#end rasism
I saw two dogs today. First was a big white dog with no owner. He walked passed me and didn’t care. Then, a black dog walked by. Nothing happened. But if you notice, they were both dogs. The color of their fur didn’t matter and didn’t change the story in any way.
Why can’t humans do this. Why must we judge people based off of skin and appearance.
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my-midnight-gospel · 2 years
The toughest thing about living with a toxic far right conservative is living with their bigotry and racist beliefs. They know I believe differently and still bring up conversations about a certain topics on which they know we don't agree. What is the problem you ask...? 🤔 my gram said why isn't there a white history month. There is a gay pride month and a black history month where is our month... like wtf? Know your history. Gay pride month is because of the stonewall protest that happened In 1969. Black history month is for all the historic Black history that happened In America from the civil rights movement and the 400 500 years of slavery. It's sad that we live in such a rasist and homophobic society. Ignorance is a poison in America. Black history is an important topic that everyone should learn. Not just black history, but lgbtqia history also. Sone Republicans want to teach only white history none gay history. 🙄 if it's straight and white it's OK to teach about? What is wrong with America? We are the divide states of America not united! So for my lgbtqia followers. I want to say I love you and keep being who you were born to be. Let's teach all history please 🙏 Knowledge is power Knowledge helps create a better future for America!
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star-wars-fan-2005 · 2 years
I know I haven’t posted much to do with Star Wars but if you ‘fans’ keep going after the actors that are portraying a character you need to realize that it’s just a story and that actor is portraying the character. I cannot believe that Moses Ingram was getting hate messages for portraying an inquisitor. I watched the first two episodes twice and I fell in love with Moses’ portrayal of Reva.
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For personal safety I will leave some information that I dont deem that important out of the discussion.
I (minor) used to have a friend (minor) who we will call Albert. He was a really good friend to me but was sadly bullied by the other boys in the class because he only hung out with girls, was pretty much out as non-straight and didn’t agree with their jokes and views.
At the end of last term he had begun hanging out with other people and slowly infiltrating to the more ”boy” group. At the start of this term he was taking drugs and drinking, quite a lot. Not addict like but a lot for somebody his age. He had also completely switched up his views and was laughing at jokes that he would have gotten angry at for before (imagine nazi, rasism, fatphobia, sh, suicide). Why? Because he finally got to hang out with the boys in our class. Now I didn’t agree with this and I still dont. He shit talked somebody who he had whole heartedly defended before for things they were suffering from (mental health). And hung out with people who he used to shit talk about.
Lately my disagreement with him kinda had our friend group split up in a way and he was complete ah towards me, being rude, trying to lower 3 ppl (including me) grades down because he wanted to save his own. He also rolled his eyes, sighed and tried to act like I was stupid because I didnt agree with him on something. He tried to ignore me so that I couldn’t come to the hang out that 1. Was not his plan, nor house and 2. That i was invited to, and then refused to apologise. He also told our mutual friend to ignore me so that she just hung out with him (without me actually having done anything wrong)
But now I dont only want to call the cops on him because of the fact that he is an AH towards me and others but because I have seen alcohol and cigarettes kill. I know that if he continues in this upward slope he isnt gonna end up well, and he might bring down people with him. I am afraid tho that he might harm himself in some way if things are found out about his shit but in some way his abuse is also a sh. So WIBTA if I told the cops on his drug use?
What are these acronyms?
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tissitpoispaita · 9 months
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Oletko saanut tarpeeksesi hallituksen rasismin ja fasismin hyssyttelystä? No niin olemme mekin!
Me emme vaikene, kun hallitus laiminlyö velvollisuuttaan turvata perus- ja ihmisoikeudet sekä puuttua kaikkeen syrjintään.
Vaadimme edustajaksemme hallituksen, joka on tinkimätön rasismin ja fasismin vastustamisessa ja joka on sitoutunut edistämään kaikin tavoin yhdenvertaista ja oikeudenmukaista politiikkaa. Meille on tärkeää rakentaa turvallinen, elinvoimainen, moniääninen ja kansainvälinen Suomi.
ME EMME VAIKENE! Suurmielenosoitus hallituksen rasismia ja fasismia vastaan sunnuntaina 3.9.2023 Helsingissä ja virtuaalisesti.
✓ Laita kalenteriin merkintä su 3.9. ja tule mukaan pitämään ääntä!
✓ Jaa kutsua, sometilejä ja Facebook-eventtiä omissa kanavissasi tunnisteen #MeEmmeVaikene kera!
✓ Ota seurantaan mielenosoituksen somekanavat, joihin tietoa päivitetään:
Har du fått nog av regeringens försök att tysta ner sina problem med rasism och fascism? Det har vi också!
Vi kan inte förbli tysta när vår regering inte förmår skydda mänskliga grundläggande rättigheter och jobba mot diskriminering.
Vi vill ha en regering som står stark emot rasism och fascism, och som engagerar sig för att främja rättvisa och jämlikhet. Vi vill bygga ett säkert, livfullt, flerstämmigt och internationellt Finland.
VI TIGER INTE MER! Vår stora offentliga demonstration mot regeringens rasism och fascism sker söndagen den 3 september 2023 i Helsingfors och dessutom online.
✓ Boka söndagen den 3 september och kom med för att tala ut och stå upp, och sluta tiga.
✓ Dela denna inbjudan, dessa sociala medie-konton och Facebook-eventet genom dina egna kanaler med hashtaggen #emmevaikene !
✓ Följ våra sociala mediekanaler för uppdateringar om demonstrationen:
Have you had enough of this Government’s efforts to hush up its problems with racism and fascism? Well, so have we!
We cannot remain silent when a government fails to protect human and fundamental rights and combat all forms of discrimination.
We insist on being represented by a government that is implacably opposed to racism and fascism, and fully committed to promoting equitable and fair policies. We stress the importance of building a secure, vibrant, multi-vocal and international Finland.
END THE SILENCE! A major public demonstration against Government racism and fascism on Sunday 3 September 2023 in Helsinki and online.
✓ Save the date on Sunday 3 September and join us to be anything but silent!
✓ Share this invitation, these social media accounts and the Facebook-event through your own channels with the hashtag #MeEmmeVaikene!
✓ Follow our dedicated social media channels for demo updates:
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kitchen-box · 1 year
I have officially decided to become a Severus Snape and Regulus Black shipper.
I don't know how it happened either...
So, I read this fic, I don't remember the name but I think it was on ao3 or fanfiction.net (if anyone finds it please repost this with it or leave the link in the comments)
So Snape is an asshole, but he is a smart one, a cunning one, the best of the best, the most powerful kid in that school. Fight me about it, I've been taking boxing lesson since I was 8.
Don't get me wrong, he's not likable and what he did is not justified, killing people and being rasist basically. What, you thought I was talking about his bullying children. Oh, you poor flower child. I don't think he was always this bad...
A child can't be evil. He learned this behaviour from his parents (rasism from his dad, sadism (headcanon: Eileen blamed Severus for her failed relationship with Tobias and that's why she doesn't stop his abuse, towards her and Severus) from his mom), his housemates (RASISTS), and his year and school mates (how to be disgusted by people who are different from you 101)
And Regulus is a genius, he outsmarted the darkest lord of their (I headcanon Regulus as he/they, again, fight me about it) time at 18. He may not be powerful, but he's observant and very empathic (this post is full of headcanons), even if their not that people-inclined. He knows how to manipulate and they knows the darkest of the arts, even if, again, he isn't inclined towards them. He's also very good at complicated magic (healing spells and wards(they can hide anything from anyone)).
Soooooo, that being said. The fic:
Snape is trying to catch Lupin as a werewolf so he digs a spot pretty close to the castle so he can make a run for it if necessary. It's kinda small.
Regulus comes and kinda fits himself into the hole, it's very cramped now and neither of them know how to cast an expending charm.
A professor guides Remus to the Shrinking Shack and Severus is trying to listed to the steps but Regulus keep talking so he covers their mouth with his hand and presses himself into Regulus so he can hear better.
Regulus kisses Snape and they make out, the oneshot ending with Snape thinking to try again next month and going somewhere more private with Regulus.
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chairwritexv · 1 year
Hey about the exchange match-up if you’re intrested then may I from my side request only female?
Fandom/s: The Arrow, MCU
Pronouns: he/they
Sexuality: Trans (ftm)
Attracted: Only to girls
Zodiac: Cancer
Short brown hair, dark brown eyes, kinda mascular but not much, usually wearing hoodies, never dresses or skirts
Very sarcastic, can be rude, polite, stubborn, caring, protective, can and will throw hands if anyone hurts someone I care for, not lazy but not really active, patient, funny
Likes: Material arts, reading, cuddles 100%, hanging out with friends, physical touch in general, rain, music
Dislikes: Homofobia, rasism, bullies, injustice, pick-me people
Hobbies: Krav Maga (military material art), archery, writing, reading
Bad things: Lack of focus, bad memories and orientation
(Just female characters please)
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your arrow match is…
𝓶𝓲𝓪 𝓼𝓶𝓸𝓪𝓴
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lowkey likes your sarcasm
will be sarcastic back to you
you like martial arts/fighting? and archery??? congratulations, you now have a mia smoak attracted to you
is also very stubborn which can create some tension between the two of you
probably didn’t like you at first but got used to you
very protective over you, doesn’t want you getting hurt because of her being blackstar
its hard for her to show interest in people because she’s so closed off but she tries for you
you like music? she wants to listen to what you like (no guarantees she’ll like it though)
you write? she wants to see
you like cuddles? she’s not huge on physical touch, but she’ll cuddle with you, for you, and only you.
also likes rain, unless she’s out in it, which tends to happen a lot
rainy day cuddles??? yes please
she doesn’t always have time to read because of her superhero duties, but if you recommend her a book she will do her best to make time
steals your hoodies
could care less that you’re trans
loves you as you are <3
makes sure to use your preferred pronouns
if someone bullies you about your gender (or really anything) they will more than likely end up beaten up in an empty alleyway
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your mcu match is…
𝓶𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓮 𝓳𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼
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definitely probably attracted to your sarcasm
like mia, will be sarcastic back to you lmao
thinks it’s kinda badass that you know martial arts and archery
probably has you teach her some archery
was neutral abt you when you first met
you were annoying but cool at the same time
you like reading??? congrats, she likes you 50% more now
eventually started feeling this fluttery thing in her stomach
didn’t realize it was a crush until she talked to ned and peter abt it lmfao
isnt huge on physical touch but is probably also touchstarved
she will cuddle w/ you though, just give her a bit to get used to it
lowkey loves reading while cuddling you on a rainy day
three of her favorite things <3 (reading, cuddling w/ you, rainy days)
might put some quiet music on in the background too
will be slightly embarrassed if you bring it up but doesn’t show it
actively denies that it’s yours
which, to be fair, it isn’t yours anymore
oh your trans? cool
like mia, could care less, loves you for you
if someone’s a bitch to you abt being trans/anything else she will roast them to hell
by the time she’s done with them their self-esteem will be absolutely shattered
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yay, exchange matchup! this is my first time doing a matchup (and writing for these characters), constructive criticism is appreciated, just don’t be a jerk abt it, hope i did you (and these characters) justice! <33
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lupon · 2 years
I just want to rant about Lucas for a little bit because this whole thing about his s1 arc is bothering me.
I feel like people say "he never did anything wrong" and genuinely mean it waaaay too much and it comes off as excusing his behavior. What Lucas did was wrong. He himself said it was wrong. He would hate anyone saying he never did anything wrong because he loves and cares about El.
The point of his s1 arc was that 1) he was reacting to El in a similar way people react to him and 2) he matured and learned from his behavior. As we know from Lucas on the line and the show itself, he deals with rasism quite often. People judge him and treat him differently because of how he looks and acts. He does the same with with El in s1 because it's so engrained in him that people who are different are outcast. Mike and Dustin do the same "she's probably an escapé" "we'll send her back to pennhurst" "mental" it's the average mentality of the 80s. Different = bad, it's such a running theme of the show at this point.
However, as Mike and Dustin started to trust her, Lucas only became more angry and distrustful because he didn't know her and didn't like how his friends kept putting their faith in her. Yes he was right to not trust her, but he went further than that, to the point where he called her a stray dog and a monster, and lashed out at his friends for defending her. This whole thing was supposed to reflect how harmful and downright wrong this mentality really is, because the audience knew El was telling the truth, and only wanted what was best. We were supposed to be rooting for El in this situation. Because this is the exact mentality people had of black people. He judged her fully based on the very few things he knew about her, and refused to listen to any other argument. He. Was. Wrong. It wasn't until it hit him in the face did he realize how badly he misjudged her, and immediately apologized.
That's what we're supposed to be focusing on. The fact that Lucas matured and grew from his wrongdoings. He didn't waste any time and said he was sorry, and exactly what he was sorry for. He complimented her for the first time, and by the end of s1 we get the "like the number?" "we call her El for short" to solidify how much he's changed since the "her name is eleven?" line. He represents how good people can break through the negative effects of growing up in such a hateful environment. We should be applauding him for his personal growth and beating normative thinking, not trying to excuse his behavior and attacking anyone who disagrees. Again, Lucas would literally hate anyone who said he never did anything wrong.
The whole point is that people can change. It's okay to screw up, it doesn't make you a bad person. Learn from your mistakes, and be better the next time it happens. Break the cycle. Be better than the people around you.
And most importantly, be kind.
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naufal-portofolio · 3 months
Balada Ching-Ching oleh Maggie Tiojakin: Ulasan Buku
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1. "Anatomi Mukjizat" Beres baca, reaksi gue cuma: Oh, ini kisah sederhana sekaligus sedih tentang kematian. Tentang relationship yang rumit antara perawat laki-laki dan pasien kanker remaja perempuan yang sudah kritis. Tapi, setelah direnungkan lagi dan mengingat beberapa detil di sini, kok gue malah berpikir si istri perawat adalah malaikat maut dan harusnya yang meninggal si perawat, bukan si gadis kanker itu ya?
2. "Liana, Liana" Pendek banget dan nyaris semua plot terjadi di kepala si Liana, alias narator kita. Intinya sih, cerpen ini berkisah tentang remaja perempuan yang overthinking banget "cuma" karena ibunya kelamaan nggak pulang-pulang dari supermarket. Hhh... Terdengar remeh memang. Tapi, gue suka gimana Mbak Maggie mengemas overthinking itu sehingga kita pembaca ikut gemasss...
3. "Apa yang Kamu Lihat di Kartuku, Sayang?" Seorang laki-laki, pasca diramal lewat kartu oleh pacaranya, menjadi selalu khawatir dan takut akan maut. Setiap hari kerap bertanya-tanya: Apakah hari ini aku akan mati... Bagaimana aku mati... Ending-nya sangat open dan berhasil menggambarkan anxiety si lelaki.
4. "Kawin Lari" Cuma satu adegan pendek dan sebentar banget! Sepasang kekasih, di suatu malam, memutuskan untuk menumpang bus dari kota asal mereka menuju Lost Angeles. Sesuai judul, mereka bermaksud kawin lari. Dari plot yang singkat itu, pembaca diberi ruang untuk menerka-nerka: kenapa si perempuan sungguh bucin? Kenapa si lelaki senggol bacok? Setelah pertengkaran di bus apabkah mereka jadi menikah?
5. "Balada Ching-Ching" Cerpen yang jadi judul buku ini. Secara konten, "padat" banget karena banyak yang dibahas. Rasisme, bullying, patriarki, dan topik lain yang sekilas terlihat remeh, tapi ternyata harus kita challenge juga. Sesaat setelah merampungkan cerita ini, gue membatin: Kok ending-nya Ching-Ching dibuat kayak gitu penyelesaian konfliknya? Seperti agak kurang nyambung, tapi pas dipikir lagi, make sense!
6. "Dua Sisi" So far, ini cerpen terpanjang. Dengan latar kejadian 9/11 di Amerika, narator kita, laki-laki diaspora Indonesia yang bekerja di New York, menjadi saksi tragedi itu. Konflik mulai timbul saat dia bertemu dengan seorang perempuan muda keturunan Timur Tengah. Setelah itu, pembaca diajak untuk mengikuti interaksi mereka yang naik-turun. Tapi, asli dah, twist-nya nggak nyangka banget! *sigh*
7. "Ruang Tunggu" Narator perempuan tua, sebuah ruang tunggu rumah sakit, dan baru menyadari bahwa di usia senja, dia memiliki penyakit.
8. "Luka" Kisah sederhana dan singkat. Seorang laki-laki terapis pijat kaget saat menemukan "luka" di kaki seorang perempuan kliennya. Dari situ, pikiran si lelaki menjadi mengembara. Jujur, masih belom begitu paham dengan ending-nya...
9. "Suami-Istri" Sederhana dan romantis. Dituturkan lewat sudut pandang si suami, cerpen singkat ini basically bercerita tentang perayaan ulang tahun si istri yang dirayakan cukup mewah di sebuah hotel. Setelah balik ke rumah dan bercinta, si suami mulai flashback bagaimana mereka dulu saat muda bisa bertemu dan bersama dan kemudian menikah. Di usia yang sudah tua, mereka masih belum punya anak.
10. "Di Balik Sebuah Tatapan" One of my fave! Tapi sayang cukup pendek. Ini misalkan dipanjangin lagi kayaknya bakal seru. Bahkan, dibikin novela deh. Pasti gokil! Kayak, bayangin ada perempuan yang batalin pernikahannya karena baru tau ternyata pacaranya gay... Dan, ini nih yang bikin seru... Sebulan kemudian, si perempuan hamil. Iya, hamil anak dari mantan yang gay itu huhuhu
11. "Tawa Elisa" Basically, ini kisah perselingkuhan (hadeh). Konfliknya sesimpel si suami mulai ragu dengan affair-nya dan harus pilih tetap dengan istri-anaknya atau kabur dengan selingkuhannya. Gue nggak gitu puas sih dengan cara penyelesaian masalah dan ending-nya. Tapi, gara-gara cerpen ini baru sadar, banyak adegan ranjang di beberapa cerita di kumcer ini dan Mbak Maggie jago juga nulis scene panas.
12. "Sekali Seumur Hidup" Semua berawal dari pemadaman listrik di malam hari. Narator kita, Edi, memutuskan naik ke genteng rumah untuk melihat bintang sambil merokok. Nggak lama, datang tetangganya, Vitta, untuk bergabung. Dari situ, mereka ngobrol dan nggak nyangka banyak rahasia terkuak. Sampai ending, gue masih menduga bahwa janin yang dikandung Vitta adalah hasil anu sama si Edi....
13. "Obsesi" Mengeksplorasi bagaimana mental seseorang yang sakit hati tidak bisa bersama dengan kekasihnya sampai bedampak menjadi sebuah obsesi. Tepatnya, obsesi yang tidak sehat.
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moondonky · 1 year
Just started
I can explain the division.. I know satan,i know the shit he does. I know manipulation.... I know causes of suffering... as a real person, u won't hear anyone else say it... unlike them I can break spells bitches.. let's talk about racism.. how I break shit down is common ground... everyone can agree it existed,, everyone can agree most people are not racist, if u went by definition, I could say nobody likes each other and they have reasons but it's not actually rasism, in many ways its preference and many ways how well people get along with each other, difficulty levels,,, but racism existed, people have changed, its way in the past at this point people are smarter, and those who still are are like half a percent of the people and they make no difference,, they keep it a secret because it comes off stupid.... we can all agree systemic racism existed,,, they were tools and loopholes, one sided benifits and double standards..put in place to keep it alive as I like to say... but it's dead,, but tools are still there... but there not in the hands of racists... there in the hands of rich people and cooperation, they were always a tool of control,, and now they use them on everyone because it makes them alot of fucking money, why everyone feels so preyed on, and abused,, it is being used by capitalists and bankers , and corrupt politicians and enforced and protected by lobbyists... and if u say anything, the conversation will be pulled into division of whether someone's rasist,, which is ridiculous and can be argued,, and that's all a distraction from tools of systemic racism turned to tools of oppression,, rich and poor that's real division, that's why they attack the middle, to secure that system that only benifits them, that infighting is promoted it's propaganda, not actually racism, its divide and conqour, why those globalist who are the rich people will just call u racist, it' is a tactic of distraction, it's an illusion and they know that.. so long as ur focus is not on them.. everyone should want to get rid of those tools and not defending them for them... its hurting all of us.. they do not care what color or political party u are... its always about fucking money,,, people need to realize that.. every fucking thing that every person fucking complains about not matter there opinion,, every problem and dysfunction... is because of money,,, people need to stop being naive and stupid..
Rasism is like fear... u know who's actually afraid rn.. those fucking globalist zealots,, they are afraid of everyone find out all shit they do, how they manipulate and abuse everyone , how there system actually functions,, and they are in a panick rush to move all the control in a new one before everyone gets smart and tells them to fuk off... they are running out of time and I love it.. I love watching cuz I know they fail in the end.. there plans don't even make sense.. there kinda stupid, and I don't believe anyone is actually stupid, there just in denial or sum shit, desperate, it's like they got tricked by the fucking devil
Effin millenial, y not... there's nothing actually wrong with capitalism. When it's regulated and kept in check, not ran by psycos kinda like now.. there will always b money, it a handy tool.. Satan is the root of all evil.. that fucking fool
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rebelandrichgirl · 1 year
I know that it certainly doesn’t make things better, if everyone who doesn’t like where things are going leaves….
And I also know that Germany can every much end up the same way after the next election…
But seriously, Sweden, you are not exactly making a strong case for you right now to make me stay!
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psykedeliskedikt · 1 year
Jesus er mørkhudet, Gud er en kvinne
født inn i en verden styrt av penger og makt ufrivillig rundtur på tannhjulet vi ser på hverandre med forakt kriger styrt av psykopatiske konger i frykt for å bli skutt i hodet av egne oppvåknede soldater
verdensherredømmet er gromsete stjålne glitrende kuler stuper i en rød bunnløs dam la oss dø i fred la oss ende hat og vold timeglassets sand tyter ut hva ville gud sagt hva synes jesus om skuddene avfyrt av blytunge hender utsultede munnviker på gaten kongene med røde kroner legger fokus på bildet i trykken framfor sitt eget døende folk håpet har aldri vært like løst før rasisme homofobi transfobi all jævla hat: meningsløs dritt som tar livet av flere og flere. fremmede venner hater uten grunn har menneskeheten nådd sin bunn? hat, det som dreper tusen hat, til ingen nytte vi trenger en ny verden, nye øyne
la oss ende hat all rasisme kalenderen brøler 2020, for faen. ikke 1820
Jesus er en mørkhudet homofil mann
og Gud er en transkvinne
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assbeanie · 3 years
As an Asian, I feel like I have the need to speak out, but there might not be a lot of people who see this. So please, if you can, reblog for me. we need to spread the information.
70.9% of 2808 reported incidents are verbal harassment
21.4% of 2080 reported incidents are shunning
8.7% are physical assault
8% are workplace discrimination or refusal of service
6.4% are coughed/spat on
and these are only REPORTED CASES (March - December 2020)
Here are some reported attacks from around May 2021
An 84-year-old Thai immigrant in San Francisco, California, died in February after being violently shoved to the ground during his morning walk
In Oakland, California, a 91-year-old senior was shoved to the pavement from behind
An 89-year-old Chinese woman was slapped and set on fire by two people in Brooklyn, New York
Two Asian American women were stabbed at a San Francisco bus stop; eyewitness reports say the assailant "casually walked away in broad daylight"
An Asian man walking with his 1-year-old child in a stroller in San Francisco was punched in the head and back multiple times
A stranger on the New York subway slashed a 61-year-old Filipino American passenger's face with a box cutter
An Asian American woman in New York City was struck in the head with a hammer by an unidentified assailant who demanded that she remove her mask
Asian American restaurant employees in New York City told the New York Times they now always go home early for fear of violence and harassment
An Asian American butcher shop owner in Sacramento, California found a dead cat - likely intended for her - left in the store's parking lot; police are investigating it as a hate crime
An Asian American family celebrating a birthday at a restaurant in Carmel, California, was berated with racist slurs by a Trump-supporting tech executive
Several Asian Americans homeowners say they've been abused with racial slurs and had rocks thrown at their houses
The only Asian American lawmaker in the Kansas legislature says he was physically threatened in a bar by a patron who accused him of carrying the coronavirus
New York police arrested a man who assaulted a woman during a protest against anti-Asian racism
A grieving family received a hateful letter on the day of their father's funeral, telling them to "pack your bags and go back to your country where you belong"
A school board candidate of Vietnamese descent in Portland, Oregon, found a note with the words "Kung Flu" on her doorstep
A medical worker of Filipino descent in Los Gatos, California was shoved to the ground from behind by an assailant who told her to "go back to [expletive] China"
A Thai woman was brutally beaten and robbed of her phone while commuting on a train in San Francisco
These incidents are best explained by the "widespread omission" of Asian Americans within cultural conversations, according to Amanda Nguyen, an activist, and the founder of the Rise civil rights not-for-profit organization.
Of the 832 incidents reported in California, many included anti-Asian slurs and references to China and the coronavirus. One assailant yelled about "bringing that Chinese virus over here" during an attack against an Asian-American man at a San Francisco hardware store on May 6. The assailant reportedly also said "Go back to China," "F*ck you, Chinaman" and "F*ck you, you monkey." In Santa Clara on June 16, a man kicked a woman's dog and then spat at her, saying, "Take your disease that's ruining our country and go home."
Asian American families shouldn't be worrying about returning back to school, buying groceries, working, and so on, in their country. They shouldn't be worrying about their family going on a morning walk and not coming back.
"These are real people just living their lives and encountering this kind of hate,"
Here are some videos I found, if you have time, please watch the videos.
Asian Americans Speak Out: Countering the Rise in Anti-Asian Hate
'Go back to your own country': Asians face racism during the pandemic
Asian American community battles surge in hate crimes stirred from COVID-19
Yes, black lives STILL matter. Yes, LGBTQ+'s rights still matter. But I feel like we are overlooking the Asian Hate.
BLM, LGBTQ+, Asian Hate, women's rights, and more. They're NOT a trend, and I DESPISE those people who see these as a trend to get more fame. We are all in this together, there's no race in this pandemic. The virus isn't racist, you won't get the virus BECAUSE you are white, you won't get the virus BECAUSE you are black. Skin colors do NOT matter to the virus, so why should they matter to us? If we want to end this pandemic, we need to fight TOGETHER.
Thank you for spending your time reading this. Please, if you can, reblog.
information source:https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56218684
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queen-breha-organa · 3 years
I encourage you to post/reblog posts concerning Racism in Star Wars on your personal blogs as well as fandom blogs.
Whitewashing is not a fandom issue. This has nothing to do with fandom drama.
This is a real world issue that deserves real world attention
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More info on the Ukrainian Hockey Leauge Situation:
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tooaceforthisspace · 3 years
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