace of the courtyard feels like an ill omen.
She tilts her head at the large tree.  “They say that when this used to be a mental hospital, a girl got away from her caretakers.  She was found hanging from this tree.”  
They frown at the branches, wondering which one the girl chose.
Ino gestures to steps that lead to an academic building.  “They said that at night, you could see her ghost walking and talking to herself in the corridors, always bringing herself to this tree.  Someone suggested to the school that they build this fountain here to give rest to her spirit.”
“So no one sees her ghost anymore?” Sakura asks. 
Ino shrugs.  “I guess we’ll find out…”
“What?”  Naruto scrunches a face of distaste.
“Let’s go,” Ino invites.  
“Go where…” he whines quietly.
Ino takes the disturbed group down the steps to the building.  “Hm, I wonder if it’s open…”  She pulls the handle.
The door opens.
“Whyyyy is it open…” Naruto groans.
“But actually, though, why,” Sakura states.
“Maybe the teachers are still here?” Hinata suggests.
Ino laughs.  “Psh, what college professor cares that much about their job?”  She holds the door open, inviting them into the building.  “Welcome to the language arts hall.”  
The corridor lights are all on, assuring them that the building is, indeed, open.
They enter the hallway.  Naruto lags behind.  When the door shuts, he opens it again.  “I’m just making sure…”  He tests the handle a couple more times before closing it.  Then he tests it once more for good measure.
“You satisfied?” Sasuke asks.
“I’m just making sure,” he repeats.  
Hinata frowns, imagining the door locking them in while they’re inside the building.  
Naruto’s paranoia is only making things worse.
Ino starts ahead of them, and Naruto has to rush to catch up.  “Wait for me!”
“SHHHH!!” Sakura scolds, finger to her lips.
They stand there, noticing how her shush seems to echo in the hallway.
“This place is really creepy,” Hinata comments quietly.
Ino shrugs.  “Only at night.  I had classes in this building in my first year.” 
“So this place used to be part of the mental hospital?” Sasuke asks.  
“Yeah,” Ino affirms.  She brings them to a classroom.  “You see how there’s this little window that you can use to look inside?”  
They nod, taking turns peeking into one of the dark classrooms.  It’s a normal room with normal desks.
“All of the rooms have this hallway window, you see?  It was so that the nurses could check on the patients.”
“Oh gods,” Naruto mutters.
-------------------------------------THAT’S IT
College Ballet AU, Naruto sees a different side of his quietly reserved friend.
It wasn’t a trick. 
Winter had dragged its sharp claws across the ground as long as it could, but finally, finally, three seasonal false-starts and numerous wilted, early-blooming daffodils later, 
Spring had finally decided to stay for good.
Trees bloomed pastel pinks instead of icy white.  New hopefuls popped out of the wet dirt, ready to face the sun.  Birds were suddenly a real thing again.  
Students strolled across the college campus in shorts and light sweaters, eager to shed the winter coats they had worn for six straight months.
And most importantly…
“The forecast is in the high 50s all week!” Ino announced as she pranced into the room, swinging her dance bag to the floor.
“Oh!!  Remember last spring we had class outside?” Sakura asked, turning her attention to their ballet instructor.
“Can we have class outside, Kurenai?” Ino pleaded, eyes wide in hope.
“Hm, the weather is nice today.  I suppose it is a shame to stay indoors on an afternoon like this,” she considered aloud.
Hinata listened with alarm.  She had never danced outside before, never in her 14 years of dancing.  Yes, she had danced on stage before, had performed in front of many strangers before, but still...  Everyone will see us, she worried.  
“I didn’t bring my speakers today, though,” Kurenai continued.
Before Hinata could feel any relief, Tenten pulled out her tech from her bag.  “You can bluetooth your phone to mine!”  
“Awesome, Tenten!” Sakura exclaimed.
“Oh, please, Kurenai?  Can we have class outside?” the other girls begged.
Hinata already knew her fate.  She was going to have to wear her body-conforming leotard and tights in front of the entire student body.  Nevermind the fact that the last time she had gone barefoot on grass was in elementary school.
They all picked up their belongings and made the quick trip to the center lawn.
As she predicted, many students who were already finished with their classes for the day were enjoying the afternoon weather, laying out in the grass reading or playing frisbee.  
And here they were, in their leotards and tights, about to have their whole ballet practice for all to see.  
“There’s so many people,” she whispered in embarrassment to Sakura.  
The pinkette looked at Hinata in confusion, then sympathy.  “Don’t worry.  Just relax and enjoy the sunshine!  It’s a lot of fun to dance outside.  It feels like…”  Sakura glanced up in thought.  “...Like freedom.  Or like...nature!”
Hinata took a deep breath and nodded.  She slipped off her sandals and lined up with everyone to begin their barre exercises...without a barre.  She spread her toes open to first position and settled her arms and hands into en bas.  
Already she could see curious onlookers watching them, and she could only thank the god above that they were having class in a corner of the field, and not front and center.  
Kurenai glanced over her dancers, noting their prepared positions.  She rattled off the instructions for their plie routine before setting up the speaker and scrolling through her phone’s music menu.
Familiar piano music rose into the air.  
More students glanced around.
Hinata tried not to think that all of their eyes were on her.  Because she knew, logically, that they weren’t all watching only her, but her heart just hadn’t been prepared for this sudden public display.
Eventually, with the right side completed and the combination repeated on the left side, Hinata began to feel less tense.
The students lazing on the lawn returned to their own devices, and only passersby watched as they headed to their destinations.  
She fell into the muscle memory of the exercises, and her focus turned inward on the flow of her arms with the music, of the dart of her toes with the beat, and the alignment of her body.  
It was like Sakura said.  There was a certain freedom she had never felt before in dancing barefoot in the grass under the Spring sun, turning, leaping, and reaching into the fresh air.  
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embyrinitalics · 3 years
Calamiversary: Link’s POV II
Here’s some more scenes from Link’s POV—about 2.4k worth! (I rly hope this makes up a little bit for the fact that I haven’t updated in two months omg)
But you know how I said that reading through my old stuff makes me cringe? Yeah this is like, way worse. It’s all unedited, and I wrote these in December 2018, so it’s all old. It’s all embarrassing. 😬 But with that disclaimer, I’m going to put my personal feelings aside and let you guys read it if you want 😂
Also now that I’m looking at this I feel like they’re not in chronological order, like that scene with Revali stabbing him should have come after these ones with Mipha, but   o h   w e l l
Here u go!
At first, all that registers is the pain, white and hot across my throat, and the numb realization that I’m going to die.
Of course, it’s not that simple for me.
The half of me that I’m always suppressing senses my weakness, slamming frantically against my defenses in the span of a heartbeat. I have to choose between saving myself and containing it. So I pour everything I am into holding him in, dragging him down with me in a white-knuckled grip. But he fights back.
The pain is agony, a thousand heated needles covering my entire body and then being driven down to the bone in nauseating synchrony. He thrashes in my hold, tendrils of his hate whipping out in places, and my vision blotches white. I feel the deathstroke across my throat heal; the earth quaking beneath my feet; the malice seeping out of me like blood oozing out of a wound.
I can hear myself screaming beyond the war, part agony and part fury. Part man and part beast. It’s slowly tearing me in two, ripping ligaments and shredding flesh as it claws deliriously towards escape. I grapple with him, desperately trying to hold on even as he starts pulling my limbs apart. But I know it’s only a matter of time.
Then I see her. Her light cuts through the pain, through the fear and the hate, brilliant and pure as the sun. I can’t speak; I can only stare, imploring her with my eyes to end me quickly.
She takes my face in her hands and I suck a sudden breath. Her glowing touch is warm and soft, comforting, and not the violent end I had been expecting—the touch of a goddess, and for a moment I can breathe.
Then her light engulfs everything—the woods, my body, and soon my mind. The relief from the pain and the peace of it is so indescribably jarring that I don’t resist, falling headlong into it.
And then I’m drowning. Drowning in the sensation of her between my hands, of the softness of her lips under mine, of the closeness of her. Drowning in sensations that are brand new and millennia old at once. I’m drowning, burning from the inside out, and even though it aches I don’t want it to end.
I remember myself, haltingly, and muster the will to let her go. I drop my forehead against hers, grappling with how much I want her—and with how far I’ve let myself fall. There’s no amount of leniency on her part that could possibly excuse this. But I’m not concerned with the consequences for myself; only with how my lack of self-control must have affected her.
“Forgive me,” I breathe. “That was—”
But she silences me, her soft, delicate fingers brushing my mouth with a feather-light touch that sends another pang of want rippling through my middle. Her eyes pierce into me, unendingly blue and so powerful I can’t help but wonder if it’s her magic. Then she exhales, drifting closer, her eyes falling heavy-lidded to my mouth just before they close completely. And the feeling of her lips meeting mine, electric, breathless, so warm, sends me diving under the surge of sensation again.
I draw her close, losing myself in her. There’s nothing even close to this—her touch, her taste, the sound she makes when I angle her head to deepen the kiss.
And I don’t know why I’ve denied myself for so long. I’ve always wanted her. And now that I’ve tasted this, tasted her—even all the armies in Hyrule couldn’t keep me from her now.
I smile against her mouth. Slaughtering them would be easy.
Through the intoxicated cloud swirling in my brain, the thought snags unpleasantly, like a potent flicker of light in a comfortable darkness. It’s enough to slow me down, enough to make me think.
Enough to make me realize this can’t possibly be real.
I stop, pulling away slowly to search her eyes. So familiar. So beautiful it makes my heart ache.
But she’s been dead for 10,000 years.
I want to ignore it, dive headlong into the illusion of her. But I can’t unsee it. I murmur, breaking the spell, “This isn’t real.”
She blinks, and suddenly she’s different. Still familiar. Still beautiful. Still alive. And then the pieces are snapping into place, and the woman in my hands isn’t the one I loved so many millennia ago. It’s the Zelda of this era, the one who only knows me as I am—as the Calamity. And we’re reliving one of her memories—one of my memories—
And it’s agony. All at once the peace is gone, the gentle, tremulous bit of happiness the memory had lent me and I had been nursing in my heart like a single spark in an endless night, and the hatred is flooding in. The anger. Everything the illusion had been strong enough to veil.
And I remember what I am. I feel the evil pouring through my veins like a poison. I feel it making my heart pound stronger. I feel it coloring my vision and filling me with desires I must never obey.
And it’s agony.
I’m quaking on the inside, partly from fury and partly from shock. And then I erupt.
“What are you doing here?”
She looks as lost as I feel, green eyes glittering with shock and fright. “I—I don’t know—”
“Is this some kind of a joke to you? You think that just because you have her memories that they’re yours to do with as you please?”
“No! I didn’t mean to do this—”
Oh, I want to break her. I want to hold her down and force her to taste some of the pain I have. I want to hear her scream. But I push her away instead, unwilling to give the monster the edge.
“Well undo it!”
She stumbles into the mantel, turning back with that pretty face covered in tears. And the satisfaction and the guilt churning together in my stomach makes me feel sick.
“I don’t know how!” she tries to reason. “It was an accident!”
I turn away and try to breathe. That glimmer of humanity, after 10,000 years without—and then to have it just wrested away—
“This how you operate when you don’t get your way, then?” I bite out before I can rein it in. “Prick the Calamity, see if he bleeds?”
“I told you it was an accident,” she says again, more quietly.
She sounds so miserable. A very small part of me wants to comfort her. But I’m so furious I can hardly see straight. Forcing me to relive this moment—with her—
What was she thinking? What in the name of the gods made her think she had the right? Hadn’t I been through enough? Hadn’t I endured enough torture over the last eon? Did she really have to reach down into my most private, most intimate moments and drag them into the daylight, too? The last, precious fragments of who I was, that I hold onto so fiercely, lest I lose myself completely—
“Magic doesn’t just materialize out of nothing,” I growl, closing the distance again, propelled by a fresh wave of anger. “What did you want to know? If it would hurt me to relive this? If I could even tell the difference between you?”
She winces like my words had been a slap. “No!”
“Then what?” I grab ahold of her, desperate for this to be over. Desperate to just—just feel nothing. “Do you want me to admit that you remind me of her? That I’m in agony every time I look at you? Is that it?”
“I don’t want anything! Let me go!”
“Would it please you to know that I am?” I murmur, my voice dangerously quiet, and she goes still. “Every time.”
And now, I realize numbly, it will be worse.
Because now she doesn’t just remind me of what I had with my Zelda.
Now I’ve tasted her, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to again.
“I’m sorry about what happened with the Champions,” she says quietly, catching me off guard. “I imagine it was… frightening, losing control like that.”
Yes. Yes, it was. I don’t think I’ve ever been so afraid of anything in my life as I was in that moment, so close to rupturing, so close to tearing her apart with a thought, so close to losing myself completely and destroying everything I love in the aftermath. I want so badly to tell her, to unburden myself. I know she’s hoping I will. And that just… makes the temptation worse. She’s staring through me with unseeing eyes, full of the desire to understand, to heal even a little bit of the damage. I want to pull her closer, taste her again, thread my fingers in her hair and indulge in the warmth of her. I want to lose myself in her touch, in her lips, lose myself to her instead of to the monster working to claw its way out of me. I want to—
“You were right,” I manage, finally. “They weren’t to know.”
“How have you been since?” she asks. So eager. So earnest. So gentle. It’s infuriating. “Any lingering effects? Urges to explode?”
“I always feel the urge to explode,” I scoff, grateful for the levity. “But no. The seal is as strong as it ever was.”
  The Zora Princess
We stop to rest and I quietly remove myself. So I can breathe. So they can breathe.
The air tastes clearer once I put some distance between us, like grass and wind and the malice in my mouth instead of the honeyed flavor of their adrenaline. The pressure in the back of my mind eases somewhat without the constant temptation, but the hollow gnaw of the hunger is just as strong as it ever was. I lower myself into the prairie grass, beating back a groan.
The Gerudo and that bird creature are arguing about something. It makes Zelda laugh.
That’s good.
Then the wind shifts and the air tastes of sugar and salt, and I turn towards it slowly. It’s the Zora girl. She’s so short the grass is up to her knees, and her trident has become more of a walking stick than a weapon. She’s so quiet it’s easy to forget she’s there—but she’s one of the Champions, and royalty, if the headdress is any indication. I’m sure she’s stronger than she looks. The fact that she’s confronting me on her own is evidence enough.
I tilt my head at her as she draws close, feeling after that gentle spike in her heart rate as I fix her in my stare. It makes my spine burn.
“Princess,” I greet her quietly. “To what do I owe this honor?”
She leans on her staff, remarkably calm, and I can feel the tendrils of power wafting off her.
“You’re in a great deal of pain,” she says.
My lips move towards a frown as I draw the inevitable conclusion. Just my luck. “You’re a healer.”
And her magic is a peculiar brand. Very strong, almost magnetized in the way it drifts towards injury. It’s what brought her to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if she could bring someone back from the brink of death.
I contemplate her usefulness for a moment; but I need to go much further than the brink, and that’s well beyond even her abilities.
I carry her up to the campsite, lay her near the fire and rouse it a bit so she isn’t freezing, and then grudgingly lift the sleepweb from the Zora girl. Her eyes open and then drift upwards, like she’s watching the spell float away.
Her eyes settle on me, finally, all golden and rippling, and she says, “You seem better.”
She’s a strange one. No demanding what I’d done, or where I’d gone, or what had happened. But she’s also sharp. Sharp enough that her bold-faced concern makes me feel manipulated. But she’s not wrong. I had been caught up in feeling terrified to notice, but the hunger had faded into background noise. Throbbing, like something swollen. I frown, trying to puzzle out how that had happened.
I finally admit, because it’s too easy to admit things when I’m with her, “We shared a dream.”
“And that helps?”
I can’t be sure if it’s the emotional implosion that follows one of her illusions merely drowning the hunger out, or an actual, measurable, residual effect of her dreamcraft. Either way, it’s worth studying. Which is horrifying.
We sit by the fire in silence for a while. That’s easy, too. Almost like we had been friends once, in another life. I’m watching the flames, and she’s watching Zelda, and then so am I.
“Could you enter her dreams now? While she sleeps?”
The idea of sauntering into her mind uninvited worms unpleasantly in whatever scrap of my conscience is left, vaguely reminiscent of guilt. But she’s plowed headlong into mine more than once, so it seems only fair. For some reason that reasoning doesn’t make the worming stop. I still haven’t answered, and her eyes glide to the side of my head. I call up the fire more, loosing a taut, tired sigh at her persistence.
It’s noncommittal and non-revealing, which I assume will grind her advance to a halt. But she slips around it like water in that infuriating way she does.
“You should try it sometime,” she says.
I tilt my head at her. “You don’t find the idea of trespassing on her mind morally objectionable?”
She shrugs. “Not as objectionable as you tearing a swathe of Hyrule up by the roots.”
And that’s logic I can hardly argue with. Her eyes say she knows. And suddenly I find the image of her pretty crimson skull smashed against the stone and its contents spattered everywhere very appealing.
“You need her,” she adds, too simply, too condemningly, and I have to swallow down fury and terror.
Because she’s right.
The night drags and drags and drags, dread and disgust whipping me into a tumble of disquiet and every quiet tremble of fear or pleasure from her tempting me into her head.
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YGO! Questionnaire
Tagged by @cipher-wise
Pleasantly surprised to be in one of these, so let’s go
Favorite series: *Gestures to icon* Is it any surprise I’ll be picking GX? I love GX with all my heart and soul. The story’s pacing is very good and never feels like it’s dragging its feet to get to where it’s going, most duels are over in less than a full episode with the longest one being three, there are so many good characters to get invested in, and this boy right here is your protagonist.
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Look at him blow kisses to the audience after beating Crowler, how could anyone not love Jaden Yuki? I care him so much. Even the filler episodes in GX are pretty fun to watch most of the time, and it’s the good kind of filler that may not advance the plot much or at all, but it’ll give you plenty of good memories to take with you. Who could possibly forget the eggwich thief? Not to mention the soundtrack fucking slaps.
Favorite protagonist: I mean...
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Yeah it’s Jaden. GX hooked me immediately when I started watching it because of how much I loved this boy. He’s that perfect mix of cocky and sweet when it comes to dueling because he’s confident in his own abilities, but he never stops having fun and being amazed at what his opponent can do, he cares about all of his friends and does his best to help them with their problems, he’s kind to strangers, and he has exactly half a brain cell. 
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I feel the gif speaks for itself, but Jaden’s dialogue when he turns around here is “I’m such a sucker for things like this! I’ll help you, ma’am!” Dorothy says “No, you’ll be late... Don’t you have a test today?” And Jaden replies with “Who cares if I’m late? I couldn’t leave a lady in trouble!” Jaden Yuki is my absolute favorite protagonist.
Favorite rival: Oh man is that a tough one. Am I allowed to pick two? It’s a hard call to make between this dumb edgy bitch-
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And this dumb gay bitch
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Honestly they’re tied for favorite rival in my book. I absolutely loved Chazz when I watched GX, and I thought his arc about breaking through his inferiority/superiority complex and learning to accept loss as a part of life without letting it define him was wonderfully written, and seeing him grow as a person throughout the show just made me feel happy for him. Shark... I really thought I wasn’t going to end up liking Shark at first, but god he just gets so much better as Zexal goes on, starting out as this mean spirited middle school bully in episode one, and slowly ending up as Yuma’s boyfriend closest friend. It’s incredible to look back at how Shark acts when he’s first introduced and compare it to... season 3, I think it was, where just hearing the words “Yuma’s in danger” is enough to send him running to his rival’s side. Chazz and Shark. They are my favorites.
Favorite BFF: Him
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Crow Hogan is an absolute treasure and he was my favorite part about watching 5Ds. This little bird man first gets introduced by stealing cards for his kids and clowning on Sector Security, and he’s a source of so much good throughout the show. Excellent best friend (technically brother but I’m counting him), wonderful father, 10/10 person all around. Plus the fact that the only thing stopping him from berating his bitchass brother even more was Yusei having to literally pick him up and pull him away is definitely extra points in my book. What a powerful little bird. His only weakness is people that are taller than him, which is unfortunately most people.
Favorite GFF:
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Yuzu. Have I actually watched Arc V yet? No, but I’m still picking Yuzu for my number one here. Tea and Tori are just awful characters, I’m neutral towards Alexis, and Akiza... Did have potential to be something interesting on her own, despite how uncomfortable she made me in seasons 1-2 of 5Ds, but her relevance is alllll downhill from there. I’ve seen one clip of Yuzu yelling at a man eating pie and calling him a 100th rate duelist, and that was all I needed to know she would be my favorite. (Clip here) 
Favorite villain: Oh boy
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The fuckin carrot is my favorite villain, and I say this as someone who fully believes he didn’t deserve to be in the last episode. Vector did some fucked up shit in his day, and he only continued to do fucked up shit in Yuma’s day, but I have to say he was pretty effective when it came down to his goals. He got things done and went right for what he wanted by taking direct action to seize Don Thousand’s power, and he manipulated Yuma perfectly by preying on his kind nature and love for Astral to use him to further his goals. 
...Plus I mean just look at his subbed dialogue God he’s such a slut. Evil slutty alien.
Tl;dr Vector was a horrible horrible person, but he was a good villain, and he was so entertaining whenever he was on screen that it was impossible not to like him. Still kinda wish he got what he deserved though, and what he deserved definitely wasn’t another chance.
Speaking of Don Thousand though, can we talk about how unfairly pretty he is? If I had to pick a runner up villain in terms of looks alone, it would definitely be him.
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God it was not fair how pretty the big bad of Zexal was. He’s fucking gorgeous, and in my opinion, the best looking villain at the very least.
Favorite card: *Sweats in Duel Links* Favorite? There’s so many cards out there to pick from, but since I’ve already broken the rules with my two favorite rivals, I’ll be picking two of each card type: Spells, traps, and monsters. One for the aesthetic, and one for how often I make use of it.
First up, the Aesthetics group
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What can I say, Vampiric Koala is such a cutie, Dwimmered Path has some really pretty card art, and Rainbow Life is an eternal flex on any heteros I may encounter while playing Duel Links. Nothing better than a gay trap card.
Now for usability
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Dragon Knight of Creation is suuuper helpful in any dragon themed deck and has a permanent slot in my decks for Mokuba and Kaiba, PoG is always a fun way to boost up weak monsters to ridiculous heights, and Dark Bribe just lets you block your opponent like “Okay I know you wanna hurt me but I will let you draw another card if you do not do that thing”, and they can’t refuse you.
Favorite episode: I’ll be copying cipher’s format here and picking one for each series, but this will still only total out to five for me since I’ve yet to watch past Zexal ^^; Soon I’ll get to Arc V! One day...
Season 0: Episode 16:  Turnabout by a Hair's Breadth - The White-Robed Crisis I’m a sucker for my son Joey, and this was a good Joey episode about him and his sister, plus it was nice seeing that doctor get what he deserved :) Duel Monsters: Season 5, episode 12-14:  The Deciding Match for Duel King - Yugi vs. Leon/Golden Castle of Stromberg/KC Grand Prix Ends  Probably a weird batch of episodes to pick, I know, but a lot of DM was kinda forgettable to me, and these are some of the few episodes I do recall. I just... really felt for Leon’s situation, and I wanted good things for that boy. I care him. GX: Season 3, episode 34: Dark Fusion! Inferno Wing!! Jim. Jim Jim Jimmmmm. This was the episode that finally made me understand why saviorshipping was a thing because it hits you with all these memories Jim has of Jaden and shows how they bonded before all this Dark World shit happened, and the whole thing was very emotional. 5Ds: Season 4, episode 2-3:  Recollections, Entrusted with a Friend's Dying Wish God Crow, my precious bird son. I really liked the backstory they gave him, despite how much it hurt. It was probably the best character development he got in the whole of 5Ds, and let you see a side to him you probably wouldn’t expect. I loved watching him get his justice. Zexal II: Season 2, episode 5-6:  Alito the Silent Fighter - Reunion of the Passionate Duelists!/ Be Revived! The Duelist Soul That Transcends Life!! I picked these episodes for Nistro and Nistro alone. He was one of my absolute favorites in Zexal, and seeing how well he and Dextra were doing was good for the soul. Just look at this good lion man right here.
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Look at him!!!
Favorite decks to use: Elemental Heroes, Aromages, Red Eyes, Six Samurai, and Crystal Beasts.
Fusion, Ritual, Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum, or Link: I’m a simple girl, I love fusion/tributes for how easy they are, but synchro can be pretty fun, too
Years in fandom: ??? Even I don’t know the answer to this one, friends. I used to be in the fandom when I was in middle school, wrote/read a few fanfics here and there, but then I fell out of it for... Well I’m 22 now and only got back into things 6 months ago? I started rewatching the abridged series of Duel Monsters in March, and from there I just wanted to consume actual Yugioh content and never went back.
Who am I tagging: @finding-fallen-petals @dizziedaikonn​ @chazzaroo​ Go wild y’all
53 notes · View notes
crackcrocs · 3 years
3. Transformation Central
the entities of my personalities would like to come together in one voice that speaks through me, we or I call this collection of words from the mustiest corners of my brain to this note page to voice something that might come close to what I feel underneath the skin I wear. In all my unorganised words- I might even go as far as to call this a poem, titled:
sub characters in my head would appreciate if this could be visualised & understood through as deep a lens as humanly possible. even I confuse myself so if you can decode or relate to any of this, wonderful. If not, I’m locked in my own mind, swallowed the keys to my soul.
SIMILARITIES & INTERCONNECTEDNESS BETWEEN HUMAN & PLANT CONSCIOUSNESS EXIST! if you look closely at my nose freckles you’ll see the resemblance of the constellations above. if you look at the human veins & the layout of a tree, this is further proof.
here goes:
What is this part of my mind ?
If you want; delve inside-
I may look sweet like Alice,
but underneath it all
I deteste looking in the mirror
-cos I see the mad hatter.
my inner child needs a platter-
full of care not distortion & abuse pls.
less fibbin would’ve been a breeze.
now following the dead fish in the stream!
HOW on EARTH do I fit with the cod & the Haddock?
I’m the rainbow fish- beat & battered.
dim my own light cos I’m too afraid to shine.
thieves tried to steal my shiny scales.
I sat and watched them grow.
In the sea realm they were mean gargantuan selfish whales, with poisonous shark fangs & alligator tails. scorpion hands. (gremlins)
and still they make me feel like the alien-
I cant take it.
Make it make sense ?
I can’t.
controller in my hand-
Off balance stance.  
anxiously I move round like a wobbly jelly.
where’s the button to balance my chi & shut out the ego ?
the teLLIE telling lies to our vision!
change the channel aura terracotta orange- daily dosage of vitamin D & C.
catch me sun gazing by the sea
head buzzin like a bee.
speaking from a dusty box
stuck on top of a forbidden shelf
cos I dunno how else.
I’m tryna delve deep but forgot how to dive
How can i visualise? scenery foggy-
the establishment man with the glue gun got me xD
inner monk burning but at peace
Cos I refuse to believe
If the only way is the American dream
Interconnected; like the frog in science -let’s dissect it!
down to every floating atom spirit neighbouring your door
subcategories & divisions, it’s more!
than the rich and the poor -prism that’s been built
do we all feel like a performance monkey on stilts?
will my data be extracted & used to mould a robots personality some day?
well obviously not.
does the price of our lives all amount down to slave ways?
but morals & values it seems we’ve forgot.
sO If i don’t speak its cos I’m lost.
or maybe i’m enlightened-
Standing at the edge of the porch;
watching TRYING to understand how the flowers grow.
questioning eVERYTHING man made!
I’ve stepped out of the perfect picture frame
I can see the coal pollute the sky
I need to hop on the train-
but I’m comfortable
Sunset to sunrise statue standing still.
what’s the ingredients to life’s yucky pie?
I’ve exceeded mental lotteries.
Sanity n universal peace would be a trophy.
TIL then I’ll be crafting & shaping a solid pottery reality,
with a few pence, gum, and a bandana of belongings tied to stick.
thinking one day I’ll be laying the bricks
& building a kingdom of bliss.
guess for now I’ll use the intricate delicate materials in my tool box- that’s all I’ve got.
might have a long way- maybe worth a shot.
I observe, cruisin in the sky.
dunno why..
I jus look @ the hills.
Only time & history reveals.
no thanks mr men-
I don’t want your prescription pills.
there’s enough propaganda as it is.
I won’t jump on the merry go round-
til my core trusts & envisions we’ll actually feel safe!
I don’t want to take part in this faux fur, sweet nothings & a jack in a box punching blur, so called future.
oh and genuinely thanks quarantine-for once again, I can hear bird sounds!
guess this is me tryna speak out loud!!!...
it’s not thrilling
system  time killing everything-
mother nature’s oxygen
everything is nauseating
clock ticking, I better start creating.
they should write a book on how to be free when the system set us up to believe that we’re tied to the cut down trees that gives them a currency of greed that they breed.
If blindfolded, I don’t wanna eat what they feed.
Whilst they profit of us -tell us smile and the bandits don’t wanna see us happy.
they’re too busy robbing all our hoods.
In exchange for the silence, they’ve granted us with a 21’st century fashion garment of a slave muzzle! labelled conform.
More delusion to add to the already desensitised norm.
zootonic diseases, welcome covid 19 to your plastic kiddy tea party!- apologies for questioning your motive!
Been handed too many hot plates with a post it note saying HOLD THIS.
we’ll be okay just hush.
Same Shan message told to every generational seed.
If we don’t TRY overpower-
we’ll never succeed!
it’s getting even more scary.
Artificial intelligence.
Societal negligence..
my canvas isn’t clear-dunno am I schizo ?
finger painting, cos it makes more sense.
struggling to blend.
borderline conspiracist pretending to be fine;
moving the goal post, hovering above the race line.
who made the chalk? who set the lanes?
I wanna know it all, maybe¿ far past insane.
I can fit all I need in the palm of my hand,
Maybe even less! cut a finger off not sure it’ll even add stress.
hi from personality Peter, even sober- always away with the fairies.
Pass the pixie dust, I’m in a rush
Found shelter in the comfort of pan physicists timer, no not the one on your phone!
Ring ring, skeptical! is it my demon or my mommy on the phone?
I’m stuck in the airspace of an infinite glass filled with beach particles trying to form myself standing up still attempting not to slip through the hands of my very own discovery.
time is running out & ill go when I go.
I’m sitting inside the fly trap -
stardust, chakras can you feel the sensation colors like a starburst.
deep emotion is a curse.
still entrapped in the sand dune of nothingness-
flipping a domino monopoly of solidified thoughts as I sway with the wind.
I’m the trapped sandbox in the playground & the slipping sand in my own hands.
Inhale chronic but I wanna enter the quiet realm of white noise
-color of a wife beater vest, calmer than the ease in ignorance of a red neck.
sadomasochistic, messes.
but oblivion, seems like less stress.
Unfortunately I can see, with all eyes
empathetic paralysis, gets me vexed.
Punching truth into the core of your chest!
It’s not funny, neither is the one on the receiving end..
My limbs are numb
& im done playing octopus alchemy.
I want minimalism & life can be simple,
Evil entities have made it hard.
Maybe I’ve got stars above my head like an old cartoon character.
But I can’t make it make sense, are they out to get me. worse all of us? Or have I bottled myself tryna re mesh the broken shards,
I feel glued to the floor cos there’s a pretty price to pay if you want more.
I see life through a different lense, maybe born downside up, Benjamin button I came out the back door-
Outside looking in, digesting confusion.
Is to be a product of environment a sin?
rummage through my messy brain.
personalities sardine packed in this tin
I’m the wizard of my mania
Scaring & attracting the black crows-
they’re my friends.
Sometimes still a cowardly lion
Roaring pain & true riddles at the wrenching wicked witch posse of the west.
will my voice ever be loud enough to shed light wit my words and grate the sweet zest
In to the cake i’m baking?
Probably not.
Got more thoughts than the autumn leaves collected by the garden rake. alone.
gathering & storing the pains of yesterday.
sometimes I stay in line
Other times in my head Im on my hands juggling out of time.
but I really don’t mind if I lose or win.
we all have a pace
I jus don’t want the 1% to win the race.
It’s unfair!
Humanity does anyone care ??
Half lady
half fairy
Good  MOOrning-
from my anagrams.
no I’m not a cow.
twister fidget spinner brain in the flesh-
form of expression this time around lyrics.
feel I’m jus a silly rubix
& still mourning
I don’t like dairy
pass the oat milk.
Are you aware the industry are sabotaging our diets?
we want peace!
the powerful elite-
perceive & deceive
the scene they want us to be.
chuck the narcissistic psychopathic pie back in our face-
every time we almost found & addressed the Programme & Control man in the maze.
evil & extroverted- he said that the anarchists have to be the cause of riots.
working isn’t class. I said let’s switch roles- he said pass.
It’s piss! Who’s got the bomb & the guns?
Who got the land? off wit OUR heads 4 fun!
it’s pure scary.
Pharmaceutics handshake.
with the cooked up suppliers, also crooked wack liars.
I’d rather shot a gallon of bloody blubbery infused slaughter house milk
If it meant we didn’t use cocoons for silk.
why not add a drizzle of bleach to the concoction & maybe that’s a reach.
every time I guzzle fakeness, it taste peak.
I want real fruit, what next-
a seedless peach ???
what’s the difference between a weirdo & a freak?
layers & levels to the shit.
Magnifying tapping the window of society, I’ll be puffing green til I get to the land of Oz.
sponge soaked soaking up emotions
Suffocated by deduction of care in life
feel entrapped in this paradigm
what am I thinking ?
got the verbs & a cuppa tea
It’s mixed with torment & desire to be free.
I’d rather be awake than asleep
When I get too comfy I feel weak
Demons they reap
rip the seems as I bleed
Is all you’re getting
It’s all sad scenes in the imagery I’m setting
people need care we seem to be forgetting
why are we in debt wit
a posse of clowns
pay the price so we can get a frown
here’s some seratonin
quit ya moaning
life is all sound
aw yeh¿  if you’re not an over thinker!
product of environment- Sirius flickers
theyve done a ritual like it’s Wicca
now here’s your gold sticker..
for managing to co operate.
In this world fuelled off of evil n hate
waking ups a bloody disgrace
I am not amazed.
Man I love my fam n my friends
Just hate this part of my brain that feels the need to play pretend
sometimes I feel insane
but I’m calm
need to escape so I don’t do harm
Gold lioness in the sky by the sea
with puff the magic dragon
fire out my mouth, fuel helps me breathe
I will shine bright
Promise imma be alright
even tho I’m not sure why
I function like this
I wanna be myself
It’s just hard to find the comfortability
To feel happy and pretty
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Ring around sing about overdose emotions
Sorry dunno how to communicate
Heads in a constant debate
Should I go or should I stay
My head clashes
Burnin the next ciggy as my thoughts become ashes.
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marvelmymarvel · 4 years
Hold My Hand!
Keigo Takami x Reader
Synopsis: Sure you had a quirk, but it was useless when you were thrown off the top of the building. You're just lucky to be dating a winged hero.
Song inspiration: Bottom Of The River by Delta Rae (link: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=vUTR5890t2o&feature=share)
A/n: kinda angsty. Idk I just love the idea so I may make it a longer fic or maybe add more to it? Let me know if that's something you'd like!
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You felt useless. Standing on the edge of the 100 story building, looking down at your doom while the bad guy walked behind you. You hated that your quirk wasn't strong enough, especially in a situation like this. You felt his hand drag across the back of your neck, goosebumps forming underneath his fingertips.
"Oh baby it's a long way down" he purred, pressing his chest to your back while his arm snaked around your waist. Jolting you against the edge, a squeal fell from your lips while fresh tears rolled down your face.
"Where's your hero now?" He cooed in your ear once more before dragging his hand up and down your stomach slowly, teasing the sick feeling inside you. "Please don't do this" you cried out, feeling him sway in his spot, still gripping onto you as if he didn't want you to fall.
"Ah ah ah... That hero is the one that did this to you. He should have known placing someone so useless in the limelight would backfire..."
His sickly words sounded so loud in the silent night only causing the darkness to consume you as he inhaled your scent. "I bet he held you like this" you jumped in your spot, not prepared for the sharp turn of words. Sweet words that made your stomach erupt in butterflies.
It was true, Keigo did, in fact, hold you like this. You didn't answer, too afraid of saying the wrong thing that would lead to you plummeting towards the concrete below. You decided to focus on the Tokyo skyline instead, remembering all the times Keigo took you up on the building tops for picnics in the middle of the night. The lights always brought so much peace and happiness.
Keigo wasn't here though. He was with Endeavor. You inhaled slowly, closing your eyes as you tried to calm down.
"And if you fall...." his voice, now only a whisper as his lips tickled your ear. "He'll only be holding your lifeless body"
Your eyes opened once more. Slowly and hopelessly, you were going to die. He chuckled as he felt the hope leave your body still trapped in his arms. "Do you think he would have left Tokyo if he knew you'd be targeted? Or does he not care?"
The words made anger flow through your veins, but you didn't know if it was because the man was saying them... Or if they were true...
"Quit playing with your food" you finally said, done with the show he was giving you. No one would remember anything he would have said. He chuckled, causing a shiver to rip down your spine in violent waves. Your mouth fell a bit, realizing what he was doing.
"Give it a couple more seconds" he stated, backing up but still gripping your arm roughly in his hand. Your eyes were wide, pain evident in them as you realized everything. He wasn't giving you a chance to save yourself.
He was giving Keigo that chance.
"I always wondered how fast the bird brain could really fly... I guess we can find out right?" Your head violently shook at his words, hoping he'd give mercy to Keigo. You didn't want your last sight being his broken face as your fingers slipped from his before slamming into the ground.
You couldn't see that pain.
A caw sounded out on the roof, causing you to jump as the wind picked up around you two. "Well baby girl..." his violent orange eyes locked with yours, a sly grin plastered on his lips as he pulled you close to him. You were on tippy toes, screaming as you felt yourself being leaned over the edge.
His smirk fell into a simple smile of pure evil, happy with this reaction. "That's my cue. Time to fly"
A scream ripped from your throat as you felt your toes leave the edge. It felt like slow motion, your eyes facing the sinister man but with a dark sky now above him. Your stomach dropped, arms flailing around as you screamed and screamed. From above the mans head, you saw a flash of red.
The red and brown was flying down to you faster and faster, trying to catch up with your accelerating speed. His hand was outstretched, his face pained as he fought to get you.
Your arms flailed a bit more as you tried to reach him, fingers outstretched but barely touching his glove. The ground was approaching, you could tell by the frantic look on his face as he pushed forward.
Suddenly, everything was going black as your body began to pass out from the speed. "Y/N!"
You thanked God that you weren't going to be awake for this part. The part that would hurt the most. You'd feel the pain of the impact sure, but it would have been seeing Keigos face that would truly hurt.
Your body had smashed into the concrete right as you jolted up in bed, breathing heavily and choking for air. Keigo, being woken up by your thrashing was by your side in a split second. "Shhh you're okay" he cooed softly, bringing you closer to his body so you could hear his heartbeat. So he could ground you.
"Y-You didn't catch me"
He closed his eyes, sad that the nightmares were back. He didn't know what to do.
He didn't know how to tell you that the dream was real, but you don't remember him catching you. You don't remember slamming your head into his knee with such force that you forgot the whole ordeal. More importantly... He didn't know how to tell you that the man was still out there.
And that he was looking for you.
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loki-hargreeves · 4 years
Geralt of Rivia x Vampire!Reader - The Prize of Blood [PART 1]
[PART 2] Warnings: angst, mild gore, vulgar language, mentions of blood, guilt, hurt/comfort Word Count: 5,5K Summary: You have accompanied your old friends Geralt and Jaskier on a mission, guiding them through an enchanted forest to a mage who is in hiding. Geralt needs to find the mage, because of her knowledge of destiny and the law of surprise. During the few days you spend together, you and Geralt get closer to each other. One night, you disappear. You get taken by a vampire, but Geralt stops it from killing you. Geralt doesn’t find you until it’s too late, the vampire has bitten you. The only way you could stay human is by getting help from the mage. You must find her before it’s too late to reverse your changes. Author’s Note: This is the first time I’m writing for the Witcher fandom, so please excuse me if I make mistakes! Enjoy! :) Also I know how vampires work in the Witcher universe, but I have chosen to ignore one simple fact for the sake of the story
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It had been quite an ordinary day. Y/N was currently working at a pub in a small village which was the perfect cover up for her past life. Nobody knew her, which was exactly how she wanted it to be. She woke up, got ready for the day and got to work. Sure, the pub wasn’t fancy, but she met plenty of interesting people and they always slipped a few secrets that they should’ve probably kept to themselves. Whenever people would stay at the village overnight, they ended up at this pub. It seemed to attract everything from commoners to mages, knights and even criminals.
So far, no one had recognized her as the human woman who cast spells. She was expelled from her kingdom after she was caught and as Y/N had left, the king had sent two assassins after her. After a battle she nearly lost, Y/N had no choice but to kill the men. It was the first time she killed people and she didn’t fancy it, but she was left with no choice. People believed her to be evil and after she killed for the very first time, she sure felt that way. Y/N had felt terrible about it until she met Geralt and Jaskier for the first time. Somehow, the Witcher had made her feel much better about herself.
The day had been quite ordinary until Geralt and Jaskier waltzed through the heavy wooden doors. Y/N nearly dropped the empty mug she was right about to fill with ale. It had been at least three years since she last saw the two of them and she feared the day would never come again on which their paths would cross. Quickly, Y/N filled the mug and handed it to the weary customer. Then she dried her hands on her skirt and nearly ran towards the duo she so dearly cared about. “Geralt! Jaskier!” She wanted to catch their attention, saying their names ever so cheerfully and possibly grabbing the attention of the customers as well.
A head of long, white hair turned first and a moment later, Y/N stood right in front of him. Geralt’s golden eyes looked at her from under his dark hood and he seemed relieved to see the woman. “Y/N, it’s nice to see you,” Geralt let the tiniest smile slip.
A loud gasp made both of them turn to face Jaskier. “Y/N! Now tell me this isn’t destiny at its best. We were looking for you all over this village and now you just appear out of thin air right under our noses! How convenient is that?”
He hadn’t changed at all. Jaskier was still the same old chatty and cheerful him that he was three years ago.
A chuckle left Y/N’s lips as she pulled Jaskier into a hug. “It’s nice to see you too.”
“Unfortunately, we’re not here for fun. We need your help,” Geralt revealed, hating to break the happy reunion.
It was strange to hear that from the Witcher. Frankly, it worried Y/N. He rarely needed help so she knew this was likely something as dangerous as it was three years ago when they first met. “Follow me then,” Y/N knew right away that it had to be serious if they came to her for aid. She let go of Jaskier and decided to lead them to a table that was more private than the spot they stood on, right in front of the door, in everybody’s view. They reached the corner booth and she let them sit by the tiny window. Y/N sat down next to Geralt.  “What can I do for you?”
Jaskier looked at Geralt nervously, probably expecting him to explain it to Y/N. He didn’t enjoy being the bringer of bad news, not when Y/N was the one to receive them.
Geralt wanted to keep a low profile. He felt several eyes on them, but it was loud enough in the pub so he hoped they wouldn’t hear him if he spoke quietly. Asking for help didn’t come easy for him, but he had no choice, “We need to find a mage. We’ve been told she is hiding in the enchanted forest. We would get lost by her spells if we went in blindly.”
“You want me to guide you?” Y/N smiled as excitement began to bubble in her veins. Sure, she had enjoyed her stay in the village, but she felt like she had stayed for way too long. An adventure like this was exactly what she craved. It made her wish to leave right away, but she didn’t want to be too eager.
Jaskier was now meddling with his lute, pulling the strings either in search for inspiration or just for the sake of it. “We were hoping you’d like to come with us. The last time you did, you came in handy.”
“I came in handy,” Y/N raised her eyebrows playfully. Jaskier sure knew what to say.
“Oh, come on! I don’t know what it is about you and how you become immune to spells, but that’s exactly what we need. Besides, I see that you want to come. You can barely stay in your seat,” Jaskier smirked as he noticed how excited she was by her body language. But he had to speak so loudly, making people eavesdrop on their conversation now.
Geralt didn’t like that. “Jaskier, shut up!” He growled, hoping he would for once in his life try to keep a low-profile.
Y/N giggled softly, feeling overjoyed by their company. It didn’t mean she would be easy on them. “What’s in it for me?” She wondered and rested her jaw on her palm, eyeing Geralt with a soft gaze.
Her question seemed to take him by surprise, as if he didn’t expect it. Last time, she had practically begged them to take her with them. Now she seemed much harder to get. The change in her made Geralt happy for her. Someone like her should stand her ground. “We’ll pay you.”
“How much?” Y/N kept playing this game, glancing at Jaskier who was following the situation closely.
“How much are you asking for?” Geralt wondered. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was fairly nervous that she would decline for whatever reason. He had no idea what they would do if she wouldn’t take them to the mage.
That’s when Y/N couldn’t keep a straight face. “I’m not going to take your coin, Geralt! Of course, I’ll help you. You’re my friends.”
Friends. Geralt didn’t like that word, but he wasn’t going to argue with her about that. He was glad she was coming with them.
“I knew it!” Jaskier chirped, happy as a bird.
“We should leave at dawn,” Geralt declared bluntly. It would be safer to leave early, for the nights were the most dangerous.
Y/N stood up from the booth all of a sudden. “Let me grab you two something to drink. It’s on the house! We can talk more over drinks,” She suggested kindly.
Geralt watched as she walked through the pub towards the small bar. As he noticed how the dirty old men looked at her, he felt his gut twist in anger. Their eyes lingered on her body a little too long. Suddenly, Geralt noticed how a group of soldiers pointed at her and whispered. He clenched his strong jaw as he witnessed this. How long had she worked here? In Geralt’s mind, the place was a disgrace, full of scumbags. But on the other hand, he couldn’t blame them too much. Y/N was a sight for sore eyes, and she was beautiful – inside out.
“Hello? Geralt? Is anybody in there?” Jaskier poked the Witcher’s shoulder after a brief silence. Geralt tore his eyes off Y/N and turned to face Jaskier who had a smirk growing on his glee face. “You still fancy her, don’t you?”
“How many times do I have to tell you to shut up, Jaskier?”
Somehow, that seemed to be a confirmation to Jaskier. “So, you do! This is amazing, Geralt. I could totally see by the way you looked at her. That said, do you think these people would mind if I played a little something for them?”
Geralt would be lying if he said he truly wanted Jaskier gone. Whatever it was, friends as Jaskier liked to call it, they cared for each other. But he would also be lying if he said Jaskier never got on his nerves. Right now, he didn’t mind if he would grab his lute and perhaps to entertain the villagers. “Hm,” Geralt hummed and decided to look out of the window, ignoring him. Just like that, Jaskier got up and a few moments later, he was pulling the strings and singing a tune Geralt knew a tad too well.
Toss a coin to your Witcher…
Y/N returned to the booth with a tray and tree pints. She seemed to enjoy Jaskier’s performance since she mouthed the lyrics too. As she sat down next to Geralt, she handed him his drink. “That tune gets stuck on my brain. It’s catchy.”
Geralt took a large sip of his ale, watching Jaskier who was resting his foot on the table full of strangers. If it wasn’t for the women that seemed enthralled by him, Geralt was certain the men around the table would’ve knocked him off already. “Once you hear it as many times as I have, you wouldn’t say that.”
             Dawn arrived soon enough. Y/N owned a small house in the village where she had taken Jaskier and Geralt. because she lived alone, she only owned a bed and a couch. For the night, she had slept next to Geralt as Jaskier took the couch. Three years ago, they shared a bed as well, but it felt much more intimate now that they were under her roof in her home. The bed wasn’t too big. Geralt, on the other hand, was huge. They slept so close that Y/N could feel his body heat dancing on her skin. His mucky scent filled her lungs and somehow lulled her to sleep. It awoke feelings she had tried to bury long ago.
By the time morning came, Geralt was already awake, sitting on the bedside. Y/N rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and focused on Geralt. Seeing him confirmed that she hadn’t been dreaming. They were actually there. “Good morning,” She muttered tiredly, yet she was happy.
Geralt was already fully dressed, she noticed. “Good morning, Y/N,” Geralt replied. Just like that, he got up from the bed. Y/N watched for a while as Geralt shook Jaskier awake. “Get up, Jaskier. It’s time to leave.”
Y/N decided to get dressed and fill her bag with anything she suspected they would need. Everything ranging from food to potions. Geralt didn’t question her at all.
Roach was in her backyard. Y/N’s neighbor was an elderly woman who also owned horses, which was quite convenient. After paying her, the woman agreed to look after Roach until they would return. According to Geralt, the enchanted forest would scare the horse too and he didn’t wish to put it through such stress.
Just like that, they were on the go.
                  The first few hours of the day seemed fine. Y/N guided them further into the enchanted forest that was rich of tall trees and beautiful plant life. The flowers might’ve looked harmless, but Y/N and Geralt knew some of them were toxic. A sniff of the wrong flower could make someone hallucinate very vividly, keeping them from reaching the heart of the forest where the mage was likely hiding. Jaskier was just about to grab some berries, until Y/N stopped him.
“Jaskier dear, unless you want to see your worst nightmares unfold before your eyes, don’t eat those berries,” She told him ever so calmly.
Jaskier dropped the berries on the ground and hurriedly walked away from the bushes. “Is anything edible around here?”
“Once we reach a pond or a lake, we could fish. The living prey is safe to eat. Keep your eyes open for fruit trees. If we’re lucky, we’ll find these fruits that resemble peaches, but they’re much sweeter,” Y/N told Jaskier like it was common knowledge for a human to know.
Geralt was impressed by her knowledge. For an ordinary human, she knew things she shouldn’t have. It was why she was so often on his mind. Geralt loved knowledge. He would’ve loved to know more of her and how she ended up being the woman she was now. “We should get as far as we can before nightfall. This can take a few days,” Geralt reminded them. This wasn’t a one-day trip.
After walking for a while, Y/N’s curiosity got the best of her. “Why are you after this mage?” She wondered innocently.
Jaskier nearly choked on thin air. It made Y/N wonder if she had said something wrong. “Well you see, Geralt and I visited Cintra and got in cahoots with the royal family. Long story short, Geralt ended up saving a princess and her fiance, husband, whatever. He lifted a spell and for his reward, Geralt here proclaimed the law of surprise! Can you believe that?”
Y/N was surprised as she listened to Jaskier. The law of surprise? Why would Geralt choose that? She didn’t know he believed in destiny whatsoever. “And how does that tie in with whatever we are doing here?” She wondered furthermore.
Geralt didn’t seem too keen to explain. It seemed like Jaskier was doing a wonderful job at that already, so he let him continue. “The princess got pregnant after that. Thanks a lot, Geralt! And after the child was born, the queen tried to kill Geralt. It seems like she’s hiding something, besides the obvious. Then one day we overheard these lovely gentlemen talking about this mage. Apparently, she knows all about destiny, the law of surprise. Hopefully, she also knows the answers to Geralt’s questions. He thinks the child is in danger, or something.”
Jaskier’s story nearly shocked Y/N. It was the last thing she had expected! Geralt had a child? A Witcher had a child! It blew her mind to think about. It made sense why Geralt would go through such a hassle to find a mage. Whether Geralt admitted or not, he cared for the child. “So, you have a child.”
“By the law of surprise. Now Jaskier, I think you’ve said enough,” Geralt seemed upset for some reason. Clearly, he didn’t like to talk about it too much, so Y/N decided not to push his buttons.
Just in time, Y/N noticed the glimmering water, hiding behind a row of pine trees. The sun was shining brightly above them which Y/N noticed by the calm waves that reflected the golden rays. “Hey! We should stop. There’s a lake over there!” Y/N pointed at the water that was nearby. It was the perfect distraction from the conversation they just had.
The three of them turned to their right and walked towards the lake. Geralt would’ve liked to continue, but he knew that his companions would get hungry and thirsty much faster than him, so it was only fair to take a break. Once he ignored the fact, they were in an enchanted forest full of traps and dangers, it was quite a beautiful day. The sun was shining, it was warm and so far, it had been rather peaceful.
But Geralt couldn’t relax. He knew that if he lost focus, even he could get trapped. The enchanted forest’s spells could sneak into his head and make him wander off into the distance and never return to Jaskier and Y/N. It was the same for Jaskier, which was why Geralt had to keep him in sight at all times. Y/N on the other hand seemed to be unbothered by this. She could probably walk through the enchanted forest all on her own without getting lost. How? Geralt had no idea, but he wanted to know.
After a while, they had caught fish and Jaskier filled their bottles up with water from the sweet lake. They continued their journey much further into the forest. Hours passed and it got dark. As the sun disappeared from their sight, the air around them felt much colder. The shadows were darker, offering shelter to whatever dangerous creatures lurked around. Geralt knew they had to seek shelter for the night. They ended up stopping by a cliff that kept the wind from blowing through their clothes and making them cold. There were trees all around them and it felt safe. Geralt set up a bonfire as Y/N and Jaskier made the beds for the night. It felt almost too calm when the three of them sat around the bonfire and cooked the fish from earlier.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I can’t wait to hit the hay!” Jaskier mumbled and yawned right after he finished his sentence. He had barely slept last night, since he spent so much time at the pub. It was understandable that he was tired. They had been walking since dawn.
“How are we going to sleep?” Y/N wondered as her eyes lingered of the flames that offered them heat and safety from certain predators. “I mean, to be safe we should keep close. If any of you two wake up in the middle of the night, I want to notice that. If you get lost from my sight, I can’t assure I’ll be able to find you.”
“Wait- what?” Jaskier suddenly didn’t sound as tired as he did a moment ago.
Geralt knew Y/N was right. He didn’t like the idea, but to be safe, they would have to sleep right next to each other. Hopefully, Y/N wouldn’t mind being sandwiched between the two of them. “I have rope with me. We could tie our wrists together. It should alarm anyone if we got up, right?” The Witcher suggested wisely.
“That’s perfect,” Y/N smiled. She seemed relieved now that she heard Geralt’s suggestion.
“Did you imply that the forest could make us wander off into the distance?” Jaskier still didn’t forget what Y/N said.
So, he didn’t know. “It can do much more than that if it sees you as a threat,” Y/N confirmed what Jaskier feared. The man didn’t look too excited anymore.
 As they got to bed, Jaskier fell asleep like a child. It meant that Y/N and Geralt were the only ones awake in the middle of an enchanted forest. It was a full moon night which meant it was cold. The blanket they had struggled to keep her body warm and she hated it when she felt how she trembled.
“Are you cold?” Geralt wondered with a soft voice.
“A little bit,” Y/N admitted. She knew there was no use in lying.
What the Witcher did next was surprising. He raised his arm and the blanket, “Come here,” He offered her to warm up right next to him.
Y/N’s heart leapt to her throat and she had to look away from him. Had he no idea how flustered he just made her? She nodded and then shifted over, immediately noticing how much warmer she was by his side. Geralt wrapped the blanket tightly around them and then he rested his arm on her waist, checking her facial expression to see if he had gone too far. She didn’t seem to mind. With that in mind, Geralt traced small patters on her stomach.
“Geralt?” Her voice was so small now. They were close enough that they could whisper and hear each other. He hoped he hadn’t gone too far.
“Hm?” He simply hummed, encouraging her to go on.
Y/N seemed shy for some reason. Her body was relaxed under his touch, so Geralt didn’t suspect it was that. “I missed you,” She finally admitted ever so quietly, but Geralt was certain he heard right. Three years ago, they parted rather unfortunately. They had been close. He knew it was unfair how things ended back then, but he believed they hadn’t lost that spark.
Her words made his heart swell. For someone who was known of having no feelings, he felt a lot right now. “I missed you too, Y/N.”
Geralt was the last to be awake. Y/N and Jaskier were fast asleep right next to him and surely enough, they were tied to each other by their wrists. Hopefully, they wouldn’t be attacked during the night or else they would find themselves in a clumsy situation. The full moon hung heavy above their heads as twinkling stars were scattered all across the dark sky. The fire was keeping them warm. If it wasn’t for the dangers Geralt knew of, he would’ve enjoyed the day. But he struggled to relax when he knew that the enchanted forest was full of threats.
He shifted his gaze from the moon to Y/N. She was right next to him. Her soft body was pressed against his chest and she seemed quite comfortable being so near to Geralt. She had fallen asleep very fast as Geralt had wrapped his strong arm around her body ever so safely.
Hoping to catch some sleep, Geralt nuzzled his face closer to Y/N. Her sweet scent pushed through his nostrils and it was almost scary how it relaxed him. Slowly, but surely, he fell asleep next to her. Geralt believed sincerely that nothing could harm her when she was in his arms. But nothing made sense in an enchanted forest. Anything could happen.
When he awoke, it only took him a few seconds to realize Y/N wasn’t in his arms. Jaskier was snoring lightly and Geralt realized that the rope was cut. Panic jolted him up on his feet and he searched their surroundings, hoping to see Y/N nearby. When Geralt realized she wasn’t around, he felt sick. Anger, worry and even fear spiked in his veins, making it feel like his blood was turning into ice. He knew she wouldn’t just leave them like this! Something was wrong. Geralt didn’t understand how he hadn’t woken up when she had! Was it the forest?
Afraid to leave Jaskier alone, Geralt woke him up. “Get up, Jaskier! Y/N’s gone,” He informed his travel companion almost in a panic.
Jaskier got up and looked at the piece of rope that hung lazily from his wrist. “What happened?” He wondered as he took it off. It only took a moment for Jaskier to feel frightened. “She’s gone?! Oh no, this is bad. This is really bad, Geralt!”
“Don’t you think I know that?!” Geralt growled. He didn’t like to raise his voice, but he was so worried and angry at himself for letting this happen that he couldn’t help himself. Without Y/N, it was only a question of time before the forest would possess them. They had to find her! “Fuck!”
An ear-piercing scream caught the two men’s attention. It didn’t come too far away, and it definitely sounded like Y/N. Without hesitation, Geralt ran off into the direction of her scream and Jaskier was fast to run after him. “Wait for me!”
Geralt, whose pulse was always extraordinarily calm, was now much harder. He looked all around him in a rush, barely acknowledging Jaskier who was struggling to keep up with him. She’s in danger, was the only thing that he chanted in his head. Geralt wasn’t sure if he could ever forgive himself if something happened to her now. It would be all his fault!
“Y/N!” Geralt called her name, his raspy voice echoing throughout the forest. Some birds that had rested were startled and they flew away from Geralt.
The smell of blood surprised him. It was fresh. It smelled like her and it made him sick to his stomach. Geralt took a sudden turn to his left and followed the scent of blood. He pushed his way through bushes. The spikes tore his clothes and his skin, but he didn’t care. Geralt had only one goal in his mind and it was to find Y/N.
Finally, he made his way through the plants and he found her. Y/N was forcefully pushed against a tree as some creature had dug its teeth deep into her neck. Tears were rolling down her face and she could hardly breathe because of the pain she was under.
It was a vampire!
“Get the fuck off of her!” Geralt growled angrily and ran towards the vampire. He noticed right off the bat that it was a higher vampire, easily someone you could mistake for a human. It smiled viciously at Geralt as it pulled its sharp teeth from Y/N’s neck that was now oozing with crimson red.
Geralt attacked the vampire swiftly and luckily, it let go of Y/N. He nearly grabbed it, but the vampire was fast. It dodged the Witcher’s attack and then ran towards Jaskier, possibly seeing his next target.
In a hurry, Geralt grabbed a silver dagger and he threw it towards the vampire, watching as the blade sunk into its back. The creature screeched in pain and fell on the ground clumsily. Geralt was ready to kill it, but he knew vampires were hard to kill. They were able to regenerate. Even if he cut his head off, that bastard would slowly but surely be fine. It didn’t mean Geralt couldn’t make it squirm in pain.
From his bag, Geralt grabbed a tiny bottle of vampire oil. “You should’ve kept your fangs away from her,” He said in a low voice, sounding haunting to Jaskier who was now by Y/N’s side, pressing his hand on her bleeding neck.
“How could I not taste the blood of such a special little mortal, hm? Not only is she a virgin, but there is something magical. She tasted so delicious!” The vampire grunted in pain, but it didn’t stop him from mocking Y/N.  Geralt pulled the dagger out of its back and stepped on its shoulder blade, keeping the vampire from getting up.
A special little mortal. A virgin. Geralt felt disgusted by the vampire for revealing that about Y/N. It was her private matters and this fanged lunatic was talking about it as if being a virgin was simply an ingredient of its meal. “You’re a higher vampire! You don’t need blood to survive. What were you thinking?” Geralt wondered as he poured vampire oil on the silver blade. The vampire could smell the oil and all of a sudden, it tried to free itself from Geralt’s grasp – hopelessly.
“Forgive me, Witcher! She was too tempting to resist!” It seemed ready to beg in order to be set free.
Geralt’s rage was too great in order to have mercy for this vampire. The consequences it had now put on Y/N’s shoulders were unforgivable. Without hesitation, Geralt grabbed the vampire’s dark hair and pulled it against his chest. “Crawl back into the little hole you came out of and never, I mean never ever get in my sight ever again or else I’ll be sure to mutilate you, so it takes centuries for you to regenerate!” Geralt threatened the vampire with a burning passion, surprising Jaskier who had never heard Geralt this enraged by a monster.
An eye for an eye, Geralt thought as he pushed the sharp blade, coated in vampire oil, deep into its neck. The vampire tossed and turned in pain as the vampire oil took effect, bringing great pain upon it. It cursed in an unknown language. Geralt couldn’t find pity for the creature that could’ve easily killed Y/N for no good reason! He retreated his silver dagger and then got up, watching as the injured vampire made its great escape. Once it was gone, he rushed to Y/N’s aid. His anger was faded and was replaced by deep worry.
Y/N was crying uncontrollably. Her entire body was shaking in fear and from the shock as blood poured out of the bite marks on her neck. Geralt noticed that she had put up a fight as well. her palms were bleeding and she had skin underneath her nails. There was a bruise forming on her cheek and on her knuckles. The sight of her was heavy on his heart.
Silently, with his mind full of guilt, Geralt got down next to her and decided to tend to her wounds. He grabbed a bottle of dark liquid from his bag, popping it open and then he put the neck of the bottle on Y/N’s lips. She didn’t resist it as Geralt made her drink some of the nasty liquid. As she had drunk enough, he pulled it away. “This will hurt,” He warned her, feeling sorry for what he was about to do. Y/N grabbed Geralt’s wrist and he felt how warm her blood was against his skin. It sickened him. Then he poured the rest of the liquid on the bite mark, watching how her skin bubbled around it and the blood made a fizzy sound. At least, the bleeding stopped, and her wound was clean. She wouldn’t bleed out. She whimpered in pain and her nails dug into Geralt’s wrist, which he didn’t mind at all. It was nothing compared to the pain she felt.
Jaskier could hardly look at her. He had witnessed terrible things, but it hurt much worse to see a friend in distress.
Once Geralt was done tending her wounds, he pulled the frightened woman into his arms. Her body rested on his lap and she hid her face against his chest. Geralt was beyond relieved that they found her, but he felt physically ill because of the guilt. He was the one who dragged her into this forest. If he had let her live peacefully, she would be fine! It seemed like whenever Geralt cared about someone, something bad happened to them.
Y/N sobbed against his chest for a while, until she finally began to calm down. It took her a while to realize she was safe. The pain in her neck eased and she allowed her body to relax against Geralt’s. He saved her.
“We’re leaving,” Geralt made up his mind.
Despite her pain, Y/N decided to argue against that. “No,” She whispered, sniffling as she caught her breath. “We can’t l-leave now.”
“You almost got killed!” Geralt protested angrily, but it was clear his anger was directed at himself.
Y/N locked her eyes with his. For a moment, she wished she could just hold him, kiss him and tell him that everything is alright. She didn’t want him to dwell in guilt. After all, he had saved her. It was all that mattered!
It was clear Y/N wasn’t going to say anything, at least not yet, so Jaskier joined the conversation. “We’ve come quite far, Geralt. If she wants to continue, perhaps…perhaps it’s not too silly of an idea. What are the odds of another vampire attacking us?” Jaskier had been alarmed too, but he somehow managed to see the bright side of any situation.
Geralt clenched his jaw, holding himself back from snapping at Jaskier.
Y/N took a deep, shaky breath, “He’s right, Geralt. I’ll be fine.”
“The hell you will! Once the changes are beginning to take place, you’ll wish you’d be in the safety of your own home – not here!”
The changes?
“What are you talking about, Geralt?” Y/N was almost too afraid to ask him.
His golden eyes softened up and it almost looked like he pitied her. He braced himself to explain it by holding onto her a little tighter. This wouldn’t be easy to deliver. “You were bit by a higher vampire. You didn’t die. The poison is already in your system and it reached your heart only a few seconds after his teeth sunk into you. Y/N-,” Geralt stopped, struggling to finish what he was saying. She looked at him with wide eyes full of fear. She even held her breath in anticipation as she listened to the Witcher. “You’re going to be a vampire, Y/N.”
“Woah!” Jaskier bit his fist in order to shut himself up. Geralt shot him a nasty glare and the man had to take a few steps back.
Y/N felt her entire body stiffen on Geralt’s lap.
She would become a vampire?!
The realization struck every nerve in her body. She felt terrified! Every rumor and tale she had ever heard of them would now become her life. Would she too crave blood? Would she ever be able to stand under sunlight again? She had so many questions running in spirals in her head, but not a single word left her mouth.
Geralt noticed how shock took control over her entire body. The poor woman could hardly breathe properly.
“I’ll take you home. You don’t have to see us ever again if that’s what you want,” Geralt offered reluctantly. The last thing he wanted was to walk away from her again, but he understood her wishes if it was what she wanted. All of a sudden, Y/N wrapped her arms around Geralt’s neck, pulling him into a tight hug.
“P-Please don’t leave me! Not…Not again, not like this!” Y/N pleaded almost desperately. She didn’t want to be alone again nor did she want to go through major changes alone. Y/N knew that Geralt knew what was happening to her body. If only he could guide her though it.
“Guys,” Jaskier tried to get their attention. At first, neither of them heard him. 
Geralt ran his large hand up and down her back in a calming manner as she held onto him for dear life. 
“Guys!” Jaskier tried again, only gaining the Witcher’s attention. “Can’t the mage help Y/N?”
Jaskier was a genius! There was a chance a mage could remove the inevitable changes that could take control over Y/N. If anyone could do it, it would have to be a mage. It would be worth a shot, right? 
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[PART 2]
A/N: Yay! Here’s my first ever the Witcher fic! If you’d like to be tagged in part 2, let me know :) Your feedback would mean a lot to me! Especially now that I’m new to this fandom.
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Idk if anybody asked you this but... DOMESTIC MODERN AU WITH KAIGAKU.
I saw Kaigaku as problematic character at first, from Himejima incident until he became demon. But now, I didn't think he's purely evil.
This dynamic is kinda different from other DomModernAU I wrote, but I really hope you like it when it comes to understanding your partner.
Kaigaku x Reader (Domestic Modern AU)
You met Kaigaku first in high school when he's... Well, let's say, not in so good state. He was all beaten up in the corner of the street, with bruises and scratches everywhere.
You offered him a hand, but he just slapped it out and said, "Get the fuck out."
But, since everybody labelling you with 'Stubborn girl', you didn't give up. He did angry and tried to pulled out his hand when you grabbed it.
"Stay still." You didn't care, you had strength to make him being a good boy and finally, he let you treat his wounds.
You put giraffe figure plaster to cover his scratch on the forehead. "Done. You're Kaigaku, right? I'm (y/n). We're in the same class. I don't know what are you into but please take care of yourself."
You stood up and leave that place, leaving Kaigaku who dumbfoundedly sat there.
It was an old story, and you still wondering how the fuck he could end up stole your heart. You're both university student, and Kaigaku took the same class as you.
And now you wake him up in the morning like a daily couple should be.
"Kaigaku, wake up."
He jumped and sat in no time, yawning and looked at your bed hair.
"Bird nest." He ruffled your hair before went to the bathroom.
After clothings and vice versa, you cooked breakfast. He stared at you silently.
"Is there something matter?"
"Your satin, I don't like it. It's too transparent. Change it to hoodie or something."
"It's just-"
"Change it." You sighed.
"Yeah, yeah. After I finished this one."
He was almost like that everyday, scanning on what you wearing and didn't want you to be flashy. But you know, deep down, he just don't want anything happened to you. He's an overprotective type.
He stood up and hugged you from behind. "Are you mad at me?"
"Guess." You turned off the stove, putting two eggs on the plate and looked up at him.
"Huh, is that a challenge." He kissed you on the lips, light-bite your lower. You bite his upper lips, cupped his cheek, brought him closer.
"Not now." You pushed him while he grinded his hips towards you. "We have class, Kaigaku."
He clicked his tongue and brought the plate after stealing forehead kiss from you.
"Kaigaku is a bad influence. Did you ever consider breaking up with him?"
"There are so much people better than him."
These words were from your daily conversation with your uni's friends. It gradually asked until you become bored of it.
"Do you know the proverb that saying, "Even demon could shed tears too"? He probably looked like a bad guy, but I still believe that he has good side."
You believed in him. And he never break your trust towards him.
He really became tame and good boy when you are around. On the other hand, people were really afraid of him.
But Zenitsu, his only 'friend', didn't really close to him
When Kaigaku took your seat and you queued up on cafeteria, you met Zenitsu. He asked about how you're doing with him.
"I had to admit, I adored your bravery, (y/n)."
"What, no..."
"Everyone distances themselves from him, everyone saying that he forced you into this relationship, but I know he's not and you're different." He scratched his cheek. "Somehow, as his 'friend', I should thank you. Our grandpa really at ease when he knew you're there to make him better."
That's how Kaigaku portraits around him. Scary, malicious, and unscrupulous.
You didn't pity him nor change him fully, you know you aren't God, you can't change human's trait easily as flipped your palm.
But instead, you taught about kindness, adoration, gratitude and appreciation. Slowly, but steadily, until he understanded the essential of being alive.
And having a partner.
That's how you live and you don't want to be bothered by some merely comments and opinions.
Simple, you love him because he's Kaigaku.
Kaigaku probably wasn't romantic type but he always made sure to give you enough affections everyday.
Like, on day-off, he baked apple pie out of nowhere, and shoved it on your face.
"You made this?"
"Ya." You take a bite, feeling the crunchiness on outside and melted inside.
"This is great, it's delicious! I don't know you could make apple pie."
"Well." He became smug. "I know I could cook better than you."
"Then, you should cook for dinner instead of me."
"No, I don't want to, I'm lazy."
"You little dipshit." He laughed while putting the plate on the table.
"Beside, I love your cooking more than anything else." He mumbled.
"Hm? You said something."
"Nothing, wipe your mouth geez."
He's actually smart and often taught you on exam when you met difficulties, but you had to hold your grudge to punch him because he often called you "Dummy" whenever you asked him about a question you don't understand.
But in the end, his teaching method is the best for your dumb brain.
And scolding, he's more garrulous, even more than your mom. He would correct almost everything wrong on your life.
Which one life's is being 'corrected' right now, you're so confused.
Sometimes, both of you went on date. But not really often, because he growled at people who stared at you for too long. You just chuckled, because you thought he's like a dog or wolf and he became flustered. He thought you didn't deem it seriously.
You literally didn't have to do anything, just smile everyday, and it will make him soft.
He always picked you up from your night shift part-time work.
Because one time you went home alone, he's panicked because you didn't pick his call nor came home on time. So he hurriedly went to the convenience store you worked on.
And you were there just in time before closing the store.
"Kaigaku, why are you here?" He rushed and hugged you, put his head on your shoulder. You could feel him trembling. "Calm down, okay? It's not like-"
"You didn't pick my phone! I thought there's something happened to you! I- I couldn't-"
"I'm sorry." You caressed him back. "There are so many things I had to sort on. That's why I came home late. I forgot to bring my charger with me. Sorry for making you worry."
After that, he will wait for you in front of the store while gazing at the sky. When you finished, you went home together with him.
He often told his problem and people who nag on him when it's dinner time. Sometimes, you listening, sometimes you gave your opinion. Nothing much.
If there are no assignments, you sleep earlier with him. He likes to put his nose on your crook, or your chest. The inside beat made him happy, knowing you still beside him until today.
You usually slept first.
He awoke at night, not feeling sleepy at all, so he just stared at your peacefully sleeping face, while slowly caressing your cheek. He pulled something from his neck, omamori necklace you made for his protection.
It was made by brocade silk bag and the lace was made by satin.
He opened the silk bag, and took a thing from its inside.
Something really precious for him. For the first time in forever, there's something he cherished and protected with his heart.
The giraffe plaster.
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repeating-sounds · 3 years
Plastic Trees
Arthur wasn't entirely sure where he was. He spent his morning as he usually does, reading the trades over a bowl of shredded wheat, watching the news, and looking at his wife, Edna, who was already focused on the dishes in the sink. Today was a big day. This week’s market was incredibly volatile, and there were some incredibly important stocks to consider.  As he went for his fourth sip of coffee, he blinked and felt a strange temperature shift, followed by a completely different setting.
No more Edna, no more shredded wheat, no more stock options. Just a small, dingy office with brochure racks and a toothy-grinned man with a wide tie and a short torso.
It was at this moment that Arthur realized he was dead. There wasn't any major shift in his perspective or knowledge, no changing winds or rising tides; it was almost as if in a dream, where you suddenly are made aware of a concept, an idea, and it feels as real as the tree in front of you. Except then you wake up, and none of it was real, least of all the tree with its waxy leaves and styrofoam bark. If anything, the idea is the only thing that feels real at all.
Except this was no dream. There would be no waking up, no plastic realization of the falsities your mind force-fed you in your fit of sleep. He was stone-cold dead, much to the horror of Edna, who turned around to find her husband of twenty-two years face down in a bowl of milk and grains.
Arthur looked at the walls around him, covered with posters and pictures of people. Happy people. Some stood in front of statues, others near large volcanoes or fluffy clouds. He looked at a brochure nearest to him. It read: Welcome to Hell: We Promise It's As Good As You Make It!
A look of horror spread across the recently deceased’s face. Behind him, a voice breathed out a question.  
"Hello Sir, have you had a chance to read our selections?"
Arthur took a second, staring at a poster of a small cat clawing to a tree branch, coaxing the viewer to " hang in there".
"I...I'm in Hell?"
The man with the coffee-stained teeth smiled, leading Arthur towards a desk and a laminated book.
"Well, no. Or yes. It depends. We have lots of options. Would you come have a seat?"
Hot, salty terror washed over Arthur. The high, obsidian spires of an unknown hellscape curled around him like tendrils of a great fire. The crackling screams of millions of tortured souls closed in like a headache until he couldn’t take it anymore. A large, hoofed creature, with wings like a bat and a snout like--
Arthur let out a long breath, a cold sweat on his forehead. The toothy-grinned man held his familiar posture.
“Not to your liking?” He said.
“Not so much,” Arthur gulped.
The man thought for a moment before flipping the page.
“Hmm. Perhaps this one!”
A large, spiraling vortex of color and light washed over Arthur, sending him into a state of spiritual bliss. Orgasmic images of the future, the past, the very foundations of time and space were known to him in this moment. The questions of the universe, answered.
And on and on went Arthur and the Salesman, through worlds of torment and turmoil, sacrifice and satisfaction, through all the fetishes and fantasies of the people of our world, in search of the perfect period on the note of life.
Arthur realized quickly the truths of the afterworlds. This quilt of options was crafted by the needs and wants of his fellow man, all of their dreams in life, come to reality as a result of their last thoughts. In this moment Arthur felt powerful, but in the next he felt a question. It nagged at him in the back of his mind, slowly at first, and then more as he thought. More as he saw. Worlds of horror and hopelessness, of anger and spite. He had one question.
“Excuse me, but I’m a bit confused.”
“What’s that?” Asked the salesman,
“These options all exist because someone lives in them, yes? These places came about as a result of people’s afterlives?”
“Well, yes, you could say that.”
“Then why did they pick them? Why would you want to live in Hell, when Heaven exists alongside it?”
The salesman smiled.
“A fair question. Our aim is to give release in death. Give people what they want. What they’re expecting. A fair amount of people over the course of history have believed wholeheartedly in dark and depressing fantasies. If in your mind, the afterlife should consist of good, evil, and the weight of your heart at the deciding scale, then we give that to you.”
“But they would never pick the worse option, would they?”
“They don’t want the options in the first place. They want reassurance.”
Arthur thought about the implications of this.
“Why do I get the option, then? I consider myself to be...well at least relatively Catholic”
At this, the salesman stood, excited.
“There it is, Arthur! A good question. Your religion, see, is Catholicism, though it’s not your faith. You don’t believe in it, not truly.”
“Now, that’s not quite fair.” Arthur faltered for more of a rebuttal than that.
“And yet, you have strong beliefs. The free market. Consumerism.” A devilish grin swept over his  face. “You believe in choice. Beat the system, as they’d say.”
For a moment, Arthur’s life flashed before his eyes. His decisions, politics, beliefs. Is this really the best way to describe his life? Apparently it was. And further, what would he pick? Where would we spend his time?
Before he had a chance to answer this question the Salesman turned another page in his book.
“Arthur, I sense your apprehension, and I for one think you deserve the answers you seek. Would you mind visiting one last location?”
“Sure,” Arthur muttered, lost in thought.
Large, oaken veins coursed mightily up the great bark of an overwhelming tree. Complex branches tangled between themselves, sporting leaves of deep and ancient green. Thick roots pulsated like tendrils, wrapping themselves deep into the soil on which Arthur and the Salesman stood.  A vast catalogue of images and feelings wrapped around his brain. They came from the tree; from its leaves and its roots.  Arthur couldn’t quite find words to describe the wonder encapsulating his mind and body.
"This is the single greatest testament to the accomplishments of the Homo Sapien. This is what you pride yourself so heavily on."
"What is it?"
"It has many names, many faces, but you would understand it best as human consciousness.”
The images were overwhelming, but started to quantify themselves as things Arthur could grasp.
At first, they were simple. He felt a hot burning, one that made him feel dizzy and warm and fulfilled. It quickly dissipated, leaving him with a dull, grey ache. His head went fuzzy. His knees buckled.
These concepts took greater form, first as colors. He was an infant, with the soft, pink, wonder of how the warmth of other humans feel. He saw his father. He smelled like aftershave and work. His mother looked an angel, with smiling brown eyes. He swam in them.
He watched himself age, his complexion change. His first love, then his first wife, then his daughter. He wept and screamed. He grew weak.
The images changed, less personal now. Visions of death and what lay beyond it entombed him. He saw an infinite spread of hellscapes and ethereal nothingness. He saw all the book had to show him and more.
“These places are like in the book.”
“The very same. These are your options,” The Salesman looked at peace, eyes closed.
“I thought the images of afterlife were from the minds of other people, not my own.”
“Truly, Arthur, is there any difference? The images of others, their beliefs and knowledge is in your mind, your human understanding. As a hatchling turtle or young goat knows the instincts passed down from their ancestors, you too know yours. The instincts of the human race are social, they’re abstract. The human understanding of life is not isolated to your own mind.”
“I thought the options in the book were real places, and now you say they come from inside my head. I don’t understand. Is this real?”
The salesman chuckled.
“Does it matter? If it helps, then no. These places are inside the mind,  not cosmically tangible. They are explanations for the mind, so the soul can rest.”
“An explanation of what?”
“Of what it means to die. The human mind knows one thing; existence. You have lived for an eternity, Arthur. 62 years isn’t long for a rock or a planet, but to you, it’s forever. The mind won’t be so easily tricked into shutting itself off. It’s as difficult as teaching a bird not to fly.”
“So all this, this is just an...an escape? Like a dream?”
“Exactly like a dream. You are dying, Arthur, and soon you’ll have nothing left. Your brain has been existing for a very long time, and it needs to rest.”
Arthur could tell that his time here was nearing. He needed to make his decision.
“What are you?” Arthur asked, looking for the first time into the Salesman’s eyes. They were dark, and loving. Full of understanding.
“I am tired. And I must rest. Do you have your answer?”
Arthur did.
Arthur sat at his kitchen table. He spent his morning as he normally does, reading the trades over a bowl of shredded wheat, watching the news, and looking at his wife, Edna, who was working hard scrubbing last night’s lasagna dish. He stood, and walked over to her. He wrapped his hands around her back, kissing her with passion. He was happy.
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spnsmile · 4 years
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"I believe in her."
Cas couldn't take his eyes away from Dean. Even when Sam left, all he could do is stare and when Dean notices, he returns it with intent.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"You don't really believe her, right? Billie?"
"Why the sudden change of mind?" Dean takes a sip of his beer. Castiel looks at him thoughtfully.
"Sam's just... Asking the right question, I mean. What's her end game? What happens if Jack succeeds? What's next...?"
"Ain't it paradise?"
Castiel pauses. He didn't think Dean would remember so continues frowning and watched Dean straighten himself as much as his bowlegs would allow.
"Well, no choice but go with the greater of the two evils, Cas. And right now the guy who's planning the old comedy "wipe out the world" takes the cake."
"Dean, she's Death. As far as I'm concerned if any entity out there wants you dead for good, it's her. You're not worried she could use this opportunity to get you? Like killing two birds with blunt force of one stone... in one very violent throw... Don't laugh, she of all people wants you dead."
Cas swallows hard, the idea cementing in his brain now he's vocal about it.
And Dean just chuckles?
"She could. But if she's using us to get rid of Chuck, then that means wanting me dead also takes the back burner. For now we see eye to eye. Chuck has to go first dibs. If she needs to use us then we gotta hold hands, run up to the sunset and see where she takes us."
"That is highly optimistic view, even for you, Dean. Considering she's been trying to get you killed
"She's death, it's her obsession, Cas. Talking about death." the hunter smirks, making the angel bristle.
"This isn't funny, Dean."
"I know, Cas. You know I get it, okay. But whatever she's got drawn up her blue print, doesn't change the fact that she still gotta line up the queue." Dean shrugs and it's not nonchalance that Castiel sees in his eyes.
It's absolute faith for this cause. One where Dean will be fighting with him until the last battle.
Until his last breath. After that, what?
Castiel closes his eyes.
"I'm saying I don't want you to die." he finally says, all raw emotions out. He feels Dean look his way, know the startled expression is in there without needing to look and hates it.
Why Dean always need to be surprise when someone tells him they don't want him dead never ceases to anger him.
Like Dean believes everyone wants him dead. Then again, considering things he's been through...
"Hey, Cas?"
Castiel engages the man with a look.
And like its not enough that they've been throwing furtive looks at each other in the presence of Sam, the man has the gall to stand and seat in that distracting position where he can fully see the man's lips and thick bowlegs presenting just within his reach while smiling like he know what he's doing.
The way Dean can look so full of affection with green eyes that just flickers expressively towards his direction with long lashes dusting his freckled cheeks. The way he opens his emotions to Castiels without restraint, letting him glimpse the soul so bright in its form he once rebuilt
I want closer
But he stays where he is, even when Dean openly invites him silently to come closer, his eyes expectant and soft and full of love.
Cas remains where he is perched.
Control. He gives it seven seconds count to take over the reel of feelings pulling him to Dean. The same way when Dean's eyes were grateful and bursting and happy, almost singing praises when they reconciled after his solemn prayer. Dean is gazing at him with the same adoration same loving affection overflowing and so full of hope.
So full of love. Something Castiel knows he cannot accept so he ducks his eyes. He knows exactly why the pull is strong this time. It's Dean. Dean's longing.
Dean's prayers.
So loud and intense. It wants him.
It's madness how the tables have turned. Unlike before where the boat is tipping on his side, this time, Dean's the one putting the weight. Dean's the one screaming in silence of his love.
But he can't. Not yet.
He has a mission here otherwise... He thinks of Jack and the mission.
But it's too late when he looked up, he only sees Dean smile sadly and nod, before finishing the last whiskey on his glass, the sparks in his eyes dimming.
Dean wipes his chin with the back of his hand, his lips making smacking sound too loud to ignore.
"See you later, Cas." he says quietly, monotone and Castielf, angel that he is feels the swift slap of coldness on his skin. The worst was when Dean turns to go without meeting Castiel's eyes even when the angel has pushed himself off his wall and was waiting, but Dean goes- moves away.
Dean is leaving him and thwe sharp jab on the organ functioning as his heart makes Castiel call Dean back.
"Wait." He finds his hand curling on Dean's elbow, pulling him back.
"Dean." he hesitates, unable to pluck up the courage to say in fear that he might say too much. But ever as it happens, it's Dean who easrs him out of his misery with a simple flicker on his eyes and careful smile.om his lips. Castiel relaxes. Dean is still looking deeply in his eyes. "I want some."
"Want something from me?" Dean licks his lips, then raises both eyebrows when Cas eyes empty glass he's holding. "Oh." and Dean laughs in embarassment for some reason, the flush color on his cheeks gives Cas a wonderful view of his tanning freckles.
"Wanna drink with me?"
"Yeah, so bad, I'm thirsty for you."
Dean is in love with him and the hunter isn't even trying to hide it anymore. These are the thoughts that played across Castiel's mind as he sit with Dean in the library, listening to Deam praise him, Dean giving him all his attention and Dean being just too endearing.
Tried as he might not to fall for it like when Dean was praying to him in Purgatory, Castiel can't help gazing back with the same contentment and joy. Overflowing happiness of just sitting here, talking and talking like they haven't spoken to each other in years.
And the best part?
Dean's smiling unbiddenly with eyes just taking in Castiel. He sees the way Dean catches him smile, the way Dean's cheeks blushes. Castiel was glad there was a table between them or he was afraid what his instincts might do on impulse with Dean being like that.
He wants to kiss him. Instead, grabs his glasses without really drinking. He just listens to Dean's voice. Listen to Dean talk to him and it reminds suddenly of his fear of losing everything.
He realizes there's too little time to be with Dean so he memorizes everything. He memorizes a lot, even the exact moment Dean throws that wonderful look and raises a glass in his direction.
Cas' heart leaps in the air and he too is smiling and loving Dean so much, the only pull back to his heart when they toasted is the fact he can't tell Dean.
He wouldn't think about it for now. He too has faith in his choice and that is Jack. He is choosing Jack. Jack who is the answer to Castiel's crumbling faith whenever he thinks of the number of ways he can lose Dean.
Castiel looks up. He didn't notice Dean already standing in front of him. The angel blinks.
"I was just telling Jody good night. She just called, asking how everybody is... And i told her I'm a very good kid today. She told me I'm drunk." Dean pouts.
"You want me to detoxify you?" Castiel tilts his head inquiringly. Dean stares with heavy eyes.
"Yeah, may need to drive."
"Where are you going?" Castiel frowns, a hand already raised. Dean blinks then slowly levels his eyes on the angel sitting in the chair.
"Somewhere. I feel happy, you see... But sad too... So I already spent my happy here with you. Time to go crush the bad. So driving."
"Why are you sad?" he cups Dean's face in alarm, his little world on his hand. So he wasn't mistaken. Behind Dean's eyes...
"It's okay..." Dean smiles, "Everyone's a little sad inside."
"Why?" he insists.
A long pause. Dean blinks slowly.
"Can't be together, you and I... So i gotta... Uh... Have to deal the sad without you...if we can't be together..."
"But we're together here."
Dean shakes his head. "I'm choosing. So are you. In the end we're gonna... I'm gonna have to deal with myself alone. There's no you out there. I have to prepare."
"Dean, what the hell are you talking about?" he hears him but he cannot understand him. Dean kneels in front of him all of a sudden, both hands taking Castiel's hands and clasping them with his own. The look Dean gives him after that is pure and honest, like souls bursting of its true form.
"I'm saying I understand why you can't... We can't. I understand it's the world or us... And that's not even a choice. I'm saying I understand you're the only angel who can save the world. So i want you to do it without holding back. Without thinking about whether I live or die. I want you to do that, Cas."
Castiel gasps. He sees no doubt in Dean's eyes. Watches as Dean brings his hand to his lips gently.
"Me dying doesn't compare to the world, Cas. So dont worry about me or Billie or whatever hell. You got your hands full, I got mine. So... i gotta drive."
Castiel sighs, then kisses Dean on the forehead. Clarity returns in the green eyes that blinks at him in surprise. Then Castiel stands up, nearly knocking Dean on his feet.
"I'm going with you."
"No, Cas. This is not the point-"
"I don't understand the point alright. I don't." Castiel grabs Dean's collar, sharp eyes full of meaning. "Don't make me understand why after everything... why after everything I've done, I'm still not going to be allowed to stay with you. I won't understand. And if this universe insists that? They're going to have to make a different bargain because I want you at the end of the road, Dean. It's you I think about when I think of win. And when that happens, I'll tell you loud and clear. I'll tell you what you already know. What I can't tell you now. I will. And it's not goodbye. So hold on to me. I will always find you. Do you believe me?"
It takes one smile from Dean and their foreheads pressing together.
"I believe you, Cas." ✨
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor Leonis, Laura lucis caelum (my oc), Aurora Tummelt (my oc), Ardyn lucis caelum, Loqi Tummelt
 My national language is not English. I apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes.
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
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Part 4:
The sound of drops of water dripping on the rocky ground was the only audible sound. The cold and the humidity were clearly felt, and the sound of the wind falling into the holes and piles around made the atmosphere more frightening. For a sleeping monster inside human skin, fear was meaningless! His buried eyelids were finally shaken by a layer of blood, and he slowly saw the ground in front of him like a TV screen full of glitch! Everything was jamming and the sound of the alarm was bothering his brain! Charging urgently needed to get rid of these damn bugs! He moaned relatively loudly and tried to get up, but it seemed like an obstacle in front of him! He frowned and turned his head to see what was going on. He stretched out his hand to break that iron ring, but he felt a sharp pain in all parts of the tension, his hand was broken! And he had just realized. If he didn't release himself, the pain wouldn't let him escape! It's true that he still didn't understand why it was closed! But every wise man knew that when he was chained to the wall like this, his life was in danger! He tried as hard as he could to move his broken left hand and instead turned his head towards his healthy hand. He pressed his lips together and tried to pull his hair out of his eyes by moving his head to the right! He took a deep breath and shook his hand with a sudden movement. He broke the iron ring and released his hand! A half-smiling smile settled on his lips and he quickly turned to release his broken arm, but just before the iron ring had been fenced around his wrist, an arrow came out of nowhere and the palm of his broken hand stared at the wall! He shouted loudly and closed his eyes tightly! He trembled with pain and weakness and saw red everywhere! Slowly he turned to see where the arrow came from and when it would hurt him so much. He hadn't fully turned yet when another arrow came and slammed his right shoulder against the wall! He gritted his teeth hard and growled at them! A growl of pain that, of course, had no human form! He was out of breath and stared angrily at the man who was coming towards him! he knew him! A fossil that was alive !! Contrary to the young general's outrage, Loqi Tummelt, Ardyn had a cold smile! Slowly he stepped forward and opened his hands to the sides as if he wanted to hug Loqi:
"I have to say that it's really hard to keep a behemoth king like that!"
Loqi's reaction was nothing but a mocking grin! He tried to hide his weakness behind his gaze and anger! He tilted his head slightly and addressed Ardyn in a very mocking tone:
" It's hard for you to keep a mouse, let alone me, who is my ultimate power and I will crush you!"
For a few moments, the silence of the room was disturbed only by water droplets, and then, Ardyn's slow and not so loud laughter! He dropped his hand and turned his head back and stared at the roof of the room!
"Oh, what a sad motive you have for me, little monster !!"
"Close your mouth and just open me again !!"
Ardyn's smile remained fixed on his face. As he looked at an unknown spot, he moved his tension from left to right and pressed his lips together:
"Hum! You're right, but ... I'm busy with my sweet girl!"
An evil smile settled on his lips and he stared at Loqi. Loqi's gaze became full of worry and anxiety, Aurora was in danger !! Especially now that he is captivating himself! Ardyn Half was annoyed by Aurora, and this style of torture forced Aurora to do anything! he tried to vent his anger:
"I swear to the gods, Ardyn .. bring disaster on her head.
Contrary to Loqi's obvious anger, Ardyn enjoys the annoyance of two sisters and a brother who are very close. Slowly he put his hand on the broken part of Loqi's hand and pressed it softly but firmly. Loqi's aching breath trapped behind his teeth and suffocated him, the pain of that pain when all his systems were disrupted. It was so hard, he couldn't keep himself awake, and if he fell he would die! He tried to save himself from fainting, but he couldn't. His weight was borne by his shoulder, which was nailed to the wall with metal and black arrow .. If something bad happened to his sister .. he would hold himself responsible .. forever!
On the other side of the story, Aurora was sitting on the floor, overwhelmed with mental unrest, her heart pounding like garlic and vinegar, squeezing the edges of her clothes, knowing Loqi was not in a good mood, she was inspired! She was afraid of losing her brother, she tried for years and was awaken many nights, to get her beloved Loqi out of that difficult and destructive tests alive! It's been exactly two days now that she didn't know about Loqi! She sold her motorcycle to make arrangements, but he refused to hear Loqi's voice once! She took a deep breath and got up from her place. She had to talk to that woman and ask her for help, the one whose name was Laura, and Aurora thought she was a simple glaive! She didn't even know her goal was that woman! Before she could get out of the tent, a glaive gently stepped ahead And stood before her. She turned her head toward that glaive. With the pressure that he put on her chest with his hand, she took a few steps back. That glaive's smile was nothing but has a negative feeling for Aurora. Her hands were ready to defend her, but before she could even tell if her thoughts were true or not, that glaive spoke, In a voice that belonged to someone else:
"I'm glad that Uncle Ardyn's dear is healthy !!"
Surprise and disbelief fell into the wave of turmoil. She went back so far as to hit the wall of the tent. She raised her head and stared at Ardyn, who had now returned to his body! She didn't need to pretend to be angry, her eyes subconsciously filled with hatred to the point that his tone was saved from the bitter poison of hatred:
" I thought I was free to see that ugly mess forever!"
Ardyn's hands gently touched her shoulders and he stopped behind her. He laughed softly and lowered his head to whisper in Aurora's ear, a whisper that smelled of resentment:
"Don't look for your brother, darling!"
The fact that Ardyn was talking about Loqi had only one meaning for Aurora, she couldn't resist and the tension was shaking! Her frown slowly subsided and she was scared ... it was the fear that was taking its toll, the fear of losing Loqi! She was so scared that not only her tension but also her voice trembled!
" Is he ... in your hands?
Ardyn had achieved his goal. The heavy shock he had given Aurora was enough for him! He laughed softly and walked away. He doesn't care about loqi or Aurora, it was just the little beads that Ardyn was entertaining himself with that! The main nut of Ardyn's story was Noctis! Almost no one from the Noctis family was left, except for one person.whom Ardyn needed for destroyed Noctis, a princess who was eating coffee with her love a few tents away! The person to whom Aurora was indebted! As he walked slowly, he opened his hands and leaned slightly toward the sky:
" Wounded and tired in my black fork! I promised Verstael to take him to him. He will be very happy!"
He stood and turned on his heel to Aurora and smirked mischievously:
" He is impatiently waiting for the new tests, my dear !!"
This tone was familiar to Aurora, and she could extract the purpose of Ardyn from her. Ardyn wanted something in exchange for Loqi, and told them so secretly how valuable that goal was, it didn't matter to Aurora even if her hateful uncle wanted her life! That goal was speculation .. She was the girl who wanted Verstael!
"What should I do to avoid giving Loqi to that humane hyena !!"
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Ardyn's laughter calmed Aurora, she had guessed that Ardyn wanted something of her, Ardyn's crooked steps were taken to the tent. He tied his hands gently behind his back and stood in front of the tent in soft, black smoke and ashes around the tension.
" Witness !! I ... want the princess !! A girl with long black and gray hair ... and eyes that surround the heavenly skies and gardens !!"
Aurora's gaze was fixed on Ardun's vacancy, her breath was trapped in her chest because she knew only one person with this address .. The eyes that surrounded the sky and the gardens of heaven .. There was no one but the woman who saved her life It was ...Laura !! She turned her head slowly towards the big tent under which Laura had taken refuge. She stared at her and her smile crept into her mind! If she was the princess of Lucis ... then she should have been the same example, who was stolen from Verstael 35 years ago ... and if she got their hands on it ... She would be destroyed! She thought that this was the only purpose of Ardyn. Unaware that Ardyn had other sinister plans and did not care about the will of Verstael!
When she reached the tent, she stood up and turned to Cor. She raised his finger as if she was getting permission from her teacher, and addressed Cor in a decisive tone:
"Let me talk, okay?"
A serious face was sewn to Laura without feelings. He took a deep breath and rolled his eyes, not long after he looked at Laura again and answered with his hands locked on his chest.
"That good bait to Captured loqi! And she is now between us! We should not give her time that she can to spy!"
Unlike Laura, who trusted the girl, Cor did not feel good! He was worried about Laura, he was more worried about Laura than he was about Noctis! Laura is jewelry for nifs just when the crystal was in the hands of Nifs !! It was unlikely that even 0.1 percent of the girl would be spies! Maybe Loqi's sister deliberately thought she could come here! It was not unlikely. No matter how much he wanted to instill this feeling in Laura, it was useless! Laura was a wayward girl. If she knew that Cor was worried about her, she would risk herself more. Aurora's gaze was fixed on the princess and the man, who was much taller than her. She felt dumb and confused! She hugged her arms and leaned toward the ground to sort out her thoughts! Laura's gaze was fixed on Aurora. She wanted to ask her in the same way.Just as the opened her mouth to speak, Aurora stood and stared at her:
" I really need to save my brother! If he reaches to Nifelheim, nothing will be left of him!"
Frown come in between Cor's eyebrows! Is Loqi dying? to hell!! It didn't matter to him at all, unlike Laura, she understood Aurora's feelings. She also had a younger brother, Noctis!
"Don't worry, I'll help you, but I have a condition for you!"
" Unconditional condition! How can we believe that loqi is in danger! Why do you ask his enemy for help?"
Cor said, and Laura's reaction to this short, concise speech was just one thing, she rolled her eyes. She turned her head slowly and stared at Cor:
"my dear??"
My dear phrase, do not seal silence with Cor's lips. Aurora's gaze turned to Cor:
"I know who you are! I saw your photo before, Mr. Leonis! Loqi is in the worst condition right now and I have no one but him."
Cor's tone became even colder than before:
"I don't trust you either. If you like your brother, is better for you to go from here!"
Aurora's gaze turned oppressed towards Laura! She couldn't enter through a friendship with Leonis! So she had to wash laura's brain!
" Can I just talk to you?"
Laura's gaze slowly turned to Cor, and then her smile was realized cor that he was left her alone! Cor did not want this, but Laura was his princess! He had to follow her orders, he went out slowly but stayed behind the tent! Now that Aurora's loneliness had eased her mind, she took the opportunity to catch Laura! She could have used the same magic to take half of Laura hostage. Or she could hit her with a chair next to the bed. He looked down at the chair. If Laura defended herself in any way, Leonis would come and kill her! So she couldn't finish it with these methods! He stared at Laura! Seeing the blackness of her hair, her mind went to the black bag that was in her bag !! She had completely forgotten why Verstael had given her the drug, and Aurora wanted to have another use for it! Laura's gaze was fixed on Aurora's eyes, she didn't know why she didn't speak! She lowered her head slightly to see her eyes better:
"Aurora? Do you want to tell me something?"
Laura's voice brought Aurora's attention back to where she is now! He waved his hand slowly and then tried to speak as if she hated it!
"Do you have a brother who is in danger?"
She painted a sad smile on Laura's lips, slowly approached Aurora and put his hands on her shoulders:
"You were injured baby, rest, we will go after your brother soon!"
Laura's kind tone weakened Aurora's will. If Laura was a princess of lucis, and if the same pattern had really been stolen ... it would be easy for her to save loqi! But what if Laura wanted to kill Loqi anyway? Loqi was the one who attacked Insomnia, although Laura was kind, but what if her inner intentions were evil? Aurora had been hiding from people for many years. She had no relation with anyone except monsters in human clothes! She couldn't trust Laura! In addition, Laura, who was not in trouble, was finally clearing her mind !! But Loqi was killed !! These thoughts made Aurora regain her will! It's true that Laura was very angry with everyone in the army, but she never destroyed a rejected creature! That's when she is supported by her sister!
"Let me a moment!"
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Laura's smile became a little brighter and she slowly moved away from Aurora! As she walked away, Aurora rushed to her bag and looked inside. The little black bag had something inside that Aurora wanted to use to control Loqi, although it was made for Laura. The girl who saved her life and took refuge in her! He raised his head and turned to Laura. She was standing behind Aurora, staring at her phone. Maybe she was sending a message! It was the best opportunity! She picked up the ready syringe and slowly walked towards her! Laura's gaze was fixed on her brother's face, and she was smiling. He had sent a photo of his new armiger to show Laura. She just laughed at these naughty is chiefs. Noctis was happy to laugh with his friends, it was the best thing for him. Laura opened the selfie camera of her phone to take a picture of her armiger and show those 25 weapons to Noctis, but before she opened her armiger, she saw something else inside the camera, with a metal Syringe in aurora's hand! She quickly turned to defend herself, but even before he had fully turned, the syringe needle sank into her throat and its contents emptied into her body. Her phone dropped and she looked at Aurora in shock! She didn't know what was injected into her, but whatever it was, it made her body dry and she had no will to move! She let out a sigh of relief and frowned:
"what did you do?"
She really squeezed Aurora's throat. Her trembling hand calmed down in front of her nose to keep Laura silent, her voice trembling and her eyes filled with tears:
"Shush! You are at my service now! Don't talk and behave normally. Let's go out together right now"
She paused to control herself and pressed her eyelids for a moment until tears welled up. and again she looked at Laura angrily:
"You don't say anything to anyone, tell everyone to go and talk to each other, it's a private matter that has nothing to do with anyone! Now close your mouth and get out.
Laura was in front of that girl, without any will from herself !! She couldn't even hold her frown! Her presence trembled with anger, but she could not express it! He couldn't disagree with that girl! She couldn't even punch her hand! It's like that aurora is a master girl! And there is no other way but to execute the command:
" what did you do? Why can't I object damn!"
When she packed her bag and threw it on her shoulder, she answered Laura:
"It's a controlled drug! Don't name the method yet! You are under my control and you have to listen to me! Your resistance destroys you. Now let's go to your car !! You are the princess then you go first! And Shut up!"
Cor was right، that girl ... was not something she showed, she pressed her lips gently and went out involuntarily, she couldn't even answer! She went straight without looking around to
Her car! When she arrived, she stood and turned to Aurora. Laura wanted to punch her in the face, but only her hands were shaking. Aurora's gaze went to her hands and she stood in front of Laura, nodding her head to both sides, and looking at Laura with a worried look, there was nothing but anger and hatred in Laura's eyes and that made her conscience strong! She pointed to the car:
" Get on, driver!"
And again, it was Laura who was doing something without any will, sitting quietly behind the roll, talking quietly and without a word, if she couldn't pull her eyebrows together !!
For a moment, Cor's negligence ruined everything without realizing it. He only saw Laura walking with that girl, her usual frown getting a little thicker! Why did Laura go unnoticed? He also had no clear identity with a nickname! The Nifs were filthy creatures, and Laura's trust in one of them made Cor jealous! He did not move forward and stood there, staring at Laura's departure. Unlike Laura, who was always Cor in front of her car, there was no honking! And she didn't even smile at Cor! Laura's face was very cold and her eyes ... it felt weird! She understood, but she did not take any action. Cor shrugged and went back to his tent to rest. It was around the morning and the marshal was very tired! When Laura came back, he could talk to her!
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