#disabled people are not your weapons to use against bad and/or bigoted people.
slugass · 3 months
*calls out ableist language*
*uses “you cretin” as an insult in the exact same sentence*
quality activism
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moki-dokie · 2 months
since some people need a lesson on how to do this...
Part a) acknowledge and take responsibility for The Thing you did that warrants an apology. ex: "I said something that was racist.". Part b) acknowledge the harm you have caused. ex: "I said something that was racist and deeply hurt you."
say you are sorry and mean it. nothing else. do not explain, defend, or excuse your actions in any way. that may happen later IF and ONLY if the person you are apologizing to asks you to provide a reason. say sorry, then full stop.
make a resolution to do better going forward. you will learn from this and do your honest best not to let it happen again.
you may ask forgiveness, but also know they do not owe you it. Also ask if there is something you can do to fix things. ex: if you broke something of theirs, you might offer to buy a replacement.
viola. you now know how to apologize for something.
here are some ways to NOT apologize:
"I'm sorry if what i said offended you that wasn't my intention."
there is no IF about anything here. you offended them, period. it doesn't matter what your intention was. you offended them. fix it.
"yeah i realize i said some fucked up shit i was having a bad autistic day."
you do not get to weaponize your own issues for guilt and pity points, regardless if you realize you're doing it or not. you still have to take responsibility for your disability (and mental illnesses too)and using it to shield you from admitting you fucked up is not how you do things. if the person you're apologizing to wants to know what triggered you to behave that way, then you can explain. it should not be part of the apology itself. that is deflection.
"i'm white so obviously i'm going to have some internalized racism but sorry if being a silly billy and having a temper upset some people!! totally working on that guys."
do i really need to even explain this like??? your internalized bigotry isn't a get out of jail free card. we all have it. its part of being human. however, it should always be the goal to move forward and actively fight against learned prejudices. you do that by owning up to them by apologizing when they come out. your white privilege isn't something you get to hide behind. i know, its hard to believe. furthermore, do not make light of a serious issue. you don't get to call yourself a silly billy or a bonehead when the word you are looking for is bigot. and you can say you're working on it all you want, but you need a way to be held accountable. take the opportunity to ask if there is anything else you've said or done that might be insensitive or prejudiced in some way. actually show you're actively doing something to be better.
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badaziraphaletakes · 3 months
can you please stop? screenshotting someone else’s post is extremely rude and only makes the fandom a worse place. talk about a bad take you saw, describe how it’s harmful, and vague all you want, but don’t screenshot. i agree that most of these takes are awful but that’s no excuse to do this to people. either confront the person who’s take you don’t like or make your own post. stop screenshotting, please.
Either confront the person who’s take you don’t like or make your own post.
The assumption that I didn’t try that is where you went wrong. I (mod X) started this blog only after I tried many, many times to confront people about their offensive takes directly and it didn’t work. I was subjected to appalling harassment and even bigotry. That’s what happens when you try to engage with someone who’s being offensive.
I had been throwing the idea around for weeks and what finally decided me on starting it was that I found out that I wasn't alone. That the anti-Autistic bias and the ableism and the transphobia and the victim-blaming and the misogyny (and on and on and on) that we kept seeing and being subjected to was ruining our enjoyment of this show. This was bigger than just me.
FTR, most of the takes that are submitted to us (note that I'll be switching between "I" and "we" in this reply depending on the context) don’t have a handle attached to them, but of the few that do include a handle, 99% of the time I have recognized it as someone who I have seen being so bigoted that there was no possible way I could engage with them. We don't confront people directly partly because we don't want to direct people who disagree back to the OP's blog, and partly to keep the mods safe.
You say “do this to people” like this blog is committing some kind of outrage, which is absurd. We are, at worst, being slightly rude (which I think is justified considering sarcasm and humor are one of the only weapons we have to fight back against hate), whereas most of the posts we comment on are outright hateful. They’re the ones “doing this to people”.
We are being far more considerate of the writers’ feelings and their dignity than they ever were of other people’s in the fandom. The takes are not just ‘awful’ (although, that too haha); they are actively harming vulnerable members of the fandom, and, more concerningly, are spreading messages that will poison our views on how we should treat Autistic people, ab*se survivors, and the like in broader society. Quite frankly, the people who are spouting the kind of anti-Autistic/ableist/victim-blaming/otherwise bigoted crap that forms the bulk of the content we feature here deserve to have their posts screenshotted. People who say things like that do not deserve to be handled with kid gloves in response.
(Also I don’t have time to re-type and slightly paraphrase every bad take I see. And if I did, people would throw out “no one is really saying this”. And even if it weren’t for that, I don’t think it’s reasonable or appropriate to expect me to use my time that way.)
Incidentally, nothing is stopping people from messaging/asking us or commenting if they recognize a post as their own, but only one person has ever done that, asking if a post was theirs. I replied that it was, leaving the ball in their court. So far we haven’t heard back from them about the matter, which is fine. But I digress.
As for this blog making the fandom a worse place - even though it’s only a few weeks old, I’ve had an average of two new people a day, every day, tell me how grateful they are I created it and how it makes them feel safe and how it’s the only reason they haven’t left the fandom. I’ve even had multiple people say “I was going to leave the fandom because of that specific post and then your blog called it out and I felt like I wasn’t alone”. So yeah, I'd say screenshotting is important here.
There is a subset of the fandom - many of us Autistic, Disabled, ab*se survivors, GNC, trans, and/or otherwise oppressed - who have been made to feel EXTRAORDINARILY unsafe by the Aziraphale hate (which far, far too often is thinly-veiled hate for some of the aforementioned groups of people) and the truly scary way people double down when we push back against it. So I don’t care if people are annoyed by my sharing a screenshot of their post. Not when this blog has become a safe space for so many people who otherwise would have had Good Omens ruined for them by the bigotry and general hatefulness we keep seeing.
LSS I will not stop building this tiny lil corner of the internet that is the only part of the fandom where many of us feel safe.
I actually made a post addressing almost this exact thing a couple weeks ago; if I can find it, I’ll add it here in a rb.
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doberbutts · 1 year
A couple thoughts on your post about the wage gap. First of all, whether or not one considers neurodivergent people able-bodied (because hoo boy I am not touching that hornet's nest), "abled" is a good catch-all for people without physical OR mental disabilities. Second, on the topic of reasons that a woman is less likely than a man—all else being equal (ethnicity, ability, etc.), as you pointed out—to get raises and promotions. Other reasons are that women are more likely to be discouraged from being too aggressive (though paradoxically, if they ARE aggressive it's often taken less seriously than if they were men), and that they're more likely than men to worry that their boss will try to extort sexual favors if they ask for a raise or promotion (not that bosses never sexually extort male employees, but that possibility is less likely to be on a man's mind).
The wording I'm looking for is. Hmm. It's difficult because I am a physically disabled person with multiple disabilities that's directly impacted my life but I was seen as "not disabled" by more than one boss who treated more than one other, blatantly disabled coworker like shit. Like it was a problem for me because since I was "not disabled" to my bosses, despite me telling them I'm disabled at the interview, I'd get shit for drinking my water or hobbling around with my cane or needing to go home early/call out etc because there was "nothing wrong with [me]" and in the mean time my other disabled coworkers were treated EVEN WORSE because my bosses accepted that they were disabled only as a means to use it as a weapon against them.
As always the perception of the bigot matters more than any actual truth about you. So both are examples of ableism but in one case my bosses wouldn't accept my disabilities as disabilities while actively making life harder for the disabilities of folks they couldn't ignore. As a result I was paid more than some of these coworkers but paid less than coworkers with no disability at all.
As said, too much nuance to flatten it as "disabled" or "not disabled".
Your second point is a really good one though I'd bring up that while a man might not consider the danger, some of the stuff these cis male celebrities have come forward about experiencing (Brenden Fraser, Terry Crews, etc) that this may also be an invisible point of suffering. I think men often don't think about this being a particular danger but the entire industry is so tightlipped about this that it's difficult to say just how bad it gets. This sort of thing is buried under mountains of NDAs and shame and homophobia.
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trollprincess · 11 months
Okay, SO. Some of you may recall when I gave this speech to the town council in March because our gay mayor intends to be a community center and made a point to say, “This will be an LGBTQ+ safe space,” and all the bigots here promptly *lost their shit*.
Anyway, I posted it to my personal TikTok and then promptly got distracted by work/life/stress/being broke/etc., and came back today to see if I have enough Professor videos to make a “Where the heck is Mahm?” video. Aaaaaand that’s when I spotted this:
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Aside from the fact that this person did not listen to anything I said at all, or at least has the listening comprehension of a chair, I mostly just rolled my eyes, then went to my FB and wrote this. (Look, writing is my best weapon.)
Anyway, here:
“Okay, let’s try this again, because I know there are a WHOLE bunch of people with reading and listening comprehension so bad their teachers should be ashamed. (Not HERE, obviously, my FB is *heavily* curated.)
“This is a safe place for the queer community” does not mean it’s ONLY for the queer community. It just means you can’t show up and be a homophobic or transphobic dick.
“This is a safe place for the Black community” and “Black Lives Matter” is not ONLY about Black people. It’s about police violence (which affects everyone, even if the cops have always been nice to you) and racism (which affects everyone) and a whole bunch of other aspects of American daily life.
“This is a safe place for women” does not mean it’s ONLY for women. It’s for people who can manage to be mature and kind to others, and not be a sexist harassing douchebag.
Stop shoving “ONLY” into whichever statement you hear that YOU don’t like. It’s not fucking there. It never was. And if you’re hearing it, it’s because someone else telling you you can’t go somewhere unless you can behave like you’ve got some home training and won’t be an asshole makes you angry, because you were PLANNING to be an ass.
That’s YOU telling on yourself.
“But why do you have to SAY it?”
Why? Because THAT was your first reaction. Because when we feel grateful we know a place will be safe, you seem angry we get to have that security. Because if we knew we were safe, we wouldn’t have to acknowledge these things. But we do, because of sexual assaults and hate crimes and mass murders. Because of Ecole Polytechnique and Pulse nightclub and the Charleston church shooting. Because YOU may not need to hear it, but some of us stand in nightclubs with our backs to the walls and our gaze darting toward the entrance, or memorize the Angel drink in bars so we know how to get the bartender’s attention if a guy won’t leave us alone, or have to get “the talk” about how to respond to cops as a kid because you need to be seen as harmless as humanly possible or they’ll shoot you, and even THAT might not work.
My last podcast episode was on the Club Q shooting. A queer club where everyone went for fun and acceptance, ruined by a broken person directing their hate at a vulnerable community. And nearly every survivor account I read mentioned being afraid of another Pulse. We’re afraid of another Pulse, and another Club Q. We’re afraid of another AIDS crisis dismissed because it first hit the gay community, and COVID being dismissed because it majorly hit communities of color and the disabled. We’re afraid because the people who make these arguments are the ones we have to add to our mental list of people who might wish to hurt us. People who don’t want us harmed, or want to harm us? They’re not the ones arguing against these assurances.
We know who to fear. Mostly because they’re never, EVER quiet.”
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mellometal · 2 years
You guessed it, the slaughter of Dhar Mann’s videos is back!  Boy, does this video make me angry.
A while back, someone had mentioned that Dhar Mann took down his videos about disabled people, then reuploaded them with the intent to donate the funds to a charity that helps disabled people.  This charity in particular is the Special Olympics.
For anyone who’s not familiar with the Special Olympics, they’re a non-profit organization that was founded in 1968.  This movement was started by Eunice Kennedy Shriver, the founder.  She started Camp Shriver in her backyard before the founding of the Special Olympics in the 1950s and 1960s.  Camp Shriver was a summer camp for disabled children.  Eunice started this summer camp from seeing how unfairly and unjustly disabled people were treated.  They provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for disabled children and disabled adults.  Their whole mission is to be inclusive and accepting of all people, to put it simply.
I couldn’t find anything sketchy or problematic about the Special Olympics or any scandals about the organization as a whole.  That’s a good thing.  Their website has a button for accessibility preferences too, which is awesome.  Eunice did great things for disabled people in her life.
My whole opinion on Dhar Mann putting fundraisers on his videos about disabled people?  Honestly, he should’ve done that from the beginning instead of taking the videos down due to rightfully deserved backlash and criticism just to reupload them with the fundraisers.  It feels like it was either an afterthought, or it was his way of trying to get disabled people like myself to shut up and stop criticizing him.  I’m thinking it was probably the latter.  That’s not gonna cut it, Dhar!  I’m still gonna criticize you and your videos!
I think I talked enough about this.  Let’s get into the video review.
The video starts off in an art class led by Cruella DeVille’s bigoted cousin…sorry, her name is Gertrude Renee!  I forgot.  She’s teaching her students about still life art and she’s looking over their work.  They were supposed to draw an apple, a cowboy hat, and a vase.  When she’s looking over a young man’s sketch that actually doesn’t look that bad, she gives him what we like to call deconstructive criticism.  Ms. Renee demonstrates this by asking if what the guy drew was a vase or a deflated football, draws a huge X over his sketch, and tells him to do it again.
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A pencil is dropped on the ground, and that’s where we meet Donny, who’s an elderly disabled man.  Donny is the one who gets all the verbal abuse in this video, if you will.  His disability specifically is Parkinson’s Disease, which is a condition that deteriorates part of your brain and the symptoms get worse overtime.  Some of the most common symptoms that you can see are mainly physical, such as motor difficulties, changes in mental health, and more.  The average age where people can get Parkinson’s is sixty years old, and it’s slightly more common in men or AMAB people than it is in women or AFAB people.  People can get Parkinson’s as young as twenty years old, but that’s very rare.  Remember this, as Ms. Renee uses this as a weapon against Donny throughout the video.
Ms. Renee asks to see Donny’s work.  Donny says that his work is a little rough, but he can fix it.  It’s a shaky sketch, which actually looks like he put in some effort.  (Personally, as an artist myself, if I were an art teacher, I would’ve at least seen the effort put into someone’s piece.  We all start somewhere!)  Instead of giving some constructive criticism and some pointers that could help Donny improve, Ms. Renee berates Donny for apparently “not making any progress” during the past few weeks.  Donny tries to explain to her that he can’t help his lines not being drawn perfectly straight or the curves being “lumpy” due to his Parkinson’s, but he came up with a solution.  He made his piece appear more interpretive instead.  Ms. Renee proceeds to berate her student some more, mock the solution he came up with for himself, and is just an overall ableist, stuck-up cunt.  She takes his pad of paper off the easel, gets everyone’s attention, and shames Donny in front of everyone.  After that, she tells Donny to try again “without the shaky lines”...which, AGAIN, isn’t possible for him because he’s DISABLED.  When Donny explains this to Ms. Renee that he’s disabled in a different font, she says that maybe he shouldn’t be drawing then.
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We’re finally introduced to the only person who seems to be standing up for Donny, Frida.  She tells Ms. Renee that Donny is trying his best.  Of course, Ms Renee, being the cunt she is, says that she’s “just prepping him for the real world.” She then goes on to say that people don’t buy art from people they “feel sorry for” (honestly…that’s false, but okay) and they buy art from people they feel inspired by (again, not always the case, but okay).
When Ms. Renee finally leaves in a huff, Frida tells Donny to not let her get to him and she actually likes his drawing.  Donny tells her that he’s always wanted to be an artist, but he never made time for it.  When he finally made time for it, he developed Parkinson’s.  Donny sees Frida’s art and says that her art is so much better than his.
(I need to stop right here because I still struggle with this mentality.  I still compare myself to other artists, it discourages me from drawing even though I love to draw, and it’s a vicious cycle.  I know how hard it is not to compare yourself to other artists as an artist, but like I said, we all start somewhere and we all have different styles.  We all have our preferred forms of art and preferred tools of trade.  However, it’s not okay to bash on other people for their art just because you might not like it.  I’ve had this happen so many times, and it sucks.  Art is subjective, yes, but it’s also very personal to many artists.  It costs nothing to not be a dick.)
Frida says that she’s dreamed of going to this prestigious art school that she got into, but can’t pay the tuition, so she’s in this class instead.
After class, Frida and Donny go to a store (which looks like a student store more than anything, but okay) for some art supplies.  Frida says that Ms. Renee is very talented, but her reviews are filled with people who had “a lot to say”, so Donny shouldn’t take her comments so personally.  Donny says that he thinks her criticisms are “spot on”.  Frida asks to see one of Donny’s sketches, which makes him uneasy at first.  She says that art doesn’t have to be perfect and only has to come from the heart.  Donny relents and shows Frida one of his sketches.  It’s of a woman.  Frida says it’s beautiful and asks who that woman is.  She says he should have it framed.  Donny is unsure, as he has never shown anyone his art before.  They go up to the cashier to ask for a frame.  The cashier looks at Donny’s sketch and says it looks nice.
Ms. Renee pops up out of nowhere asking if her “latest masterpiece” is done yet.  She’s showing it at some boujee, hoity-toity art gallery.  Donny says he’s heard of that place.  The cashier brings out a small frame.  Ms. Renee says she didn’t ask for an extra frame, but the cashier says it’s for Donny.  She mocks Donny, like she did earlier.  When Donny shows Ms. Renee what he’s putting in the frame, she says it looks like a jellyfish.  Frida corrects her, and she says that she liked it better when she thought it was a jellyfish.  Ms. Renee tells Donny that he “shouldn’t be wasting his disability money” putting something “like that” in a frame.  (Girl, that’s not your place.) She picks up her framed art and is about to be on her merry way.  She not only continues to be rude towards Donny, but she also brings her son into it for some reason…like, girl, your son wanting to be a basketball player is irrelevant.  Donny is having second thoughts, but Frida stops him.  She invites Donny to come along with her to the art gallery.
They go to the art gallery, look at art, and are met by Ms. Renee being a snob, like usual.  She’s a bitch towards Frida and Donny for just being at the art gallery, then is all buttering up Henry, the art dealer.  She even flirts with Henry.
Frida eats some shrimp, and invites Donny over to try some.  He tries to grab a piece of shrimp to dip into some cocktail sauce.  The server is trying to be helpful, but Donny tells him that he can handle it.  Cocktail sauce ends up getting on Ms. Renee’s dress and her painting.  Donny obviously feels bad about accidentally knocking over the cocktail sauce, and the server is apologetic.  Ms. Renee doesn’t handle this very well.  She yells at Donny in front of everyone in the art gallery.  Frida stands up for Donny, but Ms. Renee says that Donny is “expelled” from her class.  She intimidates Donny and Frida to get them to leave.  Donny is embarrassed (y’know, because the guy got yelled at and berated in public by his teacher who shouldn’t be a fucking teacher), apologizes, and leaves.  Frida tries to go after Donny, but is stopped by Ms. Renee.  Frida tells her teacher that she didn’t have to treat him the way she did.  Her teacher continued to spew venomous bullshit, which Frida is having none of.  Ms. Renee insults Frida too, and tells her to have a pity party with her “old cr1pple friend”.  Frida leaves and finds Donny sitting outside on a bench.
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They sit outside on the bench, talking to each other, having a real heart-to-heart conversation.  Donny continuously beats himself up for Parkinson’s.  Frida comforts him by saying that there are many disabled artists who make it in the art world.  Donny asks how she knows about all these artists.  Her dad was a disabled artist who painted with his feet.  She said her dad was “disabled from the waist up”. 
The way she worded this rubs me the wrong way.  Not only from a wording standpoint, but also from a medical standpoint.  I’ve done a little bit of digging on the way Frida worded her dad’s disability.  From what I could find, I believe she meant to say that he’s paraplegic(?), but I could be wrong.  I couldn’t find any term that was close to being “disabled from the waist up” except for paraplegic.
Donny is “inspired” by Frida’s disabled father and says he’d love to meet him.  Until Frida tells him that her dad passed away.  Donny reveals that the woman in his sketch was his late wife.  He then has a revelation that he should prove Frida’s dad and his late wife right instead of proving Ms. Renee (or Gertrude) wrong.  Frida says that she’s gonna write a negative review on Gertrude before they leave.
There’s a montage of Donny practicing, people being amazed by his work, Frida helps him get more exposure by taking videos of him, he sells lots of paintings, he’s living the dream.
Gertrude is back on her bullshit at the art gallery, like usual.  She brought her old piece again and harassed Henry about bids.  Some girl comes up to say that a piece sold for $15,000.  Gertrude thinks it’s for her piece, but it’s actually for Donny’s piece.  He spews the ableist rhetoric again, some mom (Karen…Katherine Norland, a real piece of work) comes up with her disabled kid, and Donny spews the ableist rhetoric TO THIS KID.
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Karma’s a bitch, they all lived happily ever after, Gertrude lost her job, whoop-dee-doo.
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My final thoughts on the video:  This video is fucking garbage.  Dhar Mann clearly can’t make ONE video about disabilities without spewing ableist rhetoric or turning what disabled people go through into trauma porn or sympathy porn.  It’s obvious that he hasn’t listened to the voices of disabled people, and he probably never will.  With all the ableist bullshit in his videos.  
Your target audience is kids, correct, Dhar?  Well…you know that disabled kids watch your videos too?  By saying that their disabilities are just “different abilities”, you’re telling them that being disabled is a bad thing.  It’s not a bad thing to be disabled.  You’re also downplaying what disabled kids go through just because there are disabled kids who do extraordinary things.  Like, their disability doesn’t become non-existent because some might know quantum physics or some shit.  I know that’s a stupid example, but you get my point.
Sorry this took so long to get out.  Hope this long post makes up for it. 
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shieldofrohan · 3 years
Jaehaerys the douchebag was the real surprise of Fire & Blood. From him creating the whole Targaryen exceptionalism bullshit so he could bang his sister. And then of course there is his horrible treatment of his daughters. The callouness with having one hundred men strip naked in front of the one who was mentally disabled was just "dad of year". And this is the best king?
Hello @eonweheraldodemanwe ,
You have no idea how much I hated that Fire and Blood book and Jayjay was one of the biggest reasons. That annoying piece of sh*t lived that long just to p*ss me off.
This book made me rooting for Maegor. He really should have killed idiot Aenys' whole brood to save all of us from misery.
I don't even want to talk about that book. Yes it tells that ALL Targs suck but Martin really put very problematic and disturbing ideas in that book which totally ruined the series for me.
Anyway... That idiot Jayjay and fake feminist Alysanne were so fcking annoying and selfish. They married despite of the political situation Westeros in because of Targs' desire to fck each other and I was like: WHY? Selfish weirdos used their nukes to shut people up and came up with that Exceptionalism bullsh*t to shut people up for longer. Their daughter Daenerys dying of shivers and our beloved Khaleesi now shitting on grass really proved that TaRGs aRe sPeciaL.
What really bothered me with that book was that it felt like a joke. Yes, to certain degree that book was satire but written as a Targ propaganda. So it had two aspects of it.
1- This a Targ POV, therefore a propaganda so don't let it fool you.
2- This is a satire about how in subtext Targs sucked.
But it was also obvious that Martin tried to give an example of his ideal/good king with characters like Jayjay. Even though he makes sure that Jayjay was also an a*shole, he gives the hints of him being a good king.
I think (!) Martin believes that a good ruler doesn't have to be a good man and this is fine... I don't believe this idea, but I can respect it.
My problem was those hints of a good king. Because they didn't feel developed naturally.
[Btw, Martin sees Jayjay as a good king, I didn't come up with that idea: source]
Martin's attempts to paint Jayjay and Alysanne as good king and queen were laughable.
I know that Martin prefers the peaceful kings.. the ones who don't fight etc.
OK. But I find this idea unrealistic. Not all wars are for money and fame. His idea of a king who only cares about improving economy and good harvest is a little utopic.
And I think he cheated a little when he tried to show that Jayjay was a king who chose peace over fighting. Because that little sh*t didn’t have to fight in the first place. Meagor suddenly dies, so does Septon Moon, Joffrey Doggett starts serving him with tears in his eyes (WHY?) and Faith Militan got disbanded because let's incest weirdos who think they are gods defend the Faith. Aaaaand now you have a kingdom without any defiance. Wow Jayjay... you worked too hard dude, go fck your sister for a while.
Martin was like: "Hey this bloodpurist weirdo loves reading and talks about tax policy... obviously best king ever!".
Him wasting pages for his tax policy was such a weak attempt to make his point about Aragorn's tax policy. Because I didn't care about Jayjay's kingship in the first place. Yes a lot of awful leaders in the history managed to come up with good economical or whatever policies but those people actually sucked in the long run so we don't remember them as good leaders, therefore awful people can't be good rulers imo. Sorry not sorry. When I read Jayjay's reign, I didn't consider him as a good king for a second.
And his sister wife was even worse. She was like I HAVE TO BE HIS QUEEN!! Why? Because. Yeah ALIEsanne, only you can be a good queen, you freak. Let's be disrespectful and selfish to Westeros' people.
She was like: "I ended that barbaric first night tradition (I wonder why Martin insisted on some "myth" about Middle Ages...) because look at the poor women who suffered because of barbaric Northern Lords (she works on this after her visit to North was so?????). What would Westeros do without some white imperialist bloodpurists who are more sophisticated than barbaric Westeros lords???"
And she got surprised when Valyrian lords were also into prima nocta but HEY, women in Dragonstone were happy about it because Valyrians were not some simple lords! They were GODS!!! Such a blessing! Because women love being used by "gods".
She was like: "Women can RULE too" But she usupers her sister's right. And Martin tries to paint her as a good queen because she let women speak. She believes she is superior!!! Who cares about her fake woke white feminism?!
ANYWAY. Both Jayjay and ALIEsanne were awful and I didn't read them as good king and queen. I think Martin's philosophy of "bad people can be good rulers" wasn't for me. Because I believe that a ruler who believes he/she is superior than normal people can't be a good ruler. Ofc, good ones makes mistakes too but were talking about: Bloodpurism, racism, nuclear weapons and imperialism here. These are not some normal human faults. These are the recipe for a really awful rulership.
Another yikes about that book was that all anti Targ people were AWFUL or they died while they were fcking a horse!?. Only perverts, mad people, sexist pigs and bigots were anti Targ during the whole book. And people of Westeros were ok with Targs... Yeah who wouldn't love some white people with nukes come to invade your land? This is some white American thing, I guess...
When people of Westeros killed some geckos because some old smelly mad man provoked them to do, they felt bad afterwards!?!??! Literally all book was a joke and you can't force it to make sense by only saying that this was written as a Targ propaganda because Martin CHOSE to write this way. And I can't unsee the problematic aspects... This book screamed: "AN OLD WHITE AMERICAN WROTE ME".
I love Martin, but I wish he didn't write this book at all. If I sound bitter about him lately, this book is the reason. I wasn't expecting sth this awful.
And the book wasn't even pleasing to read. It had no literary value. Just bunch of unnecessary information (like the Septa who wrote a naughty book) about annoying and awful people.
It lacked the aspects that made Asoiaf great like the psychological side of the characters or character developments and arcs and beautiful POVs...
But it shares one of Asoiaf's weak points: NO POV from anti Targ people. He failed to give a POV to people in Essos against Dany in main books and this created the DANY THE WHITE SAVIOUR. He makes the same mistake in this book too and I hated it... I wish he wrote this book from different perspectives in Westeros. But too late.
In conclusion: I HATED THAT BOOK. But at least it showed one thing clearly: ALL TARGS SUCK.
Thanks for the ask.
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dicecast · 5 years
The Problem with Thanos Part 2
So the first video is basically about what is actually wrong with Thanos and by extension, Malthusian theory.   Today I want to pivot to something a bit more complicated, Thanos as a character and why he is a less good character because he isn’t a racist.  
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I’ve said before that Thanos is a good character and I think that is basically true but I want to clarify.  Thanos is a good character for you know…Superhero movies, where most of the characters at best are a list of consistent traits with a consistent voice and maybe one or two issues that define them . Thanos’s motivations make sense (they are morally and intellectually wrong but it makes sense), he has a general personality template, and he has more complexity than most marvel villains.  But there is a larger issue with his attatchment to Malthusian economics, namely that it doesn’t make any sense he’d be so attracted to it.  
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Let me jump back for a moment here.  See, in real life, the Malthusian notions of population control and necessary brutality for the sake of preserving the world’s resources is an ideology that comes with a lot of baggage attached.  From the start, Malthusians aren’t just saying we need mass purges to keep population in check, it always comes with a larger ideological view point about which people should be purged. Malthusianism in real life was directed at the Irish, Catholics, and the poor, and theories influenced by Malthus would be directed at African Americans, Slavs, and Jews, and today it tends to be used in the context of India, China, and Africans.  While it would be a simplification to say that the Nazi concept of “Useless Mouths” is purely Malthusian, the ideas are linked.  Eugenics, Social Darwinism, Imperialism, and Scrooge esc classicism have always been associated with Malthusian though, and that is why this doctrine is still around despite being debunked in the 19th century.  Its less a factual ideology as much as a world view, one obsessed with “us vs. them” mentalities and beliefs in “Nature is a warzone” despite the fact that this is not how society works.  
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      Now in theory you could have a debate about Malthusian population control without dipping into the ideologies always associated with it, but in real life…yeah good luck with that. Malthusian economics are like IQ, or Social Darwinism its some people get into to justify their existing racist prejudice, not an ideology that leads them to racism.  That is why it always falls apart so easily when you apply real science to it, because it isn’t just a false scientific theory, its using scientific jargon to justify the same old prejudice.  
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 But Thanos is that, he is a Malthusian without any of the baggage, he isn’t racist, classist, religiously intolerant, or a warmonger.  Thanks to the power of the plot, his population control method is actually unbiased, unlike real life Malthusians he doesn’t target a specific group as deserving extermination.   When Thomas Malthus spoke of necessary population control he wasn’t referring to his own group of middle class Englishmen, he meant the poor, the Irish, and the Catholic.  Thanos is truly “Unbias” in this view of extermination, which is equally stupid but lacks the bigotry that comes with Malthusian theory.  
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    Now let’s pretend Marvel actually understood the themes of their own movie and they genuinely wanted to talk about this world view, it is understandable they would want to desperate the idea from the baggage surrounding it, otherwise it is too easy to dismiss it.  So while in real life Malthusianism is linked to a bunch of other horrific ideologies, for the purpose of fiction it might be worth debating it on its own merits rather than as part of something else.  It’s not much of a debate because its objectively wrong, but I get the idea.  Try to argue with the theory on its own terms rather than what it is associated with.  
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Here is the problem, I’m not sure if it is actually a good thing to separate these ideologies.  Cause Malthusianism literally doesn’t make sense if it isn’t linked to a larger world view, and more importantly Thanos doesn’t make sense.  What I meant by this is that Malthusianism is basically a rational that bigots come to in order to justify their existing bigots.  You embrace Malthus if you already regard the Irish as subhuman, and you need a justification killing 1.5 million of them.  Or if you already don’t want to pay taxes for social programs that help the poor, or if you already don’t want to send aid overseas or sell weapons to war zones.  It’s not a true ideology so much as it’s a way to make standard selfish bigotry seem more reasonable and palatable.  You don’t become a Malthusian because of the strengths of its argument, you become a Malthusian because you already wanted to dehumanize large groups of people and this is a method lets you not come to terms with your own actions.  And this is why Malthusians aren’t convinced by evidence, cause its less a scientific theory so much has a psychological defense mechanism.  
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      And that is the problem, Thanos isn’t a bigot, so his attachment to Malthus doesn’t make any sense.  There is no reason why Thanos wouldn’t listen to anybody who suggests to him that “Hey this isn’t how like…anything works” or do some damn research on the subject.  Which means that Marvel is either
Positing Malthusian theory is correct in the universe of Marvel which is basically saying “In this world, Eugenics is real, but we should do the right thing anyways
Thanos is actually a really dumb guy who fell for the pseudo science and never checked his assumptions.  Which you know...isn’t impossible, but that isn’t how he is presented in the film, instead he is shown as a thoughtful if cruel man.  If his main flaw is not his indifference but instead his stupidity, then the movie did a very bad job of conveying that 
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      Now this entire time I’ve been giving Marvel the benefit of the doubt and assuming they were doing this on purpose in order to fight back against Malthusian economics, but lets be honest, they don’t deserve that much credit.  Which goes back to the earlier post, which is that they keep mistaking Malthusian for Utilitarianism.  So it is again presenting killing half the population as “Practical but evil’ vs. the protagonists “Moral but inefficient” but as I mentioned before, this simply isn’t the case.  Malthusian theory of population isn’t just immoral, its actively incorrect.  But that isn’t how the conflict is framed, when Thanos and Dr. Strange argue, Strange is like “This is wrong because Trillions will die” while what he, a scientist, should be saying is “This is wrong because....that would not fix the problem like...at all”.  Because again, Thomas Malthus ideas were debunked in the mid 19th century, the only reason why they continue to be relevant today is that they provide a handy justification for racist practices, and as Thanos is not a racist, it doesn’t make sense that he would believe this.  
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This also leads to another uncomfortable bit, in his discussion with Dr. Strange, Thanos says ‘Titan was like most planets, too many mouths, not enough to go around.  When we faced extinction I offered a solution”  That is actually quite similar to the “Useless Mouths” rhetoric used in post WWI Germany.  Historical context.  During WWI, Britain placed German under a blockade which basically put the whole country under siege.  Since Germany’s best chance of winning the war was a defensive conflict, slowly giving ground as the allies lost millions and hoping that the ally states would collapse, the steady lack of resources due to this blockade was devestating to the German War effort.  While France and Britain could endlessly resupply thanks to their colonies and the Americas, Germany steadily ran out of oil, iron, lead, and food, and the civilian population of Germany, largely unexposed directly to the war, slowly starved, particularly in the “Turnip Winter” of 1916.   While there was still food, most of it went to the army, leaving the civilians with nothing. About 763,000 German civilians*, the vast majority of German Civilian deaths during WWI, were due to the famine rather than Allied Weapons.   This is not counting those who died of the Spanish Flue epidemic, and an additional 100,000 civilians who died during the negotiation period.  This blockade would eventually lead to the fall of the Kaiserreich, as the civilian government eventually overthrew the Kaiser and negotiated the surrender of Germany.  
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Hitler, a soldier in the trenches and thus not starving, was among many of the German army who felt the civilians had betrayed them, leading to the “Stabbed in the Back” myth.  One of the big right wing talking points after WWI was that “we could have won the war, if only we had killed all useless mouths, or “useless eaters”, Lebensunweertes Leben.  Specifically the disabled, though this theory would also be applied to a lesser extent to Jews, Roma, Homosexuals, Slavs, and leftists.  The term used was basically “Life unworthy of life” and the idea was that the weak Kaiser government should have killed all the ‘worthless” people so that Germany could have won the war, and Hitler’s government used this to justify their own extermination of the mentally ill, the idea was faced with starvation, Germany should have made the “difficult choice” to kill the weak for the strong to survive.  
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(I hate this fucking story.)  
   Now obviously this world view is immoral but its also....wrong.  The fact is, even if Germany had killed all of the disabled, they would have lost the war anyways, its not like the disabled were using up oil and bullets that would have otherwise gone to the front, nor would it have fixed Germany’s manpower shortage or prevented the US from entering the war.  The conspiracy, like most conspiracy theories, came about because German soldiers didn’t want to face an uncomfortable truth.  That they had suffered, sacrificed, and fought heroically in a war they never had much chance of winning and all of their pain was in vain. The Useless Eater’s theory was just wrong, it was actively incorrect. 
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   Now how does that relate to Thanos?  See I am not calling Thanos a Nazi, unlike Hitler or Malthus, Thanos isn’t targeting any one group, he isn’t saying “We need to kill the Irish, Catholics, Jews or disabled to survive” he is applying that same sort of Life Boat morality in a way real life advocates of it never do, because he is including his own empire and family within the category of “those who can be disposed of”  Thanos is looking at a whole vein of right wing thinking which has always existed as a cover for their real policies and taking it at face value and applying it to its own logical extreme, and there could be value in a character like that but...why is Thanos like this?  Why is he mindlessly accepting stupid theories he really should be smart enough to just dismiss this nonsense.  
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And that lead to my larger issue with Infinity Wars, that I don’t think Disney realizes that Malthus was just morally wrong, but was factually wrong.  The conflict is presented as if Thanos’ ideas have merit, and so Thanos is presented as a smart guy who lacks empathy, while the actual problem is that he is incorrect.  And it fits the sort of “Status Que” feel of the MCU, where the Super Heroes are mostly preventing a worse future rather than building their own (Black Panther is the exception to this) 
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*That number is actually really disputed, there are some that put the number as low as 300,000 so don’t take that as the final word.  I tend to assume higher numbers because I don’t want to underscore the death of civilians, but this is not uncontested.  
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phaylenfairchild · 5 years
Chasten Buttigieg’s Brother is a Trump Supporter out to Destroy Mayor Pete’s Bid For Presidency
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Rhyan Glezman is the kind of opportunist that feels all to familiar.
We’ve often seen distant family members of celebrities suddenly rise to the surface for a bit of roll-off fame. It happened to Meghan Markle, whose mostly absent Father and Step-Sister desperately tried to mar her character when they discovered the actress was marrying the Prince of England. They went on a tour across two continents as they wallowed in the limelight, guzzling any attention on offer as they made the past of England’s future Duchess’s public business.
Rhyan Glezman is cut from that same cloth. Glezman is the brother of Presidential candidate Pete Buttigeig’s husband, Chasten. He appeared on FOX News recently with host Laura Ingraham to make the claim that Chasten has been telling porkies about his past, and of course that means Glezman, a born again christian Pastor, must set the record straight… live on the most hostile, homophobic network on television, and to a talk show host that has attacked the LGBT community, the immigrant community and, well, basically anyone who isn’t white, straight, cisgender and male.
That’s right: FOX News. The irony here, in a strange twist of fate, Ingraham’s own brother is gay and has publicly denounced her hateful rhetoric, dubbing her “A monster.”
Maybe this sit down between Ingraham and Glezman was a perfect pairing after all.
Glezman maintained not a shred of emotion as he accused his newly famous brother of mischaracterizing his family and the conditions of his upbringing to harvest political favor.
Chasten shared some of his coming out journey during a speech at an HRC Gala; “When I was 18-years-old I worked up the courage to tell my parents that I was gay. And while we have a great relationship now, back then things weren’t easy,” he said.
And that’s true. His Mother and Father often travel with Chasten to events around the country… so here I am, waiting for the lie that the big bad big brother insists he expose…
Chasten is the youngest son of three boys who grew up far away from the political spectacles of Washington DC; Instead he was brought up in a working-class family in Traverse City, Michigan.
He remained closeted throughout school, but came out the summer after his high school graduation. Upon telling his family that he was gay, Chasten faced a consequence that so many LGBTQ youth fear the most as a result- rejection.
He left home soon after, sleeping in his car and staying with friends off and on until his Mother reached out for reconciliation and invited him back into the family home, much to the protest of Chasten’s two older brothers who still refuse to acknowledge him. I’m sure these two make family holidays an absolute joy.
The Glezman Brothers remind me of the wicked Stepsisters from Disney’s Cinderella. They’re enraged that their lowly gay brother, who is far less qualified than them for God’s blessings, has wormed his way into such a high profile position and has the nerve to talk about the faith that they claim ownership of.
Those poor, pitiful Glezman brothers.
While Chasten and his Parents have made amends, oldest brother Rhyan is determined to put a dent in Mayor Pete’s Presidential bid by using Chasten- and his religion- to vilify the couple.
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The problem with Christians like Rhyan is that they equate hate slinging with the love of Jesus that only they have the power to bestow. It is a holy commodity reserved explicitly for themselves, and those they deem worthy enough to share it with. They think their hate is love and their betrayal of family or a loved one is sanctioned, nay necessary to maintain status with the guy in the sky. He also plans to ride the coattails of Chasten’s newly discovered fame… by denying being exactly who Rhyan, himself, has demonstrated himself to be. A fame chasing bigot.
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You ever notice how these people loathe being called a bigot? All of them. It’s quite bizarre how truly sensitive the men and women who shout words I wouldn’t even type at two men holding hands somehow take umbrage with being labeled a bigot. Racists hate being called racists. TERFs hate being called TERFs… there’s a theme here.
Saddest of all is how smug Rhyan Glezman is, when asked if he would vote for his brother’s husband in an election, sat back, smirked, folded his hands and said…
“Trump 2020.”
In that moment, my heart broke for Chasten Buttigeig and his brother hyan showed his entire hand. I realized that the world now knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that his Brothers are hypocritical fanatics who would rather him fail than succeed and only because they think his difference in belief renders him undeserving of happiness or success… Certainly when up against the paragon of virtue that is president pussy-grabber, repeat adulterer, hush money payments to porn star paying, disability mocking, calls Nazi’s some “Fine people” while branding Mexicans rapists and murders…. this is preferred over his own Brothers, and all because he happens to be gay.
How many of us see ourselves in this story- a family that wants us to lose and laughs when we fall? That’s if they bother to stick around long enough to see where you fall. Many simply opt for a one way ticket out of our lives, and they do so in the Name of Christ. Oddly, when success or attention is found, those same family members suddenly find a revolving door to either reopen the wounds the left you to lick, or to pretend they’re anxious to help when they really just plan to sell stories about you to the media or leverage your desire for their acceptance and distort it for their own benefit. If they aren’t getting something out of it, they don’t usually stick around.
So Christian of them.
Thankfully, not all Christians subscribe to this practice, just my own family, and clearly Chasten Buttigeig’s and maybe yours, too. However, there is a faction of Christians out there that have actually read the Bible and practice what it preaches without demanding you do the same, or denouncing your existence if you don’t think like they do, believe like they do, behave like they think you should… some Christians are more worried about the quality of their own lives and relationship with Christ than they are yours… I say that like it’s uncommon, maybe it’s not, but I’m still surprised when I meet a Christian willing to mind their own damn business.
It will be painful for those of us who have had a relationship with familial rejection to watch the Glezman Brothers campaign against their youngest brother and attempt to malign the efforts of he and his Husband, claiming it’s the Christian thing to do. So many of us have had the name of Christ weaponized against us, but it’s hard to watch it happen to someone who should be on top of the world and anxious to change it for the better. Watching their very own family come from the sidelines with a trip wire out of sheer jealousy is unsettling, at best.
No one knows that disheartening reality more than the LGBT community.
Fortunately, Chasten seems to have managed to maintain strong relationships with both his Mother and Father, as he recently tweeted:
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Just FYI: My parents walked me down the aisle. My dad leveled the parking lot of our reception venue with his own two hands. My mom and I danced and shared ice cream long into the night. My parents are amazing and Peter’s biggest fans. I’m so proud of them.
 — @chas10buttigieg
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This all makes big brother Glezman’s accusation of Chasten manufacturing stories about his youth less likely to be fiction, and more likely a glaring indication that Glezman is wholly consumed by his own bitterness and resents that his gay brother turned out okay and, despite a period of struggle, kept the ties that bind him and his parents in tact. Clearly Glezman doesn’t believe Chasten deserves the same kind of happiness that he himself enjoys with his wife… just don’t call him a bigot.
However, he may be a liar for claiming his brother virtually made up the trials of his past for if he were telling the truth himself, he would have had support from others in his declaration that Chasten “Had it easy.”
Right Rhyan, you seem like the kind of guy who would have made your young gay brother’s life pleasant- and the fact that you’ve alienated him and refused to associate with him for years now doesn’t really make you the most reliable resource for information regarding Chasten or Pete. No one is stepping forward to substantiate your claims that Chasten has lied for political favor, not even your own Mom or Dad…
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Terry Glezman, Chasten Glezman Buttigieg, and Sherri Glezman overcame initial struggles with their youngest sons sexuality and went on to share his special day with him.
In fact, Chasten’s Mom and Dad seem to be simply celebrating the prospects of their Sons political future even as their two older sons stew in their own self righteous, hyper religious rage, angrily brandishing their Trump bumper stickers and MAGA hats.
Hey Chasten, knowing you’ve had to deal with Brothers like this, I imagine no enemy you’ll meet on the pathway to the White House will ever shake your foundation. Thanks for telling your story, it is one we all need to hear.
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nightcoremoon · 7 years
now that I've driven home and had a few minutes to cool off and collect my thoughts, I feel I should explain myself to the people who have been following me and know who i am so I don't damage my relationship or reputation more than I probably already have. there was a post that an autistic person I follow made, where he vented about bigotry against autistic people, and ended with a passive aggressive "...janice". there was another post that a nonbinary person I follow made where they vented about bigotry against gender nonconforming people, and ended with a passive aggressive "...denise". I'm not 100% sure which was which but I DEFINITELY remember the posts, as well as the profile pictures of the people who posted them. I don't remember the urls though, and even if I did remember them I wouldn't list them in case the people who are now harassing and spamming me in my inbox and activity feeds decided to also hop on their [proverbial] dicks as well as mine because they apparently culturally appropriated those post templates, of ending extended rants about various bigots and ending them with names befitting of middle aged suburban soccermoms, karen. now, when listing people of this demographic, I used to include white among those adjectives. however, there are black middle aged suburban soccermoms, hispanic middle aged suburban soccermoms, and asian middle aged suburban soccermoms, and pretty much people of every race who have the potential to be this type of person the practice strawmans. obviously not every single middle aged suburban parent of children who participate heavily in after school activities is going to be the type of person to scream at retail workers or starbucks baristas or people who cut off their minivans when they're driving 15 under the speed limit in the left lane. not every single middle aged suburban person is an undeducated bible thumping bigot with their head shoved up their ass. not every one of them is a problematic piece of shit that stands by the #alllivesmatter crew or trump or whatever the republicans are rallying around this week. not even all of the white ones, and there are some people who fit the trope who are not white. I've dealt with many of them during my days at target, but I always stood by including white. until recently. when I learned it made black people uncomfortable when white people made white jokes, I was of course initially hesitant. "that's fucking stupid!" I though. "I'm not assuaging white guilt by doing this, I'm just finding it in me to laugh at myself". and then I read a bit more about the subject and figured it isn't worth the potential heartache if I fought it because in all honesty it kind of makes sense. my mom's boyfriend's son is black (and hispanic), and I had once made a white girl joke to my sister in front of him and mom told me later that both he and her boyfriend were uncomfortable with me saying that. after seeing the post that talked about it, and my... slight breakdown where I may have dramatically overreacted... I decided to try and stop with the white people jokes because I want to unlearn all of the racist shit that my dad, stepmom, aunts, uncles, grandparents, former friends, former acquaintances, and society in general that I possibly could, because racism as a concept digs into my skin and fucks me up. it used to make me absolutely seethe with rage, and I still get a little steamed by it. in fact I once got in a LOT of trouble with my high school sociology student teacher because I got really shitty with her when she- an anthropology student no less- kept calling one kid in our class by his initial because apparently kudsai is just Too Hard™ to pronounce. one day, an off day where I forgot to take my medicine, she called him that and I yelled at her "he has a name, so use it". granted I didn't like the kid. I thought he was annoying; loud, obnoxious, constantly making sex jokes while we were studying freud (and even the fucking holocaust), in the choir and the football team... basically like any other cishet teenage boy. but being annoying is no excuse for a teacher to not take five fucking seconds of her day to learn how to say his name right just because it wasn't franklin or gregory, two of the other black kids who I went to school with. anyone following me as far back as when annie got remade with quvenzhane wallis as the titular role might have read my thoughts on the matter of pronouncing people's names right. i'm not saying this to pat myself on the back for not being racist, because WOW was I a rough mess of things back then, but I was never like my dad's side of the family about race. back when michael brown's death and ferguson were still talked about, I found myself agreeing with rush limbaugh about some of the things he said, so clearly I haven't been a perfect angel my whole life. anyway, back to white people jokes making black people feel uncomfortable. I've been trying to make myself agree with that, which as anyone who has the syndrome formerly known as aspergers can probably attest to, is hard as shit to do. possible but hard. like, I'm even now still unlearning some acephobia, transphobia, queerphobia, islamophobia, and even though I know the occasional fleeting thoughts that I think are wrong and bad, they still happen very frequently. same goes with various forms of racism and xenophobia. my dad (and former stepdad's) influences are probably so deep because of various issues with abandonment and abuse that I'm not gonna discuss here, and they're both absolutely reeking with white supremacist microaggressions. so I'm definitely trying my hardest. part of that is why I reacted so negatively when people misinterpreted what I said, put words in my mouth, and straight up told me to kill myself in all of these messages that are still flooding in. another part is because I truly do stand by the things that I meant to say, rather than the things that it appears I've said. I really do think that it's unreasonable to say that it's racist for people who aren't black to make posts where we vent about various injustices we face from people who are misinformed and ignorant and straight up smarmy condescending assholes and then end it with a passive aggressive name of some baby boomer fuckwit, peggy. because these baby boomer fuckwits come in many colors (black people are still capable of being racist [against hispanic/asian/etc people, not whites, I need to make that abundantly clear], classist, misogynist, queerphobic, ableist, otherwise bigoted prejudiced assholes), and these names that are heralded as "typically white", like henry or franklin or gregory or harold or penelope or alice or etc, are not exclusively white names. I've seen or met black people with names like this and while it's definitely not the majority (not even close), and it's definitely partially due to cultural erasure perpetuated by gentrification, it still exists. so it doesn't make sense to me why the person who wrote the post that started me on this whole sequence of posts about this topic insisted that it was a 'white people names' thing. especially when white people names are more like khaeylieghhe or miakkaylia or annedeeye or some other ridiculous bastardisation of english language in order to make your child feel special and unique and end up growing to be a cookie cutter member of the conservative party that tries to take down affirmative action because they feel like it's reverse discriminatory or some shit. if it was something like that, making fun of those names that are actually like making jokes at the expense of white people [I think I should apologize in advance because technically this counts as a white people joke even if it's just an example] would make perfect sense. however I have not only seen posts in this template of ending with baby boomer names being used as tools to express their distaste in queerphobia, ableism, classism, xenophobia, and intolerance of other sorts, but I've made them before, and it has had not a god damn bit of racial connotation to it at all unless it's been specifically a black millennial on tumblr venting specifically about a white people-ism, and to make a post that shits on everybody who uses this template to cope if they're not black, and causes those kids who use it to cope to ask why not, and then get immediately shit on by assholes who treat them just like people are treating me, who tell them that it doesn't matter if they're neurodivergent or gay or trans or whatever because they're being Big Bad Evil Racists™ by ending their rant posts with names like becky, allison. I don't care if you're black. if you treat queer or disabled kids like shit and call them racist when they're not being racist, no matter what color your skin is, you're an asshole. and to act like fucking salem massachusetts when confronted with legitimate criticism of your ill-informed unbridled assault of an angry mama bear to queer and disabled kids, is just DISGUSTING. WEAK. and PATHETIC. and only serves to strengthen my points. so you know what, go ahead. keep sending me your hate anons. keep sending me the smarmy condescension. I can take it. just stop being fucking assholes to my family. your race isn't something I have any authority over but I won't let you use it as a weapon to beat people over the head with just because you get high off of the power you get from the veil of anonymity. false accusations of being a tier 6 skinhead is more palatable than telling us to kill ourselves.
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duaneodavila · 6 years
The Immutable Characterisitc Of Blue
Both Radley Balko and Ilya Somin have written great posts about why the Protect and Serve Act, which is now pending in Congress, is unnecessary, unconstitutional and just plain bad law. It would make an attack on cops a hate crime, meaning that it would provide for an enhanced penalty.
The House version is the straight up mandatory minimum flavor; cause “serious bodily injury” to a cop and the sentence starts at ten years. Cops tend to suffer “serious bodily injuries” quite a lot, often from the repetitive stress of face-punting a cuffed perp. Like “turf toe” in football, the impact of their dominant foot can last for days.
The message is don’t harm a cop. The law and order crowd perceives no issue with such an admonition, largely because they lead a simple and sheltered life where it never dawns on them that some people face the choice of being killed or trying to defend themselves from police use of force for the hell of it. There is no moral victory in being maimed or killed, but not harming the cop.
The other aspect that too often fails to find its way into the limited grasp of encounters is that a cop may be harmed do to no action of the person charged, but in the course of the takedown. Maybe shot by another cop. Maybe he trips, falls and splits his head open. Maybe he crashes his cruiser because he’s a lousy driver.
Maybe the guy he’s chasing didn’t do anything at all, but if the cop ends up harmed, though no action on his part, he still faces a dime. To its fans, laws like this are easily answered by “the ‘perp’ shouldn’t have done . . . something.” There’s always a something that relieves the cop from responsibility for his own actions.
The Senate version, however, reflects the slide down the slippery slope, and raises a much more vexing problem.
Using language that mirrors the language used in hate crime laws aimed at protecting marginalized groups, the bill would make it a federal hate crime “to knowingly cause bodily injury to any person, or attempt to do so, because of the actual or perceived status of the person as a law enforcement officer.”
The key here is that the enhancement isn’t based on the crime, but the status of the victim. As Radley notes, there’s no epidemic of prosecutors failing to use every weapon at their disposal to go after anyone who intentionally harms a cop. Isn’t life plus cancer enough? Will life plus double cancer make people think twice?
But the use of the hate crime approach is where the law goes horribly wrong.
The conventional thinking on hate crimes is that, when someone kills or assaults or commits a property crime like vandalism in such a way that targets the victim because they are a member of a vulnerable community, all members of that community are affected.
It’s unclear what “conventional” means in this context. That this is the argument proffered by the supporters of hate crimes, adopted by legislatures who could burnish their social justice cred while pandering to their carceral constituents? Or do supporters just seethe against the bigots who harm the marginalized, unsatisfied with screaming racist at them as the cell door slams and wanting special retribution for their hating and hated thoughts?
The ACLU was completely on board with federal hate crime legislation, until now, when it isn’t at all.
Federal hate crimes laws were passed to correct the centuries of inaction and injustice that too often was the response to violence based on immutable traits and identities, including race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability.
The “immutable traits” prong was key to the justification for laws prohibiting discrimination in employment and education, and a few steps down the slippery slope, hate crimes. At the same time, the traits deemed “immutable” grew. Religion? People convert or decide to question their faith all the time. Gender? It’s fluid, they tell me. Sexual orientation may be immutable for some, but others dabble. Who knows where they end up? And gender identity?
The argument against adding copdom to this status is that it’s neither vulnerable nor immutable. If you ask the promoters of these laws, they will argue that cops are, indeed, vulnerable. There is a war on cops. A certain group of American’s despises cops just for their status. It’s nonsense, but they believe. Isn’t their belief as valid as the most passionate SJWs?
But the other option, immutability, would have served to preclude the enhancement of thought crimes against cops because it was just a job. Even if it’s characterized as a “calling,” you get a paycheck and, when your pension vests, retire. Nothing immutable there.
Except the good ‘ol ACLU and its defenders of the marginalized went and screwed it all up. First, by its insistence that thought crime was a totally legitimate basis for enhancement.*and then by their adding a variety of statuses to the laundry list. Traits don’t become immutable because of fashion trends, and the validity isn’t established by wrapping them up in social justice rhetoric.
Worse yet, it doesn’t pass the smell test. If gender identity is fluid, then it’s not immutable. You can’t have it both ways by stamping your feet and screaming names at anyone pointing out the error of your cries.
Even the “conventional thinking” fails to make the case. All crimes are, theoretically at least, against society. Individual harms are vindicated by civil actions. Criminal conduct is what society seeks to deter and punish. It may be true that a hate crime against a black person isn’t about the individual, but about race, but that’s why the conduct is criminal in the first place.
The tacit implication is that it’s not harsh enough when the motive is particularly despicable. But motive means purpose, and the enhancement punishes people for their thoughts. They may well be disgusting thoughts, but once we breech that wall between conduct and thought, we end up with laws like the Protect and Serve Act.
Some people believe that crimes against people because of their race is worthy of enhanced punishment. Others believe the same about crimes against cops.
This definition under no possible interpretation, could include being a member of law enforcement.
Saying so doesn’t make it so, ACLU. You can’t have it both ways. You led the march to thought crime against those you despise, and now others are following in your footsteps. We told you this would happen, not because we’re so smart but because this was so obvious. And you’re just as carceral as your opponents; just against different people.
*The unwary conflate hate crime with more traditional crimes, like possession with intent to sell. Granted, lege’s have conflated the language of motive and mens rea, using “intent” far too loosely, but the commission of a crime with the purpose of committing a greater crime isn’t comparable to committing a crime that’s aggravated by the status of the victim.
There are exceptions for crimes against children and the elderly, because of their vulnerability, but it’s not solely based on status, but the rational presumption of their inability to defend themselves.
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elizabethleslie7654 · 6 years
Why Immigration Is The #1 And Only Issue: Stop Immigration To The West Immediately
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by Markos Power
Donald Trump was elected President of the United States for one reason, and one reason alone: he promised to stop the never ending tide of immigration into the United States. The people of the United States, both consciously and subconsciously, understood that this is the most important issue facing their nation at this time. In fact, stopping non-European immigration is the #1 and ONLY issue that matters in Western nations at this moment.
Let’s define a few terms. I keep hearing that we shouldn’t use the term “the West,”and many people have commented saying “fuck the West.” No, I’m going to keep using it. The West is what separated and defined Europe from the Eastern Babylonians, Persians, and others of the past. When I refer to the West, this is basically what I’m referring to:
The West represents Europe and European-settled lands. It’s easier to say “the West” than “Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.” The West is the land of the European people. Europe is the homeland of the European people, and the countries outside of Europe are European established and settled nations. As such, these nations have the God given right to continue existing as European nations. With that said, let’s identify the #1 threat to the West’s survival.
Massive Non-European Immigration Will Destroy the West
I’m not going to sugar coat it. If you replace the European people with another group of people, you replace the culture of that nation with a foreign people’s culture. You only need to look at the example of Turkey to see what the West’s future may hold. Look at modern day Turkey. Anatolia (Asia Minor) used to be a bastion of the Greek people, Greek Orthodoxy, and the Greek language. The Greeks were present in Anatolia for thousands of years. Their language, cities, and ideas shaped the landscape, and Asia Minor was once basically considered a part of Greater Europe. You can go all over present day Turkey and find thousands of Ancient Greek monuments, buildings, and statues.
Ephesus amphitheater: Present Day Turkey
But, what you will not find anymore are the Greeks themselves. The Greeks were killed, ethnically cleansed, and deported from Turkey by the millions after WWI. Today the Greek population of Turkey is less than 2,000 people, most of whom are elderly. The Greeks will not exist in Anatolia in a few years.
Now that the Greeks have been replaced by Turks, you will no longer find Greek Orthodox churches in Turkey. You won’t hear the Greek language. You won’t see nor find any Greek people in Turkey. What was once a stronghold of Greek culture in Anatolia, is now replaced with a hostile and violent invader (the Turk) bent on working against the European people’s (our) interests. How did this happen?
It happened because the Greeks were replaced by Turks.
What does this mean?
It means that if the West lets itself be replaced by non-Europeans, our lands will also be transformed into another people’s culture and will be used against us.
Anatolia 1910:
Anatolia Present Year:
Look At the West: Nearly All of Our Countries are Being Colonized by Non-Europeans
Unless we want to give over Europe to non-European Muslims, neither of these scenarios are acceptable
Do you know what the Turkish President is saying to his fellow Turks in Europe?
From Hurriyetdailynews.com:
“President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has called on Turkish citizens living in Europe to have five children – two more than his usual calls to Turks in the homeland – in a bid to multiply their presence in the continent so that they will be the ‘future of Europe.’
‘I am calling out to my citizens, my brothers and sisters in Europe,’ Erdoğan said at a rally in the Central Anatolian province of Eskişehir on March 17. ‘Have not just three but five children.’
‘The place in which you are living and working is now your homeland and new motherland. Stake a claim to it. Open more businesses, enroll your children in better schools, make your family live in better neighborhoods, drive the best cars, live in the most beautiful houses,’ he said. ‘That’s because you are the future of Europe. It will be the best answer to the vulgarism, antagonism, and injustice made against you.’ ”
Do you see what he is telling his (Muslim) people in Europe? Have more children; breed. We (the Turks and Muslims) are the future of Europe; Europe will become Muslim if we just out-breed the Europeans.
Look at the demographics of every European majority nation.
Every single one (besides some Eastern European nations, for now) shows that the European people are being demographically replaced in their own nations. I repeat: Europeans are being demographically replaced in almost all European established nations. Do you know what happens if you point this out and engage in “bad think”?
If you happen to point out and notice that we (Europeans) are being replaced in our own nations, we get branded as:
– Racists
– Xenophobes
– White Supremacists
– White Nationalists
– Nazis
– Nativists
– Bigots
– Islamophobes
  Why do I point this out?
I point this out because these names are used to make you submit. These words that I listed above are used to make you shut up, stay silent, and obey. These words are meant to control you into submission. By shaming, attacking, insulting, and belittling you, they are meant to control you.
The purpose of these names is to not only shut you up, but to not even allow your brain to think in such “bad ways.” If you can’t even ask the question without being called a “racist,” how can you even begin to consider/think of the implications of bringing in millions of non-Europeans to replace you, your family, and your people?
Look at the images below.
Why should we allow ourselves to be replaced in our own nations and do nothing about it?
If you think ethnic cleansing is justified, do you justify the ethnic cleansing of other races of people? Should Blacks be ethnically replaced in Africa? Should the Chinese be ethnically replaced by Mestizos in China?
Britain then.
Britain now.
Britain is quickly approaching 75% White British today. Europeans are projected to be under 50% in 2050. Why should we allow this to happen? Are the British going to stop their own replacement or be destroyed and colonized by hostile foreign invaders?
If you were to go to London today, you will be met with a very eerie feeling. You would still see all of the beautiful buildings and architecture, but you won’t see any English people. London really isn’t a city anymore, but a giant museum. Sure, you can still see all of the popular sites and attractions. But you won’t feel like you are in the same place that the English kings and queens of years past used to reign over. That London is gone.
Enough Is Enough
Listen up.
Listen closely and listen good.
There is nothing wrong with you. You are not sick. You are not mentally unwell.
You are completely 100% normal and healthy.
They have tried to convince you that having these thoughts are “bad,” and you are a bad person for having them. They are wrong.
Listen here.
Fuck them.
Let me say that again.
Fuck all the people who try to call you names, call you crazy, and say you are mentally unwell if you want to protect yourself and your people from extermination and replacement.
They try to pathologize you for wanting what is completely natural and healthy for you to want. All of us have been brainwashed from our youth to feel guilt, shame, and fear for wanting to look out for our own interests. But, they are only doing and saying these things in order to use them against you.
Think about this.
– White Guilt: the purpose White guilt is to control and neuter you into not looking out for you, your family, and your people.
– Diversity is our greatest strength: the purpose of this saying is to convince you that the replacement of your family and your people is a good thing, and you must 100% support it. Has diversity been a strength in Sweden, Britain, or Germany with the ever increasing cases of rape and murder?
– So what if White Europeans become a minority in their own nations?: the purpose is to make you question your sanity; implying that you are mentally unwell for even suggesting that perhaps White Europeans should remain a majority in their own nations. As the saying goes: not an argument. It is meant to disarm you into not doing what you know 100% you should be doing. Would they agree that all other races shouldn’t care if they are replaced in their own nations? Absolutely not.
– Don’t be racist: this means don’t look at the truth and fact of the matter. Don’t look at crime statistics. Don’t look at welfare usage of White Europeans compared to non-Europeans. Don’t look out for your own interests.
We’ve come to a point where we need to 100% stand behind the saying: we are White European people, and we will not allow ourselves to be replaced in our own nations.
All of the platitudes, sayings, and slogans are meant to disable your natural instincts and make you weak. You need to completely reject these things and realize that they are used as a weapon against you.
Let me tell you something.
– Africans are 100% against being replaced demographically in their own nations (Look at South Africa)
– Asians are 100% against being replaced demographically in their own nations (Asian nations aren’t allowing millions of non-Asians to settle their lands)
– Muslims are 100% against non-Muslims in their lands
Only people of European descent are told to give up their lands and culture to foreign people because of empty words such as “values,” “Democracy,” and “freedom.”
Muslims are outright saying that they are going to out-breed and replace Europeans in Europe.
1. Imam tells Muslim migrants to ‘breed children’ with Europeans to ‘conquer their countries’
2. Muslim openly threatening that they are taking over
3. Joe Biden says ‘Whites will be a minority in the U.S. and that’s a good thing’
4. German politician says ‘Germans will be minority in Germany, and that’s a good thing’
5. Erodogan says if we don’t allow ourselves to be colonized by Turkish Muslims; no White European will be safe.
From Reuters:
” ‘If Europe continues this way, no European in any part of the world can walk safely on the streets. Europe will be damaged by this. We, as Turkey, call on Europe to respect human rights and democracy,’ he said.”
There are hundreds of articles and videos I could post to show that our rulers want to replace and ethnically cleanse European nations of Europeans.
Time To Get Serious; Play Time Is Over
This isn’t about the Constitution.
This isn’t about freedom.
This isn’t about Democracy, “Western (false) values,” or any of that bullshit.
This is about survival. Survival of you, your family, and your people (your extended family).
Stop making excuses. We have one shot at this. We only have a few years to solve this issue that hangs over the West.
Either we rally together and survive as a people or we will be ethnically and demographically destroyed as the Greeks were ethnically and demographically destroyed in Turkey.
We only need to assert our right to survive.
The future is ours.
from LIZ FASHION FEED http://ift.tt/2B3SLxm via IFTTT
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doberbutts · 2 years
This probably sounds stupid but I’m asking in good faith, how can one bd antiblack while being black? And how does one become that way? Like I genuinely can’t comprehend how you can be racist towards people that are like you.
Easily: in an antiblack society, antiblackness is a system in which every person can be complicit or even can further. Your identity does not give you the magical ability to not be affected by or internalize antiblackness.
Kanye West is a rich black man who made his initial money and claim to fame singing about the black struggle in the United States. Due to a mixture of various things- some of which the general public such as ourselves will not be aware of and some that we are well aware of- he began to show antiblackness first towards his black ex girlfriends where he would sing about them using antiblack stereotypes. Then he began to use antiblackness as a weapon against anyone who disagreed with him, coming to a head when he threw in his lot with Trump. This is why I say, from there it's really not that surprising that he began to show antisemitism. He was already well on his way.
I once had a black coworker who looked me in the face and said, Jaz you're such a nigger. Why? Because some of my likes and preferences are in line with a few black stereotypes and she viewed that as a bad thing. That's antiblackness. Doesn't matter if the person who says it is black.
I had another black coworker try to explain to me there's "black people" and "niggers" and those counted among "niggers" were as many offensive black stereotypes as he could list. That's antiblackness. Doesn't matter if the person saying it is black.
Chris Rock made an antiblack and ableist joke about Jada Smith despite himself being black and disabled.
There are cis women gleefully signing away abortion rights. There are gay people forcibly outing each other. There are transgender people misgendering and suicide baiting each other. There are disabled people hurting each other over parking spaces and benefits. There are jews parroting all sorts of conspiracy theory nonsense.
Your identity does not mean you cannot harm people like you. In a bigoted society we are all responsible, we are all culpable, and we are never immune from it.
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