#especially shelagh this series
judy--21 · 9 months
I was thinking about people hoping for past characters to return. While I would love even a guest apperance from the characters that have left. Especially Chummy she was my fave for first few series.
I was thinking what if Sister Douglas from when Shelagh/Gloria were in hospital, was in Poplar one day and got dragged into a medical emergency with one of the Turner's helping. Once crisis dealt with she realises who it is and gets to meet little Teddy.
I might use that idea for one of my fanfic. Maybe.
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swearronchanel · 7 years
I apologize in advance: this will be lengthy  LONG AF, as it’ll be part-my thoughts watching live & part-post comments to certain thoughts
ALSO** DISCLAIMER** I SHOULD’VE SAID THIS A WHILE AGO BUT I’LL SAY IT NOW that I type my thoughts VERBATIM, which is why it’s never in essay format because eh, it’s not me. IT ALSO MEANS I CURSE A LOT IM SORRY IT JUST COMES OUT, I’M NOT ELOQUENT ENOUGH TO MAKE MY POINT WITH BETTER WORDS .. Anyway I shall begin, feel free to comment on anything *just don’t come @ me for literally just thinking something* 
Ready @flyingnonny, @marialujan22
Cute little community, alright let’s see what’s going down
Chinese laundry a little stereotypical but I get it
“dear Patrick!” Laura is so adorable I can’t
The smiles in the mirror!! *shit after I think about it, more parallels. Shelagh’s looked in the mirror in so many of her great scenes. Series 1! & 2! & was that 4 with the nurse’s uniform the first time! Ah my bby growing up 😭
Lol sister Ursula’s annoying ass still here .. not for LONG THOUGH😊
dead @ Patrick’s reaction, someone gif it
Her mother in law looks mean as hell
Is Lucy mixed?
ah yep called it. Damn deported? Too relevant today..
I just get so excited now I love her
Lmao remember when I legit didn’t like her because of her comments to Shelagh before she came back to nursing. DONT WORRY IM OVER THAT
Shelagh looks so pretty!! More of her in cute outfits with the hair down pls 😍
Here for her 1962 wardrobe
Lol lullaby type music what’s she pulling out
“Tempting fate” stop! No bby everything will be okay if not I’m losing my shit
Sister J & Shelagh moments are precious ** Ah you guys reminded me of again another parallel I’m so here for it.
But like if she’s almost halfway as sister j says, has she told everyone already? we shall see, or maybe it’ll be implied
Shelagh saying “WHAT?” is most of my internal monologue in just about all my classes
Phyllis’s hand raise tryna avoid actually saying “no offense” to Dr Turner is gold
I will bet all my the cash in my wallet (prob $30 at most) we’ll see a soft side to her and Ima still be like “adios puta”
Shelagh’s like “we have a game plan” aw she is pure gold, protect her at all costs what the hell!¡💖
Also if no one at nonnatus knows this could’ve been a perfect chance to tell them, or someone could’ve been eyeing her walking around the table and suspecting? Like Phyllis would notice, she knows everything
Shelagh looking at Patrick literally like “is this bitch serious??”
This isn’t Downton Abbey, I never hated a ‘main character’ (don’t come @ me I hated a few characters but still loved the show)
Yo did sister Julienne really not slide Shelagh a new uniform? She’s in a cute outfit but c'mon
Lol this lady knows she’s pregnant
Fred angrily spinning the wheel, I feel
20 min visits, “OK”.
Oh no. I sense a sad story coming
Phyllis’s little run, precious
Sister Julienne spilling the tea, but again I don’t care about sister Ursula’s feelings or backstory
WAIT WHO CALLED A THREAT OF GETTING SHUT DOWN THOUGH? IT WASN’T ME BUT I REMEMBER READING IT? Lol score for u because I didn’t see this coming (even though I know damn well they’re not shutting down, like the show would be over)
she’s my hero anyway, no disappointment
Angela is precious
Tim trying be funny lol but we actually hate sister Ursula
HA NO SQUIRRELS , WAIT so today literally a squirrel ran across the feet and I freaked out. My campus is full of squirrels but like I’m from NYC I don’t fuck with them.
Ok, A) Shelagh’s shoes kinda don’t match but I’ll let it go & 2) is it implied everyone @ nonnatus knows? Like how has she not had a checkup this whole time. I guess Patrick could but that’s doesn’t seem likely
Toad in the hole??  que eso?
I think I said the other day I think she’s watching tv somewhere
The table: *collective gasps* me: *LOUDER GASP*
Why is babs taking it to heart? Like she sucks anyway
I love Phyllis damn it, not in a way I love Trixie and Shelagh though, it’s different I can’t explain it
I need Phyllis to encourage me to stay in university PLS (some one meet Linda Basset & send me a video of it)
Ah “delightful” screams. This show terrifies me to think about being pregnant one day lol. Like I thought my mother’s stories were bad enough but nah
Shelagh: *is frustrated* me: *gets frustrated* RELAX BBY
Also someone get her a new uniform she’s going to dirty her nice clothes
When did scrubs become a thing ?? my mother has like a zillion pairs & I can’t imagine her working in a dress all day. Omg I gotta find a picture one day from when she graduated nursing school she had such a similar style uniform to the nonnutans, I love it 😂
Patrick needs to put his damn finger down im tired of that shit. If he ever does it again with Shelagh I’ll flip a lid
Did she not want a girl?? @ in law
“no, a girls very special” aw
“She wouldn’t appreciate the term Elderly primigravida” ha true man, remember she said that last series
lol I wanna see her reaction if they ever label her again
get the fuck outta here, let them send sister MJ away I will revolt
Saw this scene haha, hope Ursula falls off
Damn came at Lucy, what’s wrong with Linda haha, that’s my gram’s name
She’s so chill about that, me? I wouldn’t let that go. I’m also so damn extra & annoying
Not the same as Phyllis saying “Hells teeth” but that’s catchy
Also Patrick can’t type that’s funny
“mending your dress” FIRST OF ALL PATRICK, SHUT UP
“Cool, calm, collected & professional” love her
You guys don’t understand, i need to screenshot a conversation with one of my friends. Her and I only ever use CtM screenshots for message reactions it’s so funny but also weird in a way😂 sometimes their cringes are better than basic memes
But to be honest they really have never fought? Lmao that moment could’ve been a little argument but they got over it too quick, bc/ how do they ALWAYS agree/get on? (Excluding the adoption issue but whatever)
Lol why did she have to get up, you get up Patrick
Her outfit is so cute !! My bby
AW!, they’re cute, I’ll forgive him
former nun sitting on a mans lap I love it!¡ without context it sounds funnier
“We’ll pull through, we always do” better be some foreshadow for something good!
I don’t think she has postpartum though
*SUCKS TEETH* UMM BABS not checking the baby is prob a bad move
Shelagh definitely has a baby bump at that angle, DOES EVERYONE KNOW or not WTF?
Bby you feel pain that’s not good u know this !
seriously does Barbara not see it
“Have you all been speculating?” HAHH
“Well I don’t approve of gambling on the premises” SHELAGH YOU ARE A GEM
seriously protect her at all costs, I know it’s coming but I don’t know when or how
shit they screaming, calm down ladies
lol Patrick trying to play it all off like he’s calm, cool and collected
no one asked u to be honest keep it pushing
Also it’s 31 MINS IN & TRIXIE IS NOT HERE YET? like when is she coming? I’m less hopeful of her saving the day the more time goes bye :/
“how can you [maternity home] compete with that [hospital]?”
Don’t blame yourself Barbara :/
Again Shelagh’s having pain, it’s going to be soon isn’t it?
This better not be the heart to heart Laura mentioned ** ah we’re good it’s not
Shelagh is going to the bathroom OMG SHES GONNA BLEED NOW RIGHT
she’s so scared, I cry for her
“Hello nurse Crane, it’s Shelagh..” *omg she rarely introduces herself & even less as Shelagh & I feel no one calls her that but Sister J & Patrick?
why St Cuthberts vs the London?
Phyllis being a badass simply walking down the hall
I hope this baby lives omg
I mean baby Lin, baby Turner will happen
Shelagh in the hospital bed is breaking my heart I swear I don’t have
I wanted it to be Trixie but IM NOT MAD LETS GET IT PHYLLIS
ugh pls save the maternity home
my poor girl looking so sad **** also how did she get all her things on the table?
Give Laura Main every damn award this series, I don’t care if we’re only 3 episodes in.
Her bump looks more visible in the hospital gown? do you think it’s a pillow or something lol
SHIT ITS SO SAD omg, I’m cryin
AW babs we all feel
Phyllis protecting Barbara aw
There’s not been as much Trixie as I had hoped 💔
But she’s back bitches and I’m happy I missed her
So Barbara smokes for real now, but Trixie doesn’t share her black cigarettes haha
Take your weak apology and go
they put a bench out for her how sweet
Sister MJ saying “silence” then “shh it’s starting” is me every week watching this damn show
It hurts that I am so invested in this show
How did it happen I don’t know but I love it so much 
Barbara’s ring is pretty
All is well & everything is almost back to normal and lovely *for now*
Sister Julienne is so faithful, like I really would struggle to be so compassionate
Sister Ursula is upset and I’m awful because I do not care
I knew they’d show her vulnerable side so we’d change our minds but I can’t
Sister Julienne you’re so great
It wasn’t a leak??
“I’m going to the mother house” *squees* YES ENJOY, THANK YOU FOR THE DISTRESS, PLEASE BE ON YOUR WAY
Sister Julienne don’t ask her to reconsider
This was a sweet moment but still don’t like Sister Ursula
she’s so pure, protect her!
Nice leaving the door open Sister Ursula
Phyllis driving her is only right
Trixie’s concerned, WHERE IS SISTER MARY CYNTHIA?? ** I really thought Trixie was going to play a bigger role in this episode & I thought this was going to be a longer scene but there’s 5 more episodes, I won’t complain I’ll just be patient. LOL JK UM when is Trixie going to get some time to shine
Oh Shelagh 💔
Aw the Chen’s
OKAY THEY’RE CELEBRATING & EVERYONE’S HAPPY BUT DO THEY NOT KNOW ABOUT SHELAGH? ** **I’m still not sure if they even know she’s expecting but why was Sister Julienne not told she was in the hospital? I know it happened fast but there was time. I don’t like how this played out like it seemed pushed aside but I guess that’s what next episode will address (I hope)
Otherwise, excellent as always
“We are all traveling through one another’s countries but it is no matter if we meet as strangers, for we can join forces and learn to love..” ah this so applies today ugh the world is insane
New midwife = Valerie’s coming back which is cool but also she’s going to be problematic so *hmm* maybe not
Fred and Violet are cute but still cringing & laughing about them in episode 1
finding out Tom’s past will be interesting, I’m thinking his mom almost gave him away but then didn’t? probably was raised with out a dad maybe? We’ll see
“We were happy enough before and we’ll be happy again, whatever happens” I don’t freaking know if this is Patrick comforting or breaking but I’m going to BAWL NEXT WEEK. Shelagh’s face omg💔 I can’t take this like she’s been through so much! They’ve been through so much heartache, what more can they take. UGH WTF I feel like they never get to enjoy anything, & I know “that’s life” & “it’s a drama” or whatever you say but damn. I love this poor character so much (why?¿!) & she’s usually sad in every series !!
The End.🙃 it’s 1:52am, I should go to bed.
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roguedemonwatcher · 2 years
Call the Midwife thoughts from a dumb American who only started watching this show last year…
I’m pretty pleased no one major died because shoving a character death in a crowded, event episode like this would’ve been very unlike Call the Midwife. The other major character deaths in the series were handled with such care, it would’ve felt really out of place in comparison. 
Anyway, did the fandom (and press and social media) hype itself up a bit too much for this? …Yeah. Take out the week long wait and the hype and I don’t think this episode was terribly emotionally manipulative on its face, no more than say Chummy’s near death nor the several times Sister Monica Joan has nearly died. Sister Julienne getting an essentially clean bill of health at the end (especially after that great scene with her and Shelagh) was the worst offender, but obviously glad she’s sticking around because this was a WEAK Sister Julienne season, oh my goodness. Give her more to do next series, please. 
My disappointment largely stems from this seemingly having no lasting consequences on our main cast. Sure, they need to rebuild a bit, but I won’t be surprised if this incident never comes up again, save for some passing remarks. I had hoped, maybe in vain, that this storyline would at least be a jumping off point to talk about trauma and maybe deal with lasting injuries. Is it possible Dr. Turner and Sister Julienne could still see some lasting effects? Maybe. Perhaps they just didn’t want to end the series on a down note (they almost never do - maybe a bit melancholy, but always with a bit of hope). But it sure feels like things will be back to status quo come Christmas. 
But on the balance - seemed pretty standard fare, late era Call the Midwife! I’m not sure what people are expecting at this point. The show is always going to focus on patients of the week, balance a huge cast, and tread lightly when it comes to major character altering plots. Some lovely moments intermixed with some missed opportunities. I think Heidi just got a bit bored with COVID restrictions and went a little nuts with this one (lol). 
Anyway, drafting up my letter to the manager as Shelagh did NOT receive a hug from anyone in this episode. I’m incensed.
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weshallc · 2 years
Al's Two Penneth. Well, it's more like half a crown.
So, it's that time of year again. Thank you to everyone who posted recently. We need to have an open fandom. If I haven't touched on one of your points sorry, it may be something about a character that doesn't bother or interest me, but I may turn up on your post later if I feel inspired.
Series 10 and 11; we have the addition of social distancing to the conversation. So, I will get that out of the way first, nice to have a new topic.
As has already been stated I don’t think we can compare a work environment with babies and new mams, elderly folk and people who may be vulnerable with the main cast photographed together at a social occasion such as a theatre production or awards night. I know this is a contentious issue, but I don’t believe they were at a work event (ahem). What they do in their own time is up to them and the venue’s management. Neal Street will be following strict protocols within the workplace to avoid large fines and to keep its employees safe.
Saying that, I felt the direction could have been better this series. In some places, it's been bloody awful. I guess this is a learning curve for everyone. I had similar thoughts to @earnestlylost prior to Series 10 that the cast would be assigned bubbles and the stories maybe centre around a Nonnatus Bubble, Turner and Maternity Home bubble, a newsagent bubble with the Buckles and Robinsons. I thought there would be fewer guests and just one main story giving time for some cast development.
I haven’t watched any shows with large casts such as soap operas and I’d be interested in knowing how they adapted. I do watch All Creatures Great and Small and I noticed the direction is much more subtle. They however, have a much smaller cast and a lot of the action takes place outdoors. I think they are on location for most of the filming, so it is much easier to form a cast and crew bubble.
I must admit I do miss the use of popular songs of the time, but I guess that’s expensive and runs into difficulties when the show is sold internationally. I find the original music a bit melodramatic for my taste and not always reflective of the era. It does seem a bit quieter or maybe I’m just desensitised. Nice to hear The Mirror again and I like the music in episode 4. I’m not a big fan of auld Jenny and the voiceovers. I must admit it was something that put me off the show when it was first aired, but I can live with them and sometimes people make nice posts out of them.
Speaking of which, “so there are just a lot of photosets and scattered comments" go easy @snoopctm I feel rumbled ;) . I would love you to start up your Tuesday and Thursday posts again. There is one thing I might add. I love discussing the show and episodes, but it is worth remembering Fandom etiquette. If someone writes a post about a certain topic and it promotes discussion, that’s great, but hijacking the post to bash your particular tambourine is not so great. Just start a new post and maybe add so and so’s post made me think of this and so and so might even be happy to respond to your new topic in an original post .
Shelagh, Shelagh, Shelagh! I think I have been watching a different show for the last 9 years, but Shelagh is still Shelagh to me. She was somewhat softer in series 2, for the whole romance vibe. That’s why I have never written her past series 2, too difficult for me to get her character right, almost impossible to write her in AU, because she is very much mired in the 1950 housewife mode. I found she just doesn’t lend easily to modern storylines. I know I have tried. That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy reading all the excellent Turnadette fics and enjoy being privy to people’s aspirations for the character including my own, but we’ve romanticised Shelagh so much as a fandom. I doubt anyone’s idea of the character corresponds with anyone else’s by now, especially Heidi's.
I have to admit; I enjoy watching Dr T work with Phyllis and Trixie. I think there is a good work chemistry between these characters. The Turner medical scenes have a tendency to turn into infomercials. If it was on ITV, the adverts would all be for pile cream and breast pads.
Other thoughts:
We’ve gone from: 4 nuns, 4 nurses, 1 handyman, 1 doctor, 1 child, 2 love interests (13)
To in series 11: 4 nuns, 4 nurses, 1 non-Nonnatun based nurse, 1 handyman, 1 nephew, 1 shopkeeper/ councillor, 1 doctor, 4 kids, 1 teenager, 2 love interests. (20) plus a more frequent guest from the mother house. Edit* 1 receptionist, so that is 21 regular cast.
I actually love all the characters. I think Reggie, Sister Frances and Hilda have been great additions and I’m really warming to Nancy she offers that young swinging 60s vibe that Lucille doesn’t quite fulfil (she has another story to tell.) and Trixie needs to hand the young frivolous baton on once and for all.
Add two storylines with their own casts. It really is top heavy. I have really enjoyed the main storylines of this series, but I have been left wanting more. I feel at times they are too neatly wrapped up with an auld Jenny voiceover and I still have unanswered questions.
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fourteen-teacups · 2 years
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Thank you... CtM Fandom!
**spoilers for 11.8 below**
What a week we've had! I appreciate everyone who posted gifsets and photosets and fic and reblogged like crazy to help keep our spirits up and our hope alive!
After watching I feel a huge sense of relief and I'm very happy with the outcome. All along I kept telling myself I could trust Heidi but as the week went on I started second guessing everything! This was all so out of the blue for our quiet little show! (And I really wish they would have been kind enough to have aired the last two episodes back to back.) I respectfully ask to never be put in this position again!
About the episode itself: I liked how everything played out with Timothy. From the promo pics I was concerned he was blindly going into full hero mode, but it came off quite naturally with the firemen's assumptions and then being coached by his dad through the first aid.
I was pleased with the Turnadette, they said all the right things and I loved every bit of it... well, all but the over the top head bandage. 🤭 (Still my own social distancing-style direction would have included a cheeky bit of Shelagh's lipstick somewhere on Patrick's face. 💋🤭) Loved the tiny Turners being included as well.
Very happy we got some quality Shulienne, too.
Reggie was brilliant wanting to be a part of the helping community, I'm glad he was recognized for his support.
Sister Frances again was an absolutely amazing advocate for Carole and I love that her story ended on a hopeful note.
Sister Hilda and Miss Higgins made a wonderful team supporting the Corbetts, especially when they were able to help with the release of guilt.
Comic relief in the form of Nancy and Phyllis, much appreciated!
However, I've never been more ready for a series to end. I'm exhausted and will need most of the hiatus to recover!
Thanks again for the fandom support!
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blissfulescapee · 2 years
A Mother’s Love
Inspired by the events of series 10 episode 7
Shelagh still can’t quite come to terms with the idea of Tim leaving for medical school and so, on his last night home, she watches over him once more and reminisces on the memories the two of them have made.
On his last night home, Shelagh tiptoes down the landing to her son’s bedroom after kissing the girls goodnight and opens the door. Tim is already sound asleep with the Lancet still in hand and she shakes her head, thinking about all the times she told him to stop reading and get some rest as a child. She misses that cheeky, mischievous, bright-eyed little boy so much. She misses him throwing his arms around her the minute he comes in from school and climbing onto the couch to cuddle with her in the evenings. She misses the simple things, really, but she has to admit that she truly loves the young man he’s become. He’s intelligent but he’s so compassionate, gentle, warm and understanding.
He’ll make a fine doctor, there’s no doubt in her mind about that.
She eventually moves away from the door, drawing her dressing gown further around her body, and wanders over to the bed before easing the Lancet from his hand and placing it on his nightstand, leaving it open on the correct page. He stirs for a second and she holds her breath as she looks at him, silently willing him not to wake, and she breathes a relieved sigh when he falls back into slumber and she’s able to sit down on the bed. Pulling the covers further over him, she blinks back tears. She had been such a worrier back when she had first become his mother, especially since he’d still been recovering from polio at the time, so she remembers checking in on him like this many times a night.
She had replaced his quilt if he'd kicked it from the bed, laid a hand on his chest to make sure he was still breathing, felt his forehead to make sure his temperature was normal and she had sat and watched him sleep for hours on end. Patrick had been forced to put his foot down in the end, telling her that she would make herself sick if she went on allowing her anxiety to keep her from sleeping, and it had helped a lot. She never stopped fretting over him though. It’s been eight years and he still fills her brain whenever they’re apart and she can’t be there to look out for him. He doesn’t need her anymore because he’s a man now and can hold his own, she knows that, but she truly doesn’t care.
No matter how old he gets – to her, he’ll always be the beautiful little boy that stole her heart with his charm.
She looks over her shoulder at the sound of a floorboard creaking and smiles at seeing Patrick stood in the doorway. “Something told me you might be in here when I went to check on you and the girls and you weren’t there,” He says as he makes his way into the bedroom, a teasing lilt to his voice that makes her laugh before he smooths a hand over her hair and leans down to kiss her on the forehead. Pulling back from her again, he frowns a little. “You seem sad.”
“I suppose I am, despite how unbelievably proud and thrilled for him I am at the same time,” She shrugs, letting her attention return to their son as he sleeps on. “I never thought time would pass as quickly as it has done. It feels like I blinked and he went from being this sweet eleven-year-old boy to one of the tallest, most intelligent young men I’ve ever met. Thinking about him leaving for medical school makes me wish we could go back to when you and I were newlyweds, purely so we could have him all to ourselves again and try harder to make the most of the time we have with him. I don’t know, I can’t…I can’t help feeling that I never made as much time for him as I should have done.”
Patrick tuts. “Shelagh, there isn’t a person living who could look at you and think you didn’t make enough time for him. For him or Angela. Everything you did back then, you did with them in mind and all you cared about was their happiness and ensuring that they had the best of everything. Let me tell you, the two of them did have the best of everything. I have no idea where Tim and I would be at this moment in time should you have never married me, but I something I know for certain is that neither of us would be anywhere near as happy as we are right now. I cannot imagine my life without you, Angela, May and Teddy in it and I know I speak on his behalf as well as mine.”
She doesn’t even try to hide her tears when she looks up at him again. “Edinburgh is so far away. I don’t want him to leave, Patrick…”
“I know you don’t,” He holds a hand out to her and helps her up from the bed when she takes it, his hands running over her back in an attempt to sooth her as she wraps her arms gently around him and tucks her head into his neck. “I don’t want him to leave either, but he has to and something you and I have to remember is that this isn’t forever. You could think of this like the pupil midwives if that helps. Take pupil-midwife Corrigan, for instance, she’s at Nonnatus House for the time being, but that doesn’t mean those arrangements are going to be permanent. She’ll be staying there until she qualifies as a midwife and then she can go wherever she likes. It’ll be the exact same for Tim.”
She nods, taking an arm from around him to wipe the fallen tears from her cheeks. “I’m being a fool, aren’t I?”
“No,” He whispers into her hair. “You’re being a mother and a mother’s love is the strongest love there is.”
“He needs his sleep before his big day tomorrow,” She reminds him a couple of moments later as she turns her head to look at their son once more. “We should really get to bed too. You know the little ones will be up with the sun.”
He hums. “Maybe we should consider putting a lock on our bedroom door. Keep them all from diving on us.”
“We’ll do nothing of the sort,” She argues, smirking. “They won’t be this small forever, so you can put up with it.”
“Happy to,” He reassures her with a kiss to her temple. “For them, I’ll put up with anything and that is a promise…”
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miss-shirley · 2 years
I'm a bit late to the party but I'm finally watching the Call the Midwife Christmas special and I need to scream some reactions into the void 😂
❗️Spoilers below if you haven't watched it!!! ❗️
Coming back to this show on Christmas every year feels like being welcomed home with a warm hug ♥️
My fave married couple Phyllis and Millicent keeping the Nativity up and running 😂
Already crying within the first three minutes because Sister Julienne is carrying an actual baby in for the play and little May leading the angels 😭
that familiar feeling of comfy predictability in this show though, like betting two Custard Cremes that Sister Frances is gonna get a breech birth for a Christmas present
"Your first night back from University" I'm emotional, remember the little tiny bean Timothy was back in series 1 😭
Also I'm sorry, Lucille, you're so lovely but I actually could not be less interested in the wedding storyline
the music in the knife victim scene is KILLING ME 😂 what is even happening
oh great, she's on drugs 🙃
please let Trixie be happy I don't want another drama love story for her, pleaseee
Sister Monica Joan is me about five seconds after I said 'I'm not gonna say anything about this anymore'
Reggieeee ♥️
Oh NO, PHYLLISSS 😭😭😭 Oh God my heart, that whole scene 🥺
the Turner children are just TOO ADORABLE, dear Lord
Oh we love a good CTM montage 😌😌
omg they're all drunk, I'm crying 😂😂😂
Oh shit, she's gonna have a black eye isn't she
oh fuuuuun 😂 poor baby 🙊
don't do drugs kids. especially not when YOU'RE PREGNANT
oh goodness my poor darling, now I AM invested in the wedding plot but just because I want Lucille to get a nice day on which SHE decides what happens and she gets to look as beautiful as she likes 🥺🥺
Sister Monica Joan come to save the day!!! 😍
with LEECHES??! 😂 I love this show but poor darling Lucille 🥺
awww it's snowiiing
my fave lesbians plotting 😌♥️
that snow looks very fake 😂
and there's the breech baby for Sister Frances!!!
it's not an infection, it's drug withdrawal 👍
Oh poor bean, the high pitched anxiety voice about the breech baby 🙆‍♀️
yeees, go Sister Frances, you're doing amazing sweetie!!!
The Choos are so sweet omg
Shelagh my heart ♥️
Poor Tim looking all horrified at the forceps birth and being handed the baby, what a sweetheart
hoo boy they sure know how to do emotional scenes
Teddy Turner is the most gorgeous little boy I've ever seen btw
The Christmas Carol scene :')
Phyllis looks so great in that costumeeee
and Lucille is a sweet angel and Phyllis and her are making me cry
Reggie being best man, MY HEART
I'm taking everything back, I care A LOT about the wedding storyline now 😂
okay lads I'm ugly crying now why is this show still so good I love it so muchhhh
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snoopctm · 3 years
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Turnadette Tuesday
Timeline--2020 Christmas Special
Sharing Concerns
Hello Nonnatuns! This week, I’m sharing a few words about a small but significant moment between the Turners that’s part of the Gloria plot in the Christmas Special. More thoughts follow:
This scene intrigues me because it’s essentially a reversal of a type of scene we’ve seen several times on the show. Usually, it’s Patrick sharing a concern about a patient, medical mystery, etc., and Shelagh is there as the understanding spouse/colleague. Here, though, their usual roles are switched around--Shelagh is the lead medical figure in this story, and Patrick is there in a supporting role (and a fairly minor one, really). She gets to share her concerns with Patrick in a personal way because they’re married and know each other well, and he gets to be her encouragement/support. This dynamic has happened before (episode 6x02, for instance), but it’s surprisingly rare on this show, and it’s good to see here that the “supportive spouse” role is mutual, as the need arises.  
I love the Turners and their relationship, but sometimes (especially in the two most recent series) it’s seemed like the focus has been more on Patrick than Shelagh, and this being a show about midwives and Shelagh being such a great character, it’s good to see her get more lead stories. I hope this becomes more of a trend in series 10 and beyond.
That’s all for this week. Next week, I’m not sure. I’m thinking I may have to take a hiatus for a while until we know what’s happening with series 10. I can think of a few more things to post about the CS, but then I may have to wait for a while. I will have to think about what to do. I’m open to suggestions, if anyone has any to offer. Stay tuned!
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we-stan-the-turners · 4 years
Things I want from series ten:
-anything turnadette -more of the Turner children (do they have personalities???) -Fred and Vi doing more than just organise community events -um, Reggie’s girlfriend!?!? -more Millicent/Phyllis bonding (Pyllicent, anyone?) -wouldn’t they make a cute couple! -idk Lucille and Cyril to actually do some stuff, like, they’re getting a bit dull -some backstories! especially Shelagh -also, more Shelagh in general -and Patrick -oh, also Timothy -can we just have Pupcake back already? Miss those guys -I just really want Sister Frances to find her groove - she’s so precious -not sure if I’ve mentioned, but some cute Turnadette moments would be appreciated -kisses, perhaps? -the nurses hanging out at the Turners’ again. That was so cute -how’s Timothy these days? who knows -Shulienne! -can Lucille get some more storylines? because I just love her -old characters brought back (even minor ones) -Nurse Crane with the younger midwives -what’s Trixie up to - haven’t heard from her in a while -Patrick and Shelagh?!
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nunonabun · 4 years
I think the quality of the acting and writing on Call the Midwife is as good as ever (& I prefer the later series from the earlier ones).
Completely valid as an opinion of course (and I’m curious to hear why some people do prefer later series), but I have to say I partially disagree. 
I think earlier series gave storylines more time to breathe and the structure felt a bit less ‘here’s the tragic storyline and here’s the feel-good fluff’, that is, the happier elements felt more integrated into the story and less like ‘here is the happy bit to balance the dark bit’, if that makes sense. A consistent criticism I have is that I often feel they could go deeper with things they explore (especially with perhaps some self-exploration in the Nonnatuns, which they touched on with the pill and did a bit more of in the Gay Episode), but I think that’s also a criticism that I tend to apply even more to the more recent series (though the plotline with Val’s gran is an exception, and I hope they explore that further). That being said, I do like lots of the main or regular characters they’ve introduced in more recent series so that’s a plus. I’m also happy with many of the issues they’ve raised in recent series, if not always thrilled with how they explore those (but that’s also a criticism I have in earlier series so hey.)
I don’t really have issues with the acting (that could be because in general I’m more focussed on writing and am kind of crap at evaluating acting), though I do think giving some actors very similar storylines to play over and over leads to them not being able to show their range, which feels like worse acting (I am thinking specifically of Shelagh & Trixie here, honestly Fred has had better storylines for the past while than they have). But then that was a bit of an issue in earlier series too (the woefully underexplored Sister W comes to mind). 
One clear, simple opinion I have about the change in the show over time is that the earlier score was leagues better than the sappy string section.
[send me a ☕️ and an opinion (popular or unpopular) and i’ll say whether i agree or disagree]
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bepoets · 4 years
3, 7, 11?
Thank you Em!!!!
3.) Top 5 Underrated TV Shows:
Okay I... don’t know if every single one I name is technically underrated but I don’t think enough people have watched them so I’m counting it
- Santa Clarita Diet (Netflix)
- Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (Netflix)
- Fleabag (Amazon Prime)
- Dead To Me (Netflix)
- Call The Midwife (Netflix) (this one is very popular in the UK but I’ve met like 2 people who have watched it in the US which is a major shame so)
7.) Top 5 Fandoms
I really looked at this and was like have I been involved in that many tv show/movie fandoms?? And then realized the majority of all fandoms I’ve ever been involved with are in fact movies/tv shows ... no particular order
- Parks and Rec fandom (I miss my friends that I made through crying over parks and rec like five years after it ended)
-The West Wing fandom (for a show that started 20 years ago and ended 14 years ago they sure do have a freakishly active fan base still and I live for it especially tww twitter fandom they’re perfect)
- Frozen fandom (that fandom sure was A Mess a lot but damn if it didn’t give me my best friends I love you all and I’m very grateful for you and these sisters)
- Crazy Ex-Girlfriend fandom (I’m not even a part of this fandom but they’re still so obviously full of passion and love for this series and constantly churning out content even though the show is over like??? I admire them deeply)
- Pitch Perfect fandom (l i s t e n. I just enjoyed having a place to go where I could get angry over universal queer baiting us for three movies straight and then just write fics about useless singing lesbians)
11.) Top 5 Female Characters
i wasn’t sure if the top 5 should be all tv of all movie or both so I decide!!! Fuck it and do a top 5 female characters for tv and then a seperate one for movies so
Top 5 Female Characters (TV Shows)
- Donna Moss (The West Wing)
- CJ Cregg (The West Wing)
- Leslie Knope (Parks and Rec)
- Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
- Fleabag (Fleabag)
(Honorable mentions to Patsy Mount (Call The Midwife), Shelagh Turner (Call The Midwife), Amy Santiago (Brooklyn Nine-Nine), and Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place) I have trouble making choices okay)
Top 5 Female Characters (Movies)
- Kit (Unicorn Store)
- Kathleen Kelly (You’ve Got Mail)
- Idgie Threadgoode (Fried Green Tomatoes)
- Giselle (Enchanted)
- Anna (Frozen)
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thatginchygal · 5 years
List your five longest one-shot fics on AO3 (not chaptered works or series) with the word count, fandom, year, and comments/kudos/bookmarks. one-shots are the short stories to fandom’s books and a distinctly different process in my experience.
I was tagged by the lovely @gabolange 💕💕
One-shot Writer Meme
I’ve fewer fics on Ao3 than you might imagine. I posted mostly on message boards, LJ, and ffnet prior to 2012 and then had several years with little writing. I picked it back up in 2017.
Oh, Shelagh!  Rated M, written 2018.  3966 words CtM - Turnadette, 10 comments, 25 kudos.  Too fun to imagine and write, especially that ending with Sister Evangelina.  lololol (Companion piece to Oh, Patrick!)
This Too Shall Pass Rated G, written 2018.  3682 words CtM - Turnadette, 16 comments, 19 kudos, 1 bookmark.  I wanted to try and write a sort of day-in-the-life for Shelagh, looking at how she manages it all.
That Old Black Magic Rated M, posted 2014, but I’m pretty sure it was on LJ at least a year or two before that.  3132 words SWEU - Luke/Mara, 3 comments, 71 kudos, 10 bookmarks. Mark Hamill’s atrocious blue undies from his atrocious movie Black Magic Woman had to be showcased. Mara had to see them.  (And promptly remove them.)
Getting on a Treat, Rated G, written 2018. 3118 words.  CtM - Turnadette. 12 comments, 20 kudos, 1 bookmark.  This one is so fun and may be my favorite of my Turnadette fics.  The title (GOAT) and the goat yoga, and the meet-cute…. I want to re-read my own fic.  lolololol
Oh, Patrick! Rated M, written 2018.  2878 words.  CtM - Turnadette.  16 comments, 34 kudos, 3 bookmarks.  This one was really fun to write. I wanted to write Turnadette exploring some sexy-times before the wedding.  (Companion piece to Oh, Shelagh!)
I’ll tag: @jadelotusflower, @findswoman, @wednesdaygilfillian and @catalynmj1015
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swearronchanel · 4 years
Your opinion about the fashion and music in series 9 of ctm.
So far I’ve been loving the majority of it! I knew I would love the fashion as they’re in 1965 now, but opening the series with a beach boys song was the icing on the cake😂 Even though we haven’t seen much, I’ve been loving Trixie’s wardrobe especially! (I know that’s not new but like the red high neck top and mini skirt?! I need) Val’s also had some great pieces and Shelagh’s trousers were very cute bring them back! But otherwise after 2 episodes I’m excited to see & hear more!
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turnt4turnadette · 4 years
Hey! Do you think we might get to see Shelagh pregnant again? Would be so sweet especially after her first miracle in Teddy and to get another
I don’t think so!! Although I was really excited to find out that Shelagh would be pregnant in series 6, a lot of the fan base initially was not sure if it would be a good idea. I would have liked the idea of another baby Turner until they adopted May, which was another storyline some of the fan base felt like was rushed and unrealistic.
But Patrick is in his mid 50’s and Shelagh is a working mom of four, which is kind of a stretch for 1965, so I doubt that we will see her pregnant again.
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drandnurseturner · 5 years
Hello to anyone reading this!
Over the past year I have become a fan of CTMW. A friend of mine recommended it to me and here we are today. I watched through to season 7 on Netflix and had to wait for the Christmas special and then season 8 on PBS. I am currently in season 5 of my second watch through of the series.
I fell in love to Sister Bernadette the second I saw her. She wasn’t like the other Sisters and I quickly realized why. There was something inside her that wanted more--thought maybe she needed more than the life she had felt God called her to have.
Her character development has been amazing. It’s been fascinating watching her character remain the same yet breaking out of her shell. She was always a little sassy in a way--always had her own opinion but becoming more outspoken overtime.
After being Shelagh and entering into her relationship with Dr. Turner, it’s very obvious how scared and intimidated she was by the “outside world”. It was a big transition for her which they wrote very well. Anyone would have a hard time going from one life to another and not knowing how to stay friends with those who you feel you failed and were so dear to you.
I do feel this time felt like it went on longer than it did. Rewatching again I realized it didn’t really take that many episodes for them to solve those issues with her--but her suffering emotionally during such a hard time for the community while planning a wedding--well I guess you can say so much was going on that it felt like longer than it was.
After all was settled and her friendships were back in place she began to grow---and grow. I do find that it was important to create a slight conflict between Dr. Turner and Shelagh at the beginning. If they had waiting too long--it was seem as though it were leading to somewhere we wouldn’t want it to. Marriage is hard--especially when you don’t know someone too well. Those skeletons in the closet certainly weren’t the end of the world and only made them stronger. So did learning they couldn’t conceive. No matter what--they stood firm together.
Somewhat of a side note on their relationship. Neither of them ever blame the other nor let the other blame themselves for anything. They face everything as one--a unit. They always take on everything together, encourage each other and support each other. Yes, they have the same goal which is to help the people of Poplar, but neither of them are selfish and understand the sacrifices they make. Their relationship may be fictional, but it is one we can all learn from. To be more understanding of each other. To love one another enough to not let the other take blame for anything.
Back at it...
As we continue on through the series we continue to see Shelagh figure out where she belongs. The trip to South Africa in my mind is a giant turning point. She’s already so much stronger and more outspoken but being there with Patrick I believe made their personal and professional relationships stronger. Not to mention the miraculous conception that occurred on that trip.
When Shelagh was pregnant and Patrick told her they were happy before and they will be happy again--for it being such a sad moment--he did what they do best as a couple--look to the brighter days to come. He didn’t say they would end up losing the baby or might--although it is implied--I think it was encouraging. No matter what the outcome--they have been happy and will be happy again. They had their son, daughter and each other.
Another side note. Patrick is amazing! He always lets Shelagh be independent. She’s allowed to speak her mind (which I have a feeling is a turn on for him) and allows her to do what she believes is best. I don’t recall a time he has ever questioned her. For example, which she was pregnant he allowed her to go back to work. I don’t mean that in a controlling way. As stated, they are a unit and it’s obvious they make decisions together--including her going back to work. He could have told her no and she would have accepted that, but he knew how much she wanted to go. He never pushed her to stop working. He knew she would when she needed to--with a little help from Nurse Crane.  All this ramble is that he wants her to be her and make her own decisions.
Fast forward to now and they just keep getting happier. They work together wonderfully. They are an amazing couple and it’s been so great to watch not only their relationship grow but Shelagh with each new chapter of her life.
By far, I think in any show I have ever watched--Shelagh Turner has had the most character development ever!!
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loisindrah · 4 years
Onderzoek Alisa Osinga (voor ontmoeting)
1)      Onderzoek: Social Media en websites
Alisa Osinga Social Media
Workshop master ceramic and plaster at St. Joost Academy
Utrecht en omgeving, Nederland
Workshop master ceramic and plaster
Bedrijfsnaam: St. Joost Academy
Datums dienstverband: aug. 2012 – heden
Duur dienstverband: 7 jaar 1 maand
Locatie: Den Bosch
 As the workshop master I advice and assist students with their work in ceramics and plaster. Next to that I take care of the workshop and make sure all the materials are available. My aim is to show the endless possibilities of the medium and to make students excited for ceramics.
 Fine Arts professional - sculpture and drawing
Bedrijfsnaam: Alisa Osinga
Datums dienstverband: jun. 2008 – heden
Duur dienstverband: 11 jaar 3 maanden
 My work consists of sculptures and drawings.
Next to my profession as an independent artist, I'm working as a teacher in ceramics and drawing.
Sculpture in commission
Education in Ceramic techniques and Drawing
 About my works:
I am fascinated by the human body, especially when the body is not perfect but affected by disease or old age. Discarded from narrative meanings, I am interested in the beauty of the seemingly unnatural colors and the whimsical shapes. By drawing the contrast between an affected body and a healthy body, my view on the meaning of disease, life and death is more open, more precise and broader. The fact that a work on such an unpleasant and in a way inaccessable subject can be really beautiful, causes a tension between the work and the viewer. A tension between attracting and pushing off. This is the thing that fascinates and also affects me. This is exactly the thing I am researching in my work; how can I, as a human, deal with the negative, morbide side of life? With illness, misfortune and death? And since I don't believe in a black- and white view on a life - meaning that there would be a bright side and a black side, either good or bad people - how does this interaction between the positive and the negative work? For when I can see beauty in a wound or uglyness in a perfect face, then aren't both sides always present?
 Instructor Ceramics and Plaster workshop
Bedrijfsnaam: Design Academy Eindhoven
Datums dienstverband: sep. 2011 – aug. 2012
Duur dienstverband: 1 jaar
Locatie: Eindhoven en omgeving, Nederland
 As an instructor I teach the first year bachelor students how to make a plaster mold and how to work with ceramics. I work together with teacher Pierluigi Pompei.
 't Klooster
Totale duur: 1 jaar 2 maanden
Workshops Ceramic techniques (Freelance teacher)
Datums dienstverband: mei 2010 – jun. 2011
Duur dienstverband: 1 jaar 2 maanden
 For 't Klooster, centre for the arts in Harderwijk I lead different workshops in ceramic techniques. The workshops focussed on either children, youngsters or adults.
 Teacher Ceramics
Datums dienstverband: jan. 2011 – feb. 2011
Duur dienstverband: 2 maanden
 Course 'Jongerenacademie' (youth academy). Course for youngsters between 14- 17 years about ceramic who want to orientate on the different art disciplines and a studie at an art school. I taught them ceramic techniques, how to look precisely at an art piece and a subject, talking and discussing about the objects they'd made, experimenting with clay and color, sketching in clay, expression in clay, engobe technique. It was a lot of fun to be their teacher!
 participant masterclass
Bedrijfsnaamkunstvereniging: diepenheim
Datums dienstverband: 2010
Duur dienstverband: minder dan een jaar
 Discussed my work with other artists and Shelagh Keeley, made new drawings in the Drawing Centre. In 2011 the works made in the masterclass were exhibited in Diepenheim.
Bedrijfsnaam: Sandberg Instituut
Datums dienstverband: 2006 – 2008
Duur dienstverband: 2 jaar
 Changed from Product Design to Fine Arts
 Sandberg Instituut Amsterdam: Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Fine arts (2006-2008)
HKU: BDes, Applied arts (2000-2004)
HKU: Propedeuse, Graphic Design (1999-2000)
Engelse taal
St Joost Academy
NHL Hogeschool
Academie St. Joost Breda
Duurzaam Unlimi
Conlusie social media:
Post heel veel op haar openbare pagina
Laat het proces van haar werk zien
Laat zien wat ze heeft gevonden en leuk vindt
Maakt veel werk gebaseerd op dieren
    Onderzoek Alisa Osinga | Werkplaatsmeester Keramiek
 Ik ben Alisa Osinga. Ik woon en werk in Utrecht. In 2008 studeerde ik af aan het Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam met een serie sculpturen bestaande uit delen van het menselijke en dierlijke lichaam gemaakt van keramiek, schuimrubber en plastics. Ik maak nu sculpturen met een verhalend en figuratief karakter. Belangrijkste inspiratiebronnen voor mijn werk zijn anatomische modellen, vlees en de geneeskunde. Deze bronnen tonen voor mij de menselijke kwetsbaarheid en sterfelijkheid en onze pogingen om de bedreigende, morbide kant van het bestaan te bedwingen.
                                   Menselijke en dierlijke lichamen goed terug te zien in haar werk -> combinatie hiervan
Figuratief zeker maar welke verhalen wil ze precies vertellen?
Inspiratiebronnen in veel gevallen terug te zien in haar werk
  Tentoonstelling: AAAAaargh!!! Alisa Osinga
 Een wit konijn, zittend op een boomstronk als op een troon. Met een weelderige bloemenzee op zijn rug, die over hem heen naar beneden golft. Maar.... Wat is er met hem vergroeid? Wat draagt hij met zich mee? De kleurrijke, rijk gedetailleerde keramische beelden van Alisa Osinga zetten je voortdurend op het verkeerde been. Je wordt als kijker een wereld ingezogen vol mooie kleuren en structuren, gulzig kijk je naar de rijke vormen en ornamenten en de uitdrukking in de ogen van de breekbare dieren. Maar dan is er die twist, wordt alles omgegooid. Is dit dier nu levend of dood? Gevangen of vrij? In welke situatie is dit dier in vredesnaam in beland? Is dat zijn hart daar tussen zijn benen? Groeit die mooie bloemenzee nu uit zijn rug??? AAAAaaargh!!!
        Wat is kunst voor haar?
 Een veel voorkomend motief in mijn werk is het dier.  Een dier staat voor mij voor instinct.  Voor direct handelen naar je inzicht op dat moment.  Voor directe emotie en gevoelens.  Het hier en nu.  Zonder (de menselijke, zware nadruk op) logica, rationeel nadenken,  gelijk hebben, verstandig zijn, moralisme. Ik gebruik het dier zoals in een fabel. Het dier maakt een ervaring/ verhaal mee  en leert ons iets over de menselijke natuur en over onze tekortkomingen. Het dier maakt het verhaal toegankelijker, geeft het onderwerp lucht.  Moeilijke verhalen of zware boodschappen worden hanteerbaar. Een dood dier in mijn werk is zelden echt levenloos.  Vaak is het nog behoorlijk aanwezig en bewust van zijn situatie.  Een ongrijpbaar zweven tussen leven en dood.  Dat een beeld dan mooi kan worden en echte schoonheid kan tonen  terwijl het onderwerp niet zo toegankelijk of werkelijk onplezierig is,  veroorzaakt een spanning tussen steeds weer worden aangetrokken  en dan weer worden afgestoten.  Dit fascineert en raakt me. Door het contrast te laten zien, krijg ik een opener en ruimere blik ​ op wat leven, ziekte en dood betekent.
 Hoe gaat ze te werk?
 Wanneer ik een werk maak voor iemand in het bijzonder (een opdrachtgever), dan begin ik altijd met een interview. Met een aantal vragen probeer ik erachter te komen wat de ander zou willen of van het werk verwacht. Wie ben je, waar loop je voor warm of wil je juist ver van blijven? Wat zijn voor jou belangrijke ideeën, gedachten of overtuigingen? Wat kan het beeld wat ik maak voor jou betekenen? Kun je er kracht uit putten, kan het je ergens aan herinneren, iets ... een gevoel oproepen? Voor Esther (haar zus) vormt haar liefde voor gamen (hoe bloederiger hoe beter ;-D Gears of War bijvoorbeeld) een heel scherp contrast met haar persoonlijkheid: een ontzettend lieve, open, sociale vrouw. En het imago van gamen (jeugdcultuur, jezelf afzonderen) steekt ook af tegen haar bloeiende carrière als (representatieve) communicatieadviseur met een voorliefde voor de perfecte outfit.   Deze contrasten maken haar juist zo interessant en compleet! Dit wilde ik in het werk verbeelden: zo, dit ben ik. En ik ben er trots op! Ik ben zowel een lief meisje als een game slachter. Ik ben lief maar heb ook grote kracht en dadendrang. (En ze houdt heel erg van katten) Naast de inhoud stel ik vragen om hele concrete voorwaarden op te stellen: in welke omgeving komt het werk te staan, liggen of hangen? Welke minimale en maximale afmetingen? Moet het ergens bij passen of tegen afsteken? En dan nog een laatste vraag om de smaak en voorkeuren in te kunnen schatten: Welke werken van mij spreken je het meest aan?
 Haar site is super irritant; heel veel nederlands en dan op sommige pagina’s gaat ze ineens engels spreken.
 Alisa Osinga woont en werkt in Utrecht (en omgeving). Ze is in 2008 afgestudeerd aan het Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam als beeldend kunstenaar in keramiek (en kunststoffen). Ze is werkzaam als werkplaatsmeester bij St. Joost, Academie voor kunsten en heeft daarnaast ook haar eigen bedrijf waar ze eigen werk maakt voor onder andere exposities en werk maakt voor opdrachtgevers. Haar specialiteiten liggen in beeldhouwkunst in opdracht en onderwijs in keramische technieken en tekenen.
 AKV St. Joost | Academie voor kunsten
Alisa Osinga is de huidige werkplaatsmeester keramiek bij St. Joost, Academie voor kunsten. Als werkplaatsmeester adviseert en assisteert ze studenten bij hun werken in keramiek en gips. Ze geeft ook workshops en zorgt ze ervoor dat alle materialen ten alle tijden beschikbaar en aanwezig zijn. Haar doel als werkplaatsmeester is om eindeloze mogelijkheden van het vak te laten zien en studenten enthousiast te maken voor keramiek.
 Alisa Osinga | Fine Arts Professional, beeldhouwkunst en tekenen
 Alisa Osinga maakt sculpturen met een verhalend, figuratief karakter waarbij haar inspiratiebronnen anatomische modellen, vlees en geneeskunde zijn. Voor haar tonen deze bronnen een menselijke kwetsbaarheid en sterfelijkheid en al onze pogingen om de bedreigende, ‘afschuwelijke’ kant van het bestaan te bedwingen. Ze is gefascineerd door het menselijk lichaam, vooral wanneer het lichaam niet perfect is maar wanneer het wordt aangetast door ziekte of ouderdom. Door het contrast te trekken tussen een aangetast lichaam en een gezond lichaam, is haar kijk op de betekenis van ziekte, leven en dood meer open, preciezer en breder. Ze probeert met haar werken een spanning te veroorzaken tussen het werk en de kijker om op een mooie manier een onaangenaam en ontoegankelijk onderwerp te vertonen. Dit is wat haar fascineert en waar ze steeds naar zoekt in haar eigen werk.
 Tentoonstelling AAAARGH!!! Bezitten kleurrijke en rijk gedetailleerde keramische beelden die de kijker voortdurend op het verkeerde been zetten. Je kijkt naar rijke vormen en ornamenten die samen de uitdrukking in de ogen van breekbare dieren vormen. Dit alles met een twist, want je weet niet precies wat je ziet. Want, groeit die mooie bloemenzee nu uit zijn rug? AAARGH!
 Een veel voorkomend motief in mijn werk is het dier. Een dier staat voor mij voor instinct. Voor direct handelen naar je inzicht op dat moment. Voor directe emotie en gevoelens. Het hier en nu.  Zonder (de menselijke, zware nadruk op) logica, rationeel nadenken, gelijk hebben, verstandig zijn, moralisme. Ik gebruik het dier zoals in een fabel. Het dier maakt een ervaring/ verhaal mee en leert ons iets over de menselijke natuur en over onze tekortkomingen. Het dier maakt het verhaal toegankelijker, geeft het onderwerp lucht. Moeilijke verhalen of zware boodschappen worden hanteerbaar. Een dood dier in mijn werk is zelden echt levenloos. Vaak is het nog behoorlijk aanwezig en bewust van zijn situatie.  Een ongrijpbaar zweven tussen leven en dood.  Dat een beeld dan mooi kan worden en echte schoonheid kan tonen terwijl het onderwerp niet zo toegankelijk of werkelijk onplezierig is, veroorzaakt een spanning tussen steeds weer worden aangetrokken en dan weer worden afgestoten.  Dit fascineert en raakt me. Door het contrast te laten zien, krijg ik een opener en ruimere blik op wat leven, ziekte en dood betekent.
 Als Alisa Osinga werk maakt voor een opdrachtgever, begint ze altijd met een interview. Door een aantal vragen te stellen probeert ze erachter te komen wat de ander wil of van het werk verwacht. Ze stelt vragen als: wie ben je? Waar loop je voor warm of wil je juist ver van blijven? Wat zijn voor jou belangrijkste ideeën, gedachten of overtuigingen? Wat kan het beeld dat ik maak voor jou betekenen? Kun je er kracht uit putten, kan het je ergens aan herinneren, een gevoel oproepen?
 Daarnaast stelt ze ook inhoudelijke vragen om te peilen aan welke voorwaarde het moet voldoen. In welke omgeving komt het werk te staan, liggen of hangen? Welke minimale en maximale afmetingen? Moet het ergens bij passen of moet het ergens tegen afsteken?
 Ze is actief op het gebied van Facebook, Instagram en LinkedIn.
 Ze post veel op haar openbare pagina op Facebook en Instagram. Zo laat ze heel duidelijk haar proces en eindwerken zien waar ze volgens ons hartstikke trots op is. Verder laat ze ook zien wat ze gevonden heeft als inspiratie en leuk vindt.
 Haar LinkedIn is overzichtelijk, duidelijk en bomvol informatie over wat ze gedaan heeft en wat ze nu doet.
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