#dory’s bookshelf
blackmarquer · 1 month
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I’m cooking up a comic based on @jellfishjellfish fic Derelection. Check it out on Ao3. Warning. It’s so good you might break into tears.
This story is so heart wrenching, heart breaking,and heart warming; I can’t recommend it enough.
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brightgnosis · 4 months
jewish plant magic: rooting in from Dori Mignight
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philiprappaport · 1 year
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Poppy's Secret Stash
A/N: I never wrote on tumblr before, so I don't know how this works or how formatting works. Also this was written on computer so I don't know if that changes any formatting.
Poppy smiled and giggled to herself, pulling out a brand new scrapbook and her supplies. She set out all her fabric, colorful paper, some glitter, and some popcorn to snack on, before getting to work.
In her younger years, back when she was simply Princess Poppy, she LOVED to make stories with her friends about bands and singers they liked, like Violet Wonder, H.E.A.R.T, No Map, and BroZone - especially Brozone - to name a few. They would sit up, late at night, giggling and scrapbooking the stories to their hearts content, and then sharing their stories with the other trolls their age. Before DJ Suki was Dj Suki, she was MAP-LESS. Everyone talked about her scrapbooks, which ranged from midnight getaways from abusive parents to be with Roman Bass, lead singer of No Map, to being being the sixth hidden member of H.E.A.R.T and dating ALL FIVE MEMBERS! Even to being the secret girlfriend of John Dory, leader of BroZone! Poppy was always jealous in awe of her friend's talent, and happy sad that she ended up leaving behind the scrapbooks in exchange for turntables.
Poppy, also known as POPSTAR_X3, was famous for one series as well. She had authored a self insert scrapbook, about her being the "pet" of the BroZone brothers, in a universe where crime ran rampant. The boys, known as the Dory Brothers in her books, kept her safe from all harm as long as she kept them happy. The books were fairly short, about ten chapters each, but she had written about.... Well, she lost track after 15.
See, while most of her friends fell out of the fictional scrapbooking, she would always find time to make these stories about her and her favorite bands. She had an entire bookshelf full to them, that she had successfully hidden away from Branch. If Branch even found one of her books, she'd probably die from embarrassment. Especially since he was one of the people she wrote most about.
Poppy's head jerked up from the page, her eyes wide as she heard some faint voices.
"Are you sure you can just barge in?" That sounded like JD.
"Yeah, Poppy said she was hanging out with Satin and Chenille today. I just need to grab a couple of things." Oh God, that was Branch.
"Well hurry up! I gotta piss so freaking bad!"
"Just go in the bushes!"
Poppy's heart started to beat at a hundred miles a minute as she scrambled to put her supplies away. The lock clicked, the doorknob turned, and Poppy frantically shoved her supplies in a nearby drawer just as-
"Poppy? What are you doing?" Branch asked with a little smile, surprised to see her in her own home. He was supposed to be hanging with his bros right now, and he was, as evidence by the four head peeking through the door.
"Branch! I, uh... Satin and Chenille had to cancel for some, uh, fashion emergency!" She lied with a giggle. "So I just, you know... Decided to have a me day! How are you? How ya doing? How ya been?" She said awkwardly, trying to hide the mess popping out of the drawer. "I'm not hiding anything. What- What- Why did you...come in?"
"I needed to grab my ESK," He said, grabbing a box that said "Emergency Survival Kit". "Are you ok, Poppy?"
"Yeah no I'm fine! Totally fine! Completely fine!" She forced a smile and some giggles before stopping abruptly. "Please leave."
Branch just gave her a weird look before noticing the open book. The one thing she had forgotten to hide. "Oh, I didn't know you write-"
"I don't!" Poppy said, grabbing the book and holding it to her chest. "I'm holding this for a friend!"
Bruce furrowed his brows and tilted his head. "The Dory's Pet-"
Poppy blushed heavily and tossed the book out an open window. She hadn't realized the title was still visible.
"Poppy," Branch said calmly as he closed the distance. "What going on? You know I want judge you." He held her hands and met her nervous eyes. "You can be honest."
Poppy bite her lip and looked at the ground. "I... I write fanfiction..."
"What's that?" The brothers had made their way in the pod now, all staring at Poppy as if she had grown two heads.
"It..." Poppy started and sighed. She pulled away from Branch and grabbed some of her scrapbooks, handing one to him and his brothers to look at. "It's something my friends and I did when we were younger. We would make up stories about ourselves being friends or being in relationships with band members. Sometimes we would make the main character ambiguous so that the reader could be the love interest... I know it's weird, especially now, but... I like it. It's kind of a guilty pleasure..." She smiled gently at the book in her hands, titled "Into the Brozone", which was about Penelope becoming the sixth and only female member of Brozone. Penelope was a fictional version of Poppy, one where she was just an average troll. No royal duties, no kingdom to worry about. Just a troll who wanted to sing and hug and dance (and be Clay's girlfriend.)
"Well..." Floyd said as he thumbed through the pages. "It's well written. And since you're writing about real trolls, then I don't think there's anything wrong as long they're ok with it." He smiled and handed the scrapbook back. "But please, don't write me as straight ever again."
Poppy smiled brightly. "Of course." She took the book back and looked over at Branch. Her heart started to beat faster. She was so nervous about what he would think. I mean, she wrote about falling in love with him and his brothers (among other singers) for years, even if she didn't realize it. There has to be something creepy about that, right?
"Floyd's right," Branch said with a smile. "This is pretty well written."
"Which one is that?" Poppy asked, peeking over his shoulder.
Branch flipped over the book and looked at the cover. "To Hook a Star," he said, going back to where he was. "Apparently, it's about you trying to win my heart." He smiled and handed the book back to her. "We all have our quirks, Poppy. If you like doing this, then do it. Have fun. You should probably ask my brothers or your friends before you write about them."
"You don't think it's weird?" Poppy asked.
"Oh no, it's definitely weird. But as long as you're happy, and no one gets hurt from it, then I think you should keep writing." Branch smiled and cupped her cheek. "Just write about me a little more, ok?"
Poppy chuckled softly. "Of course..." She looked over at the Bros, all looking at the cover of one book. JD looked confused, Bruce looked very concerned, Clay look terrified, and Floyd looked like he was about throw up.
"What?" Poppy asked nervously. "Which one is that?"
They all looked up at her, still looking confused and concerned. JD flipped the cover around so she could see it, before yelling in unison with his brothers. "SOLD TO BROZONE?!?!"
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widgenstain · 3 months
Reading survey
I was tagged by @queen-scottie to post my recent, current and future reads.
Recent: The Robber Bride by Margart Atwood. The first Atwood novel I didn't like! It started out well, with interesting characters, but at some point it turned into women's lit TM and I'm too old and jaded for that.
Current: The Clocks by Agatha Christie. I'm still on my Christie spree, everything by her I find on a free bookshelf I read. This one is a bit lacking though. But the ITV series episode is one of my faves, so I'm torn.
Future: The good terrorist by Doris Lessing. I bought this 5 years ago. IT'S TIME!!!
I tag @gerec (tell us about that biography!) and @shegottosayit
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"Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln" by Doris Kearns Goodwin
A spectacular saga for family reading! Mysteries and arcana, heroes and villains, everything your kid needs to see dreams full of adventures and not to run around after bedtime. We are sure, that when you find your baby snoring sweetly after such a bedtime story, you will sneak to the bookshelf yourself, only to continue reading "Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln", brought to you by marvelous Doris Kearns Goodwin. This book will keep you awake late at night, so be careful! You don't want to ruin your sleeping schedule so your kid won't read this masterpiece without you!
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buluttanhayatlr · 5 years
... “kişisel” olanı ânında, görür görmez tanımak mümkündü; içine hapsolduğu havadan, insanda yarattığı duygulardan. Kişisel olmayan sahneler insanın gözünü yıldırabiliyor, çözülmesi gereken sorunlar yaratabiliyordu; duvarların ve mobilyaların onarımı, temizlik, kaosa bir çekidüzen vermek gibi – ama yine de, bu âlemde bir hafiflik, bir özgürlük, bir olabilirlik duygusu vardı. Evet, işte buydu; genişlik ve alternatif bir eylem olasılığının bilgisi. İnsan o odayı düzeltmeyi, o yeryüzü parçasını temizlemeyi reddedebilirdi; hatta çıkıp bir başka odaya geçebilir, bir başka sahneyi seçebilirdi. Oysa “kişisel” olana girmek, bir hapishaneye girmekti; hiçbir şeyin olamayacağı ama insanın bir sürü şey oluyormuş sanrıları gördüğü, havası kıt ve sınırlı, yetmezmiş gibi zamanın katı, değiştirilemez bir yasa olduğu ve uzun, ah Tanrım, upuzun, sürdükçe süren, sürüp giden, zorla dayatılmış dakikaların, yavaş, yıpratıcı dakikaların birbirine eklemlendiği bir hapishane.
Hayatta Kalma Güncesi - Doris Lessing
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deadpoetsmusings · 6 years
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There’s not much I miss about university but I can’t get the English department’s collection of old, unorganized, forgotten books out of my head. Found this in my drafts and had a little nostalgia moment.
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@i-did-not-mean-to we haven’t been mutuals very long, and I’m so sorry your birthday is PRACTICALLY OVER AT THIS POINT! But please enjoy this with my well wishes!  🥳
Birthday Surprises
Ori and Bilbo Friendship; Brother Ri Shenangians
Word Count: 934
Warnings: None
Ori clutched his books tightly to his chest as he checked around the bookshelf before continuing on his way. A book shifted from above, and he stopped, completely tense. When nothing happened, he started walking again. His eyes were constantly roving the ventilation shafts, the tops of shelves, the shadowy corners. So when he ran smack dab into their hobbit companion, he was understandably a little startled.
“Ori? Are you okay?” Bilbo questioned gripping the dwarf’s arms after he yelped and dropped his books.
“I’m…fine.” He tried to reassure in spite of his shaking.
The hobbit merely raised an eyebrow as he bent over to help Ori gather his things again. 
“You don’t seem fine. You look a bit shaken up actually.” Bilbo pointed out, not unkindly.
It became too much. Ori had to tell someone or he was going to explode. 
“Bilbo! It’s my birthday.” 
“I was aware of that, yes.” The hobbit teased. “In fact, I was actually sent to…”
“No, you don’t understand.” Ori shook his head. “I hate my birthday.”
Bilbo’s eyebrows furrowed at this statement encouraging Ori to continue.
“Dori is…insufferable. He wants to reminisce over every single day of my life since I was born.” 
Bilbo chuckled at this, but Ori was far from done.
“But that would be manageable, annoying but manageable, if it weren’t for Nori.”
“And what does Nori do?” Bilbo asked amused.
“Every year, he picks a spot to hide and wait for me to walk by before jumping out and yelling ‘SURPRISE’! And even when I know it’s coming, he always manages to catch me off-guard. I can’t take it anymore Bilbo! I would run away to Dale for the day if I wasn’t paranoid he would somehow anticipate it and scare me there.”
Bilbo’s eyes were full of sympathy as he pat his friend’s shoulder.
“I don’t have any siblings, but I had several older cousins. Going to Old Took’s every summer used to be a nightmare. Do you know what a snipe is?”
Ori shook his head.
Bilbo huffed. “It’s an imaginary bird that the older faunts used to convince us was real and send us out into the trees with a really stupid sounding call to get it to come out. That was the most mild of their taunts.”
The dwarf gave a weak chuckle. “Yep. That’s what it was like growing up with Nori. I love him but…I really wish it wasn’t my birthday.”
Bilbo let that settle for a moment before his nose scrunched up and twitched in that quirky way it does.
“Well that won’t do at all.” He finally declared. “I was sent to distract you for a little while so the Company could finish planning their surprise party…”
Ori groaned at this.
“However, now I’m thinking we can give a little surprise of our own.”
“What do you mean?” The dwarf questioned.
Bilbo smirked. “It’s a hobbit custom not to receive gifts…but to give them.”
It was a mere hour later that the Company started to filter into Bilbo’s suites with Nori in the lead, surveying the room under a critical eye.
“Where did you send Ori?” The former thief questioned as he poked around in a few of Bilbo’s cabinets.
The hobbit worked really hard not to be offended.
“Oh, I had found him holed up in the library, and had thought it would be the best place to leave him for now.”
Nori hummed distractedly before his eyes fell upon Bilbo’s china cabinet. The hobbit could already see the wheels spinning, and did his best to put on a stern expression.
“No. No. NO! Not my good china, Nori!” 
However, the dwarf was not listening.
“Oh, leave him to me, Bilbo.” Dori grumbled, stepping closer to deal with his unruly brother. 
The hobbit merely smirked, waving the other dwarf’s concern away. 
“No need. He’s in for a rather rude surprise himself.”
The rest of the dwarves all watched in confusion as Nori threw the doors open only to fall back on his bum with a yelp as Ori screamed ‘SURPRISE’! Everyone froze, not quite sure what to do when Dori began to laugh. And not just chuckle, his head was thrown back as deep, bellowing chortles escaped from him. The rest of the group took that as their cue to join in as Nori continued to gape at his grinning little brother.
“I thought you said he was in the library.” Nori accused Bilbo.
“I said I had thought about leaving him there…I changed my mind.” Bilbo explained as he walked over to knuckle bump Ori.
“It’s a birthday gift for myself. I hope you enjoyed it, Brother.” Ori taunted.
Nori looked between the two of them as he finally pulled himself back to his feet. 
“I don’t know if I like the two of you spending time together.”
“I’m okay with it.” Dori teased.
“Me too!” Bofur was the first to speak up from the rest of the group. “Means we don’t have to wait to get this party going.”
Immediately, everyone started piling in with gifts and food, rearranging the hobbit’s dining room to fit their needs which pulled Bilbo’s attention away. Ori nudged his older brother with his elbow.
“Better luck next year.” He grinned widely, almost giddy with pulling one over on Nori.
Nori grunted at this before a smirk pulled across his face. “Of course, if we are celebrating the hobbit way…this does mean that I can always get you on my birthday.”
The ginger haired dwarf walked away leaving Ori slack-jawed and faint. What have they done?
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prodbyblush · 2 years
!Fem reader and Arisu where they are watching a movie and reader falls asleep on him? I think that'd be kinda cute . ♡
liar liar - arisu ryohei
now loading . . .
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・❥・ requested
Word Count: 768
Taglist: @ahahawowwwwww @chishiyaslosthoodie @dorizone @bangtannie7 @fruity-frutta @miniminnie27 @itsmeaudrieee @andreeasancheez @cherriruto @cmterygates @animefan7420 @loevngyuno @x-lulu @greengummyworm @valiirie @aikerx @lowilaufeyson
→ female!reader
"A movie at your place, deal?"
"Wait, why can't we have a movie night at your place instead?"
"Because your dad likes me and spares you from his harsh words." Arisu turned to face you, hand extended out and standing on her tiptoes to gently pat his head. "My poor boyfriend is being looked down when he's so smart."
Hearing those words made him smile unconsciously, truly you are the only person who he adores the most. Apart from his best friends, of course.
"I'll take care of the snacks. What movie should we watch?"
Shrugging your shoulder, the two of you continued to walk in the quiet neighborhood in the afternoon. "As long as it's not scary, I'll be okay!"
"Alright, anything scary." A low laughter escaped his lips as he jokes, earning him a glare from you.
"If you really play a scary movie tomorrow, I will not hesitate to beat your ass." Arisu found it cute, his five foot girlfriend threatening his five foot ten height.
"Yeah yeah, nothing scary tomorrow." Arisu smiles and slowly pretended to stretch his arms sideways, lowkey placing his arms around your shoulder. The sight of the golden sun sinking on the other side of the world, the sounds of children playing and wheels of their bikes on the ground made moments like this with you worthwhile.
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . ♡
Before the night time could come through, Arisu made a quick stop to the convenient store, took a red basket in his hands and threw in all yours and his favorite snack and drinks into the basket before paying and exiting, walking back to his house and choosing to ignore his brother's and father's constant nagging of him to grow up and face the world.
As he was fixing for tonight's activity, he didn't needed to get out of his room for him to know that you arrived. Hearing his father's voice get all high and cheery was enough for him to know that you're already here. Following the sound of your footsteps, he decided to hide behind his bookshelf, just in time to hear you open the door to his room.
"Where is he?" He heard you ask to yourself, holding his laughter by clamping a hand over his lips. As he heard the door close, he got out of his hiding spot and and jumped in front of you.
Seeing your scared face and hearing you scream had Arisu rolling down on the floor in a fit of laughter. Kneeling down beside him, you started playfully slapping his arm for pranking you.
"You almost made my heart stop!"
"But I always make your heart stop?"
A blush crept through your cheeks. He was right there. Sighing, you playfully slapped his arm once more before getting back up on your feet. "What movies do you have here?"
Raising his hands to rub the back of his nape, he stared at the stack of DVDs sprawled on his table - pixar and anime movies.
"Would it be weird if I said I haven't seen this movie?" you spoke, raising up the case of Finding Dory. Arisu lightly shook his head.
"I'm just the same as you. Haven't seen that movie as well." He said, taking the case and putting it on his laptop, getting comfortable as he rests his back on the headboard and passing the bag of candies towards you.
As the movie started to play, the only sounds they could hear were the audio coming from the movie and the sounds of plastic rustling in their hands as they munch on them. Towards the middle of the movie, Arisu felt your head lean on his shoulder.
"Are you getting sleepy?" He asks, slightly turning his head to the side to look at you. But you shook your head.
"Just getting comfortable here" was all you said.
And Arisu didn't put much attention to it after, casting his eyes back towards the screen of his laptop. But as a few minutes passed by, he felt your head getting heavy on his left shoulder. That only meant one thing.
"Just getting comfortable, huh?" Arisu spoke softly as he turns his head once more to face you, watching you falling asleep on him and feeling the weight of your head more. He cautiously reached to pause the movie before laying you down comfortably on his bed. Arisu stood up and cleaned the mess, shutting down his laptop before laying down beside you.
Placing a kiss on your forehead, he wraps his arms around you and brings you closer to him. "Sweet dreams, Y/N."
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i-did-not-mean-to · 3 years
°°°Autumn beauty°°°
Friends, @crowrelli has made me the happiest woman today by sending me the rendition of a silly little idea of mine...
Autumn is upon us and I want all of you to start into it well and happily, so I give you...The very soul of autumn comfort...
I love him so much, that I've even written him a tiny one-shot...
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I found him in a little nook by the window, the autumn leaves mirroring the myriad colours of his warmth.
Subdued, they said, whenever referencing a man they called “Little brother” behind his back, but Ori had a melody of his own to me.
Far from being like a roaring storm, Ori was the sound of my own breathing and the beat of that broken heart within my chest.
Looking up, he let his eyes rest on my face for just the shortest of moments before drawing his legs up for me to snuggle into the space he had created so generously.
“Hi.” He mumbled; his voice muffled by the sempiternal book in his hands. Ori was a man faithful to his books.
“Was it a bad one?” He asked gently, handing me his steaming cup with one of those shy smiles that fell like a cloak around my shivering soul. Oh, sure, there were dwarrows who were like wildfires – fierce and dazzling – but this one, the one I’d come back to each and every time, he was like a hearth.
Ori was home. Ori was the smell of warm wool and hot beverages; he felt like sun-warmed moss rather than unforgiving stone, and he spoke with the soft murmur of fall rains rather than the screeching storms of winter gales.
Every rushing river needed a riverbank, every tall tree was rooted in fertile earth, and every story had a chronicler besides the obvious hero.
He was the strength that didn’t need to thunder its prowess; he was the steady presence that chased the chills of a windy autumn day.
“It was.” I sighed. Another bad day, another nightmare.
With another one of those discreet smiles, he handed me my favourite book, set aside already…just in case, as he’d say.
Yes, there were dwarrows like swords, dwarrows like hammers, dwarrows like diamonds, hard and dazzling, but Ori was my golden boy: soft and easy to melt, shining warmly, and so precious.
He had seen misery and pain; he had gone through deprivation and fear; he had never faltered, he had never turned back, he had never once given up on his principles.
While I cracked open the creaking spine of the book, wedged between him and the bookshelf, I took a deep breath. Ori smelled like books and the herbal concoctions Dori had rubbed on him for fear he’d fall sick, and it smelled like the hallowed sanctuary I didn’t dare hope for.
“Are you okay? Should I fetch you a blanket?” He looked up; dark eyes full of quiet affection gauging the extent of the damage. He really was Dori’s creature.
Like a king in his own right, he rested on his throne of comfort, his seat of solace, surrounded by books and bathed in golden light; his was a quiet beauty akin to the golden autumn sun that warmed up the heart and the body gradually. There was no sting to Ori, but that didn’t mean that he lacked strength or courage.
“I am alright.” I replied, softly, sinking into the ready embrace he had offered me all my life.
He hummed quietly, just as he did everything else; he was not a man for great deeds and acts of reckless bravery, he was the ever-flowing source of solace and affection, the endless warmth of the sun no matter the season, and the steady scratching of a quill on paper.
I had been falling in love with him for years. It had not been a tempestuous love, no audacious courtship, no indecent proposals in dark halls; it had been cuddles in the library and soft words of comfort muffled by the dusty pages of some old tome, but he had become the rain on my plain, the wind in my trees, and the sun on my most fragile saplings.
One day, I’d tell him. One rainy afternoon, snuggled up between rows and rows of books, I’d let him know that I wanted him to write me a happy end.
Please go support @crowrelli, they're amazing and I'll cherish and respect him forever for this...
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blvnk-art · 2 years
Have you ever thought about publishing your work (on a book or something)? I’m not exactly sure how it would work because of copyright - but it’s a dream of mine to see it on a bookshelf (hardcover and all)
I never thought of it! In order to get any money out of HP works, I would have to have permission. I actually don't even know how it would work. I'm just drawing like Dory from Nemo asks us to keep swimming. Let's see what fates decide! I super appreciate you have such dream though!!!
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brain-deadx0 · 3 years
New Big Brother
Part 2 Ao3
Summary: foster care Remy au. Remy moves in with his new foster dad Patton and his 6yo son Virgil.
Warnings: foster care, murder mention (brief and theoretical) let me know?
Remy watched the various buildings pass by in a blur. He wasn’t paying much attention really. It wasn’t until the buildings turned into houses that he realized he would probably need to look less like a mannequin used for fake carpools.
The neighborhood looked decent at least. Very white-people-suburban they liked to show on tv commercials. At least that usually meant there was a Starbucks around. Remy always was a basic bitch when it came to coffee.
It wasn’t much longer before the social workers car pulled up outside a light blue house with a small tree in the front yard and various flowers in the small garden. He was gonna be living with the smiling white couple from those commercials wasn’t he?
As if summoned by his thoughts the door opened to reveal the dad character. Khaki shorts and all.
Remy was probably told his name at some point but couldn’t be bothered to remember it. He’d been told so many of his “parents” names over the years only to be passed off to new ones shortly after. They all tended to bled together.
Remy grabbed his bag of clothes and followed the social worker to the door.
“Hi, my names Patton.” Dad character told him when they got to the door, “You can call me dad if you want or anything that makes you feel comfortable.”
Dad character- Patton, smiled brightly at him as if Remy was still five and had actually called him dad. Well, if nothing else at least he cared how he looked in front of the social worker.
Speaking of, she was saying something about needing to do one last check before actually dumping him there.
“Of course, come on in!” The man told her.
Remy followed them inside and looked around. It was a nice place from what he could tell. It was clean, for now, and there was a bookshelf in the living room being used as a movie case. Mostly kid movies from what Remy could see so this guy was probably used to fostering little kids. Maybe that’s why he looked so fidgety. Remy was probably his first teenager. Whatever.
“You can stay here while Mr. Sanders shows me around.” The social worker told him. Remy didn’t remember her name. His old social worker was named Linda, but she retired two homes ago. Wanted to focus on making a family or something. Whatever.
“Oh, um, sure. Make yourself comfortable.” Dad character told him.
Dad character stared at him with that same smile again before the social worker cleared her throat, “Mr. Sanders. The house.”
“Oh, right. Uh, right this way ma’am.” He told her before the two went further into the house; leaving Remy alone.
“Are you my new brother?”
Or not.
Remy did not jump, ”Shit.”
Remy looked around for the source of the voice but saw no one, “Uh… hello?”
“Are you my new brother?” The voice asked again, “Why do you have a garbage bag?”
“Because I’m trash.” Remy answered casually as he tried to narrow down where the voice was coming from.
The house was too new looking to be haunted so his best guess was another foster kid hiding… somewhere. That or the guy was secretly a murderer and killed all his foster kids.
The voice giggled and Remy was pretty sure it was coming from the living room now so he walked over to it.
“You don’t look like trash.”
“And here I woke up thinking I looked like crap.”
“You’re not allowed to talk bad about yourself though ...Or say bad words.”
“Oh yeah? Says who?”
“Never met him.” Remy told him.
There was a pause before, “Yeah you did? He’s the one who let you inside.”
Remy pretended to think for a minute since the kid seemed able to see him, “Nope.” He said, popping the p, “Not ringing a bell.”
The kid snickered, “Yuh-huh.”
“Nope. I have short turn memory loss. Everything goes in one ear and out the other.”
“Like Dory?”
Remy once again did not jump when a head appeared from under the couch.
“Don’t know her either.” Remy said as the kid started up at him expectantly.
The kid, probably about six, seemed to consider that for a second before disappearing back under the couch.
Remy watched in confusion as the kid wiggled out the other side and ran over to the movies. He looked through them for a minute before pulling one out and showing the cover to Remy.
“This is Nemo. And this fish-“ he pointed to a blue fish, “is Dory. She doesn’t remember anything either. But she does remember important stuff like her friends. And her name.” He seemed to think for a moment, “You remember your name right?”
Remy couldn’t help but laugh at that, “Yeah. Do you remember yours?”
The kid nodded, “I’m Virgil.”
“Well Victor-“
“No! Not Victor, Virgil. Vir-gil.” The kid giggled.
“Vinny, got it.” Virgil laughed again but didn’t correct him, “Anyway the names Remy.”
The kids face lit up, “Like the rat!”
“... Excuse me?”
Virgil quickly turned to put the fish movie back before grabbing another with a rat on it. This one was called Ratatouille apparently.
“His name is Remy too.” Virgil told him as he pointed at the cartoon rat, “He can cook.”
“Well damn,” Remy snapped his fingers in mock disappointment, “one upped by a rat.”
“Don’t worry. Dad can’t cook either.” Virgil told him.
“He can’t?”
“He tries.” Virgil chirped, “But like movie Remy says “everyone can cook but that doesn’t mean everyone should cook.” … dad shouldn’t cook.”
Remy huffed a laugh, “He can’t be that bad.”
“Once our mac and cheese caught on fire.”
“... the kind you make in the oven?” Remy couldn’t help but ask.
“No. It came in a box and he put it in water.”
“Oof. Maybe I should learn to cook.”
“Do you wanna watch it with me?”
“... are we allowed to?”
“Uh-huh. Dad taught me how to do it all by myself too.” Virgil told him proudly.
“Sweet.” Remy nodded, “Pretty soon you’ll be driving right?”
“I can’t drive. I’m only…” He paused to count his fingers, “Six!” He held up seven fingers.
“That’s a good age. Don’t get old like I did. Growing up is a trap.”
“Dad says that too.” The kid said, “But he also says that I could live to be a bajillion years old and still be his baby. But I’m not a baby!” He said pointedly, “I’m a big kid.”
Remy smirked, “I can see that.”
“So do you wanna watch movie-Remy?” The kid asked.
Remy thought about saying yes, years of taking care of younger kids made him soft dammit, but before he answered he heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
“Alright Mr. Sanders everything seems to be in order. I’ll schedule a visit for a month from now and I’ll be making surprise visits randomly until then. If you have any problems you know how to contact me.” The social worker told dad character before turning to Remy, “And Rem-”
“Yeah yeah. Stay out of trouble and call if he’s not good at his job. I know the drill.”
“Well, if there’s nothing else I’ll be leaving then.” She told them.
“Bye Barbara, thanks for your help.” Dad character told her.
“I’ll be in touch, Mr. Sanders.” She told him before walking out the door.
“O-Kay then.” He said before turning to face Remy, “Oh, I see you’ve met Virgil.” He seemed surprised by that, but then again the kid had been hiding under the couch when they met.
“Dad! His name is Remy like in Rattooy!” Virgil told him excitedly, “We were gonna watch the movie.”
“That sounds nice.” Dad character told him, “How about you show him the house and then I’ll order us some pizza and we can watch the movie together? Does that sound ok to both of you?”
“Yes!” Virgil was practically vibrating.
Dad character looked to Remy for confirmation.
Remy shrugged, “Sure.”
“Any preference on pizza?”
“Pineapple, yes or no?”
What was this a test?
Dad character seemed out off by that but Virgil let out what must’ve been a victory laugh, “Told you pineapple is good!” The kid told him.
The man smiled, “Well I suppose I’ll be the one with the personal pizza this time.”
“Can I show him the house now?” Virgil asked.
Dad character chuckled, “Go ahead.”
“Yes! Come on, Remy!” The kid said before grabbing Remy's hand and pulling him.
“Uh, I can walk by myself, you don’t need to hold my hand.” Remy told him as he was pulled up the stairs.
Virgil turned back to him with big eyes, “But what if you get lost? You don’t know where anything is yet.”
“Guess I can't argue with that…” Remy said. Stupid puppy eyes.
“Good.” The kid told him before he continued pulling Remy up the stairs.
“So,” Virgil started when they made it to the second floor, “this is the bathroom. It’s where we take baths, go potty, and brush our teeth. You have to brush your teeth twice a day even if you don’t want to.” He told him seriously.
“Good to know.” Remy said before being pulled further down the hallway.
“This is the closet where all the towels and bed stuff is.” Virgil pointed to the door next to the bathroom before pulling again.
“This is my bedroom.” He said when they stopped in front of a room with a sign with the kids name on it, “You can play with my toys if you want but you have to ask first. And knock. It’s not nice to not knock.”
“I promise to knock then.” Remy told him.
“Ok good.” Virgil said before pulling him to the door at the end of the hall, “This is dads room. If you have a nightmare you can sleep in here and dad will protect you.”
Remy doubted that applied to himself, but nodded anyway before being pulled back the way they came. This time they stopped at the door across from Virgil’s.
“And this is your room! Now remember. It’s right across from mine. If you get scared you can come get me. Just… let me know it’s you and not a monster…” The kid said sheepishly.
“I’ll be sure to remember that.” Remy told him, “Can I go in now?” He asked when the kid stood there smiling.
“Yeah!” Virgil let go of his hand and opened the door, “It’s kinda boring right now but dad said we could person-o-lies it after you got here so you would like it more.” He said as the two of them walked into the room.
Remy looked around at the standard room. There was a desk with a lamp against one wall, a dresser against the other, and the bed in the corner with a small nightstand next to it that held an alarm clock and lamp.
Remy opted for just setting his bag on the bed for now. He’d sort through it later.
“Can I ask you something?” Virgil asked after Remy set the bag down.
“Shoot.” Remy told him.
“Are you tough?”
“Big brothers are supposed to be tough.” The kid told him, “You don’t look tough though.”
Remy let out a laugh, “For one, I’m plenty tough, and two, who told you that?”
Virgil looked down and shrugged, “At school a bunch of the kids have big brothers and they’re all really tough…”
“So you wanted to know if I qualified?”
“Kinda.” He kid looked at him again, “But I wouldn’t be mad if you weren’t tough either!” He reassured him.
“Oh yeah? What if I was a wimp?” Remy asked in amusement.
“Oh… well I guess I’d have to protect you then. But I’m not very tough. I’d try though!”
“Good to know. But don’t worry about it. I can take care of myself.” Remy told him.
“That’s good.” Virgil smiled, “Wanna go downstairs again? I can show you whats down there too. And sometimes if it’s been a really good day or a really bad one, dad gets the candy off the top shelf and we can eat it before dinner instead of after!”
Remy agreed and followed the kid back downstairs where dad character was putting the rat movie in.
“Oh good you guys are back. Did you like your room?” Dad character asked, “I know it’s pretty bare, but I figure we could go to the store some time before school starts and you could pick out some stuff.”
Oh yeah sure. “Before school starts” was enough time to conviniently forget. Whatever. The room was nice enough on its own anyway.
Dad character seemed to realize that Remy didn’t plan on responding to that, “The pizza should be here before too long. But I have some candy in the kitchen that we can snack on until it gets here. Whadda ya say?” He asked.
“Say yes!” Virgil whispered excitedly next to Remy.
“Uh, sure?”
“Yes!” Virgil cheered.
Dad character laughed, “Is there any kind in particular you want?” Remy shook his head, “Well then I guess I’ll just bring all of it.” Dad character smiled, “You guys go ahead and get comfortable and I’ll go get the candy.”
At Virgil’s insistence, Remy sat next to him on the couch. It wasn’t long before dad character came back with many large bags of candy, seriously who has that much candy in their house at one time? And they settled in to watch the movie until the pizza came. Remy wasn’t sure if or how long it would be this way, but let himself enjoy the moment in the new house.
Notes: Have a few more ideas for this au so might write more of it at some point. Hey if nothing else, we still have more characters to introduce ;)
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meri meriii 18 with lino ✨
#18. “can you get it for me?” + minho
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“minmin? can you help me?” minho was at the office room when yn was struggling to reach at the top of the bookshelf
“with what, sweetheart?” “come, I’ll show you”
minho got up from his chair and followed yn to the living room where the bookshelf at, soonie, doongie and dori following behind them.
reaching the bedroom, yn pointed the small plant they’ve bought few days ago, 
“can you get it for me?” “I need to water them but I can’t since I’m not that tall to reach it”
“what’s in it for me?” minho smugly replied
“I’ll let soonie, doongie, and dori sleep in the room for one week-”
“here you go, sweetheart” minho replied cutely
the three cats now nearing them, meowing happily with the news
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Our First Defeat
Chapter 1: You’ve Cut Me to the Bone
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Uh, oh- guess what time it is? That’s right chicks, dicks, and everyone in betwix(t)....
It’s ‘another series that should’ve just been a straightforward one shot’ time!!!!
This is probably going to be at least a four parter, so buckle up buttercups.
Warnings: Smut, infidelity, oral, cum play, longing, ANGST, Lewis being a shitty husband to Katherine, run-on sentences, feels, probably OOC Nixy-poo, childhood f2l mention, mentions of prom sex so underage I guess(?), potty words, rich people parties, reader is tipsy when they boink but so is Nix and it’s pre-established desire so idk man
Special thanks to @sunsetmando​ for being my constant idea sounding board and cheerleader and to @liebgotttme​ and @mrsalwayswrite​ for their unfalteringly supportive praise despite my constant self-inflicted shit talking!
Title and chapter names will come from the first defeat by noah gundereson
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Say what you wanted to about Doris and Stan Nixon, but they sure threw one hell of a party.
 Waiters in sharp suits, sparkling crystal glasses filled with golden champagne, marble floors polished to a near reflective shine- nothing but the very best for the engagement party for Mrs. Nixon’s baby boy.
If your heart hadn’t already become calloused from heartbreak, you probably would burst into tears.
You’d known the Nixons all of your life, and with Nixon being a year and a half your senior and his younger sister being three years your junior, the three of you had little choice to become anything other than close. Even when Lewis had grown old enough to get sick of girls and their games of dress up and make-believe, you and he still managed to get along.
 You were both the oldest children in your families, and for a while you had also attended the same advanced reading course offered by your private elementary school’s librarian. Your shared love of books had bonded you nearly as much as your shared birth orders, and it wasn’t uncommon for your parents to find you both nose deep in one of your father’s large tomes of mythology.
 It surprised no one that the two of you became close as you got older. 
What did strike both of your families as odd was just how close you two stayed- especially when you both started attending your respective boy’s and girl’s boarding schools. You’d been each other’s penpals, school dance dates, and summer trip companions.
 After your Junior prom, you’d lost your virginities to each other after polishing off two bottles of lethally strong port wine. Nixon, sex-drunk and just plain old drunk-drunk, had insisted that he’d done ‘other things’ with girls- that he wasn’t really a virgin but he’d yet to actually do the act. 
As if he was worried that you’d make fun of him.
 As if you’d think less of him for it.
 Of course, things had changed once college came around.
He became busy with his studies, and you had thrown yourself into attaining your nursing credentials. He’d gotten a fair share of girlfriends and you’d had a few relationships of your own.
 When your families would get together for holidays and birthdays, the two of you would inevitably sneak off and fuck until one of you decided that someone was going to notice your absences.
 Then, after rejoining everyone else for an appropriately deemed amount of time, you’d rush off again to repeat the cycle. Sex with Lewis was everything you’d been told you shouldn't want- hard and desperate and just left of dirty but God did you love it. You loved the way your bodies fit together, the way his breath felt on your neck as he held onto you so tightly that you thought he might leave bruises. The way he kissed you as if he were drinking the air from your lungs, like he needed your lips in order to breathe, to live.
 More than anything, you loved the ease that existed between you two- the way you both helped the other redress and how he would take your face in his hands and call you sweet things as he gave you languid kisses before giving you a wicked grin and guiding you both back to the party.
 It wasn’t ideal, and more often than not you’d feel hollow again after a few days, but your trysts with Lew were the closest thing you had to a consistent relationship.
 When Pearl Harbor happened, you’d made the decision to enlist as a field nurse. Nixon had begun to attend an Officer’s school, so you’d already started to resign yourself to the fact that this fling of yours could never be anything more than just that, a fling. Apparently he had, too.
 You’d felt like you had been punched in the stomach when you heard about Katherine.
 He hadn’t even told you that he was seriously seeing someone, let alone considering marrying anyone.
It had hurt more than you wanted to admit.
How you managed to keep a straight face when his mother proudly told you and your mother about the engagement, you’ll never know.
 All you did know was that he’d made a choice, and it wasn’t you.
And you had to get over it.
 Even so, it had still taken both your mother and your father to convince you to come to this party tonight. Your brother and sister had been allowed to stay home- they were still considered too young to attend such frivolous events. 
Lucky bastards.
 But you’d let your mother dress you in a velvet gown of indigo-violet decorated with rhinestones across the bodice and sleeves, allowed your younger sister to braid your hair in a halo around your head (despite your mother’s plea for you to wear it in a more fashionable and mature style) and even gotten a grumble of a compliment from your sulking teenage brother and greeted the Nixon’s with the same amount of warmth you always had.
 If nothing else, finishing school had taught you well when it came to hiding your true feelings.
 Katherine was the most beautiful woman you’d ever seen, her hair shiny and her skin perfect and her body curvy and tight in all the right places. Her sky blue dress draped across her form perfectly, as if it had been made for her.
Her hands were graceful and delicate- the perfect canvas for the huge diamond ring Nix had bestowed upon her.
 To make matters worse? You liked her.
She was smart and well-spoken, with a habit of interrupting someone mid-sentence but that wasn’t enough to make you dislike her.
 “Lew’s sung your praises for years,” Katherine had smiled smally after you’d introduced yourself to her. “it’s wonderful to finally put a face to the name….”
“It’s all lies, most likely,” you assured with a grin, a sudden realization hitting you. “Speaking of Little Lew—”
Katherine rolls her eyes and offers a conspiratory whisper.
“Pretty sure he’s stress smoking somewhere upstairs. I’ve been trying to get him to quit—”
You snort at that. “Then you are far braver than most, and you have my respect.”
 You look over your shoulder, frowning as you took in the scene.
Turning back to Katherine, you give her a nod.
“I’ll hurry him along,” you murmur softly. “Drag him down by the ear if I’ve got to—”
“Consider my respect earned in kind, then.”
Sharing a smile, you politely excuse yourself and slip away up the stairs.
 You had a feeling that you knew exactly where Nix was hiding.
The formal library was dark wood and warm leather, with deep seats and cigar smoke stained books that sat on shelves so high that even the tallest man needed to utilize the built-in ladder to reach the top.
As children, you and Lewis had spent countless hours reading of far-away lands and exotic adventures, darting back and forth between whatever book you’d decided on and the grand globe by the window to trace your fingers over countries neither of you would probably ever actually visit.
This room held your sweetest memories, as well as some of your racier ones.
 Finding Lewis in here was only fitting.
 He looked unbearably handsome- sat on the windowsill with the wind fluttering his hair across his forehead while the moon lit up his profile and made him look like some exquisite marble statue.
The cigarette between his lips reminded you of all the times he’d smoke after fucking you, the way he’d exhale the smoke into your parted lips before kissing you so deeply your toes would curl.
 “I could get used to this,” he’d said, after one of your last trysts.
“What, smoking yourself to death in your dad’s library?”
He’d shot you a glare before attacking your neck with kisses that left you giggling from how they tickled your skin.
“No, Smartass,” Lewis said as he nudged your nose with his, a lazy smile clear on his face when he lifted his head away from you enough to meet your eyes. “This, with you. Not having to rush off before your mom comes looking for you. It’s nice….”
 That felt like a lifetime ago.
 “If you frown at the moon any longer,” you call out, smirking at the way he startles before realizing it’s just you. “You’re gonna get a wrinkle before all the wedding photos.”
 He shoots you a look, shaking his head before turning to stub out the cigarette in the silver ashtray.
“Not even gonna lull me into a false sense of security before giving me shit, huh?”
With a practiced ease, he gently slides the window back into place and locks it, fanning the lingering wafts of smoke from around his face before turning to fully face you.
 A familiar smile crosses his face that has you rolling your eyes.
“Well, I’ve gotta get all I can out of my system- now that you’ve gone and replaced me.”
 With another withering look, Lew comes up and kisses your cheek before wrapping an arm around your shoulders and another around your waist to lower you into a dipped hug.
 “Hey now,” he grumbles into the shell of your ear, his breath tickling your neck and causing you to shiver. “I think you’re underestimating your talents if you think anyone can fling smartass comments my way better than you- oh!”
 Twisting you back up so you’re both standing, he pushes the door to the library closed to get to the bookshelf behind it. 
 With curiosity, you watch him pull a book from the shelf and present it to you with a flourish.
“A gift for you, my lady.”
 Rolling your eyes, you take the book in your hands and peer at the cover.
 You recognize the title immediately as a Poirot mystery, a grin breaking across your lips as you realize it’s one of your favorites- a collection of short stories featuring the Belgian detective and Captain Hastings.
 As you open the book, you suck in a breath when you see the scrawl of Agatha Christie’s signature across the title page, and upon further inspection, you realize it’s a first edition.
 “Holy shit, Lew…” you whisper, running your fingertip across the indents in the paper her heavy-handed scrawl. “Where’d this come from? How’d you know….?”
 Looking up at Lewis again, you are slightly embarrassed by the amused expression on his face, deciding to look back down rather than acknowledge how clearly he was watching your reaction.
 “Well,” he begins, stepping behind you to squeeze your shoulders. “It came from a bookshop, believe it or not—”
 “And as for the how….Blanche told me in one of her letters.”
 That gives you pause again- the reminder that you and he hadn’t written anything to each other in quite some time.
 Clearing your throat, you set the book down on one of the desks and bring a hand up to rest over one of his. “That’s very…..thank you.”
 You feel him press a quick peck to the crown on your head, something you were fine with until you left the pressure of his lips lingering there.
 “I hope, uh…hoped you’d also take it as a sort of, er- peace offering, of sorts….”
 You feel your shoulders tense at that. The blood in your veins suddenly feels cold and dead.
You’d hoped he wouldn’t do anything like this- wouldn’t bring any of this up.
 “I’m sure I don't know what you’re talking about—”
“Yes you do.”
 Sucking in a sharp breath through your nose, you turn around to face him. 
 “There’s nothing to offer peace for,” it’s taking more effort than you like to keep your voice even. “What you do with your life is none of my business.”
 “It doesn’t change the fact that you should’ve heard about it from me,” he says quietly, and as his breath fans across your face you can pick up the sweet bite of whiskey beneath the smell of cigarette smoke. “That was….I should’ve been the one to tell you—”
 “I don’t see why you felt you had to.” You give him a tight smile, working hard to keep yourself from scowling. “It’s not like we made any promises to each other….which I thought was the whole appeal of me, if I’m being honest.”
 Lewis brings his hands up to brush against your jaw, the unexpectedly soft touch making you shudder before you can stop yourself
 “You’ve got to have known that I’ve been in love with you since we were kids, Y/N—”
 “Don’t say that,” you hiss under your breath, biting the insides of your lip and shaking your head. “That’s unfair, you can’t do this- it’s wildly unfair to Katherine, it’s not fair to me—”
 Lewis scoffed at that, a rueful smirk twisting his face as he let his eyes trail down your face.
 “‘Unfair’....what’s unfair is asking me to go down there and pretend like everything’s hunky-dory when you’re here, looking like everything I’ve ever wanted in my goddamned life and expecting me to act like I wasn’t wishing you were on my arm instead—”
 “Jesus Christ, Lewis, that’s enough—” you cross your arms across your chest as you step back out of his touch and turn to look at the wall of books. “What’s the matter with you? I’ve always known you could be an asshole, but this is cruel, even for you—”
 “How am I being an asshole?” he snaps, taking your shoulders and turning you back to face him, his frown deep and imploring. “Because I’m being honest? Huh? ‘Cause I’m telling you the truth—?”
 “Because you’re telling me the truth now!” you say venomously, letting your own face morph into a scowl. “Tonight, the fucking night where we’re all here to celebrate you and Katherine getting married! You can’t just expect me to not respect that—”
 “What if I told you I didn’t even want to marry her—?”
“Lower your voice!”
 You don’t realize how close you’ve gotten to each other until you accidentally scuff your toes against the side of his polished shoe, something that shocks you out of your anger like a cold splash of water.
 His cheeks are rosy with both drink and frustration, and you’re pretty sure that your face is flushed as well. Closing your eyes, you sigh and hang your head.
 “If you didn’t want this,” you say a bit more calmly. “Then why did you ask her in the first place?”
 You startle slightly at the feeling of him taking your hand, opening your eyes to watch him bring it to his clean-shaven cheek and hold it there. His eyes look tired, sad almost.
 “Because I’m being shipped out soon,” he sighs heavily, twisting his head enough to press a kiss to your palm as the air whooshes out of your lungs in a pained sigh. “Because it’s what’s expected of me.”
Meeting your hesitant gaze, he offers a sad little smile and a shrug.
“Because it couldn’t be you, I didn’t really care who it was—” 
 Quickly, you take back control of the hand he’s holding and put your fingertips gently over his lips, your throat feeling tight at the admission.
“Don’t,” you whisper shakily. “Don’t finish that sentence….”
 Taking your hand again, he moves it away from his mouth.
 “Why not?” he says back just as quietly, eyes scanning your face. “Am I being an asshole?”
 You shake your head, chest tightening as you take in his confession. “You’re breaking my heart all over again.”
 He nods, his jaw clenching as he studies you. “I keep doing that, don’t I?”
 When you don’t show any sign of amusement at his comment, he encourages you to wrap an arm around his neck as he pulls you into another borderline inappropriate embrace. A hug that was better suited for two lovers rather than two friends grieving a future that was entirely hypothetical.
 His lips press to the side of your throat, inhaling the smell of your skin deeply and slowly.
“I don’t mean to,” he whispers, splaying his large hand across the small of your back. “I really want you to know that.”
 You stay silent, focusing all of your energy into not crying.
 Even if he had asked you to marry him, you would’ve had to say no.
Married women were unwelcome in all branches of military nursing- and you had worked too hard to ever consider giving that dream up.
Not even for Lewis Nixon….although you probably would’ve thought about it harder.
 “I sometimes wish we’d never kissed,” you say with emotion in your voice, letting him hold you even closer at your hushed admission. “I wish I didn’t care about you, then we wouldn’t have to be like this…”
 “I don’t,” he mumbled against your skin. “I wouldn’t take any of this back- even if I could.”
 You shake your head sadly as you bring your other arm around his shoulders to more fully embrace him.
“That’s because you’re a masochist almost as much as you are a sadist—”
 He groans at that, taking his face from your neck to press his cheek against yours.
“I knew getting you those Freud books was a mistake….”
 This time you allow yourself to sigh a laugh. “Only because they seem to hit the nail on the head when it comes to explaining why you are how you are.”
 “An asshole?”
 “Yeah, Lew.” you gently break free of his embrace and smooth your hands down the front of his tuxedo- straightening his bowtie on the way. “Now you’re getting it.”
 He looks as if he’s going to say something else, but you force a smile on your face and shake your head.
“C’mon, Mr. Nixon,” you say with a nod. “Your public awaits you. Best not keep them waiting.”
 “Y/N—” He calls as you turn on your heel and walk to open the door.
 “I’ll see you down there, Lewis.”
 With that admonishing reminder, you open the door and hurry to find the restroom in order to collect yourself.
Dinner was going to be hell.
Of course, Doris sat you beside where Lewis was seated in the middle of the table- Katherine on his left and you on his right.
 “Surrounded by his favorite girls,” Mrs. Nixon had cooed, standing behind Lewis’s chair and squeezing his shoulders excitedly. “What a lucky man you are….”
 They had only just served the soup and already you wanted to crawl out of your skin.
The only things that saved you were wine and the endless stream of one-sided conversation from Katherine’s young cousin Marcus, who sat to your right.
 He couldn’t have been more than sixteen- eyes wide and battle-hungry as he prattled on about the training courses he planned on enrolling in so that he could go to Japan and take revenge for the lives lost during Pearl Harbor. It served as a good distraction from the feeling of Lew’s eyes on your profile, silently begging you to turn and look at him.
 You didn’t give in.
 Marcus’s heart was in the right place, and it wasn’t his fault that you were trying to drown your distress in the sea of white wine you were creating inside of your belly. 
But you had the feeling that if you had to listen to any more talk of what his brother had told him about the Navy and how prestigious their ships were, you were going to smack your head against the table until you passed out.
 The only person who seemed to pick up on your distress was Lewis, and right now you were pretty committed to ignoring his attempts of conversation- hoping that by doing so you were strong-arming him into actually talking to Katherine, who was being so charming and well mannered that you felt like you were suffocating.
 As you brought your fourth glass of wine to your lips, Lew decided to speak rather than just look.
 “Think maybe you should slow down, Y/N?” Lewis says it quietly enough that only you and Katherine can hear him, and when you turn to face him you catch the sight of the other woman suppressing a chuckle into her glass of sparkling water. 
A drop of resentment stains your previously high regard for her- her slight amusement being amplified to condescension in your current bitter state.
 “Don’t worry ‘bout me, Little Lewie,” you say with a light slur in your voice- one that only those who truly knew you would be able to detect. 
As a child, you’d had a slight speech impediment that you’d grown out of with proper training and practice. It was only when you were overly tired or when you drank that it slipped back into your speech.
You could feel that now, its presence heavy on your tongue.
“Just gettin’ it outta my system while I’ve still got the chance……”
 When you're able to find his eyes with your own, you see the concern shining in them and suddenly feel like you want to cry. 
 You can’t help but think that this could’ve been yours- your engagement party, your future.
You’d say that the ring on Katherine’s finger could’ve been yours as well, but if you were being honest you found it too gaudy and flashy for your taste.
Lewis probably would’ve known that, too….would’ve chosen something significantly smaller and much more simple to present to you while down on one knee.
 But he’s not mine, should’ve stopped thinking of him as mine a long time ago.
 Without another word to him you slid your chair back from the table and stood, nodding appreciatively to the butler who instantly appeared to scoot the chair back into place.
Your mother, who was sitting closer to the door, gave you a worried look as you made to walk past her, silently asking if you were alright.
 With a smile that didn’t reach your eyes, you gently placed your hand on her shoulder in false reassurement that you were just fine. You mouth the word ‘bathroom’, as you passed her and exited the dining room.
 How you managed not to run up the staircase in search of somewhere you could let your mask of contentment fall away, you have no idea.
But you did. Your finishing school teachers would’ve been proud.
 Rushing through the library you knew better than the back of your hand, you quickly found the small, slightly hidden room behind a sculpture that held all the wealth of paper and writing supplies.
 The door barely shuts behind you before you suck in a shaking breath, face hot with tears you were refusing to shed. Each exhale sounds as if it’s being punched out of you, hands reaching out into the dark to feel for the wall so you can find the small footstool to sit upon.
 You were right, you couldn’t do this.
 It was too much, despite how desperately you’d tried to callous over the raw part of your heart that still ached for him. Resting your head in your hands, you try to slow your breathing, to muffle to sobs begging to be freed from your chest.
 The sound of the door clicking open has you shooting to your feet in surprise, the wine in your blood making itself known as you teeter slightly and you have to brace your hand against the wall to steady yourself.
The snap of the light being turned on makes you squint at the sudden brightness, the sight of Lewis breathing heavily as he leans against the door to close it behind him making your heart race even faster.
 “You shouldn’t-” you have to sniff quickly before finishing your admonishment. “You really shouldn’t be here, Lewis.” 
 He nods, his Adam's apple jumping in his throat as he swallows, eyes trailing up and down your body. “I know.”
Even as he says it, Lewis starts walking towards you. “I should go….”
 Your own breathing has become deep and heavy, lips parted to accommodate the sudden desperate need for more air in your lungs.
Mind having failed you, you search for the right words to send him away- to tell him that what’s about to happen is wrong and that you’re just making it harder on yourselves in the long run.
But all you can think as he reaches you, his hands coming up to hold your face with an unmistaken intention, is that you are going to explode if he doesn’t kiss you right now.
 Lucky for you, his thoughts seem to be similarly inclined.
 He kisses you so hard that you think your lips will bruise, his hands pulling your face so desperately close that his eyelashes tickle your cheeks as his eyes squeeze shut.
As you moan somewhere deep in your throat, Lewis opens his mouth to swallow the sound. His hair is soft in your hands, your fingers fisting and pulling at it until he makes a groan of his own.
 You allow yourself to rise up on your toes to make his head tilt back slightly, gasping into his lips when he suddenly uses his grip on your face to pull your mouth back from his.
He licks his bottom lip, whispering your name so you open your eyes and look at him with a heavy-lidded gaze.
 “I-I don’t want to go without one more….” he seems to be at a loss for words, which for Lewis Nixon is truly unusual. But you think you can read his frustrated silence.
Your eyes search his dark ones, uncurling your fists from his roots to bring your thumbs to his forehead and smooth the concerned furrow in his brow.
 “Okay,” you whisper, coming down off of your toes to brush your nose against his. “Then do it.”
 As if your words were a racing gun’s shot, Lewis hungrily kisses you again- backing you up against the wall and clutching at you with carnal desperation.
You lose yourself in his fervor, scratching your nails down the back of his neck just shy of leaving a mark and moving to loosen his bowtie.
 He catches your hands and pins them beside your head, squeezing them in a silent request to keep them there. You nod into the kiss, gasping for breath when he tears his mouth from yours and drops to his knees before you.
Looking down your body at him, you pant lewdly as you watch his hands disappear beneath the skirt of your dress and hurriedly pull your underpants down around your ankles. 
 The only patience he shows is in his careful assistance of helping your step out of them, but then he is immediately returning to his pilgrimage to the warm place between your thighs- bunching the deep violet-blue fabric in one fist while his other hand encourages your thigh up and over his shoulder.
He kisses you down there just as thoroughly as he had your mouth, licking the hot petals greedily to part the way to your clit before attacking it noisily and skillfully. Your head makes a dull sound as it lolls back to hit the wall, your hips surging forward at the gentle and unintentional scrape of his teeth against the soft flesh.
In an apologetic motion, the hand holding your dress beside your waist rubbing its thumb soothingly across your side. 
You allow one of your hands to drop from beside your head to rest over his, your sigh of forgiveness getting lost in a breathy keen of pleasure.
 “Shit,” you sigh, bowing your head forward to watch him look up at you from between your legs. “Jesus Christ, Lewis!”
 Rather than take his mouth from you to reply, he elects to moan into your sex, the vibration striking somewhere deep inside of you that has your thighs quaking. Your eyes drift closed as he continues to suckle on you, the sound of him inhaling sharply through his nose making you feel dizzy with heady desire.
It had been almost a year since he’d last gone down on you- only because that was the last time you were afforded enough time for such foreplay. 
 And he’d only gotten better at it.
 With careful yet distracted motions, he maneuvers the hand covering his so you are now holding your skirt up and out of the way for him. You open your eyes at the same moment you feel his fingers curl inside of you, an airy mewl slipping past your lips before you can stop it.
 “I’m gonna cum,” you mumble stupidly down at him, finally bringing your other hand down to fist in his hair again as you begin to see the white-hot orgasm creeping into the sides of your vision. “Too soon….I’m sorry, it’s too soon—!”
 His intentional humming around your bud paired with the cruelly perfect crook of his fingers sends your careening over the precipice of pleasure.
Your body shakes and your hips buck uncontrollably as he refuses to relent his near fervent milking of your orgasm.
 You keep expecting him to stop, to pull away from you and start to seek his own release. 
But he just doesn’t stop.
 “What’re you doing?” you ask brokenly, keening into another moan as he slips one more finger inside of you. “Get up here and—ohhh!”
 “Again, “ you hear him grunt into you with a near frantic tone. “Give me one more….”
 You’re absolutely lost as he ushers you into another orgasm, mouth feeling dry from the open mouth panting you’ve had to resort to in order to remain lucid.
 “I need you,” you whimper pathetically, your eyes open and unseeing as you gasp for breath in a vain attempt at cooling the fire burning in your body. “Please, I need you inside me….please, Lewis!”
 It feels like he’s only just unsealed his lips from your sex when suddenly his tongue is in your mouth and his hand is cupped around the back of your head, kissing you languidly as your thrumming ears pick up on the soft sounds of fabric being untucked and trousers being shoved open and down.
 Before you can manage to find the coordination to bring your hands down to help him free his cock, you feel him bringing the same thigh that had been over his shoulder up to hook around his hip.
 With a familiarity that aches in both your heart and your core, you wrap your arm around his shoulders and nod into the kiss, just as you had that first time in your dorm room after the night of your Junior prom.
After one more soft peck, Lewis sheaths himself fully inside of you.
 Your face twists at the abrupt fullness that stretches your sex to the sweet-stinging point that you ache for more often than you liked to admit, eyes flashing open in euphoric alarm as the man you’d loved since you were fifteen fucked into you with a punishing pace.
 Apparently, he was just as desperate for you as you had been for him.
 It’s now he who is making desperate noises that have to be muffled, his face buried into the slope where your shoulder meets your neck. 
At some point, he’s managed to undo the button at the top of the back of your dress, nosing the fabric around your collarbones open so he can latch his lips to the flesh at the curve of your shoulder- worrying at the skin with tongue, teeth, and lips.
 If you were in a teasing mood, you’d accuse him of having an oral fixation. 
Lewis would make another comment about how much he regretted giving you the books by Sigmund Freud. 
You’d try to offer some witty retort, only to be cut off by him pinching at your clit and biting at your lip.
 It was so easy, everything with him just felt so good and comfortable and warmly familiar.
 As if he can hear your thoughts, he presses his temple to yours so his lips are at your ear.
 “It should be you,” he nearly whines. “I’ve only ever wanted you—”
 The sob that bursts past your lips is so bitter and childish that even Lewis seems to notice through his haze, pulling his head back in time to catch sight of the tears rolling down your cheeks.
 “I’m sorry,” he grunts as he kisses the tears off of your skin. “I love you and I’m sorry.”
 Just as your first moan had been, your first deep sob is captured by his mouth. Your lips are salty and you can feel from his shaking lips that he’s struggling to keep his own upset at bay.
 The hand that was holding your thigh wraps around it to press a thumb against your clit, and you can’t stop the stream of babbling that follows the movement.
 You can’t shut up about how much you love him and how angry you are with him and how badly you wished things were different.
 “I know,” he mumbles to each admonishment and devotion you utter, his voice becoming tight as you intentionally squeeze down on him with everything that you’d got. “I know, I know, Please love me anyway, I know.”
 It’s the sound of Lewis coming undone that sends you into your second orgasm, holding on for dear life as he brokenly thrusts into you a few more times before yanking himself away to spill himself onto the wall beside you- bracing his arm there as you blindly reach down to stroke him as well.
 You both stand there, breathing as if you’d both just sprinted across the fields behind his house.
 Using the wall as a support, you turn to face him and press your forehead to his sweaty temple, the hand of the arm against the wall moving to rest atop your head as he shudders and stills in your hand.
“Good,” you breathlessly praise him as you gently release his cock. “So fucking good….”
 As you bring your hand to your mouth to suck it clean, Lewis curses lowly as his eyes follow the movement, like you’ve hurt him somehow.
Before you can reach your hand down to get more, Nix grabs your wrist and holds it in the air.
 “Don’t you dare,” he whooshes out with an exhale, turning his head to kiss you deeply enough that you know he can taste himself. “I’m gonna fucking cum again if you do shit like that…”
 You give him a small smile, pecking a quicker kiss on his lips.
“Didn’t think you’d be open to letting me lick it from you directly.”
 His wicked smile is lazy, wrapping his arm around your waist as you make to push yourself away and twisting your bodies so he’s now the one leaning against the wall with you pressed against him.
 ‘Not yet,” he pleads into the crook of your neck. “Please, not just yet.”
 And, because you’re a terrible and weak person, you stay.
 When his fingers start to undo the buttons holding your dress together in the back, you shake your head.
 “One more,” he murmurs as your dress starts to fall loose around your shoulders. “Just once more….”
 Despite knowing how much you’re going to hate yourself for doing so, you nod and lower your arms so your dress pools around your feet.
Taglist: @mrseasycompany​ @itswormtrain​ @mrsalwayswrite​ @happyveday​ @sunsetmando​ @ricksmorty​ @liebgotttme​
also let me know if you want to be added to le taglist bc i am a silly lily who will forget unless i’m constantly reminded
also also here’s the dress i used for reference bc what are outfits
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Anime! Fictional! BTS x Real World! Reader- Welcome To My World~ Episode 1
HEY HEY! IM SO EXCITE! Btw who here plays BTS World? This is very loosely based off that.
I need to download it again tbh.
What does it mean to escape? To get away. If it means leaving behind all you know, all you’ve been raised to know, all you’ve been led to believe, with just yourself and the clothes on your back. Scary, but thrilling. Terrifying, but inviting. Unbelievable, but definitely possible....
On a early Tuesday morning where the sun was barely grazing the orange sky, you sat by your windowsill. You were dreamily staring out into the halo that was a mixture of red and orange. The halo of greyish clouds matched your mood to a complete tee. The aesthetic beauty of nature wasn’t enough to make you smile or even blink twice, however. It was always like this though. Yet something about this scene made you go sour.
Releasing a sigh, you stepped away from the window, shutting the curtains. Another day, the same thing. All you could do was attempt to power through.
As you lazily pulled your shirt over your head, you had managed to dodge that annoying dog. The little brat wasn’t even yours, but your oh-so loving step-sister’s. He always had a affinity for making your room a hot mess.  Only yours in particular. 
“Get out of here you little-.” you chased the dog out of your room, slamming your door as it scurried off. “What did you screw up this time?” you curiously scanned the room. Everytime that little fluffy beast rammed his little head into your personal space, something would end up broken, ripped, shattered, or completely destroyed beyond repair. 
You almost screamed when you saw a familiar book cover on the floor. You instantly dropped to your knees, praying to yourself that it wasn’t true. The cover had a pretty violent looking rip along with the first few pages. 
Your absolute reason for waking up in the morning was tarnished. A signed cover of BTS Universe Issue #1. Probably your one and only favorite series on planet Earth. You gingerly picked up the book, trying to inspect it with hopes that the damage was minimal. As little as this was, you almost felt like crying. However there was no time, you needed to tape up the pages and fast! Who cares if you missed breakfast.
“Morning Y/N!” Your step-dad greeted you in the kitchen. “You were upstairs an awful long time, I was about to send your mother to see if you were still up playing that game of yours!” he smiled warmly.
“Thanks Mr. Chai.” you replied politely. “I’m sorry I’m so late.”
“You know...Y/N...you could call me Dad.” he set a plate down on the table. “I know I’m not your father, but I want to be the best father-figure for you because I know...you haven’t really had that.”
You had to stop yourself from saying anything else. You haven’t had the best parental relationship, and your new step-dad really was trying. Maybe it was just his daughter that drove you nuts.
“Thank you.” you replied, smiling. “...Dad.” you winked, making finger guns. “Geez! You made a lot of food for just the four of us”
“ Well you ain’t see muffin, yet!” he winked. “You and Nari have a busy day today. She auditioning and you, my friend....well I don’t know exactly what you have planned for the day.”
“I’ll tell you if we can skip the food related puns.” you sat down at the table. It was a rule that everyone waited for everyone else. Even though you had taken the extra time to repair your copy of BTS Universe, you had seemed to be the first person down the stairs. In all honesty, you were just going to hang out at the comic store until Nari called to tell you she was done.
“Hey now, Donut kill my vibe!” he continued, laughing. “I have a million more of these, come on. Don’t go bacon my heart, Y/N.”
“Good job Y/N, you’ve gotten him started.” You mom came down the stairs in her little blazer and pencil skirt. “Whatever will we do now.”
“He did it himself, the guy’s an animal! You married a wild child, mom.” you joked. “He might just be a serial killer.”
“Don’t you mean...cereal killer?” he held up a box of Raisin Bran to make his point. You could only shake your head as your mother and step-father laughed together. Food related humor so early in the morning had to mean today wasn’t going to be a horrible as it started, at least for you.
“WHERE ARE MY THIGH HIGH BOOTS!” you heard a screech from upstairs. “THEY BETTER NOT BE IN YOUR ROOM, Y/N!”
“When will you two get along?” your mom shook her head. “It’s been three years.” 
“We don’t not get along.” You shook your head. “Not my fault she’s difficult.”
“I can think of a few times you’ve been difficult yourself, young lady.” you mother pointed a stern finger at you. “Like when you locked yourself in the room to read that silly cartoon of yours.”
“It’s not silly.” you defended yourself.
“Oh come on!” Nari’s voice voice could be heard alongside some loud footsteps. “I think it’s cute to be honest. Y/N here actually has a hobby besides stalking celebrities online.”
“Shut up, Nari.” you grumbled. “And keep your dog out of my room! He ruined my signed copy of BTS Universe!”
“Dorie got out again?” she seethed, looking annoyed. “I really have to put a bell on that dog.”
“Yeah.” you sighed, you bummed mood returning. Everyone knew just how much you loved that edition. You kept in in a super special display case, you cleaned the case every week, you kept your other issues on their own bookshelf along with your figurine and digital visual novel editions of the series. You were even on the buyer’s list for the special early anime release. You LOVED this series. Not even Nari dared to disrespect something as important as that, and she loved getting under your skin.
“I’m sure you’ll be able to find another one.” your mother set down a bowl of cereal in front of you along with a muffin. “Now eat, you have a big day today.”
“Yes mam.” you replied, helping yourself to some cereal.
“If you want, you can take a muffin or bagel with you.” your step dad said. 
“Dad! I can’t, I have to be super focused remember? Breakfast will just slow me down!” Nari scoffed.
“Not having breakfast will make it even worse, dummy. Dude, you’re gonna pass out on stage.” you threw a tiny cereal piece at her. “Eat something.”
“I’ll eat later, I just have my eye on the prize and nothing is going to stop me.” Nari stood up determined. 
“Will you at least eat some toast, crazy girl.” your mother said. “Y/N’s right, you need to at least have eaten something to calm your nerves. Y/N make sure Nari eats something before you two go your separate ways.”
“I’ll try, no promise.” you shrugged. “Nari, if you’re done, then get your stuff and let’s go.” You promptly finished your cereal and went to go back upstairs. “You got ten minutes.” 
“What’s her deal?” you could hear Nari ask, followed by an sudden whispering of your mom stating exactly what she thought was wrong with you. Your bet was on ‘everything’.
You walked back into your room, grabbing your purse from your desk. You eyed your taped up issue of BTS Universe #1. There was no way you were going to find another issue like that, and that damned dog just treated it like a loved toy. You grabbed your phone and shoved it into your purse. You went over to where the issue was and placed it on your desk. 
“NARI LET’S GO!” you shut the bedroom door behind you as you walked out the room. 
You sped to a stop outside the building. Nari was shaking in her shoes. She seemed hesitant to even open the door. 
“Call me when you’re finished so I can pick you up.” you said, getting ready to unlock the doors.
“You’re leaving me!?” Nari looked like she was about to explode.
“Hello?! It’s idol trainees only?” you raised an eyebrow. “I can’t go in there with you. Nari what’s the problem?”
“...Um...I’m nervous alright! I’m giving up almost everything and if I don’t get chosen...I’ll just prove my dad right. I need this.” she stared down at her hands. “I’m not used to being a reject. I don’t know how you-”
“You wanna leave here with two working legs, I suggest you don’t finished that sentence.” you cut her off. “I’m not a reject.”
“That’s not what I was gonna say. I’m saying I don’t know how you deal with nerves like this.” she looked like she was gonna pass out. 
“...You just do.” you nudged her shoulder. “You just go for it and hope. Go for it.”
“...Okay, I’ll try.” she opened the door. “...Thank you.” she stood up. “I’ll call you when I’m all set.” she shut the door. 
“I’ll literally be at the store around the corner.” you replied before driving off. You watched in the rear view as she took her sweet time going into the building. 
...(Later on)
You trudged behind Nari as she ran through the door. She seemed happy, so that must have meant the audition went well.
“I’m gonna take a nap.” you called to your mom and step-dad. “See you guys at dinner!”
You didn’t wait for them to reply before you closed the door. As you walked over to your bed, you noticed a disc laying on your bed. Just a random DVD. The closer you got, the font on the front got clearer.
“BTS World?” It didn’t look familiar in the slightest. “It’s called BTS Universe, Nice try Nari.” you wrote it off as a stupid prank by your oh-so-loving Step-Sister. It was only then you realized Nari was with you all day. 
You took another look at it, gently taking it in your hands. It looked like it was glowing. 
Call it curiosity, but you needed to know.
Your laptop was sitting at the edge of the bed, so you put the disc in. 
“State your name.” a voice came out of nowhere. 
“What?” you looked around in shock. The voice sounded like it came from right behind you.
“Please state your name.” the female robotic voice repeated. 
“Are you sure that you want Y/N as your name?”
“Um Yes?” you raised an eyebrow. You still didn’t know what the fuck was going on.
“Would you like to start a new game? You don’t appear to have any saved filed under the name Y/N.”
Maybe you were sleepier than you thought, but you ran with it. “Yes.”
“Starting new game....now”
Your screen began glowing a bright blue, a vivid, saturated blue. It was like your screen had turned into a flashlight. 
“What the fu-” you suddenly stared at your hands, the very tips of your fingers turned pixelated. “MOM!!!” You tried to scream, only to have it come out in the form on an echo. You felt your feet leave the ground as tiny little pixels moved towards your computer. You could see the color draining from your walls, leaving everything white. It was like an earthquake ran through your room...only through your room.
Then...everything went dark.
(Why hello there...LET US PREPARE. I’m gonna go through with it this time, I swear on my bacon! The guys are coming next chappie!)
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