#elijah mikealson x oc
sku1 · 4 months
𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄- Elijah x Fem oc!
Summary: Liliana and Elijah has been married for a millennium, their marriage was forced by Mikael Mikaelson and her father, though they had a mutual agreement; in front of praying eyes and nosy people they would act has an affectionate and loving couple but behind closed doors they would act differently.
Now, almost millennia later, Elijah's platonic feelings had turned into romantic feelings for his wife that had stuck with him through everything, even when he was at a time where he had loved other women in a way he hadn't with her and he realises just how sacred Liliana has been all this time.
𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 is all he'd ever shown, all he'd ever know with her, despite being married to Liliana for almost a millennium. He doesn't understand how to love her.
But with Hayley it's different, Elijah understood how to love her, how to make her smile, how to get her to laugh, but that love didn't least, she'd left him and married Jackson.
They had similarities, well at least in Elijah's eyes he saw similarities between the two women, yet his love for each woman was different. But what can he make of this? what can he make of actually feeling something for Liliana?
She was a closed book, often reserved and quiet yet loud and brutal all at once like time ticking bomb. She'd been since he had met her, and no matter how hard Elijah tried he just couldn't woo her, sway her, get her to feeling at least something for him.
So why does he love her? was he because they'd been together for so long his platonic feelings turned into romantic? he had thought numerous times throughout the day, often wondering the possibilities of Liliana showing him she did in fact care.
It was a warm summer night, Elijah had saved his brother from yet, another one of his crazy antics and had wanted to come home and just sit back and Realx when he had stumble upon his wife,
half bare, standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, slightly lent forward, wearing red and black lace underwear with a plain black shirt hanging from her slim shoulders as she fixed herself up.
She looked breathtaking, half awake, short Raven black hair messliy hung just slightly above her shoulders. And for the first time he had looked at her, really looked at her, taking in her appearance for once rather then being occupied with a book and a glass of whisky.
His eyes glazed over her slim body, seeing the scars and burn marks on her uper back and torso some new and most old, a frown forming on his face, had he been so blind all this time? when had she gotten them? and why hadn't he known in the first place? Elijah didn't dare to let his gaze wonder lower then it always was.
But he felt stupid, ashamed, and regretful he had neglected his duty towards her as her husband, he felt self conflicted about this, when didn't she just tell him? why hadn't she gone to him for help? and why hadn't he bee— ''You know it's quite rude to stare at one for a long period of time without speaking a word to them.''
He tore his gaze reluctantly away from the burn and scars marks on her body, shifting to meet her gaze finding her already staring at him. a faint flush plastered on her pale skin.
''I—..I apologise dearest Liliana I seem to have gotten...'' He began to explain not before he heard her laughter fill the bathroom, a genuine and sweet laugh, one he hadn't ever heard before.
''Lost in looking at my scars? please, they are old...well, most of them are,'' Elijah watched his wife, watching the smile that looped onto her lips and the small shake of her head. She truly was breathtaking.
then a quiet silence falls upon them, the pair just silently watching the other, Liliana tilted her head one way, her raven black hair following suit.
Elijah's mind was racing, questions erupting, and unspoken words filling his mind. desperately trying to say something, anything to break the silence that fell upon them.
then, without thinking he blurred out the first words that came to mind.
''How did you get them?''
''Which ones?''
''All of them, old and new, I would like to know where and whom you have gotten them from.''
And suddenly, he felt the rush of shame run through his whole body, regretting the words as soon as they left his mouth.
''I apologise again, dearest Liliana—''
''It's okay, you're okay. You don't need to apologise for being curious Lijah.''
With her reassuring words, he calmed himself a bit, maybe..just maybe, they could be something more then a couple in a loveless marriage
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nightingale2004 · 25 days
Meet my TVD/The originals oc:
Natalia Petrova Mikaelson: female
Age: 19 (turned), mid to late 500s
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Personality: ruthless, protective, loyal, caring, reliable, intelligent, calculating, blunt, stubborn, clever, confident, aggressive, generous, compassionate, fierce, respectful, honorable, cautious, feisty, devoted, determined, strong-willed
Family: Katherine Pierce (sister/dead), Nadia (niece/dead), Elijah Mikaelson (husband), The Mikaelsons (in laws), Hope (niece)
Species: Vampire
Extra: Natalia is the older sister of Katarina Petrova/ Katherine Pierce. After their family died, it was always Natalia and Katarina together against the world. For a century, they have always been stuck together and always were on the run. Natalia would protect Katherine and always get her out of trouble. It wasn't until she met the Salvatore brothers that she understood who her sister really was. So she was on her own and reunited with Elijah, who agreed to spare her in exchange that she worked for him and so she worked for Elijah doing whatever he asked and following his orders. Throughout the years, they've gotten closer to point where they had a secret marriage and she does not like sharing what is hers.
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saltyrascalsoulroad · 2 years
Through the Ages
Elijah Mikealson x oc
Author’s note: I refuse to believe none of the fully grown Mikealson children were not married. Basically me fixing that. 
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Klaus’ POV
A raven’s cry pierces the humid air of the compound’s courtyard and I watch my brother wince at the sound. It is the smallest fraction of a second of weakness from the noble Original. Hailey, who was sipping her coffee in the chair across from Elijah, doesn’t even notice and continues with her story. “Jackson has been going on and on about this beignet place that Mary loves. He wants to bring Hope to get her first real beignet, does anyone want to -KRAA! ” Elijah abruptly stands and stalks out of the compound. 
Dumbfounded, Hailey turns to me, “What the hell was that?” she asks.
“Our dear Elijah doesn’t like ravens,” Rebekah responds.
Sliding into the spot Elijah previously occupied, “I would argue he quite loves ravens, sister. They just keep flying away from him” Grinning at Rebekah, who pours herself a coffee and settles beside Hailey. “Little Wolf, I believe it would be in your best interest to let Elijah have his moment. He will be fine tomorrow. ” The wolf nods in response before picking up Hope. I wave at my little girl as she coos at me on her way out. 
“You should not be so cruel to Elijah, you know the pain he feels.” Rebekah leans forward, her elbows resting on her knees, “ We will never understand what Esther took from him, the life he had.” She stops at the sound of dress shoes on the cobblestone. 
“It has been a over a century Rebekah. The squawking disrupted my silence, much like you and Niklaus are.” With that, my brother walks up the stairs into his study. As he passes me, I see that the cuff of his sleeve has been pulled and torn. The look on my sister’s face tells me she saw it too. Regardless, we let him go. There is nothing we can do for him, not for this. As if to mock us, the damned bird release another cry, but this one is different, it’s unnatural. In a moment, my siblings and I are in the street, all looking at the tree the raven had been sitting in. The branch now sat empty, the street below covered in black feathers forming a large Norse rune.  
Elijah POV
A century, I spent a century destroying everything with that symbol. I burned the hut and threw my sword into the nearest river. Yet here it appears, a taunt in front of my home. The first place I called home since the hut so many years ago. Spinning on my heels, I return to the courtyard with Niklaus and Rebekah in tow. Throwing my jacket on a chair, “FREYA! Sister, we need you! ” A crash is heard from Freya’s room and the witch emerges in her pyjamas with her hair every which way. A small brunette slips out behind her, shoes in hand with hair covering her face. “Can I not get 24 uninterrupted hours of peace in this damned family?” 
“Apologies my dear, but there is something you must see,” I practically drag her out the door to the tree. “ While you were having your time off, a raven cried three times and left this for us. No bird could lose this many feathers and fly away. Something is wrong, someone has done this” My grip on her arm tighten with every word. I feel Niklaus’ hand on my arm and I release Freya.  “I’m sorry, Freya, I must go”  Hailey rushes out with Hope in arm, Jackson on her heels. I move away, hearing Hailey ask the meaning of the rune. Niklaus is the one to answer her, “That is the Norse rune for love. You see that the loop within the larger one? That is not suppose to be there, it is unique to one pair of wedding rings. ” Staring at the rune, Hailey asks “Only one pair? Whose?”
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el121a · 6 months
Being Elijah's Wife would include
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Your flirtatious and magnetic confidence lingered in the memories of those you met, making you a topic of conversation long after the event had ended.
1 word to describe you would be genuine.
Elijah would never tell you, but even though it was too dangerous for a human to accompany him, he believed you made him look better and enjoyed having you around.
You are Elijah's pride.
Being Marcel's friend, you navigated the supernatural world with grace and charm.
Even when you're mad at Elijah, you can't help but believe in him. "Elijah has re-constructed diplomacy to bitchy insults and it still works, so… Yeah, I think he’s got this."
You may have not been a vampire, but you knew how to take care of one.
You were warm and approachable but commanding, a perfect balance that captivated those around you.
You and Elijah would work out together, finding entertainment in witnessing what a vampire could do.
Being the closest to Kol and Davina, you bridged the gap between the Mikaelsons and their extended family.
Being a mother figure to Kol, and of course Davina now that they're married.
You're just as much of a fashionista as he is, You wore only the finest. Picky is an understatement . No zippers,glitter, or anything that looked cheap to you.
Elijah was possessive of you since you were his greatest treasure.
Having children with Elijah after a thousand years of not being able to reproduce was a blessing and a testament to your unique bond.
You didn't care to insult anyone like your husband did, but your sharp wit was a force to be reckoned with.
Elijah is a sex god in your eyes- or anyone's of reason, and you're not shy about expressing it to his praise kink.
Elijah is busy, but you take on some of his responsibilities willingly, understanding the weight of his duties.
At first, he was afraid to ask for sex, but that notion quickly faded as he realized your desires matched his.
Elijah always buys you flowers on your monthly dates, a tradition that never fails to make you feel cherished.
He married the most gorgeous person in the world — you! And he tells you it's his biggest feat, a sentiment that never fails to bring a smile to your face.
You and Elijah share great laughs, finding joy in the simplicity of each other's company.
You teased him for losing his Viking demeanor to a suit during sex, and he's gotten less snobby trying to prove himself to you. Everyone has noticed, but no one will ever know why.
You both walk around the quarter at night, immersing yourselves in the timeless charm of New Orleans.
He's comfortable being a vampire around you.
You both read and write together, creating a world where words are your shared language.
After your showers, he braids your hair into Viking braids for the night or the rest of the day, a small intimate ritual.
And you braid his, a gesture that signifies the intertwining of your lives.
You guys cook together. Taking your time and talking about your day or upcoming day with him. The most relaxing part of your day as his Wife.
You knew him since you were a teen, so you feel like you know him in and out.
He's mostly submissive, except in bed. He tries to be, but he just can't keep his hands off you.
You didn't drink vervain because you felt that to be an insult to your husband, trusting him completely. You were an amazingly powerful sorcerer though.
Elijah fell inlove with you becasue of your love of Ideas, always having critiques, theories and your philosophical rants encouraging him to talk. How you listened to him like no other.
You created another type of magic for vampires in your studies of the supernatural because the human sacrifices weren't cutting it for you — pun intended.
When you first came back into his life, he was scared to love you because you were all he owned. Nothing Klaus had. By loving you, you taught him how to love himself. Congrats to you.
He has a secret breeding kink, One that you take advantage of. Along with his sir, Mr, and teaching kink. Nothing too wild, He's more of a romantic.
He grew a stubble for you when you told him you thought it made him look more like a DILF, embracing his role of a father.
Elijah doesn't want you on the tip of your toes to kiss him, so he lifts you effortlessly, creating a height equality you both relish.
He's your best friend, and he can say the same about you — a companionship that transcends time and immortality.
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wholoveseggs · 7 months
~Your local egg carton~
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THANK YOU so much for all your love and support; it truly means the world to me. lets get cracking!
Warnings: Its all mostly smut (or soon to be published smut)
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~Series♡~ ~One Shots♡~ ~Requests♡~ ~Headcanons♡~
~Five days of Fluffmas♡~ ~Moodboards♡~
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~About me?
hi :) my name is Lissa ♡♡
I've been writing for myself for a long time, but this is the first place I've posted it publicly. I'm thrilled so many people like my work! Especially for a show that's been over for five years~
If you have any questions or requests feel free to ask! (or if you just want to say hi!)
PS: if you know any good Elijah blogs please tag me ;) I'm looking to befriend some fellow girlies 🥰 xo-Lissa
☆☆Smut writing tips☆☆ ♡♡ One-Hundred Followers Celebration ♡♡ ❀❀ Tag-list ❀❀ Check out #lissa responds for all my replies If you rather read on Ao3- Link is here
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ladymarvel27 · 1 year
Elijah: *turns on lamp for reading* Y/N: You might as well call me that lamp. Elijah: Why? Y/N: Because you turn me on. Elijah: *slams book shut*
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klausysworld · 1 year
“In certain situations, like when he knows you’re trying to make him jealous or when one of you is particularly needy, he will just fuck you in the nearest secluded area with a hand over your mouth to muffle your pleasured screams.
Sis I just love the recent NSFW POST of yours! This concept had me 😧😧😧🥵🥵 Can you write something like this whenever suitable?
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All his
Klaus had made me go to this ball thing, something about a truce with the factions and Elijah saying we all had to behave.
Rebekah had me dressed in a tight blood red dress that hand a high slit in the leg going right up my thigh. It pushed my tits together perfectly leaving no need for a bra, this however caused my nipples to show a little through the fabric. Sometimes that clashed with Elijah’s rules of our ‘best behaviour’
So there i was making my way through the crowds of people to Rebekah and Hayley
“Klaus seen your outfit yet y/n?” Hayley asked trailing her eyes down my body as she handed me a glass of champagne, Rebekah smirked as i did a little spin to show how it squeezed my hips
“you don’t think he’ll like it?” i asked with a fake pout on my face
“oh he’ll like it…just not when there’s a hundred other people also eyeing you up” she said gesturing to the hungry eyes watching my movements
“he can’t yell at me till later, may as-well have fun” i grinned and took their hands as we made our way to dance
The ball ended up being a little more…club like by the time Klaus had actually decided to join the room. His brows furrowed as he approached a clearly unamused Elijah
“why are there strippers dry humping each other in our house?” he asked confused
“it would seem our sister, Hayley and Y/n decided to…’spice things up’ as they put it.” Elijah air-quoted with a tight lip smile
“Y/n’s in there?” he laughed not really thinking you would be so bold
“mhm right in the middle. Just over…there….” he pointed to Klaus’s lover, he turned back to see if Niklaus could spot you but found he was already marching his way though everyone
“Y/N!” i could faintly hear my name being yelled over the music and i looked around, my eyes met Klaus’s dark angry ones and i gulped, Rebekah pushed me and called a “good luck” as i made my way to him. Just as i got to him someone grabbed my hand and spun me making me gasp, hands were on my hips and i was pulled right against someone. This someone was not Klaus. I tried to pull myself away but he wouldn’t let go, he put a harsh kiss to my neck and before i could react i was ripped out of his arms and was being hauled out the room.
I was shoved into the bathroom and a hand gripped my jaw
“how. dare. he.” Klaus spat as he glared at the mark left on my neck. His eyes bled into gold, veins covered all under his eyes as a possessive growl sounded in his throat
“i- i didn’t think that would happen i swear” i spoke in a pleading tone hoping he wouldn’t think i had the intention of being touched by anyone else, marked by someone else
“i know, it’s just unfortunate you have to suffer because of someone else’s actions” i went to ask what he meant but his fangs in my throat wouldn’t allow any words to form. He wasn’t gentle like he normally was. His hand on my jaw was tight and he gulped my blood down hungrily, i could feel my skin tear open slightly when he pulled his mouth away. His tongue lapped at the blood that dripped now me
“You. are mine. Why do people not know that for fucks sake” his tone was dangerous and low, i felt my underwear stick to me as i dampened them. Quickly he picked me up and sat me on the sink, he yanked my panties off and spread my legs as wide as the dress would let them. Immediately two of his fingers were sliding up and down my folds making me jump and grab onto his arm
“you’re fucking soaked” he told me and shoved his fingers in my mouth. I sucked them after a second and swirled my tongue over them. He pulled them out and grabbed my face again. I looked at his predatory eyes before he pulled me to him and forced his tongue into my mouth, he kissed me in a rushed aggressive manner leaving me no time to try catch up as he dominated my mouth.
“put your legs around me” he ordered still swallowing my tongue. i complied and wrapped my legs around his waist, our bodies flush against each other. I wound my fingers into his hair trying to keep up and his teeth clashed against mine, he bit into my bottom lip and sucked at the blood that began pooling, i gave a surprised moan in response.
I felt his hands leave my face and the sound of a belt hitting the floor, i tried to pull away to see when he was doing but a hand was brought to the back of my head pushing me into him. A second later i felt his swollen cock at my entrance, he pulled me off the sink and thrust up into me, i gasped and then moaned and he went straight into a bruising pace. I was slammed against the bathroom wall as he moved at an inhuman speed. He pulled away from the kiss and started to suck as many marks into my neck as he could. His hands gripped my hips as he pushed the skirt of my dress up.
My mouth hung wide open as my walls clenched continuously around him, strangled sounds escaped me while i pulled at his hair, he grunted and then tore the skirt of the dress off of my body completely and threw in on the floor
“Tell me Y/n, what did you expect to happen when you had your tits on full display?” his thrusts became deeper and even more forceful hitting somewhere overwhelming inside me, a scream sounded through the room as tears ran down my cheeks
“im sorry! im sorry klaus im sorry” i sobbed with my face in his neck hiccuping back my cries of fulfilment, my limbs went limp against him, i tightened around him more than i ever had before
“fuck there’s a good girl huh? All fucking mine.” i nodded helplessly, the waves of bliss crashing through me repeatedly while he continued to fuck me. He groaned and grunted into my ear, the sound of our skin meeting and our content noises drowned out the sounds of the party still happening in the next room.
“i need- klaus…can i-“ i moaned before i could ask but he knew what i wanted as a thumb was on my awaiting clit rubbing harsh and fast circles. I lifted my head and pressed my mouth back to his as i let the feeling inside of me snap. We both moaned lowly into each other, i milked his cock for the next few moments while he carried on moving inside of my walls slowing down gradually to ride out both our highs.
“Alright y/n, alright. Come here, i’ve got you” he lifted me off of his cock and carefully lowered me onto my heeled feet making me wobble slightly.
“take them off for me love” i glanced at him and saw him fully kick his trousers off away from his ankles and i realised we weren’t finished. I slipped out of the heels and looked up at him, he groaned as he studied me, i had grip marks on my thighs, hips and neck, the only thing i was wearing was the top part of what was once a dress and even then it barely did anything, my nipples were hard showing through and they were only just covered anyway especially from being fucked against the wall, my breasts had almost bounced out. My mascara was down my face, my hair messy and my upper body littered in hickeys.
“bend over the sink” his voice was monotone and although it somewhat scared me i could still feel my clit pulse and slowly made my way back to the sink, i got a grip on the sides of it and bent myself over
“legs apart and arch your back for me”
“okay..” i whispered nodding and followed his directions
i felt his warm hands on my shoulders as he massaged them for a moment, he pushed his finger into the top of the dress at the back and pulled ripping it down the middle, i inhaled nervously as it fell to the floor and he traced my spine
“Relax love, you know i wouldn’t harm you” i nodded and flexed my fingers before getting a better grip as i let my eyes fall closed. He took his length into his hand and pumped himself a few times before carefully pushing into me from behind.
I moaned out and pushed my ass back against him taking him all the way. One arm wrapped around my waist and held my hip while the other applied a pressure on my back to keep it arched. He began with slow but jarring movements, seeing just how deep he could hit in this new position. I clenched around him a few times making sure i was comfortable as guttural sounds vibrated through me.
Quickly he lost all sense of sense of control and began thrusting with his combination of vampire and werewolf strength. I let out heavy moans as he repeatedly smashed into just the right spot. His grip on me got tighter as he bent over with me so his chest touched my back and grunted into my shoulder
Suddenly there was a knock at the door and his hand was held over my mouth. He squeezed my face in his hand and fucked me even harder, my moans coming out as muffled cries as i rocked my body back and forward to meet his movements
“someone in there?” Klaus dragged his teeth to my earlobe as someone spoke from the door
“should we let them hear how much you love me fucking you from behind?” he whispered gruffly as his other hand found my clit and i screamed into his palm.
“scream my name” he demanded as he removed his hand and buried his teeth back into my neck, he released deep inside me as i fluttered and throbbed my cum going all down my legs that nearly gave out beneath me when i cried out his name over and over.
Gasps were heard from the next room but all i could focus on was the full feeling of him still inside me as i whimpered. He thrust a couple more times before pulling out, his fingers stayed on my clit as they continued to rub fairly quickly. My legs buckled but he kept my body up as he played between my thighs still draining my neck. I began to feel dizzy, my next orgasm taking over far too quickly as electric shocks went straight to my core. My clit was on fire while i kept moaning his name. His teeth left my throat and he latched his mouth to mine in a desperate kiss. He swallowed around my tongue and explored my mouth, again. My sounds didn’t falter despite him trying to drown them, I felt the tension inside me break again and i sobbed at the overstimulation. I ached and closed my legs as soon as his fingers left me alone.
He lowered me onto the floor and i led into a foetus position. I could hear him putting his clothes back on before returning and petting my hair
“i don’t want anyone to see me naked” i whispered and he nodded kissing my head
“nobody but me will ever see you like this, i promise you i would never let that happen” He came down onto his knees and sat me up. My arms were put into his jacket sleeves and he did up the front buttons. Gently i was lifted into the bridal style carry, the jacket nearly went down to mid thigh and he tucked my head into his neck
“you did so good for me sweetheart you know that?” i whined and tugged the blazer further down my legs, he put his hand just below my ass so nobody would be able to see up and exited the bathroom, he made his way to our room with a fast pace. I could hear Hayley drunkenly cheer and Rebekah laughing sluggishly
He locked the bedroom door behind us and slid us both under the covers
“you’re all mine y/n, i love you too much to let anyone else have you”
“all yours promise”
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buckybarnesb-tch · 1 year
Yandere!Elijah Mikaelson NSFW Headcanon
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A stands for AFFECTION: how would they show affection?
•Elijah worships you
•He would give you, quite literally, anything you could ever want and spends every moment of quality time with you he possibly can, in fact he doesn’t ever leave your side unless absolutely necessary
B stands for BLOODY: how bloody are they willing to get for their object of obsession?
•Elijah, while not as enthusiastic as his younger brothers about getting bloody, it’s not a problem for him
•Elijah will kill anyone he needs to, to keep you safe and happy, even getting into quite a few fights with his brother to protect you when Klaus tries to hurt you
•When you have a conversation with Elijah about past relationships he makes a mental note of all of your ex’s names and the next time he’s forced to leave your side for whatever reason he begins working his way down the list, killing them one by one in the most painful ways he can think of. You belong to him and he doesn’t want anyone on this planet knowing you in such an intimate way, no one but him, Elijah will not allow anyone to know you more than he does or even close to as much
C stands for CRUELTY: would they ever hurt their object of obsession?
•Causing you pain is not something Elijah would ever want to do, however if you push him too hard it may be inevitable
•The only time he would ever actually hurt you would be if you ever tried to run from him. His hand wrapped around your throat, pinning you to the wall would be the first time he ever truly hurt you
D stands for DARLING: would they cross their object of obsession’s limits?
•Elijah does not cross your limits often
•He would never force you to do anything you don’t want to do. The only thing that makes you uncomfortable at first is how often he insists on holding you. He loves to hold your hand whenever possible or hug you to his chest when you watch movies or read a book or literally anything else
•He also enjoys giving you massages which you were uncomfortable with at first but you warmed up to it very quickly, his hands are very strong and he is great at working knots out of your sore muscles
E stands for EXPOSED: how much do they expose their own feelings to their object of obsession?
•Elijah is a very guarded person, after so long of taking care of everyone else it takes him time to get comfortable talking about himself but he opens up to you fairly quickly
F stands for FIGHT: how would they react to their object of obsession fighting back?
•He understands your want to fight back, and he’s quite understanding about how much you wish to go home however he will quickly shut you down
•You learn very quickly to just do as Elijah says
G stands for GAME: do they think this is just a game?
•This is not a game to Elijah at all
•You are his everything and he does Not play games when it comes to you, not with anyone
H stands for HELL: what would be their object of obsession’s worst experience with them?
•Your worst experience was probably the time you tried to run away. You got out of the house and all the way into town before he found you trying to steal a car
•You found yourself pinned to the car by your throat, his hand cutting off your ability to breathe and you felt the pain in the back of your head from where it collided with the metal of the old car, it was the first time you were afraid for your life in his presence
I stands for IDEAL: what are their plans for their object of obsession?
•Elijah plans to keep you for the rest of eternity
•He will change you into a vampire and never again spend another day alone as he has for so long
J stands for JEALOUSY: how they react when jealous? Do they get jealous?
•He never shows his jealousy to you, you have never seen Elijah in such a way and can never imagine him any kind of jealous of anyone
•He does get jealous however and he would never let you see it but as soon as you’re not there to see it he will slaughter any man who believes he has a chance with you
•Whether a man is touching you, flirting with you or just staring at you, if Elijah notices, he’s dead, and Elijah notices everything
K stands for KINDNESS: how they act around their object of obsession?
•Elijah is very patient with you
•He does understand that you need time to adjust to your new life and he respects that, he does what he can to make you more comfortable
•His kindness will only go so far though
L stands for LOVE LETTER: how would they approach their object of obsession?
•Elijah would definitely interact with you before he kidnapped you
•The first time you met him he ‘accidentally’ bumped into you and he bought you a new coffee after he spilled it
•The Original tried to suppress the need to take you but he wasn’t able to after watching a man take you on a date and take you completely for granted
M stands for MASK: how different are their public persona from their true selves?
•Elijah is a fairly genuine person, what you see is what you get
•He’s a gentleman in and outside of the house and the only real difference is how completely obsessed he is with you
•He was very good at covering up his obsession, you never would have guessed how he really felt for you when you sat and had coffee with him and you actually really liked talking to him which is why you had said ‘yes’ to a date in the first place
N stands for NAUGHTY: how would they punish their object of obsession?
•Elijah never wants to cause you harm, he loves you too much, seeing marks on your skin and knowing he put them there would make him sick to his stomach
•The only time he would physically harm you is when you try to run, his hand around your throat cutting off your oxygen is the first real time you’re actually afraid of him, you fear the man that kidnapped you, sure, but you hadn’t really feared for your life before that day
O stands for OPPRESSION: how many rights would they take from their object of obsession?
•You don’t have the ability to leave the house but you mostly have free range in the home unless you try and run
•He wants you to be comfortable in your new home and enjoy your time with him, you can do whatever you want as long as you don’t leave the house or try and communicate with anyone outside
P stands for PATIENCE: how patient are they with their object of obsession?
•Elijah would be the most patient of all the Mikaelsons, he knows he’s uprooted your life but he also knows if he gives you time then you’ll come around and give him a chance
Q stands for QUIT: if their object of obsession died or escaped, would they ever be able to move on?
•Died- He would be a human basket case, he would never move on
•Escaped- You won’t get far at all. He will find you and he will bring you home, and you trying to run from him is the only real way to make him angry
R stands for REGRET: would they ever regret harming their object of obsession? Would they ever let them go?
•Elijah does feel bad about harming you when he makes the mistake
•He would storm out after hurting you and when he cools down and comes back he heals you immediately. He can’t stand seeing marks on your flesh that he created.
S stands for STIGMA: what made their yandere tendencies bloom?
•Elijah was obsessed from the moment he first saw you
•You had spoken on several occasions and he even took you out for coffee but his Yandere impulses exploded when he saw you out to dinner with a guy only a day after you had gotten coffee with him and the man, in Elijah’s opinion, was not treating you right
T stands for TEARS: how would they react to their object of obsession crying/breaking?
•Elijah doesn’t want to see you sad and if you cry he will be there to hold you
•He would snuggle you against his chest and let you get it all out, if you need to cry then you need to cry but he will be there for you no matter what
•He loves you on your good days and bad days just like he hopes you will be for him when you get more comfortable being with him
U stands for UNIQUE: something different they would do compared to others yanderes.
•Elijah’s patience is probably the biggest difference, he doesn’t rush you in admitting your love for him
V stands for VICE: what weakness their object of obsession could use against them?
•Elijah is very trusting of you which makes it easier to escape but actually manipulating the suited Original is nearly impossible
W stands for WIT’S END: would they hurt their object of obsession?
•Elijah would never truly hurt you, however he has choked you
•The only other way he might hurt you is biting you, though odds are that would be more pleasurable than painful
X stands for XOANON: would they worship their object of obsession?
•Elijah already treats you like his angel
•However once you completely embrace being his girl he will go all out! He will worship the ground you walk on. You’ll be getting gifts left and right, and hearing everyday, multiple times a day how much your vampire loves you!
•You won’t live another day on this planet not being told how loved you are
Y stands for YEARN: how long would they pine after their object of obsession before they snap?
•Elijah would watch you for about a month before he finally snapped seeing you on that date
Z stands for ZENITH: would they ever break their object of obsession?
•You will eventually give into him
•Elijah will wear you down and after he shows you what kind of life you will have being with him, you can’t exactly say you don’t want it
•He spends his time making you feel pretty and happy, you can’t say in the end that you’re unhappy being with the Original vampire
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Elijah Mikaelson Masterlist
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madhatterbri · 9 months
Lesson | E.M.
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Summary: Elijah is forced to pay for his past.
"You really are an easy man to predict, Elijah," the voice of one of his lovers from the past echoed. High heels clicked against the stone floor as she descended down the stairs. The vampire looked up to see her. She hadn't changed much.
He turned to see he was in one of the many tunnels underneath New Orleans. Candles attempted to light up his current prison. "Your family is in danger and you come running in to save the day,"
Minerva was a witch that was quite powerful back in the day. The last time he saw her she was begging him for forgiveness after her betrayal. She reported them to his father Michael.
Now he only wanted to make her suffer. Elijah was kind back then. He allowed her to plead for her life. The Original could hear her heart beat in her chest. How he wished he could rip it out of her chest. Elijah wrestled against the chains that imprisoned him.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. It's going to hurt," she tsked as his skin burned. A grunt of pain ripped from his body. The handcuffs were laced with vervain. She clicked her tongue a few times while walking around him. "That's got to hurt,"
"What do you want?" He demanded. "You deserved whatever Michael did to you,"
"Revenge. You have forgiven that awful brother of yours for far worse than what I did to you," she spoke through gritted teeth. "You left me to die with your horrible father. All he wants is your bastard brother, Klaus! We could have had a life together if you allowed your father to take him,"
"A witch as yourself can't possibly be foolish enough to think you can bring down the Original family," he scoffed. The witch laughed. His eyes turned black at her lack of respect towards him.
"Not the whole family but you. I thought about how to exact my revenge ever since I stepped foot in New Orleans. I watched as you continuously fought for your family. I thought all was lost until," she stopped and smiled. Minerva looked at him with pure evil in her eyes.
"Until?" Elijah asked boredly.
"Until I saw you and the pretty little red head walking around New Orleans at night. Your newest victim no doubt," Minerva answered. Elijah's demeanor changed. Long gone was the tough exterior. His face crumpled in panic. His teeth were clenched.
"Leave her out of this," he demanded. He wrestled against the chains once more. Be damned the vervain laced handcuffs. Elijah had to protect you at all costs. You didn't deserve to get caught up in this.
Minerva giggled and looked at her watch. "Actually, she should be coming in any moment. A shame she is mixed up in all of this,"
"Do whatever you want to me. You have me right where you want me," he insisted. Elijah's enhanced hearing picked up the footsteps above. He hoped they didn't belong to you. "We can work out a deal, Minerva,"
"I don't have time for games, Elijah. Don't worry. I won't finish her off you will. I'll leave her down here with you all cut up. Eventually you will get hungry and well," she drifted off once the door opened. Elijah looked to see you being dragged down the stairs. You thrashed around to be free from your captors.
"Your name," Minerva announced with a wide smile. She waved her hand in excitement. You noticed the mysterious woman and then Elijah.
"Wh-what's going on?" You stuttered.
"Afraid your boyfriend over here needs to learn a lesson. I'm sorry but it seems like you are getting the punishment," Minerva pouted. She placed her hands on your cheeks. Panic started to set in. You knew your boyfriend wasn't a mortal human but this was too much. Quickly you shoved her hands from your face and attempted to run.
"I swear I will make your life absolutely unbearable every second you hurt her," Elijah threatened. His eyes black once more. Black veins appeared under his eyes. His fangs making an appearance. He had fed off of you before but this was all too real.
"Well, start counting the seconds then," she laughed. The witch moved her arm towards you. A simple hand movement and you dropped to the floor screaming in pain. Elijah watched you helplessly. Tears filled his eyes.
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ladybirdswritings · 8 months
BEAUTY AND THE HYBRID - Klaus Mikaelson Fanfiction
summary: the slip of burlap rope brings an unsuspecting girl into the arms of a vicious, bloodthirsty creature.
warnings: mentions of ab*se, stockholm syndrome, captivity, dea*h, and violence.
next chapter <3 | a03 | edits | tag list
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“C’mon sugarpea, wake up now. Wake up.”
The light is blinding but I’m tucked away, cozy in darkness with no pain… only the sound of my mother’s warm voice.
“Apple darlin’, Birdie… c’mon now Apple, Birdie’s callin’ for ya.”
I startle awake with a gasp, the remnants of my mother’s words reminding me that the tucked away darkness is far from a loving dream. I’m not home on the scratchy, deflated air mattress. I’m not waking up to the radio purring and Joel snoring. No.
No no no no no no no.
They got me, they fucking got me.
Fear clutches at me like a snake starved, suffocating me, breaking all my bones and rendering them to be useless, shaky things.
Trembling as I sit up, my fingertips are purpled. Funnily, the last thing I remember is my continuous fall on the pavement. That’s only because, all I can think about is Birdie— and how she’s not here beside me.
All that surrounds me is cold, gray brick walls. A pathetic mattress on the floor, a chain round my wrist, the other three for my remaining limbs left untethered. There’s a sink in the corner, and a toilet. Only close enough for me to crawl to. The chain is heavy.
There’s a window, it seems closer to the ceiling above than me. I take in my surroundings with dread swimming in my chest.
I’m hostage.
Chained up by a psychopath that my sister stabbed, my sister. My body chills, he must’ve killed her by now— otherwise she’d be here… that or, or worse.
I hug my knees to my chest and cannot stop the sobs from suffocating me. They’re harsh, because with each cry— my body begins to ache again.
I choke upon my air and upon my tears, my hands clutching desperately at my midsection where there is bandage wrapped tightly around.
I have to get up.
I am certain it looks pathetic, I let out a cry as I make it to my feet. My ankle hisses in pain, nearly bringing me right back down to the cement once more… but one thought of Birdie and I manage.
I limp, slowly, but my palms- bandaged too, fall on each edge of the ceramic sink. I am hunched over, breaths labored and a mere chore to breathe. I manage eventually, lifting my head up to see my reflection in the small, round mirror.
My god…
A bandage is wrapped tight round my head, my eyes are red and bruised, they are dark. I look more pallid than usual, and my lips are parched and split in two. There’s a nasty slice on my alabaster cheek, falling from the arch of my brow… it’s held together with two thin bandages.
My fingertips are curious, grazing the fresh wounds but regretting it soon after. I wince in pain, like lemon and salt rubbed in wound.
The faucet is squeaky and old, but it works. The water is cold and welcome— I use my free hand to cup some in my palm and devour it.
I am so thirsty.
The droplets are licked from my lip with my eager tongue, and I can only stand for a moment longer before feeling dizzy once more. I stumble to the mattress, bumping a small tray and gasping when I hear a clatter of metal as I do.
Tired gaze floats to the sound, it’s a syringe— full but unused. At least, I only hope it’s unused. I’m curious.
I gather it in my fingertips and examine the faded marker scribbled upon it.
Did they shoot me with this? No wonder I’m not knocked out still. I prick my fingertip with the needle, falling back on the mattress and twirling it between my fingers.
I can feel the warmth plaguing my eyes before I can stop it, flooding my view of the window at the height of the ceiling. So far away.
What have I done?
Trying to sniffle back the tears does nothing but make them fall harder, gentle sobs now.
All I wanted was to give Birdie and Joel a better life. Warm beds and plentiful meals and medicine and all the things they could ever desire. Like mom did.
Look where trying to be mom got me.
Almost dead, ironically.
I fear Birdie is facing that fate, and it chills me. Thinking about her, if she is alive— I know she’s so scared. It’s all my fault.
I close my eyes tight, imagining what she’d be doing if she were here right now with me.
“Apple, get the fuck up. We’re gettin’ the fuck out of here.”
I let out what can only be described as half of a weak laugh and half of a strong sob at that thought, I know her so well it is as if her voice is programmed permanently within my head.
“Oh god…” I breathe, clawing at the ache in my chest tight and praying for it to dissipate.
My mother’s words echo.
“Birdie’s callin’ for ya…”
Brave Birdie. Scared, alone…
I can’t let that happen.
My eyes fall down to the needle in my hands, an idea blossoms at the sight.
I may be very stupid, but I’d rather take my chances with a mysterious drug than sit here like wounded prey ready to be slaughtered.
I’m gonna take it.
Adrenaline is what I need. I’ll die here, weak and exhausted otherwise.
There’s no instruction, just a painful looking needle. My wrist aches as I bend it forward, it’s most definitely fractured or worse— the same wrist bound by chain.
“Okay apple, okay…” I whisper, allowing my breaths to become meaningful and with thought.
“One… two…”
I don’t allow three to come before slamming the needle down into my skin, puncturing it immediately and blossoming my very being back to life, back to a mode of survival.
My heart speeds, faster than it ever has. Pounding rapidly against my chest like a caged animal ready to run free. The world erupts in color, and everything is melted in to tunnel vision.
The throbbing in my head goes quiet.
I need to get out of here.
I need to find Birdie.
The pain dissipates, I feel nothing but urgency and determination coursing through my bones. My breaths are heavy and quick, and I can hear them within my own ears- they are loud.
I’m on my feet, the pain in my ankle and wrist only a buzz of pins and needles now.
Searching, seeking.
The sink.
If I can climb upon the sink, I can throw the chain around the window lock and climb.
I slide the cotton socks from my feet with my free hand and hastily make my way over to the sink, climbing atop the ceramic and executing my plan to perfection. I don’t take the time to celebrate.
Tunnel vision.
The climb makes me cry out, my wrist betraying me thrice but regardless? I make it.
I think of Birdie each time I slip.
Another lock from the inside, I only hope clicking this one won’t cause me regret. I push the window upwards and a spring holds it there— the cool breeze is familiar but it’s not the breeze of Mystic Falls, I am certain. This breeze is more lively, less dull.
It kisses my mangled cheeks hello, pulling me closer. I tremble now as I glance down. The fall isn’t necessarily close but… it’s manageable. It has to be. For Birdie.
“Okay… okay.”
Time slows, a deep breath in and I take a moment to listen to the owl crying in the distance. As if he warns me to go back inside. I can’t.
I have to do this.
I pull up and drop the excess of the chain down to the grass below, I cannot think about this jump. If I do? I’ll coward. So I don’t.
I only allow one deep breath more before I leap.
A gasp becomes me, then? The snap of metal chain by the force of the fall. More dreadfully, a pop.
“Agh! Fuuuuuck!”
My ankle, surely dislocated now.
The adrenaline, coursing.
I have to put it back.
My hands are weak, my cries loud- but once again? I don’t think, just push.
The pain shoots upwards, and I bite down on the skin of my shoulder to muffle my indication of it.
It feels off, but it will have to do.
Tunnel vision. Birdie.
I don’t know where I’m going, only that I’m going far. My leg drags itself behind me as I rush in a pathetic limp.
A parking lot, lit by iridescent streetlights.
I cry out as I near it, the pain beginning to feel louder than the tunnel vision— regardless? I make it there.
My head snaps around in all directions, searching for something, anything.
“Please god.”
A blue car, lonely in the corner, but it’s not the car itself I see. It’s the glistening metal atop it. Glorious in its stagnant state.
I rush forward, trying not to allow my thorned ankle to slow me. It doesn’t— because I keep thinking of Birdie. Of my mom’s voice, the diner, all of it.
My hands tremble, the hope flooding my senses as I reach the car and grab my exit from atop it.
I try and fit the key inside but my body, it’s betraying me again. Shaking, viciously. I’m in a cloth nightgown, skin bare and bandaged and adrenaline coursing through me. It’s cold here, ice cold. I can see my own breaths.
I can’t do it. I try to breathe, but my next attempt lands the keys on the pavement.
“Oh, fuck.” I mutter, exasperated, carefully kneeling to gather them. The cool metal meets my fingertips, and I sigh. I’ll just try again.
“Hello love.”
I know that voice.
My body renders itself frozen, and when I turn… there he stands.
The fallen angel.
His hair is messy, as if it has been tousled with. His suit is unbuttoned and wrinkled, polar opposite of my captor, and his collar and stubble is stained red.
His lips and teeth, they’re red too. He must’ve been in a nasty brawl with someone. They clearly got a good jab at him.
He towers over me, a smile or— smirk on his lips and an expression I can’t pinpoint swimming in his eyes. Amusement? It can’t be.
I don’t give myself time to think about it, I simply relax.
He’s here, it’s another stroke of luck. The kind man from the diner who saved me from falling on my ass, he’s somehow here.
“Oh thank god!” I cry, stumbling to my feet— the movement is too quick and brings me forward. The maple and bourbon floods my senses soon as my nose grazes his collar, I grip it tightly between my palms.
I don’t want to let go.
I look up at him, the warmth of his hand splayed against my back to stable me and keep me close to the heat of him is welcome. Like a hug after all of this madness. His golden eyes gaze down at me, that smirk still present.
My tears flood, voice guttural.
“Please, please you have to help me! They’re crazy, they’re monsters. T-they took my sister and they chained me up in this horrible room! Please!” I cry, not even recognizing the sound of my own voice. It’s desperate, pleading.
“Aww, shh shh shh.” He soothes, the honey in his voice erupting goosebumps upon my neck. His free hand moves to stroke my hair back, pressing my head against his chest. It is bare, shirt unbuttoned around it— golden hair peeks from it, he’s soft. He’s safe.
My tears soak his skin, lips trembling against it,
“Please… please you have to help me. I need to find her. I need help….” I whisper, clutching the fabric of his suit tighter in my fingers.
“Yes I know, sweetheart. Tell me now, what did these big bad monsters look like? Hmm?” His hand still strokes my head.
Images of jet black hair and decapitated waitresses flood my memory.
“He- he was tall! And had raven hair so dark it looked like the night… he was cruel and vicious and had horrible, soulless eyes. He— he…”
El… they called him “El! … t-that’s what he goes by I think.”
“El?” He tries.
“Yes, El.” I confirm. I know it, I remember.
“Hmm. My my sweetheart, what a horrible evening you’ve had. El… that wouldn’t be short for Elijah would it?”
Time stops for a moment, my breaths shaky but quiet. I gulp, my heart slowing.
It can’t be.
I am cautious, slow and shaky as I tilt my head downward, pressing my ear against his chest. He keeps stroking my head.
There’s no heartbeat.
The memory of gray veins and sharp fangs ready to sink into me in the van constrict me.
A monster.
I chill again, but not because of the air, rather because of my suspicion. Slowly, daringly I lift my chin up to face him. He’s smirking down at me… he IS amused.
“H-how do you know that?”
He laughs.
Oh god.
Him. It’s him. He took me.
My face drops, I know he sees it.
Oh god…
“No… no- no this can’t be happening.”
Even though I speak to myself, he listens. He responds.
“I’m afraid it is love. You know I’m quite impressed you managed to make that jump. If only you’d been faster with those pesky keys, hmm?”
I release him immediately, stumbling backward till my back meets the car. I am trembling, again.
My fingertips raise to cover my eyes.
“Mm mm, no— no!” I sob.
“Oh at ease my darling, at least you’re alive. Lucky lucky you, don’t know if we can say the same for your sister though.”
I gasp, his mocking words confirming all of my horrified suspicions. My arms wrap round my midsection, clutching tightly at it as I try to breathe again.
“I don’t know just how vicious Elijah can be these days, I do know that your dear sibling did get a nice jab at him. That won’t make him too happy.”
He steps forward, and all of the sudden I feel trapped by the car instead of saved by it. I move my face away from him, he is an unwelcome presence now. His fingers chase me. Stroking the bandage that has lifted from my cheek.
“Look at you, sweet girl. How delicate, how stupid you are.”
His thumb swipes softly at my tears as he shushes me and it is now that all I can smell on him is blood and it is putrid. It’s not his own.
I push him away from me and stand taller.
“No- no where the FUCK is she?”
I regret my outburst immediately once his thumb and index meet my chin, pinching it between them. It’s immediate.
“If you’ve got any brain at all in that beautiful head of yours— you’ll never speak to me like that again. Do you understand me?”
His voice is a loud, commanding and horrifying sound.
He shakes my chin when I don’t answer, and a glance at the bloody man before me swells my vision with tears again.
He works with the devil that took my sister.
I’m reluctant, but I have to answer. If I’m dead, any chance of saving Birdie is no chance at all.
“Yes.” I spit through clenched teeth.
He accepts it, I know this because he releases my chin.
“Good then. If you only behave, things will be much easier. Come on love, back to your room you go.”
No. No no no no no.
“Please, no please don’t make me go back in there.”
It’s empty and caged and lonely. It’s horrible. It’s missing Birdie.
I’m a fool for thinking he will listen, but I’m only human after all. Unlike this vicious creature before me.
The man shakes his head at me, he looks exasperated. As if I have somehow worn his patience thin by just standing before him. Warm palms press against my cheeks.
“Oh sweetheart… as amusing as this all is to me, and as fun as it has been to play with you— I’ve got many of things to attend to. You know, evil and horrible big bad monster duties. No more of this, you’re to return with me to your room with no quarrel or cry.”
I see his pupils expand as he speaks, it startles me. It’s inhuman, unnatural. He’s monstrous. Yet for some reason— I cannot refuse his words or fight him anymore. I’m exhausted.
I am to return to my room with him with no quarrel or cry.
I do just that.
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venusbyline · 2 months
hey, i promise i didn't ghost you guys. i just had some academic setbacks due one of my college projects, but everything is okay now.
soon i'll post a Kol Mikaelson x Fem!Reader one-shot that i'm almost finishing and i'll also be able to write all your other requests <3
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kasagia · 1 year
Our little game pt. 3
~Part 1~ ~Part 2~ ~Part 4~ ~Part 5~
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x witch! reader Summary: Thomas has been trying to mend your relationship all weeks leading up to the wedding. You must admit that he was a true, sweet gentleman, but… something was wrong. You didn't feel those butterflies (or moles as Kol used to say) in your stomach when you were close to him. You thought that maybe after bachelorette party and wedding you two would again get along with eachother and everyting will be fine. But drunk you had a completely different idea to solve this situation. Warning(s): smut mention, swearings, I used the thread from "Friends", I don't regret anything (I guess) Word count: 4,6k
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*Two months later*
"I can't believe it has gone by so quickly, I feel like I just arrived in New Orleans." I said to the girls while we were putting on our dresses for the party.
"Yes. Me too. I feel like Elijah proposed to me yesterday, and now the four of us are going to my bachelorette party."
"Actually five. I invited Cami." Rebekah corrected Kath while fixing her makeup.
"Since when have you exactly been friends with Klaus' therapist?" I asked, not believing for a moment in her good intentions toward the bartender.
"Since she's trying to talk you out of the ridiculous idea of getting back with your ex."
"Hey! We all agree that we're not going to discuss that topic. Today is about Katherine. Only her."
"Take it easy, Y/N. We're just worried about you."
"There's no need, Katherine. I can take care of myself. Also, I haven't decided yet what I'm going to do with this mess around me. It's enough that the Mystic Falls gang put me on their blacklist a week ago. I don't need more complications."
Yes. Officially, Damon Salvatore has become my enemy because I refuse to help him bring Elena back from her "sleeping beauty state." At least Bonnie stayed my friend.
"Well, I saw both of you in that new restaurant. You two seemed quite enjoyable with your company." Rebekah snapped me out of my thoughts.
The original vampire spent the whole two months trying to force me to set up with her brother. It was getting pretty tiring to the point that I decided to avoid Klaus like the plague and not give the blonde a chance to put her plans into action. I loved her with all my heart, but I will not allow anyone to meddle in my affairs and try to set me on a particular path. Not even one of my best friends.
"Yeah, like one meeting was a declaration of true, unconditional love." I replied sarcastically, turning my attention back to my reflection in the mirror. I started putting on my makeup, being careful not to accidentally gouge my eye out with mascara. "Thomas and I spent half life with ourselves. It's obvious that we're feeling good together when we know each other better than anyone else."
"That's what we're all trying to tell you!" the woman snatched the mascara from my hand and turned to look at me in the eyes. "You don't love him anymore! He is like an old, favorite movie; you watch it because you have a soft spot for it, not because it brings you new, amazing emotions. You got used to having him around. And you're afraid that my brother will destroy your idea of loving Thomas. Even if it's obvious to everyone that you don't have any feelings for him. You fell for Nik, finally admit it to yourself!" she burst out, reproaching me again.
"Rebekah, enough. You're crossing the line." Freya stepped between us, wanting to reassure her little sister and trying to lighten the atmosphere.
"You want me to finally make a decision? Fine. Right after the wedding, I'm going back to Thomas. You don't have to wish me luck. I already know I'll be very happy with him." I replied, staring furiously at the blonde over Freya's shoulder.
"You have to be joking?! Seriously? Are you doing it just to spite me?"
"I'll meet you all downstairs. I promised to call Tom before we went out all night." I said, ignoring Rebekah's angry look at me.
I left the room quickly before any of the vampires (or the witch) could stop me, heading for the only place I could get some privacy.
Klaus' art studio.
The guys had already left the mansion an hour ago, teasing Katherine that they would make one last effort to find someone better for Elijah before she "ringed him with a golden muzzle," so I was sure no one would find me there. Who would have guessed I was hiding in the "cave" of a big bad wolf?
I was walking in a dark room, lit only by the moonlight. I took my phone out of my dress pocket and dialed Tom's number. I put the device to my ear, staring at the unfinished painting on the easel. Klaus must have been pretty pissed while painting it. I hadn't even seen so much intense red when the hybrid returned covered in blood from one of his "preventive missions."
"Y/N?" Thomas's voice snapped me out of my thoughts about the original.
"Hi." I replied with a little smile, sitting on the piano opposite the easel. Klaus went all out designing his studio.
"Hello, honey. Are you going out with the girls?"
"Yes. So don't bother calling; I won't answer, and even if I do, I doubt I'll be in a good condition." I replied jokingly, smiling wider as I heard his laugh.
"Ha ha. You know what they say: You are the truest version of yourself after alcohol."
"Is this your way to tell me that you're waiting on a drunken love confession from me? It isn't quite romantic, don't you think?"
"I don't care about it as long as it's true." I smiled. I wanted to respond to his taunt, but I froze in place as I saw someone's all-too-familiar blue eyes in the darkness of the studio. As our gazes met, he went out from the shadow and stood right in front of me. "Y/N? Can you hear me?"
"I have to go. I'll call you tomorrow, Tommy." Klaus wrinkled his nose at the "cute" diminutive.
"Have a good time, honey. Don't drink too much or I'll have to pick you up." before I could answer, Klaus snatched the phone from my hand.
"You don't have to worry about her. She will be in my excellent care, Timon," he said maliciously before aggressively hanging up.
"Seriously? Don't you have a brother to drink up instead of messing with my boyfriend? By the way, his name isn't Timon."
"Your boyfriend?" he laughed incredulously, shaking his head. "Since when? If I remember correctly, he left you for like... two years ago?"
"So what? You're not better at all."
"Unlike him, I was interested in your fate, love."
"Sending your minions to follow my every move is stalking, not caring. And stop calling me that. It's disgusting." I said, turning towards the exit, but the hybrid blocked my way as usual. The look of displeasure on his face instantly made me feel much better.
"They didn't follow you... most of the time. I just wanted to make sure you're okay and you're not putting yourself in unnecessary danger for the sake of those imbeciles."
"Did you know that there is an ancient gadget called the telephone? You could have checked for yourself if I was alive."
"You changed your number." I blushed at my stupidity. He was right. Right after breaking up with Tom, my phone suffered minor damage due to my sudden emotions and relative lack of control over my magic. I just don't know why it hurt so much that he couldn't text me. It's not like I've been waiting for his call all these years... right?
"Well, we can't go back in time and change that anyway. There's no point in dwelling on it." I finally replied, looking away from him to hide my true feelings.
The man wouldn't let me get away from him so easily. His left hand went to my chin, forcing me to look again into his blue eyes, which gradually began to give way to his night-black pupils.
"So that's it? You want to go back to him as if nothing happened? Like I didn't send you a thousand bloody letters to beg you for a little piece of your attention like a desperate fool, that I am every single time you look at me!" he exploded.
His jaw was clenched in anger, and his other hand was clenched so tightly that it seemed to me that droplets of blood were dripping from it. But my stupid brain could only process one goddamn thing in this improbable situation.
"Letters? What letters?"
"Oh, don't play with me like this, love…" he tried to walk away from me, but I grabbed his arm before he made any step towards the exit.
"Klaus, what letters? I didn't get anything from you since you went." I asked, searching his face for any explanation.
"Don't lie to me. It's even beneath you." he replied contemptuously.
A red light went on in my head. The son of a bitch had no right to walk into my already messy life with his fucking shoes and accuse me of whatever shit he fancied. This is exactly what caused my agitation. Not the hostile look I couldn't take from him.
"Beneath me? How can you tell if something is in "my type" or not?! You don't even fucking know me!" his jaw tightened. In the next second, he pushed me into a wall and put his hands on both sides of my head. His eyes were enraged, mad, and... passionate.
"I know you better than myself. I spent months admiring you in the shadows until you decided that I was curious enough to be noticed by you. It took you a bloody year to warm up to me and to treat me like something more than a monster. And when we were apart… I've never missed anyone as much as I have missed you in the thousand years I've lived. You told me here months ago that you would be the one to burn me. You were too stubborn to admit our connection that much, that you, love, didn't notice I was already burned by you a long time ago."
"You're lying. You wouldn't even have come up with that stupid excuse if Thomas hadn't shown up. You want me to lose my chance at happiness, don't you? The moment I trust you, you'll stab me in the back for your own amusement."
"Is your beloved ex-boyfriend, as I would like to point out, clouding your mental clarity so much?"
"Maybe he's my ex, but unlike some people, he really cares about me, not my power."
"Did he? Because if I had a chance, which you gave him, I would never, ever leave you. Not even if I could rule all of this damn world."
"Please, it's impossible that you could truly love…" he cut me off, pulling my face closer to his lips to shut me up by kissing me.
I imagined that moment so many times in my head, but nothing conveyed the true feeling of his lips on mine.
I moaned as he bit my lips and opened a way into my mouth like that. His treacherous tongue slipped inside like a snake, catching mine in his snare.
The sounds of brushes and paints falling were my only warning before he grabbed me around the waist, set me down on the table, and made me his height to (surely) kiss me dead.
The moment one of his hands started wandering toward the zipper of my dress, making me shiver every time his fingers touched my exposed skin, was a time when the warnings of my mind shouted over the dark, hidden desire of my foolish heart.
My hand left a small red mark on his left cheek for a while before his vampire power healed it. He slowly turned his head towards me, with his own hand on the place I slapped him, shocked that I (a little, mortal witch) was that dumb-brave to do this.
I breathed heavily as I stared into his impenetrable oceanic iris.
"Because I… you… we can't…" He leaned his head down toward mine so that our noses were touching. Our lips were disconcertingly close for me to express any logical thought that wasn't related to HIM.
"Y/N!! We're going to be late! Hurry up!" Katherine's voice made me jump out of the hybrid's embrace, scared of what might have happened in the art room if she hadn't interrupted us.
Before I left the room, he grabbed my hand and turned me to face him. I fell straight into his chest. His second hand grabbed around my waist, making sure I wouldn't go before he stopped talking.
"Have your fun, love. We'll continue this discussion when you return." he said as he tucked my hair behind my ear. 
"Y/N! What could possibly be taking so long?!"
"We have nothing to discuss." I growled, yanking myself out of his grip, and went out without even looking at him.
I need vodka or I'll completely lose my mind.
"Ha ha, I can't believe it!" I was laughing so hard when Rebekah finished her story about Klaus and Elijah running from bees when they were humans.
"I swear to you, they came out of the river drenched as ducks, only to meet some "huge and terrifying wild beast" and roll in the mud to let him lose their scent. They screamed like little girls as he approached them and growled at them. Kol was bursting with laughter, but in the end our mother's old fur fell off him and he had to run away from them."
"All right! How do I look?" Katherine emerged from the dressing room, making an impressive turn in front of us to present her dress (not a particularly successful one, given how much alcohol we had consumed).
"I like it, but you look much better in your real wedding dress." Freya commented as she adjusted Cami's fake veil.
Yes. All five of us decided to put on white dresses and continue our evening dressed like this. I have no fucking idea how it happened.
"I know where we should go next!" Rebekah screamed, threw my legs off her and got off the couch. She ran over to Katherine, showing her something on her phone and whispering conspiratorially. I shrugged, grabbing a bottle of champagne.
Freya snatched the bottle from my hand, handing it to Cami. The barmaid drank the rest of its contents and sat down next to me. I put my head on her lap so she could comb my hair. I closed my eyes, feeling a little relaxed for the first time in weeks. The quiet whispers of the vampires in the background and the slow, calming movements of the blonde's hand were a wonderful sleep aid.
"Don't fall asleep, sleeping princess! We're going dancing." an enthusiastic Rebekah nudged me gently on the arm, trying to pull me out of my own world.
"Dancing? Where?" I asked, opening one eye to look unconvinced at the blonde.
"You will see. Come on, the night is still young, and we're not drunk enough." the vampire grabbed my arm and dragged me down the stairs to the waiting limousine.
The five of us drank chilled champagne from the limousine in seconds, continuing to talk nonsense until we were at the door of the club Rebekah wanted to take us to.
If I had seen its name better, maybe I would have realized that this is the same place the guys went to celebrate Elijah's bachelor party, and maybe what happened later that night wouldn't have happened at all.
But we all went inside and lost each other in a sea of other people.
I looked around the crowd until I saw a familiar face at the bar. Instantly, my heart warmed, and the unreasonable desire to approach him overcame the rational side of my brain. I ran towards him, doing my best not to step on the white dress. Without knowing why, the people around me immediately let me through, so I didn't have to push through them.
"Nikkie!" I screamed when I saw the hybrid. I made a few steps toward him, and I fell into his arms, tripping over my fake wedding dress. I could hear Kol chuckling in the background. "I've missed you, love."
"You know I can get you two married at any moment, brother? Just say a word."
Kol took his beer from the bar as I leaned dangerously close to him, threatening to accidentally spill the alcohol down my dress. Klaus held me closer to him so that I wouldn't wobble from side to side, checking to make sure my drunken walk towards them didn't injure me in the process.
"Shut up, Kol. She's drunk."
"Hey! I'm not drunk, but you're ridiculously hot when you're mad." I giggled as I cupped his face and kissed a crease between his eyebrows. "And so sweet when you're confused." I said, chuckling after he gave me an incredulous look.
"The offer is still valid." a vampire muttered under his breath, teasing his brother.
"For bloody hell, Kol, I'm not gonna marry her!" he growled at him. Suddenly, I felt very sad. Tears came to my eyes from nowhere.
"No? Why? You don't love me?" I asked, sobbing. His eyes immediately fell on my weeping form in pure panic. Nik gently pulled me to him and cupped my cheek, wiping away my tears with his thumb as he looked at me softly.
"Yes, Nikkie, don't you love her?" Kol interrupted our moment, much to Klaus' annoyance and anger.
"If you want to live to see tomorrow, get out of my sight. Now."
"Have fun together, Nikkie!"
He followed him with his eyes until he disappeared into the crowd of others. His eyes softened as he looked at my tear-stained face.
"Love, why are you crying?" he asked softly, wiping away my tears.
"Because you don't love me at all!" he sighed, hugging me tighter and kissing my head tenderly.
"Of course I love you." he whispered timidly into my hair.
"You do?" I moved away from him, placing my hands on his chest so that I could hold onto his body the whole time while looking into his eyes.
"It's impossible not to, love. Can we go home now?"
"No. Say it again."
"That you love me."
"Y/N. You're drunk, just come with me and…" I cut him off by catching his stupid, beautiful lips in a kiss.
At first, he stayed there, shocked, not even making the slightest move. I got a little irritated after a while, so I cupped his face in my hands and pulled him closer, biting his lower lip until it bled. I moaned in a kiss, as I could feel his sweet, addictive blood on my tongue. Without knowing why, I felt "the alcohol mist" in which I found myself begin to slowly leave my body. In the next moment, that annoying man finally started to respond to my affection. His arms were all around me, reaching into every part of my body.
In an attempt to regain control, his lips began chasing mine. We fought with each other, giving all our hidden passion, anger, and frustration into that kiss. But it still wasn't enough for me. And he knew this.
"Don't be such an asshole and stop teasing." I groaned, breaking away from him for a moment.
"Never." he whispered against my lips, skillfully avoiding mine.
"For the love of God! Kiss me right or…" I moaned as he interrupted my threat by biting into the sensitive skin of my neck.
He was drinking from me.
Klaus. Fucking. Mikaelson. Was drinking from me.
And it felt amazing.
I gasped, pulling his hair with one hand and grabbing his muscular shoulder with the other. After a few minutes, he pulled away from my neck and kissed me again, this time complying with my request. During our demanding kiss, I felt a trickle of blood running down my neck to my chest. The wound closed in a matter of seconds.
I summoned my magic to teleport us to his room. More specifically, his bed. I started to rip off his shirt so as not to interrupt our kissing session. But hybrid has other plans.
He pulled away from my bruised, tingling lips and grabbed my hands just as I was about to get to the waistband of his pants.
"We need to stop, love."
"Why? I thought you wanted me."
"I do."
"Then shut up and kiss me."
"No. We can't. Not like that." he sighed as I started to bite and make hickeys on his neck. He grabbed my hair, pulling me closer.
"Don't act like you didn't dream of it. Like you don't wanna feel my hot, naked body on yours. Like you don't wanna drink from me while fucking me and leaving marks on all of me to make it clear to everyone that I'm yours." I whispered against the skin of his neck.
"Y/N. Stop." he growled, pushing me away from him when he felt my hand dangerously close to his pants' fly.
"Why? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't finally get this damn feeling out of our system!"
"That's not how it works and you well know that."
"God! Why do you always have to make things so hard for me?!" I started gathering my things, intending to leave the refusing-me hybrid.
"Where are you going?!"
"To Tom! Maybe he will be a man and fuck me, if you don't want." I found myself instantly in his strong embrace. He was breathing rapidly, his pupils so dilated that his blue irises were almost impossible to see. He desired me. If he wanted me too, then why didn't he use his chance?
"Be careful what you wish for, love."
"Let me go. I wasted enough time for you." I groaned as I tried to break free from his grip.
"You're not going anywhere."
"Why?" I asked, lifting my head in challenge.
"Because you're MINE. Mine to touch, mine to kiss, mine to fucked from your mind every single thing that isn't me. We belong to each other. And you hate it. So much so that you can't accept the feelings that are between us. This is why you gonna go back to my bed and sleep by my side so I can make sure you're not going to do something incredible stupid tonight."
"Don't act like a protective boyfirend, if you don't care about me." I choked out, taking advantage of the fact that he doesn't look me in the eye and instead places small kisses on my face.
"You stupid woman, don't you see how much I've already done for you just to keep you safe and happy?"
"You wanna make me happy? You wanna satisfy me? You wanna make sure I'm only yours? Then shut up and finally let it happen." I kissed him, pushing him on his back, so I could sit on him.
I started to strip myself, looking straight at him. His chest rose and fell at the speed of light, black pupils completely replacing his blue irises. I take a moment to appreciate his tattoo and kiss every flying bird.
"Lie that you love me." he said, after turning us so I was under him.
"It wouldn't be a lie." I thought as he kissed his way to my underwear.
"I know it's part of your game. Just... pretend for a moment you really feel something for me Y/N."
"It's not a game anymore. And since our first meeting, I have felt for you... everything."
"You win." he said, kissing me with all of his desire for me, and trying to get any response out of me.
"You win.'" I thought, letting myself get lost in the feeling of his skin on mine. "And I'm fucking terrified of it."
Consciousness begins to slowly return to my battered, relaxed body. I sighed, snuggling into something warm and cozy beneath me. I put my head in a more comfortable position and took a breath of the amazing perfume.
Klaus' perfume.
I froze in place, afraid to make any move. After a few minutes, I finally decided to hesitantly open my eyes and lift my head slightly.
My fucking God.
I slept with Klaus Mikaelson.
With my brain overheating from the new information, I had the opportunity to take a closer look at the unconscious hybrid. He looked so... innocent when he slept. And carefree, even blissfully, judging by his gentle smile, which I could see despite the darkness in the room.
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The disheveled hair on his head only made him even hotter. It was also helped by the fact that I was probably the perpetrator of his messy look.
I tried to slowly put myself out of his arms to get the phone, but Klaus instantly held me closer when he felt from his sleep my littlest move. I carefully placed my head back on his chest. I let myself hear his beating heart and smell his addictive perfume for the moment.
Curiously, I looked around his room, enjoying as much as I could of what little peace I had left before my partner woke up. For a moment, I could imagine that Klaus was my boyfriend, we led a dull, safe life together devoid of anything supernatural. Hope lives with Hayley for a week, with us for the second, his family comes over once a month for dinner together. And above all, no one wants to kill us, we have no enemies from whom we must defend our loved ones. Maybe we'd even get married and have children of our own?
"OH MY GOD! Klaus! Hey. Nik. We have to get up, or we'll be late for the wedding! Oh, come on! You can't sleep that hard! Niklaus!" I screamed. I tried to pull his arm to wake him up, but his eyes were still closed. "If you don't wake up, I'll smear your room with all those expensive paints you have."
"Shh, five more minutes, love." he mumbled, turning on his side and pinning me to his bed with his arm. He pulled me closer, burying his nose in my hair.
"Katherine is going to kill me if we miss her wedding." I said in panic, unknowingly brushing his hair with my fingers.
"I won't let her do this." he tightened his grip on me, still in his semi-conscious state. "You might as well not mention her name in my bed."
"Klaus, I'm serious. Move. We have to get together."
"Vile woman, have you no pity on me?"
"Not even a little. Now get off me, you're heavy." I moaned under him, trying to move his body.
"I have a better idea of how to spend the day than being at my brother's wedding with the devil. I think you'll like it too. Last night, you did. Very much, considering the moans of my name coming out of your beautiful, alluring mouth."
"Yeah… talking about last night. It doesn't change anything, right? I mean… we're… we not…"
I stopped as he placed his head close to mine so he could lick up the dried blood from my neck. This man would be my death.
"Penny for your TRUE toughts?" he whispered against my neck, pulling away from it to look into my eyes.
"I just..."
"Yhm?" he leaned closer to my lips, but before he could kiss me, I pushed him off me and off the bed, sending him crashing to the floor. I took the opportunity to wrap myself in his duvet, running into the hybrid's bathroom before he recovered from my unexpected move.
"Dress up. We have to be there in 10 minutes. Don't forget the wedding rings!" I screamed, knowing full well that he would hear me through the closed door even if I was whispering. I listened for a moment, standing perfectly still, until I heard his grumpy mumbling and footsteps walking away.
With a sigh, I leaned against the door, sliding myself down to the floor. Memories of last night started to slowly come back to my mind, including his half-drunk "I love you."
What the hell have I done?
197 notes · View notes
triplehmunson · 4 months
𝓟𝓞𝓥: You are Elijah's ex girlfriend, one day Klaus invited you to a party for Hope's birthday, so to avoid going alone you decided to go with your best friend but you didn't think you would see your ex again, Elijah Mikaelson, who when he saw you enter, his face changed to one of jealousy? anger? pain? You didn't know but it was really uncomfortable.
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34 notes · View notes
elijahslittleprincess · 6 months
Women in distress
Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *
The morning in question, you didn't wake up because of the tender touch of your husband or because of the brightness of the sun. You woke up because of excruciating pain coming from your belly. It started as a gentle point that was uncomfortable, then it started to hurt a bit more until it was agonizing at a point that you could do nothing else but wake up in tears.
It was usual for you to have a really painful menstruation cycle and you knew what to expect every week that it started. Yet, this morning it seemed even worse and you had to keep yourself from groaning with pain. After all, Elijah was asleep just aside from you on the bed and your last desire was to wake him up.
Since you didn't expect to get your menstruation so soon after the last time, you omit to get yourself ready for it. Consequently, you felt something dripping down your legs faster than anticipated as you tried to stay on the bed. Your eyes closed shut tightly at this before a curse got out of your lips.
It was blood, it had to be and you felt so disgusting suddenly. You just hoped there wasn't any on the bed sheets for your own sake.
For a short moment, you considered your options as you look with tears to the ceiling. Then you concluded that you'd better move out of bed and get to the bathroom quickly.
Therefore, you slowly shifted toward the edge of the mattress as lightly that was possible without making too much fuss.
Unfortunately for you, however, Elijah that had overdeveloped senses as a vampire, woke up anyway and immediately searched for you with his dark brown eyes.
When he realizes that you were at the opposite end of the bed from him, he extended his arms toward you and circled them around your waist. When he was satisfied with his grip around your waist, the original thug you backward toward him again.
The only problem with that was the pressure of his arms circling your belly that brought you terrible pain as he got you back toward himself. It made you yell and a violent sob soon followed suit.
The second Elijah heard you, he let go and immediately straighten up on the bed. One of his hand came to your cheek and he looked in your eyes with worry.
Baby girl are you alright !? did I hurt you I'm so sorry.
A sweet whine left your lips and you cried even more tear as your cramps were getting worse. You were so desperate, you hated when it was getting this agonising and even if you wanted to try and explain the situation to Elijah, you literally couldn't think straight.
As you tried to get any type of relief in any possible position, your body just balled itself and you hide your head in your pillow.
To say that Elijah was panicking would be an understatement, he was very much horrified and he wanted to do everything that he could to help you out. He tried to calm down and focus on finding what was the matter. Therefore, the vampire gently looked around you and under the blanket, having his doubt and actually saw blood on the mattress.
His eyes soften immediately and he kissed your forehead before speaking sweetly.
It's this time of the week already, my poor angel. Let daddy help you out a little hum.
As soon that those words came out of his lips, Elijah vamp speed to the bathroom and got the bath water starting. After that, your lover left your shared bedroom in search of your pain killers and some heating pads for after the bath. Elijah just knew what you needed in those situation and he always made sure to have everything ready to brought you recomfort.
As he came back some minutes later with a glass of water and the pill, he gently placed them on the nightstand before starting to play with your hair in a recomforting manner.
Shhh, I know baby, i know it hurts but it's going to be alright i promise. Just take this pill for me please, it's going to help with the pain sweetheart.
Just as he said that, Elijah gently took the glass of water and the pill and brought them just asside of were you layed on the bed. He waited patiently for you to take them.
A little moment of silence followed after his words, before you actually moved and took the glass between your fingers. You literally could only think about feeling better and would do absolutely anything right now to released your poor body from the cramps.
After taking the pills and drinking the water, your eyes met Elijah's for a second before you sniffed cutely, tears falling down your redenned cheeks. He looked so sweet and gentle sitting there asside of you, the only thing in his mind being helping you trough your suffering. You loved him with everything you were and even with the deep and strong pain you felt, you seeked recomfort in his arms.
You gently moved closer to him and got into his lap, circling your arms around his neck and hiding your face between his chest and neck. His scent was making you feel a bit more relaxed despite the cramps and you clung to his body like a desperate animal.
Daddy it hurts, please make it stop...i cant~
You tried to say, before a strong cramps hits you and makes you groan and cry harder onto his neck.
Elijah's features showed sadness and worry as he made sure you stayed against him. His hand gently stroke your hair and his lips pressed kissed on your delicate skin. He stood up after you spoke, needing to relieve a bit of your pain. He kept you strongly in his arms and made his way to the bathroom with you. The moment you both reached it, Elijah delicately sat you down on the lavatory and kissed your face, his hand slowly starting to undress you as best he could with you struggling a bit in pain. His lips got closer to your ear and he gently spoke in a wispered like manner to you.
Sweetheart it's ok, I'm just going to finish undressing you and then you'll go in the hot bath my love. I promise it will help, listen to daddy.
After saying that, your favorite vampire just carried on with his task, trying to get it done has fast that he could. Luckily for you considering that matter, it ended up being a job of seconds before you found yourself compleatly bare in front of him. You felt shy but in your state it was the last thing that mattered in your mind. You hurriedly placed your arms back around Elijah's neck and waited for him to take you back into his arms and into the bath. Theirs was no way you'd walk and the original knew that really well. That's why he rapidly took you into his arms without a word and got to the warm and bubbly bath. In front of it, elijah slowly and delicately lowered you in it and your body rapidly felt much more relaxed.
The hot water made your tensed body and your belly cramps less unbearable, which caused a sweet relived breath to come out of your lips. Your feature immediately relaxed and your eyes met Elijah's brown chocolate one with a gratefull glimpse. He was kneeled asside of the bath tub observing you and making sure you were alright. Truly, he was the best boyfriend ever and you couldn't keep yourself from taking his chin between your fingers and kissing his lips gently.
A low growl left him when your lips touched and he moved one of his hand to play with your hair. For a moment, the kiss got a bit more heated but since he knew better than instigate something you weren't in shape to do, Elijah backed away and just leaned his head against yours.
Oh darling if you weren't in pain right now...
His voice sounded so deep and sexy and the desire in it was impossible to miss. You knew that Elijah wanted you and you actually wanted him too but you rather felt like taking your time in the bath to make sure that your pain desaper compleatly. After all the pills you had taken would be doing their effect quite soon. You kept your head against his for a second before biting your lips gently. You had a cute smile on when your eyes met again and your fingers were caressing his cheek sweetly with love.
I know baby and it's not the desire that is lacking believe me. It's just that I think It best for me to stay in the bath has long as possible. Maybe if I feel better after we could cuddle in bed watching a movie together hum.
This time after your words it was Elijah that smiled at you and pressed a tender kiss to your cheek. He nod gently at your words and then stood back up with his eyes on you still.
Don't worry my love the only thing that matter right now is you feeling better. We will see after your bath for the movie and cuddle. Just relax now, I'll get things settle during that time. He let you know with his tender voice before laying a last caress to your cheek and leaving you alone.
As Elijah closed the door behind him, he immediately got to work on the things he needed to do before you came out of the bath. He started by changing the bed sheets and covers, then he did it again with clean ones. After that, your noble boyfriend knowing you pretty well, tought that you'd probably desire some of your favorite snacks. Therefore, Elijah made his way to the kitchen and got all the little treats you love, bringing them all with him to the bedroom afterward. Following this instance, your vampire just prepared the space to make it cozier and ready for the both of you to watch a movie. Elijah placed soft blankets and pillows everywhere. He even brought your comforter and made sure your heating pads were ready to use.
At some point, everything was finally ready and he came back to the bathroom knocking at the door softly. A soft smile on his lips and your fluffy bath robe in hand.
Baby...are you ready to come out...?
On your side in the bath still, you had actually just tought about comming out because of the cooling water and got a bit taken aback by his soft voice.
Your eyes moved the bathroom door and seconds later it open revealing your perfect husband coming in gently with your bath robe in hand.
God he was so perfect! You tought before smiling at him and actually getting up slowly in the bath and coming out.
The second your feet landed on the floor, you felt two strong arms wrapping you into a soft material you knew was your bathrobe. The warth of it immediately brought you recomfort and shoots you a bit.
You could smell Elijah's soft perfume as he embraces you, making your heart a bit overwhelmed for a second. A soft breath left you and you turned around to face him and lay your head on his shoulder gently.
Your husband's hand at your actions came around your waist securely and his lips pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead as he hugged you back to him. You didn't speak up or say anything. After all you didn't dare because of how good you felt like this in his arms. Therefore, the first one to actually broke the silence was your original that wispered sweet little words in your ear.
Common sweety, I'll blow dry your hair, I don't want you to get sick.
After he said that, you didn't even had the time to move an inch before Elijah actually grabbed your legs and carries you to the lavatory counter. As he reached it, your vampire gently sat you down and took your chin between his finger. His eyes met yours and you whine when both your lips touched, sweetly but deeply.
He on his side let out a small growl and played with your wet hair for a good moment, just savouring your lips. When you actually part, you were breathing fast and you almost forgot about the cramps you had earlier and everything else around you. You could swear it was magical...Elijah always was such a good kisser. After all he had a thousand years of practice right. You looked deeply into his brown chocolate eyes and sweetly brought your hand to his jaw to caress it. He was controlling himself...you could see it. Yet, the last thing he wanted was to hurt you and you were really appreciative of it. He was always so careful and caring and you loved him for it.
I love you Eli...I'm sorry that I'm not feeling really well I know that you'd like to...
Your sentence was cut short by your husband's fingers tracing your lips, he was asking you silently to say nothing more.
Don't ever apologise for that babygirl, it's not your fault and I know it's not the moment or the time for this right now. I don't care about me love the only thing that matter is you. So now...I will dry your hair and we will get comfy in our bedroom together mh?
Your heart was hammering in your chest at how fucking lucky you were to have him. It felt so illegal and you couldn't say in words how much you love him. His words were soft yet serious and you just nod gently at them. You were more than willing for a movie and cuddle with him right now so you just sat there obediently as he started to blow dry your hair. It took a good ten minutes for him to be done and have your hair compleatly dry. You were really surprised at how good they turned up afterward thought. Elijah was apparently really talented at this too...even after so many years of marriage you were still learning things about him apparently.
Done princess. Elijah said sweetly as his eyes stare at you like a piece of art. Your cheeks reddened a bit because of the attention that you suddenly felt and you bite your lips shyly as you spoke.
Thank you daddy...
As you look away after saying that, Elijah layed his hand both side of your legs and angled his head to look at your eyes even thought you tried to prevent it. He had a sexy grin on his lips and a satisfied expression that you tought looked like Klaus for some reason. He didn't waist really long before taking your chin between his fingers and raising your head up.
Now now let's not be shy my perfect little love, it was my pleasure and you know that I love playing with your hair hum. Come now, let's get to bed babygirl.
You heard Elijah say before he picked you back into his arms securely and gently made his way to your shared room.
You sat down your chin on his shoulder and closed your eyes as he walk, the gentle rhythm making you calm and relax. At some point, none really long later you felt Elijah sat down and your eyes opened to look around you. That's when you actually realised everything he did to the room to please you. He tought of everything and it was starting to make you feel emotional. Honestly, what have you ever done to deserve a man like him.
Maybe your sudden sensibility was caused by your periods but you had no real way to know. The only thing you could say was that tears defenetly were getting down your cheeks by the moment Elijah sat you down on the bed beside him.
His expression instantly froze when he realise you were crying and his fingers softly came to your face to dry the tears off.
Sweetheart, what is it? Are you hurting again!? Can I do something to help? just please tell me love.
You sniffed a bit and couldn't help laughing a bit at his desperate need to help you. Elijah was the cutest really and you hated to worry him. Therefore, feeling the need to ease his mind, you immediately climbed on his lap and sat there comfortably. You circled your arms around his neck when you were against him and started playing with his short brown hair, your eyes looking deeply into his as you do. You could see your husbands feature relax a bit at your action and soon decided that you could say what you felt now.
It's ok, relax Lijah I'm fine I promise, it's just that...your so perfect with me. It makes me emotional to have a boyfriend like you that take care of me and love me like this...
A silence followed your words and after some seconds, you kissed his cheek and placed a gentle hand on his chest.
You didn't have to do all that Lijah...you trail off sweetly before looking all around the room with an unbelief expression on.
Elijah listened to your words attentively, never really letting go of your eyes. Then, when you stopped talking, he took hold of the hand you placed on his chest and kissed your wrist and fingers. His expression was soft and gentle, his touch sweet and caring.
At the contact, you moved your sight back to his and immediately met his deep gaze, feeling shivers traveling down your body.
Sweetheart...I would destroy the world if I needed just to make sure you are happy and well. This...he said as he gesture toward the room. This is absolutely nothing.
He was so sweet, you couldn't believe how much he was perfect it was still a mystery for you to understand why of all women he had chosen you to be his wife. You couldn't be happier and in love really, you would rather die than be parted from him. Right now as you sat in his lap and that your eyes were locked together it felt like paradise and you realised that your pain was gone, just like that. You sniffed a bit, tears slowly drying off on your pale face and then, as desperation hit you for more of him, you pressed your lips against his. This time, instead of being a passionate kiss, it was rather sweet delicate and full of love. It was perfectly depicting your feelings toward him right now and the hand playing with his hair just stopped as it moved to his cheek. You always thought that Elijah's lips were made to kiss yours and it was in those situation that this taught was confirmed. It all feels so good, so perfect calm, peaceful, you really didn't want to let go but at some point you had to. You shyly backed away from him a bit, breathing fast and apparently quite stunned. You looked like a lost little girl and Elijah was there to smile at you and kiss the tip of your nose. You are the cutest little thing my love. I can't stop looking at you.
His words made you blush and look away from him for a moment. Every time he was telling things coming from deep down like that you just couldn't stand it, it was way too cute and you felt like the first day you met him. It was so easy for Elijah to make you all flustered and you felt so weak when it comes to him. In an attempt to get back a bit of your sanity, you gently let your head fall on his chest and try to focus on calming your emotions. You took a bunch of deep breaths and between them you let some words slip out of your mouth. It was faint and weak but Elijah could hear it anyway.
And you are too perfect.
Following those words, you got yourself under control slowly and could look back into his eyes. A small but nonetheless adorable smile appeared on your feature and you gently moved a bit to come and sit on his lap. The second you did so, Elijah's hands came to the side of your face and laid soft caresses to your skin. It felt so sweet and soft that you let a shy whine out of your mouth. God he could have you under his charms so easily.
Thank you for all this daddy...I feel much better now.
You told him a bit childishly since you really couldn't help it. His sparkling brown chocolate eyes looking like diamonds and his love for you shining trough them was making your heart melt and cheek ablaise.
Elijah's arms circled around your waist and cuddled your body even closer to his when he saw how adorable you looked all shy and flustered. Honestly he just wanted to keep you close to him like this forever and watch a movie which he started preparing for by moving in the middle of the bed with you and laying down comfortably. After doing so, the original just kissed your lips quickly and placed a strand of your hair behind your ears while whispering something in them.
You are very welcome my darling, I love you so much and I'm glad you feel better sweetheart. Do you feel like watching our movie now ?
You let him lay you down asside of him and gently crawl even closer to him to press both your body together. As it was done, you nodded to indicate that yes you were indeed ready before laying your head on his shoulder. Elijah followed your indications by starting the movie and tidied himself with playing with your hair while watching. It was so appeasing and it felt so good that you started to feel sleepy quite fast. Elijah's perfume and his warth just added to this feeling and in no time you were asleep against him.
Elijah didn't realised it at first, he kept on watching the movie and playing with your hair until a mumble coming from you caught his attention. His eyes feel on your soft sleeping face and he sigh with a love sick look covering his eyes.
Awn my sweet little girl, falling asleep against daddy, you couldn't help yourself hum. Don't worry baby girl let's stop this now and just go to sleep.
Elijah said as he kissed your forehead and closed the tv that was still playing in the background. After doing so, the original gently lift you up a bit to place you under the cover making sure that you stay warm. He followed suit after you and joined you under the warm blanket, gently getting closer to you and engulfing your little body with his to sleep peacefully the rest of the night.
Good night my little girl, daddy will stay at your side forever.
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wholoveseggs · 7 months
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18+ ---- {Masterlist}
This is just a smutty little thing about being in an arraigned marriage to a certain original vampire. This is the first thing I've ever posted so please be nice :)
{Part Two} {Part Three} thanks for all the love ❤️ If you rather read this on Ao3- Link is here
5k words - No warnings other than smut and mentions of a shitty family.
It's your wedding day, but it feels more like being sold off than a celebration. You're about to marry into the most powerful family in history, but it's not by choice—it's all politics. All you can do is hope that the guy waiting for you at the altar is decent and that somehow, you'll survive whatever comes after "I do."
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Part One
You delicately picked at your freshly-manicured nails, your heart pounding in your chest as his sister's circled you, their hands adjusting your dress, hair, and veil.
"Is he a good man?" you whispered nervously, feeling one of them gently pull on your dress, making the low cut of the back align perfectly with your body.
Rebekah gave you a kind smile, applying a touch more blush to your cheeks with a makeup brush. "Yes, dear. He's a good man," she replied.
"He's the best of us, you have nothing to fear," Freya chimed in, taking your hand in a reassuring gesture.
You let out a long sigh as they placed the veil over your head, their satisfied smiles providing some comfort. "You look perfect," Rebekah said, offering a sweet smile. "Welcome to the family."
Walking down the aisle felt like a surreal dream, your heart racing, and time behaving strangely, as if you'd indulged in a bit too much wine. You couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as you laid eyes on the groom. At least he's handsome, you thought. But fear still gripped your heart; marrying a vampire was one thing, but becoming a part of the family of the most deadly vampires was a whole new level.
Standing across from him, you barely registered the officiant's words as they initiated the ceremony. Up close, he was even more striking with warm brown eyes, a sharp jawline, and a physique that complemented his looks. He gazed down at you with a gentle smile, though there was a hint of sadness in his dark eyes, a reminder that he hadn't desired this union any more than you did.
The vows were recited, their words escaping your consciousness as you mechanically repeated them. He lifted your veil and with a chaste peck on your lips, the marriage was sealed.
At the reception, your new husband mingled with the guests, sealing packs and making deals, laying bare the true intention behind your marriage. You observed his brother taking the stage, silencing the band.
"I'd like to thank you all for coming. I have a special gift for the bride and groom. Since they didn't really have a honeymoon planned, I took it upon myself to help them out. Outside, they'll find a car ready to take them on the adventure of a lifetime," Klaus announced, giving his brother a wicked smile, clapping him on the back in a way that seemed almost malicious. "To the bride and groom!" he cheered, raising his glass in your direction.
All eyes were on you as your husband led you to the car. You didn't recognize a single face in the crowd, but you hadn't expected to. The people who had sold you had gotten what they wanted, and this arrangement was a win-win for them.
You settled into the back seat of the car, the leather sticking to your bare back. You adjusted your white silk dress nervously, and he sat down beside you, his jaw and fists clenched, the tension palpable. You drove in silence for a while, stealing glances at your new husband, his expression stern and unreadable.
Wanting to break the silence, you considered a joke or maybe a compliment about his looks, but instead opted for the safest option. "Hi, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you," you said quietly, extending your hand.
He chuckled slightly, and you appreciated his handsome smile as he took your hand, giving it a gentle shake. "Hello, I'm Elijah," he replied.
You exchanged smiles, and the tension in the car began to dissipate. The street lights reflected in his eyes as the car headed toward an unknown destination.
"Do you know where we are going?" you asked.
"The airport," he responded, gazing out the window with a hint of bitterness.
"Not a fan of flying?" you inquired, trying to discern Elijah's emotions.
"No, it's not that," he sighed softly and placed his hand on yours. "I'm sorry this happened to you. When I began negotiating an alliance with your faction, I didn't know they would require a marriage, I agreed to it for peace." he explained.
You shrugged, attempting to suppress the emotions swirling within you. "They've wanted to get rid of me for a while," you confessed.
Before he could inquire further, you arrived at the airport. A private plane awaited you, and you crossed the windy tarmac in your wedding dress, Elijah shielding you from the chill. You hoped someone had remembered to pack you a change of clothes.
Seated in the plane, the gentle hum of the engines made you instantly drowsy. You reached for a glass of champagne, quickly downing it before pouring another.
Elijah took a seat beside you, selecting a book from a pile on the table. He watched you consume your second glass, a playful smirk playing on his lips. "Are you alright?" he inquired.
"No," you admitted, shifting in your seat and closing your eyes.
"Don't like flying?" he teased.
"Hilarious," you replied sarcastically, before turning in your seat, surrendering to sleep before the plane had even taken off.
You awoke to the sound of the arrival announcement. You noticed a warm blanket on you and realized your head was resting on Elijah's shoulder. He smelled faintly of alcohol and nice cologne, and you couldn't help but feel a twinge of embarrassment at the sudden intimacy with a stranger, although you supposed he wasn't one anymore.
"Apparently, we're in Canada," he informed you in a soft tone, offering a gentle smile.
"What?" you replied, lifting your head from his shoulder and peering out the window to see nothing but white.
"I suppose my brother's adventure for us involves some cold," he remarked.
The plane touched down, and the pilot's announcement revealed a bone-chilling temperature of -20°C. Panic set in as you realized your thin dress offered no defense against the frigid cold.
"I don't suppose you happen to have a winter coat?" you asked, your tone flat with a hint of desperation.
Elijah calmly removed his suit jacket and handed it to you, offering a warm smile. As he stood in just his dress shirt, concern flashed in your eyes. "It's alright; vampires don't get cold," he reassured you. "Besides, I'll get us to the car quickly.”
He was being humble when he said 'quickly.' He wrapped his arms around you, and in a literal instant, you found yourselves in the warmth of the waiting car, with Elijah in the driver's seat, studying his phone with a furrowed brow.
"It seems our destination is a cottage up a mountain," he said, clearly displeased as he reviewed the itinerary on his phone.
"Not a fan of snow?" you chuckled.
"I'm not a fan of my brother playing games," he replied as he pulled out of the airport.
The drive up the mountain was a strange mix of anticipation and discomfort. The grandeur of nature unfolding around you offered a stark contrast to the peculiar circumstances that had brought you together. You gazed out of the car window, lost in your thoughts.
After a while, it was Elijah who dared to break the silence, his voice carrying a genuine curiosity. "You mentioned your family wanted to get rid of you. Why?" he asked, his eyes shifting briefly from the winding road to you.
Your gaze remained focused on the passing landscape, a mixture of mountain vistas and dense forests. "I wouldn't call them family," you replied, a hint of bitterness in your tone. "They weren't my blood, and they certainly didn't treat me as such. They wanted to get rid of me because I was no longer of value."
Elijah furrowed his brow, seeking to understand. "No longer of value?" he inquired, his voice gentle.
With a deep breath, you began to unravel the unfortunate chapter of your life. "With the human faction, marriage pacts are common. After I lost my parents, they took me in, providing for my clothing, food, and education, with the understanding that, in return, I'd remain pure until they could marry me off," you paused, your eyes meeting his for a brief moment, searching for any hint of judgment. "I didn't remain pure," 
He listened attentively, his warm smile putting you at ease. "Well, you will fit in with my family just fine," he said with a sweet smile. "Purity isn't our thing either. You're free from all that now."
You couldn't help but chuckle bitterly at the irony of the situation. "Out of the frying pan…" you mumbled, a sense of resignation in your words. "I know all about your family. I don't think this will end well for me."
The falling snow whipped past the car windows, obscuring any view beyond. You arrived at the cottage, and you sucked in the cold air as Elijah whisked you inside. He disappeared momentarily before returning with your bags. You sat on the sofa, taking in the place. It was more of a chalet than a cottage, and you couldn't help but shiver in the chilly interior. Elijah noticed.
"I'll gather some firewood," he said, heading outside.
You got up and explored the place, finding some whiskey and taking swigs straight from the bottle as you wandered. Your attention was captured by a sizable record collection, and you began to browse. You found a record you liked and started playing it, swaying to the music in an attempt to warm up.
Elijah returned inside, his arms laden with firewood, determined to make your cold sanctuary warm and cozy. His eyes softened as he noticed your shivering form.
"I'll get a fire going," he said, his voice gentle. He quickly set about arranging the logs, expertly lighting them, transforming the room with the comforting glow and crackle of the flames.
Taking your icy hands in his, he remarked, "Your hands are freezing." He brought you closer to the fire, the warmth seeping into your chilled skin. You couldn't help but be captivated by his kindness and the concern in his eyes.
"You need to warm up," he insisted, his voice a soothing melody.
“You are nicer than I was expecting,” you replied, a playful smile tugging at your lips.
“I know my family's reputation is not great, but you are a part of it now. I want you to know I will always protect you,” he said softly, his words sincere and reassuring.
You nodded, feeling a rush of gratitude for his understanding and genuine care. "I believe you," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
He pulled you in and held you close, trying to warm you up; you found yourself drawn to him, his charm and sweetness melting your reservations. In that moment, overwhelmed by his kindness, you leaned in and kissed him softly.
When you pulled away, his expression was both surprised and understanding. "You don't have to do that," he said, his tone gentle. "You're not obligated to do anything with me just because of our situation."
His words filled you with a mixture of relief and gratitude. Here was a man, a vampire, who respected your boundaries, a stark contrast to the people who had controlled your life before.
Elijah guided you to the soft rug in front of the crackling fire, arranging the blankets around you to ensure you stayed warm. The bottle of whiskey sat between you, its amber contents promising warmth from the inside out. You extended the bottle to him, a silent invitation to share in the fleeting comfort of alcohol.
You both drank in companionable silence, the warmth from the fire seeping into your bones, the whiskey adding a pleasant haze to the room. As the evening wore on, conversation flowed more freely, and the barriers between you began to dissolve with every shared story and laugh.
Elijah stood and helped you up, his hand finding its way to your waist, and before you knew it, he was leading you in a slow dance, his movements graceful and confident. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you, swaying to the music.
"What is this song?" he asked, his voice barely audible over the music.
"It's called bitter sweet symphony,'' you replied, your eyes meeting his. "It's one of my favorites."
He nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on yours. "I like the strings, the whole thing is very melancholic," he observed.
You smiled, your fingers tracing patterns on his shoulder. "I find it beautiful. It's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, don't you think? Even in the face of adversity, we keep going."
He regarded you with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. "Something you have a lot of experience in, I gather," he said, his tone appreciative.
"I wouldn't say I'm resilient," you responded modestly, the music guiding your movements. "More like adaptable. Life throws curveballs, and you either adapt or get swept away."
He pulled you closer, the dance now a slow, intimate sway. "Indeed, life has a way of testing us. But it also brings unexpected joys."
The dance continued, a silent conversation unfolding between you, transcending words. As the music wove its spell, you felt a vulnerability and connection with Elijah that surpassed the constraints of your forced union. The walls you had built around yourself began to crumble, and you found solace in the unexpected warmth of his embrace.
A soft smile played on your lips. “You're not the monster they make you out to be," you replied, your words carrying a newfound trust.
Feeling an unspoken longing between you, you reached out, your fingers tracing a delicate path along his jawline, your touch conveying what words couldn't express. His eyes, dark and intense, met yours with understanding, a silent acknowledgment passing between you. You pulled him closer, your lips meeting in a passionate kiss that ignited a spark, setting the room ablaze with desire.
His response to your kiss was a slow, seductive smile that went straight to your core. He gently slid a hand around the back of your neck, his fingers winding in your hair. "Are you sure?" he asked, his voice a low murmur.
You nodded, your own desire mirrored in your eyes. "Yes," you whispered, placing your hands on his chest.
With a sudden surge of intensity, he lifted you effortlessly, his arms strong and secure as he carried you to the nearby sofa. The room seemed to come alive, dancing with shifting shadows painted by the flickering firelight. He gently set you down on the plush sofa, his eyes never leaving yours.
"You are truly exquisite," he murmured softly, as he carefully peeled your wedding dress away, letting it cascade onto the floor like a waterfall of silk and lace.
"I-I think you're beautiful too," you stammered, your words catching in your throat, feeling the chill creep back in after losing the warmth of your dress. You reached out, your fingers trembling slightly, and began to unbutton his shirt.
His smile remained warm and affectionate as he took your hands, pressing a gentle kiss upon them. With a swift motion, he shed his shirt, and pressed his skin to yours in a tender embrace, an effort to restore the warmth that had been lost. He shifted you so you lay side by side, pulling your thigh up to wrap around his hip, the other hand gently cupping your neck as he kissed you softly.
You lingered there for a while as his hands explored the curves of your body. Your own hands ventured, touching his toned chest and shoulders, marveling at the strength beneath your fingertips.
His lips trailed soft, lingering kisses down your neck, each one a tender declaration of affection. His gentle gestures made you blush, the heat of your cheeks contrasting with the cool air in the room. You couldn't help but giggle from the sheer sweetness of his actions.
His hand glided down between you, his fingertips tracing the sensitive skin just above the edge of your white lace panties. A soft moan escaped your lips, a rush of heat pooling between your legs as his hand ventured beneath the fabric. He began to slowly circle your clit, the hand that rested on your neck pushed your head forward, his lips capturing yours in another gentle kiss.
His fingers traced slow, deliberate circles, their casual dips down to your opening making you moan softly into his mouth. The sensation was exquisite, driving you closer to climax with each subtle movement.
“You make such lovely sounds,” he hummed against your lips, then he dipped a finger inside you.
You let out a low, desperate whine, your hips instinctively rocking into his hand. You closed your eyes and swore under your breath, your voice barely audible, your fingers clutching at his neck as he continued to work his magic with his skillful hand.
He smiled, clearly savoring the way you were unraveling under his touch. He slowly pulled his hand away, leaving you achingly empty for a moment before repositioning you. Suddenly, you found yourself underneath him, your back pressed into the softness of the sofa, desire reflected in his eyes.
He began trailing soft kisses and teasing bites down your body, each touch sending electric pulses of need through you.
With slow, deliberate movements, he removed your panties, the fabric sliding off with a tantalizing intimacy that sent your heart racing. He pushed your thighs up, his fingers briefly teasing your clit before he leaned in, his hot breath against your skin.
Then, with an agonizing slowness that made your breath catch, he lowered his head, his tongue finding its way to your clit, sending waves of pleasure crashing over you. The world blurred into a haze of sensation, his expertise evident in every flick and swirl, each touch bringing you closer to your peak.
You ran a trembling hand through his hair, your fingers gripping the strands as you surrendered to his tongue. Your hips moved in a desperate rhythm with his mouth, seeking more of the exquisite sensation he was providing.
His hands pressed into your thighs with firm, possessive intent, holding you in place, stilling your movements. With each flick of his tongue, each press of his lips, you felt the tension rising within you, like a coiled spring ready to release.
You couldn't hold back any longer, and your body convulsed as the waves of pleasure overtook you. It was a moment of pure bliss, your cries echoing in the room, as your fingers tangled in his hair. He didn't falter in his attentions, riding you through the aftershocks of your climax.
Your body was still pulsating with the aftermath of the first orgasm, yet he skillfully coaxed another wave of pleasure from within you. He pushed two fingers inside you, finding that perfect spot, and your moans grew louder, filling the room.
"My pretty little wife," he murmured in a seductive whisper. The rhythm of his fingers and his tongue on your overly-sensitive clit created a delicious combination.
You squeezed your eyes shut, completely overtaken by the sensations, your body responding eagerly to his skilled touch. The second orgasm began to build, a powerful surge of pleasure that threatened to consume you entirely. His deep hum against you made you squirm, your legs shaking as you moaned.
His hand shifted from your thigh, splaying across your lower stomach with just the right amount of pressure to hold you down, halting your movements completely. His control heightened the intensity of the moment, trapping you in a delicious blend of pleasure and surrender.
You came apart a second time on his tongue, your body writhing with pleasure as you looked down at his handsome face, his lips glistening with your wetness.
“Fuck,” you breathed out, your voice barely audible, your eyes locking onto his. He made his way back up your body, his lips finding yours in a passionate kiss. Cupping his face with your hands, you traced the lines of his jaw affectionately as your lips moved in a heated dance, the taste of your shared desire lingering between you.
You pulled off your bra, the cool air of the room contrasting with the heat that radiated between you. His eyes were glued to your every move, filled with desire as you exposed yourself to him. His gaze slowly traced over the curves of your body with a look of admiration and hunger.
He positioned your legs around his hips, and you could feel his cock through the fabric of his pants. You reached down to unzip him, but he caught your wrists with a swift yet gentle motion, pinning them above your head with a possessive grip, his eyes locking onto yours in a dark, intense gaze.
“Stay just like this,” he said firmly. He pressed a gentle kiss to your lips before pulling back, his eyes never leaving yours as he removed his pants, the room filled with a charged anticipation that crackled in the air between you.
He leaned in closer, his handsome form fully on display, the intensity in his eyes growing as he gazed down at you. You could feel the heat of his body against yours, the anticipation building between you. His cock brushed against your clit, a tantalizing tease that made you let out a soft, desperate moan.
Unable to resist the urge to touch him, you lowered your hands to feel him. He let out a quiet "tsk" and shook his head gently, guiding your hands back above your head. His lips curved into a soft smile, as he held you in place, his dominance making your heart race.
His eyes bore into yours with a gentle intensity as placed a pillow under your hips and positioned himself. With a deliberate yet tender motion, he guided himself slowly inside you, filling you inch by inch. A gasp escaped your lips as he leaned forward, pressing his forehead to yours and rocking his hips gently. Each movement sent shockwaves of pleasure through you, his pelvis brushing against your clit with every stroke, creating a delicious friction that made your toes curl.
He let go of your wrists and his lips met yours in a passionate kiss, and your breaths became shallow as you clung to his arms, your nails digging into his skin.
He maintained his agonizingly slow pace, a rhythm that kept you on the precipice of release. You could feel his eyes on you, studying your reactions before your eyes fluttered closed and your brows arched in pleasure. His hot breath danced on your skin as he whispered soft encouraging words, his lips trailing up your neck, nibbling your ear. Each touch, each whisper, pushed you closer to the edge, intensifying the pleasure that pulsed through every fiber of your being.
"Tell me what you want," he murmured, his voice a seductive melody that made your breath catch in your throat.
"I... I want," you stammered, your voice shaky with desire, your hands clutching at his chest.
"What?" he teased, slowing his pace even more, pulling all the way out before plunging back in, savoring the exquisite torture he was subjecting you to. "You have to tell me," he insisted, his words laced with a playful yet commanding tone.
"More, please," you begged. He took your hands from his chest and pinned your wrists above your head again, your body aching for more of his touch.
"Like this?" he asked, his thrusts becoming deeper and rougher, each one hitting your sweet spot with a precision that made you gasp in pleasure.
"Y-yes, yes, yes," you whimpered, your back arching involuntarily, your legs trembling beneath him as the pleasure intensified, pushing you closer to the edge of climax.
He leaned back, and his eyes locked onto yours, a warm smile forming on his face as he enjoyed the flush of your cheeks in response to his actions. With a gentle touch, he ran his thumb over your clit, feeling the immediate response of your body, tightening around him in pleasure. A low hum of approval escaped his lips as he continued to graze your clit, attuning himself to your body's responses.
The room was filled with the intoxicating sounds of your bodies colliding, mingled with soft moans and the crackling of the fire. Elijah's gaze darkened as the pace of his thrusts gradually increased, the desire between you igniting the air. He released your pinned wrists, his hands guiding your thighs up around your waist, spreading them wide, pushing his cock even deeper.
His thrusts grew more urgent, a relentless rhythm that was hard and passionate. Your body tensed, the overwhelming pleasure reaching its peak as you came completely undone, your head falling back, and your back arching as you moaned his name.
"That's it, beautiful wife," he said softly, his voice strained as his own peak approached.
His own climax surged through him, a wave of heat and pleasure washing over you both. He let out a low groan as his body relaxed. Leaning forward, he captured your lips in a passionate kiss, his mouth melding with yours in a heated exchange. The room seemed to pulse with the aftermath of your shared pleasure, the fire casting a warm, golden glow over your entwined bodies.
"You are perfect," he whispered against your lips, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into a sitting position in his lap. You were still breathless, placing your hands on his chest as you looked into his dark eyes. 
"This is not how I pictured this night going," you said softly, a contented smile playing on your lips. 
"How did you picture it?" He asked gently, his fingers tracing down your spine as he spoke.
You took a deep breath, your fingers tracing invisible patterns on his chest as you gathered the courage to speak your truth. "I thought you might kill me," you confessed, your voice barely audible, carrying the weight of your fears. "I have this fear of vampires. They killed my parents, and I've been haunted by that memory ever since."
Elijah's eyes softened with understanding, his thumb gently caressing your cheek. "I am truly sorry for the pain you've endured," he said, his voice laced with genuine empathy. "You're incredibly brave for facing your fears and allowing yourself to trust me."
You nodded, a lump forming in your throat as you continued. "My adoptive parents married me off to you as punishment, not expecting any kindness from you. But you've shown me a side of vampires I never knew existed. I didn't expect this... warmth, this understanding."
Elijah's hand cupped your face with a gentle reassurance. "I take my vows seriously," he said, his voice unwavering. "You are my wife now, and I will protect and care for you always."
In that moment, the warmth of his touch and the sincerity in his eyes filled you with hope, erasing some of the lingering pain and fear. 
With a single, elegant motion, he effortlessly lifted you into his arms, holding you close as he guided both of you into the shower. The hot water cascaded over you, cleansing your bodies of the remnants of passion and desire. He gently pressed you against the cool, slick tile, his lips capturing yours in a soft, lingering kiss. His hands asserted a possessive grip on your waist, drawing your body in close to his.
You pulled back, your breath momentarily catching in your throat as his affectionate touch lingered. The hot water continued to flow over your relaxed bodies. "You know," you confessed, "I think I might actually really like you."
He grinned bashfully, his eyes filled with adoration, and leaned in to kiss you again. You could feel his cock harden against your leg, his desire reignited by your proximity.
You pushed lightly on his chest, moving both of you around so his back was against the tile, the warm water streaming down from above his head. You pressed your lips against his neck, then trailed kisses down his shoulder and chest.
Your hands glided over his damp skin, tracing the contours of his muscles as you moved downward, your lips leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. His breath hitched when you reached his abdomen, and you glanced up, locking eyes with him before continuing your descent.
You took his cock in your hand, feeling the weight and heat in your palm. His sharp intake of breath spurred you on, and you pressed a lingering kiss to the sensitive tip before trailing your tongue along his length, savoring the salty taste of his desire. His hand threaded through your hair, his chest rising and falling with each ragged breath.
You closed your lips around him, your tongue swirling around the sensitive head, eliciting a low groan from deep within his throat. The water cascading around both of you seemed to heighten the intensity of the moment, amplifying every sensation. His fingers tugged on your hair, his touch both commanding and gentle, guiding your pace.
His hips moved in response, a silent plea for more, and you obliged, taking him deeper. His groans filled the steamy air, your lips and tongue working in harmony to bring him to the brink, his breaths turning shallow and erratic. A satisfied smile played on your lips as you reveled in the power of making a man like him come undone.
You gazed up at him through your fluttering eyelashes, giving him your most innocent expression as you intensified your movements. You pushed your head further down, burying your face into his pelvis, and with a deep groan, he found release down your throat.
Elijah leaned against the tiled shower wall, catching his breath, a satiated smile playing on his lips as he looked down at you with admiration. You, on the other hand, wore a confident smirk, the satisfaction of pleasuring him evident in your eyes. 
Elijah placed a gentle kiss on your lips as you stood together under the warm cascade of water, both of you still savoring the shared moment of passion. He then guided you out of the shower, wrapping a large, fluffy towel around your shoulders before drying himself off.
As you both made your way to the bedroom, the soft hum of the bathroom fan in the background, he looked at you with affection. "You're quite extraordinary," he whispered, his voice filled with warmth.
"Why? Was that your first blowjob?" You teased, giving him a sweet smile. 
He let out a little chuckle, his laughter filled with warmth. He pulled the blankets back on the bed and you both got underneath them. You gladly snuggled up next to him, laying your head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. In that moment, wrapped in his arms, you felt a sense of peace and contentment, knowing that you were exactly where you wanted to be.
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{Part Two} {Part Three}
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