#didn’t think i’d be here again but the finale kicked me in the teeth
thevenstar · 1 year
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“I still had words to say” (original poem)
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beababoobies · 4 months
Oh my stars so I saw your post for Hazbin hotel requests can I PLEASE get a reader w Sir Pentious who is low-key jealous of his crush on cherry but he ends up getting w reader in the end?
I would love you forever 🙏
yurp, I gotchu. I love cherpentious with my entire heart but anything for y’all 🫡
Somethin’ Stupid - Sir Pentious
words : 1.77k, slight warning for ep 6 stuffs
God, this fucking sucked. 
Cherri, who was - and you don’t mean to be direct, or self-loathing - downright fucking gorgeous, had been bribed to take you all out to a bar - well no, that wasn’t the exact instructions, but it was clear enough that Charlie didn’t expect much more from her. So here you were, slouched back on a vodka-stained couch in the corner of this bar, Husk lounging beside you while Nifty giggled and played with his fur, and your oh so beloved Sir Pentious across from you. 
You kicked back another shot of whatever Angel had brought to you, pretending to find whatever Husk had just said funny (you were far too caught up in the way Sir Pentious was goo goo eyeing a certain Cherri Bomb.) and Husk spoke up, eyebrows furrowed. 
“What’s up your ass today, kid?” He said flatly with a swig of his beer, raising one of his eyebrows as you finally snapped your attention back to him, trying to smile non-chalantly as you watched your beloved little drunken ball of insecurity slither towards Cherri again from the corner of your eye. “ ‘ts nuthin, Husk. Leave it.” You say with an annoyed sigh as you watch Pentious stumble over his words to an annoyed and unimpressed Cherri. 
“- I’M HAVING SSSSEX WITH EVERYONE HERE!” He turns around and yells, which has both Nifty, Angel, and Husk snap their heads around with wide eyes. He gives you a sad look and you try to give him a reassuring one. That is until he gets dragged into a separate room, and you inhale sharply through your teeth, wincing at the way he screams before the door is shut properly. Cherri doesn’t even look like she cares. 
“Ah.” Husk says flatly, catching your attention again. “Should’ve guessed after your fuckin’ ramble last night. ‘But Husk he doesn’t even know I’m here!’ and all those fuckin’ ‘I’ve been here longer than he has and he won’t even talk to me!‘s. he’s just nervous around you, like he is with Cherri. Fucker has some self-confidence issues. Just do it already.” He says, looking almost annoyed as you flushed deep and slapped your hand over his mouth, which he quickly swatted away. 
“Shh! Jesus fucking Christ Husk, not so loud! Fuck!” You grumble as Angel giggles with a hand over his mouth from the other end of the booth, before taking another small sip of his cocktail. “Not a secret, toots.” He says with his casually shit-eating grin, gesturing to a very drunk Nifty who was giggling now too, nodding her head. Great. 
“Sometimes, when I’m out killing the bugs that think they’re all sneaky, and gross and cool at night, I walk past your room and you’re listening to super bad romance music. Which scares the bugs away and makes them surrender their lives. Which like, it’s supposed to be a fight! You’re ruining all the fun… ” She adds the last part with a annoyed grumble, but despite her unbelievably drunken state, she’s still speaking fast, high-pitched, and with the exact same creepy undertones. “And I walk past that bad boys room and he’s all rehearsing romance poetry he wrote. It’s so bad! Ehehe!” 
She giggles out, eyes falling on a bug on the floor, hopping quickly off of Husker’s head and falling face first onto the floor, before quickly picking herself back up and running after it. “Shit.” Angel groans, putting his cocktail down quickly and shuffling out of the booth. “I’m gonna make sure she doesn’t end up with some creep.” He grits out through his teeth, before disappearing into the crowd with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’d better help him out.” Husk says with a sigh as well as he placed his beer bottle down carefully, pulling himself up with a groan.
He turns back to you for a second, just looking over his shoulder, before smiling. “You should start considering the possibility of Cherri being a distraction.” He says, humming softly before he adds one last thing. “Please do check in on the awkward fucker though, I don’t know what kind of shit he’s got stuffed in him or is stuffing at the fuckin moment.” Husk says with a sigh, disappearing right into the ground of flashing lights and bumping bodies right after Angel. 
You took the last courage swig of your drink and stood up, doing a little tipsy stretch as you got up, before dejectedly walking over to where a very, very exhausted Sir Pentious was sitting, hyperventilating and sweaty. You let out a soft sigh as you walked over, kneeling in front of him and taking his hands away from his face, holding them softly in your hands, looking up at him with furrowed brows and concern.
“Hey Pentious, that was a lot wasn’t it?” You say softly and he nods, refusing to make eye contact with you. He looks grossed out, ashamed, everything. You let out a soft sigh and rub small circles into the back of his palm with your thumb, doing your best to comfort him in the loud and overstimulating bar scene. 
“They were very kind - I jusssst, kept ssssssaying yessss. I don’t know why.” He says softly, and you nod, standing up and helping him up too. “Let’s get you back to the hotel, ‘Kay? You can take a nice hot shower and go to bed.” You reassure quietly and he finally looks up from the ground, smiling at you quickly before nodding, but as soon as Angel catches his gaze again, he’s out of your grips and right back to focusing on Cherri. You grimace softly as you watch him rush up to angel and ask where Cherri is. You watch as he groans in defeat as she goes into another room with a random guy. 
Some part of you feels happy, relieved of some jealousy. Another part of you feels bad. That was all he was doing the entire night, trying to get her attention. You shook it off and walked over to where everyone had re-grouped, giving them a tired wave, and getting one in return. You let out a small gasp as you saw the dried blood from Angels’ nose all the way down or his lip, his new black eye. 
“Oh dear, what happened?” You cooed softly, reaching up to wipe some of the blood of his face, and he softly moved away, shaking his head in a polite ‘thank you, but not right now’ way, and you nodded. “It was just a run-in with Val.” He says with a sigh, wiping another fresh stream of blood from his other nostril onto the back of his hand. “Let’s get going - I’ll tell you when we’re back at the hotel, Toots.” 
An unceremonious end to the night; but not exactly the end to yours. Even when you got back, debriefing everything that happened with Husk and Angel while Nifty snored on the couch and Pentious took a shower, even when you had finally wished them a good night and made your bed, sighing as you let your head fall to your pillow, you couldn’t stop thinking about what happened with him. What Husk had said. 
“You should start considering the possibility of Cherri being a distraction.”
You repeated it in your head for hours while you tried to think about anything else, scrolling on your phone aimlessly through Hellflix, InstaScam, Crime Video, even YouCrude - there was no one to e-stalk, no new shows for you to binge, not even something you wanted to re-watch. No new uploads from your faves - just an endless amount of scrolling. 
Until about 3 a.m.
That’s when you heard it - shaky, nearly silent sobs from Pentious’s room, small sniffles. You checked the time, sighed, threw a shitty pair of smiley-face PJ pants Charlie had made for you on, and slumped over to his bedroom, knocking softly on his door. It went dead silent, not a mouse, no the small clinking or squishing of Nifty’s bug-killing sewing needle. 
“Who issss it?” He said in a shaky, tired, raw voice, and your heart absolutely melted, hand against the doorknob as you spoke. “It’s me, Pentious. I just heard you - uh - being sad. I know I’m not your favourite, but can I come in?” You say with a soft sigh, running your fingers through your hair tiredly. It takes him a minute and a soft hiccup before he rasps out a small “pleasssse, y-yeah.” And you open the door.
What you find is absolutely heartbreaking. Your favourite little serpent, curled in on himself, hugging his tail to himself, eyes red with tears that fall softly down his face, hat resting on his old worn down dresser, angry and frustrated swipes if his claws leaving him on top of torn up bedsheets and pillows, and you nearly cry with him right then and there. This sweet man who has been nothing but a pure angel, stuck with all the sinners, including yourself, down here. 
You walked over to him, sitting beside him on his bed, hearing the old mattress frame squeak softly as you sat down, putting your hand on his, gently cooing him until he took big, deep breaths, gently and encouragingly rubbing circles back into the palm of his hand.
“Tell me, what’s up? I’m all -“ you start confidently, being cut off by an annoyed but desperate call from Pentious himself, pulling his hand away from yours and groaning into his palms, shaking his head. “that ISSSSS the problem! You’re the problem-  you’re so pretty I can’t think sssstraight around you! And now you think I hate you!” He cries out, looking at you with desperate eyes, like he wants you to say something - anything, really. But you really can’t.
You’re completely frozen, hand frozen in mid air when it was going to rest on his shoulder to comfort him, eyes wife, lips pierced together and all you can do is stare at him like some stupid idiot. You are at a mental battle of grabbing his face and kissing him until you can’t breathe or slowly talking it out. He sighs dejectedly.
“I want to get closssser to you. Wanted to be your friend, at leassst. But… then I’d go and ssssspoil it all by ssssaying ssssomething sssstupid like…” he stops for a second, swallowing thickly. “…I love you.” He looks up at you again, nearly desperate for an answer. You finally get some words out of your closed up throat -
“I love you.” 
Frank + Nancy Sinatra My Beloveds <;3
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dyinglikenarcissus · 6 months
Staying Home
Steve’s best girl has been sick before but not like this. He’s determined to be the best stay at home doctor boyfriend he can be.
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Thank you so much @longingstormysoul for the inspiration. It’s not exactly what you requested but I had the flu and I kind of weaved this story into that.
Warnings: None really. Just fluff and stuff but this blog it still 18+. No funny business
Plagiarism isn’t cute. Don’t do it.
Like, comments, and reblogs are all appreciated 😊
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You wake up feeling a slight chill run through your body. You snuggle closer to you personal heater and pull the sheets up to your nose. You swallow and know that the flu season has finally gotten to you. You try to take a breath and find your nose hopelessly stuffed. You attempt it again and are thrown into a coughing fit.
“You okay, princess?” You hear Steve’s sleepy voice mutter from behind you, rubbing a hand down your side.
You sit up and take a sip of your water bottle you kept by the bed. You attempt to sooth your burning throat but it doesn’t help as it brings on another coughing fit.
“Hey. What’s wrong?” Steve asks again sitting up to rub your back.
“I think I’m coming down with something,” you wheeze, trying not to talk too loudly.
“Oh, princess. Come here,” Steve coos and presses the back of his hand to your forehead. “You’re warmer than normal,” he muses.
“But I feel so cold,” you whisper, pulling the blankets to your chest.
“Yup. Definitely a fever. Do you have any cold medicine?” You nod and attempt to get out of bed. “I’ll get it,” Steve assures you and presses you back down.
“It’s in that cabinet,” you sniffle and cough before continuing, “in the corner by the sink.
The upper one.”
“Got it. You sit tight and bundle up,” orders.
You’ve never been one to follow orders.
You slide out of bed to use the restroom and brush your teeth.
Steve steps into the bathroom and appears in the mirrors reflection after you spit out your toothpaste.
“Didn’t I tell you to stay in bed?” There’s a playful smirk on his face as he watches you through the mirror.
“I’m not the soldier in this relationship,” you whisper. You think the vibrations from your toothbrush loosened the congestion in your nose but your throat was still on fire.
“When you finish up, I made you some hot tea then I’ll take your breakfast order.”
“You’re gonna cook?” You chuckle and rub some face wash against your skin. Your boyfriend is good at almost everything. Cooking is not one of those things.
He grins at your words. “Panera’s a block away. Whatever soup you want. Sandwich. They have flat breads now. Apple for breakfast, chips for lunch, baguette for dinner.” You can’t help but giggle at his notion but you’ve gone days only eating at Panera before. Sadly.
A day of Panera sounded amazing.
“And I made you a virtual doctors appointment. They’ll call in an hour. Just wanna make sure I don’t have to go on a murderous rampage to find a cure for the love of my life.” You giggle and it turns into another coughing fit.
“You’d go on a murderous rampage for me?” You smile once you regain your voice.
“Well…Bucky and Loki would. I’d go along to keep them in line.”
You smile at his words. “Thor can’t even keep Loki in line. What makes your think you can?”
“Hey! Who kicked Hitler’s ass across the continental US?” You shake your head and try not to laugh to hold back the coughs. “You done making yourself look beautiful? Get back in bed, princess.”
“Beautiful?” You huff, looking yourself over. You felt anything but beautiful but you’d take it.
You slink back into the bed with Steve on your heels. He tucks you in before sitting on the edge of the bed to take you meal order. It may be breakfast time but some chicken noodle soup sounded amazing. Stevie did say to order for the day…
You giggle at the array of items in your cart by the time you pass Steve’s phone back to him.
“Soup, salad, a whole baguette, a kitchen sink cookie? What is that?”
“It’s got everything but the kitchen sink,” you smile. They normally sell out at lunch so you’re staking your claim early. “What are you getting?”
“Breakfast sandwich, turkey sandwich, ham sandwich,” Steve recounts. “And I’m getting one of these cookies, too.” You smile and Steve presses a kiss to your forehead. “Take some meds, princess. And get some sleep. I’ll be back before you know it.” You nod and obey his direction as he walks out of the bedroom and the apartment. You sip you tea and scroll through your phone for a minute before the NyQuil kicks in and knocks you out.
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You wake up to Steve hot body wrapped around you as he dozes, spooning you comfortably on the couch. At least it would’ve been comfortable. You would’ve normally loved it.
You felt completely stifled.
“Stevie, too hot,” you whine and attempt to press away from him.
He groans and stretches before muttering a soft “What’s wrong?”
“You’re too hot,” you whimper trying to struggle out of the throw blanket.
“Calm down. I’ll help you.” He untangles you and tosses the blanket to the chairs. “Better?”
You hum positively.
He sighs and you hear music playing from the TV. “We fell asleep?” You ask as you crack your eyes open to see the credits playing from the movie you were watching.
“You’ve seen Avatar enough times to know all the lines. We didn’t miss much.” You hear the smile in Steve’s voice as he rubs your stomach softly.
You giggle and sing along to I See You with your croaky sick voice. Steve laughs and rolls on to his back. Well, as much as he can on the crowded couch.
“How you feeling, princess?”
You yawn and nod. “A little better. I’m enjoying just being home with you. Sucks I have to be sick.”
“I’m enjoying the vacation,” Steve yawns. “What are we watching next?” He goes back to the Disney+ menu to scroll through your recommendations.
“The Orville! Or Miraculous Ladybug! Are there new Miraculous episodes?”
Steve chuckles. “Let’s check. Shit, looks like they uploaded the rest of season 5.”
“Run it, Cap!” You grin.
You nod and get up to go to the kitchen.
“Take some cough medicine while you’re up,” Steve instructs.
You sigh and but follow his orders. You were getting better under Dr. Rogers supervision so you couldn’t knock him. You just had a bad cough and a migraine that wouldn’t go away no matter what medication you took. But all your other symptoms cleared up in a couple of days.
He had to be doing something right.
You toss a bag of popcorn in the microwave and look through the pile of pills for your cough meds.
You grab two bottles of water and deposit them on the coffee table when there’s a knock at the door.
“Who’s that?” Steve mutters narrowing his eyes.
“Maybe Amazon?” You shrug. You start to walk over to get it but Steve easily over takes you.
Doesn’t stop you from peaking around him to see who it is.
It’s just Bucky.
“What are you doing here?” Steve greets.
Of course he’d be the only one brave enough to come visit when you’re this sick. Super soldier immune systems are no joke.
“Just came to check on you two,” Bucky grins as Steve lets him in.
“Hey, Buck,” you smile. He pulls you into a hug and presses a kiss to your forehead. It was his standard greeting for you. It always felt so warm and comfortable.
“Sorry for the mess,” you whisper.
“You’re sick, doll. Don’t apologize,” he sighs and follows Steve to the living room.
“How’s it going? Getting any better?”
“From when I first got sick, way better,” you smile.
“She still has a bad cough and gets random fevers,” Steve sighs, pulling you into his lap after you bring back a bowl of popcorn. “But one day at a time.” You nod and snuggle into his embrace.
“You two will never stop being disgusting,” Bucky sighs watching you as he falls into the arm chair. “As much as I love you, I didn’t come by just to check on you, doll face. Stevie. Wanna go to Istanbul?”
“No,” Steve states firmly.
“Nat’s in Brazil and Sam’s in California. I don’t have back up.”
“You can’t throw a stick without hitting a super powered being. Go find one of them.”
“Steve, are you seriously saying no?”
“Yes.” Steve states resolutely. “My best girl is sick. I’m not leaving her like this.”
“Stevie, I’m feeling much better. You don’t have to stay behind because of me-“
“No, princess. Buck. I’m retired. Which means I don’t have to work if I don’t want to. I love you, you know I do, but I don’t want to go. I want to stay right here and take care of my princess. Any other time, I’d suit up but right now, she needs me.”
Bucky looks between you and Steve. “Okay,” Bucky says simply.
“Okay?” Steve asks, leaning back on the couch and pulling you along like a security blanket. Bucky would say whatever he wants to Steve but he watches his language around you.
“Yeah, I get it. I’ll ask Okoye or track down that Moon Knight fellow. He hangs out in the Middle East sometimes.”
“You have so many options,” Steve smiles. “I have to draw a line somewhere.”
“Or we’ll just keep dragging you out and it’ll be like you never stopped,” Bucky sighs, leaning back in the recliner.
“When are you leaving?”
“Couple of days.”
“Then you can watch a couple of episodes with us. Want some popcorn?” Steve pushes the bowl closer to his best friend.
Bucky stayed for a few hours, took a nap, ate dinner, then said goodnight.
You turned on Steve the second the door closed. “You don’t have to stay behind because of me.”
“I’m not doing it because of you. I’m doing it because I love you and I don’t want to leave you alone while you’re sick. I’m going to marry you one day and that’s part of the vows, isn’t it?” He smirks and you’re sure your fever came back because you suddenly feels faint.
The two of you didn’t talk about marriage often but when you did, you alway felt flushed and flustered.
“Come on, my little princess. Let’s get to bed early. You’ve had an eventful day.” He scoops you up by the backs of your thighs and carries you to the bathroom to wash up for bed. You both brush your teeth and shower together, just like you’ve done all week.
And you end it all curled up in Steve’s strong arms. You’re quickly getting used to this.
“I like having you home,” you sigh as he holds you against him.
“I like being home. I could really get used to this.”
“This is what retirement actually looks like, baby,” you smile.
“I think I might actually do it one day.” You hear the smile in Steve’s voice making you giggle.
“I know better. The second I start feeling better, you’ll be back out there on them streets.”
“You aren’t feeling better, are you?” Steve questions and presses you down on your back to get a better look at you. You let out a fake cough. “That’s what thought.” He presses a soft kiss to your lips and you can’t help your smile.
“One more?”
“Spoiled little princess.” But he happily obliges.
“I’m your spoiled little princess,” you remind him.
“I guess I have to keep taking care of you.”
You nod in agreement. “And keep giving me cuddles and kisses?”
“And keep giving you all the cuddles and kisses you could ever need.” He presses another kiss to your lips and pulls you back into his embrace.
You lie in his arms for a moment. “Stevie, I really am feeling much better,” you insist.
He hums softly but ignores you otherwise.
“It’s true. I barely have a cough anymore…”
“I don’t care what you have to say, I’m not leaving.” You giggle softly and snuggle into his arms.
For the first time in your almost two year relationship, he said no to saving the world. For you. You can’t keep the smile off of your face as you fall asleep in the only place you want to be: in Steve’s arms.
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lizardboiii · 3 months
。・:*˚:✧ANGER MANAGEMENT {Possessive!SukunaxFem!Reader}
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✧Summary: Anger management was by no means your strong suit. No amount of lessons or prayers could change that. In fact, it feels like you’ve been doing a lot worse lately with the appearance of a new neighbor in your next door apartment.
✧Warnings: 18+, NSFW, violence, vulgar language, terrible humor✧
。・:*˚:✧⤷Pairing: Ryoumen Sukuna x afab!reader
。・:*˚:✧⤷Chapters: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii)
。・:*˚:✧⤷w/c: 3.2k
。・:*˚:✧⤷tropes: NeighborsAU!, AncestorsAU!
。・:*˚:✧⤷Chapter I : IRATE
“You're an insufferable bastard and I hope you move.”
“Eat shit and die.”
“Fuck you.”
The pinkette moved to slam his front door shut before you caught the painted wood with your hand. Its pristine white coating had already started to chip away on the side where, like many other nights, you’ve managed to catch the door and pry it open.
You snarled at his annoyed expression, “I’m not finished yet, Pinkiepie lookin’ freak.”
The vein in his jaw pulsated as he looked down on your smaller figure in disgust, “Piss off, rat. I didn’t steal your fucking package.”
Your grip on his door tightened. The familiar feeling of hot burning rage once again coursed through your bones, “IT’S ONLY ME AND YOU ON THIS FLOOR, DUMBASS!”
He let out his own frustrated growl as he swung his door back open, almost knocking you off balance, “I DIDN'T STEAL SHIT FROM YOU, WOMAN!” 
The world felt like it slowed down for a moment. The feeling of your bottled rage finally reaching its limit. From the tips of your toes to the top of your forehead, you could feel the urge to punch, kick, and scream. A calling to let loose all your feelings you held inside.
Now normally this is where you’d remember your anger management lessons. Countdown from ten to zero, take deep breaths, and blah blah blah. 
But no. Ever since your fuckhead neighbor moved in next door your rage has been through the roof. From his overly obnoxious music taste, to his various romantic partners, you couldn’t catch a break. So, what if you let loose a bit?
Your fist swung before you could even think about the consequences of your actions. Sure, you’ve gotten into plenty of arguments with your new neighbor. But never once have you raised a hand.
The satisfying thump of a head recoiling against an open door made your heart race. The feeling to continue on, to fight, to destroy was overwhelming. Alas, no feeling could ever beat seeing the stunned face of a man who just took a punch to the face.
Swiping the blood from his nose, he glared at you with new vigor, “What the fuck?”
Another swing, this time your hand was swiftly captured in a brawny fist. You clenched your teeth in pain as he squeezed your smaller hand excruciatingly tight, his other hand capturing your shirt's collar.
You struggled against his holds, brow twitching in agitation, “Where the fuck is it?”
The scent of mint flooded your senses as he pulled your collar closer to his face, “I don’t have your goddamn package. Now give me one reason why I shouldn’t paint the floor with you right now?”
You tore your hand away from his weakening hold and flipped him off, “I’d like to see you try.”
Surprised, you both turned to another, much smaller, pinkette. An almost identical copy of the asshole still clutching your shirt. Though, this one was a lot easier to get along with.
The larger man sighed deeply above you before letting you go, “Yuuji, why are you here so late?”
You grunted as he harshly shoved you back. Shooting your arm out, you caught yourself on the doors frame. Cocky fucker. Grinding your teeth together, you decided to spare your shit neighbor because of one reason only.
“Hey, Yuuji. How’s university?”
You could feel a dark stare on the side of your head, relentless and unwavering. Yuuji smiled brightly at you as he came closer to the door.
“Great! Professor Gojo totally let us slack off all day today!”
You threw a smug smirk at the man still glaring daggers at your head. How’s it feel to be ignored?
As if hearing your question his grip tightened on his crossed arms.
“Megumi, Nobara, and I went out for ice cream after class too. I didn’t think it’d take this long though,” Yuuji scratched the back of his head embarrassed.
You smiled at his shy form only to stop yourself when you noticed the man standing next to you smiling as well. Bastard. What the hell is he enjoying life for?
“I see. Alright, come on I made dinner,” his eyes trailed from Yuuji to you, “for two.”
You rolled your eyes at his hostility. Like you’d want to eat his food anyway. Knowing him it probably tastes like shit.
Not sparing a second glance at him, you waved goodbye to Yuuji and strolled back to your humble abode. A satisfying conclusion until you realized you never got your damned package.
“I told you already, Mom. I’ve been getting better. I think my lessons are finally starting to work.”
“Are you sure, sweetie? You know if it ever gets too much again you can always come back home.”
You sighed heavily at your mother’s worried tone, “I’m very sure, mom. I mean come on, I just have one more day until my one month without an outburst!”
Your mother laughed slightly on the phone, but the thick layer of concern was still evident. Quickly dismissing any more of her anxiety, you wished her goodnight.
Shoving your cracked phone into your pocket, you hit the fourth floor button on your apartment complex’s elevator. With a quiet hum, the metal box slowly took you up to your floor.
The fourth floor was nice to live on. It was practically a penthouse. The reason being because you were its only occupant. Although, there was no sound reason for the building's vacancy, you just assumed no one in the area wanted to live in a second rate apartment. Especially when power outages were frequent.
That didn’t really concern you though. You had a home with zero people around. Not something you’d complain about.
Stepping into the outdated hallway, you took a deep breath of the stale air. Cracking a knuckle here, popping a joint there, you made your way to your lone room near the end of the hallway.
Automatically, your brows furrowed at the sight of large boxes decorating the floor around your door and the one next to it. You didn’t order anything.
Not so calmly making your way over to the mysterious boxes, you frowned as you realized the next door apartment’s door ajar. Neighbors?
A twinge of annoyance shot through your body before you quickly extinguished it. You thought back to the group lesson of today. The main focus was on allowing yourself to hear people out. Understand another person’s reasoning before you flip your shit. Having a ‘civilized’ conversation.
While someone moving in isn’t really what the lesson had been meant for, you figured you’d might as well give it a shot. Another step forward if you will.
Preparing yourself, you maneuvered around the scattered boxes in front of your new neighbor’s door. With a determined fist you knocked on the familiar white wood that matched your own. 
Movement could be heard coming from behind the door, yet there was no answer. Your jaw twitched as you knocked again causing whoever was moving to curse.
Just as you were about to knock again, the door violently flung open revealing a disheveled man. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have to pick your jaw up off the floor. 
The tall man loomed over your form threateningly. It was clear as day that you only reached the tops of his collar bones. An observation you confirmed after noticing the man’s lack of a shirt.
Speaking of which, you had to pick your jaw up again at the sight of a chiseled body. Saying he had the body of a god was no understatement. You could grate cheese on those abs. Even more striking were the strange black tattoos that marked his skin. You traced the thick black lines that covered his chest with your eyes. They only aided in the dark and mysterious vibe to him.
Begrudgingly moving your eyes up to his face allowed for a third drop of the jaw. Similar tattoos to his chest and arms only accentuated the sharp cut of his jaw. His eyes were a piercing deep red which matched perfectly with his surprisingly pink dusted hair. Did a Greek god just move upstairs next to you?
“Are you done checking me out yet?”
You felt your face burn as you glared at him, “I wasn’t ‘checking’ you out.”
A dangerous smirk pulled on his lips, “Listen, woman. I don’t have all day to play around with you. Get to the point.”
You felt a familiar rage spark in the pit of your stomach. Taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you threw him an exaggerated smile.
“I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself to my new neighbor,” you lifted your hand out in front of you for a handshake, “I’m (y/n) (l/n), I hope we can get along.” 
The man scoffed at you in amusement before taking your hand in his roughly, “Sukuna.”
The handshake was quick but firm enough for you to rub your hand after in soreness. The familiar twang of anger once again rose before you quelled it.
You clenched your fists, eager to just go back into your apartment, “I was wondering if there was anything I can help you with? With you being the new and only neighbor and all.”
You begged him in your head to say no. You weren’t sure if you could continue this ‘civil’ conversation for much longer.
“Sure,” you swallowed hard as he leaned against the door frame, “Do you know anyone decent enough to fuck around here or are there only women around here that look like you?”
You felt a cord snap, “What the fuck did you just say?”
A flash behind his eyes showed the clear amusement he was getting from your new attitude, “I said, is there anyone half decent enough to fuck around here or are there only noisy little pigs in this building?” 
You growled at his arrogance, “You’re one to talk, pretty boy. Do you normally piss off everyone you talk to?”
His smirk deepened, “Of course. Did you think you were special?”
Like a leaf in the wind your thirty day chip flew away from you. Bye bye progress. Back to the start you go~
White hot rage filled your senses as you poked a finger into his exposed chest, “YOU WANNA GO, ASSHOLE? THE FUCKS YOUR PROBLEM?”
Amusement slowly formed into irritation as he slapped your hand away, “You're even loud like a pig.”
You snarled at him, “Listen here you piece of shit, at least I don’t look like I crawled out of a fucking kids cartoon with that stupid ass hair color.”
Pissed, Sukuna stood to his full height and crossed his arms, “Watch your mouth, dwarf.”
You craned your neck up and shot daggers at him, “Watch your own mouth, motherfucker! God to think I was trying to be a helpful neighbor and see if you needed anything!”
“Helpful neighbor my ass. All you’ve done so far is yell at me in my own home.”
“We’re in the hallway, dumbass!”
Sukuna backed up and rubbed his brow, “I don’t have time to deal with a little kid's temper tantrum.”
As he slammed the door in your face, you caught the closing door by the edge, “I’m not a goddamn kid!”
Sukuna shoved the door closed harder “Then don’t act like one, bitch.”
Eventually his strength overpowered your grip and he flung the door shut. The sound echoed tauntingly throughout the hallway leaving you with your own thoughts.
You looked at your hands disappointed and sighed. Looks like you’ll need to wait another month, but with that asshole next door you weren’t sure if you could make a day anymore.
Greek god your ass, more like a curse.
It’s been a month since your dear neighbor Sukuna moved in, and without fail you two have argued in that hallway everyday. Today was no different, though maybe you took it too far by punching him.
You groaned and rolled around on your bed. You felt bad but no way in hell were you apologizing. Burying your head in a pillow you screamed into it. Why was that prick such an asshole??
Sitting up in your bed you hit your pillow repeatedly against your worn mattress. All this stress and worry was making you antsy. After jumping the poor pillow, you threw it against your wall harshly. The pillow hit the plaster with a soft thump before making its way to the floor. You growled in annoyance at the wall your pillow hit.
That very wall was connected to what you assumed was Sukuna’s room. With the amount of noise that came from it every night it had to be. 
Though the first few nights he moved in it was quiet, after a week the noise of various rock bands leaking into your room made you bang on the wall in anger. Though you figured this only fueled the desire to infuriate you as he turned it up even louder.
Another contender for why you figured his room was next to yours was the fact you had to sit through multiple nights of him railing the shit out of some poor girls. The first night it happened you remembered blindly walking over to his door and slamming your fists against the wood. 
“Rick, I'm in love with you!”
“My dear Isabella, I can not reciprocate. For I have already fallen in love!”
“With whom, my love??? That skank Isabell!?”
“No, it is… Steffanie.”
You snorted at your daytime tv while shoveling popcorn into your mouth. Your friend had been right about this channel. It really was absolute nonsense.
You watched as the woman on the screen fainted into her former lover's arms. Wow. Imagine being left for a hamster. Shifting in your seat you paused when you heard a faint noise.
Turning down your television volume you waited. Nothing. Huh, maybe you needed to get your ears checked-
The popcorn situated in your mouth fell onto your bed silently. What the fuck?
Now that's where you couldn’t pretend anymore. Was your new neighbor fucking someone right now? At 10am? On a Sunday??
Your question was quickly answered by louder and whinier moans. Listening closely, you could just barely register the deep grunts of a certain bastard neighbor.
Oh hell no. You were not about to sit here and listen to some fuck fest. Abandoning your comfy bed, you stormed out of your room and over to a familiar door. 
Seething with rage, you pounded against the door harshly. The wood shook and rattled at the strength used against it. You growled at the silence behind the door and knocked louder.
The door finally ripped open revealing an aggravated Sukuna, “What the fuck do you want?”
Your eyes widened as you took a moment to take in his appearance. Pink hair laid messily against his forehead, an unusual look compared to his normal gelled up style. Though most concerningly, he wore no clothes other than a thin white sheet lifted up to cover his manhood.
Trying to conceal your blush, you fumed at him, “Keep it the hell down! I can hear the goddam thrusting.”
Sukuna’s face twisted into a grin, “Jealous your dried up ass gets no action?”
You slammed your fist against the hallways wall, “At this rate I don’t need any action when I feels like I’m in a fucking threesome.”
You shivered at the deep chuckle he let out. You watched as his eyes trailed your form, feeling exposed to his watchful stare. The action made you regret not throwing anything over your tank top and shorts.
“Threesome?” He licked his lips when he returned his gaze to your eyes, “I can arrange that if you're begging for it.”
A shift of the sheet caught your attention. Sukuna lowered the thin fabric allowing for more skin to show. You felt your face burn. So the carpet does match the drapes. 
You flinched at his mocking chuckle, “Though I’m kinda busy right now, mind coming back later?”
You let out a frustrated yell and thundered off, “J-JUST KEEP IT DOWN!”
Laughter followed you as you slammed your door shut and slid down the cool wood. Fuck.
Shaking yourself out of the embarrassing memory you glared at the wall spitefully. Boiling in rage you threw your remote against the drywall. Piece of shit. 
A harsh knock back from the other side made you clench your fists. So now he wants to complain? You went to put your hand through the drywall and yank a kicking and screaming Sukuna through before you heard a grunt.
You furrowed your eyebrows. You swear to god if you have to sit through another bang session you would really get violent. Pausing for a moment, you waited to hear the usual high pitched sounds that came from his pick of the night. Nada. Slowly you crawled across your bed and pressed an ear against the wall.
Now, don’t get yourself wrong. You were not a creep in any way shape or form. Plus, this didn’t even count if it’s your wall right? You were just trying to figure out what he was doing. As a nice neighbor would.
A hushed groan made you flinch away from the wall before returning. Resting a hand against the wall, you felt your heartbeat pick up as your ears adjusted to the quiet noises. Was he-
A strained sigh confirmed your thoughts. You bit your lip as you leaned into the wall further. His sounds almost encouraged you to listen on. Against your will, the familiar feeling of heat between your legs rose. You clenched your thighs together, trying to get a hold of yourself.
You should stop. You should get up and leave the room. Even if you hate the bastard you're still invading his privacy. So why are you staying? 
A drawn out hiss pulled you back in. Like an incubus he drew you to him. Your hand slowly started tracing down your abdomen. Have you always felt this way? There’s always been tension but you’d always figured it was just to piss you off.
You shuddered as your hand crept its way under your waist band. You hesitated for a moment. Was this morally right? A rough curse from the thin wall wound you up again. Fuck, how could someone’s voice do this to you?
Shyly, you pressed a curious finger against your wet slit, dragging up against your heat to your throbbing clit. You let out a shaky breath as you started to rub timid circles against your bud.
Sukuna’s deep groans slowly became more aggressive, sending another throb to your lower half. You bit your wrist in an attempt to contain the needy moans that managed to escape. Quickly, your movements became more and more erratic as you chased your high. 
Eventually, Sukuna’s moans died out without you realizing. You were too focused on the pleasure you were indulging yourself in. You bit your wrist harder, drawing blood, as your hips grinded themselves onto your fingers. The thickness of your wrist barely contained your ragged breathing as you finally reached your peak.
Mouth agape, the cord in your stomach snapped as stars flashed in your eyes. Your fingers moved by themselves, helping you extend your high for even longer.
With a final gasp you leaned against the wall and pulled your hand out of your bottoms. The clear substance that coated them looked back at you with mockery. What the hell do you just do?
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drghostwrite · 5 months
Out at sea…
Disclaimer: So a long time ago I read a fic about Emma having her and Hooks baby on the boat and thought I might twist it a little and give us another chapter to our Regina x reader stories.
Pairing: Regina Mills x reader
Summary: After a hard stretch of weeks the family has a day out but what happens when one member decides to finally make an appearance.
******************************************************** You stood on the ship deck near the bow watching the sea roll out in front of you, being 8 1/2 months pregnant most people would get sea sick but instead you stood letting it calm you. Being commander of armies in the enchanted forest you did a lot of traveling and you grew up on a boat your mother being a notorious pirate, so it always had a way of taking you back to your roots. You felt a pair of arms wrap around you from behind and someone’s chin rested on your shoulder, “enjoying the view?”
“mmm…” you said in response pressing you head into her cheek. “It has a way of taking me back.” You then fully turned in her arms allowing your body to relax into her, taking in the sight before you long black wind blown hair with her deep brown eyes, she didn’t wear makeup and you smiled at how she let out a smirk her perfect white teeth peaking through.
“Do you ever miss it?” She asked holding you the best she could your bump in the way.
“The enchanted forest? Sometimes.”
“Really?” She asked and you pulled back slightly looking over each other features.
“Yea but that’s not my home anymore, I’m not that person.”
“I can understand that.”
“Regina, listen to me love, I wouldn’t go back to how it was, coming here gave me this beautiful life, and friends and most importantly you, I would never go back if it meant losing you or this baby.”
“You are both my entire world and Henry, I couldn’t lose any of you.” Before you could both say anything else you heard clashing of wood behind you, turning around you watched as Henry and David fought with wooden swords, Emma laughed with Snow as Hook stood managing the helm.
“Hey Y/N care to join?” David called to you, as Henry ran towards you with and extra sword.
You laughed as you and Regina made you way towards the group, “You know its a good thing I’m pregnant otherwise I would come kick your butt.”
“I’d like to see that.” Henry said as you rustled his hair.
“Soon buddy, and I’ll show your grandpa how it’s done.”
“Oh yea!” He said excitedly running back towards the action. Regina had found a spot next to Emma and Snow motioned next to her. You made your way over and slowly lowered yourself.
“So how you feeling mama?” Emma asked.
“As can be expected.” You shrugged.
“I’m sure you’re ready to go though.” Snow mentioned.
“Oh you have no idea.” You shifted uncomfortably in the seat, Regina eyed you carefully.
“how much longer?”
“Depends they said 2-4 weeks Zelena is thinking I’ll be overdue.”
“I’m sure it’ll work out, Charming babies have a tendency to come early.”
“Well luckily she’s not a Charming.” Regina laughed, but you shifted uncomfortably again.
“let me tell you though I don’t think I can do another month, every muscle aches all the time and don’t get me started on the smells, I feel superhuman some days.” Everyone laughed, you all sat and enjoyed the sun before the sky started to cloud over slightly making a cool breeze blow, you let it soothe you but it wasn’t long before your muscles started to ache and you were shifting again, you decided to walk it off. Making your way towards the helm to talk to Killian the other three ladies talking, Regina kept a close eye on you, watching you talk to Hook.
“Hey love you okay?”
“Good as I’ll ever be, just a little sore.”
“You don’t get seasick do you I mean with the baby and all.”
you chuckled, “No I was practically raised at sea so I find it calming.”
“raised at sea?”
“My mother was a pirate, I was her only daughter and she wasn’t going to stop for anyone.”
“Sounds exciting.”
“Yea well everyone has their skeletons.” You felt a hand come to your back, you turned being met by Snow.
“Hey you okay, Regina is down there watching you like a hawk.”
“That’s my wife… I’m just really sore and sitting there wasn’t helping, besides like I said earlier Zelena thinks I have at least two weeks.”
“True but babies come on their own time, she’s just being careful, she cares for you and this baby a lot.”
“I don’t know what I ever did to deserve her.” You both smiled, you watched as the sky was still cloudy, one wave rolled just enough and came up over the side of the ship splashing Henry and David below Regina and Emma laughed at the boys but you were preoccupied by the puddle at your feet.
“Only our boys, am I right?” Snow laughed, but got no response from you, she turned and saw the puddle at your feet.
“Wait that splash wasn’t that big…Y/N?”
“Okay scratch the whole two week thing I think my water just broke.”
“Oh god okay, Regina!” As soon as Snow called she was bounding up the stairs Emma hot on her heels.
“what’s going on?”
“I…uh… mm… my water just…uhhh god here comes one.” You said reaching out, Regina catching you as you dug your nails into her forearm but she didn’t care.
“Looks like another family member wanted to make their appearance today.” Snow said a hand on your back as you leaned into Regina both of them trying to guide you down stairs, you heard Hook call to Emma to put you in his chambers as they’d have more room.
You could hear everyone frantically moving around and it wasn’t helping as you tried breathing through contractions.
“Wait…” you said making it into the large room the bed in the middle, hook redid the inside after permanently moving in with Emma and made this more of a luxury boat, on with large ornate rooms made for comfort which right now you had mixed feelings about.
“What wrong?” Regina asked looking at you.
“Zelena…” you said trying to catch your breath, “You need to call Zelena.”
“Why… aren’t we going to make it back in time?” Emma said looking between the three of you.
Regina and Snow shared a look, “Emma were 6 hours off shore, this baby might not wait that long.”
“Um….hhhnghhh…” you tried speaking another contraction interrupting you.
“it’s okay love.” Regina said feeling your nails dig into her arm again, grip tightening as you battled another.
“No….no, Zelena thinks there’s complications with the baby…I…she needs to be here…please you need to call her.”
“Comp…complications?” Regina said, she was so focused but you saw the war starting behind her eyes, she thought about losing you or this baby, she couldn’t do that not again, she’s fought so hard for a happy ending.
“Regina…baby?” You said squeezing her hand and pulling her out of her ugly daydream, “it might not be anything but…” you winced through another contraction.
“Better safe than sorry…” another female voice filled the room and everyone turned their heads.
“Zelena?” Regina looked at her sister, hopeful and confused.
“Hey sis, Hook called,” the redhead looked sympathetically at the younger raven-haired woman who was still guarding you with her body. Before anyone could say anything else you let out a loud guttural moan filling the room. Zelena quickly rushed to your side, placing her bag on the bed in front of you, it was a little higher than normal so you were currently standing next to it, gripping the blankets on the edge not wanting to move.
"Okay mama just breathe through it... how long has she been contracting?" she looked around the room, all faces showing that no one was sure.
"I've been having braxton hicks, or that's what I thought they were, they started around 8 this morning, and my water broke about 20-30 minutes ago."
"It's 4pm... you've been contracting for 8 hours."
"Y/N, why didn't you say anything?" Regina asked concerned.
"I didn't want to worry anyone and y'all were so excited about today, and after the past couple of weeks we really needed it... besides I've treated so many first time moms and they always mistake pre-term contractions for the real deal."
"I...mnhnhhh...I promise it wasn't...hnhgnhhh."
"Okay mama, these babies aren't waiting I'm going to need to check you out." without thinking about it Zelena let out the little secret you’d both been keeping, helping you drop your pants and get up on the bed she covered your legs with a blanket as you fell back against the pillows.
“Zelena did you just say babies?” Snow asked shocked.
“Um…what’s she talking about? Zelena what does she mean?”
“Twins… we’re having twins.” You strained out sitting up on your elbows.
“I’m sorry I only found out a few weeks ago and Y/N had me promise.”
“that was before she was going to go into labor 6 hours from Storybrooke and on a boat!” Regina yelled.
“Babe… I didn’t wanna get your hopes up, not until we were sure…gahhhhh.”
“She’s right we weren’t sure how it happened but after the run in with our mother something with our magics altered the pregnancy, I wanted to make sure everything was okay with the babies.” Zelena explained as you fought through another contraction.
“Talk later… these babies are coming now.”
“Okay breathe I need to check how dilated you are,” Regina moved to your side while Zelena dug through her bag pulling on gloves, “okay mama little pinch and pressure, just gotta check here.” You nodded letting out a small whimper as you felt her checking you out. “Okay Y/N you’re a lot farther than I thought.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“it means that your baby’s head is almost crowning so this is typically when you start pushing.”
“Wait I thought we had a couple hours?” Regina asked worried, her worst fear was coming back, she couldn’t lose any of you and being out at sea was amplifying all those fears.
“Right now that’s not the issue, these babies are coming whether we want them to or not.” Zelena said trying to snap Regina out of it.
“What do you need from us?” Snow asked into the room.
“Well Snow I’m going to need your hands, Emma I want you to take care of everything above deck, I don’t care what you have to do get us back ASAP…” both women nodded and moved quickly. “Okay now Y/N I need some pushes from you so we can deliver baby number one.” You nodded and some screaming a pushing and a little blood later and cried filled the room as your little boy was born, things moved quickly Snow wrapping him up and holding him while more contractions rolled over you.
It wasn’t long before you felt baby two getting ready, but you watched as she leaned and said something to Snow “Wh-What’s going on?”
“Y/N I need you to…” Zelena started.
“Wh-What’s going on with my baby?”
“Your baby is breech, which worries me with being on a boat and far from the hospital.”
“S-so whagahh- does that mean?”
“Zelena do what you need to do, if you need to cut, cut.”
“WHAT NO!” Regina yelled.
“No no nobody is getting cut, I’m not doing a cesarean on a boat, I can do an external version but it’s going to hurt like hell.”
“Do it!.. whatever you need to do, do it.” She nodded and placed her hands on your exposed bump feeling for the baby, she had one hand higher and one lower and tried rotating the bag and she wasn’t wrong it did hurt, Regina was on the bed next you and you turned clinging to her, face pressed against her chest, one arm folded under you as the other gripped onto her bicep, nails digging into her arm as she held you.
“Okay I think baby’s turned, Y/N I need some really big pushes from you.” Two pushes later and you were so close to holding your baby but instead another complication.
“hold on, don’t push, stop pushing.”
“bu—but… what’s wrong?” Zelena looked up at you sympathetically, she placed a hand on your knee.
“The baby… it’s the cord, it’s wrapped around its neck.”
“Zelena save my…nnnghh…save my baby…”
“I will…err… I am.” You could feel pressure and she tried maneuvering your baby and getting the cord loose.
“okay im going to need a really big, big push to help your baby… can you do that for me?” She asked and you nodded, “okay on count of three, 1…2…” you pushed with everything you had, delivering your baby and she quickly started working you sobbed in your wife’s arms as you didn’t hear anything.
after what seemed like an eternity a strong cry filled the room, “yes baby girl, yes, oh God okay… congratulations you have a beautiful baby girl.” She said handing her to the both of you, tears rolled down your faces.
4 hours later you found yourself laid up in the maternity suite at the hospital Zelena was evaluating you to make sure everything went okay as your babies got checked it by the nurses, Regina sat next to you filling out their names on the birth certificate, refusing to leave your side.
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avocado-writing · 1 year
the king and the nanny: ch2
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bowser x gn!reader
1.75k words
part 2 of 4
rated: T (for now)
summary: you’re happy with your lot as nanny to the koopalings... until a chance encounter with the king sets your life off in a very different trajectory. this time, you're off on a race.
like what i do? buy me a kofi
You think it will be a while before you really see Bowser again. He is the king after all, he has important duties to see to. More important than you anyway, you tell yourself, resigned.
Imagine your surprise, then, when you walk into the game room and see him on the very beanbag you had him sat on last night, playing a video game with Junior. 
Your name is spread as a chorus as the other Koopalings greet you, causing both Bowser and his youngest son to finally tear their attention away from the screen. Junior cheers and runs towards you as the king fights the unruly seat to get to his feet. 
“Hey, Junior. You busy beating your dad at golf minigames?”
“Sure am!”
“Well, hey now, ‘beating’ is a strong—”
Bowser goes quiet as you scoop Junior up and rest him on your hip. He blinks. 
“You can, uh, pick him up?”
“Of course,” you reply, “I’d have no chance if I couldn’t, would I?”
Bowser stares at your biceps, struck dumb in the moment, and your mind flits to the weight bench you have in your private quarters to train for this job. 
“Huh,” Bowser says. There’s that look in his eyes again. The one that you saw the other night. You can feel yourself getting pretty warm, so you quickly wipe your hair out of your face and turn to the Koopalings, hoping to get a handle on the situation.
“What is everyone doing today?”
“Oh!” Lemmy announces, “Seeing as we’re all here, can we go karting?”
The older kids usually do what they want to, and it generally involves terrorising whoever they can get their hands on, but at this suggestion they all look up.  You purse your lips and pretend to consider. Really; they don’t have to ask your permission to do anything, but it’s nice that they respect you enough to still hold that power. 
“Alright then.”
A cheer goes up throughout the room and the kids start to pick themselves up to leave the room. Junior looks up at his dad. 
“Are you coming too, dad?”
“Oh!” says Bowser, as if he hadn’t considered, “Well, uh…”
And he, the king, looks at you for permission too. You hide your smile of endearance behind one of enthusiasm. 
“I think that’s a wonderful idea, s— Bowser.”
Bowser lights up, his grin full of teeth and a sincerity that makes your heart flutter. As the kids run ahead, you and Bowser fall into step at the rear. You were worried things would be awkward, considering your… evolving feelings; instead you find yourself lapsing into easy chatter. 
“It’s not that I’m not pleased to see you, your majesty—” because you are, you really are, “—but don’t you have more pressing matters to deal with? Armies and the like?”
“Oh, it’s their union mandated day off, it’s fine.”
It takes a moment for that to register. 
“Yeah. What, you not a part of the union?”
Bowser blinks, genuinely surprised.  
“I didn’t realise there was one.”
“Whoa, you’ve got to join! It’s important that you’re unionised. The union is why we’ve got Taco Tuesday now. I’ll hook you up with the koopa that runs it, he’s a solid dude.”
He slows down when he notices you’ve stopped moving. You’ve been stunned to stillness. 
“Nothing! I just… I guess I didn’t expect that sort of organisation to be here.”
“Well, of course,” he drops his voice and moves in close. You know this is realistically because he’s trying to be surreptitious, but the sudden proximity makes your heart skip a beat, “You know there’s thousands of them, right? I’m super strong and whatever but in sheer numbers they could kick my ass.”
He winces and looks around to make sure none of his kids caught him using a bad word, relaxes a bit when he sees he’s gotten away with it. You laugh. You could get used to this side of him. 
“Okay, I’ll check it out.”
The racing room is merely a turn away, and the two of you walk towards the start line of the huge track he’s had built into his castle for his kids to race on. The Koopalings are setting up their karts, and Bowser walks over to his own before hesitating. Just as he turns to ask you something —
“Will you ride with me?” asks Junior, who’s appeared at your feet. He’s doing those big puppy dog eyes, the ones you can’t say no to. 
“Aww, I was gonna ask that,” huffs Wendy. You grin. It’s nice to be so high in demand.
“Next time, Wendy. Promise?”
You keep your promises, so she seems happy with the deal. Junior grabs your hand and excitedly drags you over to his kart where you carefully settle in behind him, careful not to hurt yourself on his spikes. They’re not as sharp as his dad’s but you don’t fancy testing it. Slowly everyone pulls up to the start line. You pat Junior reassuringly on the shoulder. 
“Let’s get 'em, buddy.”
Junior grins and gives you a thumbs up, then gets ready to go.
The lights above you count down and you grip the sides of the kart as Junior revs the engine. When he stamps down on the accelerator the force of it pushes you back into your seat, but you find yourself chuckling breathlessly. God, he’s fast! But he easily takes every corner he comes up against - except for one narrow escape where the sidework scrapes against the barrier and you have to raise your leg up just in time - drifting like it’s a sixth sense. Really, it’s pretty impressive considering his age. 
You take a look around the track. You’re neck-and-neck for third with Bowser, Ludwig and Roy in front. The king catches you looking and grins, accelerating harder and nosing into the lead against your little tag team.
You take that as a challenge.
“Get the box!” you shout, watching a series of rainbow, shining crates beginning to raise onto the track. 
“On it!” Junior replies, skidding the card round another bend and through the power-up. You quickly look down to see what you’ve got - mushroom! Not bad.
“Brace yourself!” 
You watch Junior hold onto the wheel even tighter, then slam your item down. It shatters as you get a violent burst of speed, and a torrent of wild, unrestrained laughter peals from your mouth. You overtake Bowser easily - but with just enough time for you to turn around and poke your tongue out at him. He looks flabbergasted, but then his smile just gets wider.
Ludwig only got banana peels, naturally, so he’s been throwing them over his shoulder like his life depends on it. Junior weaves between them easily but one lands right under Roy’s right wheel, causing him to skid out and fall back a few places. You hear him begin to curse in frustration and you make a note to have a word with him later about that language; right now you have a race to win.
Two-thirds of the way through the course. The finish line isn’t far. The two of you pass through another crate and you find yourself in possession of a green shell. You grip it in your dominant hand and rise unsteadily to your feet.
“Hold steady, kid!” you roar over the noise of the engine, line up Ludwig in your sight, and bowl the shell right at him. It’s a perfect strike and you fist-bump in the air, being slammed back down into your seat as Junior steers to avoid his spinning kart.
You’re in the lead - for a moment. Because then you hear the sound of a motor catching up, close. You look to your side and see Bowser closing the distance, inches from overtaking. His face is set with a determined grimace. He’s putting everything he has into the race and for a moment, just for a moment, you think you see the Bowser his enemies see: terrifying and single-minded. And just for that moment? It scares you.
You’re so preoccupied with staring that you don’t notice hitting another crate, and find a banana peel in your hands. Bowser has one too, and then he looks over to you, ferocious in his desire to win.
He takes in the way you’re looking at him, and his face contorts for a second in an emotion you can’t quite read. 
And then he gives you the softest smile you’ve ever seen. Kind, gentle. And you realise that no, this is the real Bowser. The dad that races with his kids. The boss that checks his employees look after themselves. 
The good man despite the image he projects.
With a little sigh of resignation, you see him toss the banana forward, and make a show of ‘accidentally’ driving right into it. He spins out, blocking his other kids from going past… and you and Junior cross the finish line first.
Confetti goes off and Junior whoops, jumping up onto his bonnet to celebrate his victory. You quickly come back to the moment. And find yourself grinning, hi-fiving the little dude in victory.
“We did it!” he cheers.
“We sure did! Good driving, kid.”
“Did you see that green shell! I thought you were gonna break Ludwig’s kart in half, it was amazing!”
The others have driven up by now and Wendy throws her remaining mushroom down in frustration.
“No fair! There were two of you against us on our own! We’re going again, no help this time!”
“But Wendy, I thought we were going to team up –” you begin, but hold back a laugh when she replies:
“I’m sorry, maybe next time, but this is a matter of pride. Let’s go!”
The Koopalings all seem to agree and begin to head back to the start line. You watch them with a smile and become aware of a presence behind you.
“Not going again?”
Bowser is watching the kids too, a look of pride in his eyes. 
“No, one race is quite enough for me. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but your children drive like maniacs.”
He laughs at that, his maw opening wide so you can see all his many, many teeth. You’re not afraid. In fact you’re feeling something else entirely, something you’re not sure that you want to address right now. You try to hide the warmth in your cheeks and hope the king doesn’t notice. 
Oh no. You aren’t just in trouble, you realise.
You really have a crush on the king.
You’re fucked.
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taglist: @a-literal-no-name @hatkidwantsyoursoul @candlewitch-cryptic @lurkingsnails @therealnekomari @simp-for-sesshomaru @backyard-bear @tmntenjoyer @decaffeinatedprince @cole-kenxbi @mayapapaya18 @psikidwonder @hurricanepursonafied @panwithnoplan42 @martinys-world @agreatcheesecakestudentstuff @my-name-is-milk @travelingtmblelyw33d
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woooyeahbaby · 8 months
Can’t Forget Mammon!
warnings: mammon being jealous, mc is gender neutral (meaning i didn’t even use any pronouns for mc here i write in 2nd person), mammon may be out of character i’m so sorry, THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING FOR OBEY ME I’M ACTUALLY REALLY SCARED TO POST THIS HELP, mention of mc kissing asmo
a/n i think i’ll cry if i receive any negative feedback on this one guys you need to think of me as someone who is constantly on the verge of tears. also i wrote this at 5am with no sleep but i don’t think i made any errors! this is pretty short btw
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you helped lucifer organize some documents this morning, no big deal. you played games with leviathan later, again, nothing important. read a book with satan, that took quite a while… went shopping with asmodeus after, okay… had lunch with beelzebub, didn’t take too long. and finally, cuddled with belphegor for a while.
where was mammon’s time with you?
don’t think mammon didn’t notice that you spent all day with his brothers instead of him! he couldn’t stop thinking about it. just as he thought he’d get a little attention from you, you’d be heading for another person.
so of course he had to have a conversation with you before you went to bed that night. he caught you in the kitchen, having a quick snack before bed. perfect.
“hey, mc! haven’t seen ya much today!” mammon grins, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“oh, hey mammon. sorry i didn’t get to hang out with you today, maybe tomorrow, alright?” you offer before walking away, letting his hand fall from your shoulder.
umm, no.
“hey now!” he nearly shouts. “get back here. i deserve my time with ya!”
“mammon, i’m tired. i wanna go to bed.” you sigh, walking back towards him. you take his hand. “i promise we can do something tomorrow.”
“i’ll just go to bed with ya!” mammon squeezes your hand.
“that might give the others the wrong idea…” you laugh softly after your sentence.
“i don’t care! they can think aaaall they want about it, all i wanna do is cuddle with ya, hm? how’s that sound? good? let’s go then!” he doesn’t even give you time to respond before he’s dragging you to your room.
you decide not to fight him on it, since you weren’t really opposed to the thought of cuddling him to sleep. plus, it’d save you from an even clingier mammon the next day.
you two reach your bedroom and mammon plops down on your bed, his grip on your hand sending you down with him. fortunately, you don’t land roughly. in fact, you land perfectly on your bed. you could sleep like this already. oh, right.
“mammon, i need to brush my teeth. just sit here for a couple minutes, okay?” you inform him as you stand up, and he lets your hand escape his. however you don’t expect him to follow you into your bathroom. “mammon.”
“mhm?” he hums as if he has no idea what he’s doing. typical mammon.
“you absolutely need to watch me brush my teeth?” despite your sarcasm, you’re already getting your toothbrush ready.
“you’d let lucifer watch ya, why can’t i?” he crosses his arms, leaning against the wall.
“..can we talk about this when i’m done, please?” you ask, not giving him time to say no before you’re shoving your toothbrush in your mouth.
mammon mumbles a ‘fine’, standing behind you as you brush your teeth. as he waits for a torturous two whole minutes, he mainly just fidgets with his hands and glances up at you. once you’re done, he’s walking to your bed, lying down on his back and patting the empty space next to him.
you face him when you lie down, and he just stares at you expectantly. it takes you a second to remember.
“oh, right. mammon, you know i didn’t mean to ignore you today. everyone else just kept me so busy.” you reach out a hand to caress his face lovingly.
“it coulda been me keepin’ ya busy, but nooo…” mammon rolls his eyes, leaning into your touch despite his rude attitude.
“remember that i can kick you out of here any time i’d like.” you threaten him jokingly. “i swear, mammon. i wanted to get to you but everybody just.. got in my way. i can dedicate my whole day to you tomorrow, i’ll even start it now.”
“i accept. you so much as even text someone that ain’t me though, i’ll be lockin’ ya in my room!” he replies with his own threat.
“okay. tomorrow is aaaall you, mammon.” you just smile at him and give him a kiss on the cheek, your hand moving to his hair.
he seems to enjoy it, letting you play with his hair as he just stares at you lovingly. then his facial expression changes back to the ‘i want to look angry at you, but i’m really not’ one. oh man.
“so asmo gets a kiss on the lips, but i—”
“oh, shut up, mammon.” you roll your eyes, kissing him on the lips to shut him up.
it definitely works! how could he complain?
mammon reaches a hand to your waist, pulling you closer to him. he doesn’t want to let you go, not even for a second. every time he feels you trying to pull away, he just chases after your lips with his own. this is usually how kissing mammon is, he is the avatar of greed after all.
it’s only until both of you can barely breathe that he pulls away, his grip on your waist tightening. you both just look at each other for a few seconds, until you both burst out laughing. as you laugh, you lean your head into mammon’s chest, and once his own laughter dies down he rests his chin atop your head.
mammon sighs softly, pulling your head back so you could look at each other. you see him admiring your facial features before he speaks.
“can you turn around? we can spoon, just like ya did with belphie… when it should’ve been me, but whatever.” the last part of his sentence is quieter, more of a mumble.
in response, you just scoff and turn around so you and mammon are facing the same way. he wraps his arm around you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. his breath tickles you at first, until you get used to it. your back is pressed tightly against his chest, so much so that you can feel his heartbeat.
he gently kisses your neck a few times, but not like the seductive ones you usually get from him. these have plenty of love behind them. it’s so comforting.
“all me tomorrow, yeah?”
quick after fic note! if you like my writing i take requests!!! please send me requests
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shy-urban-hobbit · 9 months
Jaskier and Lambert learn they have more in common than first thought.
CW historical abuse, child abuse, beating.
Jaskier silently ground his teeth in agitation as Lambert kicked off again, saying something about the little Lordling not liking hard work when Jaskier collapsed at one of the long tables after spending the couple of hours before dinner helping them repair one of the walls (typically, the three Wolves hadn’t even broken a sweat). People underestimated how thick a skin you needed as a Bard, but even Jaskier could only take so much and Lambert was relentless. Geralt had imparted the usual, trite advice of ‘ignore him and he’ll get bored’. Unfortunately, whilst Jaskier may have succeeded in keeping his mouth shut in the name of civility, his emotions were doing all the talking for him and the scent of Jaskier’s hurt and annoyance only seemed to spur Lambert on. If the sneer on his face was any indication, he could tell the Bard was nearing the end of his tether.
“Give it a rest Lambert.” Eskel growled warningly, “It’s been four days. If Jaskier’s not had enough of your shit by now, the rest of us have.”
“Not my fault. Maybe next time Geralt should bring somebody who didn’t have such a spoilt, cushy upbringing.”
And there went the remnants of Jaskier’s self control. He stood up quickly enough to tip the bench, turning to Lambert with a snarl of his own. The Wolf smirked in return at having finally gotten a reaction.
“Let me show you how cushy I had it.” Jaskier scoffed. Before any of the others could react, he turned his back and lifted his shirt. The tension in the room switched from uncomfortable to stifling as the Witchers took in the sight of the Bard’s bare back. Raised scars from both whip and belt crisscrossed his flesh, some of them showing the outline of a buckle.
“My father wasn’t a very nice person.” Jaskier said dryly, “First time he took his belt to me was because I was laughing too much. I was six.”
Geralt felt a wall of ice slam into his gut as he thought back on all the times he’d told Jaskier to shut up, manhandled him. That time he’d actually punched him....
Jaskier lowered his shirt, “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I’ll be in my ivory tower.”
“Don’t. Just...don’t.”
As soon as Jaskier was out of sight, Eskel rounded on the youngest Wolf, “You never learn. You always have to take shit too far.” He snarled.
“How was I to know?” Lambert bit back, “Geralt, you’re the one who’s been travelling with him for years. Why the fuck didn’t you say anything?”
“I... didn’t know.” Geralt said truthfully. All things considered, it was rare he saw the bard shirtless and when he did, Jaskier always made sure to stay facing Geralt. Even here at Kaer Morhen he was always the first one in and the last one out of the hot springs, “He never put his back to me.”
“And that didn’t seem strange to you?”
“Not turning your back is one of the first things they drilled into us here, so no.”
“Oh, for fucks sake.”
Jaskier sat at the top of one of the more stable towers, swinging his feet idly in the open air below him and occasionally swigging from the half bottle of wine he’d retrieved from his room on the way up.
He was half aware of someone sitting next to him, spite and petulance making him continue to stare ahead rather than turn to see who.
They sat in silence for a few minutes before his mystery companion spoke up.
“My old man was always careful not to leave any lasting marks. Nothing that couldn’t be explained away by our own clumsiness.” Lambert said, taking a swig of his own bottle.
“Hmm, mine was determined to make sure the lessons stuck. Apparently I was a slow learner.”
“He still living?”
Jaskier shook his head, “Died not long before I met Geralt. Yours?”
“Died decades ago, probably. I swear, if I knew where he was buried - if he was buried. It’d be more than he deserved - I’d go and piss on his grave.”
“I actually did that. It’s not as gratifying as you’d think.”
That startled a laugh out of Lambert, Jaskier giving a small chuckle back.
“To arsehole Sires.” Lambert said with mock solemnity, holding his bottle out to Jaskier.
“May they enjoy eternity in the deepest pits of Hell.” Jaskier replied with equal gravity, knocking his own against Lambert’s in a toast.
They sat drinking and watching the sun disappear behind the mountain tops, each of them lost in their own memories. When the night time chill started to descend, Lambert silently offered a now slightly tipsy Jaskier a hand up. Jaskier wordlessly accepted.
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3tabbiesandalab · 2 years
Branded (Part 2)
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It’s finally here! Thank you for the lovely comments and reblogs on this fic!
The conclusion of Branded. A Rhett Abott x Reader. Featuring soft Rhett who is an idiot who thinks mostly with his second brain, best friends to lovers. Perry is a good bro. Maria is an awful step-sister to reader.
This was a real work of love so I really, really hope you like it!
Part 1 if you missed it.
18+ for SMUT and swearing galore.
Thank you to @mayhem24-7forever for picking up my error calling her half-sister in the first part. They are step sisters, reader's dad remarried Maria's mother. I've gone back and fixed it! I owe you one! And when I was re-reading part 1 I found that I’d called Perry’s wife the wrong name the whole way through! God I had a shocker! All fixed now!
Enjoy xox
From the ages of sixteen to eighteen, if Maria asked Rhett for anything, he did it, and probably without even thinking about it. All it took was a soft touch of her hand, a flirty remark, a peck on his cheek, or hell even a flip of her long hair, and he was weak at the knees. That’s how strong the promise of her pussy, the proverbial carrot she dangled out of his reach, was to a horny, teenage Rhett.
As a 26-year-old, he thought he’d be able to handle himself a bit better around Maria, but he was pretty drunk and probably the stupidest fucking man in Wabang.
“Maria.” Rhett acknowledged her presence. “Umm… what do you want?”
“There’s plenty I want from you,” she said suggestively. Maria took the shot glass from in front of him and poured herself a tequila. She stared at him teasingly as she downed the booze and licked the rim of the glass.
Teenage Rhett would have probably bust a nut at the display and even now his drunk dick involuntarily twitched at the sight.
“Been a while huh Rhett. Saw you looking at me before. Sorry I kept you waiting,” she purred, and he tensed up as she moved closer to him.
The tequila had kicked in and he felt hazy. “I… ah… I.” Rhett stuttered out.
“I know you wanted me bad back in school. I think I’m about ready to give you what you want.” Maria’s voice dripped with sex, and she took his trucker hat off his head and put it on hers.
“Pity this isn’t a Stetson huh. Doesn’t a woman take a cowboy’s hat when she wants to screw him?” And she suddenly brushed her hand up his thigh towards his semi-hard cock and Rhett grit his teeth.
It was downright pathetic that his body reacted this way, he knew it could be the booze, but it’s like he had a ‘Pavlov’s Response’ to this woman.
Rhett was so used to letting his dick lead him, but thankfully his actual brain kicked in. It’s like someone threw a bucket of ice water over him and snapped him out of it.
What the fuck was wrong with him.
Rhett quickly ripped her hand off his leg and he shifted as far away from her as he could. “I’m waitin’ on someone,” Rhett said roughly.
He was angry at himself that he’d let Maria get under his skin, even if it was just for a split second. And ashamed that he had done this to YFN… again.
“You mean YFN? Please.” Maria scoffed. “I saw you approach me first honey. Did she see? Wonder how she feels knowing she’s your second choice.”
“It ain’t like that.” Rhett forced out.
Maria battered her heavily made-up eyes at him and moved closer to him again, caging him uncomfortably in the booth. Her long fingernails dragged across his chest and her sickly-sweet floral perfume surrounded him. It all felt wrong. He definitely didn’t want her.
“It’s exactly like that. You chose me once; you’ll do it again.”
“Aaahh!” she cried as she was suddenly yanked out of his space.
Rhett watched with wide eyes as YFN, with a rough hold on the back collar of Maria’s shirt, pulled her out of the booth.
Holy shit.
Maria stumbled as she gained her footing. “What the hell you bitch,” she spat.
YFN glared at both of them, and her eyes blazed with fury and something else Rhett couldn’t quite place. She ripped his cap off Maria’s head and threw it on the table.
“You’re an asshole,” she said sharply, and her eyes momentarily flashed with pain.
Rhett flinched. He didn’t know if it was aimed at Maria or him or both. Even though he didn’t want Maria, it didn’t matter; he knew seeing them together was bound to hurt YFN. He hadn’t even got a chance to tell her how he felt, and he’d already fucked up.
“YFN I…” She put up her hand to silence him and Maria barked out a laugh.
YFN’s hands balled up into white knuckled fists, but she remained composed. “He doesn’t want you.”
Maria faced off with YFN and smirked at her. “And you think he wants you? God you’re stupid. He didn’t want you when we were younger, and he doesn’t now either. All I had to do was look at him and he got hard,” she teased.
Rhett cringed at Maria’s comment, but he could not tear his eyes off YFN. She wasn’t invisible to anyone now. Anger and what he hoped was jealousy radiated off her, but she remained eerily calm. The sweet, soft girl he’d known his whole life wasn’t there. YFN was fierce, and damned if it didn’t make him love her more.
And of course, it turned him the fuck on.
YFN whispered, but loud enough so Maria and Rhett could hear. “Honey he’s been rock hard all night but trust me; it wasn’t for you.”
Holy fuck.
Maria laughed bitterly. “You go ahead and tell yourself that. I’ll always be first choice for anyone.”
YFN made a slight, pained noise and anger flashed through Rhett’s body. He got up out of the booth quickly and opened his mouth to deny her statement, but the sudden movement made his head spin.
“Even your daddy loves me better,” Maria said viciously with a smirk.
“Fuck off back to the Tillerson’s you dumb cunt.”
Maria paled a little at the threatening words. She had never had any effect on Perry, like she had on Rhett. And, since his wife’s disappearance, his brother’s moods were unpredictable, and the number of drinks he’d had and his protective instinct of YFN had him steaming at Maria.  She took the hint and quickly spun on her heel and retreated.
YFN’s previous resolve had crumbled, and she was quiet, her shoulders slumped. She glanced at Rhett and his heart broke at the sadness he saw in her eyes.
This was all his fault; he didn’t deserve her. He just stood there silently, filled with guilt as he watched his brother take control of the situation.
Perry shot him an unreadable look, and his menacing demeanour quickly softened at YFN’s state, and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Don’t listen to that bitch sweetheart. I reckon we should get out of ‘ere.”
“She’s right ‘bout my family. They do… I- I don’t wanna… I can’t go home,” she whispered meekly.
“Fuck your whole family then. You’re comin’ home with us.” Perry grunted.
“Are you… You’re sure your folks won’t mind?” she questioned quietly.
Perry rolled his eyes at her. “You’re kiddin’ right? You’re family YFN. We all adore you.” Rhett watched as her eyes quickly darted to his. “And its still pretty early, so Amy will be thrilled to see you outside of school.” Perry finished.
At the mention of Amy, a small, smile grew on her lips. “Sure you don’t mind her seein’ her teacher tipsy.”
Perry chuckled and gestured between him and Rhett. “Your fine sweetheart. We’re no better.”
“Why don’t you go freshen up or somethin’ and meet us outside when you’re done. I’ll call dad. Reckon he’ll still be in town and don’t think any of us are right to drive,” he said softly.
YFN nodded and her eyes flitted back to Rhett. His head was swimming with emotion, and he had no idea what she was thinking. Rhett gave her what he hoped was an apologetic look. “Please,” he managed to croak out.
She held his eyes with hers for a moment longer and she gave him a small tight smile before walking towards the bathroom.
As soon as she left, Perry immediately narrowed his eyes at him. Rhett sighed and dropped his head knowing he was probably going to kick his ass, but he knew he deserved it.  
“I know. This is all my fault. I’ve already fucked this up.” Rhett said sadly.
Perry laid a hand on his shoulder. “You’re a fuckin’ idiot that’s for sure. But it ain’t your fault. This is on that bitch of a sister. I saw YFN’s reaction to Maria all over you, so I don’t think you’ve screwed this up.”
Rhett looked at his brother and he let out a long slow breath and nodded. Part of him believed him, but the other part was terrified that she didn’t feel the same way about him.
Perry smirked. “Didn’t realise our sweet little teacher had such a jealous streak in ‘er.”
Rhett gave his brother a wry smile. “Reckon it was the hottest thin’ I’ve ever seen.”
Perry laughed and smacked him across the back of head. “Stop thinkin’ with your dick for once. Just apologise for bein’ such a fuckin’ moron. And tell that girl how you feel.”
Rhett nodded again. He couldn’t promise he wasn’t going to think with his cock. After witnessing that display, part of him wanted to pin YFN to the closest surface and fuck her hard. But he needed to talk to her and make sure she knew how wrong Maria was.
And tell her how much he loved her.
Perry snorted. “You’re gonna be the one to call dad and explain. Even if it’s not your fault, I hope you’re ready to get chewed out, ‘cause god knows he thinks the world of that girl.”
Rhett winced; he was right. Royal was probably going to whoop his ass.
But he was actually more concerned about the moment Cecelia found out that he’d finally figured out that he loved YFN and then possibly fucked it up.
She might actually kill him.
The drive back to Abbott ranch was mostly quiet, save the country music on the radio and Perry’s snores from the front passenger seat as Royal drove. There was an air of thick tension between YFN and Rhett, who sat in the back bench of Royal’s dual cab truck.
Rhett tried to avoid the many menacing and disappointed glares his father was shooting him in the review mirror. When he called and honestly told him everything that had happened, Royal had threatened to cut his balls off if he didn’t fix it with YFN.
YFN cleared her throat. “Thanks again for comin’ to get us, Mr Abbott.”
“I’ve told you a hundred times to call me Royal, sweetheart. And you’re welcome. These drunk assholes were lucky you needed a lift, or they would’ve been sleepin’ in Perry’s truck,” he said gruffly.
His father turned into the driveway of their ranch, and she laughed at the statement, still sounding a bit tipsy.
Rhett’s head was still fuzzy from the tequila too, so he knew he’d probably end up saying something stupid. But he had no idea what YFN was thinking, she hadn’t spoken to him since the incident at the bar and he couldn’t take it anymore.
“YFN I…”
“Listen Rhett…”
They spoke at the same time, and in the darkness of the truck, he saw YFN look at him with a small smile.
He didn’t care that Royal could hear, he had to fix this. “She’s wrong you know. What she said to you. It’s bullshit.” Rhett said softly.
YFN sighed. “She’s right ‘bout my family. My dad likes her better. I- I don’t know why. It just hurt when she said it out loud. And it makes me miss my mamma.”
Rhett searched her face, she looked so vulnerable, and it made his chest ache. “He’s a piece of shit then. Your mamma loved you so much. And you are so loved YFN, by everyone else in this town.”
He took a deep steadying breath. “Darlin’ I’m so fuckin’ sorry.”
“What are you apologisin’ for?” she asked softly as the truck pulled up to the house.
Rhett peered at her anxiously. “’Cause I’ve hurt you. I’m a fuckin’ idiot. That shit with Maria tonight. And I screwed up our friendship ‘fore,” he said slowly.
“You can be an idiot Rhett at times, that’s for sure,” she chuckled lightly. “But I don’t blame you ‘bout Maria. It’s just what she does, we are all just pieces in her game. And we were just stupid kids back then, Rhett. You can let that go,” she said honestly in a quiet voice.
She wasn’t angry at him. That can’t be right.
He stared at her in disbelief as Royal smacked Perry across the chest to rouse him and they both got out of the truck, leaving Rhett and YFN in the back seat.
“Why ain’t you upset with me?” Rhett asked hesitantly.
“I don’t know… I guess maybe I am a little…” YFN gave him a shy, smile. And she unexpectedly giggled, and the sound went straight to his groin.
Jesus. Not now.
He knew now was not the time to be thinking about this, but he couldn’t help it, he found the smallest things about her so fucking sexy.
She scrunched her nose up. “Sorry. I’m still a bit buzzed.”
YFN let out a slow breath and her eyes met his. “Look. I know you went to talk to Maria first and that’s honestly okay. But then you looked at me like… and the way you were acting… I just thought tonight felt different. Anyway don’t worry ‘bout it. It was probably just me. And tequila makes people do stupid things.”
She dropped her head and focused on the fingers that picked at her jeans.
Rhett suppressed a grin; she still wanted him. He moved across to the middle seat and softly cupped YFN’s cheek with his hand, “Darlin’. Look at me.”
And she lifted her head to look at him with wide eyes.
“It wasn’t the booze makin’ me hard all night.”
Fucking tequila.
YFN sucked in a sharp breath and Rhett winced at his choice of words. “Sorry. God I’m fuckin’ terrible at this.” He went to pull his hand off her cheek, but YFN grabbed his wrist and stopped him.
Even in the dull light of the truck, he could see the blush on her neck and the sparkle in her eyes and it encouraged him to try again.
“Look darlin’, I know I’m a mess and I’ve been so fuckin’ slow to catch on…” he chuckled before he looked lovingly into her eyes. “It was different between us tonight. I promise it wasn’t just you. It’s you that I want. YFN I’m in l…”
“Miss YLN!” Amy yelled out loudly through the truck window and they both jumped at the sound and it halted Rhett’s attempted confession.
This was probably the first time Rhett had ever been annoyed with his niece. He dropped his hand, and YFN blushed darker and broke their eye contact as Amy opened her door, and practically pulled her out of the truck and towards the house.
Rhett was pissed Amy had interrupted the moment, but from YFN’s behaviour he was certain he hadn’t screwed it up with her. He got out of the truck to follow the girls, a small grin on his face, only to be met with a ‘spanish inquisition’ from his family.
“Amy interrupt somethin’ little brother?” Perry laughed drunkenly and Rhett gave him the finger.
Royal started “That cow of a sister always had your nuts in a vice when you were younger. And sounds like she hasn’t changed. That ain’t on you. But if you’re just after YFN for the sake of a drunk lay…”
“No. Listen…” Rhett put up his hands in defence, “That’s not what this is. Yeah, I drank a bit…” and Cecelia him an intense look. “Fine. I drank a lot. But this is real. I’m in love with her.”
“Did you tell her? Before that business with Maria?” Cecelia asked, and Rhett shook his head. “For goodness sakes. Been waitin’ forever for you to realise that you love her. I should slap you stupid,” she chided.
Perry chuckled. “Ma it ain’t his fault that her sister’s a fuckin’…”
“Watch your mouth, Perry. Rhett you better be all in with her, ‘cause she’s loved you for a long time.” Cecelia said seriously.
“I am. I swear. I know I don’t deserve her.” Rhett said honestly.
“Well make sure you do.” Royal grunted.
Rhett nodded at his father. “Can she stay? She didn’t say a whole lot, but it doesn’t sound like she wants to be at home.”
“Fast mover hey Rhett. Just figured out you love her and already want to move her in.” Perry laughed and Royal smacked him across the back of the head.
Cecelia nodded and smiled. “See if we can’t get you sobered up ‘fore you get too far ahead of yourself and ask her to marry you,” she teased.
“YFN’s welcome as long as she wants. That girl’s been family for a long time. If she actually still wants to be with your stupid ass, she can bunk with you Rhett. Don’t you disrespect her and make me fuckin’ regret it. Remember she’s Amy’s teacher for christ sakes.” Royal said in warning.
Rhett smirked. “I’ll do my best.” And he was smacked on the back of the head by Cecelia as Perry burst out laughing.
After they all sat around the kitchen table and ate the late supper Cecelia had made for them, Rhett and YFN sobered up pretty quickly. Rhett’s family was a little fucked-up, but even with all their issues, they loved one another, and always supported each other when it mattered. YFN had been part of their family since they were kids and obviously cared about them, but tonight it was clear to Rhett, just how much they loved her too.
After supper, Royal and Cecelia had let YFN know that she was welcome to stay with them as long as she wanted to, because she had always been as good as their own daughter in their eyes. The beautiful, bewildered look on her face at their confession, made Rhett’s heart swell. And the pained grimace on Perry’s face when she kicked him in the balls under the table, for his smug, whispered comment about how that makes Rhett and YFN brother and sister who fuck, made his cheeks hurt from grinning.
Amy was excited to have her teacher hanging out with her and was glued to YFN’s side for the rest of the night, until her bedtime rolled around. Rhett was pretty miffed because his niece had already ruined his botched declaration of love and he wanted nothing more to tell and show YFN how he felt.
He had to make do with what he could get with Amy around, so took the chance and reached for her hand under the table and threaded his fingers with hers and was rewarded with a bright smile. Rhett couldn’t complain, because even the simple touch made his skin tingle and heart flutter. He’d never felt anything like it before and Cecelia smiled knowingly at him when she caught him trying to hide the stupid grin on his face.
After everyone else was in bed and the alcohol had worn off, Perry’s mood started to slide, so he too, retired upstairs. But, to Rhett and YFN’s shock, he came back down with a set of Rebecca’s clothes, so YFN had something to wear in the morning. Perry had watery eyes as she hugged him tightly and thanked him for looking after her.
Rhett was so grateful for his gesture, but he did worry how changes like this would affect his brother. But that only lasted for a split second because when he pulled him into a quick hug to thank him, Perry teasingly whispered, “Enjoy your night… sister fucker,” and took off before Rhett could tackle him to the ground.
He loved his family, he really did, but he was ecstatic once they’d all finally gone to bed. Rhett desperately needed to tell YFN how he felt. And he was going to fucking explode if he didn’t get his hands on her. It had taken all of his concentration to not get hard around his family, from her gentle touches and sweet smiles. He’d never wanted anyone this badly before.
Rhett had already quickly showered when they first got home so he sat on his bed in his room while he waited for YFN to finish in the bathroom. Now that they were going to be alone, he was actually really nervous. He’d never been in love or had a girlfriend before, so he had no fucking clue what he was doing. There was a high chance he could still fuck this up.
YFN hadn’t rejected him, and his family had all said that YFN loved him, but she hadn’t actually told him that. Rhett’s mind was going into overdrive. What if all she wanted was something casual or what if he misread everything and she didn’t want him at all.
Wouldn’t that be fucking ironic.
He pushed the heels of his hands into his eyes at the thought. It had only been a few hours since he figured his feelings out, but Rhett knew he would do whatever she wanted to make her happy, even if it killed him. He’d just play it cool, feel out the situation before he said something that would screw it all up.
“You look deep in thought there baby. You okay?” YFN’s soft, melodic voice filled his bedroom, and he uncovered his eyes to watch her gently shut the door.
She was barefoot, hair damp from the shower and she wore one of his old t-shirts and a pair of Rebecca’s sleep shorts.
Fuck she was beautiful.
“I’m in love with you.” Rhett blurted out.
Well shit.
She padded over to where he was sitting on the edge of the bed and stood just between the front of his open legs as he sat on the bed. He searched her face for her reaction.
“That’s what you were tryin’ to tell me before Amy cockblocked us?” she said, one corner of her mouth quirked in a tiny smile as she looked down at him.
He nodded and tentatively reached out and rested his hands on her shapely hips, and she took a half step closer to him.
YFN ghosted her hands over his bare shoulders until they rested at the back of his neck and Rhett shivered. “And you’re sure? In love with me? Like you want to be together?” she questioned softly, but from the growing smile and delight in her eyes, he knew she knew the answer.
“Fuck yes, I’m in love with you.” Rhett dipped his hands under the hem of his t-shirt she wore. His palms burned as they splayed on the soft skin of her waist and he pulled her even closer. “It just hit me like a ton of bricks tonight.”
Her fingers played with his hair. “Me and no one else?” YFN asked, this time with slight nervousness in her voice.
Rhett sighed. “I know I’ve got ‘round. Not real proud of that now to be honest.”
He gazed up at her lovingly. “But darlin’ I’ve never loved anyone else. Only you. I reckon I’ve always belonged to you. YFN, you branded my heart and soul a long time ago.”
YFN’s eyes shone brightly at him, and she bit her lip to hide the wide smile that graced her lips. “That was pretty fuckin’ romantic for a man who’s never been in love. Are you sure its not the tequila talkin’?”
Rhett tipped his head back and chuckled quietly. “Woman you better put me out of my misery…”
And he was cut off by her soft lips touching his.
Warmth spread through him and as he started to respond to the kiss, she pulled away and he pouted. YFN laughed lightly and moved to straddle his legs and eased herself into his lap. “Sorry for teasin’. But I’ve been waitin’ a long-time to hear you say that. I’m in love with you, Rhett. Always have been.”
He grinned at her words. “I’m so fuckin’ glad you didn’t stop.”
“Me too. Done talkin’ now. Let’s see if you can last longer than when you were sixteen,” she teased as she ground her hips on him.
He groaned, and captured her mouth in a passionate kiss.
Low sunlight poured through his bedroom window as Rhett stretched out his long limbs. He had managed to sleep in later than normal, and even though it was Saturday, there was work to do. Royal was going to have his head. YFN was no longer beside him and he frowned that he woke up without getting to kiss her good morning.
Rhett had never paid a lot of attention to kissing in the past, it was just something to set sex in motion. He’d never kissed anyone for as long as he did last night, and he’d happily keep kissing YFN’s plump, pink lips for the rest of his life.
To be honest, he’d be more than happy to have his mouth on any part of her.
And that had been Rhett’s undoing.
The reason why he barely lasted longer than when they were sixteen.
A huge grin overtook Rhett’s face as he recalled the events of last night. Even though, they stayed pretty quiet, thank fuck his bedroom was at the end of the hall away from everyone else’s.
“I wanna hear you tell me again that you love me babygirl.” Rhett begged, voice muffled by the nipple in his mouth as he fingers teased YFN’s pussy.
“Kiss me and I’ll tell you,” she mewled as she arched her back slightly, pushing her full tits deeper into his face.
YFN whined as he let go of her nipple with a pop and withdrew his fingers from her wetness. Rhett settled his face between her legs and inhaled her deeply.
She propped herself up onto her elbows and peered down at him. “W-what are you d-doing?”
Rhett smirked at her as he pushed her legs apart. “Kissin’ you so you tell me.” And he groaned as he licked the length of her pussy.
He hadn’t done this too often in the past, most of his experience was quick fucks in his truck or blow jobs at a bar. But the intoxicating smell and sweet taste of YFN’s pussy, made him want to go down on her for hours.
Rhett licked her pussy, circled her clit and fucked her with his tongue like a man fucking starved. His rock hard cock ached as he intently watched YFN breathe heavily through her nose and bite her lip hard to suppress her pretty noises.
He slapped her ass to remind her of what he wanted. “Fuck Rhett I-I ah… I fuckin’ love you,” she moaned quietly, and he groaned into her pussy, the vibrations causing YFN to buck into his face.
Rhett teased her entrance with a finger before slipping it inside her tight, wet heat.
“Yes baby. Another.” YFN demanded.
He did exactly what she asked for and added one then two more fingers into her tightness as he sucked on her clit. He rutted his throbbing dick into the bed sloppily as he fucked her pussy slowly and purposely with his fingers.
YFN whined breathlessly and threaded her hands into his hair. “Oh god. Right there baby. Don’t change. Such a good boy for me. Gonna make me cum.”
Jesus christ.
Rhett’s eyes rolled back in his head, and he moaned at the praise.
That’s new.
Even lost in her pleasure, YFN noticed his reaction. “You like me tellin’ you that huh baby.”
He met her eyes, they were full of desire and love, and with his mouth still on her, he nodded.
YFN bit her lip and tipped her head back and softly moaned. “Mmmm… You’re so good at this. My sweet boy. Makin’ me feel so fuckin’ good. Fuck me faster baby… I’m so close…”
He did just that and pumped her pussy faster with his fingers and grazed his teeth on her clit. YFN’s taste, her heat, her hands in his hair, her fucking praise; it all went straight to his dick and Rhett ground his hips into the mattress.
“Oh fuck. I’m gonna…” YFN muffled her voice into his pillow as she yanked on his hair and arched her back off the bed and came. Rhett followed her body with his mouth and sucked on her clit, and fucked her through it with his fingers as lapped up her sweetness.
Holy shit.
Watching her orgasm was just as good, actually even better than it had been when they were teenagers, and he almost just came embarrassingly quickly like he was still sixteen.
After she’d ridden out her high, she stilled his movements with her hand and pulled him up her body by his hair. She met his lips with a sloppy kiss and moaned when she tasted herself on him.
“So fuckin’ good Rhett,” she whispered. “Are you clean baby? I am and I’m on birth control.”
Rhett nodded eagerly. “You sure?”
YFN reached down and wrapped her small hand around his hard cock, and he hissed. She guided him between her thighs, and he pushed himself into her tight, wet pussy.
YFN moaned and Rhett made a pained, whining sound as he was enveloped by her heat. His balls had already started to feel heavy, and he hadn’t even moved.
“Babygirl… Reckon I’m gonna fuckin’ blow my load as soon as I start movin’,” he said in a strangled voice and breathed in and out heavily through his nose.
YFN ran her fingers through his hair and her hazy eyes looked deeply into his. “Don’t care baby. Just fuck me. Cum inside me. Fill me up.”
Jesus fucking christ.
His sweet girl had a fuckin’ dirty mouth on her. “You’re gonna kill me.” Rhett grunted.
He laid over the top of her and kissed YFN as he thrust in and out of her lazily for a moment. She whined when he pulled out as he lifted his body off her and pushed her knees to her chest. Rhett kneeled in front of her, and they groaned as he entered her again in one quick motion. He snapped his hips into her hard and fast, she was so tight and wet, and he quickly felt the tell-tale tingle in his spine.
“My good boy. Fuckin’ me so well. Take what you need baby.” YFN purred.
Her words pushed Rhett over the edge and with the next stroke of his cock he suddenly came hard. “Fuuuck,” he cried out and he buried his face into his forearm to mask his groan.
Holy shit.
YFN lowered and opened her shaking legs as Rhett pulled out. He grabbed the closest item of clothing he could find and messily cleaned her pussy before tucking it under her to catch the leaking cum. And then he collapsed on the bed next to her.
Rhett turned to face YFN. She was flushed pink and had a relaxed, fucked-out smile on her face and he cupped her cheek and kissed her deeply.
YFN giggled. “You lasted a little bit longer this time. Good to see the last ten years helped.”
He grinned at her cheekiness. “You fuckin’ brat. You know I can go longer, and I promise I can make you cum while I fuck you. It’s just that mouth on you was a real surprise. I nearly blew my load on the fuckin’ mattress. You didn’t talk like that last time.”
“Mmm-hmm. I noticed you liked a little praise huh baby. My mouth can do a lot of things by the way. Like I said. The ten years helped,” she teased.
“Jesus christ. How are you real? How did I not really see you for all these years darlin’.” Rhett looked at YFN in wonder and he pushed strands of her hair off her face.
YFN yawned. “Doesn’t matter anymore baby. You see me now.”
Rhett beamed at her. “Yeah, I do beautiful. The selfless girl who adores my crazy family. The funny, passionate woman who loves me for the idiot I am. My best friend. You’re the girl. I love you so much.”
“Bloody hell Rhett. You’re so fuckin’ romantic. Where the hell did this come from.” YFN said, eyes full of love and awe.
Rhett shrugged. “A shared bottle of tequila and a decade of repressed feelin’s,” he teased, and she smacked him across the chest.
YFN laughed sleepily. “C’mon I gotta go clean up. It’s bad enough I’ve gotta face your family tomorrow knowing what we did. I better not be full of your cum when I do”
Yep. She was definitely the girl.
Rhett groaned at the erection he sported from thinking about last night with YFN. He knew he was running late, so he ignored it and quickly pulled on jeans, t-shirt, boots and grabbed his Stetson and headed to the bathroom before going downstairs.
As he reached the kitchen, the sound of YFN and Amy’s laughter filled his ears. Royal and Perry sat at the table and drank coffee, Amy was in the middle of the room chattering away, and Cecelia and YFN stood at the sink.
“Finally decided to join us.” Royal grunted as Rhett rubbed sleep from his eyes.
“Sorry,” he replied simply, and Cecelia faced him and gave him a small smile.
Amy smiled widely at him. “Uncle Rhett. Daddy told me Miss YLN’s your girlfriend now, so she’s allowed to sleep over.” Perry laughed at his daughter’s honesty.
“And he gave her somethin’ of mammas to wear. Doesn’t she look pretty?” she said as she pointed at YFN.
YFN turned slightly, her hands still in the soapy dish water, and gave him a shy smile.
Rhett halted and it felt like his breath left his body.
She wore her boots and a navy-blue sundress covered in flowers and it hugged those curves he now knew intimately. She looked fucking gorgeous.
“Ah… yeah Amy. She sure does,” he croaked out.
Rhett wasn’t sure exactly what to do next. He’d never been in a situation quite like this before. The woman he loved, stood in his kitchen doing something domestic while looking so sinful. He tried not to think too much about it otherwise he might have an embarrassing situation to control in front of his family.
He crossed the kitchen towards her, ruffling Amy’s hair as he walked past. Rhett hesitated when he reached YFN, he didn’t really know how boyfriends greeted their girlfriends in front of their family.
“Hi.” YFN said softly from her place in front of the sink. Her warm smile and the soft blush on her cheeks, encouraged him to just do what felt natural to him.
Rhett moved behind her and loosely placed his arms around her waist, his hat against her hip. “Mornin’ darlin’.” And he rested his chin on her shoulder when she turned back to the task of washing the dishes.
Royal cleared his throat. “So YFN’s gonna come stay with us. Get some breakfast into you Rhett. You and Perry gotta go with her to collect Cherry and her things. And you still got chores.”
Rhett and YFN hadn’t actually talked about that. They spent their night doing other things. YFN’s body stiffened ever so slightly, but enough for Rhett to know she was probably worried about his reaction.
“That sounds good to me,” he murmured lovingly, and he felt her body relax. Without giving it much thought, Rhett lifted the hand that held his Stetson, and he gently placed his hat on her head. YFN gasped softly and he placed a tender kiss at the juncture of her neck and shoulder.
“Here you go Rhett.” Cecelia said, with watery eyes and a wide smile on her face as she offered him a plate of breakfast.
He released YFN and took the offered plate from his mother and she patted his cheek affectionately. “Thank you, ma.”
Rhett sat down on the opposite side of the table to where YFN stood at the sink, now drying dishes and he watched as she returned to chatting with Amy and Cecelia.
“Who the fuck are you? And what have you done with my brother?” Perry chuckled, no doubt talking about the soft, romantic display he’d just witnessed, and Rhett gave him the finger.
He looked over when YFN laughed hard at something that Amy had said. Her head was tipped back, and she held his hat on her head with one hand. Her eyes were closed, and her pink lips had parted as she laughed. The fabric of the dress strained tight against YFN’s full tits, and they jiggled with every sound she made.
Rhett’s cock stirred, his mind pictured her looking just like this, dressed hiked up around her waist as she rode him.
Holy fuck.
He shook the thought from his head and YFN turned to him and beamed at him, and a dumb, blissful smile overtook Rhett’s face.
Perry snorted. “That’s it. There’s that stupid smile from when you were sixteen.”
He laughed. His brother was probably right, and it confirmed what Rhett believed. That YFN had branded him as hers a long time ago.
Rhett’s eyes flitted to him as Perry got up out of his chair. He wore a taunting smile and mouthed ‘Sister fucker’. Rhett jumped out of his chair and launched himself at Perry and they laughed as they wrestled to the ground. Royal grunted and Cecelia threw a dish towel at them. Amy jumped on top of them, and Perry tickled her. And YFN squealed in surprise when Rhett grabbed her ankle.
His life still wasn’t perfect, but just like that, it had become much more.
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starlitangels · 7 months
(Still) Not a Tank - Part 3
TBH I never really knew if I was going to finish a Part 3 or not but... for whatever reason... here it is! Enjoy! 2.5k words
(Part 1)(Part 2)
Sam stared for just a moment. “Didn’t think you’d just… be on my kitchen counter, darlin’,” he said.
They chuckled, kicking their boots slightly where they dangled. “Thought it’d be better than just lingering on the porch for your Neighborhood Watch to call the unempowered cops on me. Dunno if you’ve noticed this, but I like dark clothes. People tend to think that’s… suspicious.”
“How long you been waitin’ here?”
“Since right after sundown.”
Sam blinked several times. “That was near two hours ago.”
They shrugged. “Didn’t know when you’d get back. Figured I’d get over here as soon as I could.”
“... Why?”
They stared at him, their silver eyes reflecting like a cat’s off the half-light peeking through the shutters from outside. “You… you said you wanted to see me again.”
“I did say that. I did—do—want to see you again.”
That earned a one-shoulder shrug. “I’m not used to… people… wanting to see me. I’m used to being… tolerated.”
“Well, if it makes you feel better… I’m not used to… someone else bein’ so… eager to visit me.”
They looked away, turning their eyes down onto the hardwood floor. Biting their lower lip like they were trying to force down a smile. Sam caught the points of their fangs digging deeper than the rest of their teeth. He heard them say something, but didn’t catch any words.
“What was that?” he asked. Am I already that old that my hearin’s goin’? Or are they just that quiet?
They cleared their throat. “Nothing. Sorry.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah.” They kept not meeting his gaze. “Anyway. What did you want to see me for? Just a social visit? Or am I due for a one-day follow up?”
Sam snorted. “Smartass,” he said.
They smirked—and it grew broader the second Sam’s heart kicked faster in response. “Is that why you wanted to see me? Get your blood racing a little faster?” They finally met his gaze and bit their tongue between their fangs on one side.
“You’re a nightmare.”
“Your heart’s still racing.”
“Even if—” Sam sucked in a sharp breath. “You’re too young for me.”
“Like, five years max is not ‘too young,’ cowboy,” they remarked, leaning back on their hands on the counter. Entire body on display. Sam forced himself to only hold focus on their eyes, not drink in the rest of the sight. The tank top showing off scarred, muscled arms, jeans too tight to comfortably run in—Stop, Collins.
“Two,” he corrected.
They smiled. “Even better.”
Their eyebrow raised. “‘Tank’?” they quoted. “Thought you figured that nickname was stupid or something.”
“Look. You’re in your mid-twenties.”
“No, I’m not.” Their fangs slid out defensively. A growl was low in their throat. “I’m tired of people treating me like a child because I was turned in my mid-twenties!”
“I’m not tryna—”
“Then let’s be honest with each other. We’re adults. No dancing around like idiot teenagers.”
He had to admire how bold and blunt they were, if nothing else.
He took a deep breath. “Alright.”
They lifted off their hands to lean forward instead, their tank top hanging a little loose around the collar. If Sam let his eyes wander, he’d be able to look right down their shirt.
He made sure not to let his eyes wander. Holding their gaze.
“Sam. Let's be honest. You find me attractive. I find you attractive. There’s no harm in that. Just because I look like I’m… what, seventeen years younger than you doesn’t mean I am. And it doesn’t mean I can’t make… informed decisions about what I want.”
Sam stared. How did they know he found them—Oh, you dumbass. Your damn heartbeat, he thought.
They hopped lithely off the counter and in a blitz of movement were standing just outside arm’s length away from him. Not too close to breach personal space. “Look me in the eye, Sam.” They faltered. “I’m not going to trance you or anything. Promise. Just… for the sake of honesty.”
Sam met their eyes.
“Look. If you tell me you don’t want… whatever this is to keep going, I’ll back off. We’ll be idle acquaintances who cross paths occasionally. Or not at all. If you say to me, ‘Darlin’, I don’t want you in that way,’ then it’s done. I’ll walk right out that front door or stay for a cup of coffee as nothing more than a friend. I think I’ve made my stance clear enough. I’m putting the ball in your court.” Their eyes were liquid silver, dancing in the low light of the house after dark. “I’m interested. In you. But if you’re not interested in me, then I’ll take a step back.”
Sam wasn’t used to someone else leaving choices like this up to him. He was used to arguing against someone pulling him down a path that they wanted, coercing him into agreement. Or reluctantly accepting it. Settling until something inevitably broke the whole thing apart.
But their eyes held no such notions. The red-flecked silver was open and honest. Lowering the walls around their heart, offering him a place inside if he chose to step closer. If he chose to lower his own walls in return and offer this vampire a place within his own heart, they’d meet in the middle. The vulnerable, soft middle. That had never been afforded to him before. He knew he was a Giver. He knew he’d always managed short, burned-out relationships with Takers.
This wasn’t that. They were Giving.
His heart was absolutely hammering behind his ribs and there were too many reasons why to name them all. Attraction, sure. Fear, perhaps. Maybe even gratitude. His emotions were all knotted up in his chest and Sam barely had the brainspace to parse through them while they were looking at him like that.
That little fantasy of their tattoo under his teeth rose back up into his brain again. He shoved it down. 
Apparently, he took too long to respond, because they took a step back. Farther away from him. That warmth they somehow radiated even as a vampire—Sam’s training reminding him that vampires tended to run cool—retreating from his senses.
“I-ff you’re not even ready to make a—a decision like that, that-that’s fine too,” they said, stumbling over their words like they were gearing up for an apologetic ramble. “I wanted to be blunt and honest but I don’t want to… to put you on the spot. That’s—that’s not fair and probably unproductive. Just… just forget I said—”
They were cut off as Sam took three steps to be right up close to them and pulled them into his chest. He tilted his head and leaned in for a kiss. Had they wanted, they could have broken out of his hold and been on the other side of Dahlia before he could even blink.
But their mouth crashed against his. He was surprised at how soft their lips were—with how often they seemed to dig their fangs into their lower one. He’d expected calluses.
Smooth. Soft.
Their rigid, powerful muscles melted under his hands—and he felt their hands slide around his ribs and dig into his back.
“Darlin’...” he whispered. His breath hitched in his chest as their body rolled just slightly against him.
“Sam…” Their fingernails were going to leave crescent-shaped marks in his skin where they tightened. Sam didn’t care. His hands cupped their hips and pulled them in closer to him. He felt their fangs extend just slightly.
They both pulled back for air. He noticed their eyes had darkened, pupils blown wide. Their fangs were fully extended, poking out from under parted lips, panting.
Sam’s eyes flicked from their gaze down to their mouth. His heart hammering in his ears.
In a blur of movement, his back was against the wall of the kitchen. “This okay?” they asked, leaning slightly against him.
“More’n okay, darlin’,” he breathed, pulling them in close again.
When their torso pressed to his, the loose collar of their tank top shifted again, allowing another peek down their shirt. Sam still had enough self-control not to look.
They leaned closer and met his lips again.
His hands started to wander. He didn’t even realize his hands had wandered under their shirt until he was touching the skin of their back.
As shamelessly as those times before when he was checking them for injuries, they bent backward and stripped their tank top off in one swift movement before they were on him again. His fingers felt ridges of scars along their back and sides. Their body was solid. Their lean muscles firm as they rolled under their skin.
Their tongue tested at his lips. His mouth opened immediately and let them in. Their fangs brushed his lower lip. He moaned slightly as they used their fangs to gently nip at him. He wrapped his arms around their waist and pulled them impossibly closer, taking a turn with his tongue in their mouth.
They sucked in a breath and pulled back when he scraped his tongue against the point of their fang. “Careful,” they whispered.
“I… I can control myself around blood. I’ve been a vampire for fifteen years. But… when the moment gets heated and the inhibitions get lower, that can be more… difficult.” Their breath was hot and heavy against the skin of his neck. “And if you cut your tongue on my fang, it might push me a little bit closer to the edge of losing control.”
Sam stared deep into their darkening eyes. Words sitting on the tip of his tongue. “Then lose control, darlin’. You’re safe with me.”
Their nails dug into his back on either side of his spine. “But you might not be safe with me.” They released him and took a step back. Their scars glinted in the low light of the kitchen. One of their hands was still extended slightly toward him. Like they wanted to keep touching him, but didn’t trust themself. “I’m a vampire, Sam. And if I go into a frenzy, you’d be far from safe with me. And I could never do that to someone. Much less someone… I’m interested in.”
Sam swallowed down the way his heart was still pounding in his throat, chest heaving with his panting. “Scared you’ll lose control?” He reached out and took their hand that was still reaching toward him. Their fingers tightened around him immediately.
“Scared I’ll hurt you.”
The irrational part of Sam’s mind that was running hot with emotion was telling him to remind them that he was a healer. But clearly that wasn’t the response they needed.
He took a deep breath. “I’ll try not to cut my tongue on your fang then,” he said. “Promise.” He squeezed their hand and tugged inquisitively. Asking if they wanted to lean in again.
They closed the distance. “Thank you, Sam.”
He brushed the smallest, softest kiss to the barest edge of their lips. “Of course, darlin’,” he whispered.
They gasped a bit before kissing him again, hard. He felt their relief in the contact.
Sam could feel their heat soaking through his shirt. Feel their nails finding his back again, scraping marks down either side of his spine.
“Should we take this upstairs, darlin’?”
They nodded, half-frantic.
He moved to lead them in the right direction, but there was another blur of movement—and they were shoving him down onto his bed. He couldn’t help but smile. “Eager, are we?”
“Shut up,” they retorted, covering his mouth with their own. An effective, if blunt, method of shutting him up. He snickered out his nose and pulled them down on top of him.
I opened my eyes to sunlight curling around blackout curtains. Soft bedsheets caressed my bare skin.
And I realized I was entirely naked.
“Oh God,” I whispered in complaint. Being a vampire meant that getting sore after… certain activities didn’t really happen. I tended to heal before the soreness set in.
So the fact that I was sore was very impressive.
I scrunched my face up and squirmed, testing how sore I was and where.
Shuffling next to me roused my attention.
An arm wrapped around me and pulled me across the mattress, pressing me up against warm skin. “Mmm… g’mornin’, darlin’,” Sam mumbled.
I took several deep breaths. “Morning,” I said.
“Sore. You?”
“Same. But not in a bad way.”
I smiled slightly and rolled over to face him. His dark green eyes bored right into me. There were creases in his skin beside either eye. Laugh lines. He smiled a lot. Smiles that reached his eyes. The ever-so-slight dusting of grey in his hair glinted in the morning sunlight. “Sun’s up,” I pointed out quietly.
“Mmhmm.” He nodded. Then his expression fell and he swore. “You’re not thinkin’-a leavin’, are ya?”
I scratched the back of my head. “I don’t want to impose. I’ve been a vampire for a long time. I can manage to get home with the sun up.”
“Darlin’,” he chided. “You’re more’n welcome to stay until the sun goes down. I don’t have to go into the clinic today. It’s my day off. You wouldn’t have to be alone.”
“I couldn’t ask you to play host unexpectedly all day—”
“You’re not askin’ me. I’m tellin’ you that you’re welcome.”
I looked away, eyes drifting to the table beside the bed on the side I’d slept on. There was a spare phone charger, a lamp, a tissue box, and a photo frame. The Sam in the photo looked to be about the same age I was when I was turned—maybe a little younger. “I can manage,” I said.
“Darlin’.” His hand tightened its grip on me. “No point in puttin’ yourself at unnecessary risk. Just stay here with me. Unless o’ course ya got other obligations to your clan to attend to today. But I’d be more’n happy to help you get to where you need to be, if I can.”
“Thank you, Sam. I appreciate it. But, uh… no. I don’t have any other obligations.”
Sam pulled me closer. “Then stay here with me, darlin’.” His hand trailed gently up my arm, fingertips coming to rest on my deltoid, over the stars of my constellation tattoo. “Those bruises healed fast.”
I shrugged with the same arm. “Vampire healing,” I said.
“So. You gonna stay with me today, darlin’?”
I took a deep breath and loosed it. “That… that can be arranged.”
Sam chuckled, his chest vibrating against my torso. I savored the sensation. “Well, good. Because I’d like to have you here with me today.”
My neck and ears warmed. “I… I’d like to stay. This is… nice.”
He grinned. “It sure is, darlin’.” He brushed the backs of his fingers down my cheek. “Your choice. Breakfast, or round two?”
I snorted. “More like round seven.”
He shrugged. “Semantics. Which one?”
Tag list: @zozo-01 @thegoldenlittlerose @shellssstuff @darlin-collins
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angelgoeslewd · 1 year
When is your Whitney part of the omega hunt collab? I’m super excited to read it
hi hello this has been sitting in my inbox 4ever but I did NOT forget abt u, got some irl stuff going on thxs 2023 🙏 but I will treat u w a excerpt <3
⚠️ warnings: +18 implied content, minors DNI, omegaverse!au, foul mouthed whitney <3, slight references to non-con instances, references to violence, gn!reader
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“caught you,” he whispers, wandering hand reaching your neck, closing it in a firm grasp.
—your blood runs cold. it makes goosebumps rise through your heated skin, you- you had thought—
he had saved you. why was he doing this—?
you can feel a laugh reverberate against your ear.
“you know I can smell you, stupid slut?” whitney lets your neck go, choosing to replace his hand with his mouth, making a gasp escape your lips unintentionally. a warm lick of his tongue up your nape, a scrape of his teeth back down. “did ya really think I’d let someone else take my pretty little whore? my own little omega toy. i’ve had my eye on you for a while...”
you don’t even realize how low his hand has dropped, until it squeezes your ass, almost sharp enough to be a pinch. you try to squirm away from it, but whitney is pressing his whole body against you, with your thighs parted around him and folded against the sidewalk, you have nowhere to go.
“whitney-” you begin, but are interrupted by loud rancorous laughter behind him. his goons. you had almost forgotten they were there. at the realization, you shyly press toward whitney; he’s the only thing standing in between your nude form and his henchmen, and if you had to choose between a warm, good smelling alpha and whatever they were… at least whitney would keep them in check.
(‘it’s not so bad,’ a voice in your head whispers, ‘warm, safe, powerful alpha. smells so good, so strong, alpha took care of us! pups, pups, pups… fill me up alpha—’)
“-maybe it was their ass, whit,” they chuckle, and their piercing, not-your-alpha voice kicks you out of Omegaspace, a trickle of panic shooting through your spine.
whitney’s arms close around you quickly, and it takes a second to realize that you had flinched against him. he’s looking at you in a way that might be construed as concerned, before he turns away to look at his friends.
you peek over his shoulder, following his eyes, watching them elbow each other and raise their eyebrows. ‘they’re waiting for whitney,’ you realize, ‘he really is powerful…’
“…get the fuck out of here.” your head snaps toward your- the alpha holding you. weren’t these his friends? didn’t he make a show of sharing his victims with them at school? it makes your head dizzy, and you aren’t sure if it’s the situation or the pheromones.
the laughter stops at immediately. “whitney? aren’t we gonna—?”
“get. the fuck. outta here. do i have to fucking say it again?” their eyes glance at the bloodied, metal baseball bat near your thigh, and they turn tail, running down the residential alleyways.
he finally turns his head back towards you, and the possessiveness you see in his eyes makes you shiver. “alpha…”
“you call me that one more time and i’m gonna mate you on this dirty ass sidewalk.”
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Hey there Maddy! Hope you're having a good day with all those requests. I was thrilled to wake up and see you open it again. Anyway here comes the request! I know you don't usually write for MHA (my hero academia) but Hado Nejire-san is just too underrated 😤. I simply love the stories Prickly with Kanae. Could you do a pro!hero Nejire going on a blind date with gn!reader who have similar personality to Sanemi? Reader experienced family mistreated and simply dislike love. Pls don't overwork! 🥰
Blind Date
Nejire Hado x They/Them Reader
A/N: Here it is! I saw your ad-ons too and added in what I could. Unfortunately I didn’t really put a true slow burn in here because going from blind date to lovers slow burn proper would realistically add another 12,000 words easy. I tried to give the illusion of time passing, but nothing is a better replacement than buckling down and writing the whole scenario. Hope you still like it! Word Count: 4,248
“No.” (Y/n) rested their fists against the glossy coffee shop table, glaring daggers at Mirio in the booth seat across from them. “And if you ask me one more time, I don’t care that you’re my best friend, I will knock your teeth in.”
“Don’t be like that!” Mirio chuckled, lightly tapping (Y/n)’s shin beneath the table. (Y/n) tried to kick him back three times as hard, but the hero anticipated it and (Y/n)’s foot phased right through him. “When was the last time you went out on a date? It would be good for you.”
“I don’t care. I don’t have time for that crap. I don’t even know who you’re trying to set me up with so why the hell would I go?”
“Oh come on, when have I ever steered you wrong? Trust me, you guys would make a great pair if you hit it off like I think you will.”
“Tell. Me. Who. It. Is.”
“That would defeat the purpose of a blind date. It wouldn’t be fair if I told you, but not her.”
“Then I’m not fucking going.” They stood from the booth and grabbed their apron from the table top. “My break is over. Leave.”
Mirio pouted, then sighed, “I guess you leave me no choice then… I’m evoking my favor that I earned from saving your business from that coffee bean villain last month!” He declared, smiling twice as brightly as before.
“You have to be kidding me!”
“Oh I’m dead serious! Tomorrow night, six o’clock I’m picking you up and dropping you off at that nice restaurant across the city. You better dress nice!”
“Why the hell are you picking me up?”
“So you can’t bail.” Mirio nodded to himself. A fool proof plan!
The next night came much faster than (Y/n) would have liked. Which is to say they wished it hadn’t come at all. Maybe a villain would keep Mirio tied up or he’d forget to come. But no such luck, Mirio came knocking a half hour earlier than their previously discussed pick up time.
“Look at you!” He praised, making (Y/n)’s eye twitch with agitation, “You actually got dressed up. You look awesome!”
“I knew that if I didn’t, I’d have to deal with you doing it for me. The sooner I get this over with, the sooner I get to go home.”
“Can’t complain I guess. Let’s go!”
Mirio nudged (Y/n) out the door, (Y/n)’s elbow phasing through him when they tried to retaliate. (Y/n) scowled throughout the whole car ride, trying their best to block out Mirio’s awful singing along to everything that played on the radio. It was almost a relief when they finally got there.
“I’ll introduce you guys and then I’ll leave you be. Text me when you’re done… and that means you have to stay at least until you pick up the check and then I’ll pick you up.”
“Fine. Kinda bullshit that you are making me pay for something I didn’t want to do—”
Mirio took (Y/n)’s hand and slapped his credit card into their open palm.
“I’ve got you covered! I thought of everything, just relax! She’s great, you’ll love her!”
(Y/n) reluctantly followed Mirio inside of the restaurant and as soon as they were directed to the reserved table, a woman with periwinkle colored hair caught sight of them and got up to greet them, hugging Mirio excitedly.
“Hello, Mirio! Long time no see!”
“Good to see you Nejire! You look beautiful!”
“Aww, thanks!” Nejire twirled a bit to show off the full movement of her dress. “I got it a few months ago for a promotional thing. I’ve been so busy lately, I almost forgot what it’s like to dress up for a date and not crime fighting.” She laughed.
(Y/n) had watched them interact through the corner of their eye. The boiling annoyance writhing them evaporated and in its place left awkwardness and even anxiety to an extent. They hadn’t been living under a rock, they knew as soon as they saw her that she was none other than the pro-hero Nejire-chan. What was Mirio thinking trying to set them up with a popular pro-hero like her?
“So Nejire, this is my buddy (Y/n), they run that coffee shop that makes those brownies you love so much,” He slapped them on the back, not at all hard, but they did almost lose balance from the sudden blow, “and (Y/n), this is my very good friend Hado Nejire. We go way back. We went to UA together!”
“Nice to meet you.” (Y/n) mumbled, messing with the seams inside of their jacket pockets. Being cordial was like pulling teeth with them, but until Nejire proved to be a snob then they really couldn’t bring themself to be anything but subdued and polite. As uncomfortable and unnatural as that felt.
“Nice to meet you too!” Nejire surprised (Y/n) by giving them a hug too, she pulled away before they could decide if they should take their hands out of their pockets to return the overly friendly gesture, which was just fine with them.
“Mirio told me so much about you!”
“…Is that so.” If looks could kill, permeation or no, Mirio would be dead, “I was under the impression that this was a blind date. He didn’t tell me a thing about you.”
“Oh no,” Nejire laughed, seemingly unaware of (Y/n)’s downright murderous glare of annoyance, “he didn’t tell me you were going to be my date tonight. No matter how many questions I asked, he never broke, but he has talked about you in passing before and he sometimes drops your brownies and coffee off at my agency. I have to beat off the side-kicks and interns with a stick just to make sure I can get just one! They’re really good!”
“…Thanks.” (Y/n) cleared their throat. They were never very good at accepting compliments.
“Welp!” Mirio clapped his hands together, “I better get going. You two have a good night! I expect to hear all about it later!”
“Will do! Bye-bye, Mirio!” Nejire waved.
(Y/n) felt a bit of panic rise up at Mirio leaving them alone together, but they quickly stamped the feeling down. They were a grown adult, they could survive one date. After that, they could pack up their shit and move across the world because that was how embarrassing said date would be.
“Hey, aren’t you going to sit down? Or would you rather stand?” Nejire asked curiously, already back in her seat.
Great start.
“No, I’ll sit.” They slid into the seat in front of Nejire and took a couple slow sips of the water that was mercifully already at the table.
What the hell were they supposed to do now? Talk? That was one of their least favorite activities. That was why they worked in the back unless some asshat tried to harass their employees. They were too just too rough around the edges. They couldn’t even compliment a little kid’s light up shoes without making them cry, how were they supposed to do this without making Nejire feel uncomfortable?
As soon as they put down their now empty cup, they prepared to break the ice, but Nejire had been waiting for just that moment to do so herself.
“So what’s your quirk? Or do you not have one? Is it baking related? Is that why everything you make is so good? Do you have any pets? What is your blood type? Zodiac sign? I don’t really read into that stuff all that much, but I still think it’s interesting to compare. Oh! and—“
(Y/n) didn’t have to worry about keeping the conversation alive, they just had to focus on keeping up with all of Nejire’s queries. They could barely get an answer out before Nejire would acknowledge and then move on to the next question. Had it been anyone else, (Y/n) would have surely snapped, but they actually didn’t mind Nejire’s questions because she seemed to genuinely care and was making an effort to truly absorb all of the information and evened out the exchange by sharing information about herself.
Dinner went by very fast, and before they knew it, it was time to call it a night. (Y/n) paid, walked Nejire to her car, and they said their goodbyes. Nejire even gave them another hug before getting in her car and driving away. When all was said and done, the night actually hadn’t been all that bad. (Y/n) didn’t think they would get a second date or anything, but at least they hadn’t completely bombed.
They texted Mirio to let him know they were ready to go home while leaning against the brick wall of the restaurant. Then again five minutes later… and a third time with a couple colorful expletives mixed in before Mirio was suddenly calling them.
“Where the hell are you?” They snapped.
“Sorry, (Y/n)! Villain came up!” (Y/n) heard Mirio explain between explosions. “I called Nejire though, she’s coming back for you so just hang tight!”
“What? No! You call her back and tell her to forget it. I’ll just take a taxi.”
“No time! Gotta get back to work, see ya tomorrow!”
The call disconnected and (Y/n) nearly growled. They briefly considered making the call to the taxi service anyway, but they already saw the aquamarine colored car Nejire had drove off in turning back into the parking lot. The car pulled up to the curb and the passenger window rolled down.
“Hello, stranger!” Nejire teased, peering out the window from the driver’s seat. “Let’s get you home.”
“Thanks, you really didn’t have to come back.” (Y/n) shuffled into the passenger seat and buckled up.
“It’s no trouble. It’s actually good that Mirio is tied up right now.”
“Mhm! I realized on my way home that I didn’t get your phone number! That’s so silly, right? How would we be able to go on another date if we can’t easily get in touch? Although, now that I’m thinking about it more, I could have caught up to you at the café or got your number from Mirio, couldn’t I?”
“Sure.” (Y/n) didn’t mean to be so curt, but hearing that Nejire wanted their phone number and that she was already planning for a second date was a shock.
Nejire then proceeded to plan an outing for next Tuesday. (Y/n) only opened their mouth to confirm plans and tell Nejire when to turn on the street. When Nejire pulled up to the curb of (Y/n)’s apartment complex, she handed them her phone with a cheerful giggle leaving her lips when (Y/n) entered their number into a new contact.
“Bye-bye, (Y/n)! I’ll see you Tuesday!”
“See you Tuesday.” (Y/n) nodded stiffly and exited the car. They watched Nejire pull back into the street and turn at the next intersection before trudging into their apartment building.
They nearly gave the poor receptionist a heart attack when they came in all severe faced and rigid. When they got to their apartment, they took a shower to cool down and when they picked up their phone afterwards, they noticed a bunch of texts from Mirio they decided to ignore and a text from an unknown number.
They opened the text, discovering it was a text from Nejire wishing them a good night’s sleep. They took in a deep breath, and yelled to the skies, shaking the phone in their hands.
They heard a round of loud bangs from the next apartment over and pounded on the corresponding wall twice as hard. Then they fell onto the couch with their hands over their eyes. They had another date to prepare for! What were they going to do?!
One date became two, then three, then four and so on. They were meeting regularly once or twice every week. On the rare occasion they had even met up three times in a week.
(Y/n) thought this was supposed to get easier, but as they got to know Nejire better over the last few months, they only became more anxious. If Nejire hadn’t wanted to see them again after one or two dates, that would have been no great loss, but now the stakes have never been higher. They had been burned by love in the past, the adults in their life growing up wouldn’t know love if it smacked them in the face.
They really liked Nejire. As they grew more familiar, it only took seeing her at a distance or thinking they had heard her voice for their heart to speed up. They were afraid of disappointing her and losing her after opening up to her.
They left the café in the hands of their most capable employees and took the week off. They planned to make the best damn brownies they’ve ever made in preparation for the hike they were supposed to go on the following Monday. It wasn’t a lot… but they were shit at emotions. Hopefully they would be able to show Nejire how much they appreciated her with this small offering.
But not a single batch they made over the next handful of days was satisfactory in the hyper-critical baker’s mind. They ignored everyone and everything just to get this one thing right, and they couldn’t do it! They wouldn’t stop until they made something acceptable. And so, their brain did that funny thing some brains do, and made a misfortunate irrational decision, ignoring the stream of messages that were flooding their phone.
“(Y/n), I know you’re in there buddy, open the door!” Mirio called, knocking rhythmically against the door.
“I don’t think this is a good idea…” Tamaki warned, giving the door a wide berth in case it burst open.
“Nah, they’re fine! Come on, (Y/n), Nejire says you haven’t texted her back at all last week and when she went to the café to visit, you were never there. You’ve been dating for almost three months now, you can’t just ghost her like that! Especially when you’re supposed to go on a date with her this afternoon. We’ve gotta talk. What have you been up to?”
“They’re probably panicking. I would be.” Tamaki tugged his hood further over his face. “That’s a lot of pressure to put on a person.”
“Ah, it’s not so bad. You’ll see when I get you set up next.”
“What?” Tamaki paled, worried he might accidentally lose the octopus he ate for lunch.
“Anyways, pardon the intrusion!”
Mirio phased through the door, and the subsequent kitchenware that was pelted at him.
“Get out!” (Y/n) growled, throwing a rubber spatula at Mirio’s head. They were frazzled and wild-eyed, teeth grinding together, apron covered in flour, cocoa powder and chocolate frosting.
“Woah, what are you cooking up in here? I haven’t seen you look this manic in a while!”
“Nothing is fucking good enough! Everything I make tastes like shit!”
“No way, lemme see.”
Mirio messily snatched a brownie from the glass baking pan and took a big bite. His shoulders slumped and a hum of bliss left him as he chewed. When he finally swallowed the single bite he wiped a tear from his eye, then looked to (Y/n) like they were a god.
“What are you talking about? This is the best batch you’ve ever made! I never thought you’d be able to top yourself like this. Amajiki! Get in here, you have to try these!”
“In what world do pro heroes think it’s cool to come into a civilian’s house uninvited and eat their shitty food?” (Y/n) grumbled, but watched Tamaki like a hawk while he timidly took a brownie.
“It’s really good.” Tamaki mumbled. “The frosting is so rich and thick, I could probably trap a villain in it.”
“Is this what you’ve been up to this week? Updating your recipe?”
“The recipe is fine.” (Y/n) hissed, “I’m trying to,” they growled again, growing more agitated, “I’ve been trying to make a batch for Hado, okay?! But apparently I forgot how to make anything decent.”
Mirio grinned and slapped (Y/n) on the back, “You kidding? She’ll love these! Don’t worry so much. I’ll help you pack ‘em up and clean. Then we can focus on attire for this afternoon.”
“I’m not going.”
“Huh? Why not?” Mirio caught the balled up apron (Y/n) tossed away without a care and followed them to the couch, “What happened to wanting to give Nejire brownies? I’m not letting you give up so easily, especially after I’ve been covering for you with Nejire all week while you were MIA.”
“I’m fucking exhausted!” (Y/n) growled, shooting back up from the couch. “I’m just not cut out for this crap. You know how hard this kind of stuff is for me. It’ll all just end in disappointment anyway, so why try at all?” She deserves someone better than me, was left unsaid, but the thought still hung over their head.
“I get that.” Tamaki mumbled, making Mirio whine and tug at his hair.
“Guys!” Mirio snapped, “That’s enough! You,” he pointed to (Y/n), “are going on that date, and you,” he pointed to Tamaki, “are going to help me get them there.”
“Did you even listen to me?” (Y/n) scowled.
“Yeah, and I get it. I know you’ve had a hard time in the past, and this is by far the longest relationship you’ve ever had, but you shouldn’t let it get in the way of something that could make you genuinely happy. Dating isn’t easy for everyone, even I know that, but please, go on this date with Nejire, tell her your concerns. You’ll see she’s not so scary.”
Mirio had thought that maybe he had finally got through to them, focusing on the contemplative expression (Y/n) wore, but then they growled and shook their head and Mirio was done trying to negotiate. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
“Amajiki, I’m gonna look in (Y/n)’s closet for what they should wear for the date. Make sure they don’t escape, will ya, buddy?”
“What?” (Y/n) snapped.
If Mirio, his sun, wanted his assistance, Tamaki was powerless to deny him. If it was important to Mirio, then he would stick it through, even if (Y/n) was giving him an extra scary look.
Tamaki’s fingers become discolored and began to expand until they were indistinguishable from the tentacles of an average octopus.
“I hope you know what you’re doing.” He sighed.
Nejire sat on the park bench near the trailhead and hummed pleasantly to herself, elbows on her knees and chin in her hands. She glanced to the small cooler backpack at her feet and smiled hopefully.
Mirio had explained most of the (Y/n) situation with her over the phone and she was relieved that they would be coming after all. They were more like Amajiki than she would have guessed, trying to flake out on social plans because they were too overwhelmed. Poor dear.
Hopefully they will get this all sorted out on their hike today and if not, well, at least they could say they tried, but Nejire really hoped everything would work out. She could tell that (Y/n) was sweeter than they often let on. There was a softness to their eyes and the way that they spoke to her that made her feel like there were butterflies in her stomach. What a fun feeling! Mirio sure knew what she liked!
Speaking of, she saw Mirio and Tamaki veer into the parking lot and waved, her hand falling back down to her mouth to cover her shock when (Y/n) was ejected from the backseat in a tangle of tentacles.
“Would love to stay and chat, but we gotta go! Good luck!” Mirio shouted. Then he tore off back onto the main road with Tamaki’s tentacles flapping in the wind.
“What an entrance.” Nejire giggled, skipping over to help (Y/n) to their feet. “Are you okay?”
“Fine.” Came the curt reply, but then (Y/n) shrugged the backpack from their shoulders and presented it to Nejire while looking down at the gravel beneath their feet. “I made you brownies.”
“You did?” Nejire beamed, “Thank you, I can’t wait to have some! I brought some food for the trail too. I thought a picnic would be nice. What do you think?”
“Sounds good.”
And so they began to walk the trail together. Nejire kept (Y/n) present with queries and stories as they went, taking care to observe (Y/n) for any discomfort, but they seemed to be doing well. They only occasionally for water breaks or the couple people they met on the trail who recognized Nejire and wanted pictures.
“Sorry, to keep you waiting.” Nejire had said a little sheepishly when the small family she had visited with continued on their way. “There’s still a surprising amount of people on this trail for this time on a weekday.”
“Don’t worry about it. You really made those kids’ day.”
“You think so?”
Nejire hummed happily and skipped along beside (Y/n) who watch her out of the corner of their eye, wearing an almost unnoticeable smile.
When they made it to the top of the hill, they found a pretty tree with thick roots to lounge beneath. The thick roots made decent benches as they laid the food out between them.
“Are you having a good time?” Nejire asked, cradling her second brownie in her hands.
(Y/n) found it surprisingly easy to say. It was like when they had their first date. For all the agonizing and negative thoughts they had leading up to each event over the past three months, during their outings, it had all melted away. Nejire was just so easygoing and kind… she made everything that seemed insurmountable only a few hours ago, so much more simple.
“See? It’s not so bad.” Nejire beamed, “sooo, when we start planning another date after this one, or when we get even more serious, or when we decide to move in together or maybe even get married, don’t let yourself spiral. Call me, text me, come down to the agency if you want, let me help ease your concerns. I’m a hero after all, it’s part of my job.”
“…Thanks,” they rubbed the back of their neck, they hadn’t realized Nejire liked them so much.
For three months of dating, people might have been surprised by how little intimacy they actually shared, getting to know each other and becoming good friends before lovers. It was mostly for (Y/n)’s benefit. Nejire could tell they were nervous. She tested boundaries occasionally, but mostly left the major decisions to them. It was something (Y/n) appreciated, but they didn’t like how it seemed like Nejire was walking around eggshells with them. They wanted her to be able to speak her mind on the subject too.
“Thanks, but I’m not going to do that.” I’m not going to let you treat this relationship like it’s your job. That’s not fair.”
“Hm? Why not?”
“You shouldn’t have to bend over backwards to tend to my insecurities. I’m not a kid. This’ll never work out if I make you tend to me like one. Not saying I won’t ever take you up on the offer ‘cause I still can’t believe you have been having a good time with me, but I’m gonna work on it.”
(Y/n) sighed so harshly, it might have been misinterpreted as a huff or a grunt to a passerby, but Nejire smiled and her eyes gleamed. She did a quick little turn and hop, switching her seat to the root (Y/n) sat on and gave them a hug.
“You’ve come so far, I’m so proud!” She gushed, “You even said what you were thinking without trying to explain it away afterwards. You have been working on yourself this whole time, see? You just doubted yourself and tripped up a little bit.”
“Hmph.” A more honest grunt this time, they turned their head away from Nejire in an attempt to hide their flustered expression.
“Hey, hey! Don’t hide your cute face from me! Why are you doing that? We’ve been dating for months, don’t I get to see the cute expressions that no one else may see?”
It was the least they could do, they supposed. For as energetic as Nejire was, she had also been very patient with them and their troubles with love. They turned their head back towards her and she swayed happily from side to side, moving them around with her.
A shy, quiet chuckle slid past (Y/n)’s lips like the chuff of a far-off train. It gave Nejire pause, but she kept her arms around them and continued to smile, only now her eyes held a question, undoubtedly related to what had made that cute little laugh bubble free. (Y/n) understood, and in a brief show of bravery, they quickly kissed Nejire’s cheek.
“You bring it out of me,” they mumbled, slipping out of Nejire’s now slack grip so they could stand, “No one will believe you if you tell ‘em, so don’t even try, especially not Togata, got it?” They added without any venom.
Nejire shot to her feet to return the brief kiss with a few of her own, unable to stop at just one, before stepping back with her hands laced behind her back, the biggest smile of the day on her face from watching (Y/n) try to keep their cool.
“I wouldn’t dream of it!”
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the blind dating show — part two
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pairing: frankie morales x f!reader
rating: E (oral sex m/f, 69 action)
word count: 3k
part one | frankie masterlist | gen. masterlist
The morning after your night out, you were pleased to wake up to a text from your winning bachelor, Frankie.
Frankie: Good morning! I hope the hangover isn’t too bad today.
You smiled at his thoughtfulness and but your lip, sleep still clouding your vision as you typed a response.
No hangover thank god. How are you doing? Too sick to join me for some tacos and beer later on?
Setting your phone down on your nightstand, you finally flung yourself out of bed, your feet hitting the cold tile, the temperature helping to wake you up. You stumbled into your en-suite bathroom and grabbed your toothbrush and toothpaste, scrubbing away at your pearly off-white’s while the water of your shower warmed up.
A few incessant buzzes against the wood of your nightstand called your attention, your feet padding back over, your toothbrush still in your mouth as you reached for your phone.
“Oh shit.” You mumbled with toothpaste in your mouth as you saw Frankie’s name paired with an incoming call on your screen. You slid the green arrow and ran over to the sink. “I’m brushing my teeth right now but I didn’t want to miss your call.”
“Well that’s awfully sweet of you.” You could hear his smile through the phone, pressing mute on yourself so that you could spit out the toothpaste in peace. Once you’d fully ridded yourself of everything in your mouth, you unmuted yourself and chuckled.
“Sorry, not the sexiest thing to be greeted with.” He laughed and you felt your knees turn to jelly.
“No, I think you could greet me with a blood curdling screech and I’d still be blushing.”
“Oh my goodness, you’re even more of a flirt in the daytime.” You shut off the water to your shower, the priority now being hearing more of Frankie’s laughter.
“I’m rusty, but I’m trying.” He chuckled again. “So, tonight?”
“Tacos and beer?” You bit your lip as you laid on your bed, kicking your feet up like a teenager in love.
“I was actually going to ask if you wanted to come over to my place tonight.”
“Oh? Just getting right to it then.” You smiled as you heard him rushing to apologize for the miscommunication.
“No, no. I didn’t mean it like that, well, I mean, if that were to happen then I’d be interested, of course, but that’s not what I meant—“
“I was kidding, Frankie.” You rolled over onto your back and counted the dots on your ceiling while he breathed a breath of relief. “What’s going on at your house tonight?”
“I’m having a barbecue. The boys from last night are coming, plus a few other friends from work. It’ll be very relaxed.” You could hear his nerves from over the phone, the sound endearing you all the more to him. “I just, uh, just don’t want to have to wait until next weekend to get to see you again.”
“This is a bold first date,” you teased with a smile. “Lucky for you, I’m very much into barbecues.”
“Oh yeah? Not to brag, but I’m pretty much a pro on the grill.”
“Yeah? What’s on the menu tonight?”
“Carne asada. You in?” You bit your lip and grinned to yourself. Could you really pass up a night with the shy hottie from the bar who’s inviting you over for carne fuckin’ asada? No, you couldn’t.
“I’m in. Text me the address, papí.” He let out a long exaggerated sigh, making you laugh out loud.
“You’re gonna kill me, cariño.”
“Hey! You’re the girl from the thing!” Contestant #2 was the first person to greet you as you walked in through the back gate, following Frankie’s instructions. You chuckled and squinted your eyes as you tried to place his name. “Benny.”
“Hi, Benny.” You watched as he rolled his eyes and gave you a smile.
“Come on, your lover boy is over here.” He guided you further into the backyard by your shoulder, Frankie stood on his patio by the grill, chatting with contestant #1. Benny whistled and interrupted their conversation, both sets of eyes turning to take you in. Frankie beamed and set down his tongs before taking a few large strides and pulling you in for a hug.
“Hi,” he mumbled against your ear as you hugged him back with just as much gusto.
“Hi,” you repeated, feeling him chuckle before he pulled away to look at you. A blush came over his face as his eyes bounced against your features, eventually setting on looking sideways at the cooler by the pool.
“Did, uh, did you want something to drink? We have beer and water in the cooler, but I’ve got liquor inside if you’d rather that.” You shook your head and gestured at the cooler.
“Beer is fine with me.” He smiled to himself and nodded, walking with you over to the coolers and further away from his nosy friends. “I think Benny is still heartbroken.”
“Yeah, right. Dodged a bullet with that one.” He teased his friend lovingly, earning a raised eyebrow as you reached in the cooler for a beer. “He’s more of a casual kind of guy.”
“And what are you?” You asked with a soft smirk, handing him the beer and watching as he used his key to pop off the cap, the oddly masculine act doing something for you. Frankie chuckled and scratched his neck as he watched you take a sip of the beer, a droplet falling from the corner of your mouth only to be caught by your fingertip.
“I’m a relationship kind of guy, I guess. Not I guess, I am. I just…in case you’re not, you know, I’m flexible. Not flexible like that, my back is—“
“You’re doing the whole nervous rambling thing again, Frankie.” His friend that volunteered him for the show patted his shoulder as he appeared behind him, giving him a winning smile. “Hi, I’m Santi. You’re the lucky bachelorette.”
You nodded and gave him your name along with the amused smile you were still wearing from hearing Frankie’s rambling. “How long have you known Frankie?”
“Oh, too long. Like what…ten, fifteen years? Something like that.” Frankie gave you a bashful smile, his lips in a flat line and hands tucked into his pockets. “Long enough to know when my boy is smitten.”
“You can leave at any point, I won’t blame you.” Frankie joked as he kept his eyes on yours, a genuine laugh falling from your lips at their dynamic.
“Leave? And miss all the stories Santi has to tell about my lucky bachelor? Nope, not getting rid of me that easy.” You watched as his smile turned into a grin, his head shaking as he admired you with his eyes.
“In fact, don’t you have a job to do?” Santi urged his friend towards the grill and stayed beside you. “Don’t worry, I’ll leave out the bad stuff!”
“Fuck you!” He called out, holding up his middle finger as he walked away.
“He’s a great guy and he’s gonna treat you like a queen. I just bust his balls because that’s how tough and scary men like us know how to show our feelings.” Santi whispered to you and you laughed, your head tossing back at his delivery.
“You’re an asshole, Pope!” Frankie called out over the music, Benny and his brother laughing along with the two of you.
“See? He’s telling me he loves me.” Santi placed his hand over his heart and pretended to be touched, eliciting another laugh from you, your eyes turning to meet Frankie’s across the yard. He shook his head at you before shooting a wink your way, your cheeks blushing at the small gesture. “Anyways, now I should probably investigate you a little. Make sure you’re not out to break Catfish’s heart.”
“Catfish?” You asked, turning your eyes back to Santi.
“It’s a long story. He got the nickname back when we were in the Army. Anyways, don’t change the subject.”
“Fine, ask away.” You walked with him closer to Frankie, sitting down in the corner of the patio where Frankie had an outside dining table set up.
“You from here?” You shook your head and took a sip of your beer.
“No, moved here a couple years ago for work and never left.”
“What do you do for a living?” He asked, sitting back in his chair and narrowing his eyes at you as though to study you.
“I’m a lawyer, unfortunately.” You watched as he gave you an impressed nod.
“That’s good, you’ll be able to get us out of trouble then.”
“I didn’t say I was a good lawyer.” You countered, raising your beer and tipping it towards him before tossing it back.
“Okay, so obviously attractive, into Fish, practices law, a sense of humor…I’m wondering where the cons are.”
“Some of us don’t have cons.” You challenged, watching as he gave you another impressed look.
“Frankie, I’m intimidated.” He called out, making you laugh again. Frankie handed Benny the tongs and instructed him not to fuck the meat up while he came over. He sat in the chair closest to you and turned to give you a smile before looking at his friend. “Did you know she’s a lawyer?”
“Yeah, I ask questions on dates, unlike you.” He countered, bringing a smile to your face as you remembered how equally yoked your conversation at the bar was. It was rare to find a man who knew how to ask and answer questions as well as Frankie did, and it played a big part in why you liked him so much.
“How are you even able to have a conversation with Fish? He’s at like a third grade reading level and you’re obviously intelligent—“
“I’m a fuckin’ pilot, asshole.” Frankie interjected, turning to look at you as you laughed. His eyes swept over your face, a smitten closed mouth smile on his as he took you in.
“Hey, Fish! Is it bad if the meat catches on fire?” Benny called out and Frankie groaned, hanging his head. As he stood up, he placed a kiss to your temple, your cheeks turning pink as you watched him walk away.
“Oh, to be young and in love.” Santi commented as he watched you watching his friend. You turned to him with a smile, pointing your beer at him.
“Even to be young.” You watched as he feigned offense, placing his hand on his chest and gawking at your burn. “Play with fire, pal.”
“I like you. I hope you and Fish make a whole litter of little assholes I can argue with.” You chuckled and shook your head as he stood up. “Who’s next to interrogate the new girl?”
“How about none of you interrogate her? That would be appreciated.” Frankie spoke up, bringing a smile to your face for the hundredth time since you met him. You stood up and walked over to him, standing beside him as he flipped the slices of steak. He smiled down at you, bumping your hip with his. “He wasn’t too much of an asshole, was he?”
“No, he’s great. I can tell he really cares about you.” He rolled his eyes and chuckled. “So, teach me your process. Since you’re professional and all.”
“Well, it’s a lot of standing here and trying not to cry from the smoke.” You nodded and pretended to take notes in the palm of your hand, earning a chuckle from him. “You’re cute.”
As you were about to speak, another group walked into the back yard, calling out for Frankie. You watched as he waved at the family, a tall man and a small woman accompanied by a teenager and a young child.
“Smells good, Fish.” The man patted Frankie on the shoulder before looking over at you and holding his hand out. “Hey, I’m Tom.”
“Hey,” you gave him your name and smiled at his wife as she approached and introduced herself along with her children.
The night had gone on swimmingly—literally. You and Frankie were the only two left at the house after all of his friends said their goodbyes, the two of you now in his swimming pool in just your underwear. Your legs were wrapped around his waist as he spun you in circles, eliciting happy tipsy giggles from you in the process.
“I’m having so much fun, Frankie.” You spoke softly as you lifted your top half up and wrapped your arms around his neck, giving him an ear to ear smile. Frankie pushed some of your wet hair out of your face and kept his palm on your cheek, thumb stroking over your skin.
“I’m having a lot of fun too, cariño.” The use of that pet name made you blush, your thoughts suddenly turning lustful as you looked into his brown eyes. Frankie took a sharp inhale before chuckling, tilting his head towards his house. “You wanna get dried off? Maybe watch a movie?”
“Yeah,” you nodded and bit your lip, his head shaking as his eyes lowered to take in the sight. You’d only then realized your lips had yet to meet his, his eyes lifting to yours as he seemingly realized the same thing. Without another word, you leaned in closer, Frankie’s arms around your waist hugging you close as your lips finally met.
The kiss was soft at first, like all first touches were, but soon it grew deeper—needier. He moaned as you rolled your hips against him in the water, his grip on you getting tighter as he started to walk you out of the pool. The breeze hit your skin as he continued to carry you through the backyard, both of your skin becoming covered with goosebumps at the chill.
As soon as Frankie walked you into his house, you set your feet on the ground, holding his jawline with both hands as his hands worked to rid you of your wet bra and underwear. You moaned as the warmth of his palms soothed the chill against your skin, your hands lowering to peel of his briefs as well. Frankie’s lips never left yours as he walked you back towards his couch, a whimper leaving your lips as he sat down on the cushion, pulling you onto his lap.
“You’re so beautiful,” he praised as he pulled away from you breathlessly, his eyes raking over your naked form as you sat on his lap. When his eyes lifted to meet yours again, you were looking down at his erect girth, licking your lips. “Fuck.”
“Can I taste you, papí?” You asked with a grin as you lowered yourself onto the carpet, your hands running up and down his thighs. Frankie shivered and nodded eagerly, his cock twitching at the sound of you finally using that pet name in this context. You hummed in delight as you gripped his length at its base, stroking him languidly in your palm. “You’re so big.”
“You’re so fucking…oh…your mouth feels so good.” Your lips wrapped around his throbbing head, bobbing down little by little and capturing as much of his girth in your mouth as you could fit. He combed his fingers through your wet hair and furrowed his brows, watching you closely as you popped off of him and licked a stripe over the underside of his thick cock. “Fuck, cariño. I want to taste you.”
“Lay back,” you ordered softly, giving him a smile as you pat the seat beside him. Frankie did as you commanded, laying back against the couch cushions and licking his lips when he saw you stand up and kneel by his head on the sofa. You smiled down at him before lowering yourself onto his eager tongue, a moan falling from your lips as you allowed him to set his own pace, his fingertips gripping the flesh of your thighs where it met your hips. “Fuck, you’re good at this.”
He chuckled against you at the praise and you decided to reward him by leaning over his body and taking his cock in your mouth. Frankie groaned against you as you took him in deep, stroking what your lips couldn’t reach. His fingers kneaded at your flesh as he guided you to grind against him, alternating between licks and sucks to your clit. Every so often, the pleasure became so consuming that you had to take him out of your mouth just so that you wouldn’t tense your jaw on him, but your hand never stopped stroking him.
“Gonna cum, Frankie.” You purred before sucking on his cock again, his length twitching in your mouth as he sucked your clit harder. Your thighs were trembling around his head as your ecstasy finally reached its crest, your lips kissing his shaft as you reeled in the warmth of your climax. “So fucking good, papí.”
“Fuck,” his cock tensed and soon his load spilled down his shaft, your hands pumping him and emptying him of all he had as your lips wrapped around his head, swallowing every drop of him that you could. His chest rose and fell dramatically as you continued sucking him until he was all cleaned up, his lips pressing against your thighs as his high faded. “God, that felt so good, cariño.”
“You’re telling me,” you chuckled and sat up off of him, but not before he could get another taste of you. You gasped in shock before melting into his touch with a satisfied moan, your stomach jerking a bit from the sensitivity. When it became too much, you lifted yourself off of him and sat back against the couch, Frankie grunting as he sat upright, leaning his back against your chest as both of you stretched your legs out on the sofa. You kissed his temples and stroked through his hair, relishing in the feeling of his warmth covering you like a blanket. “I like you a lot, Frankie.”
“I like you a lot, cariño.” He turned his head so that he could look at you, that bashful blush and soft voice that made you interested in him in the first place returning. “Come on, let’s go get cleaned off and changed. I’m not ready for this date to be over yet.”
“Me neither.”
taglist: @joelmillerscoffee @ajeff855 @wildemaven @axshadows @sherala007 @browneyes-issac @tooflef @mariasabana @tae27 @kimm4710 @stxrrylunatic @sara-alonso @paulalikestuff @jbh-castaway @oceandolores @mandomover @chxpsi @auberosier @mashomasho @vanemando15 @wickedmunson @marvel-sw-lover @jediknight122 @harriedandharassed @star-wars-fan-2005 @alwaysdjarin @jalobro @trickstersp8 @mccn-bcys @manuymesut @trinkets01 @tanzthompson @jlmaddinson @hopeamarsu (please let me know if you’d like to be removed/added to future frankie content!)
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iamfruitie · 5 months
In Too Deep Chapter 44
Ao3 link
Claim Me
Mad held his tongue between his teeth as he focused, watching as line after line of code transferred and displayed on the screen. He’s been hunched over the tablet in his hands for almost two hours, wanting to ensure that Hawk got processed how he needed to be and could travel without leaving a hint of him behind. Mare had spent the time packing and sending things back to the vampire’s house, allowing his abilities to kick in fully, and was making smooth progress. He even labeled the boxes and placed them in rooms where the items were most fitting. Mad’s bedroom hadn’t gotten touched yet since Mare assumed Mad would like to take care of that himself, and taking care of Hawk was the first step. 
“Hawk? Are you in there?” Mad asked the tablet.
“I am here,” Hawk responded, and Mad held the tablet up in the air with a victorious cheer. 
“Sounds like you finally got that done.” Mare chuckled as he came into the room. 
“Hawk’s saved to the drive. I had to uninstall and delete everything on this tablet in order to get him to fit, but it will let me travel with him and possibly install him at the other house and continue my work.” Mad was practically buzzing. 
“You are so precious when you get excited.” Mare chuckled, walking up to Mad and cupping his cheek. “I could watch you ramble about your techy stuff all day and never tire of it.” He added with another, deeper chuckle and kissed Mad. Mad couldn’t help the little giggle that came out after Mare’s words and the kiss. He then blinked as his conversation with Marvin came to mind, and Mare could see his brain working. “What are you thinking about there, starlight?”
“I talked with Marvin about claim marks,” Mad said. 
“Wait? Marvin? You talked to him about claim marks?” Mare echoed to make sure he heard Mad correctly. 
“It was last night before Wilford carried me to your room. He caught me walking around and let me feel his claim mark.” Mad explained. 
“Hm.” Mare’s hum was from jealousy, but Mad missed that. 
“He told me that it’s a way to show that you really care about your partner and that…and that it lets you feel them all the time.” Mad chewed on his lip. “I didn’t ask how it felt for Chase, but I assumed it was the same for both. But I don’t want something if it’s only for me and not-”
“Wait, are you saying you want a claim mark?” Mare felt several conflicting emotions hitting him at once.  
“I…I do.” Mad said softly, looking down at the ground in embarrassment. “But, I mean, if you don’t want to, that’s okay, and-” He didn’t get to continue his anxious rambles as Mare held his face and caught him in a kiss. Mare wasn’t expecting the emotion that took over when Mad confirmed what he was asking to be joy, but he was more than okay with that as he stepped closer to Mad, pressing their bodies together. 
“Are you sure?” Mare asked against Mad’s lips. “It’s not something permanent, so I can always take it back if you don’t like the feeling of it.” 
“I’m really sure. I’d like to do it now.”
“Did Marvin tell you about everything that happens when you get a claim mark?” 
“Yeah.” Mad’s face flushed. “I-I would like to do that.” 
“Holy fuck.” Mare breathed out and kissed Mad again. “Let’s get you on the bed.” He guided Mad over to the bed and, with a sound of protest from Mad, lifted him and sat him on the bed. “I’ll get you all comfortable.” Mare started moving and adjusting the pillows so Mad was propped up on a soft surface. “Already no shoes and, um, maybe I can turn on some music or maybe get flowers or a gift or something or-” He wasn’t sure why he started rambling, feeling almost clueless, which was a new feeling for him. 
“Mare?” Mad couldn’t help from giggling. “You’re usually not the flustered one.” 
“I usually know what I’m doing.” Mare weakly laughed and adjusted, sitting in front of Mad, legs touching and not leaving much space between them. 
“Do you not know how to give a claim mark? If need be, I can go ask-” 
“No, no, I know how to do it. I should have worded it differently. I meant that I haven’t done it before, so it’s a different feeling to do something for the first time.” Mare explained, getting a little flutter in his heat from how ready Mad was to research something for him. 
“Well…we can do what you do with me and go slow?” Mad suggested and took hold of Mare’s hands. “We can start with what you do know and kiss?”
“How are you such a genius?” Mare chuckled. “And how did I get so lucky to be allowed to call you mine?” He had forgotten his worries about never giving a claim mark before and leaned into another kiss. Mare’s confidence soared back to where it belonged when he lightly nipped at Mad’s lower lip and got a little gasp from him, the hold on his hands tightening. 
Mad’s hands went to Mare’s shoulders when Mare let his hands go. One hand went to the back of Mad’s neck, fingers sliding up to comb through his hair. His other hand went to Mad’s waist, pulling him in as he leaned against him. Mare softly groaned at Mad kissing back, now gripping the front of his shirt and trying to get him closer as if that was possible. Mad eventually did have to pull away to catch his breath, softly panting. 
Mare softly chuckled and started trailing his kisses along Mad’s jaw and to his neck. He followed his instincts and dragged his tongue along the crook of Mad’s neck, loving that he could hear Mad shiver. He tugged on the collar of Mad’s shirt, trying to get to more skin, but felt the resistance of it. Not wanting to cause Mad any discomfort, Mare took hold of the bottom of Mad’s shirt. 
“Can I take this off of you?” 
“Y-Yeah.” Mad had to clear his throat to speak and adjusted himself to help remove the article of clothing. “Are you going to…” He let the rest of the question trail off, knowing Mare would catch on.
“Do you want me to stop?” Mare wanted to be sure Mad wasn’t having second thoughts. Mad only shook his head and nudged Mare closer to him by lightly pulling on his shirt. 
“Claim me,” Mad whispered. Mare had to take a moment to find his brain, having not expected Mad to say that, let alone look so hot while doing so. He also couldn’t help the almost possessive growl that rumbled in his throat, and he scraped his fangs against the crook of Mad’s neck. 
“Mare~” Mad breathed out, tilting his head to give Mare easier access. 
“Mine,” Mare growled again and sank his teeth in. Mad gasped and tensed up. That sharp tinge of pain that came from the skin getting pierced only lasted for a second before he was relaxing with a light moan. His eyes rolled back from the pleasure while Mare got a good mouthful of his blood. Then, the feeling got deeper. He felt Mare holding him tighter and heard his moans as his fangs pushed in more, and an even stronger wave of warmth went through both of them. 
“Oh, f-fuck~” Mad gasped as he clung desperately to Mare, pressing against Mare’s thigh and rutting his hips. “M-Mare, Mare, please.” He could feel everything and more. It was all so good. “Mare~!” Mad cried out, cumming unexpectedly. His legs and arms started trembling and continued to do so after Mare pulled his fangs out and lapped up the few drops of blood that escaped. The bite wound sealed quickly and left behind a mark. A claim mark. 
“Mine.” Mare purred and kept his tight hold on Mad, nuzzling his face against the fresh claim mark. 
“Mare.” Mad whimpered, and Mare lifted his head to look at him. And Mad was a sight to see. His pupils were blown wide, his face flushed a lovely shade of red, and his lips slightly parted as he panted. “It feels so good.” Mad’s voice was soft and breathy. “Mare, Mare, it feels so good.” He arched toward Mare, trying to rut his hips against his thigh more. “Please, I need-I need you, please~” Mad’s begs went right through Mare along with the rush of claiming someone. He gripped Mad’s hips, forcing him to stay still and kissing away the whine or protest Mad made. 
“I’ll take care of you. I’m going to take such good care of you~” 
Tag List: (Feel free to ask to be added!)
@dungeon-dragons-dragons @angst-anonn @damnthedead
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kindheart525 · 4 months
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What was Snowcone thinking? Trying to repair her friendship with that...that pony! It wouldn't work no matter what she tried, she had just tricked herself into thinking it would. Veuve never understood her. What did she even see in her in the first place?
As Snow sat there cradling her pillow she tried not to cry. She was so upset it felt like her stomach was tied in knots. The more she sat there suffering, kicking her legs, grinding her teeth. The more she began to hate Veuve en Deuil.
She was so angry, she wanted nothing more than to put that pony behind her yet she lived in her head rent-free. Veuve was all she could think about, it ate up almost every waking minute lately. So much that her family was starting to notice.
She heard a knock at the door followed by a creaking noise as her mom crept in. She was a bit grateful that she wasn’t barging in to lecture her like she used to, she actually knocked this time. But she still wasn’t in the mood to see anyone.
“I brought you some tea.”
Snow didn’t even look at her as she came in, instead curling around her pillow even tighter and hissing out through her teeth,
“I’d really like it if you waited after knocking instead of letting yourself in!”
“I’m sorry. I’ll remember that next time.”
Twilight apologized genuinely. She was getting better at this. Not great, but better.
“You asked for tea earlier and I finally got around to making it. Your Nana insisted on helping me. It’s green tea, your favorite.”
Snowcone had honestly forgotten she’d asked for tea earlier. So much was going on in her head that she just couldn’t keep track of things like this right now.
Was all she could utter out in her current state.
“I also brought a cup for myself in case you want me to stick around, but if not I’ll just pour it to go. I can’t resist, you have good taste.”
Twilight made small talk as she poured two cups of tea, taking a sip out of her own as she finished her sentence.
That kind of small talk was honestly a good distraction from Snow’s agony. It didn’t make her feel any better at all but it drowned out all the terrible thoughts just a little bit. Plus Twilight was actually respecting her boundaries and offering to leave, she appreciated that more than she could bring herself to admit right now. 
“You can stay, I guess. You’re already here anyway.”
She mumbled.
“Well if you’re okay with that!”
Twilight couldn’t help but beam at this invitation, it was very begrudging but Snow wasn’t slamming the door in her face for once. This was progress.
Snowcone didn’t see this reaction though, Twilight did her best not to overreact and make it about her.
“We can talk about whatever you’d like. Your favorite books, that movie we saw a couple weeks ago, hay, even the weather. Or we can sit here quietly and just enjoy each other’s company. I know you probably don’t want to talk about...your friend.”
Twilight stopped to avoid saying her name, she didn’t want to set her daughter off.
“I know that’s been on your mind a lot lately. I understand that.”
But Twilight’s best attempts at dancing around the subject didn’t work, a vague mention of Veuve was enough to make Snowcone’s stomach start twisting again.
“She’s NOT my friend! I don’t wanna see or even think about her ever AGAIN!”
Snowcone cried out, her voice choking up as it grew higher and louder.
“Goodness, I knew you weren’t really seeing eye-to-eye but I didn’t know this was how you felt. Sorry I brought it up.”
Twilight rubbed her back in an attempt at comfort but Snowcone only tensed up, though not entirely from her mom’s touch.
“Well don’t be Mom! Because I’m over her! I really am!”
Snow insisted, trying to convince herself more than anything.
“I don’t even know why I was friends with her in the first place! She’s just a stuck up little bitch who doesn’t know the world beyond her stupid crystal castle! Everything I say or do embarrasses her because she’s just too perfect!”
She spit out in a mocking tone, punctuating her rant by shoving her face into her pillow and letting out a muffled scream.
“It...sure doesn’t sound like you’re over her. Not too long ago you had nothing but good things to say about her. You went on and on about how much she made you laugh, how much fun you had with her. Now you have nothing but bad things to say. How did that happen?”
The lump in Snow’s throat formed again as Twilight reminded her of all the good times she had with Veuve...she really did miss that.
Wait, no she didn’t. That filly humiliated her. Multiple times! No amount of good times could change that. If anything, it made Veuve nothing but a conniving bitch, lulling her into a sense of trust just to shatter it.
“I was just too blind to see how awful she is. But now I know better and I’m dodging a bullet.”
“Well it sounds to me like she did a few bad things and you’re letting it taint your entire view of her.”
Twilight spoke frankly, albeit completely missing the point that this wasn’t a conscious choice on Snowcone’s part. She wasn’t “letting” anything happen. But she couldn’t see that as she started to get into one of her old lectures.
“My friends have done plenty of things to hurt me and each other. If we let that change our view of each other, we would have broken apart long ago. We always talk things out and acknowledge that we’re ponies who make mistakes, but that doesn’t make us bad.”
She hopped off her metaphorical soapbox before she could get too preachy about friendship.
“I won’t tell you what to do with Vee, though. You’re your own pony and you can make your own choices.”
This did little to make Snow less annoyed, however. She always hated when her mom got like this. Once again she wasn’t getting it, she never truly did.
Trying her best not to lash out at her, she sucked in a breath through her teeth and put up a boundary.
“Thanks for the friendship lesson Mom. Totally helpful. Now I’d like to be alone, please.”
“Alright, Snowy. It was nice spending some time with you. I’ll leave you to it.”
Twilight was a bit hurt by Snowcone’s sarcastic, biting tone, but she tried not to let it show as she poured herself a fresh cup of tea and made her way out.
As she left, Snowcone went back to wallowing in her hurt and hatred, desperately refusing to admit that maybe her mom was a little bit right.
Previous: Broken Cycle Next: Circus Act
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blubushie · 1 year
whats the worst thing youve ever done?
I've been staring at this question for just under an hour now.
There's a few things. No one here (or anyone, even) will ever hear a word of them. They're between me and my conscience.
But a story I will tell you...
This is a dingo. Notice his body shape. The long muzzle, the small eyes that are built for the desert sun, the straight back, the slim head, the wide ears, the white tail tip and white toes that hint of a purebred. I shoot these.
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This is not a dingo. Don't mind the pelt--there's black dingos too, especially further south. No, look at his body shape. His muzzle is too short, his eyes are too big, his skull is too wide, he has a dip in his back. This isn't a dingo, but it's not a dog either. This is a hybrid. I shoot these.
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This is a dog. Not at dingo at all. Through-and-through, a domestic dog. Not a hint of wild ancenstry.
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I shoot those too.
I don't like it, but money is money, and meat is meat, and I can't have favourites.
This was about an hour’s drive from the nearest town. All of these animals got out here over generations of domestic breeds mating with the dingos. These are wild animals at this point, not pets. A pet would never get this far from town on his own.
I spoke to a stationhand and he’d said he’d seen cars out here, on rare occasions, and that he thinks someone was dumping dogs. I figured it was bullshit, figured no one would be that big of an arsehole to leave a dog out there to die, but I decided that I’d test that theory. I didn’t do any long-range shooting that day. I’d spot a dog, get as close as I could, and I’d whistle. Most stopped, looked at me with confusion, and I’d shoot them. Wild animals.
But the last hour of light in the day, I see this dog in the distance, and this one didn’t look like a dingo. Thick tail like Misty’s, flopped ears, some kinda bitzer but definitely a dog. For those of you that don’t know: erect ears is a dominant trait in dogs. Floppy ears is recessive. That means both parents have to have the gene. That means it’s almost a certainty this dog didn’t have dingo blood.
Which means this dog didn’t have wild ancestors. He wasn’t feral, and there’s only one way he could’ve gotten all the way out here.
I got this sick feeling in my stomach and repeated what I’d been doing. I whistle. His head shoots up, tail raised, and my stomach plummets when he wags his tail. I whistle again, he looks at me, and I raise my rifle the second he comes running toward me. Just in case.
He was a sweetheart. Rushing to me, head lowered and tail wagging, whining like I was some angel sent from the heavens to deliver him from this hellish place. He licked my boots, he didn’t jump up. Well-behaved. I lay my rifle against the rocks and he starts licking my hands, my arms, whining all the while, wheezing and sneezing and I’ve never seen a dog so happy except when I brought Misty back to Australia and picked her up after she spent ten days alone in a M*lbourne quarantine facility.
He rolls over. Neutered male. “Good boy,” I praised, and I rubbed his stomach. He never stopped wagging. “Good boy.”
I grab my rifle, shoulder it, and make the walk back to Matilda. The dog follows me all the while. We finally get back after maybe a half-hour of walking, and I go about making dinner. I’ve got some pork. I cook it for us, we have dinner outside, I let him lick my plate. I figure I’ve just got myself a new pet. I call him Bitz, because us Aussies aren’t very creative, and he’s a bitzer. I bring out my swag, I lie down for bed, and the dog lies next to me.
The next morning I wake up to a pain in my left foot, and there’s Bitz with a fire in his eyes, currently trying to eat my foot. I don’t mean this in a funny “haha nibble” way, I mean he had his jaws locked around my ankle, he’s thrashing and snarling, and he’s trying to maul me. I kick him away with my right foot, he stares at me for a second, bares his teeth, and then he lunges at me. We’re wrestling in the dirt, he’s biting my legs and if I weren’t wearing jeans his teeth would’ve ripped right through. I’m yelling at him to stop, he’s not stopping, and finally I kick him with the heel of my boot and he jumps back and starts whimpering.
We both catch our breath.
When he approaches me again, I’ve got my knife ready. This time he doesn’t bite. He keeps his head low, ears back, haunches dropped and tail thumping, and he licks my arms. His behaviour says he’s sorry, that he doesn’t know what got into him, that the bush changed him the same way it changed me.
It hits me like a brick.
Someone loved this dog, once. At one point in his life, this dog knew the touch of his person. He knew the flavour of good food he didn’t have to fight for, he knew the comfort of his human stroking his ears. He might’ve played fetch, or tug of war, and someone loved him enough to teach him how to walk at my side, keeping pace with me, and not leave it. His lead manners were better than Misty’s.
Someone loved this dog once, and then one day they just… didn’t.
So they brought him out here, to the middle of fucking nowhere, and condemned him to death. Snakebite, or disease, or the elements, or starvation, or dogger’s bullet. They brought him here, and took off his collar, and they left him somewhere on the track, and they got back in their car, and they drove off and never looked back. Did he chase the car? Pursue it until his paws bled? Did he just stand there and watch, certain that they’d return for him? How long did he sit on the track and wait for them to come back? How long did it take him to realise they never would?
And here he was now, walking at my side as if he hadn’t just attacked me and tried to rip my foot off. Tongue out, tail wagging, looking at me like I’m the one what raises the sun. But he’d bitten me, and I can’t trust him not to do it again. I can’t trust him not to attack me in my sleep. If he attacks someone else, they’ll kill him. And they probably won’t be as merciful about it as I would.
So I led him over to a tree, and I sat down on the log, and he sat next to me. I put my rifle down, and when the tears came he licked them away because that’s just what dogs do. They’re always so fucking trusting. You can leave them to die in the middle of the bush, and they’ll trust the first person they see because dogs have too much love in their hearts to hold grudges.
I stopped crying, and he laid back down, facing away from me because he trusted me, more than I trusted him. We watched the sunrise together, and his ears swivelled to me when he heard me load my rifle, but he didn’t turn to look at me. He leant his weight on my foot, and he laid down, and he closed his eyes, and I stroked his ears because he’s a good boy.
The worst thing I ever did was put a bullet in a dog that trusted me.
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