#edit: to be clear this is about people who are pissed and not willing to understand WHY he made his choice
ahalliance · 9 months
there’s something funny about the people pissed at aziraphale for his choice in the end because they’re doing exactly what the show itself is criticising its characters of doing; not looking at things from the other person’s perspective
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isa-ghost · 3 months
do you have hc's about how the Polycule would save q!Phil from EK's possession?? Would they work on their own or work together?? these hc's are so good btw!!
I didn't at first but now that I sat down and thought about it, I have exploded. Enjoy.
Edit: This exploded so hard I'm now planning a 5+ chapter fic about it. So everyone stay tuned I guess. If you see me post an ao3 link sometime in the next week or two, you'll know what it is. I might also post the chapters as Tumblr posts for easier access for anyone who doesn't have ao3.
Previous qPhil headcanons
Ender King possessed Phil headcanons
Since you specified polycule, these will be Missa/Fit/Etoiles centric. However, the fic I'm writing will have guest appearances from Chayanne, Tallulah, Pac, and potentially some others. We'll see where it goes.
It seems impossible at first. He's. So. Strong. So merciless. So overwhelming. They know Phil would never forgive himself if it was his hands that hurt any of them. They can't afford to get close. They can't afford to be poisoned by the clouds of dragon's breath. They can't afford to be struck by his scythe or sword. They can't afford to be sniped by those eagle eyes. Phil would never forgive himself, and he's already so hard on himself.
They don't know what to do, they don't know what they CAN do. They have no choice but to back off, and let EK escape with Phil's body off to wherever the hell it is he'll hide out while he readjusts to having a physical form again and continues to further wrestle Phil into submission. Missa's absolutely inconsolable over it, Fit & Etoiles have to restrain him while EK dips for the sake of making sure Missa doesn't get himself killed. Fit is LIVID. Etoiles is equally pissed, but it comes out more as distress rather than rage.
Missa is overwhelmed by the idea of caring for Chayanne & Tallulah alone. Chayanne comes in clutch, he somehow snagged the stock of cookies from Phil's bag before EK took full control of him. Fit offers to look after them too, he just can't feed them. Ramon is already pulling out all the stops in an effort to comfort the two & is more than willing to let them sleep in his house. They all know Phil will be mortified that the two witnessed any of what happened.
Phil is missing for at least a week, maybe more. No one knows what EK is doing with his body. Their only solace is that Cucurucho & presumably the higher ranking feds are strong enough to prevent him from leaving the island. At least they know he's findable.
That doesn't make it easier. Knowing he's out there somewhere, trapped in his own mind, living his greatest fear every second they aren't helping him claw his way back into control of himself, potentially hurting people he cares about or doing things he'd never do with his own hands. It's unbearable.
Whenever it is that they finally find Phil, he's a shell. Thinner, paler, as gaunt as a corpse. Eyes purple and cruel, dark circles under them. Features sharper, somewhere between skeletal and draconic. Patches of his skin have blackened like char, some spots have cracked and look like they're bleeding purple. He looks like he's slowly becoming corrupted by crying obsidian. His wings are raised at all times, threatening. But they shake, unmistakably and visibly so. It's clear they're in so much pain, under so much strain. Has the Ender King been flying with Phil's damaged wings? Missa, Fit and Etoiles feel like they're staring at a ghost of their long-dead friend.
Phil's body is weak but the Ender King isn't. The fight, while more feasible now, is still hellish to pull off. It takes more gapples, potions, rezzing each other, and enough sets of armor broken for Etoiles to lament for a month, but eventually, after near-constant bombardment from three people (& a little "help" from a handful of mobs as things go on into the night. Which EK gets stronger during btw), the trio finally downs Ender King. Fit and Etoiles keep him pinned on his stomach while Missa desperately shoves potions and gapples down his throat like you would to cure a zombie villager. They have no idea if that's actually helping let alone doing anything at all. But how the fuck do you exorcise an evil deity from a mortal body?? They're grasping at straws.
Somehow, after trying every last thing that comes to mind (which is. A lot of desperate half-baked ideas bc they're pretty sure they're on a time limit & this is not the time to be elaborately plotting a solution), it turns out that soaking Phil in water like a drowned rat & forcing him to drink more water than any crow could dream of via hydrochecks is enough to overwhelm Ender King into giving up control of Phil's body.
During their scrambling for solutions, Etoiles very smoothly quips about how if only they had "Potion of Purge Ender King" btw, it gets a laugh out of Fit. And Missa, even through his hysterical crying because he is So Scared And Guilty about potentially hurting Phil right now. They needed the palette cleanser while doing something so grim and stressful.
Phil goes limp like a noodle as soon as EK gives him up. Missa fully panics thinking his husband just fucking died in all their arms until Reaper Brain kicks in and he realizes Phil's soul is still working, it's just extremely weak. Another witty remark from Etoiles about getting his shit together re-centers his focus.
Surprise! Phil's not unconscious though, just Extremely weak. And Ender King still isn't going down without a fight. Water hurts like a bitch but it isn't deadly. Not unless they risk drowning Phil. But now EK has been weakened enough that Phil starts to fight for control of himself for the first time in ages. It gets ugly.
Fit, arguably the physically strongest of them all, holds Phil hostage by the underarms while Missa and Etoiles keep desperately trying everything they can think of to keep making Phil purge EK from his system like an illness. Whatever is coming up is a disgusting viscous purple. Phil won't stop screaming. They can tell it's simultaneously Phil's pain and Ender King's rage.
And god is the process a long, torturous ordeal for everyone involved. Phil is very palpably in agony, Missa is a wreck, all 3 of them feel horribly guilty they're subjecting him to so much but it Has to be done. Fit's seen so much after living in the 2b2t Wastelands and even he's finding it hard to watch this.
By the end of it all, blood, sweat, tears, and vomit have been shed, and not just by Phil, in an effort to bring him back to his senses. They're all miserable, exhausted, and overwhelmed. They're not even entirely sure that EK has been "exorcised" completely, nor do they know how the Fuck to confirm that. And purging EK from Phil's body isn't where this stops either, but none of them can even think about what the recovery from this will be like.
Getting this far is only possible because they put all their strength together. No one would have stood a chance against the Ender King alone. Despite barely being conscious and looking convincingly half-dead, Phil is terrified he's hurt or killed someone he cares about as it is. Honestly, Missa, Fit & Etoiles are shocked it seemingly only took 3 people to take on an apparent god. This very much doesn't feel legit, Etoiles doesn't feel right saying gf yet. It feels like the fight isn't over.
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ninadove · 1 year
For the other ask game: Felix Graham de Vanily=)
My son. Protect this boy at all costs. 💜💙💚
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First impression:
A bad one, in all honesty. Felix’s debut episode introduces him as kind of a petty jerk, with no clear motivation and a disregard for consequences. Many people are still (understandably) pissed about the whole trying-to-kiss-Ladybug debacle (which, honestly, is not that surprising given the writers’, uh, WEIRD philosophy of consent), and it’s been detrimental to their appreciation of the character in the long run.
In retrospect, though. That introduction was brilliant in many other ways. I wrote about it here for those interested!
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Impression now
A BABY. A baby created specifically to cater to my tastes, might I add. I’ve been wanting to make a list of all the reasons I love him, so here goes:
1. Huuuge Clive Dove vibes (complex antagonist, smartest character in the show, identity fraud enthusiast, willing to tear down oppressive power structures by force — they even share a sense of style)
2. Clear queer metaphor (more on that in another post from yours truly, which never showed up in the tags for some reason — Tumblr is homophobic)
3. (Implied EDIT: not implied anymore) abuse survivor
4. Growth! Between the aforementioned kissing fiasco and his talk with Kagami in Pretention, Felix has learnt to accept and respect boundaries. To me, this is key — the most important aspect of a character is not where they start, but how they evolve as the story progresses.
5. He has a complicated relationship with the adults in his life, but an immense love for his cousin/clone (although he sure has a strange way of showing it)
6. Quick to fall in love with a girl who can and will kick his butt. I mean, is anything more relatable than that?
7. The Greek mythology reference??? Hellooo???
8. Peacocks were my favourite bird growing up. One day I will tell you all the story of how one of them chased my father and I through a park when I was a toddler.
9. I also break into musical numbers in the midst of important tasks, just because I can. Perks of working from home most of the time.
10. Also, PURPLE. Can’t forget the purple.
Favorite moment
Him exchanging Ladybug’s yoyo against the Peacock Miraculous at the end of Strikeback. Her panicking in parallel really sold how monumental of a move this was.
Rule of thumb: if a character is smarter than everyone else in the room — especially if they’re an antagonist or morally grey figure outsmarting an abusive a**hole like Gabriel — there’s a strooong chance they’re going to be my favourite.
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(POST-REPRESENTATION EDIT: Scratch that. It’s the lovely little heart on the lovely window to make his lovely girlfriend giggle. Sue me.)
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Idea for a story
I’d love to see what Adrien and Felix were like growing up. It’s clear that their relationship means a lot to the both of them, and it would certainly add some depth to the Sentibeing storyline.
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Also, if I could change just one aspect of Felix’s arc, it would be to make him explicitely queer (the exact label doesn’t matter that much to me).
EDIT: I lied. This boy is transmasc and demi bi now. Deal with it.
Unpopular opinion
Maybe not exactly "unpopular" but rather "controversial", as the fandom seems to be pretty heavenly split on the matter: I really, really like (EDIT: LOVE ADORE WORSHIP) Feligami as of now.
I was quite worried over how the ship would play into Felix’s arc, but so far it’s been written so well it feels natural: of course the two queer-coded abuse survivors would be perfect for each other! It makes sense from a thematic and character-driven perspective.
Both kids bring something to the table. Felix hands Kagami the keys to her freedom; in turn, she keeps him in check when he’s being a jerk. Because we see them work so well together (and understand why they work so well together) almost immediately, Feligami doesn’t feel rushed like I feared it would; in fact, I find it quite refreshing after 5 seasons of whatever is going on with the Love Square.
Now here’s hoping the writing team keeps building their relationship into a strong, healthy one!
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Favorite relationship
I love Felix and Amelie’s relationship so much. The fact that they both trust each other blindly warms my heart, especially now that we’ve learnt about the implied (EDIT: OH GOD NOT IMPLIED NOT IMPLIED AT ALL) abuse from Colt. They’re each other’s person.
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EDIT: While I still love love LOVE Amelie, Feligami and the Senticousins have definitely taken over my brain now. Also, give us some more Felix and Duusu crumbs pleaaaaaaase —
Favorite headcanon
Queer Felix! I especially like trans and ace headcanons.
Thank you @dragongutsixofficial! 💖
For anyone interested, the ask game can be found here.
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
not to harp on about dr james barry (haha kidding) but there's something really fascinating about cis straight peri people interacting with him in terms of body politics -- they're forced to acknowledge that he was a good doctor, that he flirted successfully with women, that he could often be charming, that he had high standards for himself and other men as befitting "gentlemen," -- then onto slightly more negative (in their eyes), but still pretty honest descriptions: stubborn, argumentative, disrespectful of authority (that hadn't in his eyes earned respect), too willing to pick a fight, short, flamboyant, young, and when older "a bore" --
all of these assume a man who was honest, intelligent, funny (if he wanted to be), true to himself to the point of pissing other people off, good at his job, well-kept to the point of being flashy, at times too idealistic to the point of self-sabotage, and, in the eyes of several beholders, attractive --
and then, all of a sudden we get into the fear-based descriptions of various types: shrill, weak-limbed, effeminate, feeble, cowardly, hysterical, "possessing a sinuous feminine silhouette" (paraphrased), unattractive (or plain), overcompensating, etcetc. and these are all used to deny him the rights of "proper" manhood, and are used despite their going against their own previous descriptions
Barry is, within single paragraphs, at once attractive and commanding and plain and awkward, a pioneer who spoke about equal rights for women, slaves, disabled people, prisoners, the poor, the chronically ill as a form of medicine (putting him years ahead of most societies), who braved disease, court martial, and outing... and a bit of a silly "womanly" idiot who couldn't see that everyone knew because of his obvious body-tells and was laughing behind his back but patronisingly letting him continue his little ventures
and they have to provide him with a monstrous body in order to do this, to create this weird, sleight of hand in how he's described (how he moved, sounded, looked, etc). They have to do it so the audience are in on the joke, because if Barry did live successfully as a man... if he, in fact, enjoyed it... what does that say about society? about norms? about hierarchy and the "proper" order of things?
Biographies about James Barry are so often more about the writer than Barry himself, and when a cis straight peri man is writing it, what that man has to do is cast him as a failure
They do it in order to distance themselves from him, not because of anything about him, but because of themselves, because of their fear of being connected to or supporting incorrect masculinity and gender transgression. They have to prove that they're still abiding by the correct rules by posthumously throwing him under the bus, and this is mainly men (with women biographers/dramatists/biofiction writers the tension more lies in their inability to reconcile his constant self-affirmations as "man" and "gentleman" with their personal decision that he has to have been a woman who tricked the system, or that he was intersex, which can be an interesting read, as the history of trans and intersex is incredibly entwined and we ought to be opening up the read for intersex people of the past, but unfortunately in this case gets tangled up in the politics of "which means that he wasn't transing/queering gender..." which he still was. the politics of intersex is never actually explored, so much as used to explain away why his body was non-normative -- a little similar to how bisexuality has been used as a "not quite as real" thing in talking about popstars of the 70s-90s (which to be clear, both of these is absolutely intersexism and biphobia, it's a dismissal of trans or gay identities rather than an affirmation of intersex or bisexual identities))
- EDIT: I want to add that this insistence on girl-powering him is also a form of transphobia, in that it also 1. is an off-hand dismissal of transhistoricities and 2. also has to invent gender-essentialist (if not bio-essentialist) desires as ways to justify the read. Often it ends up in the same place as with the men, a secret desire for dresses and sometimes motherhood, sometimes creating a lesbian narrative that never existed to substitute him in for a butch lesbian, because it’s the only crossdressing that exists (never mind that butchnes and transness has always been an overlapping history....) -- and if not zeroing in on the various men in his life as possible spaces of willing discovery, sometimes unwilling, creating lurid romances that cannot quite stop being queer despite it all
but cis straight peri men specifically are terrified of what his ability to live as a man means for their masculinity and you see this as recently as the last biography published in 2016. Not only is the very notion of transgender brought up and dismissed in a literal footnote (a footnote which is also in and of itself a look into the biases the writers have with trans identity in general, even though they probably didn't intend that), but they constantly invent anecdotes and thought processes from nothing -- wondering whether Barry longed for dresses and petticoats and motherhood (accidentally admitting without realising it that gender is tied into performance and roles, but still dismissing the performance and role that Barry actually chose and successfully lived as), and consistently denying Barry agency in his decisions, despite the contrary evidence that Barry was an openly singular and honest and (as many of his detractors write) stubborn person
in the end though - whether written by man or woman - the focus is eternally on his body and gender performance, and how to use this focus to invalidate his masculinity. at times too loud and aggressive at others too squeaky and flamboyant, too caring and too disaffected, trying too hard or not trying enough, unable to conceal/hide/obscure/disguise/etc. "the truth" underneath, to the point that they would rather pathologise him than allow the possibility that maybe he wanted to live exactly as he did
idk, that sounds really queer to me....
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okilokiwithpurpose · 2 years
Thank you to @mimisempai for tagging me in this Happy Fanfic Writers Appreciation Day post!
— How long have you been writing fanfiction?
For about 15 years I think? (Though I tend to write slowly and to have long periods of inactivity...)
— Do you have a favorite word? (One that you love. Doesn’t necessarily have to be one you use all the time.)
First ones I can think of are “impromptu”, “panache”, “inconvenience”, “still”, and “although”.
— Share a favorite run-on sentence that you’ve written.
Couldn’t find any, sorry 😭
— Share a bit of a scene that you’ve written that still gives you FEELS.
One scene I’ve written long ago and that still gets me emotional can be found in “As Hidden by Clear Water” (The Man from UNCLE (2015)), right after Illya and Napoleon’s fake identities were tested in a rather rough way and that Illya is still very pissed about it and Napoleon intertwines their fingers to ground him (which is a first and a big move since they are still pinning)..
— What is your favorite kind of character interaction to write?
Banter, deep trust, pinning, stubborn people being stubborn together,... — Do you have a hyper-specific genre?
Not really, but I tend write a lot of (heavy) angst (usually with an happy ending though) and I love exploring AUs!
— Any personal or frequently used tags?
“Angst” (the one tag all of my fics have in common 😆)
— Share a joke or funny moment that you’ve written that still makes you laugh.
Not really a Joke but “No Longer Alone in the Dark”, is about Loki comforting Mobius, but towards the end, Mobius ends up comforting Loki who evoked is past life.  It came unplanned and somehow just happened I like what it shows about Mobius and how compassionate he is!
“Would you please stop this?” he [Loki] asked, falsely irritated. Give it to Mobius to find a way to compliment him at the very moment he was busy complimenting Mobius! “I’m the one comforting you here. Wait for your turn!”
— Best editing tip?
Wait a bit before editing. Don’t just finish your work and start editing right away (or let that be your first round at editing). I noticed I spot a lot more mistakes (especially tense continuity errors) when I let the text get out of my head and then in again (if it makes any sense^^).
— What drives you to write?
Love for the characters, the fandom, ideas I need to get out of my head and share, feels
— Share something about your writing that you have wished someone would ask you about. Or alternatively, something that you are just really proud of.
I know I’m not exactly answering the question but I’m very self conscious about my English level and getting (gentle) feedback about it can be quite helpful...
— Where do you draw inspiration?
Movies, tv,  books/fics, art, prompts, headcanons, history, songs, life in general (including stupid conversations with my sister 😋)
— What is your immediate reaction when you receive a new comment on a fic?
😮😮😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🎉🎊 ✨ ✨ ✨ 🎊🎊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💖💖❤❤❤
— What is your biggest challenge in writing?
I usually write in English which happens not to be my native language. I thus lose a lot of time translating and worrying about every word, expression, sentence (because what if it isn’t correct? or doesn’t sound natural? Would people even care about the story or just look down at my pathetic attempt to express myself in another language???). Then they are the other, “classic” crippling fears (is my plot ok? is it not too messed up? did I use the words “like” and “but” too much? did I put too many commas? adverbs? how am I even going to finish this? is it ok or is it the worst thing ever? aaaaaaaaaaghghhg????)
Another big challenge is finding time, focus, energy and inspiration to write (preferably together...)
— 1-2 sentence preview from your current WIP?? (Only if you are willing.)
I already did the WIP Yesterday today (yes I know it’s Thursday 😅)
— What story or scene are you most proud of?
I’d say “As Hidden by Clear Water”, that is my first finished multi-chaptered fic (and includes a few interesting ideas I think) and “Till I See You Again”, which is my first Lokius fic (also I’m a tiny bit proud of the fic’s concept)
— Please link your profile so we can admire your works!
I’m Supersophieuh on AO3
Sorry my head seems all empty now but if you read this and want to do it consider yourself tagged (and be sure to @ me so I can read it 😉)
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a-jynx · 3 years
Expensive Taste
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Excerpt; Gambling with your past is bound to piss you off...
Warnings; Strong language, drunks, threats, blood/broken bones, hint of sexual tension(?), tell me if I missed any warnings!
Pairing; Quackity x reader, female pronouns
[ Male vers. / GN vers. ] [ Part 2 ]
a/n; I hope you guys enjoy it, this was a lot of fun to write! And biggest thank you to @kxrmitty for editing this for me! <3
“So, what happened this time?” Foolish sighed, walking alongside Karl and Sapnap. Karl nervously giggled.
“I wasn’t, uh... I wasn’t paying attention and a creeper snuck up on me.” He sheepishly grinned, rubbing the back of his neck as Sapnap snickered, growing quiet as Karl elbowed him. “I’m sorry about taking so much of your time, Foolish. I’ll pay you handsomely though!” The curly-haired man flashed a toothy grin, making Foolish chuckle.
“No, no it’s alright! Besides, I needed to come and speak to you all about the cherry blossoms you wanted added in,” the tall God trailed, motioning for the pair to follow. “I was thinking about adding some further out - y’know showing where the land could begin,” his voice trailed as the wind blew up, causing Sapnap to squint before watching as a crumpled sheet tumbled from Foolish’s pocket. The Blazeborn scooped it up, straightening it out before calling out. “Hey! Foolish! You lost-'' his voice died as he scanned across the sheet, his brows creased as he slid his thumb across the bold, red letters “Las Nevadas'', followed by smaller black letters, “meet tonight’s main entertainment that is sure to rock your world!” His lip turned into a frown as he glared at the dull white, focusing on the letters at the bottom signed BQ.
“Las Nevadas..? BQ..? Oh, shit-” he quickly crumpled the flyer into his own pocket, rushing towards his fiancé and friend. “Karl, I’ll be back! I forgot I needed to go help George with something!” The raven-haired man rambled off, pressing a quick kiss to the brunettes’ cheek before retreating backward and giving a quick wave as the two watched him disappear before returning to their conversation.
“Is Sap always that… Rushed?” Foolish snickered, looking back to Karl who frowned, his brows knit tightly together. “Karl? You alright?” The totem God asked, patting the brunette’s shoulder making him jump.
“Hm? Oh, uh, yeah! Yeah, I’m fine! Let’s get this finished and get to work on those cherry blossoms!” Karl grinned, moving ahead of Foolish, who quickly followed and yet hadn’t seen the look of hurt flash across the fiancé's face.
“So, this is where you’ve been hiding..” Sapnap huffed as he stood in front of the towering entrance. Black stone and quartz stood tall as he moved closer, eyes glazing over each block, each light, each flyer that looked identical to the one he retrieved. The bright neons flickering and buzzing with life, even in the late afternoon sun, welcoming him even with the eerie feeling breathing down the back of his neck.
Striding up the steps, he watched as other patrons followed through the large doors. Excitement and sudden thrill-filled his veins as Sap was pushed and maneuvered into the chilled foyer. People pushed and shoved around him, taking off towards the games or towards the sitting areas where a few girls walked through, their clothes bright and alluring while shimmering from the pulsating lights. It felt like a dream..
“First time?” A soft voice called over the roar of the crowd, catching Sapnap’s attention quickly as he moved towards the desk.
“Uh, something like that.. What the hell is this place?” He laughed, shock evident in the wispy breath.
Niki smiled, sitting up more as she flicked some of her pink hair out of her eyes while turning towards the crowded floor. “Las Nevadas is a country that Quackity made, he made this for people to come in and just leave reality for a little bit. He built this place to be safe- no judgment, but no idiocy either. The Casino is one of the biggest organizations right now and I know Mr. Quackity has some big plans for Las Nevadas, so I’m excited to be a part of it.” She explained, tilting her head back towards Sapnap as he blinked.
“He built this?” He blinked again, a huff passing his lips. “Like - Like Big Q, our Quackity, built this place? Not just this, but an entire country?” He flabbergasted, causing Niki to curiously glance at him.
“Well, he wanted to make a good place? I mean from what I’ve learned about Mr. Quackity’s past, he deserves this.. I mean, he’s worked hard! He deserves the happiness returned after giving so much for others to feel happy, don’t you agree, Sapnap?” She flashed her teeth, the small bits of glitter shimmering and shining on her cheeks and nose as he gulped, flashing a quick grin back.
“Everyone deserves happiness, sure, but.. Should it really be at the expense of the people he loves the most?” He scoffed as Niki knitted her brows together, leaning onto the desk as Sapnap frowned.
“I believe you mean loved - past tense, Mr. Halo.” She grit, shifting to sit back down with a huff. “His office is up the stairs and down the hall, I don’t think you’ll miss it.”
Sapnap glared for a moment before moving towards the hallway and disappearing into the neon basked way. Perhaps he’d get answers, or perhaps it’ll be even more heartache…
The dark oak door came into view, the fluorescent neons highlighting the cracks and dents as he gulped, feeling the sweat build-up and trickle down from his forehead. Standing there, he frowned as he heard voices coming from inside, the commotion getting louder with every second passing.
“Sir, just give us a few more weeks-” A voice quivered as two laughed, one causing flashbacks to a sweeter, easier time and the other causing a shift in Sapnap’s gut.
“I have given you an extra three weeks! I think that’s plenty of time to make up your side of the bargain.” The second voice coughed, yet you could hear the snarled grin behind it. Sap leaned closer towards the door, lifting his hand and wrapping it against the dark oak. Pushing it open as the room goes silent for a moment.
“Uh.. Hope I’m not interrupting?” Sapnap coughed, standing in the doorway as Quackity cleared his throat, standing from his desk with a crooked smile.
“Sapnap Halo! Long time, no see.. And allow me to finish this up and we can visit.” Big Q sapped, clicking his tongue as he turned his attention back towards the quivering man. “If you’re not willing to meet my demands, then I’m no longer in charge of what he commits..” The scarred man sneered, leaning against his palms as the man shook.
“Sir, please I just need-” a hand shot up, silencing him.
“You’ve had enough time. I’ve given you enough time. I have no control over what he chooses to do with your town, Mayor Liek.” Quackity chuckled, a maddening grin splitting across his face as Sapnap frowned, taking a step back.
“I can come back later-”
“No. He was just leaving.” Big Q grit, his eyes shift towards Punz, who steps out of the corner. “Punz. Escort him to the foyer, I’m afraid he’d get… Distracted.” Punz’s lips split into a grin as he stepped towards the man, clasping a hand on his shaking shoulder before dragging him out of the dark oak chair.
“Of course, Q.. Wouldn’t want him to get lost among these walls.” The blonde snickered, tugging the Mayor towards the door before shoving past Sapnap, flashing the bandana wearer a toothy yet sickening smile. Sapnap stood there, shock evident on his face as he watched the doors close behind Punz. He turned his head back towards Quackity, who settled back into the large leather seat, his hands folded in front of him.
“Sap, please sit.”
“Uh, nice place you got here..” Sap gulps, his gaze continuingly shifting around the room, taking in the pulsing neon lights, the dark oak desk that the dark-headed man sat, and two large windows behind him, showing off the casino floor and it’s patrons.
Quackity breaks into a sly grin. “Thanks, it, uh… It cost me some pretty rings.” Sapnap’s gaze moved back towards his ex, his brows furrowing. His eyes snapped towards Quackity’s left hand, eyes widened at the sight of ring-shaped tan lines.
“What?” He barely uttered, his fingernails curling into the dark oak chairs’ arms. His lips curled into a snarl. Quackity frowned, standing with the roll of his eyes. He stepped around the desk, his fingers grazing the few glossy playing cards on top. “Listen, an.. Extravagant life like this?” Quackity gestured around them, breaking into a large, prideful grin. “It doesn’t come cheap.”
“So, you - you sold our engagement rings?! Are you fucking serious, Big Q?” Sapnap snapped, standing abruptly. Quackity’s smile fell, his hands falling to his sides.
“Why would I want to keep memories of the people who abandoned their own fiance?! You must be living in fucking paradise, pal, because the moment you began construction for Kinoko was the day you chose I meant nothing.. Why would I want to remember that?”
Sapnap stared at him, eyes wide and lips parted before scoffing. “Who the fuck said you meant nothing to us - let me remind you, you walked out on US.”
Quackity squinted his good eye, tsking. “I was making this for us. I was making somewhere safe for our futures together and you assumed I left before I was even gone.” Silence swelled over them, each daring for the other to continue their verbal assault. Sapnap’s mouth opened, only to shut when the doors slammed open revealing a disordered Punz. He gulped loudly before straightening up, running a hand through his blonde hair.
“We have a situation.”
“Sir, please,” Charlie sighed, rubbing a napkin across his forehead as he glanced down at the multi-colored cards sitting in his green, shaky hand. “The private dances are to be made upfront at the receptionist desk. You can pay forward and ask Niki, the said receptionist, to call upon the girl of your request.”
“Well, I’m requesting the one right there,” the drunkard slurred towards the girl on the stage. Her hips moving to the upbeat, organ-moving music thumping through the surround sound speakers. Glittering eyes darted towards the pair with a sneer, glossed lips pulling into a pout. Strutting around the metallic pole, she clicked her tongue before wrapping her dominant leg around, keeping a loose grip as she spun, her eyes catching on the pair below her.
“Sir, I understand that you want to request her, however, she’s not available for private dances,” Charlie uttered, clearing his throat. The burly man coughed out a laugh, suddenly leaning into Charlie’s space, flashing his gnarled teeth before spitting. “I can’t understand you when you mutter.”
Charlie flinched as the saliva landed on his face. He cleared his throat, using his napkin to wipe away the alcohol-stained spit. “My apologies, sir,” The slime kin spoke. “What I said was she’s not taking private fucking dances.”
The man flashed a mean grin, his hand shooting out towards Charlie’s collar, wrapping it into a tight fist and lifting him to where his shoes barely grazed the carpet. Charlie’s slimy hand shot out, wrapping around his assaulter's wrist as a whimper left his quivering lips. The man’s unoccupied hand raised as if to strike Charlie before a voice above them called out.
“Excuse me,” the dancer chimed, towering over the two males with a fierce grin. “Can you pretty please drop my little slime?” The man scoffed, dropping Charlie to the carpet with a grunt.
“Oh, so the little whore DOES have a voice! How intriguing.” The man laughed, stepping over Charlie’s trembling body, leaning against the stage where his dollar bills still laid. He reached out to scoop up the ones closest before a glittering maroon heel stamped into the top of his wrist, trapping it against the polished black stone stage. The man cried out, his free hand snatching her ankle, glaring up. “You little bitch! I’ll fucking kill you!”
She furrowed her brows, clicking her tongue before glancing around the casino floor - everyone was watching. Her eyes darted down to the hand on her ankle before shooting back up to his beat red and sweltering face; she scoffed.
“I could say the same about you.” Yanking her leg free before rearing back and slamming her heel into his nose, blood splattering onto the dollar bills and the finely polished stone. “Next time, I’ll charge you extra for wasting my time.”
“There’s a situation on the floor,” Punz murmured as Quackity sighed, glancing back at Sapnap, who had yet to leave, before turning back to Punz.
“How bad is it?”
“Blood was spilled.” Quackity’s eyes widened, sneering. “Fuck.. Alright, Sapnap, you need to leave. I have some business to attend to. Don’t let the door kick you on the way out.” He waved off his raven-haired ex before quickly following his second-in-command down the hallway. Sapnap grew wide-eyed only to race after them, quick to complain.
“Like hell, I’m leaving! I don’t care what kind of business you have, Quackity. We’re not done discussing-” he stopped as both the males ahead stopped and turned towards him, causing him to sputter.
“We have nothing else to discuss, Halo.” Quackity spat, staring at his ex - the one who promised him the best future. A future of love, compassion, and safety. He was left to pick himself up and put himself back together. He stared, and stared, and stared before turning and continuing down the hallway. Punz stood there watching Sap for a moment before following after Quackity, this allowing Sapnap to silently yet swiftly follow behind the pair.
Quackity strode across the floor to meet with Purpled and Charlie to discuss the events that took place. His eyes landed on Charlie, who looked shaken up, Purpled offering him a drink. “What the fuck happened.” He sighed as the pair looked at Big Q and his right hand, along with the tail.
“Ace got into a fight-”
“I fucked up and Ace stepped in,” Charlie quickly jumped in, sniffling as Quackity frowned.
“How’d you fuck up, Big C?” He asked carefully, lips twitching into a frown as he squatted down to meet Charlie’s eyes.
“I.. I read the card! I read it just like you and Niki showed me, but he - well, the guy didn’t like that and I think he drank too much and he - he was an angry drunk..”
“C, you’re monologuing..”
“Sorry.. He grabbed me and tried to hit me, but Ace stepped in..” Charlie sighed, shifting his attention to the floor as Quackity nodded, standing straight before glancing at Punz.
“Where’s the dickhead?”
“Already taken care of. Waiting for a private session with Big F.” Punz snickered as Big Q nodded, grinning slightly as they looked up to meet the glimmering eyes of Ace herself.
They both nodded towards her as she stepped into the booth, tossing a bloodied tissue onto the tables’ plastic cover before scoffing. “I need new heels now.” She grits through her teeth, crossing her arms over her bust.
“Of course, Princesa, anything for our main attraction.” Quackity clicked his tongue, grazing his fingers across her bare shoulder before resting at the base of her neck; a comforting touch. She grinned, her lips sparkling under the lights. She reached a handover, resting it on top of Charlie’s with a gentle pat.
“Are you alright, Lil Slime?” She whispered, giving his slimy hand a firm squeeze as he shot her a comforting smile.
“I’m okay, thanks to you, Ace.” His toothy grin caused her to smile widely, gently leaning forward and pressing her stained red lips onto the back of his hand. “We’re a family, Slimy! We’ve got to look out for one another.”
Quackity’s fingertips scraped up her shoulder, reaching up and tucking a loose hair behind her ear, his finger catching the dazzling earring and watching it glitter. “So, Mi Carina.. How loud was the crunch of his bone beneath your heel?” His bottom lip caught between his teeth as she turned towards him, a shit-eating grin spreading across her lips.
“You should’ve heard it, Quackity! I think I scared Purpled.”
“Because you did, Sparky,” Purpled scoffed, knocking a rag into the bloodied tissue and into the bin in his hand. “And Big F is gonna have your head for that blood on his stage - y’know he doesn’t like spilled blood.”
“Well, security should’ve been on the floor,” Ace sang in a sing-song voice, as Punz snorted before stepping around Sapnap, who blinked at the group, his gut twisting as he watched the exchanges.
“I had my best guys on the floor! Besides, I was helping the Bossman.” He spat, no real threat behind it as he moved to lean against the wall next to the booth. Sapnap took a step closer, causing them to shift their gaze to him.
“And whose loudmouth?” Ace snorted, followed by Charlie, Punz, and Quackity with their own chuckles.
“Uh, Amada this is-”
“Quackity, I didn’t come here to meet your side piece or whoever this fucking is,” Sapnap spat, stepping closer and leaning onto the table, making Purpled and Charlie glance at each other, Punz’s brows furrowed as Quackity grew quiet, holding his gaze with the black-eyed Blazeborn.
“I came here to talk about us. And I’d rather not discuss any of this in… Mixed company.” Sap finished his piece, straightening his stance as Quackity stood, his lips pressed into a crease.
“Like I said before, Halo,” he spat the man’s last name, bumping their chest together as Sapnap’s mouth curled into a frown. “We have nothing to discuss. There is no us, and obviously, there never was an us. And this ‘mixed company’, is the best thing that’s happened to me, and if you, or anyone for that matter, tries to come in here and ruin that?” Quackity snorted, leaning close and pressing the pads of his fingers into Sap’s shoulder and shoving him back. “I’m not responsible for you not returning to your little kingdom.”
Sap stepped back, sneering at Quackity while glancing at the others - they all shared the same confident stare. Huffing, he licked his lips before nodding, coughing out a laugh. “I don’t even recognize you, Quackity.” Punz suddenly snickered, causing Sap to turn towards him with a frown. “What the hell are you laughing at, Blondie.”
Punz coughed, halting his laughter before pushing off the wall, now moving closer as Quackity took a step back, holding a smirk of his own.
“I’m laughing because you don’t recognize someone else and, yet, you’re going after an ex. I mean, it’s a little funny, along with a little sad, Sap.” The blonde grinned as he took a step towards Quackity, as Sapnap frowned. “What the hell are you talking about Punz?”
A scoff came from behind the two, making Sap move to look around them as Ace scooted out of the booth, standing beside Quackity whilst shaking her head. “I think you’re right, P.. I think someone’s memory is being influenced by his fiance.”
“How the hell-”
“What? Don’t remember me? That’s a little harsh, Sappy! Bad wouldn’t be happy about this one.” She giggled, leaning further into Quackity as Sap’s eyes grew wide before shooting towards her collarbone. A gnarly and pale scar sat across the thin skin, standing out from her soft tone. An accident that happened back in the Nether - he hadn’t meant to hurt her.
“Y/N..?” His voice was barely about a whisper, tears prickling at the corners of his eyes as she shot him a short, soft smile. Taking a step towards him, he suddenly stepped back, his face retorting into one of disgust. “What the fuck happened to you? You.. Oh, God, you look like a whore-”
“Sapnap,” Both Quackity and Punz growled as Y/N shook her head, taking a step closer with a smile.
“I may look like a whore, but at least I’m a loyal one.” She spat, turning back towards the two men as Sapnap arched a brow, scoffing.
“What the hell is that supposed to..” His voice trailed, his eyes switching between both Big Q and his sister. She pressed herself into his side, wrapping her arms around Quackity’s shoulders with an award-winning smile. “Mean… Are - Are you fucking dating my ex-fiance?!”
Y/N broke into a small grin, leaning close to Quackity’s side and pressing a chaste kiss to his scared lips, his arms wrapping tightly around her waist, keeping her pressed against him as she spoke, “well, Dad always said I had… Better and more expensive taste, Sappy.”
Tags: @aphroditeandvenus-blog, @paintingportrait, @sourdoughnoodles, @mult1xtr1nna, @trashpiegon, @trixyvixen, @sxturn-0, @thescoutsb13tch, @banghaydencoven, @707xn, @supernaturalboi, @basementfloorfeelings, @june-x-boi, @aloookay,@dreamzluvrr, @theforestcryptid926, @fantasticpurseturtleknight, @cheesysin, @kxrmitty, @socially-blue, @excuijme, @lonley-nightmare, @kittenachu, @alleyesonmendes, @itsoakaa, @saifukus, @alec-lost-bee, @nattsaa, @dayanavmb, @boiciph3r, @leenthepanda, @0a-little-bit-of-everything0, @howdycharlie, @joinotfound, @coreys-riffin, @fa1ryclouds, @honeyimluctus, @tittylover6000, @noctis-yeye, @kiritokunuwu, @novelist2, @sn3k-was-here, @traumatizedladybug, @weepinghollywoodatsupernatural,
a/n; I hope you guys liked it, i have more ideas for this fic to possibly continue so let me know if that’s something you’d like to see! Requests are open as of now and I will hopefully be posting more hc’s/ imagines later on!
Until tomorrow, I hope you have a beautiful day! ~ J
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evakuality · 3 years
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Matteo - Episode one
Okay bear with me.  I know I’ve talked about this season a LOT over the last couple of years but I’m not going to do a rewatch (or first watch in some cases) of the Druck seasons and not include this one.  And knowing me, I will be very verbose about this one because I do just love it so much.  Even though I already talked about it at length.
So, to mix things up, I decided to watch this one in real time mode.  Which has been both lovely (revisiting what it was like to follow along with everything back then) and really frustrating (revisiting what it was like to wait for clips back then).  But it’s been a good exercise, particularly with this episode because I didn’t get truly involved in the show til a couple of weeks later so there’s a lot I missed in terms of social media etc the first time around.  So let’s start there.
Social media: It was nice to get the stuff leading in to this season which I hadn’t seen before.  The decisions around moving into the new place and getting Matteo involved etc were all super cute.  I liked the stuff with Sam after her party and how they kept that story - at the time it must really have felt like an immersive thing moving from Mia’s story to Matteo’s.  The stuff around the flatwarming party is interesting too.  Matteo and Sara’s posts make it seem like they’re at two different parties.  Matteo’s has barely and hint of Sara at all whereas hers makes it seem like they were joined at the hip all evening and super happy together.  And then even through the week her things were much more focused on Matteo (and on Leonie’s crush on David) whereas again, with his Sara only comes up if he’s asked about her.  I know it’s very clear in the clips as well, but honestly, the texts and instagram posts etc really make it clear how much she had built this up in her head vs how indifferent he is to it.  One really interesting one is where she asks Leonie not to spread it around that she and Matteo are together.  It suggests that she already knows this isn’t what she wants it to be, but either through desperation or naivety or by lying to herself, Sara doesn’t allow herself to see it.  It’s very sad for her and I do feel for her a lot more than I ever did for Emma.
Clip one: I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again now.  I really really love this clip.  It’s a perfect introduction both to Matteo’s PoV and to all the themes of the season.  Matteo is surrounded by people through the whole thing, and on the surface and from the outside it probably looks like he’s slotted in and having a great time - he talks, he dances, he appears to be having a good time and his social media is curated to make it appear that way too.  But it’s clear since we’re in his PoV that he’s actually isolated and on the outskirts of what’s going on.  That’s done both in the music and sound (the way he fades in on the discordant, out of place note will always always get me as well as the way that the chatter and ‘reality’ of the party only comes into focus when Sara makes him kiss her) and in the conversations that are held.  The way the boys really do just focus on sex sets us up for Matteo’s explosion later where he accuses them of only talking about sex - which is sadly fairly true in these earlier episodes.  And Matteo tries to join in but all he manage is ‘that looks exhausting’ and ‘you bet’ when asked about him and Sara.  The fact that his contribution is about how exhausting sex (and by extension relationships) must be is really telling of his mind set.  Everything is too exhausting for him and he’s not ready to put in much effort at all.  The isolation goes deep with this boy and it’s all already so well shown in this first clip.  I like that we got hints of that through Mia’s season as well (and the seeds were planted in Hanna’s - what with his tagging along to the cabin and his stuff with his family etc etc), and so while this is a much more closed off and sad Matteo than we’ve seen before it’s not come out of the blue.  The fact that he’s still curating his social media to look like he’s happy and connected also reminds us that what we saw before isn’t necessarily what the truth was.
Clip two: I like how Matteo, unlike Isak, is clearly already very well aware of his feelings and his attraction to boys.  His pining over Jonas is both obvious and very sad.  He’s well aware that he can’t let anyone know, and the reminder with the number on Jonas’s arm is gut wrenching for him and for us to watch.  And then scattered through the whole episode is a lot of reminders that Jonas is a ‘player’ now - it’s shown by Jonas himself, by the boys teasing him, by Hanna’s sad little ‘I’m happy for him’ message etc etc.  And all of it serves to remind Matteo that he can never have what he’s wanted for so long.  So it’s no wonder that he removes himself from the situation to go get rolls or whatever it was that he bought.  The ‘I’m waiting for you’ banter would absolutely be the last straw.  Jonas can joke that he wants a guy, but Matteo knows that he’s not going to ever be able to have it be true for real.  As an aside, I can see why a lot of people thought Jonas might be GerEven at the time because a) Matteo’s thing has always been a lot more obvious and b) Jonas seems much more open and willing to consider the ideas.
Clip three: Well, I don’t have a lot to say about this one.  Except that !!!!! this first ‘meeting’ with David is so good and so well done and it works to rock both of them out of their little ruts and makes them both ‘wake up’ in a way.  It’s nothing, just a chance meeting in a hallway, two boys passing then looking back at each other.  But we can see just how much that one glance affected Matteo as he walks off and while we don’t see it in David as yet, he also makes reference to how knocked off course he felt when he met Matteo.  I have always liked that they’re in the same year and so on a real equal footing from the start and this is all part of that.  This moment affects both of them equally, knocking them out of their complacency, and it’s such a perfectly framed and filmed and edited moment.
Clip four: One thing I hadn’t noticed til this time around is that the girl who ends up sitting next to Jonas was at the back of the classroom, already sitting at a desk, earlier.  She obviously saw her moment and scrambled to take it - the second Matteo was out of his seat, she was in it.  Perhaps news of Jonas’s new ‘player’ status is getting out and she wants some of that action.  I really like that Matteo and Amira already clearly have a much more friendly history than Isak and Sana.  They’re both forced to work together by circumstances and a teacher, but here there’s already more of a history.  Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but Sana came to Isak but here Matteo goes to Amira.  That’s because of course Matteo more obviously stashed the weed on Amira and so he immediately knows who has it and where he has to go to get it back.  But it again makes him more proactive than Isak was at this early stage.  Amira is rightfully pissed at him - Sana was defending a friend from Isak’s shitty behaviour, Amira was herself affected and so she is much more firmly involved and has more reason to be cold.  Which works because in general Amira is softer and less aggressive and cold than Sana is so it fits for her to be directly angry for herself.
Clip five: ugh, so uncomfortable!!!  Sara is trying really hard to actually communicate with Matteo, and kudos to her for actually using her words, but it’s so painfully obvious how awkward and artificial this conversation is.  It’s not really a surprise that she doesn’t feel like this is totally settled as yet and asks Leonie to keep it to herself.  On the one hand, he agreed that they’re together (after making her make the decision) but on the other hand, he broke away from kissing etc so they could watch something together.  His words may be saying what Sara wants to hear, but his body language etc is saying something entirely different.  She deserves a whole lot better than Matteo and the way he’s using her, but I guess this is how it can be - he’s cute, he’s not totally rejecting her and so she lets herself believe.  
Clip six: well, again.  This clip does such a good job of properly introducing David with several hints to what’s going on with him but no actual answers.  It’s another example of two people talking at cross purposes, but where Sara lets it drop and the conversation dies out once she hears what she wants to hear, here David picks it up again once Matteo backs off.  Again, they are a good pair - equally invested and equally willing to set and respect boundaries and try to make connections in a safe way.  Imagine how this must look to David - this boy who did shake his world up a bit in their one small moment together (as another aside - ugh the wait between that first sight and this one is so long in real time!!!), is intriguing and interesting and asks him to go smoke with him.  Which is all very cool and David wants these connections and to make friends and this boy clearly appealed to him in some way at that first meeting.  But also, this boy is asking all kinds of invasive question which threaten the things David is trying to keep private, for example the pressing of ‘you’re new’ and how ‘weird’ it is to change schools at this point.  It’s no wonder David goes cold and distant and does his best to stay aloof.  But then of course Matteo respects that boundary and pulls back and so then David is able to make connections in a safer way, talking of things that matter to him but which aren’t quite so confronting for a first chat.  Detroit, running away etc and Matteo shows that he gets it and understands those impulses.  And so by the end they’ve fairly quickly established a connection and a rapport and so Sara’s intrusion is unwelcome to both of them.  Given that David literally runs away when she appears, I wonder how much he knows of her from their shared class.  She certainly doesn’t seem to know much except that he’s the guy Leonie likes.  Speaking of which, Matteo’s ‘I think that’s someone else’ is so bizarre in this situation.  He’s talking to a ‘new’ kid at school and Sara made it clear that Leonie likes the new kid, so he shouldn’t be surprised.  But it’s obvious he already wants David for his own and acknowledging that Leonie may also like him is too much, I guess.  After Jonas and his string of people hanging off him, I doubt Matteo wants to be caught up in something similar with David.  We’ve already seen how painful a crush on an uninterested guy is for Matteo and how much of himself he has to hide away - no wonder he wants David to be ‘someone else’ and actually be someone he can think about in that way after they started to make a connection.
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cizzisblog · 3 years
things that piss me off about dabi and fans’ reactions to this arc:
-Dabi is definitely, absolutely not justified in going after Shouto (who deserves none of this!! this boy deserves only love and support and some gotdamned therapy) ima just say that now.
-It’s also shitty of Dabi to say he didn’t care if Natsuo was hurt/killed.
-The canon characterization may very well be Dabi is so far down the path of revenge and has spent so long suffering alone away from his family members that he no longer cares for them/feels anything and is willing to proceed with plans to hurt Endeavor even if they are caught in the crossfire. However, I also feel it’s worth mentioning that right now, he very much seems to be caught up in a manic episode/meltdown/basically losing his shit. Think about it- he’s spent however many years plotting this moment and his chance to get revenge on his father and expose him to the world is finally here, and I think the likelihood that he’s saying whatever shit he thinks will hurt everyone the most is likely. That, or he’s so caught up in the mania he’s just lashing out at fucking everything. I think to some extent he means it, because he’s shown signs of being severely depressed and there’s a numbness that comes with that, but I also think deep down there is still some care there, even if small, or at least some acknowledgment that the other members of his family aren’t the main target and source of his suffering. He literally hasn’t seen them in years and it’s easy to say ‘I don’t care’ when it’s not to their faces. (Why send a tape specifically to Rei and keep track of her? Why not hurt Shouto at the summer camp when he so easily could have?) I think it’s also clear he didn’t mean to kill Endeavor with the previous Nomu attacks, but wanted him to succeed (in a ‘Build him up bigger so when I bring him down he falls even harder’ type of way. After all, Dabi obviously wanted to be the one to take down Endeavor, not a random Nomu.) Again, shitty he didn’t care that Natsuo/Shouto got caught up in it, but I think he didn’t think Natsuo would die due to Endeavor saving him. (Again, that doesn’t justify it, and is some twisted logic, but this is complicated.)
-I want to make very clear I’m not absolving Dabi of his actions, but as an abuse victim and someone who’s intimately familiar with familial abuse, his actual feelings do not make him a bad person and are actually more common than you’d think if you’ve never experienced abuse. When you’re suffering that kind of trauma for so long, you lash out at and feel angry at other people in the household, even other targets of abuse, because your abuser fucks you all up so bad and turns you against each other (even if not intentionally). It becomes a sick competition for attention even from a person who’s horrible and terrible. Dabi undoubtedly felt like he’d been thrown away and jealous of Shouto, the ‘perfect child’ Endeavor finally succeeded in getting (again, this doesn’t excuse him actually hating Shouto, but I can see why he might feel bitter). In a perfect world he would’ve dealt with those feelings with therapy and realized Shouto was just as much a victim and not murder attempts, but this is bnha lmao. Him wanting to hurt Shouto- a fucked up urge, but in a trauma-inducing environment as a mentally ill teenager, you can understand why he felt it. Acting on it is what’s truly fucked up. I also find it unlikely he doesn’t care for Natsuo at all. Natsuo, who he went to specifically for comfort for his whole childhood, not even his mother but his brother?
-At first glance, it may seem many “fanon” interpretations of Dabi are now ‘invalid’ or whatever but I disagree. Sure, we do know that he wasn’t secretly skulking about watching out for his siblings from the shadows- clearly. But narratives that involve him reconnecting with his siblings, remembering or learning to care for them again, realizing he’s hurting them and he isn’t the only one with trauma, reconnecting with his want to protect them as his family, etc. still make sense. People are not static. They still hold the capacity for change and healing given the proper circumstances. Most fanfic are AUs, given they don’t follow canon exactly and word for word, and characters can make different decisions and feel differently if different events happen. Even if you do want to write a very different characterization for Dabi, that’s fine, especially if bnha ultimately ends up doing the whole Todoroki narrative dirty.
-In conclusion: yes, currently Dabi is acting a madman and doing some very reprehensible things. He is a severely traumatized individual who grew up in a home involving copious amounts of violence. However, I do not think the point of all this family drama is just to say “fuck it, Touya’s dead now he was too far gone whoops! But heroes are good anyway!” I think it’s likely we’ll get some scene with him arrested and being confronted by Rei or Natsuo or something along those lines and see some regret. (Why spend so much time on this arc and show their reactions if they aren’t going to be involved at all?) Simultaneously, it’s also possible the story will go the “he’s too far gone” route and basically have him end up as a mirror of Endeavor: so obsessed with his own trauma he threw his own family under the bus for his own revenge plan. While possible, I think that’s a shitty and lazy way to go and disrespectful to Touya himself as an abuse survivor. He is definitely extremely deep in his revenge right now, but I do not want that to be the end of his character.
-I want Dabi to have to face up to his own actions. I want him to realize he fucked up and hurt people he shouldn’t have. I don’t think we’ll get some mushy apology montage, but we have not once seen all the Todoroki siblings together at one time, and I want Dabi to have to deal with the repercussions of seeing his family again and realizing oh, they were never the ones I should have hurt, and I don’t think he’s too far gone to do that.
-I think it’ll be really shitty if Dabi, an abuse survivor, is ultimately depicted as the insane lunatic that needs to be put down and has no chance for any kind of redemption while his abuser who bought his wife for eugenics and neglected/abused his entire family gets to walk free with a shitty redemption arc. Don’t get me wrong, I’m aware Dabi is a villain and as such is going to be on the losing side in a story where heroes win (I mean, it’s technically all a flashback from number one hero Deku) but he still has very valid points about hero society and how fucked up Endeavor truly was, and throwing it all away would be such a cop out. If bnha does truly go with the most insulting route for Dabi I feel it shows a lack of understanding for abuse and abuse survivors and fanfic authors are justified in ignoring and changing that for fics, especially if they’re abuse survivors themselves. I guarantee they’ll write better narratives about abuse lmao.
-Lastly: Dabi is a morally grey character. He’s a villain. But people who like his character or want to look at the why and how of his actions in a nuanced way are not just ‘dumb villain stans’ or whatever weird shit the bnha fandom has come up with. We just want this narrative to actually make some goddamned sense. Dabi’s actions are not all justified but do make sense in the context of his backstory and motivations and current mental state, I just hope to god hori doesn’t ruin it completely from here.
Edit: this post is also highly likely imo and also explains Dabi’s behavior (but as a reminder for those who don’t read closely, explaining something is not the same thing as justifying it.) “I can’t feel anything anymore” is a hallmark of being depressed/suicidal and his supposedly not caring for his siblings anymore most likely has to do more with his own suicidal state than aggression towards them. Dabi acting as manic as he has these last few chapters makes sense if he isn’t planning on living.
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drake-the-incubus · 3 years
EDIT: Added a read more, the post had been originally written on mobile
For context, unless stated otherwise for the most part, this is the roleplay dynamic.
Ayyy, been seeing some Dream SMP takes on Tommyinnit’s character development that are pretty uh, piss poor. I want to point some obvious things out to people. Especially following the Technoblade/Tommyinnit team disbanding.
Techno isn’t right. Techno was certainly not in the right there, and Tommy didn’t do anything that regressed his character either, his entire character came to a development.
Let’s Start by pointing out that Wilbur has posted their Dungeons and Dragons Alignments, where Techno is Lawful Neutral and Tommy is Chaotic good. (For sake of the post, Tubbo is Lawful Good.)
So I’m going to break down exactly what was going on there and how it developed the characters.
If we go by Technoblade first, I’m seeing a lot of people say he’s better than Dream- he is- and therefore Tommy shouldn’t have left. Which is true, Techno is better than Dream, but he’s just like Wilbur. Watching from Technoblade’s POV, you notice that he starts carrying a book of the To-Do List he intends to do with Tommy. Outlining that he wants to destroy L’Manburg and tried, at almost every chance he got, to convince Tommy to do so.
Tommy said no, he didn’t want to destroy L’manburg, because he cared for it. He outright said no, he JUST wanted his discs back.
Techno concedes, saying Tommy doesn’t have to participate, only after failing to convince him many times.
Techno the entire time, tried to convince Tommy that Tubbo wasn’t his friend, that Tubbo obviously doesn’t care for him. (Not true, as Tubbo literally mourned him and thought he was dead and it destroyed him.) Which is EXACTLY what Wilbur did.
This is an isolation tactic. Techno used ANY means necessary to try and recruit Tommy. Because his character doesn’t care about interpersonal relationships so long as he gets his goal- possibly excluding Phil. His entire character sticks to one set of Morals and set of laws he’s self imposed. (Canonically refusing to truly give up violence).
1. Governments are bad.
2. Governments must be destroyed.
3. The means justify the ends so long as it destroys the government.
Technoblade’s character gets a lot of sympathy, which is cool, but I want to point out while he personally was felt betrayed, he never was.
Techno from the start, was anti-government. Willing to destroy it all so long as another country was never rebuilt. That was his only condition.
Except he KNEW everyone else wanted L’manburg back, that’s what the fight was about. It was very transparent that everyone else was working for L’manburg back.
The three people who wanted it destroyed? Wilbur, Dream and Techno.
Techno wasn’t betrayed, he chose to ignore the goals of his allies until it came time that everyone took back L’manburg. He ignored knowledge that was given to him plenty of times, by Tommy himself even. They wanted L’manburg back. Techno talks of betrayal, but when Tommy points out that Techno betrayed them, he falters and excuses himself.
Which brings Tubbo into the mix. Tubbo was an ally, and he was working with them, WILLINGLY, to give information because he wanted to take down Schlatt and return L’manburg to how it was. He was trapped, scared and wanted help. In the festival, when Technoblade shoots him, THAT is a clear act of betrayal. Techno kills Tubbo, at Schlatt’s orders, betraying Tubbo and Tommy’s trust in him as he worked, clearly, for the other side, against their collective goals.
Techno claims the ends justify the means, and that he was under mild amounts of peer pressure. This is an example of his character. He doesn’t feel bad for hurting his ally, because they got something out of it. If it suits him, he WILL hurt his allies to get ahead in his goals, and he will say anything to justify it.
Tommy’s character cannot agree with this. He values friendship the most, and would give up his goals for his friends, as a true Chaotic Good, he values his friends and the people around him, over any law or morals, and would break his laws and morals for it.
He couldn’t understand Techno shooting Tubbo, because he wouldn’t. There wouldn’t be a force on the SMP that could make him shoot Tubbo in Techno’s place. They have too widely different views, where Tommy values friendship and people, Techno values ideals and goals.
So, we’re not even done and this is pretty long, let’s cover Tommy and the discs. The entire plot device for season one and two.
Tommy’s attention to the discs are goal oriented, to get back his discs no matter the costs, yeah? Except I feel like some of you have no idea where this goal came from. Tommy gave up the discs before, despite fighting for them desperately, so his friends could have L’manburg. He fought desperately, to have those discs back initially, as a war against Dream.
“Before this, before everyone, before L’manburg, it’s always been me and you, against Dream.” Tommy to Tubbo, before the Pogtopia vs Manburg war. (Might not be a true quote.)
This isn’t just a cute little moment, Tommy CARES for Tubbo deeply, they’re some of the closest friends on the SMP. He fought Techno because Techno killed Tubbo. It was personal for him, that is his best friend and he would do anything for him.
Tommy does, do anything for Tubbo, promising that no matter what, it will be the both of them. That they will always be together. This isn’t showing his hero complex, this isn’t a show of some inherent flaw. This is Tommy’s closest and most valuable interpersonal relationship. Chaotic Good Tommy values his friendships deeply.
So when Techno continuously tries to pressure Tommy into believing Tubbo and him aren’t friends, that Tubbo doesn’t care, and so they should hurt Tubbo to get the discs back, Tommy refuses. He refuses over and over again, claiming he trusts Tubbo will give back the disc.
Technoblade uses the framework Dream made, by the way, to accomplish this. He takes Tommy’s fragile mental state and uses that to his advantage. He does what Wilbur does, and almost succeeds. Tommy falters, believing momentarily that Tubbo doesn’t care. Something Dream was trying to convince him of in his isolation. Which isn’t true. Tubbo, upon learning Tommy is dead, is in disbelief and despair.
Let’s talk about the hostage situation for a moment. Tommy tells Tubbo off for not coming to his beach party, and that he was never visited, never received letters, and he was told the same thing from Tubbo as Wilbur said; “I wasn’t invited. I did send you things.”
The broken relationship we see? It’s falsely constructed by Dream. That bond exists still, fractured because someone came in with the intentions to break and destroy Tommy’s interpersonal relationships and manipulate him.
Tommy’s exile arc, was an abuse arc. Tommy was regularly abused by Dream. Techno profited off it, and used Tommy’s fragile mental state to try and achieve his goals, not even trusting Tommy until, in his fragile state, they both threaten Fundy. Techno sees this as commitment to the cause.
Tommy wanted his discs, Techno wanted L’Manburg destroyed.
So when the community house was destroyed, and we get that scene with Techno going with Tommy, they both have a moment. But I’ll address that in a second.
First, Tommy rushes in to defend himself, saying he didn’t destroy the community house. That he was innocent.
Tubbo doesn’t believe him. Why? Because Tommy does this. Tommy destroys things, he burned George’s house (taking the fall for Ranboo), he did plenty of things.
Tommy and Tubbo fight, and Tommy says, “the discs were worth more than you ever were”. This line, I’ve seen it interpreted many ways, one being he used to value the discs over Tubbo, and another being his values as a character.
It’s neither, by the way. It’s a heat of the moment comment, it shocks Tommy into silence, he instantly regrets it. He hates that he said it. Tommy’s goals, in that moment, change, based on his alignment. His goal doesn’t matter, if it’s hurting the people he cares for. It’s hurting Tubbo, it’s time to get rid of the goal.
In that instant, the discs do not matter. They mean nothing. Tommy doesn’t care for them. This is the moment that he GROWS as a character. Instead of obsessively wanting the discs and harming his friends for it, he is willing to let them go so he can foster his friendship. His arc, comes to an end. He doesn’t choose to be a hero again, that’s not what that is. No, he chooses his friend, the one he’s put so much faith and trust into, over something he has realized doesn’t mean more.
He tells Tubbo to give the disc to Dream, because he doesn’t care about them anymore, the sentimentality he has with them and Tubbo mean nothing if he loses Tubbo. Chaotic Good, he chooses the people over his goals and morals (which change on a whim).
Techno, who was using the discs to get Tommy to cooperate, who only recently thought Tom y and him were equals, is enraged because he can’t understand it. He can’t understand Tommy giving up his goal, because he couldn’t. His goals and ideals, they never went away in retirement, he was always wanting to destroy the government, he was planning it behind Phil’s back even. Everything he did was in preparation for a war. I think, even without the execution, Techno would have gone back to his ideals to destroy the government.
Which is why Techno, is angry. He feels betrayed, because once again, the outcome that was obvious happened, and someone stuck to their own words. Tommy would never harm Tubbo, and he wasn’t going to help Techno against L’Manburg.
But Tommy doesn’t do it maliciously against Techno, willing to even try and stay friends, showing he still cared for him. Tommy values his friends, including Techno in that moment.
What Techno sees is Tommy’s betrayal, Tommy broke their alliance because his goal is gone. “Help me get back the discs.” Tommy said when they made that deal. That no longer applies, Tommy was never intending on helping with the destruction of L’Manburg or the death of his friend.
Techno, once again, convinced himself that he would be assisted in his goal despite the vocal outcry against it.
So what does Techno do? He gets revenge. He teams up with Dream immediately.
That’s Techno’s character. Interpersonal bonds mean nothing if they get in the way of his goal, but he doesn’t go out of his way to purposefully destroy them. The MOMENT Tommy isn’t with him, Techno doesn’t have an issue with Dream or what he’s done.
Techno willingly teams up with Tommy’s abuser, because he gets his goal.
Tommy, who still cares for Techno is in shock at this. He sees Techno as a friend, like Tubbo. This hurts him.
Techno, later, even goes on to say he doesn’t care for friends so long as the people he’s with share his ideals, ending into the extreme of his alignment.
Techno has never been a good guy. He’s an antagonist of the SMP. Particularly, he’s not a villain, but antagonist. He’s an obstacle. Not via his person, but his goals.
And he wins, and he tells Tommy, “you never saw me as a person, only a weapon, you betrayed me twice now”.
Tommy, who has seen them as friends, after Techno broke their friendship off the first time with the withers, counters, “and what of Schlatt and what you did to Tubbo”.
Which Techno dismisses as, “in the past” and “it doesn’t matter”. To Techno, it’s not relevant how he treats others, his betrayal to other people doesn’t matter, just the perceived betrayal towards himself.
In the end, Techno is blinded by his beliefs. They controlled him to the extremes. To the point where he would burn any bridge made to keep them.
But Tommy? Tubbo? They gave up L’Manburg, to make their own little place. No vocal apologies were given, yes, and they should address that, but they gave up the country to be together as friends.
And for anyone wondering, Tommy and Tubbo are friends again, through action. Tommy, contrasting his words, gave the discs up to repair his friendship.
Techno, true to his word, destroyed the country and killed anyone who stood in his way. Even going out of his way sometimes to target Tubbo and Tommy.
In short, Techno was a second Wilbur to Tommy, and it shows that some people ignored the subtle manipulation attempts to achieve his goal. Is he as bad as Dream? No, not even close actually. But he’s as bad as Wilbur.
I also want to point something out on ages. Techno is canonically an adult. Tommy is a child, a kid. He’s a kid. The dynamic between them was skewed.
Techno saw a kid, in distress, and in a poor mental state, and tried to manipulate him.
When the kid figured out he didn’t want his goal anymore, he backed out. Techno punished him, by repeating what would be a huge source of trauma for him.
Techno tried to destroy L’Manburg, and succeeded. And he told Tommy that, “you could have just sat out”.
Tommy couldn’t. Because Tubbo is, and always will be, his closest friend. He values his bonds, but he promised Tubbo it was the two of them.
As Philza is the exception to Techno’s alignment, the promise to Tubbo is the exception to Tommy.
There was no betrayal, but a shift in goals and ideals from Tommy, which lead to Tommy and Technoblade no longer needing to be allies.
The narrative isn’t supposed to be black and white, that’s most of the characters. Techno being a big perpetrator of this. The narrative is a morally Grey area, where you can side with whoever you want.
That’s it, that’s the meta.
- Signed, A Techno and Tommy apologist
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aliwritesfic · 3 years
The Night Shift part 8 (F!Reader x Frankie Morales)
Summary: It's time to do what's best for you . . . also fuck Kurt
Warnings: physical violence, emotional abuse, brief mention of trauma
W/C: 2.2k
AN: So.... I'll be honest, I was quite sick when I wrote this (and I'm still not 100% but I'm at like 75% which is good enough) but I have a mentality of not editing or revising my work otherwise I embarrass myself and convince myself I'm The Worst(tm), but I hope this makes sense and the pacing is good <3
Part 1 Part 9
Frankie was glad to see you finally opening up. Even if that meant tears he couldn’t wipe away, or a hand he couldn’t hold. The last thing he wanted was to put you in a position where you thought the only reason he was helping was to swoop in while you were vulnerable.
You sat next to him in his truck, your eyes were puffy and red from tears that once they started seemed to come in waves of intensity, from a few sniffles to shoulders heaving, gasping for air sobs. Manny sat beside you, holding your hand, which Frankie was grateful for. He was glad to see that you had people that cared about you. When he had messaged Manny that morning, it was more to find out if his suspicions were correct about the ‘friend’ you had talked about while drunk was you.
“You don’t have-“
“We want to,” Manny interjected for the fifth time. It occurred to Frankie that you weren’t used to people wanting to help you. “I’ve been praying that you’ll let me help you.” That made you sob again. You gave another apology, chest heaving as you tried to breathe.
Truthfully, Frankie was also glad that this was an excuse for him to skip talking about his own feelings. His own mind was a muddy mess of flashbacks and night terrors and bouts of anxiety that became so crippling he forgot how to breathe. How well would that have gone down in the little group he now found himself apart of? If he had to guess, about as well as it went down with Portia – pitying looks and urges to see a proper therapist, and a new distance that neither was willing bridge.
Manny answered a call as Frankie drove back. He wasn’t driving anywhere in particular, but when it had become clear you wanted to be anywhere but that bistro, he had suggested the three of you pile into his truck and see where the road took you.
“Mateo, honey, I need to ask you a few things,” Manny said into his phone. Out of the corner of his eye, Frankie saw you lean your head back and squeeze your eyes shut. Frankie wanted to reach out and squeeze your knee, take your hand, do anything to show that he was there, that he wasn’t going anywhere so long as you wanted him around.
Manny’s voice faded into the background as you turned to look at Frankie. He pulled up at a small nature reserve, which was just an algae slicked pond and a few oak trees surrounded by recently mowed grass. Frankie noticed how bloodshot your eyes were.
“You okay?” he asked, realising it was a stupid question.
“I will be,” you said, your voice hoarse. You cleared your throat with a wince. “I’m not upset . . . I’m just overwhelmed. Like, I’ve been holding this all in for so long that once the lid was opened it was impossible to put back on, and now I’ve just gotta let it all out. Does that sound stupid?”
Frankie shook his head. “Not at all.” You smiled weakly at him.
“Bet this is the worst lunch you’ve ever had,” you said.
“Nah, I think it ranks pretty highly,” Frankie said. “Mainly because of the company, though.” You rolled your eyes and Frankie could see the corners of your mouth twitch in an effort to keep a smile away.
“It’s not your fault, you know,” he said softly.
“What isn’t?” You asked, but before he could answer, Manny interjected.
“I’ve found you a new place,” he said. You shot up, confusion written on your face plainly. Manny smiled the type of smile when someone knows they’ve basically saved the day. “That was my dear friend Mateo on the phone. He is taking his first steps towards being a real estate mogul and recently brought a one bedroom apartment to rent out. And because he is such a dear friend and owes me like, a billion favours, I told him the minimum of what your situation was, and he has told me that he’s willing to rent the place to you for lower than market value. A hundred and twenty a week, including water.”
You’re silent for a few moments, and Frankie watched you carefully.
“When can I move in?” you said finally, and Frankie felt an invisible weight lift off your shoulders. He could only imagine how difficult this would be for you; making decisions that would change how you lived in a matter of hours, basically upending your life.
“He can get the keys to us on Wednesday, he’s just got to replace some fixtures and finish painting some walls,” Manny said. You nodded slowly.
“So, I just need to last till Wednesday,” you said.
“You can stay at my place, if you want.” Frankie said quickly, not exactly comfortable with the idea of you staying with Kurt. You had said he was never physically violent, but Frankie also knew how quickly a man could change when they didn’t get their way.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to impose,” you said carefully. Frankie nodded.
“Of course, you’re my friend, and friends help each other.” Just friends. Only friends. He wasn’t going to take advantage of you in this state just because he had a stupid crush. He had once had a conversation with a pissed off Eve Miller, who was ranting about the guys she thought were her friends instantly making moves the moment she became single. That had solidified Frankie’s resolve to not make moves on women he was friends with – it wasn’t fair to them or to him.
Before you could answer, your phone was ringing loudly. Your face crumpled as you looked at the contact, and Frankie frowned.
You took a deep breath and hit answer. “Hey! What’s up?” Your light and airy tone was at odds with your sombre expression. “No, I have lunch with Manny on Sunday, remember? You’re home already? But –“
Frankie listened to the angry buzzing coming from your phone, his revulsion growing.
“My phone died – no I just went out with Sara last night, she wanted to go to fight night . . . it’s not that short . . . No I didn’t fuck anyone else, Jesus Christ, Kurt! No! Look, I’ll be home soon, we can talk about this then.” You hung up with a shaking hand, your mouth twisting with effort to contain the tears.
Manny met Frankie’s eye over the top of your bowed head and gave a small nod.
“We’ll come with you to get some of your clothes,” Frankie said. “And anything else you need.”
“You’re really too sweet for this,” you muttered with a hiccup. “I’m sorry for dragging the both of you into my shit.”
“I crawled willingly into it,” Manny said breezily, “which I would only do for about five people in this world.”
The trio remained silent for several minutes, interrupted only but the sound of your occasional hiccups. Frankie reached out and patted your shoulder awkwardly, cringing internally while he did. Inexplicably, you leant into his touch, your damp cheek brushing against the back of his hand.
“Can you drive me home so I can get my stuff?” you asked softly. Frankie nodded and turned on the truck.
You were a ball of anxiety as Frankie pulled into the complex’s parking lot. Kurt’s car was already in the spot reserved for your apartment, sending you to the verge of a full-blown panic attack. You squeezed your eyes shut and counted to ten, then backwards from ten. Distantly, you felt Manny take hold of one of your hands.
“You’ve got this.” Manny’s voice sounded far away. “Francisco and I are behind you one hundred percent.”
“You’re calling the shots,” Frankie said, touching your arm. His hand was warm and calloused, and you didn’t know why that observation seemed to be at the forefront of your mind, but it was. You opened your eyes and met Frankie’s warm brown ones, suddenly feeling infinitely stronger.
You told them what you wanted to do – for you to go in by yourself and for them to wait outside the door, plug their ears if necessary, only come in if they felt like you were in any actual danger. Frankie’s face darkened at this, but to your relief he didn’t protest your plan.
You felt stronger with the two of them behind you. Every single step towards your apartment door solidified your resolve that this was the right thing, that this relationship hadn’t made you happy, fulfilled, in years. The click of your key in the door felt like one of finality.
Kurt sat on the couch, glaring at you. You left the door open a crack as you walked in, hovering by the dining table. You took him in fully and came to the conclusion that you were no longer attracted to this man at all. His skin was reddened by the sun, pale patches around his light blue eyes. His thin mouth was curled into a sneer.
“Care to explain what the fuck you’ve been doing while I was gone?” he said.
“Not really, no.” You replied. “Here’s the thing, Kurtis, you don’t get to go out with your friends for the whole weekend doing who-knows-what then turn around and get angry at me for spending time with the only friend from school that I still have! That’s not fair.”
“And who’s fault is that? You’re the one who pushed them all away!” Kurt stood up and advanced towards you. Normally, you would have taken a step backwards, given him space, but this time you stood your ground, clenching your fists tightly to stop them shaking.
“I’m still allowed to have a social life,” you said, struggling to keep your tone even. Kurt rolled his eyes.
“If you wanna go out and act like a fucking whore-“
“Think what you want, Kurt,” you said, “it doesn’t matter anymore. I’m leaving. You can’t stop me.”
Kurt spluttered for a moment, turning a shade of deep red. “Like fucking HELL you’re leaving me, you bitch!”
“I am!” you shot back. He was only a few inches from you now, so close his breath was hot on your face. “I’m miserable, I don’t love you anymore, and I’m done. I’ve been done for so long I can’t remember a time I was fully invested in this relationship! I deserve better! I deserve love that doesn’t make me so sad it hurts, and I can’t have that with you.”
Kurt’s face twisted into an ugly contortion of the features you once found perfect. “No. Nobody can love you the way I do! Nobody can understand you like I do! If you leave, I won’t want to live anymore. Don’t you remember? I can’t live without you!”
“Then go to a fucking hospital!” you snapped, moving to get past him. Kurt grabbed your wrist tightly. His grip was like a vice, cutting off blood supply to your fingers.
“Let go!” you begged. Kurt tugged you closer, spittle forming at the corners of his mouth, your noses almost touching. He’s going to kill me. Oh my god, he’s actually going to kill me. You saw movement by the door out of the corner of your eye, and your heart swelled.
“You heard her,” Frankie said, “let her go.”
Kurt didn’t let go, but instead gripped harder. He’s completely lost it, you thought dimly, the expression Kurt wore sending true fear into your heart.
“And just who the fuck are you?” Kurt demanded.
“Let her go,” Frankie repeated. He didn’t raise his voice, but you could still hear the power it held. Kurt scoffed and spat at Frankie’s feet.
“This is an issue between me and my girlfriend, now get out of my apartment before I make you.”
Frankie didn’t reply, instead, he strode forward, pushed the sleeves of his flannel over shirt up as he did. Kurt didn’t wait. He pushed you hard against the kitchen bench, knocking the breath out of you and sending a shot of pain through your back, and moved to meet Frankie in the middle of the room.
It happened in an instant, blink and you miss it. Frankie swung, his fist connecting with Kurt’s jaw with a sickening crunch. Kurt went down like a lead balloon, howling as he collapsed on the floor. Frankie stood over him, breathing hard through his nose.
Manny ran forward to help you, holding you to him like the protective brother you had always wished for. It took you a few moments to realise you were shaking, out of fear or adrenaline you didn’t know.
“Come on,” he whispered soothingly, “we gotta get your stuff.” You nodded and let him help you up. You didn’t feel like you were connected with your body like you were watching the whole thing through a separate set of eyes. You saw Frankie standing over Kurt, arms crossed and boot pressing into Kurt’s chest.
Manny held your hand as you walked to your bedroom. You were distantly aware of the aching in your body, your back, and wrist especially. It was Manny who packed your bag for you, grabbing anything he thought you might need. The whole thing was done in less than ten minutes. Before you left you turned to face Kurt.
“I’ll be back sometime this week to get the rest of my stuff. Do not contact me.”
You felt your strength returning to you as you left with Frankie and Manny with you. For the first time in a long time, you felt like you could breathe.
Taglist: @hnt-escape @sharkbait77 @1800-fight-me @annathewitch @darnitdraco @frankiecatfish @punkerthanpascal @nakhudanyx @gracie7209 @quica-quica-quica @pintsizemama @phoenix-of-loki
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Together We're Toxic
Billy Russo x Reader (you)
I wrote this for another fandom and I kept thinking how fitting it would be for Billy. So, I did some editing. *grin* Hope you like. Definitely explicit.
Billy Russo was not a man to be reckoned with. One would have thought that out of all people, you would know that. But then, you were no longer his girlfriend. You were his ex - a fact that he was not at all pleased about and planned to fix.
The club was hot, the music pumping. He could feel it through his body, an incessant beat. The club was dark even with the random mix of colored lights, and it smelled of sweat and perfume.
It felt like impending sex.
Some were going to get laid tonight. Some were hoping to. If all went according to plan, he definitely would be.
His eyes narrowed in on his target. On you. You were with a friend who wasn’t a fan of his all the time, and you had your hands clasped above your heads as bodies moved to the beat.
You and your friend were attracting attention from the men in the crowd, which was the point, and it pissed Billy off to know that this was probably what you did all those nights you wanted to go out with friends and “let off some steam.”
The sharks were circling closer and Billy’s jaw clenched as he took in the men whose faces he’d have to break later for staring at his woman with lust written all over their faces.
You were stunning, so it wasn’t like he could blame them. All that shiny hair that flowed down your back - he liked to wrap it around his hand when he fucked you from behind. And those eyes - they could look so wide and innocent, and then turn black as night when you made it clear you wanted him.
And your lips, those lips you painted red. You left streaks of it on his cock when you sucked it.
Your smile, fuck, your smile and your laugh, and the way you spoke so intelligently about everything. You were so fucking smart and he felt so fucking dumb next to you sometimes.
There was that little bit of Billy that worried you had partly broken up with him because of it. But he knew other things - things like how to change your oil, put in new brakes, and how to beat a man bloody for touching you.
Once, some asshole had groped your ass on the subway and he’d knocked the guy straight out. You’d blown him good and proper after that. He went nearly cross-eyed just thinking about how it felt when you took him down your throat.
Finally, you and your friend took a break from your frenetic dancing and one bold shark inched his way close to you. Billy held back from charging over and punching him dead in the face.
No one touched what was his. No one.
It was that sort of thing that you said was one of the reasons you broke up with him, and Billy had a funny feeling that your friends had something to do with that. You sure didn’t seem to mind when he got, as you put it, “growly and possessive”. And what really burned him is that you would get just as “growly and possessive” right back.
When an ex made contact with him to ask if he still had her hatchet, he’d ended up exchanging a few texts with her about how things were going. When you saw the text come through on his phone you’d simply grabbed your purse and walked out the door, claiming you were going for a ride. You didn’t return for three days and he had no idea where the fuck you went. When you returned you hugged him like no time had passed and nothing had happened. Then you whispered in his ear, “If you talk to her again I won’t come back next time.”
But then, was that worse than when he witnessed you smiling and laughing with someone you had dubbed your “work husband”, and he’d ended up locking you in the bedroom that night for two hours and not letting you leave?
Apparently, it was.
What about the time you slashed one of his tires when one of his (female) customers from Anvil asked for his number?
No one pointed fingers at you, but when he went a little mental and tossed your phone in the toilet, everyone was all up in arms.
Your twisted relationship was your business, and it wasn’t like Billy didn’t know it was twisted. You both were. You knew it, too. You were both passionate and fiercely in love with each other.
He knew you loved him. He <i>knew</i> that. It was in the little things you did - cuddling up to him on the couch, making him dinner (when you had the time), and trimming his hair and beard for him. You also held him and loved him when he needed you the most. And he always, always needed you.
And he took care of you. He changed your oil when it needed it, rubbed your feet at night and listened when you complained about work. He offered to take a few co-workers out for you, which always made you laugh even though he was only half-joking about that.
You were both better together than apart. There was only one woman for him on this godforsaken planet and that was you. And there wasn’t another him that could give you what you needed. He felt a smirk tug at the corner of his mouth. Little freak that you were.
You and your friend shooed the men away and headed for the bar, giggling together. While you and your friend planted yourself on one side of the freestanding bar, Billy made his way to the other side. He made room for himself, much to the annoyance of the guy beside him.
“Hey!” the guy protested when some of his drink spilled over the side from Billy hitting it with his elbow.
Billy just looked at him in the way you claimed could make grown men “piddle on the rug.” The guy certainly appeared as if he just might. He picked up his drink and walked off quickly.
Then, Billy leaned on the bar, elbows on top and stared at you, willing you to look his way. It was your friend who saw him first. She made a face and nudged you, pointing at him.
When you looked his way, your mouth fell open and you met his gaze. When the shock wore off, he caught the hint of something in your eyes. Something he knew quite well from having spent almost two years with you: excitement.
You covered it quickly with a look of annoyance and said something to your friend that made her frown, but then your friend nodded and you started around the bar.
Feeling pretty victorious, Billy pushed away from the bar and smirked at your friend who glared at him. Good, let her be pissed. You could no more stay away from him than he could stay away from you.
He moved away from the bar and inched toward the hallway where the bathroom and the back entrance was located. He had a plan after all.
You stormed up to him, fire blazing in your eyes. “What are you doing here?”
“What do you think I’m doing here?” he drawled. “You didn’t think I’d let this breakup stand, did you?”
“You didn’t fight me when I ended it.”
Was it his imagination or did you sound upset about that?
“You changed the locks and put all my shit out on the lawn. You also called Frank for backup. What was I supposed to do?”
“Just...go.” Now you sounded sad. Defeated. “Leave me alone, Billy. It’s over.”
He grabbed your arm. “No.”
You yanked your arm from his grip. “Don’t manhandle me.”
“Come outside with me,” he said, changing tactics. He fully intended to manhandle you and though you might protest at first, he knew what a little freak you were and what got you hot. You’d be putty in his hands in no time. But for now, you needed to act like you didn’t want him there. Maybe you even had yourself partly convinced of that. Billy knew better though.
“Why should I? What for?” you asked.
“Just to talk. I think I deserve a conversation that doesn’t involve Frank, don’t you think?”
You pursed her lips together and studied him with suspicious eyes. He didn’t move. Just waited. Finally, you sighed. “Fine. Let me tell Friends Name.”
He nodded, smiling inwardly and pointed to the hall. “I’ll be waiting for you right there.”
“Fine, Billy.”
“And don’t think about ditching me,” He warned you. “I will find you.”
Your lips parted and you turned on heel quickly and stalked off. Oh, you wanted this. He knew it.
Five minutes later, you were outside in the cool air and you shivered and wrapped your arms around yourself. It was your fault for wearing a sleeveless top - his favorite one, too. Red and low cut, it was gorgeous on you and easy to get off.
“Why don’t we sit in the car so you’re not cold,” he suggested, pointing to his black Porsche behind you.
You turned, dropping your arms, and he grabbed the handcuffs in his jacket pocket and hurriedly cuffed one wrist. You started to turn back, looking down at your wrist. “Hey--”
But he had you cuffed before you could finish that sentence.
“Billy!” you exclaimed. “What are you dozing?”
“I told you I wouldn’t let this stand. You’re mine.”
Your eyes widened and you made to run.
You didn’t get far. Billy was on you quick enough and managed to wrap both arms around you from behind. With your wrists cuffed in the front, you couldn’t move in the bear hug he was giving you.
“You’re hurting me!”
Doubtful. “We can do this the hard way or the easy way,” he muttered in your ear. “You either come with me or I use the chloroform I have in my pocket.” It was a lie; he didn’t have any.
“How the hell did you get--”
“Hard way or easy way?”
“I hate you,” you hissed.
“No, you don’t. I’ll prove it.”
“I could scream,” you snarled.
“No one would hear you over that music.”
He pushed you to his car gently, wrapping one hand around your forearm lest you get any ideas about running off.
You cursed him the whole way and Billy just smiled. He opened the backdoor of his car once they reached it. “Lay down.”
“Why do I have to lay down?”
He gestured to the rope you’d not yet seen on the floor of the car. You cursed him again and got in. “Don’t even think of kicking me either,” he told you. “Or the chloroform comes out. Heard it gives one a nasty headache. Plus, who knows what I’d do to you all tied up.”
“You’re disgusting and you’re going to pay for this,” you snapped.
He licked his lips. “I certainly hope so.”
You laid down on your side with some help and when he was sure you were comfortable - because he didn’t want you hurt after all...well, not much anyway. He tied up your ankles with the rope while you glared at him mutinously.
With a triumphant smirk, he moved your feet out of the way of the door and shut it. He then climbed in the car and started it up.
“My friends will look for me, ya know,” you said.
“They won’t find you.”
“Where are you taking me?” you demanded.
“To the cabin.”
“Fuck,” you muttered.
He grinned as he pulled out of the club parking lot. “That’s right. The cabin in the middle of the woods where you can scream all you want and no one will hear you.”
“You’re an asshole.”
“Yeah,” he drawled, “But you love me anyway.”
You fell silent and Billy smiled. Your silence said it all; you did still love him.
It was a forty-five minute drive to the cabin and after letting you sulk for a while, he finally asked, “Why did you do it?”
“Why did I do what?” you asked innocently.
“You know what,” he growled.
You sighed. “I’m handcuffed and I’ve got ropes around my ankles. Do you really have to ask? Do you think this is normal?”
“It’s our normal,” he said with a shrug.
“Maybe I don’t want it to be.”
“Or maybe you’re too busy listening to your friends tell you how our relationship should be.” He took his eyes off the road to turn and look down at you. You looked almost pitiful on the seat looking up at him and he had a moment’s regret. Just a moment though.
He looked back at the road. “You get off on our games.”
“Is that what we’re calling them? Games?”
“What would you call it?”
“Unhealthy. Twisted.”
He laughed. “Oh, You. You’ll never not be twisted. And I’m the only one who can match all that fire inside you.”
“Maybe I don’t want that anymore. Maybe I want normal. Maybe I want someone like Frank who--”
“Don’t mention his fucking name to me,” he growled. “He’d bore you in a week. We’re here.”
One of your friends had tried to introduce you to a “nice boy” who wore Dockers and white tennis shoes and actually played tennis, and You had kept it from him until he’d overheard you talking to that friend on the porch one night. When he’d confronted you about it, you’d hedged until he threatened to ask your friend himself. You’d told him, and in retaliation he’d dragged you into the house and tied you to the bed and proceeded to make you come and come and come until you begged for him to stop.
You had clung to him so sweetly, mewling in his ear. Screaming. Telling him again and again how you loved him and only him.
He cut the engine and stepped out of the car. He made his way around to the back and you sat up and he maneuvered you out and over his shoulder. The wind blew, causing your black skirt to blow over your ass and he slapped it. “That’s my ass,” he told you. “Remember that.”
The cabin was his. A place he had built with his bare hands. A place for him to seek refuge from the world when he needed it. Then when he had met you, it had become yours and his. Long weekends were spent here when you both felt the need to get away, just hiking, making love, and doing domestic things that he wasn’t very used to doing, but rather...enjoyed?
You could both be normal. You were both “normal” more than you weren’t so he didn't know what the fuck you were on about. Sure you both had your moments, but it wasn’t always like that.
The cabin had three rooms - the living room and kitchen rolled into each other, and then there was the bedroom off the kitchen, and a bathroom attached to the bedroom.
Billy stepped inside to the kitchen and carted you over against the far wall and placed you down on the lumpy couch with the maroon sofa covering. You fell to the side and then righted yourself and glared up at him.
“You gonna run if I let you loose?” he asked.
God, he hoped you did. He wanted to chase you down, throw you on the ground and fuck you in the open air. His dick was hard just thinking about it. You glanced down quickly at his crotch and then back up at him. You looked angry, but he caught the twinkle there. “What do you think?” you asked.
Okay, so, you needed to warm up a bit first. Work up to it. He was game.
“I think we still got wine in the fridge from last time we were here,” he said. “You want some?”
“You gonna roofie me?”
“No, of course not.”
“I mean, you did threaten to chloroform me--”
“And you know as well as I do that I wouldn’t. Even if i did have it, which I don’t.” He did though. Somewhere. Just not on him.
You lifted your chin. “What’s your plan then? Keep me cuffed and bound all weekend?”
“Well, that all depends on you.”
You tilted your head to the side. “Oh?”
“Yeah, all depends on how long it takes you to get your head out of your ass and realize you belong with me.”
“I don’t--”
He bent down and placed his hand at the back of your neck and drew your face to his. He kissed you deeply, wanting you to just shut up.
You didn’t kiss him back at first, but then he felt you melt by degrees. You moaned and Billy went down to his knees, filling his hands with your face as he kissed you. “Stop fighting me,” he muttered against your mouth. “You love me.”
“Say it, You. Say you love me.”
Your eyes welled up in tears. “I do,” you croaked. “I love you.”
“Say you’re mine.”
You sniffled. “I’m yours.”
He kissed you again and you swayed into him, pressing your chest against him. “Billy,” you muttered. “Let me go. I can’t touch you like this.”
He fumbled, panting, for the key to the handcuffs. He managed to fish it out of his jeans and with shaking hands undid the cuffs. Then he fumbled with the rope, and with your help you were free. He pulled you to her feet with him and kissed you. “I need you,” he gasped. “I need inside you.”
You stepped back a few feet, smiling, and whipped off your top. You threw it at him and it hit him right in the face.
You used that distraction to rush right past him and out the door.
He roared, his dick pressing hard against his jeans. Game. On.
You didn’t get far. Just by the car. You were on the other side of it when he approached and when he went to the right, you went to the left. You both stopped. Stared at each other.
“You’re a little brat,” he told her. “I should take you over my knee.”
“Don’t you wish you could?” you taunted him and jetted to the right. He ran around the car, and you squealed and ran off to the woods. He was smiling, beaming really. This was just what he’d expected and you’d almost had him; he’d almost thought you were just going to capitulate without any game this time, but he should have known better. You were always up for a good game.
You were like a sprite running through the woods and Billy kept his gaze steady on you, while mindful of where he was stepping so as not to trip. He finally managed to graze your arm by a thick oak tree and you squealed again and darted around it.
He could hear your breathing from the other side and he forced himself to go still and quiet. Then you did as well. He waited.
The wind blew, a cool breeze that rustled the leaves and branches. Animals deep in the forest made noise, reminding you they were there. The moon was nearly full and cast light down through the trees. The clouds in the sky were moving quickly by and stars twinkled above them.
He was harder than he’d ever been and he swore he could smell your heat from where he stood on the other side of the blasted tree.
You popped her head out and said, “Boo!” and then made to run off. This time, you wouldn’t get far. He was on you quickly enough and you let out a playful scream as he managed to catch you and push you against another tree. You winced and he pulled you away from it.
“You hurt?” he asked, panting.
“I don’t think so,” you said breathlessly.
He spun you around to check. Just a little red where the bark touched your bare skin. He bent his head and pressed a kiss to one red mark, then another and another and you melted yet again into him.
He went down to his knees and forced you down with him. He pushed you and you planted your hands on the ground.
“You gonna to act like a bitch, I’m gonna to fuck you like one,” he grunted.
“Oh, God, yes,” you breathed.
He pushed your skirt up over your backside and tore your panties from your body.
“Billy,” you moaned.
He wrestled with the snap of his jeans and the zipper and then he shoved them and his boxers down and spit in his hand. He stroked himself and then used two fingers to check just how wet you were.
You were soaked. Just as he thought you would be. He fucked you with his fingers until you screamed and then he pulled his fingers out and slammed his cock inside you.
“Fuck! Yes!” you screamed.
He licked your wetness from his fingers and then slapped your ass hard. You cried out and he gripped your hips, knowing he’d leave fingerprints, knowing you’d love to see them in the morning.
“Come for me again, you little bitch,” he rumbled. “I want you dripping all over me.”
He reached out and wrapped his hand around your hair and yanked your head back. “Fuck me back,” he ordered.
You did, grunting and moaning.
“Fuck me harder, asshole!” you shouted.
He did, bottoming out inside you, bumping right against your cervix.
You screamed and your walls pulsed around him, milking him. He let go with a roar, unable to hold on. You’d had him aching for you the minute he’d stepped into that fucking club and saw you.
Billy slumped over her and pressed a weak kiss in between your shoulder blades. “I love you,” he gasped. “Fucking hell, I love you so much.”
“I love you,” you said, breathless.
Billy pulled out of you with a groan and did himself back up. He got to his feet while you staggered to yours. He drew you into his arms and kissed you hard.
You kissed him back just as hard and hand-in-hand you walked back to the cabin. You showered together, laughing softly, and caressing each other gently. Billy took you to bed after and he made love to you slowly, sweetly, until you cried out softly. He held you wrapped close in his arms as you began to doze off.
“Mine again?” he asked softly.
“I always have been,” you murmured. “And I always will be.”
Satisfied, Billy drifted off into a sound sleep.
And when he woke up in the morning, he found you gone…
And himself handcuffed to the bed.
***I know it would not fit for Billy to not wake up to getting handcuffed, but just go with it. It's needed for the second part.
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The most annoying thing is when anti-shippers go on about hating the whole “Taekook vs Jikook” war. Like bruh there is no war, there is no competition. One is based on pure fantasy and the other is what we literally see with our own two eyes with no editing, slow-mo, romantic music or crazy conspiracies needed to make it “real”. It is irritating as hell when JKKers talk about things that ACTUALLY HAPPENED for all to see, like GCFT or Rosebowl and get met with people whining “stop shipping the boysss it makes them uncomfortable”. And the funny thing is you barely see that response when Tkkers start writing their ten page essays about BH hiding Tk based on absolutely no evidence whatsoever. I’ve only been in the fandom since 2020 but I am already sick of the willful ignorance and hypocrisy that is rampant among army, especially where Jimin is concerned. The response to the recent episode of ITS was a perfect example of that hypocrisy. I am Tired. I won’t call myself a solo stan but I have definitely been sticking more to jimin and jikook centered fan spaces and I only watch original content, and try to just focus on the boys and their music because interacting with the fandom on a whole makes me want to pack it in and forget about BTS altogether.
Oh my GOSH this pisses me off a lot. They have a superiority complex for what reason??? Because you don't "ship" you think you're so mature? I saw one post today that said that Jikookers and Taekookers are the same om a tweet from a taekooker giving a whole essay about the justification of their cropped and manipulated video that is so misleading, which I'm guessing is what you might possibly be referring to. (For anyone confused they cropped the video of SG2020 where Jikook were all up on each other to make it look like Jungkook was actually tryna record Taehyung or sumn.) These are the same people that write off the hate Jimin and Jungkook and Taehyung gets to ship war. No it's not freaking ship war. People are spewing disgusting lies and comments and spreading rumors about some of the members of your favourite band but because you see the same three people it's just "ship war"? That makes it ok? If you would take the time to see exactly where majority of this hate is coming from (taekookers) and who its directed to (Jimin AND Jungkook), you realize that JUST maybe these people might actually hate Jikook as individuals and constantly crap on their bond because of it. "Tkkrs and Jkkrs are at it again. Weirdos 🙄".
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And them lumping us with taekookers... Like, my guy you can see the clear difference.
I don't think you're a solo stan nor would I want to encourage solo behaviour. Stay away from the taekookers side of the fandom and focus more on Taekook. Which it seems like you do👏🏽 Original content and Jikookers who appreciate all the bonds is my go-to.
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tornrose24 · 3 years
Heisenberg’s sunglasses, eyes, and what’s the deal with them
One thing I can’t help but notice about Heisenberg is how there’s only ONE TIME he isn’t wearing his glasses, but every other time they are covered up or hidden while he’s in his human form, and of course isn’t wearing any in his mutated form. And why its important.
To me, I think there’s more than just wearing them to be cool/because here’s another Resident Evil bad guy married to his sunglasses. I think it’s another way of him trying to hide himself or shield his true intentions.
-If I remember correctly from watching game play, you first see photos of the lords on an alter before you meet them, yet Heisenberg’s eyes are hidden under the shadow of his hat.
-Then when Ethan properly meets him up until he is forced into being chased by the lycans, Heisenberg is wearing his signature shades the entire time. (EDIT: In one gif I found, where someone was able to angle the camera to show his face during the four lords’ meeting, we see his face when he tips his hat to Miranda when she tells him he’ll decide Ethan’s fate. He’s got this hugest ‘shit-eating’ grin on his face at the time, but I have a feeling his eyes would be telling a different story since 1. He hates Miranda and 2. He needs Ethan alive, so there’s another reason he’s smiling here that isn’t clear in the story yet).
-Then there’s the first half of his conversation with Ethan at the factory up until he tells the Strum (Sturm?) to shut up a second time).
-Then right before he transforms into his mutated form, his eyes are hidden in shadow, but I watched someone’s short videos where the lighting is on high and you see that he’s also wearing sunglasses here.
-EDIT: Ok, so @cornydogx just reminded me that this extends to the promos as well. He always has his eyes hidden, be it with the glasses his head is tilted down. I haven’t seen to many of the promos, but my understanding is that it cuts away when he is in the middle of taking his sunglasses off. Then in the closest we get to seeing his eyes, you only see a little of one eye, which is covered up by his hat.
-EDIT: Actually now that I think of it, this... kind of includes the puppet show, doesn’t it? Since his puppet is the one who is wearing glasses instead of eyes. (But on the other hand, puppet!Heisenberg seems more genuine than his canon counterpart, so I don’t think it fully counts.)
So when is the only time he takes them off? Right when he makes his deal with Ethan. But why is that?
I think the shades is partly to hide himself and his true intentions in a way from Mother Miranda and the others, as well as to complete an illusion of what he wants to be seen as. In a way I understand because there’ve been times where wearing sunglasses feels like a defense mechanism that keeps people from seeing me or what’s going on through my mind, and I think that’s what was going on with him. 
When he takes the sun glasses off in front of Ethan after explaining his motivations, he makes his proposal. And I think its a sign of him genuinely wanting to open up to another. He hated his ‘siblings’ and his ‘mother’, and he didn’t have a high regard towards the villagers for their blind devotion to Miranda (among things). He’s willing to put his barriers down for a man he is starting to respect–a man who he hopes could be a potential ally in taking down Miranda and securing his freedom. He wants to trust Ethan and wants Ethan to trust him back.
But at the same time in the exact same moment, he also reveals another part of his intentions–while he wants to save Rose with Ethan, he also wants to use Rose’s yet-to-be-seen powers against Miranda. He probably doesn’t have an idea of what true familial love really means, or he accidentally informed Ethan that he really isn’t any different than the others. Either way, he reveals to Ethan that he sees Rose as a weapon and not someone else’s child who is genuinely loved and wouldn’t be disposed of by their own parent like Miranda does to Heisenberg and the lords.
He genuinely seemed excited/eager for the team up, until the smile drops when Ethan bluntly refuses. When he gives Ethan one last chance and Ethan refuses, he is understandably pissed off before coldly dropping him. (It’s really hard to find the right video of this cutscene that has good lighting, it’d make studying his expressions a lot easier. EDIT: However I was able to see more in gifs and he just–looks a little exhausted? And there’s one where I think it’s when Ethan first refuses the offer and he does seem really disappointed before he kicks over the chair).
So what about when he is in his mutated form then? The one where, if you look closely, only one eye is obscured by a bit of metal, while the other isn’t? This should be the only other time he isn’t wearing those glasses, right?
Well I suppose one could argue that when you are facing Heisenberg’s mutated form, you are facing him as the monster he really is. He’s pissed off and mocking Ethan the entire time, not to mention the highly questionable lines of him saying ‘You’ll meet Rose in the afterlife’ or ‘Rose’s power is mine after I kill Miranda’ (So is he ACTUALLY going to kill Rose?’). Unlike when he is human there’s nothing to hide in this form, no matter what he says.
Even if he was meant to be evil to the core, it still sucks that this character was going to be a bad guy to the very end. I still wish he could have been a genuine ally and wouldn’t have wanted to use Rose as a weapon since he wasn’t any different than her as another pawn in Miranda’s plans. But I do find the use of the sunglasses and when he doesn’t wear them to be very interesting for his character.
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When it comes to talking about DBH characters who get character growth/a redemption arc, Hank is the obvious person to bring up, and there’s the obvious fandom fixation on Gavin, but what about Adam Chapman? He has an arc in the game that sort of disappears in the fray when compared to other characters but he has the literal journey that everyone wants Gavin to have. But even in comparison to others I feel like Adam completely stands on his own as a good character with so much potential as far as his past, future and motivations.
When Kara, Luther and Alice first show up at Rose’s house, Adam is outside chopping wood and literally turns them away, saying his mom isn’t just too busy to talk to them - she doesn’t WANT to. Of course this isn’t the case and Rose invites everyone inside. And Adam is PISSED.
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Also he’s wearing a shirt that says Average Casual Guy which is so funny
Adam is young, probably around twenty, he doesn’t seem to be away at college or anything, rather Rose says they just farm their own food to sell at the market and that’s how they scrape by. Sounds stressful, especially with a bunch of Androids living in their house. It’s obvious Adam doesn’t want them around and definitely doesn’t want any new deviants showing up, after the call for revolution that occurred with Markus’s Stratford Tower speech.
As the scene goes on, you get more information about the Chapman’s and the things they’ve been through. Rose is obviously an incredibly strong and compassionate person to be helping the Androids to this extent, but there’s no denying it’s putting her and Adam in danger. When Kara walks in on their right in the kitchen, Adam is telling Rose they need to stop getting involved, that it’s not safe, and he’s not going to back down about this issue anymore.
His outburst over this is pretty understandable, in the context of the game - even when Kara first shows up asking for Rose, Adam’s first question is, “What do you want with her?” Which I feel like isn’t just about whether Kara is an Android or not, but whether she’s someone there to bust them for having Androids in the house. And of course he’s right, because the cops come by like five minutes later to search the house. They are putting themselves in danger, and even though they’re doing the right thing, it must still be a strain on their family... and it’s clear they’ve fought about this many, many times.
So, yeah, his rejection of his mother’s desire to help the Androids comes from a place of fear for their safety, which is understandable to an extent. But he isn’t just afraid of deviants and doesn’t want to help them - he really seems to hate them, which shouldn’t be an understandable view to hold within the context of the game and the allegory of the Civil Rights Movement, and then the language he uses is like, yikes...
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It’s not, I understand they’re in trouble but I’m upset you’re putting us in danger, it’s something else - and of course Adam is really mad, and maybe saying something he doesn’t necessarily mean, but this does seem to reflect his view of the Androids as a whole. At this time, Adam honestly doesn’t see them as being people, which probably makes it even harder for him to understand why Rose goes so far out of her way to help them.
I mean, she sets up trips across the river which have been obviously successful, she drives them to Jericho, she has some kind of contact with or understanding of the revolution leaders because she’s able to direct Kara on where to go, and though not much is explained, her brother (and Adam’s uncle) is obviously totally cool with Androids because he’s willing to help them too. She’s clearly been doing this for a while, or at least is proactive enough to take action and do whatever she has to. She’s even willing to take care of Alice once they get across the border. Literally the hero of DBH but I digress. Adam doesn’t think Androids are worthy of the rights they’re asking for, especially when compared to humans.
What follows this is one of the most intriguing lines in the scene (to me)
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What does this mean?? We know his father passed away, and Rose says that ever since then, Adam just boils over sometimes. Maybe it happened suddenly, an accident possibly - or did he get sick? Were Androids involved somehow, like what happened with Cole? What was Rose’s husband’s opinion on Androids? Things have changed since he passed, for sure, but still. Did he hold that same “Androids aren’t alive” opinion that Adam is now expressing? Or is it just that Adam thinks if his dad were still here, he’d be able to solve this issue somehow? Maybe his dad was a politician who ran on pro-Android laws and after he died Adam has become disillusioned with his parents’ worldview ??? Maybe his father died helping Androids too and that’s why Adam rejects them so much. Or maybe his dad hated Androids so much he would have never allowed Rose to help them, and so they wouldn’t have gotten involved in the first place, in Adam’s mind. (Edited to say that apparently it’s canon that Adam’s father died of cancer though I can’t recall it specifically being said in the game, so that is definitely a sad addition to things☹️)
I’m literally just making shit up lol but I really do personally hesitate to give Adam some kind of super traumatic backstory or make him bigoted against Androids because the Black characters are already treated poorly enough in the game when it comes to those things. I’m inclined to think this is just a general outburst of missing his dad and wanting him to be there to ‘fix’ things or at least, maybe, mediate the conversation between Adam and Rose. Idk, it’s cool to speculate on, especially when other characters are given super deep dives into their literally nonexistent canon backstory, it definitely feels like there’s so much that’s unsaid here.
Obviously there’s a couple of different ways the gameplay can go after this - but one other thing I wanted to bring up was what happens if you end up with Kara at the border crossing and run into Rose and Adam there. After talking to Rose in the bathroom and making a plan to all go to her brother’s house, Kara talks to Adam outside-
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He says he doesn’t agree with Markus’s methods (which is like.. ok.. a whole other conversation in itself)(EDIT: so apparently the answer is different if you choose the ‘pacifist’ route for Markus- Adam says that ‘seeing what Markus is doing made me realize you’re alive’ !!! Which is cool that it changes and def reflects something different about his character than if his response is always the same!) So anyway he now believes in Androids’ right to freedom and happiness. What made this come about?? Was it after interacting with Alice and Kara and Luther?? I have a theory that Rose knew Alice was an Android as soon as they showed up but just played along - maybe when Adam realized there were Android children mixed up in this too, he began to change his view on things, maybe see himself in them, or see things through his father’s eyes, wanting to protect his family and child. Maybe that’s the lens through which Adam begins to see it. It could be the peaceful pacifist revolution Markus is leading, if he is- but even if not, Adam still changes his mind.
Or, maybe after everything that’s happened, he just realizes he was being kind of an asshole about the whole thing and when it came down to it, a government that was literally going door to door searching for Androids and the people who might help them? That’s probably not the type of place Adam wants to live in. It’s definitely interesting to think about his motivations and what brought him to this point.
And even though it’s sad for Kara and Luther, I find the ending where Alice ends up with the Chapman’s really.. bittersweet-ly satisfying in a narrative way. Found family .... though of course it sounds like they were all planning on meeting at Rose’s brother’s house so they would have all been together anyway☹️
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🥲I feel like I had so much more to say but yeah!! I think he’s such a cool interesting character and I love that he ends up on the side of the Androids in the end. And what happens after they escape safely??? Does he start helping deviants too like Rose does? Are they going to settle down and form a commune of sorts with the other Androids who escaped? I love the idea of that loss in Adam’s life being filled up with the addition of new people who care about him, and a little sister in Alice, since he seems to be an only child. The possibilities of it all...
Adam has a sad sort of story to his past, he dislikes Androids and then comes around, he has so much potential for what happens after the revolution - and he’s not the only one!!! There are so many characters in the game that deserve a closer look but I just love Adam..
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yandere-society · 3 years
A Christmas Catastrophe
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Pairing: Yandere Collector Yoongi x Collector YN
Synopsis: YN’s always been a collector. She’s always had the desire to possess any and everything she’s set her heart on. So when she finds an item she’s been wanting for over a year, she jumps at the chance to finally have it, unaware of the trap that’s been set just for her . . . 
Word Count: 2422
Warnings: Yandere themes, Blood, Murder
Admin: @chimchimsauce​
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AN: This turned out way different than I was expecting it to, but I hope you enjoy it! It’s also pretty fucked up so . . .
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Collecting is in YN’s blood, she’s sure. Ever since she was a small child, she was drawn to items she found interesting - rocks, bouncy balls, figurines, etc. But as she got older and her pockets began to fill with money of her own, YN’s collecting habits skyrocketed. Common items that anyone could obtain just wouldn’t cut it for her anymore. She set her eyes on things that were rare - things most collectors could only hope to set their eyes upon in real life. It’s caused her to get quite the following online in niche collectors communities. People message her to try and buy items from her collection but she never accepts, not even when the amount of money they offer is astronomical.
Half the appeal of having something is the fact that other people want it.
But collecting rare and expensive items is not easy. YN spends countless hours every week scouring online marketplaces and thrift shops to find the items that she has on her wish list. Her constant hunt for things has taken her to a variety of places - she’s driven hundreds of miles to go to estate sales, taken flights to attend conventions, and once even dated a guy who was related to the original artist of a piece she wanted.
She was successful every time. There is no feeling as satisfying as the first time holding an item she’s been searching relentlessly for. But it always fades quickly and she’s on to the next thing, the desire to possess and collect overtaking her once more.
YN has done some pretty crazy things in pursuit of her collection, but non as crazy as this. It had taken YN over a year to find this one item she was looking for - a misprint of a novel written by an author who died two hundred years ago. Based on what people think, there are only about a thousand of them in existence. YN read the re-edited version of the book and found it rather dull, but there are people who are willing to pay over ten grand just to have it.
When she finally found one for sale, YN was quick to buy a plane ticket to fly halfway across the world to pick the tome up. She’s never been this far away from home, but the thought of getting the book pushes any anxiety she may have out of mind. YN has no idea why or how this book ended up in South Korea of all places. But she’s even more surprised by the fact that it somehow landed in a small second-hand shop in a back alley of Seoul.
Thankfully, when she called last week to have the book pout on hold for her, she found out that the owner speaks English very well, so she won’t have a problem communicating with him.
YN looks at her phone, following the map through a labyrinth of abandoned alleys. Snow is falling gently, reminding YN that today is Christmas. Usually, she’d be at home celebrating with her family, but she was more than happy to drop them for a chance to get this book.
A bell rings when YN pushes open the door to the small shop, the warm air hitting her face and knocking away some of her chill. The shop is crowded with tall bookshelves stuffed to the brim with a variety of random items - most of which are covered in a thick layer of dust. It’s clear that no one really comes here and YN absently wonders how it’s still in business.
“Hello?” she calls out.
No response. 
YN huffs. She hopes this Yoongi guy she’s supposed to be meeting hasn’t blown her off, especially since she had to take the longest flight known to man to get here.
She makes her way through the shop, feeling like a bull in a china shop with how carefully she has to avoid random piles of merchandise and the occasional broken item crushed into the worn floorboards. 
YN makes it to the back of the store where a small desk is pushed against a wall, a thin, somewhat ghostly looking man sitting behind it. His eyes are unfocused and earbuds are plugged into his ears. He doesn’t even register her presence originally. YN has to tap the desk right in front of his face to get him to focus.
“Oh,” the man says, pulling his earbuds out, “You’re that girl here for the book, right? YN?”
YN nods, trying not to let her annoyance show.
“Yeah, that’s me,” she says.
“It’s in the back,” he says, “Follow me.”
He rises and YN is shocked by how . . . pale he is. He nearly looks sick and YN thinks she can see his veins even under the terrible light.
“Are you feeling okay?” she asks him as he steps out from behind the desk.
“What?” he asks her.
“Nothing,” she says, retracting her statement.
It really isn’t her business. As soon as she gets the book, she’s going to leave anyway so it doesn’t matter.
The man looks her over and something about his gaze makes her stiffen. It’s uncomfortable. His eyes are almost lifeless, brown but dead like frozen mud.
He’s so creepy. 
He turns without another word and behinds to walk to the other edge of the store where YN assumes the storage room is. Even the way he walks is weird. His footsteps are too heavy, loud in a way that’s unnatural. He barely lifts his feet, but she can almost feel each step in his ribs.
As soon as YN has the book and pays, she’s leaving, never to return.
Yoongi pulls a set of skeleton keys out of his pocket, taking one and inserting it into the ancient lock on the door. The mechanisms groan, nearly refusing to open. The door does unlock when Yoongi applies a bit more pressure to the key and he steps inside, becoming YN to follow her.
It’s pitch black inside, making YN’s heartbeat speed up astronomically. An icky feeling wells up inside of her, the same one that appeared whenever she had to visit her great aunt and go down into her creepy basement. 
YN’s senses are hyper-aware. The air is stale in here, laced with a scent she’s never experienced before. It almost makes her gag but she forces herself to hold it in, not wanting to be seen as rude. A yellow light turns on overhead, flickering before finally staying lit. Yoongi is closer to her than she’s like him to be, but his back is turned, looking at the shelves built into the room. Even these are stuffed to the brim, absolutely filthy and covered in grime.
“The book is in good condition like you said, right?” YN asks him.
She’s going to be pissed if he pulls out a book covered in rat droppings and cobwebs.
“Of course,” he says, like it’s obvious. 
YN doesn’t quite believe him. Yoongi moves deeper into the storage room, YN following him. There are a variety of things in here that pique her interest - small items that float in murky water, a collection of old stained knives, and a snow globe bigger than her hand. She reaches out to touch it, curious about the scene inside of it, but Yoongi smacks her hand away before she can touch it.
YN brings it to her chest protectively, startled.
“Don’t touch that,” he hisses out.
“Sorry,” YN says.
“It’s in the very back,” Yoongi says.
YN swallows, following after him as he gets even deeper inside of the storage room. She looks at the snow globe over her shoulders, looking at the fake snow that’s swirling around even though she never got to shake it. 
This whole experience has been really unsettling, so when Yoongi stops and pulls a perfectly preserved book off the shelf, YN nearly sags in relief.
She reaches her hand out for it and Yoongi places it in her palm.
“You’re quite the collector, huh?” he asks her, his fingers still wrapped around the book.
“Yeah,” YN says, gently trying to pull it away from him.
His grip tightens. 
“So am I,” he says, smiling at her.
His teeth are incredibly straight and perfect, a complete contrast to the rest of his sickly and generally unkempt appearance. 
“That’s nice,” YN says, “Can I have the book now?”
“You know, I think the rarer an item is, the better it is for collecting.”
YN nods, agreeing and trying to decide if she should just cut her losses and run. But she’s looked for this book for over a year now and she finally has it in her grasp. She can’t give up yet.
“What do you collect?” YN asks, hoping that indulging him in conversation will get this experience to fly by faster. 
“Figurines, mostly,” he says, “Though everything else in this shop is mine as well, none of it holds my attention for very long. My figures, though. I adore them.”
“I like figures too,” YN says, all of the hairs on her body sticking straight up.
“Really? Would you like to see my collection?”
“No thank -”
“It won’t take long at all!” Yoongi says, suddenly insistent, “I’ll show you and then we can get you checked out, okay?”
Yoongi pulls the book away from YN entirely, practically dangling it in front of her. All the warning bells in her head are going off, but her desire to have this book has her internally soothing herself. Plenty of collectors are weird or just bad at speaking to people. He’s probably just the same as them.
“Okay,” YN says after a moment.
Yoongi gives her that perfect smile again and then turns to walk back the way they came, stopping in front of that snow globe. He picks it up and the entire shelf groans, sinking inwards and to the side to reveal a hidden pathway. A draft wafts up and tousles YN’s hair.
To hell with it. This is too far. Just as YN turns on her heel, preparing to run, Yoongi’s hand grasps her wrist, his skin cold as ice.
“You wanted to see right?” he asks her.
YN’s never seen a man so creepy. Everything about him is off.
“I changed my mind actually,” she says, wetting her lips and trying not to panic as those dead eyes follow the movement of her tongue, “I don’t really need the book.”
“Nonsense,” Yoongi says, dragging her inside, “You simply must see it.”
He’s surprisingly strong to look so sick. YN digs her heels into the floor but Yoongi has no problem dragging her inside. The door shuts behind them and Yoongi pulls her crying and screaming through another maze of pitch-black hallways until he steps foot into a showroom. 
Everything in here is impeccable. The floors shine and the lights overhead are bright. Her attention is immediately brought to the dozens of life-sized figures he has, each of them different. There are men and women, figures of all shapes, sizes, and ages. It looks like a creepily realistic wax museum.
YN doesn’t want to know why Yoongi has these figures. All she wants to do is go home.
“Please let me go,” YN says, tears streaming down her face.
“Let you go?” Yoongi asks her as if he’s genuinely confused, “Why would I let you go? You’re the final piece before my collection is complete.”
YN’s blood turns to ice. She turns her head to look at the figure closest to her, noticing the way its skin is too lifeline to be made of wax.
“Please no,” she begs him, trying her best to fight him off.
Just as she swings her free hand at his skull, he drops her and pushes her harshly, sending her straight to the ground, her skull smacking into the floor. 
Her ears ring and the bright lights overhead blur her vision. She feels nauseous as she raises her hand to touch the blood seeping from her scalp.
“Damn. I’ll have to make sure that gets cleaned up,” Yoongi mutters to himself, annoyed.
YN is terrified on the ground, but the blood on the ground makes her look like an angel, one surrounded by a halo. Yes, she really will be perfect, the very last piece of his collection.
He’s been following her for years, countlessly one step behind her as she snatched up several of the items he wanted for his own collection. It pissed him off to no end until he couldn’t stand it anymore. Even the thought of that smug smiles she always wears in her YouTube videos sent him into an outrage, one that landed him his first figure.
It was an accident, of course. The woman in his store had been there and accidentally knocked over one of his shelves, crushing her underneath it. 
She could have been saved, probably, but he’d never seen someone with a face like hers, so completely one of a kind, something he knew that YN would never be able to possess. 
And so a new obsession started. He would lure people he thought were interesting into his shop and lock them deep inside of it, propping them up on giant doll stands when they submitted to him.
It made him feel so powerful.
But YN was still out there, still always one step ahead of him. And so he laid this trap, ecstatic to finally have her in his possession. 
Yoongi leans over YN, watching as the light slowly starts to fade from her eyes. It’s the prettiest thing he’s ever seen, a true Christmas miracle. He can’t resist sinking to his knees, watching as confusion and fear swirl in her eyes. For once, his own gaze isn’t clouded, clear as a night sky, dark and absent of stars. 
Her blood smears on his fingers but he doesn’t mind, taking YN’s face in his hands tenderly and painting her lips crimson. He kisses her then, sucking her final breath into him, stealing it and her life away.
For an hour he just sits there and looks at her, completely mesmerized. She looks so beautiful in red that he decides to dress her in it, carefully pulling a red dress over her forms. She’s heavy in his arms when he picks her up and takes her to the spot he’s saved just for her, a plush red couch where she looks like she’s lounging peacefully, her lips smudged with her own lifeline.
And finally, his collection is complete. 
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What would you describe as your ideal “accurate,” or at least acceptable depiction of the TDD in fantasy fiction?
You know...it's funny with me, because I think that people always think that I have really high standards when it comes to this sort of thing. Like "Oh, if you haven't read THIS obscure Dindshenchas story that was only edited in 1910 and never given a proper translation, you're dead to me." And like...obviously, I LOVE when that sort of stuff is included. I LOVE when it's very clear that an author's done their work, but I don't expect anyone to get their degree to do it. (Though...I...did kind of do that, but I'm also very much a "do as I say, not as I do" example, given that I honestly still have no idea how I ended up getting this far.)
And I should note that, the books that I've individually talked about aside...I do keep up a collection of Schlocky Depictions of the Tuatha Dé. I find them highly entertaining while also being really relevant to the pop culture arm of my research, since I'm always genuinely fascinated in...how people are receiving these stories, what they're taking away from them, how they're getting re-interpreted, and what these interpretations say about us. You know, what does it mean when the Fomoire keep getting depicted as demonic monsters? Why do we keep trying to draw this sort of binary between GOOD characters and EVIL characters that didn't really exist in the same way in the literature? (I'd never say the Fomoire are good, but they aren't as distinct from the TDD as people want them to be.) I love trash, all kinds of trash. Give me your smutty trash, your unedited trash, your vanity press trash, your Oh My God This Was Written In The 80s Trash, your "Read Lady Gregory once five years ago and decided to work off of that" trash, your cardboard cutout characters trash. I will read it. And I will love it. You would not believe the books that are on my "most sought after" list. You would not. You would not believe the things I have willingly and enthusiastically exposed my eyeballs to.
But, to actually answer your question...I don't care about accuracy. Not in the way you think. Because you're dealing with a very fluid tradition, you can never quite keep continuity because there was never a continuity to begin with. That doesn't mean that I'm saying "Eh, who cares. Don't do research at all!" Rather that...I feel like it's important to learn the rules as best as you can and then break them. And I've seen some adaptations crash and burn because they tried to bring too much in from too many sources (Pursuit being the immediate one that comes to mind even though, imo, it was brilliant in many ways.)
So, I would like something that is aware of the sources, but that also...wants to do them justice. I'm working on an adaptation of CMT, so I have my own biases, but the first thing I really wanted to do was to figure out how to use the sources I had to build the characters up and to flesh out the story, while also doing my own thing.
With the TDD, one thing that a lot of adaptations fall into is treating them as infallible. And if they were infallible, I wouldn't be interested in them. Hell, for that matter, the medieval Irish wouldn't have been interested in them. Lugh kills people. Regularly. And, in fact, most frequently commits kinslaying. Nuada has jealousy issues and in, say, Oidheadh Chloinne Tuireann and the Early Modern CMT, was...not a particularly strong or inspiring ruler. The Dagda is willing to kill three men to bring back his own son, only bringing them back from the dead when his son urges him to (and that's not including the things he does that need a tw), as well as being...let's be honest, a pretty terrible father to Óengus, who, himself, as well as being a bit of a scam artist, does...drown a guy in horse piss. Midir is implied in one recension of Togail Bruidne Dá Derga to have caused Conaire's death because of his pissing match with Eochaid Airem and his union with Étaín seems to have been Pretty Damn Illegal by medieval Irish standards (or at least a dick move). Mannanán tries to pull a reverse Green Knight to troll the Fianna. Bres is...Bres. And all the Tuatha Dé who were alive at a certain time definitely were complicit in what happened to the Fir Bolg.
And, obviously, I'm not trying to #cancel medieval Irish literature. That would be...very self-defeating on my end, though I've long since said that the day someone tries to bring Bres Discourse to me is the day I officially yeet myself into the sun. Rather, what I'm saying is that there are a LOT of gray areas people can explore, and that tend to get glossed over. The fantasy genre DESPERATELY want the TDD to be elves, this sort of idealized, wise, powerful immortal race who are all pretty and white/blonde haired, who act as counsellors and guides to mortals, and who all speak in this sort of airy, resigned tone. And...well. They CAN be wise. They are definitely powerful. And they are immortal in the sense of "does not die of old age." But they are also petty and vindictive.
And, likewise, people often feel the need to drag the enemies of the Tuatha Dé down - the Fomoire and the Fir Bolg are prominent examples. The Fomoire I can understand -- they WERE, in their ninth century incarnations, based on the Vikings. That being said, there are ways authors could show them as antagonistic while still showing they're human. We don't need to see Cethlenn committing human sacrifices in her opening scene (yes, I have seen this.) And the Fir Bolg, honestly...did nothing wrong and, in the one long prose text of the First Battle of Magh Tuireadh that survives, I would argue that they're the heroes.
Basically...my ideal version is one that has some grounding in...at least Lebor Gabála Érenn (...only the part with the Tuatha Dé and the Fir Bolg, I would not ask anyone to read the whole thing), Cath Finntrágha, Tochmarc Étain, Cath Maige Tuired, Cath Maige Tuireadh Conga, Oidheadh Chloinne Tuireann, and a few Dindshenchas poems (I know, I know it's a long list, I swear I wanted to only bring in about 2-3, but they're all so GOOD), but that is also aware that, because it's a fluid tradition, they have the freedom to break free and do their own thing. I want to see the Tuatha Dé written as fully realized characters with their own flaws and merits and weird little quirks, and I want to see their enemies depicted as people, as well. I want to see nuanced bonds between all of them, especially with the complicated family dynamics. I want to see a society that...in some ways, is very beautiful -- wonderful poetry, a highly complex legal system, rich clothing, fine jewelry, brave warriors, clever poets...while also showing the dark side. The fantasy genre is wonderful for exploring the complexities of a society and worldbuilding in general, so you can really have some fun with a world inspired by medieval Ireland.
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