#dr. john caught
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Quick n silly redraws
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mayhasopinions · 4 months
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RAHH *johnlocks ur pinterest outfits*
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flamingpudding · 1 month
The first part of this Au that I went out with so funny thank you for answering it I hope you were able to rest and stuff but anywho
I feel like after those first two parts I feel like RedRobin and Batman have questions about the Ghost King and Vlad relationship like they're asking questions
And the Klarions / Phantom children and the kids keep just dropping he with to college with our mom's parents, he would take kidnap mom and locked him in a basement, he's legally mom's godfather, he tried to marry grandmother on multiple occasions
I just feel like Dan anytime he gets the moment gets mad at him and goes like until you pay the 8.5 million you owe mom in child support is the day that you can call me your son ectoplasm donor.
Also I would find it so funny if outside of their Klarion thing they live with Vlad time from time again when Danny is overwhelmed or need someone to watch over them and the the rest of the people he's friends with in the Infinite Realms can't do it and are friends with the Wayne children
I feel like Duke will be having a heart attack when you realizes that he goes the same high school class as Dan or that Ellie and Dick best friends back when they were children for funsies
Also the reveal of Teekls has never been a cat it's going to get on doctor fate's nerves cuz he knows damn well that things never been a cat also I feel like all of them have the power to rip Dr Fate out of whoever he's possessing body and always he's pulling that power on him anytime they get the chance
Also a review of the fact that Teekl has never been a cat until when like Batman or Red Robin pov
Have I ever mentioned I love your ideas and how fun they are? Cause damn this had me laughing while reading it already.
Also glad the first two parts were still fun despite the mishaps that happed while writing :D
Also I skipped over the Teekl Part for the moment since I didn't know how to tie it in at the moment...
Sooooo anyway.... here we go again~ (sorry if its a bit short...)
Part 1 Part 2
Red Robin was intrigued, worried and on several levels suspicious as he watched the interaction between the ones that had been Klarion, the current Klarion and Vlad Masters. He had also a lot of questions, he really wanted answers to but for now he held back.... partially. Vlad Masters was a contact Batman had brought in when the situation with the Demon became more dangerous than they originally expected.
John Constantine had mentioned they would need a even stronger force to really drive that Demon back and off handedly mentioned that something like an Ancient or a Ghost King would be needed. And wouldn't you know, Batman knew someone that claimed to have contacts with a Ghost King or rather THE Ghost King. And as luck would have it, Vlad Masters was in Gotham because of one of his relentless attempts at striking a business deal with Bruce Wayne. (That really had been an unexpected luck but by now Red Robin was also suspecting something else was at play.... [Like a bored Ancient of Time])
Well either way now he was watching, just a step behind his mentor, how Batman was grilling Vlad Masters on his relations to the Ghost King, since apparently they (the hero's assembled) wouldn't need to do anything anyway since the Ghost King was handling the demon threat. Red Robin did realise that not all heroes present were convinced but what else could they do but wait right now? Since according to Klarion their Mom aka the Ghost King was already dealing with the situation.
So with that happening, the well known bat-paranoia, curiosity, suspicion and need to know every good damn detail of a situation arose full force. Not that Red Robin minded, as mentioned before, he had a lot of questions too. Plus he wasn't so sure if the other Heroes had caught it but there were some disturbing things Klarion and is siblings sort of dropped that really needed clearing up.
While Batman was grilling Vlad Masters, Red Robin listened in but then decided to his own sort of questioning with Klarion, the current one.
"So... you called Vlad Masters 'old man'? And your suit is in the 'old man's style'?" the question was asked directly to the current Klarion. Since they were apparently here just to watch Red robin was sure he could just try having a sort of civil talk with his questions.
Klarion on the other hand grumbled crossing his arms, before uncrossing them again to pet the demon cat on his shoulder. "I just went with his dumb vampire look but more fancy and classic and less insane colouring."
The arched eyebrow stayed sort of hidden under his mask but it was there and Red Robin knows that tone Klarion used. It's the same Red Hood has when he begrudgingly admit do doing something the way Batman would. Which raises the a question he already had on his mind, how he could interpret Klarions use of 'old man'. Which would give Batman even more incentive to question Vlad Masters on his relation to the Ghost King. Also for now he was going to ignore the 'dumb vampire look' part, but he did note it down in his mind for later.
"Vlad Masters is your 'old man'?" There probably was a way to ask a little more subtle or nice but they were waiting for the Ghost King to beat up a Demon and he was making small talk with subtitle questioning with Klarion. So sue him for being blunt after all. Also the face Klarion was making right after he said.
"Well Far Frozen gets a hot summer." Was the instant reply and Red Robin blinked unter his mask. There probably was some information he was missing behind that reply.
"Ew no! He wishes though. But Vlad is like double or triple our Mom's age! He even went to collage with Grandpa Jack and Grandma Maddie!" Misrule suddenly interjected apparently done pestering Nightwing as she leaned over Klarion, resting her head on his and causing Teekl to hiss at her. Well that certainly got his attention now and with the way he saw, form the corner of his eyes, Batmans head wipe their way and then back at Vlad Masters it certainly also got his mentors.
"He wishes...? Triple your Moms.... age? The Ghost King?" His mental information board was getting more and more chaotic with the information he was getting.
"He acts like we are his kids and has a right to be called Dad by us." Misrule shrugged dismissively to which Klarion growled, he growled! Red Robin was tempted to check his ears because this was the first time he heard Klarion growl towards his sister.
"The day I call your DNA and my ecto donor anything with the context of father is the day he pays Mom the millions of child support he owns him and additional pays for emotional and physical distress." Okay, Red Robin was not ashamed to say he did a double take at Klarions growl and the fact that several alarm bells went off hin his mind with that one sentence alone.
"Mom has his own castle and riches from the previous King. Not like we would actually need that money. Plus Vlad does pay for your school tuition." Misrule answered her brother, complete ignoring the fact that Red Robin was having a mental crisis and thinking that Vlad Masters might even be an even greater threat, then just a weird and suspicious potential business partner and that the reason he has a summoning stone for the Ghost King might be a custody thing regarding Klarion and his siblings.
So with all these things what did Red Robins brain decide to focus on? "Vlad Masters pays your school tuition? No wait you go to school?"
There was an awkward moment Red Robin received two very similar looking deadpan stares from Klarion and Misrule, the first Klarion.
"Of course I go to fucking school Mom would kill... well no thermos ground me if I didn't." Another drop of information Red Robin didn't know how to handle, what the hell does 'thermos ground' even mean? Was that like their version of grounding?
"Oh isn't today like a school night?" Misrule suddenly piped up pinching her brothers check and Red Robin felt weirdly reminded of some of the interactions he used to have with his siblings. It was strange to see Klarion like that.
"Shit... I forgot to do my part of my group project with Duke..." Klarion grumbled and Red Robin did a double take once more, blinking several times as there was a very very important information drop here, his head snapped towards Nightwing in hopes that the other had also caught it and thankfully, he had and while Signal wasn't present at the moment because he had done day patrols already and had been barely awake anyway when this whole Demon mess started.... they had gotten a hint of figuring out Klarions identity, they were certainly going to use later.
For now they had some more red flags to investigate in regards to the relation of Vlad Masters, the Ghost King, Klarion and Klarion's siblings.
Little Bonus (Next day after Demon Crisis):
"Hey Duke, who are you working with in a group project?"
"Huh oh that is Dante Masters-Nightingale."
"Masters-Nightingale? As in Vlad MASTERS?"
"Yeah, that what he said his temporary guardian's name is that pays for his schooling."
"Wait didn't I go with Danielle Nightingale-MASTERS to school too? We were like besties in school!"
"Oh god...."
"Tim, you okay you look very pale. Are you okay? Dick too..."
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bisexualiteaa · 1 year
Getting interrupted 🤭
CW: smutty 18+! Suggestive themes, light mentions of/implied smut, getting caught, possible errors and possible OOC scenarios. Otherwise, enjoy! 🥰
John "Soap" MacTavish
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- he was a sucker for someone in uniform, so it was no surprise that he would come and constantly visit you down at medical where you worked. It's how you both met and got together after all, so despite the pain and occasionally bad memories that came with it, it still held a place in his heart because you were there.
- he'd never admit it, but sometimes he would get himself hurt on purpose just to visit you, he always loved to see the smile on your face as you would shake your head and rest your hands on your hips before fixing him up perfectly, always having the cure to his every injury or ailment.
- sometimes these were the only moments where he'd get a chance alone with you, enjoying the way you'd always make a little time for him to talk and enjoy each others company for a little while afterwards.
- no one knew you guys were together, everyone knew he had a crush on you because, quite frankly, he wasn't very good at hiding it, but he didn't really want to either. But for the sake of your job, he didn't want to reveal anything should it get you in trouble.
- "you never stay out of trouble, do you?" You asked with a playful grin as you'd just finished stitching up a small gash on his arm. "If I stayed out a trouble, I'd never get the luxury t' see you" he replied with a flirty tone, making you chuckle. "Just be more careful please, I need you in one piece" you replied, kissing his cheek as you sat next to him, having just patched up his arm. "I will, don't worry your pretty head lass, I'll always come back t' you" he assured, making you smile and hum in appeasement before you leaned in, pulling him into a soft, loving kiss. His hand came to cup your cheek as you held his other one in your own, fingers intertwined as you shared in your moment together. When you two were alone together, the world finally felt at peace, no wars to think about, no stress weighing down on you, all you needed to think about was your Johnny.
- So it was no shock that your kiss took a turn to something a little deeper, a sigh leaving you as your free hand rested on his collarbone. "Careful bonnie, go on like tha' and I'll be walkin' outta here with a whole different problem" he said, making you giggle. "Wouldn't half mind fixing that either, too bad you don't know how to keep quiet" you quipped with a grin, making him laugh at your remark. "Cheeky bugger" he replied with a matching grin before pulling you in again, kissing you as if tomorrow you'd be gone.
- But sadly, even the best moments must come to an end, neither of you were expecting the way it had however.
- "Sorry to bother doc, got room to squeeze in a- woah!" Spoke Gaz as he pulled back the curtain, seeing your form loomed over the side of the exam bed, kissing his comrade. You gave a short gasp as you both jumped apart, blushing wildly after being caught red handed. "Shit, I'm SO so sorry!" You spoke, bumping into your cart in your panicked frenzy as you tried to back away and button your uniform back up as to not look suspicious, but it was already too late.
- "Sorry Gaz, appointment got prolonged. Doctors, am I right? Gotta poke around an' check everywhere for some reason" Johnny spoke, nervously rubbing the back of his neck with a slight blush but trying to joke his way out of things, as per usual. Gaz gave a chuckle. "Explains why you come down here so often. Here I thought you were just trying to get a good record built up for disability, didn't know you had a Dr. Feel Good situation goin' on" he teased with a grin. "I'm gonna get in so much trouble.." You muttered, holding your face in your hands out of embarrassment. "Relax doc, your secret's safe with me. I promise. It's about time you finally went for" Gaz assured you before offering a genuinely happy smile to Johnny. "I know all to well of the draw of the uniform myself" he added, looking towards one of the other doctors, her offering a giggle and flirty wave his way. "Well I'll be damned" Johnny spoke with a chuckle. "And looks like she's got an opening, so you two just earned yourself some more alone time" Gaz said, making you and Johnny both chuckle. "I owe ya one" Johnny spoke before Gaz walked away, turning back to you as you closed the curtain again, alotting you both some privacy for just a little bit longer.
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- You were in his room, laying in bed together, enjoying the time alone after months of him being away.
- It started out innocent enough, just enjoying a movie together, but one innocent kiss turned to two, and when wandering hands found their way down your sides to your ass, playful giggles soon turned to quiet moans and it wasn't long before things turned just a little more heated.
- You were on top of him, straddling his lap as his kisses began littering down your neck, his large, rough hands at your hips moving you back and forth against him. A quiet moan and sigh fell from you, both of you doing your best to keep quiet as not to raise suspicions.
- "How I missed you, schatz" he told you, making you smile with drunken love in your eyes. "Missed you too, Kö" you replied sweetly, your lips now trailing down his neck to his bare chest in a way that he swore injected fire straight into his veins.
- You were topless as you sat there straddling him, indulging in one of those moments of kissing one another deeply, only stopping at the feel of each other smiling before resuming. Light, breathy giggles and quiet sighs of pleasure leaving you as you both were caught up in the heat of the moment.
- That was when you both heard the knock at the door, making you both jump. "Shit" you said quietly but in a panic. "Hide" he replied, getting up to put on a pair of pants, allowing you some time to scramble to grab your shirt and any trace you were here and hide in his bathroom, staying dead silent as you did.
- You heard the sound of him talking to Captain Price as you were hidden, relief washing over you once the door had finally closed and he walked away. You peaked back out from the bathroom, seeing König look at you as the look of panic finally fell from his face. "Close call" you spoke with a grin. "Way too close" he replied as you came back to him. "Ya know, if you just came over to my place, we wouldn't have to sneak around and worry about getting caught" you mused, making him chuckle as he leaned down. "Maybe I like the thrill a little bit" he admitted, making you giggle lightly before kissing him once more, your arms draped over his shoulders as you did.
- "Just keep it down in there" Price's voice spoke from the other side of his door, making you panic once more. "König! This is why we should be at my house!" You said, face red as a beet from fluster, and König couldnt help but grin at your embarrassment. Price gave a laugh as he walked away.
Simon "Ghost" Riley
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- Everyone knew you were his, he made it very clear that he would break the neck of anyone who would dare try to have a piece of you, or even look in your direction with malintent.
- He didn't need PDA to show it either, when you both were out with his comrades, or out in public, a protective arm laid around your waist yes, but even when it didn't, all it took was one look from Simon for someone to deeply reconsider their intentions with you.
- So one night, when you were both coming out to his truck for a smoke from a night out drinking with friends, the liquid courage seeping through your veins, you decided to push his buttons a little.
- There he stood, leaned against his truck, having just finished taking drags off of his cigarette before putting it out with his foot. His balaclava was still pulled up to rest on the bridge of his nose, showing off the lower half of his face, so you took the chance.
- You smiled as he grinned when your fingers slid along his jaw and up under the balaclava just a little, keeping it up so that you could kiss him. The taste of smoke, tobacco, and whiskey mixed together in a taste that was just so *him.* You couldn't help the surge of butterflies that came through you as his hands rested on your hips, the way he kissed you always left your mind reeling as they were always so intimate, so shameless.
- "Just couldn't wait, could ya?" He asked, making you chuckle as you bit your lip, your cheeks heating up from the drinks buzzing in you as well as the heat that always burned in you anytime he kissed you. "You know what bourbon does to me, and you know what *you* do to me" you replied with a playful grin, making him chuckle once more as you said it, poking his chest to prove your point before dragging your finger down some. "I'm very aware" he replied.
- Your finger looped into his belt, giving a strong tug to pull him closer to you, your lips just centimetres apart now before you closed the distance once more. "You're playing a dangerous game, lovie" he spoke in a low tone, making your grin only stretch wider. "That so? Gonna put me in my place then?" You challenged bravely, making his eyes hold a different intensity. Hunger, a predatory one at that. "Get your ass in the truck. Now" he ordered.
- Needless to say, it was no shock to him that you both managed to find your way in the back seat of his truck, music playing just loud enough in the background to add to the atmosphere as your panting from the deep kiss filled the air in the car.
- You grinned far too devilishly as you rolled your hips in time to the beat of the song, enjoying your moment of power over him. But he was there to remind you that even if you were on top and straddling him, that did not, by any stretch of the imagination, mean you were in control. His hand came to the back of your head, fingers tangling in your hair as he tugged it back, making your head dip back as he did. You gave a sinful moan as he did, roughly thrusting his hips up into you. "Your misbehavin' has gotten a bit out of hand, love. Someone oughtta teach you some fuckin' manners" he damn near *growled* in response, making you whimper as his hips stilled completely. "Gonna be good f' me? Stop bein' a fuckin' brat?" He asked, making you nod your head yes vigorously, earning another yank on your hair and a powerful thrust up into you. "Answer properly" he ordered. "Yes sir, gonna be good for you, I promise!" you let out, his hand leaving your hair as he started his pace up again. "Then be a doll and take it" he spoke, making your eyes roll to the back of your head as he continued his brutal pace.
- Anyone on the outside wouldn't have known, the music, not too loud to be suspicious, but perfectly loud enough to cover your joint symphony of moans, pants, and grunts, paired with the sounds of skin against skin. So Soap being none the wiser, thought it'd be safe to go to Ghost's truck to tease you both for being gone for so long.
- Then a hand came to the foggy window, smearing enough of the condensation away to reveal the both of you in the back seat. What he wasn't anticipating was the sight of you on top of him, fully clothed thankfully, but it was clear what was going on. "Shit!" You exclaimed when you saw Soap's eyes widen before he looked away, knowing he'd be in deep shit for catching you both. Simon's eyes followed yours to the window, catching sight of the reason why you were hiding your face in your hands. A devious grin came to his lips, deciding to roll the window down some, not too much to show too much, but enough to send you into a panic. "Si! What the hell are you doing??" You asked, making the scot give a chuckle. "Was comin' t' check an' see if you two were still alive, but clearly you're takin' more than a smoke break" he replied. "Started off as one anyway.." You spoke with a nervous look, making him chuckle once again before turning around and walking back. "Try not to kill 'er" Soap spoke before walking back inside.
- You certainly learned your lesson that night, hiding your face that burned bright red as you left the back seat, Simon of course delighted in your torture as you both went back inside to sit back at the table, getting to take in all the knowing grins from his friends as they all teased you for the rest of the night. To Simon's standards of course, he'd never let anyone take it too far. ❤️
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storywriter007 · 9 months
Life or Death - Thomas Shelby x Fem!Reader
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summary: in which y/n realizes thomas shelby hasn't been good to her
warnings: character death, cursing, poverty, catcalling, mentions of sex,
genre: heartbreak
word count: 2.9k
Birmingham, 1900
"i'm starving." a young thomas shelby said aloud.
"have you not had anything to eat today?" a young y/n asked.
"money's been tight, i've had to skip meals." tommy explained.
the two ten year olds sat in silence for a moment.
y/n knew what it was like for money to be tight. her family's income had been tight, after the passing of her father. her mom went to teach children at a local school while making dresses on the side to keep the two of them afloat.
"it's almost suppertime, why don't you come to my house?" y/n invited.
"really?" he asked.
"of course." she nodded. "you're my best friend, why would i want to see you hungry?"
that evening, y/n and tommy walked home together and were given a warm welcome by y/n's mother.
"tommy! welcome!" she exclaimed. "come on in you two."
they sat down at the table and began eating supper. stew and dumplings. it was warm and delicious.
to tommy, y/n's house often felt more like home than his own. it was quite small, but it had home-like decorations everywhere. it was nice and toasty since it didn't take much fire to heat the place, and moreover y/n was there.
"you children cannot stay out in the cold during this time of year." y/n's mother scolded, putting her hand on tommy's cheek and seeing how cold it was.
"but we were playing a game-" y/n argued.
"play games inside. i don't want to see you to freeze to death." she continued.
"yes mom." y/n laughed, looking at tommy, knowing they were going to go outside the next day anyways.
it was getting dark out and tommy was full.
"i should probably get going. bye y/n, by ms. y/l/n!" tommy said, getting up.
"wait!" y/n said, running to the kitchen.
she came back with tupperware.
"here, take some home." she insisted.
"no, no, i couldn't-" he argued.
"take it! tell john, arthur, and ada i say hello!" y/n said, shoving the tupperware into his arms.
that night, tommy's siblings had a warm meal.
"this is delicious tommy! where'd you get this from?" arthur remarked.
"y/n. she insisted." he responded.
"you better marry her for this one." arthur laughed.
Birmingham, 1904
"look at the body on that one." a classmate remarked as y/n walked by.
she just rolled her eyes and continued walking. this wasn't unusual.
"you'd make a ton of money at the whore house!" the boy yelled out again as laughter followed.
so would your mother, y/n thought of saying, but decided that it was best for her to not. this boy was twice her size.
"so would your mother." another boy's voice called out.
y/n turned around to see tommy and the other boy standing chest to chest, about to fight.
"what'd you say shelby?" the boy asked.
"so would your mother." he repeated, not an ounce of fear in his voice.
a teacher came and pulled the two apart.
"both of you seperate. if i see this again, i'll make sure to tell your mothers!" she scolded.
both the boys backed away from one another. tommy caught up with y/n.
"thanks tommy." she said.
"it's nothing, i've wanted to say that to him for a while now." tommy laughed.
"my mum's sending me to get groceries today? would you like to join me." y/n asked.
"of course." tommy agreed. "can't wait to eat apples out of the farmer's cart."
"don't do that! you got us chased down last time!" y/n scolded, remembering a set of angry farmers running after them.
they settled down after they were paid, at least. otherwise, who knows what could've happened.
"it was fun!" he argued.
"it was." she agreed.
as she watched tommy walk away, y/n realized that she had a crush on him. but it was just a crush, it wasn't that serious.
Birmingham, 1914
"glad to see you dr." tommy smiled, opening the door to the pub.
"happier to see you mr." she returned the joke.
y/n had always wanted to save people's lives, so she entered the medical field. after gaining main patients, it became more difficult to see tommy as often as she used to. even tommy was on the rise in the business world. it was hard to hangout with one-another, but they always made time.
over the years, y/n's crush on tommy had turned into love, but she didn't know how to tell him. no time ever seemed right.
"there might be a war." tommy said, drinking whiskey at the pub.
"you think you'll get drafted?" y/n asked, wanting him to say no, but knowing what the answer was.
"yes." he answered. "unfortunately."
"it'll just be me and ada." y/n chuckled. "she's better company than you."
"oh really? go drink with her." tommy laughed. "you'll miss me when i go off."
"you know i will." y/n smiled.
y/n realized her worst nightmare had come true as tommy stood at her front door.
"i have to go to france." he said.
she felt water fill up her eyes, but she stayed calm.
"i'll miss you." she smiled.
"i'll miss you too." he smiled back.
he turned around to leave.
"tommy, wait." she said, trying not to cry.
he turned around.
"i didn't know when to tell you this because no time ever seemed right and we were always so busy." she rambled. "but since you're going to france, and i might not see you again, i just want you to know i love you. it's no use for me to say i don't, because it's true. i've loved you ever since i've known you."
the tears started falling. he stared at her for a minute. did she ruin their friendship? did he not feel the same way? would he never talk to her again? did she have to do this before he left?
lost in her thoughts, y/n didn't realize tommy had leaned down and kissed her.
Birmingham, 1918
y/n got down on her knees, that had already been bruised from how much she'd kneeled.
"dear god, please keep tommy, john, and arthur safe." she pleaded. "please keep tommy safe."
she'd done this every morning and every night since the boys were drafted.
"please make it end soon." she continued.
she looked at the couple of photographs her and tommy had together from years before. they used to love taking together, and writing the story on the back.
she got to their last picture. taken four years ago. it was hear and tommy making silly faces. on the back, it said, "tommy's going to france."
she felt a tear run down her cheek. what if he never came back? what if that was their last photo together?
Birmingham, 1919
y/n was overjoyed when all three brothers returned, alive. she hugged tommy so tightly, glad he was alright.
but something had changed. tommy wasn't as happy as he used to be anymore. he didn't smiled as much, but he still did when they were together, and that was all that mattered to y/n.
y/n knew all about the shelby business, having grown very close to ada and polly, she was informed about everything. even when tommy was doing gang work before, he was never as gloomy as he was now. he was much more serious.
she tried desperately to comfort him, and it did work. he did talk about the war with her, and y/n understood he was traumatized. she didn't try to change him or tell him lighten up, she understood the mental toll it had taken on him.
countless nights would tommy tell her about the memories of war and they would end up falling asleep on the floor, in a mix of papers and books.
they were never officially together, they had never gotten then chance. but when tommy was ready, y/n hoped they could make it offical.
one night, they walked into the garrison. y/n had just finished with a long day of patients.
"dr!" arthur greeted y/n with a hug.
"arthur!" she laughed back.
however, there was a new face at the pub. she was pretty, with blonde hair and blue eyes. y/n came up to her.
"i haven't seen you around! are you new?" she smiled, asking.
"yes, i am new." the barmaid responded, quite curtly, y/n noticed.
"i'm y/n! what's your name?" she asked.
"grace. my name is grace." she said, briefly.
"well, grace, i just wanted to say, i think you're absolutely gorgeous." y/n smiled.
grace gave a brief smile back and went back to bartending.
odd, y/n thought, but assumed it was because of how busy the pub was, her mind was probably on working.
"there's this new copper who's been on my ass." tommy said.
"that sucks. has he been sniffing around?" y/n asked.
"yes." he responded, taking a long drag out of his cigarette.
y/n noticed grace very clearly listening to their conversation.
"he's been asking me about, well, y'know." he continued. "they're taken care of, but still. he's onto me."
of course she knew. the guns. tommy had told her everything. his plan and why.
"that's enough about that." he ended. "how's your business, doctor?"
"it's going well." y/n chuckled. "i'm seeing entire lineages now."
"whiskey?" grace asked, coming over.
"no thank you." y/n smiled. "i should get home now."
tommy smiled and said goodbye. y/n thought that was odd, since usually tommy would've walked her out.
"thank you grace." she said, before leaving.
grace ignored her.
y/n was sitting with the shelby's at the garrison. she noticed something about tommy, something odd. he straightened up whenever grace entered the room and he always smiled.
this wasn't the first odd thing tommy had done. since she came, he was at the pub more. he also took her to a horserace. not to mention, his eyes foretold a story between them. it had been a while since tommy looked at her that way.
but there was something odd about grace. she was always listening in and trying to get closer to tommy.
y/n asked to see tommy privately, and that's when she made her point.
"the barmaid, she seems suspicious. do you notice how she's always listening in and trying to get close to you? and how that copper start bothering you the same time she came here?" y/n said.
"her name's grace." tommy responded.
"yes, grace, seems odd." y/n corrected.
"what is it y/n? you can't stand there's another friend of mine?" he said, clearly aggravated.
"no, i don't care about that. i just don't want you to get hurt-"
"hurt? hurt is when i was in france." he interrupted.
"tommy, will you just try to listen?"
"to your bullshit? no." he said.
that hurt.
"you're free to leave." he said simply, taking a drag out of his cigarette.
y/n chuckled, and left.
can y/n say it came as a shock when tommy told her grace had betrayed him and fled the country? not really.
"i told you so." y/n said, plainly. "it was obvious."
tommy seemed pissed at that comment.
"that doesn't mean you can talk down on her." tommy stated.
"well tommy, you can't really control what i say and what i think." she responded back, beginning to get aggravated at his blindness. "and what i think is that grace is a traitor."
"what i think is that you should leave." he said.
"always running from the truth, now-a-days, aren't you?" she smiled, leaving.
y/n would be lying if she said she didn't go home that night and cry, because she did. why was tommy so wrapped around grace? had he fallen in love with her? no, no. it was probably just attraction. it had to be. right?
the next day, tommy apologized for being so harsh to her, and everything was back to normal. no more grace, no more deception, and no more stupidity.
y/n was still waiting for tommy to make it official, but he still hadn't. the war had been over for two years now. she had thought about tommy everyday for the past seven years.
she missed him, she missed what they used to have. it was almost midnight, and she decided she wanted to go see him. she couldn't keep waiting.
she called his number three times, but he didn't pick up, so she drove to his home, and knocked on the door. no answer. she was starting to get worried. she opened the door and walked in on something that made her stomach drop.
it was tommy with grace. and they were having sex on the sofa, and he whispered how much he loved her and how he thought of her everyday. it seemed they had finished, because now they were getting dressed. when tommy turned his head and saw y/n, his eyes grew wide.
y/n felt tears in her eyes and a lump in her throat.
he dragged her into his office.
"what the hell y/n! you can't just fucking barge into my house!" he yelled.
"i called you three times. i knocked on your door and waited outside for five minutes. with the life you live tommy, i got worried." she said, wiping her nose.
"y/n, you have to leave." he said. "i've got something here, and i can't lose it again."
again. y/n felt her stomach drop and her heart break into a thousand pieces.
"again?" she asked. "again! tommy, i have waited for you! i waited for seven fucking years, waiting for you to say you want to try something with me!" she yelled.
"do you not remember! do you not remember the night you got drafted, because i sure as hell do!" she screamed.
"y/n, calm down, you're going to scare grace-"
oh that sent her.
"grace! you think i give two fucks about grace! the one who deceived you, lied to you, manipulated you, and now comes running back!" she screamed even louder.
"i love her!" he yelled.
"you love her! you love her! than what about me!" y/n yelled, tears starting to flow. "what about every day and night i prayed for you during the war! what about every time i invited you to my house for supper! i have waited and waited for you to say that you love me and you just don't!"
tommy was silent.
"i have loved you throughout everything. i was always kind to you. i was good." she continued.
"i'm a bad man, y/n, we know this." he said.
"and i love you even though you're a bad man! you believed every one of her lies of all of my truths. and i still loved you! you kicked me out everytime i brought it up! and guess what? i still loved you."
tommy looked at her.
"who was there by your side when you were scared and alone? who was there every night when you got back from the war and had terrible nightmares? who was there taking care of finn while you were off at war, because i don't think it was fucking grace!"
"i'm sorry." he said.
"no you're not because if you were, you wouldn't have done this in the first place!" she screamed through tears.
"who was there thomas!" that was the first time she had said his full name. "i'm done. don't fucking call me, don't show up to my office, don't come near me. i'm done playing your dark and twisted games just for you to switch the rules so someone else wins. i'm done dealing with a different you every fucking night. i'm done."
thomas looked at her.
"who's it going to be?" y/n asked.
"so well." he responded.
y/n smiled and turned around to leave, but before she left, she said he final words to thomas.
"i'm never going to aid you again. whether it be in life or death."
that was the last conversation between y/n and thomas.
Birmingham, 1924
"just have some soup and rest up, and you'll feel a lot better." y/n advised her last patient of the day.
work had become more of a thing for y/n after word of her spread all across birmingham, she was getting patients from everywhere. and for right reasons, she was a damn good doctor.
she walked them outside before sitting in the waiting room with her receptionist.
"thank you edward, you're free to leave." she said, smiling.
"see you tomorrow doctor." edward smiled as he exited.
y/n was left to close her office. she began putting files away and cleaning equiptment. the doors and windows were locked. the stationary was put away.
suddenly, she heard a loud knock on her door. she turned around to see a face she thought she'd never see again. she stared into his bright blue eyes for a moment, before realizing he was actually here, and that it was just a figment of her imagination.
y/n opened the small window on the door. she looked down to see him carrying grace. she had been very clearly shot.
"she might have a chance, please y/n."
"you chose her over me." y/n said, looking into his piercing blue eyes.
he froze.
"and i told you that very night, i would never aid you again, whether it be life or death." she reminded, shutting the window door.
he banged on the door, pleading. she shot him one last look before shutting the blinds, turning the lights off, and leaving out the back.
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two-dolla-bills · 8 months
Top 10 mechanisms songs that you can get away with playing at a retailers without too many side eyes
I got a job in retail and I felt inspired lol
Disclaimer: this is not a list of the best mechanisms songs/the ones I think deserve to go "mainstream", they're just the ones that would blend in the best
1. Sirens
This song is probably the mechanisms' least "centered" song. It doesn't mention any characters, it has no narration, and out of context it just sounds like A Song that you might hear on the radio. Sirens is to the mechanisms as you're the one that I want is to grease, you know?
2. Trial by song
THIS one. It's in the same category to me as Sirens; you can listen to it by itself and not suspect much. Unlike Sirens which can be completely separated and still make sense, this one is more like a whole new world from Aladdin. There are parts that make it obvious that it's from a larger whole, but if you just so happen to catch the "safe" parts you won't suspect much.
Points were deducted due to Mr. Soldier's unique vocals. (Unique as in not very common in mainstream music)
3. Empty trail
This is no offense to Dr. La Cognizzi, but sometimes when she sings it's hard to make out what she's saying, which works in her favor in these circumstances. It sounds country/rock, which help it blend in with some dad rock songs. If I remember correctly, the melody was actually taken from a Led Zeppelin song, so if you aren't paying attention to what's ACTUALLY being said you can get away with claiming it's a cover.
4. Ties that bind
Although this one does mention many plot points, many fans have stated that they had no idea what the fuck was being said until the have looked for the lyrics (myself included) this, combined with it's jazzy rythm, make it able to blend in with other songs, similarly to empty trail
5. Odin
The most "normal" song out of the entirety of The Bifrost Incident. This song made it to the top five because it has similarities with Roam by the B-52's, but had points deducted due to it clearly being about an awesome space train
6. Lost in the cosmos
This might just be personal opinion, but it sounds like a church song. You can pull off the effect of it being about earth Jesus and not space robot Jesus if you have particularly bad quality speakers and a busy store w/lots of noise. Again, the lyrics kinda give it away as to not being entirely main stream
7. Stranger
Look it's a banger, ok? Many of the lyrics could be taken as just being metaphors, but I feel like you have to squint to "see" it. Pay too much attention and shit gets a little weird. Also, points deducted because it's two men singing together and not a man and a woman, which throws a wrench into the works. At kohl's it might raise some eyebrows but in like hot topic it'll blend in a little better
8. Redeath
You would think a song about a sphoenix (space phoenix) would be lower on the list but you'd be wrong. It's a really pretty song with a good original melody, and it's something that can be drowned out by a particularly rowdy crowd. Like Stranger, it would blend in better at a hot topic than at kohl's, but only slightly.
9. Elysian Fields
The melody in Elysian Fields is taken directly from the song wayfaring stranger, which has been coverd by Jonny Cash, Ed Sheeran, Poor Man's Poison, and The Longest Johns, AS WELL HAS having been featured in the movie 1917 and in the video game The Last of Us II, which make it very recognizable. Because of this recognizability, people who know the original song may be caught off guard by hearing it in a Walmart with completely different lyrics. It was originally in 7th place, but the popularity of the original takes off many points
10. Once and future king
It's a banger, don't get me wrong, but it also very heavily and clearly mentions plot points from the album, which itself is heavily base on Aurtharian mythology; something very well known in the western world (also the names are not common at all and most haven't been in fashion in centuries). In a crowded, busy space with not very good quality speakers it could potentially blend in, but one or two names might sneak out. The only reason it's on the list is because of the instrumental outro, which sounds normal enough
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doctorwhocreations · 6 months
Human Nature
This is a long one but proud of it! Written by both me and my lovely bestie @whodoyoudo Enjoy!
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When I agreed to travel with the Doctor, I expected adventures through space, to distant planets and to time periods that I never could have imagined. Yet here I was scrubbing floors in a Victorian school with my fellow companion, Martha Jones. Now the once, wonderful Doctor I had known, has now gone into hiding as a human, he calls himself Dr John Smith in this reality. For some reason the TARDIS crash landed us in a small english village in 1913, it was as if the Doctor never existed. 
In the 9 months that I have been travelling with the Doctor and Martha, it never once occurred to me that I would ever develop feelings for him. I kept my feelings to myself, since it seemed that Martha liked him too. Occasionally she would say how he fitted well in his suit, or casually comment on how the Doctor’s hair looked nice enough to run her fingers through. I never agreed with her… but I never NOT disagreed with her.
The bell had just rung and students had all finished for the day, while me and Martha were left to scrub the floor with brushes. I heard the door creak open and John Smith carried his books with him, as he dodged our soapy area on the floor. John Smith seemed to carry a different demeanour, he was strict and not the happy go lucky Doctor we once had known. I had to shake the thought away, this was a different man, it was as if I was grieving for the person I once knew.
I looked up as John Smith walked by, “Good morning Sir!” I said in a bright upbeat tone, whilst smiling. 
For a brief moment, he turned his head towards me in slight confusion as if to say, “why is this maid addressing me?” With the same expression he responded in an emotionless tone, “Good morning.” 
The Headmaster quickly walked through, looking down at me and Martha. He frowned at how dirty the floor was that we were scrubbing, thanks to the rugby teams not cleaning their muddy shoes before coming in. 
“Better get a move on you two! I want this floor spotless.” The Headmaster yelled.
Mr Smith waited behind for the headmaster to leave then continued to walk by.
I lowered my head, Martha looked over to me, “Hey, just ignore him.” “I don’t care about him.” I sighed, as I scrubbed the floor even harder, “How much longer do we have to stay here for? Did the Doctor even say anything about that?” Martha sighed, she was getting fed up with me asking, “Until those aliens that are tracking us back off. The Doctor has a plan, we have to trust it and keep an eye on him.” “How can we do that if he doesn’t even acknowledge my- Our existence!” Martha raised an eyebrow, “Right… Well he didn’t exactly say how long he would be in hiding for…” I felt a lump in my throat, “What if we are stuck here forever? It’s been nearly 3 months, Martha!” 
Martha put her hand on the brush I’m holding, “Y/N! Calm down, it’s not going to help any, is it? Let me finish this, you go make yourself a cuppa.”
I flopped onto the bed, staring at the ceiling, I wasn't sure how much more of this I could take. I pondered at the memories of the Doctor, whenever the Doctor did notice me it wasn’t very often.. we be so caught up in running away from aliens or the Doctor searching for clues, seeking information from a computer or robot or local on a abandoned spaceship. But sometimes we’d have intimate moments, sometimes he’d look at me with a slight sparkle to his eyes, in a different way from usual.
For example, there was a time before we went to the Lazarus Laboratories launch party, as I left my room, I noticed the Doctor stare at me a little longer than usual, since it was the first time he saw me in a formal dress.
I loved how his hand felt in mine. Whenever we were running away from danger, I was too busy feeling scared to savour the moment.
And now all I had of the Doctor was his empty TARDIS and his jacket that was left behind on his seat. Now and then I managed to get away from the school, I would sit in the TARDIS alone and cling onto his jacket and cry into it, as if it was the last remains of my Doctor.
“Are you sure you don't want to give Mr Smith his breakfast? I don’t mind, I’ve been doing it every morning so far.” Martha asked as she was about to head out.
I tied my apron over my uniform and looked in the mirror, acting as if I was fine. I had to remember this is what the Doctor had to do, he had no choice. He would want me to be strong, but my patience was wearing thin.
I sighed, “No you do it, Martha. I give up trying to get to know this Mr Smith.” Martha shrugged as she left, “If you insist. See you later.”
My forced smile dropped as the door closed. As I combed my hair, the thought of seeing the Doctor, aka John Smith in his pyjamas, did appeal. But the aching in my chest outweighed any other emotion, the feeling of being in the same room as someone I once loved.
Martha knocked on the door, then proceeded to walk in carrying Mr Smith’s breakfast. Her eyes widened as she noticed him wrapping his dressing gown over himself. “Sorry Sir! I can come back when you are properly dressed.” Martha said as she looked away trying her best not to stare. 
“No no it’s quite alright.” Mr Smith said in an upbeat sort of manner.
 “Very well sir.” Martha then continued to walk in, placing his breakfast down and beginning to brew the tea. “You know I had the funniest dream last night. I had this dream that I was some kind of adventurer, this daredevil, a madman! The Doctor I’m called and last night I dreamt that you were there.” He said in such an excited, curious voice. “Your friend, colleague was there too…Sorry what is her name?” 
“Y/N Sir, that’s her name.” 
A bright smile appeared on his face, lost in thought as he continued with the story of his dream.
“Well you were both there as my companions.” He continued. 
“The teacher and the housemaids, sir?” Martha shook her head as she smiled, “That’s impossible.” 
“I’m a man from another world.” John Smith counteracts. 
“Well then it can’t be true because there’s no such thing.” Martha finished as she continued to make Mr Smith’s tea.
“Well it was a fascinating dream, we traveled together and saw the most exotic of places.” Mr Smith continued, Martha handed him a newspaper, he read it as he sipped his tea. “Dreams are called dreams for a reason, sir.” Martha smiled.“I guess so.” His eyes looked sad for a moment.  He looked at the clock on the mantelpiece, “Oh before you go, Miss Jones.”
Martha raised an eyebrow, “Yes?” “Is that friend of yours avoiding me? She hasn’t served me tea once!” “What? No, of course not, sir.” She lied.
Mr Smith nodded, “Sure..” He seemed unconvinced. 
Later on, Martha had told me what happened as we tidied up the other rooms, I cringed slightly. I didn’t even realize how it must have seemed, I’ve been working here for over a month. I assumed Mr Smith was too busy, keeping his students in order, marking papers, to even take any notice that one maid hadn’t interacted with him much.
The following day, I was dusting the top shelves of Professor Piers' room (He was an old man who very much enjoyed putting a woman in their place, but then he would be quick to comment on my uniform being nicely tight fitting.. creep). 
I heard a voice from the doorway, “It’s very unprofessional you know.” I wobbled slightly from the stool I was standing on, “Excuse me?!” At that moment I realised it was Mr Smith, I cleared my throat and approached him. “Sorry i didn’t mean to- You almost fell I-” He stammered, this Mr Smith was not as good with his words, compared to the Doctor.
“Yes, Mr Smith?” I asked a bit too abruptly.
“I mean, it’s unprofessional that.. It seems.. That you don’t like to be around me.” He attempted to explain, “Have I done something to upset you?”
“Sir, I must really carry on with my duties or I will be told off by Pervy- I mean Professor Piers.”
My cheeks turned red, he chuckled, “Is that your nickname for him? Pervy Piers?” I looked away, “He is inappropriate at times, yes. Now I must go-” He blocked the doorway, “You didn't answer my question.”
“Sir! Please, I don’t want to be yelled at-” He took the feather duster off me and entered the room, “I know, I will help you dust and we can chat.”
I stood unable to react, he smiled back at me, “Come on then, maid!”
I hesitated for a split second, then thought for a moment it was as if the Doctor was saying those words, not Mr. John Smith. 
John Smith stood on the stool, I was once on, reaching for the farthest corners I was unable to reach. I realised I was staring for too long, I abruptly took my eyes off of him and proceeded to pick up a few books that had been left lywaing about on the side.
 I broke the silence and said, “You haven't done anything wrong by the way, I didn’t mean to avoid you.. It’s just that you look like someone I used to know.” “Oh.” He squeaked, he stepped off the stool and handed back the feather duster, “Is that a bad thing?” “In some ways yes…” I said with my head hung low, as I held books close to my chest. 
“What do you mean? If you don’t mind me asking of course?” Mr Smith turned to face me, carrying a book in hand. 
“It’s just.. I had a friend, we used to travel together but now… he’s um.. He’s gone.” I said. I passed along the books and Mr Smith slotted them into the shelf, “I’m sorry about that.” Mr Smith continued, “But it’s best not to judge a book by its cover.” He said in a serious yet reassuring manner. 
“Well that’s about as clean as Pervy Piers’ room is going to get.” Mr Smith said with a smirk.
“Thank you for helping me, sir. You really didn’t have to.” “It’s fine, I had a free period anyway. Also call me John, when I’m out of hours.”
I could feel my cheeks beginning to heat up. As he got a tad bit closer to me. 
Suddenly the headmaster cleared his throat, “Mr Smith what are you doing in Mr Piers room.. Talking to a maid?”
“Sorry sir, I was just having a word and I-” “I don’t want to hear it, don’t let it happen again.” He warned, Mr Smith passed by me quickly and disappeared down the hallway. 
The Headmaster looked over to me, “You better know your place, madam.” I lowered my head, “Yes sir.” I said leaving immediately.
That evening, I told Martha what had happened with Mr Smith as we ate our evening meal. “That headmaster is rude to everyone.” Martha reassured me.I folded my arms, “I know but he made it sound like we were having an affair or something! What if he says something to someone, or I lose my job? Where am I meant to go if I lose my job!?”
Martha placed her hand on my sholder, “Y/N, it won't come to that, okay?” 
I could feel the tears beginning to well up in my eyes. Getting up quickly I brushed my apron down. “I-I just need to be alone with my thoughts.” When I made my way to the door, as I opened it, I found Mr Smith standing in the hallway . 
“Oh, I’m sorry, is this a bad time?” Martha looked toward me for my reaction, I was frozen. Martha sighed and quickly stepped in front of me. “Is there something you need, sir?” 
“No, well I just- yes actually. I wanted to apologise for earlier. I shouldn’t have just walked off like that. I do hope you didn’t get into any trouble because of me, Miss Y/N.” Mr Smith said in a worried tone. 
“What’s done is done, Mr Smith. There’s no point worrying.” I said before leaving the room.
Mr Smith gave Martha a look, before going after me.
“Miss L/N!”
I couldn’t believe this was happening, the human version of the Doctor, following me through an empty school at night. I wanted to go to the TARDIS, to my safe space and cry, but I couldn’t, not here. I hated crying in front of the Doctor, so the thought of crying in front of Mr Smith was the last thing I needed. “Leave me alone, please!”
Mr Smith stopped in his tracks, “I’m sorry I was just trying to-”
“I’m fine really. After all, it wouldn't be proper to be seen with a maid after hours.” I replied back harshly.
I continued to walk out in the courtyard to retreat into the TARDIS, as Mr Smith was left behind to ponder with his thoughts. 
I woke up the next day to find Chrysanthemums in a vase near my bedside table. Martha was up and dressed, doing her hair and gave me a smile, “Found them outside the door this morning, it came with an envelope with your name on it.”
“I hope it’s not from Pervy Piers.” I sighed. Martha teased, “Ooo! A admirer”
“Ew! Pretty sure Professor Piers is old enough to be my grandad.. Wait, maybe even my great grandad!” I laughed.
“At least he has good taste.” Martha commented.
It was like any other day in this dull boarding school, the only thing that would make my day would be a cup of tea or falling asleep, to have dreams that I’m back with the Doctor in the TARDIS. Then I wake up to the reality that was now my nightmare, a world without the Doctor. 
As I was cleaning the windows, a ball came hurling my way from a nearby field. I managed to duck in time, but it smashed the window I was cleaning. The shards of glass came raining on me, I laid motionless for a moment. 
I could hear angry voices in the distance, telling the lad off who kicked the ball. I felt a sharp pain on my face, then I noticed blood drip onto my uniform. 
“Are you okay, Miss L/N?” 
I rose to my feet, I smiled trying to leave, “Just a little cut.” Mr Smith grabbed my arm, “You’re bleeding. I will escort you to the First Aid room.” “I will dab it with a cloth, it will be fine.” “Y/N, does it hurt?”
I quietly nodded, he had a serious look on his face, he handed me a clean handkerchief, “Put some pressure on it.”
Mr Smith led me back inside, I placed the cloth on my bleeding face, “But you have students to watch.” “There’s more than one teacher on duty, it’s fine.” He insisted, he broke into a little smile, “I guess I will have to send you more flowers after this.”
“Wait.. those flowers were from you? I thought they were from Professor Piers.”
“PERVY PIERS!? No, I sent them, for getting you into trouble yesterday. I went out my way picking them out for you!” 
I blushed a little, “I’m just a maid, sir.” “You’re not just a-” We reached the first aid office, a nurse gasped at my face and rushed me into the room, I turned back to Mr Smith, “Thank you.” I tried to hand back his handkerchief, he shook his head.
“You can keep it.” He lingered for a while before going back outside.
Maybe this Mr Smith wasn’t so bad after all.
Although it was November, it was a sunny Saturday afternoon, which meant it was my day off! It was a relief to not wear that dull awful maid uniform. I sat on the bench in the park in the village, it was nice to not be seen as someone’s servant or maid. Just a woman who could be of any status. 
I wore a long red coat with a matching hat and a checked scarf. In moments like this, I felt elegant in this time period and became quite accustomed to it (if you ignore the racism, sexism and so forth..).
I read a book I borrowed from the TARDIS library, “Pride and Prejudice?” A voice questioned.I blushed to see Mr Smith, wearing a grey coat with a black hat, he smirked, “Interesting choice.”
“Oh er-” I wish I picked something that had been published after 1913 now, not thinking Mr Smith would even know about. But I guess I didn’t want to cause any disturbance by choosing a book from the future, well my present. 
He sat beside me, "You have bewitched me, body and soul.”
“Excuse me?” His eyes widened, “Oh it’s a quote!” “Oh yes, I have not reached that part yet, Mr Smith.” “John, on my days off, remember?” He reminded me, “I could lend you a book if you want?” I nodded, not knowing how to respond, he  was close now, if the Doctor ever say this close to me, I'd probably melt.. which was hard not to, he had the same face. 
There didn't seem to be anyone about, anyone passing by would think we're a couple or even a reserved married couple.
"Y/N I don't know what it is, but I feel very drawn to you."
I smiled, "Really? I'm just a maid."
"You're not just a maid." His voice was low and serious.
He kissed my cheek, he got up smoothly, his face was bright red, “Right, I shall leave you to your reading. Good day, miss L/N.”
He left hastily, I gave an awkward wave, trying to process what just happened.
I noticed in the distance, a girl holding a red balloon staring in my direction, she sniffed, a shiver went up my spine, I closed my book and walked away.
 quickly, as the scarecrows fumbled away as I escaped out of their grasp.
“How could such a sweet little girl look so… menacing at the same time?” 
Shaking my head of my thoughts I carried on walking away, still sensing her presence I began to speed up my walk a bit more. 
Then suddenly out of nowhere some idiot dressed as a scarecrow jumped out at me. I was startled for a moment, then began to feel a sudden anger wash over me.
“Oh very funny!! You think it’s funny to jump out at people and try to scare them? And as for you!” I quickly turned around to face that little girl…But she had gone? So fast? How is that possible? I turned back to the scarecrow, and more of them appeared! 
In a panic I lashed out at one of them, grabbing it by the arm only for it to fall to the ground. “Straw?!  B-But..” Realisation hit me as they got closer ready to grab hold of me. They were aliens! They had to be!   
I managed to duck out of the way
I ran all the way back to the school through the woods, I nearly collided into Martha in the hallway, as she was brushing up. “MARTHA! They’re here, the family of blood, we need the Doctor!!” I shrieked. 
“No! Where?”
“In the village, they are controlling the scarecrows!”
Martha quickly cleared her throat, as a teacher called Mrs Berry walked by.
“Ladies, lower your voices.” She hushed, then a young boy ran past her, “Timothy come on, no running!”I leaned closer to Martha, “We should talk about it in our room.” “Or at the pub?” She smiled. I sighed, “I’m not sitting in the cold again, Martha!”
Martha pointed to her uniform, “Well as you can see, I am still working, so go get that watch off Mr Smith and open it!” I frowned, “What? I can’t just go into his room.” “Why not? He seems to like you.” Martha smirked. I shook my head, “Martha stop it! Why can’t you do it?”
“I think he’d prefer to see you over me… So make something up.” I blushed recalling the kiss on the cheek,I wouldn't repeat that outloud. I thought of another excuse, "He is supposed to be lending me a book…” “There you go!” Martha urged as she gave me a little shove, “I will keep a lookout for anything unusual, now go!”
My heart was fluttering, the thought of having the Doctor back.. MY Doctor! But first I had to face the reality that Martha was maybe right, that this Mr Smith may somehow like me? 
I took a deep breath as I stood outside his door, how do I snatch a watch without him noticing? Well the Doctor did say he had a blocker on, so the human version of himself would take no notice of it.
I entered the room, not expecting Mr Smith to be back yet from his walk, but there he was with a woman draped over him. I froze, it was Miss Berry.
“Aren’t you the maid?” Miss Berry asked in an arrogant tone, “Don’t you know how to knock?”
I forced a smile fighting back the tears, “I.. I am sorry for intruding.”
Mr Smith’s eyes were wide, “Y/N it’s not what it seems.” I ignored his words and closed the door behind me. I felt my chest ache, I was wrong. So wrong. To think the Doctor or even this John Smith was capable of ever returning my feelings. 
“Y/N! People are in danger! You walking in on Mr Smith with some woman doesn’t matter! We need that watch asap!”
Martha started storming towards Mr Smith’s room, I followed her frantically, “Wait! Martha you can’t just-” “Y/N! Snap out of it! People have died, my friend Jenny… She’s not who she was.” Martha yelled. “Jenny?” I recalled, Martha used to go to the pub with her and she was a fellow maid. My heart sank, how could I become so oblivious?
Martha barged into Mr Smith’s room, he looked startled, “Miss Jones what did I say about knocking?!” She pointed to the watch, “We need that watch, and you’re not John Smith, you’re the Doctor!”
I lowered my head, as he approached, “What is she going on about Miss L/N!?”
I sighed, “The dreams you’ve been having.. They are all true.” He shook his head,“Is this a prank? Is this because of what happened earlier, a weird way of getting back to me, to convey your jealousy?” He blushed as he locked as with me, “Nothing even happened, I don’t like her in that way!!” I frowned, “No! Of course not! Ioff Mr Smith and open it!” I frowned, “What? I can’t just go into his room.” “Why not? He seems to like you.” Martha smirked. I shook my head, “Martha stop it! Why can’t you do it?”“I think he’d prefer to see you over me… So make something up.” I blushed recalling the kiss on the cheek,I wouldn't repeat that outloud. I thought of another excuse, "He is supposed to be lending me a book…” “There you go!” Martha urged as she gave me a little shove, “I will keep a lookout for anything unusual, now go!”
 don’t care about that, it doesn't matter anymore!” 
“Whatever do you mean!?” 
I stepped forward closer to him, “Mr.Smith people have died, a great deal more will, if you don’t open that watch!!” 
He laughed in disbelief, “How many of those stories have you been reading Y/N? This is completely barbaric!” 
John Smith stood hands on his hips, the most confused and angry I have ever seen. 
I groaned as John wasn’t taking in what me or Martha have even said. 
I began frantically looking around for the watch. “Martha have you found it!?” 
On the other side of the room Martha goes through a bunch of letters and documents. “NO!! ARGH!!” She lashes out, kicking the papers into the air. “MARTHA!! What on earth are you both doing? No wait- Those are the students' reports! Isn’t the point of maids, that they tidy up, not wreck havoc!” Mr Smith shrieked.
Looking back at John with sorry eyes I tried to get him to see reason. “Please Doctor, you have to understand this is important!” 
“Wait..Did you say people have died!? Who!?”
I looked back at him, getting closer in a comforting manner. 
Martha whipped her head over our way and frantically yelled. “It’s not here!!! We’ve looked everywhere, I’m going to look elsewhere!! Come on you two!!”
“I’m going to stay here for a moment, to calm him down.”
Martha shrugs and leaves the room to carry on her search.
I turn back to John, as I looked in his confused brown eyes,  I’m sorry but this life you have here.. It’s not real! This isn’t you.. This is 1913!” 
He placed his hand on my forehead, “Is there an illness going about amongst the maids? The things you and Miss Jones are going out with! It’s madness!” I snatched his hand away, “No I’m perfectly well!” I freeze as I look out the window, “Remember that blue box you dreamt of?” He nodded, “How did you know about that?!”
“Martha may have mentioned it.. But look, it's out there, it’s real.”
John walked towards the window and saw the TARDIS outside, the Family of Blood surrounding it.
“It can’t be.” He uttered, his skin turned pale, he couldn’t bear to even look at the TARDIS, he turned away, “I have never seen it in my life!” I gripped his arm, “Please, Mr Smith. John. We need the Doctor or things are only going to get worse.” “So this Doctor.. He's an alien.” I nodded, he sighed, “And those people who have been killed.. They were killed by aliens as well?” I nodded, “They are looking for you.” “Oh.” He pulled out a watch from his pocket, “So this.. This will bring back the Doctor.. And I will cease to exist?” I noticed his eyes becoming watery, “So none of this was real, not even..” “Yes of course it was real!” “And does this Doctor have feelings for you, does he care for you like I do?”
My cheeks turned red, “I’m not sure..”
“What kind of man is he then?” He gripped my hand, "I could love you better than him, please.."
He clutched onto me, about to embrace me, I pushed him away .
"NO! Stop it! It doesn't matter!! We need the Doctor!!"
He looked sad, "You really do love him."
My heart throbbed, I hate to see him in so much pain. But I had to put those feelings aside.
Suddenly there's a crash through the window, a laser pings off the walls. 
"Come out Doctor!!" A voice bellowed below, it was one of the students, at least what it used to be.
I looked back to Mr Smith, "I will distract them, now go with Martha!! Please!" 
Martha stood in the doorway, Mr Smith turned back to me, “So this is it, then it’s decided? I have to be executed so this Doctor can replace me?” “I’m sorry.” I told him and kissed his lips quickly before running out, “Please open the watch."
Why did I kiss him on the lips, was it a spare in a moment, just in case it all went wrong and it could be my last chance to kiss the Doctor?  His lips felt lovely.. so soft. No that wasn't cool, I should have asked for his permission. I kissed the doctor without his consent, he probably wouldn't have minded. I didn't know for sure.
Anyway I was willing to put myself in danger, in hope John Smith may come to his senses and do the right thing. What if he ran off in fear and Martha didn't find him in time?
So many thoughts swirled round my head, but I didn't have time to be scared, I had to trust that the Doctor will show up in time. And if he didn't… well you can't say I didn't try.
Martha had a lot going on in her head too, as she tried to persuade Mr Smith to open the watch. She thought back to what the Doctor told her in his step guide video for being human, "And finally, 23.. Please look after Y/N, she won't find this easy and she means a lot to me. Of course you both mean a lot to me, but she.. well.."
Martha hadn't always paused it at that part, she knew what he wasn't going to say without hearing it. She never wanted to admit it, but the Doctor never looked at her the same way, it was painful. 
But these last few weeks, she accepted that her crush was nothing compared to the feelings the Doctor and myself had for each other.
"Where has Y/N gone?" Mr Smith asked Martha, as she waited outside his door.
"She has gone to the family of Blood." 
She looked down to Mr Smith pulling the watch out of the pocket, "If the aliens want this, they can have it!!"
"No!! They can't!!" Martha yelled back, as she tried to snatch the watch from him, Mr Smith fought back and accidentally opened the watch a little, "Martha! Why did you let her do that!?!" The Doctor's furious voice came out of Mr Smith.
He closed the watch again, Mr Smith looked spooked, "That was.. that was the Doctor wasn't it?"
She nodded, "Yes. Please, John. I know it is difficult to understand, but without the Doctor.. more people will die, including Y/N."
Mr Smith collapsed onto the floor, tears poured down his face, "So my life is for nothing, meaningless.. And that Doctor gets to have Y/N, not me."
Martha touched his shoulder and sat beside him, "I'm sorry."
He took a deep breath, "If it means.. Y/N is safe, then I guess I have no choice."
On a green glowing spaceship, I awoke to find myself sat on the floor, hands tied behind my back. There they were… the very people who the Doctor was hiding from, the Family of Blood.
“You have his scent on you, what are you hiding?” An old man asked.
My chest tightened, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Come on, maid! We know you travelled with the Doctor!” The dark haired one bellowed.
I shivered, a once normal student, now taken over by this alien form. That is why the Doctor was in hiding, so that same thing didn’t happen to him. 
“She talks about the Doctor to Martha. I’ve heard.” Jenny said, or at least what used to be Jenny. 
I whipped my head round to see John Smith standing there, “Oh gosh this is a real life spaceship!?” He stumbled a little causing himself to tumble and fall onto a row of buttons, pressing them all down. 
My heart sank, “John what are you doing here!?”
The Family of Blood’s all grin, the farmer beamed, “That means the watch hasn’t been opened!” 
“He’s still human though, we need a time lord!” The shell of Jenny said. 
The young boy was growing impatient and yelled “COME ON OUT DOCTORRR!” 
John Smith looked to the young lad with a glint of fear in his eyes. Frantically searching his pocket for that pocket watch. “Here!!! Take it! I don’t want it and I don’t want him!! You can have it!” 
John took the watch out and the family of blood all gathered quickly the young lad snatched the watch from John. I bolted up, unable to believe my eyes, “NO!!” “Shut it, girl!” The moustached leader shoved me down to the ground.
I glanced up at John, “How could you!? We need the Doctor, I need the Doctor! What have you done!?”
John remained quiet as he glanced over to me, there was a different more determined look in his eyes, one I hadn’t seen for a long time.
Whilst the family of blood all pondered at the pocket watch and made a fuss over it, the Doctor quickly rushed over to me untying the knots of rope binding me to the ship. 
I look into his eyes with confusion as he untied me, the Doctor gave me a wink with a slight smirk which made my heart flutter and skip a beat. He’s back, my Doctor is back! I thought to myself. 
The family all intake a quick breath. “The watch is empty!!” The little girl cried out, they all  looked toward me and the Doctor. The Doctor tried to keep up the act, and  looked confused, “W-What do you mean?” 
“You tell me!!” The young lad threw the watch over to what he thought was still John Smith.
The Doctor caught it with ease, “Oohhhh I think the explanation is you’ve just been fooled by a simple old factory misdirection, a little bit like ventriloquism of the nose, but it has got to be said I don’t like the look of your hydrocolometer.” 
The Doctor stood with usual confident style, he whipped his glasses on, “Oh yes not looking good at all… Also you really shouldn’t have let me hit all those buttons.”
A red light illuminated the ship, “I think you should really run!”
Next thing I knew the family were in a panic, the Doctor swiftly gripped my hand as we dashed out before the ship exploded into flames. The family of blood were knocked to the ground nearby us.
The Doctor held me in his arms as we fell due to the impact, my eyes met his, “You’re really back.”
He grinned, “Oh yes!”
As the Doctor sorted out the suitable punishments for the family of blood, I began to readjust to my life back in the TARDIS. It was surreal to be back, a part of me began to ponder, did the Doctor know about anything that John had said to me? We’re they the Doctor’s true feelings coming through or just solely Johns’? Was he really a separate person altogether from the Doctor? The answer of course was yes, in the sense of his personality… but in the end, John was brave, terrified but brave.
 I grew to like him very much. Then my eyes widened, the KISS would the Doctor even remember that? 
I was lost in thought that I hadn’t even heard the Doctor and Martha come into the TARDIS, as I sat at the end of my bed.
“You in here, Y/N?” The Doctor called.
I poked my head out of my room and walked towards the console room, Martha smiled, “See I told you she was here!”
The Doctor gave me a gentle smile, she looked at the both of us, “Right I am going to have my first hot shower in months!” 
Martha gave me a little wink, wait was she rooting for me? No she liked him too, why would she?
My brain had been a mess, I just needed normality and that involved not telling the Doctor I kissed him.. but then a part of me feels he didn’t consent to it, so I should tell him right? 
“Doctor I-“
The Doctor stared up from the console screen, “It’s okay, Martha filled me in… on what happened with John.”
I blushed, “She.. She did? W-What exactly did she say? I mean, well…” I scrambled to find the right words to say. The Doctor meanwhile had a completely blank expression on his face, which made me feel even more anxious at the thought of him being cross with me. 
“Well.. She told me that you and I.. technically John Smith that is, shared a kiss.” The Doctor answered robotically. 
My heart raced, “I’m so sorry! It just happened and I know you couldn’t have consented-”
The Doctor started to smirk which turned into a smile. “It’s okay, I mean…well..” A blush forms on his face, “I’m quite jealous actually.”
I raised my eyebrow unable to connect the dots, “Jealous.. Of John Smith?”
“Clearly you preferred him over me.”
My face brightened, what the hell had Martha said to him!? My palms grew sweaty, as I stepped back, “No NO! That’s not true at all! Whatever Martha said isn’t true and the kiss didn’t mean anything. I mean it did, but it was a spur in the moment because I was worried I was not going to survive or not.” “Y/N.” The Doctor interrupted, “I get it, it’s fine.” He looked at the console screen, a sad look in his eyes for a moment. Did I respond in the wrong way? What did he expect me to say? “It’s not that I don’t want to kiss you, it’s just I knew John liked me and-” “I’ve heard enough.” The Doctor snapped. I froze, wait did the Doctor believe I don’t want to kiss him and preferred John? I walked off back to my room in a huff.
Martha had her arms folded as she emerged back in the console room, she raised her eyebrow, “Realy? You’re jealous.. of yourself?!”
“Well technically it wasn’t-“
“Your body, your lips! The whole time I spent with Y/N she missed you, she wanted you to come back! She didn’t want John Smith, John Smith was like a loved up puppy for Y/N!”
He blushed, “No I’m not-“
He froze realising he slipped up on his words, Martha nudged him, “I said John Smith…”
“Now go kiss and make up! Literally or not, that came out wrong.”
The Doctor hugged Martha, “Thank you for keeping Y/N safe and looking out for me while I was gone.”
Martha shrugged and smiled sadly as the Doctor walked away to find me. “No problem..”  
The Doctor walked to my room and gave the door a gentle knock. Changing back into my own clothes, I was trying to process all what had happened and been said. “Just a minute” I said whilst putting on my socks. Opening  the door I look up to see the Doctor with a serious yet saddened look upon his face. 
“Y/N I’m sorry for how I may have reacted back there. May I come in?” He gestured to the little sofa I have in my room. (everything seems little in this Tardis!) 
I let out a subtle sigh “Okay, you can come in.” 
He stepped inside my room, the Doctor seemed timid, awkward. Well he isn’t really the best at social situations.
 “I really am sorry, I just thought that you liked the John Smith version of me, over the real me.” The Doctor looked to me for an answer. I slowly walked closer to him. 
“Why would I like him more?? He’s not you.. No offence to your chameleon machine thingy..” I pointed out my bedroom to the console room in the distance where the chameleon mechanism hung above. “But John Smith was a little boring, especially in comparison to you, Doctor.”
 A large grin slowly formed on his face. “Well…” He said as he ran his fingers through his lovely brown hair. Then came to a sudden stop when he paused to study my blushed expression. “But seriously Doctor.. Do you know how hard it was to see the man you love walk around acting like you don’t exist?” His eyes widened, realisation spread across my face. 
“I-I mean-“
The Doctor was now closer than ever, his brown eyes gazed into mine, “I missed you.”
His lips melted into mine, this is what I always wanted, no needed. Although they felt the same as John Smiths, my heart fluttered even more knowing this time, they truly belonged to the Doctor! It grew deeper and felt like time had frozen, the passion the Doctor held back for so long became unravelled before me. He wrapped his hands around my waist, nothing felt so right in my life.
Then a voice clearing brought us back to reality, it was Martha, how long had she been standing there?
“See you two have both… erm.. sorted things out.”
The Doctor cleared his throat, “Martha maybe knock next time.”
His cheeks were red and hair slightly ruffled, oops I must have done that.
Martha huffed, “Just drop me off home and I will give you both some alone time!”
Me and the Doctor locked eyes, then we bursted into laughter. 
He held my hand as we walked out into the console room together. It was good to have my Doctor back. 
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Thank you for reading!!!!
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space-dreams-world · 1 year
Two Graysons for one:
So we all know that Dick Grayson is supposed to become the greatest Talon of the Court of Owls: The Gray Son, Dick wasn't Mary and John's first child.
Enter Daphne Mary Grayson (Danny Fenton) the firstborn Grayson who dissapeared during Haley's tour in Europe.
The European Court of owls (Ecoo) were impatient for their Gray son and couldn't wait until Haley's arrived in Gotham. So they end up kidnapping Daphne, taken to become the possible Gray son, unaware Mary Grayson was pregnant with Dick at the time. Daphne does get small doses of electrum, but the Ecoo are waiting until she is older to fully convert her in a Talon for the court. During one of the plots to assainate an wealthy business person, an earthquake occurs and Daphne, injured ends up falling through a crevasse that connect to a cave system that directly leads to an ectoplasm pool that she accidently falls in.
Now this where things get tricky. Dick life still plays out the same way (Bruce bait, Robin, Nightwing,etc...) As Nightwing, Dick gets into contact with a magical-infused virus that could very well kill him unless he gets the blood of biological family member (John and Mary are dead, William Cobb has more electrum than blood in him and they cannot synthetisize the virus out of his blood to try put his blood back in him) this looks like it could be the very end of Dick Grayson. Everyone in the Family decides to air out their grievances to their big brother, the bird who brought all of them together. It's also worth mentioning that someone has been murdering influential people that are part of the Court around the world but has started to make their way towards Gotham warning them that their time is up.
Now, last time with Daphne, she fallen in an ectoplasm pool. What we find out is that after that fall, she appears in the states (Meddling Clockwork) unaware how they got there. Daphne gets spotted by Jazz Fenton and decides to be her big sister unaware that Daphne is somewhat disoriented from the ectoplasm and electrum sort of melding together giving Daphne some enhanced abilities like, slight healing, speed and able to go longer without proper sustenance. Daphne's electrum is barely visible around her heart and her eyes are blue with a ring of amber or gold with flecks of green ectoplasm.
The Drs. Fenton decide to "adopt" Daphne to please their daughter, and Daphne becomes Danny Janus Fenton. Canon episodes happen, except I want to say that Phantom Planet may have caused the Metahuman appearance. Danny's parents, while not to hate him anymore , can not get over their guilt that their passion killed their child. Danny is still close to Jazz, Tucker, Dani (Ellie and the clones), Valerie and Wes, surprisingly. Danny and Sam sort of split because Sam could understand that Danny was a murderer and Danny thought that Sam reminded them too much of their court days.
Danny would be genderfluid ( somedays it's Danny, others it's Daphne) since Danny always felt she lacked some control over her life.
Now, how do the Graysons meet? Two days before Dick possibly dies, someone is at the door. Alfred or possibly Tim opens it to inform them that they werent taking visitors before being shocked as the person at the door looks almost exactly like Dick (Tim would know as he has seen John and Mary Grayson before their demise) Danny goes to say that they are here to help their Baby brother as it was announced publicly that Dick Grayson has caught something terrible and was possibly on their last legs. Tim and the rest of the family want to get the validity that this is an actual relative of Dick and not some fake. Danny's D.N.A is uncorrupted enough that they can 100% tell that Danny is actually related to Dick on a much closer scale than they realize like an uncle or second-cousin, and they don't want to risk it. And if it didn't work, Danny wanted to see her baby brother alive before he died.
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slash-me-please · 8 months
Can you do jealous Amanda x Fem reader? Somewhere around reader and Amanda having a complicated relationship and reader is an apprentice. Another apprentice flirts around with reader and Amanda doesn’t like it at all :$ Also some NSFW but if your not in the mood for it you don’t have to add it!
I hope you have an amazing day 😋😊
I love writing for Amanda!!!! I'm so happy to be getting more fem requests because I am a gay mf. Anyways on with the story.
-In the event that Michael Marks survived, he has became an apprentice. Michael Marks. Yknow, the key in the eyeball guy. So, let's begin.
A Deeper Understanding
Warnings: Literally nobody getting along, Jealous!Amanda, Cursing, Threatening, Fingering, Domish!Amanda, Getting Caught
John Kramer had collected quite the assortment of a team. He hoped at least one of you would continue his legacy perfectly. He'd make sure before he died that he'd live on through the lot of you. You were all currently at the workshop, bullshitting about random tests and other people you were interested in "helping". There was about four of you there, Dr. Gordon couldn't make it, like usual. Michael Marks had been your second choice, Gordon has always been your first.
His eyes traveled down your body, a look that made you feel a certain type of way, not a good way. He was your partner though, so you gave him the benefit of the doubt. "I'm glad everyone is here," John smiled a thin smile, Jill stood across from him, eyes trained on his every move. You knew that it'd been hard on her since his diagnosis. "I need your help with the scalping seat, I'm not sure it'll get done on time." He took a pause, "I've had some other things to tend to, my apologies."
He hadn't been looking at you, you weren't the mechanic of the group. John looked to you for ideas for traps. You had a knack at creating a symbolic test, one which would change the looks of the masses. Michael stepped forwards, eyes lingering on you for too long for someone who had just needed to build a trap. "I used to work as a car technician before Homeward Bound," He said, bending down and looking through the gears. "Unless Hoffman can do better." Hoffman wasn't much for Michael, he stayed silent.
"Nobody wants you to touch anything, you hardly beat your test. I don't know why John even wants you here because you're obviously not even serious about him." Amanda stood from her spot near John, she walked forwards and towered over Michael- only for Michael to size her up. "What are you even talking about?" He barked, his chest puffing. "Amanda calm down, we need to finish this trap. Brenda's test is what matters." John corrected her, his composure was always impenetrable. "No John! Have you seen this guy? He's been eye-fucking Y/N since we got here!"
Amanda's fists clenched as she yelled back at John. She seemed ready to blow a fuse, and you were thankful for it. "As far as I am concerned, He has not said anything to Y/N that has made her uncomfortable." "But-" "No, we'll deal with him later, we have to focus on the contraption now, we'll deal with him later. I need you to act level-headed if you're going to carry out my legacy." Amanda huffed, speeding past the group and into the hallway. "Amanda!" You yelled after her, jumping down from the table and following after her.
You found yourself in a grimy hallway, off to the side was an opening to what you presumed was where Amanda had went off to. You stepped forward, watching as the curtains to the archway swayed back and forth. "Amanda?" You called, and she opened the swaying curtains as you stood in front of them. "Finally got enough of Mr. Fuck-me eyes?" You shook your head. "We're not... doing anything." She nodded, stepping away to move back to a decaying workstation. You saw she had her reverse bear trap on the table, she seemed to be fixing something wrong with it.
"What are you doing to it?" You wondered, she glanced over at you for a moment. "John gave it to me to fix, fucking Hoffman took it somewhere and it broke." She gulped. "I hate this thing, but I'm about finished." Amanda was grumbling as she fixed her trap, she seemed elsewhere and you could tell that this was a coping mechanism for her. "What's wrong?"
She turned to you, and with a sigh she sneered. "I just don't understand why Michael is even here, he hardly completed his test and he's an asshole y'know?" Her voice elevated, and she turned towards you. "He's awful and I just don't understand why he can't leave you alone!" Your cheeks flushed, eyes widening as she stared right at you. "Uh-" But you cut her off, hands coming up to hold her face. It happened to turn out that she would be the one to press forward and kiss you. She only let it escalate from there when her hand moved to reach under your shirt and pull you flush against her chest.
Her nails dug into the plush of your stomach skin when she picked you up and placed you on the workbench, shoving the bear trap off to the side. Amanda placed kisses on your collarbone as you worked to pull your shirt off, and in the heat of the moment she found herself dizzy with lust. She had been dreaming about this moment since you joined the group, and she thought she might've entered her dreamworld when you finally got your shirt off. "You're fucking perfect," She mumbled, the androgynous tang of her voice flowed through your core and straight between your legs. You opened them right up.
Amanda leaned forward, tongue landing flat on your nipple and sucking at it until it pressed hard against the pad of her tongue. With her left hand, she groped you passionately, and she praised how you fit in her hand perfectly. You had leaned forward and pressed a kiss on the top of her head as she pushed your skirt up and over your ass, eager to get where she had wanted to touch most. You blessed her with it, gripping the edge of rotten wood when she hooked her long fingers inside your heat. "Shit..." She mumbled, her left hand dropping your tit to push you back by the stomach. You stumbled back against the wood with a whine, biting onto your left hand as the other gripped her wrist.
Amanda watched with an intense gaze as you moaned into your hand, she was more than interested, her left hand moving to rub circles on your clit as she fingered you. Your hips pushed against her fingers, desperate to feel more of her as she pleasured you- you knew her thoughts of Michael Marks were gone by now, her gaze enraptured by the way your cunt sucked her in. She felt herself becoming devoted as she listened to the gasps and whimpers you released of her name- you felt the same.
She began to kiss your hips as your legs shook around her fingers and your whines became more noticeable. Amanda gathered she had to be doing something right, her ego inflating as you rode her hand. "You're doing so well Y/N," She whispered, the fingers on your clit speeding up. You cried out, "I'm so close..." yelping when she pushed her fingers deeper and shushed you. You felt your insides clench and twitch, legs spreading wider as you held her wrist against your sex- whining out a flurry of "Thank yous," While you finished on her hand.
Finally, you leaned back down, huffing against your hand. You reached out to maybe grab her, and she reached to pull her shirt off. Unluckily, she didn't make it far when you heard Michael open the curtains, halfway through his sentence. "I'm sorry Amanda, I didn't- oh!" His eyes landed on you, and you yelped, flailing to cover your body as he stared.
Amanda's lip twitched in annoyance, pulling your skirt down with a little bit of attitude. You knew it wasn't directed at you though. "If you do not get the fuck out of my office, I will literally blow your brains out Michael."
And he turned around, scurrying down the hallway. Amanda turned back to you, giving you a happy kiss on the lips. "Maybe we can arrange a date this week?"
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thechanelmuse · 9 months
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Pink Anderson (1900-1974)
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Pink Anderson was a historic figure whose music included Piedmont-style blues, folk music, ragtime, and traditional ballads. He was born in South Carolina and early on sang in the streets for pennies. He was self-taught as a guitarist and toured throughout the Southeast with a variety of medicine shows (including Dr. William R. Kerr's "cure all medicine") during 1915-1945, picking up work wherever he could. He was employed not only as a musician and a singer but as a dancer and comedian.
Anderson recorded four titles in 1928 but did not make another record until Harlem Street Spirituals in 1950 for Riverside. At that time he recorded such traditional folk material as “John Henry,’ ‘The Ship Titanic,” and “Wreck of the Old 97.” He continued to work at parties, street fairs, and medicine shows during the first half of the 1950s before retiring for a time due to ill health. But in 1961, the Bluesville label recorded three albums of unaccompanied performances by Anderson, documenting him in Spartanburg, South Carolina. The titles of the three records, Carolina Blues Man, Medicine Show Man, and Ballad & Folksinger, vol. 3, sum up Pink Anderson’s life well and are a large slice of the repertoire that he had performed during the previous 35 years.
Pink Anderson stayed active on a part-time basis up until the time of his death in 1974. His music represents the Carolina blues, and the tradition of the constantly traveling folk singer.
Floyd Council (1911-1976)
Floyd Council was a blues singer and guitar slinger who played in the East Coast / Piedmont style. He didn’t record solo often, but he’s still said to have recorded 27 songs, many backing up the legendary Blind Boy Fuller.
Born in North Carolina, Floyd began his musical career on the streets of Chapel Hill in the 1920s, performing with two brothers, Leo and Thomas Strowd as “The Chapel Hillbillies.” He recorded twice for ARC at sessions with Blind Boy Fuller in the mid-thirties, all examples of the Piedmont style. He was sometimes promoted as ‘Dipper Boy Council’, and ‘The Devil’s Daddy-in-Law,’ but these were likely the invention of record companies, not genuine nicknames.
Council suffered a stroke in the late 1960s which partially paralyzed his throat muscles and slowed his motor skills, but did not significantly damage his cognitive abilities. Folklorist Peter B. Lowry attempted to record him one afternoon in 1970, but he never regained his singing or playing abilities. Accounts say that he remained “quite sharp in mind.” Council died in 1976 of a heart attack, after moving to Sanford, North Carolina.
Pink Floyd
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Pink Anderson and Floyd Council were both featured on a Blind Boy Fuller album called Country Blues: 1935-1940. The sleeve of that album caught the eye of Syd Barrett, the frontman for London band, The Tea Set. Barrett changed the band's name to Pink Floyd, and the rest is history.
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lundenloves · 1 year
welcome to my projection.
i write sometimes. it’s primarily just to pass the time instead of moping around my room like a lazy bastard but hey-ho, some people seem to gravitate towards the nonsense i write. british comedies by the looks of it *hitting my chest with pride* humour me or i’ll fall into another spiral ‼️
all works listed are owned by me unless stated otherwise, do not copy or use any of my material as your own. minors do not interact. also take note that everything i write is fictional.
→ request info | taglist
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→ couples counselling one 1.4k | two 2.4k | f!oc | angst, mentions of sex although nothing explicit
[ aleta and javier peña have been married for ten years, only now do they realise love isn’t reciprocated between them anymore. ]
→ home comforts req | 1k | gn!reader
[ you're struggling to cope after the DEA. fortunately, your partner is there to help you. even with awful jokes. ]
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→ dad!simon masterlist
[ where you’ll find your favourite big broody man turning a page in this fatherhood bollocks. a journey. you may even get emotional but don't blame me. thanks. ]
→ ¹ when it rains, it pours smut 6.3k | f!oc
[ after relentless drunken encouragement from 141, simon riley decides to take a girl home whom he's caught eyes with a few too many times. what he doesn't expect however, are the unknown feelings in his chest after her simple acts of affection and pleasure he was always deprived of. ]
→ ² pouring through rainfall part two of the above | 3.4k
[ thea and simon meet again, their year told through seasons and summarised to the ending we all wanted. ]
→ therapy session 2.5k
[ mandatory therapy at base as set by price. simon is not for it, uncooperative mf with glares and the lot featuring a price cameo omg ]
→ johnny's scene 1.3k
[ simon refuses to come to terms with soap’s death and it eats at him. his grief follows him into the house and you’re growing tired of it, ultimately resulting in a fuck off argument. explosions totally happen. or not. ]
→ general headcannons
[ late night thoughts, thrown together with zero process ]
→ simon hates photos | 500 words
→ pregnant with his third child | 700 words
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→ that’ll do, johnny req | 1.1k | gn!reader
[ your soulmate, johnny mactavish. that’s it. that’s the ficlet. ]
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→ price teaches you how to smoke req | 700 wc | gn!reader
[ praise, price and cigars, what more could you want? ]
COMFORTABLY NUMB (dr!price au)
〔 you’re slotted right into the service of doctor john price, an elite head of division and self titled marmite character — you either love him or hate him. you personally can’t quite decide, but he knows for certain that you’re not for him. what will you do after being forced to learn under his wing? 〕
→ ¹ welcome to the nhs 3.1k | check warnings
→ first hc
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→ platforms 120k | f!oc | 18+ | complete fic ✓
[ “I’ll show you where things are, and then you can shut up and put your head down. You work for me now.” His accent was sharp.
"I work for money, not for you." In which Amelia's already testing Monday morning is ruined even further by a certain irate man. The two automatically don't get along and soon become sick at the thought of each other. What happens when Amelia finds herself working for the enemy? ]
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amypihcs · 1 month
So i'm dead.
@contact-guy's beautiful comic (i loved it, truly, it killed me.) and watching Hellsing with an offline friend of mine killed me THROUGHLY.
And since i fear i'm figuring out how Holmes and Watson's relationship will evolve into @contact-guy's comic serie i'll curse you with the HCs i made with my dear @i-dont-talk-for-days-on-end today talking about my future drawing of Watson with his loves, Holmes and Mary.
You can probably tell i'm emotionally devastated because my writing is more inconsistent than my usual.
For me is very important that Mary gets treated well, since she exists in canon and is a fantastic woman. And i also love to think that she and Holmes are friends, after all they both love Watson.
My take is, Watson and Mary have kind of a façade marriage based on good friendship and comradeship but without love and generally without sex.
This could work in two ways, both of which are incredibly nice one:
Aroace Mary who needs some sort of social respectability coming from a marriage and got lucky enough to find a man as good and kind as Watson who is more than willing to help her to achieve it without endangering her
Lesbian or Bi Mary in a relationship with a girl, probably her ex employer, could be someone else, who still needs the respectability and stability coming from a marriage and is still lucky enough to find our favourite bisaster, Dr John H. Watson, who is also bisexual and in a relationship with a man and would benefit a lot from the cover of a respectable marriage.
The first one is rather easy to treat. Watson and Mary make good friends during Sign of Four, Holmes notices/guesses that Mary is acespec like him (my Headcanon for Holmes is that he is demigay) and when Watson proposes and she accepts they put immediately straight that it won't be a consummated marriage, ever.
The second one develops in the same way, and this makes so much more explainable the many times Mary is mentioned to be away visiting relatives in canon. Mary is with her partner, Watson is with his partner.
Now angst warning!
Sherlock Holmes looks very favorably upon Watson's marriage, he is in fact the one that pushes Watson into it, and for very good reasons.
Let's put sign of four in 1887, alright? Chances are high he was already pursuing Moriarty, or that he generally was realizing more and more the risk of dying on the job, well, Holmes is a smart man. And a clever, practical and caring one as well. he is a man who loves deeply and cares deeply and wants to always have his affairs in order.
Is it too much of a stretch to imagine that he realizes the higher and higher risk of SOMETHING BAD happening? I don't think so. And he knows that Watson could get caught in the crossfire and he wants of course to protect Watson and offer him some saving net.
He pushes Watson into this marriage that will not mean the end of their relationship but the creation of another meaningful relationship for his love, so that SHOULD I DIE he will have someone to help him weather the storm (would watson care, would he? nobody ever did, but WATSON. Watson cares for everyone... would watson care...). The marriage also means that he will go back into practice, and this is an economic safe net, something always good. Their relationship is of course carefully concealed but such a handsome, sociable, perfect man as Watson is staying unmarried and living with a bachelor friend might give rouse to suspects, marriage will give his incredible partner respectability, something Moriarty or anybody won't dare to attack without sure cards in his hands, and Holmes will make sure NOBODY has any such cards.
Holmes is no coward, but he's not stupid either. He knows his job is dangerous and it might lead to really bad things happening, so he is happy when Watson tells him Mary said yes. He is happy on the morning of the wedding, he is the man who ties Watson's tie and then kisses his lips. He tells his husband to go marry, enjoy his honeymoon and start his life with his wife. And then come back to him, to their rooms and their love. And they both will have tears in their eyes. Holmes will not be at the cerimony, nor will Mary's wife. But they will always support their partners.
Holmes OF COURSE will sulk for a bit, until Scandal in Bohemia. He did what was right, but he still feels lonely. And then Watson comes back. And they're together once more, they're in love and they can break the world apart. And then comes 1890. Watson is a bit more settled down, Holmes has his affairs in order, he can set to the work of his life. And then comes 1891.
Holmes is afraid.
They set fire to their rooms. Home is not safe anymore.
Reichenbach comes.
Holmes is not suicidal, he is terrified. And yet he will once more put Watson's happiness in front of his own. He will not put his husband in front of an impossible choice. He drafts a letter in his head. He leaves it under a silver cigarette case.
He can't imagine he will only see his husband three years later.
His plans worked and failed. But they're back together. Holmes will finally talk. There's a broken window in 221b Baker Street, they're both older, more tired. A bit sad at how things turned out. Mary is dead. Holmes couldn't have forseen that. And yet after some days, after a dinner. Watson will pat the empty spot on his left on the couch, he's still sitting in the center. He will hug Holmes close to his chest, they will remember the times all three of them hugged, Watson and his loves, Mary on the right, Holmes on the left. Holmes on the heart's side, Mary on the reason's side. They will cry. And remember. And be glad for what have been and look forward to what will be.
They're older, more sure of themselves. Watson's status as a widower is respectable enough, he murmurs in the dark. He will only be married to one man for the rest of his life. The following morning, Holmes presents Watson with a French gold coin, for his Watch chain. That will be their ring, their memento.
Years will pass, they will retire, they will always be together, because they never lived, so they can never die. Outside the rain pours and the cabs rattle in the streets.
And it is.
Okay, sorry for the immense rant, i have tears streaming down my face, my j'accuse is up in the first lines and it's also my thank you for getting the balls to write this rant on holmes, watson and mary.
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nyasiaaaaa · 5 months
In the Bleak Mid-Winter
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Fem reader (Nurse)  Fem reader x Arthur ( platonic) Fem reader x John( platonic )
Summary: This is a story about two people who become constants in each others lives, and eventually fall for each. While one learns to love again, the other learns the cost of loving a man like him. 
Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: Cursing, blood, death, , drinking, alcohol, talks of war, guns, murder, Tommy Shelby, ( If I missed anything or you think something should be added please tell me.) ( Also Y/N is on dick, IDKY she acts like this)
A/N: part 1 takes place during season two, part 2/3 season 3 and 4/5/6 season 4. This is a Slow burn there will be smut eventually. 
Part 1  Part 2    Part 4   Part 5  part 6
It was early, though you didn't know how early; sunlight filled the room slowly, and you heard birds chirping in the distance. You were still on the floor, but your position had changed slightly. Tommy was now lying to your right on his side with his head in your lap, and your legs were stretched out in front of you with one hand on your lap and the other playing with his hair. Neither of you had to gone to sleep; even though Tommy's eyes were closed, you knew he wasn't asleep. 
You didn't know how long you had been laying there, and honestly, your body was aching, but you were going to stay till he was ready to get up. 
It wasn't long after the sun completely filled the room that Tommy got up without a word or a glance in your direction. He walked to the bathroom that was in the room and shut the door, locking it. 
You stood up and stretched, then you stood there debating whether to wait for him or leave. He needs space, right?  
Yeah— he needed space; you decided to leave and go check on Gracie's body to make sure she was ready to be transported. You headed towards the nurses' station, hoping to get an update. 
As you approached the station, you were glad to see a nurse you knew and liked.
"Hey Jackie," your voice fell flat as you slightly smiled. 
"Hi, you OK. " 
"Yeah, just tired. Uh, did Grace's body get taken care of? Is it all stitched up and down in the morgue?" 
"Yeah, and one of the other doctors had to stitch her up. Dr. Brown's hands weren't the steadiest between the Whiskey and Grace dying on his watch. And now the board wants to do an investigation," she said and smacked her teeth. 
"I had told them— I told the board that Dr. Brown was a drunk and that It was only a matter of time before someone got killed." You had pushed the papers on the counter in frustration before resting your arms on it and placing your head in your hands. "Maybe— I don't know." 
You had been too caught up in your emotions to notice that your friend had gone silent. You didn't notice till someone cleared their throat behind you; slowly, you raised your head to see your friend frozen in fear. 
You turned around and saw Tommy standing behind you; he cleared his throat again before licking his lip and then running his cigarette across them. He placed it in his mouth, lit it, and took a long drag, all while his eyes remained on the floor. 
Pulling the cig from his lip, he lifted his head to look at you. 
His eyes looked different; they were darker, and they looked.... empty.
"I'll send someone for Grace," he said before turning and leaving the hospital. 
You watched him as he walked away from you. You wanted to say something, but what could you say? 
You just watched him walk away till he was out of your sight. 
You were sick, you knew about Dr.Brown, and you never said anything, and now Tommy Kn-
Tommy had just heard you admit that you knew Dr.Brown was a drunk, and you never told him, and now Grace was dead because of him. 
Because of you. 
You fell back, but Jackie caught you; people around you asked questions, but you couldn't hear them, let alone see them, as your vision started to get blurry and your chest tightened.
Tommy was going to kill you, no doubt about it. 
You had yet to die; you were so sure that by nightfall, you would be in a shallow grave right next to Dr.Brown. But surprisingly, you and Dr.Brown were still alive, and it had been one week since Grace's death. 
For the first couple of days after Grace's death, you had been slightly paranoid, constantly checking your surroundings on the lookout for Tommy or any peaky man. But after a week of not seeing anyone, you started to calm down.
Everything had been quiet and slow. It didn't feel right, like the calm before the storm. 
You had been sitting at the nurse's station doing paperwork when a fellow nurse came up to you and told you that you had been requested to exam room one. 
You were petrified.
You got up slowly from your chair. Your legs had a slight shake to them as you walked. Had he done this on purpose? Did he wait you out just to kill you when you least expected it? Your breath started to come out shaky, and you started feeling light-headed. You looked at the wall, counting down the exam rooms as you walked. It was like the universe was laughing at you, giving you your very own count down to your death, 5….4….3….2…1.
You stood in front of exam room one. 
It was time. 
You couldn't move, your arms felt glued to your side, you couldn't move them, you couldn't open the curtain.  
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.
On three, you would go in.
You didn't move, not an inch. 
You felt like screaming; you brought your hands up to your mouth to keep you from making a sound.  
Your face suddenly felt cold and wet; you reached up to touch your cheek; it was tears you were crying. 
You couldn't do this. Maybe you could run away; you did have an Aunt in America somewhere, you think. You could-
The curtain was pulled back, and in front of you stood John and Arthur. 
You started to back up, and your tears flowed more freely. 
"No, no, no, Please," you sob out. 
Arthur said your name as he reached for you, but you flinched away and continued to back up until you hit a wall.
You were trapped; there was nowhere you could run, so you just slid down the wall and curled into yourself.
"Calm down, will you? I don't know what you think is going on, but we need your help," John said 
You raised your head out of your knees and looked up to John before looking over at Arthur. 
"It's true here; take my hand," he said, reaching his hand out to you; you hesitated but eventually took it. He helped you up to your feet, guided you into the exam room, and closed the curtains behind y'all.
"What do you need?" your voice was strained, and you kept sniffing.
 Arthur took out his handkerchief, handing it to you; you took it and wiped your face.
The two shared a look before Arthur spoke up, "Tommy wants the doctor dead, the one who worked on Grace." 
You were confused. If they weren't here to kill you, then what did they want, and why are they telling you this.
"OK, what does that have to do with me?" 
"The Doctor isn't taking any visitors or new patients. He's keeping himself locked up, and we're having difficulty getting to him. We need your help. Tommy said you would know how to help." John was blunt, and while Arthur stood, there was a look on his face that you could quite read. You had heard that the Doctor locked himself up in his office days ago, so it made sense that they couldn't reach him. 
You had assumed Tommy was talking about taking the Doctor down the hall you snuck him out of. It made sense; they could snatch him as soon as he walked out the door, he wouldn't suspect a thing, and there would be no witness. It's not like anyone would snitch anyway. 
You didn't take a second to think about it cause there was nothing to think about. You had no choice but to help them, so you said, "OK, follow me." 
You lead them to the hallway and out the door; you tell them your plan and tell them to wait there for you. Once they understood, you left them and headed towards Dr. Brown's office. 
You walked fast. There was no reason to drag this out.
You arrived at his office and jiggled the handle, but it was locked, so you reached up and knocked.
"Doctor, it me open up. It's me, Dr.Brown; open up." 
 You heard footsteps approach the door, then a lock turn; he peeked out the door slightly before shutting it again. You were confused and about to knock again when you heard stuff being moved around. He must've barricaded himself inside, not taking any risk. 
You waited, and soon, he came to the door again and opened it; he pulled you inside before closing the door and locking it again.
It smelled like shit, 
you looked around; the room was a mess; the trash cans were overfilled, spilling onto the floor, papers were everywhere, and furniture was tossed around. You turned back to look at the Doctor, who was already looking at you. He looked like he had been rolling around dirty; his clothes and hair were all messed up, and his eyes were bloodshot. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. 
You felt bad for what you were about to do.
"They're here, Tommy, Arthur, John. They're all here. They're looking for you." You tried to sound panicked so he would believe you.
He started to pace around the floor and ran his finger through his hair. "What—here—no, no." He stopped and turned to look at you. "Why are you here, you with them? You here to kill me, please, please don't. I'm a good guy; you know I'm a good guy." Tears fell down his face as he got on his knees in front of you and begged. 
You felt your eyes start to water; you couldn't do this; you panicked and turned your back towards him. 
You closed your eyes and calmed yourself down. 
You turned back to face him and hoped he wouldn't read into what just happened. 
"Get up; I'm not here to kill you; I'm here to help you." 
"If I was with them, they would have come through the doors instead of me. Now Get Up!" 
He looked at you briefly, got up, grabbed some cash from his desk, and met you at the door.
"OK, we'll have to be quick; they could be anywhere. I will let you out on the south side, and after that, you're on your own." He nodded at you, tears still falling from his eyes.
You quickly opened the door before you could stop yourself. You pretended to check if the coast was clear before telling him to follow you. 
Your walk to the south end of the hospital felt so slow but fast at the same time. You were approaching the final stretch of hallway, the door was in your sight, and you picked your pace up, 
you just wanted to get this over with.
"Thank you so much. I had prayed for a way out, and in came you." 
His words caused you to let a few tears sip; you quickly wiped them and reached out to open the door.
As soon as the both of y'all were out the door and it closed, Arthur and John came around from the wall. You heard him panic but kept walking straight. He yelled your name as he begged for his life, 
that only made you walk even faster. 
You passed Arthur and John, but you didn't look them in the eye; you couldn't. 
You heard the gun cock, and that's when his begging ended, and he started saying prayers.
"By The Order Of The Peaky Blinders" 
Then the gun went off.
You jumped, frightened, and quickened your pace.
You walked to the front of the building and into the hospital. You walked up to the nurses' station and grabbed your things. Some other nurses were there, and you told them you weren't feeling well and would be out for a few days. You didn't wait to hear their response and rushed home. 
When you got home, you immediately went and showered; you felt dirty. You were in there for over an hour, and you kept soaping up and washing it off over and over again. No matter how hard you scrubbed, you still felt like there was blood on you. 
When you finally got out of the shower, your skin was sore, and you were tired. You were too tired to even put clothes on; you hopped on your bed in your towel and balled yourself up real tight. 
At the angle you were lying at, you could see yourself in the mirror; you just looked at yourself. 
It wasn't like you were looking at a completely different person; you knew it was you. It wasn't a stranger in the mirror. It was just a different version of you that you hadn't seen since the war. 
A version you didn't want coming back. 
It had been a month since you saw Tommy and a few weeks since the Dr.Brown thing. 
You had taken a week off to handle your emotions; it was your first week back, and you were doing fine. You weren't your happiest self, but you spoke when you were spoken to, ate with everyone else, and even laughed at people's jokes. 
Was any of it genuine? No, but you are all about faking it till you make it. 
You had also been trying to write a letter to Tommy. It will say how you are genuinely grateful for everything that he has done, but you can't do this anymore. You would back pay him in rent when you could, but for now, if he could stop the protection detail and send his men to get fixed up, you would greatly appreciate it. 
You were having a hard time sounding stern. You had to make sure he understood that you couldn't do this anymore; you couldn't keep a man like him in your life, 
cause it was starting to cost you.
You were chewing on your pencil as you stared down at the letter you had written. The paper was smudged, and eraser pieces were everywhere.
 You had glanced up the clock to check the time; it was late, a quarter to midnight. You were working a night shift at the hospital; it wasn't bad. It was a chill night, pretty quiet. 
You stood up about to get a snack when you heard a tire screech outside; you peeked around the corner and saw a car in the ambulance bay; it must have been pretty serious if someone had driven here instead of calling an ambulance. You started walking towards the door of the bay when they suddenly burst open; a young lady yelled as she fell back. 
"Help, please, someone help."
You rushed over to help her, and that's when you realized the woman was Ada and the man she was holding in her arms was 
"Ada, what happened?" You grabbed Tommy off her and signed for her to stand up; together, you both lifted him on a gurney and rushed him to an exam room.
"I don't know, h-he said," She was struggling to speak as she cried, "he said he had a cracked skull, concussion, internal bleed, and something about hemorrhaging." 
You looked at her, confused; if he had all that, he would be dead right now; he should be dead. You placed Tommy in a room and started to look him over; he was severely injured. 
"OK, Ada, look at me." You grabbed her arm tightly to get her attention. "I needed you to run towards the hospital's front desk and tell them that I need help. OK, say my name and tell them I need a neurosurgeon to come." She looked at you, hesitant to leave Tommy 
"Please, Ada, I can only do so much." 
She nodded and took off. You put gloves on before assessing Tommy. 
He had bruised ribs and a dark purple stomach; he might have been right about the internal bleeding; you went up to check his pupil reacting, and you grabbed his head softly, turning it up toward you before flashing your light. One eye was blown, but the other was good. 
He was in serious trouble; the likelihood of him dying outweighed the possibility of him not.
You were about to walk away to grab some gauze when someone grabbed your wrist; you tuned in and saw Tommy blinking; you rushed over and stood over him.
"Tommy, hey, can you see me? Can you hear me? You are in the hospital. Everything's going to be OK." He let out grunts of noise, not making any sense.
"Shhh, it's OK. Don't speak, please; you might hurt yourself."
"G-Grace " 
You immediately got nervous; if he was seeing Grace, he didn't have much time left.
"Tommy, no, it's me, hey, it's me." You grabbed his face in your hands and made him look at you. 
He whispered your name.
"Yeah, Tommy, it's me." Tears had been falling from your face, but you didn't notice until you tasted them. 
"Yo- You h-hav-e to P-ull me out." 
"What?" You reached up to wipe your tears; you were so confused.
"Pu-ll me out." That time, he spoke just above a whisper, but you still heard him and were still confused.
The Doctor then rushed in and quickly assessed Tommy; Ada stood behind in the distance. 
You stayed next to Tommy; you held his hand instead of his head, out of the Doctor's way. 
Before you knew it, other nurses had pushed the wheels into a moving position. They were about to take off towards the surgery room. You jogged alongside them to the room.
"It's going to be OK, Tommy; they're going to take good care of you, OK?" You squeezed his hand for reassurance.
"In t-he-" 
"What, what did you say?" You leaned closer to his face to hear him better.
"In the Bleak Mid-winter" 
You had reached the surgical room and let his hand go; you didn't want to put up a fight; this wasn't your specialty. You knew you would only delay his care if you fought to be in the room when you weren't needed. 
You had slowly walked back to the ER; your mind raced so fast you couldn't keep up.
You had heard that before; you didn't know where, but you were sure you'd heard "In a bleak mid-winter" before. And not at church but in a way Tommy just said, in a "final good-bye" kind of way 
You were so confused and so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't even realize that you had made it back to the ER. Once you pushed through the door, you were immediately rushed by Tommy's family, who asked you a million questions. 
You backed up a bit before speaking.
"I don't know anything. I don't know if he will live or die. I don't know the extent of his injuries. All I know is that he's in good hands; this Doctor is the best in the county. " 
Even though no one seemed satisfied with your answer, they all backed off. You had decided to lead them to the same private room they were in before to await Tommy's fait. You had been waiting no longer than 20 minutes when a nurse came in; you had all gotten a bit nervous, someone coming in so soon. 
He had to be dead. 
He wasn't, though, and the nurse had just come to gather some information about Tommy.
Ada helped, and you stared off, trying to remember. You weren't listening to them, but she said something that caught your attention.
"What did you say?" You asked Ada; you had pushed yourself slightly out of your seat to get closer to her and hear her properly.
"I said Tommy was a tunneler in the war and had been in a Tunnel collapse." 
You nodded your head slowly as you sat back down, 
"In a bleak mid-winter," you whispered as you slowly remembered where you had heard that before; your head was starting to hurt as the memories came rushing back in. 
It all started to make sense now, from your first in contour, the way he looked at you, and why he trusted you so quick without even knowing you, not only with his life but with his men, Grace, and his son. The reason he pays your rent and the reason you have a protection detail. 
You never understood it before; you never understood how you made such an impression on Tommy after one night or why he made you a constant in his life.
But now you understand, this isn't the first time you met Tommy.
You met him all those years ago when you dug him out of the dirt, brought him back, and saved his life. 
That's what he meant with Grace, how you saved him but couldn't save her.
He knew who you were this whole time, yet he didn't say anything.
Why didn't he say anything? 
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subliminalbo · 8 months
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Internal Affairs #1: The Rookie
By the third week, Lydia’s revulsion was turning into arousal. By the third month, she struggled to remember the assignment at all.
I’m a cop, she reminded herself before rolling her hips, sliding down the john’s cock until it was pressed deep up inside her pussy. A soft moan staggered from Lydia’s lips. Again, I am a cop. Hips roll, cock deep, soft moan. I am a cop. Repeat until the john was satisfied.
It was all part of establishing her cover. Nobody would believe Lydia’s work if she didn’t do the work. Why couldn’t she enjoy it too?
I am a cop.
But she wasn’t a cop. Not really. It had once been Lydia’s dream. When she was eleven, two officers visited her class. The man looked like any other cop on the eleven o’clock news: wide shoulders, short cropped hair, carrying all that “fuck your civil rights” privilege with pride. Most of the boys stared at the gun on his hip, waiting for the little shit brave enough to ask, “Have you killed anybody?”
But it was the female cop that Lydia couldn’t take her eyes off of. She respected the children, spoke to them like people. Not like her partner who addressed the class like he was facing a courtroom. She didn’t look like any woman cop that Lydia had ever seen either. She was tall, and a statuesque beauty made her all the more intimidating. The boys only saw the man and the gun, but Lydia saw the looks between the two. How the man would turn to his partner before giving an answer. He only did it a couple of times, but it was enough for Lydia to know who was really incharge. No one had told her a woman could have that kind of power.
But Lydia’s dream of carrying a badge didn’t make it past high school. She ultimately chose a criminal justice degree at Carpenter State University over the police academy. She never expected that it was less of a path to a future, and more of a strange, meandering way back to her dream.
I am a
“...mindless whore,” the john said as she rode him.
Lydia stared down into his eyes. His face twisted between embarrassing expressions as he fought back the inevitable orgasm. The way he grunted his words, it surprised Lydia that the john could even try to talk dirty to her, most of his mental bandwidth allocated to holding out as long as he could. Lydia wasn’t cheap and she only took one shot for each service rendered. Every John wanted it to count.
“Is that how you like it?” Lydia playfully responded. “Young, dumb, blonde bimbos without a thought in their heads?”
The john grunted something back that a generous listener might say sounded like, “Yeah.”
“I am a mindless whore,” Lydia bit her lip. “My mind is just a wet hole aching to be filled by its Master’s cock.”
“Fuck,” the John gasped. “Say it again.”
“I am a mindless whore.”
“Again,” he pleaded.
“I am a mindless whore!”
I am a mindless whore.
Lydia had been applying to law schools when her professor approached her with the opportunity.
I was hoping you could set some time aside in your calendar to meet with a friend of mine from RPD. I think you’ll find it educational. If you’re interested, shoot me over some dates and I’ll set up the meet.
Dr. Bloom
Lydia met with the friend from RPD the next week in Dr. Bloom’s office. Lieutenant Barbara Keyes sat across from her at Dr. Bloom’s desk. Dr. Bloom briefly introduced Barbara then excused himself to let the two of them talk. Barbara wanted the meeting to feel informal. “Call me Barbara,” she quickly said when Lydia referred to her by her title. But the location betrayed the intention. Not a lot of people knew that Lieutenant Keyes was there.
Lydia did her best Sam Spade, studying the woman across the desk. Mid-thirties to early forties, no ring on her finger. More likely a divorcee than a spinster. A married to the job kind of cop, she figured. But most important was the confidence–Lydia realized as she watched Barbara speak that she carried herself with the same confidence that had first caught her eye all those years ago in her sixth grade glass.
They chatted for a moment about Lydia’s education, Barbara’s background, and quickly found a comfortable place where they were just talking like old friends until Barbara said, “So Charlie tells me you’re his best student."
“Best,” Lydia laughed. “I don’t know about best–”
“I do,” Barbara cut her off. “I’ve known Charlie a long time and I trust his judgment.”
Lydia sighed, considering her next move, then decided that it was best to just cut through all the bullshit. “So is this a job interview?” she asked.
Barbara sat straight, unmoved by Lydia’s candor. “Lydia, I work in IAD. Do you know what that is?”
“Internal Affairs,” Lydia blinked.
“Unfortunately, I find myself in the position of trusting absolutely no one in the Romero Police Department, which means when it comes to recruits I need to look in unorthodox places.”
“Like Carpenter State,” Lydia said.
“That’s correct.” Barbara nodded. “Now, on top of my position in IAD, I’m also the deputy director of the RPD sex work task force. Since the task force formed two years ago, we’ve managed to clean up much of the areas around Carpenter State, which is a point of emphasis for the commissioner. That being said, River City remains frustratingly impenetrable.”
“I don’t understand,” Lydia said. “So is this a job interview…to go undercover?”
“I need young, female cops,” Barbara said. “But more specifically, I need young, female cops who don’t look like cops.”
Barbara was right. It was unorthodox, even downright unethical. But it was hard for Lydia not to admire the risk she was taking. Barbara Keyes was the kind of woman who valued education over brute force, that’s why she’d turned to Carpenter State for new recruits. And Lydia understood her reasoning too–her dream of becoming a cop came to an abrupt end in high school after a highly public, sweeping police corruption case in Romero upended the department. It had shaken Lydia’s faith in justice, but she couldn’t totally let those values go. If anyone else had come to her with this offer, asked her to play the role of a prostitute as an inexperienced, secret cop? She wouldn’t have just turned them down. She would have blown the fucking whistle. But Barbara was different. Lydia couldn’t stop seeing that cop from sixth grade. For some reason she wanted to do what Barbara asked of her. She had no choice but to accept.
I am a mindless whore.
Lydia always came with the john. That was what made her one of the most popular and expensive whores in River City. She’d been trained that way. She’d been trained that way because it made her a good cop. A good whore was a good cop. But she always seemed to forget about that when she was on top of them, bracing herself against the headboard as her body rocked from the most powerful orgasm she’d ever experienced. It was always better when she was with a john.
They’d leave the money on the small table by the door and before they exited, Lydia would always offer something to keep them thinking about her.
“Your cock felt so good,” she said, dreamy eyes selling the illusion that this fuck was anything more than a transaction. “Next time I’d even let you cum inside my pussy.”
“You do that?” the john smiled.
“Well,” Lydia pondered as if she wasn’t reading a script. “I’d have to charge an extra five grand. Secret menu, you know? High premium for the risky stuff. But it’s worth it for my favorite.”
The john melted as she batted her eyelashes. They never had that kind of money, but goddamn they would fuck anyone over for that opportunity.
Lydia worked tirelessly through the night. Fucking, sucking, even occasionally offering her shoulder to cry on. She didn’t stop until she saw the pale blue light of the morning sky through the hotel room’s yellowing curtains. She took a quick shower, collected the evening’s take into a fat envelope, then flipped through her phone’s camera roll. 
The johns blurred together until they became one universal face. The only way she remembered them was by the pictures. She insisted on snapping a photo of every john’s ID before taking them to the hotel. “For security,” she would innocently say. 
Nobody had been busted by Lydia yet, so why should they suspect that it was anything more than a safety precaution? The johns liked Lydia and they wanted her to feel safe. But truthfully the IDs were part of the operation, one of the few things that actually made her feel like she was a cop. Barbara had been frustratingly vague on the details of her job, but Lydia knew that she was looking for somebody. Many of the johns were cops, and given Barbara’s role at IAD, Lydia assumed that she was trying to catch one of her own. But who?
She never recognized the faces. And try as hard as she could, she couldn’t match the names to them. They were right there next to the pictures, but something made it impossible for her to think of them as anything other than, “john.” The blue-eyed john, the brown-eyed john, the john with the scar next to his lip. Lydia selected the photos from her roll, a dozen for this night, and forwarded them in an email before deleting them from her phone forever.
Why had she done that? The details of her night’s work were better off with someone who understood it. No reason to burden herself with that knowledge anymore.
Before she could finish dressing, the room's phone rang. She was reluctant to pick it up, but the mechanical sound of the old fashioned landline phone drew her toward it. Something is wrong, she thought. I shouldn’t answer this.
It rang again, and she was powerless. Lydia lifted the receiver from its cradle and pressed it to her ear.
I am a cop.
“Good morning, Lydia,” the voice on the line said.
I am a cop.
“Good morning,” she slowly replied.
I am a
“I trust the evening was productive.”
I am a
“Yes…” she breathed.
I am
“And the IDs?”
I am
“I forwarded them to your email,” she said.
“Good,” the voice said. “And the night’s take?”
“Twenty-four grand.”
I am a mindless whore.
“That’s very good, Lydia,” the voice replied. “You know where to drop it off.”
Everything Lydia believed she was evaporated at the tinny sound of the telephone’s ring. By the time she heard the voice speak, that Lydia was already gone, replaced with the mindless whore she’d been trained to be. And she was one of the best in River City. She couldn’t fight that truth no matter how hard she tried to lie to herself. It felt too good.
“Tell me what you are, Lydia,” the voice commanded.
“I am a mindless whore,” Lydia said without hesitation. Speaking it out loud now drove her to the edge of another orgasm.
“That’s right,” the voice said, “And that’s all you’ll ever be.”
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literatecowboy · 5 months
Dr. Feelgood
9. Seek and Destroy (the Captain's Vestigial Organs)
Summary: You've been in trouble at work several times before for "lack of professionalism" but now you've gone too far. You've been reassigned to Task Force 141 as a temporary doctor to replace the ones they've made quit out of frustration. You must either prove yourself and earn your former position back at a prestigious military hospital in California or face dishonorable discharge. Author's Notes: Fucked up the first upload of this sorry!! Warnings: Medical gore, appendix rupture, home surgery, angst, fluff, unsanitary medical procedures
As the weeks and months passed, your relationship with Simon only grew stronger. He’d begun going on missions again with the rest of the squad, and more and more frequently, you’d been taken along with them. 
You were lying in bed reading one night before a mission when Simon entered the room. He’d been sleeping beside you each night, so his appearance wasn’t a strange one, but you could sense his worry as he shut the door and pulled his hoodie over his head. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked, frowning and setting your book aside. 
“Worried about Price. Just caught him in the kitchen, and doubled over. Was clutchin’ his stomach like it was killin’ him.” he said, setting his clothes to the side and tugging on a pair of sweatpants to sleep in. 
“Did he say anything?” you asked, sliding out of bed and putting your slippers in. 
“No, didn’t see me,” Simon said with a shrug, sitting down on the bed.
“I’ll go knock on his door. I’ll be back soon,” you said, pressing a kiss to his cheek 
Your room wasn’t far from Price’s and it didn’t take you long to reach the door. You didn’t hesitate before knocking and calling out. 
“Captain? Can I speak to you?” you called softly. 
“Come in,” he called. You pushed the door open and slipped inside, closing the door behind you. Captain Price was sitting at his desk going over last-minute intel. 
“Heard you weren’t feeling well. Care to tell me why you didn’t come to see me?” you asked, taking a seat in the armchair near the desk and raising an eyebrow at him. 
“What’re you, the KGB? Call off your spies,” he said with a chuckle, not looking up. 
“You’re avoiding the question, Captain. What’s wrong?” you asked. 
“Indigestion. That’s all, doc. I’m alright.” he said, finally sparing you a glance. 
“Can I get you to take an antacid?” you asked. 
“No, I’ll be alright.” 
You sighed and sat for a moment before rising. 
“John, I’m not trying to mother or nag you - I care about you,” you said. “I don’t say anything about the cigars anymore and I let you weasel out of your physical, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let you ignore your health,” you said. John sighed. 
“I know you care - I’m not trying to be rude when I brush you off. I’ll…come to you for help when I really need it, that’s all,” he said. 
“You’d never be troubling me, I hope you know that,” you said. Price nodded. 
“Thank you, doc,” he said. You turned and slipped back out the door. 
The next morning came quickly and brought the departure for the mission with it. A lengthy flight carried you and your teammates far out of the country during which you did your best to keep an eye on Price while chatting with Soap and Gaz. 
Eventually the conversations petered out. When the captain fell asleep, you took the opportunity to snag the seat next to Ghost and nap on his shoulder as he browsed through his phone. 
The flight was the easy part. You wouldn’t be welcomed with open arms by the traffickers you’d been sent to destroy so parachuting in was your only option. Price went first, followed by Soap and Gaz. You dove after with Ghost taking the rear. 
This mission was a serious one, but Ghost caught up to you and took your hand anyway. You fell together until it was time to pull the cord on your parachute. 
Your landing was thankfully soft and you cut free of your chute, stashing it in a ditch and kicking sticks and leaves over it before regrouping with the others. The trek to the safehouse was easy, a run down little hovel just outside city limits. 
It was late when you settled in. There was only one bedroom and the bathroom was run down so everyone skipped showering and spread out bedrolls before congregating in the kitchen around the dinky little table to eat MRE’s. 
“I’m glad we got more practice with parachuting before we left. Haven’t had to do that in years,” you said, shoveling lukewarm “ravioli” from its packaging and into your mouth. Gaz shivered. 
“I hate that. Falling, it’s just so unnerving,” he said, shaking his head. 
“You just don’t want tae lose your hat in the wind.” Soap said with a grin, plucking the thing off Gaz’s head and putting it on his own. Gaz snatched it back and they started to wrestle over it until Price cleared his throat. 
“I’m off to get some rest. Don’t have much of an appetite for this.” you noticed he winced as he stood and frowned at his nearly untouched food. Ghost nudged you under the table and you rose, following the captain out of the room. 
“Price, you need to be honest with me. Are you okay? I know the MREs are shitty but you didn’t touch your breakfast either,” you said, sitting down on the couch across from him. 
“Just some stomach pain, doc, I–” Price let out a pain-filled gasp, his hand flying to his right side. His eyes squeezed shut and he leaned back against the couch, his large frame trembling. 
“Deep breaths, Captain. How long has this been going on?” you asked as calmly as you could, springing to your feet and kneeling beside him as he lay down across the couch. 
“Two- ugh- days,” he gasped, wincing and tensing as pain shot through him again. 
“Your abdomen - lower or upper?” you asked, lifting his shirt and thanking God he’d taken his tac gear off when the team had settled in. 
“Low, low down,” he grunted, patting his navel. 
“At your belly button - has it gone to the right since?” you asked, gently putting pressure on his stomach. Price responded by throwing up on the floor beside where you knelt, gasping and retching. 
This got everyone’s attention and the rest of the men came in from the kitchen. Ghost held Soap and Gaz back as they tried to rush to the Captain’s side. 
“Give ‘er space to work,” he grumbled. 
“Ghost, call back to command - see if we can get an emergency medical evac,” you said, reaching over into your bag and cracking open an ice pack. You wrapped it in gauze and pressed it gently to Price’s forehead, standing. 
“An evac? What is it?” Gaz asked, reaching for his radio with worry in his eyes. 
“Diagnose me, doc,” Price rasped, wincing as pain shot through him once more. 
“My money’s on your appendix. We need to get you to a hospital as soon as we can so I can operate.” you said, standing to fetch your supplies. As Gaz and Soap disappeared to contact command, Ghost came to assist you. 
“Is there anything you can do here?” he asked, watching as you put gloves on and began drawing up medication to help with the pain. 
“Make him comfortable until we evacuate. Operating here would almost definitely result in an infection.” you said, turning back to Price with a syringe of pain medication drawn. 
“Might not have a choice.” Ghost grumbled, gazing out the window. It had begun to snow. 
Hours later you stood, pacing in front of the large windows of the safehouse. The snow had only begun to fall more heavily - it was turning into a blizzard. Gaz approached, shaking his head. 
“Still nothing?” you asked, doing your best to keep your voice steady. He shook his head. 
“Ghost is still on the phone with command, but with the weather, it doesn’t look like anyone will be able to get to us safely for a few days.” he said. The silence that followed was only broken when Price spoke up. 
“Get it out of me, doc,” he groaned, half delirious because of the pain medicine. Soap looked up at you from where he sat at his captain’s side. 
“I don’t want to risk you getting an infection. I don’t have the proper sterile environment to safely operate.” you said, shaking your head, unable to meet his eyes. 
“What’s worse - leaving this untreated for days, or operating and treating any potential infection when we get back to base?” Gaz asked, sitting down beside where Price lay. You stayed quiet. 
“I trust you, doctor,” Price rasped. His face was pale and sweat soaked - he looked terrible. 
“I think it’s four to one in favor of operating, love,” Ghost said, making you jump as he came up behind you and rested his hand gently on your back. You sighed. 
“Clear the table in the kitchen and round up all of the cleaning and medical supplies we have.”
If you hadn’t been fired before, you’d most definitely be fired for this. 
You stood in the dingy kitchen (officially the weirdest place you’d ever operated on anyone) facing your tools and your temporary assistants. Price lay on the table, unconscious and wrapped in a paper medical gown. Without access to anesthesia, you’d opted to give him a large dose of pain medication that would hopefully keep him asleep through the procedure. 
You had to admit that as goofy as they looked, you were quite proud of the 141 for following your instructions so diligently. At your instruction they’d all scrubbed their hands clean and donned the same paper gowns as Price. Bonnets had come next, then goggles and masks and gloves. Ghost had even taken off his balaclava.
You’d done your best to sterilize the place - the table on which Price lay had been thoroughly disinfected before being covered in plastic wrap and a layer of paper gowns. You’d done your best to keep everything cohesively one color and had firmly instructed the boys “not to touch anything blue or I will kill you.”
The kitchen lights overhead had been supplemented by all of the lamps in the house and you were satisfied by the light level as you gently shaved the area on which you would operate and disinfected the skin around it. 
Soap was waiting behind you with a biohazard container and took the used instruments away when you were finished. 
“Gaz, would you hand me my scalpel?” you asked. He retrieved it from the tray dutifully and offered it to you. You took a deep breath and made the incision. Price didn’t stir.
As gently as you could, you separated the abdominal muscles and made contact with Price’s appendix. The thing had certainly burst, and you flushed the incision with saline before going in with your needle. 
As quickly and carefully as you could, you clamped off the appendix from the rest of the colon and tightly sutured it off. Once everything was ready, you freed the appendix from its place and lifted it out of the body, depositing it into a waiting container offered up by a pale Soap. You released the clamp and checked your work, ensuring you were satisfied before flushing the wound with saline again. 
Once you were satisfied with the work you’d done, you let the abdominal muscles settle back into place over the organs and took hold of the sterilized suture kit offered by Ghost. The wound was closed without issue and you moved in to bandage it instantly, taping large gauze pads to Price’s side. 
“Should be good,” you said, nodding and looking up at your assistants. “Let’s get him to bed.”
Hours later, after having settled Price into bed and thoroughly cleaning the kitchen, you laid on your bedroll pondering whether you’d get a severance package or not. 
The door opened and Ghost came in from outside, shaking snow off of his boots and taking his jacket off. The icy wind that blasted you in the face when the door slammed shut almost felt good. He came and knelt beside you, running his fingers through your hair. 
“You alright?” he asked. You sighed and shook your head. 
“Counting down the hours until my court martial for killing my captain,” you said with a thin smile. Ghost climbed onto the bedroll beside you and pulled you into his arms, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
“Won’t let that happen. Had no choice in the matter. It won’t be as bad as you think,” he murmured. You shrugged, tears welling in your eyes. 
“Simon, I’m scared. What if he gets an infection? What if he dies and it’s all my fault? I won’t be able to live with myself. He hasn’t woken up,” you wailed, burying your face in his chest as you cried. He rubbed your back comfortingly, resting his chin on your head. 
“Price isn’t going to die, love. He’ll be alright.” he said softly. 
“What if he doesn’t wake up? I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing, I’m not an anesthesiologist! That was so stupid of me,” you wailed. Before Simon could reply, there were hurried footsteps from the other room and Soap burst in.
“Price is awake!”
taglist: @iamaliceinwonderland, @itsmeamysworld, @ghostlythots, @oranoyaora, @keiva1000
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ashenberry · 10 months
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[ID: 3 images featuring Agent Phoenix from I Expect you to die. He has brown and grey hair slicked back and shaved on the side and brown eyes. Image 1: Agent Phoenix is in a wheelchair with a cigar in his mouth. He is wearing a black suit with an orange tie and grey waistcoat, as well as black gloves and jeans and grey shoes. He is smiling and looking off to the left and is against a red background. Image 2: Several sketches. From top to bottom: Sketch 1: Agent phoenix with his hands clasped together making a :3 face. behind him is an explosion with :3 over it Sketch 2: John Juniper with a hand to his chin saying, "wow you just sat there and listened to the whole [evil monologue]. i honestly didnt think that would happen" while agent phoenix sits below surrounded by lasers. there is a note saying ," could not figure out how to skip the monologue" and a clapperboard near his feet Sketch 3: Agent Phoenix chewing gum while levitating a mug towards himself. The handler in the background is saying, "i swear to god if you keep putting pre chewed gum in your mouth im gonna strangle you with my bare hands" Image 2: More sketches. from top to bottom Sketch 1: Agent phoenix holding a paper while smoking a cigar and thinking, "god i love smoking". in the next panel the paper is on fire and his expression is shocked. there is a note saying, "paper caught on fire :(" Sketch 2: The handler and Dr Prisim having a conversation Handler: Roxana you've seen Agent Phoenix in action you know we can help Dr Prism: Not this time, Reginald Agent phoenix is in the corner looking up with big eyes thinking, "divorce" Sketch 3: Agent Pheonix has both of his arms outstretched strained using telekenis while Dr Prism exclaims, "How are you doing that?! Thats Incredible!" End ID]
hello all 5 ieytd fans how we feelin
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