#even lmd her
hiddenvioletsgrow · 11 months
Hot take: if Jemma was the LMD Radcliffe and AIDA would have succeeded bc Fitz wouldn’t be able to kill LMD Jemma.
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adanseydivorce · 2 months
agents of shield s7 really was a shockingly good conclusion to something I like… like on it’s own it’s a good season but I don’t really realize how highly I think of it overall (it’s not agents of shield s4 who’s praises I’ll sing any day of the week) until I think about how many concluding seasons or books of shows or series I love could have been better if they were more like it in a variety of ways…
#s speaks#currently inspired by me venting about my wishes for a raven king where Blue’s mirror powers were treated more like May’s empath powers#(which is funny since apparently Maggie’s og draft gave Blue literal empath powers although mirror is still in that vain to an extent)#and her having feelings and anger and resentment once LMD Coulson comes into the picture but she doesn’t see him as her Coulson#but also the way he can be a neutral space for her while she’s navigating the powers is comforting#I would have Lurved an arc like that for Blue/Bluesey#and the questioning if he’s real or not thread for Coulson himself and everyone around him and their relationships#which is helped by the existence of s6 which wasn’t the best aos season (although even though it had messy parts I liked how focused on May#it was and that Ming got to shine a lot. I could have done with less fs and far less Deke but that’s-)#but if that season didn’t exist at all s7 wouldn’t have landed because we needed to see those chars Without Coulson. If they had just#skipped to Daisy slamming the button and that’s that then he’s off on his road trip and that’s that—#but outside of trcbrainrot magicians could have used that season as a model so could legacies so could a lot of different genre things w#unsatisfying endings#sometimes I will have to do a list of my favorite conclusions to things since there’s definitely less that I wholly am a fan of and more I’#so so on or dislike.#in terms of tv shows would say community agents of shield and person of interest are the main ones that really hold up to me and are great#endings to shows I cared about#for books: CP2 TKM and others I can’t think of rn
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cerastes · 3 months
You think doctor fucks?
Yes, but only through either unexpected situations leading to it or with an outcome that isn't exactly what was intended:
Lucian, Blood Diamond: It was actually during a Hana-Barbera-esque chase sequence during a spell of time in which Doctor was separated from the Operator team, in which Doctor escapes the brainwashed Lucian through many doors in the same hallway while many unexpected cameos also appear from the doors. It gave Doctor precious time for Shalem to find them and hit Lucian over the head with a brick in a sock.
Theresa: It sucked ass because they are both bad at sex so they awkwardly chuckled about it and spent the rest of the night playing Mario Kart 64 instead (they had a great time!)
Platinum: Platinum sucks at sex and wanted training for her upcoming title match with Blemishine for the Bedroom Heavyweight Title, so she asked her bestie the Doctor. Unfortunately, they are also terrible at sex so it was just a bunch of Ed Edd and Eddy sounds. Blemishine (who fucks like a champ) then took on Platinum and nearly died from how bad she is.
SilverAsh: I'll keep it real with you, SilverAsh isn't bad at this, but he's way way too extravagant, pulling out ivory toys with inlaid sapphires, gilded gimp masks, extremely expensive Originium-byproduct wax extracted from the highest peak of Kjerag, like man sometimes you just want a hamburger quickie, not the filet mignon coitus and this guy just doesn't get that, plus he magically transforms into a needy pillow princess halfway through, very high maintenance.
Mlynar: The System of a Down of sex. Mid-doggy style, this guy stopped moaning in G major, started talking about the rising price of gas and how Kazimierz has been complicit in innumerable crimes against not only its people, but against others as well, then he kept moaning. Probably the best Doctor has had.
Gavial: Snu Snu with a skilled healer is one hell of a drug, but actually this all just started because they were watching caber toss videos together and Gavial was like "yo I could throw you like that EASILY" and Doc was like "BET" and you don't need me to tell you what happens between two people when they do caber toss together.
Skadi: Snu Snu with no healer nearby is NOT recommended. The closest call Doctor has had. Rhodes Island lost two entire factories and one dorm complex. The cost in LMD was in the millions.
Theresis: It sucked ass because they are both bad at sex so they awkwardly averted their eyes and spent the rest of the night playing Mario Kart 64 instead (they hated every second of it because Theresis can't even beat 50cc CPUs and he kept bitching about it)
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amelia-mariee · 1 year
Spoilers for AoS 1x17, 3x22, 5x14, 4x15
The twists on Agents of Shield hit SO HARD omg, and one of the main reasons for that is the diversions they utilize.
Like I never in a million years would’ve seen that Ward twist coming, (most people didn’t) especially after how betrayed he seemed when it was revealed that Skye was still in communication with the rising tide. They make it seem like “oh yeah, that’s the twist, Skye is the one who’s most likely to secretly work against everyone for a little while, but she’s not doing that anymore so that’s solved” and then Grant kills Hand and stabs everyone in the back and it’s insane.
I thought that the whole Necklace Of Death storyline was leading up to Yo-Yo’s death, and that passing it around and different people wearing the jacket was just another huge diversion to make us think that it was going to be someone besides her. It was her necklace. I was absolutely certain it would be her. I NEVER would’ve thought it would be LINCOLN.
We thought it was an evil fear-dimension doppelgänger of Fitz, only to find out he was never there and it was all Fitz. They really make you think it has something to do with the fear dimension, because that’s the main conflict, right? No.
AND OF COURSE WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT SELF CONTROL. OMG. Maybe other people saw this part coming, but I never considered that one of Fitzsimmons would also be an LMD. I got literal chills when they discovered that their friends were replaced. That’s what I was focused on. And then they reveal that one of them was replaced. (Also, I just have to say the acting in that episode is absolutely phenomenal)
The writers are just so good at distracting you with other elements of the story, just so that they can completely catch you off guard with new, even more insane twists.
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tremorsmackenzie · 7 months
I have another idea for a fanfic.
tw: daisys depression and generally sucky time in season 4
Basically, Daisy gets taken into the Framework instead of Fitz. After some flavourtext about how 4x16 would differ if there was no doctor and fitzsimmons had to find their path in the framework, the resistance base would get attacked, and theyd have to evacuate and relocate to a backup base - afterlife, as it turns out, because if aida doesnt need to provide fitz with specimen to study, it should be fine. There, they'd be greeted by the inhumans second in command, a woman named daisy johnson. She begrudgingly lets in shield, but is pretty miffed about it since theyre barely better than Hydra in her opinion. There are tensions, and fitzsimmons find out that daisy lost her dad when Hydra emerged and started tracking down subversives. Aka, her life is pretty sad here as well. Convincing daisy that this is all fake is pretty damn impossible, since shes not very receptive to the idea that her actual life in the real world is even worse than this. It takes a hydra attack that kills jiaying and most of the inhumans in front of her to get her to come around, and its mostly because she has nothing left to lose at that point.
Edit: there would also be a scene about lmd!daisy attacking fitzsimmons in the real world and retriggering all of fitz' ptsd about hive!daisy before they plug themselves in.
Also, aidas motivations would be pretty basic and unimportant here because she isnt literally trying to become a real girl for fitz.
Title would be change you like a remix from that one song by fall out boy.
And there would be lots of scenes with daisy and a jiaying who hasnt been abducted and tortured by Whitehall, but has instead raised her daughter with her husband.
i mean, a daisy who got to grow up in a loving home, surrounded by chinese and inhuman culture. the POTENTIAL. may and daisy suddenly being able to bond over chinese things as the children of asian-american immigrants. daisy actually being able to speak chinese, albeit with an accent. the pain of may and daisy being immediatley hostile towards each other once they meet in afterlife. the implications down the line of a daisy who feels even more responsible for the inhumans in the space arc of season 5a, and who would be able to shower them with the inhuman culture none of them ever got to experience. i am going insane over here.
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shuttershocky · 7 months
Got a question to someone with more expertise than I, if you don't mind fielding it? Does Carnelian have a niche over Lin? I pulled her yesterday on the Ines banner but I already have E2 Lin ready for the module once I get more LMD. Outside of the fact she has one of the best visual designs in the game I am unsure if there is any reason to build her.
Carnelian has a slow (upgradable to Bind) on her S2 and much higher DPS on her charged S3, but unfortunately you want the tank class to be made of tanks, and when it comes to that, Lin and her own sister Beeswax outperform Carnelian thoroughly. Lin is far harder to damage because of her shield, while Beeswax has constant regeneration that gives her ridiculous survivability even with little support.
Think of Carnelian as more of an AOE arts nuker that can be pretty tanky, rather than a phalanx caster. The DPS she can output when her S3 is fully charged can wipe out entire hordes, though there's plenty of competition when it comes to dealing high AOE damage, which means she's not very high priority.
HOWEVER, if you are a cool and extremely intelligent player like all Carnelian fans, that shouldn't stop you from finding ways to use her (and coping for a broken second module)
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selfcestmovies · 2 months
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SHIELD was, for a lack of better phrasing, unpleased at Natasha's tendency to take missions off script.
In Nat's eyes, missions rarely (if ever) went according to plan. Her skill at improvising and her modest disregard for protocol were the only things keeping her operations afloat. Her superiors disagreed.
Her new status update came with little surprise: GROUNDED. She was to report for six months of desk duty deep in the archives of SHIELD HQ. Natasha had heard rumors of this place: for each of the agency's missions there was a mountain of paperwork and cataloguing that needed to happen behind the scenes. Nat was more terrified of this place than any warzone.
When she first entered the Archives, she was taken aback by the staff that manned the hundreds of desks and work stations... many of them operated in pairs or trios of identical employees.
"LMDs," her handler informed her. "The only way we're able to handle the workload in a timely fashion. SHIELD gave us access to that tech in the '90s and we never looked back."
Apparently it was yet another of SHIELD's seedy secrets: this degree of hyper-sophisticated life model decoy technology was deemed unreliable for field work, but here in the bowels of HQ, menial labor seemed the perfect fit for the morally-questionable science.
"We'll get you outfitted for a double right away," the handler told Natasha. "Follow me."
Sure enough, for the months that followed, Natasha would arrive to the Archive each morning before being LMD'ed before starting the day's work. By the evening, the LMD would be deactivated. Rinse and repeat. Natasha loathed it.
She was savvy-enough to admit that maybe the tech wasn't harmful, though. Was it possible that she'd be sentenced to a full year of desk work, rather than just six months, if she couldn't work in stereo? She dared not protest. Not to mention that working alongside "herself" had some perks. Nat was fun, and funny, and the two could operate in bureaucratic synchronicity that made the time fly.
Not to mention... the other feelings, too. That it made her feel extra confident to watch herself from new angles. Or that when the LMD brushed an eyelash off Natasha's cheek, that her heart began to flutter.
Nat realized before her six months were up that this mission, like all others for her, would not be one where she adhered to all the rules.
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laufire · 6 months
I've been rewatching episodes from agents of s.h.i.e.l.d. from all over the seasons lately and I just wanted to share some random thoughts:
Simmons used to be. such a good character??? I never fucked with her fandom (every time a woc is higher in the narrative than a white girl the racists come out to play and they are NOT original about it smh), but her actual character? before she became completely subsumed to The FitzSimmons unit?? I'm in mourning here, people.
I actually caved and watched the episodes I had left from season 6. this means that I finally found out how Flint (darling <3) came to be in the present. otoh, I love it! I love that Mackelena ~made him up with their minds + the monolith of creation, that this means there's a Flint in the alternate timeline still being a hero and helping rebuild earth. on the other, this makes me wish he'd been in season 7 even more. those themes of identity, "am i even real?" are my catnip. we did get that with lmd!Coulson, of course, but why not both *-*
this rewatch reminded me that I used to ship May and Daisy-then-Skye A LOT back in season 1 lmao. *sighs* my lesbian age gap ships keep getting mother-zoned smh. I'll compensate for this by sexualising (even) more surrogate mother-daughter pairings from now on (I'm doing my part on my original stories. trust me).
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brightnote · 11 months
Secret Invasion episode 2 spoilers
I knew she was for real really dead.  Plus Cobie said so but anyways before I discuss this in a civil manner I just want to say…..
At least they gave her a mom? (Even though that feels not right?) Would have preferred if they gave her a girlfriend but ok. Cobie said she had siblings maybe that was the person in the background? 
Obviously they had to kill Maria for real to actually fire Nick Fury. Since we know she would have done anything for him if he was fired or not so killing her is less of an emotional arc and more of a procedural one.  Major spoiler but not a surprise: Maria gets a body bag and Nick gets a wife. Typical Marvel!  The men always get a family.
Theories I have no support for
Theory 1: Cobie had 2 episodes credited left to her on imdb yesterday episodes 4 and 6 but it reverted to all six again today! — are there flashbacks coming? She still got special guest star billing for her 6 seconds of dead body air time I hope at least Cobie gets paid legit for this nonsense. 
Theory 2: in order to pretend Maria was never in Russia they LMD her? Although a for real dead Maria is hard to take at least more Cobie air time is a trade.
More interesting story would be if there was images of fake Fury killing her and things really turn for Fury!?
I just don’t understand the purpose of killing off a woman character who wanted to stay in the MCU forever! Cobie said she will “always answer the call” for more marvel work which is hopeful and cute. Still nothing official on whether she is or is not in the Marvels—lots of contradictory reporting on this. As my heartbreak has turned to rage and after this series likely it will soon be indifference toward the MCU all together.
P.S. Cobie posted a goodbye Maria IG earlier today with the image of maria escaping skrulls as an LMD from the comics. (I doubt she knew this was what the image was from though tbh) she deleted the post! Maybe because of the comic photo error but i wonder if marvel was like hey no take this down!?
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daisyssousa · 9 months
Hi. I hope you don't mind me asking your opinion, as a disabled person, about comments I've seen about Sousa's new prosthetic. I realize no group is a monolith, so you won't provide THE difinitive answer, but I would like hear from someone who actually lives through it.
So, why is Sousa's new prosthetic considered ableist but his old prosthetic was not? Is it because his disability is no longer obvious? But if the new prosthetic works better, why is that a bad thing? Sorry, I guess that's three questions. I really hope this didn't come off offensive, I genuinely just want to understand.
I hope your having a great day and have fun blocking the anti-Dousy trolls😊
Hi there! <333 Thank you very much for the question! It's not offensive at all!
As you pointed out, we're not a monolith, so I definitely can't speak for every disabled person out there, nor am I trying to! If someone is legitimately offended, they completely have a right to their feelings. I'm also not an amputee, so I can't speak to that either.
I think there are some people who feel that because his new prosthetic made it so that he can walk completely normally, they feel like it's erasing his disability. There are a few reasons I heavily disagree with this mindset:
It doesn't erase his disability at all: He will still have to care for his leg the same way he would with any other prosthetic. He will still have to keep it clean and take care of the skin to keep from getting it irritated, injured, or infected. He will have to keep up care of his remaining leg muscles too to be able to use it. It's mechnical and electronic, so the prosthetic itself will require maintinence and upkeep as most tech does. It's not going to be like poof! His leg is magically healed! When you get down to it: his new leg is still not his real leg.
I do think there is room for criticism in the sense that Agents of Shield didn't show this on screen. In fairness, perhaps they thought in showing Coulson and Yoyo previously struggling with their prosthetics, they thought maybe it would be enough since season 7 was already crammed. I do think they should've given us at least a little something though. But still: it didn't erase Coulson or Yoyo's disabilities, so it wouldn't erase Sousa's either.
Technological advances: With all the technological advances of the Marvel world and all of Fitzsimmons' inventions, giving Sousa a high tech prosthetic is completely within reason. It isn't like the Agents of Shield writers magically pulled special technology out of nowhere to specifically "erase" his disability, there was already a precendent set with Coulson and Yoyo (and Bucky Barnes). And also LMDs. Even Daisy's gaunlets are prosthetics in a way, since they keep her bones from breaking when she quakes.
If they'd retconned his missing leg or used some kind of hand-wavy magic to get it back, then yeah I could see the argument. But that's not what happened.
Real world technological advancements are catching up too: there are already prosthetics in development that use the electrical impulses of the brain to move the prosthetic limb and allow the person to feel sensations! There are also battery powered mechnical ones. Should real amputees be barred from using these because it "erases" their struggle? No. (btw I am not aiming this at you anon, this is me speaking in general! <3)
Sousa's wish to walk again is in character: Sousa expressed in episode 2x08 of Agent Carter: "I know desperation. You know what I'd give to be able to walk again? A lot." He even uses the word "desperate." This is fulfilling a character trait he had in Agent Carter. It didn't come from Agents of Shield. He wants to be able to walk and is accepting of the prosthetic.
It grants him more freedom of movement and less pain: Especially considering they were in the middle of a dangerous mission, giving him more movement and less pain to hinder him is extremely helpful. And in general, why shouldn't he be able to use something that helps him be in less pain and do more every day? No one should be forced to struggle just to prove they're disabled! (Again not directed at you anon, in general <3)
Anyway, my brain is turning a bit mushy, but I hope this helps you anon! <333
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cometsandstardust · 8 months
I’m rewatching Agents of Shield and here is list of things I genuinely forgot happened:
(and little things i enjoy)
season six:
- the shrike and the mercenaries first appeared in a park in indiana
- yo-yo was having a little secret relationship with one of the newer agents
- enoch suggested he and fitz work in the nearby brothel after losing their money
- enoch sent out the equivalent of an air-raid signal but only humans could hear it, so fitz, daisy & simmons were suffering
- agent kahn was pretending to be deke’s bestie
- one of the mercenaries (don’t ask which one i don’t remember their names) ended up in deke’s framework thing with his version of daisy
- s6ep4 ends with snippets of deke’s gf sequoia’s like insta stories
- “im observing from a distance” - little jemma
- in the little book about “fitz and his imaginary friend” daisy was a bunny (think like judy hopps)
- izel got fitz-simmons back to earth
- possessed may shot sarge, and his body completely recovered.
- literally did not remember that izel can like possess people
- also when they were sharing secrets davis said that he stole a space pen bc “he didn’t know that aliens write”
- how the fuck did i forget that davis actually dies???
- izel possessed him and made him fall from a fucking balcony or something
- daisy snapped sarge’s neck with her powers
- sarge calls daisy “skye” to try and get her to kill him
- flint comes back when izel is using mack and yo-yo’s worst fears to bring back the monoliths (<3)
- deke literally admits that he built his company because he felt like an outsider and no one likes him
- “flint?” “deke?” “what are you doing here?!” they’re so freaking cute
- sarge ran may through with the sword and pushed her through the gateway izel opened
- yo-yo swallowed a shrike bat
- “no that was a joke. the framework is silly and radcliffe definitely had a drinking problem” - fitz
- why the fuck does no one question that simmons just suddenly doesn’t have bangs anymore??? like no one even says anything about it??? i don’t think i even realized the first time i watched this
- daisy and mack realized they went back in time when the empire state building was the only building above the clouds
- coulson was brought back to figure out what the chronicoms would do
- i didn’t forget that daisy doesn’t even hesitate to press the button to start up LMD coulson, but i needed to mention it bc it’s so fucking sweet
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darksaiyangoku · 9 months
Avengers of Remnant: Spider-Men and Silk
Oscar lay flowers on the grave of his Aunt Terra, who was buried next to his Uncle Oliver. He kneeled down and clasped his hands together, crying.
Oscar: I-I'm sorry, Uncle Oliver.... I couldn't protect her, or you... I'm sorry.... I'm so so sorry.... It's my fault.... it should've been me who died..... not Terra.....
The tears were flowing faster and Oscar couldn't hold back. He placed his hands on the grass, gripped it tight and screamed. Suddenly, he heard some rustling and he turned in a panic. Oscar couldn't feel his spider-sense working. He raised his fists exepcting an attack. What he saw instead, however, were three people at the top of a tree. Two human and one faunus. They each jumped down and revealed themselves. Oscar's eyes were wide in shock. He was looking at Jaune Arc, Sun Wukong and Ruby Rose. However, instead of their original superhero gear, each of them wore a variation of a spidersuit. Oscar raised his fists, expecting an attack.
Oscar: Are you LMDs sent by Torchwick? Is A.I.M back? Or maybe you're skrulls? Who the hell are you?!
SP-Jaune: Easy there, Oscar. Calm down. *raises hands* We're not here to hurt you.
SP-Sun: It's us, Jaune, Sun and Ruby. We're your friends.
Silk-Ruby: Or rather, we're variants of your friends.
Oscar: *lowers fists* W-Wait. I-I don't understand.
SP-Jaune: We aren't the same Jaune, Sun and Ruby from this universe. Each of us has a different history.
SP-Sun: But we all have one thing in common; each of us is a Spider-Man.
Silk-Ruby: Well, most of us. I go by Silk. Anyway, you're probably wondering how we got here. The truth is, we're wondering the same thing.
SP-Jaune: We were in our universes one minute and the next, we wound up here.
SP-Sun: All of our memories are a little hazy too. I can't recall the last thing I was doing before I got here.
Oscar sunk to the ground, his left eye twitching.
Silk-Ruby: Oh my- are you okay?
Oscar: *shakes head* Not really. I mean... this is a lot to take in. I've dealt with sime very weird stuff here. Monsters, aliens, killer robots, wizards and even gods! But this... this is nuts! I mean, I'm not the only Spider-Man?
SP-Jaune: It doesn't seem like it, no.
SP-Sun: I know this is a lot to ask, but is there any way you can help us?
Silk-Ruby: We need to know what happened so that we can get home. We have no idea if our worlds are in danger or not. Please. *grabs Oscar's hands*
Oscar stared deep into the Ruby doppelganger's eyes. They were filled with so much emotion. Sadness, hurt, and desperation. Oscar clasped his hands around hers and nodded his head.
Oscar: I'll do it. I'll take you to one of the smartest people I know. Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck, a.k.a Mr Fantastic.
(This doesn't have any major story here, I did this for fun. 😆)
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cerastes · 2 years
What if Rhodes Island has a variety show like those Japanese shows where the contestants have to find out which objects are cake made to look like objects? So you have Amiya as the host (ratings up by a million immediately) and she’s like “Welcome, and get ready for another HEART-THROBBING episode of It Could Be Cake! Today’s contestants are: Death From Above, our very own Elite Operator, Blaze! The Hunter of the Depths, the enigma of Aegir, Specter! And last but definitely not least, she who delivers life with one hand and death with the other! The Infirmary Bruiser, Gavial!”
So it starts pretty normally, Blaze takes her turn, bites into a shoes, and it’s just a shoe, the audience laughs. It’s Specter’s turn, she bites into a TV, and she starts eating it. “It seems contestant Specter has found the first slice of ca--” but that’s when Amiya realizes in horror that it’s not frosting and sponge that’s falling off from Specter’s ravenous maw, it’s plastic and the mangled pieces of a timing controller board. She’s just actually eating the TV. Just chomping away at it. Without even a fork.
And Gavial loses her marbles and decides she can’t be outdone so she starts eating the microwave, and Amiya is like No!!!! Don’t eat the TV or the microwave!!!! Operators lent us those!!!! But SilverAsh, freak that he is, is having a hoot and a holler of a time and keeps throwing LMD bills on the stage as if this was a strip club, “yeah don’t worry Miss Amiya, I’ll cover everything, I want to see where this goes”, and Blaze is also way too amused by this to stop them and looking over at the couch tentatively, it DO be looking tasty, so Amiya is just left standing there 6 million LMD richer as Specter and Gavial eat the entire damn set, suffering from success.
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arrow-guy · 1 year
Within the Ashes (1/??)
Summary: You’ve spent your life working for someone else. You watch their back, you protect them, but you’re left feeling empty and unfulfilled at the end of the day. What happens when a freak accident transports you to a different dimension, very nearly identical to your own?
A/N: Please understand this has been in my head for almost a year at this point and started out with the reader being an LMD without knowing it. That’s definitely not the situation with the story now, but please know it’s been through a lot of Idea Workshopping lmao. Also, the version of the FF that’s in this story is definitely a very Fanfiction-ified version, but it’s my coping mechanism, so I decide who’s good and who’s gay. Thank u for coming to my preface, please enjoy the first chapter.
Page dividers by @carryonmyswansong​​
Pairing: StevexReader, background Spideytorch
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Fire, explosions, extreme injury (burns, cuts, contusions), gross descriptions of burns, rapid healing, canon typical violence
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“Reed, I honestly don’t think we should test it today.”
“And why’s that?”
“Promise you’ll take my concerns seriously? Because you’ve been a dick about it every other time.”
Without looking away from his screens, Reed suggests, “How about you tell me, and I’ll do my level best to keep an open mind.”
“Fine.” It’s not much, but she knows it’s the best she’ll get. “I just have a bad feeling about it.”
“Another gut feeling?” He finally turns his head to look at her, eyebrows raised dramatically. “Is that really enough to put off this test?”
“We live in a world where magic is real and you’re questioning a gut feeling?” She folds her arms. “There’s evidence that proves the existence of a nervous system in the stomach, Reed. You know this. Gut feelings are a thing, and very seldom are mine wrong. And you’d know this if you ever cared to actually listen to me.”
Reed stretches his neck so that his face is just slightly too close to (Y/N)’s. “Name one instance.”
“Two weeks ago when you were tinkering with that vacuum chamber. I told you something was wrong with it, you brushed it off because it was a gut feeling. Then it blew up.”
“Oh please-”
“I had a six inch shard of glass stuck in my shoulder!”
He rolls eyes and his head snaps back to his shoulders. Reed waves her off. “You healed.”
“I wouldn’t have had to heal in the first place if you’d listened to me.”
“We’re still testing the transport today.”
“I… respect your gut feelings, but we can’t allow that to get in the way of the progression of science.”
(Y/N) scowls. “This is exactly why no one wants to work with you.”
“You want to work with me.”
“I took the job as a favor to Johnny.”
“And yet it’s been eight years.”
“Yeah,” she mutters. “Eight years of me getting blown up and lugging shit all across the countryside.”
“I heard that.”
(Y/N) grabs her empty mug from her work table and stalks down to the kitchen. Sue is sitting at the bar when she walks in. She waves in lieu of a greeting and keeps her eyes trained on the tablet in her hand.
(Y/N) pours herself a cup of coffee and stares down at the full mug. The realization of what the rest of the day might hold hits her and she’s just about ready to give up. She tips her head back, covers her face, and groans.
“I think your husband’s trying to kill me.”
“Well that’s nothing new,” Sue says. “What’d he do this time?”
“He wants to test that interdimensional transport he’s been working on. I have a bad feeling about it, but I don’t have the knowledge to back it up, so he’s just brushing my concerns to the side.”
“Well that doesn’t sound good.”
“He always ignores me. And every single time, I’m the one caught in the blast. Literally.”
“I know, (Y/N), I’m sorry.”
(Y/N) dumps sugar and cream into her coffee and sighs. “If I don’t come back from the lab today, Reed did it.”
“Duck and cover if something starts sparking.”
“We’ll see if I even get the chance.”
(Y/N) takes her coffee, drains half the mug in one go, and goes back to the lab.
Reed doesn’t seem to have noticed her absence, so she simply takes herself and her coffee to her table and waits for instructions.
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“It’s not supposed to make that noise, right?”
“It is not,” Reed confirms.
The thunking noise coming from the transport grows louder and (Y/N) resists the urge to rub her temples. Reed doesn’t appear to be particularly concerned as he stretches across the length of the lab, searching for the source of the sound.
“Something must be loose,” (Y/N) says. “Is it on the body?”
“Not that I can see.” A sheet of metal shears off of one of the machine’s rotating arms and (Y/N) yanks him back just far enough that it misses slicing off his nose. “Thank you.”
“So something’s wrong with the arms,” (Y/N) posits. “The most dangerous part of the machine.”
“It would seem so.”
“I vote we turn it off and try again next week.”
“We don’t know if that’s enough to hinder its performance.”
“It’s enough to hinder our performance as living, breathing people.”
“Where’s your sense of adventure?” Reed creeps closer to his machine and (Y/N) cringes at the way she immediately follows behind.
“It’s securely locked away with the part of me that wanted to be a superhero.” She pulls him out of the way of another flying scrap of machine. “Because, contrary to popular opinion, just because I heal quickly doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt when I’m injured.”
“Hm, maybe we should look at that when we’re finished here.”
“Maybe you should find a new assistant when we’re finished here.”
Reed says something about her not being any fun, but she doesn’t register any of it. Her eyes are drawn to sparking near the base of the machine. Another chunk goes flying at them just as some of the sparks are sucked into the vent below the arms. (Y/N) is struck by the flying machine chunk as she shields Reed from it. She winces and hears an unidentifiable function of the transport stutter as another plume of sparks is sucked into the vent. She grabs as much of Reed’s body as she can and throws him towards the door, limbs flapping behind him, right as the entire machine explodes.
The force of the explosion propels Reed out into the hallway, but (Y/N) is caught in the blast. There’s a bright white flash and a blood-curdling scream and then all that’s left is the fire.
Sue is sprinting up the hallway with Ben and Johnny on her heels just as Reed manages to get his feet under himself again. All he can do is stare.
“What happened?” Sue demands. “Where is (Y/N)?”
“She saw what was happening before I did. She threw me out of the lab, but…”
“Reed,” Sue’s voice is deadly low. “What did you do?”
“I didn’t listen,” he says. “The transport malfunctioned and (Y/N) was caught in the blast.”
“Johnny,” Sue is very careful to keep her voice steady. “Put out the fire.”
Johnny simply does as he’s told. He disappears into the fire to absorb what he can and stomp out the rest. Ben surveys the progress from just outside the doorway. He says something about calling Peter and Johnny agrees from somewhere deeper in the lab.
“I screwed up, Sue.”
“No, Reed, you killed our friend. Your employee, might I add. And not even two hours ago she said you were trying to kill her.”
“I wasn’t trying to do anything of the sort.”
“I know that, but you get so blinded by your work that you can’t see when you’re putting people in danger.”
Johnny appears in the darkened doorway of the lab, tears rising in steam from his cheeks. “She was my friend, Reed.”
“I know-”
“She took this job because I begged her to!” Johnny shoves Reed, hard, into the wall. Flames lick at his fingers and Ben gently separates him from Reed. “But now she’s gone and I can’t even find her body in that warzone you call a lab.”
Reed frowns. "You didn't find her body?"
"Wh-that’s what you’re focusing on?
“Answer the question, Johnny.”
He scowls. “No, I didn’t find her. She was probably incinerated."
"Are you sure you didn't overlook anything?"
Johnny's shoulders shake with his anger. "I know what charred human remains look like, Reed. She's. Not. There."
Reed raises one shaking hand to his forehead and turns to Sue. “It might’ve worked.”
“The transport. If there’s no body-” he rushes past Johnny and Ben without another word. Sue follows silently after him.
“That’s it, I think he finally lost his marbles,” Ben mutters.
“It doesn’t change the fact that he killed (Y/N).” Johnny wipes his eyes and turns to follow Reed to the lap. “God, Peter’s gonna flip when he finds out.”
“Don’t think about that right now,” Ben says.
“Hard not to,” he mumbles.
“I know but, if Reed’s machine did work, she could still be out there.”
“What if this is the time she doesn’t heal? You see how burnt it is in there. How could anyone survive that?”
“Dunno, but (Y/N)’s strong. If anyone could do it, it’d be her.”
Sue reappears in the doorway. Her hands and feet are covered in ash.
“There’s no sign of her,” she says. “We sifted through everything we could. There’s only a spot with slightly less ash than the rest of the room.”
“So you think Reed’s transport worked?” Johnny asks.
“I don’t know what to think. For everyone’s peace of mind, I hope it did. Then we might have a chance to track her down and bring her home.”
Johnny nods and drags his hands through his hair. “I have to make a call.”
Sue rubs his arm and nods. Johnny stalks off down the hall.
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“Boss, there’s a disturbance in the electrical field in your lab.”
“Any extra information on that?”
“Based on the readings, it seems that someone may be teleporting directly into the tower.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s the best word I could find.”
Tony frowns. “I’m headed up now. Find Steve and have him meet me there.”
“Of course, boss.”
Steve is already in the lab when Tony arrives, pacing along the far side of the room. There’s a bright ball of light forming in the middle of the lab and Steve’s eyes don’t stray from that spot as he moves, even when Tony strides through the door. Tony just stops and stares at the light.
“How long has that been here?” Tony asks.
“It was here when I walked in.” Steve squints at the light. “What is it?”
“Not sure. F.R.I.D.A.Y.  says someone’s trying to teleport into the tower.”
“Teleport?” Tony nods. “Does that kind of tech actually exist?”
“Not that I know of, but we’ve seen some pretty weird shit in the last ten years. It’d be stupid to just write it off.”
Steve stops pacing and jerks his chin towards the light. “Looks like it’s getting bigger.”
The ball of light slowly, steadily expands. When it’s about as wide as Steve is tall the lab fills with a terrible, painful scream and the light grows too bright for either man to keep their eyes open. The scream grows louder and Steve tries to shield his eyes in an attempt to find where the noise is coming from, but to no avail. Then, suddenly, the screaming stops and the light disappears followed by a distinctly sticky thud.
Tony rubs his eyes and Steve blinks light spots from his vision, willing his eyes to adjust to the room again. When they do, he visibly recoils from the vaguely human shaped mass of burned flesh on the tile in front of him.
"Oh God," he says. "Is that a person?"
Part 2
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How’s that for a first chapter? I’ll be very honest, I’m excited to finally be posting this one. It’s been a bit of a brainchild of mine for the better part of a year and a half at this point, maybe more. Pandemic time doesn’t work right.
As always, I’d love to know what you thought of this chapter! What do you think of the reader? Her relationship with Reed and the rest of the FF? What do you think will happen in the next chapter? Be sure to reblog, comment, and/or shoot me an ask and tell me all about it!
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@ghostlyhamlet​​, @claws-of-vibranium​​, @creaturefeatures101-blog​​, @imagine-assembling-the-avengers​​, @buckysendoftheline​​, @ptprocrastination​​, @1950schick​​, @amayasymone23​​, @arfrona-and-marvel​​, @ek823​, @fanaticfangirl001​, @furrywerewolfcollector​, @kissofvenom922​, @dawn-phantomhive, @fangirlwithasweettooth​​, @mairhof1, @starryeyesbadguys​​, @trap-house-homiecide, @buckywhitewolfbarnes​​, @kaepm981, @howdoesoneadult​​, @pcdmesamidala​​, @thefandomplace​​, @sian22redux​​. @skeletoresinthebasement​​, @lady-thor-foster​​, @feelmyroarrrr​​, @jazzcutie​​, @gaytonystark​​, @hermionie-is-my-queen​​. @darling-loki​​, @geeksareunique​​, @nyxveracity​​, @lemonadeorange73​​, @princess-unicorn124, @tofeartheunknown​​, @queenoftheunderdark​​, @avengerscompound​​, @patzammit​​​
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tremorsmackenzie · 11 months
4x15 is so good im still floored honestly. the acting by chloe and elizabeth was insane, the tension, the bait and switch by the fitz lmd, especially if you know whats going to happen its just heartbreaking to watch him, and then when daisy finds simmons and they have to prove to each other that theyre them... that hug honestly broke my heart. and then the ending is just on a whole different level. id even go so far as to say that it beats the finale for this season. lmd may choosing to believe in her humanity and making sure the rest of the shield agents can get away to then sacrifice herself and take the other lmds down with her is just poetic, and terrible and sad. and thats not even touching aidas betrayal, the superior chop shop, or just the terrifying idea of all your friends being replaced and turning everyone else against you, forcing you to potentially have to defend yourself against them. this show honestly has no business being this good.
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shuttershocky · 1 year
hi there! I was taking a look at proviso after the official tweet about her last night, and I was hoping you might be able to explain her base skills? it *sounds* like she's kind of the opposite of tequila, but I'm trying to figure out if making orders cost more bars automatically makes those orders worth more LMD or not. thank you!
Okay this will be a bit of an explanation:
So for those who don't already have her Gamepress page open, Proviso's trading post skill adds + 1 gold to the order if the gold order is below 4, and +2 gold at E2. This means at E2 she will change all 2 gold orders into 4 gold orders, and all 3 gold orders into /5/ gold orders, which means you get more money per order. However, what the base skill doesn't tell you is this doesn't actually change the trading time for the order. A 5 gold order will still have the same trading time as a 3 gold order.
This makes Proviso into Tequila 2: a gold hacker that burns the hell out of your gold stores in exchange for incredibly efficient LMD generation. She is so good that HG went back and changed Tequila's Base skill to say "Does NOT work with Proviso specifically don't even try it you greedy fucks"
But here's the bonus: Proviso lets you downgrade a trading post to Level 2, freeing up power to use in another facility (like say, if you're running 5 factories, you get to upgrade another factory) Why? Because Level 3 trading posts have a base 20% chance of generating a 4 gold order, which Proviso doesn't work on, but a Level 2 trading post has a 0% chance, meaning Proviso's skill is working on every single order. This boost is insane, A level 3 TP will see approximately a +59% efficiency boost from Proviso, but a Level 2 TP will see a +89% boost (according to the math from this here YT video about Proviso). If you put Proviso in a Level 2 Trading post and pair her with a +35% efficiency operator like Exusiai, the math comes out as (1.00+0.35)x1.89 which comes out to 2.55 or a +155% overall efficiency boost, bigger than even a Level 3 trading post equipped with the fully loaded Karlan-Jaye squad with Gnosis Jaye Silverash and Cliffheart which gives +125% efficiency.
Basically, Tequila + Shamare + Bibeak/Kafka in one Level 3 Trading Post, + Proviso + a 30% efficiency or better operator in a Level 2 Trading Post =
As long as your Gold teams in the Factories can keep up that is.
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