#electric spookaloo
jammedmuses · 2 years
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“ Oh? What’re y’all pumpkins doing? Preparing for Christmas?? I see, they haven’t told you there’s been a change of plans... Don’t worry pumpkin, I’ll fill you in! So rather than prepare for Christmas we’ll prepare for something else called- ”
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Ketut proceeds to throw and toss all the Halloween memorabilia out all over again over the Christmas ones. All while cackling like a fabulous cartoon villain.
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voidoftetris · 2 years
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the magnus archives 2: electric spookaloo
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stuntghoul · 8 months
halloween 2: electric spookaloo 🦇 🦇 ⚰️🧛🏻
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gollageek · 11 months
Come join @howtotrainyournana and me for the Danny Phantom Phandom Stream: Part 2 Electric Spookaloo!!!! On YouTube or Twitch
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noonesgaylikegatson · 8 months
Happy October aka Pride Month - Part Two : Electric Spookaloo !! 🎃👻🧛🏻‍♂️🍁💀🧟🧙🌝
Yes!!!! Don’t forget to support all the gay artists this month! They always go ham for Halloween!!!!!
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theficlistpodcast · 2 years
This is basically our Nightmare Before Christmas episode since it’s both our Halloween and our Christmas episode from season 3! What’s better than ghost stories and secret Santa? 👻🎅
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unluckyshinyhunter · 11 months
June is pride month
July is pride month 2: electric boogaloo
August is pride month 3: pride harder
September is pride month 4: the revenge of trans galore
October is pride month 5: electric SPOOKaloo
November is pride month 6: back 2 the parade
December is pride month 7: red white and bi
January is pride month 8: son of the pansexuals
February is pride month 9: aces take Manhattan
March is pride month 10: a good day to pride hard
April is pride month 11: mission to mars
May is pride month 12: aros vs aces
Yes most of these are based on shitty movie sequels and yes October was stolen from a tumblr user that i forget the username of
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artpotato-goes-oof · 2 years
Halloween 2
Electric Spookaloo
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When it goes from august to September
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Good morning gays today is the DAY it’s pride month two: electric spookaloo
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jammedmuses · 2 years
As soon as the clock ticks midnight and the calendars turn to 10/31, she appears.
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“ Hello boys and ghouls, I have once again escaped federal prison. ”
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voidoftetris · 1 year
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I posted 6,650 times in 2022
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I tagged 3,005 of my posts in 2022
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#rqg - 341 posts
#the mechanisms - 192 posts
#note - 190 posts
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#unreality - 89 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#it’s important to remember pretty much everything we believe and think is drawn from the people around us. wtnv voice we’re all echoes
My Top Posts in 2022:
every day i think about oscar wilde. dorian gray. oscar wilde’s trial. lady windermere’s fan. the themes of classism. rqg wilde. how would he feel about modern interpretations of him? of his works? dorian gray. themes of a double life. constant deception. being driven to the brink by your own actions. lady windermere’s fan. sacrifice for another. hating yourself for doing it. the layers of lies and deception. rqg wilde. every single thing i have seen and read and heard related to him is, on some level, about deception. about masks. about blending in and pretending that nothing’s wrong. poetry about english nationalism. his mother was an irish nationalist. he didn’t have an irish accent because he was blending into society. nearly all of his work is about calling out the society he was blending into. masks and layers and constant deception. he’s most famous for being gay. he had a wife whom he wrote poems to and sent letters to a girl he called his childhood sweetheart. he’s dead and we can never be certain what was true. there are so many rumours that came about after he was prosecuted. his work was socially buried after his disgrace. he’s one of the most famous writers in the world. he was a living contradiction, masks covering masks covering masks, and we will never know if there was a person underneath it all. dorian gray. dying alone, filled with rage at what you’ve become. rqg wilde. the ballad of reading gaol. who was he? who could he have been?
76 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
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Carter my beloved what are you doing here
84 notes - Posted March 7, 2022
me: i’ve heard that de:pp has a trans character in it but i’m not confident that it’s not just my friends finding nothing to contradict a headcanon so-
opening scene: so barney is listening to cavetown
me, instantly: Oh Ok This Is Intentional
109 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
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the magnus archives 2: electric spookaloo
290 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
lucy: i need not tell you this is a secret
me, one of presumably thousands of people being emailed this: absolutely not queen. this dies with me, and i love you
841 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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happypandamonium · 5 years
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thanks, Tumblr
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gollageek · 11 months
And that is a wrap! Thank you to everyone who attended, we didn't make it through everything, but we hope you had a great time and hope to see you Tuesday, July 18 at 7:30 PM CST so we can read the new graphic novel together!!!
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astralbite · 5 years
To Tread Upon Rings
    The wind was bracing cold, even through the coat I wore. The night felt heavy and humid, but it felt thicker than water, and more like ink. My breath escaped in a wisp as I hugged the jacket closer. I checked my phone with a glance. 11:23 pm. Damn, where did the time go today?
    As I boarded the bus heading towards my area, I could have sworn I had watched this scenario take place before. Long before. The way the stale smell of peanut butter and cigarette smoke hit me felt dream-like. I was immediately set on edge by this fact, and the everlasting bad effects Deja Vu has had on my life and health, but swiped my card, and took a seat with a deep breath. I couldn’t wait to get home to my cat, and the prospect of food made me hungrier than I had previously felt. Four stops.
    I sat in silence, observing the other patrons on the bus, and listening to the conversation in the back in abject curiosity and anxiety. Was it about me? The two men kept referring to a ‘her’ and a ‘she’ from what I heard. Panic began to bite at my mind. My mind tried to warn me not to get on the bus by giving me the premonition, no? They got off as the bus came to a stop. I released a small sigh of relief. Three stops.
    Something just felt wrong.
    I shifted in my seat, which caught the blank stare of an older woman. I couldn’t tell if she was just dead tired and spacing out, or if she was truly looking at me. Either way, her gaze made me itchy, and not in the funny ‘hehe’ hair itch kind of way. It made my skin crawl. She turned back away to look out of the window at the moving city. The problem with the premonitions I received in my life is that they were always of a scenario that happened before the bad things started, and it never really helped to prepare me for what would be next. I’ve had calls of deaths in the family, to my cat being missing, to ‘Suprise! We’re moving’, and everything in between. Every time these episodes happen, I stay home with the people and things I care for. The woman shambled off of the bus after staring at me once again. Two stops.
    Bile began to rise in my throat as I observed how many people were still on the bus. I looked back down at my phone. 12:18 am. 
    I don’t want to ever meet the beings that gave me these premonitions. Honestly, I would simply rather not know. They are cruel beings. I let my mind wander to the possibilities of the unknown and unseen forces that gave people like me an insane-sounding reason to not leave the house. My first thought was always faeries, every time I pondered the ideals, anyway. In mythology, they were generally always devious and tricksters by nature, much like genies.
    The bus came to another stop, and all the others got off the bus. It was a rather full parking lot anyway. That left me, and the bus driver, an older gentleman. Just one more stop. Then I will be free to quickly book it back home.
    The ride was silent, save for the noise of the bus itself. I hate the noises they make. They’re so loud, but I don’t like the city at night enough to travel in the dark with my headphones in. 
    “You’d best be getting off soon.” The older man was gruff, and there was little point in trying to question him, or even try to be friendly.
    “I intend to be.” My voice felt like sandpaper and I immediately regretted the harshness of my words. What if he doesn’t let me leave? What if he kicks me off here, farther away from my home? What if the vision was trying to warn me of him? Once more, my anxiety ran away with my thoughts like a kid with a kite they can’t seem to get airborne.
    I got off the bus at 12:32 am. I was only a ten-minute walk away from my home. The air was barely warmer here, but still cold enough to make my breath visible. It looked like parts of my spirit being taken from me as my frigid breath curled and wisped away. Good riddance, I figured. The stop was at a convenience store, kind of, but not one of the 24-hour ones. There wasn’t a soul in sight, I don’t know if I liked that, either. The air smelled acrid and dry like gasoline and the irrigation water having been dried on the sidewalk hours ago. 
    I decided to cut across the bright parking lot, thanking and cursing whoever decided to make the gas pumps a 24-hour service, but not the store. I got across with no problems and stepped into a patch of lawn and sank beneath my foot, and nearly slipped down the barely noticeable incline. Mud. I made a quick step to the side to avoid this patch and stepped into one of the small faerie circles that we had locally. 
    My mind returned to fancy the idea of faeries, though I am very aware that the real reason we receive these little fungi circles is because of the high nitrogen in the soil. I stepped down onto the sidewalk, and scraped the mud from my shoes, before returning to my goal of just getting home. I heard something move in the bushes, but we have cats around. My heart began to quicken, and before I knew it, I was sprinting home, and opening the door, like a child running up the stairs from the darkness.
    I keep hearing things outside. Things that shouldn’t exist. I know it’s all a clever trick, but I feel myself gravitating from my room, to the kitchen, into the living room. I have felt the fae calling for hours now, and for hours I have not yet left the house. 
7:04 am.
I am only delaying the inevitable.
🍂 Happy Halloween, a good spooky month, and Pride 2: Electric Spookaloo! 🍂
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theficlistpodcast · 2 years
Throwback to the one time we released a holiday episode on the actual holiday!!! Good times back in season 2. Maybe we’ll be able to do that again some day.
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