sherkirti · 2 years
The Witness
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You are consciousness gazing into itself through the refracted lens of your own creation. You move through life discovering yourself in another, again and again. You are the splitting of an atom—the witness, the seed, the tree, the effervescent expansion of life.
—Excerpt from 'Everything ∞ Nothing' by Sher Kirti (www.theeternalflow.com)
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reflections-in-t · 2 years
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. . アイロニカルな視点と独自の世界観に根ざした批評眼で社会・時事問題を切り取り、写真と文で緻密に表現するフォトドキュメンタリー作家、藤原新也 . 一方、犬・猫といった小動物や子どもなど、弱いものには優しくあたたかな眼差し方で接し、透徹した客観性とは別の情や想いの篤さをも兼ねそなえた、いわばバランス感覚に長けた作家でもある人 . そんな彼が1990年代の終盤に上梓したこの本には、O-157やオウム真理教、酒鬼薔薇聖斗事件、さらには〈悪魔〉と子どもに名付けて問題となった事件などに迫り、彼ならではの鋭い角度で切り込んだ読みごたえのあるドキュメント集に . と同時に、100年に1度咲く[竹の花]や[エンパイヤステートビル八十六階の老女]、花びらを食べる魚、バリ島に住むマユゲ犬が微笑む理由…など、上質な文学作品とでもいえそうな味わい深い掌編が40篇あまり . 単行本も文庫本もネット上でほぼ送料に+1円〜数百円という設定。なので藤原新也が初めてという人にもお薦めしたい一冊 . . #藤原新也 #藤原悪魔 #マユゲ犬の伝説 #竹の花 #エンパイヤステートビル八十六階の老女 #猫の島探訪 #ある野良猫の短い生涯について #DavidSylvian #EverythingAndNothing #LeicaC #ライカC #LeicaC112 . . https://www.instagram.com/p/CjCjN_-P351/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lucyim · 3 months
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#everythingandnothing #punkk
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ezgihoscan · 4 years
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“sen de tıpkı benim gibi birçok kişisin ve hiç kimsesin” | #everythingandnothing, #yaratan (#elhacedor), #jorgeluisborges https://www.instagram.com/p/B7GxcwPBief/?igshid=14q31bqz554k2
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siri-13 · 4 years
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NEW FEELINGS - 13. New Feelings (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/jcRg5zaQb8 My third song album New feelings about love, hope, trust, and loss.......
check out my new song track
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neweresth · 5 years
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mitsuyayam · 3 years
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違和感が大切 A feeling of strangeness is important #davidsylvian #everythingandnothing https://www.instagram.com/p/CTM253qpBs5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fujilabo · 6 years
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今週土曜日はコチラ。re:gとしてお手伝いさせて頂きます。#Repost @backyard_rec with @get_repost ・・・ 2018年6月9日土曜日、サッカーロシアワールドッカップが開幕する数日前、弘前で35年以上続く老舗ライブハウス「オレンジカウンティ」で今までに青森ではないであろう新しいパーティ「backyard」が幕を開けます。 1階のメインステージと地下スタジオの2ステージを使い、かたや地下スタジオでは、青森を代表するであろう面々によるノイズ・グリッチ、アンビエント、ドローンなどエクスペリメンタルなライブと刺激的な映像を、もう一方の1階メインステージでは、古くから弘前でプレイしてきた面々によるミニマルでディープなテクノやハウスのDJと弘前の新鋭VJによる映像と照明を駆使した空間演出を、それぞれ堪能できることでしょう。 出演陣は地下スタジオから「backyard」の主催者でもあり弘前のアンダーグラウンドシーンで20年以上、ひっそりと活動してきたsink a.k.a Tsuyoshi Goto、青森のインディーシーンをリードしてきたインストバンド「聞こえないふりをした」の中心メンバーでもあるeverything and nothing、弘前在住ながら全国各地に活躍の場を広げるノイズアーティストhosono takuya、USボストン・マサチューセッツ出身にして、現在は青森県在住の25歳の高校英語教師でもあるビートメイ���ーCharlie Abbott、VJとして映像にDUBの手法を持ち込み、様々な過激な活動をしてきたTECHNOVISION、さらにサポートDJとしてLay_outも主宰するshinta、1階メインステージのDJ陣はRAWSAKI CITY BOYSよりOxDxA,、FONARTよりTASK、tsutomuと、もはや説明不要の3人が、さらにはVJとしてre:gのメンバーでもある新鋭risaが参加します。

#OrangeCounty #sink #hosonotakuya #everythingandnothing #art #backyard #hirosaki #music #dj #electric #experimental #advanced #vj #risa #club #techno #house #noise #drone #deep #minimal #reg #TASK #tsutomu #technovision #shinta #ambient #CharlieAbbott
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biigbri · 3 years
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Rare CD from the Everything and Nothing tour 🎶👍🏻 #davidsylvian #everythingandnothing #tour #thesongwhichgivesthekeytoperfection #interview #camphor #abstract #ambient #electronic #cdcollection https://www.instagram.com/p/CIHAfa6ACz5/?igshid=10k37n9hhiiug
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In cerca di nuovi kdrama da guardare? 👩‍💻⠀ ⠀ Lo so, questo post arriva con otto giorni di ritardo, ma non preoccupatevi, avete tutto il tempo di recuperare le nuove serie in uscita ad agosto, anche perché sono davvero poche quelle, secondo me, molto valide!⠀ ⠀ Ecco una lista di quelle che ho selezionato: ⠀ 🏵️ Welcome 2 life - é slittata di un paio di settimana ed è partita il 5 agosto, me molto curiosa! ⠀ 🏵️ Everything and nothing - una miniserie adolescenziale da quattro episodi, un piccolo guilty pleasure per gli amanti del genere. Anche questo è in onda dal 5 agosto;⠀ 🏵️ Be melodramatic - serie con un altissimo tasso di girl power, tre donne che dirigono aziende e cercano di bilanciare le loro vite private con quelle lavorative 😍 prevedo cose fighe. Questo inizia il 9 agosto;⠀ 🏵️ Graceful family - potevo non inserire almeno un legal-mistery? Ovviamente no, quindi eccoci qui con un drama che promette davvero bene e che inizia il 21 agosto; ⠀ 🏵️ Love alarm - in assoluto la serie che aspetto con più ansia è questa qui. Un drama scolastico con un bel triangolo amoroso e qualche problema adolescenziale, adoro 😍 Inizia il 22 ed è una mini serie;⠀ 🏵️ Hell is other people - alla citazione letteraria mi avevano già conquistata, ma poi ho scoperto che c'è Lee Dong Wook é quindi é volato in lista in 0.2! Questo inizia il 31 e promette benissimo, anche perché mi ricorda un po' il romanzo "Appartamento 401" di cui vi parlai qualche mese fa, vedremo. ⠀ ⠀ Insomma, poche uscite, ma devo dire che c'è una bella varietà di titoli e tematiche, ora non ci resta che prendere i pop corn e iniziare ma visione 😉⠀ ⠀ ➡️ Per le trame e la lista completa delle uscite del mes vi rimando al post sul blog, link in bio! ⠀ ⠀ 🔹Quale drama vi incuriosisce maggiormente tra quelli in uscita?⠀ ⠀ (Drama in foto - Hotel del luna aka uno dei tanti che sto guardando al momento) ⠀ ⠀ #naliguarda #kdrama #dramacoreani #visioni #serietv #abcdeldrama #koreandrama #viki #newkdrama #upcomingkdrama #welcome2life #everythingandnothing #bemelodramatic #gracefulfamily #lovealarm #hellisotherpeople #ipreview via @preview.app (presso Puglia, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B05io9qH-Da/?igshid=1wq5s6fsgath2
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islandnaturals · 7 years
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Painted this for my bedroom so I can wake up each morning and be reminded of I AM...nothing is beyond me, I am beyond nothing #egobalance #everythingiseverything #noseparation #infinite #endless #boundless #universe #darkness #blackness #blackmatter #galaxy #dimensions #cosmos #stars #nebula #wearestardust #minerals #oneness #everythingandnothing
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gsilverveilb · 5 years
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. • 🙋🏻‍♀️☕🙋🏻‍♀️ • Everyday is a good day to start • 🙋🏻‍♀️☕🙋🏻‍♀️ • #morningthoughts #morningquotes #qotd #beyourself #truetoyou #standyourground #thinkingoutloud #thinkpositive #goodvibes #livelovelaugh #happythoughts #keepyourselfincheck #everythingandnothing #staypositive #selfmotivation #sometimeswierdalwayscrazy #somethingtokeepinmind #keepingNote #withGalaxy https://www.instagram.com/gsilverveilb/p/BwlpYdjl4CR/?igshid=dbhlukeip37a
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ezgihoscan · 4 years
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“like me, you are everything and nothing.” | #everythingandnothing, #themaker (#elhacedor), #jorgeluisborges https://www.instagram.com/p/B7GxoCthcMy/?igshid=8ttkts5v6c3y
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siri-13 · 4 years
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NEW FEELINGS - 2. Chances (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/vBekYWnJW7 My third song album New feelings about love, hope, trust, and loss.......
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neweresth · 7 years
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What’s the time? Where am I? It’s changing, you may noticed. You may feel like living in between something. The time is disappearing. The world is not the same as yesterday, the day before yesterday and days before before yesterday.
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jacaldwellphoto · 5 years
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edited a bunch of photos from the last couple weeks which felt longer then they were and that i’d shot less than i normal would and i kept finding photos i was really into that were not my “best” work but had a thing about that i was just loving so much today. then i was like, dude, you are never even going to post like 5 of these let alone like the 30 i had fallen in love with. so here’s the first from a rainy day the other afternoon. titled - OBSERVER (inside thing locals only joke i suppose) shot from my driver seat at a read light. #thismeanssomething #everythingandnothing #umbrellasarefortourists #hoboken (at Hoboken Terminal) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvdEl6fH8Ae/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15ekewiuar0vv
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