#even tho im already trash
salemontrial · 2 months
Why the FUCK didn't Sasha apologize to Quinni.
#no im so pissed about that.#dude you don't give an autistic person a meltdown that big over something that hurtful#and just#walk away scot free#last time someone gave me a meltdown that hardcore I cut them off for a month.#that might just be the bpd tho#but still#quinni doesn't seem like the type to just. be chill without an apology and hearing sasha explain herself#and then she makes her her vice??????????#she already acknowledged sasha is only in it for the power trip#sasha didn't even do anything in the investigation she just followed quinni around#which as she should#but she hasn't made up for how she treated quinni AT ALL#in fact she's just gotten MORE of a performative activist#like why the fuck was she such a bitch to missy abt spider#i get it yea. ur friends sometimes have dogshit taste in men but you don't need to make them feel like trash abt it#and the way she was like 'he fetishizes u for being black omg its probably asian girls next omg i dont feel safe'#THIS ISNT ABOUT YOU????????.#also she 100% jumpstarted quinnis identity crisis#with how she was constantly switching between infantilizing her and undermining her autonomy over her own decisions#and treating doing things quinni wanted to do and the specific way she needed to do them as a chore#and then victimizing herself!!!!!!!#like from experience that relationship dynamic IS abusive to autistic people it just is#idk if nt people get it but it's really fucking awful to come from your partner#anyway. until sasha apologizes to both quinni and missy this will continue to be a sasha hate page.#heartbreak high#heartbreak high season 2#quinni gallagher jones#sasha so#missy beckett
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fuckingstupidbracket · 2 months
like a regular bin, not even recycled or anything
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faunandfloraas · 5 days
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Looking at my joan jett vinyl picture discs and thinking about how any kpop company could make the fattest stacks from vinyl releases
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torifuckingspring · 9 months
i hate people who feel like they can only love movies that are masterpieces or classics because while i appreciate the point of view or whatever you can like trashy movies and enjoy watching them out of spite because even red white and royal blue isn't a fucking masterpiece in my mined. it's just a movie that makes me feel happy and it's not perfect and people don't have to love it but appreciate the cheesiness. appreciate the little details. appreciate the work that has been put into this movie to make it what it is. this movie is important and it is good. not everything should be amazing it can just be good enough.
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girlwithfish · 10 months
2day was a lot i feel like im doing my best and i hope its ok but its also just work so wjo cares. and i feel bad when i mess up or dont lnow something but im new and they put me w an even newer girl w 15 2 yr olds it was not a good dau
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
maybe if i play y7 ill be normal <- played y7 four times this weekend, a decidedly not normal thing
#snap chats#'snap how many times can you play y7 in a week before youre tired of it' do you wanna find out together#i had a horrible night last night. ok not a WHOLLY horrible night but something trash did happen and i woke up still groggy bout it#i dont like sulking about the past but sometimes i cant help it and it aint fair to myself to act like i can help it. sometimes.#i gotta be candid just for my sake last night i got real upset with my friend because when i say she tests me She Really Does#and i hate getting angry cause then i just feel like my mom and at that point i figure itd be better if i slipped on ice and broke my spine#generally im good at controlling my temper but everything just testing me and i broke down and it was embarrassing as hell ☠️☠️#so yeah thats gonna bother me for a few days LMAO#'snap it aint that deep' it AINT and thats why its so annoyin cause i KNOW it aint that deep yet i still cant argue away how i feel#all i can do is try to ignore it... like plying y7 for the 11th time.....#i cant ply it now tho i told myself id work on a commission a bit so. maybe later...#i already started another file yesterday- or was it two days ago ???? idk i just know im up to chap 5 in it#chap 5 always give me a damn headache its so LONG at the very least the benefit to having my friend over and raising my blood pressure#is that i start to remember things to do from a y7 speedrun. like i dont hound her on what to do obvi i just let her play#its just lil notes to myself. tho she does tell me to give her tips and exploits when i can LMAO#anyways.. im gonna go work ig and try to feel like crummy bye bye#i wanna stream.. maybe i will this evening before my evening class.. lol.. we'll see but probably not
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trashcreatyre · 2 years
Allow me to feed you asks to ramble upon; have you ever noticed Mephiles doesn't actually lie? He never specifies the "Iblis Trigger" dies to release Iblis, but Silver fills it in himself. When asked about something that would screw with his plan, he kind of hesitates for a second, then counters with "Why do you need to know?". Everything he says is just vague enough, or a harsh enough truth, to make people fill in the blanks themselves.
I mean,,, i guess you’re technically right? He never blatantly lies?
But nearly everything you’re talking about where he sorta lets them figure it out is actually a type of lying. It’s called a lie of omission, where you’re not technically lying because you’re not technically saying anything untruthful, but you’re omitting the full truth, so still pretty much lying.
Oh and also the part where he’s like “this is the Iblis trigger” and then essentially shows them a picture of sonic, that’s still a lie imo
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gothamcityneedsme · 2 years
literally could walk around in cyberpunk endlessly without even doing quests or combat.  i could just explore and take screenshots
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asmogorna · 2 months
I can't recall if I have already asked you this or not, but were you the one who drew this?
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(If so, then I need you to know that this is the best Will Wood fanart that has ever been made. Plus he would totally wear that.)
i'll tell you more. there's a prequel to this. and i have a huge history with this very art. grab your hot cocoa, your popcorn, or whatever else you consume when listening to a story..
NOW tbh this mf piece of art makes my heart sink every time i see it simply because the memories of the past still haunt me and theyre not lovely /hj
imagine, year 2023, (relatively) young asmogorna doesn't yet know how twitter can get when it comes to fandoms based around real people, and his friend gives him an idea
"i had a dream about will wood drawing hamilton yaoi" his friend said to him "you should draw that"
and draw that young asmo did
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but then a funny teehee connection was created in asmo's head. "hey" he thought "you know what else is related to hamilton. miku binder."
and he, inspired by this truly humorous and silly idea, drew that very masterpiece, posting it on twitter later that day, with the caption "i am so sorry mr william wood". "oh what a splendid laugh me and me lads (mooties) shall have" asmo thought, as he closed the website
yet little did he know, that the next time he opens twitter its going to be multiple people jumping him and beating his ass in the qrts
"erm,, why are we drawing real life cis men in binders?? /neg /genq" they chanted
"will wood would KILL this person" they howled
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" they preached, as they threw their torches and rotten tomatoes at stupid young asmogorna
he was shocked, truly shocked, for he did not expect such a backlash. the last thing he had in head is implying that mr william sunshine woodiam of the okultra is trans with his art, his mind blown by the amount of people misunderstanding his intentions, for he didnt even think about the intentions people would assume he had. "where tf did i ever say that this is a headcanon of any sort THIS DOESNT EVEN HAVE TO BE A BINDER FOR TRANS PPL WHAT ARE THEY ON" he mumbled softly to his friends, glancing at the raging crowd.
asmo shamefully deleted the post, wrote a public apology thread, and decided to throw the painting he put so much shits and giggles in out in the trash, forever forgetting his legacy....
but to be fr tho that shit was funny asf and im still mad at twitter for making me look like one of them tallyship mfs who headcanon real life people as .. anything really😭
will wood would scoff and giggle in disappointment at this MAX trust me his ass does NOT gaf
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lappel-du-vide83 · 22 days
You know when brains merge together stuff you know like ooh this is cool let me add it to my obssession
Yeah so have og cale and asoue TOGETHER
Okay so obvious parallels first: the three siblings. The henituse county might have fallen during the battle but doesn't mean they had to die then and there. If i may be so mean, the siblings died one by one with ogcale the last one standing.
The extended family members are already presented in the story as douchebags so why not make it one step further and make them secretly work for the white star?
So it goes, once the henituse county fell, without Deruth and Violan to take charge, the reconstriction is delegated to an extended family member but with none of the existing family members willing to take on this burden in times of unrest, they come across a thames willing to take over who is very eager andhella suspicious (the evil uncle if you will) (also i have yet to read past like chapter 200 in part 2 of tcf so the hunter lore WILL be headcannon). And surprise, surprise, he wants the henituse fortune. (the want for money runs in the family) So begins the torment as the siblings protect eachother and try to find a way out. They finally manage to convince someone from deruths side to take them in, finally escaping his clutches.
Thus begins the hunt.
The uncle starts killing every new guardian they get and they try explaining that this mysterious uncle that is not one record wants then either dead or in his clutches but no one will listen to them. They get called the bearers of misfortune that will kill anyone that cares for them and why would anyone believe them? One's trash and the other two aren't even adults.
Bonus points if, like i said earlier, if they were working for the white star, the very bane of their existance and the reason why their family is dead. Because yes, how awful, but they were still better than living under that guy and there's this guilty conflict of emotions.
Now unfortunately, canon dictates (wait does it tho im not actually sure) that i must kill off the siblings so it happens as freak accidents--unexpected and something that couldnt be prepared for. They were already living on the edge but then something slips past (more pain of its a betrayal) and (e.g) basen dies. And it slowly consumes the other two because they couldnt protect him because why was it him it should have been me.
And then its lily. She dies honourably in battle because she wouldn't have it any other way but it ruins cale because what if he's the reason everyone he loves is dying?(i stand by the parallels in ogcale and krs life) He's literally been the centre of it--the only one connecting these deaths.
There's no one else for him to blame and take the anger out on because i think the uncle would die tragically and in vain too(cant believe he spent part of his life hunting down kids) and now there's nothing tying cale down except his obsession to kill the white star anddd we come to the part where he signs up for the final battle and dies.
In the middle, i think it will be cool if he encouters the hunters and theyre like the vfd. They keep seeing references to it everywhere and meet members that either want to help or kill them but never get a concrete answer for who they are and everytime they get close to finding out the truth something stops them (or just cale trying to find out who the FRICK his mom was being affiliated with for them to cause mass destruction so easily)
And just like asoue we get an ambiguous ending. Is he happy? Is he not? Who knows--not the readers! But we can imagine he is for our mental health.
Dang the angst is strong but i think it gives way for more thames lore and sibling shenanigans and, well, more angst and this was run on 11pm hyperfixation so ill add more if i can think of it. Hope you enjoyed reading! Also lemme know if you can think of more i would love to read it
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actualbird · 11 months
have you noticed that time’s antiques has a CRAZY amount of ceiling lights? and whenever luke is there every light is on? his electricity bill must be absolutely crazy. not to mention he has a literal DARTBOARD in his detective office. this has led me to realise that not only is his taste in clothing questionable but his interior design skills are also bizarre
omfg yes YES luke's interior design tastes are BIZARRE and hes a WEIRDO (affectionate)
i now feel possessed to screencap everything in his building that i am either baffled by or want to point out because i found it cool. buckle up, i (as always) have a lot to say
so let's go on a tour of luke's home
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a lot of my confusion here can be waived since it's an antique shop and those are meant to be crowded and kitschy and maximalist, thats their whole Thing and i love that. like, the lights, which uve already commented on, there are SO MANY but theyre charming to me here because it fits, this disparate chaos but still emanating warmth
tho that being said ive noted down some bits that do still pique my interest
EXHIBIT A: antique cash register. given its placement on the counter/main table, i assume it's used for actual business and not an item for sale. of course, it could just be for display, but im jarred because it's right next to the High Tech Touch Screen. do people in stellis even pay with cash anymore? they seem to be hugely digital even in currency. it'd be funny if this thing WERE used for actual business and it's filled with all of luke's loose change and coins that he has trouble getting rid of so he instead foists them off to unwitting customers
EXHIBIT B: my only real complaint for this portion because how can any customer get to those drawers, theyre BLOCKED BY OTHER STUFF
EXHIBIT C: alright antique TV but i cant tell if it's just showing a random VHS tape or if it's doubling as luke's CCTV camera display. cuz it kinda looks like CCTV display of a road. which, honestly, is pretty cool!! it's a fun marriage between old tech and new. this is something im less confused by and more just something i wanted to point out cuz it delighted me to think about
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EXHIBIT A: certificates!! this is cool, i wish we could see them clearer. i guess these could be luke's PI certification though maybe one of them could also be his master's degree? which would be odd to have displayed in a detective agency given his degree is in bioengineering but itd be funny to match vyn who has his Two Doctorates on display in his office HAHA
EXHIBIT B: luke, please tidy up
EXHIBIT C: door with 221 B on it which i think is super cute. hes such a nerd hes just got that blatant sherlock reference in his literal detective agency office, so everyone who walks in will know that he is not only a detective, but also a fanboy. im not sure if this door is what leads to his third floor home but itd be SO LOVELY if yes!!
EXHIBIT D: luke, please tidy up
EXHIBIT E: peanut's bird perch!!!! this is endearing to me because it looks like such a....such a Gym Flavored Bird Perch kjhJHVSDFH LIKE it's made of metal and chains and not at all like most bird perches u'd find that are usually a wooden or more natural design. this is a bird perch for birds that work out. maybe luke made this for peanut himself to get peanut to exercise. peanut is offended by this. peanut perches on it regardless
EXHIBIT F: luke, please tidy up and god if u keep missing throwing trash into the trash can just moVE THE TRASH CAN CLOSER TO UR DESK
EXHIBIT G: luke, please tidy up
EXHIBIT H: luke, please tidy up
EXHIBIT I: luke, please tidy up
EXHIBIT J: luke, please tidy up
EXHIBIT K: dartboard!!! which u mentioned. i like that it's here in the detective agency office floor because i get to imagine luke stumped on a case and then playing some darts to help himself refocus <3
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EXHIBIT A AND EXHIBIT B: okay my question here was gonna be "hoop lights?? tiny ladder????" but i answer it myself in a post wayyy wayyyyyy back where i talk abt how i think these interesting furnitures are there for Peanut Pearce Enrichment. it simply makes no sense if i dont assume this, but that aside, it's endlessly endearing to me to think that luke has fashioned a bunch of his living space to give joy to his emotional support birdson. imagine peanut hopping up that tiny ladder! or flying thru one hoop light and perching on another! avian paradise :D
EXHIBIT C: luke's palette bedframe....god this thing drives me nuts. it's not BAD but what gets me about is that it seems like such a stub-ur-toe hazard, a bruise-ur-lower-shin hazard, and a tripping-over-this-corner-that-sticks-out-and-is-on-the-path-of-foot-traffic-otw-to-the-kitchen hazard. the clumsy will be HARMED!!!!! LUKE, WHY WONT U GET A PROPER BEDFRAME!!! OR AT LEAST FIX THIS BEDFRAME TO BE THE EXACT SIZE OF UR BED SO IT ISNT THAT MUCH OF AN INJURY MAGNET JKAFVAJHFVA im on my knees....
EXHIBIT D: why on earth does he have a whole cupboard filled JUST with camera lenses. wait brb //asks a friend who is has a professional photographer dad............ok nvm hes off the hook for this one, apparently this is normal for photographers. im simply diagnosing luke with dedicated nerdery once again then. i love him dearly.
EXHIBIT E: HE WAS A GAMER BOI, SHE SAID SEE YA L8ER BOI!!!!! man peep all them games!!!! and his consoles next to them!!! i hope luke plays matches against other ppl and that hes Fucking Terrifying to other players. i know we've seen him game with mc and hes mostly adorable, but when hes gaming against non-mc individuals......i hope luke pearce is accidentally going Raven Mode against some random 13 year olds in apex legends or something. just because itd be so damn funny.
EXHIBIT WE'RE SAVING THIS FOR LAST: this is the most baffling to me among all the things in this whole building. it's a....trash can? but Not. it's a large trash can shaped container used for containing things, which, okay, that could work. but luke is using it to contain MAGAZINES????? AND ROLLED UP PAPERS?? im speechless. that is simply the most non-intuitive container to go for when thinking "hm, where should i put these objects made of paper, a material famously known for their flatness" aND HIS CHOICE OF CONTAINER IS A CYLINDER ?¿¿?¿??¿????LUKE!!!!!.
luke is a strange little guy. hes also the epitome of cluttercore. im obsessed with everything about him.
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confusedhummingbird · 4 months
how they keep insisting on dickb**? its weird; I still hope they give dickkory something and I sound selfish but I dont want any other romance for Star (ps: I wouldn't call dickb** romance it has 0 story/substance/feeling) I'm being selfish cuz dickkory is ROMANCE I dont want see it more trashed by dc than it already is; even tho Kory had bfs n I dont mind a unserious bf I always can see Dick being the only one for her, I hope they don't do anything non-dickkory romance for Star sorry Im selfish
I can understand that honestly. Dickkory is such a great ship and it's so sweet and romantic. I honestly can't imagine the two of them with someone else. They are soulmates.
I feel like Dickbabs is around for another way to make sure Dick stays with the Batfam. Dick is a very popular character and keeping him around gives an extra reason to read Bat books.
Also add in the people who have nostalgia and love for Dickbabs from Batman the animated series. It isn't the first or only time DC uses the love for that show as a way to gain popularity. Just look at Harley Quinn and having Kevin Conroy voicing Bruce in many different projects before his passing.
But I feel like they keep him not only from Kory but also from the Titans as well. They are also family to him but they almost always refuse to have him talk or reference them unless it's in Titans books.
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tojikai · 8 months
Hi!! I’ve been meaning to ask u since forever cus I’m kinda confused (dumb).Did gojo cheat on y/n wth naomi?or were they already broken up at that time or were they on a break from each other ?
And OMG💀💀 i have a feeling that toji’s gon break up with y/n
But idc and not cuz i want gojo to be endgame.Nope I don’t think i can ever forgive dat bish. I know he regrets everything he did to yn and that he’s hurting, so what 🤷🏻‍♀️he hurt yn too
While his ass got to work in a nice company,own a nice car and live in a nice apartment?(mansion?idgaf) while providing for naomi and at the same time treating yn like an extra and trynna make her feel like trash!!!!
Yn had to drop out of uni and work at a bakery?cafe? And struggling but trynna be a good mom for her bby😢that makes me so sad
And yn still forgives his ass just cuz she loves him
And him on the other hand couldn’t even control his hormones for f sake💀✋like i get it!! His mom manipulated him so he get on wth naomi.And that should be it!!! Don’t trynna shove it in yn’s face how ur so happy wth a fake ass bish and… nvm💀💀✋✋
Sorry for bothering u with my bad english 🙇🏻‍♀️im a south east asian🤣
they've been separated for like a month, but satoru told yn that he still wants to try w her. yn was hopeful, tho she never showed or said it. then naomi happened. and yeah, yn's life was really hard. and she also had to deal w how she feels for him and his new rs :((
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malka-lisitsa · 5 months
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Well look at that it's 2024, and my new years resolution is to stay an unbothered icon queen, and hope the hater's die mad. But I also thought I'd take a second to shout out to the people who make the shit show of a year 2023 bearable, and even enjoyable in some cases.
As trash as the rpc has a tendency to be there are still a lot of you that make this place more than worth it. I clearly cant shout out to all 900 something followers but I can highlight some of you. If you're not listed don't worry I still appreciate you immensely for being here, these are just the people that have really impacted my time here so far.
@unsettledspirits / @zoomingupthathill what can i say that I already haven't. There's 3 months worth of daily reasons to love you. You built the one ship that beat Steferine with me, honestly it was a surprise to everyone. Happy to see you back on Max ruling over your ST kingdom.
@hybrid-royalty-main Damon you piece of shit, I hate you the absolute most, and I'm so glad youre here with all the boys tbh. You bring such a unique quality to each one of them. Especially were-jer, it has been an absolute HOOT watching you take on the challenges of a teenaged were pup.
@baby-royalty My sired child with loyalty so unwavering you make the sire bond in the show look tame lmfao. The universe pulled us together the second I stepped foot into this hellsite again and I have enjoyed watching you grow into the person and writer that you are now. I'm proud of you.
@klaeus Kiki I adore you sm, you and your knock off brand doppelganger and scruffy mutt hybrid (affectionate) I love talking about the show and dynamics and honestly just about everything with you. You try, and thats more than most people do for me. Plus your grafics are just chefs kiss.
@multi-royalty Maddie this is like 3 years we've been besties, the caroline to my Elena. I've loved watching you branch out into new circles of friends and grow as a writer. You're absolutely killing it.
@ofcrossrcads Cribby, my darling I adore you. You are simply the sweetest, and keeping you here aggressively as my friend was one of the best things ive done in my life. I am always right here if you need me for anything &lt;3
@hargrove JT WTF. How are you so talented? Honestly youre the bees knees and I am SO HAPPY to have reached out to write with you bc I wasn't expecting Katherine and Billy but here they are and tbh im here for it. Tho everything you write is top notch, you're just flawless with every reply. And for that reason katherine said, you can go ahead and keep your halfbreed in the dog house. LMFAO. But for real I am so happy to have met you.
@petrovawitch Kenz, Katherine says fuck you for bringing her pain in the ass sister back- but im really glad you did. We adore you both even if we're spicy at times bc you know were brats hehe
@havvkinsqueen / @stanfordprepped My fellow digidestins, I am so happy to have met you. Both of you are just pure goodness spun into a little ball of sunshine. Honestly the most supportive people ever, the RPC needs you desperately. Just please remember that I have your back just as much as you have mine. We digidestin gotta stick together. &lt;3
Ok ok ok I cant shout out to literally everyone individually so these people also are super important to me and have made my experience here this year amazing, thank you for all you do-
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thegongoozlerreacts · 7 months
Dead Plate (Part 1)
hello!! its been a while since ive posted but here i am!!! so this game is Dead Plate created by STUDIO INVESTIGRAVE
i had played one of their games before, Elevator Hitch, and i really really enjoyed it! so im very excited for this new game that theyve released
though, this game is probably really different from Elevator Hitch, because that game was a visual novel type of game while this one has restaurant tycoon gameplay
still, im very excited
i hope i can get all the endings today (but probably not) as always, spoilers under the cut!
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i know its literally just the title screen BUT it looks very classy
also the music? its a bop like yo BellKalengar is the composer and sound designer and like yo!! amazing job its literally just the title screen and im amazed already LMFAO
alright then lets begin
lolol i like the way they named the buttons for doing the tutorial, skipping the tutorial or just leaving the game on auto progress time to show up at 5 am then
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the art is really cute these characters are really cute too esp the protag
i know its just the tutorial but i am very nervous LOL doing service jobs make me nervous (even tho this is only a fictional one)
bro protag why did u skim the interview thing 😭 is that why u've had 28 jobs in 7 years 💀
ooh interesting the cooks have an order in which they cook meals i need to remember that
wow so theres a lot to do huh theres seating the customers, taking their orders, bringing those orders to the kitchen, serving the food, going to the cash register to take their payments, cleaning up the tables AND throwing out the trash its a lot more than i was expecting,,,, lol good luck to me i guess
so like fun fact im actually not that good at playing games LOL esp this kind of game where theres like people and they have like a happy meter kind of thing going on i wonder if any of the endings will be tied to how well we do during the work day ?? probably
also can i just say that the music is really good i like the kinda jazzy (is that the right word??) vibes going on
it makes me less nervous about serving customers since its very chill LOL
there is a right answer and i have no idea what it is im gonna lose my mind please. ok well lets pick an answer
im gonna go 'no' since the restaurant has a strict menu that changes daily right? so maybe they wouldnt do to-go boxes or ordering ahead and stuff (RIGHT???)
oh phew ok i picked the right one
LOL the banter between the protag and the tutorial guy (i dont know his name)
??? what the hell this customer just left right as i got the food bro 😭😭 have some patience damn this aint a fast food place
now i have to throw away this perfectly good meal (sorry cooks)
oh no now the real game is starting uhh aight alright then lets go
ok so that was like only three customers, i did pretty well but the day's not over yet shdajhsdsakhj i feel like a disaster n it was only three customers LMAO
oh it was only 3 customers for day 1 nice (i got jumpscared by the sound effect for the day ending LFMAO)
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ooh green onion rolls,,, it looks good damn now i want to eat LOL
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the music for this area is pretty chill tho
the window has a horrible view its just another building
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oho? she? who???
bro dont leave the dishes for later thats sooo gross
i am appalled at the protag's lifestyle i cant even
so he has not finished writing lyrics and love letters for this girl he mentioned earlier the game is not revealing her name and im wondering why hmm its very sus
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sorry im laughing so hard??? its mostly empty except for some cans and the fucking green onion rolls im cackling?? they look so out of place in this fridge LMFAO
bro how are you so bad at cooking that you burnt food in the microwave??? what are you doing???
wait. is his bed the couch???? bro i feel so bad for this guy
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he biked through the rain,,,,, and he thought doing it fast would dry him,,, in the rain,,,,, im starting to understand why he somehow managed to burn cereal
he doesnt own an umbrella
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aww this is cute thanks boss
he LIVES here??? wow damn his apartment is upstairs thats very cool
LOL protag keep ur mouth shut
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day 2 here we go
SHIT HELP I TOOK TOO LONG ONE OF THE CUSTOMERS LEFT NOOO im restarting jkdsljlds its a good thing i saved
ahh i did way better this time but the day ended right as i was about to take out the trash LOL
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oooh those look tasty too
oops ok so like i started day 3 right
well i was like 'i'll take out the trash before serving any customers' so that i can just easily clean up the tables right
uhh but then suddenly this happened ??? so like protag dropped the bag and cut their finger and the boss is having an odd reaction to the sight of blood methinks
bro he just slapped him then was like 'oh dw someone else will clean it up' hello???? you just slapped ???? me ???
ok then moving on to the rest of the day i guess??
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kinda weird looking but it still looks appetizing (the magic of art LOL)
oh shit theres a magazine ?? oops im gonna go back and read through previous ones oh nevermind its just the same one lmao
ohhh so this is where i buy items ok aight
and this catalogue is how our protag knew about the job for a waiter it also has an interview with our boss (Chef Vincent Charbonneau, i finally know his name) about the low number of employees i was wondering why we were the only waiter in the restaurant and i guess thats why
ok i bought the rollerskates cuz i need to be faster for the customers
oh and u can interact w the telephone to call 'her' but she doesnt pick up oof
sorry what is happening right now
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what is that weird squelching sound?!?!?
BRO?? WTF WAS THAT ??? so like his body felt itchy, pressed Z to scratch and then suddenly lines were all over his body and then knives came out and i am so very confused
i think that was just a dream but what a weird nightmare
i guess onto day 4 then ?? at least i have my sick new rollerskates now
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ooh that looks tasty
man i think im too slow cuz the timer always runs out while one more customer is still around lmfao, oh well
oh shit another nightmare
ohh so i can only equip one item at a time hmmm well since i bought the watch anyways i guess i'll use it
PFFT A CUSTOMER LEFT SORRY LADY,, she was waiting to be seated but i was preoccupied with serving food oopsies
restarting the day then
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the nightmare hmm is the protag's name Rody since thats what it says on the label
ok im just gonna use the rollerskates this time
restarting again,,,,
should i just let it go? probably but im not going to
ok well youve not seen it but i have restarted day 5 soo many times and i am hungry so,,, here's where i'll leave it for today
even though i am struggling and getting frustrated, im really enjoying the game so far! i wish i wasnt so terrible at playing it so i could see more of the story LOL
like what is up with the boss? who is this girl that the protag likes so much? what is up with his weird nightmares??? and will i ever be able to finish day 5 ?????
tune in next time LOL byebyeee
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ssreeder · 7 months
yooooo. queer-ie: i love your work and would die for it (this is the queer part) and i just know there’s gotta be scenes that have been deleted. could you possibly tell us about some of those (this is the -ie part)? no pressure tho!! i’ll be hopelessly devoted to you either way.
sorry Ive sat on this ask for a while but it tuurns I doooooo have like 4k of of outtakes from RIA & ITF lol.
so here are a few, i’m not sure if this is what you wanted from this ask lol im doing my best. (also none of these are edited or proof read and im sorry about mistakes and grammar and tense and all that other jaz because these were seriously like - ‘i don’t know if im going to trash this orrrrr…..’ then it never made it in & might not even be applicable to the current story.)
im such a good author I know so many details ummmm here is an insert from some point in RIA (I think this was going to be a POV from Hakoda and his men talking and I decided it was a waste of word count. sorry hakoda)
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“I say we kill him.”
“Don’t you think that is a little… <i>extreme</i> Gilak?”
“Not as extreme as the <i>son</i> of the Fire Lord living and breathing in our camp!”
Hakoda felt the specific vein in his forehead thumping against his wrinkled skin that was trying its best to keep it contained. He could feel a headache coming forward the longer they discussed what to do about the situation that Sokka brought to his attention… and so far, they had not one tangible idea.
“Gilak, I have already told you, we can not kill him.”
“I know sir, your son is buddies with him, and we can’t upset Sokka.”
Hakoda shot the larger man a stern look, and he quickly retracted his words.
“I know why we can’t kill him. I just think it would be the simplest solution in this situation.”
Bato jumped to Hakoda’s defense, like he always did.
“This is not a simple situation, so it will not have a simple solution. I think we should speak to Morrak and see what he learned about the boy before we make any decisions. If we kill the Prince of the Fire Nation while he is severely injured and being non threatening we will look like the savages the rest of the world calls us. We have to handle this delicately, like Hakoda said, Sokka trusted us enough to tell us who he is when he could have easily lied. Which means we need to respect that trust and handle it delicately.”
Hakoda cleared his throat, earning the attention from both his men.
“So it is decided. I will talk to Morrak and once I get more information, I will meet back with you both and we can discuss our options at that point.”
“Yes sir.”
“Yes Chief.”
Hakoda was happy when they left his tent, freeing up the stifled air that seemed to stop moving the moment the conversation began. Hakoda felt an intense guilt building from betraying his son’s trust and sharing his friend's identity with the other men… Haoda knew it was the wisest decision for him to make as the Chief of the Southern Water Tribe, but it wasn’t helping him be the best dad to his son… Something he was still struggling with every passing moment.
Even now… Hakoda left his son alone in the healer’s tent with the boy he just recently discovered was the Prince of the Fire Nation… A boy bred into fire and violence. Sokka seemed to trust him, which gave Hakoda a tiny bit of hope that maybe there was something good in this boy… But that tiny feeling was smothered by the rest of the overwhelming amount of mistrust and worry he had when he looked at the golden eyed boy who glared at him from the moment he opened his eyes.
Hakoda rubbed his forehead, digging his thumb into his temple in an attempt to push back the stress vein. He needed to speak to Morrak, and after that… He would make a decision on what was the best next step he could make. He needed to protect his tribe and his son, that was his main concern right now… and right now… Sokka was tied to this fire bender in a way that made Hakoda nervous.
Turning towards the entrance of his tent, Hakoda decided not to overthink this situation a minute longer and go find Morrak so they could talk…
Each time Hakoda thought about all the things he didn’t know, or wasn’t understanding, he felt the weight of his decision growing heavier and heavier. If Hakoda didn’t figure out what to do soon, he was going to be crushed and then Sokka would be on his own…
Hakoda couldn’t fail his son again, he had to make the right decision
- -
Ok so this one is right before Zuko gave himself up in RIA. I don’t remember how the final scene went down but we all know how it ended :) <3
Psst… Dad.”
Hakoda frowned in his sleep, caught in the middle of a dream and the reality that awaited him on the other side.
“Dad… Wake up.”
Hakoda opened his eyes and saw Sokka staring down at him.
“Son? What are you doing in my tent in the middle of the night? Are you ok?”
Hakoda sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to see through the darkness he was startled when a tiny flame broke through the void and gave clarity to the room.
Zuko was standing behind Sokka who was kneeling next to Hakoda’s bed, and the Water Tribe man felt a mixture of conflicted feelings. He was instantly happy that Zuko had come back for Sokka, but the dred that followed swallowed any joy he had…. Zuko couldn’t be here. If Quon found him… They would all be in trouble.
“I’m fine… Zuko came back. He… We… Ummm… We are leaving.”
Hakoda thought he would be devastated the day his son told him he was leaving again, so sure that his world would bottom out and Hakoda would feel like he was falling into despair. But when he looked at Sokka, and he thought back to the talk they had about his feelings for the fire bender, Hakoda knew that there was nothing he could say to change his son’s decision.
Just like Hakoda had allowed Katara to leave, he had to do the same with Sokka. His children didn’t belong to him anymore, they were grown and they were bonded to people who they were loyal to… And Hakoda was proud of them. It was a monumental thing to find someone you loved, and staying loyal to them was what kept that relationship strong…. Even if Hakoda didn’t love the idea of Sokka choosing a fire bending boy, he wouldn’t stop him from being loyal to his love.
“I understand, son. Allow me to put on my pants and I will help you two escape.”
Zuko spoke up, “I don’t think that will be necessary. The uhh… The helping us… Not the uhh… The pants.”
Hakoda smirked and Sokka smacked his own forehead. No wonder the boy refrained from using words.
“I would like to make sure you two make it out ok. Is that a problem?”
Zuko seemed to dislike the idea, but Sokka gave him a pleading look that had a splash of assertiveness, which seemed to be their typical dynamic. Now that Hakoda was aware of the romantic nature between the boys it was easier to disfer their interactions.
Hakoda slipped on his pants and slid on his boots, making sure he secured his hunting knife inside. He couldn’t grab any other weapons just in case they were caught, Hakoda couldn’t risk looking like he was prepared for a fight. If they were caught, they would need to make sure that whatever words made up their excuse were good enough to fool whoever found them.
As long as it wasn’t Quon, they might have a chance
- -
RIP Shen, I never realized how fucking funny you and Zuko were until you died. I think this was when they were all sharing intel idk… but Zukos an asshole and I love it. (he and Sokka were sooooo hostile during the SWT arc)
“Nothing… Just…. Fucking drop it. How about Zuko and I switch seats and I will come over and help you with the Fire Nation cruiser information. Bato and Zuko can, I don’t know… Play their tile game or whatever.”
“Fine with me. I fucking love games.” Zuko mumbled as he stood up.
Shen watched with wide eyes, not saying a word, and Hakoda could honestly say he had no words to add to the tension either.
“Good!” Sokka stood up as well and made sure to bump his friend’s shoulder as they switched seats. The fire bender glanced back and Hakoda wondered if he was going to shove Sokka in the back but he didn’t reciprocate the hostile gesture and instead he flopped down next to Bato and crossed his arms with his brow narrowed deep into the center of his face.
Shen leaned back when Sokka came to sit down next to him, and Sokka glanced over at him and scoffed.
“Don’t be dramatic. Let’s just get this thing fucking over with so we can be done here.”
“Whatever you say.” Shen replied as Sokka aggressively organized the parchment and prepared to draw out Shen’s cruiser.
Hakoda watched as Sokka’s anger melted when Shen began to explain what it was like being a soldier stationed on Fire Nation cruiser. He told them about -
- -
TA DAAAAAA idk if this is what you wanted…. but here it is. I don’t have anything from the first book, and only a bit from ITF but I do have more RIA. I rambled a lot in the second book ha but yeah idk what else to say! Thanks for the ask.
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