#dylan piper
hannamarins · 6 months
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kateeorg · 6 months
The Missing Character of the Halloweentown Films
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Something I never see mentioned when talking about Halloweentown is the one character who had more influence on these films' plots than anyone, outside Aggie, Gwen, Marnie, and the antagonists, but who we barely know anything about:
William Piper. The kids' father. The man Gwen left Halloweentown for.
We hear about this man a handful of times across four films. The most we know is:
He was human,
He met Gwen at a Halloween party and liked her witch "costume",
He died sometime before the first film (relatively recently, too, considering the age of the kids in the photo).
Being with him taught Gwen that nothing's worth anything if you can get it just by wishing.
And... that's it.
We don't know what he was like as a father or husband, we don't even know if Gwen ever told him about magic or how he felt about it (I assume she had to at some point when Marnie started having magical accidents as a kid, but maybe he was just that oblivious...).
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I mean, maybe it's better we don't know. Maybe it would just muddy up the film canon with unfortunate implications, which are already rampant, and take away precious plot time to look back at a character who is no longer in the picture.
After all, if he knew about magic, he also agreed to Gwen's plan to let Marnie and Sophie's magic wither on the vine. Which, even if he just went along with it just to make her happy, is not great. And if he didn't know, or if he found out only after the kids were born, that casts a huge shadow on Gwen's relationship with him.
But... still, I can't help but think about the unspoken influence this man must have had on Gwen and the kids that is never discussed in canon.
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The way Dylan is such a goody two shoes because he's trying to protect his mother's feelings in the wake of their dad's death. The way Gwen brings up wanting Marnie to be human, "like their father". The way Marnie brings up that Gwen met their dad on Halloween, which may be part of why Marnie's drawn to it and why she can't understand Gwen's fear of it. The way Aggie is baffled why Gwen stays in the mortal realm when William is gone (and Aggie must have met the man at some point, yet she treats his passing with little sensitivity. Aggie, I love you, but...). The fact that there Halloweentown Council brings up Marnie's "wretched human" father in Halloweentown High as the reason why Marnie is fighting so hard to prove humans have changed.
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The Piper kids are the bridge between two worlds. We hear a lot about their Cromwell heritage, but rarely do we talk about the Piper side of the equation, their attachment to the mortal world - yes, even Marnie's. Part of that is down to Gwen choosing to leave Halloweentown, but the other part is down to William and how much Gwen must have loved him to give up everything she knew.
And part of me wishes more thought had been spent on him. But another part thinks it's better left unsaid.
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kingaleksandrr · 7 months
rewatching all the halloween movies, and gosh do i love them :( but like why is there barely any fics
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campgender · 9 months
and what if i was thinking about dylan piper again
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gothgalpumpkin · 11 months
Nah, bc I have tingz to say about Halloweentown!
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I'll start off saying that I wouldn't really want a re-write or a reboot or something like that, but the way it could have been spread out was a missed opportunity I'll always lament on. What do you mean Gal? I'm glad you asked ghost in my corner! I mean to say that HT really could have been the Cromwell series and not just about my gurl Marnie. But instead ALL of the Cromwell children and their relations with magic and the magic worlds.
(Is she about to go into a tangent? Yes, yes she it)
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Let's talk about little Sophie. Movie one demonstrates just how much more powerful she was to Marnie with her being much younger and already using magic without her knowledge. Now the argument could be that its just how all the children were since at that age of course they wouldn't know how to control their magic. However, never once was it mentioned either offhandedly or directly that Marnie or Dylan also experienced such a thing. Perhaps they did, but for argument sake, I'm only using the facts shown in the movies and the fact is, Sophie wanted that cookie and gonna get that cookie 🍪. All that being said, I wish we got more of Sophie and that struggle of obviously being the Family's prodigy but being overlooked by Aggie's favoritism towards Marnie (*I'll be going over this much much later in a different post 👀).
Perhaps we could have seen the fear that she'll never be as good as Marnie despite being stronger and since she's not getting that same level of training, Sophie might fear that her abilities will diminish instead of flourish into the Witch we all know she could be. I think the third movie should have been more about Sophie and that internal struggle of knowing deep down she's naturally stronger, but could never measure up to Aggie's high expectations. I'm not saying I'd like to see Sophie suffer or turn "Evil" but I'd love to see the turmoil that would arise from that internal struggle and how she views her relationships with her grandma and Marnie. Maybe she sees Aggie the way that her mother sees Aggie, maybe Sophie gets Gwen a little deeper. Maybe she understands Dylan in a way that makes Sophie a bridge between him and Marnie.
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Speaking of Dylan. My poor boy, Dylan. OK, where to start. Oh, I know! (Bit of a rant incoming) How about the blatant disrespect for his boundaries and preferences? How many times has he stated he doesn't want to identify as a Warlock or that he doesn't feel comfortable with Magic to begin with? Since movie one this man has stated that he didn't like magic and that's more of a science guy. Cool, that's cool right? Nope, not for Marnie and Aggie apparently.
Yes, we all know that Dylans isn't the strongest warlock and that's because he has successfully locked it away within himself, that's his prerogative, he's happier with the "Normies" he's comfortable. Yet time and time again he's pushed into uncomfortable situations for the sake of Marnie's comfort (end of rant). Dylan is a muti-layered character that's actually very complex, however the story seems to continue this one note narrative of him being the "buzzkill" the "party-pooper" the one always complaining about having an amazing gift. But what may be a gift to you can be a curse to someone else. To Marnie, discovering that she's (genetically and historically) special was one of the greatest days of her life while simultaneously, it was crushing to Dylan. That gap of weirdness to normalcy has just widened and now its not as simple as being an outcast (for early 2000s standards lol) but it's inherently linked within. To Dylan, he knows he could never really be normal. Like Sophie, we really needed to see that turmoil played out without it being a joke because after the first and second movies, it's not funny anymore. He's not Marnie, he doesn't see Magic as a deep fundamental part of his being.
Can you imagine the feeling of being told your family name is important enough that it links to the founding of an entire world and that very world expects so much from you, but you don't have the drive to deliver? And why should you, it's just a name, right? You didn't choose to Heir from greatness, why is there so much pressure to do what you don't want to? That's what I think rings through Dylan. Because even in a place of Monsters and ghouls and magic, he's still the outcast. A Cromwell who doesn't have the ambition to become as great as their line before them? It's unheard of, it's strange. So, something must be wrong with them right? I think the fourth movie (we will FOREVER ignore HT4, what HT4?!) Should haven been about Dylan and his full acceptance as he is without the influence of his family. I think it should have been him going to a college of his own choosing (bc why would you make one child attend the same college as the other child just to keep an eye on them – uh, huh!?) we watch him find his footing and meets another witch/warlock who also finds mortal normalcy comforting. I think if he finds people like him who validates his feelings Dylan would be able to come to terms with so many internal struggles that be has such as he quiet resentment towards Marnie and Aggie. I think at even at a young age, Dylan truly understood Gwen and that's why he was always on her side with everything (also bc he's a mama's boy. Let's be real ✨️).
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Often times I just that there were several missed opportunities for flesh out these characters and their importance in the world of Halloweentown and how they each interacted with their magical roots and culture.
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I want to talk about Gwen as well, but I think that deserves its own post so I'll be doing another long one on her (and Aggie). But I will say you do look at things from her perspective as an adult in comparison as a child. I actually feel sort of sad for her, but I'll get into it soon. I have so many things to say about Halloween town and alot of the old 2000s disney spooky movies we grew up with and how they connect. I did an entire video on TT on how I believe HT and nightmare before Christmas is connected which I'll be placing here but in a more written cohesive format.
That's all I have for now, there's still so much i want to talk about, I'll be back soon 🖤
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horrorcrypt12 · 7 months
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Now Watching:
Halloweentown (1998)
"When a young girl living with her secret witch mother learns she too is a witch, she must help her witch grandmother save Halloweentown from evil forces"
Happy Halloween!
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animefankotaro · 2 years
Trans Marnie Piper
Marnie Piper was not like the other girls around her. It always seemed weird things happened around her; not to mention she was weird herself. She loved everything Halloween related. Ghosts, monsters, and especially witches. Halloween was her favorite holiday. The only problem was she couldn't celebrate it. Her mom hated it. She couldn't dress up or decorate the house, she couldn't watch movies about it, and they couldn't even hand out candy to trick or treaters. She didn't understand it. She and her mom were polars. Once again, she was arguing with her mom.
“I don't see why I can't go out on Halloween.” Marnie said angry. She was hoping to go out with her friends but she was stuck at home. Dylan was reading a book as he usually did and Sophie was looking at other kids trick or treating.
“You just can't. I'll tell you when you're older.”
“Will I be old enough when I'm 18? Or when I'm 21? Or when I'm 30? You always tell me when I'm older.” Marnie crossed her arms. Gwen rubbed her forehead in frustration.
“You just wouldn't understand now. I'm sorry.”
“I just think there's something about Halloween that in me. Like it's a part of me. It's like I need it to be me.”
“No you don't.” Gwen said sternly. Marnie just looked at her.
“You didn't say that when I told you I was a girl.” Gwen stood. She wasn't expecting that. Marnie had told her about how she felt a few years back. She and her husband William agreed to help as best as they could. After a while their son became their daughter. They made sure Dylan and Sophie treated her as a sister. She had been put on blockers to stop her body from changing. With Marnie turning 13 she had been wanting to take hormones though Gwen wanted to wait on it in case Marnie changed her mind. Marnie argued that she wasn't as she had already been a girl for a while and loved it. Marnie was sitting down looking at the floor. Her siblings were looking back and forth to her and their mom. Gwen sighed.
“That's different, Marnie. Gender is real and magic isn't. You're old enough to understand that.” Marnie continued to look down. Before they could start again they heard a familiar voice.
“Hello everyone.” Aggie the kids grandmother said. The kids ran and hugged her while Gwen looked shocked.
“How are you, kids?” Aggie asked. They all said they were fine. Gwen quickly jumped in.
“I didn't know you would be here, mother.” Gwen said firmly yet with a smile.
“I was in the neighborhood so I thought I'd pop in. You don't want to be alone on Halloween.” She also said with a smile.
“Did you bring us anything?” Dylan asked.
“Of course.” The bag had all kinds of goodies in it. Gwen didn't like it. After spending some time together Aggie said she had to go though she had time to tell them a story. She told them about Halloweentown. Marnie loved the sound of it. There was even a girl who looked like her in it.
“That's me.” Marnie said. “Or it would be if I were a real girl.”
“You are a real girl. Just like this girl is a real witch.”
“Are there witches, grandma?” Sophie asked. Before she could say anything Gwen interrupted.
“You don't want to miss your bus, mom” “Do you have to go?” Marnie asked. Aggie looked at Gwen who was looking at her firmly.
“I'm afraid so, dear.” After they said their goodbyes Gwen and Aggie were arguing. Marnie heard it a little.
“You can't keep doing this, mom. You can't keep trying to go and tell them all about this.”
“I know things have been hard since William died. It's just that Marnie is 13 now and if we don't teach her now she lose her powers forever and be normal.”
“I want her to be normal. I raised her in the human world and the human world is where she'll stay.”
“You weren't so tight when she told you she was a girl.” Aggie said. Gwen sighed.
“I already told Manie that was different. People confused about their gender problems here, mom. But there are no witches or magic.”
“So know that magic can help transform her body more to the body she truly wants. It's better than those pills and surgery here. I'll admit it's a longer process but in the and it will be worth it.”
“Marnie knows she'll never have the body she really wants. She's already on blockers and I've been talking to get her started on hormones. She'll look like a girl without magic.” After some more talking and making a live chicken Aggie left and Marnie told Dylan that she was witch.
“So grandma is a witch and so is mom and so am I. And the best part is I can use magic to become a real girl.” Marnie said cheerfully. Dylan looked at her with his jaw dropped.
“I think that shows craziness is passed down. I just hope boys are immune.” Marnie didn't know it take that as a comment or an insult. Later they saw their grandma leave. Manie followed her as did Dylan and Sophie. This bring them to Halloweentown. They went to their grandmas house who was glad to see them.
“Is it true that I'm a witch and can change my body?” Marnie asked. Aggie nodded.
“We need to train you if you want to keep your powers. While it will take some time to change your body with magic it will be worth it. You'll be a genetic girl.” Marnie smiled at that. Of course before they could do that Gwen showed up to tell them to go home. Trouble started brewing when the evil warlock Kalibar tried to take over Halloweentown.
“You think you can defeat me? I'm the most powerful warlock around and you're just a warlock pretending to be a witch.”
“She is a witch.” Gwen said.
“You can't do it alone!” Kalibar said.
“Maybe not. But there is my mom and my grandma and my sister and my brothers magic.” The Cromwell family bounded together to defeat Kalibar and bring peace to Halloweentown.
“Now that everything is okay again I can teach you to be a witch.” Aggie said.
“Um, no.” Gwen said taking the broom. “I will.” Marnie and Aggie smiled. “And I think we better start on the magic to change your body.”
“Really?” Marnie hoped.
“It's what you want right.”
“I promise to be the best witch I can be.” Marnie said.
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inlovewithquotes · 2 years
"Opposible thumbs. Thank you."
"Are you okay, honey?"
"I'm fine mom, but I think I'll just sit. And stay."
"Ok. Just don't roll over. Not yet."
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piperstrangeart · 1 month
In other fun news, a trans woman released a song about her experiences of joy as a woman and everyone is jumping down her throat because it's not a song about the tragic life of being a woman. Like I'm not a woman, but maybe people are allowed to find joy in their experiences of womanhood. Maybe women are allowed to express other emotions other than misery and suffering.
PS the fucking Barbie soundtrack, which was a self-described movie for all women had plenty of songs that had the exact same vibe, Dylan's song is legit just her experiences of trans girl joy.
The more cis people who get angry about it makes me enjoy it even more unironically tbh.
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symp4nat · 4 months
𝕞 𝕒 𝕤 𝕥 𝕖 𝕣 𝕝 𝕚 𝕤 𝕥
Started: 01.07.24
Last Updated: 02.10.24
Total Works: 26
яισя∂αиνєяѕє - ρєя¢у נα¢кѕσи, нєяσєѕ σf σℓумρυѕ
Clarisse La Rue
Deep Questions?
ChatGPT wrote me a fic.
"Even Aphrodite envies you."
Bad Day
"More beautiful than..."
Luscious Curls
"I'm not yours!"
No Pictures
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
Annabeth Chase
Piper McLean
Clarisse La Rue
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
A little extra help
Annabeth Chase
Piper McLean
Clarisse La Rue
Unexpected Love (1.1)
Gentleman (1.2)
Nails (2.1)
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
Sleepy sleepy Praetor
Annabeth Chase
Piper McLean
Clarisse La Rue
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
Annabeth Chase
Piper McLean
мαяνєℓ ¢ιиємαтι¢ υиινєяѕє
Natasha Romanoff
Kate Bishop
Kamala Khan
Yelena Belova
Daisy Johnson
Melinda May
Natasha Romanoff
Kate Bishop
Kamala Khan
Yelena Belova
Daisy Johnson
Melinda May
Natasha Romanoff
Kate Bishop
Kamala Khan
Yelena Belova
Daisy Johnson
Melinda May
Natasha Romanoff
Kate Bishop
Kamala Khan
Yelena Belova
Daisy Johnson
Melinda May
Taylor Swift
"Don't... I swear.."
Hailee Steinfeld
Scarlett Johansson
Dior Goodjohn
Jealous Baby
Post Workout Nap
Selena Gomez
Joshua Bassett
Olivia Rodrigo
Dylan Conrique
Chandler Kinney
Taylor Swift
Hailee Steinfeld
Scarlett Johansson
Selena Gomez
Joshua Bassett
Olivia Rodrigo
Dylan Conrique
Chandler Kinney
Taylor Swift
Hailee Steinfeld
Scarlett Johansson
Dior Goodjohn
Selena Gomez
Joshua Bassett
Olivia Rodrigo
Dylan Conrique
Chandler Kinney
Taylor Swift
Hailee Steinfeld
Scarlett Johansson
Dior Goodjohn
Headcanons :)
Headcanons pt 2
Headcanons pt 3.
Headcanons pt4
Headcanons pt5
Snapchat Posts pt1.
Snapchat Posts pt2
Selena Gomez
Joshua Bassett
Olivia Rodrigo
Dylan Conrique
Chandler Kinney
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hannamarins · 6 months
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tornadotree · 25 days
Casualty characters as textposts/tweets-regional edition:
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that is all
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bunkernine · 1 year
society if hoo had them at uni age and the lost trio went to chb and chiron is like "how tf are ANY of u alive and unclaimed". wilderness was just community college.
#on a serious note this changes a lot actually. annabeth and percy would not be in chb anymore so when percy goes missing#its like. a genuine possibility and fear because demigods don't make it that old. there is also some added time between tlo and tlh as well#further adding to jasons isolation as being even WEIRDER than everyone else. he also would've been praetor for longer so maybe the romans#wouldve cared more. this also does away with the plot hole of ppl not giving a shit that jason piper and leo (and dylan) straight up#dipped. introducing piper especially to a summer camp makes chb less appealing because they're too old for that and thus makes their#departure from chb make more sense in toa. yet also it opens up the possibility of new rome uni.... which i cannot see any reason as to why#leo would not go there!!!!! outside of being banned cuz he bombed new rome lol. but pipers sexuality arc works for college too!!! ur never#too old to find urself. but also this is the question of if you are able to relatively function in society (this is more for piper leo fran#and i guess percy) then why would you even fight this prophecy??? anyway lol them being college aged is perfect cuz percy is literally#going to a new place and having a new transition with new ppl... like u do in college LOL. now the question is would hazel still be 13. nic#is a lot older at this point and perhaps has the same age gap as bianca and him did 🤔 cant remember. but also don't know why hazel was 13#in the first place lol. idk. in my college hoo she is just a senior in hs about to graduate from spqr and thinking about staying there or#possibly going to newru after seeing frank make the decision the previous year! SAD!#anyway in hoo. percy and annabeth are sophomores. frank and the lost trio are freshman.#but then in toa. percy annie frank and the lost trio are all graduating cuz percy got held back and Annabeth failed after tartarus fr.#but then also know that piper never went to newru and is adamant about going to mortal uni. and leo kills in newru but is bored. nvm i#forgot he died 🧍‍♂️ ummmmmm ok. ignore leo. and jason actually. so um. ok that really threw me off but are u getting it. that's when apollo#is like 'heeyyyyy i need help pwease 🥺' and they're all like 'dude.'#OK!#but also i ackowedge that this is a children's book and i am not its demographic so god be with you.
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leasdoodles · 1 year
Dylan is right, we all love Piper, she's great
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charmedteenwolf1o1 · 1 year
My au, where Scott, Stiles, and Syrus (an OC played by Burkely Duffield) are all adopted, Stiles by the Stilinskis, Scott by the McCalls, and Syrus by the Grimsons, at first Syrus parents were nice but when he didn't need behavioral help or help with schoolwork from kindergarten, they thought he was too perfect and physically, emotionally and mentally abused him. Syrus grandparents loved him however. They're all secretly biologically Halliwells. Prue and Andy's long lost witch-whitelighter hybrid sons. They meet their aunt Piper and move into the manor with her and help with bills. After a huge demonic attack on the family, Piper and the brothers end up being the last living Halliwells. Stiles and Derek are in love in this story.
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the-institute-rpg · 1 year
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Hi there! I'm DYLAN ALTOMARE and my pronouns are HE/HIM. I'm 24 years old and an ELEMENTAL. People say I look like ARON PIPER, but I don't see it. I'm a SLAVE. My major here at The Institute is WORLD HISTORY and I'm a FRESHMAN. I am PANSEXUAL and when I find a master, they should be a DOMINANT / SUBMISSIVE / SWITCH, because I'm a DOMINANT / SWITCH. My favorite kinks are TEASING, ROUGH SEX, and MARKING/BITING, but only those I play with will know that. I am played by BEE.
Welcome to The Institute. You are about to receive the education of your lifetime. Your room number is B04. Please track all tags mentioned in the basic rules,  the master rules, and the slave rules. Send in your account within 24 hours or your FC will be reopened. Please DO NOT begin to play until a follow notice has been posted for your character.
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