#everyday i get reminded of how stupid my choices are
atsumou · 1 month
that kuroo pegging fic i wrote. i want it back.
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oct0bra1ns · 28 days
Oki oki I know you're probably like busy and stuff but I just thought of a good one (well I like to think I did). Obv take as much time as you need to get to this, don't you dare rush or overwork yourself
But basically, (possibly illegal?) racer yandere with a reader who's absolutely terrified of driving and generally hates most vehicles. Especially the loud ones, like he'd usually use
Also yay, you're alive! Also yay, I'm alive too
i'm so close to dropping my entire format bro, it takes so much time and half my motivation disappears the moment i'm reminded i have to do all that shit LOL and YAY YOUR ALIVE, MY BELOVED ANON!! I'm so sorry if this seems rushed UGEFWBJC'
reblogs and comments are appreciated
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♡ Yandere racer who had an entire career in front of him, big dreams to make it to the big leagues only for it to have it all crumble in a matter of seconds because of one stupid scandal. It took everything from him and no longer was he the person who people greeted and brought random things to sign, he was abandoned, the crowd that gathered to greet him no longer cared about him.
♡ Just when Marcus thought all hope was lost, he met you, a cashier at a new coffee shop he decided to try out. Everytime he went there you greeted him with a phony smile, giving him the customer greeting as though he was like any other person and not a disgraced racer.
♡ His obsession only grew when consistent pestering, asking if you knew him or how famous he was ended with you slamming his cup on the counter, giving him a curt smile , told him that you did not care for such matters.
♡ He decides he wants to know everything about you, from your likes to your dislikes, where you live, how you travel from place to place, when you clock in, when you clock out. All this information to make a 'chance' meeting happen.
♡ Marcus knows your running late waiting for the bus, he takes it as an opportunity to pick your up in his sleek sports car, claming how he was heading the same direction and how he felt bad leaving you when he had enough time to drop you off.
♡ He who tries to show off with his speed, only to see how unfortable you look when he glanced at you through the corner of his eyes. He's aware of the way you clutch the seatbelt, how your eyes keep flickering to his speedometer, how you seem to flinch every time his engine roars.
♡ He wastes no time in offering you a deal, he'll drive you to work everyday so that you don't end up late and you can treat him to a coffee on the house every now and then and if you can't give it to him on the house, he'll pay for it, no worries. If you decline, he'll find more and more ways to make you late, running the risk of getting you fired, finding ways to keep making you late. If you use the fact that his sports car makes you uncomfortable with it's speed and noise, no worries, he has plenty of other luxury cars for you.
♡ Sometimes you wonder how he makes all the money for all these cars seeing as how he was basically forced to step down from his work but oh well, as long as you could get to work on time, what did you care?
♡ Usually Marcus would let you go back on your own, as he didn't want to seem too clingy with you but when he gets a text from you at midnight, asking if he can drop you home, he's got tough choices to make.
♡ He'd never give up the opportunity to pick you up but if he didn't make it to his race, his sponsor would have his head on a plate. Alas he has no choice but to take you with him to the race.
♡ He spends the entire car ride apologising to you, about how he didn't want to leave you but how his sponsor was insistent on him attending. Hell, he'll even beg for your forgiveness as long as you don't as him to let you off anywhere.
♡ Marcus makes it a point to feed on your fear on cars when you reach the venue, make you stay close to him all the time, making sure you stick close to him all the time, holding your hand, draping his coat over you so nobody has the audacity to talk to you.
♡ He takes every chance to get you to stick closer to him, taking up seats in the front, closer to the venue, even the attendants are surprised when they see someone whos always in the back, not only bring someone along with him but also take seats in the front.
♡ If you don't want to spend time with him after this, no worries, when your employer finds out just where you've been and be running back to him.
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TW: NSFW, yandere!Izuku x Reader, noncon
"Wouldn't it be nice if we were older, than we wouldn't have to wait so long!"
You wake up with a jolt, eyelids heavy still as you let out a groan. The soft glow from the television is the only light source in the living room, windows also dark and telling that you've been asleep for a while. The rom-com playing was bright and rich of color, as the male protagonist realizes he still has a shot of love and returns to his female counterpart.
"Are you tired, we can turn it off and go to bed?" Izuku mumbles against your neck, where he laid behind you on the couch. Yet, his hands move from their place around your stomach to slip in your leggings, cupping your cunt and you feel like throwing up.
"Izuku," You're too tired to keep the bite out of your voice. "You promised you would watch the movie with me."
He groans, but alas his hands move to cup your stomach again, laying back down. "I don't know why you insisted on watching this one, you already know it by heart."
You don't answer him, instead choosing to ignore him and his stupid attitude to pay attention to your favorite part: the declaration.
"You erased me from your memories because you thought you were holding me back from having a full and happy life. But you made a mistake. Being with you is the only way I could have a full and happy life. You’re the girl of my dreams—and apparently, I’m the man of yours.”
The words make your heart squeeze, and the sweetness of the scene makes you stupidly tear up.
Growing up, you use to scrunch up your nose at the cheesiness of these movies. Rom-coms, chick-flicks, whatever you call the movies where boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, a falling out happens, than the declaration of love towards the end helps secure a happy ending... those types of films were the only thing keeping you sane.
What was it now? Seven months? The days blurred easily when you had no outside contact with the world anymore, Izuku making sure of that by keeping you trapped in his house. There were tears and sore throats from screaming at all hours of the day, disbelief making your senses sharp for any opportunity to outsmart Izuku and get the fuck out. But this was the number one hero you were up against, you never stood a chance.
So, you gave up too quickly for your liking but being angry and scared was just exhausting. Instead, you indulged yourself in these early 2000 movies where love could fix everything wrong and they lived happily ever after.
You weren't sure if you loved Izuku.
You knew you hated him, hated what he did to you and how he just chose to take you away from your life and force you into this new one with him and only him. But love? That feeling was harder to place.
He did force himself on you, making you feel good when you didn't want to and he made you moan his name like a prayer as he fucked you. That wasn't love, no, in the movies where the main characters have sex it's romantic and consensual. Yet, Izuku claims he loves you.
That would make sense, why would he do all that he's done if not for love?
Izuku was a collector, of All Might figurines, movies, books, and you found the box of items he took from you while he was courting: used underwear you hadn't seen in a while, a used tissue, and hundreds of photos of you living your life. It sickened you to find that, and no matter how much you begged for him to throw all of that out, Izuku wouldn't. He encouraged you to find a hobby, maybe look through his vast collection of movies and books to keep you occupied while he left and you stayed, not like you had a choice. That's where you saw them, your light in darkness, a reminder that true love exists: rom-coms.
Everyday, you'd watch as many as you could fit in the wee hours before Izuku came home from hero work. He liked confessions, he wanted to hear you praise him and say you love him, so you learned how to do so from the movies. Sure, the words you spoke sweetly to him weren't original, but they worked. You pretended you were in one of those films, and that Izuku and you were truly happy and in love and getting a happy ending. Right? You'll get your happy ending soon, this is just the climax where it gets bad before it turns good?
The ending scene is happening now, and the main characters kiss passionately on a boat in Alaska or maybe it's Antartica? It's an outrageous ending but you ache for that kind of life, where you're happy and in love and safe and-
"Okay, bedtime," Izuku said, sitting up and clicking off the TV the moment the end credits are shown. You groan in discomfort when he carries your body in his arms like you weigh nothing, your cheek squished against his hard chest.
No words were exchanged as Izuku undressed you, than himself, making your tired body sweaty and drenched in cum as the clock ticks and the night drags on.
Izuku grunts above you, where he slips in and out of your heat as you move higher up on the bed with each thrust. Your arms are loosely wrapped around the back of his neck, and you can't stand to look at him when he's moaning your name so breathlessly.
No, you have the stupid song stuck in your head from the movie to distract you from it all. Where you dream that one day, you'll get your happy ending.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up, In the morning when the day is new?
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chimaeraonwards · 9 months
freedom, choice, and dreams - a perspective of a newbie one piece fan from opla
I am scared of saying what my dreams are. It feels stupid hanging on to something I don't know if I'll ever see come true. These dreams are the ones I hold to my chest, afraid that someone would find it.
Would they treat me with pity? Would they laugh? Would they tell me to give up?
It gets harder to believe in dreams as you grow older. My escape that was books and fandom became reminders that I simply wasn't the chosen one who gets to do something and be someone. I'm the side character that gets killed off in episode 2 in a flashback in someone else's story.
I wasn't destined to be the one who can make change on the world since before I was born like Harry Potter. I'm not the one who gets chosen by a master in the field I love to be his successor like Midoriya Izuku. My parents are not secretly some kind of god like Percy Jackson. There is no wardrobe, no lion, no witch to take me away where I can finally be somebody.
I'm just me, a nobody, stuck in a house haunted by my ghosts, with my dreams out of reach. The stories that used to be my escapism start to feel like painful reminders.
And then I watched the One Piece Live Action. For the first time in a long time, I saw adults who were not the chosen ones, on the wrong side of power, stuck in everyday monotony.
They were surviving, but they weren't alive.
If you look in the mirror, would it sound more familiar?
The One Piece Live Action showed me characters who have beautiful dreams and yet, don't believe that they could ever reach them? By all means, how would they? Nami was stuck in a situation she had limited control over her freedom, Usopp was literally all alone and no one believed him, Sanji was held back by obligation and realism, and Zoro was lost wasn't strong enough. Heck even Koby was stuck on a ship being mistreated with literally no way to escape.
And then Luffy came around.
Luffy, the goofy embodiment of freedom, joy, silliness, and has the emotional intelligence the size of the entire ocean.
He showed them that there was a choice. You had the choice to believe that you can reach your dreams. He showed them that no dream was too crazy, too big, too small, too unimportant. You deserve to make it a reality.
Immediately I was hooked. Diving into the manga, I think that what Luffy does is gives the space to people to let their heart want their dream.
And then he fights for them.
Think about what's stopping you from reaching your dream. Is it money? Support? Access to power? Strength? Knowledge?
Fighting for your dream isn't as pretty as faith, trust, and pixie dust. It's brutal. It's heartache. It's sacrifice. But most of all, it's never giving up, even when you're broken.
The Straw Hats show that having the freedom to chase your dreams isn't a lonely journey. You need to lend a hand to people on the way there, and they will do the same for you.
On the other side of this idealist dream chasing optimism, One Piece beautifully shows the harsh reality, that some dreams won't be reached in your lifetime. But like Gol D. Roger, Red Leg Zeff, Otohime, maybe, just maybe, you can help someone else reach that same goal you had. We will all die someday, but our dreams can live forever. And isn't that a beautiful thing?
The Straw Hat Pirates unapologetically declare their dreams out loud, not afraid of what anyone else has to say about them.
Maybe I should take some advice from them.
👟 I'm going to find a way and be able to continue my education.
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winters8child · 1 month
It´s been a long, long time
Chapter 6
I spent the next couple of days hidden in my room, staring at the birthday gifts Steve and Bucky gave me. Steves pin had a deep meaning behind it, the things he said about me and his life just touched something in my heart and I wore it everyday. We have been friends for 4 years now and maybe I was beeing blind but I thought thats all we were. We were children when we first met and maybe I did not notice the shift of his feelings now that we were basically adults. I did not know how to feel about this but I was afraid of the day where he might come forward about this feelings and I would have to break his heart. And there was Buckys gift, the white nameless plush cat. I would fall asleep with it every night, cuddling it and thinking of him. I felt ashamed now that I had an inkling about Steves feelings for me. He was hoping that one day I might feel something for him, while I was thinking the same thing about his best friend.
For days I was unsure of what to do. I could not act on my feelings without breaking Steves heart and I could not live with myself if I did. And who is to say that Bucky even felt the same way about me. I could not bear the thought of destroying our friendship over my stupid feelings, so I made a decision. I would just bottle up my emotions and wait for them to die down, I was certain that it was just my teenage hormones anyway. It would go away eventually or so i thought.
Emboldend by my decision I got ready to go to our usual spot in prospect park. I put on my second favourite dress because I told myself that I did not need look my best, for just meeting friends. It seems like a foolish thought in hindsight. I went downstairs just to run into my father. He looked me up and down "Going anywhere?", he asked. "I just want to read my book in prospect park", I lied for some reason. He was not convinced "Where is your book?" "Oops, let me get it quick.", I said turning around. He stopped me "Wait now that you are here, we are having company for dinner tonight, so dont be late." "Who is it?, I asked surprised because we never had company over. "Just a friend from work, with their son. He is your age, Im sure you will get along." I did not like that one bit, "Are you trying to set me up?", I did not want to hear the answer and he did not give me one. He mumbled "I gotta get back to work. See you tonight."
All the way to the park I kept thinking about our dinner company. I did not want to meet some random guy my father deemed suitable. He did not even know me so how could he assume to know who would be fitting for me. The boys were already there when I arrived. Steve was drawing the swans that were swimming on the lake and Bucky was entranced with the book he was reading. Both of them looked up when I approached them. My face must have betrayed my emotions because both of them asked me what was going on simultaneously. I told them about the news my father had broke to me. After my explanation their faces matched mine.
Steve broke the silence "Maybe he is nice, you dont know until you meet him." He did not look convinced though. Seeing their faces and the obvious dissappointment reminded me of the choice I had made, not to risk our friendship. "You are right Steve, maybe he is. I should not judge", I lied. There would be alot of lying in my future it seemed. They did not expect that answer. Bucky spoke first "Bold of your father to assume what you like in a guy, but whatever." He was getting but tried not to show it but I saw the signs. He started to bend the book in his hand and kept tapping his foot. "I dont like this, doll. You are not some cattle to be sold. You can make your own choices." I could hear the desperation in his voice and it made me feel a certain way. I put my hand on his hand so he would stop bending the book because he loved his books and he would regret breaking it like that. I tried to calm him down "It is just dinner, Im not getting married Buck.". Something shifted in his demeanour as he looked at my hand on his. He was looking for the right thing to say and settled on "Yeah I am just beeing weird, Im sorry. I just want you to be happy, is all. Listen I gotta go, there is a thing I have to do, so. See you tomorrow"
He patted Steve on the shoulder got up and left. I was afraid that now that Steve and I were alone, he would take the chance and open up about his feelings. I was not sure how I would react to that. Maybe I should have paid attention to the dark clouds that were accumulating over us. All of a sudden it started thundering and lightning filled the sky. We started to get up just as it began pouring rain in buckets. Everyone in the park hurried home but it was so sudden and heavy that you got drenched either way. Steve gathered up his drawing utensils but the drawing he did was destroyed by the rain already. He looked at me, took my hand and said "Lets get you home." We ran as fast as we could and right before my appartment I almost slipped in the rain and would have fell on my butt, if Steve were not holding my hand. It must have looked so ridiculous that I just started laughing and he could not help himself and chimed in. Seeing him laugh just made me happy, I wished we could stay like this forver. Friends that love each other deeply. But then he said something that told me that that was not an option. He looked me in the eyes and pleaded "Dont marry him", kissed my cheek and walked away.
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lake-archive · 3 months
A Shopping Trip
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Disclaimer! While I wrote this and many other Izumi/OC oneshots to be able to be understood in a vacuum, I recommend reading Alte Liebe Rostet Nicht for further context!
Izuann Masterlist (!!-Era)
AO3 Link
Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Characters: Izumi Sena, Original Character
Pairing: Izumi Sena/Original Character (Izuann)
Words: 1,290
Summary: Going shopping for clothes with his girlfriend can be exhausting. She is… Something else, to put it lightly. Yet not in the way one might expect…
If there was one thing Izumi had a hard time tolerating, even when it came to his own girlfriend, it was the choice of clothes. Some people just needed a reminder or two that they could not run around however they liked. Is it so hard to look presentable these days!? For some people apparently and that in itself was a massive annoyance!
Running around in clothes older than themselves, sometimes even in a rather questionable condition. Always one color that it could be almost depressing to look at, not even trying any other… Well, not all colors fit someone, fair enough. But even then it was so hard to get clothes in decent condition!? This was worse than a fashion di– No! That was a fashion disaster of its own! How can anyone bear to even walk next to someone like that!? And what type of fool has to be so much behind the times that they would even dare to walk around in clothes which are not just out of date but also old and worn out!? Who would be such an idiot!?
His own girlfriend, that's who! And he hated every second of it!
Of course people are usually more than meets the eye and Izumi was not that shallow. However, it was also a pain to look at and he couldn't have that. Her choice of clothing was still unacceptable! He could tell when someone else picked out their outfits! Because every other time they themself picked one out it was bound to be a disaster! And not to mention the closet… It was terrifying, a nightmare! 
Seriously, where does Ann get her clothes from? The trash bin!? She may as well! But even then, compared to her own clothes… Ok fine maybe she was not that far gone. Not yet at least… But that still wouldn't mean that she would get off the hook! Oh no! No no no! No! He couldn't allow it to go that far, become that bad! This is not going to happen while he's around!
“Guh… Booring…” He heard her complain however, arms crossed and pouting right on the spot. She didn't even hide it, being here was the worst for her. But did he care? No, not in this moment.
“So what? You're not going to keep running around like a scarecrow!” He scolded as he was about to shove another set of clothing into her hands but changed his mind when seeing it in front of her and having to picture her in that dress… ‘ No, that doesn't fit Ann nor does it look like her… She'd look like a fancy idiot in this. ’
“Eh? But not… I am not. “ She tried to protest, though it may as well not even have been an attempt. “Shirts are fine, right?”
“Your closet is filled with these stupid black shirts! What are you attending everyday, a funeral!?”
“W… Well…”
“And how old are they anyway!?“
“Well… My Dad used to–”
“Your dad!?” Now that was… Was… Was he hearing this right? Did she just say– “You're wearing your dad's clothes!?“
Ann nodded. “Yes?”
“So the clothes you're wearing are older than you!?” No wonder they look so worn out then!
“I… think? Maybe…”
“Maybe!?” This girl sometimes… Oh how he wanted to just shake her right then and there and yell at her. She's wearing her father's old clothes!? It was less of a problem that these belonged to her father, though this was still something he had not expected to hear… But it would explain why the shirts were so tight in some parts.
Anyways, the bigger problem was that these clothes have to be ancient! They weren't smelly but some were at the brink of falling apart! And she was fine with that!? Now if they didn't look that old… But they did! Also what is her father even like, having owned the same shirt at least ten times!? What was this!? No, seriously, what!?
“Probably… Too small for him now. Fitting me instead. “ She responded so carelessly… No shame whatsoever. Did she even care, at all? Actually, given that she was just telling him all of that she didn't care in the slightest. She looked like it and she acted like it.
“Hearing that is so annoying.” Izumi grumbled, though still loud enough for her to hear. This is unacceptable! This cannot continue! “Guess we'll have to do this more often!”
Hearing that made her flinch for a good moment. “More often!? But clothes shopping–”
“Is boring, I can hear you!” He interrupted while picking out something else, then shoving it into her hands with no hesitation, his glare not having calmed down. At all. “But I don't care! If you won't change your own wardrobe then I will! I'll throw that stuff out one by one!”
“Hah!? You can't–”
“It's old, out of season and visibly worn out! You're not going out like that anymore!”
“Force. This is force.” She pouted.
“Cry about it. I can't have you look like that.”
“Why!? None of your–”
“We're often seen with each other, it is my business! Being seen with a literal fashion wreck when being a model…”
“Is that… I mean caring about… You–”
“Well, I have to take it into consideration.” He sighed and that much was true. Being seen next to a tramp constantly… What does this look like!? But it was not just about that… “Plus if you keep running around like that no one's going to take you seriously. It's a miracle that anyone hired you.”
This had her confused for a moment, tilting her head ever so slightly. “Eh? Not seriously?”
“Haven't your parents taught you this? If you want to come around you have to look a certain way. Or no one's going to listen.”
“Skill and experience counts more… Right?”
“Ann, that's not the type of world we're living in. If you run around like some slob all the time you'll run into problems sooner or later. “ Was he seriously giving her a lecture at this point? Yeah, he was… But she had to hear it. Hence why his tone had become calmer. He needed her to listen, take this seriously. “You have career plans yourself, right?”
She nodded, at least a little.
“Then start working on your looks too. Or they'll look over you, no matter how skilled you are.”
She was only staring at him, seeming to be in some type of shock. Did he go too far? No, it was just a fact. An ice cold fact. Though he was surprised not to hear that ‘ this is an idol and model thing ’.
“You sound like Mom.” That was the first thing she said though, nearly making one of his eyelids twitch.
“Hah!? This again!?”
“No! My Mom said that too!”
“Oh… Wait, really? “ So Ann has heard it before… She meant it literally.
“Y… Yeah. She likes scolding too.“
“Oi, watch your mouth…”
“Haha, sorry! But really, she's said it too.”
“Don't you mean she has said it too?”
“Ah– Yeah, that!” Ann nodded several times. “Same lecture.”
“And you haven't listened to her yet? Seriously…”
“Well… It… doesn't seem–”
“Whatever, then I will make you listen. I'm not going to go soft on you!”
“Eh!? Still on that!?” And even with that Ann seemed shocked. Though would that stop Izumi? Well, judging from the grin he felt on his face…
“Prepared or not, I'm going to give you the proper makeover! If you won't listen, then I'll just have to make you listen!” And this was just the start of it all. “And no, you're getting no say in this. So don't even try to run.“
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smootbrainchicken · 4 months
Without me
Part 1
I can see it even now, the road under him, cars rushing around trying to get home, the streetlight on his face, his hair falling in halos around his head, the bliss of the moment.
Don’t do it please. Just stay put. Please. Don’t trust it.
I can beg all that I want but the ending always stays the same.
Oh why did you have to be without me?
September 2, 2024
Monday morning, the first day of junior year, I genuinely never thought I would get here after the crap I went through last year. During the last week of school last year I made a choice to leave my friend group, it was a big deal at the time because believe it or not I was part of the “popular” girls so when I left my, now best friend Daniela Jenkins or Danni, went with me. Obviously the whole school was up in our space trying to figure out what the hell happened for the cool kids to lose two members, and honestly it’s not that deep, those people are shallow, only care about how they look in others eyes, pretty, sexy, sassy, funny, girly, helpless, you get the point.
Danni and I were not informed of some major switches in our group because apparently we weren’t fitting “the ideal look” of the group, so we left. I remember exactly what I said to the “leader” of the group Allison.
“Look, I'm not interested in being one of your puppets that you drag along until you need me. If you don’t like me and don’t want to be my friend that’s fine but don’t make up stupid excuses like “i don’t fit the look” honestly nobody actually likes you they’re just scared of you, and how you will make their life hell if they stopped following you around.”
It might have been a little harsh, but she needed to hear it and the rest of the group needed to know it was okay to not fall in line behind her meaninglessly. She was also dating the boy I had the fattest crush on, so I might have been a little unnecessarily mean, but that doesn’t really matter anymore because they broke up over summer and I took my chance. That makes me seem shallow. I didn't just swoop in while he was hurting and ask him out because he was finally free of that brat of a girlfriend he had, I'm not that girl. Instead i waited 3 weeks then asked if he wanted to go to a small get together, a party, with me. Theo and I have been neighbors for our whole lives, so it’s not that strange that I would talk to him outside of school hallways. He said yes to me and one thing led to another and we were hanging out all the time, at least twice a week over the summer.
Me being me I knew that i couldn’t just go up and date him, not after the stunt i pulled with Allison at school. They aren’t dating anymore but he has been accepted into the male side of that friend group so he is still… salty, I guess about her. By the end of August I thought I had made great progress with him and was finally ready to ask him out on a date, when he totally friend-zoned me. He told me that I was his best friend and he is glad we started talking again after drifting apart in 8th, 9th, and 10th grade. Great, I’ve been best friended, exactly not what I wanted, but we will make it work. For the sake of my little middle school self and her crush on Theo I can't screw this up.
I am in my little black sports car my mom bought for me last christmas for all of 30 seconds before I remember that I forgot to grab my lunch off of the counter. Everyday for the past 11 years my mom has reminded me to grab my lunch before school while she watches the cartoon reruns on the TV, not anymore because half way through summer my parents decided to be selfish and cheat on eachother. And I do mean each other, they accidentally booked the same hotel for the same night with their side pieces, they ran into each other there and when I got home the next day I was told they are getting divorced. After it was finalized rather than go to court about it they just said i would live in the house with whomever stays there, that ended up being my dad, it’s not like I’m mad about it i love my dad but mom and i had a rhythm and now she just buys me stuff like that’s parenting.
I ran into the house and got my lunch bag then ran back out to my car. Danni got into a wreck last month so her car is totaled and i've been picking her up a lot ever since, so naturally i have to pick her up from school today too. I'm about to pull out of the driveway when I see Theo waving and jogging towards me. I roll down the window to say hi but he gets over to me faster and opens up the passenger door.
“I'm so sorry to ask but would you mind taking me to school today? Mom’s car won’t start so she took mine and dad already left for work-” he’s talking super fast as if he’s scared i'll say no to him. Except he doesn’t know that I can't say no to him, not when he bats his pretty gray eyes at me, and has his pink lips parted ever so slightly cause he ran over here.
“No, of course I'll take you. Just hop in, we have to pick up Danni so i’ve got to go now though” oh no, i agreed to quickly. Maybe he won’t notice it or maybe he will just not read into it too far.
He face relaxes as soon as the words left my mouth, “You are a lifesaver seriously I owe you Lyd,”
“I'll hold you to that” I laughed at him, “but for real i need to go so in or out?”
“In. I'm in, don’t want you to be late. Lydia May Vandyke, ms. perfect, never missed a class or been late in her whole school career.” he teases.
I scoff as I pull out of the driveway and drive towards Danni’s house, “Oh you know that’s not true, I got chicken pox in 5th grade and missed a whole week of school. We went on a field trip to the aquarium and I cried because I had to miss it so you brought me back a stuffed shark to make me feel better.”
“Oh yeah that’s right and everyone at school kept asking if you were my girlfriend and if you were dying.” he laughs softly at the memory.
The rest of the ride to Danni's is mainly in silence, but not the suffocating kind; it was a soft comfortable silence, like old friends just enjoying each other's presence after being across the ocean from each other. When she gets into the car she looks at me and raises her eyebrows, a clear sign of confusion and questioning. I shake my head towards her hoping she will drop it for now so I can explain the situation to her without the main subject in the room with us. Danni is the type of person to be quiet around people she’s not super close with, so the ride to school consists of me talking to them individually rather than a group conversation until the topic of Allison is brought up.
Theo is finally at the point where we can talk about Allison and he talks about all the shit she put him through rather than how much he misses her and how he wishes she had given more signs before ending it with him, but when Danni brings up the fact that we have nowhere to sit because we are not friends with her anymore and he gets visibly tense. Danni sees it and gets an idea.
“So…? Are you going to sit with the B.I.O.T.C.H. today?” she asks in an accusatory tone.
Theo spins around in his seat to look at her as soon as the words have left her mouth, “Who is the biotch?”
Danni laughs and says, “Oh that’s Allison.”
“B.I.O.T.C.H. is an acronym, Beast of burden, Inbred, Oxygen thief, Twitter feminist, Coffee slurper, Hypocrite." I explained, inserting myself into their conversation.
“Well jeez you guys, that's a little harsh. And though it doesn’t matter, yes I was planning on sitting with my friends today,” I can’t quite tell if he’s offended over the way we talk about her or if he’s just not putting up with our bullshit.
“Don’t get snappy, I was just asking” Danni raises her hands in mock surrender.
He hangs his head is small defeat, “I know, it’s just been a long day”
I turn into the school parking lot, “It’s not even 8 o'clock hun”
He mimics me in a silly voice, “I’m aware of the time Lydia”
“Ok, ok” I laughed softly, “Keep your eyes peeled people, we need to get a good parking spot.
This is part one of hopefully many, please let me know what you think it would be greatly appreciated. Bye lovelies <3
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clarktooncrossing · 6 months
Giraffe's Eye View: Christmas Specials Special (2023) | Barbie in Nutcracker
Chestnuts are roasting on an open fire. Jack Frost is nipping at your nose. Mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again. All the dogs in the neighborhood somehow learned to bark Jingle Bells in sync. Yet retail workers are still more annoyed with Mariah Carey. Snow is getting shoveled, tossed, and formed into sentient beings leading parades without permits. It makes for an excellent distraction as the Krampus abducts children for bad behavior. Fruitcake is exchanged only to find its permanent home in the garbage. Terrorists have hijacked the Holiday office party right before your boss can give you a Jelly of the Month Club membership as your bonus. And of course, the Turducken has returned to wreak its fiery vengeance upon an unsuspecting world! If all this doesn’t put you in the Christmas spirit, perhaps these following Holiday specials will!
Greetings people of today and robots of tomorrow! It is I, Santa Clark, your geeky giraffe friend with a deep love of Christmas! My obsession for the yuletide is rivaled only by Maleficent’s hatred for it, which is saying a lot considering she once teamed up with Mad Madam Mim to kidnap the literal Spirit of Christmas. Yes, that really happened. I know this due to my annual pilgrimage to the Island of Misfit Specials, home to obscure or nerdy festive media ranging from movies, TV episodes, and comics. It’s no easy journey. Constantly I find myself confronted by sinister snowmen, genocidal gingerbread men, and worst of all, crappy commercials. Getting stabbed in the foot by a candy-cane wielding cookie is one thing, but I swear I’ve seen that ad for Wilbur’s White Elephant Gift Emporium more times than I’ve seen Miracle on 34th Street! Sometimes at night I catch myself reciting that jingle. Wilbur’s White Elephant Gift Emporium: Where Christmas meets Convenience! Huh, maybe Maleficent had a point.
Nah, my deep-rooted appreciation for this time of year can weather even the most moronic marketing! It helps that most of the merry media I’ve seen have put me in the perfect Holiday mood! Examples include the time a Ninja Turtle found himself trapped in a truck full of stollen toys, a drunk department store Santa stumbling onto a wish-granting magic bag, Big Bird nearly becoming a popsicle, Gwenpool waking up in a world where Galactus took the place of jolly ol’ Saint Nicholas, a terrifying tree stump trying to slaughter some saps over a stupid ship war, and the year when Death gave the Little Match Girl the greatest gift of all. Needless to say, I thought I had seen it all. That is, until I took my friends on a trip to the Island, tasking them to find me new, strange, seasonal specials to review! Some of them were fair, finding me festive favorites as comforting as coco in front of the fireplace. Others were fiendish, wanting to feed off my misery like Gremlins after midnight. Regardless of how naughty or nice my companions were, I’ve compiled all of their suggestions into a makeshift advent calendar! So stay tuned everyday until Christmas to see how badly my buddies can shred what little sanity I have left.
On the first day of Christmas, my buddies gave to me...
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Hoo boy, what a way to start. Now you’d think my friend Molly (molly420) would’ve made her choice due to the magnificent Margot Robbie vehicle that came out earlier this year. Honestly, Harley Quinn’s humorous turn as the iconic blonde bimbo had nothing to do with this. I’ve been trying to get this special written for a while now and Molly missed her chance to partake the first time around. Knowing I’d offer myself up to being tormented again, she set an alarm on her phone to remind herself to suggest Barbie in Nutcracker when the opportunity presented itself the following year. That kind of disturbing dedication I can oddly respect. Still doesn’t stop me from feeling annoyed. Jolly as I may be, Nutcracker turns me into a Scrooge! My love of Christmas only goes so far when I’m bored out of my mind in an auditorium, watching confused toddlers prance around on stage, the titular toy soldier clashing against a dude in a bargain bin rat costume. How can a show be so tedious yet so trippy? No wonder I made a comic comparing my going to see it to the five stages of grief. My love of Barbie isn’t much higher, her only being interesting whenever she’s in a Pixar picture. Say what you will, but Barbie and Ken’s relationship in Toy Story 3 gave us Ariel and Batman flirting. Any argument you have is invalid. Still, perhaps I’m being too harsh. I’ve praised an adaptation featuring Mickey and Minnie before, so there is precedent for decent retellings of this tale. Will Barbie manage to pull off something similar?
Certainly not in the art department she won’t! Admittedly this is a direct-to-video movie from 2001, a time when computer animation was still finding its footing. Not to mention, this movie was one of the first to use motion capture, employing the world famous New York City Ballet to provide the dancing seen on screen. In a time when Gollum wasn’t even a fully realized character yet, that’s actually impressive! Really, I have to tip my hat there. Everything else looks like a sugar plum fever dream. This is one of those movies you never want to pause ever! The lighting is lackluster, the textures are terrible, and any movement outside of the dancing is stiffer than a board. This animation has aged like eggnog! Still, it’s not the worst cartoon content I’m critiquing this Christmas. At least it succeeds in making Barbie look as plastic as ever.
Speaking of our pink protagonist, our story starts with Barbie (Kelly Sheridan) in the middle of instructing her ballet class. A class that consists of one brat failing to master a basic move. Business is booming! Seeing her sole source of income struggling, our blonde ballet instructor halts class in order to tell a self-insert fanfiction where she takes on the role of Clara. She is visited by her adventurous Aunt Drosselmayer (Kathleen Barr) on Christmas Eve, bringing with her a horribly rendered Nutcracker. Her niece is smitten by the doll cuz some peeps have kooky kinks. She even goes so far as to bandage up its arm when her brother breaks it. Great, now he can’t come with Clara to Cowboy Camp! Despite the busted limb, the wooden warrior is able to ward off an army of malicious mice that invade the house later that night. Leading these vile vermin is their king, voiced by the GOAT, Tim Curry. Oh Tim, you’re the gift that keeps on giving! He is the savory pinch of salt that can turn any drab slab of beef into a five-star steak. He is the shiny red ribbon tied up on that piece of coal you found in your stocking. He is the guy who has it out bad for Christmas if this and Belle’s Enchanted Christmas are any indication. As per usual he adds sinister charisma to an otherwise forgettable fiend.
A shame he’s not in the movie for long. Upon waking up, Barbie takes a page out of Clark Griswold’s guide to exterminating pests by covering the critter in a coat before bashing its brains out with a hammer. Or at least that’s what should’ve happened. Rather she stands still long enough for the Mouse King to use his magical scepter to shrink her down like Ant-Man. Only after does she repel the rodent via meekly kicking her slipper at him. Brilliant strategy Barbie, G.I. Joe’s got nothin’ on you! Especially since now you’re the same size. Left wondering how to return to normal, the suddenly sentient owl perched atop her grandfather clock swoops in to exposit. Oh sure, she could’ve prevented this from happening by simply eating the mice, but that’d be too logical. Jee, thanks ya' feathery fool. Instead she tasks the two with finding the Sugar Plum Princess, a magical maiden from the Kingdom of Parthenia who went missing years ago. Only she can help Barbie regain her tall status as well as dethrone the mousey monarch.
Thus off they’re sent to this magical realm, encountering freakish fairies, rampaging rock giants, multicolored mares, and the always bickering Captain Candy (Ian James Corlett) and Major Mint (Christopher Gaze). Whenever these two aren’t repressing their obvious sexual tension they’re blaming the missing Prince Eric for their troubles. He's the reason for their many woes! A sentiment shared by the few survivors still living here. Dang, you folks have a nasty habit of misplacing your monarchs. Maybe you ott’a start tagging them.
Whatever happened to Prince Eric? According to Mint his friend was next in line to rule before finding himself smitten by a red-headed fish girl who saved him from a sinking ship. Shirking off more of his responsibilities led to the Mouse King eventually seizing power, the tiny tyrant transforming the prince into the very same Nutcracker (Kirby Morrow) escorting Barbie in the present. A plot twist so obvious even our heroine saw it coming a mile away. Props to this picture for subverting expectations but that just makes Barbie’s inability to figure out the bigger reveal all the more moronic. Cuz yeah, no freak’n duh she's the Sugar Plum Princess! No doubt all of you figured that out as soon as the name was dropped. By the end Barbie finally figures it out herself, using her powers to grow back to full size, squish the Mouse King under her hot-pink heel, then dance an annoyingly long amount of time with her now human boi toy. Hey, might as well get your money’s worth out of those New York Ballerinas.
My snark should’ve made it clear by now how this adaptation isn’t for me. That’s not to say there aren’t things I liked. For starters, I appreciated the writers’ attempt to turn what’s normally a string of random sequences into a coherent narrative. Granted, they never explain how Aunty Drosslemeyer came into possession of the Nutcracker, why the Sugar Plum Princess went missing in the first place, or how Barbie suddenly learns how to use her magic, but still the effort is there. Overall the script wasn’t as brain dead as I feared it’d be. Then again, perhaps it didn’t seem as stupid due to the talented voice cast reading it. Aside from Curry, the ensemble is stuffed with My Little Pony alumni, Starlight Glimmer delivering a decent performance for our main star. Clearly she struck a chord with audiences considering how many times she’d reprise this role afterwards. Out of all the cast though, Kirby Morrow as the Prince was the weakest link, his voice never matching the character design. Not to mention, they had the audacity to cast Curry and never give him ONE stink’n song number? Screw this movie not being a musical, you don't cast a Sweet Transvestite without letting them sing! It’s a crime punishable by death! Atop of that, the pacing is peculiar in places, the plot twists are obnoxiously obvious, and the animation is just adequate. By no means is this a masterpiece.
It is, however, a great excuse to spend time with my cousin. Being a fan of Barbie for as long as she’s been alive meant she was the perfect person to call to borrow a copy from. We got together and had a laugh at the movie’s expense, my cousin unable to ignore the apparent flaws either. Fun times were had, and what more could I possibly ask for? At least now I don’t have to review any more versions of Nutcracker… right?
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embersofhope-if · 7 months
hii!!! i’m going to watch the new hunger games with my boyfriend on the 17th cause my birthday is on the 16th, and i was wondering about your opinion on it??
personally, i’ve never read the books beside the ones based on katniss, but i see a lot of people hating on the choice of the actress for the lucy gray.
i think people are dramatizing everything about her and the snowwhite being single “issue”, yes it’s a little weird to basically say a woman has to be single to be independent, but you can tell her hearts in the right place, so why does everybody hate her???
and say what you want about her, but the girl can SING. like it’s actually crazy how pretty her voice is.
i really like the parallel of katniss singing to lucy’s singing, and the difference of two in general. i’ve seen this one quote that’s like “a hunter in a performance” regarding katniss and “a performer in a hunt” regarding lucy, and i love it so much?
i also love the new song from olivia rodrigo, it reminds me of rue (my sweet baby girl ☹️ i think of you everyday #theogmockingjay)
i feel my hunger games phase returning tenfold and i might cave in and buy the rest of the books and speedrun it before the movie tbh LMAO
sorry this is so long but i wanted to see what you thought of it!! (the actor of snow has no reason being that attractive. why would they make such a problematic person So hot???? everytime 😢)
omg im going to see tbosas on the 16th too🤭
Personally, i absolutely LOVE the book. It's my favorite out of all the books if im completely honest. I know a lot of people are worried that it "humanizes" Snow, but it genuinely doesn't. It shows you that he had several opportunities throughout his life to do the right thing and be a decent person, but every time he chose whatever benefited himself. It's truly very interesting to watch him go from academy student Coryo to future president of Panem Snow. I really recommend reading it if you haven't or aren't sure about it🫶
Everyone that I've talked who has seen the movie so far has said it really is great and does the book justice even if it obviously had to cut some things.
As for all the Rachel Zegler hate (Lucy Grays actress), i honestly think it's absolutely stupid. Most of the comments that people bitch about are severely taken out if context or was very obviously just something she was told to say. I don't think Disney really understands that people are tired of the whole a woman has to be single to be independent thing. Like i get peoples frustration with her saying that but I know Rachel doesnt think like that it was just something she was told would help promote the movie. Most of the hate towards her is just rooted is misogyny, so i normally ignore it.
Anyways! Everyone says she's a perfect Lucy Gray, and i fully believe it without even having to watch the movie. She's got an absolutely incredible voice, but she also just captures the spirit of Lucy Gray so well that i can't wait to see the movie.
I've been absolutely OBSESSED with Olivia's song. Im ngl i was a little worried when i heard rumors of her being on the sound track just because i was struggling to imagine what the song would sound like but she absolutely ate with Can't Catch Me Now. I think i listened to it like 87 times yesterday. im not even joking
I also fully support you falling head first into your hunger games phase again🤭. I've been stuck in mine since march, and I'll gladly bring anyone down with me lmao. I know the remastered audiobooks are on YouTube if you really don't want to buy all the books again. So if you want the links, let me know! (i bought them all earlier this year, and Tatiana Maslany (shes also f!ashs voiceclaim hehe) did an incredible job narrating them🫶)
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sassy-seungmo · 2 years
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ring pops-yang jeongin
jeongin x reader
major fluff
Your hand found its way into his, the lines that were engraved on his palms feeling as if they were a part of your own. He mindlessly began to trace circles along the back of your hand, not even glancing away from his conversation he was totally engrossed in as he did so.
“I can’t believe it's been so long and here you both are.” Felix said drawing you into a conversation so you weren’t just caught observing, though you would have had no issue simply admiring Jeongin for hours if it was an option. “Pretty much all of us don’t talk much anymore and here you two are.”
“You were the ones that joked about this all the time.” You reminded your blonde high school friend who you hadn’t seen in so long, side hugging him with the arm that Jeongin wasn’t hanging off the end of. “You’re going to get married and everything.” You mocked your friends in a high voice.
“Well, we told you so.” Felix said, referring to the ring sitting on your finger that had taken its rightful place there about 3 months prior. “Remember when he proposed to you as a joke with a ring pop that one time.” You smiled fondly at Jeongin, remembering many moments in which he would fake propose, in his words, to prepare for the real time. Where he still, though he wouldn’t admit it, got completely choked up.
You sat down at the table beside Jisung who was telling a story, his arms waving around animatedly as Hyunjin was watching with just as much wonder in his eyes, the pair always seeming to match each others energy. An energy you really were not feeling like meeting at all after the day you had, had.
“Do you guys know where Jeongin is?” You asked the moment Jisung took a breath, admittedly longer then you had anticipated as he never seemed to stop firing words from his mouth.
“Caught in class I think, when I walked past him and Seungmin were still sitting at the table.” Chan commented helpfully when everyone else shrugged. “Are you doing alright?”
“Yeah,” you halfheartedly gave him a tired thumbs up which did absolutely nothing to convince him that you were doing okay. “Just want Jeongin.”
“You guys are gross,” Felix shook his head. “You know he never wanted any hugs before he met you, not from any of us.”
“Lix is just angry that Jeongin always rejects him,” Chan said patting the younger boys shoulder as Felix’s tongue poked the inside of his cheek and his eyebrows raised, a habit he always seemed to have when he got mad.
“He’ll get over it,” you shrug too tired to care much about your cuddle bug friend. Instead you turned your head away from the commotion and rested it against the table, closing your eyes to rest as much as possible. Blocking out all of the surrounding sound, and there was plenty.
When after a few minutes everything fell silent and you felt dozens of pairs of eyes on you, you finally looked up and locked eyes with Chan who smiled as he pointed behind you.
“Innie,” you said before you had processed the fact that he was dramatically on one knee, holding out a ring pop in one of his hands. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Asking for your hand in marriage,” he smiled cheekily, his eyes disappearing as his smile only grew at your bewildered expression. “If you’ll take me my love, if not I have other options of course.”
“Stop being stupid,” you whined and he almost looked offended for a second. “Of course I’m saying yes, no one over there is going to be your back up option.” He laughed his breathy laugh as he dramatically slipped the ring on your finger, sitting down right beside you and wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
“One day you’re going to have an actual ring from him, and we’re going to have to listen you two brag about it everyday.” Minho complained as if he was dreading the day that it would come.
“How did he do it?” Felix questioned at your reunion, all too interested in the ring. Even he had to admit that Jeongin had made a good choice on the diamond that glittered brightly upon your ring finger.
“We were just having lunch one day and when he asked if I wanted anything else and I turned around to answer he was on one knee,” you responded reminiscing, you had always thought that you had wanted a dramatic proposal yet nothing could have felt more perfect then the intimate moment shared purely between the pair of you.
“I thought she might have said no when she didn’t reply straight away,” Jeongin mused, joining into the conversation, as well as gently pulling you closer by the waist. “Thankfully we’d rehearsed before.”
“Still as gross as I remember, are we all invited to the wedding at least?” Felix questioned, despite the group having been split up for a while you all knew that they at least deserved to attend the event having been in front row seats to your relationship for a long time.
“I was actually going to give you this,” Jeongin confirmed handing a ring pop over to Felix with details for the wedding all on the wrapping. The blonde boy laughed at the fond memory ruffling Joengin’s hair.
master list
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
More of the Baizen brothers and Annie drama please? ☹️
This is going to get worse before it gets better...you guys know that right? So, Otto is feeling some strong attraction and them some towards Annie. Him being blatantly honest with his dad about why he's never had a real relationship, but just dated. He's so scared of becoming like Andy and Dayton, but also terrified that he's falling for Annie. Her being with Brooks is a complication, and he thinks her being nineteen and him thirty is a complication. Let me remind you, there's more going on in Brooks' head. He's also now turning to substance abuse, and...
Clear Her Head
Summary: the triplets kidnap Annie
Pairings: Brooks X Annie
Rating: mature
Warnings: explicit language, drug use, implied infidelity, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1.4K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Brooks Baizen Masterlist
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Annie stands outside hers and Brooks’ apartment, in a way, dreading to go in. She had a tiny glimmer of the old Brooks while Otto had been there. He had drank a bit more, but he was kind, he paid attention to her, and he came home early.
The week after Otto left, it was misery. Back to how things were. Random things out of place on her side of the closet. Finding a few of Brooks’ things oddly in the guest room, and she needed a break. A break from school, and most definitely a break from him. She didn’t expect college to be easy, but she also didn’t expect to be so far away from her family and friends, while a distance was growing between her and Brooks.
Opting to spend most her time with the Baizen/Teller triplets. Annie fit right in with Iclynn, Illiana, and Daisy, and she missed them. Missed then simplicity of staying up late at night in the treehouse, or riding around in someone’s car, while they sang obnoxious pop songs at the top of their lungs. New York had no need for a car, except for Brooks’ constant use for a driver.
She gives an eye roll before walking into the house. Her eyes drifting over the apartment, and feeling like something was off. The guest bedroom door open, and a pot of boiling water on the stove, and no Brooks.
Annie gets a sick ping in her stomach as she rushes to turn off the stove. Walking slowly into the apartment, almost thinking that someone could be in here with her. Walking quietly into the bedroom, and she swears she didn’t see what she thought she seen. Brooks leaned over on the bathroom counter. Standing up he sniffles a bit. His hand messing with his nose when he finally catches a glimpse of her.
“Brooks what’re you doing?”
He takes a long sniff, staring at her blankly, trying to find the best excuse. “Nothing,” she walks closer to the bathroom, and spots a mirror, and a rolled up bill in his hand. “This isn’t what it looks like.”
“Why is the guest bedroom always open?”
“Why the fuck does it need to be closed Analey? What is your deal with the fucking guest room? This is my goddamn apartment. I should be able to do whatever I want.”
“You can’t even look at me,” Brooks rolls his eyes going to walk past her. “Brooksie, look at me!”
“Why? It’s not like I don’t see you every fucking day. I sleep in the bed with you every night. Wake up with you every day. It’s getting a bit monotonous here,” she gives him an annoyed laugh, ignoring the constant ringing on her phone. “What? Enlighten me what’s so fucking funny.”
“You’re the one who asked me to move to New York with you. Changed my college of choice, so I could live with you, and now you’re tired of seeing me everyday? What did you think this was going to be?”
“And still couldn’t make you change you stupid damn major. Speech pathologist, really? You and everyone else in the Otto Baizen fan club. More like Otto White. You know my dad, mine, adopted him. His dad really fucked my mom up. Goddammit everything is about him. He’s not even working for Blood Like Wine and he offered help. I don’t need fucking I’m help, I’m Brooks Sirius fucking Baizen. A real Baizen, baby. Bred to perfection.”
“You’re disgusting. That’s your brother,” he grabs her arm glaring at her. “I suggest you drop my arm, right now.”
“Where are you going? Running back to Boston? Going to be Otto’s slut? That’s what you want, huh? He’ll use you for a month and move on.”
Annie phone rings again, and she doesn’t have to look to know who it is calling. The first call had been Daisy, the current was Illiana. “What is your hang up with Otto? You used to look up to him?”
“Saw him for who he really is,” he shrugs. “Golden Boy my ass, even Lydia knows Otto doesn’t deserve to have my last name,” a new call comes in to Annie’s phone being Iclynn, and he slams his hand on the counter, “Would you answer the fucking phone?”
“No, we’re talking. They can wait. There’s a reason that you didn’t go to your other grandparents house. Don’t believe a word that vile woman tells you. You even said yourself that Archer is her favorite. You’re not an investment banker. She doesn’t see dollar signs in your eyes. Don’t look for approval from people who don’t care about you. Talk to me! This isn’t you. Whatever you were doing in the bathroom, wasn’t you.”
“What’re you gonna do? Call mommy? She gonna arrest me? She doesn’t have jurisdiction in this state, Annie. I’m working nonstop and the Adderall wasn’t helping,” he slams his hand on the counter when a knock comes on his door. “It’s about damn time for my food.”
Walking over to the door, he slings it open to be greeted with his two sisters, and cousin. The three of them looking over towards Annie, but it’s Iclynn that notices her blotchy skin. Sees the red rimmed eyes. And she knows she heard arguing, if only for a moment.
“We’re here to rescue you!” Illiana squeals, “Hey bub, we’re kidnapping your girlfriend, because we need her. We’re headed to the Hampton house for the week. Everyone else will be there after a few days.”
“Yeah, mom mentioned it,” Brooks deadpans, jumping in front of his sister to stop her from going into his bedroom, “Where are you going?”
“To pack Annie some clothes. Annie, lots of bathing suits. We’re staying at the smaller house cause it’s just us. Mimi and Papa are staying in Boston, in an empty estate. Lucy and Chris are going to India. Why are you standing there,” Illiana turns to look at her. Iclynn and Daisy had sat on the couch, knowing that no one told Illiana no when she made up her mind.
“I mean, you’re my size, we’re not quite the same style. But…could you help.”
“I don’t need to go to the Hamptons.”
“I think it’s a great idea. School has stressed you out. I’m working on another big client I’ll be gone a lot. You don’t want to spend your off time here,” walking into their bedroom, he throws a suitcase onto the bed. “I’ll give you my card, and you can buy what you want.”
“Or,” Illiana starts, walking into the closet she grabs a few dresses, shorts, shirts, and hoodies to toss in the suitcase, “She lets us take care of it, because Iclynn has daddy’s card. Apparently she’s more responsible.”
“I am!”
“She is. She really is. Brookie, you coming the last few days? Audi has been missing you. She slept in the bed with mom and dad crying and saying you hadn’t FaceTimed her,” Brooks feels guilty. He promised her every night. And hadn’t even done one night, and ignored her own calls. “She’s it, bub. She’s the last Baizen. Oh this is cute.”
Annie looks at the dress confused, before turning to glare at Brooks, “I just bought it for you the other day.”
“The tag is missing,” Illiana states confused.
“Well, if I leave them on there, she wants to take them back. It’ll be a nice yacht dress,” Annie wants to tell him no. That everything he said was a lie, but having her friends there, she opts not to. Reserving that for when she returns.
“Packing was easy. Ooh! Toiletries.”
“I’ll get it! Just go, raid the pantry or something. Annie, come get your things.”
“You got some freaky stuff in there don’t you?” Illiana smiles winking at him. “Don’t really wanna know because you’re my brother and it’s weird you’re dating my friend. But say no more. I need something spicy! Annie, ten minutes, we need to hit the road.”
Annie slowly gathers her things while Brooks cleans up his mess from earlier. Fighting the want to cry, because she doesn’t trust him alone. “Annie, have fun,” he says leaning over the vanity. “I mean it. Have fun. I’m trying.”
“For you or for us,” she says tossing the toiletries into her luggage. “This is is Brookie. I’m not living like this. I won’t. I’ll see you in a week.”
“Love ya.”
“I love you, Brooks,” she wants to scream at him for the casual way he says goodbye. His former self would have walked her to the car. This self stay in the apartment while he gave her a weak goodbye kiss. Being in the Hamptons was just what she needed to clear her head. She couldn’t wait.
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god--of--mischief · 2 years
~ Killing me softly
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Loki x Reader
Short Drabble
Canon divergent / AU
Triggers - None. Just pure sadness !
Summary - For years, you’ve been captive, a mere servant to the king of Asgard, the only mortal to walk the grounds until one day, you decided you finally want freedom, you want a normal life in Midgard. But the only thing holding you back, is him. It’s always him.
Ocean piercing eyes watched you from the golden, polished throne - The cold hues that held such beauty had never been so… concerning. Though daily life, surrounding yourself around the king had always felt this way. As if you were any other prey being scanned down by it’s predator.
Having promised to serve and obey rather than being a prisoner to the dark elves, Loki had taken up the offer, in his eyes, it would be some kind of redemption, but in yours? - It was a bitter choice you made. Only making you miss family and loved ones back on Midgard.
A year had passed serving under the raven god - The tender and subtle conversations had turned into somewhat jesters and slight teases. Though you didn’t acknowledge them as anything other than the means to get ‘on’ with you. Loki had always attempted ways to get your attention, but the sentiment had been something you knew he couldn’t have, or build… until a few days ago.
“You must know… just because you cater for me, you don’t have to dwindle in that kitchen all night” Loki started, the crackling fire making the atmosphere around you somewhat, soothing. Soft emeralds had stared you down once more.
“I… I know. But I like to steer clear. Not be.. you know? In the way?” You respond, although you feel stupid for merely sounding meek.
Loki inhaled, a calculating expression grew to his pale features until he gave out a small scoff “You are not in anyone’s way. You may cook, clean and serve under me, but if it wasn’t for your services, I wouldn’t have a faithful midgardian to trust around here” He muttered, pulling on his thin bottom lip “-Besides, your company comforts me” A sly grin made its way to the corner of his lips. His eyes had again, gave away that sincerity he had in his voice…
You quirked your brow to his last sentence “Comforts you?… how so?” With your hands on your hips, you grow curious, wanting to pull more words out of him.
“I suppose your irate demeanour makes me amused - After all, I need to be entertained in my kingdom too, no?” The way he chuckled through his raspy tone made you erupt a small laugh to follow with his, but after it calmed, you stared at him some more. His eyes had diverted to watch the flames within the fireplace entwine and flicker.
You bit your tongue, the nauseous feeling had aroused but you couldn’t help yourself.
“Loki…” you started, quiet, guilt ridden…scared… “I know I have been easy to rely on and had helped you with many things here for a long time. If it wasn’t for you, I’d be in a dark situation, or worse, I’d be dead” You stated, your own eyes now trailing to fixate upon the floor.
“B-But I’ve been thinking… about home. About how I might want to get out there, explore, see family… see my friends. I don’t think they can deal with the thought that I’ve ‘moved’ country… it’s too…” you paused, features pained slightly “-Too much”
The silence Loki had after you had spoken was what started to break you - His empty stare, his slow nodding of his head as if he knew this moment would occur. “I understand. It was never my intention to keep you as some… some kind of prisoner” He replied, as if he had started to be bitter upon himself.
You shook your head and stopped yourself from falling into too many emotions and anxieties “You never made me feel such things” was all you said, until he managed a small tight lipped smile. Then, after a minute passed of processing, Loki had left.
You had the morning to think on it, to decide what was best. Although Asgard was beautiful and otherworldly and breathtaking as you were always reminded of everyday, you still wanted the normality of the busy cities or the quiet country sides… it was a weird feeling. It was homesick.
Waking up from the warm, large bed. You took time staring into the polished mirror, body and mind not wanting to do anything else. But you made your choice, and you knew you devoted your mind to stay as long as you could. A knock upon the door startled you, and you had frozen into place until you snapped your mind into moving. The sound of silence was all that could be heard on the other side - You knew this may of been Loki, but you opened the door with a brave visage all the same, until it was merely one of the guards.
“Miss? Heimdall is awaiting your Presence on the bridge” were the man’s words, before departing.
You were confused, you thought from the conversation prior that you would be escorted or had some more time with the king himself, but he was no where to be seen… You made way to the bifrost, the beautiful passageway to other worlds, to home.
Yet Loki was no where to be seen. Only the sole protector himself - The curious stare the tall man made had struct more confusion through you, puzzled that this was it - your goodbye, your end here.
“Miss. Are you ready?” Heimdall spoke, with a small smile the man had stared up into the sky, getting the portal ready to open up, you felt empty, and torn - Where was he!?
“Heimdall? Where’s Loki?” You asked, through the roars of the warping, the fear had made tears taint your cheeks.
“He’s here miss. We all thank you for your services, and our king does too” He called over the painful sounds, to this you were more disorientated, eyes darted around the room until you saw Loki standing just a few inches from the portal Heimdall opened, leaning against the entrance, eyes on you as they always were. Full of sorrow, and distraught.
“Loki?” You yelled, a hopeful expression now grew as you looked over at him. “I’m sorry…”
His brow furrowed, and his arms un folded, he started walking towards you, acknowledging what you were going to say - “No. I’m sorry” He spoke, loud enough for you to understand or read his lips.
“For what?” You asked, noticing that Heimdall couldn’t hold onto having the portal open for so long, the struggle for him was making you un impatient to make him wait for all of this. But you had to hear it…
A small but saddened smile made way to his face, staring at Heimdall and then diverting his gaze to you. “-For not making it clear months ago. Knowing this moment would kill me…” His words made you feel more nauseous, as if he had torn straight through you - Heimdall had taken the order to push you through, but all of a sudden the world around you had turned into slow motion, wether it was the processing of it all, the feeling of being teleported, you didn’t know, but all you did know, was the words that seemed to of left the God of mischief’s mouth as you was slowly engulfed by darkness, you sworn you could of seen the movement of his lips tell you ‘I love you’
~~~ x ~~~
I hope you enjoyed this small silly Drabble. I haven’t done one for so long but if you want more then feel free to give me some requests or ideas of any fics or reader x Loki. And feel free to support or give me a coffee on kofi
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mylesstories · 6 months
incorrect quotes !!
mari: wake me up-
marco: before you go go
julia: when september ends
mari: you know, marco gives caleb flowers everyday, i wish you’d do that too.
julia: okay
julia: *gives caleb flowers*
caleb: ???
julia: i don’t know, i’m confused as well
caleb: stop doing that
marco: doing what?
caleb: saying things that make me wanna kiss the hell out of you
marco: be a better person!!
caleb: why?!
marco: because someone needs to have morals in this relationship, and it sure as fuck ain’t gonna be me, sweetheart!!
marco: i owe you one
caleb: that’s okay. you can just date me and we’ll call it even
marco: would you slap lucas-
mari: yes.
marco: i didn’t even finish!
mari: sorry, continue.
marco: would you slap lucas for $10?
mari: i would do it for free
lucas: rude…
caleb: you get turned back into a baby, but you retain all your skills and memory. what do you do?
mari: eat a nickel
caleb: a reminder: you have retained all your skills and memories
leo: eat a nickel
caleb: okay.
lucas: hey, do you know anyone who can teach me to play the trumpet?
marco: why?
lucas: i want to wander around playing it to annoy leo
marco: technically, you don’t actually need to know how to play the trumpet well for that
lucas: marco, you have opened my eyes
caleb: julia doesn’t look very happy
mari: that’s her happy. she’s just a bitch
leo: hey, you want a tarot reading?
caleb: those are pokémon cards
leo: you got a magikarp
caleb: …
leo: it means “fuck you”
mari: i’ve been dropping her the most insanely obvious hints for, like, a year now. no response
julia: wow. she sounds stupid
mari: but she’s not. she’s really smart, actually. just dense
julia: maybe you need to be more obvious? like, i don’t know… “hey! i love you!”
mari: i guess you’re right. hey julia! i love you!
julia: see? just say that!
mari: holy fucking shit
julia: if that flies over her head then, sorry mari, but they’re too dumb for you
mari: julia.
mari: i am so cool. i am an absolute chad. i am the epitome of coolness and awesomeness-
julia: hi!
mari: *melts down in a flustered heap of softness*
julia: being gay is a constant battle between “i wish to sit on a window bench with my girlfriend, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds” and “hey, let’s go throw rocks at fascists” and i think that’s very sexy of us
mari: if the window’s open and you time it right, you can do both
“you’re straight”
caleb: the fuck, no i’m not
leo: excuse the hell out of you?
lucas: ding dong, you are wrong!
julia: who told you that? and why did they lie?
mari: rude
marco: *punches the person*
caleb: marco and i were crossing the street, and this man drove by and honked at us
julia: what did you do?
caleb: he chased him to the next red light, and reached into his window and-
marco: *walking in* who wants a steering wheel?
lucas: can you cut me some slack, leo? i’m sort of in love
leo: i’m sorry, but that’s not really my problem
lucas: i’m in love with you
leo: *blushes* oh. that brings me in the loop a little
leo: count me in!
mari: who the hell are you?
leo: oh, you know my brother! he worked at wendy’s
mari: oh yeah, caleb! how is he doing?
leo: oh yeah, not too good. he’s been dead for the past month
lucas: what the hell, he didn’t tell us!
marco, wearing shades: rule one of destroying the world
marco: *does finger guns* you gotta look good while doing it
lucas: do you want to explain this text you sent me last night?
leo: it was autocorrect
lucas: autocorrect wrote “you’re so hot. please step on me”?
leo: yes.
caleb: being gay isn’t a choice. it’s a game and i’m winning
marco: yeah, well, i’ve never died so how do i know that god is real
caleb: ugh, crushes are so dumb
marco: i know. whenever i’m near the person i like i just start acting stupid
caleb: but you’re always acting stupid?
marco: …
marco: yeah, don’t think about that too hard
lucas: my level of gay has reached “sighing deeply whenever anything extremely heterosexual happens near me”
marco: i’m gonna nickname my hypothetical child “lil bitch”
julia: i see you’re passing on your name
marco: i know you love them
leo: i am not in love with lucas!
marco, staring at leo: i never said who…
leo: *realises*
leo: shit. well, anyways-
julia: i’ve invited you here because i crave the deadliest game
marco, nodding: knife monopoly
julia: i was actually gonna play russian roulette, but now i’m really interested in whatever knife monopoly is
julia: italics
marco: yeah, italians
caleb: i’m an expert in identifying birds
mari: okay, what about those ones flying over there?
caleb: yeah, they’re all birds
lucas: my life is a little too much panic and not enough disco
marco: my life is a little too much fall and not enough boy
mari: my life is a little too much chemical and not enough romance
leo: my life is a little too much imagination and not nearly enough dragons
mari: you know what i asked santa for this christmas?
julia: if you say me, i swear i’ll-
mari: you? what? no, i asked him for that cool ninjago set we saw in target!
mari: i think we can all agree i’m the ten amongst these threes
lucas: i started school with straight a’s. now i’m not even straight
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virtualdespairr · 9 months
Lil bit of a long post below :p read at your own risk pls
Today is the one yr of my dad passing away. (Technically it was yesterday lol. Today was just the day he got taken off the machines). I’m trying to get some work done for my thesis but it feels a little harder than normal.
Honestly, I’m really proud of myself for how I’ve been handling it. Grief is difficult and not without its hardships (no duh), but I pushed through a whole year of school and got really good grades & made the best friends. I’m understanding a little bit more abt the process everyday. I still find myself feeling really angry about him and the way he treated me throughout my life; having so many unanswered questions and things I wished I could’ve said. I remember he told me once: “I never want to have a serious conversation with you for as long as I live.” And he really did die by those words—at least he was honest!
I’ve found some new ways to cope and felt much less guilty about the old ones (iykyk). I’m taking better care of myself. I’m getting out more and not trying to shut myself in as much as I have been. My dad wasn’t even around regularly throughout my life, so it really doesn’t feel like he’s been gone at all—he’s just disappeared and will call me whenever he feels like it. The way it all ended was just so abrupt, but I guess that’s the nature of having a stroke.
I’ll never forget how he smelled like expensive cologne when he couldn’t even pay child support. How he loved National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and every Hugh Grant movie ever made. The way his hugs (though few & far between) could make you feel like you were the only thing he ever cared about. I do miss him & his stupid full belly laughs, don’t get me wrong; but he was an addict and the fact of the matter was that he’d always love alcohol more than me or my sibling.
I guess if you take one thing away from this is don’t let anyone tell you how to grieve, how to cope. Don’t let grief blind you from the truth of how someone lived—my older family members try to tell me what a great person he was, how much he loved me, and I always like to remind them right back that you can’t sanctify someone just because they’re gone. He wasn’t a martyr, he was a deadbeat alcoholic on his third wife looking for a fresh start: thank god the haemorrhage taught him that if he wasn’t a good dad the first time around, he sure as hell wouldn’t be any better the next try.
I’m grateful to be alive and make better choices than he ever did. I’m grateful that I learned so much from his absence. I’m grateful that every day is a new opportunity to heal. He brought me so much sadness even while he was alive, and I won’t give him that power over me any longer.
If you have a good father figure in your life, please hold them a little tighter for me today. I’ll get back to drawing soon, lovies. Sorry the semester’s been so crazy already!
Thanks for reading xoxo
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chuuyoraraa · 10 months
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👇 Please read this while listening to the song below! 👇
Hi my beloved boyfriend , Park Guntur! ♡
Wahh we've been together for a month, time is so short, right? But I feel like I've been with you for a long time, everything we do is so natural, like people who have been in a relationship for years. I'm happy because my boring days are now more exciting and full of bright colors every day 👩‍❤️‍👨🌈 I am very grateful to you for saving me from days filled with sadness. Since being with you, I always smile and laugh all the time. You always make me happy and I really thank you for that. You shower me with lots of love everyday, my life is full of joy thanks to you 🌻💗 I will always try to love you more than what I received from you, even though it's difficult because your love fills my heart so much, but I will try to exceed you! 😤🫶 I will always love you all the time, I will not let anyone make you sad, I will hit that person if them dare to make my Guntur sad! 😡👊
So, happy 1st monthsary! May we always be together for a long time and always be happy everyday. Remind me what to say? It's okay to fight but don't break up! I will always love you, so please take care of me and love me too! Let's be happy together? 🥰❤️
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I love how you hold me. I love how you tell me I'm beautiful. I love how you find it funny when I say something stupid or just can't speak when I'm around you. I love how you make me happy. I love how you smile when you listen to my story. I love how you laugh when I say something random, or stupid. I love that when I laugh it makes you smile. I love how you ask me if I'm alright when I can't stop laughing. I love how you make me feel. I love how you tell me I look cute. I love how we can talk about randomness for hours. I love that you want to stay up and text me late into the night. I love how you say sweet things to me. I love how I can talk to you for hours about anything, and you listen, and I listen. I love how you want to spend every day with me. I love how I get a feeling of protection when I'm around you. I love how everything is perfect. I love how you see the person I really am, yet you still want me. I love how you make me cry, but not because I'm upset or sad, or you hurt me, but because you make me the happiest I've ever been. I love waking up and talking to you. I love how I anticipate seeing you. I love how I get nervous when I see you, but feel more comfortable with you then I do with anyone else. I love how you deal with my random thoughts and craziness. I love how you insist everything will be alright, and make me feel at ease. I love how you give me weird looks at awkward moments. I love how I'm important to you. I love how I'm your first choice. I love how I make you happy. I love how you make me happy. I love how I worry about you and the dumb stuff you do. I love how I only want to be with you. I love how I constantly think about you. I love when you get mad when someone says something to upset me. I love how just one smile from you can make my entire mood change. I love how I'm yours. I just love... us. I love everything about you.
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white--moon · 1 year
Ichigo starts to frown, because that’s true. He didn’t actually ask. Except the answer stops him and his startled eyes go to Shiro. A flat yes is a lot more than he expected. He’d expected… something like a yes that still would’ve left him guessing and off balance. He asked, so he shouldn’t be so surprised, but he doesn’t know what to do about getting exactly what he wanted. At least half his brain is frozen up, too afraid to be relieved in case that’s the exact moment something comes along to fuck it all up. But he wants to be.
He watches Shiro’s shoulder lift and fall, and he thinks about that question and how to explain what he wants.
Except it’s Shiro, so before he even finds an answer he’s sputtering an indignant sound. “I just might, so don’t be an asshole about it.” He won’t. What the hell is flowers? He’s never gotten it. He blinks though and has a small panicked moment where he realizes he’s now obligated to remember things like favorite colors and whether Shiro likes flowers and he’s likely to get it wrong and he’s done this to himself. “For starters, my idea of a great relationship involves not doing shit like everything you just said. And…” He takes another long breath and looks back to the road so he can calm down and think straight and not picture himself strangling Shiro which is nearly an everyday thing now. Just… fond strangling. He closes his mouth briefly then answers, “It looks like what we do now, except without you worried I’m only there for the fun stuff. Because… ” His brow furrows while he tries not to stick his entire fucking foot in his mouth. “I don’t think it’ll work out, but I have attachment issues. And… uh. The serious concern it might kill one of us.”
He huffs something that might be a laugh or a more depressed sound but he doesn’t bother figuring out what he’s feeling. “Smart. I would’ve.” He’s stubborn like that. He feels like shit about the whole thing still, but he doesn’t doubt it was right to break things off. “Yeah. No. She’s with Tatsuki. Happened pretty fast so I guess it was something at least one of them had been thinking about.” He’s not even upset.
Ichigo shuts down so hard when he says yes he's reminded of a car stalling miserably, all power cutting, engine silent, lights out. He snorts a laugh. "You didn't want me to say no, did you?"
He's feeling a lot better already, relieved, more relaxed again, amused even. "I just might like it." He might be flattered by the gesture, but flowers themselves wouldn't actually do much for him. He was definitely being sarcastic. "I've been an asshole about most things the entire time you've known me, don't expect that to change just 'cause I admitted I like you." He smirks while Ichigo describes, extremely briefly, his ideal relationship. The expression kind of falters when Ichigo pauses, though, and then adds on the part about Shiro's insecurities. He grunts a dry sound. "Way to try to kill it before we even get started. You don't think it'll work out?" He scoffs. "Figured you would'a realized how damn stubborn I can be by now. I don't give a shit about your attachment issues, or any of your issues, the murdery ones included. We all have those. And we're both gonna die eventually, might as well have fun while we can." It's a sentiment he's sure he's said around Ichigo before, probably around anyone who spends any amount of real time with him.
He pulls the car into a small lot. The restaurant's not exactly high scale, but it's new and not a dump either. He's second guessing the choice now, though, which is stupid. They've eaten together plenty of times; even if this turns out to be a crapshoot, it wont really matter. It just feels like it will because of the conversation they're still in the middle of. "You're right, I am smart." It's said kind of off hand while he parks. "No idea who that is, but I hope they're happy. She ever try to hit you up after you broke it off?" He's making a big assumption that Ichigo was the one to break it off, but he's pretty confident, since Ichigo was the one cheating.
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