#even tho it's kinda a recommendation and i WANT more people to read this fic
des-fangirl · 2 months
!!!!!!! THIS?? recommend this vetvimes fic to you DEFENITELY now let me scream under the cut-
i like how the fic is written, also author gets points for *'s being right under the lines it refers to (I've seen them being placed in the very end of fic, this way is cooler ty)
aaaa all this might sound awkward but I. WAS LITERALLY GIGGLING & KICKING MY FEET JUST NOW. ALSO SHAKING MY HANDS IN AIR. AND PLAYING WITH MY LITTLE DRAGON TOY AND HUGGING MY PLUSH SNORLAX and if i did all that while reading ONE fic it means that fic was GOOD!! and i wanted to share this hphpah
ABOUT VIMES!!! HIS REPRESSED (GAY) THOUGHTS!! GOSH i love this so much it was good to read AND UGH MY STUPID OLD MAN YOU'RE HURTING PEOPLE AROUND YOU BY IGNORING SOMETHING YOU CANT QUITE UNDERSTAND, i know staying the same is easier and he's used to ignoring this Silent part of him by now, but i really hope he gets to change in the next chapters, if they are planned!!
also (i hope i got it right) @magpiesketchins is the author? SORRY FOR TAGGING YOU AA i hope this post with me screaming will make you happy pff- 
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shiny-jr · 6 months
hiiii!! I recently got into quotev to read your most recent release, "how to steal a heart," and was curious if u have any recs for other yandere quotev fics? :o or just any quotev fics in general!! ^_^
feel free to disregard this question tho if u don't have any recs or simply don't want to answer!
Thank you, anon! I'm glad people seem to be liking that story so far. I'm hoping that I can find the time to write for it soon. Hopefully. Anyways, as for recommendations. That's a difficult request for me to answer for two reasons. One: I rarely have the time to read, and when I do read these days its physical books. And two: I'm terribly picky so if I don't like something about a fic its automatically out.
But, I managed to fish out a couple of things from my library that I finished reading ages ago. However, keep in mind, I meant what I said when I say that it has been a long time since I read these fics. So they may not be as good as I remember, or I may get some things wrong. Keep that in mind. Also, these are all yandere x reader stories.
Infectious Intent by Darkened Warrior. I remember when I first discovered this story, I stayed up reading it. I stayed up late, and legit got kinda scared because imagining certain scenes in this story and reading the details gave me the chills and was just not a good idea to read it while it was pitch black and the dead of night. Even the ending got me.
the martyrdom of a final girl by MAI. This is one of the more recent stories I've put in my library, and by recent I mean it's probably been there for almost a year now. I haven't caught up with the updates, but I remember the story really gave kinda protagonist and friend group in the 80's-90's sort of horror vibe to it. Although I don't remember if it got to the yandere yet. It really hooks you in with action that starts fairly quickly which I very much value when starting a new story.
Humorously Inconvenient Tragedies by riz. In all stories, I very much value action. If there's not action in the first few chapters, I usually toss the story out. However, this story managed to be the sole exception to that. I think it's the written tension that managed to keep me hooked. Like the questions of why and how, along with the tension between characters that keep me intrigued.
Bonus: Shameless plug for How To Steal A Heart because damn it if people won't write Latino yanderes then I gotta do it myself. Also because its a vital part in the whole oc lore I have which has been obscure up until very recently.
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wonderlandsakura · 4 months
Niche Things I Think People should Write/Read More: Part 2
I ran out of tags, anyway Part 1 here. If part 1 and/or 2 gets like,, 100 notes, I'll add recs if they exist (someone asked so I did it anyway hehe)
- Fics where Izuku is such an amazing analyst (and the UA staff know it) that they just. Let him teach the class (or anything where they aizawa know he's more skilled and just leave him to teach so they aizawa can nap)
I would prefer it if he's a literal child that just gets the position, but sadly I haven't found that
The UA Analyst Kid of RogueVector's Announcer AU series on AO3 is the closest I think
I do have fic recs of him being an analyst and/or teacher at UA tho, but I'm too tired to find them
- Zuko is given A Child and Will Die For Them (he is so mother coded)
There's Bound To Be A Ghost At The Back Of Your Closet by anactualforrealadult is what I was thinking of when I wrote this, but it doesn't fit perfectly (btw it's zukka)
- Danielle Phantom and Dark Danny are Standard Danny's kids, I need this please I must be FED
Like a few of my reblogs, but I'll see if I can find them
- Monkey D. Wyvern, if you know you know
I'll add this soon, but you can find art for it on Tumblr too :))
- The Reluctant Kings friendship (Danny & Din Djarin)
The Phantom Mandalorian series on AO3 has Danny essentially adopted by Din, but it would be nice if there were fics where they're just friends who are unknowingly OP
- Mandalorian S3 dinluke fix-its /hj
I haven't been able to stomach actually reading these yet, but they do exist
- Gottlieb/Geiszler + Jayvik Xovers where they get to Science!
forming new limestone by wobbeegong on AO3, actually a favorite fic of mine, I was sad when I couldn't find anything like it after I read it but that might have changed
- Jinx being Silco's daughter even after time travel (Jinx the Sapphire of Zaun)
And I know this body's not mine (Wish I could crawl out) by Hopelessjoy14 is where I got this from, it's incomplete but good so far
- Co-parenting Koushirou and Mihawk; like not together but these 2 sword obsessed men are co-parenting Zoro
Doesn't exist yet, and I don't recommend looking if you don't want to get bombarded by bad misogynistic parent Koushirou fics :/, anyway I'm working on it
- the Shimotsuki-Dracule siblings, where in a Kuina lives! (but is severely injured/paralyzed) AU, Zoro gets to be hounded by not only little sister Perona, but also Big Sis Kuina (bonus if modern au)
Same as what I wrote for co-parenting Koushirou & Mihawk, I actually have a fic outlined (it's not modern au tho, but could be), but I'll probably never finish writing it. If I post it on Tumblr I'll link it tho
- Zosan gets accidentally married at WCI AUs cause why not, it's absolutely hilarious
Sadly doesn't exist somehow?? I'll have to check if that's still the case
You can see me screaming about the idea here tho
- I somehow didn't mention Agatha/Gil/Tarvek last time? But yeah, from Girl Genius, I want them to get married and rule Europia, is that too much to ask?
Sprocket for Your Thoughts by zombiecheerios on AO3 is a good fic about them getting together, if incomplete (also you kinda need to have caught up on the comic)
The Most Stable of Polygons by 1_NoName_among_many is like a shorter version of it tho
Then there's the Sparkgate series that originally introduced me to the concept of them ruling together (I've not finished even the first fic tho)
- Zoro being Soba Mask aka Stealth Black aka Sanji's overprotective guard dog/tiger (I read a really good fic okay??)
Fic is Stealth Black Unmasked by HaveMyWeedCookies on AO3
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viveela · 11 months
your art is ❤ I wanna squeeze them to death (affectionate) also do you read sp fanfiction? if so do you have recs? 🙈
Ah thank you sm!! I'm so glad people enjoy my fanarts, I honestly didn't think my whole shift to south park posting would go this well lol I'm very glad to be proven otherwise!!
As for sp fics ...this is gonna be a long post lol.
So I have been reading some, buuut I guess I'm kinda picky...I am kind of particular about fics in general honestly. If I love something I want to see it portrayed authentically, that goes for every fandom I've been in. I know aus are fun but I want to be able to mainly consume canon compliant content, rarely do I read anything else oops. Unfortunately I've found that to be kinda hard since aging them up and doing all sorts of aus is heavily the vast majority with the sp fandom so I don't really have too many fics I personally have to recommend; just a handful that stood out to me, but I will happily share some!! They're all style and creek tho as I haven't found any I like that aren't yet, but I hope to find some for other pairs or nonromantic ones soon.
Stan x Kyle: A Ballad of True Hearts It's ongoing but really good so far! I really enjoy it, I'm a huge sucker for the fantasy look from the show/game and when it comes to aus this is like the only one I really indulge in. I really like how they're characterized and the tense dynamic they have that reflects the one seen in the current state of the series. The underlying plot has me very intrigued too! Sign of Devotion Adorable canon feeling story where their fantasy world is rarely portrayed as in the show with them simply playing pretend (which is my fav way to see it done). I loved this one to pieces and idk I just really like the idea of some feelings arising between them from trying to stay in character!! To Be More Than My Daydream I really enjoyed this one because it really nailed down how comfortable the two boys have gotten with each other's presence. I enjoy the idea of Stan taking a while to realize how his feelings changed over time and the way awareness of this slowly comes to light. It's written so tenderly and sweet it's really cute, I love the way they are here. Say it and mean it (for both our sakes) Such an awesome fic covering the distance that has grown between the two and how they're both happier when close to one another. They are both wanting and missing what they once had before but so bad at communicating this to each other until now. It was just perfect, loved it. Tweek x Craig:
Signs Point to Yes Incredibly fun fic, super in character, felt like an actual episode. The call back to the fortune teller is great. It was just such an enjoyable fic that really captured their dynamic and the struggle to save a relationship they didn't even ask for but now want. Super cute!
A Stripe of Love This fic was made before there was that much info on Stripe I believe, but it is very cute and I enjoyed it a lot. I am also always a fan for people bringing in Tweek's unofficial/official parrot into the mix, even if briefly. Overall, it's just a really sweet read.
Baby steps
Really cute exploration of how the two would feel about the awkward transition from faking to actually putting real feelings into their actions and being a little more vocal about it. Tweek's nerves are captured really nicely too.
That's all of them, hopefully my tastes in fics overlap at least a little with yours and you gain a nice read out of this!
I also plan to write some fics myself so maybe keep an eye out for that...?
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I kinda hope they go into more depth on the Draconia family in chapter 7, and I’m hoping Malleus’ grandma isn’t “neglectful” of her grandson, with her duties and what not (tho it might be implied kinda like with Kalim). We know chapter 7 is gonna be tackling themes like family, grief, death and the impermanence of things, but the twst team has so much room for angst with any of these themes. Like I can’t imagine the pain grandma Draconian went through when her only son died (at least I’m assuming the previous king was her son), leaving her a grandson on top of resuming her role as the queen and again, it wouldn’t be far fetched to say she swamped herself with her duties to cope with the grief. It’s possible that Lilia saw this and took it upon himself to raise Malleus for most of his life. Though, Malleus seems to have a positive relationship with his grandma so maybe it wasn’t that bad.
But with the theme of death, I just watched the new Pinocchio movie by Guillermo del toro and I would totally recommend you watch it if you haven’t already, and all I’ll say is that it ends on a pretty depressing note. And if chapter 7 dives into themes of death and grieving, then the only outcome is that Malleus has to accept that things don’t last; that everyone around him, Silver, Sebek, Lilia will eventually leave and he will be left until he’s gone too.
This ask made me remember a very old Maleficent fanfic on FF.net I read when I was in my live action Maleficent phase. Essentially, it was about Maleficent watching all her loved ones grow old as she remains the same. Aurora was her beloved friend and kind of a daughter of sorts. Diavolo was her beloved pet raven. But one line in that fic said that Maleficent could no longer remember the exact shade of Aurora's blue eyes or the exact timbre of Diavolo's voice. And that still resonates with me from how quiet and heartbreaking it is.
I really want them to go in depth with the Draconia family too! Same with you, I want to think that she really doesn't intend to neglect Malleus and just got swamped with her duties as queen. Malleus did say in chapter 7 that he was upset when his grandma couldn't join him for dinner last minute. It seemed to imply that they planned it ahead, so grandma Draconia really tried to be with her grandson. Using work to cope with the guilt of losing her child, though... ;u; that's very possible. And tragic, so tragic. It's a good thing Lilia was always there with him. But it still didn't change the fact that he's lonely.
The way that they're taking the curse is really really interesting. You have Silver, who may have the movie's curse. In a way, Malleus' whole not getting invited schtick might be a curse in of itself. But I also want to talk about one other part of Aurora's curse that's related to the idea of accepting the evanescence of this world. Live action Maleficent made her curse in a way that "no power on earth can break this curse". And she tried to break this curse on Aurora later on, only for those same words to haunt her. She may not have been the afflicted one, but the curse affected her anyway in the sense that she could lose Aurora to it.
Malleus has always been revered for his power, but he even says in chapter 7 that no matter how powerful he is, he can't keep the people he cares about in his life. In a way, it's similar to how Maleficent ended up being affected by Aurora's curse. The people he cares about will end up sleeping permanently... and all Malleus can do is watch until his time comes. And in a world where true love's kiss doesn't exist like in fairy tales, the idea that Malleus has to accept that things will not last and he has to say goodbye someday is probably what's going to be the ending lesson. Aurora may have woken up at the end of the movie... but it won't prevent her from dying someday.
#walangforever :)
Also, I heard that Pinocchio movie was good! Haven't gotten around to watch it, but hey, maybe one day I will. If I can bring myself to .-. I'm not a movie person hahaha
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
your writing is so so good do u have any tips? hope u have a great day! ^^
i’ve never been asked this before! i had to think about it!
a biggie take your time finding your style- as you can see on my masterlist i have a looot of shit on there from years of writing fanfic and experimenting. getting out of my comfort zone can be kinda hard for me personally, but with writing it was so worth it bc you can really see a metamorphosis there of when i was writing just to write and when i was writing with a drive.
don’t be afraid to ignore the rules of grammar. run on sentences are beautiful. i’ve found that especially so when the plot is driven by someone’s stream of consciousness as though they’re narrating it. thoughts are messy, they’re long and sometimes awkward and there’s no such thing as grammar in your mind !! of course spelling and punctuation are important and i’d recommend editing tho (idk her 😳) but get creative with it!!
thesaurus.com is my bestie 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 i often find myself using a lot of the same words and i don’t want to bore readers with repetitiveness! and also it’s just an easy way to expand my vocabulary too. (in person i stammer and have the reach of a fourth grader lmfao so i always want my writing to be concise and make the reader feel exactly what i want them to with my language)
also something i’ve started doing recently !! when i’m away from my wip and daydream about it, i write it down right away! in my notes app or on sticky notes or even my hand hehe. sure if it’s a significant enough plot point i’ll probably remember… but there’s no time like the present!! i want A to look at B a little differently in that one quick scene? i want to make them eat something different for foreshadowing? little details like that can be huge in your writing !! something a reader might gloss over but then realize later it was all a part of a greater scheme?? yes. so take note of those thoughts and daydreams you have !! even if you don’t end up adding it to your work, it’s better than having a profound, fic changing idea that you forget before you get the chance to write it!
this one is simple but a biggie- think about what you would want to read. i’ve been trying to keep this in mind as of late, especially when writing longer pieces where i want to make y’all suffer. find new ways to build the tension in your plot. give us different points of view, give us an untrustworthy narrator that thinks they’ve got it all figured out. throw in extra conflict. fanfiction is the melting pot of whatever the fuck you want !! so go stupid go crazy and make it something you love, and you should be good to go!! not to be cheesy but as long as you love it then you’re solid. doing something you love over and over will naturally lead you through growth and finding your style. don’t be wrapped up in notes right away (yes it can be a bit of an issue on this app- but none of has have control over how people enjoy your work- so you might as well focus on enjoying it for yourself) because as long as you’re doing something you’re passionate about and sharing it with us, more people will soon flock to enjoy it with you <3
lastly i just enjoy making mini playlists for whatever i’m currently working on. they don’t have to correlate completely with your plot. sometimes the sound of a beat is good enough for me to throw it on. if it gets me excited and planning out scenes i haven’t gotten to yet then it’s good enough for me!! i will listen to the same song on repeat in the name of ✨vibes✨ even if the words themselves have nothing to do with the plot i’m writing. that’s probably lazy basic advice but it works well for me and i love listening to music so !!
i hope this helps, and i wish you all kinds of luck as you explore this hobby for yourself !! it can be so freeing to get lost in your own work, and tbh sometimes i feel a little cringe about writing fanfiction but… i just adore it. it’s my favorite thing to do and when i think like that i stomp it down bc i’m proud of my work! i’m proud of how far i’ve come and i’m eager to see what i can push myself towards next!!!
happy writing, happy reading, and if you ever need more help i’m happy to do the best i can for ya! this goes for anyone, please always feel free to reach out even if you just want to talk brainrot. making friends thru this hobby is amazing bc like-interests are 💞🩷
xoxo ~ jordie
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seoafin · 1 year
i’m gonna be a nasty lil nerd and geek out about the fic okay i’m on vacation rn n i feared if i left it for when i came back home i would forget. SO ur insane actually sooooooo crazy for writing that like i’m willling to check u into a mental hospital for putting me through all of that. (it was amazing please never stop) can i tell u my lil ripmc headcannon it doesn’t have to be true and please feel free to ignore if u hate it but i kinda hc that she can read a cursed objected history or take important information from it. i’m unaware if you’ve delved deeper into her techinque ik she uses the katana n idk i think it would be kinda cool if she realized that technique n decided to get proficient with the katana maybe as a way to raise her value as a sorcerer in the eyes of the higher ups n fight curses with the collected information she learned from them in her fighting style with her katana! sorry if like hc stuff about ur if’s is annoying and please feel free to ignore i just thought it’d be kinda cool! like making her super powered up i feel like would clash a bit with geto n gojo but making her just interesting enough a nice puzzle piece to fit in between them she’s capable of understanding an objects entire history but incapable of reading between the lines that her two best friends wanna do the nasty. also i love love love the way you’ve written ripmc n her view in love and relationships i relate so much to it. i’ve tried verbalizing it to myself but end confusing myself even more and i just really loved the simple way in which you explained that she simply loves geto gojo n shoko n all the kids of course. like i have some trouble dissecting the difference between romantic love and platonic love but i just know i have so much of it to give even tho i don’t see love as a huge huge part of my life? we’re u interested in writing ripmc with any hints of aromance or pansexuality in the mind? idk just so cool all around!!!! also the first chapter with her and geto cooking was so fucking wrenching because u do so well the thing where they look at her and they’re clearly mad and they know they’re mad and she’s just apologetic for existing n they’re just fed up and there’s so much unsaid in the quiet of it all n in between all those stolen glances it makes me wanna rip my heart into two. ALSO just the way you wrote rip mc with geto cooking n then gojo n her touching like i feel like you incorporated their love languages so beautifully woah man woahhh. last thing loved the guilt tripping from the children it was awesome i felt like an absentee father who didn’t go see her childrens recital or smt 10/10 recommend. ALSO ALSO megumi is sooooooo possesive of ripmc he is such an adorable lil jealous brat i love how it makes gojo spiral n wish he could revert back in age so he could cuddle up to her and hold her hand ughhhhh🤯
ahhhhhh!!! you can honestly project and imagine whatever you want onto rip!mc she's meant to be written that way!!! but yes haha if you know me then you probably im a very big proponent of having platonic and romantic love overlap. to me there's no clear boundary that marks romantic from platonic vice versa and i don't really think it's something to be necessarily distinguished as different. love is love you know. but also imo our western constructs of romantic love vs platonic love works to our detriment. it places too much of a heavy burden on a partner to fulfill all your emotional needs and emphasizes romantic fulfillment over platonic fulfillment when ideally you should have both! anyway I went off on a tangent lmfao. In the end love is love and rip!mc sees that. no matter how many people you love or how you love. I am sooo looking forward to actually writing mimiko and nanako past a few lines. I know I mainly focus on megumi but all the kids are very precious!!! as I said before you can definitely read rip!mc as pansexual/aromantic (which other ppl have also hc'd her) thank you for reading I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!
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demadogs · 1 year
Hey! Can you rec your favourite snowbaz fics? I keep seeing some posts in between that mention them and i am curious of the names. (Also I know a lot of people in fandom who refused to read the other two books but pls give them a shot. Awtwb is my fav, even more than CO!!)
PS. Shoutout to you and @kidovna for being the only active snowbaz and byler fans i know of! I feel represented!
HELL YEAH I CAN!!!!!!! ive had people ask me for byler fic recs and i couldnt even give them an answer bc literally the only fanfiction i ever read is snowbaz. ive read maybe 4 byler fics total but i read snowbaz fics multiple times a week which is honestly crazy considering i first read the book like 7 years ago and im still wanting more content every day.
most of these arent that long bc i personally like to read something i can read in one sitting or at most 2-3 days. but if you do want a wholeass novel boy do i have an author for you (philaetos).
the wheel by sleepdeprivedphilosopher
this is one of my favorite fics ever and its also by one of my favorite authors. its an au but theres still magic. simon and baz are in this never ending cycle of constantly being reincarnated in a new life together. theyre always rivals and simon always ends up killing baz but every life the situation for why theyre rivals is different. (this isnt a spoiler you find out pretty soon) the reason for this is that the first time simon killed baz he begged fate, who is like an actual personified thing you can talk to, to give him another chance so she “spun the wheel” and allowed him to be able to have another chance every time he messes up and kills him. so theyve been reincarnated for like centuries. its so good that i wish it was a whole book with completely new characters. i hope this author some day actually write a novel like this i love the plot so fucking much. it kinda reminds me of the show dark which is my favorite show of all time.
do as your told by IL46
also one of my favorite authors. they havent posted that much but everything they have i LOVE!!!!!!!! this one is my favorite tho. simon accidentally curses baz with a compulsion spell that forces him to do whatever anyone tells him to do and they work together with penny to try and create a counter spell for this ancient illegal spell that has no current counter. bazs life is pretty much ruined and hes really going through it but simon helps him. lots of hurt/comfort. i really loved this one.
love alarm by nevergonnacallmedarling
my favorite kinds of snowbaz fics are ones with a spell gone wrong and this is one of those. someone casts a spell that makes everyone whos within ten feet of someone theyre in love with have an alarm go off in their heart announcing their love. so baz is fucked and hes avoiding simon at all costs its really fun (not for him).
kiss it better by krisrix
this one SLAPS simon gets slashed by a goblin in the leg and the only way baz could help is with the kiss it better spell but hes so scared to do it bc he has to kiss the wound and ya know vampire and all that. i love this one.
a room just for two by krisrix
another banger by this author. its just late night conversations between the two of them and they slowly become more and more friendly and open up to each other more and more.
dream with eyes open by krisrix
i love this author ok. this ones about simon invading baz’s dreams over the summer break with “psychological warfare”.
sweet dreams by annabellelux
simon has nightmares so baz casts sweet dreams on him every night but that just leads to simon having romantic dreams about baz.
dont hate the player hate the game by annabellelux
i fucking love truth or dare fics
and these are some much longer ones if thats more what youre looking for. i actually am all here for the slowburn and thats it so ngl to you i ditched both of philaetos’ fics after they kissed even tho theres was so much left but i still recommend it because the slow burn slaps.
wondrous and mystical by philaetos
i fucking LOVE philaetos theyre fantastic. this one takes place right after baz gets back from being kidnapped and it really explores his trauma bc the book really brushed over the fact that he was literally locked in a coffin for over a month. so this is simon and baz slowly becoming friends and simon noticing that somethings definitely wrong with baz. i also like fics where simon finds out baz is gay well before they get together and that happens in this one.
ours by phileatos
this one everythings the same but baz has extremely bad internalized homophobia. i havent seen any other fics that arent aus explore this concept and i wish more people wrote it its an interesting take. baz honestly reminds me of mike in this fic.
the truth will set you free by sorbriqette
another classic fucked up spell trope. baz is spelled to tell the truth if hes hiding something he wants to tell someone so naturally he avoids everyone at all costs for weeks
i could recommend so much more honestly there are so many talented writers in this fandom. about the second and third books, im glad you loved them but i honestly will probably never read them for the same reason as me not finishing philaetos’ fics. im here for the slow burn i really dont care about established relationship that much when it comes to enemies to lovers (friends to lovers i eat it up but enemies i just love the angst). and i know they break up in the second book and i just KNOW id put the book down the second they do and never pick it up again even tho i know they get back together eventually. i just think carry on was perfect and i dont want anything to risk ruining it.
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tanjaded · 8 months
responses for the ask meme!
6– the hand drawn maps and other illustrations from That Time I Got Isekai’d Again. When I saw them, something about it made me kinda happy and sentimental. Like, it clicked to me that ‘Ah, they’re really passionate about their fic and work really hard on it.’ That sounds a little silly writing it out, but I hope you get what I mean. It’s always fun to know you’re reading something someone put a lot of love into.
9– Just about any of them!! It’s nice when I get up in the morning and see an email about you from ao3 in my inbox. It’s like a little treat for me to read while I have breakfast in the mornings, like I’m reading the morning paper or something lol
13– I’ve talked about a bunch of your fics to a bunch of my friends, actually. When I got a friend to watch YS, I recommended you as a fanfic author to check out. The funnier answer to this one tho is that I’ve talked about your fics to my coworkers once bc I was telling them about new words I learned from reading. (The word was ‘Praxis’)
15– It really always amazes me how prolific and consistent you are with your writing. I’m seriously impressed so… what motivates you to write?
It took me a bit to finagle some sort of answer out of my brain but I think I have one now.
I think the main reason I started writing more was because there was a lack of stories that I wanted to see. Like, I read Youjo Senki's Delinquency Record and Amor Enum Vult and Third Times the Charm and all that, but they weren't enough. And I wanted there to be more Tanya/Visha content, which at the time had a very small niche even on ao3
So, I wrote Contractual Obligations over the span of maybe 4 days, and then I realized I loved creating my own stories. Within a month or two, I'd outlined and started my most labor-intensive fic to date, Crushing of a Devil. I still put more effort in individual chapters for that fic than any other, with all the time period research and maintenance of character consistency over the course of something I've been writing for years now.
But why, right? Well, I've always said that I write for myself, and this is still mostly true. I see the story play out in my head and I want it to exist so I can read it too. I just like writing out and about the stories and characters I love. But nowadays I'm also writing bc I know other people like my writing too. I still think about sometime last year, commenting on a youjo senki fic and getting a reply saying "hey, did you know you inspired me to even write this".
The thing about stories, in my mind, is that they should exist. And I'm able to make them exist my writing them. And people will often actually like them? That's usually motivation enough.
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thanishua · 2 years
Some Genshin things;
May contain spoilers!!
Just a compilation of random thoughts
Am on mobile and don't know how to format lol
- Lumine is canonically over 500 year old at least, plus from another world. I'd hardly think her people would let her jump from universe to universe, world to world if she wasn't considered an adult... Why can't she have any alcohol?
-Also!!! Why couldn't we have matching outfits with Ayaka made 😭😭😭 Can't we dress her up in different regional Teyvat dress?? Or is her outfit really some kind of magically self clean and mend type??
- I love Qiqi, she's precious and must be protected and despite all the memes of her ruining everyone's 50/50 how come I've been playing since the BEGINNING and she's not even C3 yet???? I SMELL SLANDER.
- The game's premise reminds me of a light hearted adventure anime but really, the world is basically built upon genocide? Kinda weird to think about. One moment we're in a sunny meadow laughing and practicing our elemental skills and the next we're in a quest and see dead hilichurls strewn around. Are we sure this is just a kids game???
- Is it really so bad of Aether to want to help turn the people of Kaenrhi'a back to well... People???
- I can't decide who to ship with who. I kinda ship everyone with everyone and yet also not. It's confusing and I have a lot of AO3 to read through now. Not necessarily complaining though.
- There's a lot less fics of it for some characters than I'd have thought.
- How do artifacts work??? Which ones are good???
- NGL sometimes I do get kinda confused when people genderbend Lumine in fics, like Aether is Right There (no hate or anything just really confused. They're basically made to be the same person, no?) Aether's so cute too 😭😭
- Why do the angsty anemo boys tug on my heartstrings so much. It's unfair.
- Anyone have a Teyvat cookbook bc some of them dishes do be looking delicious af.
- I once read a Zhonglumi fic where he'd used the contract they'd made where'd she'd keep him company in exchange for help to look for her brother, to keep her from traveling to another world with her brother once she finally found him and I was distraught. Like damn that was some fine use of inconspicuous canon lore to absolutely traumatize me. That was a scary ass Zhongli, unhinged yet completely composed. Very good fic tho 11/10 would recommend even if our fave Geo Archon was a bit of a psycho in it.
- Will they/won't they, but it's wether Paimon will actually end up betraying the traveler.
- Why did I turn all my fish into fish.... I want the Catch and the damn fish bow. I already gave Sayu the Fish Lord... It's hilarious.
- Once someone said Dainsleif reminded them of a more mature Howl and now I can't unsee...
- The way Aether clearly was meant to be the traveler.. 😭😭 they could at least have TRIED to make sure Lumines pronouns match throughout the text and dialogue and that the Battlepass Story doesn't always condemn her to basically be the Princess of Darkness. Also since it talks of the first and second crowned heir.. does it mean Lumine is basically the elder sibling???
- I still kinda hope we can get a pet fungi and that all past pets (ahem ahem, like the one (1!!) I missed, the oceanid, ahem ahem) will at some point become available regardless of events.
These are my rambles for tonight, might revisit this at a later time 😌😌
Ad astra abyssosque
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kedsandtubesocks · 2 months
Hi!hi 🦭 here! Thanks for explaining in the last ask. I'm definitely gonna read those fics of urs after like gaining some knowledge about it. The prison realm gojo you were talking about. Is it this:
So we put him in a mason jar and just shake him around and this is mainly because I want to do this to him so often
I found this from one of ur past posts. Sorry I stalk around ur account a lot hehe. I don't miss a single jjk post of urs 😚 also read ur mha posts even tho I haven't watched it lmfao. Im kinda ashamed how i don't know any other big anime than jjk. Don't be sorry btw! And oh dark fantasy...you say....yummy 😋
Prev ask: mothman gojo deserves so much more views! I sent ask like sometime ago crying over how it had less than 200 rbs lol idk if u remember but yeah that was me hehe.
I love monsters too..esp nagas (tho i hate reptiles lmao😭); I literally love everything you had mentioned. I don't know much about fantasy genre in depth. I just read them here and there. But recently I'm too obsessed with the genre. Still my knowledge is zero. I don't even know what's a Mage. But I'm watching the the ancient magus bride 💀💀have u watched it btw? 👀
And i have had fun writing to you💕💕 and opps that's a long ask 😅😅
Hi sweet sealy! I’m so sorry for getting to this later than normal but thanks for dropping by to chat with me again and I’m glad you had fun writing your reply!!! ♥️
Omg that “need to put him in a mason jar” concept is literally just me with Gojo 24/7 LMAO!! But I do have a few small little concept posts for it here & here if you ever get curious about it 💭
And AHHH!!! Not you reading my mha post without even watching it 🥺 I highly recommend it! And don’t feel sorry or bad about only watching jjk!!! Getting into a lot of anime at once is a lot sometimes so I get it 🩵
Oh you previous ask on mothman Gojo and now here you are again I’m melting 😭🥺 thank you so much dearest I really do appreciate that 🦋
Oooooo Nagas! Very nice pick!! I’m glad we’re on the same page for fantasy love too!! It’s always fun to explore tropes and genres together don’t you think?!
I’ve heard about ‘the ancient magus bride’ and I’ve had a few people recommend it!! How are you liking it?! 🔮
And I had fun talking to you too sweet friend and I hope your have a great rest of your day!! 🌹🌷✨
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just-jordie-things · 7 months
i dont know if you were asked this before, sorry if i am bothering you! Do you have any writing tips? I don't have anything specific but just any in general. I really admire your work!
you're so sweet!! i feel like i'm the last person who should be giving writing advice as i just blindly go into a brainrot induced stupor and spout off into docs as if i'm screaming into the void-- i have been asked this before but it's no trouble to copy it!! <3
a biggie take your time finding your style- as you can see on my masterlist i have a looot of shit on there from years of writing fanfic and experimenting. getting out of my comfort zone can be kinda hard for me personally, but with writing it was so worth it bc you can really see a metamorphosis there of when i was writing just to write and when i was writing with a drive.
don’t be afraid to ignore the rules of grammar. run on sentences are beautiful. i’ve found that especially so when the plot is driven by someone’s stream of consciousness as though they’re narrating it. thoughts are messy, they’re long and sometimes awkward and there’s no such thing as grammar in your mind !! of course spelling and punctuation are important and i’d recommend editing tho (idk her 😳) but get creative with it!!
thesaurus.com is my bestie 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 i often find myself using a lot of the same words and i don’t want to bore readers with repetitiveness! and also it’s just an easy way to expand my vocabulary too. (in person i stammer and have the reach of a fourth grader lmfao so i always want my writing to be concise and make the reader feel exactly what i want them to with my language)
also something i’ve started doing recently !! when i’m away from my wip and daydream about it, i write it down right away! in my notes app or on sticky notes or even my hand hehe. sure if it’s a significant enough plot point i’ll probably remember… but there’s no time like the present!! i want A to look at B a little differently in that one quick scene? i want to make them eat something different for foreshadowing? little details like that can be huge in your writing !! something a reader might gloss over but then realize later it was all a part of a greater scheme?? yes. so take note of those thoughts and daydreams you have !! even if you don’t end up adding it to your work, it’s better than having a profound, fic changing idea that you forget before you get the chance to write it!
this one is simple but a biggie- think about what you would want to read. i’ve been trying to keep this in mind as of late, especially when writing longer pieces where i want to make y’all suffer. find new ways to build the tension in your plot. give us different points of view, give us an untrustworthy narrator that thinks they’ve got it all figured out. throw in extra conflict. fanfiction is the melting pot of whatever the fuck you want !! so go stupid go crazy and make it something you love, and you should be good to go!! not to be cheesy but as long as you love it then you’re solid. doing something you love over and over will naturally lead you through growth and finding your style. don’t be wrapped up in notes right away (yes it can be a bit of an issue on this app- but none of has have control over how people enjoy your work- so you might as well focus on enjoying it for yourself) because as long as you’re doing something you’re passionate about and sharing it with us, more people will soon flock to enjoy it with you <3
lastly i just enjoy making mini playlists for whatever i’m currently working on. they don’t have to correlate completely with your plot. sometimes the sound of a beat is good enough for me to throw it on. if it gets me excited and planning out scenes i haven’t gotten to yet then it’s good enough for me!! i will listen to the same song on repeat in the name of ✨vibes✨ even if the words themselves have nothing to do with the plot i’m writing. that’s probably lazy basic advice but it works well for me and i love listening to music so !!
hopefully the copying of a previous ask isn't annoying and ya find this helpful! just my thoughts and processes tho, you gotta find a style that's best for you! and remember its a hobby. if you get stressed take a break and come back later! you're on your own schedule, and you don't owe anyone anything, so just have fun!
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kyaruun · 1 year
Since when did the graphics suck they're literally so cute
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This one is literally embedded in my mind like I ASSOCIATE this with you
It isssss literally so cute but your other graphics are also so cute wthhhhhhh
Buuut I can do some tutorials on things you wanna know that I can do? I've been wanting to make a tutorial for a while now actually
. Me too like I don't have a schedule and while I write on a "rotation", I spend so muxh time and energy on irl things that I don't get much time to write. I literally haven't gotten through my reqs from last August. Rip my 800 event from. Before then??? Cannot even keep track it's been like a year
My follow count is only that high bcs I wrote for haikyuu (in 2020 its peak) then I joined the genshin bus kinda early (?) Which is still huge and I wrote misc fics for whatever else, and it was also my edit blog??? And now I'm here shitposting so I got followers from like lots of places
The way yours is in the 700s and a loooot older than mine pls I'm also in the 700s in nazukisser.... insanity
Well personally i love your leo so I think that it should happen because you deserve it. And writing a series.... yes.... smaus are so fun I have domicile on nazukisser for reference if you want it and my fav smau ever is club stupid by tumblr user kodzuvii highly recommend I just become a redhead kita's cousin and tendou's best friend number 1 miracle girl and down bad for suna rintarou whenever I read it.
WAAAA I can't wait to see your revamp !!! Thank you.. I always try to have some sort of match (character/color/style) all throughout!! If you need help/opinions/etc lmk!!!
Right like what happened . We were thriving. Then we boomed for a second and died. Like I see the nazuna x reader tag and ME AND KAZE ARE THE ONLY ONES like bruh? And my fics have been flopping tho it seems everyone's have been flopping too
Yeah the only thing keeping me tied down here is the server..... it's like my lifetime... come back we miss you
I MISS NURI TOO... bee has arknights now....I miss.... and runanananna....... ate swanee's writing.... SHE DOES THAT TO US TOO not that I hate it but she drops like a couple of lines in snippets and dips and I'm like *SCREEEECHES*
If you come back to my server we welcome you back we miss you :(((
I can only be grateful that some of us are left tho.... i7 is so dead and e7 LMFAO??? I was legit the only one it was so darned sad
THAT'S THE ONLY ONE I LIKE!! i love watching vids about journaling and that kind of thing and they make the cutest decorated polaroids so i wanted to do something like that but very cutesy themed,, spring made me think of picnics so gingham <3 i actually played around with a few similar concepts like polaroid + random stickers and i planned to make banners with that but uuuu there are so many characters,, can't keep my focus for too long. i think they came out cute but it's probably too late to use them </3
i always wonder about what do people use to edit their pics because i was born a ps girlie and i still don't know how to use ps properly oops making your themes look nice and cohesive,, those cute pinned etc etc people who edit icons and make them look super aesthetic
i think i never tried to promote my blog because followers don't feel like an integral part of the process for me. i just write what comes to mind and share it with the world: if people like it i'm absolutely delighted and if they don't well,, at the end of the day most of my writing has been fun for me ^^ like come on i've written things that are silly and self indulgent and they worked fine and i'm here like. wow
i have considered writing for more series but the thing is the media i like has a fandom of like. 2.5 people on the good days. so it really doesn't make too much sense to even try that <.< genshin fandom scares tf out of me so i'll keep my extra fluffy albedo thoughts to myself. the bazillion "childe being a dumbass in love" posts. kazuha writing poetry. oops. getting flashbacks to the time i almost made a hypmic blog but i stopped myself at the last second out of embarrassment
i'm torn on whether a) people just aren't interested in that kind of content anymore (no way) or b) people DO read our stuff, they simply don't interact. not even a like. the migration of people from other social media into tumblr,, like sorry but i've been here since 2016? and it gets worst for writers every day </3
i have an immense amount of cute enstars thoughts a day and i feel like if i can't share them i will combust (my best friend has to deal with me every day),, it's mostly cute romantic stuff with my favs and my ocs, for obv reasons so i'm like uuuu should i even tell this to someone it's just embarrassing. like only other enstarries could understand why i keep rotating this bunch of dorks around my brain and getting the biggest serotonin boost out of it ueeee
i kind of miss being in a server with other people. i've been feeling very lonely lately due to uni so i think that'd be good for my mental health but at the same time,, i don't want to go back to talking once in a blue moon you know? ooo to be an anxious mess every day of your life.... like i get nervous so easily and i know i'll make someone uncomfortable so i simply keep quiet or i don't know how to join conversations because my social skills are -1. i'm a bit of a mess TT
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as a bonus for reading all of this, wips of some of the banners/wallpapers? i was working on the last time. rei was meant to be a light pink/purple ish kind of shade but i don't mind how these came out either ^^ i need to print the cgs as polaroids again
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miekasa · 3 years
mie!! since u write such beautiful gorgeous astounding breathtaking life-changing tearjerking fics, do YOU have any good fic recs that you personally love 🤔
I do! I have a whole blog of wonderful fics I’ve read (tho I desperately need to update it/reblog the ones in my drafts and tag them) @ackermeun for more if you want because there are many lovely, talented writers; but I’ll list a few of my faves for Levi and Eren below 😌😌
kiss me more by @vennilavee
Now, I could recommend you anything and everything by Saran and I have no doubt that you would love all of it. There’s not a single thing in her masterlist that I dislike, she even made me okay with the idea of pegging Levi bye. The entire tbah universe (specifically parental moments one) has a special place in my heart, but recently the perpendicular world has been on my mind, and might be coming for number one. Either way, you’re gonna love it. She writes Levi in his slightly bitchy, kinda needy, implicitly affectionate, true to nature form, and I am so grateful for it. Also, Saran is a comedian. 
silver soul by @oi-levi (now posting from @bibblelevi)
I suck at keeping up with series, and, so, naturally, I’m terribly behind on this one, but I’m gonna go ahead and rec the whole thing to you anyway, because I have no doubt that the other chapters are just as great the two I’ve read so far. The way she writes Levi... when I tell you I could wrap myself up in a blanket and binge this whole series, and her entire masterlist, and be very content I mean it; her writing feels warm, that’s the only way I can explain it. 
the art of tea composition by @karikarasuno
I don’t remember how or when I found this fic exactly, probably just scrolling through the tag, but I love it. Domestic fluff with Levi, allowing me to pretend I’m a morning person, and just the right kind of smut to go with it. Simple and very, very effective. I’ve reread it a few times by now, no shame.
where you’re meant to be by @deludedimagines
After you read this, I also suggest just going after the whole masterlist. I cannot express how grateful I am to have found this blog PLEASE. Her characterization of Levi is perfect, and something about her prose feels very clean and simple, but elevated and layered at the same time. This one-shot in particular is one of my favorite canonverse pieces, I’m a sucker for a classic injured lover trope. 
the ones who matter most by @deludedimagines
Yeah... this shouldn’t be a surprise. Fantastic writing, fluff in canonverse has a special place in my heart because I think it can be really hard to pull off well; it’s difficult to balance a sense of softness within the aot universe for the obvious reasons, and getting Levi’s caring nature right can be (unfortunately) so hard to find. Good thing people like Sorcha are here. Enjoy more fluff. Also this fic is particularly fantastic to me not just because of the injured lover trope, but because the 104th babies pay a visit and you all know how much I love a good glimpse of reluctant adoptive dad Levi hehe
bullet by @jean-does-not-have-a-horseface
If you can’t tell by now, I love canonverse fluff, tho this fic isn’t fluff in the traditional sense, but I think that makes it all the much better. Perfect depiction of real life shit that would go down in the aot world paired with Levi’s need to protect his s/o. It’s fantastic. 
the knife by @therealvalkyrie
I didn’t mean to turn this into Mie’s Favorite Canon Fics Showcase, but here we are anyway. As much as I love a good injured lover trope (and this does have that hehe), I love a good kickass reader insert, too. Shoutout to Valkyrie for included both in this fic, and Levi being proud of his s/o... well you can imagine how much I liked that bye
dante’s inferno by @alrightberries
College au + roommates au with Levi... that should be enough for you to read this lmfao, no but actually it’s adorable. Not to mention friends to lovers... if you know me you know how I feel about that, I’ll gobble up every f2l fic until I’m dead and gone. Not to mention there’s a cat and Levi won’t admit he likes it, or he’s jealous of it. Simply cannot go wrong here. 
waves know shores by @onwiings
Bro I don’t even like the idea of public sex and I’m not even a fan of water like that but this fic has me wrapped around it’s pinky lmfaoooo. Some of the best Levi smut I’ve read and you already know how I feel when Levi and reader have cute interactions with the 104th in fics. Really it’s checking every item on my list. 
speed racer by @emeren
I’m pretty sure I found this fic during my midterms last semester, and when I tell you I’m so grateful for it lmaooo. It’s really just a good au, I think it fits Eren (honestly barking at just the concept) and the writing brings it all to life. 
under the moonlight by @murmikaa
I’d have to be dumb not to recommend this to you. I love reading longer fics, and if you do, then this will 100% satisfy you. The whole story is great and immersive, not just between Eren and the reader; their relationships with the other characters are really what makes this special imo. There’s also beach sex, so. Obviously it’s good. 
untitled.avi by @puredivinity (now @celestidarling)
Naur you must of thought wrong if you thought at least one of Mara’s fics wouldn’t be here. I’m obsessed, I think I’ve read it three times minimum. I read all her Eren fics, and you should too. She writes him in such a dreamy way, almost like he’s right there and too good to be true that you must be hallucinating. Immaculate. 
midnight snacks by @writertitan
Dumb, college-typical antics and fluff with Eren... obviously you know I’m about that. The whole concept is so mundane, but so cute, you can’t help but fall for it because it could be so real!! I love that kinda stuff hehe 
i’m your satellite by @ackerfics
Comparing hand sizes with Eren!! YEAAAAH!! No, okay, but I read the summary and was ready to dive in because... size kink go crazy, but when I tell you I was so blown away to find out that it was not only from Eren’s pov, but that he was being a complete simp and down terrible the whole time. Normalize boyfriends being completely fucking in love with their gfs that simple shit like the size of their hand makes them wanna simp even harder!!!!
eren as an ass man by @hznji
I’m dying on the hill that Eren is an ass guy and you should too because it’s the objective truth. Fluff, Eren being a complete dog as per usual, Eren’s being touchy (I will also die on the hill that he’s touchy as fuck and has no concept of personal space) and just in genral snarky but cute banter. Gotta love that. 
tears over beers by @appplepii
When I tell you this is my favorite Jean fic, I mean it. Friends to lovers with hopelessly pining Jean + oblivious reader = everything I could have asked for in a fic, AND it’s from Jean’s pov too!!! INCREDIBLE!!! The pining made me yearn, and the smut was so well done, too. 
this drabble by @arlerted
Whatever, whatever, WHATEVER!!! I DON’T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!!! Cal is right, don’t do drugs but... this mf... this imagine.... has been burned into my mind since the first time I fucking read it bye. Callie also writes a bunch of filthy (affectionate <3) fics and drabbles and lewds and you should read them, preferably when you’re alone and with the lights off. 
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sweetmotherof · 3 years
Haikyuu Fics: The Classics™️ (pt 2)
I already thought of more, and I didn’t want my first part to be super long, so here is a part 2!! I’ll probably make another couple of parts because I know I missed some. So again, please comment if you have any recommendations for me to add, it’s highly appreciated. Also, just some housekeeping, please mind the tags and go give the authors some love and support!! I hope you guys enjoy!! (My summaries are super bad for this one so just look at the summaries for the work or ask ahah id be happy to elaborate)
*contains nsfw fics, so please read the tags*
⭑=my faves
~quick deanpendragon spam (they are the mastermind of tsukkiyama fics read all of their stuff pls)~
campfire in your chest by deanpendragon
M, 74.4k words
This is the classiccccc slowburn, childhood friends to lovers, slowburn through high school fic. With an amazing plot, beautiful writing, and stunning characterization, if you like Tsukkiyama at all, you should literally just read it. It’s just....perfect.
the certain things we lack by deanpendragon⭑
M, 89.6k words
AHHHHHHHH STOP DON’T TALK TO ME IF YOU HAVEN’T READ THIS. no no no it’s so good like should be published good. It’s Kei-centric, and him and Yamaguchi are so <333 ugh i can’t stop. High school au, canon compliant, getting together yeah yeah yeah but the writing is.....i’m speechless it’s so good. Something about it connected with my soul and the writing, i can’t stop the writing is so good. If you like to read, like you just appreciate the art of literature, read this read this read this. 
blue summer sky by deanpendragon⭑
T, 32k words
Deanpendragon, take all of my money. You deserve it after this one because, oh, oh MY GOD it’s so good. Yamaguchi working in a pet store. Tsukishima working in a music store. Right next to each other. STOP READ IT NOW YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO. It’s Yamaguchi’s POV and his like stream of thoughts is SO relatable oh my god. It’s too good. This is hands down one of my fave fics so,,,,, u should read it. Also, it’s a series so, thank you for that one.
Stoplights by 5yenwish(iamacamera)
E, 48.6k words
Something about Tsukkiyama authors, I would literally ask the president to get you ppl published because JESUS we do not deserve these works for free. I mean, this is just Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, and Karasuno being VULGAR and hilarious, and it’s like,,,,you have to have a certain type of humor to enjoy this. If you don’t like sex jokes AVOID this fic, but I loved this SO MUCH. The writing, ughhhhhh the writing is horrifyingly good. I kinda just really want to pay this author money because you made my life smmm better. On Hiatus tho,, probs forever so <//3 STILL READ IT
boiled frogs by reginagalaxia⭑
E, 91.5k words, cw: EMOTIONAL ABUSE, mental health issues that come with that
SAD BOY HOURS ughhh. This fic is so angsty and hurt so bad to read,,,,,,but so,,,,goood. Of course it’s depressing, it’s Hanamaki, Oikawa, and Iwaizumi watching Matsukawa be in an emotionally abusive relationship, all the while Hanamaki is in love with him,,,, eyeroll it’s very hard to watch. But, the writing is amazing, the plot is painful but good, so if you’re considering, you definitely should read.
rated m for by orphan_account
T, 10.6k words
Voice acting au. The most beautiful voice acting au ever. I love Matsukawa and I love Hanamaki, and you should definitely read this because it’s so funny. The writing is so good, the plot is so funny, and I love to laugh my ass off and this fic is funny lol. They act in a BL even though they hate each other. PLS READ IT AHAHHAH.
plus one by orphan_account
G, 6.1k words
This is the cutest lil getting together fic that so adorably fluffy it hurts. If you want to come down from, oh let’s say boiled frogs ahahhaha plug (look above lol), this fic will literally rot your insides with how cute it is. It’s quick, easy, and a fun time at a wedding, so if you just want some matsuhana for bedtime or something like that (?? what am i saying lol) then I definitely recomeend this one.
Open Tab by Mooifyourecows⭑
E, 541.5k words, cw: anxiety, breakdowns (not that bad, but some parts made me feel a bit on edge so I thought I’d let u all know)
The longest fic I’ve read, and worth every second. I BINGED this mf, like in a couple of days lol and it’s so good. Artist Suga, bartender Daichi, gay panic and basically all of the other main haikyuu characters lol,,,,, read it if that sounds interesting. I think this is probably the staple Haikyuu longfic, so you should definitely check it out at one point or another. Also, it’s SO funny and the writing is rlly good. Oh, and it’s a SLOW BURNNN.
bell, book, and candle by skittidyne
M, 762.9k words, cw: blood, swearing, violence, minor body horror, death, anxiety/anxiety attacks/panic attack (part of the author’s warning)
I’ve seen so many people recommend this one, so I thought I’d include it in this recommendation, even though it’s focused around a lot of the ships, not just daisuga. It’s a supernatural hunter fic, and even just the summary is super captivating and interesting. If you like fantasy, mythology, or anything of the demons and magic sort, you should definitely check this one out. There is also some ~~magical~~ romance.
Cardboard Castles by valiantarmor
M, 18k words, cw: homophobia, mental strain that comes with homelessness
For the sake of your guys’ brains, I included this shorter fic that you could definitely complete in a short amount of time. Basically, this is about coffee barista Daichi, and how he meets Suga, who is secretly homeless. And romance blooms, of course. I definitely recommend this one if you want a short, kind of angsty, but happy ending read.
Police Dog by surveycorpsjean⭑
E, 34.9k words
This fic is so so sooo good. I usually stray away from like shifter, werewolf type fics, but this one handles the trope so so so well. I love the kyouhaba dynamic and this fic exemplifies it without making it too cliche. The premise of the fic is Kyoutani is a dog shifter and Yahaba is a police officer. I really had a great time reading this and I definitely think that you should check it out ahhah.
Close to the Chest by darkmagicalgirl
T, 61.1k words, cw: HOMOPHOBIA LIKE BAD (not violent but very internalized and prevalent) 
Yahaba and his self-acceptance journey,,,,ughhhh im crying. This fic is vvvery emotional and filled with angsty self-hatred that makes me :(((. but BUT its worth it because watching him grow :’) and find love in Kyoutani. it’s very warm and happy at the end. If you want a CLASSIC coming of age set in high school and very gay so <33 pls check it out. The plot and writing are really well done and it is a work of art srsly.
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When I first heard that people actually ship the Squip and Jeremy my reaction was
“Well it’s proven that this whole fandom is fucking on drugs”
And my second reaction was
“Eh I might as well fuck canon and see what this is all about”
And I’m so grateful that I didn’t just prejudge but actually did see what this ship is about because everything about it is so beautiful.
You would think it doesn’t make sense but it perfectly does because you see, Jeremy Heere isn’t normal.
That, we can all agree. From beginning to end, Jeremy desperately tried to be normal. He tried to fit in and stay in the line. But that’s just not who he is.
I personally struggle to see Jeremy as the popular guy at school who ends up marrying his high school sweatheart.
Falling in love with the quantum computer in his brain, however, is SUCH A Jeremy thing to do.
You know how you want something so bad and when you finally have it you realize it’s not what you were looking for at all?
I think that’s exactly how Jeremy would feel after Voices in My Head.
What he needs is something a bit more exciting and than that, like a sarcastic super-computer from Japan maybe?
Anyways, I’m leaving my all time favorite fanfics below I really hope you give these a chance because GOD YOU’RE MISSING OUT ON SOME GOOD STUFF
Well it’s kinda ironic that only one of my top three is actually jeresquip HAHA okay here we go
My number one is Touch and Under Pressure (the sequel) written by @kadabralin as always.
Like if you’re gonna read one, read this. It’s also on wattpad if that’s what you prefer!
My second favorite is Replaced and Upgrade (the sequel) written by GreenNanoTech
It is Michael x Squip in the best way possible. (Upgrade isn’t completed btw!!)
My third favorite and currently reading is The Mechanics of Compromise by eatreadandsleeprepeat
The author specifically states in the tags that Squip and Jeremy’s relationship isn’t romantic in this story.
Not that I read the tags first. I just thought this was TOO slow even for a slow burn and then checked if it was really jeresquip and was like- oh shit AHAHHS
Still, their Squip is so well written and in character that even just reading their friendship with Jeremy is sooo comforting.
And the last one is It’s From The Stars by pikaace
I’m not a big fan of AUs but this one was inspired by E.T. so if you enjoy that kinda stuff check this out!
There’s also a one chapter sequel but it’s most likely discontinued. It’s not like a cliffhanger tho so don’t worry HAHA
These were all the long fics I was going to recommend. I loved the plot and how the events were unfolding in all of them.
I know there’s a thing called magic of fanfiction but I don’t like it when it’s like “Squip showed up on Jeremy’s doorstep and he was human.”
With that being said, let’s move on to some shorter fics that I’m pretty sure are all adult content.
I’m a Learning Computer by loli_gag
Valentine’s Day by loli_gag
NO ONE COMPARES by JerbearisHeere
This one includes spoilers from the book!!
And that’s the end of my ranting! Thank you if you’ve read this far and check my account for more fic recs!
Oh and please please please recommend me some good fics. Finals are coming and I need all the serotonin I can get in my life RN.
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