#don’t ask where the silk comes from. it’s secret :)
dateaforestgod · 8 months
date a forest god who can spin massive webs around the edges of the woods to help keep inquisitive souls away
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Overindulgent father Astarion who tells his children they’re allergic to any kind of jewellery that isn’t made of the highest grade Dwarven crafted gold. 
It’s not even because Astarion might have a certain aversion to silver, no, he just raises his children to have standards, thank you very much. 
And it doesn’t end with shiny things, oh no… 
The Ancunín brood is known to be dressed in perfectly woven cotton, silk and soft leather clothes, no matter the occasion.
They’re seen playing with expensive toys, reading artfully illustrated books that certainly belong behind thick glass, not in children’s sticky hands. 
There’s even talk that one of the children is not as naturally inclined to music as his parents claim him to be, surely his lyre must be enchanted—the instrument certainly looks extravagant enough! 
And then there’s always this air of effortless haughtiness surrounding the Ancunín children whenever their nannies and servants are parading them through town as if they were perfect little dolls; objects to show off the wealth their parents acquired in quite the mysterious ways. 
So, it’s no secret that Astarion and Tav are pampering their children—some might say they’re even spoiling them rotten. 
And maybe they are, especially Astarion.
But he doesn’t see why he should raise them any other way, nor does he want to.  
When it comes to his children, Astarion has his own standards, and as long as Tav agrees with him nothing really matters. 
Because, these people, they don’t know anything about the Ancuníns. 
They don’t know that it’s not unusual for Astarion to wash out dirt and mud and strawberry stains from comically small finery, leaving behind only the memories of a day spent playing in the garden, chasing after ducks, picking flowers, lazing in the sun…
That any holes and tears the children’s clothes might suffer are quickly mended, making them look as good as new in no time. 
Nor do they know that Astarion doesn’t mind fashioning a brand new dress to match that of a favourite doll, either. Or to embroider a pretty vest with the likeness of that stray cat the children seem to adore, although their father would rather they don’t touch the mangy animal. 
No, those people know nothing at all...
“Not tired!” Astarion’s youngest cries; the vehement denial of her father’s earlier accusation is cut short by a telltale yawn.
The room still smells of fragrant lavender oil and peaches even when the bath water has already grown tepid, just one or two degrees above what Astarion would consider too cold to be enjoyable. 
Amused, he raises an eyebrow at the protesting toddler before he lifts her out of the copper bathtub with little effort. 
By now, he knows every step of this game.
“Tut-tut, my dear child, what did mama and I say?” Astarion kneels, quickly wrapping a soft towel around the child to keep her warm. “We only tell lies outside of this house.”
Unfazed by her father’s gentle scolding, the girl crosses her arms that haven’t yet lost their puppy fat across her chest, reminding Astarion a little too much of a very displeased Tav. 
Suppressing a sigh, he leans back to consider the pouting child, wondering what could possibly be upsetting her this time—the list is growing longer by the day, after all. 
“What’s the matter, dear?” Astarion asks gently, hoping it’s something easily fixable as it’s growing rather late. 
“Want apple!”
Decades ago, Astarion might’ve rolled his eyes—he knows exactly which stupid apple the child wants, it’s been haunting him all day—but once he started to treat his children’s problems as if they were his own, his life has grown somewhat easier. 
“Why, let’s get an apple on our way to bed, then. Would that be alright, Your Highness?” 
The girl promptly nods her head, allowing Astarion to pat her hair dry before dressing her in a clean night dress. 
She rests her cheek against her father’s shoulder as he carries her first to the kitchen to grab a fragrant apple and a knife, then to her bedroom where they settle on the cosy window seat, just like they do every night.
Soft moonlight is pouring through the windows; the child giggles at the way the knife’s blade is catching the silver light as Astarion peels and cuts the apple into even pieces.
“Here you go,” he finally says, giving the slice of apple one last examining look before surrendering it to the impatient little hands reaching for it. “A sweet treat for my little sweet. Doesn’t it taste so much better when we don’t eat it off the floor, darling?” And when it’s not crawling with ants…
The appeased toddler nibbles at the juicy fruit as Astarion carefully combs through her still-damp curls. 
Her hair’s getting long, he notices, knowing that taking care of it will become more time-consuming each day. 
Once, Astarion would’ve thought this task tedious, brushing out hair that’s not his own, oiling and braiding it for no other reason than knowing his children enjoy him doing it. 
But that’s why he loves doing it in the first place, he supposes.
Astarion can tell by his toddler’s heartbeat that sleep is about to claim her. 
The half-eaten slice of apple is still clutched in her little fist as he cradles the child to his chest, slowly rising from the window seat to put her to bed. 
He’s just about to lay the child down that the fruit drops to the floor, his daughter’s tiny hand clutching at his shirt instead.
“Thank you, papa,” she mumbles, more asleep than awake.
Astarion pauses.
He breathes in the clean, yet unique scent of the little girl that is forever engraved in his brain, the same way he knows under which exact constellation she was born. When she took her first steps, what her first word was. Soon, he will have to memorise her favourite colour, and what she likes to eat when dirty apples won’t be that appealing anymore. 
By now, Astarion knows this game by heart, knows that with every year that passes, he has something new to learn about his children.
And sometimes he wonders what it’s like to grow up with clean bed sheets and full bellies. Sleep filled with naught but warmth and happy memories. Ever open doors and tears that are dried by tender kisses. Living in a house where mistakes and anger are welcomed, safe. 
He wonders what it’s like for his children to know that their father’s love comes without conditions. Not now and not ever. 
Sitting down on the bed, Astarion holds his youngest a little closer to his chest, unwilling to let go of her, yet. 
He’s often accused of spoiling his children when most people can only just grasp the very surface of his love for them, the bare minimum of what he feels for his one and only, precious family. 
These baseless accusations are as unimportant to Astarion as the people voicing them.
He’s raising his children to have standards, wants them to take their father’s love for granted, to accept nothing less but pure devotion.
It’s the only way Astarion knows how to love them, the only way that comes most naturally to him. 
Astarion looks down at his little girl, now fast asleep, a gentle smile tugging at her lips. 
After all these years—all these children—he’s still in awe watching them sleep in his arms as if no harm in the world could ever befall them.
And it won’t—not if Astarion can help it. 
“No, thank you, my heart,” he whispers, pressing a kiss against the crown of the toddler’s head. 
When it comes to his children, Astarion holds himself to the highest standard.
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wife-of-all-dilfs · 7 months
rosé | f. odair
(final part of red wine)
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part one, part two
summary: in the final part of the red wine series, secrets are revealed, and miscommunication threatens to tear you and finnick apart.
pairing: finnick odair x reader
warnings: angst, fluff, blood, minor injury, mentions of forced prostitution, swearing,
notes: i’m sorry this took so long to come out y’all. thank you to everyone who read and enjoyed this mini fic <3
word count: 4.1k
Finnick believed he had made a lot of smart decisions in his life—like rigging a net made out of vines to ensnare tributes in the arena, accepting secrets as a form of payment from his patrons rather than material goods, and mastering the art of seduction to manipulate his way out of various difficult situations. However, shutting you out was not one of them.
Half an hour had passed since the incident on the staircase landing. He lingered within the mansion’s extravagant walls, where other guests mingled and dined on a range of bizarre delicacies. He couldn’t eat a thing. His stomach churned at the image of your hopeless expression as he walked off. The expression he caused.
It had to be done. That is what he had been telling himself. It had to be done, otherwise, everyone in the Capitol would learn of his feelings for you. Snow would find out and most likely punish you for interfering with the arrangement he had—the sale of his body. And Finnick was very aware of what happened to people who disrupted the president’s plans.
Partygoers would have already begun to spread rumours of the scene in the courtyard. Hopefully, it would just be chalked up to a simple argument between friends. Friends. The label borderline disgusted him. You don’t fall asleep to the thought of someone and think of them the moment you wake up if you’re just friends. Nor do you look for them in every room you walk into.
Even now, Finnick was scanning the lavishly decorated banquet hall for a glimpse of your pure white gown, despite being the one who walked away. It was an instinct at this point. But there was no one in the room wearing white but him; his matching half was still outside, blending in with the winter snow. Or maybe gone home.
One colour did catch his eye though. A vibrant, almost tacky red, worn by a woman who was strutting towards him, her chin held high with pride. Finnick noticed the material of her floor-length gown. Silk. She was wearing your old dress, only the colour was incredibly off, and each hem was lined with red fur, conforming with her implanted whiskers. That was when he realised who the woman was.
Her ensemble was entirely made out of fur that clung to her body, complementing the whiskers that were embedded in her face which made her look feline.
“Where’s your dancing partner tonight?” she asked, her voice low and seductive.
The bright saturation of her dress was almost blinding as she stopped in front of him. He held back a grimace and plastered on a smile even faker than her voice. “She wasn’t up for it this time,” he lied.
“Well, everyone knows she’s out of touch with our way of life,” she said. Finnick ground his jaw, struggling to maintain his façade. Words could not explain how condescending these people were. “This dress is an adaptation of one she wore quite a while ago. Such a plain thing. I only liked the colour and bodice. The only way I could wear it in public was if I spruced it up.”
He thought back to the dress you had worn. Nobody had even come close to how phenomenal you looked. Where others needed extravagance and flounce to stand out, you only needed a simple red dress. Yet here this woman was, thinking she had the audacity to call you plain.
“I noticed. It’s very… striking.”
“Thank you, darling,” she purred. There was a predatory gleam in her eyes, like that of a wild cat about to pounce and devour its meal. “I was waiting for the perfect occasion to wear it.”
His forced smile twitched. “You’re certainly turning heads.”
“Did I turn yours?” she asked, batting her eyelashes.
Truth be told, Finnick hadn’t even remembered her existence until she walked right up to him. Obviously, he couldn’t tell her that, so he told her that she did. For a long period of time, they bounced back and forth, complimenting and flirting with each other, never dipping below the surface into a real conversation. Not that he wanted to anyway. Not with her. The only person he longed to conversate with was now out of reach.
The woman started talking about colourless topics such as the latest fashion trends in the Capitol and her opinions on the victor of the 72nd Hunger Games, all of which made Finnick wish she would just gouge his eyes out with her sharp claw-like fingernails. He couldn’t do anything but stand, smile, and agree. Doing anything else would result in Snow staying true to his very detailed threats
As the conversation continued, his attention began to drift. He surveyed the outfits of everyone in the room, amusing himself by deciding whether or not each person was making a fashion statement or tragedy. Only one person claimed the former title—the one in white.
Finnick watched as you entered the room. The giant golden chandelier cast down a bright light which caused your skin to glow with radiance; its glare enhanced the brilliance of your white dress. This brief moment ignited a fear in him that you had died in his absence because there was no way a mere human being could look so angelic.
“Finnick?” the feline asked, but her voice barely registered in his brain.
Captivated. He was utterly and completely captivated. One after the other, sudden realisations conjured in his mind. The first—there wasn’t a life worth living ahead of him if you weren’t by his side the whole way, and not as a friend or a fellow victor, but as his partner. His lover. The second—he would never let any harm come to you. He would keep you safe from Snow’s clutches, from the Capitol, from anyone who would put you in danger, even if it meant the two of you had to disappear into the vast forests of Panem.
And lastly, he was now absolutely certain that the woman in front of him could never compare to you, nor could anyone else in the ever-expanding universe. You were a basic human necessity to him. Without you, his heart might as well stop beating. Your laugh, your smile, your kindness, your unwavering support—every part of you kept him alive.
“Finnick?” the voice that went disregarded hissed again.
With a half-empty wine glass in hand, your anxious eyes searched the room. Finnick wanted nothing more than to sprint over, pull you into his arms, and cast away every trouble plaguing your mind. He couldn’t. Almost all eyes were on you, yet you hadn’t even seemed to notice. Only one person finally seemed to gain your attention, and that was Finnick, standing in the middle of the room, his eyes locked on yours.
The neurons firing in his brain signalled him to move and he did. But just as his legs started to walk, a forceful hand jerked his face to the side and a pair of harsh lips were crushed to his. Glass shattered on the marble flooring. Momentarily paralysed from shock, Finnick stumbled backwards, briefly catching the twisted triumphant smirk on the woman’s face before whirling around.
Your face was frozen with devastation; his heart dropped. Splatters of red wine had stained your gown, pooling in a crimson puddle of glass shards by your feet. Quiet mocking chuckles and whispers echoed around the room. Oh, if only he had his trident; they wouldn’t be laughing then.
An Avox rushed forward, attempting to clean up the mess, but you had crouched down with them.
“No, please,” Finnick heard you say to the Avox as he strode toward you. “Please don’t. I can do it.”
But delicate hands and glass shards never mix well. You gasped in pain. A jagged fragment you collected had sliced into your palm, creating another crimson pool in your hand.
Finnick’s strides quickened, eventually leading him to stop and kneel beside you. He wordlessly took your hand in his, cradling it as he inspected the damage. Blood coated his fingers, but he didn’t care. He might as well have cut your hand himself. None of this would have happened if it weren’t for him.
Pink blush overtook your face. For once, it wasn’t because he made you flustered or bashful, but because you were humiliated. He knew how much you disliked attention; now you were at the centre of it. Beside you was the Avox, tending to the mess of broken glass.
“Could you bring me a first-aid kit, please?” he asked with a polite smile.
They nodded and silently left. Finnick returned his attention to you, applying pressure to your wound. Your gaze was lowered, unwilling to meet his own. There was more to your demeanour than just embarrassment. There was sadness. Disheartenment. Neither of which were present when you walked in, only appearing after the feline woman had kissed him.
His brows furrowed in confusion. “Y/N—”
“Don’t,” you whispered, eyes unmoving.
The Avox returned holding a medical kit; Finnick thanked them, taking the box into his hands. He climbed to his feet, hesitating before offering you a hand up. Much to his relief, you accepted his assistance. And then, without a word, you began walking towards the nearest exit with apparent indifference to the engrossed eyes following you.
Finnick didn’t bother to conceal his icy glare toward the crowd as he trailed behind you and exited the room.
Pain of a thousand unrelenting bees stung the broken flesh of your palm. Even the slightest movement of your fingers sent waves of throbbing agony up your arm. But it was nothing compared to the brutal ache of your heart.
You had entered the mansion in search of Finnick, determined to mend the crack in your friendship before it crumbled completely. What you got instead was humiliation and heartbreak. What you saw was another woman kissing the man you loved, whilst wearing a horrible adaptation of your red gown no less.
The air had been sucked from your lungs. Believing he would kiss you on the dance floor in the courtyard was nothing more than a fantasy, a dream, a pathetic fool’s wish—every term under the sun that defined something not real. At least now you understood why he was acting so differently. Because he had found someone else and that someone wasn’t you.
A lump formed in your throat and you knew tears were approaching. As if your night couldn’t get any more embarrassing.
Your feet carried you down a long corridor, far enough away from the banquet hall that listening ears and prying eyes were unable to reach. Finnick still followed behind you, though you weren’t sure why he bothered. How could he explain what you saw with your own eyes? Plus, the last thing you wanted was for his new romance to think something was going on between you and him. Only in your dreams.
Unsure of your destination, you decided to enter the first room you came across. It turned out to be a lavishly decorated library, walled with large wooden bookshelves which were filled endlessly with novels and historic paraphernalia. Sitting within the bookshelves was a stone fireplace.
The door closed as Finnick entered behind you, the silence so loud that the crackles from the fireplace reverberated through the room. Your hand still throbbed something awful so you looked down, taking in the gruesome sight of your dress. A stranger might have thought you had just murdered someone. If it were televised, it would have been deemed acceptable.
You sniffled, wearing a small bitter smile. “I ruined Snow’s pretty white dress.”
A few moments passed before Finnick replied. “Red always was more your colour,” he said, his tone anything but playful.
Ahead of you was a great wall of windows; in the reflection, you saw him staring back at you with an unfamiliar expression. His brows were pinched upwards, pronouncing the lines in his forehead, and the corners of his mouth drooped in a slight pensive frown. He didn’t look like the Finnick you knew. This Finnick looked pained. Anguished.
You dropped his intense gaze and ambled across the room. By the lit fireplace was a cushioned stool which you sat down on, eyes staring into the flickering flames. If you were lucky, maybe your dress would catch alight and whisk you away from your troubled life. Okay, perhaps the thought was a little morbid, but so was a broken heart. Of all people, why did you have to fall in love with Finnick Odair?
Cautious footsteps followed behind you, coming to a stop beside your feet. Without your acknowledgement, Finnick crouched down, eyeing the bloody mess of your hands with concern. His gaze lifted to yours, which was still on the fire, and he sighed.
“Let me take care of your hand,” he murmured.
Before you could refuse, you realised contracting an infection was worse than giving in to your stubbornness. So, you nodded.
Finnick opened the first-aid kit and began tending to your wound; his touch was so gentle it was like he was piecing together a broken china cup. Using an antiseptic gauze, he attempted to clean the damaged skin, whispering apologies whenever you winced in pain. After carefully applying a dressing, he began wrapping a bandage around your hand.
You stared into the orange flames, wondering how he would explain to that woman why he left her behind. You wondered when their relationship started and why Finnick continued to shamelessly flirt with you in her absence. You wondered if their relationship would be the end of your friendship.
“Are you in love?” you quietly asked.
His hands stilled at your sudden words, then he continued wrapping the bandage. “Not with her.”
He secured the binding with medical tape and climbed to his feet, placing the supplies back into the kit on a small side table.
Brows drawn together in confusion, you turned to look up at him. “But I thought—"
“Things are much more complicated than they seem,” he interrupted. There was a clear vase of white roses on the table. Finnick toyed with the petals, caressing them between his gentle fingertips. “No one understands me better than you do, and there is no one in this world I trust more. But… there are still things I’ve been keeping from you.”
The troubled expression on his face melted into one of vulnerability. This was a new appearance for him. Finnick was known nationwide for his radiant confidence and charm; he never let his guard down. You have had difficult conversations before, such as discussing each other’s hardships and innermost secrets, but none of them seemed to affect him like this.
“Everyone knows about my visits to the Capitol,” he continued. “How I spend nights with different people every time as if it’s all a game for my pleasure. But it’s not true. It’s not my game I’m playing.” He began walking over to the wall of windows, overlooking Snow’s gardens. “There’s a part of it that no one knows about.”
You rose from the stool, beginning to take slow steps towards him. “Which is?”
The fire flickering behind you deepened Finnick’s features. It intensified the shiny bronze of his hair and enhanced the defined contours of his face, making it easy to see the muscles in his jaw clench with apprehension. He stared out the window so intensely that you were sure his usual green eyes were blazing with their own inferno.
Even full of angst, he was painstakingly beautiful.
His chest inflated with a deep breath. “President Snow… sells me to the Capitol.”
Horror washed over you in monstrous waves. Sells? Only one explanation appeared in your head as to what he meant. You remained silent, praying he would prove your assumption wrong.
“After I won my Games, he saw my success as an opportunity to please his citizens. He began offering me to potential buyers—'admirers’ is what he called them—who soon became my regular customers. They would use me however they liked. Some would pounce on me the second I stepped through the door. Others were relatively tamer. Kinder. They would have me take them on dates or watch a movie with them, but one way or another, it all ended the same way at the end of the night.” He sucked in a sharp uneasy breath before continuing. “Then there were the rare few—the ones who treated me like I was nothing more than a ragdoll for their amusement. They did things that were… unspeakable.”
Nausea churned in your stomach as your mind conjured sickening images. It couldn’t be true. You refused to believe that human beings could stoop to such levels of atrocity to make one person endure so much cruelty. Then again, you lived in a world where children were sent into an arena to fight to the death on live television.
Finnick looked like he was holding himself together by a thread. Every word he confessed shattered your heart into a million pieces. How could this have happened to him?
“I’ve tried to refuse but Snow threatened to harm the people I care about—my family, my friends. After I met you, I knew you were added to that list.” He finally turned around to face you, his eyes filled with such anguish, it shook you to your core. “The Capitol owns me, Y/N. Body and soul.”
Despair riddled your entire body. As you stared at him, the image of a teenager appeared in your mind—eyes sea green and hair a fiery bronze. He was just a boy when it started. A child.
“I’m—I’m so sorry,” you managed to whisper. “I didn’t know.”
“I didn’t want you to know.” His eyes dropped to the floor. “I didn’t want you to think less of me.”
“Less of you? Finnick,” you said softly, stopping in front of him. Your eyes beckoned for his; you needed him to look at you, to really take in your next words. “There isn’t a single person alive I think more highly of than you. No one even comes close. Can’t you see? Just having you in my presence makes me feel whole. You make me whole.”
Tears glistened in his eyes as they flickered between your own, absorbing every reassuring word you said into his mind, his bones, his entire being.
“You have brought so much into my life,” you continued. “So much good. And I would never have made it to where I am now without you. So please, don’t ever distance yourself from me because you think I will judge you. I won’t and I never will.”
As the room stilled with silence, a lone tear rolled down Finnick’s cheek. His Adam’s apple bobbed, revealing the sob he was keeping restrained within his throat. And then a smile started to grow on his face, small at first, but then it stretched wider and wider, deepening those dimples that you adored so much.
You knew that your words had touched the deepest parts of him. That you had managed to convince him ‘less’ could never be a word used to describe him. He was more. More kind, more genuine, more caring than almost all of Panem.
“You’re incredible,” he whispered in awe, looking at you as if he were witnessing the birth of the universe. “Sweetheart, you’re incredible. Do have any idea how rare that is for a person to be? I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve someone like you in my life, but I swear I’ll do whatever I can to keep you. And if—” His gaze drifted, seemingly wrestling with a decision in his mind— “if that means I have to share all my secrets with you, then I will.”
“Have you got any more secrets, Finnick?”
He returned his attention back to your face. The indecision from moments ago had disappeared and was replaced with certainty, which was underscored by a sort of tenderness that settled in his features.
“Just one,” he murmured. He paused, observing the universe before him and wondering how on earth he got so lucky to have the privilege of having it staring right back at him. “I’m in love with you.”
Electricity shocked your heart like someone had placed a defibrillator over your chest and hit charge. Love? You? He was?
“What?” you asked, dumbfounded.
“I should’ve told you sooner,” he said, shaking his head. “I should have told you everything. Even if saying this means I’m risking everything between us, I can’t keep it from you any longer. God, sweetheart, I love you so much it fucking hurts. I always will, even if you never feel the same.”
Somehow in the span of twenty minutes, everything you thought you knew came crashing down. First, your heart was broken by the thought of Finnick kissing another, and then it was healed. And then it broke again as he voiced his arrangement with Snow. It could never fully heal again while Snow was alive, not with what he was forcing upon Finnick.
But Finnick pieced together every piece he possibly could with his confession, one heartfelt word of declaration at a time.
The weight of his confession hung in the air. His eyes held a mixture of anxiety and hope for your response. Time seemed to stretch out as you tried to find your voice. How do you declare your love as powerfully as someone who just bared their soul to you?
An emotional laugh bubbled up your throat, your eyes brimming with tears. “You idiot,” was what you said, the words spoken with utmost adoration. “I’ve loved you this whole time.”
Finnick’s eyes widened in amazement and a brilliant smile broke across his face. Before you had a chance to react, he had moved towards you in one swift step, pulling you into his arms and crushing his lips to yours in a powerful, passionate kiss.
Your hands were quick to cling onto him, desperately terrified that if you let go, he would vanish into thin air. Every ounce of yearning and hidden affection from the past year poured into this one single moment, into the movement of your lips against one another, and the feeling of your hands cradling each other’s bodies.
Emotions were running high. You could taste both your own and Finnick’s tears as they streamed down your faces, salty and palpable with affection. The sheer relief of finally being free to express your love was so unimaginable that you felt like you would be crying with happiness your whole life.
Finnick’s hand cupped the side of your jaw and he lowered his head, deepening the kiss as much as he physically could to make up for all the time he wasted. His lips were soft and adoring, savouring the sweet taste of your lips on his. His other arm tightened around your lower back, pulling you even further against him.
You felt like you were melting into his embrace and happily, you would have. It felt so right, so safe to be held by him. The world outside the library no longer existed; there was only Finnick and you. Your hands settled on either side of his jaw, staining his skin red from your blood-soaked bandage. You knew he wouldn’t care—the blood belonged to you.
And that is how you spent most of the night. In the library, in that one spot by the windows, in each other’s arms. At some point, you ended up sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace, both covered in red and feeling blissfully content. Your back was leaning against Finnick’s chest, his arms wrapped around your middle as he occasionally pressed his lips into your hair.
You toyed with the fabric of his sleeves, your head leaning against his collarbone as you watched the flames once more.
“If Snow ever finds out…” you murmured.
“He won’t,” he reassured quietly. “I won’t let him. He’s taken too much from me; he won’t take you too.”
You turned your head to peer up at him, wearing a teasing smile. “Can’t live without me, Odair?”
He grinned, leaning in closer. “Never without you, sweetheart.”
Once again, Finnick’s lips were on yours, conveying every ounce of immense love he felt for you through his kiss. The only time either of you broke apart was to whisper sweet declarations of your devotion and reverence before returning to each other again. This was when you felt most complete.
When you felt whole.
tags: @queenofspades6 @powellssaturn @bellamybellamyblake @heroinhchicblog222
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lovebugism · 1 month
u said 2 do ur worst for shy!r so…. steve and reader go to the hawkins snowball dance and a slow song comes on and its a uber romantic song (i’m talking taylor swift type romance) and steve ofc asks r to dance… she’s super shy so she keeps looking at the floor but then steve does the thing where you lift the other persons chin up so they’re looking into ur eyes… if u wanna elaborate on this :)
i changed this up a wee bit, but i hope u like it! — when steve is finally crowned prom king, all he can think about is getting a dance with his (sorta) secret girlfriend (shy!fem!r, hurt/comfort, 1.2k)
Steve abandons his crown and scepter somewhere between the bleachers and the snack table. The thought of finding you is far more important than the chunks of plastic they give him. 
The cold breeze of the early evening cools his warm cheeks, flushed red from the adrenaline and the alcohol. He finds you sitting on the wooden bench outside the gymnasium, pretty and all alone. The skirt of your fairy-tale dress billows around your calves. Elbows digging into your thighs, you prop your chin on your fists and pout softly beneath the pale moonlight. 
You’re the prettiest thing Steve’s ever seen. The saddest, too, maybe.
“Been looking for you,” he says to announce his presence. The lopsided smile on his face is audible. You know it’s dancing on his pink mouth before you ever turn around to face him. 
He’s a pretty thing in a sleek tux. Boyishly handsome. Sort of like he’s playing dress-up. The thought almost makes you smile.
“Sorry,” you apologize in a mousy voice, blinking up at him with sparkly, made-up eyes when he looms over you. “It got… really loud in there…”
“Well, Tommy spiked the punch, so… It was kinda inevitable,” Steve jokes with a lazy shrug, even though he isn’t really joking. 
He watched the idiot steal his dad’s best liquor from the high-up cabinet two hours ago. The Hawkins High class of ’85 got drunk on it in record time. The school pulses with life accordingly. The brick behind you threatens to shake with it.
Your nose scrunches. “Is that why it tasted like gasoline?”
“Probably,” Steve grins.
He huffs and sits at the spare spot next to you. The old bench creaks in protest. He takes his first good breath all night when he’s finally alone with you. The fresh air and your perfume fill his lungs, smoother than silk. There’s a subtle euphoria and a distant nostalgia between it all. 
He’s spent years chasing this feeling. He thought maybe being crowned prom king would solve all his problems. Spoiler alert: it didn’t. ‘Cause you did.
“You coming back inside?”
Your lips purse to the side of your mouth as you ponder the question. “I don’t know… Probably not.”
Steve’s freshly shaven face swirls with visible confusion. He loves a party — especially when he’s the life of it — so it’s hard for him to comprehend how other people don’t. Even though he knows, more than anyone else, that you’re made of something much more delicate than that.
“Why not?”
“Prom’s not really my scene, Steve,” you answer with a scoffed-out laugh.
He flashes you a crooked smile in return, painted silver in the moonlight. His cologne swaddles you in its musk when he leans over to nudge your shoulder. “You promised me a dance, remember?”
Your soft features harden into a frown. “Absolutely not.”
“Oh, c’mon! You know you wanna dance with me,” he protests through a poorly bitten-back laugh.
“Why?” you press, meeting his beam with a lighthearted scowl. “So all your friends can laugh at me?”
“Screw ‘em! They’re assholes— who cares?”
“I care. ‘Cause you’re not the one they’re laughing at, King Steve.”
You spit the stupid nickname with playful venom in your tone, but Steve can’t help but smile at it, anyway. He’s a week away from graduating, halfway employed, and Hawkins High’s reigning prom king. It’s all slightly maddening — especially now that he’s got you.
He wonders if you applauded when he won that stupid crown. If you laughed at him about it, or if you were strangely proud. He’ll ask you about it later. After he gets that dance.
“Let ‘em laugh,” he shrugs.
You shake your head, averting your gaze with a sad smile. You wish it were that easy. 
“You don’t know what it’s like,” you tell him as the heavy bass inside the school starts to slow. Through the high-up frosted windows, you hear Girls on Film fade into Never Tear Us Apart. 
“Sorry for wanting to dance with my girlfriend,” he teases to ease the tension. It comes out more serious than he intended, though, ‘cause he is sort of sorry. Nothing about your two worlds exactly meshes — yet here he is, still hopelessly trying to tangle them together.
You know this, so you sigh. “Sorry for not being prom queen,” you joke back, only partly serious. You blink at him with a pair of twinkling eyes — slightly smudged with mascara. The sparkles of your eyeshadow glint when they catch the moonlight. 
“Don’t want you to be prom queen,” Steve confesses softly, smiling at you somehow softer. “I like you the way you are right now.”
You get a warm, tingly feeling in your stomach. It wells up your chest and into your throat until you feel like you might cry. 
You roll your eyes at him when they start to burn, laughing softly to distract from the overwhelming feeling. Your gaze flits to the velvet night sky, speckled with twinkling stars, until you get the courage to look back at the boy beside you. His face glitters with something hopeful. 
You swallow hard and ask, “You still want that dance or what?”
Steve glows with a boyish excitement. “Yeah! Are you kidding? Of course, I do.”
“Out here, though,” you tell him when he rises from the bench.
He smiles at the stern look in your delicate eyes. “Why? You ashamed of me or somthin’?” he jokes, as if he wasn’t named just prom king.
You stand before him with your arms crossed over the pretty corset of your dress. You bite back a smile. “I just wanna spend time with my boyfriend without it being on the cover of The Weekly Streak tomorrow,” you confess.
“Fair enough,” Steve nods, smoothing his wide hands over your sides. 
Yours are much less confident. They tremble with a misplaced worry as they spread over his shoulders. Your fingers fidget on the satin lapels of his expensive suit. His longer ones guide you back and forth, swaying you gently to the slow beat of the muffled song.
—Don’t ask me, what you know is true…
Don’t have to tell you, I love your precious heart—
You get lost in it all before you mean to. The warmth of having him so close, swaddled in his big hands and deep cologne. 
His honeyed gaze hasn’t yet wavered from you, but you don’t have the heart to meet it. He’s looking at you like he loves you. Like you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. Like you’re the fucking prom queen. 
You don’t feel particularly deserving of any of it.
“Are you still having fun?” you ask with a scrunched nose, visibly riddled with feelings of inadequacy. You still haven’t quite figured out why he’d rather be out here with you than inside with everyone else — with Vicki Carmichael, the actual prom queen.
“Loads,” Steve answers without missing a beat. His hands squeeze reassuringly at your hips as he flashes you a crooked grin. “It’s not even a question, honestly. I’d choose you over those schmucks in there any day of the week.”
He nods his slicked-back hair to the pulsing brick a few feet away. A few gelled chestnut strands drape over his forehead. You fight the urge to push them back.
“Really?” you squeak with your pretty face, all dolled up, twisted with an innocent look of confusion.
You have no idea how beautiful you are, Steve thinks to himself.
“Yeah,” he nods, grinning wide and wearing all his adoration on his chiseled, golden face. He could hide it if he tried. “Tommy Hagan isn’t nearly as pretty to look at.”
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stevenose · 10 months
casanova (18+)
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day 3/31 of the august writing challenge [link]
today’s word: voicemail
contains: steve x reader; gender unspecified reader; steve leaving a very inappropriate voicemail while drunk; drunk!reader
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You stumble into your apartment with a giggle, reaching around with a drunken hand for a light. In the soft glow of it, you can see you have a voicemail on your recorder. You kick off your shoes and shimmy over. Falling on the couch, exhausted, you press play.
You have one new message and zero old messages. Thursday, August 3rd at 11:35 pm.
“Hi,” a breathless voice comes. It’s Steve. Your brows furrow. You were just with him all night - why on earth did he call you?
“I’m at the bar right now,” he slurs into the phone. “Well, y’know that. You’re here, too. Hi!” he shouts, and you vaguely remember it now, how he’d been waving at you from the corner while you sucked down a cocktail. You’d waved back.
“But I wan’ed t’give you a call,” he says, voice low, suddenly serious. “‘Cause ‘m so fuckin’ shy ‘round you when you’re lookin’ like that.”
In your drunk confusion, you have no idea what he means. It was business as usual all night as far as you were concerned.
“Blue’s your color. Y’know that? Makes y’look so delicious. Every - every guy in here’s fuckin’ starin’ at ya, honey, makes me see red. Makes me wanna…. Don’t even know where to start, sweetheart. Saw yer underwear when you were gettin’ in Nancy’s car. Could use to see ‘em again. You wear silk all the time?”
Your face feels hot, heart pounding rapidly between your ribs.
“‘nd your ass look- looks so goddamn good in tight shit,” he continues, his voice getting lower and more grumbly. “Would y’let me fuck it? Taste you? I know you’re tight ‘n hot. Shit. Should grind my fat cock ‘gainst you, show you what you’re missin’.”
Your hands are playing with your underwear now, in no way guilty for it. He should’ve said something. You’d have let him fuck you in the bar bathroom, make you a mess before shoving you back outside with your friends like nothing ever happened. This voicemail can be your dirty secret, too. You wonder if Steve will ever even remember it.
“Shit.” He sounds pained now, breathing in sharply through his teeth. “Some dumb fuck is tryin’ to grind on you.” He moves away from the receiver and you can only barely make out, “Doesn’t he know you’re mine?”
You’re properly touching yourself now, legs spread on your couch as you keep listening.
“Whatever,” he goes on. “Just gotta work on you a little bit, huh. Y’know I can rile you up, don’t you? You’ve heard about me, right? All I wanna do is get your lipstick sm-smugged on my lips ‘n my cock inside of ya. Wanna watch ya cum, drives me fuckin’ crazy. Fuck, he’s touchin’ you, I gotta go -“
And then the message cuts off.
You remember now that Steve had stomped over and grabbed you from a man that was unsuccessfully trying to court you, his big hand dragging you away by the wrist. Pulling you over to the jukebox and pulling his wallet out sloppily, one dollar bills raining down on the ground as he gruffly asked you to help him pick a song.
You laugh loudly. You’re about to call him, hand reaching for the receiver, when a call comes through and makes you jump. You’re panicked, hoping Nancy made it home okay as you pick it up. “Hello?”
“Do NOT listen to your voicemail!”
1K notes · View notes
repulsiveliquidation · 4 months
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Alexia Putellas x Reader [SMUT! bottom! AP x top! R]
this was based on a song (only the last scene), the lyrics are at the end. this is long, full of smut, I hope you enjoy.
CW : cockwarming, semi-public sex.
“Now boarding flight 112 to Paris, First Class passengers are welcome to board.”
“Come on, that’s us.”
“Whatever for?”
“Babe, you didn’t think I would cheap out on our honeymoon did you?”
“Is this why you’ve been keeping the whole thing a secret?”
“Sí, come on,” you pull her to her feet, pressing your lips to hers. “Just trust me.” 
Heading into the plane, a flight attendant was waiting to escort you both to your slightly private suite. She explained that a meal would be served right after takeoff and that complimentary champagne was on the way. Settling into the seats, Alexia leans over and kisses your cheek.
“You know you don’t need to woo me anymore right? I wouldn’t want anyone else.”
“I know, but I thought it would be nice to treat you to something nice myself, not the club.”
“You’re already a treat bebé.”
You punch her arm, just as the flight attendant comes back with two bubbly flutes of champagne.
“Salud,” Alexia says with a wink, clinking her glass to yours before taking a slow, teasing sip.
“Cheers, baby girl,” you quip back, sipping from your glass. 
The flight attendants had come over and prepped your suite into a bedroom just as you and Ale went into the bathrooms to change. You requested not to be disturbed until we were landing, and the flight attendants were more than happy to send two more flutes of champagne to the room before leaving you two alone.
Sipping on your perfectly chilled champagne, Ale reaches over and wraps her arms around yours. She leans in, pressing soft kisses along your jaw. You press a long kiss to her forehead and go back to the TV, grumbling when there aren’t new shows to watch.
“There is literally nothing on here that I haven’t watched already,” you say, scrolling through the in-flight entertainment. Ale moved her hand into your lap, playing with the hem of your shirt as she leaned against your shoulder.
“You haven’t looked at me once since we got on this plane,” she says suddenly, sitting up and pouting at you.
“Huh?” you say, pulling off the headphones.
“You heard me.”
“Ale, of course, I have.”
“No, are you already tired of me?” she mocks with a pout, crossing her arms for dramatic effect. You smirk knowingly, catching her drift. You turn the TV off, turning to face her.
“There, you have my attention.”
“Hmph, now I don’t want it.”
“Bratty 30000 feet up Ale, must be a new record.”
“I’m not bratty, just so needy,” she drags the so, leaning over and pressing herself to you. The seats were now a big bed, fully reclined as you had about an hour left of the flight. Your arm pulled her in closer, knowing that you had privacy and would not be caught. She snuggled closer, pulling both arms around her middle.
“Touch me,” she whispered, looking up with her puppy eyes. You merely smile, kissing her forehead and indulging her. It was our honeymoon, we’ve got time for dealing with brats later.
“Touch you where, Mi Reina?” you ask, palms caressing her arms softly as she whines softly.
“Anywhere, everywhere…” she huffs, leaning back into you more.
“Right on this plane, bebita? Where people could hear you?”
“I’ll be quiet, I promise,” she begs, looking up at you with tears in her eyes already, whimpering desperately.
“The Alexia I know is anything but,” you tease, reaching up for your carry-on and pulling out her favorite strap. She looks at you with wide surprised eyes, sitting up hurriedly.
“You brought that here?!” she asks in a hushed whisper, eyes as wide as saucers as you pull it on.
“Were you expecting us to be celibate on our honeymoon, amor?” you teased, slipping back into bed. You pull her close, hand slowly slipping her silk pajama pants down. You reach forward and rub her clothed heat, her lips captured in yours in a searing kiss. She pulls away to moan, slapping her hand to her mouth in shock while you hold back laughter.
“You have to be quiet darling, I told the flight attendants to leave us alone but the other passengers certainly don’t need to hear you being such a slut at 30000 feet now do they?”
“No…” she whimpers, pressing her ass back into your hips. The strap pokes her in between her legs and grazes her clothed pussy. She bites back a moan, almost stuffing her whole wrist in her mouth. Your fingers haven’t stopped touching her, now slipped into her underwear to fondle her folds. She bites the flimsy pillow the airline provided you with, groaning softly as her legs open on their own. 
You slip two fingers into her, your arm slipping under her head while your hand presses tightly against her mouth to keep her quiet. She melts back into you, your fingers working her open as quietly and as quickly as possible.
“Hurry,” she mumbles behind your hand, legs trembling as you press your fingers into her sweet spot. As three fingers begin to feel no resistance, you pull away and hold her legs open, the strap slipping inside her slick hole with ease. She gasps but bites her lip hard, her body relaxing with a dopey smile on her face.
You throw the blanket over her, tucking her in a little before settling close to her and pulling on your eye mask. Alexia stares at you in disbelief, ripping the eye mask off your face.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” she whispered, trying to move away from you. You grab her hip and hold her close, taking the eye mask back from her calmly.
“We’ve got an hour left on the flight baby, I suggest you get comfortable,” you tell her, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. She huffs, turning away and wiggling her hips back against you.
You ignore her, pulling your eye mask back on and settling into sleep. Ale doesn’t stop fidgeting, essentially fucking herself on your cock. You grab her hip tighter this time, thrusting your hips into her when she begins to fuss. She gasps and gets the wind knocked out of her.
“Quit squirming, or you don’t get my cock the whole fucking holiday,” you say, “we don’t want that now, do we?”
“No Daddy,” she whispers to you, eyes closed as her hand reaches for yours holding her hip to interlace. You pull it towards your mouth and kiss the back of her hand, resting it back on her hip to keep her close. Your cock slips deeper into her, your arm wrapping around her middle. You slip into a light sleep, hyperaware of your surroundings just in case the flight attendants come around.
Alexia doesn’t seem to care though, hips grinding back onto your cock ever so slightly that if you were properly asleep you wouldn’t have noticed. You pretend to sleep anyway, wanting to see how brave Alexia could be.
After about 5 minutes of her feather-light grinding, she had worked herself up way too much to care about people finding out. She bites the shitty pillow again, grinding back into you harder. She’s whining, hand gripping your hip instinctively. You pull out and she gasps, turning around to look at you. You stand, taking off the wet strap and wrapping it in a towel.
“Get up. Bathroom. Now.” you growl, opening the suite door and ushering her to the back of the plane.
She practically runs in there, looking around at the spacious shower and vanity. You follow her inside and lock the door. She stands there rubbing her legs together, silk pajamas a little damp between her legs. You begin to strip and slip the strap back on, Alexia staring at your naked form with her jaw wide open.
“Strip, what are you waiting for?”
She does as you say, shyly pulling off her sticky pants and ruined underwear. You run the shower exactly how she likes, before stepping in and helping her join you. She presses her lips to yours hard, tongues battling it out for dominance.
You grab her waist and turn her around, face pressed into the fancy tiled walls of the first-class suite bathroom. You spank her ass hard, hot water cascading down her arched back beautifully. She moans, your hand pressing over her mouth once again before pulling her back and arching her back even more. She whines.
“People can hear you, my sweet. Take what I give you and keep your mouth shut hm?” you whisper into her ear as you slip the cock into her gaping pussy. She groans, your hips pounding into her hard and fast. You let go of her and reach for her hips instead, pulling her back onto your cock.
Alexia struggles to keep herself quiet, biting her firm forearm to keep her moans at bay. You spank her ass one more time, gripping the abundant flesh that gets her eyes to roll into her head.
“Fuck, Daddy…” she whines, hands pressed on the clean glass of the shower. She pushes her ass back into you, her ass meeting your hips in a wet slap. You’re sure the whole back section of the plane could hear just a little of your sexcapade but you couldn’t care less.
You pound your cock into her harder and harder, grabbing her shoulders for more leverage. Her legs shake as she cums hard, orgasm ripping through her body just as the water cools down. You pull out, turning her around and kissing her passionately.
“Amor, you…” she starts but you press a finger to her lips.
“Later,” you say, pointing to the monitor in the middle of the bathroom, “We’re landing soon.”
As you quietly slip back into your seats, the bed has been cleared and your seats are refreshed with two bottles of water and another round of champagne. The flight attendant just leaving your suite winked at you and Ale with a knowing smile on her face. You smirk widely as Alexia tries to hide her face in your neck. The pilot comes over the intercom, 10 minutes before you land at your destination.
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Paris.”
“The Panoramic Suite at the Mandarin Oriental is ready for you, ma’am. Your bags are already in your room and I do hope you enjoy your stay.”
“Thank you, Pierre,” you grab the keys and take Alexia’s hand, walking towards the lifts at the end of the hall. She takes the keys from you, reading the room number.
“Panoramic Suite?” she asks, stopping you from pressing the button for the lift. “Is this right?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”
“Bebé, these rooms go for like $3000 per night.”
“Can you stop worrying, you chronic worrier?” you press the button and take her hands. You kiss her nose and watch her scrunch it cutely.
“It’s our honeymoon, can you just relax and enjoy yourself?” you tell her, pulling her into the lift. She nods and corners you as it goes up, grabbing your face and kissing you hard. She grins as your hands wrap around her hips and grasp her ass, kissing her back enthusiastically.
“We’re here 5 days darling, the suite is soundproof… you’ve already been fucked once… we can totally go again…” you tease, stepping out of the lift into your private section of the top floor. She practically runs to unlock the door, dragging you into the huge suite.
“Fuck me,” she breathlessly asks, already pulling off your clothes. You stop her, taking her hands in yours.
“Easy, bebita. We’ve got a dinner reservation at 6, we can have our private time when we get back sí?”
She pouts, nodding. You pull her in for a hug, rubbing the curve of her lower back and her ass. She smacks your chest and grins, a dark blush creeping up on her face.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got a little gift for you that should make dinner…exciting.”
“Can you help me amor?” Alexia asks, pulling her earrings on as you step into the bathroom. You’ve got a simple black suit with an exposed bralette that Alexia likes while she pulls on a little cocktail dress that you adore on her. You stand behind her and help her zip it on, kissing her neck softly.
“Stunning as always, babygirl.”
“Mm, you always look so good in those,” she compliments, fixing your lapels. You smile and reach into your pocket, pulling out a black box.
“Here, put this on before we leave hm?” you lean in and kiss her cheek. “I’ll call for a cab.”
Alexia nods, biting her lip as she opens the box. She gasps and whips her head out of the bathroom and looks at you across the room at the phone. You look up at her and wink, turning your attention back to the call. She licks her lips, picking up the little Bluetooth vibrator in her hands.
“She’s full of surprises,” Alexia whispers to herself, walking into the bedroom to where you are. You’re slipping on a pair of high heels and adjusting your hair when Alexia sits in the middle of the bed. She opens her legs daringly, with no underwear in sight.
“Guess we both had plans of our own tonight,” you tell her, sitting in front of her at the desk. You lean back and watch her like a hawk, eyes following her hands as she makes a show of fingering herself to “open herself up.”
Two fingers deep she whines, lips turning into a pout. She looks up at you with hooded eyes, a cheeky question at the tip of her tongue.
“Can’t fit Daddy, can you help me?” she begs, throwing her head back in dramatic fashion. You saunter over, eyes dark and hooded. You stand over her, sucking on two of your fingers before pressing her legs open and slipping them into her. She yelps in surprise, your fingers scissoring her open fast and deep.
“Fuck, don’t stop!” she cries out, gripping your forearm and pressing her forehead to your bicep. You feel her begin to clench around your fingers and you stop, pulling your fingers out and slipping the vibrator into her.
You slip your fingers into your mouth for a little taste before helping her stand. She looks close to tears, your hand patting her cheek with an annoying smile across your face.
“Taxi’s here, gorgeous.”
“I hate you.”
“You don’t.”
“I’ll have the filet mignon, medium with the Pommes Aligot please,” you tell the waiter, phone in your hand under the table. Alexia sat across from you in the secluded section of the restaurant, pondering over what she wanted for dinner.
“I’ll do the Coq au Vin with the ah!” Alexia grunted, masking it as a cough looking up at the waiter embarrassed. You had just turned the vibrator inside her on, sending jolts of pleasure through her core.
“The Coq au Vin with dark meat only please,” she glares at you and hands the menu to the waiter, as you ordered the best red wine they had to go with dinner.
“Seriously?” she snaps at you, shifting uncomfortably in her seat as the vibrator goes at a soft buzz of 2. She crosses her legs and focuses on the waiter pouring the wine, drinking half the glass before reaching over for your hand.
Conversations over dinner with Alexia never get old. You could talk with her for hours and hours. Periodically you’d reach into your breast pocket and turn the dial up of the vibrator and watch her stutter, hand gripping yours just a little bit tighter.
As the waiter arrives with dinner, you cheekily turn it to a ten as he places her dish in front of her. She opens her mouth to say thank you like the polite woman she is but a choked moan leaves her throat. She manages to disguise it as a cough again as she reaches for her wine, although it’s not as convincing as the first time. You thank the waiter yourself and watch him leave a little confused, smiling as you turn the vibrator off for the time being.
“Nos van a prohibir la entrada a este lugar, amor…” she whines, picking up her silverware.
“Please, the owner is an old friend of mine. She’ll be out in a minute, she’s so excited to meet you,” you tell her nonchalantly, digging into your perfect wall-to-wall pink steak.
You both enjoy dinner and have a great conversation with the chef. She sends you home with a couple extra desserts to enjoy, promising to come visit you both in Barcelona.
In the taxi, Alexia pounces on you. Her hands rub the insides of your thigh, glossy lipstick leaving sticky residue all over your neck. You pull her close and rub at her hip, the vibrator turned up to a steady 5 that has her head spinning beyond measure.
“Un peu plus vite s’il vous plaît, elle ne se sent pas très bien.”
The driver nods and speeds up as you lean in and kiss Alexia. She melts into your side, her eyes sparkling with lust.
“I didn’t know you spoke French,” she whispers into your ear, tongue tracing the shell of your ear.
“You like?” you grin, hand grasping her waist tightly.
“Prefer it when you speak Spanish, papí.”
The driver pulls up outside the Mandarin Oriental and the doorman opens the door for you as you pay. Alexia holds your hand tight and leans into your side. She follows you upstairs quietly, seemingly in a submissive mood. You’ve turned the vibrator up since leaving the cab, the quiet hum of it seemingly a little louder than you thought it was. She’s laid beautifully in the middle of the big king-sized bed, legs open wide and dress hiked up as her first orgasm rips through her athletic body.
You kneel by her side and rub at her exposed clit gently, working her through her first of many orgasms that night.
“Fuck…” she whines, pulling you closer and in for a kiss. You oblige, stroking her cheek gently. You pull away and stand, taking off your jacket and pants. She kneels and turns her back to you at the edge of the bed. You get behind her and slowly unzip her dress, kissing her neck and shoulders softly.
“You did so well for me, mi esposa.”
You reach between her legs and gently pull the vibrator out of her, she sighs. “I have waited so long to call you that, cariño. It suits you.”  
“I love you, bebé,” she says, looking up at you.
“I love you too, mi amor. Let me take care of you now.”
You help her step out of the dress carefully, caressing her body from behind. She leans back into you, your lips biting the sensitive spot behind her ear. Your rough hands trace her figure and pull her ass back into yours like you did on the plane. She goes red as she remembers that moment too, biting her lip as she feels herself get wetter and wetter.
“On your back baby, I’ll just be a minute.”
You slip into the bathroom and grab the now clean strap, putting it on before slipping your phone onto the phone stand on the dresser. Music fills the room and you join your wife on the bed. You lay beside her and find her lips in a searing kiss.
She melts into your arms, hand grabbing the back of your neck to bring you closer. Your fingers trail down her body, hand grasping her breast tightly which pulls out a deep moan from her. You lean down and kiss her neck and collarbone, slowly climbing on top of her to ravish her on your first night in Paris.
Your lips envelop her nipple tightly, sucking hard as your hand plays with the other. She squirms on the hypo-allergenic bedding, tugging at the perfectly tucked sheets. You pin her arms down, kissing down her sternum and biting hickeys all over her stomach.
“Amor,” she says breathlessly, “Amor por favor, apúrate…”
You nod, hands caressing down her hip bones to her upper thighs. You part her lips and jab your tongue into her wet folds, slurping at her pussy. She moans freely now, the room soundproofed for her to make all the noise she wants.
You slip two fingers inside her pussy, lips sucking tightly at her clit as she kicks her feet in pleasure. You don’t falter, fingers pumping into her soaking wet hole faster and deeper as your tongue dances over her swollen clit.
“JODER!” she yells, her second orgasm ripping through her before she begs for a break. You pull away with a wet grin on your face, her slick dripping down your chin. She whines and pulls you in for a kiss, whining high in her throat at the pungent taste of her on you. You pull away and press the fingers that were inside her into her mouth for her to clean, lips trailing back down to her breasts for you to bite and nibble at.
She sucks on your fingers earnestly, slipping them out with a loud smack. You move her away from the middle of the bed and lay there instead, beckoning her over. She throws her legs over yours and sits on your hips, hands reaching for your cock and spitting on it. You moan at the sight, eyes focused on hers.
“Want me to ride you, bebita?” she asks with a smirk, hovering over your cock as the tip presses into her just a little.
“Sí, hermosa,” you say, hands caressing her hips as just a sliver of light from the abundant Paris skyline filters into the dark room. It illuminates her features perfectly, her hazel eyes bright and full of emotion that got your heart filling with love.
She notices the far-away look you’ve got on your face, her hands reaching for your face to pull you back to her.
“Are you okay?” she asks, beginning to move off you. Your hands on her hips grip her tight and keep her where she is.
“Yes, sorry. Just…thinking about how much I love you,” you smile and sit up for a bit, kissing her softly. You lay back down as she cheekily pushes you back onto the bed, kneeling above you and slowly slipping onto your cock.
She hums softly, leaning back to adjust to your cock. You rub at her muscular thighs, eyes filled with love and lust for your wife as she begins to ride your cock. Her big hands rest on your stomach for leverage, taking the full length of the strap inside her.
“Fuck, you look so pretty riding my cock,” you tease, spanking her ass hard as she leans back to ride you faster. She cries out your name as she finds her sweet spot, grinding into you as her legs begin to burn. The lights shimmer over her olive skin, beads of sweat dripping down her face and chest as your hands fondle her breasts.
“Please bebita, need you…” she begs, legs too tired to go on. She climbs off you and lays on her stomach, her head resting on her hands. You move behind her, noticing a little smile on her lips.
You grin, kissing down her back as your hands pull her hips back into you. You stroke your cock a couple of times, the silicone wet with Alexia’s arousal. You slip back into her pussy with no resistance, fucking into her slowly to work up a rhythm.  
She throws her head back in pleasure and moans loudly when your cock grazes her sweet spot, your hips angled to hit it over and over till she begs for you to come.
“Please amor, I’m so close!”
“Fuck, come for me baby,” you grunt, fucking into her harder as she comes again. This time she squirts all over the towel you laid down earlier as you pull out. She turns over and giggles, turning a little red in embarrassment.
“Hey,” you call out, pulling her hands away from her face, “that was so sexy.”
“I’ve…I’ve never, that’s never happened before.”
“I know, and I so want to do it again.”
You kiss her, pulling her off the bed. She follows you to the secluded balcony with a view of the Eiffel Tower. It’s midnight and there’s not a soul in sight. You hold her close, cock slipped back into her pussy. Alexia whines, head hung low as she feels the sensitivity get to her.
“Just one more, darling. Give me one more,” you growl into her ear, hips pounding your cock into her sloppy pussy. The angle gives you the perfect height to fuck into her sweet spot, her legs already trembling with a few powerful thrusts.
You grab her hips as she holds onto the railing. She looks down at all the people walking, noticing a couple dancing in the street. She smiles to herself and lets the pleasure take over, making a mental note to ask you to dance tomorrow night with her along the streets of romantic Paris.
You pull out and turn her around, hiking her leg up and sliding your cock back into her. She wraps her arms around your neck, kissing you hard just as both of you reach your highs. It’s the best orgasm of the night for her, your prolonged teasing gives you an ear-ringing one as well.
“I love you so much,” she says between kisses, jumping up into your arms as you take her back inside for a much-needed bath.
The water was warm as your arms wrapped around her in the bath, music from earlier now playing from the speakers in the bathroom. You sang along to her; she smiled and listened to you as she melted into her safe place; her wife's arms.
Je te laisserai des mots
En d'ssous de ta porte
En d'ssous de les murs qui chantant…
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satoruscumshot · 5 months
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roommate choso x fem reader
mutual masterbation, dom choso, very light degrading missionary , literally fucked to sleep, he calls you pretty
“o-oh shit”
Nothing can help make this situation any less embarrassing for you.
Slowly making your way out of your room to go to the bathroom, a loud groan comes from your oh so dear roommate Chosos room. Stoping in your tracks, head turning, eyes focusing on the slight light under the door of choso’s room also suspiciously where the concerning noise came from.
taking steps as quietly as you could making your way to just the outside of his room. Almost slimey-wet like noises came from inside with additional moaning or groaning.
Placing your ear by the door, your legs turning to jelly as you hear your name come out of his mouth in the most melodic unholy way.
“y/n~” choso moans.
The feeling of wetness and heat on your lower parts getting harder and harder to ignore; slowly sliding your fingers down from your torso and under your silk pajama shorts, hoping on some sort of relief. Rubbing your clit slowly, ear still pressed against the door listening to his desperate cry’s for you.
“Cumming, cumming OHH” , you can just imagine his face twisted in pleasure as he finally lets go.
Fingers pumping in and out of your gushing pussy the desire to release making it harder to stop. Your unoccupied hand over your mouth trying to keep the noise of pleasure from escaping.
The sudden noise of footsteps coming close to the door forcing you to stop, heart beating fast as you take your fingers out of your shorts quickly, but not quick enough. Just as you turn away the door opens.
“Y/N?” He says almost like he was out of breath.
“I was just about to use the restroom but I don’t need to go anymore, uh sorry” you apologize turning to face him, internally curing at yourself for being nosey in the first place.
“Really because it looked like to me you were outside of my door..”
you stay quiet. He flicks the hallway light on, now looking at your embarrassed face eyes shifting to his face then shamelessly to the side.
“You were listening to me weren’t you” choso says, you’re not looking at him but you he has one of those stupid smirks on his face.
“N-No! I swear choso I wasn’t I-“ he interrupts you.
“Ah-ah no need to lie to me y/n y’know you’re a really bad liar” he laughs. He grabs your warm face with slightly cold hands.
Tears threatening to fall out of your eyes. How embarrassing!
“You’re just a PRETTY LITTLE LIAR” he laughs bringing his face closer to you until there’s no space between you. He was like a starved man from the way he was kissing you. His hands sliding down your back until he got to your ass; occasionally kneading it. The way he’s gripping on to you would make any person weak.
Breaking the kiss your breath heavy staring at the man in front of you. The not so secret bulge grinding against your heat.
“You’re such a pervert y/n, listening to your own roommate get off” he laughs
You moan at the sight of his thick fingers pumping in and out of your pussy.
“please” you don’t know what your asking for. To cum? Dick? Who knows.
“Please what hmm?” he coos taking his fingers out of you and putting them in your mouth, a loud muffled whine comes out of your stuffed mouth. Licking up your own juices, swirling your tongue against Chosos thick long fingers before he takes them out. Staring at your fucked out drooling face his dick getting impossibly harder by the minute. The feeling of emptiness in your pussy making you grind against his hard cock.
“Fuck doll you’re making me crazy just tell me” he buries his face on the crook of your neck grinding his clothed hard cock against your wet pussy.
“Fuck me please” you mutter out
Lifting his head up making eye contact with your dazed eyes, his pupils in the shape of hearts from hearing that one sentence. He kicks off his boxers and excitedly lines up his cock to your welcoming entrance.
The sight of his size makes your squirm.
“Choso that’s not going to fit!” You say eyes wide closing your legs shut.
“We’ll make it fit I promise I’ll be gentle baby, please” he begs using his big hands to open your legs once more, he lines up again putting just his tip inside already creating a stretch for your poor pussy. :(
Just halfway inside you he’s already bottoming out.
“You’re so t-tight, relax f’me pretty” you both whine as he puts his heavy dick all the way inside your warm pussy.
“Choso~ move plea-“ his thrust cuts you off, the sudden movement making your eyes roll back. his rhythm was something you’ve never experienced before just his size alone was something new.
How many times have you came? Too many times to remember, maybe 3 or 4?
“One more just one more please” he begs. his poor bed creaking with each thrust into your poor pussy, your face twisted in pleasure as Choso hits your g-spot with every thrust. Oh how he wishes you can see your face right now, Drool coming out of your mouth, biting your lip with your eyes are rolled back. “You look so p-pretty” the longer he stares at your fucked out face the less he can stop himself from cumming inside you again. uh oh to late he already did! :c
The warmth of his cum filling your womb up once again. He slowly slips himself out of you, watching your mixed cum dripout of you. He moves his eyes away from cunt to your face but shockingly he finds you sleeping. “I think I’m in love with you” he says to himself lying down next to you before closing his eyes and drifting to sleep.
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erm was this good idk EHEHEHE I’m also changing my theme 😋 rebloggggsssss are super duper appreciated!
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semisgroupie · 1 year
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mikage reo x fem. reader x nagi seishiro
wc: 1.8k
warnings: threesome, established relationship (reo x reader), nagi and reo kiss, unprotected sex, creampie, oral sex (m & f receiving), dubcon, use of a blindfold, cum eating, hints at poly towards the end, multiple orgasms (f! receiving)
synopsis: reo gives nagi a birthday gift he’ll never forget
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Reo considers himself one of the luckiest men alive.
Most people have to worry about their significant others getting along with their friends but not Reo. He is thankful enough to have a beautiful, wonderful girlfriend and he’s even more thankful that you and Nagi get along perfectly.
So when Nagi’s birthday was coming up, Reo thought of the perfect present to give his best friend, you.
Reo is very observant and has noticed how Nagi’s dark eyes light up whenever you walk in a room. He's seen the way Nagi insists on having you around whenever he and Reo are hanging out, but he remembers Nagi’s little drunken confession. Nagi confessed his dirty little secret, the secret being that he would do anything for a night with you. That he’d love to hear the way you moan and whine, he’d love to see your naked body writhe with pleasure, and he’d love to bury his cock into your tight pussy.
So, being the great friend that Reo is, he decided to give Nagi what he’s been wanting for a long time.
“Reo, you said that we were going out. If you just wanted me to come over, you could’ve just said so.” Nagi groaned as he followed Reo through the door of his penthouse that he shared with you. Reo chuckled at the complaint, “just relax, I have your gift here and I wanted to give it to you first. Now come on, it's in the bedroom.”
As Nagi followed Reo, he started to wonder where you were. Normally you would tag along with Reo wherever you two went but you were nowhere to be found. So, when Reo opened the bedroom door, Nagi’s eyes widened at the sight. You were on the bed dressed in a beautiful lingerie set, your back was to the headboard and a silk blindfold covered your eyes. Reo leaned in close to Nagi and whispered, “happy birthday, go get your present but don’t be too loud, you don’t want to ruin the moment yet.”
You chewed on your bottom lip as you waited for your boyfriend, out of the blue he surprised you with a new lingerie set and a blindfold. All he told you was that you had to put it on and just wait for him, so you did exactly that. You finally heard footsteps approaching and you turned your head to the sound, “Reo? Baby, are you here?” Nagi stopped at the foot of the bed and Reo walked over to your side, leaning in to kiss you softly, “I’m here my love. Are you ready for your reward? You waited so patiently for me and did exactly what I asked of you, just spread your legs for me okay?”
You eagerly did as he asked, showing Nagi that the lingerie you were wearing was crotchless. His mouth watered at the sight, you just looked perfect like that. Your pussy looked so slick and so beautiful, he just had to dive in. His gray eyes looked over to meet Reo’s and once Reo gave a nod of approval, Nagi dove right in.
He hooked his arms under your soft thighs and licked at your pussy like a man starved. His tongue explored every crevice to get all of your juices on his tongue. Moans fell from your lips and your back arched off the bed, what you were feeling was slightly different from when your boyfriend normally ate you out but you pushed it to the backburner, attributing the different feeling to having the blindfold on. Instinctively you lifted your hands to tangle your fingers into his hair but Reo quickly pinned them down to the bed. “No, no, my love. I need you to keep your hands on the bed. Be good for me and just grip the sheets.”
Your eyebrows furrowed a bit at his words but the tongue on your pussy made you push any questions aside. Well, it made you push most of your questions aside. There was one that was still lingering in the back of your mind, how could he speak so clearly and still keep his mouth on your pussy?
Nagi dipped his tongue into your entrance and gripped your thighs tighter as he fucked you with his tongue. He groaned against your pussy and Reo couldn’t help but stroke himself over his pants. The sight in front of him was perfect, his best friend making his girlfriend feel immense pleasure. He couldn’t ask for anything better. But he couldn’t just stand on the sidelines and watch, he had to get himself involved. He leaned down licked at your nipples through the thin lacy fabric of your lingerie. You gasped at the feeling, too wrapped up in the pleasure to realize that there were two mouths on you.
Reo continued to lap at your nipple before lifting one of his hands to lift the blindfold off your eyes. You blinked a few times to adjust to the light and your eyes widened at the sight in front of you. “Reo? Seishiro? What’s going on?” Nagi only pulled off slightly so he could rest his head on your thigh, his dark eyes already looked glazed over and his lips and chin were covered in your juices.
“Well, remember when I mentioned that one of my friends wanted to fuck you and you just took it as a joke? It wasn’t a joke and I decided that it’ll be a fun birthday gift.” He smiled and leaned in close to your ear, “don’t think I forgot about your little drunken confession either, how you said that you’d want to be sandwiched between Sei and I.” He pulled back and looked down at you. “So what do you say? Wanna give him a good birthday gift?”
Heat spread across your cheeks as you looked down at Nagi, it was like it was taking everything in him to not shove his face back in your pussy. You tore your eyes from his and looked back at your boyfriend. “Yes, I want to give him a good birthday gift.” As the words left your lips, Nagi gripped your thighs tightly and shoved his face back in your pussy. Your back arched off the bed and Reo reached a hand out to caress your cheek. “Why don’t you make me feel good while he makes you feel good?”
He removed his hand from your cheek and undid his pants then took them off with his boxers to reveal his hard cock. You lifted yourself a bit and leaned in close while he cradled the back of your head with one hand and gripped his cock with the other. You opened your mouth and Reo pushed his cock inside, groaning at the feeling of your warm mouth. You bobbed your head along his length and Nagi looked up to watch you with half lidded eyes. He began to rut his hips against the bed while Reo started fucking your face.
Your moans and gags were muffled as the tip of your boyfriend’s cock hit the back of your throat and Nagi kept devouring you like a man starved. The pleasure was all too much and the knot in your stomach was threatening to snap. Reo saw all the telltale signs of your impending orgasm and pulled out of your mouth to let you cry out and announce it. Nagi helped you ride out your orgasm and pulled away only when you reached your hands down to push him away.
He panted as he looked at you and your boyfriend then turned his attention back to you completely. “You can fuck me Sei, I want to make you feel good for your birthday.” Both men groaned at your words and while Nagi started to undress, Reo helped you go on all fours and kneeled in front of your face. You gripped your boyfriend’s cock in one hand and took it back into your mouth while Nagi positioned himself behind you and pushed himself inside you in a quick thrust.
He wasn’t as thick as Reo but his cock was longer and it curved perfectly to hit your sweet spot each time he bottomed out. Your eyes rolled back at the feeling of his cock dragging through your sensitive walls and you moaned around your boyfriend’s cock. Both men started to pick up the pace of their thrusts, Nagi bottomed out at the same time as Reo with each calculated thrust. Groans and moans left the mouths of both men as they thrusted with perfect precision. It made your mind fuzzy and as you looked up at your boyfriend, the sight made your mind grow even fuzzier.
He reached a hand out to pull Nagi close and through teary eyes you watched as they kissed, they kissed with almost the same amount of passion that filled the kisses you shared with your boyfriend. You watched them closely and it felt almost natural, it was like the three of you were meant to be in a place like this. Nagi snaked a hand down to rub your clit and that quickly pulled you away from any thoughts.
You brought your hand up to grip onto your boyfriend’s thigh and gently squeezed the toned flesh to try to signal your impending orgasm. He pulled back from Nagi and looked down at you with a smile, “go on and cum for us. I’m close too and I’m sure my treasure is too.” Nagi let out a breathy “mhm” in response and started rubbing your clit faster. “Please cum, it’ll make my day even better, angel. Make a mess on my cock.” Nagi’s voice was barely above a whisper, like his words were only meant to graze you and Reo’s ears and no one else’s.
It only took a few thrusts for you to cum and that set off a chain reaction. Nagi pressed his hips against yours and held you close as he filled you with cum and Reo held your head in place as he pushed his cock in your mouth entirely and finished down your throat. Reo pulled out first then Nagi and you all landed on the bed, panting heavily.
You looked at both men and spoke up first, “I’d really like to do that again and keep doing it. It just felt right between the three of us.” Reo chuckled and nodded at your words and Nagi leaned in to press his lips against yours softly.
“Sounds perfect, thank you for the birthday present. I think this’ll be the best birthday I’ve had.” He sighed softly and Reo sat up. “The celebration isn’t over yet, we’re just getting started and the cake should be coming in about 10 minutes so catch your breath and be ready to sing happy birthday then we can just keep fucking for the rest of the day. Give the birthday boy a proper birthday celebration.”
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taglist (link in Navi): @litepowee @satmitsuplanet @benkeibear
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Magpie Stash
Pairing: Astarion/ g/n unnamed Tav Tags: fluff, trauma Length: 1k words Summary: While looting, Astarion comes across items he wants to own.
A/N: Another headcanon which I may have shared with some of the talented fan fiction writers out there before. So, if that’s the case, don’t come for me! But holy Hells this got much longer than I planed! I guess this is s drabble now? Or a whole ass fanfic? You tell me 😂
Thank you wonderful @nyx-knox for the beta reading! It was *chef‘s kiss* ✨
Astarion has not owned anything in 200 years.
The only things he could call his were his wits and the clothes on his back - and both he cared for and mended meticulously.
But suddenly he’s part of a ragtag group of strangers, and he finds himself looting a temple not far from where they crashed with a damn Nautiloid after being abducted and infected by mindflayer parasites. And frankly, he’s not entirely sure what part he finds most surprising.
Finding food, weapons and healing potions is a priority. For the others. Not so much him. Honestly. Why should he bother looking for food he won’t even eat? He doesn’t know these weirdos.
But he humors them and even aids his positively helpless companions by picking locks. And as he opens the lid of a gilded chest, something catches his eye.
Beneath old parchment and a rotten carrot he finds …. pretty things? There’s a particularly sparkly ring. A skilfully bound book with gilded letters on the cover. A fine silk scarf hemmed with the most delicate fell-stitches …
He has no idea if those items are of any value. They certainly are useless for the group. But … they are beautiful. And he wants, no he needs to own them. So without giving it too much thought, he takes them.
He has no intention of selling *HIS* items to the vendor they meet at the Tiefling Camp. Hells, he doesn’t even have the intention of showing them to his companions.
He wants these pretty things for himself, he wants to keep them safe. The spawn siblings used to steal from one another all the time, so he’s used to being protective over his meagre possessions. Can’t shake 200 years of hypervigilance that easily.
Over the next days and weeks of travel, Astarion fills up a little purple leather pouch with whatever catches his eye. Going through the diverse collection of beautiful bits and bobs for a few moments before meditating becomes a secret source of calm for Astarion. A soothing ritual, especially after the more straining days.
Which is what he’s doing now. He sits on his bedroll cross-legged, inspecting the things. His things. His little private treasure trove. That he owns.
A bejeweled comb, random gold coins, a tiny picture frame containing an even tinier painting …
The only piece of his treasure that gave him more of a bittersweet feeling had been a silver hand-mirror he had found in the goblin infested village. To be honest, he was not too mad when he accidentally smashed it in frustration the other night after talking to Tav.
Tav. Their unofficial leader. They never seem to have a problem sharing the things they find. They share their food with the group, their scrolls, and they even gave Astarion that freakish but intriguing tome they had found in that cellar. Far too generous, if you ask him.
As Astarion packs up his collection he hears coughing outside. Again. It’s been going on all night.
He peeks out. Tav is on second watch. The night is cold, and they just added another log to the fire. Still, the cool wind is picking up and Tav pulls their cloak close around their neck - which unfortunately does not prevent the coughing.
For a moment, Astarion considers just ignoring them, letting them hack up a lung. But to his dismay, he … cares? He finds he doesn’t want Tav to be cold or sick. But it’s just because he just doesn’t want their coughing to get annoying. That’s all. Obviously.
So he leaves his tent and saunters up to their leader, who greets him with a sleepy but friendly smile.
Astarion holds out his hand to Tav, holding a long piece of white fabric. He’s offering them his beautiful silk scarf with the immaculate fell-stitched hem that he had inspected a lot over the past weeks.
„You’re coughing too much, darling. It’s keeping me up and I do need my beauty sleep.” he says with mock indignation and his trademark smirk.
„Thank you.“ Tav says as they take the scarf from his hand and wraps it around that oh so delicious neck of theirs.
After an awkward moment of silence Astarion offers a final „Well. Good night, my dear.“ with a courteous bow and walks back to his tent.
He can’t help but wonder at the strange feeling in his chest. Tav can and will never know just what big of a deal this small gesture was for the pale Elf.
For the first time in 200 years Astarion gave away something that was his simply because he wanted to. He wanted them to have it. Because they needed it more than him. And not only that. He does not even expect anything in return. How in the Hells did that happen?
He’s sure it’s nothing.
A few years from then, Astarion finds himself in the cellar beneath Tav’s and his home. He’s looking for something, and he’s sure it has to be here somewhere.
“Aha!” From the trunk before him he pulls a skilfully bound book - even though the gilded letters on the cover have worn off with time.
He opens the book - and huffs in relief. And nervousness. It’s still right where he left it between the pages all those years ago.
Hidden inside the old book lies a particularly sparkly ring.
He smiles. A lot has changed since that day they looted that temple and he found his first little treasures. Back then Astarion couldn’t fathom sharing his magpie stash - or anything, for that matter - with anyone. And now? Now he shares a home with the person he loves. And he plans on sharing so much more with them.
What better way of showing that than by proposing with the first thing he ever called his? Because now there’s only one thing, or rather person, he wants for himself. The one person he wants to share everything with.
He looks at the particularly sparkly ring.
Yes. This should do nicely.
So, and on a completely unrelated note: When does a headcanon become a full on fanfic lol?
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lex-the-flex · 1 year
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I’m Starving, Darling
Leon S. Kennedy x reader
Summary: Being stuck together can reveal a whole new series of secrets, leaving the shared experience trapped in chains.
Word Count: 770
Warning(s): 18+ – PURE SMUT, oral sex (f! receiving), body appreciation, slight dirty talk, brief action and violence, and fluff if you squint.
A/N: RE4R is amazing and I’m SWOONING over Leon! Inspired by Hoxier’s new song: Eat Your Young. Feedback is appreciated and enjoy!
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"Sacrificial lamb. You will receive our most sacred body. It begins now."
That haunting vow. The terrifying proclamation was set in stone. Written in the course of some fucked up stars, a pit rose from the bottom of his stomach.
Knowing that the worst was yet to come.
The high pitched static subsided just as Leon jerked his head to the side, waking up in a panic. Gasping for air, his blurry vision straightened while his icy blue eyes adjusted to the dinky lit room. Feeling the pounding rhythm of his heartbeat, his throat remained dry from the beginning signs of dehydration.
Glancing toward the ceiling, the static faded whilst he found his hands chained above his head.
“Oh what the fuck?” Leon whispered to himself.
Pulling his hands down, your hands rose in the air.
“Hey! Cut it out!” You said, turning your attention to Leon.
Standing from your shared position on the ground, the two of you remain face to face.
“Well you’re a sight for sore eyes.” Leon jokes with a smirk.
“Thanks. Are you okay? That big guy practically threw you to kingdom come.” You say, gazing over his form before you.
“I’m fine, Y/N. Promise. You’re not hurt are you?” He asks, stepping closer.
“No, I’m alright.” You reply, looking up at the simple pulley system keeping the two of you trapped.
Observing this with you, a lightbulb went off in Leon’s head, and he knew what to do next. Yanking at your cuffs that we’re keeping your wrists shackled, you tried to loosen the pulley wheel, but it didn’t budge once.
“How the hell are you gonna get out of here?” Leon asks, tugging on his side of the chain.
“I don’t know. You could give me a boost, then maybe we could–“ You start, but are cut off by Leon’s face filling with shock.
“Watch out!” He shouted, pulling you to the side.
Rushing toward the space where you once stood, a Ganado swings his axe in the air, hoping to hit you. Shoving your shoulder at the wooden handle of the axe, the object clatters with the cement flooring, and Leon pulls himself up on the chain before breaking the man’s neck with his boot.
Regaining your balance, your breath hitches in your chest, and Leon hastily paces toward you. Crashing his lips around your own, breathing then became impossible. Letting go of your lower lip with a bite, a gasp escapes your mouth just as he drags his lips down to the bare skin of your neck.
“Oh Leon, what’re you doing? Now’s not the time.” You retaliate, hoping he’ll get the hint.
Removing his lips from your neck, his breath is hot against your face.
“There’s always time, sweetheart. Besides, I’ve always wanted to have you tied up.” He teases, and you swear you saw a pair of red devil horns appear in his blonde hair.
Descending your standing form with feverish kisses, he squats on his knees, pulling the chain with him, so you’re just barely on your toes beneath the pair of combat boots.
Quickly unbuckling the holsters belt clip, his latched wrists undo the button of your black cargo pants before reaching your most comfortable pair of silk panties. Gently pressing his lips to the ticklish skin of your inner thighs, a preemptive moan escaped from your mouth.
“Leon…” You whimpered, in pure pleasure.
Stopping, Leon’s eyes sent a tingle up your spine.
“Ssh, sh. You look good tied up. It’s been driving me crazy.” He praised, gripping your hips in his hands.
Making contact with your clit, he pushed his tongue in between the throbbing bundle of nerves, making your body squirm. Your vision went blurry as you gripped the metal chain keeping your hands in place.
Tightening his grip around the exposed skin of your hips, you knew there would be single bruises there, but you didn’t care. Deepening the kiss around your folds, Leon slid his tongue in your hole, longing for your taste. Your head jerked back and a growl rumbled in Leon’s chest, knowing that he’d get what he wanted.
Taking his time eating you out, your walls began to close around his touch. Your knuckles went white and your body went numb while Leon chased the high of your orgasm. Moaning his name, that was something he never got tired of hearing, knowing that he was all yours. His mouth filled with the taste of you and the moment he’d unlock these chains, he would enjoy every little bit of you before continuing on in this hellish landscape.
re taglist ~
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lnfours · 6 months
Hey girl, could you maybe do something fluffy with Lando? Really just anything. Thank you ily🫶
of course i can 🫶🏻
warnings: fluff, language, lando not being sure on how to ask his crush out on a date
lando brainrot? lando brainrot.
max looked over at his friend with raised eyebrows, watching as the boy he had known almost his whole life watched the girl across the room with an expression he only wore when you were around.
unbeknownst to him, everyone knew of lando’s soft spot for you. how he’d open doors for you, insist on paying for your coffee, how he’d show up to the apartment with little gifts from all around the world simply because ‘they reminded him of you’. it was really no secret, but it wasn’t like he was doing a good job at hiding it.
especially right now, his eyes filling with that look as he watched you talk with oscar at the mclaren event he had invited you and max to. you had picked out a stunning dress that hugged you in all the right places and had complimented your skin tone so well. he was half tempted to thank ria for convincing you to splurge on the silk dress.
“would you just go talk to her?” max groaned, taking a sip from his drink.
lando whipped his head around to his best friend, “what?”
“you heard me,” max chuckled, “she’s not going to stay single for long, y’know. plus, she’s into you, what’ve you got to lose?”
lando was more focused on the second sentence coming from his best friends mouth, “she’s into me?”
max rolled his eyes, “anyone with eyes can see the two of you drooling over each other anytime you’re in the same room.”
“i don’t drool,” lando teased back, saying it matter-of-factly.
“yeah? what’s that? right there?” max teased and lando shoved his arm playfully.
“shut up, mate.”
just then, your eyes had landed on your friends, smiling before you made eye contact with the brunette, waving him over, “lan, c’mere!”
max leaned closer to his friend, whisper yelling to him, “this is your chance!”
lando shook his head, walking to where you were laughing with his teammate. you smiled at his presence, motioning over to oscar, “i was just telling him about how i beat you in karting that one time.”
“yeah?” lando asked, turning to his friend, “did she also tell you that she almost crashed at the first turn?”
oscar laughed, a look of amusement on his face as he looked over at your gasping face, “no, she didn’t!”
you slapped his arm playfully, slightly giggling, “no i didn’t!”
“whatever you say, love,” he hummed, looking down at your drink that was almost empty, “want another drink?”
you twisted your lips in thought before shrugging, “sure,”
“i’m gonna go find lily,” oscar said, “ill catch up with the two of you later.”
you both nodded and bid a small goodbye before you looked over at your best friend, a small smile on your face, “accompany me to the bar?”
he smiled, offering you his arm, “it’d be my pleasure.”
you linked your arm with his, hand resting on his bicep as the two of you walked through the crowd.
“you look gorgeous tonight, by the way.” lando stated, leaning closer to your ear so you could hear him speak.
your cheeks felt hot, but you looked up at him anyway, “thank you,” your eyes traveled over his suit, “guess you clean up well, too.”
he smiled, looking over his outfit, “you think so?”
you nodded, stepping in front of him as the both of you approached the bar, reaching up to fix his tie, “i know so.”
“fancy another drink?” the bartender had cut the moment short, you turning back around to face the man in front of you who wore a polite smile.
“yes, please. i’ll have another vodka cran,” you smiled, looking back at lando, “and a water for him.”
the bartender nodded, “coming right up.”
you turned back to your friend who was already looking back at you before he spoke up, “you having a good time?”
you nodded, “i am, thank you for inviting me.”
“it’s actually really nice having you here,” he said, “wish you could come to all of these.”
“me too.”
“here you are, a vodka cran and a water for the gentleman.”
you thanked the bar tender, taking the cups from the bar top before you handed the water to the man behind you. he accepted it, you raising your glass to his.
“to another year with mclaren,” you smiled, “and more podiums.”
“and us.” he smiled back at you before the both of you clinked your cups, taking sips shortly after.
“mm,” he hummed, swallowing his drink down before he continued, “i’ve got a question for you.”
you raised an eyebrow, “hmm?”
“would you want to..” he trailed off, his eyes on yours as he suddenly felt the nerves come over him in a rush, “um, did you want to maybe get dinner?”
you looked at him, “as friends or… as in a date?”
he swallowed, trying to suppress his nerves, “a date.”
you smiled again, for what felt like the hundredth time, and each time was because of the boy in front of you. you nodded, taking a sip of your drink.
“i’d love to.”
i’m his nerves washed away, grinning down at you, “really?- uhm, how about friday? when i’m done training?”
you nodded, “sounds perfect.”
he nodded back at you, “okay, cool- i mean, great!”
you laughed softly at his nervous stammering, “pick me up at 6?”
he opened his mouth to speak before getting cut off by the sound of someone calling his name. he looked over to where it was coming from, spotting jon and zak waving him over.
“6 is good,” he nodded, “i’ll catch you in a bit?”
you grinned back at him and nodded, “come find me.”
he smiled and nodded, making his way over to his trainer and his boss, looking back over at you with a smile before turning his attention back to the conversation.
a presence joined you at the bar, watching you watch the man across the room, “did he finally ask you?”
you didn’t have to look at the person next to you to realize who it was, the australian accent giving it away, “yeah, he did.”
“thank god,” oscar sighed, “you’re all he talks about, y’know.”
you smiled over at the aussie next to you, “i know,”
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sarahscribbles · 10 months
Drabble Request - Loki saying”I love you” for the first time. Can be either fluff or smut, your choice <3
I wrote this in 2 hours when the motivation hit so I'm sorry if that's painfully obvious while reading! Please don't cut me out of the will!
𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐆𝐍!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟕𝟑𝟖
𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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It takes longer than usual for the quiet sound of Loki’s footsteps to come padding down the hallway. 
Typically, he’s like a moth to a flame from the minute your mixing bowl hits the countertop, unable to resist the baked goods that it promises. He’ll linger like a shadow around the kitchen under the guise of “assisting” when you know what he’s really doing is waiting to assault the baking tray as soon as it leaves the oven. Your lover has the most ferocious sweet tooth out of anyone you know, and where raw cookie dough is, Loki isn’t too far behind. 
Today, though, the apple pie you’re baking is already browning and you’ve moved on to scooping out the mixture for a dozen cupcakes - cupcakes that you’re only baking because you know they’re his favourite - when he rounds the corner, looking effortlessly beautifully even in a pair of plaid pyjama bottoms and a black sweater. 
You hear his appreciative inhale of the air that’s sweet with the scent of pastry and vanilla. “Have I died and arrived in Valhalla?” His deep voice rolls over you like liquid silk, and he’s swiftly crossing the small space of the kitchen to easily mould himself against your back and loop his arms around you. 
There’s nowhere else on earth you’d rather be. Not when his arms have become your safe space and his laughter is now your favourite sound. Not when…well…
You push your hips back gently against his. “Took you long enough to notice,” you tease him, whacking his hand away when he tries to dip a finger into the raw cupcake mix. 
His laughter rumbles against your back and, god, the sound of his joy is so infectious that you find you can’t help but secretly grin. “Darling, the last time you baked, you explicitly told me that if I continued to bother you, you would beat me with your rolling pin.” 
With a quiet “tut” and shake of your head, you continue to smooth out the last of the batter into the little paper stands. “You know I wouldn’t actually beat you with a rolling pin, dummy.” 
I love you too much. You want to add. 
“That’s not a chance I’m willing to take,” he teases back, but then lightly kisses your temple. “What’s on the menu today?” he then asks, resting his chin on your shoulder. 
You wriggle back against him. “Apple pie because it’s almost Halloween, and peanut butter and chocolate cupcakes because…because I know they’re your favourite,” you reply, trying to sound casual while scraping the last bit of batter off the spoon. 
He’s never told you outright that they��re his favourite, but you’ve noticed. You know that he prefers to shower at night and that he’s grown fond of sitcoms. You know that he hates green peppers but could eat an orange one whole. You know that he’s not ready to talk about the nightmares that have him waking in a cold sweat, but that he’ll relax instantly when you twist yourself around him beneath the sheets. 
You know that you love him. 
The three words have been on the tip of your tongue for weeks and you want to tell him, but you don’t and you haven’t because what if…
“I love you,” he murmurs gently into your hair. It’s soft and simple and filled with so much truth that your heart swells in your chest.
How long has he known?
Gently, he takes the utensils from your hands and pulls you around to face him. His eyes are glittering like stars as he looks at you, like he can read the secrets of the universe between each line on your face. 
“I love you,” he repeats, placing his palms on each side of your face and tracing gentle lines with the pads of his thumbs.
He’s smiling down at you and you know he’s been wanting to say those three words for as long as you have. Happiness is flowing through every vein that this beautiful man loves you back, and with three words your heart and soul are his for as long as he’ll have them. 
Your voice is shaky when you speak, but you have no idea if you’re laughing or crying. “Thank god. Because I love you too.” 
You’ll love him with everything you have, until your lungs give out and the stars fall out of the sky.
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cutexlr · 10 months
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Summary: Your highly powerful father hired Six to guard you at your home while he was out of the country. Six doesn’t speak much but that doesn’t mean he’ll give you privacy. All you want is to release some pint up energy due to being locked up in your residence.
Warnings: afab reader, masturbation, vibrator, getting caught, age gap, cursing, pervert!six, oral (fem receiving), jerking off, praise, talking you through it
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Six has lived with me for some time. He was hired by my father to protect me at all costs while he was out of the country. By what I’ve been told, he’s the best in his agency and he will do anything to protect the thing he’s guarding.
The only downside to this is that I cant leave the house. At first, it was no big deal and it was even relaxing in a way. But after a few weeks I was starting to get restless. I needed to do something, anything that involved social interaction. Six wasn’t much help with that whatsoever.
I’ve convinced Six to join me in everyday tasks, like eating breakfast or even watching a movie. He’ll speak only few words if necessary. Which doesn’t stop me from rambling, venting out all my problems while he’ll sit and listen.
On this particular day, the house was quiet. It was one of those days where me and him kept our distance. I stayed curled up in my bed, the boredom becoming stronger. I could sense he was near, doing some rounds around the house and guarding every possible entry way.
The boredom let my mind wonder, I started to think more about Six. The lingering moments we would have at night, him eyeing me as I got a midnight snack in my skimpy pajamas. Or brushing against him as I walked past to return to bed. I desperately wanted to know what he was thinking. His facial expressions gave away nothing and I was at a complete loss.
I couldn’t help but squeeze my thighs together, thinking about what it would be like for his big hands to touch me all over. I thought about the vibrator I purchased before this whole ordeal. I felt embarrassed, to get myself off while he was just outside my room, protecting me.
I crawled out of bed and went to my dresser, opening the top drawer and digging for the hidden toy. Eager, I jumped right back into bed, not even bothering to get under the covers. I set the toy to low, putting it over my silk shorts. I hummed quietly, moving my hips against the vibration of the toy. I turned it up, I wasn’t use to the intensity of the vibration. I got lost in the moment, not thinking about my surroundings.
Not until I heard the floor creak. I jumped at the sound, at the door stood Six.
“Get out!” I squeal, putting the toy behind me.
He tilted his head, amused by my behavior.
“Didn’t you hear me? Leave!” I huff, putting my head in my hands.
He shook his head, “hm hm”, he closed the door.
“What’re you doing?” I asked curiously, watching his figure move over to the bed.
“Give it.” He Held his hand out, indicating he wanted the vibrator.
My face turned pink out of embarrassment, I did what he asked. I could barely look at him.
Six put the toy at his side, guarding it. He put a hand on my knee, “come ‘ere.” His hands grabbed both of my knees, pulling me closer. “Six-“ he interrupted me, “you wanna show me something?”
“Show what?” I pouted, unamused by the mocking.
“Show me how you fuck yourself” he hummed, his voice low and sweet with a hint of condescension. He watched my expression, “don’t get embarrassed now.”
“But I cant.” I shake my head, “not allowed to.”
He turned the toy on, putting it against my clothed clit. I gasped, “don’t-“
“Gotta keep it a secret ok? Just between you and me” his breath hitched, fixated on what he was doing.
I think for a moment, what harm could it be? “Okay…” I nod, “want you to play with me.”
“Fuck-“ he let out a low groan, “wanna see how wet this is making you hun, let’s get these off.” Six pulled my bottoms off, his eyes never leaving my body.
He disregarded the toy for a moment, going down to my pussy. He started sucking on my clit. “Six!” I gasped, he took me by surprise. “Please-“ he grabbed my thighs and put them on his shoulders.
“Tastes so good honey” he sighed, his tongue fucking me desperately.
I whimpered, grabbing at his hair and tugging. Six clearly enjoyed this as he moved his hips against the bed.
“See what you turn me into?” He looked up at me, “so fucking desperate and horny.” Six sat up, grabbing the toy again.
“Why’d you stop?” I whine, wanting his tongue again.
“Because” he took a moment to catch his breath, “I’m gonna fuck you with this” six holds the toy up, “and you’re gonna touch me okay?” His tone was gentle, almost perverted.
I nod, “okay.” His mouth quirked up slightly, a smirk forming, “such a good girl, now lay back for me.”
Six stood up, undoing the belt of his trousers and fly. “I’m gonna stand right here, and I’m gonna fuck your hand m’kay?”
“Yes” I blush, “I’ll do anything”
“Good” he rubbed his cock through his boxers with one hand and switched the toy back on with the other. He put the toy inside me, hitting that spot.
“Shit- it’s too much” I whimper, the toy’s setting on high.
“Shh” he pulled his cock out, “you can take it.”
I arched my back, taking in the sensation. I took him in my hand, jerking him off slowly.
He cursed under his breath. He mumbled, “keep going, you’re fucking me good.”
“Don’t stop! Please- fuck” I moaned, he thrusts the toy in and out, while I go faster with him. He moved his hips, fucking my hand.
“Jesus- keep going any faster and I’ll cum” he groans.
“Uh Huh” i close my eyes, “please let me cum, let me have it”
“Yeah? You want it? Cum for me” he fucked me with the toy harder.
“I’m coming ” I squirm, my orgasm rushing over me, letting myself release.
“Oh fuck” he couldn’t hold back himself, “gonna cum on your fucking face.” I let go, and he started jerking his cock through his orgasm. His cum dripping onto my face. “Look so pretty like that” he sighed, “never gonna give you privacy again doll.”
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“Where are you off to?...  The mall?  Well, your friends will need to wait.  We have something to talk about. 
“I have looked after your step-dad, my brother, for his entire life, and I have gotten to know your ma just these past few years.  I trust Doyle with my life.  So when he and your ma ask a favor to have you live with me while they work out their problems, I can’t say no.  I told them that I don’t expect any problems from you.  And they assured me that you are a good boy and that you would follow my rules.  Well, after a long twelve-hour day at the job site, I want to relax with a Scotch Whisky and a nice Macanudo cigar.  Well, imagine my surprise that the bottle of Johnnie Walker, that I opened earlier this week, is well over half gone.  I know how much I drink; that bottle would last me a month and a half at least.  Care to explain?... 
“Well Vinny, don’t ever insult my intelligence again.  That is a battle you will never win.  You drank my Scotch.  Now you have to deal with the consequences. 
“C’mere!...  I said ‘Come here!’  Lay your sorry ass across my lap; you’re getting a good old fashioned ass whooping. 
“…I don’t give a shit that you turned 18 only a few months ago.  You ain’t too old to be put in your place….  Don’t you dare head to the door….
“…I told you not to underestimate me.  Hold still.  I was a state champion wrestler in High School.  I was also a cop before my heart problems.  I know how to take down a bitch like you.  Quit squirming.  Let’s get these sweatpants off you….  Going commando, hunh? 
“…What?  Don’t have something stupid to say?  It’s time for you to pay for your fuck up.  This is a nice ass.  So smooth and pale pink.  Too bad I have to welt it up.
“That’s one.  One of twenty… on each cheek.  Two…  Three…  Now this cheek.  Fuck yeah.  My hand is going to be sore for a while, but I don’t care.  Six.  Seven.  You are starting to go red here.  Boy you got a hot ass!  Ha! Literally it’s very warm. 
“Your crack needs some color….  What the fuck?  You are wet in your crack.  It doesn't stink.  Fuck!  This is lube!  What the fuck?...
“Ha! You were going commando to the mall in sweatpants and your ass is lubed up?  No, you have something lined up to get fucked.  Ha! Ha!
“And I bet…  Don’t try to fight me on this, you have enough lube here for me to easily glide in my finger… like this.  Oooh, there’s your prostate.... I can tell you are cleaned out.
“So, let’s start this conversation over.  Stand up….  I thought that’s what I felt.  Your pecker is hard from you being spanked.  Ha!  I love it.  Look I am totally fine with you being a sperm burper.  Fuck, get laid whenever you want.  So want to tell me where you were really going?
“Have a hook up?  That’s nice.  Is it from one of those apps?...  Let me see his profile….  Give me your phone….  Which app was it?...  Let me see.  This him?...  So you like 43-year-olds?  That’s cool.  I’m a little bit older than that.
“Oh, your chat with him is interesting.  Very interesting….  So you like sucking on ‘Daddy’s toes?’  This is fucking great…. Quit protesting.  I do love it… all of it.  I love that you are rock hard. 
“I’m gonna let you in on a little secret.  I am rock hard too.  Yeah, I’ve played with boys before. 
“Here let me take it out for you.  Boy you got me leaking.  Grab a hold of it.  It’s a sizeable piece hunh?...  I see you licking your lips.
“Shut up….  One moment….  There!  I just sent him a message saying that you are going to be twenty to thirty minutes late because your uncle needs some help unloading some things.
“On the bed….  I don’t give a shit.  You got me hard; you are going to take care of it.  I want that red ass of yours.  Atta boy.
“Spread your legs as far as you can.  Just lay there.  I prefer when my holes don’t move around.  And if you can, don’t moan.  Just be the hole you are destined to be.
“Fuck!  It is like silk in here.  I am going to enjoy using this hole daily….  I said don’t say anything.  You live in my house with a hole I can fuck, you better believe I’m going to beat and breed this hole.  You got that?  Beat and breed.  Beat and breed.  I hope your mouth is as good as this pussy hole of yours.  If not, I’ll train ya right.
“Oh man, I’m gonna cum.  I’m gonna flood your guts.  Here it cums.  Here it fucking cums.  Get ready boy.  Uhhh!  Fuuuuuck!  Hell yeah!  Fuck!  Goddamn!  Fuck!
“Goddamn!  I love your ass.  Clamp down as I pull out.  Fuck yeah.  I can tell this isn’t your first fuck….  Don’t worry, I won’t tell your ma or my brother.  They don’t need to know. 
“Get up.  Clean me off….  What?  Look at my cock.  It needs to be cleaned up.  Get your mouth on my dick now.  Don’t question me on this….  Atta boy.  You are going to learn that living here requires you to follow my rules.  Rule one, you are getting beat then seeded when I want.  Rule two, you clean me up after yourself.  My cock rules this house and those in it.
“Ok.  Get dressed.  No, you cannot use the bathroom.  You are going to your hook up with a messed up ass, loaded up good.  If he should ask, tell him your uncle unloaded a week’s worth of baby batter in your pussy.
“Now go.  I want to hear details when you get back.  Oh and Vinny, in the future, if you want some Scotch, just ask.  Considering I’m going to beat your ass one way or the other, you kinda earned it.  Now go. 
“And take care of my babies.”
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thedeviltohisangel · 2 months
All The Things I Did (Interlude): The One Thing I've Been Wanting
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a/n: wow oh wow i think you guys are going to love this one. another mini novel featuring all the emotions and filth you could ever ask for. john and cass have their formal wedding in south carolina that he always promised her they would. a few little easter eggs in there i hope you guys want to scream at me about. hope you all enjoy, happy reading and love you endlessly!
warning: smut
In May 1946, almost one year to the day that John Egan hung an American flag in the middle of Germany, he was sat in a plush hotel room in Charleston, South Carolina looking at a photo of himself in a smattering of local newspapers and even The New York Times. Locally it was the front page, nationally a column right in the economics section. The headlines ranged from proclamations of a fairytale come true to rumors on how the match would affect the valuation of the Cooper empire. 
He liked the picture they had all chosen though. It was from a photocall Mrs. Cooper had insisted they do just last week. Cass had worn a beautiful forest green skirt and white silk blouse, her smile perfectly measured across her face. There had been a bit of commotion over what John should wear. He wasn’t set to pin on Lieutenant Colonel until June and the communications team had proposed stalling the wedding until his new rank could be proudly displayed in the photographs. Might I politely remind you he is already my husband. If you make me wait one second longer to appease people with this party you will not enjoy the sight was how Cass chose to handle it. In this setting, one completely new and foreign to the boy from Manitowoc, he was entirely reliant on her to guide him.
In the final image, she was looking at the camera but he was looking at her. It was fitting. He was merely a planet orbiting around her sun. He looked stricken by her beauty and nothing could have been closer to the truth.
“Come in,” he called at the knock on the door. He folded the paper and tossed it onto the coffee table. 
“You about ready to get out there? Don’t want Spook thinking you ran away.” Gale clicked the door closed and stood watching his friend. “You’re nervous.” It was a statement rather than a question. 
“I don’t know why. I’ve been married to her for almost three years. Today is just a societal formality.” Marrying in secret in London was not how women like Cass were supposed to carry themselves, according to her mother. If no one was there to see it then they wouldn’t believe it. “Just…what if something changes?”
“What if something changes? Bucky, you two are still going to be the same people tonight as you were this morning. You’re still going to love the wits out of that girl just like she loves the wits out of you.” John stood and started to pace around the room.
“I know that. I know how I feel and how she feels won’t change but it’s now so formal. And there’s an audience and my wedding is in The Times, Buck, the goddamn Times!” 
“The photo did look wonderful,” Gale pointed out as he nodded towards the papers on the table. “Your wife doesn’t need all this if you don’t want it, John. I am pretty certain that girl would run away with you to a farm out West if you asked her to.”
“No,” he shook his head, “all of this is good to be sure she is always provided for. When we have kids, they won’t want for anything.” Wealth like this was almost unmoveable during the Depression. John had been in college for the worst of it. Had seen the toll it took on his family and the people around them. Cass and he could make sure their kids never had to worry about that. 
“When and not if, huh?”
“Buck, you of all people should know we aren’t exactly celibate.” Gale didn’t need the reminder. All too often he had found himself pleading for a moment of respite with the two of them. It didn’t matter when or where, he would run out of fingers and toes trying to count the sanctified places those two had breached. “She’s going to be the best mother.” 
“And you’re going to be the best father.” John and Cass had spent the past year filling in all the blanks their time apart had forced upon them. They had gone to Wyoming for Gale and Marge’s wedding and not a single incident had occurred. It was as if John had never gotten on a plane to avenge Gale that day. They were so in love they talked about having a baby in nine months, talked about the perfect house to raise them in. Talked about names and nursery colors. 
But then they had gone to visit his family in Wisconsin. And something had snapped. All the anger they had hidden from each other in the name of surviving the cold German winter had bubbled to the surface viciously. All the anger he had harbored towards her for putting herself in danger would not lay dormant any longer. Anger that every night when he closed his eyes he had prayed to keep his wife safe, that John could take any pain as long as she was spared, and she had negated it all without a thought. Anger that she had wasted almost two years of her life running herself ragged to maintain their relationship and he had been able to do nothing in return. Anger that no matter the horrors he had inflicted upon people, the horrors of Stalag Luft that kept him up at night, the horrors of not knowing who you were looking at in the mirror, that she didn’t find someone better.
“Buck, I’m sorry you weren’t there the first time Cass and I did this. But I am happy you’re here for this one. I couldn’t ask for a better best man.” John pulled him into a hug, clapping his back a few times. 
“I only agreed to see you cry when you get a glimpse of her.” 
“Yeah? You’ve seen her?” She had put him under strict orders that he was not to see her the morning of their wedding. Had even made John sleep by himself. He was missing her desperately at this point. 
“She said the dress was a family heirloom. You didn’t manage to sneak out a parachute?” John blushed and looked at his feet. 
“You’ll make fun of me if I tell you.” He had. They had just agreed to save it for a more special occasion. 
“Not on your wedding day.”
“Cass had the idea that it might make a nice christening gown one day.” Wait until Marge hears how John Egan has gone all domestic on us Gale thought with a smile. “Did she get the gift I left for her?” It was a silver locket, the date and a note that simply said I love you and his name on the back, a photo of the two of them in Wyoming neatly placed inside. 
“It’s her something new,” Gale answered. Her dress was something old, her mother’s diamond headband something borrowed and she had taken the time to stitch her favorite line from Blue Skies inside her skirt in blue thread. Gale cleared his throat. “She told me to pass along that you would get your gift from her…tonight.” All the girls had giggled furiously when Cass had asked him to pass along the message. There couldn’t have been a better man for the job.
“I think her asking you to tell me that is a gift all in itself, Buck.”
Cass was sat in front of the vanity mirror, admiring how her new necklace looked with a smile. She had already married John, had been through more life with him than any other couple she knew, but the prospect of the day still had butterflies in her stomach. It was the kind of day that flitted across her dreams as she had grown up. Wondering what kind of dress she would wear. What the ring on her hand would look like. Who would be waiting for her at the end of the aisle. Never before would she have pictured a man like John Egan but now not a day went by where she didn’t think of him and was waiting for both of them at the end of that aisle. 
“Ma’am, all the guest have been seated and Major Egan is making his way to the altar in-”
“I’d like to see him.” Maybe that was what she needed to calm her nerves. Some needed whiskey or cigarettes but she just needed John. “He doesn’t need to see me, I just need to see him.”
And that was how, on his way to walk down the aisle, he was dragged into a room and told to sit patiently while the woman in charge of ensuring this entire wedding went off without a hitch, tied black fabric over his eyes. 
“Is this really necessary?” he asked once his vision was completely obscured. 
“Yes. Mrs. Egan requested it.” Gale sighed as the woman used Cass’ new last name. It always opened the door to something unscrupulous. 
“Mrs. Egan,” John repeated with a wicked grin. “Mrs. Cassandra Ann Egan. My wife.” He wasn’t ashamed to admit that he had asked Cass to write her new name for him just so he could relish in how it looked. How naturally her wrist and fingers moved to draft the letters. It was spectacularly wonderful and he was addicted. 
“Gale? Is he successfully blinded yet?” Cass was getting impatient on the other side of the bedroom door. She could hear her husband and she could feel him. It was like torture not being able to see him or touch him. 
“Spook?” John got up and turned in the direction of her voice, his shins colliding with a coffee table almost instantly. “Motherfucker!” 
“I’m giving you two…” Gale ran through the numbers in his head. He had seen the feral acts the two of them were capable of committing in less than five minutes. Anything more than thirty seconds seemed like they would be consummating a marriage that hadn’t happened yet. “Forget it. You two wouldn’t listen to me anyways. Just remember your parents are right outside!” Gale escorted the planner out and shut the door behind him, a stillness settling over the suite.
“Cass, baby, they’re gone. Can I take this-”
“Absolutely not!” Her voice was no longer muffled as she opened the door and took in the sight of him. Her beautiful, handsome man. Hers and hers alone. The man she had fought for and lived for and loved every day no matter how treacherous. “We have done absolutely nothing the traditional way. Let me have this, please?” John never was too good at denying her anything.
“Fine, then let me have a kiss at least.” Cass gathered her skirt with a small giggle as he stood there awaiting her with his arms open. She pecked him quickly and he leaned forward in a chase for more. “I’m dying, Cass. You didn’t let me see you after dinner last night and now you’re right here in front of me and I can just tell you look heaven sent and now you want to tease me?”
“I’m just so happy right now, Johnny.” Now that name only fell from her lips when the emotions in her chest were too much to even say his name. Whether she was sad or angry or blinded by happiness. He had gotten so used to hearing John that anything different locked him in on a dime. 
“I’m happy, too. Get to marry you all over again.” He felt a little better when her hands rested on his chest, his wrapping around her waist and pulling her as close as he could. His palms could feel lace until her hips and then silk. Maybe a bow at the top of her skirt. “I love you, Cass. Making things grandly official today won’t change anything about us. We’ll still sing as loud as we can in the car and share ice cream on the beach and count stars when we can’t fall asleep.” Her soul warmed when he said the exact words she had needed to hear, not knowing how John had ached with the need to say them. 
“Those sound like the vows you should be saving for later.” 
“I can think of a thousand ways to vow to love you forever, don’t you worry.” She indulged him in a proper kiss then, careful not to mess his perfectly coiffed curls and John restraining himself from tearing at the buttons going up her spine. Everything felt heightened, John unable to anticipate her next move with the fabric covering his eyes.
“What did I do to deserve you?” she asked softly as she knocked her nose against his. “You are so beautiful, inside and out, and intellectual and selfless and meet all my weaknesses with strength...”
“Sounds like a soulmate,” he whispered. “I can’t wait to do forever with you.” 
“We deserve it, my love.”
John held his breath as he waited at the altar, all eyes on him as everyone waited for the orchestra to begin playing as a signal of Cass’ arrival. He fiddled with the front of his jacket, ensuring it was straight and smooth, smiling when he caught Olivia and Jill giggling at him from their spots across from him. 
“Your sister is trying to kill me with anticipation,” he whisper-yelled. 
“She’ll make it worth your time, Major,” Olivia teased. Buck clapped John on the shoulders just as the first notes of the Bridal Chorus began to sing through the grove of Spanish Moss trees. 
“Here we go,” Gale said lovingly. Everyone stood and John breathed deeply as Cass’ niece, Jessie, slowly walked down the aisle with a shy grin, tossing rose petals as she did. Her brother Sammy was next to her, two silver rings on a plush pillow in his grip. John squatted down to be at their level as they approached.
“Thank you, princess. You look so pretty.” Jessie threw her arms around him as best she could.
“Thank you, Uncle John.” She ran off to take her seat by her father just as she’d been instructed to at the rehearsal. 
“Sir.” Sammy summoned all seven years of stature he had in him to stand at attention. 
“At ease, Sammy,” John chuckled. The young boy had fancied himself a future soldier. Had been amazed when he found out John was a real pilot just like in his comic books. “My best man, Major Cleven, is going to take those rings and keep them very safe.” Gale took them gently and locked them into his breast pocket. 
“Good work, Sammy.” Buck saluted him with a smile and the little boy was off in the same direction as his sister. John stood to his full height and squared his shoulders, his eyes sharpening their focus on the ornate wooden doors that hid his love from his sight. 
And when they opened. 
And when she lifted her veiled face to look at him, finally. 
And when their eyes met and their smiles matched and the tears welled in his eyes…
Everything felt right in the world. 
Cass kept her eyes on him as she held her fathers arm down the aisle. She had to slip her bottom lip between her teeth to keep from giggling with glee at the sight of John waiting for her. As she got closer, she could see the glassiness in his eyes. He was always so strong. Her stability in this world. The man who had her back through anything with no questions asked. The one person in the universe that loved her unconditionally and with no strings attached and in the exact way that she needed to be loved.
“Do you give this woman to be married to this man?” John was itching to lift her veil and kiss her senseless now that she was this close to him. 
“I do,” her father spoke with pride.
“I love you, Daddy,” she whispered as he pulled her into a hug. 
And then finally it was just the two of them.
And then finally he was able to hold her hand and help her up the final step to stand across from him.
And then finally his shaking fingers found the lace trim of her veil and he finally exhaled as he lifted it over her head. Her eyes were full of adoration as she looked up at him. 
“Hi,” he whispered. His hands landed on her cheeks and her hands rested against his chest.
“I’ve been missing those eyes.” Her own twinkled in kind. John leaned in, he couldn’t help himself, the officiant clearing his throat to stop them.
“We are gathered here today to witness the sacred union of John Clarence Egan and Cassandra Ann Cooper,” they smirked at each other. She hadn’t gone by her maiden name in almost three years. Not since London. “We stand here to honor and celebrate the love shared between these two people, as they come together to start their new life with a solemn vow, surrounded by their closest family and friends.”
A journey of love. Their love had already survived so much. From the moment their eyes had locked on an airfield in England, it had strengthened to withstand the tests of time. Their journey had taken them to the darkest corners of humanity the world had to offer. Had forced them to make difficult decisions in the name of survival. But all those decisions had led them here. All the darkness had led to this overwhelming light. Neither of them would change a thing.
A journey of understanding. They had come together and been torn apart and brought back together. And every stage had led them to becoming a new version of the person they had fallen in love with. They worked hard each and every single day to understand who was sitting across from them. Who was looking at them through the mirror. They had been off kilter for a little while but would always find their balance. 
A journey of perseverance. This was the easiest for them to feel when they looked at each other. They were both stubborn. Bull-headed in their pursuit of survival and a life after war. Aggressively unable to give up on each other. Relentlessly devoted to the forever that they had promised each other. 
“...and dedication to one another that lasts through time. As we stand here today to mark this occasion, we remember that what matters most is not the ceremony itself, but the love and companionship you will continue to share throughout your married life together.” John squeezed her hands. “There are no vows more meaningful and powerful than those which will be shared here today. Your wedding vows are a sacred declaration of your love for each other, the foundation of your relationship as a married couple, and the life you want to build together.” Cass thanked her sister as she handed her the piece of paper her vows were on, turning back to face John and letting his gaze give her the strength to lay bare her emotions.
“John, my blue sky, my love. From the moment I saw you, I couldn’t shake you. You were the first person in a long time to see me. To see all my faults and jagged edges and not to look away but to meet them like a perfect puzzle piece. Where I am weak, you are strong and you have spent everyday making me feel loved and safe and happy in ways words cannot capture.” John used his thumb to wipe a tear from her face and stroked his knuckles up and down her cheek for good measure. “I wouldn’t trade a single moment with you for anything in the world. Even the tough ones, even the painful ones, even the ones where I thought I was going to lose you. Because we’ve already proven our love can face anything and come out stronger on the other side. That forever will only be the beginning for us. And doing life with you, John Egan, will be the honor of my life.” Cass dabbed at the tears under her eyes, John knocking his forehead against hers.
“That was so beautiful, baby. I love you so much and-”
“Major Egan, you could just say your vows.” Gale smiled. Finally someone was getting a taste of what he had dealt with. He handed John the piece of paper and sent a wink in Marge’s direction. John looked down at the paper and swallowed before handing it back to Gale.
“I’d rather just tell you, Cass, how I feel in this exact moment because I have never been more in love with you.” She giggled as he held both her hands and locked his baby blues onto her eyes. “I fall more and more in love with you every second that I am with you. You are the reason I survived everything we went through, my love. The reason I made it through to the other side was because I knew that was where a future with you was waiting for me. You had this flyboy dreaming of growing roots from the moment I saw you. From the moment I saw you at a pub with your nose buried in a book, I knew I was done for. I knew you were going to challenge me and make me work to earn your love and it was so worth it, Cass, is still so worth it. We are going to build the most amazing life together, our own little solar system, and I will fight for you and our future every day, Cass. I promise.”
“And you’ve never broken a promise,” she whispered as the tears flowed freely down her face. 
“I don’t plan on starting now, Spook…Can I kiss her yet, Father?” A gentle laugh rippled throughout the crowd around the tears they were wiping away.
“Soon, Major. Repeat after me.”
“I, John Clarence Egan, take you Cassandra Ann Egan to be my wedded wife.”
“I, Cassandra Ann Egan, take you John Clarence Egan, to be my wedded husband.”
“I promise to stand by your side through good times and bad times…”
“...for richer or poorer…”
“...in sickness and in health.”
“I vow to stay true to you and love you…”
“...unconditionally for the rest of my days.” They both finished with a smile, drifting closer and closer to each other as the words wrapped around them. There was no daylight between their torsos as she threaded her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and he locked his fingers at the small of her back.
“Do you, John Clarence Egan, take this woman to be your wedded wife?”
“I do,” he said just to her, his blue eyes molten pool of crystalline love.
“Do, Cassandra Ann Cooper, take this man to be your wedded husband?”
“I do,” her heart skipping a beat as John licked his lips. 
“It is now time for you to exchange rings. Your rings symbolize the eternal commitment that you make to each other, and the never ending circle of your love. May these rings always remind you of the commitment you are making here today.” Gale handed each of them a ring, John taking Cass’ left hand tenderly. 
“I, John Clarence Egan, give you, Cassandra Ann Egan, this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment to you.” The silver band fit perfectly on her finger, John swiping his thumb over it a few times to ensure it was real. That after everything they had been through, the two of them were right where they had always wanted to be.
“I, Cassandra Ann Egan, give you, John Clarence Egan, this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment to you.” The band looked at home on his hand. Like he was always meant to be claimed as hers. 
“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may-” He wasn’t able to get the word out as their noses bumped together in the urgency to connect their lips. Cheers erupted from the guests and he held her tighter and tighter and tighter against his body and she slipped her tongue into his mouth, John groaning with ecstasy. “It is with great honor that I present you Mr. and Mrs. John Egan!” Cass giggled as John dipped her triumphantly, his lips pressed to the side of her head as they faced the adoring mass in front of them. Her one hand was gripped tightly by his, the other holding her skirt, as they made their way back to the doors that led inside. 
“Mr. and Mrs. Egan, congratulations! We have the reception area-”
“I think I need to change out of my dress, first,” Cass said to the woman but looking at John. Her fingers were already loosening his tie. “Would you like to help me, Mr. Egan?” He nodded wordlessly, catching her chin between his thumb and pointer finger. 
“Don’t wait for us to start the party, ma’am. I’m going to take my time with my wife.” 
The door to her suite slammed shut behind them and he was on her in an instant. They couldn’t help but laugh into each other’s lips as their noses collided, and her hair was falling out of its style and his hat landed on the ground. 
“You make me so happy,” she whispered as her fingers carded through his curls, tossed his tie to the side and slowly began to undo the buttons of his jacket. “I love you so much, John Egan. Just the way you are.” John brought his hands, delicately, to the diamond headband in her hair, lifting gently and placing it on the table by the door. 
“There was a time I would have done anything to hear you say those words.” She whined as he kissed her once then pulled away. Cass pushed his jacket off his shoulders. “I thought, after I heard them for the first time, that feeling would go away. I’d still do anything just to hear you say you love me.”
“I love you. I’m in love with you. I love you.” Her arm hooked around his neck and dragged him down to her lips, his hand fumbling to free her hair from the confines of her veil and pins. 
“If I can’t get your hair out of this riddle…” Her kisses were doing nothing to help his concentration. And her hands on his belt buckle were doing even less.
“You haven’t even seen the complex feminine garments that are under this dress yet,” she teased. 
“Cass, I’ll just fucking rip it off of you if you aren’t careful.” She reached her hand towards her hair, pulling one pin for it to cascade around her shoulders in bountiful waves. “How in God’s name…”
“You were going to get started on the buttons of my dress, Major?” 
Thankfully, he was able to compose himself long enough to undo them without tearing the lace of her dress. The release of her corset and stockings allowed her to take a full breath and John lifted her into his arms, her legs around his waist and her chest between his lips. 
“So, so beautiful,” he muttered in a daze as he laid her on the bed. “And all mine.” 
“Let me see what’s all mine,” she breathed as she sat up and kissed down his chest, his fingers undoing the buttons of his dress shirt as quickly as he could possibly manage. She paid extra to kiss exactly where his heart would be. “This right here is the part I’m most honored to have.” She pressed her hand flat and he placed his on top. 
“It’s all yours. Every last beat.” 
Their kisses were sloppy and impatient as they were both fully bare, John crawling to hover over her and kissing a long line down, down, down. He kissed her clit softly, her fingers threading into his curls instantly. He moved oh so slowly and oh so softly and with direct intention behind every flick of his tongue and curl of his finger inside of her. “All mine,” he repeated. 
“All yours, John,” she panted. Her hips lifted ever so slightly off the bed, his forearm pressing them back down into the mattress with force. 
“You’re so pretty when you cum for me.” Two of his fingers curled against the spot that made her muscles quiver. “That’s my girl.” Cass propped herself onto her elbows to look him in the eye, exactly the way she knew he liked, as his thumb pressed against her clit in the same rhythm as his fingers.
“Oh, fuck, John. Faster.” He obliged. Watched in wonder as her moan caught in her throat and her chest blossomed with the flush of her orgasm. Her hips squirmed as she came back to reality but his fingers weren’t stopping. 
“Want you to make a mess for me, baby.” Ever since he had first learned he could coax arousal from her in such a way, he had been focused on working it out of her again. “Think you could do that for me?”
“Yes, Johnny.” His fingers went deeper and faster and curled against the front of her with a sense of purpose only she would be able to inspire in him. Her hands gripped at her breasts as she moaned. 
“Good girl. Just let yourself go, baby.” She gasped as her hips bucked again, John could hear the change in his fingers pumping in and out of her. Cass was so close he could taste it. When her nails scratched at his scalp and her back arched and her toes curled, he spread her thighs even wider latched his mouth onto her. It was like drinking nectar straight from the source. She writhed against his tongue as he lapped at every drop, John’s own hips seeking friction by rutting against the matress. 
He looked absolutely sinful. Chin coated in her cum. A curl hanging down his forehead. Kissing at the inside of her thigh to make sure he didn’t miss a drop. 
“John…” She was practically out of breath as he stroked her clit one more time just to watch the way her stimulated body reacted to his touch. 
“You soaked the sheets baby. I’m so proud of you.” 
“Need you inside me,” she whimpered as John stood, pulling her to the edge of the bed. “Need my husband to fuck me.” 
“My wife needs my cock?” he asked rhetorically. She nodded, trying to move her hips forward to close the gap. He tapped her with the head of his length before teasing up and down her slit to gather her wetness. He saw stars as he pushed into her. She welcomed as much of him as physically possible, her brow furrowed and mouth agape as she watched him rock in and out of her gently. “Cass.” His hand reached to wrap around her throat as he picked up his pace. A moan escaping her lips in time with his thrusts. 
“Cum inside me, John.” He almost lost his focus at her words. They had been so careful since getting back. Not wanting a child to complicate the things they had been working through. But maybe now that all of that was behind them…
“You mean that?” He needed to be sure, his hips quickening with a mind of their own. 
“I’m cert- oh, right there.” She grabbed his wrist as he hit a particularly sweet spot deep inside of her, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. “Oh, Johnny, I’m so close.” Her own hand reached between them and began to work tight circles around her clit. John loved watching her touch herself. Had a habit of sitting behind her in a mirror and talking her through exactly how he wanted her to do it. 
His hip snapped quicker, the sounds of skin on skin and her sweet moans echoing through the room. “Get there with me, Cass, come on baby.” She knew how many thrusts away he was based on the way his forehead creased and his moans sounded strangled and he would always seek out a kiss from her. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she chanted as he stilled and she felt a warmth filling inside her that she hadn’t experienced before. He gripped her hips and pulled her forward, burying himself inside of her to the hilt. Her breath caught in her throat with a squeak as her whole body went stiff before it was shocked back to life by her orgasm. Her moan was the sweetest song as it caressed his ears, his chest heaving as he looked where their bodies were connected. 
“Going to need to do that a couple more times before dinner,” he said, “Just to make sure I’ve gotten the hang of it.” A knock at the door broke their trance.
“We’re busy,” Cass called out lazily as John moved to drop his forearms on either side of her head. He kissed the side of her neck and she craned it to offer him more skin to love on.
“Mr. and Mrs. Egan, we’ve delayed your arrival as much as we can.” There was a very specific balance of timing for such an affair. The first dance and the dance with her father and his mother had to be cadenced perfectly with the toasts and the dinner. Not to mention the five tiered wedding cake and not to mention they had a ship that would be waiting in the morning to take them to their honeymoon. If they were any later, everything could be derailed. She knocked again.
“I am a little hungry,” Cass noted, her thumb smoothing over the crease in the middle of his forehead. “And you did promise you’d sing Blue Skies for me tonight.”
“I did, didn’t I?” She nodded. “Guess we better get you all cleaned up then.”
There was an empty chair at the head table the whole night because Cass refused to leave her husband’s lap. No one was surprised that they were late. That Cass’ hair was no longer in the elaborate style she had had previously. Both of their sisters certainly noticed the way her knees buckled and John tightened his arm around her waist. Gale and Marge recognizing the shade of lipstick peeking out from just underneath John’s collar. 
“And now the best man, Gale Cleven, has a few words for the lovely couple.” John whistled as Buck made his way to the microphone, Cass kissing his cheek until he got the hint and turned to kiss her.
“If any of you are new to the John and Cass solar system, I can say with authority they are like this all the time.” The crowd laughed and John raised his glass before taking a sip, Cass burying her face in his neck. “I’ve spent a lot of time with John Egan. Known him from the moment he put on that uniform, making the choice to serve his country. He is a natural pilot. A natural leader. It’s natural for him to love others but hard for him to accept their love in return.” 
“I think he’s trying to make you cry,” Cass whispered. 
“He might.” 
“When I was writing this speech, I was having trouble finding the words to describe the love these two have for each other. The love that never waivered, even on the darkest of nights. And that is because of two things. Firstly, Cass is his compass, his North Star. She guides him home. To safety, to her. To comfort and to love. In return, John chases away the shadows of the night and brings her a Blue Sky. His favorite song, that fact she stuck around after hearing his rendition should tell you all you need to know, and his favorite sentiment. That the presence of someone you love is enough to chase away all your blue days.” Buck turned and faced two of the most important people in his life. Those responsible for his survival in Germany. Who he would never be able to thank enough for getting him home to Marge. “You two gave me the strength to keep fighting. The strength to make it home to my wife. Because you two gave me the courage to believe in destiny and fate and the notion that our souls can find their other half.” 
Cass used her napkin to dab gently at the corner of her eyes, John’s hand squeezing where it rested on her knee. His eyes were focused on his friend with a look of pure love. The look of a man who had survived unspeakable horrors but had his anchor keeping him sane. One on that stage and the other in his arms.
“I love you, John. I don’t say it nearly enough,” she said with her lips pressed to his cheek. 
“Cass and John, I know you have the most incredible, love-filled days ahead of you and I cannot wait to watch the life you two build together because I know for a fact the world is a better place with your love in it. To my two favorite heathens.” Gale raised his glass, Cass blowing him a kiss and John tightly smiling and nodding in an effort to keep his emotions at bay. The flutes of champagne that were passed out went down in a single gulp, the band starting back up as Gale made his way back to the head table. 
“Gale, that was so beautiful. Thank you.” Cass untwined herself from John’s grasp to wrap Buck in a hug. “Here I was thinking you were sick of us and our antics.”
“I am sick of catching you two working on my future niece or nephew but will never tire of watching you two love each other.” Buck went to shake John’s hand but John pulled him in for a hug instead. 
“You got me through, Buck. Got me here with all these blessings,”John looked his friend in the eye, “I’ll never be able to repay that.”
“You repay me by loving your wife with all you got, every day.” Marge walked over to join them. “Hey, maybe you two even name your son after me!”
“Don’t count on it.”
The party showed no signs of dying down even a few hours later. Everyone was sufficiently drunk and full of cake. John had brought the house down when he sang just as Cass requested. She was giddy with her love for him.
“Get some fresh air with me?” she requested as he lifted her up and spun her around. 
“Lead the way, my love.” Cass dragged him out the door and a few yards away, dramatically dropping into the grass with a giggle and John followed suit. “Haven’t gotten to just look at the stars with you in awhile.” 
“We’ve been busy. I wouldn’t mind slowing down a little,” she murmured as her cheek rested over his heart.
“Me neither. A little time away is going to be nice.” A couple weeks on safari in Tanzania followed by a couple weeks on the beaches of Zanzibar. It sounded heavenly. 
“It’s going to be perfect.”
One year ago, they had finally escaped hell. It had taken all 365 days since to learn the new intricacies of the person lying with them. To learn their new scars. To love them as equally as the old ones. To convince each other they were safe and could let their guards down again and love each other with the same reckless abandon they had back in England. They had found their way back to each other. Found their way back into the perfect synchronous dance they had mastered. Found their way permanently nestled in each other’s hearts. No longer two separate people but a union. Two halves of a whole locked into a willing embrace for the rest of time. 
They had each other. And not a worry on the horizon.
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alegendoftomorrow · 2 months
Aim For The Heart
Summary: In an attempt to make yourself feel more useful with your crew of protectors you attempt to learn how to shoot a rifle. Crosshair is not impressed with your attempts, but he does offer some pointers and even maybe something more…
Character: Crosshair and F!reader (no use of Y/N)
Word Count: 2,564
Warnings: Use of a rifle (probably poorly) some kissing and gentle fluff at the end!
A/N: This is entry for the incredible secret gift exchange hosted by @cloneficgiftexchange thank you so much for doing these and giving me a reason to finally write again. I have never gotten to write for any of the Bad Batch boys and I was super excited to do this prompt. It definitely took me out of my comfort zone, but I took a risk and tried something new for the wonderful @melliejellybellybean. I hope you enjoy this silly little piece as much as I enjoyed writing it. As always, any comments or reblogs with your thoughts are appreciated.
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“What are you doing Cyar’ika?” Came a voice smooth as silk behind you making you wince as you froze and squeezed your eyes closed. Slowly moving your hands off the rifle you had been balancing on the rocky outcropping you’d managed to drag it to while waiting for the others to return from their scouting mission.
Flashing your brightest smile, you stood and turned to the tall, lean sniper currently glowering down at you. A toothpick pressed firmly between his lips as he quirked an eyebrow in your direction. Waiting for your answer to the question you realized.
“Would you believe me if I said that this was an accident?” you managed to get out weakly.
Crosshair shot you a look that reminded you very much of the Shriek Hawks you’d been fascinated with as a child. All dangerous power wrapped in a concentrated glare.
“No,” he said smoothly. “I would not.” He took a step closer to you. “So why don’t you try again. What are you doing out here?”
You swallowed thickly as he met your gaze. Your traitorous tongue laying like a stone in your mouth, unable to come up with an answer that wouldn’t make you seem like some kind of ridiculous child.
“I just wanted to see how it worked,” you admitted finally. Your eyes falling to your boots as you kicked at a pink pebble. Watching it and hoping the bright sun hid away your blush.
“Why?” Crosshair asked again. You watched his armored feet walk closer to you but kept your gaze down at your own feet. “You’re not a soldier like us. Just the daughter of a senator who’s always had people looking out for her.”
His voice was closer now and you could hear your heart beating against your ribs, blood rushing in your ears. His voice was almost soft when he spoke again. Close enough you were sure if you looked up now his eyes would drown you the way they always did.
“So I’m going to ask again… why did you take the rifle?”
Because you always look so handsome using it, you thought. Because I’ve never seen such violence and such grace handled so easily in one set of hands. Because you are a mystery wrapped in an enigma and I just wanted to try to understand it. Because I wanted to impress you. Because I wanted to be more than what I am. Because….
“I just wanted to see if I could do it,” you blurt out. Suddenly wanting to be very far away from the rifle, this planet’s strange scenery, and the clone who made your heartbeat stutter and made you question everything you thought you knew.
Wiping your sweaty palms on the outside of your loose-fitting pants you let out a long sigh and turn your back on Crosshair. Choosing to take in the sprawling jungle that stretched out in the valley below the rocky cliff where the two of you were standing instead of his face.
Flowers bloomed on nearly all the trees, and you heard the calls of unfamiliar birds and animals. Even if you had more or less crashed here on your way to Corousant you couldn’t deny the beauty here. Maybe if this had been any other time you might have suggested exploring some, but the war had made such simple pleasures a rare occurrence. It’s how you’d ended up here anyways. With Crosshair and the rest of his brothers. Kidnapped by pirates working for the Separatist’s while on a diplomatic mission, your father had spared no expense and called in every favor he could to get the very best men to find you. The very best men it seemed, were Clone Force 99. Though you thought the best of them was the Sniper who had captured your attention since the moment he’d pulled you from your cell with a sarcastic quip and a firm hold on your arm.
You shook your head to get rid of the memories. You still weren’t home thanks to being pursued and chased by the same pirates and at this rate you weren’t ever going to see home again. That was another reason you’d wanted to try the rifle. You weren’t a skilled soldier, or really any type of fighter at all. You could handle a blaster--poorly-- if it was an absolute emergency but that was it. You hated feeling useless and yet more often than not you sat in the Marauder, strapped to a chair while the others fought their way out of a situation. Or pressed against Crosshair’s back while he aimed perfect shot after perfect shot to keep you safe. Grumbling about your inability to protect yourself but always being the first volunteer to watch you. Like now.
“Well, I guess I’ll just head back. I’m sorry I took—” you started. Turning back to face him yet still unable to meet his piercing gaze. You never did get to finish your sentence though.
“You weren’t holding it right,” he said certainly. Your eyes shot up to his but he was looking down at where the rifle is still propped up on the boulder. “Your elbows are too wide, and you’ll never get a steady shot with your stance as unbalanced as it is.”
“Oh,” you said. Half disappointed and half surprised that he was talking about this at all. “Well, I—”
“Get into position again,” he ordered.
You blinked at him. Startled and frozen as you stared at him until he met your gaze, and you closed your mouth. Whatever protest you had been about to say dying in your throat. Your legs moving before your mind had finished agreeing. Kneeling again and adjusting your stance a little as you tried to mirror what you thought his own stance looked like. Making the adjustment of tucking your elbows against your body more and spreading your back knee out wider to create a larger base of support. You didn’t feel very balanced like this but then again, you could also feel the intensity of Crosshair’s gaze on you and that might have been what was making you off balanced. Your fingers trembling as you gripped the hand guard on the barrel and placed your finger on the outside of the trigger guard, so you didn’t shoot until you were good and ready. The butt of the riffle rested harshly against your shoulder, but you didn’t mind the bite of it.
Crosshair moved closer behind you and tapped your knee with his foot to make it closer. You felt him kneel behind you, mirroring your stance, his arms coming around you to rest on your own as wrapped his hands over yours.
“Breathe Cyar’ika,” he whispered. His lips brushing your ear as the words made you shiver despite yourself. Your breath hitched and you could swear you felt him smirk behind you. “Line up the scope. Aim for that log over there, four clicks out.”
You followed where he pointed with his hand before closing one eye and lining up your shot. The sun was low and if someone had been standing in front of you the shadow cast from the scope’s crosshairs would have given you a matching tattoo to the man behind you.
His hands made small adjustments to your own. The calluses rubbing against the back of your hand as you tried to relax and breathe normally. Impossible when goosebumps were already racing up and down your mostly covered skin from the contact with his. The sun having nothing to do with the blush you prayed to the maker he couldn’t see.
“Breathe,” he ordered again. “Take your time and line up your shot to the smallest part of the target.”
“Why?” you squeaked. Cursing the way, it made Crosshair turn his head closer to your ear. His silken voice speaking even lower as he explained.
“Aim small, miss small,” he said. “Precision comes with time. If you aim for the smallest part of whatever you want to hit and you miss, which you likely will, you may still hit it anyways. Just a little off center. If you aim for the largest spot and miss, then your shot will go wide.”
You supposed that made sense, but it was really hard to focus when he readjusted himself to be right behind your head so you could line up your shot in the scope without him knocking into you. His breath moved your hair and his hands slid down your arms to rest at your tucked elbows.
“Just take your time,” he whispered. “You’ve got all the time in the world. Breath in when you aim, breathe out when you fire. Nice and easy. Just take your time. Drown out the distraction around you. There is nothing but you and the target.”
And you, you thought. I’ll never be able to drown you out. Doing as he asked though you found a tiny knot on the log through the scope and breathed in, steadying your hands, and slipping your finger to rest over the trigger as you prepared to fire. Mouthing his words as he continued to whisper then in your ear.
You fired. Jerking back a little into his solid chest from the recoil of the rifle but keeping your eye through the scope as you looked for your shot and—
“I did it! It hit!” You cheered loudly. Spinning in his arms you released the rifle and threw your arms around his neck. “Did you see that?! Thank you, thank you!”
If Crosshair hesitated a moment before lightly hugging you back, you were too excited to notice. You did notice the smirk when you pulled away, and you certainly noticed the fact he was no longer holding the toothpick in his lips.
“You did good Cyar’ika,” he said. Standing and pulling you up with him. “Not exactly a bullseye but it will do for now.”
“Thank you, Crosshair,” you said as you watched him pick up and clear your rifle with the same graceful hands you found yourself admiring all the time. “Not just for this, I mean for everything since you found me. I know I’m not a soldier and I don’t make this very easy on any of you but….” You paused and looked away falling into step beside him when he started walking without looking back at you. “I don’t mean to get in the way I just want to help. That’s all I was doing before I was kidnapped too just…. Just trying to make a difference.”
Crosshair was silent for a moment. You watched his handsome face crease with thought as the pair of you walked. Shoving your hands in your jacket pocket to resist rubbing your finger between his eyes and teasing him about working out the crease there. Silence made you uncomfortable so you looked ahead to where you could see your waiting ship and continued right on talking.
“Maybe it was silly to think I could do anything about any of this but, I had to try you know? I want to fight to protect myself, to protect these worlds that are being torn apart by a war none of them asked for. There has to be something better then all this, but I don’t ever want to feel like a burden to you or your brothers. I don’t want to keep hiding on the ship when—”
“Oh, Maker, would you stop,” Crosshair said with a sigh. Stopping suddenly and readjusting the rifle on his shoulder as you looked up at him with a half-formed question on your lips. A question that was quickly shut down by his hands rising up to cup your cheeks and his lips pressing to yours.
The kiss was soft and sweet and so utterly surprising that it took you a second to kiss him back. Hands sliding to his waist and resting against the sun warmed armor he wore there. He kissed with the same efficient and deadly grace he shot with. It left you breathless and startled when he pulled away.
“What was—” you tried to ask but he shook his head. The sun casting warm light through his honey amber eyes that did make it easier to stop talking and just stare into their depths.
“You’re right, you’re not a soldier, but you are not a burden to us,” he started. “You make Wrecker laugh so loud the ship shakes after any mission that weighs too heavily on his shoulders; and always buy him a snack whenever we go somewhere even if we’ve just eaten. You listen to Tech ramble on about whatever he’s interested in without complaining once, and you ask questions and pay attention enough to talk about it later too. You are always first to volunteer to hand Echo tools or go over maps with him long after everyone else has gone to bed. You are extra quiet around Hunter, always ensuring you find us paths through cities that will overwhelm his senses the least. You help my brothers in ways no one else has ever done. You look at us like we’re people and not… experiments or property.”
Tears pricked your eyes as you listened to him speak. You’d never noticed any of that before. Never thought they noticed either. You weren’t trying to be different, you just wanted to help take care of them, and you saw the way they got treated by most of the people you met. It wasn’t right, or fair. You just loved them all and wanted them to know you appreciated what they did.
“What do I do for you?” you whispered out. Hands still gripping his waist as you felt his thumbs brush along your cheeks.
He paused as his eyes studied yours for a moment. A small, real smile forming on his face, and for just half a second you were almost sure he blushed.
“You give me something to fight for,” he said gently. Softer than you’d ever heard him speak before.
“I’m…not sure I understand,” you replied.
Instead of clarifying he leaned down and kissed you again. Pulling away just as quickly as before and leaving you even more weak kneed and breathless.
“Does that answer your question?” He was smirking again, and you couldn't help but laugh yourself.
“Maybe… I think I may need to have a follow up lesson and explanations just to be sure.”
Now it was his turn to laugh and by the Maker it was the best sound you thought you’d ever heard. You’d fall flat on your face if it meant you could hear that sound over and over again.
“I think we can arrange that,” he said. Stepping back and flipping another toothpick into his mouth as he started walking away again. Leaving you to keep up with his longer strides. “Next time we’ll take my Firepuncher out for you to practice with.”
He shot you a wink over his shoulder. “Just don’t tell the others.”
You could do that. Grinning you hurried to catch up and looped your arm through his as you walked. Your heart still racing and your body still buzzing from the ghost of his kiss that lingered on your lips. You could hear the others calling out for you and Crosshair pulled his arm from yours but let you stay close to him.
Baby steps, you thought.
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