#dispatch diaries
dizzydispatch · 6 months
Deaf Americans and 9-1-1
It was sweet that he thought of me when he heard another police department over our region's shared police frequency, requesting the assistance of an officer fluent in American Sign Language with the arrest of a Deaf individual. Maybe the appropriate response would have been something along the lines of, hey, neat!
But I didn't think it was neat, and I still don't. In fact, it bothered me. the official symbol for ASL interpreters, based on the sign for "interpreting"
"That's super illegal," I texted Gabe back. "They can’t use an officer. A Deaf person has the right to a certified interpreter."
"Interesting," he sent back. "That's good to know."
But I wasn't done. "Just think about it," I continued. "If their Miranda rights aren’t read, correctly and in full, the entire arrest is bonk. How much worse do you think it could be if an un-licensed cop plays interpreter and screws something up? Even if they don’t, there’s no accountability. It’s a really risky game to play, as a department. You don't fuck with the ADA unless you want a serious lawsuit."
In 1990, then-President George H. W. Bush signed the ADA into law. The Americans with Disabilities Act was meant to protect individuals with a wide array of disabilities, a category that includes the deaf and hard-of-hearing.
“The ADA broadly protects the rights of individuals with disabilities in employment, access to State and local government services, places of public accommodation, transportation, and other important areas of American life. The ADA also requires newly designed and constructed or altered State and local government facilities, public accommodations, and commercial facilities to be readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities."
There are a few different ways that dispatchers are expected to comply with ADA expectations. The first method is using TTY technology, with which our 9-1-1 systems are required to comply. There's also text-to-911 services, some of which work better than others, and silent call procedures, in which a party unable to unwilling to speak aloud can still communicate with dispatchers. 
But even after the call, there are a thousand different ways that a deaf person can be failed by emergency responders. From police interactions to neglect in the courtroom, the issue is broad and systemic, and fixing it is going to require more than just attention and awareness.  
For a d/Deaf or hard-of-hearing person, the right to an interpreter is probably the most important right protected by the ADA. After all, the primary barrier of deafness is communication. How are you supposed to know what you're in trouble for when you're arrested, or follow along in your own court case, or tell the police what happened if you're a victim of a crime?
The ADA is supposed to protect against these sorts of injustices, but unfortunately, as demonstrated by the fact that we heard one of our own local PDs requesting an officer with ASL knowledge over the radio, the follow-through just isn't always there. The resources allocated to teaching law enforcement how to deal with individuals with disabilities are severely lacking. As Professor of Sociology Alex Vitale of Brooklyn College states, “Police compliance with ADA provisions is pretty poor across the board. It’s clearly not a priority for a lot of police leaders." 
In some places, in spite of the ADA, violations happen all the time. In 2012, St. Louis police tasered a deaf man on the side of the road, only for it to turn out he was having a diabetic emergency. Then in 2014, an elderly deaf man was dragged from his car and beaten by officers, before being charged with resisting an arrest by the same department that cleared the officers of all wrongdoing. A month later, a deaf man had been similarly beaten, tased, and choked out after being mistaken for a burglar. The officers had seen him signing, trying to communicate with them, and believed the movements to be signs of aggression, and had responded in kind.
This problem has been addressed by independent journals, such as The American Civil Liberties Union and The Atlantic, as well as in a humorous episode of Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, guest-starring Deaf activist and entertainer Nyle DiMarco.
However, there hasn't been much coverage of D/deaf interactions with law enforcement in the mainstream media, with the exception of those reports where things do get out of hand. Like with many issues of civil rights, pleas for systemic change continue to go unaddressed, or are only addressed after tragedy occurs. More often than not, too, these are underwhelming measures that smack of PR damage control, and are unlikely to maintain traction after the initial outcry dies down.
There is a reason the law requires anyone who is serving as an interpreter in any official capacity to be certified. Without those protections, children may be coerced into interpreting for parents, which opens up all sorts of issues, both for the child and for the efficacy of services being provided.
Many of the same issues arise when unqualified third parties are asked or compelled to serve in the same way. Interpreters are held accountable to standards of care, much in the same as their doctors and judges are. They are trained in the language's nuance, in skills for effectively communicating complex ideas to and for their Deaf clients. Furthermore, there is a code of ethics, compliance to which can help ensure privacy, regulate appropriate intervention, and serve as a framework for professionalism.
Of course, a national interpreter shortage is part of the issue. In college, I chose the ASL Linguistics track, which focuses on the science of language with ASL as a model, rather than the ASL Interpreting track. This was a decision that many of my peers and even some professors expressed disappointment in, as there is such a profound disparity between the needs of the community and the available resources. I chose dispatch over working directly in the Deaf community, but my background both through my education and in the jobs I worked between the years of 2018 and 2023 has given me insights that I assume the department making the request did not have.
However, as a hearing person with no experience trying to run a law enforcement agency, I am far from qualified to decide what is and is not an acceptable risk. I don't know what was going on at that department. I don't know what kind of attempts may have been made to locate a certified interpreter before they put out that request over the radio. What I do know is that it's still unacceptable. 
Unfortunately, I don't have the answer. I'm just one dispatcher, in one small-town PSAP, with one set of ideals that I wish I could see reflected in the big wide world outside. But I can write, and so I do. I write to inform, to entertain, to commiserate with you, dear reader, dear stranger. I write in hopes that someday, somebody with more power than me understands what needs to be done, and sees it through. 
In the meantime, we can write. We can write to our representatives, calling them to action. We can write to police departments out of which atrocities are born, and demand justice for those wronged. We can write, and we can speak up. We can learn sign language and support organizations that support our local disabled communities. We can listen to the voices of those who experience the world a little differently to us, and maybe, just maybe, we'll be part of the force of change that makes the world a better place for all.
For Americans who want to make a difference, to find and contact your state representative, visit the U. S. House of Representatives website and search by your state and district. The same can be done for state senators here. The National Association of the Deaf has a great letter template that you can use as well. If you are able to and wish to donate financially to local or global Deaf activism groups, the bottom of this Wikipedia page contains a list of organizations from all over the world.
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mihotose · 3 months
I Know kim and harry literally index the case using the date 08/03 suggesting this is the date of day 1 however ruby's diary entry says M's peone is coming to martinaise to investigate on the Ninth (and besides, it doesnt fit with the date of death being the fourth and that the corpse has been hanging for seven days as of day 1). might the index just use eg the date the corpse was reported to the rcm rather than the date assigned officers actually make it to the scene
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chalagoat · 5 months
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Well, another year has passed and the only thing I can say is that my love for you has only increased. Once again I had the privilege of seeing you much bigger than you already are. Even with all the tribulations that this horrible year has had and with all the people trying to cancel you, you once again showed what you were meant to be: a movie star. Seeing you increasingly becoming a strong name makes me sure that you came to carve your name in the history of cinema and it is an honor for me to be able to be a witness to your story. I love you, I admire you and I hope that you always have the wisdom to be involved in the best projects. You are only 28 years old and you seem much younger and the story you have been writing in the cinema is worthy of your greatness. You shine much brighter than the sun. I love you more than anything. Happy birthday my King.
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fideidefenswhore · 4 months
In a departure from English historiography, which has traditionally praised Catherine for her dignity and resilience, Cervera seems to blame her for the poor situation that Mary had to endure. He calls her 'obstinate' and points out that her refusal to allow Mary to be stripped of her title was the reason why both sides could not reach an agreement.
Writing Mary I: History, Historiography, and Fiction
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long-cold-winterr · 6 months
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nobully · 1 year
bruh canon just changed Wang Yi’s POV completely so im like “hmm do i update canon point or wait until this story arc ends”
then again he’s so happy right now it prolly gets awful later he’s dropping flags all over the place and going to fight zombies in the frontlines im sweating for him 😰
i am the sao ling scolding Wang Yi for assuming too hecking much
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toastsnaffler · 2 years
my copy of nona still hasnt arrived so I'm reading the ebook out of desperation to be able to use tumblr again (without seeing spoilers)
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sayruq · 7 months
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iww-gnv · 11 months
This is part of a series of frank accounts of the strike from Hollywood writers at different levels in their careers. I guess the AMPTP forgot the first lesson privileged parents quickly learn: Do not short-change The Nanny. Carol Lombardini did just that, and now SAG-AFTRA will strike. First, let’s rewind: The pavement was as hard as it’s ever been. The heat, unbearable. Numbers, thinning. The loneliest place on earth, the picket line by Universal’s Main Gate — where the sidewalk literally fucking ends. Paramount was all airpods and sunburns. (Some gracious restaurant handed out lemonade. God bless them.) Even the family-friendly line at Disney felt a little like a chain gang.  Not gonna lie, we knew it would be hard. But by day 72 our souls were cracking. The distant horizon of the strike loomed long and large. But then the AMPTP fucked up. Big time.  Quite possibly the stupidest exec in the business fed Deadline the most monstrous article, in which they finally let the mask slip and said the unsayable: Let the writers starve. “It’s been agreed for months,” the anonymous source confessed. The studios want to break the WGA, drag this out until the writers are “losing their homes.”   “A cruel but necessary evil” to protect their bloated, unjustified C-suite compensation. Those are real quotes. Even Marie Antoinette winced. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. Writer Twitter lit up with rumors of a morning-after Zoom where screaming studio heads pointed fingers at each other. Whatever moronic flack allowed that to happen will soon be living thousands of miles from Los Angeles, probably printing up flyers offering 2-for-1 Blizzards at the Bangor, Maine, Dairy Queen. The fun, new parlor game on the picket lines this week is guessing who was dumb enough to say the quiet part out loud. But thank you, whoever you are. Because those quotes turbocharged us. They reminded every writer why we’re doing this. Why we can’t give up — and now, you better believe there is not a single writer who doubts this is possibly the most important strike in the history of our craft and our industry. Nothing unifies like a Big Bad. Nothing makes heroes like an unrelenting villain.
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neiveel3llson · 5 months
Alfred: I didn’t even realize how sarcastic I was being. It’s starting to become a problem, I believe.
Dick: I lost Damian.
Y/N: How did you LOSE Damian?!
Dick: To be fair, he is very small.
Bruce: Did you have to stab them?
Jason: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what they said to me.
Bruce: What did they say?
Jason: "What are you going to do, stab me?"
Bruce: That’s fair.
Y/N: *screaming while holding something large.*
Dick: *Chasing Y/N, screaming at them to not throw the large object.*
Jason: *Crouching at the car window, begging Damian not to call Bruce.*
Dispatcher: 911, what's your emergancy?
Tim: We locked our baby brother in the car and people are judging us!
*Comments under an image of a really hot knife cutting bread*
Jason: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife.
Tim: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful.
Y/N: if you want information it is
Dick: why would you STAB a person when you can have TOAST?
Jason: What are you talking about Dick? You love it here!
Dick: I'm not sure I do, I think I've just developed Stockholm syndrome.
Damian: You need to be more careful!
Bruce, who was dragged into Damian's issue: Careful? CAREFUL?! I'LL CAREFULLY WRAP MY HANDS AROUND YOUR THROAT-
Damian: Wow. I keep stepping on a lot of crunchy twigs.
Y/N: Those are bones, Damian.
Damian: *looks straight up* Not if I never look down.
Bruce: Yeah, I find it quite emotional. In like a cool way.
Alfred: Sir, did you just say it makes you cry in a cool way?
Damian: But what about Y/N?
Jason: Don't worry about them.
Jason: I once watched them fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating their hotdog like nothing happened.
Tim: Your problem is that you’ve got no common sense.
Y/N: I’ve got plenty of common sense!
Y/N: I just choose to ignore it.
*Playing house with Damian and Jon.*
Jason, at Jon: You're my significant other.
Jon: Yeah I am!
Jason, at Dick: You're my child.
Dick: *Rolls eyes* Yes boss.
Jason, at Tim: You're my bitch.
Tim: Yeah I am- wait, what?
Jason, at Y/N: My bestie.
Y/N: Naturally.
Jason, Damian: HA, GAY!
Damian: Fuck you.
Alfred: And then they ran into my knife. They ran into my knife ten times.
Bruce: You mean you stabbed them?
Alfred: They ran into my knife, sir.
Bruce: Breaking News, Dick has disappointed us.
Tim: Why do you look like that?
Damian, laying face-first on the floor: Like what?
Tim: Like you’re dead.
Damian: It’s because I’m dying. Leave me here to perish.
Alfred: Young master Damian accidentally called Y/N “babe” in front of everyone today.
Damian: *sobs into the floor*
Alfred: *Turns on the kitchen light*
Y/N: *Sitting at the table, eating bread*
Alfred: It’s four in the morning, young master.
Y/N: Turn the light back off.
Bruce: This is a judgement free zone.
*Pulls out a knife the size of their forearm*
Bruce: And I mean it.
Tim: Well you see, the explanation is perfectly simple and scientific. It was because shut up. Shut up is why.
Y/N: Listen, in the wild wild west there is always a woman in the saloon and nobody messes with her even though they all have guns.
Dick: That's because she's a prostitute.
Bruce: Tim, why are you crying?
Tim: This book is so sad!!
Bruce, picking it up: But this is my diary-
Dick: Can we talk about that mass email you sent?
Y/N: Why? It was important.
Dick: All it says is, "I'm back on my shit".
Damian, shrugging: The people need to know.
Y/N, to Jason: You're starting to forget your Spanish. You don't practice.
Jason: Lo siento. Estoy embarazada.
Y/N: You just told me you're pregnant.
Damian: Congratulations Jason, you're glowing!
Y/N: If we were in prison you guys would be like my bitches.
*When Y/N and Jason were young and new.*
Bruce: Where the devil is Alfred?
Y/N: Well, it is raining outside... Maybe he melted?
Tim: Shall I look outside for a pointy hat?
Jason: Thanks for opening my message and not responding.
Y/N: All good bro, any time.
Jason: Fuck you.
Damian, over radio: Testing. Testing. Bruce, can you hear me?
Bruce, standing next to Damian: I’m standing right here.
Damian: You’re coming through good and loud.
Bruce: ‘Cause I’m standing right here.
Alfred: Perhaps, the true treasure was friendship all along. Although, I hope not, because I cannot spend friendship on new suits.
Damian: You wanna fight?! You got one!
Y/N: Okay! *raises fists*
*Bruce runs in, scoops Y/N up in their arms, and runs away carrying them because he just didnt want them to fight. Yet.*
Damian: What?
Y/N: Any questions?
Y/N: Uh, a plan, duh...
Damian: Dick, chill, I know it’s weird, but Y/N has a point.
Joker: Any questions?
Joker: Uh, a plan, duh...
Harley: Y/N, chill, I know it’s weird, but Joker has a point.
Bruce, answering the phone: Hello?
Damian: It’s Damian.
Bruce: What did they do this time?
Damian: No, it’s me, Damian. It’s actually me.
Bruce: What did you do this time?
Dick: Everyone thinks you suck.
Joker: I think you have the wrong number…
Dick: Damian?
Joker: Nope. Joker.
Dick: Well, you probably suck too…
Y/N: When I first met you, I thought you were weird and annoying.
Tim: And?
Y/N: And you are.
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dizzydispatch · 2 months
This Means War
I guess it all started with my visit to East Town. I had just gotten off of an overnight, but the night had been busy and I was still wired. Too wired to sleep, and fearing that my bumping around the apartment at seven in the morning might disturb the Saturday morning rest of my roommate Elle (who very rarely gets to sleep in), I decided to pay a visit to a friend.
I happen to live in East Town, and their police department is only about five minutes from my house. So, I make a habit of dropping by when I know Linda is working the morning shift. Today, I had passed by the East Town firetruck heading out for a call, so I knew she'd be busy. Sure enough, when I walked in and picked up the receiver to call into their dispatch office, I wasn't surprised when nobody answered. What I did hear instead, though, was the click-click, click-click of the front door as it was unlocked remotely. 
Grinning, I stepped inside and made my way to Lin. She was finishing up with the call when I settled in, and we launched effortlessly into our usual chatter. 
"How you are you guys liking your new Chief?"
I smirked. "If you're wondering if we feel guilty for poaching him from you guys, the answer is no." 
"We miss him," she admitted. "But it was an upward step for him, so we understand."
"Well, he's very popular right now. I think his sense of humor is going to bring an energy of fun and playfulness that we've been sorely lacking."
Talk of our new Chief turned to some affectionate anecdotes from back when he was East Town's Captain, my favorite of which details his exploits as resident prankster. Apparently, our Chief was the ringleader of much of the shenanigans.
"We had this giant cardboard cutout of Buddy the Elf," Lin explained. "He used to make his rounds around the station, people moving him around and scaring each other by putting him in unexpected places."
"And... he was in on this?"
"He wasn't just in on it," Lin laughed. "He was usually behind it!" 
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Apparently, Buddy wasn't universally liked among the officers, and this was a fact the Captain regularly exploited. In a bit of station security camera footage Lin showed me, I watched the solemn, dignified figure who would one day become our Chief of Police sneak out into the garage bay, Buddy tucked under one arm and a huge grin on his face. I watched as he raced to set the figure up in front of the garage and then run away, just in time for the bay door to open. I swear, I could see the man giggling.
The officer who pulled up was less thrilled, and after a moment he emerged from his cruiser and delivered a punch to poor Buddy that sent him flying across the garage. 
"A lot of the pranks sort of... fizzled when he left," Lin admitted. "It was like he took that energy with him."
"Well, I can't say it's transferred over perfectly. I mean, the Chief has a good sense of humor, but our department is a lot more serious than some of the other small towns' around here." 
I thought for a moment to the description that Kara had given me of her other department, where she dispatches part-time. Chair races across the floor, long-running inside jokes-- all of the things I love about closely-knit workplaces. "But... you know, it doesn't have to be." Turning back to Lin, I asked, "Where is Buddy now?"
Her eyes narrowed slightly. "What are you thinking?"
"Well... when your Captain left to become our Chief, he probably figured he'd left all of this behind him. He'd never expect it to show up at his new workplace, now, would he?"
Lin threw back her head and laughed. "My god, that's perfect," she said. "I'll ask around."
And that's how, a few days later, I wound up trying to disguise a life-sized cardboard cutout of Will Ferrell in a green elf suit in under blankets in the back of my 2008 Toyota Corolla, in case the Chief wound up parked next to me before I had the chance to set the plan in motion.
The introduction of Buddy the Elf to our town's department, and more importantly, his reintroduction to the Chief, brought about some well-needed laughter. First and foremost, on his first day with us, Buddy was set up to scare the Chief himself in his office, right next to the light switch so it would be the first thing he saw when he came in. Upon his arrival, he went straight to  his office and opened the door. A second later, his loud, booming laughter could be heard throughout the station. 
Later that morning, a frightened scream came from the women's locker  room, where Buddy scared the daylights out of our SRO. A few minutes later, she came into Dispatch and asked to see the camera footage from the morning. 
"I want to know who's responsible for this," she said, holding Buddy aloft. 
Later, Buddy made his way into EOPs, where he took Officer Crabby (whom you may remember from my interview) for a good scare, and then around into the dispatchers' lockers, where it gave me a fright. Last I saw Buddy, he was wreaking havoc in the men's locker room, and I'm sure I haven't seen the last of him yet.
Over breakfast one morning, after a particularly taxing overnight, Kane (one of the officers I'm closer with) told me that long ago, the department had been a different place. Pranks and practical jokes ran abound, with one particular highlight being the head of one Lieutenant (remember Baldy from my interview? Yeah, that would be him) being printed out and stuck all over the department. After a closer look, I was able to find a few of the remaining heads, the ones he was never able to track down and eliminate. There's at least one in the hallway among the memorial photos, and a few in the Detectives' offices-- including a large one glued to a popsicle stick like a mask, high up on a shelf.
"I don't know what happened to that sense of humor," Kane told me.
As Buddy makes his rounds about the station, gaining accessories such as a printed-out goat face (for the benefit of the officer who spent much of a Saturday morning chasing around a goat), I've been hearing chatter about a retaliation. I have a suspicion that my well-known fear of large insects (specifically roaches, after my first apartment turned out to have them) might come back to haunt me. It's starting to look like an all-out office prank war.
Perhaps it should bother me, the thought of my phobia being used against me. But really, I'm pleased. A wink and a, "Strong work, Diz," from one Sergeant made me think that this really might be the beginning of a new era for the department. 
With a new chief with a great sense of humor, and a cardboard cutout of Buddy the Elf making its way around for all to be spooked by, maybe this means a new era is dawning, one full of laughter and the sort of camaraderie every workplace needs to maintain a sense of fun when things get really dark.
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thesmpisonfire · 8 months
Okay but. Remember when Cellbit was showing Bagi where she found Zeno and Bagi talked about how she only felt safe at the tree house and her only company was Zeno bc even if her family was good, she didn't feel connected to them?
Cellbit immediately said "Maybe it's because you weren't really their kid. Maybe you were an experiment here, and you saw the scientists as family because you didn't know any better?"
(Putting in read more bc this became BIG. Whole theory about Bagi, the Feds, and Cucurojo)
And then we look at Bagi's timeline. The earliest info we now have is Bagi's diary about her and her brother. She still wrote down in Portuguese and talked about a mom as well (no dad mentioned). The tree house was just recently built and Zeno wasn't around. The two promised to stick together and they used to steal each other's candy, and her drawing was childlike
Then, next moment. The diaries in the tree house, Bagi now only writes in English, she feels alone and doesn't even mention her brother and mom, only a distant "family". Her only friend is Zeno and the animals, and instead of sleeping bags, she has a permanent bed at the tree house. There's no one for her birthday for at least two years (since she talked how last years birthday was also lonely). Her abilities in drawing just SKYROCKETED, her drawing of Zeno being perfect. It's been a couple of years between these diaries and last one, enough to let her improve that well
And then, the next moment we know about is YEARS later, when Bagi wakes up without her memories and in a train station-like building. She immediately tries calling for help in 3 different languages, carefully making her way to the wheel and spinning it, being thrown in a cold wasteland right after. She stumbles her way across a LOT of black concrete, finding books that push her forward, until she gets her ticket
Next thing we know, she wakes up in a fridge. She crawls out of there to find herself in the place the Federation is keeping Walter Bob captive. He knows she shouldn't be there, that there's something wrong with her presence, but he helps her anyway and, out of nowhere, gives her the mainframe code and runs off before the others can see him
All her memories that she's slowly reminiscing are being given to her through black chests, someone wants her to remember what happened to her, her past in the island
Now. We know the new tickets are Cucurojo's doing. The wheels and the dice are it's method, it's controlled chaos. It's directly related to the eggs disappearance, since the eggs are only able to communicate via black concrete and the wheel are the confirmation of it's game. And that's the kicker
The Federation used to have Bagi in their control, and after dispatching her brother away, they blocked any memory of him she'd have and reallocated her with scientists, away from her mom. She stopped talking in Portuguese, integrated in the experiments. Bagi then left the island somehow, maybe let out like Jaiden or escaped like Baghera, losing her memories in the way just like the other 2, but Cucurojo lured her back somehow, integrating her in it's game, and then Bagi became it's 1° piece
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chalagoat · 8 months
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Some people here were "mocking" that Wonka had a makeup line (as if this were something surreal, since today there are makeup products with different themes), but they forgot that Wonka is for all ages and with that there will be a lot, a lot more and more licensed products, like these cuties. I can't wait to have mine!
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itzynabi · 3 months
warnings: swearing; mention of sex, fainting, disassociation
an: this was released on march 4 2024
eve’s masterlist // articles
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Dispatch Publishes Exposé on ITZY’s Eve’s Fight With JYP Entertainment
There is one main antagonist
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Back in January of 2024, ITZY member Eve filed a lawsuit to terminate her exclusive contract with JYP Entertainment. In March, she was granted a preliminary injunction. Today, Dispatch released a damning exposé on Eve’s feud with JYP Entertainment. In the article, Dispatch released texts between Eve and Director A.
The article begins with a text that Eve sent to Park Jinyoung (also known as JYP) in December of 2018.
Hello, PD-nim,
Thank you for adding me to the lineup of ITZY! I know I didn’t do as well as you hoped on Produce 48, but thank you for giving me this opportunity. I’ll make sure to be an artist that gives her all.
Eve has revealed that Park Jinyoung told her that her performance on Produce 48 would determine whether or not she would debut in ITZY. This text displays Eve’s gratitude at being in ITZY despite not making it to the final debut group of Produce 48 – IZ*ONE. When it was revealed that Eve was rigged out of IZ*ONE in favour of other idols, Eve found out that Director A already knew and had left her to feel insecure about her performance. This lack of communication would be a common theme in Eve’s career going forward.
In early April of 2021, Director A sent Eve a message about her appearance on a variety show that he had arranged without her knowledge. The show they were discussing is believed to be Sea of Hope.
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In September of 2021, Eve was talking with fans on Bubble when a fan asked her about her solo schedules. “I’m an employee, so I just do whatever the company tells me to,” Eve said.
In 2022, Eve had her solo debut with the mini album ‘diary entries’. The album was released a few weeks before ITZY had a comeback, and Eve reportedly displayed hesitance at how close the two releases were. During an episode of I Live Alone, Eve told her brother, SHINee’s Key, that her schedule was so full that she had a panic attack.
The next text exchange is from July of 2022. Eve told Director A that she wasn’t feeling well and asked to sit out of a performance. Based on the timing of this conversation, it is believed to be the night before Eve fainted during ITZY’s pre-recording.
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Dispatch then alleged that Eve was treated differently to her members. It can be seen in an Instagram live that Eve and Yeji did in October of 2023.
Comment: Have you seen your families recently?
Eve: I’m not allowed to.
Yeji: What do you mean? We are.
Eve: I’m not allowed to.
Yeji: (Whispering) Director?
EVe. (Nods)
That sentiment was repeated when Eve went on Amazing Saturday to promote her latest solo album ‘until spring’ and said she hasn’t seen her parents since early 2023.
The next text exchange between Eve and Director A echo the same issue once more. This exchange was from November or 2023 when Eve’s mom was in Seoul. Eve mentions the fact that she wasn’t allowed to go home during Chuseok.
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On a phone call between the two in December of 2023, Director A was talking to Eve about the comeback that she’d be having in February of this year.
Director A: This will be an anticipated album so do well
Eve: Why do I keep having solo schedules when I’m not a soloist?
Director A: Because the fans like it
Eve: No, they don’t. They keep swearing at me for all of these schedules. Isn’t it time for one of the other members to debut?
Director A: Don’t worry about that.
EVe: It’s like you want to work with me until I die from all of this. Just give me a break. I’m busy preparing for two comebacks right now.
Director A: Just like a real professional. Well done.
Fnas and non-fans alike have pointed out how JYP Entertainment doesn’t do much to protect EVe from hate that was sent her way, instead using her as a shield from criticism.
In early January of 2024, the two conversed again. Director A was scolding Eve for missing schedules. It is unsure what schedules he is referring to.
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He made the same complaint in February and Eve went on to list how Director A continuously failed to do his job in a way that makes it easy for employees to carry on their duties. He threatened to sue her.
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Eve mentioned experiencing symptoms such as fainting and disassociation due to her busy schedules, which were seen earlier this year in her The Manager episode and her ‘until spring’ album documentary. Fans have also noticed that Eve has lost her usual excitement and energy, instead constantly looking tired and worn out. Eve herself has said that she doesn’t enjoy performing anymore, she just enjoys being with her members and seeing fans.
Dispatch sent Eve a list of questions when they heard of her lawsuit against JYP Entertainment. Here are Eve’s answers.
Q: Did you know there was an issue with the way you were being treated?
Eve: Yes.
Q: What moment gave you the push to end your contract?
Eve: It wasn’t like there was one specific moment. It was just moments piling on each other. People can only endure for so long before they fight back.
Q: This must have been a shock to the people around you.
Eve: Not really actually. Talking about it with my members was encouragement to go through with it. A few staff members said they were sick of the way I was being treated and wanted me to leave the company and go to a better one. When I told my family, they didn’t even pretend to be shocked, they just asked me what I would like as a treat to myself.
Q: Some might say that you treated Director A in a disrespectful manner.
Eve: That was my intention.
Q: Did you know he was the one pulling the strings in your career?
Eve: Yes, I did. At first I thought it was PD-nim because he would be the one to tell me things, but then I realised he’s not bold enough to do something like that and I realised that every time I didn’t listen to him, he’d look a bit worried. When I found out that Director Park was just telling PD-nim to do these things to me, I felt bad for PD-nim. Being disrespected in the company you started is kind of loser behaviour if I’m being honest.
Q: How did your members take the news?
Eve: I talked to them about it after I started considering leaving the company. I told them what was going on in my head and things like that, and they told me that they would support me no matter what. In fact, I was concerned about how this would affect them and ITZY’s career, but they told me that I should focus on being happy. With their encouragement, I was able to do this.
Q: JYP Entertainment argued that you were rude to the staff. Is that true?
Eve: I’m not one to be rude without reason. If you are rude to me, then I will act the same way towards you. If I was rude towards a staff member, they know what they did to deserve it.
Meanwhile, K-Netizens have already started reacting to the article:
“Wah, Kim Nabi is really amazing”
“Can she come talk to my bossㅜㅜ”
“Is Dispatch expecting me to be on the company’s side???”
“From what I can see, she’s right to want to leave the company”
“Kibum wasn’t joking when he said that she can be mean when she wants toㅋㅋㅋ”
“Well done Evie-yah!!!!!!!!!!!!! You did the right thing”
“They kept her from seeing her family…. Aren’t they just shameless”
“ㅋㅋㅋ She told his wife that he’s cheating”
“The fact that she stayed in the company because of her members proves how much she loves them”
“She’s so good at swearing”
“People can’t call her disrespectful because she at least called him ‘saekki-nim’ㅋㅋㅋ”
“It must have been hard for her”
“And I hope all of those fools that were cursing at her feel stupid now. They should repent”
“Princess-nim, we’re on your side!!!”
“For her to be fainting almost every day… Eve, it’s okay now!”
“Shouldn’t JYP just let her leave now ㅋㅋㅋ before more information comes out”
“Just imagine how much stress she must’ve been under”
“Why does it sound like Dispatch is on the company’s side?”
“We should also applaud the members for looking out for her and staying by her side”
“San and Eve are dating?”
The conflict between Eve and JYP Entertainment seems to be another case of companies taking advantage of their artists.
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©️ kim nabi
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multifandom-worlds · 4 months
Loki's Diary Journal Entry 27
Dear Journal,
Mother found me in the Chamber. The state I was in must have been quite ghastly because she was by my side in an instant, her soft hands drying the tears I did not even know were falling.
She had heard of the guards' slaying and that the suspect was still in the area - they must have assumed it was I who had dispatched them. Mother believed me when I said I found them like that upon my arrival.
I accompanied her back to the palace upon her request, where we sat and talked. I told her of my life in Midgard, of the Avengers and of Promise, my reason for being in Asgard. That was when she told me the secret she'd been keeping for most of my life - she put Promise in my life. Promise is a Midgardian whom my Mother hand-selected to accompany me and help pull me out of the darkness that Odin thrust me into.
Promise knows nothing of her Fate, knows not of the role she has in her life since her birth, knows nothing of the gift bestowed upon her by the one who loves me the most.
Mother sent me to my room to rest. She was going to find out who took my Promise's Candle, and she would personally see to that person's demise. For now, I lay here in my room, thinking of my Promise and comforted by the love my Mother has for me despite the monstrous things I have done.
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Read the previous entries HERE
I thought we needed a little bit of fluff after the last couple of entries! The angst is going to return in the next entry after my most recent poll concludes! Thanks for sticking around!
Tagging: @holdmytesseract @simping-for-marvel @simplyholl @buttercupcookies-blog @dryyoursaltyoceantears @lokiprompts @ladyofthestayingpower @peaches1958
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