#even having venti as a friend he's the type to say i love you to you <33
ellitx · 2 years
Venti seem like the type of friend that would just hug you. No warning. And you ready know it's Venti whose surprise (attacking) hugging you.
this! you're barely able to stand on your own two feet as Venti pulls you into a tight embrace, rocking back and forth. he’d be koala constantly clinging to you and he’d even sleep right next to you! but you admit his hugs are really warm and makes your heart flutter it’s nice to have an accompany all the time 
and plus it feels like he was always there for you when you needed him the most. your head was resting against his chest and he kissed your forehead, breathing in deep.
"i love you," venti said and you felt his fingers twist through your hair 
"you know that right?"
"of course i do!" you gasped and pressed your face against his chest again, feeling his heart beating wildly. he has this stupid grin on his face while looking at you with those big green eyes of his.
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lxvebun · 11 months
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silent confessions
synopsis: the genshin men crushing on you and the little ways they show they care.
content: Kaeya/Venti/Alhaitham/ Arataki Itto x gender neutral reader. First time writing for venti so apologies if its a lil off. Fluff. Friends to lovers. Kissing in kaeya's. wingman diluc honestly. Going a lil feral in alhaithams and ittos. Use of nickname dear and cecilia<3 They are all quite long but I hope you all enjoy it! Not completely proofread. Let me know if there are any annoying mistakes!
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⁎⁺˳✧༚ Kaeya໒꒱.*
Diluc is sure of three things. One, You're hands down single-handedly keeping the icedtea business alive in Mondstadt, his arms are still hurting from the heavy crates of imported tea from Liyue he has to carry every. Single. Week. Two, you're incredibly oblivious, three, kaeya is a lovesick fool.
Even though diluc has offered to deliver some iced tea crates to your home, it seems that you prefer to drink his stash empty at the bar next to kaeya.
It's making him ill really, seeing the way his brothers eyes keep drifting to your lips and how his hands inch closer to yours, still never really touching. Diluc almost doesn't recognize him. Kaeya is not the type to get flustered easily, if anything, try to make him flustered and it will backfire! but here he is, for hours sitting at the bar head leaning on his hands staring at you like you hung the stars.
You fail to notice how, despite not touching your drink for so long, at one point even dancing around the tavern when the bard played your favorite song, the icecubes in your glass never seem to melt and the tea never gets warm. It's the least he can do, Kaeya would be showing you more grand gestures of love if you didnt make his head fog up with hearts and flowers everytime your near.
"I'm going to use the bathroom, i'll be right back! "You say as you hop of the barstool and make your way to the second floor.
"This, is getting sad you know", diluc speaks as he snatches both yours and Kaeya's glass away, dodging quick enough as Kaeya tries to get it back
"Oh i'm sorry, I didn't know my love life was such an interesting show to you. I'll make sure to tell the writers"
Stupid arrogant oblivious brother of his
He's not gentle as he grabs one of the big pints, pours your favorite iced tea in with the ice cubes and slices of lemon and two straws this time and places it down infront of kaeya.
"I'm doing you a favor icicle"
Kaeya's unable to retort a remark back because you're sitting down next to him again.
"Ooh whats this, luc?" As you stir the tea with your straw, the ice cubes gently clinking against the edges of the glass
"On the house, it's the last"-he throws you a look- bit of icetea I have for tonight. Enjoy." And with that he steps out the backdoor for a break leaving you and kaeya in an almost empty tavern
He's feeling uncharacteristically shy sharing a drink like this. He's not sure he can contain the love confession thats lingering on his lips if you're that close to eachother. You snap him out of his thoughts before he can even try.
"Come on try this with me...its...its quite romantic don't you think" you say, a little timid
Youre killing him. Hes deceased y/n.
"Yeah, didn't- didnt realise Diluc had a romantic bone in him, guess it runs in the family after all"
You're not sure where you got the courage from for what you're about to say
"Maybe, we should do more of these romantic things together."
And just like that, knowing you shared his feelings, he got a bit of his charming wit back.
"My dear y/n- he starts, leaning down closer to you, one icy hand holding yours. Are you asking me out on a date" he wants to revel in making you flustered but he's pretty sure he looks just as flustered as you do.
"Only if you want to, Kaeya"
The way he presses his lips to yours gives you the answer you needed<3
Venti, alhaitham and itto under the cut!
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⁎⁺˳✧༚ Venti໒꒱.*
Archons, the summer this time around is way hotter than any summers before. It's scorching outside and if it weren't for your knight of favonius duties, duties you took over for the Cavalry Captain for his day off (>:( ), you would stay inside the cool headquarters, in your little office with the curtains closed.
You really should get going but you're delaying stepping outside. The favonius headquarters is nice and cool and and looking outside you can see the heat radiating from the stone pathways
You're a knight of favonius! A little sunshine isn't going to hurt! You try to hype yourself up as you make it to the entrance. You can do this, who knows, you might even get a tan.
Bracing yourself and pushing the heavy doors open, you're pleasantly surprised at how the wind immediately seems to pick up and twirl and flow around you in cooling circles. Yes, the sun is still beaming down in all his glory, but the breeze definitely helps. You may even get through this without breaking too much of a sweat.
As you're doing your errands and run basically all over Mondstadt, the gentle breeze surrounding you never seems to falter, even now, as you carry heavy crates of sunsettias and apples up the stairs to Good Hunter, it actually seems like the wind has started to pick up, aiding you in its own way.
Sara is more than grateful as you place the crates down in the back for her. "You're a lifesaver y/n, please, go sit down and i'll whip something up for you".
Who are you to deny a break and a free meal?
Before you sit down you take off your sword and place it down next to you so you can completely unwind. It's not until you look back up from your weapon that you see Venti, with the bright smile he always seems to carry, sitting infront of you
"Hi, my sweet cecilia"
Archons, that nickname. You're lucky you can blame the weather on the sudden warmth flowing through your body.
"You're awfully happy for such a hot day, Venti"
He doesn't provide an answer to that, why is he so happy? Because he's with you of course, he's basically been spending the whole day with you, how could he not be happy?
instead of saying that tho he says "the wind is nice, hmm?" And On cue the wind stars to pick up again, now carrying the scent of the meal Sara is cooking up for you and twirling a few flower petals that got caught in it around you You little
"Yeah it is, i'm not sure I would have been able to get through the day without a little breeze in my face" you laugh and it's the sweetest melody he's ever heard.
"I guess the anemo archon has a soft spot for me"
"I suppose he does"
You fail to catch the longing glint in his eyes and the blush covering his cheeks as Sara brings you your meal<3
Oh my dear y/n if only you knew.
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⁎⁺˳✧༚ Alhaitham໒꒱.*
It's not until Kaveh points it out, after Alhaitham leaves to pick up another book from the House of Daena library shelves, that you realize it, but it seems that Alhaitham, despite looking like he wants to be anywhere but here, always seems to look out for you.
Like the time he dragged you to the desert to study runes with him, he made sure every time you two stood still for a long time, he'd raise his cape a little above your head, sheltering you from the burning sun
And that one time where he grabbed your arm and pulled you into his side when some drunkards stumbling home almost bumped into you
"Drop your pen when he gets back" kaveh says, breaking you out of your thoughts.
"Drop my-"
"Sshh, just do it" he hushes quickly and goes back to drawing as Alhaitham sits back down next to you with a new book in his hand.
You let Alhaitham read a few more pages before you "accidentally" drop your pen under the table, sliding your seat back and ducking under to retrieve it, when you look back up to avoid hitting your head on the corner of the table, Alhaithams hand is already covering it. His gaze is still as focused as ever on the book infront of him, it's almost like it happened entirely subconsciously, like it was already engraved in his perception to look out for you and that alone made the butterlies in your tummy flutter around. You don't miss the "I told you so" gaze Kaveh throws at you.
Alhaithams book manages to hide the gentle smile he failed to hold back as he guesses from the look on your face and body language that you're onto him, and if he can guess one more time, he'd say the feelings are mutual.
He doesn't say anything but he does reach under you to grab the leg of your chair and pull you closer to him, arm draped behind you over the backrest, gently drawing shapes on your shoulder as he continues to read his book
*Did ya'll see that one nick jonas clip where he pulls her chair closer? Yeah? Thats alhaitham.
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⁎⁺˳✧༚ Arataki Itto໒꒱.*
The locals of Inazuma are used to the never ending thundering and lightning. Even on clear days, it seems like you can always hear it lurking in the distance, dancing over the seas. Unfortunately for you, you’re not a local and despite having been here for a while, long enough to develop strong friendships and perhaps a little crush <3 the loud claps of thunder and the lightning that cracks open the clouds still make you flinch
You were embarrassed about it, so you never voiced it out to your friends. You would just try to hide your flinches and do your best to block out the noise. You're not doing that very well unfortunately. Itto has noticed, and boy does it make his heart hurt a little every time he catches you trying to hide it. You're part of the gang! Whether you know  that or not, you're supposed to be able to tell him these things! but he understands, you seem to think that you're going to look weak in front of Arataki numero uno claymore swinging devil beatbox and beetle fighting legend Itto. He made me write this really You could never considering he gets weak in the knees everytime you make eye contact or touch his horns
So as the leader of your gang, your best friend and hopefully future boyfriend, he’s gonna help you because If there's one thing Itto is good at its being loud. It’s quite hard to hear the thunder lurking in the background when Itto's boisterous laugh as he’s "winning" a game of TCG seems to overpower everything, including the way your heart beats a little faster when he smiles at you.
You didn’t notice what he was doing until there was a summer storm forecasted. You didn't even have time to mentally prepare yourself for it before there was a harsh knocking at your door, maybe a bit to hard itto pls dont break the door
"Open up sunshine, I have some snacks :D"
He’s quick to make himself comfortable as you let him in, throwing the impressive amount of snacks and some card games on the coffee table and then taking up half the space on the couch, being careful to not knock the lamp on the sidetable down with his horns.
"Not that I mind Itto, but i didn't expect you to come over. Any reasons?"
"Yeah you're"- he cuts himself off. You never told him about your fear of thunder, would it upset you if you knew he figured it out?, archons he didnt think of an excuse what should he say, where is Kuki in times like this
"Yeah, I just thought i’d keep you some company because I AM afraid of summerstorms, yup, totally terrifying, so scary,so here i am."
Even he knows it's not believable. Especially since he has directed some...colorful words with the shogun before (not in her presence)
You are afraid”-
AND AND I thought, you know, maybe, since were all going to be locked up in our houses anyway we could have a little at home date......:D
Archons, Itto, if the storm isn't going to kill you its him. He's been aware of your fear and silently tried to help you with it? And now he has basically slipped a confession in trying to hide the fact he knows about your fear? He's such a teddybear fr
You don't fight the smile that's pulling at the corners of your mouth as you sit down next to him. Pressing a kiss to his cheek and pretending not to notice the hitch in his breath "Thank you, Itto"
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Thank you for reading angels!<3
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amostnobleyandere · 4 months
Yandere! Incel! Scaramouche x NB! Reader
This is an 18+ blog!!!! If you don’t like yandere content or are a minor, do not interact. thank you!
CW: Yandere content, stalking, creepy scaramouche, incel behavior, creepy behavior, toxic relationships, kidnapping, his friends encourage and enable his problematic behavior, brief fantasizing about a domestic husband/spouse dynamic, forced romantic relationship, non-consensual touching
*also just to be clear, this is loosely based off the term “incel,” his behavior is more like a creepy recluse if anything?? I just couldn’t think of a better word to use and I thought it fit okay. there’s no misogyny or extremely gross behavior involved, but he is creepy so just. keep that in mind. anyways, enjoy!
Incel! Scaramouche who doesn’t get out much not because he has bad social skills (he does but that’s not the point), but because he loathes the idea of big crowds and being around lots of people. Socializing with people is already irritating enough, since he’s the only one on this earth who seems to have braincells. Why go out when he’s got everything he needs at home?
Incel! Scaramouche who has more money than he knows what to do with from his (insanely) loaded and emotionally distant mother (who gives it to him because she doesn’t know how to show affection any other way). he spends it all on expensive gaming set ups, take-out, and new technology all while being up in his top floor penthouse with a horizon line view.
Incel! Scaramouche who has friends, they’re just all online (and just as fucked up as he is) who he talks to (yells at) through the microphone while gaming.
Incel! Scaramouche who meets you while doing something mudane. He sees you at a grocery store picking over vegetables one day. Ignores you. 30 minutes later, he proceeds to bump into you and then acts like an asshole about you touching him, something that was clearly his fault. The two of you get into it, and eventually you’re the one to turn and walk away, already in a bad mood from the interaction. He’s interested now.
Incel! Scaramouche who isn’t delusional enough to convince himself that it’s fate, but who is curious enough to stalk follow you around for a while. He’s not hurting you or talking to you, what’s the harm done?
Incel! Scaramouche who while stalking monitoring you begins to note things about you. Unconsciously, of course. It’s not like his life revolves around you or anything. He just…starts to notice things. How you spend your days, what you like, what you don’t like, who you interact with and the places that you spend your time at the most. Soon enough he knows just as much about you habits and daily life as your friends do, if not more.
Incel! Scaramouche whos friends encourage his problematic behavior. They’re just as chronically online as he is, and have no conception of the morals and boundaries that come with having a healthy relationship. (Some of them, like Venti and Kazuha, even have a more romantic view of his infatuation interest, repeating that it’s okay to cross some lines, as long as it’s for love)
Incel! Scaramouche who has a weird view of relationships because his only knowledge on them comes from anime, the internet, and all the other types of weird media he consumes. (Should the kidnapping happen before or after your first date?) He’s not doing any of the cheesy shit the internet says. He’s not going to bring flowers, that would be stupid. (He’ll end up buying an overly large bouquet which he sends to your doorstep. there’s no note and you find it extremely creepy. You refuse to leave your home without pepper spray now)
Incel! Scaramouche who eventually just plucks you from the streets, right outside of your home/apartment building. No struggle to go along with it. Obviously you do fight back, but the men he hired to pick you up are far too experienced for you to even have a chance of running away.
Incel! Scaramouche who doesn’t really care about your feelings surrounding the whole situation. and well. he was getting a little lonely. most of his friends live too far away for them to meet up frequently, and it’s not like he’d want to see those crazy bastards everyday anyways. You’re much better company compared to those psychos, as much as he loathes to admit it. and you’re just so…pretty, and he can feel and touch you as much as he wants. it’s pleasant, and his apartment has never felt so full before, not at all empty like it did before he brought you here. you should be grateful you’re here too; he gives you everything you could ever want (within reason). really, you should feel grateful that you’ve been chosen by someone who’s so financially stable, who can provide for you.
you can have a good life with him, better than you could’ve had without him.
Incel! Scaramouche who kind of begins to see you as his little house spouse. nevermind that you’re here against your will; you’ve taken up doing chores around the house if only to fill the time, and it’s really only confirming his belief that kidnapping you was the best thing he could’ve done. when he comes through the door after a rare visit to the outside world and he sees you sitting there, idle, practically waiting for him? he feels like the typical breadwinner coming home to a loving domestic life. he’s not so delusional to think that you’re happy to be his little house spouse and captive, but it’s not like you can do anything about it, so he might as well enjoy the thought while he can.
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makiandcheese · 1 year
i wanna share the genshin impact ships i enjoy and why (mostly rarepairs)
Rosaria/Kaeya - undeniable trust and friendship turned romantic interest. though capable of forming a relationship, their occupation and circumstances prevent them from fully pursuing it. Even if all factors could ignite mutual interest, the fear of ruining the friendship they harbored would stand in the way. What's important in a lonesome city is the same stranger who is looking for the same comfort you seek. Frequent liar or not, he's quite the personality to have around.
Jean/Diluc - everyone says they are exes turned lovers however I view them as the failed chance at love. They are friends who knew each other since they were learning to walk type of friendship. The first love you never forget. If they were given the chance, they could say what they want to the other. "You look even better after you became a stranger to me, pretty woman"
Yelan/Ningguang - The what could've beens. similar to jealuc but in ninglan it's focus is more on the one-sided, unrequited type of love. (using Beiguang for this example) watching the one you love fall for someone you know she deserves hurts. It hurts because you know you could've been with her if not for your own issues. thankfully she will never know you love her since that love will die with you
Rosaria/Jean - oh god where do i begin with this. The "outcast" meets the city's beloved individual. For someone who feels they never belong, its confusing to have the city's hope make excuses to see you. Rosaria and Jean's relationship begins with jealousy due to the nun and the idol deaconess' relationship. What makes Barbara look at Rosaria the way Jean always wanted? Filled with concern and trust that only families have for one another. Giving that to a complete stranger is agonizing.
Lisa/Jean - coworkers to lovers <3. A workaholic learning the simplicities of life from the reliable, easygoing, gentle person. When she'd forget to take care of herself mentally, she'd be there. Unknowingly providing comfort with just her presence alone.
Beidou/Ningguang - Two people who rule and have a significant influence on the community. Bickering and arguing over the smallest things yet loving each other for the same reason. What makes these two so wonderful is the fact that they both witnessed each other overcome difficulties in their own manner. They both achieved goals that brought them together in some way. Competing with which one would make the other prouder.
Venti/Zhongli - centuries have gone and past, and yet home always had the same eyes and breeze. When it comes to gods, the only one they could consider as equal are the same immortals who suffer with them. Why does meeting each other again bring so much comfort and pain? How many friends did they watch come and go like sand through the wind? Thankfully, they can overcome these uncertainties together. Until they could no longer control the corrosion within them.
Surcrose/Rosaria - When your curiosity leads to people questioning your character, the person you gravitate towards is someone similar. Sucrose would have a lot on her mind and would desperately need someone to talk to. Rosaria always wanted to learn more about the world but never had the guts to say it out loud. The mutual silence between them could be a conversation. "I have something on my mind, but I have difficulties saying it" and "Take your time. No rush."
Kaeya/Albedo - Understanding your past from the product of the past can be an interesting combo. Kaeya and Albedo are two perspectives of the Khaenri’ahn existence. The truth is never black or white, in fact, the truth is always relative. Messing around with your coworker because of mutual origins grives a sense of comfort in the city where everyone knows everyone.
Ganyu/Keqing - coworker who has false impressions towards each other. A tender and careful love formed from the desire to protect their city. Patience is a virtue especially for Ganyu. However, with all the years she had lived, days with Keqing always felt like love personafied.
Xiao/Traveler - what cannot be may be. One's duties always hinder relationships, but there will always be someone stubborn enough to reach out. Someone once said that unnecessary suffering is not a proof of strength. Relying on others is difficult but if it's with the person they love, one could only hope that they're not a burden. Thankfully, they don't give a damn about your stubbornness and go out of their way to talk and spend time with you. Since you know that these times wouldn't last.
Ayaka/Yoimiya - The different lives we live shouldn't turn us into strangers. In a life where expectations are laid upon you, finding freedom and happiness incarnate is like grasping sunlight. Ayaka knows she has her duties but spending time with Yoimiya makes her forget the time. Grief and loss often isolate us from relationships (including socioeconomic circumstances). Thankfully the eternal shogun's antithesis stays by your side.
Itto/Sara - Our beliefs do not align, but if someone talks shit about the other. Someone will be getting punched or electrocuted. Being a Yokai in human society always leads to discrimination unless you are equipped with power and unimaginable influence. Seeing each other's most vulnerable sides in the most unexpected times always led to curiosity. Curiosity leading to interest. And interest leading to fondness.
Al Haitham/Kaveh - Unconventional ways of saying "i love you" almost always lead to someone's wrinkly forhead. If turning himself into Kaveh's personal screaming outlet would let him relax, Al haitham would gladly do it. What happened in the past has long gone, and what's left is to continue. Is it so difficult to let him love you?
Candace/Dehya - Every neighborhood child's first loves daring each other. Duty is always the priority. Traveling the world will come one day but not today. If that is someone's belief, then someone will bring the world to them. Even if it's small material gifts, its treasured dearly. Just make sure not to come home bruised and covered in wounds. Else a medicated scolding (and some kisses) would be perscribed by the village's resident guardian.
and that's all folks tell me what you think.
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lunarfied · 1 year
07. WHY DIDN’T YOU STOP ME ? ; left on read
scaramouche x gn! reader smau
y/n pov;
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you put your phone down with a frustrated sigh, feeling hot tears well up behind your closed eyelids. nothing made sense anymore. why was ajax and venti sitting with kuni? you didn’t even let any of them explain because seeing him there just set something off inside of you. so many past memories with him, good and bad, flooded your mind as soon as you saw him and you just had to get out of there.
a hand found it’s way onto your shoulder, pulling you away from the internal hate directed towards kuni. “i know you said you didn’t want to talk about it, but are you sure you’re okay, y/n?” tighnari asked quietly.
as soon as you left the restaurant, you sought out someone who you knew wouldn’t ask questions and let you in their space without a second thought. and that friend was tighnari. underneath his sarcastic exterior, he cared dearly for all his loved ones, so it was no surprise that he immediately welcomed you in with open arms seeing your solemn frustration. cyno, tighnari’s boyfriend, and collei, tighnari’s younger sister, were there as well. cyno because he lived with tighnari in their apartment off campus and collei because she liked visiting her brother as often as her schedule allowed her to.
allowing yourself a bit of comfort, you leaned your head onto tighnari’s shoulder to which he wrapped his arms around you and started rubbing circles into your back, soon followed by cyno and collei huddling around you to join in the embrace (which was surprising because cyno hated physical contact with people he wasn’t close with). the soothing touches and words from your friends was enough to make a couple tears fall down your cheeks.
“fuck, i didn’t want to start crying about this.” you said with a slight laugh at your own predicament.
tighnari looked down on you with eyes full of concern despite the warm smile plastered on his face. “it’s okay to let your emotions out, you know.”
collei had moved from the group hug to type something on her phone while cyno lingered near the two of you. “yeah, but still.” you sighed, wiping your tears with the back of your sleeve.
”i’m sorry, i’m just upset because i saw my ex.” you admitted, though when saying it out loud, you felt a little embarrassed.
”you don’t have to apologize-“ tighnari started before cyno cut him off.
”i’d be upset if i saw my ex too.”
”you don’t have an ex?” tighnari raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend’s attempt to cheer you up. cyno rolled his eyes with a slight smirk, nudging his foot into tighnari’s side. 
“i ordered us some food!” collei chimes in, draping her arms across your shoulders as she leaned on your back. “so let’s forget about your ex! we can watch some movies or play some games and eat.” she suggested, smile never fading. it warmed your heart that they were caring for you this much, you didn’t think you deserved it since you just barged in on their hangout.
”okay, that sounds like fun.” you nodded in agreement despite the internal debate as tighnari and cyno got up to set up the tv while collei opened a nearby closet and pulled out blankets and pillows.
”we should play sonic adventure two.” cyno said to tighnari which got him a snort in response.
”why? so you can explain the sonic lore to all of us?” tighnari joked.
”yes.” cyno stated, you could tell he was beaming at the idea of showcasing all his knowledge on the series by the way he was inching closer into tighnari’s personal bubble. cyno was never good at expressing himself but you’ve sat through countless amounts of tighnari explaining cyno’s body language to you. you were just that good of a friend.
as tighnari and cyno set up the gamecube and talked amongst themselves, collei snuggled up on your left side and offered you a small plush for comfort. “why did you see your ex? like you visited them or?” she asked innocently, collei always reminded you of a younger sibling even despite the two of you not being related at all.
”well,” you started, unsure of whether or not you wanted to admit your outburst at the mere sight of seeing him. “i was supposed to meet up with my two friends to meet our new roommate, since the three of us dorm together and we needed a fourth since the old one moved out. but then he was sitting there with them — and — i don’t know — i kinda flipped out?” you sighed, leaning the side of your head on top of her own while squeezing the plush closely to your chest.
”ah, i see,” collei started, linking your arms together with a sigh, “that sucks. i can’t imagine how you’re feeling.”
”like shit. ugh, i have to text them back.” you looked over at your phone casted off to the side. “fuck! he even texted me, you know?”
collei looked up with a raised eyebrow, “wow, that’s kinda shitty? after ruining your evening he even texts you…” she scoffs and cyno rejoins you two on the couch while tighnari heads downstairs to get the food.
”he sounds like a bitch. bet i can take him in a fight.” cyno sat by the armrest so tighnari can settle between the two of you. you laughed at his joke (although he meant it) and shook your head.
”id love to see that actually.” you bit the inside of your cheek, “but as much as i hate him for breaking my heart… i was kinda relieved to see him?”
“y/n, you lummox.” you heard tighnari start to scold you from behind as he came back with the food. you daren’t turn and look him in the eyes because you could already tell he was standing with the food in one hand and the other placed on his hip. “don’t you dare tell me you’re missing him after he, might i remind you my dear, broke up with you a week before your birthday?” you heard cyno and collei gasp, forgetting they didn’t know that about kuni.
”oh my gods???” collei’s hand was over her mouth.
”yeah, so, about me fighting him…” cyno mutters under his breath, crossing his arms over his chest.
“guys…” you whined, covering your face with your hands. “i don’t want to talk about this anymore, ugh, cyno why don’t you talk about your sonic fursona?” you decided to change the subject away from you as soon as possible so that you could collect your thoughts.
cyno’s eyes lit up and he sat up almost like a puppy dog seeing treats for the first time.
“i thought you guys would never ask me to.”
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playlist !
A/N: btw sonic adventure 2 best sonic game out there don’t even argue with me i’m right 🤞 sorry this chapter is late (it's not i dont have a scedule for this) uhm im currently dying (not actually but ive been in bed all day) anyways since i couldn't sleep last night at all i started thinking about making another smau for scara what do u guys think.....
TAGLIST [CLOSED]: @machiroll @raideneiari @mariusvonhangme @inlustris-is-slowly-dying @sakiimeo @ferumie @plinkuro @scaraapologist @baelloraa @bubblesmei @lovelyiez @isa-solasun @lazy-sanns @thenightsflower @divinechicha @rxd-iant @elysiasgf @cerisearan @alwaysmentallyill @kaoyamamegami @richxelle @monochromaticelliot @kunikuzushiit @thedumboneforsomereason @lordbugs @osamusswife @useless-potatho @tsuyumbrella @orionicchaos @lxry-chxn @twistedrxses @akagism2 @kxr0mi @angryhope @ivylibrary-00 @makilovescofi @mechanicalbeat1 @erosdevil @ghostsaysno @anotherdayanotherobsession @garlicforthewin
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shroomi1e · 2 years
realistic reasons why genshin men are undatable
pt. 2 ft: ayato, scaramouche, dottore, pantalone, heizou, venti (part 1)
cw: light cursing, mild violence
a/n: WOO IM BACK FROM HIATUS🥳 im treating this as a warm up and just kinda throwing it out there, ill start working on more content so stick around for that :)
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he's incredibly overworked, constantly running around trying to carry his clan and the yashiro commission on his shoulders
and him being a powerful person, it's likely that you'd be put in constant danger from those who want his position
he might be overprotective because of that, and would very much like to stick to your side 24/7 but obviously he can't
so try to get used to having bodyguards and the shuumatsuban tailing your ass all the time
but on a lighter(?) note: he probably plays really dumb pranks on you☠️
we already know that he's into seeing people struggle and squirm
so i can imagine he purposely sets things up to make you uncomfy or make it easy for him to tease you
he's still very much a gentleman so he won't push it too far but... that doesn't change the fact that he's a sadist
he's not as bad as diluc or childe, but he definitely needs some getting used to
well for starters, he greatly lacks in emotional capacity, he might not even tell you he has feelings for you
he's definitely bossy, does NOT want to be told what to do, even if it's "kind suggestions", he will not be tolerating anything
because of this, it might be difficult when trying to teach him about romantic relationships, he just kinda does whatever he wants to protect his pride
i feel like he'd also be rly pissy, he probably throws tantrums over the littlest mistakes or inconveniences
not to mention he's possessive, i can definitely see him as a more yandere-ey type
so say your final goodbyes to your friends and family because it's likely you're not ever seeing them again☠️
but before you lose hope! if you manage to get on dottore's good side, he might just help you do a factory reset on him
but then it wouldn't be the little electro gremlin we know and love, so you're better off just trying to change him by yourself (you can't)
i feel like he's similar to albedo, except he's sociopathic and a little more cynical
it's pretty obvious, he's experimented and hurt countless numbers of children and god knows what else
his experiments are on par if not worse than alice's experiments
dottore is most likely desensitized from this and rarely worries about your safety, brushing it off by saying, "I can fix it later"
but if we get past all the dark stuff, he's probably a nerd. a huge nerd.
since he was always an outcast and has been lonely for a while, I can imagine him rambling about his project for hours and hours on end
gets really really excited and happily tells you about how he's successfully chopped someone's limbs off☺️🥰
(I mean it's lowkey cute but like...)
he's always been shamed for what he does, so when you finally accept him he is determined to never let you go. ever.
keeps you around at all times, you're almost like a doll to him
he has some redeemable parts, idek at this point to be honest
as of now, the only information we have on him is the harbinger trailer so this one is a little difficult
since he essentially manages the finances of the fatui, he's rich, even more so than childe
holds money to a very high regard, thinking it can solve and fix any problem
of course money can work in many situations, but rarely does it ever solve relationship issues
will give you gifts and money and other luxuries, but never sacrificing anything else for you
if you complain about him not giving enough affection or time to you, he'll simply state that he is indeed giving his love to you, just in a different form
has a hard time understanding that not everyone thinks about money like he does
he has good intentions and genuinely believes that throwing luxury items at you will convince you that he loves you
but unfortunately he's very set in his ways, i believe it will take some time for him to understand and relate to you
i think he is definitely better than childe, scara, and dottore
as of now it is assumed that he hasn't committed any violent or heinous crimes other than corrupting other nation's economics
he's perfect.
he's the type to just sing anywhere and everywhere, it's tolerable since he's a great singer but itd be lowkey embarrassing
drunk 24/7
an extremely heavy drinker, always reeks of wine/alcohol whenever he walks by
requires assistance for when he blacks out while drinking, sobering him up will be a routine
but on a more serious note, he is an archon, an immortal being, while you're a human
much like zhongli, he might not even consider staying with you
he is the god of freedom, and the last thing he'd want is for you to be chained down to a relationship with someone like him
will respect your wishes if you insist on staying by his side, it just hurts knowing that you'll age and grow while venti never looks any different from the day before
even as an archon, he has his own issues to, such as his trauma from losing his friend
you could work him through it, though it might be difficult since he's lived with it for thousands of years
you might also fix his drinking problem if you work out his dead-friend trauma, you'd have to have his trust though
he is most definitely messier than zhongli, but i can see him being a genuinely kind person minus his chronic alcoholism and messy trauma
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r0ttenhearts · 1 year
Waiting for a Sign
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sypnosis: your devotion to scaramouche goes beyond what you thought, but does he feel the same?
warnings: angst, no comfort, unrequited love
college au! roommate! scaramouche x reader
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“think this is it..” scaramouche mumbled as he set a stack of papers atop of your desk. picking up the papers, you skimmed through them with a frown slowly expressing itself on your features.
“this is a lot more than you said. why’d you have to ask me to do this so last minute?”
“sorry (y/n), it kinda slipped my mind.. can you do it for me? please? i wanna go see my friends tonight.”
hearing his gentle plea was enough to send your head gently nodding as he left your room, telling you he would be back late and to not wait up for him.
you sigh once you hear the front door close, turning your attention back to the papers he had abandoned to you. another essay.. just so he could hangout with his friends and not worry about it.
you could say no to helping him out but, the way he smiled and praised you after every time you presented him with another finished work made your heart flutter in excitement.
it was one of the only times he would ever be gentle with you, outside of the occasional cuddles on the couch during a movie night, or hand holding in grocery stores when you’d have to make your weekly stock up for your shared apartment.
you knew your feelings only grew more for him every time he’d flash you a rare smile. you were weak to him. weak enough to do his college work that he didn’t bother to even start on.
jotting down your ideas and pointers for the essay, you decided to take a break before a headache would form from all of the work you’d been doing for the past hour.
a soft click as your phone unlocked, you tapped on scaramouche’s icon for his instagram story. you smiled at a picture of scaramouche, kazuha, xiao, heizou, and venti together in what looked to be an arcade. the bright neon lights illuminating their faces as scara glared into the camera, his signature look.
“that boy..” you tapped on heizou’s story next, hoping to see more of their adventures. you knew all of them, but you’d never been invited to one of their outings with it being a “boy’s night” every time.
your smile fell as you came across a picture of scaramouche with his arm around some girl with green hair. who was she? you’d never seen her before. so why did scara have his arm around her?
your eyes narrowed at the girl, fishing in your brain for any type of memory of this girl. it clicked once you saw the pin on her jacket. she had chemistry with you and scara, sitting on the other side of the classroom, but was practically a teachers pet.
haypasia? was it? you scoffed, tapping off of the picture as jealously burned in the pit of your stomach. he did so many.. intimate things with you. there’s no way he was into her like that, right?
but he still never held you like that.
you shook your head, you were sure he felt something for you. if he didn’t, why did he let you snuggle up next to him during a scary movie? or take baths with you when you would both drink on a celebratory night after a particularly hard test?
he had to feel something! he wouldn’t do just that with anyone. he was too hardened up to be that close to someone else, much less you being lucky enough to be able to share those things with him.
“yeah.. i’m still special to him..” you mutter to no one but yourself as you turn your attention back to your makeshift essay you had started. hours passed as you made your final revisions, satisfied with your finished work you made your way to his room.
you figured you’d just leave it for him so he could see it once he came back, maybe letting you wake up to a day where he would praise you first thing in the morning. you smiled at the thought as the door clicked open, his voice echoing through the shared space.
“(y/n)? are you still up?”
“in here!” you called out as you set the paper down. scaramouche walked into the room, his teal colored jacket hanging off of the side of his shoulder. every time you saw him like this you swore your heart skipped a beat. his pale, porcelain like features, his sharp eyeliner.. he was beautiful, without a doubt.
“wanna take a bath together?”
you nodded as he took you by the hand to the bathroom. you both stripped and sat in the warm water facing each other, you could smell the booze from him as he leaned back against the bathroom wall.
“a lot happened tonight.”
you raised an eyebrow as you sat up slightly. “oh? what happened?”
scaramouche smirked before handing you the bar of soap.
“i have a girlfriend now, shockingly enough. heizou wouldn’t stop..”
your blood ran cold at his words. girlfriend? since when had he been interested in someone else? he droned on about his night but you couldn’t focus on anything he was saying. you could see his mouth was moving but you couldn’t hear it. your nails dug into the bar of soap as specks of it floated in the water inbetween you. scaramouche was too caught up in retelling the events to notice.
“..-(y/n)? are you crying?”
you didn’t notice the tears dripping down your face until scaramouche pointed it out. you jumped up in embarrassment as you started harshly wiping at your eyes.
“sorry i don’t know what came over me..”
“what’s with you?”
his voice was riddled with annoyance as he snatched the bar of soap out of your hands. your hands shook as you thought of how to put your thoughts into words. forever admit to what you deemed as a silent acknowledgement, risk losing what you had with him? or keep your mouth shut to preserve this forever.
you chose the former.
“it’s just.. i thought you liked me, scara. i mean-” you gestured to the water in front of you. “just what else does this mean? i thought we were.. something.”
“what are you talking about?”
scaramouche scoffs as he sits up, obviously uncomfortable as he realizes what you’re saying.
“(y/n), i’m not into you. shit, we’re barely even friends, just roommates. you do things for me and this is my way of repaying you. there’s a reason why i don’t bring you around my friends or hang around you outside of this place. i’m embarrassed of you, frankly, i’d be mortified if you ever told anyone that we were an item.”
he stands up from the bath, quickly taking a towel from the folded stack of towels you kept on the sidetable by the bathtub. he wraps the towel around his waist, pausing as his hand wraps around the doorknob.
“think i might move out at the end of the semester. you made it really weird, (y/n). don’t talk to me again, i don’t really feel like seeing your face anymore.”
silent tears slipped down your cheeks as you left. shame and sadness exploded within you as you sat in the bath water you were sharing with him not too long ago. how stupid could you be to assume something like that? it was scaramouche of all people! he was just using you, you knew that. why did you ever think it meant something?
as you sobbed in the bathroom, scaramouche looked over the essay you had written for him. another unmistakably high quality essay you had poured yourself into. he scoffed before tossing it into his backpack. the same way he tossed your heart into the trash.
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taglist: @samarill
a/n: happy 500 of you lovely readers! thank you for enjoying my writings!
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nogenderbee · 1 year
I read your Archons, Ganyu and Xio watching Teen!Reader growing up.
Can I request a silimier story, but the Teen!reader is a Adventure like Bennett and Fischl.
They notice that Teen!Reader been gone for a while and decided to see if they are alright. Only to discover that one of their missions led them to a fight with the Abyss Order, and they were heavily injured. But when they found them, they are alive, even though cover in bandages. And explain happily they survive thanks to the sudden appearance of a Vision silimier to their own or element.
Of course! It turned out quite short since I didn't wanted to write twice something I wrote here but I hope you'll enjoy this either way!
Archons, Ganyu, Xiao with teen!adventurer!reader
TagList: @bleachtheidiot @miya-akane
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⊱ Venti always was scared for your well being, he simply didn't wanted to loose you, especially when you had so much life in front of you
⊱ it'd be a lie to say that he never thought of causing strong winds to make your journey impossible but that'd be taking freedom away from you and he didn't wanted that!
⊱ but you still experienced some stronger winds when you were out but not enough to make it harder on you, quite the opposite
⊱ winds were usually strong enought to help you cause swirl reaction or to swipe some of the enemies away
⊱ but he's also the type to go with you on any kind of journey and make sure by himself that nothing will happen to you
⊱ also is the type to congratulate and celebrate your every found treasure, even if it's one mora
⊱ literally is your mom whenever you're about to leave for adventure, like he'll go after you, make sure you have 20 more things that you don't even need and will hug you like he sees you for the last time you literally need to convince him to not follow you
"Strong yet helpful winds? Sounds like Barbatos has an eye on you! Ah c'mon, don't look at me like that! Maybe it's true, you never know~!"
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⊱ you probably got into exploring and adventuring thanks to all those stories Zhongli told you
⊱ and he was glad that he helped you find something you enjoy so much
⊱ of course he was worried, that's why first few adventures were with him by your side
⊱ he's the type to help you pack yourself, he'll tell you what things are absolutely needed and which ones you won't need at all
⊱ he loves hearing about your journeys and sometimes he may tell you about his own journeys once he realizes you're old enough to finally hear them
⊱ bring him whatever you found in treasures and he'll tell you how much they're worth it and if you found any artifacts, he'll tell you quite a long description
"Not exactly... you see, this artifact is 500 years old and it used to be seen as so called rain bringer. Let me explain..."
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⊱ believe it or not but Raiden was actually a bit worried about you, especially when you decided to go on your first mission
⊱ on the day of your first few missions, thunder actually was a bit stronger but it never hit you, if anything it hit your enemies
⊱ she won't say anything about what your packed unless you asked her about it yourself and she'll actually give you some good advices
⊱ sorry to break it up to you but she actually doesn't care much about what you found but she still listens if you like to ramble about your findings
⊱ literally would send you to Miko if you'd want to know more about some artifact you found on your way
⊱ she's definitely the type to give you some sweets as reward for your adventure, she once tried baking something for you when you come back but it ended on kitchen catching fire so she buys you something instead...
"I did not made thunder stronger today to interrupt your adventure. Let's just say that friend of mine convinced me to give you some extra help"
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⊱ I think you could've expect it but... Nahida is literally a mom
⊱ she'll give you way more things to pack that you actually need, will ask you many stuff to make sure you'll be safe there or will be able to protect yourself and will struggle to actually let you go
⊱ and it's even worse if it's your first mission... you had to convince her to not make you go with Traveler and to not give you whole 3 bags of everything since it's just 3 to 8 hours
⊱ but once you come back, she's the type to welcome you with big hug and many questions making sure you had fun there
⊱ and you better not get any injury because her mom mode will get even more serious... she won't let you out of your bed for first few days and won't let you out of the city untill you heal fully
⊱ what's nice tho is that you get lots of your favorite foods and drinks from her once you come back
⊱ but let's focus on less mom things... if you ever bring any artifact, she'll announce how proud she is from you and if she can, she'll tell you as much as you'd like about what you found
"Are you sure you got everything? What if it'll suddenly rain? Take an umbrella with you, it doesn't matter if you'll be out for just 6 hours. Better be safe than sorry."
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⊱ Ganyu is another person to act like a mom but she's not as bad as one archon...
⊱ she tries to not overload you with things you might need but you still will usually carry more than needed unless you tell her you won't carry it and she's not the type to pry
⊱ she won't come to adventure with you but she does walk you off to some spot just to make sure you're safe for some part of your adventure and to spend some more time with you
⊱ when you're away, she really just focuses on her work and wants to get more things done so she can spend some time with you once you're back
⊱ once you're back, she definitely treats you to some restaurant or any other place you might like as reward for your hard work
⊱ she's the type to just listen to you while you talk about your adventures and she might even ask you some questions
⊱ she will try to tell you as much as she can about any artifacts but even tho, she couldn't be more proud of you for finding every treasures
"I'm so glad you're back! Did you had fun? Did you occured any problems on your way? Come on, why won't you tell me everything on our way to Xianglings restaurant?"
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⊱ Xiao acted like he truly didn't care that you're going on some kind of adventure but the truth is that he was so scared over his child companion
⊱ he literally followed you on your first 5 adventures if not more and defeated any monsters on your way
⊱ or just first 3 if he had no other choice but to slay some demos...
⊱ of course he doesn't help you with packing or anything since he doesn't know much about what mortals might need but he will get Traveler if you'd like some help
⊱ after your first adventure, he definitely suggests training you a bit but if you refuse he won't mention that ever again
⊱ he's not the type to welcome you back like it's the best thing that happened to Teyvat but he will show you his softer side especially if you're back from longer adventure
⊱ maybe he won't ask you many questions and you may even think he doesn't care but he does enjoy listening about your journey
⊱ if you ever show him artifact, he'll answer simply in few sentences and will advise you to go ask someone else instead since he's too busy to focus on just explaining
"You're going? Alright. Just remember to stay safe. I wouldn't say I'm being soft... isn't it natural for me to worry since you're a mortal? I- so what if I'm worried?"
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decarabiandivorce · 1 month
thinking about Venti and Furina both being the type to love learning things, and the way they both play a role — Venti a god as a human vs Furina the human as a god. Also thinks about that Furina time loop theory I saw mentioned once but can't remember where but had something to do with the book Madam Crabella is a character in?
anyway what I'm saying is. AU where Venti is around during Furina's early days having just 'accended' as the hydro archon and they're both loving performing and singing and theater together but also he can tell there's something funny going on with how time passes, something funny in a familiar way that reminds him of when he used that trick when he first accended to grieve and to learn......but also there's something a lot more serious about how it occurs around Furina + it's not a consistent reset no, sometimes it's barely a day before time rewinds a bit, other times months pass before a rewind occurs almost as if there's a specific event...mistake...that triggers the rewind?
Either way it's not his place to pry he's just her performance arts fellow archon friend! But Focalor also definitely has something planned
Venti, pulling out a checklist: Hey Furina can you sign off on this?
Furina proceeds to finish it up without even looking at it
Venti: So are you time looping or what?
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beiq2y · 1 year
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: ̗̀➛includes : childe, kaeya, diluc, zhongli, Fischl, razor, Bennet, Kazuha, venti and xiao!
: ̗̀➛warnings : none! Js as usual, horrible attempts of humour by me 😭
: ̗̀➛not proofread! May contain a lot of typos :’) ✮———————————✮————————————✮
the bad boy SLAYYY
he’s always getting into fights, but somehow his grades are still so perfect?? according to the people closer to him, he’s actually really nice and u lowkey didn’t believe them.
that is until well.. he saved u frm some creeps in his grade. 
and u found out that hey, he actually isn’t half bad!
u’ve met his siblings and he’s spoiled them absolutely rotten, but in a good way, they’re still the sweetest bundles of joy. (especially teucer!)
while childe’s the type to always get into fights and be simped over, kaeya is the cliche flirt and womaniser. He’s not.a playboy however, man has never cheated on anyone and always tries his best not to lead people on, insisting he’s simply “praising the gift of the archons that is women” 
he normally doesn’t participate in fights but, u’ve seen how violent he can get with your own 2 eyes. something about his father and brother, diluc and the fatui.. and what even is the fatui? u’re not sure u want to know. but either way, u’ve decided to stay on his good side for now.
the 2 of them have made it a point to visit you randomly during sch hours and it’s alw so chaotic lawd 😭
another hot senior, but he always seems so.. tired. literally whenever u see him, he looks like he’s running on 2h of sleep and a cup of black coffee. 
but.. that doesn’t change the fact that he is LITERALLY ONE OF THE HOTTEST MFS U’VE EVER SEEN.
he’s also pretty smart, and apparently owns some big wine company, so he’s got the cash as well.
U’ve heard rumours about something about him and kaeya going on and if you hadn’t witnessed their little outburst, you doubt you would believe those 2 were ever brothers.
DEFO BFFS WITH DILUC. they are the stressed study buddies. whenever u see them, they’re always having some kind of highly intellectual conversations, that you struggle to keep up. 
he gives off like top student vibes, definitely top in his level and the model student. 
he also gives off tired dad vibes tbh, like the amt of times u’ve seen him chasing after hu tao, xiao, ganyu and all the other is too many to count 
fischl razor and bennet;
so how did they end up here again? 
bennet was hell bent on joining some “adventure team” but well, that clearly did not exist and since razor’s only plan was to follow bennet around, their friend fischl(with a vv vivid imagination, you must say) just decided to write down poetry for the 2 of them, since that’s the club that she would be joining.
fischl is amazing at poetry, although the words she chooses can be.. complicated at times.
as for bennet and razor, they’re a little confused, but they’re got the spirit!
u always try ur best to help them with ur senior kazuha, and u’ve honestly developed a bit of a soft spot for them
“meat is good, meat is yummy,” razor starts
“OH OH I GOT IT!“ bennet interrupts
“meat is the most spectacular delicacy ever presented-“ 
“meat is good, meat is yummy, meat always fills my tummy!” benny and razor say at the same time while u and kazu are js watching with LITERAL TEARS IN YOUR EYES.
so like,, yea. that’s it. he’s ur super cute, kind and sweet senior in poetry and his haikus ARE HEAVENLY. 
he’s always helping u out with ur poems and every single piece of work he guides you on turns out as a masterpiece. 
heck, it’s so good, it could even be counted as free literature tuition! you wouldn’t be surprised if the reason for that A was solely due to him. 
he’s chairperson of the club, and all the teachers love him
another member of your beloved poetry club! or should i say.. ghost member? he’s never really present during club hours anyways. however, according to kazuha, his audition was one of the best by far?? he’s in your class and is always seen slacking, but his grades are so?? good?? during cca one time u were going to the toilet and caught him singing a song with his lyre, a pretty unique one at rhat and, let’s js say, you got the hype.
i have another headcanon that he would be in choir, but again, ghost member. bro disappears during every single practice but in the middle of every official performance/showcase, he has a slight tendency to well.. drop down from the ceiling hanging from a rope and start singing the chorus at the top of his lungs. 
in fact, this is such a common occurrence that the choir teachers have literally starting planning when he’s going to drop down, and incorporating it in their performance plan !
however, venti (this little shit), unfortunately, found out about this and now drops in at the most randomest of times, sometimes even more than once, and sometimes, with the wrong lyrics too,,
the quiet emo kid at the back of the class! he’s that one emo yk, window seat, earpiece(wired ones.) he’s surprisingly smart, tho u doubt he even pays attention during class. 
venti is always seen around him, but you’re kinda starting to doubt if they’re even friends, since it’s usually a one-sided thing, with venti talking while xiao js looks out of the window looking well, emo.
he’s always clinging onto zhongli too, and when u asked him abt it once, he said that he admires zhongli a lot and wishes to be like him!
a/n : LAWD I WROTE THIS SO LONG AGO AND THE JOKES R SO BAD 😭 also I was thinking of turning this into like a sort of otome (?) as in i write romantic headcanons for each character! (Excluding the minors ofc) what do y’all think abt that? Also feel free to req some characters for part 2 in my ask box!
also I hate the pictures for this but like I couldn’t turn them blue idk I feel like it ruins my theme but wtv
©beiq2y on Tumblr 2022, pls do not copy or repost my works!
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etsuven · 1 year
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rating: fluff cw: none includes: childe, kaeya summary: the month of love has just passed, but i still can't help but wonder what type of kisses fit these genshin men...
note: was this supposed to be a valentines day thing? maybe... but its out now! just a tadddd bit later than originally intended... this was ALSO originally supposed to include venti and kazuha as well as four others but i really need to force myself to post since its been over 30 days and get over this awful writers block please someone tell me HOWWWWW this is awful im so sorry ill try to do better in future posts
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Childe: I Miss You Kiss
you're waiting for him at the docks of snezhnaya, your heart pounding in your chest as the sound of the ship horn reached your ears. bouncing on your toes, you rubbed your hands together, trying to preserve some kind of warmth in your already numb hands.
the ship is getting closer, and you can only feel yourself getting more and more worked up as time went on. why were you so excited? you were able to finally see your fiance after weeks of sending letters of love back and forth. it was a coincidence that the ship was coming back right on valentine's day, it wasn't something you were complaining about.
you watched in excitement as the ship docked, a bridge laying out in preparation for its occupants to walk out. and walk out they did, but one seemed to be a bit more eager than the others, his ginger hair standing out from the pale white you had quickly gotten used to.
before you knew it, you were enveloped in his arms, his signature scent reaching your nose and making you inhale sharply. he was finally home... a gloved hand found its way onto your cheek, and you were quickly pulled into a kiss that made you let out a silent sigh. it was a sweet kiss, something that told millions of words without actually saying anything at all.
how are you? how have you been? i've missed you.
though you couldn't say anything right now, you were more than willing to do so later- however many times it took for him to truly understand it. you were going to spend your whole lives together anyways, ten thousand more 'i miss you's' wouldn't be that hard of a thing to achieve.
Kaeya: Tension Kiss
you and kaeya had a strange relationship, something bridging on the gap between friends and lovers. the tension between the two of you wasn't normal, and you've always hoped that behind those teasing words- were actual feelings.
kaeya was a naturally charming man. a fan favorite amongst the citizens of mondstadt, he indulged in the attention, though he never seemed to take it further than a few sweet words. at least, that's how he was with everyone else.
he was different with you... light touches that made your heart flutter in your chest, teasing words that made you retaliate back with words of your own. you weren't the only one who noticed how the (in)famous cavalry captain acted around you. in fact, one of those people was his own brother.
having grew up with the man, diluc wasn't a stranger to changes in his brothers' behavior. under the guise of wanting to keep kaeya from coming from him once more in a drunken rant (that's the reason he used to explain why he was doing what he was doing. it was a lie.) diluc decided to subtly reveal to you how strange he thought kaeya was being.
"he seems to be different around you, but i can't seem to figure out why. perhaps you should ask him." those were the words he told you, and while you did feel that there was some sort of ulterior motive as to why he even mentioned that, you still decided to listen to his advice.
and that brings us to tonight. kaeya was walking you home after a long night at the bar, and his reason as to why he wanted to do this was, "you had a few drinks, it would be improper of me to let you walk home by yourself, no?"
you initiated small talk, the conversation flowing smoothly between the two of you. eventually you made it to your front door, a small sigh leaving your lips once you realized that your time together was almost done. but you still had one more thing to do.
the question left your lips slowly, almost as if you were scared that he would shut you down the second you spoke. perhaps you were scared. you asked if there was a reason as to why he seemed so different with you. kaeya's uncovered eye widened with every word, eventually settling on looking to the side as you finished speaking.
you gave him time to process your words, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in your chest as you closed your eyes. seconds later, you were startled by the feeling of a slightly cool hand on your cheek. peeking an eye open, you watched as kaeya leaned in, a slightly flustered look on his face as he glanced down at your lips.
oh. so that's why he was acting this way.
"may i?" he asked, a slight tremble in his voice. you nodded slowly, taking the initiative and leaning in to kiss him. his lips were soft, and it almost seemed like they were made to perfectly fit yours. you shivered a bit, both because of the cold and because you were a tad bit nervous. but still, you didn't dare pull away.
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redheadloverr · 10 months
sub vs dom headcanons
basically just whether i think theyre the dom or sub! (entirely sfw)
gn!reader x anemo boys!
a dom but in possibly the worst - best way ever
he’s the type to brag to everyone that he is the dom but no one believes him, everyone thinks youre the dom but he gets his way every single time.
hes a bit stubborn so he takes things like this almost like a competition, he has to prove to you, and the world, that he is in fact a dom. it gets tiring at times but you laugh at it.
its an interesting dynamic, no one believes he’s the dom but as some would say “he has you wrapped around his fingers” and you honestly dont mind. hes sweet and compassionate when he needs to be, serious and stern when he needs to be as well.
although you are his special person; and trust me you are, sometimes he’ll do or say things that make you two seem like mere friends but you know he doesnt mean them that way. he looks out for you. he knows you dont need him to but hes happy to do it anyways.
at the end of the day, you know what type of partner you’re coming home to. he may be a bit overprotective and overbearing at times but thats what you love about him.
soft dom. 100%.
kazuha’s the type of dom to let you go around telling people you’re the dom and people would believe it because of how soft spoken he is and how easy he is to give in to your request.
kazuha practically created the “princess treatment”. he would never disrespect you, never raise his voice at you, never even touch you unless you told him it was okay / you wanted him to. he respects you and your personal space as well as your personal opinions, ideals, morals, so on and so fourth.
kazuha does have a downside tho, he never knows how to necessarily bring up his own emotions or opinions. kazuha is a closed book, his book hasnt been opened for years its practically full of dust. you try your best to mkae him open up and he does! you know him better than anyone else but even then he still keeps his secrets.
kazuha is absolutely terrified or harming you in any way shape or form. he goes out of his way to protect you from stuff you couldnt even possibly think of. you have his full attention and admiration, though you wish he’d pay attention to you when you’d tell him he needs to focus on himself and what he wants.
he typically says “dont worry about my feelings.” or “this isnt about my feelings.” on the rare occasions you two do have disagreements.
100% a sub. a bratty sub.
hes the type of sub to be such a brat at times you genuinely just want to throw them in the lake and leave them there. you don’t obviously but he gets on your nerves lol.
if people asked who wore the pants he’d say it was a mix of the two of you, though you know its all bs.
scara is like a little kid having a temper tantrum because he couldnt get ice cream for dinner. if he doesnt get his way hes pouty and moody until you somehow “make it up to him” with basically anything
hes moody and a lot of times has mood swings every five seconds, he really is like a kid. he’s fussy and whiny but you know at the end of the day you love him and he loves you, you two would never want your dynamic to be shared with someone else nor lose this dynamic.
venti is a bit of a wild card! he’s definitely a switch
i feel like venti is confident in certain aspects of the relationship and with other aspects he just lets you take control if youre more confident.
i feel like a relationship with venti would for sure be 50/50, probably the most balanced relationship but a bit of a hectic and chaotic one to be sure.
venti wouldnt necessarily know how to answer someone if they asked who wears the pants, hed probably say you just to throw them for a loop but you both know youre equals in this relationship.
definitely a sub but behind closed doors.
he pretends to be hard on the outside but really all he wants is to be the little spoon and be pampered with love and affection!
he secretly loves when you take the initiative; whether it be planning dates, holding hands out in public, showing PDA, ect.
he’s definitely the type to have acted like a “badass” or a “bully” in highschool but in reality he just wanted a hug and for someone to tell him theyre proud of him.
he has absolutely no mercy for anyone who even attempts to hurt you, however. youre the only one who has and is able to see his soft side.
he shows you off to his friends and worships the ground you walk on, it doesnt bother you one bit that he pretends to wear the pants in the relationship to his friends and fellow acquaintances.
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hoonfication · 11 months
━━━ 「 oh my god pls be fr 」
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you left the restroom 10 minutes ago as you are now standing infront of the office just as you were about to knock a voice suddenly spoke from behind you
“[name]?” said a familiar voice you turned around and there stood the person you didn’t think you’d see again but the voice didn’t come from xiao instead it came from the person beside him
“it is” he chuckled, he has dark blue hair with green or blue highlights at the end you couldn’t really tell but he looked really familiar you just couldn’t remember where you’ve seen him
xiao glared at his friend before he spoke “I’m sorry about venti I hope you still recognize him” now you remember, venti he’s xiao’s bestfriend since high school how didn’t you recognize him?
“hey” you greeted him “I love what you did with your hair” you said trying not to make it sound awkward
“thanks” he smiled the air was filled with tension and silence before venti speaks up again “what’s with the awkwardness? its not like you both don’t have a history together you guys should really lighten up” he chuckled
xiao sent him a dirty look before he spoke “are you here to get your dorm key?” xiao asked giving you a small awkward smile “yeah” you muttered
“should we knock?” he asked again you nodded as you turn back to the door and knocked when you heard a small but audible “come in” you twisted the doorknob as you three came in one by one
the room was compact with drawers filled with documents and files surrounding the room from floor to desk the woman behind the desk was typing on her computer when she finally looked up at the three of you “here to get your dorm keys, I suppose?” she asked in a bored tone
the three of you nodded as she looked back at the computer typing again before speaking “last names?” she asked “Barbatos” venti said “you short one” she asked indicating xiao, venti had to look away to prevent himself from laughing “Alatus” xiao responded clearly preventing himself to roll his eyes the lady nodded before pointing her pen at you “[last name]” you responded as you three watch her type again
“Barbatos you’re roommates with Kaedehara Kazuha, here’s your dorm key and rules can be found at the campus blog online” she says as she handed venti his keys “now for the two of you let’s start with [last name]” she said as she typed “oh.. seems like you’re roommates with Alatus”
“excuse me?” you both said at the same time “there must be a mistake” you say not believing what you just heard “I don’t get paid enough for this, look there’s no mistake please just take the key and go” she said in a firm tone handing you both your dorm keys
“the rules are posted on the online blog of the campus just check online or something” she said as she points to the door “now go”
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— ✶ prev | m.list | next
# NOTES | I searched Google venti has no last name I had to improvise 😕
# IN WHICH — xiao, your boyfriend for three years suddenly breaks up with you through text and then leaves the country leaving you with no explanation at all three years had passed and here you are, you tell yourself you're over him and you're way more happy without him until you've heard that he's back oh that's fine you guys aren't even gonna see each other anyway wrong. seems like he's going to attend the same college as you and well you're just in luck turns out he's also your roommate
# TAGLIST — @thefandomcrow @sakiimeo @swivy123 @zappybatz @motherscrustytoenailclippings @chsyug @erisan01 @lylovw @scarletttcroww @retiredmommylover @sukunasrealgf @onmywaytoteyvat @mjtalksaboutanything @chronicfic @otomegame-oneshots @yukisluv @urdads
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“don’t forget to like and subscribe!”
genshin youtubers au
characters included: childe, xiangling, nahida, 5wirl (aether, venti, xiao, kazuha & heizou), & kaeya
Childe (can be read as platonic or romantic)
100% a sweaty gaming streamer
he unironically owns a minecraft themed bed im SORRY
is really sweet to the fan artists in his community and hypes them up IMMENSELY
would wear a maid dress for a sub goal
i feel like his community would be like medium size with people who donate a LOT of money and subs
mainly on twitch, uploads complications from streams on youtube but no original content
streams late at night or super early in the morning even though he has nothing to do during the normal hours of the day, his neighbors hate his guts
would definitely be the type to show you off to chat
if you’re dating this man say goodbye to a normal sleep schedule you’re never getting it back
would unironically give you his merch for christmas
posts the worst takes on twitter, for the love of all that is sacred take control of his main account
unironically has called you his little pogchamp
Xiangling (platonic) 
has a really cute cooking channel with a cute like animated chibi intro. gouba is the channel mascot and the design on every piece of merch
has the most aesthetic kitchen and posts a new tour/tutorial whenever she renovates it
occasionally posts videos from the kitchen of her dad’s restaurant and/or videos with her dad and they’re the most wholesome thing ever
being her friend or roommate instantly means being in at least one video to taste test
if you can’t cook she definitely tests out tutorials on you and asks for your advice on how to explain stuff
and if you can cook she definitely asks you to participate in friendly cooking competitions or challenges with her (her food is always better but she’s a sweetheart about it)
Nahida (platonic)
wholesome toy review channel
in my soul she has a hyperfixation on toy production so despite her young age her reviews are lowkey mad informative and oddly insightful
especially favors puzzle games and those fake pet toys (i had one of a cat growing up and i loved mr whiskers with my heart and soul)
tries to edit her videos herself, but eventually her big sibling (you) edits them while she watches and makes suggestions
you manage the ‘business’ side of the channel, like helping decide which toys to review and where to get them and manage any sponsorships and explain what those mean (she picks it up real fast though)
i imagine teucer also has a two review channel so the two would become friends while reader & childe are jokingly in a rivalry (or at least reader takes it as a joke, child is very 50/50)
Aether (romantic or platonic)
wholesome travel blogger who people keep trying to beat in subscriber count before deciding to become his friend
i imagine the abyss is like a company that tried to sponsor aether but he refused because the company was against his morals, and like the fauti are another company that has the same situation going on
enjoys showing people the best places to go in different countries and how to save lots of money while doing so
paimon is definitely his younger sister or like close enough friend that they’re basically siblings who goes with him and is really good with languages so she helps aether out
didn’t really have a set house anywhere and would just edit in hotel rooms or friends’ houses until he formed the youtube group 5wirl and they live together in a big house
people were worried about what his content would be during quarantine so he switched to making content with 5wirl and playing variety games while also still making content about how he plans his next destinations and stuff
definitely plays geoguesser he’s been everywhere he’s a god at it
literally collabs with everyone he’s so friendly, being with him would be a bit frustrating because at least before 5wirl you’re always going to be moving around but he treats you like royalty
most aesthetic instagram feed in the UNIVERSE, has to be convinced to post rare pictures of himself
venti (romantic or platonic)
first member of 5wirl! he’s a cover channel and his wind spirit form is his channel icon
either does the most beautiful cover you’ve ever heard or the most cursed parody in existence it’s always a toss up
LOVES fan artists and always commissions different artists to do the thumbnail for his covers and they’re gorgeous
another person to take twitter away from he only posts when he’s drunk
keeps forgetting to post when he’s about to go live so update accounts have to do it for him and his stream always crashes from the sudden influx of people
does drunk streams with kaeya and has a separate vods channel
chat first finds out about your existence during a drunk stream and you just awkwardly come in like “hi” 🧍🏻
first interaction with aether was when aether raided him on twitch and eventually they exchanged discords and became friends
dvalin is venti’s editor who remain anonymous
if you even jokingly mention you want venti to sing/play a song he’ll drop everything to do it for you
only plays any sort of video game on stream or in a video with xiao
xiao (romantic or platonic)
was convinced by venti to join 5wirl
xiao & venti first interacted with each other at a convention like vidcon and venti made up an intro song to go with his starting soon screen and they started to talk more
the first youtube person xiao would talk about you to is venti but he doesn’t let venti talk to you until he has to convince venti you’re real and not just an excuse to not hang out or call-
mostly plays horror games on stream, literally nothing startles this man he’s always sitting there like :| while venti is screaming his lungs out
he used to be in a youtube group with the other yakshas but they all decided to quit doing youtube or streaming and therefore xiao was super hesitant to join 5wirl but you & venti worked together to convince him to give it a shot
fucked up sleep schedule, has a really cool stream setup
kazuha (romantic or platonic)
1/2 of a buzzfeed unsolved true crime style channel with heizou, the two joined 5wirl at the same time
it’s a little different of a format, basically heizou does research of unsolved cases and presents his theories while kazuha does research on solved cases and heizou tries to figure out who the culprit was
likes to play music games as well, i headcannon that he has perfect pitch so he likes to do perfect pitch tests on stream (he has ‘beef’ with venti because they both have perfect pitch and do perfect pitch contests on stream and shit)
very aesthetic instagram, he occasionally collabs with aether to do some travel style stuff every once in a while to take a break as to not get burnt out from just doing the same content style
does solo content on the shared channel with heizou where he plays survival style games and shows off his fencing skills
kazuha has a fucked up sleep schedule but it wouldn’t affect you since he’s always mindful of his volume
tomo used to be the channel editor until he decided to go to film school and didn’t have anymore time so kazuha & heizou take turns editing with your aid
likes to play animal crossing on stream with you or team survival games like raft and always makes sure that if only one of you can survive it’s going to be you
likes to play minecraft on stream but only with other people, prefers survival to creative
heizou (romantic or platonic)
1/2 of shared channel with kazuha, it was originally his idea and he brought it up to kazuha because they were friends in highschool and thought at the very least it’d be a nice way to reconnect
when kazuha is on break for solo content he likes to play murder mystery games or invites you, xiao & venti (since heizou & aether are out filming travel content) to play clue with him. does he always win? yes. but it’s still really fun since venti likes to get very into his assigned persona/character and you do the same :)
also likes to do quizzes on the internet of like reading facial/body language and is INSANELY good at it
gets easily distracted from researching unsolved cases so you always help him stay focused and do research and he’s eternally grateful for that
doesn’t particularly enjoy playing jackbox games or any group variety stuff unless it’s with you & anyone from 5wirl
doesn’t really collab with sara but the two are friends and hang out at cons
always ropes you into acting in videos with kazuha that give people tips to remain safe in any sort of situation and not get taken advantage of
kaeya (romantic or platonic)
when not doing drunk streams with venti and occasionally rosaria he’s a fashion youtuber 100%
loves roasting subscriber outfits and also covers the history of trends
lovingly makes fun of his friends’ fashion sense but it’s all in good fun
makes sure whenever you go with him to cons y’all are the best dressed
the knights of favonius are a talent/management agency and aether is called an honorary knight because while he’s not part of the agency he does collab with a lot of their members
most stylish and lowkey youtuber merch
claims to be diluc’s brother, no one believes him and think he only says that so dawn winery can sponsor him and send him wine
usually has a good sleep schedule, but all his drunk streams are always at like 2 am so good luck with dealing with his hangover
the morning after drunk streams are always hell for the both of you
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lynsexperience · 1 year
Because I love you, Windblume..
Summary: After a long day, you just wanna lay down and cuddle with Venti. But intrusive thoughts starts to flow in your mind, and Venti has reminds you why he fell in love with you.
Venti x Reader.
Warning: FLUFF, smut-ish so, MINORS DNI.
A lil something for my two friends, I hope you guys enjoy this. :)
(A mini collab with my friend, Asahi<3)
After a tired day, you finally able to take a rest and be with your love for the rest of the night.
"What an exhausting day.." You mumbled.
You entered your Sereniteapot just to visit your beloved. You slowly open the door, seeing him sleeping peacefully. You smiled by just seeing him,
Venti has been guiding you and your travels for a few years now. You sat beside him, and kissed him in the forehead. The moment after you kissed him, you saw him smile as he got up afterwards.
"Well, isn't my Windblume back?" Venti excitedly says, he was very happy seeing you after a very exhausting day. “How have you been?”
“Great, just tired. My body is so sore from ALL the work..” You sigh as you take of all the heavy items off -Venti helping you in the process- “All I just wanna do is lay down and cuddle with you..”
"Hehe.. sure! Come here!" Venti gestures. You gently come up to him and lay beside him. Venti gently pats your head and comforts you, he knew you tried your best on helping other people.
You smile as you close your eyes and relax, melting in Venti’s warmth as you wrapped your arms around his neck, nuzzling your face on his neck as you breathe in his smell.
Venti smiled as he pulls you close, kissing your forehead softly while rubbing his hand up and down your back gently.
“Hey, how about you go take a relaxing bath? That will help you get the soreness away!” Venti gestures, gently pulling you away.
“Hmm.. Sure, that would be nice..” You smile as you sat up and get up as you go get a more-comfortable clothes.
“I’ll get the bath ready for you, you really need it Windblume!” Venti smile as he gets up too and run to the bathroom, readying the warm bath for you.
You smile and chuckle from Venti’s cuteness.
“Such an adorable bean..”
After taking a bath, you two finally cuddle on the bed as you two melt in each other’s warmth.
Venti is such a sweetheart. You don’t even know how you got lucky to have him by your side, with you, together. Oh how you wonder on Celestia did you deserve this?
Not until you asked him, the Anemo Archon.
“Hey.. Venti?..” You called for him softly. “Are you still awake?..”
“Hm, yes Windblume?” He looked at you, smiling brightly. Oh you love that smile so much.
You take a deep breath and look at him.
“How did you fall for me?..”  You said as you look down, not having an eye contact with him.  “I mean.. I’m just a traveler, looking for their sibling.. And not as pretty as the others from Teyvat”
He look down at you, surprised from your words. WHY did you ask such a SILLY question?
“Windblume..” He softly call for you, sighing as he hold your hand. “Look at me..”
You look up at him, with an almost teary eyes.
“Wonder why I fell in love with you?..” He repeats your question, you nod.
He moved a lil as he hold your chin, lifting your face up.
He kissed you.
Your eyes widen, from the sudden kiss.
You slowly melt as you close your eyes, kissing him back as you squeeze his hand.
He licked you bottom lips, asking for permission. You open your mouth as you let him in. This kiss isn’t the lust type of kiss, it’s love, as he kiss you, giving you the kiss of love you deserve.
He kiss his way to your jaw, down to your neck as he suck it. Leaving love marks, as you moan.
He pulled away, giving you a quick kiss.
As he said his answer.
“Because I love you, Windblume...”
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existingispetty · 2 years
helloo , can i req any genshin boy(s) of your choice reacting to reader falling out of love ? congrats on the 100 followers btw !! :D
Hello! Thank you for the ask and I’m very happy for all the support I have received. The choices made me nervous so I hoped I picked some good ones.
Prompt: you fall out of love 
Charecters: Venti, xiao, scaramouche.
Type: angst, scenario, gender neutral.
You and venti had been together for quite a long time. In the beginning the two of you were so deeply in love you couldn’t imagine a world without him. But after months venti began to grow… distant. He was always out drinking or helping the traveler. Its clear he was still deeply in love with you. 
Every time you did manage to spend some time with him he tried to make it enjoyable.You understood he was busy yet it was to the point where you didn’t long to see him anymore. You needed to tell him of course but the thought of breaking his heart ached your own. But you had reached your limit after he didn’t talk to you for a week.
You had invited Venti to your home to have a ‘chat.’ Venti had arrived in his normal peppy mood.  You sat him down on the couch and he frowned once he saw your stoic expression. Of course he had noticed something was up but he was fearful of what would occur if he were to ask. No there was no more running from all of his fears because they were right in front of him. Venti began to fidget under your gaze. 
You had made the choice to get right to the point. “Venti I’m not in love with you anymore.” Venti forgot to breathe. He was terrified of losing you. He was worried that if you left him he would be all alone again. He just sat there waiting for to to say more hoping praying even to himself. Mabye you would say this was all a joke?
Yet you never said the words he was longing to hear. All you added on was, “it’s alright if we stay friends but clearly a relationship isn’t something you can handle at the moment.”  Venti hadn’t realized his eyes had filled with tears. Until his vision burred. You stared at him until he just suddenly disappeared. “I forgot he could teleport…” Venti was heartbroken but he was happy you didn’t drag him on. He would continue to be friends with you although your interactions were slightly awkward. 
Xiao had been a tough egg to crack from the start. He pushed you away constantly over the fear you would be hurt because of him. You though he would open up and be more honest once you had finally managed to get in a relationship with him. Except, he stayed stoic and distant a majority of the time. You thought you could take it but no matter how much you eased him out of his thick shell he would slither back in. You thought you were patient and could handle it until he chose to open up. But a relationship means that both people are putting effort into the relationship. 
You were doing all the work. You were gentle and patient of course you had your own secrets but you tried to be open and loving towards xiao but he never put up that same effort.  One day you had finally fed up you and xiao were sitting under a tree at Jueyun karst.  Xiao had come to the meeting spot injured you had asked him what happens as you attempted to patch him up  though, he couldn’t even spare you an answer. 
You had finally snapped you just couldn’t take the cold personality any longer. You didn’t feel love towards him as you didn’t feel like he loved you. “Xiao Im sorry but, I no longer love you.” Yes, it was harsh but you were tired. Tired of waiting for something that would possibly never reach you. Xiao didn’t look one bit surprised when he turned to meet your eyes.
“I knew that one day you would grow to resent me..” he mumbled these words supposedly to hide the rude words form you. You had heard him loud and clear and this only irked you further. “Xiao I just can’t handle all the secrets anymore, I have put everything I had into this relationship but you never did the same and I can’t wait anymore.” This situation was too much so, instead of forcing him to leave you quickly made you own leave. After that day you failed to see Xiao anymore but he was always watching you from afar. Confirming your safety. 
Scaramouche had always had these blaring red flags. But it was also clear to you that deep inside he needed someone that genuinely cared about him. Os you got close to scaramouche. You were forced to take baby steps but eventually it seems that scaramouche didn’t dread your company any longer. 
Scaramouche and you had been just fine for many months. But you noticed he began to be at work more than around you and he had always been rude and disrespectful. He never took blame for any of his wrongdoings and never apologized. It hurt but small wounds couldn’t tear you down complety. But once small wounds buildUp the pain increases. You were getting angry with his absence while he was at work and with his personality when he was around. You understood that he just needed love but it was so painful, being constantly degraded of course he would do some kind of apology afterwards but it was always buying you gift not even a sorry. 
You were just sick of the relationship, you were sick of being treated as you were a pet of his.   Your hatred only increased as time passed and your love and desire for scaramouche disappeared almost as fast as it appeared. You had finally made up your mind to confront him except he wasn’t home. Ok you decided you didn’t want to be in his presence as he discovered your loss of love. You wore him a letter. You wished him well and informed him that he needed to think over this time  as a whole. 
Scaramouche came home very late at night expecting you to be in bed. Expect rather than you he found a not delicately placed on the covers. It explained everything about your feelings and how they were nonexistent now. Scaramouche didn’t want to cry or show sadness, that meant weakness. Yet when he though about missing you for the rest of eternity he couldn’t take his. He dropped  down to hisN knees and only stared at the floor in despair. He felt that he had lost a piece of him. He felt angry not at you but at himself for not paying more attention to you or being kinder and that guilt would weigh on him for the rest of his life. 
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