#eleven x sister reader
thewidowsghost · 2 years
Five - Chapter 2
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Four Eggo waffles spring up from the toaster and Mike slides two of them into his pockets before moving to the table and wolfing down his Eggos.
“Slow down, Mike,” Nancy, Mike’s older sister, says. “That’s disgusting.”
Mike turns to his sister. “Do a lot of studying last night?” Mike questions.
“Yeah, actually, I did,” Nancy replies.
“What’s your test on?” Mike asks. “Human anatomy?”
Nancy kicks Mike under the chair, and Mike kicks her back.
After finishing breakfast, Mike makes his way down the stairs to the basement. He sits down in front of the fort, flipping up the blanket where he finds the two girls sitting. Eleven was playing with Mike’s walkie.
“Hey, you found my supercomm,” Mike says, smiling at the girl. “Pretty cool, huh? I talk to my friends with it. Mostly Lucas, ‘cause he lives so close. Signal’s pretty weak.”
Eleven looks up, meeting Mike’s gaze as he pulls the waffles out of his pocket. “I brought breakfast,” Mike holds out the waffles to the sisters. Eleven takes a chomp of her waffle and Five smiles slightly before taking a bite of her own. “So listen, this is gonna sound a little weird, but I just need you guys to go out there,” Mike says, pointing outside. “Then go to the front door and ring the doorbell. My mom will answer the door and you’ll tell her that you’re lost and that you guys need help. But whatever you do, you can’t tell her about last night, or that you know me. Understand? Really, it’s no big deal. We’ll just pretend to meet again. And my mom, she’ll know who to call.”
Five and Eleven exchange a look before Eleven shakes her head.
“No,” El says and Mike frowns in confusion.
“No?” Mike echoes.
“No,” Eleven repeats.
“No . . . you don’t want my mom to get help?” Mike questions. Both girls shake their heads. “You’re in trouble, aren’t you?” Mike asks.
There is a silence, and El looks off into the distance and a shiver runs down Five’s back.
“Who . . .” Mike begins, “Who are you in trouble with?”
“Bad,” El murmurs.
“Bad? Bad people?” Mike asks. Both Eleven and Five nod. “They want to hurt you?” Mike questions. “The bad people?”
Eleven lifts a hand, her index and middle fingers out straight, pointing at her temple and then at Five’s temple, and then at Mike.
“Understand?” El asks.
“Michael, where are you?” Mrs. Wheeler’s voice comes from the top of the stairs. “We’re going to be late. Let’s go!”
“A-all right, I-i’ll be right back. J-just stay here, okay? Stay here,” Mike says, dropping the sheet back in front of the girls’ faces.
Mike’s footsteps recede, Eleven and Five listening to his footsteps on the stairs.
El bites her tongue, looking down at the blanket over lap looking slightly disappointed.
Five’s expression softens; she wraps an arm around her sister’s shoulder, and El allows her head to fall on her sister’s shoulder.
. . .
“Will! Will Byers!” the volunteers shout as they walk over the rise.
“Hey! Anything?” Hopper jogs up to his fellow officers.
“Eh. You?” Officer Powell questions.
“Nothing but a dead phone,” Hopper replies.
“Joyce?” Callahan asks.
“About one step from falling off the edge,” Hopper says.
“She’s been a few steps for a while now, hasn’t she?” Powell asks.
“One kid’s dead; another one’s missing,” Hopper says, his eyebrows knitting in a tight frown. “Show a little class.” Hopper walks away, calling to the city volunteers. “All right. Come on, let’s go! We got a lot of ground to cover.”
“The chief and her, they’ve screwed before, huh?” Callahan asks.
Powell shakes his head in exasperation before he turns to walk away calling, “Will!”
. . .
“Oh, God, look,” Carol says, looking over at Jonathan, who was posting a flyer reading, “Have you seen me?” with Will’s portrait on it.
“Jeez, that’s depressing,” Steve Harrington says, resting a hand on his hip.
“Should we say something?” Nancy asks the group.
“I don’t think he speaks,” Carol replies.
“How much you wanna bet he killed him?” Tommy says, his lips twitching slightly.
“Shut up,” Steve says, smacking Tommy gently on the chest.
Nancy glances at Tommy before her gaze strays back to Jonathan. After a moment, Nancy walks over to Jonathan.
“Hey,” Nancy says not to startle Jonathan.
“Oh, hey,” the boy replies.
“I just . . . “ Nancy pauses, collecting her thoughts. “I wanted to say, you know, um . . . I’m sorry about everything.” Jonathan’s gaze clouds sadly for a moment before Nancy continues. “Everyone’s thinking about you.” Jonathan’s mouth twitches and his eyes gleam with disbelief. “It sucks,” Nancy goes on.
“Yeah,” Jonathan replies.
“I’m sure Will’s fine,” Nancy tells the boy. “He’s a smart kid.” The school bell rings over head and Nancy looks up. “I-I’ve got to go. I-I’ve got a test.”
Jonathan just nods as Nancy walks away. He gathers the remainder of his flyers before walking out the door of the school.
. . .
Mike rides his back out from behind the line of trees as his mother’s car drives by.
. . .
“Do you want anything to drink?” Mike asks the girls as they walk up the stairs. “We have OJ, skim milk . . . What else?”
Eleven walks into the living room and Five follows.
“Um, we have . . .” Mike tries to remember, but he turns around as the two girls move into the other room. “Oh, this is my living room,” Mike says, moving over to let his arms rest on top of his television. “It’s mostly just for watching TV. Nice, right?” Mike asks, tapping the top of the television with his fingers. “It’s a twenty-two inch. It’s like ten times bigger than Dustin’s.”
Eleven turns, walking over to the mantle to look at the photographs. She smiles slightly as she looks at a picture of Nancy. “Pretty,” she murmurs.
“I guess,” Mike replies, looking disgusted. “That’s my sister Nancy,” Mike says. “And that’s baby Holly,” he goes on as Eleven moves down through the pictures. “And those are my parents. What are your parents like?” he asks Eleven, then turning to Five.
A confused look twists Eleven’s face but Five just looks wistful.
“Do they live close?” Mike goes on, seemingly not comprehending the expressions on the gir’s faces.
Eleven moves away from the mantle, running her hand along the soft cloth of the reclining chair.
“That’s our La-Z-Boy,” Mike says. “It’s where my dad sleeps. You can try it if you want.” Eleven moves to sit down in the chair and Mike smiles encouragingly. “It’s fun,” the boy says. He leans down, placing a hand on the lever. Once Eleven is settled in the chair, he pulls the lever and the La-Z-Boy reclines, rocking slightly.
“Can I get some water?” Five asks and Mike’s eyes widen slightly with surprise - he hadn’t heard Five speak before.
The boy nods, then tells Five where the cups are in the kitchen.
Eleven shifts slightly in the chair when she cannot see her sister anymore.
. . .
In Mike’s room an hour later, Five is sitting on the floor, nursing her second glass of water.
Eleven moves over to Mike’s dresser, studying the photos and trophies.
“Oh, these are all my science fair trophies,” Mike says, standing up from his small card table to stand beside Eleven. “We got first every year. Except for last year when we got third,” Eleven’s gaze strays from the largest trophy to the picture of four boys and her eyes widen slightly as it falls on the boy second from the left. Eleven’s slight smile slides off her face and she points at Will Byers in the photo.
“You know Will?” Mike asks.
Five looks up at the name, feeling as though she’d heard it before, and not last night, but sometime in her past.
“Did you see him? Last night? On the road?” Mike bombards El with questions.
Mike pauses at the sounds of brakes squealing. Mike runs to the window, seeing his mother’s car pull up into the driveway.
“We’ve got to go?” Mike says, taking Eleven’s hand and leaving Five to closely follow.
Mrs. Wheeler enters the house, Holly propped on her hip as the three children are heading down the stairs.
At the sight of his mother, Mike urges the girls back up the stairs and into his room.
“Stay here,” Mike orders, nudging the girls into the closet and closing the door.
At the darkness of the closet, Eleven’s breathing increases and Five wraps her sister in a hug, both girls sliding down to sit on the floor of the closet.
“I’m here,” Five murmurs.
Eleven clings to the words, her face pressing into Five’s shoulder. Tears stream down Eleven’s face and Five holds her sister close to her.
. . .
“Eleven? Five?” Mike closes the door to his room and rushing for the closet. “Is everything okay?” He opens the door to find El’s face wet with tears and clinging to her sister’s shirt.
El removes her face from the crook of Five’s shoulder and nods.
“Are you sure?” the boy asks and Eleven nods.
. . .
The door to Mike’s room closes, and Dustin and Lucas look over at the two girls - Eleven sitting on the bed, wrapped up in one of Mike’s blankets, and FIve, who is sitting below her sister on the floor, nursing her glass of water once again.
“Are you out of your mind?” Lucas asks Mike.
“Just listen to me,” Mike replies.
“You are out of your mind!” Lucas says again, this time, however, it wasn’t a question.
“They know about Will,” Mike says.
“What do you mean, they know about Will?” Dustin asks, and Mike steps forward, picking up the photo that Eleven had seen. “El pointed at him, at his picture. She knew he was missing. I could tell.”
“You could tell?” Lucas questions, Dustin’s gaze straying over to the girls.
“Just think about it,” Mike begins. “Do you really think it was a coincidence that we found them on Mirkwood, the same place where Will disappeared.”
“That is weird,” Dustin agrees.
“And they said that bad people were after them,” Mike goes on. “I think that these bad people are the same ones that took Will. I think she knows what happened to him.”
“Then why doesn’t one of them tell us?” Lucas asks, crossing his arms. Lucas glances over at the girls before he stalks over, towering over Five, who was still on the floor, and meeting Eleven’s gaze. “Do you know where he is?” Lucas asks. When neither of the girls respond, he reaches out, grabbing Eleven’s shoulder and shaking her violently. “Do you know where Will is?”
A terrified look spreads across Eleven’s face and Five stands up, forcing Lucas away from her.
“Stop it,” Mike says, “you’re scaring her!”
“She should be scared!” Lucas replies. “If you know where he is, tell us!” Eleven’s eyes water and FIve turns around, wrapping her sister in a warm, comforting hug. “This is nuts. We have to take her to your mom.
“No!” Mike replies. “Eleven said telling any adult would put us in danger.”
“What kind of danger?” Dustin asks, turning his attention back to Mike.
“Her name is Eleven?” Lucas asks, glancing over at the girls again and noticing the ‘011’ tattooed on Eleven’s arm, and the ‘005’ tattooed on Five’s.
“El for short,” Mike replies.
“Mike, what kind of danger?” Dustin questions again.
Mike raises his hand, leaving his index and middle fingers - as well as his thumb - extended, making the shape of a gun. He points first at Dustin, then himself, and then finally, Lucas.
Lucas smacks Mike’s hand. “No, no, no!” Lucas replies. “We’re going back to plan A. We’re telling your mom,” Lucas walks towards the door, opens it, but it slams shut, shaking the shelves around the room. He opens the door again, but once again, it slams shut.
“No,” Eleven replies, and, where Five had been standing, a Rottweiler snarls. Eleven rests her hand on the dog’s back, and she sits down, a growl rumbling in her throat.
The three boys stare at Eleven and Five, and after a moment, the Rottweiler’s head tilts, and Five shifts back into herself.
Both girls wipe the blood from below their noses.
. . .
Scott Clarke, one of the boys’ teachers blows his whistle, a few times.
“You got something?” Hopper asks, he, Powell, and Callaghan heading down the hill to where Scott is kneeling in front of a drainage pipe.
“Not sure,” Scott replies, holding two pieces that looked as though they had been torn off a hospital gown. “Maybe nothing.”
“No way a kid crawls through there,” Powell replies.
“If they’re scared enough, one might,” Hopper replies. “His brother said he was good at hiding.”
Standing up, he follows the length of the pipe up to the fence for Hawkins National Lab.
. . .
Eleven is fiddling with Mike’s super-comm again as the two girls are sitting down in the blanket fort.
“El? Five?” Mike descends the stairs carrying a tray with two plates of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and corn, as well as two glasses of milk.
Dustin and Lucas descend the stairs just after Mike, remaining farther away as Mike sets the tray down in front of the girls.
“No adults,” Mike says. “Just us and some dinner.”
“Thanks, Mike,” Five says, smiling slightly.
The boy blinks in reply, but then smiles as Five hands her sister a plate.
Eleven glances up at Dustin and Lucas.
“Don’t worry. They won’t tell anyone about you. They promise. Right?” Mike looks up at his friends for confirmation.
“We never would’ve upset you if we knew you had superpowers,” Dustin says and Five lets out a breath of laughter.
Dustin looks pleased with himself, but Mike reaches over, smacking his friend’s leg.
“What Dustin was trying to say is that they were just scared . . . earlier,” Mike goes on. “That’s all.”
“We just wanted to find our friend,” Lucas adds and Five’s expression softens.
“‘Friend’?” El echoes.
“Yeah, friend. Will?” Lucas offers.
“What is ‘friend’?” El asks.
“Is she serious?” Lucas questions and Dustin shrugs. “Um, a friend -”
“Is someone that you’d do anything for,” Mike interrupts.
“You lend them your cool stuff, like comic books and trading cards,” Dustin adds.
“And they never break a promise,” Mike chirps.
“Especially when there’s spit,” Lucas pipes up.
“Spit?” El echoes.
“Yeah,” Lucas replies, holding out his hand, spitting on it, and shaking Dustin’s hand. “A spit swear means . . . you never break your word. It’s a bond.”
“That’s super important,” Mike pipes up, “because friends . . . they tell each other things. Things that parents don’t know.”
Eleven is looking down, her gaze fixed on her lap before her gaze flicks up to meet Mike’s.
. . .
Eleven walks over to the card table, where the party’s game of Dungeons and Dragons sits on the table.
“El?” Five follows her sister, watching over her sister’s shoulder as Eleven rests her hands on the game board.
“What’s the weirdo doing?” Lucas whispers.
Closing her eyes, Eleven concentrates, and then picks up Will’s D&D figurine. She studies it closely before setting it aside. She uses her arms to a move all the other pieces out of the way before she grips the board, flipping it upside down. Eleven places Will’s figure on the upside down board.
“I don’t understand,” Mike says, looking confused, sitting down in a chair adjacent to Eleven’s.
“Hiding,” Eleven says softly.
“Will is hiding?” Mike asks.
Eleven nods.
Lucas and Dustin lean over Eleven’s shoulders, watching both Eleven and the figurine on the board carefully.
“From the bad men?” Mike questions and Eleven shakes her head. “Then from who?”
Eleven lifts another figure before placing it on the board with Will’s figure.
Five stares at the figure, her eyes widening slightly. “Demogorgon,” Five murmurs.
Word Count: 2763 words
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swiftieblyth · 2 months
Y/N Hopper: Prologue
warnings- Stranger Things, Papa, Hawkins Lap, King!Steve, Hopper, dead sister, divorced parents, grieving, loss, powers
Let me know if I'm missing anything, I'm drawing a blank:(
Word count- 682
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“Hey!” A six year old girl called, walking into her friend's backyard.
“Y/N/N-bear? What are you doing?” A six year old boy asked, sitting with his feet in the pool.
“Are your parents home?” The girl asked, sitting down next to him.
“No. You wanna hang out?”
“Steve, I gotta tell you something.”
“What is it?” Steve asked.
“I’m moving.”
“What? To where?”
“New York City.”
“I don’t know. My dad says it will be good for us. But he said he would help me write to you.”
“So we can still be best friends?”
“Always.” The girl smiled, splashing him with water.
“It’s troll’s favorite food!” A big man yelled, running after a seven year old girl with two small pigtails, as a lady and the now twelve year old girl. “Princess!”
“No, Daddy!” The girl yelled, laughing. “No, Daddy!”
“Roasted princess,” the man called, as he lifted her up into the air. “With paprika and gravy!”
“No! No, Daddy. No, Daddy.”
The little girl stopped laughing and started breathing heavily. The family crowded around, worried. “Whoa, hey!” The man let out. “Hey. You alright?”
“Mom, what’s going on?” The twelve year old asked, grabbing her mothers hand.
“I don’t know Y/N.”
“Jim, what’s going on?” The lady asked. “What happening? What happened?”
“I don’t know.” The man responded. “I don’t know.” The man put her down as she started looking around. “Hey, you alright? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Relax, relax. Honey, honey. Honey, just breath. Breathe, breathe, breathe. In and out. Slow, slow, slow. In and out with me. In…and out.”
“I asked Mrs. Spencer what made the red and she said she didn’t know.” The man read, reading a book to his family, laying next to his youngest daughter in a hospital bed. “And for pity’s sake not to ask her any more questions. She said I must have asked her a thousand already. I suppose I had, too, but how are you gonna find things out if you don’t ask questions? And what does make roads red? ‘Well, I don’t know,’ said Matthew. It just makes me feel glad to be alive…it’s such an interesting world.”
“No!” A girl cried, grabbing a big man’s hand. “I wanna go with you!”
“Y/N/N, what about your mom?” The man asked, getting on his knees to be eye level with the twelve year old girl. “She can’t lose another kid.”
“No! I wanna go with you! She doesn’t care, she only cares about her new boyfriend that doesn’t remind her of Sara!”
“Hey, don’t say that.” The man said, wiping a tear from the girl's face.
“Daddy please? I wanna go with you! I wanna go back to Hawkins! I wanna see Steve again!”
“I know. I know.” 
“Please, don’t make me stay with her! Don’t make me stay with him!”
“I’ll see what I can do.”
The girl pounded on the door to a house as a twelve year old boy opened the door.
“Steve?” The girl asked, tears in her eyes.
“Steve,” the girl let out, hugging him tight. “I missed you so much!”
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” Steve asked, pulling away to see tears in her eyes and on her face.
“Steve, my dad and I moved back. Sara died, and uh… my parents got a divorce. I was able to come back with him. He’s at work now, but I just didn’t want to be alone.”
“Y/N/N, I’m home!” The man in his police chief uniform called walking into his house one night. “Y/N? Y/N, where are you?” He asked, looking around, looking for his daughter.
“And she’s not with you?” The man asked on the phone the next day.
“No. Why would she be with me? Are you sure she didn’t just spend the night at a friends?”
“Yes, I’m sure. I went home last and she wasn’t there. There was no sign of her, no note, no nothing! It’s not like her to just run away like that.”
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kaylawritesfics · 2 years
HEYYYY I have another request! due to max mayfield x reader but the readers like an adopted “sister” from the lab and she likes to play guitar
(Like el’s adopted sister is dating max)
(with she /her pronouns!!)
plz ad thank you!!!💗💗
Dating Max Mayfield And Being From Hawkins Lab
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summary: what it’s like to date max mayfield while being from hawkins lab
pairing: max mayfield x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of canon typical violence, swearing, mentions of abuse (not descriptive)
note: hii tia !! sorry this took me literally forever i hope you love it :)
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You and Max probably met through Eleven. You had escaped Hawkins Lab a little earlier than Eleven did and she quickly found you and introduced you to her friends.
Max immediately thought you were so cool. You had powers, like El did, and could even play the guitar.
She would totally teach you how to skateboard, telling you how cool it would be if you could skate and play guitar.
She becomes really protective over you, especially during the bad times in Hawkins. She knows how dangerous it can be for you and El, so she’s really determined to keep you safe.
Max would love to just lay in bed with you and read comic books or something. It’s really soothing for her and she loves to just be able to relax with you.
She’ll read aloud to you as she lays on your chest. She really likes when you play with her hair, as well.
She loves to listen to you play guitar, especially when she’s upset or overwhelmed.
When you’re feeling anxious about the lab, she’ll remind you that nobody is ever going to hurt you again as long as she’s around.
God forbid Dr. Brenner ever meets Max Mayfield because she’ll beat his ass.
She likes to hear stories from the lab, but only the ones you’re comfortable telling. She likes to hear about the friendly nurses and orderlies and the friends you made while you were there.
She loves complimenting you, especially because she feels like nobody really ever showed you a lot of love in the lab.
She’s not a very affectionate person but she tries really hard to become one because she just wants to show you so much love that you’ve been missing out on.
She’ll also show you all the things you’ve missed out on. Whether it’s tv shows, movies, music, etc. She keeps you up to date with everything pop culture.
She loves having movie nights with you !! She makes sure that you get to watch all the classic movies.
She just adores you so much and she really wants to protect you and show you so much love !!
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demxnicprxncess · 1 year
GxG Smut "Can't Sleep"
YALL IM FEELING OVERLY CONFIDENT IN MY SEXUALITY RN AND ITS 1 AM I HAVE SCHOOL TMR BUT I HAD THIS SCENARIO PICTURE WHOEVER TF YOU WANT, I managed to imagine both Sarah Paulson and Lady Gaga during different moments. (Don't ask.)
Taglist: @kitwalkersgfff, @ppawmpkin, @yes-divine-ruler, @quicksilversg1rl, @charsdunkie, @eddiemunsonsbitch69, @dahmevan, @sultrysullen dm me to be added or removed dears. (idk if you guys wanna be tagged for my wlw stories sorry js lmk!)
CW: WLW cs im gay, cursing cs im popeye the sailor, overly detailed because im hyper, scissoring and tribbing, dirty talk, titty worship cs its women, no men, purely porn with no plot, MAKING LOVE, ITS SEX!
Rolling around against the soft sheets that wrapped around my half nude body as I practically whimpered at the things my girlfriend did to me in my dream, only to be woken up by my actual girlfriend. "Baby, are you okay? You're all sweaty and whiney..." I looked at her squinting to read her expression in the dark room, before leaning over to cut the light on. "What?" She laughed softy before pulling me into her chest, I felt the side of my sweaty face being pressed against her pillowy boobs, I felt like I was in heaven. "What were you dreaming about pretty girl?" I looked up at her and smiled bashfully before pushing her down onto the bed and sitting on top of her each of my thighs on the side of her waist. "Just how good it feels when you eat me out." She looked up at me and smiled before bringing her hands to my thighs and then my waist. "Oh yeah?" I leaned down close to her lips barely letting them touch before mumbling a soft "Yeah." into her lips as I kissed her. I slid my hips down so my pussy was in line with hers. I slid my hand down in between us and slipped it into her panties, tracing figure eights along her clit feeling as her body stutters against mine. "You like that?" I pull back from this kiss still moving my fingers before using my free hand to push her hair out of her face. "Alot." I smiled once more now removing my finger and pulling down her panties and mine. "As much as I'd love to recreate my dream I can't. Cause damn, I really fucking need you." I pushed her legs up to fold her knees in reach with her still covered breast whilst I undid my bra and then laid myself at the perfect angle to where her clit was lined perfectly with mine. I gave a gentle testing grind to make sure that whilst stimulating myself I could stimulate her, her somewhat loud moan being everything I need to tell me that I was doing right. But before I could start, I had to remove her bra, I reveled in the sight of her boobs, bare or not. I placed a hand on her boob before grinding with a bit more force now, the pleasure striking from my core all the way down to the tip of my toes. I sped up the little pushes feeling her body quiver in pleasure undermine while her moans grew in volume and intensity. "Shh baby, we wouldn't want the neighbors to hear now, would we? Let 'em hear how good I fuck you in the middle of the night?" She shook her head no, and I leaned down to kiss her, swallowing every moan she sent my way and pushing my hips against hers even harsher before moving my finger to massage her scalp through her tangled hair that flung around her head and clung to her sweaty face. I pulled back feeling myself getting close knowing she finishes before me she must be holding it, I pushed with more force feeling my arousal pool out and mix with her that had also started pouring out of her hole. "You're so needy for me princess." Her moans got louder, I could feel her body shake as she reached her highly anticipated orgasm following in her footsteps, I reached mine, moaning her name out in pure ecstasy. "I have a feeling we're going to sleep well tonight.
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thatgrumpybxtch · 2 years
could you do more about being elevens sister? anything really 😊☺️
Eleven is sooo protective over you
No matter if you're younger or older than her
Being protective over her too
You are partners in crime and rarely ever seen apart
You've been through everything with her, so you both understand each other better than anyone else
Warning Mike that if he ever hurts Eleven you'll kill him :)
He still isn't sure if you were joking or not
Naturally being close with Mike and the others too, after some good old trauma bonding
Of course, being eleven's sister isn't easy, you're both constantly in the spotlight, and looked at anytime something life-threatening happens
Lots of trauma and lots of anger
Being treated like an actual daughter and kid by Hopper and Joyce
Hanging out with the party, learning about dnd, and even getting to play
Going to the mall with your sister and Max, which also means free ice cream from Steve and Robin
Speaking of Steve, whether you are close or not he is protective of you and your sister, even if he doesn't show it super often
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Treat you better
→ Pairs: Eleven x sister!reader, Max Mayfield x f!reader, Robin Buckley x f!reader, Erica Sinclair x f!reader, Nancy Wheeler x f!reader, Mike Wheeler x f!reader, Will Byers x adopted sister!reader, Dustin Henderson x f!reader, Lucas Sinclair x f!reader, Steve Harrington x f!reader, Argyle x f!reader, Jonathan Byers x f!reader, Eddie Munson x f!reader.
→ Summary: Who will you pick?
→ Warning/s: minor mentions of dying, minor mentions of the Demogorgon, a few swear words.
→ Universe: Stranger Things
→ Setting: A day after you and Eleven close the gate
→ Age: 20
→ Genre: [A/F]
→ Note: You and Eleven are blood sisters, Joyce Byers adopted you and Eleven 2 years ago, making you two sisters with Will and Jonathan Byers and daughters of Joyce Byers. You two have the same powers, same past and trauma.Pretend that Robin and Max were there in Season 1. Yes, you are 20 and Eleven's 15. This short story contains lyrics from Treat you better by Shawn Mendes
→ Reminder: You DO NOT have permission to plagiarize, repost and claim the story are yours. Reblogs, likes and comments are very much appreciated by me :)
→ y'all are going to have to guess who y/n likes more;)
Masterlist(women) • Taglist • Masterlist(men)
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Y/N's POV:
Me and my sister are currently in Mike's basement with our friends - Nancy, Robin, Dustin, Max, Erica, Will, Lucas, Argyle, Steve and Mike, El's boyfriend. It isn't so bad here, it's actually quite nice. It's my first time here, I was staying with Joyce Byers before me and my sister were on a run since papa showed up. And finally, we're together again. Joyce adopted me and Eleven a week after Eleven and I met again.
She's number 11 and I'm number ten. We recently found out about our mother a week ago, before everything went downhill. First, we found out that a gate to the Upside down was opened. Last but not the least, papa showed up which is a bad sign. Turns out my name is actually Y/N and Eleven is Jane.
"You could've died in there! You could've been taken by that thing!" Steve argued back to me. I don't know why he didn't want me to go.
"Well, I didn't, Steve. Why didn't you want me to go? Did you want my sister to do it alone?! Did you want her to die?!" I raised my voice angrily. If he wants my sister to die, I'll die with her - or he could die first before my sister.
"No! I don't! I don't want you to go because I love you and I can't lose you!"
Everyone gasped at Steve's response. Oh. my. God. He likes me!? Steve 'the hair' Harrington likes me?! The playboy, Heartthrob Steve likes me?! That's why?! Even I was taken back at his sudden confession. He froze at his spot when he realized what he had just said.
"Holy Shit. You like y/n! I knew it!" Lucas broke the silence between all of us, he began chanting, "Steve likes y/n" with Dustin, Max and El.
He groans out of embarrassment "It's not like that, okay?"
"El and I win Dustin" Max said to the kid while doing the 'give me' hand gesture. Did they just do bet on us? Dustin groaned loudly and gave Max and El their prize.
"You did a betted on us?" I asked, I received a nod from the four kids "Oh my God. Why?"
"We always sense some sexual tension when you two lock eyes every time. It's like you are talking with each other with your minds. So we thought that you two like each other, so, we made a bet. El and Max went for you two having a crush on each other and and I went for you two only having either one of you likes the other" Dustin explained to us
"Telepathy" El added
"For how much?" Steve asked
"A hundred bucks" Max blurted out
"A hundred bucks?!" Steve and I exclaimed in synch, we share a surprised look before looking back at the four kids.
"Yeah, two teams. Each person on that team gets 50 bucks" Dustin explained to us
"Wait! Are we just going to ignore the fact that y/n didn't say anything after Steve's confession?" Mike interrupted us. Right. I didn't.
"Do you like Steve back?" Nancy asked me straight away
I turn to Steve "Can I talk to you, " I glance at the kids then looked back at him "Alone?"
"Y.. yeah, s... sure" He stuttered with scratching the back of his neck, the two of us went out of the house to talk alone. Without any kids. But I'm pretty sure that at least one of them followed us out, those snoops . "What did you, uh, want to talk about?"
"About what you said. Is it true? Because I don't want to be the only one who believes that it's not true" I answered
No one's POV:
Whilst y/n and Steve are talking outside, the kids in the basement were betting once again.
"I'll go with y/n doesn't feel the same way" Lucas betted first
"Same" Max, El, Nancy, Dustin and Robin all teamed with Lucas.
"I'll go with y/n feeling the same way" Mike declared, confident with his answer
"I'm with Mike" Will, Jonathan, Eddie and Argyle teamed with Mike
"Wait, you're all seriously betting over y/n/n and Steve?" Erica interrupted the betting
"As you heard, yes we are. Whose team are you on?" Nancy asked the kid
"I'll choose but it depends on how much the winner wins" Erica sassed
Honestly, Robin was hurt when she found out that Steve likes y/n because she has taken a liking to the y/h/c woman ever since they met. No one actually knows who y/n really likes, that's why they betted in the first place. Robin and y/n are very close friends, both women work together at Scoops Ahoy with Steve. The mall has been in Hawkins for a year now, and ever since it was built, many stores in the downtown have lost its customers, including the local video rental store.
Where you and Robin first met, you were looking for a job there and you saw that the local video rental store, known now as Family Video, was hiring so you applied, there you met Robin and the rest in history.
"20 bucks," Lucas answered "Each person on the winner team gets 20 bucks"
"25" Erica opposed the deal
"20" Lucas argued
"25 or I'm not picking"
"Fine. 25 bucks for each person on the winner team" Lucas gave up
"Then I'll go with y/n feels the same way" Erica chose a team.
At that exact moment, when the other team was about to argue Steve and y/n came walking down the stairs. As y/n steps on the floor, she took Robin's hand and dragged the woman beside her. Steve had a miserable expression on his face.
"Steve. Robin. Would you two like to share what you two are feeling about me so I could decide, please?" Y/N requested. Only Nancy knows about Robin's feelings for y/n, and only Jonathan knows about Steve's feelings for y/n which is now revealed to the kids.
Everyone looked quizzically at y/n, confused about what she's talking about.
"Then I'm not picking" she sighed, walking limply to the couch and plopped on it while everyone still had their eyes on her. "What? You're wondering why I know, am I right?"
Robin and Steve nodded, as well as the others. That made y/n sigh again and stood up, with her hands holding each other behind her as she walks towards the people she says, "Well, Robin, itall started when.."
What happend, this is in y/n's POV:
After I had studied with Billy in the back of Scoops Ahoy, I overheard Robin and Nancy talking, little did they know that I heard them
"I can't tell her yet, it's hard, Nance" Robin groaned
"You have to, or else one day you'll wake up and see that she's walking down the aisle, getting married to the love of her life whilst you stand there, completely regretting that you didn't tell her sooner" Nancy told her best friend
"But what if she doesn't like me back?"
"At least you told her before it's too late"
End of story, No one's POV:
"Oh" Robin whispered, embarrassed that y/n, her crush, had to find out like that.
"And as for Steve," you sighed "you all know how I found out" you sat back down on the couch
"So who's your pick? I can treat you better" Steve stated
Robin frowned and said, "I know I can treat you better that he can"
"any girl like you deserves a gentleman" Steve fought
"Tell me why are we wasting time on all your wasted crying hen you should be with me instead? I know I can treat you better better than he can" Robin argued
"I'll stop time for you. The second you say you'd like me too" Steve argued back
Everyone was amused by this little show, probably the highlight of the sleepover.
"This is a sleepover, not some open forum" Dustin whispered to Max
"Let them fight for y/n. It's amusing" Max whispered to Dustin. Robin started walking towards you, gripping onto your arms gently as she looks into your eyes.
"I just wanna give you the loving that you're missing. Baby, just to wake up with you. Would be everything I need, and this could be so different. Tell me what you want to do" Robin finished softly, y/n searched for any lies through Robin's eyes but she found nothing but love, desperation and... lust? "Who's your pick?"
"I choose..."
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i-writes-things · 2 years
Hi! Can I please request a Nancy Wheeler and Robin Buckley x reader platonic fic where Nancy and Robin both kind of see reader as like a younger sister figure and maybe they’re all in the upside down together / at Starcourt or something and reader gets hurt (despite Nancy already being overprotective) and it’s just angst but gentle. I’m sorry if that makes no sense I just love your works and I’m dying for you to write something Nancy / Robin based :) <3
A Perfect Plan
Nancy & Robin x Platonic!sister-figure!reader
Warnings: mentions of death, cpr, not edited.
Author's Notes: Hi!!!! Thank you so much for this request, I honestly had a better time than I thought I would writing this request!! <3
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Not my Gif*
"I can be the one to distract it while El goes-"
"No." Robin cuts in.
"You could get hurt, Y/n." Nancy adds taking a step forward, filled with worries.
"She could switch with, um, Lucas. Anyone can throw a rock at a big ass monster." Robin suggests.
"No, she can't. Lucas is the only one experienced enough. It has to be him." Mike argues, aggressively turning his head towards the older girls.
"It's not a rock, me and Will found fireworks instead." Lucas corrects.
"So what if Y/n gets hurt, what if Lucas gets hurt. We all might die, so getting hurt a little bit doesn't sound so bad when compared to death." Jonathan throws out there.
Nancy and Robin both seemed apprehensive about you going into trouble, but they all were so there wasn't much they could do.
"Fine, Y/n can be the distraction."
"Yeah, thanks for your blessing." Mike said, somewhat under his breath, getting to his feet.
"Well everyone knows the plan. Lets get out there..." Steve told the group.
"I am ready, gonna run like the speeding gazelle that I totally am..." You whispered to yourself.
Everyone was stationed in there hiding spots, and after almost an hour, there was a distant rumble and you walkied up to Dustin and Lucas.
"You guys heard that? Over."
"Copy, we did hear it. Stay sharp. Over."
"Copy that, Dust. Over." You shut off the walkie and looked out at the light up mall, that was completely empty. No shoppers shopping, only light up shops with no cashiers to check you out at a slow day at the mall, but it was close to midnight and the dead silence was making you feel sick. The eerie air finally settling, just as your sense were over loaded with noise. It was your queue. You had to run. You had to run right now. Waving and shaking yourself around you ran out and was immediately stunned at the size of the iky creature that had all its focus on you. A scream from the other end of the mall square got not only the Monster's but your attention as well. Panic washing over you, you screamed back and continued until the monsters full attention was on you again.
"KILL ME MIND FLAYER!!!" Nancy heard your scream with tears in her eyes as she ran to her next position, going to meet Steve.
You were running around as the rest of the group got into there final positions. Legs aching, you ran on, pushing yourself, waiting for the signal. It was life or death and with the will to live on, your legs never stopped.
An Explosion from the other side of the mall rang in your ears, Lucas's voice as follows, "Eat this, you ugly piece of shit!" another round of fireworks went off.
You jogged off to the side, leaning against a wall, catching your breath and saw your friends take on the monster themselves. Steve and Nancy's trap had seemed to be going on just fine, not that the monster was having any of it, but it was working to an extent.
El was up and after a final deep breath to get it all back you looked around for her. Billy was even standing in the darkness. Almost running out, wanting to do something to help but came up empty handed. You had nothing to help with. Your eyes scanned the place around you, a water fountain, closed store front, and a janitors closet. Nothing useful to help with the fight. A scream came from your left, out from across the mall, El and Billy were in the misted of fighting. Eleven's nose bleeding, and a sweaty Billy they fought through it.
You on the other hand, had an instinct to get something from that closet. A broom, a pole, a bat, a stick, maybe even a high powered lawnmower and just shred the creature to death. All that you could get your hands on was a mop. You held it tight in your sweaty palms, deciding if this was really what you were about to do. As another scream clouded your head, so did your judgement as you went flailing over the mall. Leaping atop a bench and wacky its sliminess your very ineffective mop. The only thing that you were met with was a hard slap to the face that sent you flying right off the bench...
Some time later...
A far away voice, a bright light and a headache was all you were met with.
"Y/n!" It called again, it was like a dream. You weren't fully sure of anything. But well you fully focused on the voice, it pulled you back with such an urgency to it that your only reaction was an overwhelmed scream.
"Y/n...?" They asked from your right.
"Steve, go get her, she's awake!!" Will's familiar voice stuck out from the rest, as he pushed passed the crowd that stood around your Hospital bed.
"What happened, Y/n?" Mike asked, Dustin being the one to stop him from asking anything more.
"Shut up, Mike."
"Y/n, how do you feel?" The same familiar voice flooded your vision coming from your right again. Finally looking in that direction you saw her, Nancy.
"Did we kick ass?" Nancy smirked, and the whole group started to smile a bit.
"Yeah," She smiled, "we did kick ass."
"Good. How am I?" Her smile faded slightly, as growing footsteps turned into Robin pushing Mike and Lucas beside to get to you.
"What the hell were you thinking?" She whispered and gave me a big hug, letting a breath go.
"I remember, I wasn't. Thinking, I mean." My own smile shows through as she pulls away.
"You better start thinking next time, Y/n." Nancy examined the bruises on your neck and face.
"I'm alive aren't I, Nance?"
"I can breath just fine."
"Yeah, after Steve did CPR-" She bit her lip, "Twice."
You thought it for a moment, you weren't breathing. You. Weren't. Breathing.
"But you'll be out of here in no time." Robin pulled you out of your horrid thoughts and into the positive side.
Giving a smile and a nod, "Yeah," your quiet response made everyone kinda sad. But Max and Eleven were sitting outside, both under this bit weight on their shoulders after that fight. They didn't want to see you till you were better. The same thought came to you, you would see them in time. Right now was just not the time. Thankfully you had your two big sisters to watch out for you, until your parents came to your rescue.
"Thanks, guys, for saving my life and all." All giving different nods and 'Of course's' ending off with a 'Your welcome' from Steve.
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cas-kingdom · 2 years
Stranger things and your OC/reader please: “I don’t like that look. What happened?”
A/N: For the sake of my OC!reader’s involvement in the show’s story & the age I imagine her to be (17-18) around the 3rd season, Sara’s death isn’t as recent as it is canonically.
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"I don’t like that look,” Hopper lilted as he walked up the steps to the cabin. His eyes were on you, stretched out on the porch bench as you stared at the night sky. You briefly flicked them in his direction at his words, just as he took his hat off and perched it on the banister. “What happened?”
You returned your gaze to the sky. “Nothing,” you said. At his lack of response, you turned your head towards him. Hopper had leant back against the fencing and crossed his arms over his chest. One brow was raised, his lips upturned in a knowing smile. You breathed a short laugh through your nose and sat up. “Seriously, Dad,” you reiterated. “I’m fine.”
Hopper shrugged. He trusted his relationship with you enough to know you’d tell him if something was up. If not now, then eventually. “Alright,” he relented, “but I still don’t like that look.” He ducked his head a little to peer in through the dimly lit window. “Where’s El?”
“Watching TV,” you said. You shifted in your seat and curled your legs beneath you, absently fidgeting with your fingers. Hopper watched you for a moment, studying your actions, noting the tell tale signs he’d learnt over your lifetime which told him that though you may be fine, you most definitely were not happy. 
Wordlessly, he sat beside you, slumping in his seat. It wasn’t exactly warm out, but you had a habit of sitting on the porch bench most evenings while you waited for him to come home from work, whether there was a breeze or not. Sometimes, El waited with you, the two of you reading a book or playing a boardgame on the decking, and he found himself incredibly at ease in those moments. To see his kids together and happy was something he would choose above all else, for both his sake and your own, and the past you’d left behind.
“Good day at work?” You broke the restful silence.
Hopper audibly sighed. “Uh-huh,” he said. “Always something interesting in Hawkins. What about you? Good day with El?”
It was a question he always asked, his subconscious needing to hear that your new family situation was still working, and you usually answered without problems. This time, your answer was taking too long for comfort, and Hopper fancied it had something to do with the look he’d caught earlier. He dropped his head and gave you a look of his own, something you glanced at briefly before biting your bottom lip, a clear indication of defeat.
“She found a photo of Sara today,” you said quietly. “The one you took on our fourth birthday at that restaurant. It didn’t upset me or anything, don’t worry. Just...made me think, you know?”
Hopper did know. Thinking about Sara had always been a daily occurrence, but since inviting El into his home, the thoughts had only recently become more pronounced. It wasn’t that El replaced the daughter he’d lost, but she certainly soothed the ache in his heart…made it easier to remember Sara in a light that wasn’t so negative.
He didn’t doubt that the same could be said for you. Losing a sister was hard enough for anyone to cope with, but losing your twin had changed you permanently. You’d been such a happy child, you both had, but there always seemed to be some dull cloud hanging over your head, vaguely marring your smiles and the brightness in your eyes. But since El, it had all become less noticeable. Everything had. Sara’s loss...the divorce...the move...unacknowledged emotions. Little by little, El’s light was beginning to shine through that cloud.
In a way, it seemed as though your words, your denial of being upset about Sara’s photo and your overall reaction to it, were a gentle acceptance towards the often unspoken fact that Sara really was gone. You hardly spoke about her anymore. You’d hardly grieved. But somewhere along the way, a time between now and saving El, it seemed as though things slowly began to look up.
Hopper dragged a tired hand down his face and shifted across the bench. He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you tight against his side. “Yeah,” he breathed out, rubbing your shoulder, “I know.” He glanced behind him and through the window. El’s eyes were still fixed on the TV, the same entrancement on her face that she held whenever she did something she’d once been forbidden from doing.
His lips quirked in a smile as he turned to face you. “You’re a great big sister, honey,” he said. “And I’m proud of you. You know that?” He pressed a kiss to your temple, feeling you nod against his lips, then peered up at the sky. The stars glinted. “So’s Sara.”
Stranger Things Masterpost
send me the first sentence of a fanfic and i’ll write the next five, except i don’t know when to stop writing so i guarantee there’ll be more than five
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natlovessoup · 2 years
On My Way - Masterlist
A Jim Hopper x Single Mom!Reader fic
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Pairing: Jim Hopper x (Single-ish)Mom!Reader
Summary: Together with her daughter Willow, Y/N tries to get away from her abusive husband. Running away from home, she takes shelter in her sister Joyce's house a few towns over. Here Y/N tries to build a better life for herself and her daughter, she meets Jim and Eleven and becomes a better aunt to her nephews, Will and Jonathan.
But what happens when her husband comes back into their lives, trying to make it a living hell? Will he pull apart the stable base she has created for her and her daughter?
Featuring: Dad!Jim Hopper, Eleven as a big sister, tooth-rotting fluff
TW: trauma, abuse mentions, (i'll update as the fic is progressing)
events in the show didn't happen, this is entirely an au :)
You and your daughter Willow are running away, trying to catch the train in time. This is just interactions between you both, before the real story begins :)
Chapter one;
You and Willow are traveling to see your sister Joyce in Hawkins
Chapter two: t.b.a.
more chapters to be announced....
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qtssvnwoo · 2 years
Eleven (Jane) Hopper headcanon's for seeing you as an older sister/motherly Figure!!
request: could you write headcanons about Eleven/Jane Hopper seeing you as an older sister/mother and what that entails (im sorry this is worded very poorly)
- your friendly neighborhood homosexual
Of course bae! here you go:
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You guys don't know how much I love El but anyways,
Eleven would 100% confide in you for absolutely everything. It could be simple things like certain words she might not understand, or it could be bigger things like her feelings or her relationship with Mike.
She would find so much comfort in you, not having a big sister/motherly figure in her life was really hard for her so naturally it would be a breath of fresh air for her.
I could see you two going on ice cream hang outs and El just totally gushing about Mike. And you just smiling to yourself and listening to her because you love seeing her happy.
I can see El being super interested in SO MANY THINGS! One of these things could be books. So you would read to her your favorite stories at night.
Braiding El's hair while listening to and answering her many many questions.
And also shopping with El to try and help her find a style
El would love to spend time with you, and she would bring you absolutely everywhere because she wants to experience it with her.
El seeing you as an older sister/motherly figure would entail that she's super protective of you. She would do absolutely anything to protect you.
And you would do the same, always protecting El from things. whether they be super huge and dangerous things or just small things, you would always be there to protect her.
You would totally be "over protective older sister." Protecting El from bullies and making sure they don't mess with her.
It would be a super fun friendship, and El would just love spending time with you.
Remember how I said she would confide in you? She would also seek comfort in you.
You would let her cry into your chest and you would just hold her while rubbing her head and whispering that it would be okay.
And Eleven would be so grateful, she never got such reassurance so its something new and something she wouldn't trade the world for.
I fell like, eventually, Eleven would gain more confidence because you showed her how to be confident in her skin.
I can also see you dancing with each other while in the kitchen at like four am.
Speaking of kitchen, you and El would bake...A LOT
I see you teaching El how to make cookies or brownies and her just totally destroying your kitchen the first time, but after few more times she would get the hang of it.
If the party was hanging out, El would call you and ask you to pick her up from Mike's house because she wants to tell you what happened while she was hanging out with Mike.
Over all, Eleven would confide in you, and trust you with absolutely everything, and look to you for advice for everything.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 years
The Unknown Quantity Chapter List & Artwork
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By: dwobbitfromtheshire
Part One
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
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thewidowsghost · 2 years
Five - Chapter 4
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Five lies on her back, gloomily tossing a tennis ball into the air; Mike is flicking through some of Will's drawings. Eleven fiddles with the dial to Mike's SuperComm.
"Can you please stop that?" Mike asks, looking over at Eleven.
The walkie makes a clicking noise as Eleven turns it off, but then there is another click as she turns it back on, static crackling as she changes between channels.
"Are you deaf?" Mike snaps angrily. "I thought we were friends, you know? But friend tell each other the truth. And they definitely don't lie to each other." Five looks over at her sister, and Eleven stares at Mike, wide eyed. "You made me think Will was okay, that he was still out there, but he wasn't. He wasn't! Maybe you thought you were helping, but you weren't," Mike says and Eleven's eyes well with tears. "You hurt me. Do you understand? What you did sucks," Mike snarls. "Lucas was right about you," he turns back to his pictures. "All along."
Eleven frowns, turning her attention back to the walkie and static crackles again.
"So come on and let me know," a voice sings through the walkie. "So come on and let me know. Should I stay or should I go?"
Mike's eyes widen considerably and he places Will's drawings down beside him on the couch before he gets to his feet, running over to Eleven in the fort.
"Should I stay or should I go now?" the voice sings softly.
Mike falls to a knee, and Eleven holds out the walkie.
Five had rolled onto her stomach, and is watching Eleven and Mike with wide eyes.
"If I go there will be trouble," Will Byers sings. "If I stay it will be double."
Mike takes the SuperComm from Eleven. "Will, is that you? It's Mike! Do you copy? Over."
Tears well in Eleven's eyes as she watches Mike yell into the walkie, desperate to find his friend. Five moves over, gently wiping the blood from below her sister's nose before she sits beside her, wrapping her in a side hug.
"Will, are you there?" Mike says into the walkie. Static crackles in response. "Will!" Mike yells. "Was that . . . Was it . . ." Mike asks, his hands coming to rest on Eleven's shoulders.
"Will," Eleven replies, blood still dripping down from her nose and onto her lip.
. . .
"Michael?" Mrs. Wheeler opens her son's bedroom door. "Hi, honey. How are you feeling?" she asks, her tone softening.
"I, uh . . ." Mike stammers, his covers pulled up to his chin; Mrs. Wheeler sits down on her son's bed."I don't think I can go to school today."
"Oh, that's fine, sweetie," Mrs. Wheeler says, her expression softening. "I need to drop of Nance, then I'm gonna check in on Barb's parents. Why don't you grab a book or something and come with me? We can stop at the video store on the way back, pick out whatever you want. Even R-rated," she tries to cheer up her son.
"I think I just want to say home today," Mike replies. "I mean, if that's okay?" he asks.
"Well, are you sure you're gonna be all right here by yourself?" Mrs. Wheeler asks, her eyebrows knitting with concern.
"I think so," Mike says.
"Okay," Mrs. Wheeler finally gives in. "But if you need anything, call Dad at work." She leans over, placing a kiss to her son's forehead before she gets up, walking towards the door.
"Bye," Mike says softly.
"Bye, sweetie," Mrs. Wheeler replies.
As soon as the door closes, Mike throws the covers off of himself and reaching for his walkie.
"Lucas, do you copy?" Mike asks. At the silence, he says, "Lucas, come on, I know you're there! This is urgent. I'm serious. I'm not gonna stop until you answer."
"Go away, Mike," Lucas replies. "I'm not in the mood, all right? Over and out."
"No, not 'out'," Mike says. "I'm not messing around, okay? This is about Will. Over."
"What about Will?" Lucas asks. "You mean about his funeral? Over."
"No, not his funeral," Mike replies. "Screw his funeral!"
"What?" Lucas asks with disbelief.
"Get over here stat," Mike says. "And bring Dustin. Over and out."
. . .
The school bell rings at Hawkins High School and Nancy Wheeler can hear the indistinct chatter of her classmates.
"So, wait a sec. I don't understand," Steve Harrington, a junior - and Nancy's boyfriend - says. "You went back to my house?"
"To look for Barb," Nancy replies, referencing the sudden disappearance of her best friend.
"Yeah, okay, but why didn't you just talk to me?" Steve replies, his hands sliding into the front pockets of his jeans. "That's crazy."
"I don't know," Nancy admits. "I . . . I was scared."
"You seriously think you saw a guy in a mask just hanging out in my yard?" Steve asks.
"I don't think it was a mask," Nancy voices.
"But he had no face?" Steve echoes, looking slightly amused.
"I don't know," Nancy breathes. "I don't know, I just . . . I have a terrible feeling about this."
"This is bad," Steve says, moving to lean back against the brick wall. "This is really bad."
"What?" Nancy asks, stepping forward slightly.
"The cops . . ." Steve replies, ". . . they're gonna want to talk to all of us now. Tommy, Carol, everybody who was at the party."
"So?" Nancy folds her arms against her chest.
"My parents are gonna murder me!"
"Are you serious right now?" Nancy says.
"You don't understand. My dad's a grade-A asshole," Steve replies.
"Barb is missing! And you're worried about your dad?" Nancy asks, her eyes widening with disbelief.
"Okay, just . . . When you talk to the cops, just . . ." Steve tries, " . . . don't mention the beers. It's just gonna get us both in trouble, and Barbara's got nothing to do with it, okay?"
Nancy scoffs. "I can't believe you right now."
. . .
The three boys are sitting in front of the fort, watching Eleven fiddle with the SuperComm. There is a static as the Eleven tries to tune the radio.
There is an indistinct whimpering.
"We keep losing the signal, but you heard it, right?" Mike asks.
"Yeah, I heard a baby," Lucas replies.
"What?" Mike asks with disbelief.
"Mike, you obviously tapped into a baby monitor." Lucas tells his friend. "It's probably the Blackburns' next door."
The bathroom door squeaks a little as Five steps out.
"Will was singing a song," Five tells Dustin and Lucas as she sits down in the fort beside her sister.
"Are you sure you're on the right channel?" Dustin asks.
"I don't think it's about that," Mike voices. "I think, somehow, she's channeling him."
"Like . . . like Professor X," Dustin offers.
"Yeah," Mike replies.
"Are you actually believing this crap?" Lucas asks.
Five, who is sitting across from the boy, looks up, meeting his eyes.
"I don't know," Dustin means. "I mean . . . Do you remember when Will fell off his bike and broke his finger? He sounded a lot like that."
"Did you guys not see what I saw?" Lucas asks. "They pulled Will's body out of the water."
Five shakes her head, pausing for a moment before she speaks. "I've smelled . . . dead people before. It smelled fake."
Eleven fiddles with the walkie again.
"This isn't gonna work," Mike says. "We need to get to a stronger radio."
"Mr. Clarke's Heathkit ham shack," Dustin suggests.
"Yeah," Mike says excitedly.
"The Heathkit's at school. There's no way we're gonna get the weirdos in there without anyone noticing," Lucas says. "I mean . . . look at 'em."
Five raises an eyebrow.
. . .
Five and Eleven exit Nancy's room. Eleven is wearing a pink dress and sporting a blonde wig. The boys had tried to argue, telling Five to just shapeshift, but she'd put her foot down - no more shape shifting unless it was necessary. As if the boys hadn't noticed the continuous stream of blood coming from her nose. Five is wearing a pair of high waisted jeans with a red t-shirt tucked into them with a buffalo plaid flannel unbuttoned on top, a pair of red Vans, and sporting a (H/c) wig.
"Wow," Lucas says, an eyebrow raising. "They look -"
"She looks pretty," Mike says, his eyes wide, looking at Eleven.
Five chuckles.
"Good," Mike says hastily, Dustin eyeing his friend, looking amused. "Pretty good."
. . .
The five kids walk through the school.
"Attention students, there will be an assembly to honour Will Byers in the gymnasium now," a man says on the intercom.
The boys lead the way to a door, trying to force their way inside.
"I don't think that's gonna work," Five remarks and Eleven giggles.
"It's locked," Mike says unnecessarily.
"What?" Lucas moves to try and open the door.
"Hey, do you think you can open it?" Dustin asks Eleven. "With your powers?"
"Boys?" A man rounds the corner.
"Hey," Mike says quickly.
"Assembly's about to start," Mr. Clarke tells the boys.
"We know. We're just, you know . . ." Mike says, his expression falling.
"Upset," Lucas says, leaning against the door.
"Y-y-yeah," Dustin stammers, "definitely upset."
Five wants to roll her eyes at how un-upset the boys sounded.
"We need some alone time," Mike says.
"To cry," Dustin says.
"Yeah, listen . . ." Mr. Clarke says, and Five can tell that the man is holding back tears. "I get it, I do. I know how hard this is, but let's just be there for Will, huh? And then . . . the Heathkit's yours for the rest of the day. What do you say?" Then he looks over, seeing Five and Eleven. "I don't believe we've met. What are your names?"
"El-" Eleven begins.
"Eleanor! She's my, uh -" Mike pauses, looking panicked.
"Cousin," Lucas says.
"Second cousin," Dustin pipes up.
"She's here for Will's funeral." Mike says.
"Where are you from exactly?" Mr. Clarke asks El.
"Bad place -" Eleven replies.
"Sweden!" Dustin interrupts.
"I have a lot of Swedish family," Mike adds.
Mr. Clarke then turns to Five.
"I'm (Y/n)," Five says. "Will's sister." Five wants to kick herself at the words she'd just blurted.
"Oh," Mr. Clarke's eyes widen with surprise, "I didn't know Will had a sister."
"I live with our dad," Five tries and Mr. Clarke nods, looking satisfied with her answer.
"Well, welcome to Hawkins Middle, (Y/n), Eleanor," Mr. Clarke says. "I just wish it was under better circumstances. Well, shall we?" he asks, gesturing the kids forward.
"Yeah," Lucas says, and he, Dustin, and Mike all exchange relieved looks.
Word Count: 1746 words
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swiftieblyth · 2 months
Y/N Hopper
I’ve been working on a Steve Harrington x best friend Hopper reader but the reader was kidnapped by Papa and experimented on!
more info to come with the prologue to the series later today!
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kaylawritesfics · 2 years
Dating Steve Harrington and Being Hopper’s Daughter
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summary: what it’s like to date steve and be jim hopper’s daughter
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader (hopper!reader)
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcoholism, character death, mentions of grieving
note: this wasn’t requested i just really wanted to do one of these with a hopper!reader. this has no stranger things 4 spoilers and it’s mainly set in seasons 2 and 3 :)
You and Steve went to school together. While you may have been in the same grade, you may as well have been in totally different high schools. Your social standings couldn’t have been farther apart.
In fact, you didn’t really meet Steve until things started going bad in Hawkins for the second time.
You basically ran the household for years before your dad brought El home. After that, he begins to fix his behavior. He drinks less and he tries to be home with the two of you more.
While you appreciate his development, you can’t help but have a lingering feeling of resentment for the way he treated you growing up.
Hopper was never a bad father. In fact, when he was sober, he was the best. He wasn’t a mean drunk, either. He was just sloppy and lazy and nothing like how he was with El.
You loved your new sister, but you couldn’t help but feel jealous of the relationship she had with your father. They were watching Miami Vice on Fridays, having breakfast together, having movie nights, etc, while you spent most of your childhood cleaning up beer cans and trying to fend for yourself.
Hopper really tries to make it up to you. He feels awful about his past behavior. You can’t help but sympathize with him a bit.
Between you bringing Steve home and El bringing Mike home, Hopper is losing his mind. The three inches rule is firmly set in place the minute Steve Harrington walks through his front door.
Your dad secretly really likes Steve. He’d never admit it because that ruins the whole intimidating father shtick he’s got going on but he’s really glad that you found someone sweet like Steve.
Steve, on the other hand, is scared shitless by Hopper. Literally, he’s terrified and there’s no way to comfort him.
One time, Hopper came home earlier than you thought and caught you and Steve making out in your bed, both of your shirts discarded somewhere around your room. Steve wouldn’t come back over for weeks.
He was fully convinced he was gonna die that night.
Eleven loves Steve !! They have a very cute sibling-ish relationship going on.
Sometimes, Steve is invited to family movie nights, which he finds a little bit of solace in, knowing that maybe your dad doesn’t completely hate him.
Steve likes to take you (and sometimes El) on late night drives. He always lets you and El pick the music.
Sometimes, you’re able to sneak El out of the house without your dad finding out.
You, Max, and El spend a lot of weekends at the mall, getting free ice cream courtesy of your lovely boyfriend.
(Of course you’re careful and make sure El is safe the whole time you’re there)
When your dad dies, you and El find a lot of comfort in each other.
You eventually agree to let Joyce take El to California while you stay in Hawkins with Steve, repairing your dad’s cabin.
Letting El go was one of the hardest decisions you’ve had to make but you knew your dad would be glad that she was safe and away from Hawkins.
You also couldn’t really support her, being barely lt out of high school, so you knew it would be best.
Steve comforts you and let’s you cry to him whenever you miss your family. It would really be unbearable to stay in Hawkins without him.
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thatgrumpybxtch · 2 years
Could you do a head canon of 8-year old reader being sisters with eleven and it’s the same as her with powers and being with eleven through everything and her experiences with her being with el and max when they first visited the wall and how’d it go !
Eleven was angry at Mike for lying to her and you knew that
And she had no idea what to do about it so she went to Max for help and took you with her
At first, you just read comic books and listened to Max and Eleven rant about how dumb boyfriends were
Then Max had the idea to go to the mall, despite that Hopper said to never leave the cabin
But what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him, right?
So you all went!
It was exciting being able to see all over Hawkins for the first time
Even riding the bus there was something you never experienced
The mall was large, especially for Hawkins
It was filled with people, shops, and music
You were able to goof around and have fun with Max and Eleven
Both you and Eleven even got brand new clothes
Clothes you chose, and that fit you both physically and personality-wise!
You all took pictures in the photo booth, posing and smiling
Then you even got free ice cream from Steve!
It was so many new exciting experiences in one day, so many good memories
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scarisd3ad · 1 year
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